SUNBUHY AMERICAN AND SHAM OKIN JOURNAL. iro ret quietus. ARRIVAL OF THE HERMANN. LATER FROM El'ROPK. KOSSUTH'S FAMILY IN LONDON. Arrival of Madame Alboni. Nkw York, June 7. Tho steamship Hermann, fiom Bremen on llio Slst lilt., via Southampton, which plane she loft at 4 o'clock on tha afternoon of the 27th ull ., arrived here i his morning. She brings 130 passengers, amongs whom is Madame Alboni and mile. ENGLAND. Kossuth's mother and family had arrived at London, and were shortly to embark for America. A new Austrian loan of 2,250,000, was nbont to be issued at London, bearing 5 pur cent interest. The most important feature of the politi cal news, is an address by Lord John Russell to the Electors of the city of Londor, in which he announce himself as a candidate for their suffrages at the ensuing election. This refutes the rumor of his being about to receive an appointment to the Peerage. The address reviews his career in the lain Ministry, and bids high fur popularity and the office. The liberal candidate has been relnrned from Windsor, by a large majority. The Now Crystal Palace project excites great interest. FRANCE. The mission of M. Da Heckeron, from Napoleon to the Emperors of Russia and Austria, has proved a complete failure, hav ing been refused an audience from both. The Paris paper are chiefly occupied with speculations, in relation to the coalition for med against Napoleon by the Northern powers, during the recent visit of the Czar. The London Times publishes the sub, stance of the notes drawn up by the Noit h ern powers, who don't object to Napoleon's becoming an Elective Emperor, but an nounce the determination to resist any at tempt to found or perpetuate on Imperial dynasty. In the event of Napoleon's be coming an Elective; Emperor, the Northern powers would demand assurances that exist ing treaties would bo observed, avid that ho would confine his rule to the present territo rial limits of France, and explain tho nature of the political doctrines of his Government. They piofess to look upon Napoleon only a8 a temporary and provisional power, and re cognize the House of Dourbon as the sole legitimate dynasty of France. This expressed determination of the Nor thern powers, has caused much chagrin to the Bonapartist party. METHODIST EPISCOPAL FEItEiUCE. GENERAL CON- This body, which has been in session at Boston for twenty- seven days, adjourned on Teusday to meet at Indianapolis, lud , in May, 185fi. The session was a very harmo nious one, and the hospitalities and courte sies of ttie city were generously extended to tlio members. The Traveller thus sums up tho prominent business transacted : The long contested questions concerning pwed churches, has been definitely settled, so that it is now at the option of a majority of any and every cfjngregalion to decide as to whether the new system or the free seat sys tem shall prevail in their respective churches, ami whether the sexes shall sit apart or not. No change has been made in the regulations concerning (he presiding eldership, and the vaiious petitions for the authorizations of lay delegation in the several quarterly and an nual conferences have met with a negative response. Four new bishops have been elect pii, two from the East and two from the West, o:te of whom takes the place of Bishop Hamliue, resigned on account of ill health, and another of the lute Bishop Iledding. The bishops are now seven in number. A "Seal of the Episcopacy" has been ordered, to be used in common by all, instead of each having a separate official seal, as heretofore The "Tract Society of the M. E. Church," centering at New York, and the Sabbath School Work, have each been re-organized on an independent basis, with a veiw to greater efficiency. With the same intent al terations have been made in the constitution of the Missionary organization. On Tuesday three resolutions were adopt ed, one requiring pastors to catechise chil dren in Sabbaih schools and at special meet ings; another giving all male Sabbath school superintendents, who are church members seals in the quarterly conferences by virtue of (heir office ; and a third providing for the publication at New York, of a new edition of the Discipline. It was announced previous !o the adjourn ment, that $217 has been collected toward erecting two monuments to the Bishops whose remains lie in Ml. Olivet Cemetery Balti more. till EAT t IRE AT MONTREAL. A most destructive fire commenced about 6 o'clock Sunday morning, nt the corner of Lemoyne and St, Peter's streets, in the car ppuler-shop and residence of J Martin, ami two of his childien perished in the flames The fire extended to the old St. Andrew's Church, which was destroyed, as well as J Mahoney'i dwelling house, the store of Ryan & Bros , and an adjoining custom ware-house. A southwest wind prevailed, which car Tied Itie In e to bt. Paul s street, and in its passage thither, the following buildings were destroyed. The Custom's Department Seymour k Whitney's store; Ogilvy Wood's and bcott fc Lyre's dry good's stores, and numerous others. The loss is roughly esti mated at one million dollars. New Couktcrskit The Germanlown Telegraph notices a well executed new coun terfeit J5 bill on the Trenlon Banking Com pany, which had just been passed upon a grocer in Philadelphia. It is calculated to deceive all who are not iiitiru itely acquaint J with Bank paper. THE AIORICAIT. SUNBURY. SATURDAY, Jl'NB H, tMU. It. B. MABSER, Editor aad Proprlrur. V. B. I. our nutli'iriscd ngent toreceiv sub scription and advertising nt hi.oflice, in 1'hiladetpliin, New Ynrk, Boston and Baltimore. To Advmttmf. The circulation of the Huiilniry American among the different towns on the Susquehnnna I not exceeded If equalled hy any paper published in North ern Peiuisylvania. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL NOMINATIONS. FOR PRESIDENT: FRANKLIN TIERCE, Of New Hampshire. FOR VICE TB ESI DENT: WILLIAM R. KING, Of At.AIlAMA. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. SENATORIAL. Georof. W. Woodwakd, of Lnj-erne. Wilson N'Camii.ess, of Allegheny. ADPITIOSAI. BlSTrllCT. RonKitT Patterson, of Philadelphia. DISTRICTS. 1. Pelei Losan, 2. Geo. H. Martin, 3. John Miller, 4. K. W. Boekius, 5. R. MeCny, Jr., 6. A. Apple, 7. N. Sniekland, 8. Abraham Peter., 9. David Fisher, 13. II. C. Eyer, 14 John Cbiy'.on, IS. Isaac Robinson, 1(5. Henry Fetter. 17. Jumes Burnside, IS. Maxwell M'Cuslin 19. Joseph McDonald, 20. W S. Colahan, 21. Andrew Bnrk, 22. William Dunn, 23 .1. S. M'Calmotit, 23. Geo. R. Barret. 110. R. E. James, Til. Jno Melleynolds. 12. r. Damon, DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATION. FOB CAN At. COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM SEA BIGHT, of Fayette County. KELKaolS NOTICE We are requested to say thai thore will be divine service 'o morrow (Sunday) morninff, in M. E. Church, nt 11 o'clock, and also in tho evening at 8 o'clock. fXT" In another column our readers will find the resolutions of the National Con vention. It is the duty of democrats to read them carefully. They contain all the principles for which the party will battle in the ensuing campaign. FIERCE AMD KIG. The Democratic National Convention, after a laborious session of five days, has presented to the people the name of Gen. Franklin Pierce, ol New Hampshire, as the candidate for President, and William R. King of Alabama, as the candidate for Vice President. Cass, Douglass, and Buchanan, have been laid aside lor the present. All the efforts of Congress and the Senate, at ident making, have been fruitless. The honor of the championship of the great democratic party in the campaign of 1852, has been conferred upon those who sought not that distinction, but the choice has fa), len upon men ably competent to sustain that high position. Gen. Pierce was born in Ilillsboronch county, New Hampshire, w here Gen. Cass, Daniel Webster and many other distin gtiihed men drew their first breath. IPs father fought and bled in the battles of the Revolution. (Jen. Pierce is a lawyer by profession, and has filled several public offi ces with distinguished ability. For several years he represented his county in the Slate legislature. From 1S33 to 1S37 he occupied a seat in Congress, and while a member of that body was called by the unanimous voice of New Hampshire to the (J. S. Senate. Although the youngest man in that assemblage of wise and experienced statesmen, he soon won the respect, esteem and regard of all. Before the expiration of his term, he resigned his seat and return ed to the granite hills, where he remained until his country called for volunteers to maintain her honor in the torrid fields of Mexico. We next find him mat chin;;, as a private, toward the seat of war. Presi dentPolk, with that keen perception which distinguished all his sebctions, appointed him to the command of the Ninth Brigade At the head ol his brigade, Gen. Pierce fought at Contreras, Cherubusco, Mulino del Rey and Chapultepec. He had his hoise shot under him at Molino del Rey, and was severely injured by the animal falling upon him; but continued on the field until the battle was won. Gen. Scott had unbound ed confidence in him and speaks in his dis patches of "the gallant Pierce." At the close ot the war be again resumed his prac lice at the bar. His principles have always been thor oujihly democratic. The Granite Stale cherishes him as her favorite son. In pri vate life he is courteous, generous, and hon orable. William Rufus King, of Alabama, has been in public life lor many years. II course in the House and Senate is we known. Although from the eitreme South, he is a firm friend of the compromise. The nominations are every where re ceived with enthusiasm. From every side comes shouts of approbation. The democ racy are again in the field ready to battle as one man for their glorious principles. Not a niurmer of dissatisfaction is heard. Pierce and King will carry all before them The democracy will achieve a greater tri- umph thau the victory oflSll. THE St SQIEIIANNA RAIL ROAD COMPANY Was organized on Thursday last. The stockholder met at llarrisburg. A very large Vote w as polled, and the mull is as follows: William F. Packer, President; Messrs. Tiffany, Holt, Fisher and Gilmore of Baltimore, Cameron and Daugberty of Dauphin, J. R. Priestley and Packer of Northumberland, and Hon. Joseph Casey, Miller and Slifer of Union, directors; A. B. Warford was selected as Chief Engineer The road will now be put under con tract and maJt as fast as the engineers can prepare the ground. K7" At the Convention in Baltimore the following resolutions in regard to the next National Convention were passed : Resolved, That, the next Democratic Na tional Convention be held at Cincinnati in the Stale of Ohio. Resolved, That, in constituting future Na tional Conventions, in order to secure the re spective rights of the Stales, each State shall be entitled to twice the number of delegates it lias in the electoral college, and no more; and that the Democratic Commillee, in ma king arrangements for the next Democratic Convention, provides such number of seals and secure l!ie same to the delegates elect It wns also resolved that the time of hnld ina the siid Convention be designaled by the Democratic; National Committee, and thai in their e.ill the above resolutions be inserted as the rule to be observed in choosing dele gales. tt" Tiif. Mails. For the last three years, we have been complaining ot tne irreatilaritv of the Philadelphia mail. The post masters east ol this place are negligent or incompetent. The department have been notified of llieir conduct and we hope some of those offices will soon be under the charge of better persons. K7 Susquehanna Rail Road. The Committee on Internal Improvements of the City Council of Baltimore have report ed in favor of subscribing five hundred thousand dollars to the Susquehanna Rail Road. This is coming up to the work pro perly. We wish we could say the same of our County Commissioners. P. S. The report of the Committee has pased both branches of the Council unani mously. What a contrast between their action and that of the Philadelphia coun cil. KT" A terrific storm passed over this place on Thursday morning just before day light. The darkness was extreme and the wind blew with fearful violence. Many substantial buildings quivered to their foun dations under its violence. tEF The President of the Sunbury and Erie Rail Road, put workmen on a portion of the road between this place and Harris- burg, on Thursday last. An exploring par ty of engineers passed over the ground last week. The road has not as yet been located. ET Printing Ink. For sale for cash at this office, kegs ol 25, 20 and 12 pounds each. Price 25 cents per pound. LETTER mOM THE EDITOR, DATED Pun adki.i'UIA, June 7, 1852. For more thau a week past the proceedings of Ihe National Convention have been the en grossing topic of conversation in this city and elsewhere, I presume. The friends of Gen". Cass, and it affords me great pleasure in say ing that no statesman in Ihe Union has strong er or more numerous friends than he, had hopes of his nomination until the last. That he was ihe undoubted choice of a large majority of ihe democracy of the Union, there is scarcely a question. Parodoxieal as it may appear, it was his great popularity and strength, that defealed him. His rivals were determined that if they could not suc ceed, he at 'least should not be nominated. Thcv have succeeded in setting aside a man who had not only Ihe confidence of his own parly, but the confidence of almost every in telligent and honorable whig in the Union. In this city there are hundreds of Fillmore whigs who had deleimined to vole for Gen. Cass, in preference to Gen. Scolt, had they both been nominated. Ttie convention has, however thought pioper to nominate another individual, who though a stranger to many is not wholly "unknown to fame." Gen. Pierce comes of good stock. His father Gen Ben jamin Fierce was once Uoverner Ol Jew Hampshire and an officer in the tale war. What is highly favorable to the character of Gen. Pierce is the fact lhat wherever he is known and by whomsoever he is known, he sustains a high reputation and in his own Stale, is everywhere exceedingly popular. In a conversation with a gentlemen of this city, on Saturday, after the recept of the in telligence of the nomination, 1 learned some facts in relation to his character that gave me a high opinion of the man. The gentle man alluded to had served in Congress wilh him, and knew him intimately. He spoke of him as a clear headed man, high minded and honorablu in his beating, and exceed ingly pr polar in his manners. A large rati fication meeting is now in session at the Chinese Museum, to which place the meet ing adjourned from Independent Square, on account of the rain. Tha meeting will be addiessed by Mr Seule of Louisiana, and other distinguished men, from different Stales. Fiom what I can learn, from those inter ested in the pioject, 1 have no doubt but that the Mine Hill Railroad, which is now being located to Ashland, wilt then be con nected with a toad to Shamokin, all of which will be put under contract in the course of a month or two. The Sunbury and Erie Rail Road is begining lo be looked upon as an important work, and all are anxious to see it constructed A vigorous effort will be made lo gel individual subscription for stock but I cannot think, judging from the past, that any thing like the sum requited can be raised in lhat way, although some of the friends of this improvement say they will be able to accomplish it. The City Council, 1 think, will be compelled, by the popular voice, lo do something before long. THE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. The Committee on the platform then sub mitted their report through Mr. Brown, of Tennessee, the Chairman. Resolved, That Ihe American Democracy place their trust in Ihe intelligence, the pa triotism, and Ihe discriminating justice of Ihe American people. Resolved, That we regard this as a dis tinctive feature of our political creed, which we are proud to maintain before the world, as the great moral element in a form of government, springing from and upheld by the popular will ; and we contrast it wilh the creed and piaclice ol federalism, under whatever name or form, which seeks lo pal sy the will of the constituent, and which conceives no imposture too numerous for the popular credulity. Resolved, therefore, That, entertaining these viewsy the Damoerntio party of this Union through their delegates, assembled in a general convenlion of the States, com ing logelher in a spirit of concord, of devo tion to the doctrines and faith of a free rep resentative government, nnd appealing to their fellow citizens for ihe rectitude of their intentions, renew and re-assert, before the American people, the declarations of principles avowed by them, when, on for mer occasions, in general convention, they presented their candidates for the popular snffraires : I. That the Federal Government is one of limited powers, derived solely from the Constitution, and Ihe grants of power made therein ought to bo strictly constructed by all the departments and ngenlg of the gov ernment; ami that it is inexpedient and dan gerous lo exercise doubtful constitution pow ers. 2. That the Constitution does not coufer npon the General Government Ihe power to commence nnd carry on a general system of internal imprnvemens. 3 That the Constitution does not confer authority upon the Federal Government, directly or indiieelly, to assume the debls of the several Stales contracted for local internal improvements, ni olher Slate pur poses; nor would such assumption be just and expedient. 4. That justice nnd sound policy forbid Ihe Federal Government lo foster one branch of industry to the detriment of any olher, or to cherish the interests of one portion to the injury of another portion of our common country ; tlrM .'veiy citizen, and every sec tion of llio country, has a light lo demand and insist upon an equality of rights anil privileges, and to complete, ami ample pro tection of persons and property from do meslic violence or foreign aggression. 5. That it is the duly of every branch of the government to enforce anil practice Ihe most riged economy in conducting our pub lic affairs, and that no more revenue) ought to be raised than is required to defiay the necessary expenses of ihe government nnd for the gradual but certain extinction of the public debt. 6. Thai Congress has no power lo charier a National ; lhat we believe such an institution one of deadly hostility lo the best interests of the country, dangerous to our republican institution nnd ihe liberties of the people, and calculated lo place ihe business of our country within the control of a con centrated money power, and above the laws and the will of the people ; and lhat tho re sults of Democratic legislation, in this and all olher financial measures upon which issues have been made between the two political parties of the country, have de monstrated to candid and practical men of all parlies, their soundness, salety nnd utility in all pursuits. 7. Thnt tho separation of the moneys of the government from banking institutions is indisp.fusiblo for tho safety of ihe funds of Ihe Government and tho rights of the people. 8 1 hat the liberal principles embodied by Jefferson in Ihe Declaration of Indepen dence, and sanctioned in the Constitution, which makes ours the land of liberty, and ihe asylum of the oppresed of every nation, have ever been cardinal principles in the Democratic faith ; and every attempt to abridge the privilege of becoming citizens and the owners of soil among us ought to be resisted wilh the same spirit which swept the alien and sedition laws from our statute-books. 9 That Congress has no power under the Constitution lo interfere wilh or control the domestic institutions of the several States, and lhal such Stales are the sole and proper judges of everything appertaining lo their own affairs, not prohibited by the constitu tion ; that all efforts of the abolitionists or others made lo induce Congress lo inleifere with questions of slavery, or lo take in cipient sleps in relation theietn, are calcula ted to lead to the most alaiming and dan gerous' consequences ; and lhat all such ef forts have un inevitable tendency to dimin ish the happiness of the peoples, and endan ger tha stability and permanency of the Union, and ought not lo be countenanced by any friend of our political institutions. Resolved, That the foregoing proposition covers and wag intended to embraco the whole subject of slavery agitation in Con gress, and therefore the Democratic party of the Union, standing on this national platform will abide by and adhere to the faithful execution of tha Acls known as the Compro mise measures seitled by the last Congres the Act for reclaiming fugitives from service or labor included ; which act being design ed lo cany out an express provision of the Constitution, cannot with fidelity thereto be repealed, or so changed as to destroy ui im pair its efficiency. ltesolveil, 1 hat the Democratic pany will resist all attempts at renewing, iu Con gress or out of it, the agitation of the sla very question, under whatever shape or color the attempt may be made. J Resolved. That Ihe proceeds of tha public lands ought to be sacredly applied to tha national objects specified in the Constitution and lhal we are opposed to any law for the distribution of such proceeds among the Slates, as alike inexpedient in policy, and repugnant lo the Constitution. Resolved, That we are decidedly opposed to taking fiom the President the qualified veto power, by which he is enabled, unuer restriction and responsibililies, amply suf ficient to guard the publio interest, lo sus pend Ihe passage of a bill whose merits can not secure Ihe approval of two-thirds of Ihe Senate and House of Representatives, until the judgment of the people can be obtained thereon, and which has saved the American people fiom the corrupt and tyrannical dom ination of the Bank of the United States, and from a corrupting system of general in ternal improvements. Resolved, That the Democratio party will faithfully abide by nnd uphold the prin ciples laid down in Ihe Kentucky and Vir ginia resolutions of 1798, nnd in the report of Mr Madison to Ihe Virginia Legislature in 1799. That it adopts these principles as construction one of the main Inundations of its political creed, and is resolved lo carry them out in their obvious meaning and im port. Resolved, Thai the war wilh Mexico, upon oil Ihe principles of patriotism and Ihe laws of the nut ions, was a just nnd necessary war on our part, in which every American citizen should have shown himself on tho side of his country, and neither morally nor physically, by word or deed, given aid and comfort lo the enemy. Resolved, That we rejoice nt the restora tion of friendly relations with our sister repub lic of Mexico, and earnestly desire for her all the blessings and prosperity which we enjoy under republican institutions, nod we con gratulate the American people upon Ihe re sults of lhat war, which have so manifestly justified the policy and conduct of the Dem ocratic party, nnd insured the U. Stales "in demnity for the past and security for the future ." Resolved, That in view of the condition of the popular institutions in the old world, a high and sacred dulv is devolved, with iticreased responsibility, upon tho Democ racy of this country, as the patty of Ihe peo ple, lo uphold and maintain the rights of every Slate, and thereby Ihe Union of the Stales, nnil to sustain and advance among us constitutional liberty, by conslinuing lo resist all monopolies and exclusive legisla tion, for Ihe benefit of the few at tho ex pense of the many, and by a vigilant and constant ndherance to those principles and compiomises of the Constitution which are broad enough niul strong enough to embrace and uphold the Union as it was; Ihe Union as il is, and Ihe Union as il should be, in the full expansion of ihe energy and capacity of this great and progressive people. MtxicAN I rr.vs. The application of A. G. Sloo, lor ihe right of way across Ihe Isth mus of Tchaniitcpoc, which was passed by the Mexican House of Representatives, asks an exclusive right of way across the Isthmus for forty ycais, with the giant of a league of laud on either side of ihe mad. lie binds himself in one car lo build a p!ank-ioad across I lie Isthmus, and, as soon as tiavel will justify it, a railroad. Mexico is lo re ceive, lor loily yeais, two lilths ot the re ceipts of the loule. and at Ihe expiralioa ol lhat time, the road is lo icveil to Mexico, which is to pay the grantee and his heirs two-fifths of llio receipts of the road for forty years. The other features of the grant in relation to transit duties. &c, are similar to those in the Garay grant. Both parties lo the grant are to be represented in the man agement of the Company. On ihe 7th of May, the Revenue officers in eia Ciuz commenced seizing on the goods of merchants who had refused to enter them under ihe tariff rales of ihe ex isting law. Rothschild the Head ok Isreal. The following slrae.go news is given by the Paris correspondent of the Evangelist, as rumors fiom Constantinople. It is under dale of April 1st. "Syria has been ceded to M. Rothschild, for five hundred millions of funics. It is not yet known whether he assumes the title of King or Pacha; it is certain he proposi s lo build Jerusalem and ihe Temple of Solomon; there are to be chapels for all religions, a line of steamers from Beyiont lo Marseilles and a railway from Alexandria to Constanti nople. The new stales of M. Rothschild abound in iron ore, and forests of valuable timber. It is said that M. Rothschild will appeal to his co religionists to return to ihe laud of their fathers, to possess the tents of Abraham and Jacob." The Physician who attends sic transit has arrived iu this city, and taken rooms al the Tremont. Boston Times. The pugilist lhal nihil fit has cone lo Bos ton, and hopes to see sic tianstt iu gloria mmt'H morning. Springfield Post. Ho arrived safely, but soon ilelta blow at sic transit and beta hole in his head. 7?r. We understand that nihil Jit him, and nee d's head completely off. ISoslon Museum Thai must be a mistake, for sic transtt was intcrse Dr. Digg last evening, and staid till tecum. Ger. Tri. After which he drank sum forte guci's of punch, and was found in the gutla. The Tkiai. of Elizur Wrioht, formerly editor of the Boston Commonwealth, for al leged aiding and abetting the rescue of the fugitive slave Sliadrach from the Court-House in Boston, in September last, was commen ced in the U. S. Circuit Court in that city, on Friday. Mr. Wright manages his own de fence. This trial will probably occupy sev eral days. Melancholy Accounts from the West. We learn from Lexington Mo., thai there is considerable sickness on the plains, and some cholera. Deaths occur on almost every boat coming up the Mississippi, and occasionally a death takes place at various points iu the West. There have been seven or eight cholera death in this city. In Westmoreland county, Pa., a few days since, a young lad about 15 years of age, al. templed to commit suicide by hanging him self. His mother had whipped him for some ofTeuce. Shoiily afterwards he was found suspended by Ihe neck with a towel, and lifj nearly extinct. RECEPUOS OF THE NOMINATION. Boston, June 6. The nomication of Gen. Pierce, for the Presidency, by the Demo cratic Convention, took the town by surprise yesterday. The Douglassites express discon tent, but the Whigs appear pleased, and say they like il. Gen. Pierce was lodging al Ihe Tremonl House, but was so annoyed by Ihe many calls from political friends, lhal he left privately during the night, and took lodgings at Cambridge, There is now at least a hatful of telegraphic despatches for him, at the Tremont House. Only a few in timate friends know his whereabouts. Rome, N Y., June 5. When the news of the nomination of General Tierce for the Presidency, leached here, Ihe Democrats made preparations for a great ratification meeting, which was held this evening. A salute and display of fire works took place. A number of speeches were also delivered by prominent citizens. Concobo, N. H., June 5 General Tierce's nomination was teceived here with tumultu ous demonstrations of joy by the frends of our distinguished citien. A grand salute of 2S2 guns was fired, and hII Ihe bells were rung as soon as tho telegraph announced I he tidings, which has taken every one by sur pi ise. Washington, Jitsb 6. The Democrats here express great satisfaction al Ihe nomi nation, Gen. Pieice being well known and esteemed here. The Huukeis, however, are keeping close quarters. Richmond, Va., June 6. The Democratic nominations, especially lhat of Ihe Hon. W. R. King, for the Vice Presidency, are well received hero. Virginia having set Pierce's ball in mot ion, seconded by N. C, he is now hailed as a Virginia candidate. I'ktkrsbi'rg, June 6.--Despatches receiv ed here fiom our delegates in llio late Dem ocratic Convention, vouch for General Pierce as ' a good man nnd true," and the nomina tions are both well received. Wilminoton, N C. The nominations of Pierce and King appear to be most except.! ble lo tho Democrats here. The delegates from this State pronounce him 'the nominee of tho South." A Worthless Millionaire. One of these devotees to Mammon once received a lesson from a humble follower, who did not seem to pay to him, ihe possessor of ihe putse, sufficient homasje. He sai l, "Do you know sir, lhat I am worth a Hundred thousand pound ?'' "Yep," snid the irritated but n I bioken-spirited respondent, "I do ; and I know that it is al) you are worth." Better to de Born Lucky than Rich. The Dillion family, descendants of Lord Dil lion, of Ireland, have inherited no estate val ued at upwards of 7.0(10.000. The I.oui. ville Journal say lhat Dr. John Bull, the creat sarsparilla man, of lhal city, is an heir by marriatjp, and comes in for n snus little share, amounting to three or four handled thousand dollars More Islands Discovered The Swedish corvette Antelope, which has returned to Goltenberg after a thirty-S 'ven month's e. plnriug voyage round Ihe world, discovered between Loo Ch"0 and Japan, three islands rot laid down on any map. Tney lie in lal i'ude. 20 deg. north, and bet.veen 120 deg and 130 deg. east from Greenwich. The Antelope named ihem Prince Oscar's Islands. Col Thornton, of tho British army, could not boar lo hear tho Americans praised. When he was nt Charleston, some ladies were eulogising Washington ; to w hich he replied with a scornful air, "I should bo ve ry glad lo get a sihl of your Col. Washing ton. 1 have heard much talk about him, but have never seen him " "Had you looked behind you nt tho battle of Cowpens," rejoin ed ouu of tho ladies, "you might easily have enjoyed lhat pleasure. Two liltle boys were conversing on Salui day about the Ballimote Convenlion, when one inquired of what kind of wood their platform was composed. The ol her replied lhat he didn't know that, but he had heaul lheie were plenty of block-heads on it. That youngster will be a candidate himself, oneot these days. Genius. "I know uosuch ihingas genius,') said llogaith to Mr. Gilbert Coopci : "Genius is nothing but labor and diligence." Sir Isaac Newton said of himself, "lhat if ever he had been able lo do anything, ho had ef fected it by patient thinking only." Molasses Cue Cake. 2 cups Molasses I do Sugar 1 do Butler, lobe beaten lo a cream, and add 2 cups Milk, a little warm 4 Ens, well beaten 1 teaspoonful Pearl, ash Ginger, lo the taste, and Flour sutli cienl lo maku a bailer thick enough for pound cake. Jumbles. No. I pint Flour 4 lb. Sugar i lb. Butter a lilile Cinnamon Ihe whiles of 4 Eggs, and half a glass of Wine and Rosowater. No 2.-4 lb. Butler 1 lb. Sugar 3 Engs 1 lb. Flour 1 teaspoonful Nutmeg, and I leaspuutiful Cinnamon. A rooR emaciated Irishman called a phy sician in a foiloru hope, ihe latter spread a laige mustard poultice, and immediately clapped il on Ihe poor fellow's lean breast. Pal, who, wilh a tearful eye, lookod down upon it, said: "Docther, il strike me it's a dale of mustard for so lilile mate." A catfish, weighing eighty-one pounds, got shoaled at the mouth of Deer creek, Ohio last week, and was caught by some boys. Hoofland's German Bitters We would call the attention of our readers to the adver tisement of Dr. Hoolland's celebrated Ger man Billers, prepared by Dr. C M. Jackson, No. 120 Arch street, Philadelphia. In cases of Liver complaint Dyspepsia, Disease of the Kidneys, and all diseases urisiug Iroin a dis ordered stomach, their power is not excelled, if equalled, by any olher known preparation, as the cures attest, in many vases, alter the most celebialed physicians had lulled. We can conscientiously recommend this medi cine, as being what it is represented ai'd urg i our leaders w ho are allln led to procure a bottle, and ihey will be convinced of the truth we assort. DURRIGD, In this place, on the 3d insl., by the Re R. A. Fisher, J Bauum Esq., tri Miss Louisa, daughter of Hon. George YVoi ser, all of this place. !)C iHarkcto. Philadelphia Market. Junit 9, 1852. Flour and Mrai,. Flour is firmer: mix' ed brands a'j ellina at $4 12J per bbl. for export, and at 84,124 a S4 25 lo the home trade. Extra Hour is held at 84 i a $5. Rvb Flour. Sales al f 3.25. Corn Meal. Last sales of fresh ground al S3 12. Wheat Is active ; sales of Southern rid at 97 ; mixed 91, and prime w hite at tl,03 Rvr. Is wanted at 75 cents. Corn Is in fair demand ; sales of jellovf afloat, al 65 els. nnd w hile at 62 cents. Oats Are doll ; sales of Southern at 43cj and of Pennsylvania at 44 cents. Wiiiskky. IniIcs in bbs. and hhus. at 21c Baltimore Market. June 9, 1851. GRAIN. The supply of Wheat is small for the last day or two. iMles ot good o prime reds to-day at 98 102 cts. ; w hile al SI. a l,D. Sales of new Corn, in eood condition, at 57 el, white, and 58 a 59 cts. for yellow Damp parcels sell at 45 a 50 cts. Sales of old torn at 54 a 56 cts We quote Oals at 35 a 38 els. for Mary land, nnd 40 els. for Pennsylvania. WHISKEY. Sales of Pennsylvania bbls. at 21 i cts., and of hhds. at 20 J cents. SUNni'liV 1MUCE CUUUCNT WllKAT. "0 Rtk. - .63 (.'onr. .64 Oats. 43 PoTATOKS, - . . 60 BlTTKH. .14 Kim a. ... 10 PllltK. ... 8 Flajskkii. .... 100 Tallow. .12 Ukkswav - 20 IIki ki.kii Flax. ... 17 Dm kii A pim f.s. .... 100 Do. Pkachks. 25 Fui .... 8 New Advertisements'. Notice to Collectors. rnm: Cnllertnrs will have time until Tueadny, Wednesday nnd Thursiluy, the 13th, 14:h ami loth of July, to psiv their State tax intirdrr to gi t the live per cent abatement. I ho Collec tors of Dcluwure, Lewis, Turlnit, Milton and (.'hilisinaiiue, will conic in on the 13th of July ; those ol' I I'l'cr Mahonoy, Jurkmin, Little Maho- noy, Lower Mahonoy, Shnniokin, Canierun and t'nal will roioc in on the Mill of July; ltosh, Lower Auirustu, I pner Aueusta, Sunburv, INor- thiunlerliiiiil unit Point will ronie ill on the loth ol July Ik.'jJ. Prompt payment is rcijuirrd, 5 per cent will liu allowed for payment up to the times slated above, for Ihe dill'm-nt townships. W.M. ILiMIN, ) ('. AI.BEKT. S Com'ra. ('HAS. WEAVER,) Sunbury, June 5, 1S52. (it. fXy" Miltoiiiau copy. Stop the ll-.iy Thieves ! ! WITHIN the laut rnoiOli my stable has !oen robbrd of nearly a ton of hay. The alieve reward will be paid to any person, wliirh will h ud to the conviction of the thief or thieves. WM. McCARTY. For sale a Cow and Calf. Apply as above. Sunbury June 5, 1852. 3t. &OTICE TO CONTRACTORS. FjJKurOSALS will be received at the Cnllre-- tors Office at Northumberland, until Wed- lit'sjay. June 23I, 4 o'clock, V. M , for buitdinc on Outlet Loek in the CannI at that place, together wilh all the necessary excavations and embankments thnt may be connected there with. Plans and spcciuValions of the work will be exhibited three days previous to the day of letting, and all the necessary information given at the time. II. D. RODEARMEL, Supervisor. New Berlin, June 5th, 1852. 3t. CARBON RUN IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. ' MEETING of all persons interested in th-rt , Company will be held at Jones' Hotel. ClicMiiut Street, Philadelphia, on Tuesday the 22i Jay of June inst., for the purpose of election directors and other officers. JOSEPH MGGS and others, Corporators. June 5, 1S52 St. 820 RSWARD. "VSIIEREAS some evil disjmsed persons, have " been ill the habit of injuring and destroy ing the property of the county, Ihe Commission, crs of ihe County deem it their duty in order to brin? tbe villhiiiis to justice, to oiler a reward for their discovery and conviction. We, the Commissioners of Northumlie Hand County, therefore oiler a reward of Twenty Dol lars for the discovery and conviction of ihe person or persons who broke in and destroyed the veni lian blinds of the privy in the Stale' House yard on Monday night Inst. WM. WILSON, ) C.ALBERT, SCooi'ro. CHAS. WEAVER, ) Sunbury, May 89, 18S2 3t. J (MIX V. MARTIN, SUNBURY. PA. rpllANKFUL for past favors respectfully in forms his friends and Ihe publio lhat he slill continues to carry on the Tailoring Bosi ness nt ihe shop formerly occupied by Jacob Painter as a hatter shop. Being in ihe re ceipt of the fashion, monthly, from New York, his work will always be done in a workmanlike manner, and according to Ihe latest style. His terms for cash or country produce will be as reasonable as any other in the place. Sunbury, May 22, 1852. 3m. Daguerreotype Likenesses FOR ONE DOLLAR! T IIAILF.U MASON has the pleasure of ' informing the inhabitants of Sunbury ami vicinity lhat he has opened Rooms at the Slate House, u hete he will be in readiness lo receive visiiois belween the hour of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Pictures lakeu with any desirable elfecl of light or shade and colored iu ihe highest perfection of the art and no regard lo weal be r. Iiisliuclioiit given and apparatus furnished for 50. N. B Perfect satisfaction given in all mv ses or no charge. Sunbury, May 25, 1835. if. jtlAKRIAOR CETIKICATES handsomely executed for sale st this office, ingU or by the dozen. FR TlITt T.,.1.'. ..J I'miliblM Fe Bill handsomely printed wd p. tale at this entire.