SUN BURY AMERICAN 'AND SHAM0K1N JOUliNAL. The Origin of Dimples. Ono morning in the bloMoming: of May A child wns sporting 'monpst the llower, Till, wearied out with his restless play, IIh laid him down to dream nwny Tho Ions and scorching noontide hours. At length nn angel's unseen for;n Parted the nir wild conscious thiill, And poised itself, lilto a presence warm, Above the boy who was slunibuiing still, Never More hnd so fair a thins Stayed the swift speed of his shining wing ; And down, with a wonder rare, On the beautiful face of the drenmor there, Tho impel stooped to kiss the child, When lo ! at the touch the baby smiled Ami just where the unseen lips had prest A dimple lay in its sweet unrest, Sporting upon his chock of roso Like a ripple wnked from its light ropos-, On a slietunlct's breast when the soft wind blows. And the angel passed from tho sleeping one, For his mission to earth that day was done. A fair face bent above tho boy It must have been the boy's own mother, For never would euch pride and joy, Ilavo lit the face of any other ; And while she gazed, the. quiet uir litew tremulous with whispered prayer ; Anon it ceased, anil the boy awoke, And a smile of love o'er his features broke Tho mother marked with a holy joy, The dimpling chouk of her darling boy, And caught him up, while a warm sur prise Stole like a star to her 'midnight eyes 1 Ami sho whispered low ns slip gently smiled ''I know an angel has kissed my child !"' A STItING OF ITEMS. Beware of flirting and coqiiutry. P. T. uarntim is locliiriiig on totupeiaiice in Montreal. Of all disagreeable animals, tho must an noying is a political old lady. The population of Now Oilcans is over 125,000, of which 17,000 are slaves. Strange that tho mouths of livcis are lar ger than their heads. Gov. Houtwoll, of Massachusetts, has been hung in t'tligy three times within the last ton days. If you can live free from want, and have wherewithal to do good, euro for no moru the rest is but vanity. Three California steamers nro now duo at New York, with a couplo of millions mora of ''yellow dust." When you want a warm bath, and can't pay for one, pull your neighbor's nose, and you will soon bo in hot water. Asv quantity of wild pigions now for sale, in the Cincinnati maikels, cheaper than bcof. It is etiquette now in New York not to introduce visitors when thoy meet at a fiiend's liouso. Out West they have bars at tho mouths of the rivers ; hero mouths at tho bars predom inate. A daily paper lias been started at Wilkes barro, Pa,, under the tiamo of the Daily Telegraph. It is said there have been 111.000 land warrants issued 17.000 for 160 acres, 37,000 for 80 acres, and 57,000 for 40 acres. John Collins and Turner Clark, have been sentenced to be hung in Greenup county, Ky.. on the Colli , inst for tho murder of Justice Iirowor and wilo. Wise men nro instructed by reason ; men of less uiHlorttanding by c.vpeiience ; the most ignorant by necessity ; and beasts by nature. Cicero. The good man has God in his. heart, while ho is not in his mouth ; but the hypo crilo has God in his mouth, without having him in his heart. The Poslmaster of New York has obtained a renewal of the lease of the premises now occupied b tho Post Oliico for a period of fourteen years from May 1, 1R53, at a yearly rental of $10,000. Miss Dix's bill for a State Hospital for the Insane in Maryland, has passed tho Senate at Annapolis, with but two negative votes, and has, hail its first reading in tho House of Del egates. Hint's Merchants "Shortly the carrying must be in our hands 1 Magaiue says : trade of tho globe Upon our Uioics are the gates thro' which must puss the world's merchandise." A boy residing near Pittsburgh, w ho had been very deaf for years, recently lecuived a kick from a horse which fiauturcd his skull, since which lime he hear as acutely as or dinary persons. The village of Stillwater, on lako St. Croix Minnesota, has recently extended its area some distance into the lake ; the hea vy rains having loosoned some eight or ton acres of laud, which slid into the water. A oompany has been formed in London for tho manufacture of printing typo fioni wiro. It is said that it will last sixty times as long as common 'type, and cost less. The Uliea and Schnoetady Railroad, 7R miles long, posting for its construction $1,500, 000, for fourteen years cleared 1SJ per cent, per annum over the total expenses reitnburs. ing the original cost. A petition has been presented to ' ' r"" cral Conference of the M. E. Church, praying Hint the Conference will require all the edi tors of the Methodist papers to conform to Jlible orthography, and not lo that of Noah Webster. Ppnisii Vvrr. .llt a lump of Bulter, Hie gize of a walnut, wilh a very little Ball. Mix the yolki of 8 E'g., beaten .era; airly, with Ihe butler, and beat. Take a pint of Milk nnd 8 ppoonfulii or Flour and stir them i i alternately, and aflerwanls nir in the whiles of the eggs. Fill tho ctipi half full and baka in twenty minutes. Dip can be inaile of wine sauco or ol toiler and sugar. IKFEOVED LIGHTNING P ODS. TUB subscriber has constructed a MfiHT ISINO KOI) on true Thilosophical princi ples, ly whirh buildinfts supplied with them are rendered perfectly secure against destruction by lirihlninir. Tho connection and insulation of the roil, as well ns the preparation of the ground rod, is on an entirely new plan, (unking a more per fect conductor than any heretofore in use. Measures have bee a taken to secure Letters Patent fur the improvement. Persons desirous of securing their lives and property from destruction by lurhtningr, can have conductors put up to their buildings in the most perfect and substantial manner, by applying ei ther personally or by Idler, to the undersigned, at tho following prices: For 40 ft. J inch copper roil gold plated point, toiil plutina lip, And forty cents lor every additional foot over fortv. For 40 ft. J inch tubular rods gold pla ted point, solid plutiua lip, For 40 ft. iron rod gold plated point, sol id plijinu lip, . For 40 ft. iron rod nilvrr tilatcd point. $22,00 13,50 12,50 10,00 Anil twenty cents for every additional foot over lorty. T. S. MAC KEY. Milton, Sept. fi, 1851 ly. cap 17, 1852. C'HKAP WATCH KS, JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE. A CHEAT HI'.mjL'TlUN IN PRICKS ! Twenty per cent, at - leant less than ever have been S"hl in the United States ! OLD LKVER WATCHES, full JJ jewelled, 13 karat casn only ijiUO I i niillv pulii for !", GOLD LEVIN B WATCHKS, 13 ka rat i nse, jewelled, " 21 SI1VKK LEV Ell WATCHES, full jewelled, ' "14 Usually sold Cur SSlH. SILVER LEVIN E WATCHES, jew elled, "10 SILVER TEA SPOONS, per half do- zen, " S GOLD PENS, Silver Holders, " 1 Vcrsoiis wishing a Watch or watches, or Jew elry, can have tlicio sent by mail, with perfect safely, to any purt of the United Stales or West Indies, by first seniliiist the iiiiiount of money. All articles warranted ns represented above. Or ders from the country respectfully solicited. Please address piwt pniil. LEW IS LADOM I'N. 10:1 Chestnut St., Ernst Wins of the Franklin House. Vf California Gold bought, or manufactured into Jewelry. Philadelphia, March 20, 1852 Sin. HAREISBURO BOOK EINBSSY. I L. IIUTTEK CO., Paceess rs to W. (). lliek.ik, an.l Hick 'k .V Cain inc. f!-!OOK HINDERS, STATIONERS AND -"J PLANK LOOK MANUFACTURERS. The subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they arc now carrying on the above business at the OLD STAND occupied by Iliekok & Co. They ilatlcr themselves that by careful ulleulion to business, they will merit and receive a continuance of the patronage so liber ally enjoyed by the old linns. Particular attention will bo paid to the ruliup: and binding of every dcsciiptinn of blank books for banks, county olfiecs, men hauls and private individuals, and every variety of full and half hound blink books. Old books, periodicals, law books, music, newspapers, &C., bound iu any pattern and in any stylo required. In addition to the above, they have, and will at nil times keep, a general assortment of STA TION ERV, consisting of l.i-tter l'aner, Cap ' l:raivli!Lf (i Trau.-ti-r " riivinir 11 IlUiiiar " Kuivs, IJmlK iakKtanHs, jMHIo Wafer IlheU la'i, 'aliliT Wax, Jliini la!,, C'tDvinu Ink. Plate mul Pencils, l.i.-ail l' nciis, J idler Sl.uups, linliu Ivubbor, iil'i-rs, lliv! Ta-ie, l;ank Can!, I'.iW-k, laalues, &r. Sled 1 I'uriuii : I n!c. .ni lil's Wriliii'' t'iuiil, 1 t Paper ruled to pattern, and all work war ranted and done very rhcaplv. F. L. JIUTTER &. CO. -March 1.1, 1932. tf. . FOR a. tnSTS. "PY MEANS OF THE POCKET .-ESCULA-PIUS, or Every one his own Phvsieian ! Tiunrr- sixru edition, with up wards of a hundred engra vings, showing private dis ease in every shape and form, ami malformations of the generative system, The time has now arri ved, that persons suffering from secret di.-eases, need no more become, the victim of ui'acki.iiv. as by the prescriptions contained ill this book, any one may cure himself without hindrauco to business, or the knowledge of the most intimate fiicud, nod with one-tenth the usual expense. Iu addition to the general routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause of manhood's early de cline, with observations on marriage besides many other derangements which it w ould not be proper lo enumerate in the public prints. tV" Any person sending TWENTV-FIVE "CENTS, enclosed iu a letter will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will Ire sent for one dollar. ' Address. Dn. W. YOUNG. No. 1.V2 SPRUCE street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. ZZf Dr. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the Di-cascs described in his dillcrcut publica tions, at his Oilice, l.VJ Spruoc Street, every day between 0 nn 1 :l o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) Philadel hii, June ,i, ls.r)2. ly. SAVE YOUR MONEY. CEiii!!,.::-. e rtiriiix & to., (i.ATi-: Kiti:i:jiAN, n uhu'.s a co.) lm'OU l KUS AM) JOIllWillS, 144 Broadway, One dour South of Libert ij St., New Yui l:, UA VI-! nnwM'ii hanil. nml will he reeoivinc. ilaily Ilie Ke.lM.n, New Ii H'll-, llin-et lli'intliH lilimpellll iiii.iaini. laiii H, aiul eafch Aueti-nn, lieh, laalu atniile, fancy Silk Millinery (In ills. Our rlnek nf II it'll Kllili'ilil, c .111- prim-H i verj variety nf the latest nnd n. 'si hcaiitiful ilciyus iiiipniti .1. -Many nf nnr g-Mul.s nro inanufiieliire.1 t-xpiesaly ta nur niilcr. IVma nnr i.ivn iliMina unit patterns, mill alanil nun vaileil. We nil'-ir nur -iwhIs fir nelt ilan'i, nt t-.-wer prices than any oieilit limine in Ann-hen enn rillnirl. - - All pureiuiscrs will timl il roitlly tn their inlrreat in rn seive it pin-linn nf their in 'm y ntiil niako sclcc'lii'liB litua iair ereat vnrielv nf rich cheap p Lids. Kllih-nia rich fi- It inacla, Oipa, Hnnhesnnit tt.-lla. lh mm I Silka, Satiaa. I'lijiew, l.i.-..e,s mel 'I'lirlctniia. laiilirniilirii-H. C-.ll.iiu, Cle iaiM-ltn, Capcd, Uerlluis iiiiniis. r-ieevea. i-nim, 1.(1111,1. an.l lnscrlili;8. lanlirni l'-riil Itcyicre, iiee, nml lleuialitcli Cumhric Handkerchiefs. HI 'nil. Illnaiiins, nnd I'nilirniit.-nil Lneea fnr Cnpa. laiilirnideri ,t l.aeea tnr Shnwla, Miniiill -a. unit Veils. ll-iiiil 'ii, .Mei-hleii, Vnleiieieneii. nail Hrni-m-N Ibices, l ai'jlih nail Wu u 'J'lirca.l, Sin) rna, Lihlu 'I'lncuil, und C 'lliin Lneea. Kid, l.nlu Thrcnit, rilk, ami Sewing Silk, tiluvca, un.l M.lla 1'reneh nnd Amerienn Artificial Pluwers. Kreneh l-cu. KntfliHli. Anlerieftn, unit Itultlill. ri-traw ItniinetKHnil 'friiilniinira. New Ymk, Slurch -Jll, leVJ Qui. MACKKHRI., KllAI), CUUFIS-H, SAL MUX, hi::i;i.(js, Conalnutly 011 liaml unil for rale by 1 J. I'AI.Ml-ll&Co., j.iiin.t'1 ni. .t nui'i, rillLADKI.PHIA. JIAMS AM) HIDES, hJlOUl.DKKS, LAKU AND CHEESE, J March 13, '63.-3m OLD PNH with nml without cases, of u J3J wry nuierior quality, just rewivnj. AUo a IVe&h suiiiily of W riting Fluid, for sale hy II. 1). Simliury, Doc. 27, 1851. , HAND HILLS neatly printed on ne1 promptly eseeuted at this nllice. new type AUo blanks, 01 all, on superior pajier. ISunbury, l'eb. 1 1, Ia5i. T)LANK l'archiuent Paper l)cds und blank -- Moitgases, liouds, L.ieculiolis, Huinuions, ic., for salt by II. 11. MASbKlt. Hunbury j iii 26, 1851 "AID AND C0HFCT," , "So lour Otvn mechanic. v GEOllGE KENN. Manufacturer op FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the mo3t Fashionable Style. , : TMIE subscriber respectfully calls tho attention of the public to hjs largc'and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of C Ml I ft E T-W A R E. which cannot fail to rciommoiid itself foovery one who will examine it, on account of it durable workitmiiship and splendid finish, mado lip of the best tnck to be hnd in the city. No rll'urt is spared in tho mauulUftura of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the ninny improvements which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany Solan, oav ait's nnd Lounges', Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, coual to Phila- dclphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARD?, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAI11S. iuchulinrr varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such ns Mshwiast, Black Wai.nct AMI (JCHLKII MaI'I.K Cilia I IN J AX11 WlNllSMB CHAIKs, axii FAScir Via. no Stools, which are of the Iutct sty Irs, and warranted to he excelled by mme inaiittrnctmcd in the L'ilicsor elsewhere. Tho subscriber is determined Hint there shall be no excuse fur persons to purchase furniture in the cilios, ns every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will be disposed of nn m pood terms us Ihcy can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pnymcnt for work. iRT UNDERTAKINGS. Having provided himself with a handsome Hr.Aiisi;, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and nttcndiiur funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. 13 The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompsau's Store an.l Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE KENN. Sunburv, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. 3. 1. SITT3ESOH, ATw 78 iYoitj "il .V., helvcc.n Arch attt Jidrr iSV., B-'JfEREliY iiiforins tho public that he Imports "- anil constantly keeps on hand nt Ids new .store, No. 78 North 2d St., a large assortment of . Foreign Fancy ("Joixta, itlusiad Iiittninvnls, Pictures Paints, which ho will sell at the lowest prices. His stock, iu purt, consists of, Aecordenns, Violins, Music Boxes, Parlor and Par Room Or gans, Meloileons, Seraphim's, Mathematical" In struments, Magnets, iSpy nnd Opera Glassc., Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Looks, Bronze Powder, Dutch Metal, (Sold nnd Silver Leaf, Scales of nil kinds, Snuff and Tobacco Boxes, Lithographic Paints, Cop per I'luto nut i"ttv1 Em pravinis, unci pictures of every varlity. Also liilt Krume MouMiitiri of various h:c. DeiiliTri, Country Alrnluuits, mid TcJlars, enii plit il at rr-iisoii;il)!o i)iccM. UiTPmlK-r 0, If. ILfxinx Tira & Thief Proof Iron Chests. ."!.ViV..:'-.-.--',:.tTr V-- y.I.r.AVl'EI) to Ftand cjual heat' wit!, nny other ChcsU in the country, anil to tlefy the Uurnjaa' iii;rnnity. Mtinnfarlnry, Xi. 10 lluilson's Alloy, running between 'J'hinl and Fourth alrcrtu, soiitli uf (Jliesnut, and in the rear ef the (iirarj Dank. M. &. 8., the propri.-tora, are Practical Me chanics, nnd feel confident, from lonix cxperienen in the manufacture of Iron Chests nnd Kafiv, and a siecinl attention to this particnhir branch, of giving atis!.iction to all who may (,-ivc them a call. X. B. Yc have Feleclcd one of the beit niin emU ever used ns a nun-conductor of he. it ill this business, and we warrant our Chests nnd SS-Ucs to be made nf the be.-t material nnd in the n.ost durable manner, and lo stand uny heat that can be npplii"' to litem. Mir.NOK & SHAW, Manul'actory Mo. 10 Hudson' Alley. Illumine; between Itrd nml !l!i sti;eets, tS of dies tut, iu Ihe rear of (iirard 1! ink. Philadelphia, Oct. S.'j, lS.'il ly Eciineta, Ilats and JMillinurY Goods! 73 r EUCH ANTS and .Milliners when iu Phil i'fij aileli'hia to lu'nch.iM; their Roods, will lin-1 il to their interest to examine our large and fash ionable stock of STSMW .oons. Wis manufacture largely and i.nei.ur the N i. tsr S i ri.j s ox B'oB't'isiJ E'.ntiriCfs in our line ; which together with other adv.inta acs en )lo til to oiler liberal inducements to lien IIS. 11. A. CliOOKF.n, & CO., Xos. i'l and 4 'J Chestnut Street, and .o. M South Second Street, west i-ide, near Chestnut, Pbila,!el,l,ia. December 27, 1S51. ly. cf. WM. M CAliT Y, UOOItBflLLKH, Broadway, SUIJEUBY, PA. "1 i'h'i rt'coivoil nnd fur sale, a frcnH bu1v fur Stliuold. He is nUo opcjiinc of ut tliis tiim', n Lirijo ussurtinciit of Ut)oKs, iu ewry braiirU ol I,ilcrnUirt, cuiilii) ol Poetry, HUtory, Kourincr. fvii'iiiifif Virkj, Law, MoiliciiK1, t?ihool ant CliiMrcu'tf Uitoki.. liiliU'a; Sihool, Pocket nml Family, U.-th witU unil wiiliout Ki.gravini;!, anJ 'vrry of vnri elv uf UiniliiiR. l'ruyi-r Uookn, of ull kinds. 'i'ravi'la, Voynu;osj ami A Jvcntures, ull ol which will ho boM low, cither fur cash, or couu try produrc. 'sSunhury, Jan. 31, 1852. tf. J oTi iT a. ii a liii I sr Manufacturer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestic Segars, Also, a gincrul twaortmcut of I.ruf & niauufaciurcd Tobacco, f 10XSTAXTI-V on lmnJ, at the lowest mar kt iiricoa. Corner of Cjastuut fct., aud Wharves, Philuih'lihia, UecejnhiT 27, 1851. -ly. , . . .. iMITH'S liSSEXCK OP JAMAICA ClX- (iKH, a fresh supply just received, und for sale by JJ. U. MASSKlt. Kunbury, Jan. 10, 1852. 4 H.NOI.D'ti WRITIXO FLUID and AJhe. - sivo and legal envelopes, for sale hy II. 13. MASSER. Sunhury, Ufa 10, 1852. V-' - ; . " V-.-'--' - ' 1', . CATTLE. POWDER , . rUKl'ARED BY nnciNin, fiu)m:fh5LT) & co. No 187 North Third Strectt Vhilotklphiiu M'HIS pnwder n entitled by tbo united tctimnny nf nil 1 who lmvfl tiBPfl it to tli firnt. tnnk nf nil tdte CAT TI.K MKlJCI.i:S, Wlmli luivfl l-ccii Uiutitrhl prairrc Wortliy for nmny yvurt. IikIimsI we rlinllciiBo nny pera n to ui.ikn a superior, or nny povJ'T tlmt iictn In tliA wrnio liiiiniifr. If the nntiiiHl v- iwrfurlly ltunlthy it will eitlicr liierwi.; tlir tini -nut nf initK or I renin mill butter ; of the iiniunl will inipri've rnj.iilly In fnt. It will tlirrrfor In (inn: bu cnimitlt-rtst we luive no ilmbt one of the tuple iirti eh'unf cvt'ry I'uriner, wlio keeps u tlinryj nnd nf every Hrmti owmtnc n hoise, It is not one tif those kind o. Alix'ti'itK t lint uiiTrly swill nn miintnl np for a slimt titnr, but il will bv the npurity wbirh it hns of cniiTertinii llll'IM UIC ACIU (whii-li in mi elb-le mutter) into -Tir Animr ijmcimi; vmina n jrrriiter nnmutit of nutritions ni;ttlt'r to tip rxtiurtcd ("n-ni the s;iiiie nmount, o( Oioil, tbim pi-Mihly pouM he, w-re the nrtive principlei of nut ril ion t. ptiss tmt. uf the system in the form of Ilil'FUine Ann. Wi h ivc lecTivrd n niiiliiiuilo of evidence to prove w hnvn Fiiid nlKirt. SinTi'e ti sny ! iinve iniseil llionciive ncnl, witb n (rrrnt nniubcf of VnoKTtLK pl tntsntnl licrlis, which lime unl use lime pmvat to l)f lUL'hil, iinjirovicK the Hppctite nnd pri'iuntiitjr ditjewtion nf the f 'rt : lint nt-i-nriinj n heullhy r ndilion nf llit blond, frmn which the nnd Kat must he fortm-d. It nny Wi ni-d fm- I1iUk, t'oWs und I loos f'T the fnlKiw ini" eninplnints and (licuscs, YHIibOW WATKII, mlunjrerous melt new, whih de stroys ninny vahrdile lioises every yer, is very often enlil'i'ly euved ty the tree Ue nf linn pnwder, ill ull eaten it will prevent the diw-iisu from rtMntii? on. 'i'iiis dineiisi! is owning to it b:id timl impoverllied -title of I he blond which bee mica thin, watery mid uf ull J tllow col r. ' This ptiwiler bv improving tho slomneli nnd ntvinir to (lie hi iit ti -muter o,naniiiy of red particles, nlf 'i'd the best mid only p wsible rhtiuee of reen.ry. If the h"ise n far if 'tie, i;ive iii ruiiig ut.d llllit n taMrspooiil'ul in wet feed, il in I In: lieiiiiiiii v-uce u day ut n 'Oil, if only to pre vent the distviBf IWieft n ttvek. M.AUUI'UilMi This ii" the ruiu:itin nf ninny valm ble h w i ex!t:Hif'1i"ii ; hy ft ennnnt difc'har'c of sali vu which oiiL'hl In j'O into the stninaeh t nwut diesli"n. Il ih a pprrieri ol' H.iiivale'it nfL-n i-nKli'ceil IImilm To h ieen fiinwin,! in the pasture 1'routnl A 'i JtlilespiU'iniil thn t tiiii--H- wre't will tr'piently nrrcnt the Jl w, il it fl'tei n:t depend mi the Toiut i n m the .irra, uniler Midi eireum d'iiieeF 1!ie niiiniii' unt Q krpi iu the slaLIO. DlM'lvMI'Klt. It the powder is early mid lr- ely u?e.l, nonther remedy nei-d he UKtd, it lin ft 1 rend y euri-il loui dredn nf Ihdtm nt' tliit; t rniililuinmit'diseuEe to the surnriKc nf lh -wt who ui'.d it. If ii'il UH' d earlv, before malh r lets forme. I m the nerk il eammt restore 1 tie nuiinul perfect ly until the iiiaiter is diseiinvnl, iiwj it enrlv and prevent Hindi ii result. A Tabh vpooui'ul unco or twice a day is en'iejN. (;;ns. This iWm ha bmed nil pAtiutrns, f.tive this powder ii fun-triul rmd il. will do wonders iu un. mil liiiherio ineuni.tie inalaity. It ia a tii-aMi of the l'nn!ur:d sysft-ni inul kept up by imperlVet un'i Mi'-n. in sncli enF." n Tub! -t :momi id eVi-rv day twice tor n month or two, in constant sar ei-Hsmn, will in nine cases out of a dozen i IT---t m f'M'e, t hat ftci-n f.iirly tt-'til. C tij.!iM an.l 'ita.-ij oi" 11- t.i: Ii" d.-rt s.ibuif i'U w-aV tnn T:t iil ill tivery mV-iitir j ii it i or (wire n wed;. Pooh l.ow-FHUrtTP !U"nsr.. or whvxc. ttirrc nny remitinfl f(' l-' i'imlr r Mfiii-fs of moii-ni. llm ii'trpu will n"i hiih'ii. it u.H'i'.i llin hair is roii;li nuu f ; ; : t f s'r;ti ;Vl. out, tin: t" - S'-i-iiiin:-! ) tin iiou-h ,, the jvicr k Kl'ift's iilint iiiMntli:i1(i nnpn ivcmrnl ot 111 iiiiiiii't! : li: ilt'-' nl it m iiiiLirovtH nu t will) it nit fl." fcitu uislin''- i Hi- :inini;il tlis:ti'j":;iu, liocouiiii'' lively uit.t f'pintcH, nii'I l!ic Ji iir biii'Hi jtnil clicli. Fit M:i.kT"'t fnvt, rire fu'U cnnvi'ni'pil 11 :it it i'1 cmIv mipi ivi'' t)..' unMlitv. litt; t!int h inert ikhs (I it mnnmt 1 1 Aiul., (,iv:tiii inul J-iinr; s'.nio have tried Uc , im u'in iil st ;i i'l'iun! a Vi:-ii, ( Hi -im li ill u ii- uiA -:: t'lic in iP"ti ini.'' it hi : in it timt ,r l ti' li Uvu in nn n I: i i.rirt! a wa-k iri 'Ii t'own. Wc think it will hi: tminl i l'i iiv:.".t;ji! iV -1,1 a t r,..i M I' lllinl Ju'i ct' nit r:R'h i II (hot c, h ;ir; i:ilu ii: hc-ih hv. Ti: is mi-hl iniril i.Mi Mill : in m.n'- i-v the e 'iivi.-i -ti t't"t!. ! i i . , n 1 1 it Arnl int- Nitit ' u 'iimus aini y e"n.i:HUi'! : i hv npnl irrr ihf t &' j :i t:.Ui'ii i.i , ho imit: -. it !i liiu U;r.njtlls oi reaf' iii:i j ! v.'H'i u.t ftl.ia-: i.uv ('l'i,,.: Mtr ":.'M i?i p mi a (' th- n I. j liolil.ow nr WDI.I''i liooi-' UiSK :-:' t I'lt'-I all nth'-r (!:.- .i.-i's ut' ural i'.'l-ii! t j it I i t :pr up -a a Ir.ul 1 f tatenl' (he II its', ire rem 'Vr;I iily nail i ! na.I . . !mvn, wl; k u;i:'k is ! !ue, thill an-l wateiy na l v!ic;'i' il ; it. n t yii ',1 i.i 'Hi cr :na, -r w'.i'Te Cowh i?it- l, i.;:iy luilU. r v!;i 'ii art' as. .1 1 i s!;ui'l una dry. it will h- i nil ' an iiluii.t i,if Iii'iit, hy iinpi'.vitt;; the c n liii u nf tbo hi' 'il iui I ett ai in'i a lie il.hv thfht i n ; a Taiiifrponu- fal every ilay tr cvi;ry other Iay a il laay he necessary IIO.MS. I Phrs m thr sn-nmer fflcn uverheat tht-m-lvec, ret sv.-e!- letl ia-eU. p.MivIm, nlecrj in the liiaar. at, I l.ivi-r, whu-h j eaasa III; nt t 'he wry t-ii'lth tily. (hi e ia;.y h" rca : i 1 1 : entutly hy pal li;,:; a p na.l -ir a half in? t a Karp.l of wi.l ; aed it wul at the t ime- tinie c thaik-rahiy liasten 1 lie f.uiia- ill: pI'K'fh::, -. 11. la jr.aiiinl witi 'lt is k v"i.r milk nart ynn nr; j iietic.iiis t" la'i'-n j,t I,- :.,!H!i- tiiuc, j.'M !':'i.:t ii t fiivc ' iii a t t': in a t:.'tlei'Atiai.UM':t a Week itr it wti1 n iaiii (i e I.' I rar'i p'-i . -a try its U f.." hiih:;e!i and a vi ! f t in hi., uihfa-tl 'f i'-i tjic Ih-atq'iuiilieB. im.lthat i.j Par j 1 1 -t tJt-i I-" wiili -ui il. For liu jnrp"'- n' out. Mill furthrr howC'irflni j juMiy t.-?.,air.- CAT I'l.i; oVJl-:ii, is nuiil-.! t the II' nih.h'iwi nf iai iu - lii'i'nl-peipie wo :a rul.h "if : i ! I.etp rsio tit t iH'-tsH' tlni I'lficl rir:iii , wl- it rar.I'iiw I tf r has h'-r i us th aa l we :a-ah'r n v fi- ia the i-vni' iicc tlm tin mi? at I; -tnro im, t'i aflsarH every Fi'.raiT. Dinry j lnail mul lii-t.-'r-iitaa, Hint it lias lImir f ;r veiy inut li e.x j (,! 1 . i m r ia --aaytHiie expeehit i -liss. j W ith tli'1 a t t' I k'i'ivh 1-e thus far i-litainM, Vk 1 IIiM'K vr will he ni --Meil t make lite het ami tn u pr j feel. C.'inu: M:ainK L Vi-r y t -licri! 1 t i a ih' naa-r 1-e.iph. Ii a-'i-i nf a valiuihl prom Her tf rtlc'-ti n. itn- pruvif lie' tj.i ih'y i-t the hi -nl aiul than iiir'i.i-.i's ti:e nta ami of L-niier Fat. Aiilk ami 0 'UPCtjittatly nf liuttcr ' Jiven in ti e h'-a'iltv Anitiiiil Ji, win f Ciiitiitcrieil as the extensive alu of t -n v p iWiirr !t-:r itnl'teeil e h'T H l in ike ail nail itii ii of it. liac h pai k has oni' wiiit'ii Snr.lnrr on li'- eml. HHKIMil, FiiU.NKFIKlJJ A. CO. IMiilaileli hia, Jn'y ?Jt, ly. HAP.HL2 KAxJilPACTCPwY, (.'I1KA1 12IJA.VK STOXK8. inUi: mbiictibcr informs Ins friends nnd the iii'o!:c, that be continues to carry on (lie Marble I!u-iness ill ull iu brunches, at his obi stand iu M ill , it, I'a., and is 'prepared to inauu f.ietiiio Hointmor-tJ, Tosibs, Gravoctone-, &c, of t'.te best material ', and mn-t finished wolk tilau -iii;i, and at lite lowest prices. Letter Cuttiim, I'nelish ami German in the most inii.b-ni and elegant style. Desij'tu for Monument, tirave 8loues," &c, always on band. N. 1!. Outers fir the E;it side of the river promptly executed by lcitin the sumo nt tbo olticc of the "Nuiiburv American." A.TlTONY HirP. Milton, May 10, 18-'l. iviis-avi-r uikI J'rintiM", No. 40 Chestnut Street, uljve i Second, JS prepared lo Jo i.'.(JP.AYI.U and PUIA'T- I.Ntl, in all t'ueir branches, Wedding, Vi.iitiui; and liu.-hiess Cm, hi, IJall Ticl.els, Watch Papers, Labels, Hill Heads, Antes, Cheeks, Drufts und lliploma.s. Meals and Stamps for Corporations, Odd Fellows, Mail, ns, tSous of Temperance, Cvc. All tlio above t-it::r.ivcd in the bcot iiianncr. Orders by Po.-t jirotnptly attended to. Dcjcinber 27, 1S31 ly. BAEGMNS! EALGAIKS!! Clocks, W.iiclics, Jewollery, Silver Ware, Fancy Ciood-, kc t kc, li'KS vv'ty ilewrintLii nnd fiti:Uitr 8 !ay Trrtsi t mul ;i lumr I 'cUn, vciy liw. U'niclies tit' (lie l-.vt If) ikui. 'J'l''liim.'U Ul,.l H"liUlKll (..Hill ).tt'Ill luvcm, ;mr as !nv ns S'lMi, w.irnmti il kaiut casnt, uu- in-uivd I oi i'i in iiitm. MUvr ,L't'ri its lnwin 1(1,00 vrarranu A. Ii'piiica u low 0 siaK) wurnuituil, tiunriu'r W iiit-Ui-n fu irtvat vaiicty. Jew l!ci y C t-v.-ry l. s.-r iiit i- n. (i. .IJ (i.tai'il an.l l' t t haiu, lli' tt'ck'tf, J.'tif KiiMrs. l'iimcr i;iuv;, lit" tiit.-j, ..'ii'iic-tK, ("tlii IV u i-ir ft I, iiit, waiiituu-tt -iat;. Tlu sul.crilici having jiii-t rclurnt-tl (Vi'in llm r tst.-ni Taci Tics is pitiiiiticil t' luiuili uny urii.!'i in Ins line f lHisiiu-tM n" tin- J-ife.-t fliylt'.". mitt ns t-lirap nf ilio fnmi; mti i Its can In.-1. -lil iu tiiu .'hiljiU ljln: -r N v Vui U i. 'J i ttnvjin-t tin m!ilio uf tliin i'ut-t tic invi: tin Ir nttvn li"h unit n-fpccl hilly t.ttirititu cull, llu K'Ul.jl imilical nly iiniU'llic aitxiiiiuii cl ll 'ii-l I'r-'pri Iturs, mul I'iiimiii jt iii Inn exiciisivi ass irti'i'-ul ni' tilvi-i Wuri', viz: 'JVa li Hp, TliM", tu tsan wi:. i 'J'c:i t-jHLMif, I'tTl-f., Vr.. A-c t)i 'Icti ivciM (nr nny nrtirlo of il'cr Wnr rxmitcl W'iih jir .ni;ui:t as, iT.ii ui Hi liext Klyle. A ni al ;ni lv ( l-'ain-y li mils, I'apirr Mat-lit; w ili, pm-ij us Vii!in.' J -Us. I't'i'l I'uliiut, 4iluVii IJ'ixes. llour li'Xu, do , . Il ytu waul tit KLCUte lafaiua call at U.C filU'.KX'S next it mr to .lie Punt OmVe, Ccutrs? tt., TuUsvilU, I'ti. N 11. All timla uf repair, attcmlvd to hy llic beat vyoiL infii. Dcot'iiilKT 7 151. io. HIUM;8. Joint nnd Lup .Shi ulo, of lirst rate qvuillty, ior halo Ly JOHN YOITXG. Hunliury, Dor. SO, 185!. tf. GOLU PKNS with anj without silver cascn ' just received, und for sale bv i . h u.;massku ; Punl'ury, A mil 4 1 5 1 AON AND 5PRLVO MORTIAK LAT. hull Ihe ukuuI prieo by i W. FAILLNO, Hunbury, July 7. Ifcl3- Ti USTICUS' FiiB I3ILLS l'or sale by t 11. U. MASSE'll. Sunhury, 1851. '2P , , 1LKY',S- C'Ol Ci tMXDY. An excel ' lent remedy fur cuuiiha. colJs. l'or sale at this oilice Jaundicf.; T)YSPF.Pst a, ctmo.Nic ' on nek vol s nuiiij.rrv, disease OK THE KIDNEYS, AND nil (tifr-nwn nrl.lim frmn n itln irrtcrnl llrrr or Mo n;:icli. licit DHo.Mmtip:itinn, invtrl Pilci. KhHiirm, or tl()(Kl t(, llin I fl. Aci.hll- tt II. f.!. X:,timmi ttiril'iuil. rlt.iriiwt for Fotxl.' riilliirfin nf wriirlit in tin tvnrnnrh. Mmr KrHrtntlrmt. rinkitiff iir tlitttfriutr nt the pit if the SI mnnrh. nwiliiTtuin nf llm hciiit. Imrnnl rniiMillicull nmitlihm. HuMi'iin; at tin-hrnrl. rliiVin or mi IT. .ciilio'T Ki!nwitiiii, wli'Mi inn lvinff pMMnro, lliinncf.i nf vi.i ni, or wiAs liefomlhe tiitlit, I'evrr und dull viii in tlio neml, deficiency il' .orsirnl i. u, veHnwiiRftn nf tlio ikin il rrp, pnln in tho utile , hm k, rlu-nt, limi, &.r., suilfl,.,, mitlii nl heat lutriiiiut In the rtenli. enimtunt iinngliliiigs nf uvil, ami fimtt iltinreksi'tn nf fipiritx, CAN UK tll t f.CTLAI.l.Y Cl ttf.D BY ID?.. HOOrLAlTUS CELEBRATED CiEKMAN LITltHS, PR. C. M. JACKS OM, , , AT TUB GERMAN M EDI (.'INK STORE, !N'i. 140 Anh St., rhlln li'lptiln. IluMr piiwrr uvcr ilie nUivo ilisetniea is nnt rxr-rllo.!. if i-iii,hii (i, ny nny nlli.T iiriwiriitinii ill the I mini :aua, n llin iMirm must, ia msuiy fnsrs ni'lcr skilluil I'lijuiiianii "I"ln-i- llitn.Ta an. wnrthr twy ntti'nlinll nf iavuli'N. Pnfwwhi!! cn.,1 irliiis hi llii; ri i. m nf iliniiinanf llin Liver anil I- -..-1 r jjl.inii!.. e.ieri'ii.i'K tlie m- .nt setueliiim ivnvertj in vvrakiM -i?- anil alt"' rt icaft il liie iliehlivc niVAns, Ihcy are, villi;, I, .i,e, rel'Uin anil ,'. Kimi.i ll:e II ,jt.,, l.Vc.l Tim Tilllnr Kriiil. D,e. ll)ll. Jln(.lI.M)'. I"! I.lililtAlFn tint MA N ItlTTrr.a ft Iheeiilt nf I, iv, i Coiapl nnl. Jnn.iilier. InnricpMn. (.'Innaie IT ien-,Mls I), IH.Iy, 18 ikyervmlly ivienVliie liillini.a-irimiliein.-ai.flhu iliv. 'tin-!..; lji!iLi have luva nsi-.l by lliituHimiln. ami n f. ienil at nnri !! ma ho inn hini- si ii ren-ueii a,, tn tli.-.l nml pi-iia-iai-nl lanii i f l.iver ..'ai;ii:iMii ir. ill llieii-fiil ri an i!y. V.e arc c, invim-i .1 mat, in ii- use ni linn- i.'iiiciw. iK. puli-.-iil e nislaiiilv pallia alrcn-jili -in, I ia. a :i f-u-t viirtl:y..f i- Misule'. ralma. 'I'li.-y are !.!-.: ,:, i a li.-.: e aa.UniH II. anil ea,i l,e luciUiy pna,ii.,vi'ii I in- m- .- !. I.--H.- 'm,--. wi Rltt.. ly. iimli r nnr rini.ii'.itk-.-. We are ,.niki:w Ir. in tx perienee, nml I., mu .ii:.a !. il we .elviie lie. ir i.M!." "nnr.- KrAi.v." nas m li.e last pilhlishcil, saiil, Ai.ii. J"i I.r.einr papers "I)n. II-nin,M Dr. .-ii- i pr niiiiu-at nn iaV i ih-.icy in e,i .1 . ll-:Ml ltrrrmiK. minufaeliirn! Iiy ree num. "i Ii il i'y a ime of t!.e ne.:a l' lae la -aiiy n.i'na intii le nt mni Ii Ii inale Wi .ikaei-.. Aa Mich iu tin' .all-; Ii- i. t-i '.M::ill a Ii i I mive then.-.. Ive, mn.-h , i -ku, .,K ,,f I -.I cnii-i ilu'.i -n i uril! Iiml i!u. Ilill.-ia uiH-mta III -ir lii-ill'i. as we kiimv lVa,,i ex, ricin-c the : lii!ll i- us la itiulai y clieel fley tial e apea Wi t k s;. u-mn.)i A'dC '-(i ute. Tit Pliiln.l' 'cliiii S.iiMetiy li-e.i.,' Ike ,eat family tiew:.p:li"l niiM:-!: -i! in tlw I utter! W-ilrn, tlio i.ij I) I )l 'hf.ia ti i, "It if -m trat .Mm njuIei'F; i J:i:lli ii. tin k r,-,tli;it ".itleaaf: I 'lt ta a which Ii Kvat -f f"iVii iii-' r I IV, ll ill Te is n f-ieiain m a fa.i th. a ii-'u , itii, wliea prf 'i'h !t I! v n r'"ainn"ji"l what nre tnnn .M!:h ! i.'-c i:;i(t p;'tli'.';"-e i r. In a r in- aiiir.cait Ut. is. : ' : s a tn hi; ih-diiM'tly e ! 'ir,.,ii1' tf the ti "i a-ri ll Pa- cf our Il.vf- iitn! i ''la-ri of ti e ...1 ; i. t I '11 t hiiif pi mul jip.l t. n for r nulla' iaet of nusehit f, h i!;.t"v:' ai--V'.l. a:,il .a! -a tiie F.eaMteii- vX " I tee a r "t tvil (i.l.e the I'ni'-n. th,, Ii-; rhr-i! i ie ia i:w fa r. i 'lit i!.i'Mei-iaf tae r'-.-'nlar 1 hy ! titli, r ii v-'uoa' I, -h- -I, ;nM ta.iy prn r th t ' Willi tneir i-'tiet li i r.' ii I li I fi r (' iiii.'-ii'i' i. l-i e il Thuy f inal r-1 1 -r in. .ml Willi ; r,):x; n rr::ri:rr-i. TliiT-i- 'i .i-.-.. l-.j - -r I i:-- l I,;.', , in t-l i.- r ;t'i i:i- .' ;' ' : i ; :i I i i . ! I" : I .rili .i ,-...-i 1 1 ..: tl.o H :i.i- in. i u ,. . , I I.. 1, I.OOii Wl.l.l.Tii Tli:: M.Mii;- ('! Tlirv linv,-tlu v, rir:. !l il ;,,i! ;iri- '' nn: r;i:-'. r.. ' c :.r. .t.i'i,sn II III I lie Ii '111'.-, Willi iijiimi nn- r. i :pi nr wliiHi t I- l-'(.r nil- a. l !ic "1- 'ii im Stare, . i,; '-I T li-.-l Siili, (!,tlc '; I . i. -I'nl i- ri-:;; vtli! In dm!. ' i- n.i'iy. erui'hi ;i :- i j.:,; , ii ".I t:. l'i.'.: :: i.-i:i). ii. . i'- ' i 1 enj I !n. ri'hMiit-ir . .' IVfl.-. '' ', .i cents. ' II. -I.i.1. S.inlinry. nnd -.7. l-IViM - ;,ll , Sin A'.r:. JI'IV. . Ai!-,l:jl : . 1- .1. ly '.mm: m:s. v!;!i"'.;;i.-.s risi.eet.-.:iv 1 1 Tit ni j il. the I'ln lii. thai I bey s!;M continue to , titer- i I Vtisi Inn !! i,i and n!.i-.-s jit ihrir u!.l ,-sIub!'. .lied H-iud in Market flail, v.i-i of ilie Court Unit e, t Their Ion.' v periem c in the bt'.:-;.in-., an I li e j c c.-.!;i! li -..c.l rcpi.t.ition of tln-ir !uu, ill, liny tit:-;, be a u.iicient iriiiir.inlr.e, tlul their Cf-toim ri mil l-e well ace ui'uod.itcd. March s, 1:1 if. POTjC SV1IIS, PA. WI !! rcsiiectfiillv iiiforiiu. ! iv,tl.e I" ic iind triivcliin-' commnuitv trcncral- ' ! '.v. "-at :-;ii'h.n opened lh: lar je nml commodious ' iliDTCI., fo.-iii .'he, in a M.ipnior :'!.. ; I her ln'i:.. .pt lieiiee in ll..: bu ,1m -s of a lir.-t rate ! Hotel, a. ul well kine.Mi reput.iti-in t.) neeoiniu"- I I dale, her customers m u i!e;t-nu on In int; S'jpi lied I ; with every tiling rouducicc In their comfort nml eiinvenicnec. 1'ch. lo. 8." I tt LAWllICNCK HOUSE. '"l 'UK subscriber rc -jn c! fully iubinus licr fYicm'. I mi. I the j ublic m-uerally, sUc h:m tulien l!ie oIkivc v.t 11 l.nmvn ncaily oj.ji-is',!,. il,r Cinirt, bilcly occni ie.l by '.Mr. J. C IVr kim. t-lie li usu (but be,- e .ci-ieiicc in bu -'men ami her eiibrN In nii-.l.c ber imicsH cimfmt.ible, will Rue culire s:ii.i.r.iciii'ii tu those v.h.i m:iy f.i vor her with their custom. A.N V. MO 11 Kin March 8, 1S51 tf. J. II. iiIj23IMAN, Ev.r.tmy, Ta. OITice ill Deer Street, iiiuneni.ilcly onjinsiic the l'ulilie Si-lniol llou-e. ty Mni-.iiw i-,::!i-c-lal mi I nil Ljsiut-: jii ,ui!!h- na,l cm a fhiiy liUiiti!t-i.l to. Anril SO, l;i."0 ATKiVi' Tmw-M of- nil kiniN, IIurri.n's rilini,' aiul iii'lellible ink, l'uttnn arii ui..l liijit-', jnsl reLciveJ diiil lor tule by j. v. nai,i.(i. Piuibury, D.c. 2, IS IS. yTOKIi Wain, Knrlhen Ware, li.iisins, Al- luninld, 1' uiii-s a utl Crvani iW.H. ri.iuej ni' all UiniU. .Sail anil Jw-t reccliej an I f.irsalc by JOll.N' W. l'K.'J.I.Nii. Suiilury, Dec 9, lSlU. a n.l CM I'dis. On linii.1 K-ioral -,.ji- ii'b ul' the life of Christ, nml al 'D a niinil i r ul guM ieii which wo will sell at (he Philailclnhia price. l''ursa!e at ibis oilice. i'lLVlilit V'ATClIl V "few Ivul'lc" ca,e lhiiilish biler W ulchcj, fur rule ul . ry h.vv liriees by II. IJ. M At..'ji.'li. ISuubury, April IS, 18.11. Mk.xxfdv'iS vn:sT siry.s. Ti:M.liS A i-hcip uiul exc, ll.-nt aili elo lor fastening Push lbr talc by j. v. rnu.ixo Sunbury, July 7, 1810. rTIIslXtS UO'ITI.IW Ureast piimpn, un,l ' niiiple lubea- A supply of these useful arli clea just reccivej and fur Kale by . wJUUX r- FE1UXO Sunbury, Jan- 18, 1851 u' TB OSE OINTMENT. A fresh suj.ply oflhi. L.VXj excellent arlii Ic for Tetter, i e., just reccivej anJ for Halo hy 11ENKV MAfcSEK. , Sunbury, July 2, lS-t!) : ..t rtEAS, from tlio New York Canton and lVkin JL 'I'ea Couiuaiiy. l'or sale bv J. VV. F1ULIXO. Sunbury, Deo. 2, 1818 AY Kl'M. An excellunt orti.-lo for sale O by HEMtY MASSEK. Mu i bury Jan. S7iu, 184U tf. HANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY, PENNSYLVANIA. CITV Of lilllLMlELl'lltA MASUACAirsiiTTi". All giilvenl hiinUa (lis HIIODi: ISLAND. All solvent hanks 1 ilia CO.N.NKCTICL'T. All anlvenl Irmka 3 (lis NKW YOHK. I'lTT. ljrt. JJinik unif-a India An 8'ilvt.i nt hnnka 11:11 rni:?g mv. Ilnnlc nf Cliaiiiliernhnrff 1 ilia nana in laieaier l.n, par Hank nfDil.Ci. theater par i. Ana oi iieriiKinunvn Hunk nf (iettynt'Ur;r ll nik nf t,eu-iKlnlvil Hink lif.Miililli lnun par.VII anlvrnt Imika J 1 ilia Hk UJlea liiuler Bj i uia rii:NTKV. All tntvanta lianlta 1 diaj M:W JKHfKY. Ilelyuh re IJ-ink ! ilia t'nminereiiil Hunk j ili3 1 ilia .iliniiii.niery IM H ijiK pari in .viriiintiiTierl nn pat nana ui I'luslaira; 1 id liank i Danvillu nar! far. llnik M intHnllv iir I line !e Mank 1 ilis 1-'. A M.. .MiiMleliiwn ft. Uir J.'ilntiihin II k . ll'eCn parMc. hiiiiies' Lk, Newtirk r ll iyi 1st iwn lliaik ii ir .Mei-h. Ilk nt Hnrlinirtnn pur .:iM'-n Hank par .M.rli. Ax .Man. Ilk Trent )nr J .in- I .;nU a tliaiMnrrla I'n 3 ilia ,xihaiiSr Ifkt'illalinri t ili.-ij Newark Hk'g&liii.Cu J Uia l.aehanie H'k. Hrinieh I ilia'drnne Mmik I llin Kiirniera' Il k, Uik UOi parl'e..ple'a Ilk 1'iiltciBoii J liia I'nrinera' lik, Uniealer par I'liaettnn Link imr rarmera' Ilk. lltailin par Hilein lluikilnr C-, par l-'arin. Hk Si-liuvlkill i-,i p ir Seinfinit : Itn.k J ilia F it I. Ilk W nyni-NiriT I'-ilin State l.i-mk at niKlen par franklin Hk. Wafli'n ltli. Slutr Ilk l' Ihl a 5 ilis llarriiliinir Hank. I ili- Si.ile H ink Newark ills llimesilale Hank 1 cl o Htale l'k, N. II;uiiayU p-ir I-anenstilr llanif . par,Snifix liank. Newtnil j llin Hank . pirlTii nt in Itaiikinii L'n p-ir .Men h. fc Man. tvnik 1 ili:. 1 tiinn Lank. D.-y.-r ? .lis Miiieia' ll'k. P.itlaville per Vnrillevv'lr i Del )rf!.. I.VIn Muleaisaliel.i ll-'ik I ills IVUk ivt. a nikler . I ilia Tnvl.v,e l.-llfCo 1.1 tlia DI'.I.AW.MiK. rat HrTnu li Hunk par' P.ank of llelawaid jir pai par Wy.nnilin Ilk, itkcalie ivir'ltank nf Siniina N'erk IVin'i, I llin! I r laware 'ii' l::ink iielit f nule 1 tlittjCk Vihni;a Hiamlyw. pai maim:. Rmk'-f vitMti.rf-ic Mareaiili!" Uk. li;m:: I'iiniiris IlkM IffJnware par fi tli Fnimi Hank, 'iluiinj't'ai par r l:iih--jtV Fuller (lis Ali s Ivt-ii, I r i 1 1 s t'liia KW HAMI'MIIK! .Ml Pi-lv-:.f l.-,:l llu.k "f -ni) All fifJvcnt Uxv.:n . 3 . All 'Iv-et haakl 2 tll (li;; Hk n .t. r. itah-r 5's 1 tlis SOUTH FAIIOM.NA. t!; A Ml h'i lit hanks "2 iii ii:ar?"Fii.U-r.Vs, ilis LA. AU3 rA-DHn ATir.0AD.,-;; A;snA?ttifcAjt:iiT i-ro.ii rn!i.i);i.v At) purr.sviM.i-:. F :i r c x F r il n c r il . Otf.tfff the P.Zii. 5' Kic'.i..,- n.-ilroad Co. l'liiliwlrljihi.i, March M, IS,)!. S na.-sriLVr Tr.iin.i V.AW, (csi'i')it Sunday) n;iJ ;i!i. r April 1st. 1 sr. 1 two tr:m will L sf v rim otii-'i way, i!;u!y, bctwi-ru l'liilndrl (:liia nml l'r.tlsi ilie. j". :;. r:n t.txj:. I.cnvcs Pliilmlfljiiiia nt 7 A. .'.!., daily exco-t Suiiilnys. i.c.ic riilt-.Vi.k-iit t A. M. il.n:y cr.'iit Sun- AFT;:nxonx r.rxi-. T.cnvM Sllll:!.lV-. IilVlV.Vi S-;:,.l..y. llclwc. Is! rl .ii i i:c..v. . l'ii;!-.i(K!j.!-.!-.i t ::j :it c o riui'k, J;iily, escrj.t r.u: ;.- ri.i'.i a a W. ; 1 .m; i i.i:.! ci ritM.i:ie ?i.r. i.-i of i). ai.d v;. I a, t -.: 'i ii V,lV v.t .1 l i I'M; r the car tlllit'.-S il-ovi. : will be al aii'.l pas. MC :.'d fr.i ariii i n Liking any 1 jurcl, ul.ii !i . i.i !. at i tii- r'i ,i. Uy ui.'.ir -t" i'n- A;.-.;i in, M'ul. i r. li-vl oi '.lan-nrrr-i. .1. UKAM-'Oi;!), t..:ocri taiy. k:?. x... ir: ch...;:u-t m pl.l.r.O.i;.: ili l. lf.-rivii-, r, u -io f.-ft.i tlie most ili-lin- It- lin.V n. lil.i 'l ,i I J'hf fi.: cr .1. i.i:.! V i.i.'. !u'i; I i-0 n- p.ii of i! eh. r. . ntv t lion fJr.iiP. ;. t l, i.u v: XA..i'tA I,, ii!i:'i! son woiils 'i'i,')' i ; -y 1 !;tinbiie. oi'ils and lit n -ic bv .' L. V. i,. t.'r-Ii,-'.; U y . Crobe--a piano si ti -J vie! .illectirni by Jj.'. of ruc'.U. i-'.'cn.l i IVm-.i 1! CtM-t'l. 1'ivitv l.uiic r. bv .1. All the Wind., i f..r I'. iy Liitie lVoj:e, :, bv A. AVoru- ('.itard Hi'.it. :-.-! l W. . by I:, Is, V.'.'i .r,l, ly ;Kil h: ihor of "Lose TN'ot."' by Ch'is. Vouin;, do. otnas .1. I;;, !i, mu. 'J'l.c A.hetl ., v sic bv lion-. i.i::: ov w.m ci r l'i.iii.ts. ive ciiiiHl-.uliy u:i hainl, 'i'i '.V "I" M tirliu's t'ele. ; r. t;i,-r ;i fine ns- : an:'., ii'. :iu.l Merchan- ! a si .cl. in.t t. be ' - I' it.ii.limiiiit iu the , t. ,-;v..i;i.iV IJuiUling. I IS.", 1. 1 v. ! S ,i luli-llt '1' :-h;t-;-..l ;.i-,.i!, cum ,!' iii, J Che.-uut : bi:i, June pa ,,: by tou:.!i-y. 'ili riiii.-i. ."HO CL'ilL'. M) I'AYI ITi.:j' rever end Ano VilhV. , i i-.... i.i i i.ini Kjiceiiy cuie I ,- liie I cier lllKl -, 'll:l , s guaranteed lo any nno who . They have been ued for the, "d l.a - e never l.ivn known I.) instMncc aiul j,i eases, loo. in iy u.. c the l'i!! i-l 1. ent i'.iil ill a si:: v. line p. r vi. irs, v. iib-n ',:.,,, .c. v ,'.( v. ill cuic in II.- us ba.l I'.ie disc.i-ic for several ait iiiieniii ,:.ion. The proprielor '.e m, ,-,',! to )ii.k!iu-c uii -article that as ?hu,i a, wilhout l.-aviinr auv . Is from Ihe Use ol it. If the Tills u rn a an I pcr.'c. t cin e, the ill return t!.? nioiiey. Tor sale by l..i'. r.-nce, M im.-s-. i!!e ; lh llcfl'cn c ion ; S. 1, l:,-;,,,,, Hcl-.uvlkill lla W. T,i:ii.''r. Sunbury; Ma'ry A. Mr-iunibc.-!.:nd; Ut. Ucei.Iy, iauvi!le ; i-.s, C...r,vis-ia ; Dr. Judd, ', illi.uas- !!;!.- -'i i t!.i n il j-c. lr- ;vii tur In ob 'l'i.-. John - .1.'' ;.!,.,rr J.i'ui !-t:'in, Coy, John port l K.i -cr, :,.ilto:i, an, I by rcsnecluble DriiM I J. Cl Tolls', ill, irou;niM:l ihe Sl.ile. v.lii c. iii i;;;::: , .liinc SS, Ksol. y. Prtnirii'tnr. T """0"" 3 p xL"1 T',r," ( ) i . 1 1 s i o x ?, u ; I iv ii a n r , No. 11, Xoelk Wharves, i lice the f .Ilowins soo.ln are received an J snld o:i conn, ii-;-. ion, Diicl Applci, Te'iu lics, Tlorus, Tears, Cbenici, (.c, (hull Apples in liarrels or by tho liu 'he!, Kc.iiis, Tc.ii, Craiibcnics, Onions Mercer To-I.1I..1-S. Sc. eel Tnl-ilors, Mu lbarhs, Chestnuts, (.I'ouiul :'uU, ves, I.enioiis, Ilaisins, l'i ..s. 1 'runes, Crapes, Toultry, E,;.-s, liutier, Cheese. Ai.d ull hiii.U of lVeijii und Domestic. Tro iluce. 1'liilnilclphi.i, Dec, M, 1S.M ly. 0AP AH3) CANDIE3. Mib.-ci-il er lakes Il ls method of infoini tho ciii.oua of Sunburv un.l vii-'mov t.iat they urn ensiured in the manufacture of S-cip an.l C.iuJ'i, of the best quality, at .No. 4 I T,!!i.-.t street, Thiladelphia. They rcspei Holly n.vilc all whn buy fir rush, lo (jive'liiiii u call as tlicy v.-i'l fin, it tn o in. ;,- a li,inl.i-j in dealing wilh him lor aitichs in ibi-ir line. 11. DlTl'Y A SOX, 1 1 Filbert above tilh. Daeember 20, 1S.M tf, :i.Sn: FAl'ER. Yellow' Tissue paper for X rovcrilur glasfcs, &e., fur sale al the olliecof life American, ' Gl'ONB WARS. S'J'O.NE milk Tans, stone J ii its and Tit, hers, and other articles of stone ware just received and for sale by JOHN V. Fltll.lXO. .S'unbuiy, June 83, 181'J. TXTRACT CF (if.(iUU-A fresh supply just recehid and for sale at this ollicti. Plica S3 cents, i Puuliury, Jbiy ' 13, 1851. :-l.A.k MITES, waiving tho exciuitiun law of ;Hi(l, fur sale hy Airil20, 1851. II. D. MASfcKH. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the Cabinet Ware Uooni or SEB'N ltOUPT k CO. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fawn street It (In Railroad SUNBUHY, PA. Thankful fnt tlio patronage of liis fricntls and customer: during the 17 yc-ara lie has licoii in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public aeon' tinuance of their favors. Durintt this period ha has endeavored to keep up wilh the improvements of the day, nnd has nrcordinqly extended his luisj. hchs in every branch and vnriety. The public are therefore invited to the attention of tlio present stork of CABINKT WAHF. AND CUAlltS, Mnjpacti'hkd nv SEBASTIA1I E0UPT & CO. At the Old .Stand, Where iu addition to their former slock of tli establishment they now manufacture LIa!io:rFjry, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs'. L'tnre Spriwr Sent Rocking Chairsf Vrcnainn Bureaus' Centre, Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, an d a variety of other new tityle and !': s h i o n a ! I c Fursiilure. Having secured a Hearse and mado tho neces sary;cineiils for the purpose, they are now prepared fur 1'nilertaUinjr in all its branches, in thin vicinity or at nny convenient distance. X limi.l nml mistresses, nml Iiiis1i.-iiii1b ton, Hi-re's I'lirniliire of every stylo nnd hue, . l-'nnn siilu Innirils itnwii tn kilchrn tallies, l'roni rni-kina-eluiir tn l.ii-kiiie ermlli-s fii'itilil ynn nut have the n-nily .Ions to pny, We'll vv:i it nwllile fur a brighter better il.-iy, lr take i' .talors, mils, ema, wlient nml rye; limit, lump pules, slaves, nr liunli-r wet ami dry, Or nny tiling bin yokes anil tlirufhinjj Hails, l'i pig nml turkies ilnwn to little iguuila. Coine nn then frienrtfl, conic fine nml nil, Keep tiailc a innvinsr. so "frnee nn the luill.1 l'i" Oiilcis from n distutice promjitly nlteiulcil In ami work of all kinds delivered witii dispatch. tSunbiiry, March 9, 1S5U tf AND 1KNS1()N A(ii:XCY. The alti ulion of the public is called to tho ad vt-rtisciacnt of .Mr. Cliurles C- Tucker, Attorney end A-eul nt "'ii.,lii;;toii City- 1'ersons hav. ing cl.iiiiM lor bounty I.amU ur I'ciimoiis are in i'o, i,;. .l thai the subscriber has inaJo arranj'eincuts for toe ii ij,ii-ite forms, and claimants calling nt bis ol'.ice, can their paiiers lirciiiired and for-.Mi by I: part.. l.-il i be ni 11 to .V. r- 1 ticker i-'.i-r nt .K,liiio.ii,.i ,.i..t -.i'..peily if re. allcnilcd lo before tlio De ll. B. MAS.SE II. , .1: in. IS, !'::!.. PROPERTY FOR SALE. UTi: :"ii!..-rri!,er v.h.i resides in IMiiladelphiu, nlioi-s f.,r :.-.!. the follow in.; properly in Mil Noithuiiibi riaii.l county, vi. : 'J'lie large E'&ILDIirO upper Milton, formeth occiinird hv s.-s l :;e, bii!l.i:ii-; sons as a l'ariia,-e Alal.ers Shon is til) feci fioiit on upper .Market 10 feet nn Front street, and is two Al.-o a two storv t. and es l'.ijll. lilUCK tiL.VCK'S.MlTU SHOP, IC l y S7 feet, on tiie samo nietoises. The bit iu u I no corner I upper ..laria t and t rout streets, ,,.1 is Go leet froni, and 1 U t'-. t deep. J lie prei:ii.-es would l c valuable lor a Foundry or t: 1 li-1- ni.iiiiif.u-tiuiii,; uirpo-.' mil will lie so hi on re.e-oiialiie and iiecotnmoilalin-j; terms by up-pbi.i- eiliicr to JACOU (J.Kllll!A., Philadelphia. F. Wiii.i'i.c;;;it, i:.. Miu,,,, or li. MAm.-KII, Ksip, iin!,ury. Ij.hLi, .bin. S.i, lt;.")l tf. .1. Jf. Fhiia mrsrmii houss. KSTAilLISIIIiU is YKARS AGO BY mi. KINKKLIX, A. I!. Corner oj 'Ihird and Union Street!, I!KT'.VI!i:N pimuck AM) .K stkkkts, pniXis.r.'cr.PuiA. i"-H"n:r. l..i:S nf , -xli-nslvu nml uiiiiiterrnnml lr.,etice ieiii i:i tins cuy lun-n n-nili-rnl Dr. K. llu in i.-l exi-.-rl an. I nucee.-ul ul ini,-liliiincr fur aiul niair, ,a tli- I r.-.-ilisitnl ul all ilisi-am-s m'n invale iialiirr. I'crmiiis i,i-:-: .il u-illi ulvufs ilj.ii 111.- Ii-iily. lliroal, or l.a!S, pnius n, liie In !..r li.'n.n, muiruri.ll rlieuiiialUm. struiurrs. niei-l, i!;::.a-i- iil-.oi'' Iroiu an lii'nl! nr niiaunlir nl lit l.!.-.i.'. u in rri.y li.e e .uMiimi,,,, lias lircmiu; riilw-Ucd, ars nil ;ilf! ,i Lli nii',-i-.--n. Hi. wimp! n, k Irian ll'miil-r tlic cure nf Dr. K., may re i,i n-iy i-.i;.:. l.- ia !i..i h in u M'iiiliaiiaii,ai.a oNiluiciit ly n.iy nana Ija liill ,-(h a .i u-kiii. TAKi: l'AII'l'U'ri.All xotk-r. Ynanj M.-n wl,-, liavu iaiiii-iil llu-nisi-lvi-s hy n crlain n:,. 'ii-v imliilvnl iu kilnt in-qn. ullv l.-an,r,l ir.iin ,-vil ...ii;.-iui-n nr al s.-h ml tlio cil'.-i-is nf l,ii I, an ui.-lniy , i-li-ll w-iii-ii nslc-., mul i!.-,lr..y 1-tli jiiii , v i.kl Oii ly ilium i!mli-ly. Wmkii.-m ,-si 1. 1 niiiiililiiliniiul I --i-l ni iiiiit.-iiliir rni.-r-'V. nhvuical l.-issilm!-u.ul ; rli. ! .!, ' er.,1 ir -s!rali in. irrilal-i!ily mi l iiHin-nnns ii',-,-..,. i,l,. fin -a. t-iier-nshiu-Hs nf the liv.-r. nn-l ecrv li,-.v..i, w.iy cuiiiit ci ti-uiii utrcii, ; I, i lie .lis irili-r nf Uic procruative fiiiic ui'ir ri-i-tnriU. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vino.oiis life or a premnture de.nh. KI.MiEI.IS on Srlf Pnsrrvatiou. ONLY 25 CENTS. TI. Ml .nk just piililiflu-ili, r,j ,w.r mrnrnmlioii on llu- ii.liriiiiii.-K mni lisras.-s ,f the lli-m rmii-e Oienns. 1 1 a l-lr,-,.hi-i- i!Ne, rilik 9 I.) HI 1 II, M AMU KID mill lll.l) Alii!, an.l b!i,.a.l Is., r.-.ij l,y l. Tin-l i!a. ii-e mni iiajin-ysivn vnntinc it flivs, will 'ii"n ii, , i-ars.if ia. scry aiulamlciiig mul ui.vs , anal ly I fi iiisinils nl l,jv, s, 1' -.n-iits i,y r.-dliinr it will iuarn liow tonrevcal Ilis dts-tu.'-li-.n nl liu-ir c!i,!'l!.-n. .,. A n nilt'.ui, nf .? renls. i-ni l.isnl in a h-ttrr. sil .lrrss.Nl i., Uil.KlXKI-:i,l.. X. W.rm'ii.-r nl'I'IIIIID I .IU. Mn-ris, l,iUvi-ra Su.-c A IW, I'liilmlrlpliiii, will i-iistiri- ii honk, nn.lur i-n i ,.-,-. per r.-inra nl inuil. 1'i-rs nuat a il.-niiu-i- ma, a l.lrt-.-s Dr. K. ,y Inn-r. (iki ia,,l.) unit In-run il at h l'-U'UAl.liS (IK MKIililNKS, 1)111 1-'.ITIONS, ft r, f -I ivai'l, il l,y b-nliii-r: a ri-lnitlailL-f, nail nut up 8i-cule I'mill D.iMAUK ,.r l l KldSTV. Il i l.-s.-il.-is. Ni-w A-.-nls, l-.!;,rs. r.-nivnnsi-is, suit tl nili.Ts n,i,.i.-,l will, il,,. ahnvu work ut very low rates. Snjiteuihrr 6, lal Iv. TT"T'T'JTlTiT',( Cirecu's Osy-enateil liilter, price reduced. Old Jacob 'I'owim nd's Sarsajiarilla. linker's Sarsaparilla. Sway no's Syrup of Wild Cherr Sway ne's Yeriiiifue. gyre's Cherry Tecloral l'r. Drake's Tanacca. Dr. Ciillen's do Tibbit's T.,in Killer. Dr. Iliiollainl-s (lei-iiian Hitlers: Indian Yc.:ctab!c Till Horse and Cu'.ilo MeJicirr I'm wle bv 11ENKY MASSCK. Sin.biiiy, July 1 I, IS Ml. VuUiulc EIo-jI;. IFE of Cnaisf, haudsoiiiely bound, D'Ar- 'J III. 11. 's HlsrollV OK 'I'ltt lll.KOKMATIOS, Ih.iMi Div-Honl.s ami I. mni ills, full kiumled. For sale at the publishers prices by H. U. MASSK.Pi fiuuhury, July 11, 1819 Also ilk IIA'l'S ut &2S5, for sale bv li. MASSER. tSuubury, Dee. R18. tJATENT UUITTANIA BTOITER8 fof bar bottles for sale by II. B MASSER. Sunbury, April, 12, 1851 1 irKITINO FI.l'ID and s7lf sesliiig Eiie ' Iojkis, just received and for sale bv April 19. ISSl. II. 11. MASSER. Vf J I.ANKS' of every deseription can lie had rj i.J$ M lyi'iB at th oilice of Ihe American. ADD'8 vclebratrd Horse and Cattle Mesli cino for sale by HENKY MANHEB teunbury, Jaw i7ih, 181U 1 I itttA ,