Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 12, 1852, Image 1

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    4SiJSfSStliK A If TH IT) T ft A M
dta6i --
I 1 Mil
1 JL-
ft iTnmfly Uiu.ouaBcr Dcfcotcii to iJolftrc;, liftcimtuc, illoraliti;, jrovrfflii nn5 Oomcstfc sittos, SUntc antt the Slits, Sarfculturr, iUnrUcts, amusements, tec
NiiW 8UUIKS VOL. 5, NO. itf.
, THK AMK.KICAN Is piiMinlitnl every Snluriliiy nt
TWO DDI. I, AIIS per miiiiiin to lie (mill Imlf yearly ill
fidviiiice. No paper disconiiiiiicd until all iirmtvucc nro
All ronimnnicntinii or lui tT on liit.iii''. nliiOiig to
thetufice, til insure attention, rtiiiKt lw 1'tiST l'All.
Throe copies to one address, cr, no
Jevcn lis Do I imiii
Fiiiwn Dr, J),i ymm
Five dollars In mlraiirit will pny fur tliree vcut a siit
scrinl'm. to the American.
One f tiiuuc of 1(1 linen, 3 times,
I'veiy siil.etttciit iiin.-rt ion.
Hi 'i I
Ci '(I
Hue ftaunre, a months.
ix months,
line yunr,
llimiin-.i, Cnnls of Five linen, per milium,
Murdiunln uiul others, ndvei lisiiiB- liv the
year, with the privilege of inhciting
aifTrrcnt ml v.'i t i ni-Tii.-i it k weekly. KMIO
t Large. Advertisements, ni per agreement.
A T T O It N 1 Y A T L A W ,
eoriEtrnT, pa.
Business attended In in llic Counties of Nor
thumberland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia.
Rrfur tot
P. & A., "
J.uwcr cV Darron,
Soincr. SnodgraPri,, Mcr'ailand & Co.,
ISppring, Cood & Co.,
Phil ml.
, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
TTS7ILL ottend faithfully nml f.roiii filly lo nil
professional business, in Northumberland
mid Union counties, lie is familiar with the
Ccrinaii language.
OFFICE :- Opposite the "Lawrence House,"
few doors from the Court House,
iiinlmrv, Auj. 10, 1S.1. lv.
AT 22fl Xorlh 2d slrcit, u'.iovo V.'uinl.
(Btinit Ditiit t.) riiiludolj !iia,
icsiioctl'iillv call the allotition oi'Iiisfiii'iuls
j tmii llii! )! io in tfi'iirvul, to IiIk Lirur ninl
woll sclcctiMl stock uf Cur.''ts, Oil Clothe,
MtiUinn:!, W'imUiw 'liiilis. t-t;iir itoils,
All1., &LC.
Vrikiliiin Cnriii'tins: from 7 cts to t-ls pi-r y.l.
lnniin " 1-1 " !"1 ' "
Three 1'ly " Mil " -.r " "
illlK8.1 i; UJJ " 1U ' "
Door Matts. Ilr would ini:r tlio addi
tion of tltMlorn Hiid otlicri t:i !iii4 lartTe slock
uf Doui il.j-v-u Uirli lie in imit'at ti:ios
in great variety mul of KiiU'inli l ipjalitv.
Oil ('lotiih, fr mi 1 yard to 8 ard wide
wholesale nr.i! retail.
April 10, 1K.VJ. Cm.
TKi: NINO AND PCKOU, sawinc;
PHOT. Wood 'I'liiiiing io nil its l.iam-he.
In city style mid at city jiriect). I'very varirly of
Caliinel n u.l Caij.riiter work ril'ier on hand or
turned to order.
lied Posts, Ualusters, ltoselts, and Quar
ter Mouldings, '1'alile Less, Newell Posts, Pat
terns, Awning Posts, iiii Huh, Columns,
Koiiud or Octagon Chisel Handles. Ale.
IIT Thin Khop is in STK.WVBi'ltRY AI.
1.10V, near Third Street, mid us we intend to
jflease all our customer who want Qood wurk
dime, it is hoped that all the trade wil' give us a
ITf Ten-Pin und Tcu-Pin Halls made to or
der or returned.
The Hllentioii of Cahtnrt Makers and Carpen
ter is railed to our new style of TWlH'f
MOULDINGS. Printcr'u l!io,lets nt 1 )ier 1UU
feet. O. lHCkOK.
Kchruaiy 7, 1852. ly.
Nos. 31 !) 33 Muvlxt Street,
rjpilr' suhserilicr.s would call the attention of
buyers to their stock of Hardware, consisting
of Table find Pocket Knives, Guns, Chains,
Locks, llolloware, &c. 6Vc. We would rcconi
mend to all, our
Endless Chain Pumps,
a new article now getlinp; into general use which
v.e can furnish complete at about one half the
price paid for the old style Pumps, also a new ar
ticle of JailllM I'lUC tltiwr E.Ol'iH, each
Lock aniled either for ritrht or left hand doors,
willi mineral or while knohs.
Our stock of CiUlltf is l.irjrp. and well select
ed, comprising single and double barrels, Kalish
n nd Uernuiii make. All Roods can he returned
if not found to lie as represented. Country mer
chants would do well to call on us before pur-t-lnsing
Wheelwrights nnd carriage makers supplied
w ith goods suited to their business, l.y callini; on
W. H. & O. V. AI.l.P.X,
Nog. 31 & 33 Market Street, Philadelphia.
Fehruury, 21, 1S62. fimo.
7M. McCABTY, Booksellsr,
miotDW.iv. si viii KV. r.
,S just received and for sale, Purdons Di
itcsl of the laws of Pennsylvania, edition of
lis.'it, price only H,00.
Judge Heads edition of lilackslonei Commen
taries, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at $1(1.00,
and now oll'ered (in fresh binding) at the low
price of 0,00.
A Treatise on the law of Pennsylvania re
spectini,' the estates of Decedents, l.y Tluni is p.
(iordoii, price only $1,00.
Kossuth nnil the Hungarian wan comprising
n voinplote history of the late strtiuu'le for freedom
of Ihal country, with notices of Ihe leading chiefs
und statesmen, who distinguished themselves in
council and m tho f't'lJ' containing 2 pages of
interesting matu-r with authentic portraits.
Kossuth's address to the people of llio I uited
KUtcs, with 8 portrait, printed en broadcast, and
put on rollers after tho manner of maps, price
only 00 cenla. Washington's farewell address,
uniform style with the above.
February, 81, 1852. U.
Al'lea's Cpotoiicd, Reports of Peaaa-
TiI S I 1'ulilisncu, aim iui . ..-
U her iho Se-fokJ Volutin of A Men's Con
dwised Pennsylvania Kcports, containing the
last three volumes of Vcales' licports, and two
first volumes of liimicy'a Itcporls. The fust vol
ume of Mdcn, containing Dallas' Pcporls, 4 vol
umes; and Yoites Kcports, volume 1, is also on
, i ...i c.,r .ale. The above two volumes arc
'i.., ucithiii themselves, and contain all of
Dallas' Reports, 4 volumes, and all of eates
Itenorts, 4 volumes, besides the two first volumes
of Ilimicy's Kcports. Tho third volume is ready
and wil bo put to press iihiiu-ul.i.
a i 11. B.MASSEB, Agent.
Punlniry, Aug. 18, 1851.--
X sums of six hundred dollars each, for whiih
.. i r, ,ld security will be given. Address
M 1 1 1 I 4 1
IK Boureau's celcbraud ink, and also Con
' urea ink for sale, wholesale and retail l.y
S,tr SB. 50. II U MASSER.
bv a srrrr.KEtt.
The nicl.inrli'ily day havo come, llio Htn!-
dt l of tin- yi'nr,
Of ch.'.iui-g iaint iihiI eel ubbiuy fluori", and
Fi'oni ing tar ti ni.1 near,
llcap.'il in tin1 eiiruiT of llio room llio an-
fiont tlnsl lay quiot.
Nor rosi! up at Ihu ialhui's tionil, nor to I tics
t:hil. Iron's liol ;
Bitt now iIih cai pois nil uro up, and fioin llio
slaiicasf lop,
Tlii? inistrt's calls to man ami maid lo wii-l.l
'ho bioiii.i and mop.
Whole art? llripn moms, ihoso qtiiol r.ioms
iho h.'tisi; but now prwntcl,
Wherein we ihvcli nor ilioamcil of diit, ho
Ciy and coii'.eiHi'd !
Al ii ! tlr-y'vi? Iiinnd till upside down, ihal
rpiiol Milto el room,
Wi:li slops and suds, and soap and sand, and
tiihs and pail anil Inootns,
Chair?, lahlos. slands, nru hlauding round, al
siM's and at shvl-iis,
Vhi! wifo ai.d lioiisi'inaids fly aliaul, lila?
uiotooii ihioi!"lt the heavons.
pailor and the chamber fiuor were
cli-'aui'il a week ivjo,
The caipi'ls shook and windows wa.-dii'd, a?
all iho ticiL'hl'ois know ;
Hut Elill tin; s.uicliiin had escapjd tlio table
piled wiili b.iok,
Pen, i.ik and paper all about, peace in i'.i
very Ion!;
Till fell the women on litem all. as falls ihe
p!;'.jne on num.
then they vanished all way, b jo1:s, pa
per, ink and pen.
now wh'Mi comes the. inas'er home, as
comes ; hiumI o m:;.i:s.
To (a,.!
lliins are ,!.-et lo wro
they -'.-li (o liuhls,-'
When Iho Fuieid of diivi..;; tacks is heard,
th iii;.h the house i far fiom ts: ill,
And Ihe carp t womau'.s on the flails, I
hail.i.ier of ill,
llu looks lor pipeis. liorika or biMs, all
w ci e lln'i e lu io; c,
Ail si'j'.is lo lihd them on ilia desk or ia the
il rawer no more.
And iheu lie iimly thinks of herwl.osel
this loss afloat,
And w i-ht s she w ere out at sea, in a very
leaky bo.H.
lie nieels her al the pailor door, with hair
and cap aw ry,
Willi sleeves tucked op and broom in hand.
lianeo in her eve.
lie feels noile small and knows loo well,
lore's nolhini' lo be said.
So holds his toii'jim and diinks his lea and
sneaks away lo bed
n-soii 27i.Msr;7( .'.
Foil Tilt Amwucan.
EOiniYiincoi: path, ihelaitd.
Verily Donnybro.ju fair is, to all intent;
and purposes, "dead and gone" ; for the
modem wretched assemblage of hungry
looking cattle, dogs-meat horses, measly
swine, and forlorn-looking human creature,
obliged to content themselves with staring
at the exterior of Ihe Show-booths, for want
of the means to visit the interior, no more
resembles the Donnybrook of the past,
than a troop of the old "hulkios," armed
with their Arcadian crooks, and helmeted
with their old woollen night caps, resem
bled a sipia Iron of lancers.
Alas! alas! how every thing is altered !
No longar does the quiet citizens dread the
approach of Trinity Sunday ; no longer
does he think it necessary to barricade his
windows, and po.dpone exterior painting
for a week or two, in order to save his glass
and tho decorator's labor from tho tioclur- , cry eye was fixed upon him, and every
nal induiliy of the gentle College students. ! ones attention drawn lo tho spot, from the
The Students never mustered in much , eagerness of manner and stentorian voice
force at Donnybrook, because it unluckily j of Paddy, whose reminiscence bad produ
came during the long vacation; but there ( cod a roar of laughter. Escape, loo, was
were enough at any lime to kick up a shin- utterly hopeless, lor tho lent had been fil
dy or scrimmage (by modern innovators ling, and the doorway was blocked up by
called "a row,") lor, lieiweon mose vuio
iib'd in Dublin, and such as for various
reasons kept the vacation within the Col.
'e walls, a pretty decent muster could,
upon an emergency, be called together. ;
It was upon the :Jbtli, ol August isn't i
it strange that I should recollect the day of
the month, thoutili I forgel tho year I that
IJd'.j U liorman, Uan sweeny, JJICK nan,
. , . . , (, i- i ii it
ant! a lew other unuer-grailuales ol 1 runty
Colle-ge. Dublin, resolved to 20 to Iho fair
and havo a spree.
Dick was a litllo, delicate, effeminate-
ooking "ould crab," and so smock-faced
that he would easily pass for a girl and r
rather ?ood looking one, il dr s-e.l 111 leii.alo
I3ut Dick's efTeminacy was confiivd (o
his looks, lor bis muscu'ar power far ex- ol having blundered, increased every tno
cceded IhJ of any man an iiu h or two more meiit, an.l remiiiis-;enco followed remini
in stature, or a ston more in weight, lie; cone, each in a louder lone Ihan the pro-
was a perfect mater of the small-sword,
had no match at fingle-s'.ick ; and woe to
the unhappy wretch who fell un lor thedis-
cipline ol his little bony fists, for h.i was an
accomplished amateur in the science of
pugilism, then but litllo known and less
practised (hail subsequently by gentlemen.
1)11 the present occasion it was resolved
Ihal Dick should sustain the character of a
girl, and much fun was anticipated from
the punishment that the remainder ol tho
party would intlict upon any prestimptous
individual who should daro to molest tho
modest fair one.
At the end of the double range of tents
called "Dame street," was one called "tho
Larkers ;" and as this was uniformly crowd
ed by citizens of Dublin, it was scarcely
possible lor any one, residing but for a
month in town, not to be recognised by
some present, who immediately passed the
name ol the new-comer round, and be was
surprised (if a raw one) to hear himself ad
dressed by name by persons whom he nev
er saw in bis life before.
It was al the entrance of this tent that a
rnunlrvman stood attired in the usual (r'ae
over-coat (which, from its beiu-; worn in
SUMUJiiY, NOlirilU.MliKUliAM) C'OUXTY, SATURDAY, JUNK 13. 18.1:1.
summer as well winder, inilit lead a stran- "I do protest an.l declare" sliotHed the
ger to suppose that there seldom or in ver is j worthy doctor, "l!iit I never, to my know
a hot day in Ireland) and accompanied l)V ledge, saw your face belore."
a pretty, bashruMooking girl, app.irenly I "Arrah, Uiddy, avonrncen, is thia tlie
Iresh lioni the "interior." After gaping otihl Turk lliat ye lould mo about, hud
lor a considerable lime, some gentlemen, would'ut tnintion his name, that was so iin
amused by the wonderment that he exliib- j perant to yet his fjee, (he otihl
iled, and probably somewhat touched by !
ilis companion's charms, called to him to
"come in." Willi some r luctaiue he ac
cepted the imitation, and, (earful of intru
ding upon the ''.lcmin," seated himself
awkwardly upon the end of a form; tin il
tilled, and down hz went, to the sreat d; -
liht ol the beholden. Having gathered , to shake her oil'; he clung to him liko a
himt If up, he reseated himelt inore firm- wild cat, screamiii, shrieking, sroldin?,
ly, jdaiing 'l!idily" him, she having j biting, scratch in.?, and tearing, until al
declined all oHers of oilier acconimodalion j length she maddi lied him past all rndur
pressr'd on her by Hie comjiany. ance by pulling two Imndfuls of hair suc-
iaildv U'.Neil (llic namely which he
announced lnmsell,) liaving been pretty
well plied will) punch, had grown very
voluble, and .seemed to bo beginning to feel
liimscll ijuite at home, had told many queer
stories, and ni.i.le l:i i entei t..iii'.'is lau ;h ve
ry heartily, when two elJerly gentlemen,
closely imiiiled, entered very sleallhily,
and s!i.!i:ig over, suddenly seated them
selves behind Paddy. Eiddy who had
been hiiiierlo quite silent, an -wering evn y
coiiiplinietit or ren.r.rk addre.-sed to her on
ly with a smile, gave Paddy a mul and
whispered smiuUiing into hij ear, that
caused him to turn and gaze
at t!
new tir-
"Arrah, thin, D-xlhor M , agrah who'd
ha' thought o' meet in' you here (' sji.l he cue ol them, who rprauj U the
nieiition ufhij nami', as if he had sat on
the p.iiiit (,f a stray l. ail; he and his. com
panion Dr. II both senior fellows ol Trin
ity College, ha iag di-: -ui.-.'d then.selvis,
lis they thought elt'Ctually, for the purpo.-e
of seeing, lor the (irst lime in their lives,
tho (air, and the fun of it, without being
recognised in sucli an asvm
blage. With this olj.-ct they had acided
exposing Uiemsi Ives to t!ie ri.k of wulkin;
ilov.'n the tent, but had iik rely slipped in
to reconuoi'iie from behind Ihe thelii r of
the IViez. '-coated cudomcr, v.l.j now, so
inopportunely und innocently, had announ
ced the name of one of tiiem.
'Ilol.l j our tongue, sir," said Dr. :
"you mistake me, sir."'
"Arrah docthor tiailiid, sure iv I mis
take ye, ye need'ut get iiito -tclt a con. Hin
inratioil uixnit ii
well to mi-lake
I ; bud sure 1 know ye t';o
ye. Sure, ainl I llio l.ov
that had Iho mhdiji'ihiu to dhroo ver honors
rivcrinco ii.lo the bog-bole, whin ye wint
out to make believe ye Were snipe sliontin,'
down at t'oiutiel Tl.rencl.'s, iu.,t Candlemas
tvas a Iwclvomoiuh."
"I tloii'l know you, sir I" roared the
doctor in a -.ony, hoping by his ferocity lo
overawe the c into silence ; bid
Paddy ba.l taken t oo tutu h punch to no
tice tho tunc, and seemed ir.caj aide of en
tertaining or following up more than cue
idea at a lime, and Iho one now before him
was that of forcing himself, wiil bo hill he,
upon the reculiectiuii of tin- worthy doctor.
"Vo don't know inel well, listen to
that I ye tlon'l know me! oh I well, iv
that dooe'ut Hog! Arrah, thin maybe ye
don't recollect tho bog-hole that ye wanted
mo to carry ye over, an' ye war so
heavy lliat liiy le. t slipped an' 1 had tlie
luck to fail an toy fac-, ji t at ihe wry edge
iv the sluJi, an' ye pitch, d right over,
h'-ad f reiue.-t, into the very middle iv id ;
an iv id wa.'ot for the good luck that yer
legs stuck cut, ji.d (lie laate taste in lilo, by
which I fgot a hould iv ye, would'nt ye bo
lost entirely t An' don't ye"
"Hold your tongue, you infernal scenn
drel I roared the doctor, who saw that el
muse vno were pressing lorwaro iroiu tne
ouUi.le to pet a veiw ol tho speaker, "ilohl
your tongue, sirrah; you mistake mo lor
some one else. J never was thrown into a
hog-hole in my life."
"un : pnii ii -u: meei.ia mnrtinT : ti-i-
' en to that as iv any one that ivrr s-rn
' Docthor M -of Thrinity College could
i. . i . . i .. i . -..ik
iver misiaue i.nn again; uu.i sure jvoitiioi
u ui 'io -in may oo neip oui yer mimoiy,
(Dr. II gave a writhe, for ho had hoped
i to have escaped, at least;) sure he was at
tho Colon. -I's whin ye war brought home in
Ihe muck."
lhis announcement of the names and
address ot ho'.ii llio unioriutiaio netr.ivii
I was received wan a btioot, whim t'a.iov's
earue,tuo.-s to free himself from the charge
ceding, until bis argument became a period
'shout, whilst iho unlucky S. F. T. CD's
s'.rove tu out-bellow hiin with (heir denial.--,
' ami llio audience laughed, snouted, ana
j danced with glee at the fan.
j "1 prolisl," bawled j;r. 11 "ihal 1 do
, nut know Colonel Trench, you mistake, me
man , I never was at ins nouse in
, My friend here, Dr, M , knows
my I i i
him, an.l has often been there ; but I have
not, I assure you.
"Oh! you ass," bellowed Dr. M "
what do you acknowledge my name for?
Tis no wonder they call you 'Loalhetheatl
A renewed roar followed tbis piece of
blundering recrimination.
"Never at Colonel ThroiichV not you !
oh! yo desarvin' ould villain," screamed
Ihe hitherto silent Eiddy. "Not you!
do ye know me ! do ye ! do ye ! I -Do-0-0-0-0
ye! ! I" every repetition of "do yP"
being louder and longer than the last, until
she finished in a terrific long .brick, squeez
ing her bands together upon lu r knees, and
stamping alternately with lier feet, with a
rapidity that gave tho tiled ol a suabe lo
bor voice,
thirl! and let me see if he putvint ye,
my darlint, lache him to behave himsell to
uuptirleiled la males 1"
JJiddy, who seemed quite inclined to
forestall her crmiiani. m's orders, had sprung
upon Hie unlucky doctor belon the sen
tence va ha!f fini.died. lie strove in vain
cessively out ol the little that reiiiaiiied on
dis skull, for which he repaid her with two
bilious blows.
The spectalors, u ho had hithrrlo looked
on, and merely laughed at Ihe entire affair
as an excellent joke, had undergone a
change of sentiment up m hearing the inu
endo contained in Paddy's 1 lit speech ; and,
no longer considering lim old gentVnicn a
a pair of innocenls amusingly "Idown,"
!i!i - y ivnv locked tip.i-) th
m as a pur ol
Wicked nhl proiligites, v.'or;.? tiian yoi:pg
ones; and one, in ire y.eabns tlian the rest,
bliouling out ".dial.;" .' to strike Iho girl,"
siictihe I Dr. 11. wiih a blow.
Dr. M iriM.-iiido id all limes-, now lost
all s. If;, and uiuole to nadi his
(Viond's new a-.ailaut, turned furiously upon
the cause of ail .his wo.', and bellowed a
shjWcr of blows: with his stick
dy, h,
;re.tho l.-lU r l.a.l lime to bring
I lo parry them. He soon ivcovr
If, hou evi r, r.:id IVoui ileeii,!
ly became a -r.iilant.
iMany i-f the bvslnudi r;
indignantly cnl
I iliian knock
l out,
.nrdef tlu on!-
oi.l his brains Paddy. That's right, Eid-j bound, 'in discharge ol our imperative, on
ily j Hi. tor hint !" and Several proceeded to j i rons, and painful duty to the public, to
give a helping hiul lo llio good work ; but j give publicity to one of Iho most astound
oiiiers i.iougiii it was a s.iamo Ii.r a wr.olo I
lot ol people ) l.iil upon two, and. in tm ir
for jn.lice they ranged lliem selves
.' Hie lie vi rend Doctor-:, vhutiting
y'a a jewel 1" Tho H,!it thicken
air j
ed, volunteers j;;n:ng either ramc every
moment, in the laudable endeavor to keep
up the balance of power. Eiddy had quit
ted In r gripe of the doctor, and was now,
to the fuTpiise of those who had time to
look ul'.w.t them (and they were few) en-
a ;.'J in Iho widoaior lo wicnch a slick
out id the hand.; of a huge hulk cl an I-ng-
Jimati, who, having merely go:u to see
Ihe fun at Donny''ii, wilhoul the mo.t
roiiioto idea of joining in a light, could not
per.-.'iia led ol the iioci.-sily ol giving his
stick, us he did not inter,.! to tr.e it himself,
to one who did, an.l that one "a female!"
At first ho laughed ; but bo was quickly
o'oliged lo i.ut f .rlli all hi.i strength lo re
tain il, and, whilst twisting about, ho caught
ttrjy blow that llonrcd him, ho fell a loo
v.hiih ol course overset;
the contusion iucrca..ed, when a snout sud
denly arose, "Hurrah for Dr. M hunah
for Dr. II College to tho ltcscuol
Trinity I Trinity !:'
At tho v,vll known war-ciy of tho lIu-
der.ts, several changed sihs; those who
had ju..t been defending the doctors no'.v
turned upon them, whilst many of their
assailants ranged luomselves oil their
side. The citizens, tiiinkiiiir that the num
ber of students must bo small, rushed to the
spot, to pay 01T sundry old scores; but one
would imagine Ihal Ihe cry of "trimly!
Tiinilyl" which resounded on all sides,
was a sort of spell, or incantation, that rais
ed spirits from the earth, so many voices
responded to the call.
The unfortunate doctor.5!, who had just
expected nothing short of utter annihila
tion, fell their spirits rise at the prospect of
aid and rescue, ami bellowed with might
and main, "Trinity! Trinity!" nnd in a
few minutes they were the nucleus of a
fight in which Iho w hole fair bad joined.
"The poliss! the poliss hero come the
bloody polios" was now tho cry ; and the
horse police dashed into tho mob with their
cu.tomary ardor, ihtir spurs fastened in
ll' ir horses' Hanks causing lliem to plunge,
and bile, and kick most furiously, and lay
ing about them with their swords, cutting
al every thing and every one w ithin their
reach ; luckily they did not know the
sword exercise, and, therefore, when they
struck wilh the edge, it was only by acci
dent. In a jilTy, the reverend senior?,
caught in Iho very act of shouting "Trini
ty !" were handcuff d, as was also Ihe Eng
lishman, w ho got a blow of a sabre from a
policeman that neaily took off his ear, for
attempting lo expostulate ; Paddy, who
submitted quietly ; and Poddy, after a se
vere tils 1 , in which she reefed one po
liceman's fic", and nearly bit the thumb
oil another. I hey were all put together
into a jingle, and conducted by a mounted
escort to Dublin; the police hurrying them
for lear ofa rescue, by keeping continually
whaling the driver with the flats of their
swoids, and prodding Iho horso with the
points, which sj enraged tho jarvey, that
v. hen he got near tho corner of Leesom
Sired, Stephen's green, where two or three
hundred of Lis brethren were assembled,
having whipped bif Itosinaulu into a pal
lop, he drove against a brewer's dray, by
which his traces were smashed, his horso
get free, the jingle locked fast, and be,
springing off his perch, shouted out, "down
with the bloody poliss!"
In an instant ihe mob rushed upon them.
Paddy and Eiddy, with an alacrity and
agility truly astonishing, sprang from the
lofty vehicle, plunged into the crowd
(where there were plenty of willing hands
to free theui from tho hand cuff) and es
caped. Nor were tho worthy doctors slow
in following their example, the only pris
oner that remained being the bewildered
Englishman who sullered "only" a threo
month's incarceration in his majesty' jail
of Newgate for going to ee Donnybrook,
and Ihe fun at it, his sentence having been
mercilully mitigated, in consideration of
its being his first offence !
"Well," said Dr. II when he went
with his head bandaged up, a shade over
his right eye, and about twenty bits of
sticking plaster stuck over bis face, to visit
Dr. M (who was unable lo leave his bed
lor a week,) "well, what a fool 1 was to be
persuaded by you to go to Donnybrook
fair! what a pretty exhibition we would
have made at the police office this morn
ing! Was it not most fortunate that we
made our escape ?
"I have been thinking," said (or rather
groaned) Dr. M , "who that scoundrelly
country lellow could be. I never fell into
a bog in my life (hat was all a lie ; and
still the blackguard's face was lamiliar lo
"I think he was very like that scape
grace Robert O'tiorman, only that he bad
iighl hair; and though I could take my
oath I know nothing of that infamous little
wretch that they called lliddy, yet I do
think I have seen her lace before hum"
"Could it have been that he disguised
himself, eh ! I'll inquire into it, and if he
did, by
"I think," my dear M you had better
let it alone ; the less vr. say about it the bet
ter. You know we really led the fight
dial's a fjct that can't he denied ; though
it surprises ine luw We were hooked into
A rustle at Ihe door, followed by a loud
knock, announced that the newrpaper had
been thru.-t into (he letter box, from which j
Df. II immediately extracted it ; and as
ho glanced over the page, the following
pa.rirajHi met his eye. It was headed
"Disgraceful and fatal riot at Donny
brook : "
"It is with mingled feelings of indigna
tion, horror, and contempt, that we feci
ing, tiigi.iiui, ana overwhelming tacts
which it has ever fallen to our lot, as faith- i Customs for dulies nn those article-, avera
ful ij.irnulis.ts. to record. The ueaceable. i3 600 or SMW Tho town of Mel-
genii.', and innocious inhabitants ol tho
village of Donuybiook, and the casual visi
tors who sought a liltle innocent recreation
al the fair now being hoideii, were yester
day evening thrown into a stale ol tho
titmo-t alarm, coiifu.-iou, and dismay, by a
barefaced attempt to carry off by brutal
force a young girl from tho guardianship
and protection ol her brother. It appears
that iiey had gone into a lent to rest and
reJre.-h themselves (having probably over
exerted their light fantastic toes,) when
their -savage as.-ailauts (respecting whoso
rank and station various rumors are afloat,
which or the present we forbear from men
tioning) rushed upon them, and endeavor
ed to lore.' her away. The indignant by
standers interfered lo prevent tho outrage,
when will it, can it be believed? our pen
trembles, and a cold thrill runs through us
as wo write it I tho worse than Indian
war-whoop, Ihe yell of Ihe collegians, was
raised, and their numbers would in all hu
ll, an probability have succeeded, but for the
timely interference uf the police, to whose
humanity, promptitude, and forbearance,
upon iho Iryii.g occasion, too much praise
cannot be given. The riot was not quel
led, until tho military Were called out, and
by three o'clock this morning all was again
quiet. I'p to the time ol going to press
wo had only beard of sixteen lives being
"STkcoxn EnmoN. We slop the press to
announce that no lives have been lost ; but
Sir Patrick Dennis, Ihe Meath, and Mer
cer's hospitals, are crowded with wound
ed. X. 15. The soldiers were not called
"Tmr.D lauTiox'. Dr. Fitzgerald has
just informed us that there are no wounded
in either, Sir Patrick's, the Meath, or Mer
cet's." "Well," said Dr. II "if they are not
there, we at least know where some of
them aro."
l.v.iviivcruix of wi rxnssns.
The following racy examination of a can
didate for admission lo tho bar was taken
fioin tlu Western Law Journal, and is do
ci.l 'd a good hit :
The examiner commence with
'Do you smoke, sii ."
'I do, sir-"
"Have you a spare cigar."
"Ves sir," handing him a short six.
' Now sir, what is tho first duty of a law
yer ?"
"To collect fees."
'night. What's tho second."
'To increase tho number of his clients."
"When does your position lowauls yours
client change."
"When making a bill of cost "
".Vo then occupy iho antagonistic position
I assume the character of plainlilf, and ho
becomes defendant."
' A suit decided, how do you stand with
ihi lawyer on the other sido V
' Check by jowl."
"Enough sir, you promise to become an
ornament lo your profession, and I wish you
success. Now are you aware of (ho duty
you owe mo V
"Ves sir,"
"Doscribo ii.'
,:lt is to invito yon to drink."
"Uiit suppose I decline."
(Candidate scratching his head.) "There
is no instance of tho kind on record in Iho
books I cannot answer the question."
"Vou aro right ; and the confidence with
which you make the assertion shows that
vou have read the law attentively. Let's
take tho drinks, und I will sign your certifi
cate." Idle moil are dead all their live long.
THE cold raouixT.
Tho discovery of tho Australian fields of
gold, becoming so prolific in tho yield of
that precious metal, isproducing a great deal
of speculation among the moneyed classes
in England as lo the probablo consequences
of the addition of so much gold to the cur
rency of tho woild. Money appears lo be
Retting a drug in (ho muikctsof both Eng
land and the United Slates, while. California
and Australia continue lo produce in inrrcas'
ed quantity especially Australia. In that
country the gold progress lus been ever
moio rapid than in tho fust years on the
Pacific. The precious element was fust
brought lo liyht on tho 20lh of September
last, and although llio latest accounts ore
only down lo ihe 20th of Deccmbe, the
annual product already promises full lliirty
five million dollars, with every iudicaiion
Ihal not half its glories have been told.
This rapid and most extraordinary develop
ment of wraith has nol, of course, been
withoti( its magic elicit nn tho people of the
country, and the seamen visiting its bays
and harbors. Society has been upturned,
towns almost depopulated, flocks neglected,
common labor brought to a stand, and trado
in goods and supplies revolutionized. Tho
accounts bear many features of resemblance,
to the caily incidents of ISIS 9 al San Fiau
ciseo, differing essentially, in this, however,
thai tho social state, einbraein a colonial
Kngli.-h population of neaily 200.000 souls,
uf 8L'l"i rilort' essentially effected.
and the revolution in habits and tastes more
cencral Tho shop-keepers nt Melbourne)
for example, particularly the haberdashers,
aro reaping the richest harvest imaginable,
a, says a loiter qnolud by the London
Times, thero arc no drossns, or oilier articles
uf female costume, "too costly, or loo good
for tho diggeis' wives."
The consumption of spirits and tobacco is
also very great, the daily teceipts at tho
bourne, on llio coast, in 39 south latitude.
was in the most deplorable eial slate, pre
senting tho anomaly of a place without any
laboring papulation. "All the rapid popu
lation of Adelaide, (a penal settlement,) and
the convicted blackguardism of Van Dio
mau's land, are Hocking in," pays another
authority quoted by the Times, Tho minus
aro within two days' reach of the town, and
a man can roach them without means, or
heavy provisions. Every laboiing man.
sailor, shepherd, &c , therefore, makes for
the gold. There were 20.000 to 30.000 peo-
;it tho digging?. Tho caso was some
what dillercrit at Sydney The mines though
rich, aro further away from town, and no
one allempts to reach them without some
money in his pocket.
Usually it is remarked, that a very cold
winter in England, corresponds to a very
hot summer in Australia ; but the winter in
iho latter is never so severe. Snow, except
1 the mountains, is rare, and not long
remain on tho giutind. Tho general cli.
mate resembles in many features lhat of iho
south of Italy. Tho sea voj ago to Loudon,
under sail, is about four mouths.
"Stop the MAcitixi:. "Whilst a locomo
live was quietly taking a drink, at a water
ing station on the Ohio Rail Koad, a couple
of days since, an Irishman (whoso cuiiosity
had "ol ihu better of his discretion,) jumped
on it lo examine tho arrangements, putting
his hand upon the lever which let on the
steam, cio ho know what he was about, and
befoio llio engineer could jump uboaid, he
was off like a rocket steaming along ihu
road at so rapid a rata that, alihocgh afraid
lo slay on, bo was loathe to jump upon Hie
ground bo was swiftly pas-ins ov.r !
Throwing up bis hands in horror al his
alarming situation, ho was heard lo exclaim
at the top of his voice, us he sped by each
farm house : ''atop Ihe miuhiiic !'' but, be
yond Iho reach of human aid, he was hurled
.long by a power which (although obedient
to an infant's touch,) it was out of his power
to control sn ho crawled into ihe lender,
and when llio machine had 11111 down, for
want of steam, was found, moto dead than
alive, (by the engineer of another locomo
live who went in pursuit.) snugly esconseed.
face downward, among tho sawed wood in
the tender. Ilo says the next lime ha ridee
"the iron-horse" he'll slay at home !
CoMTAniso Beactv. In lha eastern pait
of Delaware county, in this Stale, thero re
sides a man named IJ , now a laslice of
iho Peace, and a very sensible man, but, by
common consent, iho ugliest looking individ
ual in tho whole country ; being long, gaunt
sallow and awry, with a gait like a kanga
roo. Ono day, ho was out hunting, and on
0110 of Iho mountain loads ho met a man on
foot and alone, who was longer, gaunter,
uglier, by all odds, than himself. Ho could
give the "Square" fifty and beat hiin."
Without saying a word, 15 raised his
gun and deliberutely levelled it at Ibo slran
ger. -Fir God's sake, don't shoot !" shunt
ej ihe stranger, in great alarm. Stranger,"
replied B "1 swore Ion years ago, that
if I ever met a man uglier than 1 was, I'd
shoot him ; and you aro Ilia fust ono I've
seen." The stranger, after taking a careful
suivoy of hi "rival," replied: "Wat, cap
tain, if I look ony worso than yon do, shule
I don't want lo live no longer 1" Knickcr
boiler. Tim Clmiler for a Rail Koud from Pine
Crove to Lebanon and Lancaster was re.
vived Ihin winter by ihe Legislature. The
prospect of ils boinj constiuctod is thought to
be rjooJ.
"! mii'i'TTH i rl
Fanny Fearn; a contributor to ihe Boston
Oi're Branch, thus shakes Mr. 5lahr by IlieJ
ears, for ro.matking slightingly of women.
She says :
"l.nokj here; Mr. Norris, I wan! poind
body lo hold me ! I've just been reading
an extract from Blackwood, by a Cetmail
Professor, by llio name of Siahrj in which;
after etmuieiiling mo.t severely upon Iho
character of Louis Napoleon, ho compresses
ihu pith of the mailer into liiir nutshell :
'But 110 reliance could be placed 011 him. In
a word his character is lhat of a woman !' 1
What do you mean by thaf, you old O'oi-j
man curmudgeon ? Ainl women the quiet
est, patientest, lovingesl animals in exist
ence, when they get all they want ? Did
)ou ever see a woman snaily when tin)
purse was properly supplied and she had
gown in bor wardrobe 7 Thvif tempers ard
angelic if they aro only manged right. If
you will biush a em's back the wrong way
you mual expocl lo get scratched. Women
always know what they want, and lliat'd
tnoro than half ihe men do, and ihey want
it when they ask for il, too, without any
hem's or ha's, or ifs or buts. Aint ibey full
of fun, and smiles itnd enj-cr!, before ihey1
aio maiiicd 1 and what do they look like
afterwaids, with Iheir long fact's, swollen
eyes and calico morning gowns 1 craw ling
round Iho house like dyspeptic caterpillars.
When they've been 'worshipped like a di
v i 1 1 i l y for six mouths, or more, you expect
them to hop right olf their jf-cdes'nl after
matrimony, and crouched down at your feet
like a whipped spaniel, who dare not even
giow! to himself when his ears are ciiHed.
'Character lhat of a women !' Humph 1
As to Louis Napoleon, ho isiel a man to my
taste, or you either 1 Did you ever seo a
mail that half tho fortitude of woman ?
Ask iho doctors about that, if you catch ono
I nal tells ihe truth. If a man gels a scratch
011 his little fniffer. the whole house is put
in leipaisitiou for slicking plaster, opodeldoc
Russia salve, and mercy knows what.
Then there aiut a savagor thing in existeneo
than a man when he's hungry. Co a.-k a
favor of him 601110 limo just before dinner
but don't wail fur an answer and if ihe
razor don't woik right w hen he is shaving
in ihe morning, caich up tho children ami
clear tho coast. And as for pin money, al
though all a man can cam would not pay a
wife's wages, yet if Jou havii't any ull'oc
lionale pa, or big-hearted brother, or an ac
commodating biolher-in-law, heaven help
' Did you ever know a man, whose wife
was sent lo tho stale prison, w ho ever made
her a call al tho interesting institution ?
And did )ou ever know a woman, even if
she'd had a dozen sticks-spoiled over her
head, who didn't bribe jailors and stone
walls till she had got to him, some how or
other, to toll him how she loved him all the
boiler, tho wickeder he grow and tb more
people bated him ; and how, if ho had
abused her, she date say il were more her
fault than his'11 1 And what did Kossuth's
wife do fur hiin, you stupid old fool 1 and
what did tho Amerieau women of iho revo
lution do for their husbands ? and whut will
Iheir female descendants do for you ? you
beer di inking, phlegmatic, tobacco dried oid
Herman, if you dare show you mahogany
phi, ou this side of llio big pond '.
May you never know by experience what
this means."
A Short Stouy w:tii 1 Moiial A young
Yankee had formed an attachment (or a
daughter of a rich old faimer, and after
agreeing with the "bonuio lassie," went to
ihe old fartnei to a.-k consent, and dining
ihe ceremony which was an awkward 0:10
uilh Jonalhan ho whittled away al a stick.
Tho old man watched the movement of tho
knife, and al iho same time continued lo
talk on Iho prospects of his fulure Don in-law
us ho supposed, unlit the stick was dwiu
died down to naught. Ho then spoko as
follows :
"You have fine properly ; you havo stea
dy habils j good enough looking ; but you
cant have my daughter. Had you made
something, no mailer w hat, of the stick you
havo whittled away, you could have had
her ; as it is you cannot ; your property
will go as the slick did, little by little, until
all is gone, and your family reduced to
want. 1 have read your true character; vou
have my answer."
A Clergyman was onco sent for in the
middle of the night, by one of the ladies of
his congregation :
'Well, my good woman," said he, "so
you ate veiy ill, and icquiro Ihe consolations
of religion ! What can I do for you V
"No," replied the old lady, '1 am not
very ill ; I am only nervous and can't
"How can I help lhat 1" asked the clergy,
'Oh, sir, you always put me lo tletp in
nicety w hen 1 go lo church, that I thought if
you would only preach a lillle for me!"
They say lhat tho parson swore ; at any
tale he "made tracks" in less than 110 limn.
Ck.meut for Faktiiknwakb. Cut skim
milk cheese Into small slices ; boil them iu
water lo a thin jiasie, and grind wiih it
quick lime ; cement ihe pieces and set
away to harden. Tho cemont is very slrong
and duiable.
A young lady named Mary Elizabeth Sle.
vens, died in Middlclown last week, from
the ellecls uf creosote