Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 10, 1852, Image 1

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1 jrtmfli) iUtospapcr-Dcbotcfi to JJolttfcs, fiftunhtre, Jitovnlny, jmrtfjit ujxt JDomestfc ilcVus, scfcnct ana the arts, gXflitculturr, -markets, glmusrmcnts, Ut
m:w skiues vol, 3, no
Ol. I) SK1MKS VOL. 12, NO. 42.
THE AMF.!UC Ia pnliluilied every Saturday nl
fWU VUt.i.AHii per in n to lie piml Ittilf yearly in
mi). Nu paper discontinued umii all hi rirng uru
All comirmiiiftitinii or Ic'tcm nit lninmew) rrlntuij In
oaleti, to iiiiure attention, unmt lt 1'Al V.
'i;o Cl.UIJS.
ir pM4 to ou wklfcip, 3 W
leven Bo WW
I'iltcfii XV V
k'VviV'IJnr V uyaiiw wvlpitf foi, dire? year's niib
avrtpt um to lite. A,Vrfsrjuft.
tine Sotioia of 1 lino. 3 tinted SI 14
V'.vei v ithufjiteiU insertion,
t'ne 5iiiure, 3 tiioiitUl, 3l Kt
pix months, nil)
()ne ycur, Hj'l
Vuiiiic Cnnls of Five line, pvr nnnura, flwiV
ttlercltants Mid ntliem, uilverliHing by the
year, with the. privilege 01' inserting
different advertisements weekly. 1100
y target Advertisements, it.' per agreement.
A T T O I! N H Y A T I. A W ,
I) unities attended to in the Counties of Nor
thumberland,' Union, Lycoming ro'.d t.'oj.uijtlita.
It e ri r tot
K vt A, Kovo,uit,
Lower & liitrnm.
Sinner & Snod'Tu!, faitai.
' - .
hi i. I Co.,
t Co., J
Kcvnold, Mt'KHrli
Viipring, (iiind &
Attorney and Counsellor at law,
VVTII.T. attend fai&Mly uai PWWl'tlv la nil
professional business, in Noiiutiityaljiid
ud Union counties, llo is with the
(.ormiin language.
OFFICE Opposite (lie "Lawrence House,"
few door from the Court House.
MutiHury, Au-;. lfi, a5l. lv.
AT S23 North 2d street, nhove Wood,
(liurnt Distriet,) Pliilndi lpliin, would
respetlfully cull the attention ot h.isl'u,;inU
and the public in general, to his larne mid 'rK
well selected itnek of Cnrpt ts, Oil Clotlm, g
Mnttings, Windaw .Shidv, f-',air Kods,
tt c., & e.
Veiiilinn Carpeting from ' ct to l(m i-l per yil. y.
Inttmill " 11 " Bl " '
Three IMv ' H " 1'JS " "
IllllMdil' ' " 1"0 " " G
Door Mnlin. tie would invite the utlen
tion of dealers and otltis (o his liirge sloek
of D001 Notts wl.ieh he ;-.niulai tiues
in jjrciit variety mid of splendid iunlitv.
Oil Cmiths, from 1 jnrd q g yards widu
wholesale and retail.
April 10, 1H52. linv
SHOP. Wood Turning in, i(ll lis liranrhes,
in rity style and nt city prircs. ilvcry variety of
Cahinet and Carpenter noik either on hand or
turned to order.
lied Posts, Ualnslers, Kosetts, Slnt and Quar
ter Mouldings, Tahlp Legs, Newell Posts. 1'ut
tltrnj, Awniliff Posts, Wagon Hulis. Columns,
llftllll'i Octagon Chisel Handles, A.r.
Lf This shop is in STRAWUKIJUY AL
LEY, near Third Street, and as we intend to
please nil our rustoniers who want good work,
done, it is hoped that all the trade wil' give us, a
ll'' Ten-Pins and Ten-Pin BalU iyiu tp Hr:
drr or returned.
The attention of Cabinet Makers and ('mwn
ter i called lo our new stlc of TWIST
MOULDINGS. Printer's Riglcts at 1 (icr 100
feet. V.q. HJCKqK.
February 7, Sh't, H'i
-flj q tf 3q Mavlref Sir.cel,
TIll jidiictili,.' jvoKld r:,ll the attention of
buvrK o their stock of Hardware, consisting
of TuIvIq n4 Pocket Knives, Guns, Chains,
Locks, Hplliityaw, Ac &c. We would rcconi
mend tq al, our
Jlidlcss Chain Pumps,
a new article now getting into general use which
we can furnish complete nt about one half the
price pnid for the old style Pumps, also a new ar
ticle of J aims race lor l.orU, each
Lock suited either fur right or left Injjld, dflUri,
with mineral or white knobs.
Our stock oMiims is lurg,; and well select
ed, comprising singlti nnd duubl(j barrels, English
and German maka. All gqodg cqn lie rfcturin.d
if not found tq bp. as iHprH3-."tud. (Ji,uttry
rans H'.iMl'l li lq PftU ftq H8 hcfuiji jjUf:
fliaing elsutvhere.
" V'jlliclyvfigliU and carriage T)-.r,kcrs supplied
with goods suit.d to their business, by calling on
Kqs. 31 & 33 Market Street, Philadelphia.
WM, McCARTY, Bookseller,
ifROintVAV, suxiu'itv. pa.
f AS iust received and for sale, l'unlons jji.
L gest of the lawf j,' Pennsylvania, edition of
1851, price only 0,Q0.
Judge Reads edition c,f Ilaekstonet Commen
taries, in 3 vols. 8 vq. fun.ierly sold ut 10,00,
and now ofl'ercd (.irt fish binding) at tho loiy
price of S0.00.
A Treatise on tl)0 laws of fHniiybaniif rc:
specting the estates of Decedent, by Tqiqas F.
(iordon, price only 9 LOO.
Jiossqfl) and tl(e ljungarian war:
a coii)pl(!te histfiry of the Ule suqgs'h f"t freedom
pf that country, yith notices of (he Usadiug chiefs
and statesmen. (0 dittjijgHisltiid themselves in
Pquj)C.j and in lllft 1'n.ld, ct)rftaiiiing 888 pages of
iulorui'ig matter lyifh aulheiitic. portraits.
Kossuth's sdjrsa tp the teople of the United
States, with a pqrtrait, printed on broadcast, and
put on iolpfS after the manner of maps, price
only 0 etuis. Washington's farewell address,
uniform style with the above.
tWuary, Sl,185 tt.
Alden'i Condensed Reports of' Purine
JUST Published, and Tor salo by thp iilieri
Iter the Secuitti Yvluw Cjf Adcj)'s Sty
denvd Pennsylvania KenqrbJ, cqiitqil.iil? lhe
List three volumes of yeaits' Heq m'J 11
first volumes of Uiniuiv' Hcporfs. Tl) lifst vi,l
unie of Alden, cqqlajnuig Dult)s' lli'pgfts, 4 vo
UlliPSi Yeatps' Hepurtij, y id unit) , i alsq un
bnd, and fqr 'P'e "tliqvB lq ulunp qri
cqii)iI;K) within themselves, and pqqtiijn all cf
pttllas' Reports, 1 yplqiDfis, S)i) a!) o" 'PJ
jleporU, 4 vqlqirtf.s, Apsides the twq liruf volumes
qf Uiiinar'l UcpQll. The third volurao s ready
and will be put tq press immediately.
SHii'mTi Au- is. iw
.ima of six hundred dollars each, (or which
good ftee-hoUl security will be givsq, Andreas
'sun'bur,, Feb. 88, m-lt.
INKomWl celebpled'inkTand alsoljon
gres ink for sale, wholesale and retail by
Decmbe) 18. 1P!K. H- B- MA?4KR.
BV gAMftl. 1.0V Kn.
thu eighth tiny of March it vta, some
p!'tinlo say,
I'littiek at mitttijIiV ho firsl saw t'u
l.a .V ;
Wi,il.-,l oilers incline 'lwa,s the run lie
Wits loin,
A'nl 'lwa all h tnislake boHvecn midnight
nml morn.
Kir mistakes will occur in a hurry and
Whilst sumo blamed tlto baby and some
blamed lliu dork,
Till with all ilu ir cics?--questi?M3 iture no
p, ie could know
If the rhilil win loo fast or the clock was loo
plow .
Now the firsit faction-fiit in pulJ Jrclaml,
they say,
Was, all ini uccouul of St. Patrick':) bin h -day
fknna fmialil for the t-iylilh, for the ninth
some would die,
And who wouldn't i ij la.', euro tlaey
tlitcktfui'ii his eye.
Till Father fV'";,' ''Jprrl 'heir
Said, ' No one has two bi,rlU days except it
b'.' twins'
Says lie, 'D.m'l be fighting fur eight or (or
Don't to nlwajii diyidinjjj bul sometimes
'.Combine eiyhl with nine, and sfrrnfccit is
the mail;
Let I liai be his biith-diy !" "Amen !" saiil
l he cleik.
So they nil not blind drunk, which comple
ted llieir bliss ;
Ajid they keep UJ. lU CnslGm from tLal day
lo this
The nimitai)y riper.
Oil! ye vvliQiri business or pleasure shall
henceforth bad to the County of Vex
fcrd, especially to (lie baronies ol Forth
3ml Ilarjiie, should you see a tall, stout,
lazy-looking fellow, with sleepy eyes anil
httiif cocked nose, dragging his feet 5t!
as if they were clogs imposed on him by
nature to restrain his motion instead of
heliinr hint forward, (l,nydlin alona; the
highways, or lounging about 4 public house,
with a green ba-z under his arm, beware of
him, for Ih.t is Tim Callaghan ! fling him.
a sixpence or hilling fyon tvjll, but ask
him no( for music. !
Tjtn, C;(ll;ighai) seriously assured me
'Sthat he sarveil Qevep loiig years wii! ns
fine a nioer as ever r.ut chanthcr ondhef an
arm;" and that at the end of that well
spi'llt pe j()(l lie began to enchant the King's
lieges qr, Lis own account, master of a
I splendid set ol pipes, and three whole tuneg
ti'ti-rin'r a lew odd turns Here ana mere
which couldn't be conquered, and of no
consnquincc, a golden store in his opinion.
"Ah, then, Tim," said I, when I was
perfectly acquainted with himself and his
musical merits, "what a pity that with
your fine taste and superior set of pipes you,
did not try lo conquer the hftH dp.zen, nt
"Ogh, musha !" quoth Tim, looking sul
ky and annoyed, ''thai same rjujsthen haq
been put tq me by dojeng, an' I hate to
heqf it ! Jt was only yestherday that an
C,tler lady axt me that sqme. i'Arrah.,
ma'am, ?es I, 'did ye ever play a thune on
lh,e pipes in yer life' iNiver, jndeed, ses
v'h.e( Iqokin' ashamed or hef ignorance, aj
site ought. Release jf ye d jci , es I again,
'ye'd 5000 say, 'ibright was yerself, Tim
Cajlagban, to get over the three thunes da
cpntly, widout ain' people to do what's
onpqssjble.!' An' qovy J appa'tl 13 you,
Mjs.s, w!ere'g the lire, pv liodherill people's
brains wid o- evpfj u hjn three does ni'J
bu.-iness as well."
As in duty bound, J admi(led that hiq ar
gument was unanswerable, n4 thencefor
ward we were the best Irjends possible.
Grateful for my patience and forbearance,
I he eternally mangles the three unfortunates
lop my gratification ; and I doubt it 1 could
now relish Ifoem with their (air proportions,
so apctomeil as I have been to Tiiii's
'short nteasure !"
lAfter all, Tim Callaghan was a politic
fellow; and thesa three touts were ex;
pressly chosen and learnt to win the ears
and suflrages of all denominations of Chris
tian men. Thus, the "Hoy ne watei'i is the
propitiatory sacrifice at te rotpstant's
tloor, "Patrick's Day'' qt that of the Roman
Catholic, and when he js nqt sure of the
creed of the party he wishes to conciliate,
to suit Quakers, Mehodi;t seekers, and
Jumptrs, '"(Jod save the Queen" is the
third;. Fqr many years he 'was contented
tq gye tfjese favqrjte qirs in their original
pqrily ; but sqme wicked wight a gentle
man, piper, suspect has nt last persuaded
him that hjs mplody would be altogether
jt resistitjle f be wquld introduce gome or
namental vtiyiutions, "such as his own fine
la.ite foulJ suggest and poor Tim, unac
customed to flattery, and wholly unsuspi
cious q thejesl, caught at the bright idea,
ponqueied his natural and acquired lazi-
i.j 1. n tun,. 1...
ues, utiii inuue an aiit-iM'i. if iivti tie
thought he had mastered the difijcullieg, he
did ine the honor to. select me as judge to
pronounce on hi melodious acquisitions;
and all I shall say anefd. therrt is, la the
blackest hypochondriac that ever looked
wistfully at a marl-hqle or his garters, listen
to Tim Caltaghan'g 'varry-a-shins," and
watch his face while performing them, and
he will require 'bolh poppy and mandra.
gora to medicine him to sleep" it sleep bo
ever will agajn for laughing!
When Tim arrives at a gentleman's door,
I hi usual plat) is to commence with the
tuitnble stretiade, and drone away at that
till the lew pence he is piping for sends
him fiU'.1V rnnfpnf. Hitl if hn !a A.ti Jinod
l(?,ng, 8ml he sees no great chance of re
ward or entertainment within doors, he he
roines furious, and in his ire rattles up (hat
one of the three which he supposes most
disagreeable and opposite to the politics of
the offender. If the pally be a Roman
Catholic, he V'i,H be unpleasantly electrifi
ed,, and all bis antipathies aroused, by "the
Boyne water", performed with, unusual
spirit ; and ',' cliurch-goer, he will never
recover the shock of "Patrick's Day," giv
en with an energy that will render the
w ound uiihenlable ! If be is asked lor any
lavorile or fashionable air and yon might
Well a:-k Tim Callaghan !o repeat a pas
sage of Homer in the original Greek his
civilest reply is, "I haven't thai, bit Vil
give ycz one as good,"- when one of the
trio lol lows of course ; and il the imperti
nent suitor for novelties in his ignorance
persists in demanding more than is. to be
had, lie is angrily cut, especially ifj
of interior rank, with "How bad yeare for
sort'tns! yer manlier; wud be conlint wid
what.! gave ye, an thankful into the bar
gain!" Thus qualified to please, it is no
lo be wondered at that he is cvl,ebrated
through three baronies as V. Ike piper!"
When first I had the pleasure to see and
hear T:m Callaghan, it was in the middle
of winter, dark and dreary, and in a retired
country place, where even the "vile,
screeching of the wry-necked fife" would
ha,ve been welcome in lieu ol b. tier. Con
ceive our ecstacy, Iben, when the inspilrng
drone of the bag pipe startled our cars into
attention and expectation! The very serr
yants were clamorous in expressing (heir
delight, and n beseeching hal the piper
should be brought into the house and enter
tained. The petition was granted, the
minstrel was led in "nothing losts," and
seated in the hall. Well, Tim's first essay
at the minister's bouse was of course "Ibe
Boyne," played very spiritedly and accu
rately on the Yt'hcde, with the exception of
a, few rather essential notes that he omitted
as unnecessary 01 troublesome, or (as the
servants supposed) in consequence of the
cold ol bis fingers; and finally they took
him to the kitchen, and sealed him oppo
site to the blazing fire. "Now he'll plav
in ait nest!" cried they, as oe and all galh;
ere I around him in expectation cJ mv;ic;
Our piper being r,o.y in (he lower re
gions, among the inferior gentry, and wil
ling to please all orders and conditions, be
gins to consider whether he shall repeat
"Ihe Boy ne," or commence the all-enlivening
"Patrick's day."
t'What rtJiginn i the sarvinls ov ?" re
plied he at length lo a little cow-boy gap
ing with wonder a,t thp grand finmr,er,ls of
the pipes.
'They are ov all sjia,tts, fair," whispered
Tommy in reply, and reddened all over al
the great man's especial notice.
"Ov all smarts !" mutters Tim significant
ly ; Ihen deciding instantly, with. much
solemnity of face and strength of arm he
squeezed forth the conciliating "God save
(he King."
The butler listened awhile with Ihe sa
pient air of a judge, "you're a capital per
former, piper !" said be at l,erigth, patron
izingly, and with a iwhd p.ii each .ip;
"an' that's a fine piepe ov Iln$nilmfa coin;
persjlipn! but jt js r,qt shutable for &M pc
cqshjnq, an' a livelier air would agree with
our temperament neither. Change it to
somelhin' new." And tupking apron
aside, he gallantly took the rosy tips of Ihe
housemajd's f,ngers and led her out, while
th.e garde.ier as politely handed forth the
cook. The piper looked sullen, and still
continued the national anthem as if he
knew what he was ahotil, and was deter
mined to day opt his tune. Thp butler's
dignity bristled up.
"Railly," be observed, and smiled super
ciliously, "we ape very loyal people here
about, but a this perticklcr moment we
don't want tp join in a prayer for our !suv
icj'jf welfare! stop that melancholic thing,
man ! an' give us one of Jackson's jigs."
"Out ov fashin," quoth Tim sullenly,
libut I'll give yez one us good," and "Pat
rick's Day" set them all in motion for a
quarter of an hour.
"Oh, we're quite tired ov that !!' at
length lisped the hoticema'td ; 'do, piper,
give us a wulse or vo-dftreeth. Do you
play, 'Taul-;Jt.;'p',lty V Jne idehottom and
I used to dance it beautifully when lived
at Mr. A s!5!
"Yliat does yez call it '!' qsked Tim ra
ther sneeringlv.
'Tauly-jjo pitty,'! replied the damsel,
drawing herself up with an air enough to
kill a pi 1 er !
"Phew !" returned the musician con
ternptuously, "that's out ov fashin too ; buf
fll give yez one as good and Hie
Boyne" lollowed, played neither faster
nor 8'ower than he had been taught it,
which was in right tune, and anything but
(lancing time, to the nq small annoyance of
the dancers, Another and another jig and
reel was denrquded, aTi'd tq all and each Tim
Callaghan replied, "1 have'nt that, but I'll
give yc? orre as, good ' and the "King,"
the "Loyne't and tho "lay,'i ollpyeU eacn
other in Uie succession.
Was there any thing more provoking I
There stood four active, zealous vqlariej ol
Terpsichore, with toes pojnted and hpads
erect, anxiously awaiting a limner develop:
ment of Tim Callaghan'j powers! There
stood the dancers, looking beseechingly at
the piper; there eat the piper staring at
the dancers, wonder'ina yhat the deuce
they waited for, quite satisfied that they
bad got alHhat could reqsqnably be expect?
ed from him.
"A til have you nolhin' else in yer chant
therV at last angrily demanded the butler.
(E-ah V drawled Tim Callaghan, 9; if
he did not undeistond the querist.
The uestjon wag repeated jn higher
Arrah, how bad yez ire for sortins
retorted the pip'r ; "yer masther wud be
cpntint wid what 1 gave yez, an thankful
Intn Kirrrin
"liv Junither almond ."' exclaimed he
of the white apron, "this beats all the play
in I ever heerd in my life! Arrah, do ye
ever allind the nobility's concerts ;Ha !
ha ! ha !"
"Pon my voracity" cried the smiling
boUfSematd,' "I nm greatly afeered he will
get piper's pay more kicks than half
pence,' 1,1a S ti,a ha!v
' "Atirgood enough for him!'.' added the
gardener; a felln that has bul three half
tliunen in the world, an' none ov them
right ! Arrah, what's yer name, avic V
"What's that to you ?" growled Ihe pi
per. "Oh, nolhin'!. c,nly I thought that you
might be the piper that played before Mo
ses.' Ha! ha! ha!"
"Oh! the w iH may wag
Since nit got the ran,"
Sang the cook, ns she returned, to her
avocations. But the butler, as master of
the ceremonies, showed his disappointment
and displeasure in a summary ejection of
the unfortunate minstrel Irom the comforts
of the Cre and the house altogether.
Again I had the, exquisite delight of
hearing Tim Callaghan. r It was in another
part of our County, and where he' was
quite a stranger. A lady had assembled a
number pf young persons to rj e sdp
o)ance o,ne evening ; but, alas 1 ere t,he hour
ol meeting arrived, she had beard thai the
fiddler she esnected was ill, and could not
possibly attend her. What w'as to be donel
Nothing !
When the guests arrived, and the dire
news communicated, ',he gentlemen in spite
of themselves locked terrifically glum, as
if they anticipated a dull evening; and the
bright countenances cf the ladies were
overcast, though as usual, sweet creatures!
they tried to look delightful under all visi
tations. In this dilemma, one of the beaux
suddenly recoUecled that "he had si-en a
piper coimng into the Village W evening;
and he thought it was probable he woyld j
stop for the night at one ol the public liou- j
srs." Hope instantly illuminated all fa
ces, and a messenger was forthwith dis
patched for the man of music. For my
part, whenever 1 heard a piper mentioned,
knew who was full before me.
What jjo,t of person is your piper V ask
ed I of Hie gentleman t'ha,t ha,d produced
the subject.
"A tall, stout, rather drowsy-looking fel
low," was the reply.
'.Oh!" crjed I, "it is the Inimitable!
it is Tim, Callqghan !"
I was eagerly asked if he were a good
performer ; and as could not Venture (o
reply with any degree ol gravity, one oth
er person present, who knew honest Tim
othy and bis ways, with admirable compo
sure answered, " That under the shield of
Miss F.tlge worth's mighty name he 'would
decline trumpeting the praises of any one,
she having expressly declared in hef novej
of 'Ennui,' that 'vhqever enters thus an:
notincetj appears to disadvantage;1 and
therefore "said my friend, "we leave Tim
piilaghan's musical merit lo speak lor it
f" Nntldnrr rfii'ld be better than this.
and' the effect Tim produc
.......... - - ri
ced was cotres?
While the messenger is a'vav (or our
iper, I must relate an anecdote ol another
servant, and a rustic one too, once sent on
1 I f t , L J ft I.
a simtiar erfano. .(onu b mqef iroi (rieiius
spending the evening with dim, and he de
sired his servant to procure a musician for
the youn;' lolks lor love or money, in
about half tjn, f(our John returned after a
Iruitless search; anil instead ot saying in
usual style that "he could not find one,"
ie flung open the drawing-room door, ana
announced his unsuccess in the following good his promise ol music almost as har
impromptu, spoken with all due empha: moii jousts' (he jqund eljcjted from hjs bag
sis and discretion :
I scorched the city's clr.euin.fer-ep,eo rotintl,
And not a musician U there to ic fomul I
! tear for musio you .11 he ut a Uhs,
l'or thu fi.liller hits taken the ruadio Ross I"
and then made his bow and retired
ty tlie way, was a village of some
hall-dozen houses. So much for John, and
now for Tim Callanham.
Bresently' the identical Tjm made his
1 1 . '. ' . .. .Vi, ..
appearance, anrt was placed in tugn state
at the top qf tl;e yoom, wih a degree of
attention and respect lully due tq Ins niiiit-
ties. For my part, Ihe very sight of Tim,
and the thought of his consummrte assur -
rauce or stupidity in attempting tq play
for dancing, amtised me beyond expression ;
but I suppressed all symptoms of this, and
kent my eve on the alert in expect'atjon
of 'what w'as to fcdlow. A burr per of his
avor te punch was prepared for him, and
while sipping it, I thought he cast a scru
tinizing and anxious glance Qi the cqmpa
py.'probaidy thinking how he should qdr
just his politics there, But he had little
time lo pause. A quadrille set was imme
diately formed, an 1 he wrs called on to
play ! tjP sapient hele and beau never
oreqining thai 9 mpdern piper ever vttgnt
not nlav quadrilles. DJ ever did 1 nnd it sq
difficult Iqieslrain mygelf frqm immoderate
laughter" here stood ll)e I'lgbt elegarttb$,
ringleted, perfumed, whiterglove'd, and
refjned ; and there sat 7'im Callagham in
all his native surly stupidity, dreadfully
puzzled, '(looking unutterable things,"
hutTjming and hawing, and tuning qnd
rirqning muph longer than necessary nqt
in the least aware o the demand that was
to be made on himself or his pipes, but
pugyling his brains as to which pf his own,
he, should play first,
'A quadrille, piper ! the first of Mon
taques '", filled out the leadjng gentle-
'E ah !" said Tim Callagham, ppen
jng his seepy eyrtf sufpnise will some
lj!te jnimation.
1 ns nrsi 01 Montague'f get qt qua
drillei!" repeated the beat. f
"Ogh, Mounttcvtee is out ov iashin ; but
Kiel 1 lis eompissd s4 .pk. tits rtnei as firs
I'll give yes one as good ;'' and the com
pany being mixed, of whose opinions he
ci tild not be sure, the qtindrillers were as
tounded Willi "G?d a,ve the r'mg" in most
execrable style.
A 1,1 stared, and most laughted heartily ;
but what was of moie consequence to poor
Tim, his arm was fiercely seized, and he
was stopper shot in the midst of his loyally
by an angry demand "if fye could play no
quadrilles? Not -or V' and
the nauie oj a dozen quadrilles and walt
zes were mentioned, that the unfortunate
minstrel had never heard of in all his days
and travels. In his dire extremity he
commenced "the Boyne," when at the in
slan,t some person, ca.llod the lady of the
house. The name Seemed a Catholic one
a sudden cry of joy shot through his
frame to his finger's ends, and from thense
lo his pi.pes, and poor "atijicV.'s Day" yas
the result.' A liinrl of jigging quadrille
was then danced by the L'asl fastidious nnd
better humored of the party ; the first
top couple, superfine exquisites! the lady
an importation from London, and odorous
of "Bouque a-la-Reiiie," and the gentle
man a perfect' "Pelham," from the aristo-,
cratic arch ol his brow to his shoe tie,
having retreated to their seats with, looks
and jestuns of horror and disgust, q,u,i,Ce
unnoticed by Jim Callagham, who bore
himself with all the dignily of a house
hold bard of the olden time, in his ele
ment, playing his own favorite tune, and
quolliftj actually dancing to his music !
It was a gifeat daj fcr house of Cal
laghan ! '
Well ! as thery seemed noting belter to
be had, "Patrick's Day," continued in re
quisition, now a a quadrille, now as coun
try dance, by all who preferred motion to
sitting still, before and after supper, (ill at
last every one w'as yeary of it and a gen
eral row was made to dVop the "Day" and
take "Coyt.e," and endeavor b move to it
as best we could. By that time, loo, our
p.tper seen.e.l most heartily tired of bis pa
tro" a."11 having quaffed his fourth
fulbflow ing gvtldct, appeared rather incli
ned for a doze than to renew his melody.
But he was roused up by our worthy host,
who, good, gay old man ! yas the very
soul of cheerfulness.
"For pity's sake, piper,-' said, he, Iry and
give us something that we can foot it lo !
I was not in li'ht mood for dancing to
night till now,' If you be an Irishman,
look at the pretty girl that N lo be my
partner for the next dance, and perhaps
her eyes may inspire even you, you drow
sy fellow, with momentary animation, and
perform a miracle on your pipes !"
Short as this address was, and gaily as
it was ultereiL, it had no q'jher eI'ect on
our piper than administering an additional
bile tbs ol I gentleman was speaking,
Hie drowsy god wa:i descending faster and
faster on Jim Callagham. e dozed nd
was shaken i:p,.
"What does ye want Vi grow'J he at
length. "What the d 1 does ye want V
looking as if he would say :
"Nor my weary life I elo.e,
.e:iye me, leave nie tq rep' Se.1.' -
Music ! Music !" said our hosts, laugh
ing. ".Any sort of music, any sort of
r.pisPt" and he left the piper and l00
place among the dancers.
Tim mechanically fumbled at his pipes
while the gentlemen busied themselves in
procuring nartners. There was silence
for some seponds, 'B.egin, piper," called
cut our host,
"Out ov fashin," mattered Jim in bro-
ken hall-hnished setitences : "Dut-t 11-give
-yes-one-asood ;" and long, a jod
j reverberating snore at the instant made
pine ! !
Lngine to yourselves, ye who can the
ecene that followed. T-he saltsboltle and
perfumed handkerchief of the exquisites
were in instant requisition, as il they lelt
sensations of fainting! the nervous started
j ns if a pistol went oil at their heads, and
, tlpse who bore the explosion wijn torn-
Inde oined in a chorus ol laughter, incv.eqs-
fd to pain yhen tt vajf perceived mat the
:t..::..ii. j:i . .-u... I J...n. A
. timiiiiaiae, noways uis.uiulu u, uiai....,
. protonged his repose, and to he
. jaws 01 mqsic, gnu 111 ritninu ta.-j. , 01 ,n:
' ing his nas"l performance as a, grandftZe
, tq each resoundjng neal !
I V.Now.'i observed the (riend who naq an:
swered for nie at a critical crisis, 'has not
Tim Callaghan inadn his own panegyric?
j (jjs not his merit spoken for itself 1
a Mguje ou); jniinitable piper would have
: put, nau we qsnerpu n m uu a uuuriou
of trumpets !''
When he cachinqatory storm hat) subj
sided, and W'heq al considered thaf their
unrivalled musician hqd ha,d enqugh of
slumber, he was once more aroused, to reT
cejve his wellrparned guerdon, whpn the
following colloquy commenced :
Bray, piper, what is your name 1" de
manded tle master q the house, with all
the gravity qf a, magistrate qq the bench,
qne driwing forth hi tablets,
E ah I why, Tim Callqghaq.'l
"Ha! Tjtn Callaghan (writing,) I shall
Certainly remember; Tim Callaghan ! J
suppose, Tim, yqq are qujte eclebfated V'
"R ah 1"
;I suppose you are very well known V
yhy, tho'se Jhat knowed iiie must,
knows me agin," quolh Ti'" Callaghan.
f'ldobeljevesq! I think srjalj know
yqtl at all events, who la,qght J'QU, tQ play
the pi pes V
iOne Tjm Ilartjgan, qf tlje County
I'JJad hp much troubje jo teaching you 1"
thfubblp ! I knowf nothin' ov hi
thrqbble, tjut ai? I we remimber me own '
There is lumps in my head to this very
day, frqm the qnmarpiful crackj he used to
give it when 1 wint as mray."
"Ha! ha! ha! oh, poor fellow! well,
larewrll, Tim Callaghan ! pleasant be
your path through life ; and may your fame
spread through the thirty-two Counties of
green Erin, till you die surfeited with
glory I'l
"Faix, I'd rather be surfeited ;id a good
dinner 1" quoth Tira Callaghan, and made
Ipi.seit. "
For a cot,iple of vears I quite lost sight
of Tim, and I began lo fear that he had
evanished from the earth altogether "with
out leaving a copy;" but, lo ! this very
summer, (SliytbaV'briglit particular star"
appeared unto us again, with a strapping
wile, and a young 1 imotheotis nl his heels
a perfect lac-simile of iU father, nose,
sleepy eyes, shovel feet and a,ll ; and all
subsisting, nay flourishing, on three tunes
and their unrivalled "varryrn-shins
' ' ' It! f D
ill. U" .
In tho State of Tennessee, there is a cer
tain village, boasting cf its tavern, three
stores, nnd four groceries, where, from
morning till ni-iht, and from night till dawn,
a person entering the town may find in the
difletent stores or groceries uforesaitl, one
or more groups of persons playing cards.
Gambling here is reduced to a science
Ihe history of four kins thoroughly studied,
from ihe miss in her leciiSj lo. Ihe mother of
a large family, they ore initiated into I he
mysleiies of high, low, jack, game ; right
and left bower ; 1 he honors and the odd
trick. One of tho best playeis in the village
was Jlaior Smith, the tavern keeper ; or, as
he expressed it the Proprietor of tho hotel ;
a widower w ho li'a
Jepthn, Judge in tunicl,,
iul a daughter pacing lair.1.'.
Fanny, 1 he daughter, was one of pretest
girls in Tennessee, nnd therefore one of the
prettiest in the vvoild ; for we here digrcsj
in order to lay down as our ipse dixit, that
Tennessee women, in point of beauly, nre
matchless. The sweetheart of Miss Fanny
was a young farmer, residing in tho neigh
boihuod, whom wo shall designate by the
name of liob,.
It happened one day before haryest, lie
young man was detained in the village, nnd
found hm ns usual, at the hotel, seated be
tween the Major and his charming dangh
ler. After a desultory conversation belwei n
the two gentlemen, on the stale of the
weather, the prospects of tho approaching
harvest, ntid such important staples of con
versalion, the Major asked Hubert bow his
wheat crop promised to yield. In reply, he
was told that '.lie ypung farmer expected to
make at least one humited bushels. The
Major appeared to study foi a moment, then
abitiptly proposed a game of :old sledge,"
or 'seven up,'-'- 1(10 slakes (o. bo his daughter
fanny against the crop ci wtieat. j nis, 01
course, the young man indignantly refused,
because he could bear the idea lhat the
hand of he loyed should be made the
subject of a bet, or that be should win a
wife by gambling for her, and, peihnns, be
cause ho knew the "old man" was "hard lo
beat," nnd that there was a strong probabili
ty of loosing both wheat uuij wife.
It waa not until the Major, with his usual
obstinacy, bad sworn that unless he. won
her, ha should neygf haye her, that ihf
young man was forced reluctantly (o consent
to play.
The table was placed, and the players,
(ook. tieir 6eata, with Miss Fanny between
to watch the progress of the game. The
cards were regularly shuttled nnd cut, nnd
it fell to the Major's lot to deal. The first
hand wns played, and Hubert made gjfl to
his opponent's high, low game. Robert Ijeu
dealt, the Major begged ; il wq fiivent a"d,
the Major sgain made tbreo to his oppo
nent's one.
"Six to two," said Miss Fanny with a
sigh. The Major ns he again dell the cards
winked knowingly and said :
:t am good for that wheat, Master
Hob." ' '
'fhe od man turned up a rnmp t was q
spade. Fanny glanced ut her father's hand
her heart sank ; ho held Ihe three and
eight spots, and tho king ! She ihen looked
at Robeil's har:di and lu I he held, tho aqe,
queen, deuce and knave, She whispered
Kobe it to beg ; he did so
"Take it," said ihe Major.
MThreo to sijj," gaicj thi ngjtateij Jj:-5
Fanny aloud.
Robert led hjs deuce, wbicl) the Major
followed, by playing iie kins; j Robert 'put
his queen on jt- T)e Major supposing j
was the young man's last trump, leant over
llje tahle, and tappi;ig the lat lijcji with hi?
finger, said ;
That's good ns wieat'"
( it ?' nsked Robert, ns ie displayed
th,e eyes of the astqnished M''jur the ace
and jack yet in hi hand.
! High, low, jack, gift, out) the jprne,''
shouted IJubert.
"Qui ' enlentiqijly exejaimed
"Good as wheat," added Robert, as )e
flung his arms urouiul her neck and kissed
In due lime they were married, am) eyer
afier, when anything ocouriei qf a pleasant
nalaie 10 the hrPy Pl,P,,i 'hBV w'o'ld exr
press their emphaljo npprobaliqn of jt by
the phrasef 'tjgq4 a V)eal."
Wir c'l, sajd a lyranjca) hushand one,
mqrning to hit abused cqnjnrl, "I wish you
wquld mqke ipe a pajr of false qosorns.'V
"j should thjnky repijtf(l hi "that i
bosom as falsa, as yqrs is, would be ufH-cient."
Few persons are nwaro of the strictness
with which Ihe Tower of oudon is guarded,
from foes without and from lreacher.y with-t
in. Tho ceremony of shutting ; it, tip every
night continues, lo be as solemn'Uaail1 os, ri
gidly precautionary as, if French invasion,
were actually nfoot. Lnmedialely after,
"tattoo" all strangers, are expelled ; nnd, Ibo,
gates once closed, no'Jiing shorl of such im
peratiye necessity ns fire or sudden i'lncss,
can procure their being reopened till the ap
pointed hour tpe neijt morning.
The ceremony of locking up i yery an
cient, curious, and stalely. A few rninutea,
before the clock strikes the hour of electi
on 'Tuesdays and. Fiidays, twelve the Hea
Warden (Yeoman Potter,), clothed in a lorif
red cloak, bearing in bis band a hjipe Quitch,
of keys, uiul attended by a brother Wardetn
carrying a gigantic lantern, appears, in front
uf the main guard house, nnd calls out in a,
loud voice, "Kscort Keys !" A.t these word
the Sergeant of the Guard, with five or six
men, turns qui and follows hirn lo Ilia'
'Spur," or outer gala ; each, gentry' challen
ging, as they pass his post, "Who goes
llieto !'' ' Keys.". The gates being care
fully locked and barred ihe Warden' wear
ing as solemn an nspect and making as
much, noise ns possible the procession" re-"
turns, tUe sentiies exacting the same 'expla.
nation, and receiving the game answer aa)
befogs, rriyet' onc more in front of tht
main guard-house, tho sentiy tere giyes
loud stamp with his Toot, nnd the following
conversation takes place between him and
the appi.oach.iog parly :
Who goes I here V-
"Whose keys V
"Q,teen Victoria's keys."
''Advance Queen Victoria's keys, and all'.a,
well." '
Tha Yoeman Porter then exclaim", ','Goi
bless Queen Yieloiiu.U Tbe main guard dc:
voully respond "Amen." The oflicer 01
duty giyes the word, "Present arms 1" thu
ftrelocks rattle ; the officer kisses the hilt of
his sword ; the escort fall in among theif
companions; and the Yeoman Porter march
es majestically across the parade alone to,
deposit tho keys in the Lieutenant's lod:
The ceremony oyer, no( p.nly is all egres
atu( ingress totally preluded, but even with
in the wails no one can stir without bein
furnished with the countersign ; and any
one who, forgetful, venture, from,
his qimilers, unprovided with his tali-man, is.
sine to be made the prey of the f .ol spnti;
nel whose post he crosses
All of which is pleasantly aburd, and re
tf.iuila us of (ho stately manner in which the,
crown was catiied about, when the yiiitq.
Tower was on fire.
IlEAtTtriNO AD t',RElEntlU H:
The Scientific American gives tho follow-
difeptions for making a beautiful hair
oil, w hieh, may bo cf uu to some of ouj
reaijers :
Take a pint pf oliyo oil a,ud b,rjng it up tq
00, degree of heat in a clean pan, (no
iron) and add half an ounce of pcarlash niu
sir wel for cn minutes, Take it (T antj
set it to cool ; when c,old, a sedimen wilj
be fouml at tho bptlom. Pour of the clear
ihru.ih a cotlQi plolh, and put it up in
botttj fo use. Tho petnlash combines, wiil
t',)e margerjn ncitl in Ihe oil, leaving tjjq
olein ; this will V ftfp frum o(ot. It can
bo colored red with garqnein, (a piepaifitioq
(if madder,) but hair oils should, never la
colqred. All the hair oils of the perfumers,
b,io ejtjier pf q rei or yclluw color. T'1'
tq please thu eye of the buyer, who mistake,
mi adulterated fpr a superior arlicje. jlair
oils should be clear oiu nearly pqloress.
By exposing the olive oil, rcfi;;cj, as descri
betl, lo the sun, in well corked hollies, i
'.fill soon become coloiless, limpid as waler
nnd exceedingly beautiful. Any person cjij
i;us prepare lis own hair oil.
An article in tio "Philqsop!tical f ransacj
tions," says that if the ashes of vine bran;
; clics aro boiled in red wine, and this (the lj:
quid) applied milk-yariq to the hair every
evening, it will prevent the hair from falling
out. A mixture of goqd brandy ami, oivq
oil is good lo pieveul the hair from falling
out. by applying jt wilh a sponge before go.
ing to bed, uud brushing Ihe bead well.
The head must be well 'luslied when ihese
lutiopj aro appliei. By wnship the heaoj
wjth a solution of borax, say twice per.
week, Ihofe ptedisposqd tq damliqili will
fjiid a peifect cine for it.
Mrs. PiAn-rKGyo(i ACiAij;. ' Risens'es js ye;
py yarjous," said ftlrs. Partington, as she re;
turned from a street door conversation willt
lit. Bolus. "The Dr. lolls me that poor oU
Mrs. Haze has got two buckles pu her ungs j
l is dreadful to think of, iecare. The dis.
eaej i) o yarjous I one tyay vye h,oar of peo.
pie's dying of hermitage of t)e lung;, another,
way of the brown creature hero they Ie'
us of the elementary panal being out of order
and thereabout lonsors of the throat;
we tearqf a peuroloyy in Ihe hea.l, there of
an embargo ; one side of us we hear of mert
beiqg k jlled by gelling a pound, of tqi'tib beef
ju the" saicofogus, another k)j hnelf by
discovering his jocular vein. Tni"8,t'nB''
so, that I declare dod!l kn" how lo sub:
scribe for any disease now-a-days. Now,
name and new nostrjls takes ihe place of thq
old, and I might as well throw my old ho.lj
bag away." Curtft Bag.
1'itr. Love redurej lo luati.