rr.; MB II. B. MASSER EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE, MARKET STREET, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. a iTamfltf iictospaptr-Drtoun to JjotWcs, flltcrnture, Jttorali, jForcfon an Domestic sirtus, science an the art, aorfculture, fflxvltts, amusements, c NlfiW 8ERIKS VOL. a, NO. 13. SUXIIUHY, NOimiUMIlEHLANI) COUNTY, 1AM SATURDAY, JUNE 19. I 85a. OLD SERIES VOL. la, NO. 30. AMERICAN I . V TERMS OF THE AMERICAN. 1'ff'riS?iLCAN '" PJ"hert every Bntanlny ni . .. , ,., ,,, ,0 , .,, ra, VCIirlv , rH vice. No paper discontinued until all srrearagt arc All commnnlaitlnnt or tetters on Imstnem rrlnttng t ns office, lo inure (mention, most b POST PAID. TO CLUBS. Three copies to one address, 5 00 Seven J,, ,,, I- ive dollars in ndvsncn will pay for three year's sub cripuoii to the American. One fViunie of 18 linei, 3 tlmee, J-veiy euloquent iiieiTtUm, One Riiunre, 3 months, Pix months, One year, Business Cnrrls of Five llnea, per annum, Merchants and otliera, advertiiliiK liy the year, with the privilege of inserting different advertisement, weekly. 13"" Larger Advaniieinente, n per agreement. i on si 3(1(1 6( (I S1KI 31X1 10(10 . H. Be MASSES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Gvxtnvnv, pa. Business attended to in the Counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia, ltefer lot P. & A. Ttovoudt, Lower cV Durron, Soinpr & Snodsmsn. lteynolds, McFtirlaiiJ & Co., hpcrmg, Good v Lo., JAMBS J. KASLLS, Attorney and Cov.nsellor at Law, SUNBURY, PA. "VsXTILL attend faithfully and rompl1y to nil " " professional business, in NorthumWrland and Union counties. He is familiar with the German Inngnoge. OFFICE :- Opposite the "Lawrence House," m few doors from the Court House. tSunbury, Aug. 16, 1851. ly. J. STEWART DEPUY. A .North 2d street, above Wood, (lUtrnt District) Philadelphia, would respectfully cull the attention of hisf iends mid llit" public, in general, to his Inrae and well selected atork of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Window tshidca, Stair itods, cVc, Ac. VenitiMi CorprtiniT from 7 cl lo 1(0 v'n pT yl. Inirmin " ' IfJ " !) " Three Ply in) " !. " " lirusarfa " ll'.'J " I. 'ill " " Door Mutts. He would invite the atten tion of dealers and others to his large stork of Tioot Mailt which ho mnnuhielures in great variety mid of splendid quality. Oil. Cloths, from 1 yard to R yards wide wholesale and retail. April 10, 1852. Cm. ' HARRT3BTJRG STEAM WOOD TURNING AND SCROLL SAWING CHOP. Wood Turning in all its branched, in rity style and at city prices. Every variety of Cabinet and Carpenter work either on hand or turned to order. Ibid Posts, Uatu-dcr, Rosells, Shit and Q iar ter Mouldings, Table Legs, Newell Posts, Pat terns, Awning Posts, Wagon Hubs, Columns, Round or Octagon Chisel Handles, fee. f(T This shop is in STRAWBERRY AL LEY, near Third Street, and ns we intend to f lease all otir customers who want good work done, it is hoped that all the trade wil' give us a call. fjiT Ten-rins und Ten-rin IJalls made to or der or returned. The attention of Cabinet Makers and Carpen ters is called to our new stvlo of TWIfsT MOULDINGS. Printer's Rigl'ets at 1 per 100 feet. -. W. O. HICKOK. February 7, 1852. ly. HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND GTJNS, J'os 31 c- 33 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. THE subscribers would call the attention of buyers to their stock of Hardware, consisting of Table and Pocket Knives, Guns, Chains, Locks, Hollow arc, eVc. &c. We would rccoin mend to all, our Endless Chain Pumps, a new article now getting into general use which we can furnish complete at about one half the price paid for the old style Pumps, also a new ar ticle of ,l:inilS race Door U. each Lock suited either for right or left hand doors, with rnineral or whilu knobs. Our stock nf C.II11S is large and well select ed, comprising single and double barrels, English and German make. All goods can be returned if not found to be as represented. Country mer chants wotdd do well to cull on us before pur chasing elsewhere. Wheelwrights and carriage makers supplied with goods suited to their business, bv calling on W. H. & G. W. ALLEN, Nos. 31 & 33 Market Street, Philadelphia. February, 21, 1852. 6mo. WM. McCARTY, Bookseller, nnwiY, srm itY, iv. HAS just received and for sale, Purdons Di gest of the laws of Pennsylvania, edition of 1851, price only 0,00. Judge Reads edition of Blackstones Commen taries, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at $10,00, and now offered (in fresh binding) at the low price ofSO.UU. A Treatise on the laws of Pennsylvania re specting the estates of Decedents, by Thomas F. Gordon, price only $1,00. Kossuth find the Hungarian war: comprising a complete history of the late struggle for freedom of that country, with notices of the leading chiefs and statesmen, who distinguished themselves in council and in tho fiaJd, containing 288 pages of interesting matter with authentic portraits. Kossuth's address to the people of the United States, with a portrait, printed on broadcast, and put on rqllcri after the manner of maps, price only 50 oenU. Washington's farewell address, nifrra "y'6 wi,h ,,ove' February, 51, 1852 tt. '&lden' Condensed Report of i'eaiia. I'M I 'til Published, and for sale by the subscri- 0 ber tlva iSneoud I'ohsm of A Men's Con tleiisftl Pennsylvania Reports, containing the buO,. three olumes of Vente' Reports, and two first volumes of Binncy's Reports. The first vol ume of Alden, containing Dallas' llcporH, 4 L umeti inl Yeatea' KeporU, volume 1, if also on hand and for sale. The abuc two volumes are eomiiete witlun themselves, and contain all of Dallas' Reports, 4 volumes, and all of Ycutes Report, 4 volumes, besides the two first volumes of piniiey's Reports. The third volume is ready end Will oe PUl to press mcuiau-ij. "i..-i r H. U. MASSER, AgenU Bupfmry, Aug. 18. 1851. io v.li. ' WANTED TO BORROW rV'ELVB HUNDRED DOLLARS in two urn nf six hundred dollars each, for which good frte-hold aecurity will be given. Address M. W. Sunbury, Feb. 28, 1852 tf. 1y JC-u-Boureau's celebrated ink, and also Con re ink for sale, wholesale and retail by December 88, 1850. H B MASSER. SELECT POETRY. EVELINE. TIT W. R. WALLACE. The sunny evs of tho maltlcn fair Dive answer better Hum voice tr pen That as he I ves he is loved ugain. C. C. Leeds. Love me dourly, love me ilunrly, wilh jour heart nnd with your eyes; Whisper all your sweet emotions, as they (lushing, L I u s 1 1 i 1 1 r rise ; Throw your soft while arms nbonl ine J saj you cannot live without me: Say, you are my Eveline; say, that you are only mine ! Thill you cannot live without me, young and rosy Eveline ! Love me dearly, dearly, clearly ; speak your Inve-worJs silver-cleat l"y; So I may not doubt thus early of your fond ness, of your truth. Press, oh ! press your throbbing bosom close ly, wuimly Id my own: Fix your kindled eyes on miuu jay you live for me nloni'. Whilu I (ix my ryes on Ihinp, Lovely, trn-tioo. intli'S!-, plighted : plighted, rosy Kvt line. Love me ilenily love me dearly: radiant dawn upon my uloom : Ratish me Willi Beauty's bloom : Tell me 1 Lite has yet a (jlory ; 'tisnol all an idle alory !"' Asa gladdened val in noonliolu ; as a weary lake in moonlight, Let me in Ihy love recline: .Show me life hns yet a Fplendor in my ten der Eveline. Love me dearly, dearly, dearly, wilh your heart ami wilh your eyes: Whisper all your sweet emotions ns they liushinL'. bliishiinf rie. rino'.v your soil white nuns around me; say you i'lwf mil ti l miii looiiil mo Say it. s.iv i', Km line! wlii.-pr Jnu are only mine : That you cnimot live without me, ns you throw your arms u bout me, That you cannot live without me, artless rosy r.vLi.ixK : 3. Skctcl). A ROMANCE OF REAL LIFE. The following marvellous and interest ing narrative is given in a letter from Par is, under date of the 15th January last, Irani the correspondent of the St. Louis I Republican : The venerable Abbess of the Ursuline . Convent of Nevere, whose life was, per haps, one of the most eventful on record, I died last week at the advanced age ol nine-j ty-eight. For fifty years she has been an initiate of the convent, winning the love ' and respect of all who approached htr. J In the slimmer of 17(i'2, there broke out j in the city of Paris a disease very similar to what is now called cholera, and which , was quite as fatal in its consequences. AS- ! though not contagious, the immense num- her of person attacked by it led the people j to think it was so, and terror took hold of, the minds ol all. Mothers abandoned their j children, wives their husbands, sisters their j brothers, and almost as many perished by j flight as by the disease itself. In two i months thirty-one thousand persons were buried in the different burial grounds around the city. The hospitals were crowded so much crowded that the physicians and nurses passed wilh riilGculty among the beds, and the demand for admission was so great that every day a long file of sick might be seen at the door, some supported by relations, but the most part lying on the ground, waiting until their turn should come to be admitted, but olten before night ' the half of them were carried to the ceme- J tery, instead of the infirmary. As may well be supposed the task of the physicians was no light one, and, finally they were i obliged to organize their labor, and force ! themselves to repose a certain time every j day, and take the service in turns, in order i to be able to bear up under the extraordi nary elforts they were called upon to make. One day, as a young physician, he who twenty years later was known as a celebra ted Dr. Soulie, was leaving the hospital i to go and take his turn of repose, a servant I man, breathless and pale, met him at the rate and asked him if he was a physician. I The doctor answered in the affirmative,' and the man begged him, for God's sake, to . go to a house in the neighborhood and see a sick person. Although against the rule1 they had established, the doctor consented, ; a:nl was conducted to the house by the ser- ; vant, who showed him into a large, hand- ' . 1.. I : I.. I T .I,!. .U-! .siiiii'iy luruisiu'u room, in tins room ine doctor remarked first a tall, handsome wo man, with her hair all in disorder, and her face pale a a corpse, s'aruling near, and screening a child, who lay upon a sofa. Around her was collected a group of twelve young girls, who looked lo the doc tor to be nearly of the same age, and trade him suppose it was a boarding i hool, par ticularly as these young girls all wore dark green silk dresses, and had their blond hair braided and tied with blue rib O'is. The doctor could see no oiffvrence between any ol them; they all had fair skins, small blue eyes, light hair, long noses and large mouths; but before he could ask any ques tions aooui mem, tne woman advanced hurriedly, and seized him by the arm, led him to the sofa, and in a hoarse voice said "Look at that child." The doctor look edbefore him lay a beautiful little girl of about ten yean of age, but utterly did .rent from tho others. Her hair was black a midnight, and hung in ringlets over her boulders: her eyes were closed, and her livid complexion end contracted features showed that the dreadful disease had sei sed upon her. 'Open that window," said the doctor, "and bring some vinegar immediately to rub 'he child's body." 'What!" cried the woman, "she has not got the plague 1" "Why, certainly ; did you not know it ?" answered the doctor. "No, no, take her away, take her away. She shan't stay here to kill us all. Come my daughters, come away quick! Oh! the wretched child, she will be the death of you!" and she pushed the twelve girls out of the room, and went after them. Put the doctor sprang after her. "Are you the mother of that child 1" he inquired. "Yes; but lake her away she shan't stay here." "She must be pnl to bed and taken care of,"' said the doctor. "She shall not hare a bed in this house take her away." "But where am I to take her? besides she will die if removed." "I don't care, take her to the hospital ; anywhere; only take her away from this house." Tl)oii(;h horrified by the feeling expres sed by this unnatural mother, the doctor tried a moment to persuade her to do some thing for her child : but finding it useless, and seeing that if he left the little girl in the house she would die from neglect, he took her hi his arms, wrapped her in a blanket, and carried her to the hospital, j where he was fortunate enough to find a vacant bed lor the little sufferer. The doctor then made some inquiries concerning her parents, and learned that Monsieur Domergue was a manufacturer of large means, and his wife really the mother of thirteen children, all daughters, duly re gistered at the Mayor's office as having been born in seven years. Six limes Madam Uomergue hroujht a pair into the world all wonderfully resent- j bling each other, light hair, blue eyes, fair i-kin and sharp features. The mother ; adored them, and her pride and joy was at : the climax when she found her family I again about to be increased. Put alas this ; time she was disappointed, for a little girl ! arrived, but withot.t any companion. This 1 alone would have been enough tr have i turned her mother's heart from her, hut be sides this she was entirely different from the twelve others. The mother could see no beauty in her clear brunette complex ion, her black curling hair, dark eyes and exquisite features, and from the moment of her birth, little Esther was an isolated be ing, unloved and uncared for. While her sisters, were dressed in silk, she wore cot ton, and while they were fed upon dainty food, she eat with the servants in the kitch en. As she grew she gave her mother fresh cause for dislike, for whereas her sis ters were endowed with intellects of the most mediocre order, and learned the sim plest things with the greatest difficulty, Esther's talents and quickness of percep tion made hpr the wonder even of her sis- j ters. Seeing this, that her twelve pets : were likely to be thrown in the shade, Madame Domeigue stopped Esther's les- j sons entirely', and the most the poor child I could obtain was permission to remain in the room while her sisters were with their teachers. By this means she was enabled to learn a great deal, and as she afterwards often said these were her only happy hours. The father of the large family, though a kind-hearted man, was exceedingly weak and the slave of his wife. Besides, he was much from home, and when in the house, never dared to interfere in the regulations made by his wife. All these particulars the doctor heard from the servants and the neighbors, and the interest he felt for the child thus singu larly placed under his care, was doubled, and he determined to use every means to save her life, lie accordingly watched her himself night and day, and finally found his efforts crowned with success. The child yet got well. I was just three weeks afier his visit to the house ol Monsieur Domergue, that the doctor returned, taking with him the little girl who had bee'u almost miraciilouly sav ed. When he reached the door some men were just bringing out two cofliins to be placed in a hearse which stood in the street. The doctor and his protege ascend ed the stair, entered the parlor and pro ceeded to another room, without seeing anybody or hearing any noise. But Es ther in the greatest alarm pushed open the door that led the way to the room where she and her twelve sisters had slept toge ther. The d)or was open, but four beds alone occupied the r vm, and two of them were empty. On the others lay two of the fair h aired twins, and by their side stood Madame Domergue looking at them as if siupified. Esther, with an undefined dread of something frightful, rushed up to her in ither and threw her arms around her. Hut as soon as Madame Domergue saw her she threw her from her, then seized her and would have torn her to pie ces if the doctor had not snatched her from her grasp. As it was, the poor child's face was all scratched and bloody, and she fainted almost immediately. "Why do you bring her here ?" cried Madame Domergue. "She is the cause of all my misfortune. There lif the only lw. 1 have left. Take the little demon away or I will kill her in spite of you !" Almost frozen wilh horror, the doctor answered not a word, but bore the insen sible and bleedings child from the room, out of the house, and placed her in a carriage which he saw and stopped. He ordered the coachman to drive to an ob scure little street where lived, in the most bumble manner, the doctor's venerable mo ther. She received the unhappy girl, gave her all necessary relief, and installed her in a small room near her own. It was as Madame Domergue had said ; in three weeks ten of ber idolized daugh ters bad fallen victims lo the terrific dis ease, and (be day alter the doctor's second visit the other two died, and were bur ied like their sisters. A few days more, and the mother herself followed, and when the doctor, hearing of it, returned, be found that house once bo noisy with young voi ces, and full of the joy and pride of a large family, silent as the tomb, occupied only by a prematurely old man, left alone in the world and prostrate with his grief. A few months afterwards, M. Domergue died in hopeless insanity. Esther, brought tip under the motherly care ofAIadame S iulie, budded into wom anhood as lovely a young creature as could possibly be seen. When in her eighteenth year she became the wife ol the doctor, who was now beginning to be known in the world, and she made her appearance in the saloons of Paris, and was for many years the most admired woman of the time. She became the mother of five children four sons and one daughter whom she brought up and educated to be an honor lo herself and ornaments to the society in which they lived. Dr. Sotiiie became in time one of the physicians of the court of Louis XVI, and when the political troubles began to brerk out, he unfortunately wrote a pam phlet in favor of the court, nnd thus became a marked man. In llin fall of 17'J'2, at three o'clock one morning, the police for cibly entered Dr. Soiilie'i house, dragged biin nnd his two eldest sons from their beds, ami in spite of the prayers and entreaties of the poor wife and mother, carried them off. It was nearly a weik before Madame Soulie could hear any news of her loved one, and then, they had already been dead four days the guillotine bad done its work for them. Madame Soulie clasp ed her three remaining children in her arms, two boys of seventeen and eighteen, and a girl of fifteen years of age. But as she strained them to her in the agony of her grief fresh trouble was preparing for her. Her sons swore within themselves to revenge the murder of their father ami bro thers. It would take loo long to narrate all the circumstances which followed; but these two young men placed themselves at the head of a conspiracy against the govern ment, and one year precisely from the day on which she had learned the death of her husband and two eldest sons, Madame Sou lie received a' short note, as follows : Cokcicrcerie, Thursday noon. Mother, dear Mother We have con spired against the government we have been betrayed and are lo die to-morrow. Bear it bravely, mother, we die for our fa ther and our brothers. IIenuiet Victor. What words can describe the despair of that poor mother! At first she prayed God to take her life or her reason. Put a ray of hope dawned upon her. She tui-jht, perhaps, save her boys ; the tribunal which had condemned them could hot be deaf to a mother's prayer a mother's despair. Put alas! Madame Soulie little knew the men upon whose compassion she counted. In vain she supplicated, in vain the pray ed ; they ended by lefu.-ing to listen to her any longer. She did all that could possibly be done lo save her boys from death ; she even, after the example of Madame L'ha lais, tried lo bribe the executioners. Put they accepted her money and then betray ed her. Finding all her efforts useless, she tried to resign herself, and determined as she could not obtain her ions' lives, at least to get permission to aid them to die. This was wilh great difficulty granted her, but at last she received it, and a couple of hours before the execution was- to take place, she presented herself before her un happy boys. Then all the grandeur of In r soul, the devotion, the resignation" which was so remarkable in her after life, showed itself. No useless tears, no reproaches, no lamenting. One short burst of agony, which tho sight of the manacled limbs of her children forced from her in spite of herself, and she was done with this world. Every moment was precious. God, and the eternity into which these two boys were so soon to enter, formed the sole sub ject of the conversation between the mo ther and her children, until the jailor came to announce that the moment had arrived to say Iheir last prayers. Madame Soulie stood by while the chains were knocked off ; she knelt and prayed with the priest, who had been sent to accompany them to the scaffold; and then she took an arm of each of her beloved boys and left the prison with them. The public place was crowded with peo ple. They could nut help pitying those .tvo handsome youths about to be executed; but tears ran down the hardest cheeks at the sight of'that noble mother still in mourn ing for her husband and two eldest chil dren, and niw accompanying her two re maining sons to death, she a c-nded the scaffold with them, embraced them tender ly, offered up a short piaver with them, and then allowed herself to be led away by a friend. Put she was net out of hearing when the shouts of the multitude announ ced to her that all was over. Well, in 05 she was herself condemned to death on the charge of concealing her brother-in-law, a political prisoner who had escaped from prison. A second time she mounted the scaffold, and was prepar ing to die, when an order came for her re lease. She then retired to a little farm she owned near Blois, and soon after married her daughter to a man every way worthy of her. But misfortune was to be her lot through life. Her only child that fate had left her to love and cherish, died in child" birth, eleven months after ber marriage. It was then that Madame Soulie turned her eyes towards the cloister. After con siderable delay she was received into the Ursline Convent of Neveres, and in 1823, made Lady Abbess, which place she held until her death. Her last moments were soothed by the presence of those upon whom she had conferred her benefits and charities, and she died as calmly as an in fant falling lo sleep, her lips sealed to the crucifix, and her eyes turned to that hea ven to which certainly, if afflictions, accord the right to enter, she had won. TIIK KERTl'CKY FOttGER. It is related of that unfortunate, man Mar. tin Brown who was once a prominent mem ber of the Kentucky Legislature, but was con fined in tho Penitentiary for forgery that when he first Bottled in Texas, the inhabi tants were determined to drive him out of Austin's Settlement of San Felippn, because he had been a convict. Austin had forbid den such persons lo settle on his ground, and colonial law passed by him was strict in pro hibiting an asylum lo refugees and all per sons rendered infamous by crimes of whatev er description they may be a law which Ihe father of Texas always enforced with the utmost rigor. Hence, as soon an the settlers informed the Geneial of this new case, he immediulely sent an order warning Brown lo decamp w ithin three days, on pain of sum nary punishment. The mcssensier was William S , Alls" tin's private Secretary, a young man of culti vated intellect, n noble heart, and generous lo a fatill. lb? anivnd at the Green Heart Grove, the residence of Brown nnd his fami ly, one sutnmei's noon, and found the family circle funned n round their frugal table. It w as the dining hour. S forthw ith delivered Austin's wrillen order, w hich Biowu glanced over, and then said monrnfully. "Tell Gen. Austin that I shall never move from this ppot until I move into my grave. It is true that I committed a great crime in my native State, but I also suffered the se vere penally of the laws; and then with my dear wife nnd children, who' still love me, I stoleaway from tho eyes of society, which I no longer wish to serve or injure, lo live in quiet and die in pence. I nm ready and wil ling to die; but on my family's account I cannot and will not leuve this spot." His wife and daughter implored him to change his resolution. They avowed their willingness again lo undergo the toils and privations of emigration, and if necessary prepare for a now home in tho wilderness. But prayers and entreaties were alike in vain. To every argument Martin Brown gave the same answer in a calm and sad voice, "I chose my place of burial ihe first day I set my eyes on my litlle grove, and I shall not now change my mind. S relumed, deeply smitten with the scene he had witnessed, and related to Gen. Austin the sinunlar slate of facts, and inter ceded urgently for n relaxation of the law which rested in the discretion of the colonial chief. "Yon have suffered yourself to be smitten by the beautiful l'.nmia," raid Austin, with a smile. S !iied to look indignant, which efforts merely resulted in n burning blush. ,:l will 20 und see Martin myself," added the General, "but lie will have to make nut a strong case to alter my determina tion." When Austin arrived in the evening at his destination, the family of the grove were almost distracted with grief. Brown's coun tenance alone wore its usual mask of tran quility. His story, as told to Gen. Austin, was simple as it was brief. "It is true," he said, "I was in Ihe Peniten tiary of Kentucky : but I was in the Legisla ture before I was in the Slate Prison, and while a member of the Senate opposed with all my rniht the manufacture of so many Banks. Those Banks soon nfter bppgared thousands, among them me and my family. I was then tempted, in order to save my family, to pprpetrate a forgery, or to do that on a small scale w nicn the Male aim Hanks had so long been doing on a large one. I paid the forfeit for my crime. While the grand swindlers rolled in affluence, 1 pined alone in a lelou's dungeon. Having served out my time, resolved r.ever again to corn- mil another w roup. I have but one desire, to be let alone to die." Gen. Austin did let the old man alone, cancelled the order for his banishment, and was ever after his steadfast fiiend. S , the private Secretary, made another visit to the Green Heart Grove, und the beautiful Emma is now the wife of an eminent lawyer, nnd a "bright particular star" of fashion's sphere at Galveston. Martin died at last in peace, and was bu ried i.i bis beloved grove, (at his special re quest.) in a most fantastic manner standing ereel, in a full hunter's costume ; with his hand raised towauls heaven, and his loaded rifle on hi left shoulder. Questions von College Studcnts. If 20 grains make a scruple, how many will make a doubt 1 If 8 miles make a fur-long, boar many will make a thort najtptd kal 1 If 7 days make one week, how many will make one llrong 1 If three miles make a league, how many will make a confederacy If 54 feet make one Flemish ell, bow ma ny feet w ill make an English Q1 If one hurnet can make a horse rnn, how mnny hornets would it take to make a horse fil I. S. 11. These letters are seen In Catho. lio and Episcopal churches, and in the pray er books of these seets. They are abrevia tions of the Latin phrase Jnus Jlomimm Suiealof, which signifies "Jesus, the Saviour of Men." Some may ask why Ihe letter I is used instead of J 1 Because formeily there was no letter J in the Roman Alpha bet ) then I was used where J now is. Ma. ny of our "readers can probably remem ber having seen the name Joum, spelled Iohh. THE GREY MARE IN THE OAR RET. A CURIOUS ENGLISH LEGEND In the porta! of Ihe ancient church at Re culver, dedicated to the blessed Saint Mary, hung, many centuries ago, a picture, the portrait f a certain Dame Mary Maycote and her two children, of whom this singular story is related. The picture was covered by a curtain which she worked with her own hands. Her husband, Sir Cavalierro Maycote, was, in tho ymr of grace 1140, a rich burgomaster of the flourishing city of Canterbury, though he resided latterly in tho fait town of Reculver, living at the sign of the Paroquet, in the Market place. During his lifetime a fearful plague desolated the south-west quarter of Kent, nnd among other I ho fell sick ; though his wife, Mary, who also fell sick of the pest, never recovered but to all appearance died. After the ustnl period had elapsed sbo was buried ill the vaults of tho church at Reculver dedicated to tho blessed Saint Alary. Shu was buried as the custom then was, wi'h her jeweled rings on her fingers, n:ul most oT her rich ornaments on her per.mn. These tempted tho cupidity of the sexton of the church. He argnad with himself that they were of no use to the corpse ; and he determined lo possess them. Accordingly, he proceeded in the dead of the night, to the vanlt where she lay interred, and commenced the work of sacrilegous spoliation. He first unscrewed the coffin lid, he then removed it altogether, and proceeded to tear away the shroud which interposed between him and his prey. But what was his horror to perceive the corpse clasp her hands together ; and finally to sit erect in the coffin. He was rooted to the earth. The corpse made a movo as though it would step from its narrow bed. He Hod, shrieking, through the vaults. The corpse followed, its long while shroud float ing like a meleor in the dim light of the lamp, which, in his hasie, he had forgotten It was not until he had reached his own door that he had sufficient courage to look behind him ; and then, when he perceived no trace of his pursuer, the excitement which had sustained him so far subsided, and he sank senseless to the earth. In the meanwhile, Sir Cavalierro Maycote who had slept scarcely a minute since the death of his dear departed wife, was surpri sed tiy the voice ot bis old man servant. who rapped loudly at his chamber door, and told him to awake and come forth, for lliat bis mistress bad risen from tho dead, and was then at the gate of the court-yard. ''Bah ! bah !" said Sir Cavalierro, pet titdily ; :go thy ways, Jacob ; thou art mad or tf nil k : or thou art snielv in a dream. What thou sayest is impossible. I should as soon believe my old irray mare had cot into the garret, as that my wife was at the court yard gate." Trot, trot, trot, suddenly resounded high over his head trot, trot, trot. "What's that V asked he of Jacob. "1 know not," replied Jacob, "an it be not your old gray mare iu the garret, Sir Cava lierro 1" They descended in haste lo the court yard, and looked up to ihe window of the attic. Lo, and behuld ! there was, indeed, the gray mare with her head poked out of the window, gazing down with her great eyes on her master and his man, and seem ing to enjoy very much her exalted situation and their surpiise and consternation at it. Knock, knock, knock, went the rapper at the street gale. "It is my mistress !" exclaimed Jacob. 'It is my wife!" exclaimed Sir Cavalierro in the same breath. The door was quickly unfastened, and I hero stood the mistress of the mansion, en veloped in her shroud. ''Are you alive or dead 1" exclaimed Ihe astonished husband. "Alive, my dear, but very ci Id," murmur ed the lady faintly, her teeth chattering all the while, as those of one in a fever chill ; "help me to my chamber." He caught her in his arms and covered her wilh kisses ; he then bore her lo her chamber, and callej up the whole house to welcome and as.isl her. She sulci ed a little fiom fatiyue and lii-ht ; but in a few days she was a well as could bj expected under all ihe circumstances. The thing began lo be the talk of Ihe good town of Reculver ; and thousands ducked lo see not alone the lady that was rescued from the grave in so remaikable a manner, but also the grey mare, who so strangely contrived to get into the garret, and so contribute to thai rescue. This excellent lady lived long and happily with her husband ; and, at her death, was laid once more in ber old quiet resting, place. The grey mare, after remaining in the garret for three days, was gol down by means of ropes, pulleys, machinery, and on inclined planes, quite safe and sound. The interesting animal sometime survived her mistress, and grew to be a general favorite with the good people or Reculver . When she died, her skin was stuffed and placed in Ihe arsenal of the Roman station as a curiosity. The sexton went maj with the fright he had sustained j and in a short lime entered I bat bore' from whence be had so oniuten. lionally recovered the wife of the rich burgomaster. Mrs. Partington says if the Maine Liquor Law passes, she will drink ecanphent for spite. BtSSET, THE ANIMAL TElCIIER. Few individuals have been presented vt striking an instance of patience and eccoh tricity as Bissef, the extraordinary teacher of animals. He was a native of Perth, and afi industrious shoemaker, until the notion of leaching animals attracted his attention tn th year 1759. Reading an account of a remark" able horse shown at St. Germain, curiosity led him lo experiment upon a horso and a doe, which he bongot in London, and he sac ceded in training these beyond all expects-1 tion. Two monkeys were the next pupils he took in hand, one of which ho taught 19 dance and tumble on the rope, whilst ihe oth er held a candle in one paw for bis compan ion, and with Ihe other played Ihe barrel-or' gan. These animals he also instructed to? play several fanciful tricks : soch asdrinkinir to tho company, riding and tumbling on a horse s back, arid going through seveial reg lar dances w - it h a dog. All this, it may be said, was verv ridicit. bus. No doubt it was; at the same time, the icsults showed the power of culture in iibdiiiti natural propensities. Bisset's teach' ing of cats was a sianal instance'of this now. er Having procured three kittens, he began their education with his usual patience. He at length taught these minature tiger to strike tbeir paws tn such directions on llio dulcimer as lo produce several regular tones, having music books before them, executing at the same time in different bevs or tones, first. second, and third, by way of concert. Ha afterwards was induced lo make a public ex hibition of his animals, and the well-known Lat s Opera, in which the rrerforrned. was advertised in the Ilaymarkel Theatro. The Horse, the clog, tho monkeys, and the cat went through their several parts with uncom mon applause to crowded houses; and in s few days Bisset found himself possessed of nearly a thousand pounds lo reward his inge nuity and perseverance. This success excited Bisset's desire to ex lend his dominion over the animals, inclu ding even the feathered kind. He procured a young leveret, and reared it to beat several marches on the drum wilh its hind legs, un til it became a good stout hare. He taught canaiy-birds, linnets and sparrows, to snell the name cf any person in company, to dis tinguish the hour and minute of time, and perform many other surniisinff feals. He trained six turkey-cocks to set tbronah a reg ular contra-dance He also taught a turtlo to fetch and carry like a dog. THE DriESriES Of LITE. Th'-re are some persons in the world, says the Cincinnati Nonparul, who in order lo screen themselves from iho charge of ex travagance and folly, try to do it cutler tho plea of decency. Those persons will com mit many acts, which, if they had trite idea of decency, they would hesitate lo perpe trate. YYe think the following are few of the many practices that coma under the cog-' nomen of not decent j . . It is not decent for a person to make a show above bis or her means. It is not decent for a person to run in debt' when be does not intend lo pay. It is not decent for persons to be alwaye talking ill of tbeir neighbors It is not decent to ascribe improper mo tives to every one we come in eoniaot with. It is not decent for one to appropriate others pecuniary means for their own gratifi cation. It is not decent for young people to show no respect to the aged. It is not decent lo be praising yourself al ways. It is not decent to keep yourself as a she for others to look at. It is not decent in persons going to pLc-. amusement to incommode other in various ways. It is not decent to spend you money in foolishness, when you have debts that ought lo ie paid. It U not decent to staive your famity by spending you money for liquor. Il is not decent to be sending clothes for ihe young nfgroes of Africa, when you have) so many ragged children nearer home. It is not decent to say one tiling and mean another. It is not decent lo cheat your neighbor, because you happen to have a little mor knowledge that) he is possessed cf. Il is not decent lo be borrowing papers all the time, when you can get the American once a week for sixpence. Rhcbarb Ph. Strip the skin off the ten der stalks of rhubard, and slice them thin. Put it in deep plates lined with pie crost, wilh a thick layer of sugar to each layer of rhubard. A little grated lemon peel may be added. Place over lb top a thick crust press it tight round the edge of Ihe plate, and perforata it wfih a fork, that the crust may not burst while baking, and let the joice of Ihe pie escape. Bake about one hour in a slow oven. Rhubard pie must not bo quick baked. Some stew rhubarb before) making it into pies, but it is best without stewing. m A dabkie having been t California, the speaks of his introduction lo fan Francisco r "As soon as dey landed in da ribber, dar moufs began to water to be on land, and soon as dey waded to d shoro, dey did'nt see any goold, but dey found such a large supply of noffiu to eat, dat dar gums cracked like baked clay in a brickyarn." Tur. King of tSiam has given assurance that he will net est tb missionaries.