.,,11(1111 ii p nii f! it.Vj SUN15U11Y AMEKICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. A Ci.kroyman. An okl and vnluable,ub criber, has gent tia n ccrlificnto fromne of liis Parishoners, which ho wishes published for Ihe benefit of hi neighbors", nml 'llm community at large. It late on authority thai needs no confirmation, the. particular of a remarkable cure I mm Ayer'a Cherry Pec toral, an article we have already taken occa sion to notice, and" Men we have reason to hclie.vo is worth not ice. Tho sufferer had been rednoed very low from the eflVcis of a Cold and Cough, canned by over exertion at a fire, nearly ihree. 'years since, and fiom v-kicft il was evident in his friends that Ih was fast hastening to a premntnre grave. Many of ilirt remedies of ihft day and tin advice of eminent PTivsicinn had nil failed to a fiord 1iim relief, when ho was induced try the Cherry Pectoral, which soon cured him The crowded state of our columns will not admit the foil particulars, but we earnestly invite the alientioii of our rendeis In the advertisement in another part of our paper. Christian Chronicle. Hundreds of our citizens complain of de. bility ami lunnour of Ihe system, ilerniiL'e. ineni of the liver nnd stomach, ward of ap petite, Jcc. ; they urn frequently tho result of loo close application, and a thousand other causes we cannol here name ; but we would say to all so alllicled, do as we have done ml 'a bottle or two of Dr. Iliioiriand's Herman (tillers, prepared by Dr. Jack'n'i, ami, our word for it, you will be cured We recommend this medicine, knowing from experience that it is much superior to the generality of patent medicines. Wo would My to our readeis. pmcliase none unices prepared by Dr. (.'. M. Jackson, Philadel phia. 31 A II (t I V. I. On the l.Vh iiwi.. bv the P-v. Math-iv Smith. Mr. David Tes, to Mi.-s 15 Ac n r. I. Mackkv, all of Milton. On Tuesday mot-newr, the l:Vh inst , by the Rev Rdwi-i W. Huliei. Mr. Hknhv (5. I.i:isi:siiin-i; lo li I. vim A , dan-jhler of Mr. Dioiel II. Rnekhill, nil of the. Northern Liberties. fn Si. Peter's Church. Lewe. Did , on 'lie Si I nT June, bv the Rev. .bdni Rodney. Rev. I. Wistsu Mnnnu. Rector of Si. David's Church. Mann vimk, to II NN VH. blfl (laugh t it of Henry F. Itodiiey. F.i. Mr. Morris was formerly Rector of St. Matthew 's Chinch in the place. teXHK9SSC03KMB9SBUEI9BV!SS!SBM!X3D9CH?3BBEX!e7Znl i n:u. In Northumberland, on the 23d of June, TiOHEUT, youngest son of C. F. and Amelia It. Little, aged 8 years, 3 months ami 14 days. XI)C illavkcto. Philadelphia Market. Jisk 30, IS52. Fi.oi'U sn Mk.al. FInnr is ipiiei ; iniv e.l brands are selling at $4 lit per libl. for expirt, and at SI. 124 a $4 2" lo the home trade. Extra Hour is held at SIii5. II VK Fl.iHMI. Sales at 3. It. Curs Mk.ai.. Last sales of fresh "round it S3 52. Wit kat Is active; sales of Southern red t -7 ; mixed 1. and prime while at 51.03. b'VK Is wanted lit 6 cents. Chun I in fair demand ; sales of jellovv llnat. at 65 cts. and while at (i2 ceuN. OiT Are dull ; sales of Smithem at 40e, nl of Pennsylvania at 42 cents, i"' U'iiiskky. Sales in bbs. and l:hds. at 22c. Baltimore Market. Jl-nk an. issi. CillAIN. Tho supply of Wheat is small ihe last day or I wo. Sales of jiood to me reds to-day at 102 a 103 cts. ; w hite at . a 1,5. ales of new Com, in good conditio:1., at cts. w hite, and 60 a 61 cts. fur yellow np parcels sell at 45 a 50 els. Sales of torn at 54 a 56 cts 'a ii(i:e Dais hi 35 a 38 cts. for Mary il. r.iid 4(1 cts. for Pennsylvania. I'lllSKKY. Sales of Pennsylvania bbls. It els., and of hhds. at SO' cenls. 7NHLM Y rillCE CL'UUHXT ItAT. - - "5 B. . 80 tx. '5 rs. 45 inns, Bo i-TKH. 14 . I" K. - 8 xsl mi. .... 100 uiw. -12 .wax 2" km: a Flax. ... 17 :n Apci.ks. 100 I. PfcAtiihS. S.'H) 8 New Advertisements. rU)MATIOX ICE is hereby gicn that the several urts of Common Picas, Cciicral Quarter : of llie peace, and Orphans' Court. Court nml Terminer anil Oencral Jail Delivery, far tlic county of Northumberland, lo ce it llie Court House, in the borough ol , at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the if Augunt next, and will continue ONE oronrr, Justices of the Peace and consta id for the county of Northumlicrland, are I to be then and there in their proper jier- II their rolls, records, Inquisitions, and icmbranccs, lo do those thins; to their lire iip'rtaining to be done. And nil prosecuting ucnall oi i:ie i.imniion uiiwt any prisoner are also requested nnd ed to 1 then and there attending in their 'sous to prosecute against him, as shull nil not to depart without leave at their oru nro requested to be punctual in their , nt the liue jppointcd agreeable to es. rt mv hand at Sunbury, the 3d iluy in the year of our Lord one thou- hi hundred and fifty-tno and tin In Kf of the l.'nitcd State of Ameriea ' WILLIAM II. KtPP. Bheriir. 1 savp llit- CHilim"nwe..llh, is hereby C've" ,,,a' 8 sP''cii,l of Coinn Vl '" l"r I,M Northumberland, lo commence at luiiw. in 'he borouuh of Sunbury, k A M . on Monday the 9'h dav nW, ' cu"li,,ue ONE renuesled o punctual in dance. "' ! rPJ""ea :m;iSar.iburV,.Ue3dday I ..r nf our LorJ we ihun. ybuuJ.e.l' fifty-lwo-nnd .he ..r ibu V Stale of America lUC v , i VIIMAM B. KIPP, Shci(T. nX Cummonwealih, Croat Attraction! J. IIAXLER MASON "1 1TILI. k'ive a Sriuntifio and Majjical En " lerliiinment at Ihe Court House, on Friday nod Saturday evenings, July 2d and 3d consisting of experiments in Chemical nml Mechanical Mnuio The Pyramid of Baechu ine Senara- lion : The Invisible Chicken or Raslein Job- licnlioii ; Tho Interminable - Bottle ; The Parasol in a (Jale ; The Changeable Pinme ; The Water Chamelion ; The Coiinells Fan ; New way Id avoid drench of Promise a lesson for Ladies, and many other e.vperi mi'Ms to numerous lo mention. To conclude w ith the Star SpanL'led Banner. Hundredsof Flays will bo produced apparently fiom emp'v ppace. K:onl seals reserved fur the Ladies. Tick- els 124, at Mason's Daneriian noms. j Doors open nl half past 7 o'clock, peifoi . mniice lo cornmeiiee at H. j Soi l.nry, June 2ti, 1 8 o 2 . 2:. SECOND j I'rcsh Arrival of Goods AT TIIK NKW STOHK OV j 7. TENER & CO., i (Xvnrly opptisilc UVurn-'s Hotel, ilurht St ) Suulury, Northumberland County, Fa. T7E ''eg lo nnuounce that wc are rercixin? a " ' new iiim! varied supply of goods from Piiiliiilelphla in lutilition to our prewt new slock ; nil ofwhieli wc offer nt Riirh prices ns we think fchnuhl roniinauil n speedy sale, our philo-'-n lry is, to sell cheap and turn our money often ; nnil we know thai at the vear's end Ibis will iinv us hi tler than slew fairs nnd large profits, and ! our customers will in Ihe nirinitinie have Ihe i hciielit of qomls nt low prices und of the best j tpialilyJl Our stock consits of I .Dry (.oods, j Eanrd wart", tiiec.tw:ii'c, (;i!oci:niF.s, wines and nui'or.s, Carpets, Trulls, Valises, Carpet Bags, l uibrcllus nnd Pnrnsnls, Ilonts and Shoes, Hals ii in I t 'ups. l.onkin (ilns-es. Wall I'aprr fur Jionm and Wind'jw lilimlK, (l(Mli!.-es, Lemons, Nuts nnd Candy, Salt, Mackerel, Salmon Dried Heel', Plain nnd Fancy Hams nnd Shoulders, Nails, Window OlafH, l'nhit fluff, Oils and Putty, t.'ar pet Chain, ( 'niton Laps nnd Varn, with a variety ol other articles. N. 1J. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange at the highest luarket prices. I. W. TK.NE1I & CO. Sunbury, June SO, 1H52. ly.c THE GREATEST HISTORICAL AND Allegorical Fruit of tho Age, In C'u(nnit'imiali:i:i a' llutt most imporlant event in iho AMKU1CAN REVOJ-UTIOX, Tin- brilisli KnrMith ring thfir arms to GENERAL WASHINGTON After their deieat at YOIiKTOWX, Viiginia, October 1781. 'pUK r.iiiiiviii'j i rxtruud by T:iimer. Valhiicf, Kt-nr- ihtil juililiislii'il Iry !-nj;iiniii Tanner, KntirnVLT, IMiilmU' piiiu. Tin pyj ' f tin print in 2'y hy ill inclicitmHl witg or iirnnlly ulili!it'(l l SuljU'iiiicru ttl slvi in ttiu tsUvet. KXn.ANATIOX. Tiik H'tumv. In tin lirst nml frrniHl l;m nre i-xhi!itf() three iii:r cmhi, f thu iriiiii):il iitiicerv, who wrre pre sent :d Hit' tr.mtt n-:iin, with ii I'iiiiliftil iikrno ,( nwU. In Hit tiist jimtip if (imt-rnl W'tiKhiiiiftun, Ucnunil It'H'll.lllllH".!!!, (M IKRti l.iimihi, L'ol llf I l:ltlliil"ll. nil ohi I'mtui r nt?f f v nii iiipl:ttf ilic;cm, Hilly llie st rviuit, ilinl till" II 'H;' ' 1" (ir-IUTal Wililliut 'II. Iii Ihe T-tii:l irronp. urn Ain -ncan nml Krriii'li Officerii; Cciieial Kii ).. Sc-ici:iry Vi! m. I 1r Duke de i,!iiuu;i, iiiut tlic M-tlipU! tie l;ie;tiv Tin- t!:int uritup in il'-scriplivt' if thu Hriiish mrmrlcr iiiii tin it anus. I Ttl Jnriiwat!is. (irncral D'llan, Cuin in il ire ii!imtnt. Oil inel Tallinn, with twi rtniifiH rut nl". ieiiftj-uit Oil nel ilalph AhenTiuitliie, J jeiiteiitint .' 'I 'iiel Dntut in. I nl t'lu-wt n. . Ijftnl O'riiwullin ;i pearn i ii'in" hin JWnl ti the lirt (ietienil Olfirer lie luei'l. hat (ieneial W'afliiiiL'ti'li in "iiited out tit htm hr the only piTSL'll !! wh Tl ill t.n PIUI ClliltT IllS SWTJ. (hi ll'ir heij-hiH a iii I in Ihe dislniiee tire ihe ditVeont r init n iiii'l cr-iwde' "I npffint hh. The Hti'iFe of Secicliiry Wits hi. timipir-d hy l.ti'd I'nriiwallm mid It in fluff', which wax iinlvmleil anil pit-ret'd wnh IuiIIk ; the .Miiritii de Ixi 1'iivetie h u inj; rein irkeil that they we v carrvinc rlishct I r 111; dinner t i nl 0ruwalhut nuked Ustve ol' Itenernl j W-iKiiiMV't 'ii t f rvi" him n dili ii' hi own ivmkiiiir, and iaiiii.-ili itel ai'ler ti-'veral lniuhAiietlii fell lhriiii-'ll lite ex ti on ihe t'lliU. ttii'l wi'iiiiN-d :ine. in id dipperH'd llie party- Tub Ai i.kg'v. Uii thu left in enrtetl a infnuineiii in j li 4i t nl t!i-il iift'ri 'im liiMiit-n who mertfieed their liven ami iurititi j in i.iMiie t iln ir eili.eiut, the Liberty unl In- j dependeiiee thev ii-iw em v. PnhliHhed ai ki l.v . II, T.AK. riiiliidelpliin. nnd to he had sit the OlH-e !' l!ie "AMKItlOAN C'Ot HIKII," 1 ;. Ill L'he-i'nut Street, riiilntt'lj.hia, an preiiuuiiiit tn tliat : I"t?' A liliend iliwiMint t' A cent. l'!iil.'tdelplii;i, June 2i. lr 'rj 500 EOCX AGEIITS WANTED. 4 XY iiml, activo nml intelligent man, vviih a small capital of dom 30 lo a SI Oil, can in. ike laiKB profits by engaging in ihe sale of the fullu inif j I'Ol'ULAU AND VSEFUL HOOKS. : cii.wiir.ns' lxrottMATiriN koh tiik I'Mi'i.i;: i nr Tiiiil:ir I'lii'vcl'iimtiii i'i' I'wM'iil Kn-iwliile. Tvvu f l-irt'i' itnpiTi:il i clnvn v Iiinu-h. r.'iiliiiiiuis ITIHl iim'i'h. l'KTKHsll.V! HlS'ldHV OK TIIK A M l-.ll U'AN lli : Ol.l TIDN. Si ll lar-e ucluvo ji.ig.-B, with -211 fine I 'ii!;ni'ii!irK, I'KTi'.itsuN'fi insronY ok tiik r. s. x.vvv. cio lniir- irtjlV'i :if:i'ii. Hlitl t ill line Kiiiiriil'iiiL'H. iTiusr s ltt-.SiAHKAiii.K i; i: ii in tiikiiisto. IIV UK AMl:ttll'A. T.V" liii(;i! i cluvn tiiliimrs, f--liuiiiit l!(H ikiui'B phi! iiH) r.iititivinti.. Tlic U'hi His Iit' nl' Ami'iii-a inil'lulHit fltdSTS I'lL'TOHlAI. l.ll'K Of WASHINGTON'. A S,lili'lil II riiiitniiiiML' iil'O ucluvo p:i.'r0 mill t'U Vinit 1 !imr:i iiiitk. '1'lse rlii-il;if8t l.ll'c i'i' 'uhlilllj;toll rvrr iilil:K!iril. Moinif. s iiistohy or tiik inijian wars. Ki f I r. ! riirl I'hiin IM-ili . Till-. TKI K. lll'.l'rHI.Il'AX. r.inlnuiiiip Hie IiiniiBiinil A Mri'fsin illlil llm I-'itkI Allinuit Aililii'VtleB una MHl.irr i-l thf lri-ni''iits if lliu I'niled Statps, llie Coimtllu 1i ins m' tin imp irlnnt Slnti-s in the I'liioH, &p., itr. I'liiln'llinlii'il tvilh linlr:nu ih' till t tit" IVi'niilentu, .'iiirni It'll nil dlt'fl, and Ii view nl' tiiu i'lipitiil cjf the t'liltvil St'ili1!. .0IHI iTifri'H. V nin. I'OV'S IlllOli OK .MAI!TYIff. A SnUmlid Fiunilv l'..lni-ni. lur-je fii-irl.. wall o. KuKniviugs, iMruiiutuUy Il Mllll in iiinr TI' i. cm. UK rcll .MK.NIN'S HISTORY OK TIIK rul'K. M 1-iiirp ii'tnvu innii'n. wi.li illunl nil inns. JOSI'tMH'r1' WOtlKS. KiiiP J'lililiiin, one hirer V 'ttnnr. STI IIM'si ItKI'l.lX't'IONS ON' TIIK WORKS OK iOI). ST. 1'IKHHK'S STI'DII'.S OK N ATI RK. WIIITK'S HISTORY OK Till: WORLD. A ViiIiiiiI.Il' lii'iii'itil llinl'try. One turige oclavu vnluuip, witli lianit- i g Hill' MI.TlilVil'.ll. I I.1VKS OK fill KAT AMI CKI.r.HRATKl) ClIARAC. TK.RS : m'u I A!b ami Coilntrlr. One liirge viilmue I'f HK) IKIi'H, Willi llllllRTl'Urf KlITUVill'K. Tiii'llmr with a iinml'er of other YYoik particularly mlapleil lor Popular Reiuling. O" The mntt liberal JiMuioifn he piven In Amenta who may engage in the sale of the abuve almMe Hooks. For further particulars. mKlrcM (postage paiil,) J. J. L. Oil ION, I'lihlisliei., .mj. i iiestniit zinci, rnuaaeipiiHL Juno '26, 1952. ATTENTION, I F.W.4 RT I' i II IS ! ! "r01j uro com in an Jo J to meet in Miir ket fcipuro, tSunliury, on MONDAY, 5th of July, at 8 o'clock, A. Mm fully equipped uu1' prrurcj with 13 roum of lilunk curl liilgoi, liy quIit of llie Captain. CiEO. OMPHANT. 0.8. Suiihury, July 3, lti52, ATTENTION, FARMERS' IM) SlLTlUXlCS' AKTILLKIUSTSI! ATOU are commanded to uifot in Market u,uure, ISuubury, on SATURDAY, 3d of July, at 7.J o'clock, A, M., fully equipped for drill, liy order pf lbs Captain, tiOLOMON fcrt'liOH, O. St. eimbury, June S6, 185a- WTILEY'S C'OCOW CMNDY. 4a eioel ! V hml tn.cdy for fOUijhn, coW, Yv ' at Ut ollic f w DENTISTRY. TJIKO. LIV. CHASE, 31. 1). SURGEON DENTIST, (of rHILAUGLPIIIA.) AS the plcamiro of unnouncing that he has an oflico for a limited period nt the WASHINGTON HOUSE, ii aimnnv, where lie will perform" nil profesiional operation WITHOUT PAIN, enal.led to iln o l.y long experience and akillfully conslmcled Inotruinentii. Dr. CHASE, will Rive particular attention to tho iimeition of Artificial Teeth, (whole set or part of ct,) which will hn mado at hia odice in Philadelphia. Persona desirous of liavinn Teeth inserted nre nisurcd tlint Ihey can he inndo equal in Bpeiiriiee, and n nueful for manticating the hardexl nliiiiciilK im natural onea. iC7 J.ndiea nml (icntlenicn nre inviled to call nt the nllice, if from 110 other motive than curi osity, nnd c.xnuiiiie teeth constructed hy nie, nnd pronounced hy all CIIEI'' D'OUVRES ofarlUtic kill. Sunlmry, June 2fi, 1,?32, nt. NOTICE IS lietcby pivcu that the Supreme Court for t the Noitliern Distiict ol IViiiim) Ivunia, will cninnienco ii nni.iiul Se.inu im Ihe (ecoiul Mniiilay of Ju'y iie.vl, nl tho Cum I llnust! in Suiibiirv. CHARLF.S PLEASANTS, Pioth'y S C, N D. Prylhonot.irj'rt Office, ) Sunbury, June 19, 1S52. LIST OF CAUSES BpOR nmuiiieul in the Supreme Courl for the Noiihrm Diyiiiet ol Pennsylvania, lor July Tciiii, A. D. IS32. Fun TIIK I Covcll nuyr HALF OF TIIK TERM. vs Mallil l.nenie counlv 2 (.'asj vi .lohiisoii Su.(i'hiinna co 3 A ml res v Kvnn Tioi!i co 4 time et nl vs Powell et al Liiernu co !i IIiimIiiii vs H.irstow Biaill'oiil co ti The X Y k Kiiu 1! Ii . Co vt Skinner Snjipichanna co 7 liraves . vs Colo Tinua ci) 8 Jesiip et al v.k I'onu SiiKiuehanriu co 9 Munis vs Ca.o Tioa co 10 Shaiv V Deem " 11 Viiht vs C.nUvalla.ler " 12 Stephens vs Seach I.uerno co 13 The Dearmnnl Coal Co vs , ,, H.-iis ol Ne.ld,,leeM el al L"Zer,ie 1-1 McKenu's Ailm'is vs Mi lCean Bradford 15 l'liuncl 1G Mann 17 lloyl el nl IS Da) Km 19 Kiiniis 21) Adams 21 Ha i ley 22 (J raves 23 Keeler 24 Kiil.y 25 H.irber 2(i Sinia 27 15o vs Ansnn Puller co vs Coin Tiojja co vs Knons l.uzerue co vs Newman el al Siisii'hauun vs Steele et nl f.uzurne co vs Smiih Wjomiuaco vs Kim nil lirailforil co vs (iiilliu 1 lotisi co Wyoming co liradlurd co vs Va-bu vs Shaw vs tt.iinl " vs Biink vs Flood Vom;ii2co 23 Slyleit el nl vs Sullivan co Sullivan co FOB THF. SECOND HAI.K OF THE TKRM. 29 Caldwell vs liennet Lycoming co 30 Evis ol DickiiiMiu dee'd vs , Adm'rsol Callahan dec'.l Lyc0"'SC0 31 Appeal hy E Menaus et al Norlh'd co 32 Fisher el al vs Fa i ley Union co 33 McCarty vs Iliillniau Lycomiuu co 34 Colo vs Kitleiihouse el nl Col co 35 Ctimmiuga vs Antes el al Lycoming 30 Cose vs lleisely " 37 Si'iimnn vs Spayd Norlh'd co 3S Miller vs Svveney " 39 Moore etal vs D inaldson Columliiaco 40 Meiser vs Eckhait's Adm'r Union 41 llephurn & Miller vs Cameiou & Co Lye 42 Iiulil vs Moll Unimi co 43 Ili'irold vs Mensas 44 Foreman vs Tanner Lyeominir co 4 Columbia co vs Montour co Columbia co 40 Levels vs Columbia en " 47 Slinecker vs ll.iirman Norlh'd co 48 Ocdilcs & Maish vs klose Union co 49 Snyder vs Miildleswarlh " !0 Uoad Liberty Pole &o North'd CO 51 Kieber Troas'r Lye co vs Martin Lyc co 52 Deptler vs Caul North'd co 53 Valley tp vs Hush Ip Montour Co 54 Carpenter vs Green I.ycomins co 55 Adm'rof J Snyder dee'd vs Zienler Union 5G Keyser vs Yoxiheimer's Adm'r NoilhM 57 Kreijjht vs Rei!hart Lycoming co 58 Schock vs Sehock's Ex'is Union eo NEW STORE. PETEIl y. GRAY TJESPECTPUI.LY informs the citiens of b'unhurv und vii'iuity, thnt he has cunimen ced a new tore in Whortlchcrry street, in the house liinnerly occupied by Mrs. (irav, nnd has just reeeied and opened u well seltclcd ussort luent of )vy (loods, Consisting in part of CLOTHS, CA8SIMEK.S, SA'J'TIXETTS, And o general asaorlment of LADIES DUESS AND FANCY GOODS of every variety and style. GUOCEKIES of every dcsciiption. Also an assortment of IIAUDWAHE AND QUEENSWAKE, And a iiencrul variety of other articles Mich as are suitaMc tJ the Iraile, ull of which will be sold ut llie lowat prices. Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. Sunbury, May 15, 1S52. fim. Oils. Tnllow Crease, and OHIO MINERAL PAINT. ?On 1,A,J,;l:, w MAC1IINF.HY OIL. Price OViU ',r els per gallon. UflllO Ciillnon niachi nery oil, in cusks of various sizes, 75 its per gal. 200 Darrels Uoilid Paint Oil, 55 " 51100 Gallons " " in casks of various Bi.es. " " 3..U llaricU 'J'uiiuers' Oil, Yorioua kinds ond qualities, from 35 to 00 cents per null. in. 15)10 Gullous in Casks of Valium size. Va rious kinds and quulities, from 35 to 50 cents per gallon. 50 Tons Tallow Grease, for Heavy Gearings, and Coarse. Machinery, in barrels or Casks, of anv consistency required. Price 0 cents lier lb. 150 Tuns Ohio Mineral Paint, in barrels, at the lowest market price. Machine) ii Oil, warranted nut to chill in the eoltlest weather, and considered by those using It equal to Hiierm Oil hull J'tiiiil Oil, eipjul to Linseed Oil, other than f ir white. I oiu constantly receiving large supplies of the above named articles, and my uiollo is, "Small profits and quick returns. ll. F. roxD. 50 Water st., (under tho Pearl st House,') NEW YllKK, New York, Juno 19, 1852 3m. Notice to Collectors. rilHE Collectors will have time until Tuesday, A Wediicsduv and Thursday, the 13th, 14th and 15th of July, to pav their Htate tai in order to get ihe five per cent abatement. Tho Collec tors of Delaware. Lewis. Turhut. Milton and Cbilisouaiiuc. will come in on the 13th of July Ihose of' tYp"' Mahonoy, Jackson, Little Maho nov. Lower Mahonoy. tihainokiu, Cameron nd Coal will coui in on the Uth of July; Rush Lower Aueusta. Tuner Augusta, Sunbury, Nor lliuniticrlniij nd Point will coma in on the 15th of July 185-2. Prompt payment is required, 5 ier eent wiH be lluwed for payment up to llie tunes stated attove, lur ino unt'rsni lowiwuipa. VM. WIL8UN, ) C. AI.UEKT, Coru'rii. CH AS. WEAVER. J Huubury, Juno 5, 1S5J. 0t, JOHN V. MARTIN, SUNBURY, PA. THANKFUL for past fnTors respectfully In forms his friends and the public i that lift still combines to enrry on ihe Tailoring Busi ness nt the shop formally occupied by Jacob Painter a a hatter shop. Beiut in the re ceipt of ihe fashions, monthly, from Nmv York, his work will always be done in a workmanlike. manner, and according to ihe lalesl style. His term for cash or country produce 'will be as reasonable as any oilier in Ihe plnco. Snnbnryi May 22, 1852. 3m. THE YERY LATEST ARRRIVAL, CHKAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! FRILING & GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inf.nm the public and "the rest of mankind," that they have just received and opened the best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods that has ever lieen hi ought to Punhury. Their slock consists of every varic'y of Dry Coods, viz : Cloths, Casfinvrcs, Satlinrts, Vesting, Drillings, Linens, And all kinds of Summer Vear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DUESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lmrns, Chintzes, De Laiius, Houses, And every variety of goods sellable for La dies w ear. Also an extensive assortment of Panama a n n Palm Lkaf Hats. Also a largu assortment of CIttiC'IHII-s, srcn as Sugar, Teas, Codec, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. A Iso a tresh supply of nnros and mudicixks. Besides Ihe larpesl and niosl ueneral assort meul of a place. kinds ol goods to bo had in this , rV" Country produce of all kinds taken in cx change at the Inchest market price. Sunhury, Mny 22, IR52. J )a gu o rre o ty pe Li ko n e s s v s FOR ONE DOLLAR! TT I1AII.ER MASON has the pleasure or informing the inhabitants of Sunbury and vicinity that he has opened Rooms al the Slule House, w heie ho will be in readiness to receive visitois between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Pictures taken with any desirable etlect of light or tdiade and colored in the highest perfection of Ihe art and no regard lo weal her. Instructions given and apparatus furnished for $50. N. B. Perfect satisfaction given in all ca ses or no charge. Sunbury, May 22, 1852. if. B KNJ A MIX 11 KFFN E 11 J ESPKCFFL'LLY informs tho citizens of h-'unliury aud vicinity, that he has opened a new store in the room lately occupied hy tleorRe Bright, opposite Button's Hotel. He has just re ceived n handsome assortment of u-iii nnd Summer CSootls, consisting in part of Cloth?, Cassimers, Cassinets. SUMMKR WARE of nil kinds, of linen, cotton nnd worsted. Al.O: C'ai:ofM, ditImitiN, TaiviiN, ItlotiMNClliic De Lnlnva and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also nn assortment of Hill'dM'Sire. IlOIi nnd Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various st j les and patterns. Also an assortment of ROOTS & SHOTS. Palm Leaf and other Hats and Caps. Halt, Fish, fyc. Also a variety of LIQCOKS such as EE ra lid'. iu, IViitc, Vc. And a great variety of other urticles such as are suitable lo the tcadc, all of which will be sold at the lowc.-t in ices. ( i'' Country produce taken in exchange at the hiuhest pri -cs. isunbuiy, May 1, 18o2. ly. JOHN A. TAYLOR," Manufacturer of Monuments, Tombs. AND CRAYE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and Amkkican Mardi.k. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. RESPECTFl'LLY inform the public that all work in his lino will be made up of the very best material and finished in the latest style of tho Easturu cities. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the best style and nt Ihe lowest rates. will do well to cull aud examine before they pur- base elsewhere. May 15, 1852. ly. JUST HECE1VED AT TUB Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. AY. STllOII, Muriel Street, Sunbury, A new assortment of Silver, IJl'llfcH and J;ma lined Mounting, Which be will either make up to order or sell separately for cash at prices us low if not lower than can he huJ anywhere else. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Trunk, Vail ce, &c, Constantly kept nn hand or manufactured to or der. CARRIAGE TRIMMING done nn the shortest notice. All persons are Invited to cull and examine for themselves. All kinds of produce tuken in exchange. Hunhury, May I, 1852. tf. PCliW APR ANCEMKNTS KOR Susiupmnim. Packet lloats. Vomer Detentions at the Junction Avoided ! f and alter May 1-3, 1S52, the Packet will ' leave the Junction daily at 3 o clock, P. M (or upon the arrival of Ihe Cars leaving I'Uila- dulphia at 8 o'clock, A. M.,) and arrive at W'il- bamsport next day at 10 o clocks A M I.eavo Wiluamsiiort, dally, at 11 " A M. Arrive at Northumberland, at 7 " P. M And at Ihe Junctiuit, at 6 " A. M In time Id take the rare fur Philadelphia and riUsliurg ! SlKiL'EHANNA BOAT COMPANY llarrlsburg, May 15, 1S53, 3m, lMERSON'8 A KITH EMETIC Nos. 1.2 3, -B- and Porter's Rhetorical Reader, just receive ed and lor sale by W.V. MfAKTV Suubury, May 1, 1851 . EE V ILLS. Justice and ConkUble Ft 11 ills handsomely printed on card paper, for sale ai uii ouic. LICHTNINC RODS. .4 FTER mnny years' close investigation and numerous eiieriinenpi, the Patentee takea pleasure in Informing the public that he has arri ved at the true principle of protecting families, dwellings and property from tlio destructive Influ ence of LIGHTNING. The calamities that evety City, Town, Vlllnae and Country falls vic tim to nnnually, through the nrosa nrgligcnco of its Inhabitants, Is beyond calculation, especially when the remedy is so easy to obtain this ia found in ARMITAGK'S Patent Magnetio Lightning Rods, aud ia Ibis ftloue. This Rod has been examined by tit most scivntifio ctutleinea in the world Professors M'Murlric, Johnson, Wllonnd ma ny others that have examined them, recommend nnd sieok of them in the hiuhest terms of appro bation, nnd have prutiounccd them tho only snfo rods in use in this or any other country for the protection of Liven aud Property. One advnn Inge is to divide nnd throw hack a pin t of the elec tric fluid huimless to the clouds) in time of a stroke Ibis enables the Tod to conduct that portion of fluid that boiling to the earth without Ihe slightest dancer of leaving the conductor. This rod hns lnnnv other advantages over the old one. 1 bo only place of manufacturing in in Fine .V. 3 doors above Wh, Philadelphia, where all persons are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. For s.ilo Whole sale or lictuil bv THOMAS ARMITAGE. I"? The only authorized Agent for the Coun ties of Union, Juniata, Mitllin, Clinton, Lycom ing, iNortliumhcilauil, Montour, (.alumina, l,u 1 icrue, is SAMUEL HOOVEH. I lltirtleton, Union euiinty. Pa. I Orders nnd letters addressed (pout puid) to Mr. Hoover, will l e promptly attended to. j May R, 1833. 4 in. j ValuaMe Property. Late the Ebtate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq., ! OrurtlittinlK'iiaii(l j SALE. ; rfMlE subscribers, Executors of llie Ei,i:e i of Eplnaiin P, Shannon, late oi Ihe iim I onjih of Noi lliuuilieilaiiil, oiler at pi i vale dale, I Ihe following valuable Ileal Estate, viz: I Lol No. 77, corner of (lueen and Front V "'" i ereden a nvo siory Ur.cK HuiI.Iiiil', loiineilv ncennied bv Ihe deceased C . i , ... .... iis a Sfore and Ihvelliii;:, and now occupied as fciich. Theie uienlso on thu lol two fiumo dwellini;?, &c. Lol No. 52, situated in Maikel Sireel, on which is erected n two story white Frame Uwelliii-f. &c. ndiiiininu John Tayail, E.ni., j occupied by Cl.as. Knotis. Lois Nos. 09, 70, 71 & 72, situate in Mar ket Mreet, a lo sinry while Frame Divel liiiii, onenpied by .lames Dimly, and a slablo is erected on lois No. 69 ii 70. Thu undivided h-ilf of Lot No. 120, situate on the coiner of Duke and 4lh Sheet, on which is erected a two story dwelling, occu pied by Joseph MeCalhslcr. Lol No. 188, situate in Queen Street on which, is elected a two story whito Frame Huililimr, occupied by John Buikeit Lot No. 60, situnte nt Norjhwny nnd Wa ter Slieets, on which nre erected two Frame Drt t'llinsis and Stablinsr, occupied by widow V.iiidliiiu and John Yuudliug. Also the undivided fourth part of lot 166, on which is erected a Hvnstoiy Fiame Dwel linjr, occupied by John Yandjko. Also ten acres of cleared land, adjoining lauds of Juhii Deshny, on thu East side of the Susquehanna, about thiee miles below Dan ville. Also two adjoining vacant town lots, situ ated on tho corner of ccoud ami Orange, streets, numbered in the general plan of Boi. ongh. Nos. 215 & 218. Also four vacant lots on Third and Oianpe Streets, uunibeie I lis the (icneial plan ol said Iluruugh. Nos. 209, 210, 211 & 212. Also four vacant lots froming on Market and Sixih Sirecis, ruiiiiiug East loan Alley, numbered in the general plan of said Bur ouyh, Nos. 77, 78,'7U & 80. Also four vacant lots fronting on Orange Street, and nuinbeied in the general plan of said Buiouyh, Nos. 1S5, 186, 187 & 188. The above properly will be sold in parts or parcels to suit purchasers, on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to John Cake, Esi) , ut Northumberland, or to the subscriber ALFIJED KNKASS. ) P , THOMAS ST HAW BRIDGE, J tx r8' Northumberland, May 22, 1852. tf. II. J. W0LVEP.T0N, AT LAW. FFICE in Market street, Sunbury, adjoining the Ollicc of the "American" aud opposite the I'ost Ullicc. liusiness promiitlv nttended to in Northumber land and the adjoining Counties. Kki f.ii to : lion. C. W. llcirins and 11. Man- nan, l'uUsiMe; Hon. A. Jordan and II M. Alas scr, Siinburv. April 10, 1852 ly. SOAP & CANDLE MAKTJFACT0AY, No. 19 IIW Si , bclireen 2d if 3d Sis., and AO. w ioria Din !ireei, l'lltl.ADKl.l'HIA. John liiincroft Jr. and Son, ESJ'ECTl' L'I.L Y inform Mnrc-keepors, Mer chants, (Sie that they Manufacture nn.lliavi for Sale, Palm, While, Varieuateil, Yellow Bin Drown oans, Muiild aud 1 i pi I I'.iudliM. all u! good ipia'.ily and at reasonable prices. I tr l ash paid for 1 allow und rough I ut. April 10 1S5S ly. KE7 GOODS ! J. . KAUFFMAX At His Xrw Store In Ilullmvins Etui, JE.sl'EC'l'FCLLY informs his f iemU in,, customers, llmt be has just iccu - !j i"".- stock of goods, which he oili'is to lh j -ubii. at the lonest prices, 'm !lirliig hikI Siiiiimcr Dry Goody, situ as Cloths, Cnssimeres, Sutt.nells, Merinos, Mousseline De Lames, Flannels and every variety of goods suitable for the season. AUo Silk Hals, Cnps, Ac, ALSO: An assortment of Hardware. ALSO: All Kiml, of (Iroeones, LMilO!t. 'ALSO! A variety of Quecnswaro, Crockery, &e. Mesides a variety of oilier articles, suitable for farmers, Ac. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods at the Highest market price. Hollowing itu.u, April 17, IH.V. II. SUNBURY FERRY. ENRY W, BUCHER in forma the public that he has taken ihe Sunbury Kerry and a be is now well prepared with good and aulh rieut cralu ho will be enabled to accommodate the public with promptness and despatch. April 10, 1852 It. 1 LANK DEEDS printed on tlx) best quality of parchoient paper, auld at ilia lowest price at this olTica, Uy wholesale and retail J" Uai'ICESrrEE"lULLr"r 11. U. MAUSER bmibury. 1851 ' KAZOKS, A superior article (or aula alum of HENUY MASSEJt Huubury. Feb. 16. . . TREMENDOUS DISCOVERY In tlic.Dry (lootla Business! Good to se toi.n Chf.aprr than thk Cheackst at the STonit ok ISAVC CA3IPIJELL CO.. In I ppor AnuNtn toM nxhlp, Northumberland County, Pa. "WJWHQ respectfully inform the public ncner I f allv, that Ihey have received and opened a new and well selected stock of SPRING AND 8UMM EU GOODS, Consisting in part of French, Enilish and Ameriran Cloths, Mack and Faney Cassimers, Sattinetls, Checks, Drillings, Muslins, o c , Calicoes, Linens Oinehams, Aniens, und all kinds of Summer H are, Delaines of every de scription and Style, ToffPther with n lol ol I.adik DnE (!onu. Also a fresh supply of GROCERIES, such n Sugars. Codep. Tens. lIo lasses, &o., HARDWARE, Nails, Iron, Steel, &c, also a laiirn assortment of QUEENSWARE. A fresh supply of DRCOS & MEDICINES. MOOTS nnd SHOES suitable for men, women and children. HAT d and CAPS such us 8traw, Palm Leaf nnd other lints. FISH, SALT, CHEESE, &c, fV All of which will be sold cheap for ensh or in cvclinngo for country produce nt the highest market price. Upper Augusta, Mny 15, 1S52. ly. LIB EKTY SI 0 V E WORKS ," DROWN STREET, ifp above Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. rtlHE undersigned respectfully Inform the pub- lie that they nre in full operation at their new foundry, nnd ready to execute orders fur stoves of every description on the most reasuua ble terms. They invite the attention of .STOVE DEAL ERS lo their lariio assortment of STOVES, all of which arc entirely new, and got up at grent expense. Among which are tho Liliertv Air Tight t'ook. Complete Cook, Mar Air 'Tight, Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny I. bid Im proved, Fire King Radiators, S.ilnmaudcrs. Can nous, Liases, Mare Cylinders, Mar Room Stows, Furnaces, Gas Ovens, cSrc, etc. AUMOTT J- LAWRENCE. N. M. Country merchants arc particularly inviled to call nml examine our assortment. April 10, 16.VJ.-ly. NEV COUNTRY STORE, A' the Forks of the Plum Creek and Tnlpe hoelcn P,oad, (near Krciahbuum's lilack Smith Shop. JACOB AVHI3IK11, 1 J ESPECTFUI.LY informs the public that lie fL1 has opened n new Store at the above place and has just received a splendid stock of new Spring and Summer Goods, Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinets, DRILLINGS and all kinds of linen cotton and worsted summer wars. ALSO.: Callicoes, Muslin de Laines, Lawns, iaiiigliums, And all kinds of Dress f loods for Ladies. Tea, Cokff.k, Sur.An, Molasses, &c. G HOC CRIKS, of all kinds. BRANDY, GIN, WINE, ami all kinds of Liquors. Hardware. Iron nml Skcl, Nails, &r.t QUEENSWARE. 4 Shoes, Roots, Caps, Palm leaf and other Hats, Fish, Salt, &c, All of which he will sell at the most rcusonable prices for cash or country produce. May 8, 18.)S -tf. JAltSES BAP.BEP.'S Wholesale niul ICelnil Clock ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Corner Second and Chestnut Sis., PHILADELPHIA. WHERE may be found, one of the largest , and best assortments of Clocks and Time . pieces in the t'nited States, in quaulilies In suit j purchnsers, of fiom a single Clock, to one thou- j -ond Clocks; emhrncimr every varluty of slvle and manufacture, suitable tor Churches, llils, Countins Houses, Parlois, Sleepluq AMv(tnienU, and Kitclicns, Steam and Canal Bouts, and Rail ; Road Cars. Also peneral sale Ai?ent, for Rapp s lately pat- , ented Scientific Niche (.old Pen. M holesale ; and Retail Gold and Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Ooods. 1 hose i wishing to purchase will find it to their Interest ! to call before purchasing elsewhere. I JA.Ml'.S 1JAKUL.H, J S. E. Cur. Chestnut & 2nd Sts., riiCa. April 10, 1S.)2. ly. It. I'OllM'l.lfS. I. 1. II.Vlvr.ll. . l . ll.vur.u. Cornelius, liaker Co., MAN IT ATL ItKKS OV Lamp, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &e. STORE NO. 176 CHESTNUT ST.. Manufactory No. 181 Cherry St., PHILADELPHIA. April 10, 1852. tf. "DA vTd" COOP E R , 'JO M M I SSI OX M K Ii CI1AXT, Kon Tin: sai.k ok Fish, Provisions, t'c, Xo. 9 Vo7A Wharves, rniLADELniiA. April 10, 18:2 ly. J. H. & W, B. HART, V II O L 15 S A 1, 15 (i It O C E li S, No. 239 A'ortk 3d St., above Callowhdl, PIIILADrLPIIIA. A larco aasorlinput of tlroceriea always nn hand, which will be sold at the lowest prices for Cash or approved Credit. April 10, 1852. ly. The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED 10( Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. rTMIE aubscriber beg b'uve lesiiectfullr to in- form Piiixtkk generally, thai he has suc ceeded to tho Uusiuess of niaiiiif u-lurin J'riut tug Ini formerly carried on by bi uri""l Father, and Futhcr, and ollc.s )iis article to the trade, w ithout any Pins, but w ith the simple reliance upon the long established chaiacter il has borne, feeling confident of its Kivintf entire satisfaction to alt who may favor him with a call. Trns Cash. CHARLES ENEU JOHNSTON. April lUT, 1852. tf. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SI Mil UY, IM. Dec. 13, 1851. f. l. biiindelT" ' ATTOB.1TEY AT LAV. Uffic in Market sfleet Sunbuvy, oppositt 1 U'cdver'i Hotel J -M-i:8INKS9 will ha urouinllv atlendej in tl.. i '......il.. f K'.,lxiii..lurlu.l l'i..nl i id m ..... m ... . . w .nM..n v ' . J C'oliuuliM aud Montuir. . Buubury, Oct. II, U5r, y. CHERRY PECTORAL: F ihe Csh T . COUGHS, OOLD3, HOARSENESS, BROW. OHXTXS, CROUP, ASTjtf XwA, WHOOPING OOTJOBv AND OOMSTJMPTIOIJ. This rr-vudy ia offered to the cninmunily with' the confidence wo feel in on article which scl dom fuils to realire the hippiest rireets thnt can bo desired. So wide is the field or its nrefulness mid so numerous the cases of its runs, thai nl- inost ecry section of the country abounds in persons, publicly known, who have been restored from ahirmina aud even dcsieratr diseases of the i. ....... i... i. in .... j imiii, un use. iiyn once tried. Us superi ! orlly over every other medicine of its kind, is loo apparent tn escape observation, nml where its vir tues nre known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and ''""U"'" nfieclions of the pulmonary organs, , w-lucli nre incident to our climate, And got only j i" the formidable attacks upon thf. lwmjs, but for lne nuliler varieties of Coliis, CSii kiis, Hoahsk- j ni.ss, cc, and for (.'hi i.iiiikx it is the pleasant j est nnd safest nicdictne that can be obtained. No I family should be without it, av.d those who have used it, never will. Read Ihe opinion of the fidluwing (ienllciiicn, j who will be rceoirniiscd in the va.ic-uH sections of country where they are locatt'd-vuch and aU as merchants of the first class and of Iho highest , ebaractcr-as Iho oldest and most extensive , . UW1WIMI 11- LIL-Ultia III .IllllllUU Willi 1111 I'HJll'fl- en co unlimited on the subject of which they speak. If there is any value in the judgment of experience, see THIS CERTIFICATE IFc the undersigned, M'h'Ai'MiU Drnzsists-. Latins been for Ion'' acquainted witlk Ancr's Vbeirij Pectoral, hereby certify our belief that it is the best and most effectual remedy for Put- uoii4ir ( omplaints ever one red to the Amen- vi People. And ice would, from our knotrl- edge of , composition, una extenstre useful nets, tnrdiahhi commend it to the ajlticled as worthy their besi confidenec. unJ with t lie firm conviction that il will do for their relief ull that medicine tun da. N lieiishmv, Edmunds A Co., Boston Mass. Eci so et (.'oulsiin, l!:il'.iiaurc. .Md. l.add Inraham, Bangor. Maine, Haviland, llarrall A: Co., ('hnrlostini, S. C; Jacob S. Fnrrund, Detroit, Mirlugaji. n ii v.. i n: i n..:...-:u.. .".. 1. II .,11 . 1 il I.-n. I , iiuuin.nir, nit 'roncis cV Walton, St. Louis Missouri. Joseph Tucker, Mobile, Alabnma. Theodore A Peck, Uurlini;toii, Xt. Haviland, Risley Co., Aumista, (!.i. Isaac D. James, Trenton, N. .1. J. M. Townsccd, Pittsburj, Pa. Clink & Co., Chicago, Illinois. E, E. Oay, li iirthiKton, Iowa. M. A. Pantos & Son, Norfolk, Va. Edward Uringhurst, Wilmington, Del. John (iilbert & Co., Philndelphia, Pa. . 1). A- W. H. Oilman, Washington, 1). C. J. Wright it Co., New Orleans, Ln. Watson, Wall & Co., Fort Wayne, Iu. ('. C. Kicliiinn.il et Co., San Francisco, Cab Lewis & Ames, Tallahaase, Florida. U. R. Stroner, Knoxville. Tennessee. Chilton & Uuer, Litlle Rock, Ark. Stiller, Slade & Co., Lexington, Miss. N. 1). Liibadie, (Jalveston, Texas. ('has. Dyer, Jr., Providence. It. I. Jus. M. Turner, Savannah, On. Wade, Eckstein & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. IN FOREIGN COCNTIOES: J. (i. Collin &. Co., Valparaiso, Chill. F. M. DiiHimd A. Co., Vera Cruz. Mexico. Kred ltivas & Co., Uogota. New Orennda. S. I'roxosl & Co., Lima, Peru. Morton A Co., Halifax, Nova Scotia, T. Walker A Sun. St. Johns, N. 15. C. Ci. Salinas & Co,, Rio Janeiro, Uia.il. With such assurance, and from nt'h men, no stronger proof can be adduced, except that found in its effect upon trial. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AVER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Muss. Sold in Sunbury by if. MASSER, and by Druggists gcuorully throughout, the Suuo, November 1. Idil, lyccUino. Ti'.F.MKXliofS L'xi'ITEMKNT ! ! Cash. Stciim, Klci tricih !! J'ic Aerial and ull other lints out-dona by the UKhtnln? Miie of 111 A T. CL13LENT. tt 1T1IO, having great faith in rapid sales and ' small profits, has just received alio opened a large osMirtiiient of SPRINO AND SUMMER OOODS, At Ids Suva in Mar::et itr.ct, Sunbury, which he olU ra lo the public ut the los pru cs. His stuck cmsUU of a general assortment of Jh'y (lomls, viz : Cloth, Cnssimsrs, Ciinrl(., Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Cutiivtx, Muslin de J.uins Lawns, Cinilianu. Ut sages Silk Ss Palm Li:w H.ts, A larjje Hssorlineut of Routs and Shoes, for Men, Women aud Children. J t o re i' Sea, SiiTar Tea, Coflve, Molasses, Cheese, Spi- ces, Fish Salt, Tlasler. HARDWARE h : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Siews, Ac. QUEENSWARE, Tea Setts, Plates, DiJus, Cups, Saucers, to LIQUORS, Wine BiHHtly, lliii, Knm, VliisKry if. IjF Country proiluco of aU kiuilh taken iu ex change at the highest maiktft prices. May 8, lh52t stac;k office. W'ASIIlMii'OX II()USl' SUNBURY, PA. JAMES COVERT, Froprietor, WOI I.D resp-fiilly announce that be baa taken this well known aland, where hn will 1 gAlilied lo ice aud eiitrtuiu hi Iricuds and the travelling pubhe generally. Tbis house is now rcpleto with every convenience, coutlbrta ble, plesjaully located,' handsomely furnished, well ventilated, leudcring it in every rhpcct a desirsblo slopp'uig (ilucb. No expense has been syawd in f'Uri8 up this house, llie rhamher are welt faruishej and Ihe table and "oar provided wi ihe best the market can allbrd, Tho sUhlo accoiuwoilatums are extensive a,i)d well calcukitcd fc'r traveb rs. STACK 0F1CE. The slug? runniag from Northumberkl to Pottsviltf, atop at this house, where through, and way ttckeW to Phikulclphia can b ohtumcd. tfuutmry, March ), 185i. if. Lycomin? Mutual Insurance Company. DR. J, U. MASSER is the locud, went lor the above liuinrnnce Company, M Nurlhuadier. land cenuly. and is a all "" rsady t fte Insuraucea asauisl tire uu rt.il or iwrsoual iro perly. or raitewiuii policies for the saiuVi . . Hunbury, April X, 1851 vtf. 3 i 1 M 1 n f'fl fM i y, rwi 3 .XT 1 4.