So x t i g n Nt w s . ARRIVAL OF THK BALTIC- POl'R DAYS LATER FROM CtROTE, New York, June 13. The steamship Baltio, with four days lolor Intelligence from Europe arrived at an early kour this morning. ' ' ENGLAND. - - - The floor of the Corn Exchange in Bruns wick street, Liverpool, gave way, at nooni on the 1st instant, precipitating upwards of WO merchants to the "' vault beneath. None, however, . were killed, although a number were more-or less injured. Some repairs were being made at the time, and the workingmen had incautiously removed a portion of the supports, which caused the floor to give way. Two of the workmen were killed. The steamship Sarah Sands, put into Fal mouth, May 3 1st, short of coals. Nothing done in Parliament. The particulars of the capture of Rnngnm by Rritish troops had been received. The loss in the engagement was small. The cholera had broken out among the troops, and the soldiers of the different regi ments were dying in numbers. Several ollicers had also fallen victims. FRANCE. The Moniteur declares that the warlike rumors are unfounded, and that the right of the French nation to fix iis own form of government has never been menaced or contested by other powers. More refusals to take the oath of alle giance are announced. The refusals come principally from members of tho General Council, no fewer than twenty-two or more of whom have resigned their offices rather than swear allegiance to Louis Napoleon. The Committee of the Budget have adopted an amendment to the effect that no credit should be allowed for the salo of the Orleans estates. The marriage of M. de Pcrsigny with Millie Do La Moskowa took place on Friday night, at the Chapel of the Elysee. The advocate of the Council of Slate charged to defend the appeal of the Orleans family against tho decrees relative to their property, have published a memoir, from which it appears that they intend to rely upon four points of law, and also that the ordinary judicial tribunals have jurisdiction in the case. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Advices from the Cape to the 1 Sih of April had been received. Tho war it was generally thought, was being brought to a close. Hostilities weie suspended, and trea ties were being entered into. Sir Harry Smith and lady came home on the steamer Gladiator. SWITZERLAND. Accounts from Friburg state that a meet- . i i xt k i i been convoked. New flf-eMn had taken I place. The Patriotic Society, to the number of 800, had held a meeting and passed a re solution calling on the Government to defend with the utmost energy, the conquest of 1847. RUSSIA. Cronstadt letters of the 21st ult., icport a considerable change in the state of the ice, and thaf it would soon disappear. Al St. I CICISUUIUi Ull I11U 411 Ull., IIIU I1VUI Hill I . .. it i . t. mivi .,i. . i. i ITALY. Letters from Andona of the 16ih ult., state that the British Consul was refused permis- ion to see Edward Murray, the English State prisoner, confined in that city. On llin f ( I. AaAAnetnn nttnm VAn.. ft. a I tic ui 1110 oioiiojuii unci i tnjT,iD tne rope was carried in great pomp to the bal- cony of the Vatiean, whence amidst the roaring or Artillery, he gave his Benediction to lhe people, surrounded by the French and Koman troops. . . AliMH A. Accounts from Vienna to May 26th, state thai ever-- possible means has been taken to conceal lie real state of political feeling in lhe different provinces, from the knowledge of the inhabitants of the Capital. The state of the finances is veiy discour aging, and the first cannon fired, as a signal of war, in Europe, cannot fail to plunge everything into irretrievable disorder and ruin. Railway Accidents in England. Tho returns relating to railway accidents in Great Britain, for the half year ending December 31, 1851, has just been published. rpg number of passengers carried was 47,509,392; the number killed was 113; injured, 204 Eight passengers were killed mid 213 injured from causes bej ond their control ; 9 passen gers were killed and 14 injured owing to their own misconduct or want of raution ; 32 servants of the companies or contractors were killed and 11 injured, owing to their own want of caution ; 33 trespassers and oth er persons, neither passengers nor servants of the company, were killed, and 0 injured, by crossing or walking on railways. The length of railways in operation was 6j8'J0 miles. American and British Ships A Ciial- lrncb The Boston Atlas states that two or three Boston ship-owners have sent a chat lenge to the ship-owners of Great Britain, somewhat to the following effect : The Bos ton parties will produce a ship, not less than 800, nor over 1200 Ions register, ca nable of stowine 50 per cent, over her recis ter, to compete in speed with any vessel of lhe same capacity, now built, or which may hereafter be built in Great Britain ; the win kiiniv nnrlir Ia wnnn I a t ( AAA .I .. " i.jUuu wuw '" to be a voyage to China. This will put the British shipwrights to their metal. "You Ze!" "What ma!" "Have ynu sanded your teeth and tallowed your hair t" "ie,ma.". "larred your boots aud coik- ed your sye brows 1" " es, m. "Then teazle your hat and go lo meeting we must b as fashionable as our neighbors." Col. Geo. C. Washington, of Montgomery county, MJ., has a field of lye which avera ges seven feet in height. THE AMERICA!!. SUNBURY. SATURDAY, JUKE 19, ISM. . II. B. MASSER, Editor end Proprietor. . V. D. PAt.MKH 1 our anthnrtxed agent tn receive mib" wription mid attvertiaiiift athisofflce, in l'hitodeli.lila, New York, Boston and Dnlthnore. To AflncKTrtmn.-Tnc eircitlntlnn or tlio ("unlmry American among lh itilTerriil towni on the Busqaoliniiiia i not exceeded If equalled l.y any paper published ill North ern Pennsylvania. DKMOCRATIC NATIONAL NOMINATIONS. FOR PRESIDENT: FB AN KLIN 1'IKUCK, Op New IlAMrsitirtE. FOR VICE PRESIDENT: WILLIAM E. KING, OFtLAllAMA. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. SENATORIAL. Gkoroc W. Woodward, of Luzerno. Wilson N', of Allegheny. ADDITIONAL DISTRICT. Robert Patterson, of Philadelphia. DISTRICTS. 1. Petei I.osran, 2. Geo. II. Martin, 3. John Miller, 4. F. W. Uockins, 5. U. McCoy, Jr., 6. A. Apple, . 7. N. Strickland, 8. Abraham Peters, 9. David Fisher, 10. R. E. James. 13. H. C. Ever, 14. John Clayton, . 15. Isaac Robinson, 16. Henry Fetter, 17. James Hurnside, 18. Maxwell M'Caslin 19. Joseph McDonald, 20. VV. S. Colahan, 21. Andrew Burk, 22. William Dunn, 11. Jno McReynolds. 23 J. S. M'Calmont, 12. P. Damon, ' 23. Geo. R. Barret. DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATION. Ton CANAL COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM SE ARIGHT, of Fayette County. EDITOR'S) TABLE. Basinets Notices. Gouet's Ladt's Boos for July is on our t.i blo. It contains several beautiful line engra vings, an unusual number of beautiful prints and double the usual quantity of literary matter. It is wonderful how Godcy ran afford to publish such a book fur Sf3,00 per annum. This hut day makes the subject of oils, tallow grease, &.C., an appropriate subject. A fat friend of ours now in the sanctum, exhibits a profusion of tallow, and the oil and grease exuding from his face remind us to notice the advertisement of 1J. F. Posn, 00 Wulcr street, New York, who deals out all kinds of oils, grease, and mineral paink U- Printing Ink. For sa e for cash. ' al ,his offif , kegs ol 25, 20 and 12 pounds each. Trice 23 cents per pound. K7" Summer has come at last. A few days ago we had fire in doors and frost out To day the thermometer rises to 94 in the shade, the perspiration distils from our fin' er enJs ono the nam.r w wri) whi) . , ,. . ... - . . . , 1 , . juleps are in demand and loafers seek the shady side of the street. Iho only thing refreshing at all is the song of a couple of benevolent birds on a cherry tree near by, arld lhe thought of the strawberries that the Brm gu w; . 1 the si.squeiian.a rail road The engineers commenced the location 0f ti,e Susquehanna Rail Road on Tuesday, Qne division is ch of Kiwhpt ce. r, ,, , . ,.r I vor I en wnll bnnurn aa (I cnunl ilir rtrii ii. ... . .. .. . aem on" emcient engineer; tne otner is directed by Ceo. 1'. Worcester, tsq., wno made a preliminary survey of the route last summer. Both parties are full, and will be able to have the ground ready for the work men in a few weeks. The location is very easy, the route lying entirely along the bank ol the river. The grade from this place to Bridgeport, opposite Harrisburg is 2 feet to the mile. Mr. Cleaver located that part, 15 miles in length, from the mouth of the Mahanoy creek to Millersburg, two years ago, for the Mahanoy and Wis- conisco Company. This leaves only 3.") miles yet to be gone over by the engi neers. The cost of the road from Bridgeport to this place is estimated at one million of dollars. This is a high estimate. About $1,200,000, has already been subscribed to the stock, and the list steadily increases. Perfect confidence is felt that the road will be pushed on to a speedy completion, eco- nomically managed, and be one of the best paying roads in the United States, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY DEMOCRATIC MEETING A meeting of the democracy of Schuyl kill county, was held in Pottsvilie on Mon. day last, to select conferees for the purpose ol nominating, in conjunction with confer ees from this County, a candidate for Con- ss. The meeting, we understand, was represented by democrats from every sec I don of the County, and, alter a fair inter - 1 change of sentiment, selected three decided I - . mm n mi friends ol Uol. v. ftl. Stbaub. The con- f ,PPM app Dr. T. n I. F.hi.r. nf flru,;.. . , r v,,0nu j Abraham Dego, of Schuylkill Haven.' These gentlemen, will, of course, exert themselves to secure tbe nomination of thv-ir chnre. Th. candidal- ftf lbi Conn, ty will doubtless, also, have friends equally warm. Who will be honored with the nomination it is a difficut matter even to conjecture. We have a number who would be able aud willing to fill the station. SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N J QUKNAL. THE DAILY NKWB Haj the following bit of geographical in formation: "The reference to the Tide water Canal, as a case in point, is rather unfortunate lor our vcr, wise neighbor, who ought to know very well that the natural channels for that trails a portion only of which we now have, at that expense of two lines of low boats is immediately to Philadelphia, and that Baltimore, according to the natural laws of trade, ongnt to receive whatever she would of that trade directly through the oity of Philadelphia." , We are always willing to listen to words of wisdom, and would be most happy to hear from our learned friends what are the 'laws of trade" which would require the produce of the Susquehanna to pass through Philadelphia to reach Baltimore. The lat ter cily is nearer to every point on that river and its west branch, following the course of the stream, than the former. From the above extract one would be led to sup pose the Susquehanna emptied into the Delaware or Schuylkill somewhere above Philadelphia, or that the editor's wits were afloat out of soundings. It is the most bra- zon eflVontry in him to attempt to palm off" such nonsense upon his readers. It pre sumes an ignorance and stolidity upon their part not to be found outside of the office whence it originated. tiJr" The upper rooms of the Court House have undergone a complete metamorphosis, The large saloon formerly occupied as a jury room has been divided into four apartments. The one on the south west is 00 feet in length by 00 in width. Two on the western and north western sides, are 00 feel by 00. The fourth division, adjoining the room occupied by the Masonic Lodge, has been incorporated with the Lodge room, the partition having been torn away, and has, we understand, been leased to the Ma sons. Lt The Treasurers' Sale of Unseated Lands fur non-payment ol taxes took place on Tuesday, by adjournment. A very small number of lands were sold. The wild lands of this County have become valuable on account of their mineral de posits, and very few owners neglect the prompt payment of their taxes. The lands in Coal township alone are estimated to contain one billion tons of coal. Do?" Ice Creams Can be had every day at Mrs. Gibson's in Market street, or Mrs. Ulooin's in Blackberry, near the Ger man Reformed Church. We make the following extract from the Evening Bulletin. The writer takes the only sensible view of the matter we have yet had from Philadelphia. The fact that Alex. Cummings, Esq., the editor, was born and bred in the valley of the Susque hanna accounts for it. Sl'NBl'RY RAIL ROAD. The pleasant town of Sunbury, on the Susquehanna is, just now, the centre of some interest in the rail road world. Two cities, in a spirit of commercial rivalry, are contending for the speediest establishment of a rail road connection with her, and she chances to be lhe terminus of the greatest and most important link in the iron chain that is lo bind Philadelphia to Lake Eiie. A telegraphic despatch, a few days ago, staled that the company had alotted theii contracts, and that ground had been broken, for the Sunbury and Erie Rail Road, both above and below Sunbury. The allotting of the contracts was a mistake, but ground had been broken both above and below Sun bury, and lhe commencement of the work is undoubted. We hope it may go on lo com pletion, and that right speedily, but there is one point in tho present operations that seems worthy of notice. What is the use, under present circumstances, of expending the capital of the company in making a road below Sunbury 1 Baltimore is going to make that road ; she has already raised all or nearly all the money required ; has organised her company and will begin the work immediately. Philadelphia cannot aud never could prevent her from making lhe road, and we are not of that school of alarmists that look upon it as likely to ben- efit Baltimore at iho expense of Philadelphia nt all. It will bo a common advantage lo both cities, and neither of them can deprive lhe other of its share of the advantage. The cry of alarm at the idea of Baltimore build ing a iail road on tlia West bank of Iho Susquehanna, and thus avoiding Ilanibiirg and diverting trade from Philadelphia, is a senseless one ; for the road must, of neces sity, unite with the Pennsylvania Ruil Road auove mo linage u men crosses tne river ubove Harrisburg, and thus access is as easy to Philadelphia as to Baltimore. We rcpoal Ir-t Baltimore make the road. The case is preeisoly similar to that of tho Tidewater Canal. Baltimore capital made it. while Philadelphia croakers looked on in alarm ; yet the bulk of its business is for Philadel phia, and Philadelphia gets the lion share of the benefit. Our pleasant neighbor on the Patnpsco is willing to make the Susque hannn Railroad. Philadelphia, therefore need expend none of her energies upon it) but had better employ them all on the road above Sunbury, and have as much as possi ble of it done in time for opening (he road which the capital of Baltimore is era p'oyed upon. Cholera at Maysville, K r. This mys terious disease broke out at Maysville, on Sunday, tho 8th instant, in a highly malignant form. There were six deaths on Sunday, and fourteen on Monday, leaving eight cases still lingering, of which it was supposed thai four were hopeless. This is an extraordinary mor lalily. No new cases had occurred up lo noon of Thursday, The voters of Norfolk have voted in favor of the city subscribing 8200,000 to the Nor folk and Petersburg Ralroad. LETTER FROM THE EDITOR, DATED ' Phii.adki.phia, June 14, 1852. The weather in this city, during the pre sent month, has been delightful and more characteristic of the balmy month of May than of June in which old Sol. sometimes. pours down his fiercest rays. Such was the case, 1 know from experience, in 1846 wheni on the 9th of June, the thermometer stood at McCullisters, in Chestnut street, at 101 de grees in tho shade. The warm season is, however, rapidly approaching, and already, the New York line of steamers for Cape May have commenced running their trips. . In ad dition lo the large Hotels already erected at this fashionable watering place, a new one, called the Mount Vernon, capable of accom modating 2,000 persons, is about being erect ed, one wing of which is almost completed In a few weeks thousands of citizens will be on their way lo the country and to the differ ent watering places. The excitement in regard lo the late nomi- nations has nearly subsided and the more the character of Gen. Pierce is understood Iho better he is liked. Indeed t have heard but little or no objections to the man, but almost universal regret thai Gen. Cass wasdefcated This regret is not confined alone to the do morracy, but to many of lhe most intelligent and disinterested whigs of the city, who looked upon Gen. Cass before and since the nominations were made, as one of the ablest and purest statesman of the Union. An in telligent whig formerly from the south, a few days since remarked that Gen. Cass, next to Henry Clay, possessed more personal popularity than any man in the United Mates. Wnhout intending any cisparage ment to Mr. ISnrhanan, for whose abilities 1 entertain a high regard, 1 must say that 1 have scarcely heard one word of sympathy in his behalf. Already quite a largo number of the dele gates to the Whig National Convention at Baltimore, on the 16:h, have arrived in this city. The general impression is in favor of Gen. Scott's nomination, on the ground of availability, but a large portion of tho calm and more considerate of tho party, would prefer Fillmore or Webster. The Mino Hill and Schuylkill Ruil Road Company accepted the supplement lo their charter on Thursday last, by an almost unan imous vote. I was informed by a gor.tleman deeply interested in this improvement that the Company would extend lhe road as far as Ashland as speedily as possible. As the Company is wealthy and has an abundance of means there will be no difficulty on that score. From Ashland to Shamokin there are some very heavy interests at woik which ill soon supply this link of twelve miles, necessary to complete tho communication be tween Philadelphia and Sunbury. The organization of the Susquehanna Rail Road Company ia looked upon with no little interest in this city. The Philadclphians never seem to wake up until they see somo rival stepping across their path. Until our friends in Baltimore resolved to make the road, ihey never made tho least movement in its favor, on the contrary ihey threw every obstacle in lhe way of its construction. Tho board us now organized is a good one. The men composing it are among the most infiu ential, respectable citizens of Baltimore and tho valley of Iho Susquehanna. That they ill faithfully and vigorously prosecute the work to its completion, I have not tho least doubt. 1 stepped into Root's gallery of daguerrco types a few days since, as every body does who is fond of looking at handsome pictures His crayon or more properly vignette por traits, are splendid specimens of art for lhe making of which Mr. Root has the exclusive rigid of Pennsylvania. The fact is, Rool is at the head of lhe profession, and in his art towers a head and shoulders above all his rivals. This is not the result of chance, but of indomitable perseverance, fine taste and good judgment. The public houses in Philadelphia are not doing much at this season. The opening of lhe Giiard House has drawn heavily from the other principal hotels among which, how ever, the Columbia House has su fie red the least. In my opinion there is no hotel in the city where the quiet and the comforts of home can bo enjoyed so readily as in the Columbia House. The rooms are largo and commodious and an air of neatness and leanliness pervades tho whole and no one can be more polile and attentive to the wants ol tho guests than Culouel Slaymaker. MELAMIIOLY ACCIDENT. While Mr. Jacob Rose of Long Grove, in this county, aud his son Jacob, aged about 15 years were fishing in the Mill Pond attached to Vincent's Mill near Half-Day on Friday of last week, lhe son aceideully fell from the dam when the father, lo rescue him, leaped into the water and both were drowned. Mr Roso was a mar. highly respected by all hi; acquaintances and has left a large family lo mourn his loss We think that the peopl ought lo be cautioned against venturing on this dam as it is very slippery. Mi. R'S) formerly lived and has many re lations near lhe "Bear Gap" tavern in Nor thumberland County. ll'aukegan (III.) Gazette. Mail Rorbery -Joseph Campbell, a brake man on the Central Railroad, and hi two brothers, residents of Pittsburg, are the per sens arrested by officer Hague, charged with robbing the mail. About 960,000 in money checks and drafts were found in iheir pos session, supposed lo have been abstracted from the mails sent hence on the 6th and Oth instants. Campbell had been arrested charged with robbing the store of Messrs Hamilton and Beatty, and Iho drafts and other valuables found in their pockets was the first intimation of his having been con. eerned in pilfering from the mail. From a tabular statement published in the Washington Intelligencer it appears that, at the time of taking the census in 1850, the number of persons in the United states, deaf and dumb, was 10,106 ; blind, 9702; insane, 15,768 j idiotic, 15,706. Wheat Crop ih Virginia.- The worm and fly aie doing much damage to lhe wheat in tho vioiuiiy of Woodstock, Va. This New Orleans True Delta gives the following particulars of a strangely interesting case which has lately rame to light in that city. It appears that a female, aboul eigh teen years of age, who occupies the position of house servant in a respectable family on street, (by request we omit the name and number,) while engaged in the perform ance of her duties some weeks ago, was, on a sudden, attacked wilh violent headache. She was immediately put into a bed when her eyes became strangely glassy and rolling and were wholly incapable of performing theft normal functions. Bright objects" and lights were passed before her eyes, but the eitio nerves appeared lo have lost their cun ning, no indication of an impiession on the retina being perceptible. Afler a while, the mind of the patient becamo dreamy and wandering, and she spoke as if in converse with her ordinary associates. Eventually her eyes closed, and with their close the "mind's creative eye awakened lo the pos session of more than its accustomed power. The dreaminess was gone, and though Iho eyelids remained closed, the sense of sight returned with a keenness wholly incompati ble with all out commonly received notions of tho laws of vision. Not oidy could she seo everything in the room, and sew llie finest cambric with her eyes closed, but with a clairvoyance unparalleled, she could extend her vision through some super-elhe real medium inlo the great Beyond, and correctly describe facts and events transpir ing squares mid even miles away. Afler remaining in this condition for several hours lhe young woman retired, by on easy transi tion, into her normal state ; but almost eve ry day since, sho has passed, as on the first occasion, inlo the clairvoyant condition, dur ing the continuance of which she has been a psychological and pathological marvel lo all observers. Grkat Fiiik at Wetumpka, Ai.a A fire occurred at Wetumpka, Alabama, at two 'clock on Saturday morning, in an old warehouse, ami i two hours' lime the entire business pari of East Wetumpka was des troyed. The loss is estimated at between $300,000 and $460,000, wilh but $90,000 insured. The principal sufferers are Doug lass & Co., Persce, Taylor & Co., Samuel Cornochan, Thomas & Tyre, Isaac Linger man, Smool, Dawson & Co., William B Par dee, Block & Co , P. Saunders & Co., Da vid Wilson, Samuel Catlin, Nathaniel Chap man, A. G. Campbell, P. CornifT, Melton & Brassel, B. S Griflin, G. Newbower, M. C Thomas & Co., J. Alszbacher, and others The fire is presumed to have been occasion ed by incendiaries. Df.structivk Fire in Savannah. About 5 o'clock, on the 14th inst , a fire broke out Lope. Cohen's large carpenter shop. which, wilh its contents, was destroyed, and Cohen's brick dwelling on Janes street, was burnt with nearly all the furniture. Loss, 810,000. House insured for S4000. Mis Jennet's adjoining brick house was also burnt, aud another was injured, occupied by J. S. Walkins, and Rev. Thomas Rum berts. Furniture much damaged. Loss rooo. Tiik North Branch Canal loan was award ed to Messrs. C. R. Fisher, of Philadelphia can, Sheiman &. Co., New Vuik and George IVabody, of Loudon. J wo hundred thousand dollars were taken at four and a hall per cent per annum, aud six hundred and fifty thousand at live per cent per an num. It will be recollected that a lesser rale of interest, instead of a premium, was requested from bidders. Tho loan was ad vertised as a six per cent loan. Riicoaro Sauck. If tho Rhubarb stalk has a green spotted surface, it is a kind thai may be cut up without peeling ; if lhe red sort, the peel must be torn oil betore it is cut up. Cut the stalk into the stew pan in pieces aboul an inch lonr, and add about half its weight of sugar with a little water and spicing if liked ; set il over a sharp fire occasionally shaking the saucepan round, and when quite lender, pour il into a bowl to cool. Salutation in Iceland. The universal mode of salutation in Iceland, at meeting and parting, is a loud kiss. The peasant kisses the daughters of lhe magistrate, and they kiss him in return. The pastor is also kissed on Sunday after service, by all his flock. In short a kiss in Iceland is equivalent lo our hand-shaking; yet the people ate all hunest There is no prison on the island; there are no criminals, no locks, bolts or bars; though drunkenness is a very common vice. Sisui'lar Invention. We see it stated in our western exchanges, that a gentleman near Louisville, Ky., has applied the tele graph to an entirely novel ond unique use. He has nearly completed an invention for writing musio as it is played from lhe piano forte, the notes upon lhe sheets being prodii ced as fast, and lo the exact time, as the keys are touched by the performer. Slra kosch has offered him $10,000 for lhe patent right when lhe model is finished. Change roa Market. "My dear what shall we have for dinner to-day V "One of your smiles," replied lhe husband, "l can dine on thai any day." "But I can't replied the wife. "Then take this," and he gave her a kiss and departed. He returned to din ner. "This is excellent steak," said he, "what did you pay for ill" "Why, what you gave me this morning," said the wife. "The deuce you did," said he, "then you shall have the money the next time you go to market." Miss Fantods says lhat if she ain't dead she has lost her "vital spark," the young man wol used lo sit up wid her. Maybe she didn't know how lo urn hot cocoa eh ? "Warm day, Uncle Peter, warm day," said Chick, as they met on Sunday last. "Ve, it is," said Uncle Peler, ' it is tome warm, if not lummer." ' The Alexandria (Va.,) Age states that the cholera has broken out among the ne groes on tho Kanaw ha liver, and is proving very fatal. M lita NATIONAL COS VEXTIOX. This body met in the city of Baltimore, on the 16th inst., and was organised by the election of Gen. Join G. Chapman, of Maryland, as President of the Convention. The Convention holds its session in tbe Ma ryland Institute, the same building used by the recent Democratic Convcntiotl. The decorations of the noble saloon are of lhe most Insty and appropriate character. The walls, from the cornice down to the lops of the lofty windows, have been draped with red, 'while and blue bunting J whilst1 the gallery railing has been similarly adorn ed. Over the President's chair is suspended a life size painting of General Washington, and directly opposite is a full length portrait of Henry Clay. On one side of the Hall ap pears, in bold letters the motto, "The Union of the Whigs for tho sake of the Union," and on the other, Webster's greal sentiment, "Union and Liberty, now aud forever, one and inseparable. We have received no further news of the doings of the Convention, up to the time of going to press. An American vessel Captured and tub Crew Mirueiiei). Satan, Mass, June 11. A letter has been received here fiom tho United States Consul at Zanzibar, dated March 10, which states that tho American schooner llueen of tho West, of Dartmouth, Mass , Capt. Waldron, was taken possession of at Wurmtzan, Madagascar, last December by lhe natives, and the captain and crew tnurdoied, afler which the vessel was burn ed. The French authorities captured 10 of the natives implicated in lhe outrages, and have detained them to await the action of the American Government. Particulars of the outrage have been for warded to Secretary Webster, at Washing ton. Cholera at Lasai.i.e. By a despatch from Lasalle, III , we learn lhat lhe cholera i raging very violently at thai place, nml is on tho increase. About sixty deaths have occurred since il mude its appearance, the victims being mostly laborers. Several lead ing citizens have, however, died within the past few days, and a general panic prevails. A great many of the inhabitants are leaving tho town. The special election for a member of Con gress, in lhe Fourth District of Maine, which took place on Monday last, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of the Hon. Charles Andrews, Dem., resulted in the choice of the lion. Isaac Reed, Whig, of Waldebro, by GOO majority. A small boat was upset on tho Rlh inst , in I lie Bay of Funday, and four of the occu pants were drowned Rev.' Kd. D Very, Pastor of Iho Baptist Church of Poitlaud Par ish, Professor Chipman, and four students of Acadia College, named Rand, Plialeu, Grant and King, and one boatman. Disaster on Lake Erie. Buffalo, June 11 Capt. Montgomery reports passing yes terday, off Erie, a vessel bottom upwards. She was no doubt capsized in the gale of Wednesday There was a considerable rise in lhe Al- l,.linv riwr. nil Ihu Irtlh i,,ct m.,1 " ' ' ,. ' Inittltnr mi'iml fill " -"-I- "... Ik you wish to m-fasten lhe loose handles of knives aud forks, make your cement of common brick dust aud rosin, melted togeth er. Seal engravers understand this recipe. lloofland's German Bitters, prepared and sold by Dr. Jackson, at lhe German Medical Stoie, 120 Arch street, Philadelphia, daily increase in their well deserved celebrity, lor the cure of all diseaes arising from derange ment of the liver. These bitters have, in deed, proved a blessing to Iho ulllicled, who show their gratitude by the most flattering testimonials. 1 his medicine has establiMi- d for itself a name lhat competitors, how ever wily their scneme or sedueivo llieir promises cannot reach. It gained the pub ic confidence by the immense benefits mat have been derived from it, and will eve- maintain its position. M A K It 1 12 1). In this place, on Thursday morning last, by the Rev. Mr. Simonton, Dr. D. W. Siiin- hki.. lo Miss Mary Wharton, ull ol tins place. A delicious cake and bottle of generous wine, accompanying iho above notice, open ed the hearts of our devil and his spirits, and from I heir inky don, invocations of joy upon the happy couple pcxned up w ith tha wildest enthusiasm. Oti ! inppy prili, 1 every blessiiiii liorn ! For you iiuiy lil'e's mini tritou unruffled run ; l'or V'iu ill rou-'s I.Um iiii without n thorn, Anil lriiht aft inorniii; uliini: im m'uliing huh " i) i i: i. In this place, on Iho lOih intst., 'JANE, daughter ol William llillis, aged about 8 yea is. I)C iltavkctj Philadelphia Market. Junk 15, 1852. ri.oi'R and Meal. flour is firmer ; mix ed brands are selling at 4 124 per bbl. for export, and al $4,121 a 4 25 to Iho home trade, hxira Hour is field ui a a. Rye Flour. Sales at :f3.25. Corn Meal. Last sales of fresh ground at 3 12. Wheat Isuctive; sales of Southern rpl at 97 ; mixed 91, and prime while al 11,03 live la wanted at 76 cents. Corn I iu fair demand ; sales of )ellow n float, al 65 els. and white at 62 cents. Oats. Are dull ; sales of Southern at 43c, and of Pennsylvania at 44 cents. Whiskey. Sales in bbs. and lihds. at 21e Baltimore market June 15. 1851. GRAIN. The supply of Wheat is small for lhe last day or two. Sales of good to prime reds to-day ut 83 a 102 cts. ) while al 81. a i,a. Sales of new Corn, in good condition, at 67 cts. white, and 68 a 59 els. for yellow. Damp parcels sell at 45 a 50 cts. Sales of old corn al 51 a 56 cts. Wo quote Oats at 35 a 38 cts. for Mary land, niul 10 cts. for Pennsylvania. WHISKEY. Sales of Peiiimylvuiiia bblb at 21 4 cts., aiul ul hlulb. ut 201 ccuU. SUiNBL'RY PRICE CURRENT Whrat. - 00 Rtx. . . . r3 Cork. 79 Oats. . 45 Potatoes, ' BO Hcttkr. ' -14 Eons. ' 10' Pork. $ New Advertisements. rinilE cholera very much to the delight of nll'f keeps far distant from us this summer. In-, deed, we have had no epidemic of any kind, if wc except the epidemic which has always pre-" ......1.1 1 I :n fi .niit-ti, uihi niwuyn win prevail among our gen tlemen of taste, of getting all their clothing at Kockhill & Wilson's, No. Ill Chestnut street. corner of Franklin Place. Philadelphia, Jan. 31, 1852. NOTICE IS hereby given that lhe Supreme Coiiri fo'f the Noithern District ol Pennsylvania: will commence its annual Session on the? second Monday of July liexl. al iho Courf ouse in Sunbury. CHARLES PLEASANTS, Proth'y S C, N. D. Prolhonotary's Office, ) Sunhury, June l'J, 1852. J LIST OF CAUSES "K"iOR argument in lhe Supreme Court for "- lhe Northern District of Pennsylvania, for July Term, A. D. 1852. FOR THE FIRST HALF OF TUB TERM. 1 Coveli v Maflit Luzerne count 2 Cao vs Johnson Susq'hunna co 3 Andres vs Evans Tioga co 4 ('ore el al vs Powell et al Luzerne co 5 Huston vs Barstow Bradford co 0 The N V & Erie R R Q . Co vs Skinner Susquehanna co 7 Graves vs Colo Tiopn co 8 Jessup ct al vs Rose Susquehanna co 9 Moiris vs Case Tioga co 10 Shaw vs Deem " 11 Wright vs Cadwalladcr " 12 Stephens vs Sench Luzerne co 13 The Dearmnnt Coal Co vs . ,,, ( Heirs of New bold, dee'd el al buztrne 14 McKeau's Adm'rs vs McKenn Bradford 15 Runnel vs Anson Potter co . 16 Mann vs Colo Tioga co 17 Hnyl et al vs Knons Luzerne co IS Dayton vs Newman et al Snsq'hanna l) Knons 20 Adams 21 Bailey 22 Graves 23 Keeler 2-1 Kiiby 25 Barber 26 Sumo 27 Ross vs Meele el a I Luzerne co vs Smith Wyoming co vs Knapp Bradford co vs Giitlni Tinga co vs Vasburg Wyoming co vs Shaw Bradford co vs Baird " vs Brink " vs Flood Vnming CO 28 Mylert el al vs Sullivan co Sullivan co FOR THE SECOND HALF OF THE TERM. 29 Caldwell vs Rennet Lycoming co 30 Ex'is of Dickinson dee'd vs . . Adnr'rs of Callahan dee d Lcom'"3 c 31 Appeal by E Men gas el al Norlh'd co 32 Fisher el'al vs Failey Union co 33 MeCarty vs liolluiiiii Lycoming co vs et til Col co vs Aules et ul Lycoming vs Ileisely " vs Spayd North'd CO vs Sweney " vs Donaldson Columbia co vs Eckhart's Adm'r Union 34 Uolo 35 Cummings 36 Coso 37 Seaman 38 Miller 39 Moore ctal 40 Meiscr 41 Hepburn & Miller vs Cameron &. Co Lye 42 Hold vs Moll Union co 43 llerrold vs Mengas " 44 Foreman vs Tanner Lycoming co 45 Columbia co vs Montour co Columbia CO I 46 Levers vs Columbia co " i 47 Stioecker vs Huffman North'd co 43 Cediles & Marsh vs Klose Union co 49 Snyder vs Middleswarlh " f0 l!u"ul Liberty Pole &o North'd co 51 Bieber Tresis' r Lye co vs Martin Lye co 52 Denller vs Caul North'd cu 1 53 alley lp vs Rush lp Montour eo vs Green Lycoming co 154 Carpenter I . . 1 . . . 55 Adm'i of J Snyder dec d vs Aiegler I nion 56 Keyser vs oxtheimer's Adm'r North'd 57 Kreight vs lleighart Lycoming co 8 Schock vs Schock s hvrs luionco Oils, Tnllow Grease, niul OHIO MINERAL PAINT. OfWA li.Uii;t.i,s .MAUfll.MSlll nil.. I'nee JvJw 75 cui i,cr gallon. 2500 Gnlhrns machi nery oil, in casks of various sixes, 75 eti per gnl. 200 13 arrets ISuilcil l'nint Ull, 65 -51100 Gallons " " in casks ol various 350 U.irreU Tanner' Oil. Various kinds and Utilities, from 35 to 60 cents per gallon. 15P0 tuitions in I asks ot viuious sizes, va rious kinds and qualities, from 35 lo 50 cent per gallon. 50 I ons 1 alliw Urease, lor Heavy Hearings, and Coarse Machinery, in Darrels or Casks, of any consistency required. Price 6 cents per Hi. 150 J ons Ohio M mend 1'uiut, in ijarrels, at the lowest market price. Marl, i an y Oil, w an lulled not to chill tn the coldest weather, and considered Ivy those using it equal to Sjieriii Oil. Biitltil I'ttitt Oil, cuual lo l.ipsccd llil, other than for while. I am constantly receiving large supplies of the uhove i mined articles, and my motto is, "8mull profits and quick returns." II. X . I'US u, 51! Water St., (under the Pearl st House ,) NEW YOKK. New York, June 19, 1852 3m. Notice to Collectors. rrHE Collectors will have time until Tuesday, Wednesday tmd Thursday, the 13lh, 14:h and 15th of July, to puv their Mate tux in order to get lhe live per cent abatement. The Collec tors of Delaware, Lewis, Turhut, Milton and Chilisquuquc, will conic in on the 13th of July ; those ut t pper Alalionoy, Jackson, Little Maho- noy, Lower .Mationoy, Niainokni, Cameron and Coal will conic in on the 14th of July; Hush, Lower Augusta, Upper Augusta, Sunbury, Nor tluimlicrlaiiil and Point will come in on the 15th of July IHM. Prompt payment ia required, 6 per cent will lo allowed for payment up to the limes stated above, for the dilfereut townships. C. ALU BUT, JCoin'rs. CHAS. WEAVER, J rSunlniry, Juno 5, 1852. 6t. Miltonian copy. $1C ' REWARD ! . Stop the Hay Thieves! ! "IVTrillN the last month my stable haa heen " rolilwd of nearly a ton of hav. The alxvo reward will be paid to any person, which will, lead to the conviction of the thief or thieves. W.M. McCAKTY. For sale a Cow and Calf. Apply as above, Huiiliury June 5, 1852. 3t, NOTICE TO COATH ACTORS. TUOPOSAL8 will he received al the Collec- tors Office at Northumberland, until Wed nesday, mie 23d, 4 o'clock, P. M., for building nit Outlet Lock in tlio Canal at that place, together with ull the neceswiry exeavaliune and embankments that may be coiwiected there with. Plana aud specifications of tbe work will' lie exhibited three days previous to Ike day of letting, and all the decennary inforuiatiw gi at the time. IL V. RODBARMEL, Superior.. New Merlin, June 6th, 1852. 31 fARRIAGE CETIFICATES handsomely 4 1 executed for tale at this office, sinuje o b tlif. doiCIW