Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 19, 1852, Image 3

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The steamship Illinois, from Chagres, ar
rived at New York, bringing twelve day
later news from California, the California
Vnails to the 16ih or May, ana 500 pas
sengers. The Illinois brings nearly 82,000,000 In
fcolil dual, on freight and in the hand of
The whole trip occupied but twenty-five
The Legistnlure ttdjotirncd oh iho 6ih ult ,
lifter A Very protracted session of four
The publie feeling awakened In "lie
Wines on the subject of Chineso emigration, j
) the famous Cooley bill and subsequent
discussions on the subject) threatened at one
time to lead to unpleasant results The
numbers and chancier of this people, in the
State, were exaggerated and misrepresented
to such an extent that in some districts the
miners determined to check the evil before
it became intolerable ; and, as the Legisla
ture had negler.lcd to do anything in the
premises, they fell called upon, in self de
fence, in several . instances, to notify the
Chinese to leave the mines. This move
ment has not been generul by any meansi
nnd even in the few instances that have oc
enned, there was no haishnew used. The
miners hold meetings, adopted their course
of policy, put up the mining claims of I lie
Chinamen at auction, gave the owners the
piocecds of the fates, ami told them to go
sway, la the hands of leas considerate,
just and liberal people than California mi
ners, here would have been danger that
the exercise of such a power would eventu
ally be abused, and the unfortunate Asiatics
ilriven to-want anil suffering ; bul such has
not been the case.
This is a sort of predif position in Lower
California to perpetuate hostility with the
Yumas and other warlike tribes on the
southern borders.
The state of things is favored upon several
considerations not the least of which is a
love of the excitement of Indian wai fare
especially when it is not very bloody. A
tlatachmeut of U. S. infantry and dragoons
recently returned to San Diego, from a three
months' campaign to the Gila and Colorado.
This expedition, commenced by llajor
lleintleman and Major Fitzgerald, was one
of very considerable hardship and privation
though not attended with any real fullering,
bat one of tenor and devastation to the sav
ages. Advices from all parts of the mining dis
tricts are highly fuvorable. In placer, or
surface mines, which, two years ago, with
the imperfect machinery then in use, would
not have yielded an income rqiiiil to the ex
penses of living, miners ate now making
rom four to ten dollars per day. Karth that
will yield two cents per bushel, or, in min
ing phraseology, a cent a bucket, can be
very profitably woiked.
Loiters have been received, giving pretty
certain information that a Filibuster move
ment is intended from California upon the
Sandwich Inlands. Tho particulars of this
expedition are not yet public, but it is said
to bo on a largo scab', and to bo managed,
so far, with some skill as well as energy.
News begins to reach us fiom the South ;
nod here we find that the same degree of
enthusiasm prevails there which has been
manifested at the North. The Goldsborough
(X. C ) Tut riot says, that
"The best endorsement tf Franklin Pierce
will be found in the fact that Virginia nomi
nated him in the Convention, all the South
supported him at once, and if anything more
is required, it will be found in the fact that
Win. U. King, of Alabama, was selected for
Vico President. No better endorsement
ron Id any man receive, than the facts that
William U. King consents to serve on the
same ticket. Cheerfully, boldly, and trium
phantly do we hoist the Hag."
Tho Spirit of Jefferson, at Chaileston, in
Virginia, thus endorses (lie nominations :
"Tho Democratic party united, aid iuvtin
nciable, and we declare our honest convic
tions, from being an rye witness to the
struggle of the past week, that the noniina
will unite more closely the Democratic party
of the Union, and carries with it more cer
tain indications of success, than any ticket
that could have been presented by that
Convontion to the American people."
The Richmond Examiner, in speaking as
well for Viiginia as for the South generally,
'The united Democracy of tho Confedera
. cy from Maine to California, will labor with
zeal and enthusiasm, to secure the election
of Pierce and King. The omens are oil
auspicious. The signal triumph awaits our
efforts ; ami in our triumph is involved tho
security of tho South, and tho best interests
of the whole country.
The Richmond Enquirer, that old and
sterling supporter of the Democracy, says :
"The nomination of Gen. Franklin Pierce
. has met the decided approbation of every
democrat in our city. We have yet to hear
the first murmer of dissatisfaction. Tho
balloting will thow how manfully the dele
gation of Viiginia blood by Gen Pierce as
their second choice, when fully impiesscd
with the impossibility of obtaining the nom
ination of their first choice; and how Gen.
- Pierce eventually received the nomination
of the Convention. The nomination is a
jhoroughly national one. The friends of
Gen. Cass prefer him to all others, as a sec
ond choice, and those of Mr. Buchanan and
Mr. Douglass are cqally satisfied. Gen
. Pierce, it is honestly believed, will unite
the Democratic party of the coontry more
fully than any other candidate.
JVtwroaT. The Newport Daily News
says that daring the last twelve months four
hundred ihoasanJ dollars worth of real estate
has been sold in that loan, tc gentlemen
who pass tin.' it maimer tUeie.
Like the hues of tho rainbow that pencil can
As they glow in the sky o'er the canvass por-
There are'houahts In the heart that must
sleep there forever,
For language but fritters their moaning
away ;
Of love and of anguish the deepest of foelinp,
Must bprn in the bosom, yet never consume,
As volcanic fires, which earth, long conceal
ing. ts rent when they burst from their fathom'
less tomb.
They err who believe that affection Is sleep
ing When no word of love from the lips can be
And think grief exists but in moaning and
Nor know thai tho spirit is silent that's bro
ken J
Tho wildest of storms may upheave the wild
While green hill and valley in calmness re
pose, And the face of the sufferer show no emo
Though slrn-jc'cs the heart with keen ago
nies throes
Si-NBi-RY, June 1S52.
l'lKIU E.
Everybody, of course is anxious to know
something about the personate of the man
who is to be our next President. He is not
Tar Trom five feel, eleven inches, in height,
and finely, proportioned. His face is impres
sive and commanding, and beaming all over
with the light of intellect nnd energy. Wo
have never seen a countenance which exhib
its more lofty purpose, zeal, and undisguised
frankness. With a mind of the highest or
der, and harmoniously developed, lie com
bines the suavity of a child. His habits are
those of a man who believes there is a great
deal to be done, and very little time to do it
in. He is forever at work, and we may safe
ly say, that from Iho first time he entered
public life, no man has spent his powers
more profusely, in carrying out what was al
lotted to him, than Gen. Tierce.
As an orator we will pin him against any
body in Ihe country but his arguments are
none the less compact for tho beauty of dic
tion and the elegance of his gesture. InTjis
love of country, ho is a perfect enthusiast.
Had he a dozen lives to give they would bo
freely yielded up nt her shrine. This salient
feature of his character he may have inherit
ed from his father, who was a General in
tho Revolutionary war, and, we may add, was
Governer of New Hampshire. We delight
in being thus particular (though wo have not
said nil that wo shall say.) Cleveland Plain
Army Istf.lmgknrf.. Advices from the
Pacific division of the army, just received,
convey intelligence to as late a date as the
4lh Ap;il from Port Yuma at the mouth of
the Gila river Major Heinlclmnn, who
commands that post, stales that the Yuma In
dians entertain very hostile feelings towards
the whiles, and have for somo time manifest
ed so fierce and ready a disposition to fight,
that he has found it necessary to send out
several expeditions against them. The troops
sent had killed some of the Indians, had
burned their towns, destroyed their crops,
and inspired them with such a salutary fear,
that Ihey now keep at a distance, and fly at
tho approach of any militajy force. The
general commanding Ihe Pacific division
speaks in high terms of commendation of the
services of Major Heiir.celman and his com.
maud, Captain Steele, o! the second infantry,
and Assistant Surgeon Griffin.
A Sailor's Idea of Faith and Goon.
Works. One evening, as 1 was on the spar
deck wailing for my "chum" to come out
of the cabin I was amused with the follow
ing conversation between a boatswains mate
anil a foretopman. They were talking of
one that was dead, and after the boatswain
had said :
"Well, ho is in heaven, poor fellow" the
foretopman replied.
"I wonder Bill whether I shall ever go to
''Why not 1" said the boatswain's mate.
"Because the parson says its faith and
gooil works that takes a man- there ; now
I've plenty of faith in our navy, and have
been in action, ae often as any man of my
age ; and have killed my share of men."
'.Mate, that's sufficient, I should think I
hold my hopes upon just the same claims,
I've cut down twenty men in my lime,
and if that oiut good work I don't know
whst is"
,:I suppose Decatur's in heaven.
,;Of course if so be he wishes to be there
I should like to know who would keep him
out, ii ne was uciermineu on it. An, no,
depend upon it, ho walked right slap in."
Gf.n. Pikrce's Generosity. In addition
to Ihe facts about Gen. Pijrce, which have
been given to the public since the adjourn
ment of Ihe Convention, wo are iulornncd
by a personal friend, who was the surgeon
of one of tho ten regiments, that ufter the
battles of Conlreras and Chiirubusco, Gen.
Pierce, in visiting the hospitals crowded with
wounded soldiors, expressed his feeling by
distributing a large sum of money among
Iho unhappy sufferers ; and when he return
ed, on receiving a balance of pay of $210
he added SCO to it, and expended it among
his men. He also by his influence or puise,
procuned them (roe passages by the rail
road. Ho sent money to many old soldiers.
Pkila. Argus.
Tim I'Hors in Alabama. Tho Watumpka
(Aalabma) Guard says :" From every di
rection in our Slate we hear of the most flat'
tering prospects for a flourishing and abun
dant crop. The wheat and other small grain
is most promising Ihe corn in the country
above and around this place has never look
ed more promising ; and cotton; though
small, looks promising.
Tnc Rochester Amerk ah says : "Mr
Callin, the celebrated collector of Indian
relies, u hose museum has long been one of
i he attractions of Loudon, is now iu piUuii
(or debt.
New Advertisements.
rpHANKFULfot past favors respectfully In
-J- forms his friends and Ihe public that hn
still continues to carry on the Tailoring Busi
ness at tho shop formeily occupied by Jacob
Painter as a hatter shop, Being in Ihe re
ceipt of Ihe fashions, monthly, from New
York, his work will always be done in a
workmanlike mnnner, and according to the
latest style. His terms for cash or country
produce wiTI be as reasoimblo as any other
in the place.
Suhbury, May 22, 1852. 3m.
ESPECTFULLY inform the public and
"the rot of mnnkind," llint they have just
received nnd opened the host ami cheapest stock of
Spring1 and Summer Goods
that has ever been brought to Sunbury.
Their stork consists of every varie'y of
Dry Good., viz :
Cloths, Cassimeres, Satlinets, Vcslings,
Drillings, Linens,
And all kinds of Summer Wear,
Also a splendid variety of
Cuticocs, Gingham, Lmrns, Chintzes, De
Laines, llerages,
And every variety of goods suitable for La
dies wear.
Also an extensive assortment of
Panama and 1'ai.m Leaf Hats.
Also a large assortment of GllOC'EIlIES,
Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices
of all kinds.
AIho a large assortment of
Pish, Salt and Plaster.
AIho a trcsh supply of
Besides the largest and most general assort
ment of all kinds of goods to bo had in this
CV Country produce of all kind taken m ex
change nt the highest market price.
Sunbury, May 82, 1853.
uerrcotypc Likenesses
T HA1LER MASON has Ihe pleasure of
'" informing the inhabitants of Snnbury ami
vicinity that he has opened Rooms nt the
State House, where he will be in readiness
to receive visitors between the hours of 9 A.
M. and 5 P. M. Pictures taken with any
desirable effect of light or shade nnd colored
in tho highest perfection ol the art-Hind no
regard to weather.
Instructions given aim apparatus lumished
for $50.
N. B. Perfect satisfaction given in all ca
ses or no charge.
Suubury, May 22, 1852. If.
1? EX J A M IX H 15 FFN K It
OESPECFFULLY informs the citizens of
Sunlmry nnd vicinity, that he hns ojiencd a
new More in the. room lately orcupicd Ity George
Bright, opposite Bolton's Hotel, lie tins just re
ceived a naiuisoinc assortment ol
Spring and Summer Goods,
consisting in part of
Cloths, Cassimers, Cassiuets.
HUMMER WARE of nil kinds, of linen, cotton
and worsted. ALSO :
Calicoes, GinprlinniN, I.nivns,
MotiKNCIInc De I. nines
and all kinds of I.nilies Dress Goods.
GROCERIES of every variety.
Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron
nnd Steel, Nails, &c.
Also un excellent assortment of
QUEENSWARE, of various styles and
Also on assortment of HOOTS Si. SHOES.
Palm Leaf and other Hats and Caps.
Suit, Fish, fy
Also n variety of LIQUORS such aa
IE randy, (iei, Wine, &c.
And a greot variety of other articles such as are
suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at
the lowest prices.
I tr Country produce taken in exchange at
the highest prizes.
Sunbury, May 1, 1852 ly.
Manufacturer of
Monument:?, Tombs,
Italian and American Makdi.k.
Al his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa.
FJESPECTFULLY inform the public that all
work in his line will he made up of the very
hest mulcriol and finished in the latest style of
the Eastern cities.
Those in want of such articles well made nnd
executed in the hest style and nt the lowest rales,
will do well to call and examine before they pur
chase elsewhere.
May 15, 1S52 ly.
at tub
Saddlery and Harness Establishment of
G. AW ST 110 II,
Market Street, Sunbury,
A new assortment of Mlvcr, Itl'llKS and
Jnjmnni'd Mounting,
Which he will either mnko up to order or sell
separately for cash ul prices a low if not lower
than can he had anywhere else.
Trunk. Valltes, &c ,
Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to or
done on the shortest notice.
All persons arc invited to call and examine for
menisci ves.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange.
Bunbury, May 1, 18S2. tf.
New AnnANCKMENTs for
Susquehanna Packet lloats.
Former Detentions al the Junction Avoided !
( and after May 12, 1852, the Packet will
" ' leave the Junction daily at 3 o'clock, P. M.
(or upon the arrival or the Lars leaving i'hd
dclphia at 8 o'clock, A. M.,) and arrive it Wil
liainsport next day at 10 o'clock, A. M,
Leave YVilliamsport, daily, at I ( " A. M,
Arrive at NorthuiiiU'riaml, at 7 " P. M
And at the Junction, at 5 A. M
In time to Uike. the ears for Philadelphia and
I'lltshuru. I
llarrishurg, May 15, lt52. Sin.
and Porter's Khftoriral Reader, just receiv
ed and for sale by WM, McCAHTV
Bmihury, May 1, 1851.
EE Iill.I.M. Justices and Constable! Fr
Dills handsomely piiulrd on (aid paper, lor
AFTER many years' close Investigation and
nunvfcrptli experiments, the Patentr Inkrs
plrssur In Informing the puhlic thnt he h arri
ved at lib true principle of protecting families,
dwellings and proiiertv from Uic destructive influ
enre of LKJHTNINO. The calamities that
'every City, Town, Village and Country fulls vic
tim to annually, through the gross hrgligrnci! of
its inhnliitnntfl, Is heyond ralculatltth, Mpccinlly
when the remedy is so essy to obtain this is
found in
Patent Magnetic Lightning Rods,
nnd In this alone. This Rod hns heen examined
by the most scientific gentlemen in the world
Professors M'Murtrle, Johnson, Walter and ma
ny others that have examined them, recommend
and spenk of thrm in the highest terms of appro
bation, Bttd have pronounced them the only mfo
rods in use in this or any other country for the
protection of Lives nnd Property. One advan
tage is to divide nnd throw hack n part of the elec
tric fluid harmless to the clouds; in time of a
stroke this enables the rod to conduct thnt srtion
of fluid thnt belongs to the earth without the
slightest danger of lenving the conductor. This
roil has many other advantages over the old our.
The only place of manufacturing is in
Vint St. 3 cfoorj nlWe 12(A, Philadelphia,
where all persons nrc respectfully invited to call
and examine for themselves. For sale Whole
sale or Retail by
I V The only authorized Agent for the Coun
ties of Union, Junintn, Mifflin, Clinton, Lycom
ing, Northumberland, Moulour, Columbia, Lu
seme, is 8AM CEL HOOVER,
Uartleton, Union county, Pa.
Orders and letters addrrsed (post puid) to Mr.
Hoover, will I promptly attended to.
May 8, 1852. 4 in.
IJESPECTFl'LLY informs the citizens or
Sunbury and vicinity, that he has commen
ced n new storo iu Whortleberry street, in the
bouse formerly occupied by Mrs. Gray, nnd hns
just received and opened a well selected assort
ment of
Dry Goods,
Consisting in part of
And n ijencral assortment of
of every variety and style.
GROCERIES of every description.
Also nn assortment of
And a general vnricty of other nrticles such as
are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold
at the luwast prices.
Country produce taken in exchange nt the
highest prices.
tMinbury, May 15, 1832. flm.
Valuable Property
Late the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq.,
or Northumberland
THE subscribers, Executors of the Estate
of Eplnaim P. Shannon, late of thu Kor-
ough of Northumberland, offer at private sale,
l tie itjIIowiiio valuable Heal bstatc, viz:
Lot No. 77, corner of Queen and Front
Street, on which is erected a twoslory Riick
duiUIiii", lortnerly occupied by I lie deceased
as a Store nnd Dwelling, and now occupied
as such. There uie also on the lot two frame
dwellings, &c.
Lot No. 52, situated in Market Street, on
which is erected a two story white Frame
Dwelling, &c.. ndjoinina John Ta""art. Esq.,
occupied by CI, as. Knous.
Lots Nos. 6'J, 70, 71 & 72, situate in Mar
ket Street, a two story white Frame Dwel
ling, occupied by James Donly, and a stable
is erected on lots No. 69 & 70.
The undivided half of Lot No. 120, situate
on the corner of Duke and 4th Street, on
which is erected a two story dwelling, occu
pied by Joseph McCallister.
Lot No. 188. situate in Queen Street on
which is erected a two story white Frame
Building, occupied by John Buikert
Lot No. fiO, situate at Norlhway ami Wa
ter Streets, on which are efected two Frame
Dwellings ami Mauling, occupied by widow
Vandling and John Vaudliug.
Also the undivided fourth part of lot 166.
on which is erected a two story Frame Dwel
ling, occupied by John Vandyke.
Also ten acres of cleared land, adjoining
lands of John Deshay, on the East side of the
Susquehanna, about three miles below Dan
Alio two adjoining vacant town lots, situ
ated on the corner of Second and Orange
streets, numbered in the general plan of Bo
ongh, Nos. 215 & 216.
Also four vacant lots on Third nnd Orange
Streets, numbered in the general plan ol said
Uorongh, Nos. 203, 210, 211 & 212.
Also four vacant lots frouiing on Market
and Sixth-Streets, running East to an Alley,
numbered lit Inn general plan ol said uor-
ough, Nos. 77, 78, 79 & 80.
Also four vacant lots fronting on Orange
Street, ami numbered in Iho general plan of
said borough, Nos. 185, 186, 187 & 188.
The above property will be sold in parts
or parcels to suit purchasers, on reasonable
terms, for lurthrr particulars apply to jonn
Cake, Esq., at Northumberland, or to the
Northumberland, May 22, 1852. tf.
(Nearly nppnstt Weaver1 Hotel,)
Sunbury, Northumberland County, Fa.
I. Y. TEXETl & CO.,
lK(i respectfully to- niinnnnce to the citizens
- of Suubury and its neighborhood, and to the
public genemllv, that they arc now uiH-niiig an
entirely new and well selected
Stock of (I ootl s,
Consisting of lry Good, Cirorrrlcsj.
Iln i'tl wt rr, J ucc us. w arc,
Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps,
With a choice assortment of
l. i (irons,
Consisting of Brandy, Ginger Brandy,
t Kerry nrniKty, Holland Glu,
Rum, Whiskey ami Porlf
Madeira and dermaii
All of which they are determined to sell for Ihe
smallest profits.
We respectfully solicit a call and Inspection of
our mock.
Bunbury, May 1, 1852. ly.
15S M. E. WHARTON, thankful for tho
f patronage heretofore extended toward
her, announces to her friends and the public
uenurally, that tho has temoved her Millin.
ery Store to the building at the corner of
Market square, and directly opposite Mr.
Covert's Hotel. The business will hereafter
De conducted by Mrs. Wttarlon, Who respect-
folly solicits a continuance of ihe patronage
of the public, and intends selling oil iho pre
sent stock of Bonnets, Itiblxnis, Flowers and
Parasols at tirbtcoji.
Suubuiy, May 8J, ISS2. ti,
At the Fork nf the Plum Creek ttnd Tulpe
hoeken Jload, near A'rugkootitn'i Black
Smith Shop.
Ti EsrECTFt'LLY Informs IhH public ihnt lie
has opened a new Store nt tiie sbtfve place
and has just received a splendid slock of new
Spring and Summer Goods,
Consisting in part of
Cloths, Cassimers; Sattinets,
DRILLINGS and all kinds bt linen cotton
and worsted Summer wSro.
fcallicoes, Irliisiin de LalHel; tawnt,
And all kinds of Dress Goods for i.srlies.
Tea, CoFrr.R,, Molasses, kc.
GIIOCERIF.S, of all kinds.
BRANDY, GIN, WINE, and all kinds of
Hardware, Iran nnd Slrcl, Nails, it.,
Shoes, Roots, Caps, Palm leaf and other Hat,
Fish, Salt, &c,
All of which he will sell at the most rensonablo
prices for cash or country produce.
May 8, 1852 -tf.
Wholesale nml Itelnil Clock
S. E. Corner Sicond and Chestnut Sts.,
WHERK may be found, one of the largest
nnd licit assortments of Clocks and Time
pieces In tho t'nited states, in quantities to suit
purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thou
sand Clocks 5 embracing every variety of style
nnd mnnufaetiire,. suitable for Churches, Hnlls,
Counting Houses, Parlois, Sleeping Apartments,
nnd Kitchens, Strain and Cnnal Hunts, nnd Kail
Road Cars.
Also general snle Agent, for Ratio's lately pat
ented Mricnliflc Niche Gobi Pen. Wholesale
nnd lictnil Cold and Silver Pen Holders, and
Pencils, nnd a variety of Fancy Goods. Those
wishing to purchase will find it to their interest
to call before purchasing elsewhere.
JAMES II A It 11 Kit,
S. E. Our. Chestnut Sc 2nd Sts., Phila.
April Ht, 1H.V2 ly.
New Cttrpct Stoic.
A VINO made extensive alteration in their
Store, and increased their facilities for
Business, would invite the attention of purcha
sers to their large assortment of
English Tapestry,
b russets,
Super Ingrain,
Imiicrial 3 Plv,
Plain & Twilled Vtnrt'mn
FLOUR OIL CLOTHES of every width.
Caxtos MATTisiiS of tvrry stvle and uuality
imported. As these goods have been purchased
fur rash, nnd we intend conducting our Business
on 1 hk Cash Piii.xciplk purchasers may re
ly upon obtaining bargains.
JJAII.EY fc ltKOIlih.K,
Importer and Manufactures of Cnrpctings
Twelfth fc Market St., Philadelphia.
March 20, 1852 3m.
Fawn Street, Sunbury.
WOULD respectfully announce to the ladies
of Sunbury and viciuitv, thnt she has iust
returned from the City of Philadelphia, and in
tends opening s new and handsome assortment of
on Saturday, April ft, at her Store, opposite tho
Baptist Church, and invites the public to call and
examine her stock.
Sunbury, April 3, 1855. tf.
OFFICE ill Market street, Sunbury, adjoining
the Ollice of the "American" and opposite
the Post Ollice.
business promptly attended loin Northumber
land and the adjoining Counties.
Rkfkii to ; Hon. C. W. Hegins and D. Ban-
nan, Pottsville; Hon. A. Jordan and H 1. Mas
ser, Sunbury.
April 10, 185U. ly.
ATo. 19 WW St., behreen 2d 3d Sti., and
V.. IT V ,L c,L Ci...
ii "fw. uir. uirici.
John IfcmcroFt Jr. nnd Son,
T ESPECTFULLY inform Store-keeiers, Mcr
cliunts, cVe., that they Manufacture and have
for Sale, Palm, White, Variegated, Yellow nnd
lirown Soaps, Mould and Dipped Caudles, all of
good quality and at reasonable prices.
tcr Cash puid for Tallow and rough Fat.
April 10 1833 ly.
At nil Nrw Store In Hollowing Run,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends ami
customers, that he. has just received a new
stock of goods, which he oilers to the public
at the lowest prices, viz:
Spring aud Summer Dry Goods,
SIC'll As
Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Merinos,
Moi'sselint De Laines, Flannels
and every vnricty of goods suitaMc for the season.
Also Silk Huts, Caps, Ac.
ALIS'O: An assortment of Hardware.
All Kinds, ol Groceries,
A variety of Quccnsware, Crockery, cVe.
Resides a variety of other articles, suitable for
farmers, Vc.
All kinds of produce taken In exchange for
gnmts at the highest market price.
Hollowing Hun, April 17, 18.V2. tf.
jTh. & wTbTh A R T,
WHO I. K S A L K (1 HOC E R S,
No, 220 North 3d St., ahove Calloichill,
A large assortment of tiroceries always on
hand, which will be sold at the lowest pikes for
Cash or approved Credit.
April 1, 1852 ly.
J! EN fit W. Bl'CHER informs the public
that he has taken the Sunbury Ferry and
as he is now well prepared with good sTfdsutli
cicrtt crafts h' wilt be enabled to accommodate
the publie with promptness snd despatch.
April 10, 1852. tf.
An excellent
rticlc more wholesome and much cheaper
than Cuff. itself. For suit at tbfs office.
April 17, 1853
BLANK DEEDS Srinted on the nest quality
of parchment palier, sold at th lowest prices
at this ofne, by wholesale' slid retail
sale' It fliis oftice, Superior
Blacl Ink,
J- Cattle Medicine st SS eta, Pore Ene of
Ginger, 25 cf nfs.
I AZORS-A superior article for sale
V store of IIENRV MAfecC
unliry, Feb. lijJO
rf me fchr it
avs oosrsuBSPTiosfi
Tilts remedy Is offered to the community with
the Foniidenr. wii fcA'l In an article which sel
dom litltA (d reatizb' the hiipjdV st effects that can
bo desired. So wide is the field" tfi its Usefulness
snd so numerous thb cases of lis cUrrfi, thai al
most every section 01 tho country abblltids in
persons, publicly known,' wlio' have lfcrt restored
from alarming and even desperate 'diseases of tho
lungs, by its use. When once tried, its superi
ority over every other medicine of its kind, is too
apparent to escape observation, and where its vir
tues are known, the public no longer hesitate
what antidote to employ fit the distressing and
dangerous affections of tho pulmdrlafy Organs,
which are incident to our climato, And riot tint
in the formidable attacks upon the lungs, hut for
the milder varieties of C'oliis, Colons, Moahse
xkss, Ac, and for CHiuinsx it is the plcasant
est and safest medicine that can bcbtained. No
family should be without it, and nlbse who have
used it, never will.
Read the opinion of the following tichtlehir h,
who will be recognized iu the various sections of
country where they are located each and all as
merchants of the first class and of the highest
character ss tho oldest and most extensive
Wholesale Dealers in Medicine with an experi
ence unlimited on the subject of which they
spcuk. If there is any vnlue in the judgment of
exjicrience, pee
H'e the undersigned. Wholesale Druaaisls,
hacing tiecn for long acquainted with Ayer'i
cicii iy i cciorai, nciciiij eertijij our octicj inai
it is the best and most t jl'ectiial remedy for Pul
monary Complaints ever offered to the Ameri
can People. And te would, from our knowl
edge of its composition, and extensive usejul-
uess, cordially commend it to the ajpiclid as
worthy their best confidence, and tcilh the firm
conviction thai it vill do for their relief all
that medicine tan do.
Henshaw, EJmands & Co., Boston M"t.
Iteese fc Coulson, lialtimore, Mcl;
Ladd & Ingrahami Ranir, Malttrj;
Havllaml, Hlrratl rfc Cr., Charleston, 8. fc.
ttscn'n S. Farrand, Detroit, Michigan.
T. II. McAllister, Louisville, Ky.
Francis & Walton, St. Louis Missouri.
Joseph Tucker, Mobile, Alabama.
Theodore A Peck, Uurlington, Vt.
Haviland, Itisley & Co., Augusta, f i i.
Isaac. D. James, Trenton, N. J.
J. M. Townserd, Pittsburg, Pa.
Clark & Co., Chicago, Illinois.
K. E. tiav, Burlington, Iowa.
M. A. Santos & Son, Norfolk, V.
Edward Uringhurst, Wilmington, Del.
John Gilbert & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Z. D. & W. II. Oilman, Washington, D. C.
J. Wright & Co., New Orleans, Ls.
Watson, Wall eV Co., Fort Wayne, fa.
C. C. Kichmotid cfc Co., San Francisco, Cat.
Lewis & Ames, Talluhasse, Florida.
1). It. Strong, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Chilton Sc Dncr, Little Rock, Ark.
Stiller, Slade & Co., Lexington, Miss.
K. D. I.abadie, Galveston, 'IVxaSi
('has. Dyer, Jr., Providence, R. I.
Jos. M. Turner, Savannah, Ga.
Wade, Eckstein & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.
J. G. CorTin & Co., Valparaiso, Chili.
F. M. Dimond & Co., Vers Crun. Mexirn.
Bred Hivss & Co., Bogota. New Grenada.
S. Provost & Co., Lima, Peru.
Morton & Co., Halifax, Nova Scotia,
T. Walker & Son, St. Johns, N. B.
C. G. Salinas & Co., ltio Janeiro, Brazil.
With such assurance, and from such tndh, no
stronger proof can lie adduced, except that found
in Us effects upon trial.
Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER,
Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
Sold in Sunbury by H. MASSEK, and by
Druggists generally throughout the Slate.
November 1, 1851. lyceSmo.
In tlic Dry Goods EBusiness!
Goons to Hr. sot.b Cheaper than tug
Cheapest at this Store or
In I'ppcr Augusta township,
Northumberland County, Pa.
WHO resjicctfully inform the public gener
ally, that they have received and opened
t new and well selected stock of
Consisting in part of
French, English and American Cloths, Black
and Fancy Cassimers, Sattinetts, Checks,
Drillings, Muslins, i'c , Calicoes,
Linens Ginehams, Lawns, and
all kinds of Summer Ware,
Delaines of evcrii de
St'ipiidrl flnri
Together with a lot of Lawks Dress noons.
Also n fresh supply tif G.ROL'fiRiE,
such as Sugars, Coltee, Teas, Mo
lasses, &o., HARDWARE, Nails,
Iron, Steel, &.O., also a
larrn assortment of
A fresh supply of DRUGS & MEDICINES.
BOOTS and SHOES stiitithlf fcr
men, women and children. .
HATS and CAPS such as Straw, Talni Leaf
and other hats.
flf All of Which will bo sold cheap for fash
or iu exchange for Country produce al Ihe highest
market price.
I'ppcr Augusta, May 15, 1852. ly.
liberty" s t ove works
adore Fourth,
TH E undersigned respectfully inform the puV
lic that they are in fall O'peration at their
new foundry, and ready Ir txeciite orders for
stoves of every description on the rflost reasona
ble terms. , ,
They invite the attention of fiTOVE tfjAL
ERS to their larps a'ssottmtnt of STOEst, all
of which tif entirely nev, and got, up at great
expense.- AiftoTig which art' th Liberty Air
Tight C'ooV, Complete Cook, 8taf Air Tight,
Star Frffrklin,' Star Uadiator, Jenny l.ind Im
proved, Ffe Khig liadiators, Salamanders, Can
nons; Brtsts, Bare Cylinders, Bar Room Stoves,
Furnaces', Uaa Ovens,' fit., Rci
N. B. Country fmVrchuiit sf' particularly
invited to call and examine tilt assortment.
AprrI 0, 185$ iy.
Lycoming Mntnal Insurance Company.
DR. h B. MASSE-R Is the local sgert f tin
aliOVe Insurance Coniiny, in Novthimi!r.
fund county, and is a1 all times ready to vll'ect
Insurances agaiifrt firs on real or personal pro
perty, or renewing policies fcr the Mine.
Suiilmy, April 2D, t9ol. - tf
Tremendous ExciTp.itkN'r ! 1
CiiMiv Steam; tfctHrilJ H
The Aerial Md all other linen cfe-jfone by Int.
Tjcrltlrittiflr I.lno r .
WHO, having great faith in rar!, "&ls ami
t , snisll profipi, has just received sha openec
PPfitNb flt) SUMMER CpOD, , ,
A I Idn Nin're in Moriet Street: fiuii'lnif v; wlticU
he otter Id ,W public at the ioWest prices: . -His1
fildtg tohsiilt.cT i perierat assortment of
& rhA Leaf HM'
. .1- .... ' r . ,. y
A large assortment of Br'oljtf nd Shoes, fo'
Men, Women and Cuit't?n'
Sugar, tea. Colfee; MdlasfeBi Cheese, Spl
tes, Fish Sail; Hastef.'
HARDWARE;. .......
A'iz : Iron and S.tecl, Naits, Files, Saws, Ac'
Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers', ifi.
YYInr. Brandy, Cin, Rurii, Whiskey, &cf
ITP Country produce of all kinds taken Iu it-
fchn'igs a. the highest market prices;
Btrly 8, 181:3. ly.
JAMES COVERT, Proprietor,
WOl'LD respectfully announce that h haj
taken this well known rtsvtnl. :her8 W.
will lie gratified to see and cutfcrCrilii Vis ttfrticM
and the travelling public generally.' Th'S I'.bUsM
is now replete with ever? convenience, comforta
. 1 .. . . , i c...:..i..V
UP, pleasantly locarcu, nariusuniiMT imiii.nvw.
well ventilated, rendering it in every respect i
desirable slopping ffiac. ., ... ,.
No expense has lieen spared in lining up mis
house. The chambers ore well furnished and
Iho table and bar provided with the licst thtf
market can afford.
The stable accommodations ars axtcnslvfl at!(T
well calculated for traveler!. .
The stages running from Northumberland Id
Pottsville, stop at tins house, where through ari
wav tickets to Philadelphia can be obtuine'Ji
Sunbury, March 20, 1852. tf.
TUB (.REIT Phlfn ItIEI Al. An
Ho. Ui Cheflnih St., above Sixth, Froid bf
JON'kS' HOTEL. 4 .
nAA'E just received their TriiB.
Modal, awarded to them fo?
their best Travelling Trunks, .ex
hibited at the World's Fair in London, 18Sl-j
being tho oidv exhibitors, (p tthtfn! liny award
was made. Their compctitioil WA? with all thtJ
world, and thev have taken THE I'RlZEt
To be found hi this Cilv, and at very low prices'
Call and see. HICKEV & TCLL,
Trunk MstilifitctKrers,-148 Chestnut SfV
April 10, 1852. tf.
Commlsfeica & Forwarding MfcrfinafitS;
Ab. 19, Spears Wharf,
Will receive and sell FLOUR, CHAIN, and aft
kind of COUNTRY PRODUCE and alss
IDARTiCUt.AR allcntiori wlji do given lo l'hiS4
branch of tho Business, by Lewis W.'.Hf
Giesc, whose whole attention will be devoted tcf
the sale of Lumber, and will occupy a'rV OtHcs orf
the Falls Dock, especia'ly fnr this pnrpfts'fc;' Mff
Close s long cxperitincfc, rtnd repuMtmtf ss (irsr
rate salesman, is a guarantee thtll thb h'gPtoi
market prices will always be oMamr'J.
tV Lilicral Cash, advances made on C6'n?
signments t but in no case will this House mokf
auv advances, until the Produce is received.'
March 13, 18Si. 4rrt0!
B. fconSL;Eit i7f. daIcer. wTc. iiakkTO
Cornelius, IJakcr 5 Co.
Lamps( Chandeliers, Gas fixtures, &3t
Manufactory No. 181 Cherry St.t
April 10, 1852. tf. .... -T
tOR f itK SAJjIi OP
Fislij 1'rovisioilS) cj.j
o. 9 jS'orih Wtarvcs,
April 10, 1852. ly;
J. W. $ K. I). ST01(
xVo. 194 Mrtthd Street, South side, First beletS
S'xiH S'ftif; .
PFrirT.AriTiT.'pHT A
DD FELLOWS and Masonic Regalia if
every variety, suited to the various rankr
and orders, constantly on hand.. Also, a larff
and extensive stock ef rasMtfhVbM
lEendy viatic Cfolhi'iig,
maniiniciurrd by the best erf workmen, and frorr
the newest style of Gol!, of late iinwrtatiott, it
greatly reduced prices. They have also, a urge.
and well sclttcted assortment of Pier Goods'
English, French and German Feli'ics',' cf nev
atid beautiful Patterns, which ffify V.llf make tr1
ordi3r in the most approved i)rf fa'shioiiuble man '
ner, and in a supf-rioY style of workinunship.
Fcbrusr S8, 1852. fin'o.
The Johnston Ink
U)lh Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA.
1 1H E subscrilt-r begs leave ri'peclfully to in'"
-- . form Pkixtfms generullv, tliat he hnV ftf
eei'ded til !iie Business of mr'nutat'tut'trW Print-
Utiir ini formerly carried eftVIt bis'gd Fathsr
r ' . i ,. ; ... .Li' I..
ami rattier, ana oilers Dis srticie m ini K"ufl(,
vtilhout any Pirrrs, fijf'with the rlfSnc
upon tho long established chtrt"? ft ffs borne,'
feeling confident cf its' glrTrj r'htrro satirctibr?
to all who rmrV Arv.t fiiin with a call. TfJMi
April Itf, 1852. tf.
ot m Irock f. fler
s YlU ltl, TA
Aee. 131, 1651. tf.
; M. 1. fcHINDEL.',
. i-T T 6R1TET..AT, liJftf
Office in Market ttrett SuphHttj, oppostU
rfeavcr'i Hotel F
USfNESS will be promptly stlefirW (a In
the Counties of Noilhunibeit'aird, I'rllrf,
oltrinbia snd M"litnur.
f tinbuiv, O.t ll.H'il.- ly
Clolht, CWt'mers, Ctt.ffiirtf's, Scan, Urttttngi
Mvsltni, PAnc'vsCulicoes, Muslin de
tains, Lawis, Ginghams, Jieragtt: