"' I A - r V CALIFOKNLV NKWS. V AURIVAL OF THE rOKMETIIEUS- THEE DAYS LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. ' 500,000 tit Specie. ha lenmship Prometheus from San Juan HieU at New York, on Monday morning, fcringinjj dates fiom San Frnncisco to tin 59th of May, doing ihiee days lalei lll.in taor previous advice. The Prometheus left Sa:i loan on the IMi Inst., mnj bring 450 passengers. In consequence of the sickness of the Purser of tho P, she. bring very few pa-' "'i, mid they conlnin nothing of special in lere'st. The Piomcthcns bring Sno,n(10 in jn. on freighi, and nbuut $500,000 in hands id passengers. The steamer Albion was nt Crnytowu mi Iho 3d inl., and notified the authorities tluii the Oovernmoms of F.noland und 1 he United States .-uaranteed lint tndcperulmice of San Juan. The Commissioner proceeded nl once to Costa Rica and Nicaragua, for" the purpose of making a permanent ettlemenl of tho boundary. A large parly of Ameti can ladies nnd gentlemen at Greytown, to gether with the Mayor and aullioritir, jud ges anl other functionaries, met and cele brated the independence, of S.111 Juan del Nolle. H. Osburii, F.p, of New Yo-k, pre eidod, and speei hf woie made on tin! Inde pendence ol San Jiiiiii del Norte. The (rnv-urumt-iits nf the United Siatt niul (iient ii Itain, und the Commissions were severally toastcd. The PionK-thctis lnini intelliaenee that dillicutie have niiscn between iho Me.i cant and !iiitih, at San Jnsc, Lower Califor nia, in cnni'(iience of the persons ami goo I of Itritir-li subjects. The sloop of war Swift wm depn1i'hed to investigate the matter, nd on h-r airival, the Cuinrnander piotesl- j ril again! the Meiicau proceedings, and J threatened u rnptuie between the Iwo guv- , ernmeiit. j The steamship Monumental City, ariiv.-d ; at San Francisco, on the 17th nit., from San I Juan, wild 450 panscnget. There had been I (treat mortality duiim; (lie passage. ! A serious aecident occurred to Judgu Ilofl- j r. ... .. $.... 1, . .. 11.. -I it. .-..ii 1 nun ni'j ;u iiitt iiiii. im was very eveiely injured by heinir llnowii from hi horse. Il was lliuuglit, however, that he would recover. The sieumer Pacific, whieli -connre'ed with Ihe Pacific ul S.111 Juan, wa detained al San Francisco until I he? !l h, in co-isi-pieiicn of a strike fur wayes umiiiig Ihe fire men and heaver . The (npply of Proviioiis at the mines runt inned very abundant. Gold coiil iiiued to be gathered in im inene (puiutities. A letter civea the follow ina tlt-sciipiiun of block of gold (p. ait, on exhibition at San Francisco. The blnck of quart and cold exhibited at the (itoie of Messrs. Co, Ibiscr, & Co. wa taken from a vein in place, on Mmidav. the 10. h iot., by Dr. N. Coiikliim. Job S, Ilearn, Christian Smile and John H. Kimble, t Vnlcanoville, El Pnraudo county, near Ihe trail from Georgetown, to Volcano Har, of lh Mid, He Fork of the Ameiican river. This block weigh US pounds, and the (Id in it it variously estimated by different parsens at from 7 to 1.5 pounds : but no nc rste test having been made, of cnur-e the 'maiitil i quite nucetiaiii. JThe vein from which it wa taken ha been opened in veral place to the depth of 15 feet ; in fine place to the depth of 25 feet, and in annihi'i 30 feet, with n tunnel cutting the Tiu at risht angles, by which it is drained, eiitilited and Ihe rock carried out on a railroad cat 350 feet to the mill. At every point where tho vain ha been opened gold ha been found on the phi face, nnd more of it a we descend ; but this new arid nncominniily rich discovery is 11 bout 350(1 feet from ihe dee peat shaft on a ravine running with the vain, and nt a level of about 100 feet below the lop of the idiaft It wa discovered by Mcsi Saul, lb-am. awl Kimble, while washing with a 'Tom,1' ml i now-owned by llie "Volcano (junrlz Mining Company," and it i p-ni-osi-d to erect powrcrful mai-liiuery at Iho ewlieM possible period. G. Ttyckmau, of San Frnrrin-n, it wn said, would receive the appointment of Flour Inspector. The market geoeially were dull and Mock nnchariced. Ibisiness at San Francieo ba been limi ted, and at Mai vsville quite dull. On tin 1 81 h flour wa firm, and sugar had an up vnrd tendency From Shimfa Fair, gold ia sa'iJ to be com inti freely. S. J. Sprinser, of Kentucky, committed suicide, on the 16lh, at San Franciiico. Capl. Toinpkin, of St. Loni( was recently drowned in Klamulh river, Pbihent to h EotTon. The editor of he New Yoik Journal of Commciee ha re ieivd from Florida, four quails of tnos (ni nes, in a glass receiver or fir, marked Preserved Mosquitoes, form Florida " 'hey are specimens of thn mnquitocs birtl according to a statement In the Jour il of Commerce, thrust ihejr bills through 1 old boiler, in wftirh an unhappy Yankee .J taken refuse, to' avout l lie enniinous osquitoe of the rVeralaile. The story pit ihnt the Yankee, on fiiulinf bow mat tod, in the morning, went to woik and 'icd all the bill insider the boiler, when mosquitoes, taking the alarm, rose wiih boiler, and (few off at thundering rale, :h direciwnrof the Okeefenokee swamp. .hing is now wanted te subslarttwle the y but itta bojler. BE Chinese Junk Keyin?, whielir, t will (collected, was exhibited in New Voik .fa years since, was reet-nfly sold-at ion in ttfo ,or f2900, Kr.mtar K tieuim !'?' Vivixh f." ' -' ' " MINMnsOTA AFFAlrt. The Miunesotian (St. PhuI) of the oih Inst., ha tho following items of intelligence of affair in that quniter : The first seizure tinder Ihe operation of the Liquor Law, wa made on Tuesday. A person by Ihe name of Gctchell lately ar lived nt tlii place, with about 84,000 worth oL liquor from Chicago, which were storeil. A complaint was made before Justice Si mon by some of onr citizens, Gctchell was arrested, tii.rl and found guilly. He wa fined S20 and cos's, and his liquors declared forfeited, and to stand committed till the fine wa paid. The Weather for the pasl week has been evceediiigly warm the thermometer rang ina on some day a his-h a !)6 in the shade. Who says thi is n cold country 1 The Pustinnstei-General ha ordered n Iri-wi-ekly ervic. ol the mail between St. Paul and St. Anthony. P.iblio improvement in the lower end of town, nre t'nina on quite rapidly. The opening of Third, through to Sibley street, is b'-ins pushed fniwatd with untiring iudtts try by the energetic contractor. It will be completed in n few weeks The grading of Jack-on street, from Fourth to Ihe river ha been commenced. n.Kiuess has been quite dull, for St. Paul, dining the last few weeks. Almost every bo ly seem to be waiting for the new of ihe inlificntion nf the Tieaties, before they en gase loo deeply in their present biiKiuess, or undeilake any new enterprise. IhXT.I'TIOS OF TIIF. WllIO NOMINATION. The Whig nominations appear lo be re ceived with enthusiasm nmong a majmity of the Whig press. Even tlioe whose prefer ence were for other candidates, acquiesce wiih a good gnce in the decision The Washington Republic, a Fillmore paper says Scot! was not its (list choice, but being ihe first choice of a majmity of the Whias, thai fact is conclusive w ilh il ; nnd it does not see upon what pr ticiplo any Whig can withhold from him his earnest, cordial, and henry support. The Intelligencer speak of Scott, a worthy of the support of the Whig. The New York Courier, is the only out-uud-nut-aiiiiiibler. The Courier begs leave to I i II -r with the Whia Convention, who pro iioiinced il says, Wriiifiold Scott, 11s mote fit fur ihe Presidency, than Daniel Webster. The Courier has always believed the contta-ry--il still believes the contrary. Il says Ihe s -b'-r conviction nf tbe countiy agrees with ill il journal, and all the ballots of the Con vention cannot dispnl the conviction. This appears lo bo. the only excepti ti to the gem-rally favorable reception of the nomi nation by the Whig press in the Ninth. 1'liila. Ltilgcr. New Advertisements. KOTICK IIS hereby given that Ihe Supreme Court for the iNoilhern D.MiicI ol Pennsylvania, will coiumence its annual Session on Iho ecoiid Monday of Ju'y next, nt the Court lb-Use in Siinbnrv. CHARLES PLEASANTS, Proih'y S C, N D. rrotlionntarv's OfTii-c, ) Sunlniry. June I'J, 1S52. LIST OF CAUSES TTOIl argument in tho Supreme Court for 1 he Noiilierii Dls rii-I of Pennsylvania, fur July Term, A. D 1852. koii tiii: niisT HAi.r of tiik ttiim. 1 2 3 4 5 0 Covell vs Matiit Lnzi-rne county Case vs Johnson Siisq'liauua 10 Andre vs Evans Tinna co Gore el al vs Powell el al Luzerne co Huston vs Rarstow lliadfoid co The N Y & Eiie K R Co vs Skinner Susquehanna co 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS tit 2D 21 22 23 24 25 2(i 27 28 2!l Giavi a vs Cole Tiosa co .1 -sup et al vs Rose Susquehanna co Mun is vs Case Tioga co Shaw vs D-'i-m " Vriht vs Cadwallader ' Step! s vs Seaeh Luzerne co The Dearmnut Coal Co vs Ib-iis of New -bold, dee'd et al 1 Luzerne MiKean's Adm'r vs Mckean I! 1 ad ford I'uuiu vs Ansi n Potter co vs Cole Tioga co v K' ons Luxerne co vs Newman el al Siisq'lnnna vs Steele el nl Lu.eineco Maun II )! el al Da ton K0011 Adam liail.-y (t'ave K-eler Kiibv Harbor S nne I'nss Mylerl et nl vs Smith vs Knapp vs Giitiiii vs Vasburg Wyoming co Hi ail ford co Tioga co Wvomioa co Bradford CO Shaw li.inl Rrink Flood Vonvng co Sullivan co Snl ivau cn ron tiik skcoxd half of the TF.nM. Caldwell vs Rennet Lycoming CO E'is of Dickinson dee'd vs , Adui'is of Callahan dee'd Lycoming 00 Appeal by E Men-jas el al North' J co 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3!) 40 41 42 43 44 45 4fi 47 48 49 Ml 51 52 53 54 55 515 fisliereliil vs r.iilev Union co MeCaity Colo Ciiiumiiigs Cose S -a man Miller Moore et al Meiser vs II llmrin Lycotninit co vs Rittenhiiiise et nl Col co vs Antes el ul Lycoming V Heist ly vs Spayd Norlh'd cn vs Sweney " vs D iiialdsmi Columbia co vs Ki-klian's Adm'r Union H -pliuru & ftliller vs Cameron Co Lye Rold vs Moll Union co H -rruld vs Mongas " Foreman vs Tanner Lyromins co Columbia co v Moqlour co Columbia co Leveia v Columbia co, " Stioecker vs Hoffman Norlh'd co fb'dde & Marsh vs Kloso Union co S iv-ler vs Mi-ldleswanh " Road Liberty Polo kc Norlh'd co IJieber Treas'r Lve co v Martin Lye co D. -iitler v Caul North'il co Valley Ip v Rush tp Montour co Carpenter V Green Lycoming CO Adm'r of J Snyder dee'd V Zieirler Union Keyser vs Voxtheiinoi's Adm'r Norlh'd Kieighl vs Reigharl Lytnminii co Schock vs Schock's Ex'ra Union co 57 58 Notice to Collectors. rytllK Collectors will have time until Tucsduy, Wednesday and Thursday, the 13th, 14 ill and 15th of July, to par their Slate tax in order to get Ihe five icr cent abatement. 'I'll Collec tors of Deluware, Lewis, Turhut, Milton and ('hilisquaque, will come in an the loth of July ; those of Upper Mahonoy, Jurkson, Little Maho noy. Lower Mahonoy, bhamokin, Cameron and Coal will coin in an Ihe 14 ill of July j Rush, Lower Augusta, Upper Augusta, 8unbury, Nor thumhcrliiiid ) Hoiut will come in on Ihe 15th of July 1852. i'ronrpt payment is required, 6 percent wiH be allowed for payment up to the N-mi'S tsleil aliove, tor the dillcrcut rownsbips. WM. WILSON, ) C. ALBERT, StWra. H A S. WEAVER, ) unluiy, Jwic ', Ct, SUN BURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. JOHN V. MAliTIN, SUN BURY, PA. rpilANKFUL for past favors respectfully in forms hi friends and Ihe public that he still continues to carry on the Tailoriuir Busi ness at ihe shop formerly 01 copied by Jacob Painter as a hatter shop. Being in the re ceipt of the fashions, monthly, from New York, his work will always be done in n workmanlike manner, nnd according to the latest style. His term for cash or country produce will be as reasonable as any other in the place. Sunlniry, May 22, 1852. 3m. THE VERY LATEST ARRRIVAL, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! FRILINCr & GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform llio public and "the rest of ninukinil," Unit they have just received nnd opened the best ami cheapest stork of Spring and Summer Goods that linn over lirrn drought to Stinliury. Their stock consists of every vnrie'y of J)rv (lootls, viz : Cloths, Ctttrimrrts, Snllinelf, Vesting, Drillings, Linens, And nil kinds of Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, (linzhnins, 1mrns, Chintzes, De Lnines, Iterates, And every variety of goods seilablo for Ln dies w ear. Also an extensive assortment of Panama and I'ai.m I.faf Hats. Also a large assortment of (.ttOl'I'ltll'S, PITH AS Sugar, Teas, Codec, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also n lare assortment of HARDWARE and GUEENSWARE, Pish, Salt and Plaster. Also a tiTili supply of Wil li AND Mr.DIClXF.S. Resides the laigesl and most general assort ment of all kinds of goods lo be had in this place. fV Cotiiitrv produce of all kinds taken in dinner nt the highest market price. Stinlnirv. May 22, IS-iS. Jhigucrri'otvpe Likenesses FOR ONE DOLLAR! T HA1LER MASON has ihe pleasure of ' informing the inhabitants of Siiuboi v and vicinity that he has opened Rooms at Ihe Slate House. heie bo will be in readiness lo receive visitors between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Pie.tmes laken with any desirable ellect of light or shade and colored in the liiiilnl perfection of 1 lit; ait and 110 regard lo weather. I nst 1 net ions given and apparatus furnished for $50. N. I!. Perfect satisfaction given in nil ca ses or no charge. Siinbuiy, May 22, 1S.V2. if. NSW STORE. 1 KN J A 31 ITs II KFFX K J i J EMPECFFUI.LY informs the citizens of iSunluiry nod vicinity, that he has opened a new store in the room lately occupied ly tieoriye Biinlit, nppositu linltou's Hotel. He has just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spritij? and Kiuiiuiea Soodi, consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. SUMMER WARE of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: CnlUorN, Glctglianix, I.nwiiN, RlutjxKrtlac lc l.tiliicii and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every vaiiely. Also an assortuu-nt t,f Il;litvai'V. Iran and Steel, Nail, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QTJEENSWARE, of various style and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS fc MIOI S. Palm leaf and other Hats and Caps. Salt. Fish. fy. Also a variety of LIQUORS such as EErnEidy. (nisi, lVitic, X.e. And a great variety of other article such as nre suitable to tin- trade, all of wliii li will lie sold at Ihe lowest prices. tl? Country produce taken in exchange at the highest ri c. Suntiury, May I, 1S52 ly. JOHH A. TAYLOR, Manufacturer of Monuments, Tomhs, AND GRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and Amk.iiican Maiibi.f.. Al his Old Stand i,t Xarlhnmlicrtaiid, Pa. OKSPECTFULLY inform the public that all w ork in liis line w ill he inuile up of the very lu-st material nnd finislird in Iho latest style of the I'.nstern c ities. Those in want of sorh article well made and eici-uti-d in tin- hest style and nt the lowest rules, will do well to cull and examine Ix-fore they pur chase elsewhere. May 15, 1852. ly. JUST HKCEIYKI) at tub Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. STHOH, Muriel Street, Smdniri), A new assortment of Slit or, EtrilNg a 11(1 Jitpnnned Mounting, Vhiili he will cither make up to order or sell sepnriitelv bir cash nt prices ns low if not lower than can Is- hud anywhere else. SADDLES, RRIDLES, HARNESS, Tl-iriitiN. VitlH on, SiC , Constantly kept on band or manufactured to or der. CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on the shortest notice. All persons arc invited to cull and examine for themselves. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Kunliury, May 1, 1852. tf. Nkw A t: r angi:m knts for Susitu'hitnnii Packet Uoats. Former Detentions at the Junction Avoided ! fX and alter May 11, 1R52, the Packet will " leave the Junction daily m 3 o'rlm k, P. M (or upon the arrival of tbe Curs leaving riiilu delphia at 8 o'clock, A. M..J and arrive at Wil linniBport next day at JO o'clock, A. RL Leave Williamsport, daily, at 1 - A. M. Arrise at Itorfliuuils?rlaii'd, at 7 - P.M. And at Ihe Junction, at 6 A. Vt In lima to tuka the car for Philadelphia and Pittsburg ! SUSQUEHANNA BOAT COMPANY. HarrMiurg, Muy 15, 1S52 Sai. IMERSON'S A RITH EMETIC So. 1. 3 a. and PorU-r'a RhctoricaH ReiKler, just rmeiv ra and for ul by W.M MifCARTY. Hunbury, May 1, 185.j- fEE RILLH. Justiives and Constables Fo liilU tiaiiibsiiuctv piinli-d on raid yaer.for sale at tliuotlks. Oils, ThIIow Gi'cnse, and OHIO MINERAL PAINT. inn BARRELS MACHINERY OIL. Prim 0JJ 78 rU p,, p,, J500 (Isllooa mschl uerv oil, in casks ol' various izes, 75 ct per gal. i0O Barrel Boiled Paint Oil, f.5 - ftllOO Gullons - ' in cask of various sixes. " " 850 Barrel Tanners' Oil. Various kind and qualities, from 35 to AO cents per gallon. 15(10 Gallon in Cask of -oiion site. Va rious kinds and qualities, from 85 to 50 cents per gallon. 50 Tons Tallow Grease, for Heavy Hearings, and Coarse Machinery, in Barrel or Casks, of any consistency required. Price 6 cent per lb. 150 Tons Ohio Mineral Paint, In Barrels, at ylie lowest market price. Maehiiiery Oil, warranted not to chill in ihe coldest westlicr, aod considered by those using it equal to SH-rin Oil. lioiletl Pni.l Oil, equal to Linseed Oil, other than for white. I am constantly receiving large supplies of the abovs named articles, and my motto is, "fiuall profits and quick returns." B. F. POND, 60 Water t., (under the Peurt st House.) NEW YORK. New York, June 1!), 1854. 3m. Lii; iiTMN(! Hons. " l PTE It many years' close investioation and numerous exicrinients, the Patentee lakes pleasure in informing the public that he ha arri ved at the true principle of protecting families, dwellings and property from tlic destructive influ ence of I.Kill'l'.M.NG. The calamities that every City, Town. Villnge and Country falls vic tim to annually, through the gross negligence of its inhabitants, is beyond calculation, esK-ciiilly when tho remedy is so easy to obtuiu this is found in arm it Patent Magnetic Lightning Hods, and in this alone. This Rod bus been examined by the most scientific ci-ntlrinrn in the world Professors M'.Murlrie, Johnson, Waller and ma ny others Unit have examined llicin, recommend and sM-ak of litem in the highest terms nf appro bation, and have pronounced them the only safe rods in use in this or nny other country for the protection of Lives and Priqierty. One advan tage is to divide and throw back a part of the elec tric lluid harmless to the clouds; in time of a stroke this enables Ihe rod to conduct that sirlion of fluid Ilia belongs to the earth without Ihe slightest danger of leaving Ihe conductor. This rod has iininv other advantages over the old one. The only place of iniiiiufucturiiig is in Vine St. 3 doors almve 2th, Philadelphia, where all persons ore rcsM-ctfully invited to call and examine for Ihi-msclvcs. For sale Whole sale or Retail bv THOMAS AHMITAGE. VAT The only authorized Agent for the Conn lies of Union. Juniata, Milllin, Clinton, Lycom ing, Northouilierluud, Montour, Columbia, Lu zerne, is NAMUKI. HOOVER, Jltirtlcton, Union county, Pa. Orders and letters addressed (post puid) to Mr. Hoover, will be promptly attended lo. May 8, 1852. 4 m. NEW STORE. PETER IV. GRAY RESPECTFULLY' informs the citizens of Siiubury and vicinity, that he has commen ced a new store in Wbortlelierry street, in the bouse formerly occupied by Mrs. Gray, und has just received and opened a well selected assort ment of Dry iooils, Consisting in part of CLOTHS, CASMlMER.s, 8ATTLNKTTB, And a general assortment of LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS of every variety and style. GROCERIES of every description. Also an assortment of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, And a general variety of other articles such as arc suitable to the trade, all of which w ill I sold at the low jst prices. Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. Nimhury, Muv 15, 1852. Cm. Ysilualile Property. Late the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq., Ol' AorllitiiithorlaiKl .T FP.XYATE S.L2. rTjHE subscribers. Executors of the Estate of Ejihiaiui P. Shannon, lulu of tho lior-nii-th ol Northumberland, offer ul private sale, the follow iim valuable lieal b-lnte, viz: Lot No. 77, corner of Queen and Front Street, on w hich is en ded a two story Biick limb tiii'. lormeily occupied iy the ileceasetl as a Store nnd Dtvelliu, and now occupied as sm b. Them aienlso on iho lot two fiuuie I welliua,- &e. Lot No. 52, situated in Market Street, on which is rrectiil a two story while Fiaine Dtvelliiio, &c., ndioiiiiim John Tii-i-jail, Esii.. occupied by C'l.as. Knous. Lots Nos. 69, 70, 71 & 72, situate in Mar- kel Street, a Iwosiory whim Frame Dwel- lino, occupied by J lines Dooly, and a stable i erected on lot No. 69 & 70. Tho undivided half of Lot No. 120, situate 011 ihe comer of Duke and 4:h Sheet, cut which is erected 11 (wis-story dwelling, occu pied by Joseph MeCallister Lot No. 188, situate in Queen Street on which is erected a two stnrv white Frame liuildiiis, occupied by John Buikeit Lot No 60, situate at Northway and Wa ter Stieets, on which are erected two Frame Dvvellms and Stabluiir, occupied by widow Vaudliu". und John Vanillin". Also the undivided fount) pari of lot 1C6, 011 which is erected a luostoiy Fiame Divt-I- lino, occupied by John aiidjke. Also ten acres of cleared laud, niljoiniuz lands of John D '-hav. on ihe East side of the Sustpiehauim, about llnee niik-s below Dan- ville. Also two adjoinin" vacant town lots, situ ated on tho corner ol Second ami Oranae streets, iiunib-reil in the general plan of Bin- on'-h. Nos. 215 & 216. Also four vacHiit lot on Third and Orange Streets, numbered in the cenernl plan ol said liorouoh. Nos. 80!), 210, 211 & 212. Also four vacant lot fronting on Maikel and SixMi Street, ruunine East in an Alley, numbered in the cencr.il plan ol said lior- outih, Nos. 77, 78, 79 & 80. Also four vacant lots fronting on Orange Street, and numbered in lhi aeneral plan of said Boronyb, Nos. 185, 186, 187 & 1S8. The above properly will be sold in pari nr parcel to suit purchasers, on reasonable term. For fintlirr particulars apply to John Cake, Esq., al Norihumbeiland, or to the subscriber. ALFIIF.DKNF.ASS. ), THOMAS STRAWIJRIDGE, ( tx "' Xorthomberland, May 22, 1852. if. REMOVAL.. MfSS M. E. WHARTON, thankful for the psitronnge heretofore extended toward her, announces to her friends and the pub lie generally, that hu ha lemoved ber Millin ery Stove lo the building at Ihe corner of Maiftef srpiare, and directly opposite Mr. Covert's Hotel The business will fcresfler be conducted by Mi. W burton, who respect, fully solicits a continuance of the patronage of the public, and intend aellin-r off the pre. sent stock of Bonnets, Ribbona Flowers and aiamils at first co.l. 1 l-unbuiy, May Zt, 1852. H. NEW COUNTRY ST0EE, A' the Fori of the Plum Creel tinrf Tufpr knclen lload, nroV Kreighlaiim'i Mack Smith Shop. , JACOIJ AVlMAlK, IJE8PECTFUL1.Y informs the. public that be - ha opened a net Htort" at the rtlmva place and lis just received a splendid stock Of tieW Spring and Snmmer Goods, Consisting in part of Cloth, Cassimers, Sattinets, DRILLINGS and nil kind or linen cotton and w (nsled summer waie. ALSO 1 Callicoes, Mnflin de Laines, Lawns, lailllinillH, And all kinds of Dress Goods for Ladies. Tka, Coffkk, ScriAn, Moi.assr, kc. UiUWVAltKH, of oil kind. BRANDT, GIN, WINE, and all kinds of Liquors. IFardflnrf. Iron anil Mrrl, Nnils, kr., QUEENSWARE. Shoes, Roots, Cap, Palm leaf and other Hals. Fish, Salt, &c, All of which he will sell at Ihe most reasonable prices for cash or country produce. May 8, 1853 -If. JAMES Bi.RBBR3 Wholesale atttl Itrlnil Clock ESTABLISHHENT. S. E. Comer S ennit and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. TXfllEHE may be found, nne of tho largest and best assortments of Clocks and Time pieces in the t'niled States, in quantities to suit purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thou sand Clocks: embracing every variety of slvlo and manufacture, suitable for Churches, Halls, Counting Houses, Purlins, (Sleeping A partments, and Kitchens, Steam and Canal Doats, and Rail Road Cars. Also general sale A Rent, for Rnpp's lately pat ented Scicntilic Niche Gold Pen. Wholesale and Retail Gold and Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those wishing; to purchase will lind it to their Interest to call Is lore purchasing elsvwhere. JAMES HARDER, K. E. Cur. Chestnut cV Slid Sts., Phila. April 10, 1852 ly. New Carpet Store. BAILEY & BPuCTHEP. AVI.NIi made tensive alteration in their Store, mid increased their facilities for Business, would invite the attention of purcha sers to their lare assortment of English Tapestry, llrusM'ls, SuiK-r Insrain, - CARPETINGS. ' Imperial 3 Ply. Plain & Twilled Venetian FLOOR OIL CLOTHES of every width. CsSTllN M ITTIMls of rrrrt style and ila!ili imported. As these gooda have been piirrita.-.l fur rtt.yt, and we intend coftductint; our Uusiui ss on 'J'hk Cash I'iiim irLt; pureluiscrs may re ly upon ohtuiniiiK biirirnins. UAH.EY fi RROTHER. Importer and Vaniifuclures of CariH-tincs Twelfth k Market St., Philadelphia. March 20, 18.VJ 3m. NEW MILLINERY "STORE, Fawn Street, Sunbury. 31 1 SS ELLKX PETKli Y, 17 0L'LD respectfully announce to the ladies ' of Sunbury und vicinity, that she has just returned from the City of Philadelphia, and in tends oK-niii a new and handsome assortment of SPRING MILLINERY, on Saturday, April H, at her Store, opposite the Raptist Church, unci invites the public to cull and examine her slock. Sunbury, April 3, 1852 tf. H. J. W0LVERT0N, ATTCE1TEY AT LAW. OFFICE in Market street, Sunbury, adjoining the Ollice of the "American" and opposite the Post O.'l'ue. Uusiocss promptly attended to in Northumber land and the adjoining Comities. IhcvKn to : Hon. C. W. Hegiu and II. Ban nan, Pottsiille; Hon. A. Jordan und H II. Mus ser, Sunhurv. April 10,' 1852. ly. SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, A'o. 19 ll'ond St , helweeu 2d A" 3d Sts., and A'o. 17 Xurth lilh Street, 'l'llll.AUI'.I.IMll.V. John llanerol't Jr. nnd Son, n ESPECTFL'LLY inform Store-keejicr, Mer chants, Ac, that they Manufacture und have for Sale, Palm, White, Variegated. Yellow and Umwn Soaps, Mould mid Dipped Candles, all ol good quality and at reasonable prices. 11' Cash paid for Tiillow und rough Fat. April 10 ljj ly. NEW GOODS ! J. II. KAI FFMAN At Ins lrw More in Ilullowin' Run, R EsPECI'Fl.LLY informs hi fiu-nds am customers, that he has just received a nev stock of goods, which he oilers to the puhli at the lowest prices, viz ; Spring hihI Hinimcr Dry floods, SITU AH Cloths, Cassimeres, Snttinetts, Merinos, Mousse! ine De Laines, Flannels and every variety of good suitable for the season Also Silk Hats, Caps, Ac. ALSO: An assortment of Hardware. ALSO: , A H Kinds, of (Jroeeries, MQI onm. ALSO:. A variety of tjuccusware, Crockery, Ac. Resides a variety of other articles, suitable for farmers, Ac. All kinds of produce taken in exchange far good at the hiclx-sl market prire. Hollowing Run, April 17, tf. J. H. & W. B. H ART, W II O I. K S A I. K C II O C E R 8. A'o. 229 North aVf St., alorre Callotthill, PHILADELPHIA. A lari;e assortment of (Jroccrie a-lways on hand, which will h sold at ihv ofst piices for Cash or approved Crrttit. April If), IH5-2. 1 " SUNBURY FERRY. WIENRY W. UKCIIER irtforrfrs Ihe public " liiffl lie lias taken Hie Saiiliury f erry tunl as he rs fto well prepwred wflh good and smli eient crslt lie will be enabled to accnrttiiiuav the public with promptness and despatch. Aprtf 10, fS.Vi. if. jXTUACT OF .COFFEE. An TrtfleM article more wholesome and much, cheaper than Coflse itself. Far sale art this oHat. Aprif 17, Uii tLANK DEEDS printed on the best uOiility of parchment wper, sold a4 ths lewsal prices a this office, by wholesale and retail lOR sale at this oflice, Superior Black hk, - Cattle Medicine at 85 cts, Pure Essence of Ginger, Sir rinta. RAZORS A superior article for sale store of HENRY MAsbER 1 Bunbury, Feb. I A, tf&0,-a- ..1? 1 1 x i 1 1 v r CHERRY PECTORAL: : ler lite Car mt Gov ana, oox.sst SOAH8ENESS, BRON CHITIS, GROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPIMQ.OOUOa ASTD OOXTSUIMCPTIOXa'. This remedy is offered to the community with tho confiilcnre we feel in an article which sel dom fails to realize the happiest edi cts that can be desired. 80 wide is the field of its usefulness and so numerous the cases of ils curi s, that al most every section of the country abounds in persons, publicly known, who have liecn restored from alarming and even desperato diseases of the lungs, by its use. When once tried, its superi ority over every other medicine of Its kind, is too apparent to escape observation, and where its vir tues arc known, tho public no longer hesitate what antidote lo employ for the distressing and dangerous allbctions of the pulmonary organs, which nre incident tu our climate, And not only in the formidable attacks upon the lungs, but for the milder varieties of Coi.ns, Coi-mis, IIoibsk kkss, Ac, and for Cuming it is the plcasaut est and safest medicine that can be obtained. No family slioulfl be without it, and those who have used it, never will. Read the opinion of the following Gentlemen, who will be recognized in the various sections of country where they are located each and all as merchants of the first class and of the highest churaclor us tho oldest nnd most extensive Wholesale Dealers in Medicine with an experi ence unlimited on the subject of which tlicy speak. If there is any value in the judgment of experience, seo THIS CERTIFICATE He the undersigned, Wholesale Drusnists, having been for long acquainted with Aijer' Chei rn Pectoral, hereby certifi) our belief that it is the best and most effectual remedy for Pul monary Complaints ever offered to the Ameri can People. And ire tcoulil, from our knowl edge of ils composition, and exlcnsire useid H'ss, corditdlii commend it to the ajlliiled as worthy their best confidence, cil't icilh the firm conviction that it will do for their relief all that medicine can do. Hcusliaw, Edmunds A Co., Boston Mass. Reese A Coulson, Baltimore. Mel. I. add A Inerabam, Bangor, Maine. llaviland, llarriill t Co., Charleston, S. C. Jacob S. Farruiid, Detroit, Michigan. T. II. McAllister. Louisville, Kv. 'ram is A; Walton. St. Louis .Missouri. Joseph Tucker, Mobile, Alabama. Theodore A Peck, Burlington, Vt. llaviland, Rislny A Co., Augusta, Isaac D. James, Trenton, N. .1. J. M. Towiiserd, Pitlshurij, Pu. Clark A Co., Chicago, Illinois. I. E. Cay, Burlington, Iowa. M. A. Santos A Son, Norfolk, Vs. Edwurd Bringhurst, Wilmington, Del. John Cilbcrt A Co., Philadelphia, Pa. '.. D. & W. H. Oilman, Washington, . C. J. Wright A Co.. New Orleans, La. Watson, Wall A. Co., Fort Wayne, la. C. C. Richmond & Co., San Francisco, Cut. Lewis A Ames, Tallahasse. Florida. B. R. Strong, Knoxville. Tennessee. Chilton A Doer, Little Rock, Ark. Stiller, Sl ide A Co., LcxiiiL'ton, Miss. N. D. Labadie, (i.ilvcton, Texas, ('has. Dyer, Jr., Providence, R. I. Jos. M. Turner, Savannah, Clu. Wade, Eckstein A Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. IN FOREKJX COUNTRIES: J. fi. Coffin A Co., Valparaiso, Chili. F. M. DiiHond A Co., Vera Cruz. Mexico. Rrcd Rivas A Co., Bogota:. New (ircnada. S. Provost & Co., Lima, Peru, Murtoo A Co., Halifax, Nova Scotia, T. Walker A Son, St. Johns, N. B. C. U. Salinas & Co., Rio Janeiro, Brazil. With such nssurunec, and from such men, no stronger proof can be adduced, except that found in its ell'ects upon trial. Prepared and sold by JAMRS C. AYF.R, Practical Chemist. Lowell, Mass Sold in Sunbury by H. MASSER, nnd by Druggists gcneridly throughout the State. November 1, 1851. lycctlino. TREMENDOUS DISCOVERY In the Dry (sootls Hnsincs! Goons to dk eot.n Chkai'kh than tiik; CllKAI'KST AT TIIK STORK OT ISAAC CA3IIU1KLL V(L Iii t'ppcr AiiprsiMfa lowiinhip, Xorlhinnberltind County, Pa. 'jr'TITHO respectfully inform the public gencr y V ally, that they have received and opened 1 new ai d well selected stock of SPRINO AND SUMMER C-OODS, Consisting in p ul of French, English and Ameriian Cloths, lllaik and Fancy Cassimers, StiHimUs, Checks, Drillings, Muslins, &c , Cnlicois, Linens (iinnhnms, Lnwns, and all linds nf Summer Ware, Delaines of every de tcrip'ion and Style, Together with a lol nl Lath: Prk (lonir. Also n fresh supply of fiROCERIES, such as Suaars. Collee. Teas. Mu lasses, &c, HARDWARE, Nails, Iron, Steel, &c, also a In 1 assortment of (JL'EENSWARE. A fresh snpidy of DRUd'S & MEDICINE BOOTS and SHOES suitable for men, women and children. HAT-S and CAPS such as Straw, PaluY Leaf and other hats. FISH, SALT, -CHEESE, kc., I"t? All of which w ill be sold cheap fof cash or in exchange for country produce at tat highest market price. Upper Augusta, May 15, IBM ly. LIBERTY STOVE WORKS, MIOWN STHEI3T, )ore Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. r",'HE uudersigiii-d respectfully fnforSrr tfie pnh lie that they ure in full operation at their new foundry, and ready to execute orders for stoves of every description on tSe most reasona ble terms. They invite the attention of .TOVE DEAL F. US to their large assortment of STOVE'S, all uf w hich are entirely new, and tyl up at great expense. Among which nre the LM-erty Air Tight Cook, Complete Cook, Mar Air Tilth!, Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny .riirl Im proved, Fire King Radiators, Sirlaramidera, Can nous, Ba-scs, Bare Cy liudcrs. Bar lioom Stoves, Furnaces, (ias Ovens, Ac, Ac. ABBOTT LAWRENCE. N. B. Country .luerchaiiU are paila-abwly iavitcd to cull and examine our assorfinent. Aprtl fO, 8tt. ly. Lycoming Mitual Insurance Company. DR. J. B. MASSEH is the local agent for the above Insurance Company, in Northumlier land crranty, s,rrd is at all time ready to tried Insurauiei against fir oirreal or persona lro pert, or wnswmtt policies fer the same. tianbiKy, April i6, IS.M. if. TMitKNtJOt-S EXclTi:MftN'T ! i Cnsli, feiefim, i.ioctrii -iky ! ! I"e .4erifi H,id nil biker line mt hbkly tht . MCtlilnliitr I I 11c of yirilO, (itiMtnj tfrettt fnith In rsidd kales and small profits, has just received slid oicni-j a large samitllet-nt rif . . HpitLNO AjiD sLmMer fsdoija. At Id. Stdr ill Matii-l Street, Sulil.iifr, whlck lie "ITcrs to the jiublic at t)ie lowest prices. His stock enhaista oT a gi-ni-ral ass'oridtbri' ot ,.'l)ry Goods) Cloths Cassimers. Ctirsinets, UinH. Ihlllingiil Muslim, Lihtus: Clditoes, Muslin de Lain, Lnwns, Ginpham. Ilrragest Sh.k & Pai.m Li:ap Hats; A large assortment of Roots and SWa, fof Men, Wofnerl and Children; Orocrrlcm Sugar, Ten. Coffee, Molass.-, ciiecs'ej Sp'ji ces, Fish Still, iMaslef; HARD4VARK, Viz I Iron and Steel, Nails; Files. Sows, Ad'; QUEENS W A RE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Suutefs, tyt. LIQUORS, Wine. Brandy, Gin; Iinm, Whiskey, ku ITF Country produce of Kit kinds taken in ' change at the highest mtfrkM pricesi Slay n, IS5U. lyi AVASlilNtiTON' tttlVSEi SUNBURY PA. JAMES COVERT; TfoprictorV WOULD rceclfully announce that ho ha taken this well known stand, .where htf W'ill be gratified to see and entertain his IrlehiU nnd the travelling public generally! Tills hoeXf is now replete with every convenience, cnmlorta' ble, pleasantly located, liafidsolaely furnished, Well Ventilated, rendering it In every respect a desirable stopping place. Nd espense has been spared in filling up this house, l'hc chambers are well furnished and the tabic nnd bar provided with the best tint market can adord. The stable accommodations are extensive and) well calculated for travelers. STACK OFFICE. The stages running from Northumberland tif Poltsvillc, stop at tiiis house, where through utiJ way tickets to Philadelphia can be obtained. Sunbury, March 211, 1S5S. tf. TIIK.I11MT !!! Mi'AIt- itivi:i ! IIICKEir & TUXiX, A'o. 148 Chcstnul St., above Si.ith, Front of JONES' HOTEL. C7TTT) TJAVE just received llicir Prizrf VTET'l Medal, awarded to them fiif I XJ J their lest 'l'ravelling Trunks ei' hibited at the World's Fair in London, 18.r)l being the only exhibitors to whom any award was mnile. Their competition was w ith all the' world, and they bine taken THE PRIZE! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, &c. To lie found in this Citv. and at verv low prices Call and see. HICKEY A TUI.L, Trunk Mmiiif.icturers, 118 Chestnut St. April 10. 1S32. tf. lIKXItV CA1UI. til'.O. I.r.Afil K. J. II UIKSE' nnmissiox and forw iitiK M& CARR, GIESE & CO., Commi:sion & Forwarding Merchants, Xo. 19, Spears Wharf, BALTirrTOHE. Will receive and sell FLOUR. tiRAIN, nnd as, kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE urn! W LUMBER.- OARTIC'UI.AR attcnt'forr will Us given o tl'ii branch of the Business, by Lewis II. Ciiesc, whose whole atteMhnt Wrtt be detMed to the sale of Lumls-r, and writ eceupy ntt OUVcs ok the Falls Dock, especially for tlVis purprwe' Mfj liicse's long experience, and reputation us a first rate salesman, is a friiarantcc that the highest market prices will always be obtained. W Ltbrral Casfi advances made on Con siniiients : hot in no case will this Horn nwk any adtaures, until the Produce in reeefvtrf March 13, 18J 4ino. n.- consular 1. p. k.v(era. w. c. rakkh" Cornelius, Baker 6j ('o. M.vNffATl liKi: if lampr, CLondel:er3, Gas Tixftfres, &t, STORE NO. 1T0 CHESTNUT ST Manufactory No: 181 Cherry St.t PHILA ELPlllA April 10, 1S32. If. DAVID COOPER, COMMISSION M K Hill A55T, ion thi: pai.k ov Fisli. rrovisiofis; t$ct iXorlfi H'hrirves) rim.ADEr.rHia. Apr 10, IMS. ly CLOTHING WAREHOUSE. VIIHLK?.I.K AND KKTAII.. .1. V. 05 K. ). -to. 19 1 Market Street, Swtk thie, Firtt btt.it Sixth Street, rniLAIELPHlA, fitt) FELLOWS and MaWic Rcgafia of " ' i-ve'ry variety, sufited W ihe various rank and orders, constantly on hand. Also, at larger I a'nd extensive slock of fashionable Steady .Tlaric C'lotttiii rlanur.ctor!l by lh best ef wnTkmcn, and from Ihe newest slvle of Good, of late iiuport'ation, l greatly reduced pticerf. Tlic'y b'a've' also' a I'a'rgs' and well selected assortment of Piei-e Goolf'a, ot RngHsli, French and German Fabrics,- of new and beautiful Patterns, which they will make to order in the most approvf d and fasMnt'ial'ile mail'' ner. and in a suH-rior Style of WotkirAniship. Fehrorwy 28 l5-?imo The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED MfsVfr Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. THE suhseril-er begs leave rivpcetfull.r to in form I'mmtbiis peni-rally, that ho has sue. reeded to tbe Bs-siness of manufacturing rniH. ig formerly carried 011 by his grand Falhsv, ami Father, inid offers bis article lo Ihe trade, wift, " ny PVrrs. but with the simple reSues-e mimi. r -nut established rhinaelcr il has Imrne, leliii..nfiilcnf of its giving entire sstisfictims is all Wlro mav favor him with sail. Ira C.h. CHARLES EN El JOH.NSI O.t, Aril 10, 1852. tfi . WM. M. BOCKEFELIERy ATTORNEY AT LAW. m m KY, I As Dee. 13. 1851 tf. M. L- SHINDEL. . ATTOP.1TET AT LAW. Wffitt in Market street Simlmry, oppotil 1 Wegver licit! J g( W.XEW will lie arompilv sUrndol to-m P the Courrties of north uml-erlmioV f'otumbia and Mainour. Punbarj;, tM. II. lM-ly, 4.