SUINBirilY AMlfilllCAN AND SHAMOitlN J OUlliN A'. t) octni. A NKW VK11SI0N, PV IIDOO ' "Conir, C"f'e Spring ! ciIioioh! mildness come !" Oh ! Thomson, void of ihyma as well nc . , renvoi), How tliou thus poor liiimnn nnlnrc liiun? There's no such scanon. The Spriiip ! I shrink nnJ fduuMur at hor mime ! For why, I find her breath a tutor bligh ter ! And mllcr from licr Woiw, us if Ihry came From Spring the fighter. Iter praises, ihr-n, lot linrcly pot-ti sins, And bo hor lunufiil laureate's ami up liuldei. Who do not f'') ns if tticy bad n Spring lVuied down thoir shnuhlers ! Let other eulogists hrr lloral showers; From mo they cannot win n simile stan.a, 1 know her blooms mo in full blow and mi's Tho inlliienza. Hrtr cowslips, stock, nnd liliei of thn vale, Her honey blossoms tiiat you bear the bees a'. Her tansies, daffodils, mid primrose pale, Are things 1 sneeze at ! Fair is tho vernal ipiartcr of the yeai ! And fair its early buddings and its blow ings But just snppnso Consumption's seeds appear With other sowings ! Formi,'l find when Eastern winds. um I ) i 1 1 A frigid, not a genial inspiration ; Nor can, like iron-eliesled Chubb, defy An itillanimulion. Smitten by breezes from tin land of phi are fables : To me all vernal Iuxiii les Oil ! whore's tho Spring in u I heiaiialie lejr, Stiff us a table's .' 1 limp in agony I wheee nnd ronuh ; And quake with Anne, lint ureal Agitator; Nor dream, before July of leaving oil' My Uespirutor. What wonder if in May itself 1 lack A peg for laudatory verse to linns on'! Spring mild and gentle t yes, iisSpring-heel-ed Jack To those be sprang on '. In short, whatever panepyries lie In fulsome odes too many to be cited, The tenderness of Sprim; is all my eye, And that is blighted ! A STRING OF ITK1MS. Look out for split gold dollars. The Bulletin predicts that sooner or later, j this country will have a Walter Seott. Happy are miseries that end in joy ; and blessed are the joys that have no end of our celebrated awning makers, is engaged upon a political canvass. What school book can a wut t-pcll be found in t A good horse never stumbles, nor a good wife never grumbles. Grace Greenwood goes lo Europo in the Atlantic, on the 2itlh, lo be gonp a year. Thev say that Mrs. Swisshtlm' baby looks like Daniel Webster. MissSalliu Ward, tho celebrated Kentucky belle, has gono lo Europe. "She's all my fancy painl." &c. Milk for Babes. The Milk Bill nt tho New York City Hall, for the city Govern ment, was S593 for the month of Apiil. Sweet Pickled Peaches. -1 quart of Vinegar Si lbs. of Sugar 6 lbs of l'euthi s and a little Mace or Cloves. A Western paper, called the "Banner of Peace," i3 continually figbing with its co temporaiies. A Western paper informs us that a poor, lit tle orphan boy, is shockingly treated by his father and mother. Poor; little luiphuu. No new jails aro being built this year in the cilies of Maine. Barefooted children are said to be growing scarce down-east. Oxe of the best jokes of tho season is sai 1 to be a newspaper article "going the rounds," beaded ''the lubors of Congress. Napoleon was five feet seven inches high, aud the Duke of Wellington Cve feel eight and a half inches. Five hundred emigrants, Germans anil Irish have anived at Cincinnati within the last week. The marriage of the Emperor of Austria with the Princess Sidonia, of Saxony, is short ly to lake place. The Council of the State of North Carolina have determined lo convene thi) Legislature, in extra session, on tho 4:h of October next. Tiikee persons in Ulica have recently been fined $50 each for re-usiug postage stamps This is a pretty dear way of paying three cents. 'I feel," said an tld lady, "that I've get abuut through with this woild. 1 shau'l en joy much more trouble ; nor sutler much more comfort. " Cincinnati used to fill heavy contracts for whiskey for the army ; but this sort of "military jii ii" is now dead, and coffee sub stituted. "Cpffee, is that ihe second bull V "No, Mass;., dal't do second lingin' ob do fuss bell. We hab'nt got no second bell in dis are holel." A company has been formed in London for the manufacture of printing type fium wire. It is said that it will last sivty limes aa long as common type, aud cost less. : i . High Pk:ces. At a publio sale near th's : place, on the 13th inst., corn sold for $1 334 per bushel, and fodder brought tl,30 pur hundred. IVwleaborough (Fa) Argui, .Tub editor of the Boston Post says, that a newly invented dozen-bUded knife has teen made by a Yankee culler, which has, in ad dition to its blades, a cork screw, a bod k if) a hair brush, and a boot-jack, besides a sea uu ticket to tho theatre. nxmovEp ire rlHE sulim-ritirr lias constructed a LKUIT- NINO IiOJl on true Philosophical princi ples, by which Imililinps supplied with thrm are. rendered pcrf. ctly secure. nr;ainsl destruction by liehttiinu;. The connection nnd insulation of the roil, ns Well e llie preparation nf the ground roil, is on n entirely new plan, Innkiinr More per feet rniiiliu'tnr than nny heretofore ill use. Measures linlo been tnkrn to sccuro Letters Patent lor. the improvement. Person desirous of seciiriiitr tin ir lives and properly froni destruction by llfrhlnina:. enn Imvo cnmluctors put up to llieir liiiiUHnrf In tlie most perfect nml substantial innuiicr, hy applying ei ther personally or by letter, to tho undersigned, nt the following prices: For 'In ft. i inch r.ippcr mJ jdutoil point, Mil!, iI,:i!hii lip, $23,00 And forty cents fur every additional foot over fortv. Fur 40 ft. J inch tubular rods gulil pla- led point, strfiil I'hilin.i. lip, l'J,.'0 Fur 40 ft. iron rod gold plated point, .vw. i.l ) Lilian. (;, 1I!.R) For 10 ft. iron rod t-itrcr phi ted point, 10.00 And twenty cents lor every additional foot over fortv. 'J'. S. MACKEV. Milton, Si t. fi. 1S51 1y. cup 17. lsSJ. HK U' WATCHKS, J DWKldtV AND HLYER WAitK. A GHUAT Hi:i'l( TToS IN l'lllClis! Tii'cniit per cat. til least U-.n llui.i ever hare lein s ll the V 11 1 SUilis! KH.D LEVEL" V-'ATCUKs, full Vj 13 ioiVell.'d, 1 8 lilt rut case led, 18 liMl-ot ca I'miallv Hold for only ;!( COLD l.F.mU VA'lC lii:s, lrt ka. rat case, jevcili .1, MLVF.iJ U;Vi-.K WATCH KiS, full jvWciied, I 'mi, illy Hold for MI.VF.K l.Li'l.NK ATI MILS, jew elled. It 10 !S!L LI! TLA Si'UO.NS, per half do zen. " 5 liDl. II l'l'.VS, Silver Holdois, " 1 lV-i su.i! v. Uliin a Wali-h or watches, or Jcw eby. can have llicin Kent by innil, with pcifcd safety, to i.iiy pail of the 1 oiled States or est Indies, by lU.-l i'h.llnu' the tmiuiilit of money. All ailicli's warranted a.s rcpiciicntcd hIuim'. tir dcrs fVo'n thoeo.nitry rt'.iecil'ully solicited. lMea!' adiiri'..s j paid. J l.L WIS I.AiHIMI S, H)J I'bc-tliut St., La.-! in-4 of lite Kraiikiiii lloiis,'. t i;J Cdit'.iriiiu Hold bought, or luanui'ai lured into Jewelry. Philadelphia, March so, ls.Vi :im. nArvKi:EUEG book IiIiiseiiy. V. li. IIU'lTKH & CO., noes" rs t.M'. O. Ila-i.k, ami Hie', .k A I'.ia'ine. ;(Ok' IMNDKKs, STATIONF.US AND The Kidisciibers rcs'cli'u!ly inf 'itn their fiiends and t!,c public, t!itl they are now cari'yiu on Ihe id'.nc Lu.-hicss at the ('d.ll STAND m-cuoicd bv ; llieko'.. ec Co. Tl'.cv flatter ihein.-eKc:-, by careful attention to business, they wiii merit und : receive a continuance of the, paLrouji't! so liber ally enpyed by the old firm. Particular altcntiou v ill be paid to the rulinir and biud'nur nf every (lcvri;tion uf blank books for banks, cmnity ollici s, merchants nml priatc iii(Uidi!al, and every vjiiety of full and half bound blank books. Old books, periodical?, law books, music, newspapers, eve, bound in any pattern and in nny Wyle required. In ndiliiio'i to tliu above, tlicv have, and will at all limes keep, a eeuera! TlONLlt V, ton.-i.-iui j ol ortinciit of STA- I ..-Iter P. l.-ap I ), .i wiri-j 'tv-a,. t. 'r I'liivcs, Hat aid lVaviln. Illlllla, lrt-ail IViit-i!s, lii'M:!, Jaau r r-uiin!is. M Kl . Wafers, Iraln Hybbw, W:.rU In'.-,, !-ealuia Wax, licit Tani, t'.ae lak, i.liitik 1'lU'iU, r luvintr Ian. p.'iulls. ' le-r Ill'.illia-' Slri l 1'. as Cariaiae Ink Aill 'lil's V'ri;t!';.r l-'tuii". l'larnres. Ac. Paper ru'i 1 to liattern, and all woik war- ranted and iiie verv eln atilv. F. L. HL'TTKR & CO. March 13, IS." 2 tf. w tr T?.Y MK XS Of THF, - I'OrKr.T.V.b'l'LA- l'H'S. er l'very one .U ysieum ! 'J'ui nrv cdition, with up- own i'n ivrn i nidi ol hmidrcd engra- $f ' . j vings. sho nig rivate dis- A '.Vtr."--S ''-y P m in every shape and V I rf J' foi in, f.tid mall'orin itions of "V a :-"'? the rxenerative system, V.;t: '."Hzjf' is.v Ir Wmi Vomi?. 'i'he time has now arri ved, that per.-o is snflering from secret diseases, need no more bcci-ine the victim ok let acki hv, as by Ihe pre-rri; tin is contain ' 1 in this bouk, any one may cure himself without hindrance to business, or thr know li due of the most intimate fiietal, and with onc-tewlh the usual e pene. In addition to the eneml rouliiie of private disea-e, it fully explains tho cau-.r oi manhood's early tr c'ine, with ob; erva'.ious en marriaLo bi-. ioes many other dcraneinoiils which it wi.uld not Le proper to enumerate ill the public prints. tV Any person studiii T K.NTk'-FIVK CI-NTS, incliicd in a lctur will receive one copv of this bo,.k, by mail, or live i:, ;iies will be scut l-.r one dollar. ' Addno, Da. W. VOl'.NO, No. 1.V7 SPItUC'U Street, PIIJLAHKI.PllIA." l'c-t paid. !"". ' 1-r. VOl'NC; can le canslted on any of ihe Dieses ilc.ici il cd in his li ill n ut publica tions, at his Olii -e. 1 Sprtioe Street, every day between ! nnd :i o'el lelc, (Sun, lavs excepted.) PliilaJclphia, June 0, lb.VJ ly. s.wn your moi:v. (F.ATi: I'Uf.K.MAX, lHl-til lo.) lAIPOliTlCKS AND JOlSJlKIiS, 111 Broadway, One floor S:j:ith of Liberty St.t Xcw Yorkj "f T A VI' ii-iw on -in I will ( rt'iTU'ittff iliily tlirtni:;h iTininrfKirt 1 v.fV. A lieu i.n. rii li, i; Iniii-y .Mj.! i 1 . !. Ilitf Mut-k f li-li ji.t s cfi iy v;i.iLiy ut Utc LittM uud m -it b auuiultlfiiiiid iid;k iti .Mrinv ttf 1 1 r poni! are utinuiui tnr J rxjUi-Fsly t' our iil'lt-r, tVi'in t in-1 ivn dut-njiiii :ii)l juri'i-nif, hii ! jM.mhI tuiri v.iili. "li'M "ui ir' .is "nr iicti ru't, ut li-verpiioin tt.;ui nny crctiit LI 'itsf in Aiiienca c-iii uiti. id. AJ (( lu-Uasi-irt will li:nl i( (.'i.:iiiy 1 iin n i:ttir-M t re eiv u p 'fiioti (' lln ir ni ijii-y m:t rtml.e s- iorti 'iis I'raiu cr nn-l v:iHely el rich ehtwiji (.'. Itii.b -i rl-U i'.r IJ -iiii'-'s, ( ;.;.". :i'nnnd it iiiin t ?r : i s r1 ilnit. 1 r ;i : 1 ,isp .tin) 'J' i -1 ct n. V;iidMil.fid. 0'iiliirt, Mi'-!Ni Itn. lip-'H, liritli;i II -1 t f. Slirvi'H, t "iilfd, i-ji(,'tiii.'S, anil liiiifiliiii'h, I'tn'.r 'i. 'n -i iIti io, und llrmsiitvli Camliiic ;iMfttf'-rrhltMi4. Hi ii ii. 1 1! asi ins, mni Kmttrid.'rrd Ijkts fir Ohp. 1 : ml n- iiU r- ii I .:' i'r Miuwls, M iniiil i, und II ttiit -:t, Mi-'-'ilt-n, V 'tli-'ifii'iii':-. un t Hiul- U'ifftt. l'.m:ht;i :n id Wtn c Tlircad. iSnr. urt, I.ulo Thri-nit, nnd C .n.ii Iau 'h. Kid. l.itlc i liren.l, SilW, Oiii Sewing i!kf (i!oves, ami M m H. l-"reinh mid Amtiriran Artifi iul Flwi't. Freiwli Imu: ii'IU. Aiimriaui, und llu't in. Btr-iw it nuictn tiik) 'I'riiiiiijiiiu. New York, Miireu ', jd-3m. M ACKUI'l-M., MIAIl, rOUITf.II, SALMON, Hi:i;iiiNG4, . l"OKK, i HAM.i AND fclUES, Constantly on hand and for mile hv J. e.M.MKK A Co., -Market St, V harf, . riiiLAUKi.riiiA. rilULIjDlilW, 1.AKU ANU eUDKSH, ) March 13, '52.-3111. lOI.T) TENS with and xxiihout Va-ies7 of a VI H xery mt erior .ptalilv, ju.t received. ..Uj a IresU 8U,p!y of Wiitim. Klnid. for aalo ''yw , ' ' MAHSEH. hunbuTy, Dec 'il, IH.'il. I I AND U1L1.W nrmly printed on new tvno promptly evo.uto.1 at tin. oliicc. Also blank, of ull kind i n stiriur paper. Sunhury, l'i b. 14, I S5'. 1M.ANK IVtrcliineiit Taper Devda and blank Morlgimcs DotiiU, Kxecutious, Suinnion Ac, foriale ly II. 1J. MASiElt. . Kunliury, Apul 211, Iti'il. V f-7, . "AtD "AND COIirbRT,': ,7 o Tour ityn JTlcchruiic. GimulE 'K12NN.: "i MANUFACTrnrsn vr i - ; FURNITURE AND ' CJTA IRS Of thq most rwthionablo" Etjlq. j HITL fiuhscriber respectfully calls the nttentinn of Iho public in lini large ami splendid assort ment of cviry ipmlity ami price of v-' ; : A it i x iJT-tVA ir'ti? " t whicll r-tilliiiSl ail lei rCLUiuliieiul llsclf looverv one who will oxnmhic It, on nccount d( ils duraliln woikmanwip suit spienniil hnisli, matin up ftf the best stock to be had in the city. IVo ell'ort is spared in the manufacture of bis ware, and llic siihscritier is determined Id keep up with llic ninny iiiipnivenienls which nro ronsitintly being made. Ilia slot k consists of Mahogany iifiix, DltiuiH mid Iuttnip:oN, Eiueaus, Setretarios, Sideboards, SCF., 11IIKAKFAST. AXI) L'!X1C TABLES, und ulso VICMiTI . UU.lW, eipial to I'hila- iklpbi i luaiiul ictute. Bf'.D.'s'J'KAbiS, nf every pattern nnd price, cri'iio.Mins, woui'v and candle- STANDS. Toil. HI' 'J'AI'd.KS AND KXTHXION TABLES, in short, every article Li i this line of his business, lie nl-o uianiil'actuies all kinds and ipialities of CHAIRS, ii'dutlin )aiiclies necr before to lw had ir Nunl'ory, such as Mumiusr, lir.ACK Wai.klt ami ('rit'.i.ti .M ici k Ciitia i in ; ami Viasnu C1IAIKN. iin nlrt 1)AN Stools, which are of thn latest styles, end warranted to be excelled bv none inauufacton d in the Cities or risen here. The subscriber U determined that there shall beiiorciec for persons l.i purchase furniture in Ihe cities, as i very cetifideuce can be entertained about the tmaliiy nml -finish of his wave nnd ('hairs. His aitichs will be disposed of on as good terms as lin y can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try IVodiiec taken in pavinent for work. 5a" I'.NIiKIJTAKINIJ. HjvinR prmided biui-e!i iih u bands. line Hi:iibk, ho is now prepaud fur 1 iidertakiim, aud uttc tiding funer als, in this vieiuily, or ut any convenient dis tance In. in this place. IV The Ware Ilooni is in Market Street, brlu.v 'J'liomps ill's !tore and Weaver's 'i'nern. UKOKLiC 1!LA.N. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1s5M. If. J. I. BSTTJSRXC3S, A'o 'iH Xurth 'i-l St., I t mm Arci uinl Rue St., tEILAEEti'IJiA. ! !l;iil'.!iV in! 'mils the public that ho imports - and ei'ii-l.iullv keeps on hand at his ue.v No. -North 'Zi .St., a lara iissortuient of Kort'in i'ilncy (Joods, 1 .liVico Instritmviiti;,, Pirltu-cs c,- J'uinls, ' which he will Kdl ut the lowest prices, i liis st iik, in part., consists ot'. Aecordeous, I Violins, .Music l!iii'., Parlor and liar liooni Or ! pans, Yic'.o Ljons, ,Serapbiuci, M ntheai.itienl Iu i slrmnents, Mie-nels, -yy and (Ipcru Ulasscs, ! stationery of all kinds. Pocket Hooks, lirow.c IW.b.-r, Metal, (i.ild and Silver Leaf, j Scali s i f all kinds, tSrtult" and Tobacco Iloves, Lithographic. 1'aints, (bipper Plate and Sirel Ln 1 eravioi;s, and pictures of every variety. Also I (iilt Frame Moeldiniis of various sizes. Dealers, Country Merchants, aud 1'edhrs, sup ! plied at reasonable prices. December 'M. lejl. if. i hfXLix Iho ii Thief Proof Iron Chests with ' any oilier CiicU iu iu: country, mul to ' ili'fy the Hll.t:, 'njjfuuity. M iiliulai'tHVy, Nt). ' 10 iru isnii's Alley, luimin lu-lwrrii Tliiril utiil j 1'ourlU Miots, nu.t'tL ol t'liesMut, uml in Ihe j rt iir tl' (he t'ir tnl Uaiik. .M. V ii.t Ihe .ni'it('lor.H, nro Practical Mo cliiiiiK , iintl fitl l oiil'uloiil, Iroia loi rxju'riciito in thf iiiahiilai'turt? ui hm (Chests nnJ fciufi', u)nl a hj :it!ention lo lliiri iarlicutar branch, of uiviu uatisl'actiui) to alt who may gic the; a a i tall. j .. H. We have srh'rti-J one of tlie l est rrafy ever used a u iiou-comluctnr ot liiat in i tlii hiirfiur-s, mul we wuirunt our (he-ils nud 1 Sifi-.s t he muflc of ihe hr.-t notorial nnJ in the : i'.Ni tluniblo niHimiT, Hit J U EUnJ any heat , that can ho npjdii'j to tlieiu. j MI1.Mi: A IIfAW, ! MTimifartorv No. It Ilinlstns M!ev, 1 Itunitin lc(wee!i Hnl nnJ Ith streets, S of L hes- i uiit, in the. rt ;ir ot I'ir ad l'.mk. IhiMiIjUm, OA. j Boicl;?t Huts and M i 1 1 i n v v v (1 o oM s ! V.VJ U ANTfi mul Millinerp when in rhil ii. 1! ill. i.i t.) iiurt'h.i'O th ir ouJs, uill tintl i il to ih.'ir ii.tcn . l lu cAamii.ti our lur-e and luih- j iiMi:il)le t't'Jili of ! W'c niauufsu tuiv itrye!y auJ i.mcout ihe I . t w Srvi.i:s or' 1 i'l our line; hiiji toMlier with other a-vnuta-i ic en (Me to olK r lihcrul iuJua-iiieiiU to i lii V i.K.-i, li. A. (T.OOKEh, & CO., ' os, 4,7 mid 4'J i.'hesliiHt Mrcet, unJ No. 50 iouth cuinl fMrett, wivt wtl, near Che.tnut, J'hiliu'eljdua. ' Drei-jnlier 27, 15 1. 1 V. c f. u o o k ? r. 1. 1. 1: it , BroiiJuviy, SUNEUEY, PA. "JI'MT received and for sale, a frcsdi supply of r,VA;j:i.itMf. mrsic for Siiioh,! School. He is also opening at this liine, a l.ire assoi tincnt of Uooks, in every 1, ranch of Literature, consisting of . Poetry, History, Novels, l.omance, ScicntiCc Work-., I.iixt", Medicine, School and Childron'g Uonka, KiMrs; Heljoel, Pocket and Family, hcth with aad without Knrax 1115a, and every of vari ety of liindiinr. Prayer Pooka, of all kinds. 'J'ravc!, Vovairca and Adventnrea, all ol which xv ill he fcild low, cither lor cash, or coun try produce, "Snnlmiy, Jan. 31, I8.V2. if. J o 11 M A. II A 11 11 1 S 1 Maniifacltiri'r, & Di-ak-r in . L Imported and Domestio Segars, " ' ' Also, 11 general asjortinciit oi" L.cnf & niuiiui'ucturcil Toliatro, C1l)iSTANTI.Y on hand, at tho lowcal inar 1 kit princ. Corner of Cue 1 11 lit !St., and Wharvet, Philadelphia DoccuilrU7, l51. ly. Mir IriT 'siTncITof Jamaica ui., k ' UKK. a fresh aui'ulv iiist received, and for aalo'liy u. li. .massuk. Bunhury, Jan. 10, 1853. Alt-MlhU'S WUIT-INO FLUID and Adh- aiVU Ul.ll I, '.ml ,,iii...I.u.j C... ..I. I... ' , . T'.rr.r"'lwP4.n.ii puio i.ji , 11. U. M.VSSBU, . Sunk tury, lira 10, 1852. i: HfZi&s'fn fi-.i (. I ....i." Vir'j - ' -h" vi gi:t inn: B , CATTLE P0 WDEIl : ' ' ritFPAnnn by ' ' ' UIUCIN1G, FJtONKFIFJ-D C(K 'No. isr North Thhrt Street, Philadelphia.' 'Pill! prnrdur 1 niitittf-4 tot Vii nnitril tmlimiiv tf nU 1 wlm litive nwtl il lo the first rank of nil th'W CAT TI.K Mi;i)IOlNi:?, vlifiti Imve Imcn tlmnirlit praim. wttrlliy for many ymirn, lndriil vb clmllciin nny prin t'niakfn wiiipri'r, i nny jvewd'-r tlmt m u hi the n-nne itmmmr. If thr nmmnl Iw'fi fcrtly tt-nllliv it will ntWr itif rf.iFc thn tiiiMinit if imllt or rYnin nmUmthir ; nr Hie nni!ii;il wdl ,i' nr v rnnnlly in Cut. Jt will tlireftm in litm: I nnisiilt'ted we h:icu n. ilmht one of theittnplf tirri elm of every Ftirnifr. who korim a tlmrv : nml of rvciv iipwiii wiiini n tiitiw. It is not oun of Uiom kind o. MixTUuk 0ml fnrroly iiwi ll un nniintd up for n uliott tinin, but it .will I iv tlm ctipiirhy wliielt it him of ounvertinp IIU'lTKH; ACID f whi'-li in tin uflWu miillcr) iidu I.Hc tic Ann or ot,Kiii iniKti n trrvntor Hinonnt of niOrilimm tnntli-r to l i xlmrit-d rm the winie ntnonnt of fittnl, thini poMildy e uid In, Wert tliu nrlivo prinripli: of mnriiion ! piikk out of the HYidrjn in tin form of Hiprruic Ann. W'v Imvi! iffi-ivfd inultitiid of evidenoe to prove wli it p irive mi i i. MiiifH; to gov : Wv Imve mivd Oil' nriivi tiycnt. with n ptrnt nninlitr of FiiRTAm.K pli'iito nnd IhtIin. wliwli Ittne tmr n.r Imvc p ro v I'd to hi iii fill. ttnprtviiiff lit dj p-'lilt nnd prctTi ilint iMiri-Mioti in tni- hu rt ; it) tin n iieuithr t n.nin fi oi tin hloi'd, frcin wliiHi Ihe fiin nn-t Vat iiiiiI In: l"rint'tl Il inriy-br u-i1 I (nKr. C'tn's und I Iocs for l! id full ,iv- mi,' ei'iHlnnUa nnd tlorenM-s. VKI.I.fiW WATKi:. u ditiuvrous Rifkiu-w, wtii. h d plrojp ni;iiiy v:dii:ii)lc li'Httn ci-ry )t"ir, in very oinn i-iitin ly curnl hy tin fiec utc f tin powder, in nil imm-h it wdl pruvenl Iho ilieiixu li"in (.'oitiini; on. Thin disi'itfi in owiiinir ! hat tind inipoVrrinlu-d ft'titn ot llir hliiuU wli ith Ui-jiint thin, WiiUry uml ol nil til v Tiiin pow'.h-r hv impr'iA ti'2 thn 'ninf-1i nntl pivi':i; t' thulit 'xl a n-it.-r ipmntiiy of n-d (virtii'k, ulloids III l t nnd only p.illi: i-liuun' nf ri'i'-u'TV. If th h'-r" i t:ir fr 'in.-, v iv.- m -nihiir un t niu'lit n laMt spiicnnil in w rt ft -id, it in tin- li.'mniny on'1 u iby at n on, if only to pn Vftll 111'- .is.-;:s- t '.Vl'-r II -.'k. M,liHi.Kl(i. Tin if thr rniinlirt-trtf rmny Valn i hlu H "t a by l AtinutiuH j hy n coiiftmit diwliariii if s.tli Va which oitijit to j'ti him thf ftnivirli to isiM dif-fjiii n. It is a i;irrirw of H I i ;U I1 'II nftfll proiltlctd I'V Nl'lN ') l.'HT.l p; iWiVll III t lu p-Miirt' ffintui.1 A i'alilft)0 ifll'lll It.frt: liim-M ii wci'k will irfiiiii-ntlv nrrt the U "v, it it t vn M t le;H'i I on tin 'I'rUAt Co 111 I lit' L'fn.1, under IIL'1 f rirritti!t:iit""i?s tlu nfMim trt ttsr 1 kt-pl hi 111' i-'f:'l. 1HM K.VU'hU. It Ihe p -wji r nt t ally and invly lis.!, n t lift r-int'.iy i:ccd l-f UM'd, il haw nhrmly rnnvl hmi drcidf4 of Ho!!M;i ot tie) tr oil .lefinin di?rn!r toth tfnrpnw of lii. i wiiu naed it. If m t used early, hefnre tnmUT Inn foriitfd in Ihe. iK-i l it rami 'I rilori! Ihe imiinul pt'Urcily until l!if miMi-r is ihi-li n ts d, iim; it early nnd rrrvrut purli n rcjult. A Tnhh J;.ti'ni'ul onee or twieu day is eu 'iivli. lil.AMH'.lrS. Tli ili-asc )i.ii hallh-d nil Fawkieus iiv i tliin p . tl-'. n fail ttiTil ami il ill d-t wondiTs in tin- Ifi-rdJ.' und iii'hnio Ine inhti' malady. It if n dinw of ilu (i;.iudni;il K'.'iti-m innl kept np hy impcri'l null iti-nt. in p u h c:ir-' a 'J'.d !. ijiom ul uvt-i y day 1 I'.ir ti tu nih or tV"t, in c urtail! fim cfrfi; 'ii, will in niin cast's tut 'f a tl..Mi t X'vt a ("ii". ii h ! !i.-,'m fairly ttlrd. i 'on;,!;- inM i -Ii iritf--a of I'rtJith tlupiiidin -u w-ik hiM'jv. u Tiil.lf w 111 til t-itiy iu. riling j il it ulatr once or t wifj n ivi'ck. IMiull l.f iW-MMI'ITI D IIOliH'.S, or wlitrc Un n is j any n-tnair!! cf I-'mimhIi r or r nHns of in 'li'n. tncJ th..? I Horiic witl not hutcii, or hfr thf hair in rmsrh and ' i:.nidf (;r,e-4itt nut, tir; foo. tt vim itc l-t do no K"tn, ihti I T iwih r priliifi-M alm'.s-i jnniK lialr. improvi-Jinait of the I tmiinal ; ih dirs' ion iincrovs anil illi it. all U'' f-!ii--: iiinhni.M of the iniinial dn -ipprarp, h-Tomin lively und ' spirit' d, ntri lit' hair hii'M'th itul rtln-'k. j j LliWr!. !r M ii.kic t"iW!. vk ar.- fully ronviiiced that it not j on!v impr 'Vf llu: pi u t , tlail il iiicrea.f tii. am unit of lil. rn-ani aii'l Utilh-i ; s -ine V. h hnve trn-d t(if rx ; pt't iitifiit s;iy u I'ouml a N VU, oilirrs tiy hull ft p -mid , while urn p'-rsoii i.iibic.l upon il I hat hutii-.ule tw poiinda . in n a wta k fi"Ui t w. We tlinik it wiil U-' Kmnd to (iv-rt'c iV-'iu :i 1 r v- n p Mind per wfck on t arh Cow, if tho -Wft me iciin '.iv hcdtfiv. ThisiuUtilion d nm unt i uiadf hy tliu c 'iiverjii'.ji of U,, irpiaine And inU .uio ll!;otin n iid f.i'.iy r .i:iti' unds: a if- i hy eupphiiig the oxy. i ffii takrii in hy ihf lu,i,'. v,ih thr ihiin-nts nf rac'ion ' wiiti 'iii I'lKini anv of the . i! roLr;n ua portion of tho fm il. IIO,t(oV llnli or Wol.r ; IHmV, ' nnd u!l ot'iur (liM.'iisr? of neat entile depending upon n imd , hfr.te of tin" IluiiU, aiT iivn ved fpffhly uini vUi-'cluai.y. i (""owf. wli f"1 miik is hiu.', thin and watery mid vh-rv it d s n 't yi- 'd lunch c-r an., or u in-;i: C'oww ttiv; li!-i'dr j mi! a, or vv'iicli arc ji.-- d to ttland uz dry, u will r i in id I an nhui'M infai:i'..i ivna-dy. hy impiovm the ivindiiiou of 1 tlm ((lout I und crraihur n If'ilihv diirfftion : n Tahh-spiwii- fui every d iy or every oilier diy aa it may ue nucoiaiy l'i;r m th s'uiint-r nftn nvt'Thent thenifclvr. fft-l wel Ii il invks. eonh, u'frrs jn tins Jamm tind I. ivr. w.'ii'-li can mi ihftu t'i di'' very fuddridy, ( ln'o ia:y If pn-vfuii'd uttirrly hy punnaz n punid or n half into n (lnrrel of w ; and il will at the B.u,ic time cuiiiidernlily Itisttn tlie futteu inu (iroctf. . li. In .imim il whi. h is plvin? milk nnd yon nru d'-nirons to latt-'ti nt tin Mine time, von fli n!d u 't trtve lit' ire than a t ih!ep- 'ilfal once n v'i:fc or it will r-'tau! liie foimattoii ,if f i hy irt'-n-isiii!? the nin unt ot Milk. I. ft utivU pt-rs 'ii try itn ftfirts f-r hiinstlf and lie wd s ion h'. fsatin'ifd of us excellent qualities, an 1 that no Vut ui''i Bh 'hiil he with' mt it. ' ViiT tin pur pop f of fnidintr oiil otil! further Imw far oni justly rrH.raled l' ATTI -I POWDl'dt, is tnUth-il ti ihr e 'idid -nee of mi itid Ihf'it punpte; wo have itddipsM-d I,. ii m t'i nil pan of l!i I int-1 sinitn. v.i'-r. our l'W der Las hr'-u used, nml w iiiv ahl- now from the evidi nee kn hr 'te.'M Irttore ik, to nssnrt iveiy l"arm'r. I'iary inrm and M r.-r-in m. tint it h-is llui tar yuy ne.iefi ex-ctid-N) our UV'sl rttu:ainc exti-lM.itens. With thf add ti u d know U-.ltif thin far ol.tained, Wit HolK we Will 1 eiv.hl. .1 to unUe theh.-st mul in pf f .it (,'aiti.k Mkd.cink ':vt yet iir.rd t tt dis--i i ,ili people. It iiftt ns ii valuai If prom 't-T of ilitrepii 'it. int provfs the iprilny of Ihr hi ' kI and lluiM inerf ii i the irmt ot n'Ta-r rut. mv.k ana e nsrijtieiiiiy oi j;nt'tr i fii tn lual'liy Animal It.'W'irt m" roi'Tifrtfir! thn PTt?n.ive of our i f -r h..s iudn -rd '-l' eif n t:i ik; ml imitation (,f it. ii-li j at-lc has ear wri't-'n 'r-iviuri' n tl f r td. imid.Nic, riui.NJU'iKi.u A ct. IMiilude!;l.i:i, .Inly 1 - 1 . 1 . MAKJBLE J'lAHUFACTO&Y, (!IIKA1 (ilJ A VK STONKS. fllUB snhserilicr informs his friend, and the """ l'" t;,,., "",m"' to, ra,ry w ll,u: stand in Miltull, I'.t., und is prepared to inunu faetine Ilcuuaicnts, Tombs, Gravestones, &c of Ihe hest intiteriuls, and must intislicd XX'oik- lininship, nnd nt the lowest price. I.elier CnilititT, Kn.;lish and llernian in the most modern nnd rlciit style. )e.-itjus for MnnniiK'iits, t.'i-avc iStoncn, etc., ulwnj h on hand. 1). Outers fir the Kasl aide of the. river promptly rxceuud l.y l.-aiin the sumo at the oliicc of tliu ' Jjuiihury Ameiican." A.NTJiU.NV llll'l'. Milton, May 10, IS.". I. - wai. C, IVXASOH, Inriivei' niul 1'iintep, No. 4ti Chestnut Street, above SuuhJ, '3S prepared to do L.M.KA i.(i and Plil.XT- LSI;, in all llieir hi inchcH, We.lilin;r. Viitint? and IJusiness (Jfirda, lla'.l Ticket, Watch Paper, J.ahe.'s, liill Head, -N'olca, Check, Draft and j J liptoi'ia. , rj-'cals bnd Slump for Corporations, ijhld r.'lloHH, Muteins, Son of Tempcranre, Ac. i' All tlm ntiove rn.jraved ill thr. hei.t iiiunner Order li v Post 1110111 1 l!y attended to. i Dernmhcr 27, l!?51 ly. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS!! Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, Silver Ware, Fancy (joods, &c, &c, rll.Of'KS of every d,jiari.tion nnJ qtmlity, S iky Uttiss j niul .lo ti ur ft 't..., v.-iy low. XX'uleiieo ti' llicj-cti inuk.-ra. 'i'ttl.ius.l.Hiusiin unit lloltlntoli fi .I.I pntPnl levers, H in.e ti low Uh li'HK xvuriunte.) li. kutul e.'ipeis unit insupril ..r l-i ni "nllis. Stiver l.entm in. lowtis s-IU.UO w inaiCctl. I.t j,ines n low- nl SMI. lit, xvtirruiiti-il, (p.tirti.-r XX'tilt-ln-s in (ir.-.t vuriely. JeW.-iiury of ever.-ili-K-i iiMi'Mi. tin-nil na I l'. ti Clnili, llr.ieeVt, llur nintrs, riinrer 11 imr., l.r . I..,,k.-tf. 1 li tld r.-ntlur fcljui, wimu'e.t tfinttl. '1'tie mil. scl tlt.'l Ituvilli: Jltl relnrut.t I11111 tin c islel ll f ;eu.tlei, ).r.itH to furait'h any nrli.lp in lit tints of l'tltii.s ot' (lit- 1 ite.-l stvUtf. un l na etten;, ni (lie kiiiu- toti cle e.ia be a il in tlu; riiH.ul. l-liia or Mew Y.nk iuark.-t. 't'.i lie- .ul.lie ol' llnit U,-t lit' liiv ltm lli.-lr ulli n lioit uml r.siiH'ttully Holicitin cult. Ho viul.l ptnlieiil it ly Invite tin' iillenlioii ol' Hotel I'lOpri tors, nntl I'tnuill.'. lo tits exlt-i'siia iissfrllnenl ol' rlilcer XX'ure, viz: Tea Scltf, 'I'ttltle, lleajtarl und Toa tmoin, l'rkn, Lutllea, Aic. le I Ifil.'i's leet iv. .1 fir nny unii-lo ol ruvef XX are .-x.-ei,l...t Xvitli ,iroiiipln. vs, mul in-the btja alyla. ' A iirent vnriety el' Taney (i "ils. p.iiuer .Mnelie w lk,.l u-li u VXHtnig lleskti, Tori Foii'in, lllove H-txes, (l,t,,nr f! 'Ai-i, Ac , tVe. If xvuni to aeuure ttuaaiui.i-utl:it , it. c nnrrvs 11, xt itoor in llic Pott OiKce, I'cuUu at., l'.atavilie, Tu. N U. All kiu.U of rejMiiru allra tud tt. ky rue box w rk iiipii. ileet'llllKT 7 151. 61a, ; " . IlLNCiLES. Joint and Lap Shiiiglea, of first rate ipjullty, for .alo hy ,, JDIIX VOUfNU. Sunlmry, Hoc. 20, 1851. tr. " GOLD PKNS with and xviiiiout silver casus just rcceixed, and for ale by , ; 11 B..MASSKR fuuhury. AnriU 1851 BlOirAD &TRIXO 'MohriSE tA'l C1IKS. An excellent nHield; for kale 1 half tho usual price l.y J- W, FSILIXG, 8unhury, July 7. 149- ' ' ' 1 5HSTICES' FEE 11ILL8 For aalr l.y ' H. U. MASSE H. Sunl.ury, 1851. '2P njn.KY'H VOVOU C'XUV. lent remedy lor coukIh," cx11' An exccl 'Vf aite al this ollice JAUNriici;,' msi'icr.siA. cimoNic or. KlCUVpUS DKliirjtV,. DUSEASK. . - OK. TUB KlDNKYS, - ND nil itl'ii.i. iriHnr ftmn .llmmV-rnl llvr nf t. iiiiiei.i,i,.ir.Misti!.iili in, iinnuril fiiHiimiii 1. .in,! l ,1... 1 1 lw. i. v "'nrll.iirn, ilin.,m f,,r rr. Aillnnn. nr wniclit In tin' ;i"Jl,:l'-","r:rii.'f'itie'iiii. linking nr Hutlmw nt Ihn pil h, ' ' r" ""H "I I"'' ll":iil. lull in 'I anil illllienl! ormili hiv', fliln.irliH! i,l tlm li-ni'l. eliikiinr nr nir..rtilinK riianllinw w-,n, j puMtirt'.. Dinim fl. nf viniim, K'7,i l4"!',h",l'lll'1,'"l'r mi. dull iin ill thf hend. rt. rH-.n.K.y , per,,,!,,,,!,,,,, y,.tw,.flf, r ,, M ,, 'v. im in lha ml . In., rnrat, limlM. ftp., .H,lrn r'i7' i " b"r,"""' "Olm Hmh, e,.Hint imiimiiitngl "f evil, nnd emit, lepr.ri..ii ,,f Bpirim, B can iti: l;i ri:rri Al.l,Y rl'ttwi HY XPk. HCOPLAITE'C, ! tti.iuinTicu nr. n max urn-tits, 1 H.C. M . JAt'liSO , AT TIIK GEUMA.N iMRDlclMF. STORE, Nil. l-.'O Areh St., rhllnitiliililn. . I i ir pmv. r uv-f tho .eeK.- in lil.l Api.II. if eii. i I, ! liny r ,ie,.ar.lli.i iii II, ,. I nueil Hllilw. its Hi.- eur. s utl. -I I, LI I Mil. ,1. 'riu-.-.e JHlln P'.M. ?in:: tl. ;.l -, lti l.iver uii.l i. v; ..-r in we.ikh. Ihey ure. M ill,.,! rauy i'i,n K.iilml phjtieuuo w.irlliv iIipv iiHpn'i.i i.f i.M,lt.H. s iii ti..- r. ,l, u ,,i ,.i t.tillfci. l-i-r..,,i, ... l. ni -M f,,,. ml i.lle,'li.,H 1,1 1 lie iliyesuvt lirilhi.R. .1.1. -,T :i :iu pl.-TS.Uil. pi.. mi t?,.. ii ,,t .ii i:,,. i I llP Littler Bill. I, l,..,.. !. IKniMi'. '..t.l'l:l.ATBt. VhV.vyl llirtllin f. I' ef r.n . r rnnijAiiul. .I:ev,.;er-, 1 1 , -.-p.j Clireeif er Min l.'.H.ility. i'h ,l, s, rv-itv i.tu-Utle- ni,t n iim. .rim-.,.-, t.s,. a). Tie.!.- Jjiiu., ),: U-pii liy ll..i,rii:s. in-.: i. fe,. ,,t .., e, .,..,.(,. I,.iii l.iiu. sell r.-'tei. el un erle -tiinl mul .riiiiinit rum , if Lilt I'eeil Uml I r- in ihe us.: et linn r. in ..'.-. . Wu : t. iivi,.c,., Hint, in iip iiv of 1. ... l;iit,i. n. ui,,,! ,.i k. triljn IreiiL'lli utl I i,,i Ciet vmll vnl' vre.-i't r .tiilc. Tlf V un- . ..;,1 I I til l,; i.i.i! Mm II, ::u, t-,, ,. llnl l.y pet- m? e. i!tl til,.- ill: ! H !;.- it.' .-t. .n...-',s l-ilt, t:ie. ly. mull r nnv .re,ii,,itn!i.-en. Wp r re Kiknej iVnni ex-P'.Tietl.-..', uini ! li.c uiiin-u.-.l we .-..Ivifi : their u-e." "I-"'" . "MM. ,,ie .. ll.e I-. .-t .it ptiliit.-lieil, .ui.l, A,-. -J-, l'l" 'Prt. IInnrnMiV OiriiMv-. IterriT:.. m'm-tfie'i.reil l.y llr. .lu. ki .ii, me ii-tw- u e tneiiMi;i..,l In . -m,. i.r tl..- in. st. j pi-.iiiiuenl iii.-i ifni'th.. l;e-,,,i- es'ii.i tiUK-le ..I ii,ii.-Ii : i-tt'iivicy i mi-, el' lerin!,. w .l..i.v:,. .H s.ieii it- Hi.- j e:e,', we tf.'ii! I ;eleie till ri..,l!: , i ..I.l . in ii I.- l;l. pm.I I tleis Mt ,. li,..,;.!-. , net ', ; il, - I' ;-,s m.- ul il- ',iii;,i- til piiieiiti mii uih lev! il.. Her. u.'.v -iiil:.-:.. ... t.. their'h, in we ki .fi tr.u i-tiv-rteucP llie enlnlary tlieel llley Ji n v ilp.'ii l.w.'1 ', M,r .'.-,',.', JVC I'UttUi.U. Tiieriiil.iil.j!t.l.:i tr'inr.Liy L.i.. tieViJ.:ip',i yu. in d in hv L nil' d lh l)et fiiind) . t!n- t. in r ijk ,;,i. 's (li rniiin JRiUers. we r.-ti tinn,'l..I whnf rile Ii-uiip.1 1' 'It i n wi trill .Ml .it.' 11, . 1., re:i,l..fR j Ml .1. tlu-t.-l 1:iii. ( it rn, in I li"i ete.ul I It;. I we -i, t; (l-iy, thut .,1 1- n -is.-.! ftu'llen lilft't t'i, v tr lull. 'l il I Wl.ii ii tits t.fflt:. 1 I'lvitlM.-r leif-ti r f.ire-...ln) li, .111 all t 'n-urt- -lire mi l ivilt .lint r. 1.. 11 w. I. :-. u WP Wit ll I Il I K,tl..-,!vl,l' ..1 tli. III. li . . if'l i t' Ihe ii; !ly t Irtiui. 1 i-ii.I liien f..- -.1 ,pp llirir i-iiiliv i:te I e.iejl.iisie-1, nmerji . tl'v :. ,. '.I l..e ft :.'.."' ! I t re.-.- .' of llllM'l.e.f. ill ptiial, tttl.l ..."ulty it-,.:i." ('..'.. I (I k.- 11... n. I'ii UA tlir-.p. .'e.. nit I l'if s r . . ,i t si iin- n V Iu it hie tl, ip. 1 1. .1 tn. r.- ut if u i,-.; I ill I n ;u u i I' e l" t.i-t.- riviiUr I'ii'..-!li,-l;e,H -t I'lii! .(I.'i:,l:!f,. tii i.t 'iM .it' ' u '-Ten. .' .,.1 . I. n furl ll, it e;.'M'.'y I c e-inliiifh - I. nnJ Iti l',- (ir.vin2 ti' it li i..-i.'11'.-llf pr..t'-tf ,ti ,,i -ill ue-, witil ;liir il,ie-l u ; .tr . v .-.I 'l:i.ll I'l l .'lll"l i-l'i'll i.l ! I,i.-t i .1,11 'J'iitit ties iii.-ili. iu.' will enip l.ivt r C.iiiip.luiiil un l tiys- pepMtl, It ' .tile ...-Ml it- .,,!.. ti ft. r lit ,11. it as ,1, ,-, ! .1. It tti'ts 8., c;t..'i.lly u;"il ti e , nivt -'i li-. f.- It is i.-, fi..'ini-i..-I.t enl uitpi In uin.i'li 'i'H ilt. 'tie , 1", rt i iiilnl'-.I.-i! . T!.ry run In- n -! 1 1 . 1 1 1 ; . ' t- 1 I 1 I'eui lie el Kile!)' ttntt re'i::',:e Um ti' nt retv lie,--.' i;i;va;u: im coi;.NTi.:!ii'i:iTs. It!...!:, i no ns ut.uinnl ti IH-.-r'-s-try f ,f ul nn ill ii,. it , :iir:i;t. t. put I' .i tii n :-, it i ; i .te urt!'-!- r,t tf: ti e!iuiuri..-r wlii.-li ii l.ttlttrr i-'t'itit.-ll'.-iiris ri.k el" 111,; liw-M i.f tluiii; mc iiii:.'C ui'.y il.rtu. ... LOOK V.T.I.I.Tll Til'.: M.MtlC-t i' !-- TII CLN'i' A'l:. Tney litiv l,e M r t'.-iiniuint,!,,- , f ('. M. .1 XCKm.X lipon lit..- . r.ipper, flu '. I lie nuim; pin tiie iM'.lt, w ilit i,ur w lii.-li il,. y nr.- ,.,i, i n.s. l-ir i.i, wile lea. ilf mul it'lni!. lit .tie ( Senium Mnfiriac Store, N-V 1W AUU'H Street, (Uir h. lelv Sixili. (Iip el "j 2Tr' Ii::,-.' tt'lt-. t.) I'l.itn.ii 'pili l, uml l,y r..i;.:lll,lt; licuilb J yenrr.iliy tlir-'tili-'llt Hie r"ii-ir-.-. I'iik ks fii:i)f.-i:i). j T t ftri:,'., nil el-i..- ,,i ii, -tu,;a t I t-iy ty lluj it.linutu-.K . of ln.:,r i-'tt-ut r tt "r:,;r, ..- p ...errs. I ' Smh: ,).', '.l cents. A.ot l-'.trtPi'p l.v 11. .Ma-kks, 5tinltir", timl M. A IX ' . V. N liiitiitiliprliful Am;...! :n, i - ii i v. u:ion JIO'IKL, irpirr :r?s wKi'iZi.i.- r.v;.vctf:vinf.rm B t'.ie I'll!, lie 111.. I tliey ail! I eniiti'iue lo .'i.ler- tain tr.iM-ller.s anil ..'.!. ers nl t!;eii oM iiatnlili died 1 i-tiinl iii Market ttiecl, xm-n ..I 'ihe 1'oint lion-e. 1 'J'ln'ir I. .i.t:" ("per'lPltie iti t!:P l.tiaitti't-s. nnd the XV.' II (.-slal-osl.cil lept It.tinii nf ll'.i'ir llultic, will. they linsl. h i a mii'.. ici't '.inarantee, that their ! cti-loiner.s xvl; !-. v. . !! :r. "i-.i.n iJaled. Milieu H, If. AMERICAN rOTISVlLL, TA. . , 7KS.MAKV WL'AVI U ivsett'ally inforn.i ; e... ..uMi.- aa naMinn, .,.,.,.? ,,-,-.,1 ly, llnit she. hn. opened t!ii. Inr-ie nntl! ii(ll'L!lj, in ,1 superior lUle. Krom her lout' c peri. 'nee ill Ihe ln.-iticss ul'a li;.-.l tale Hotel, and xvell known reputation to a. tii.ini, i dale, her coloniers ln iy lie end tin lieiu .-tuppla-J. with every thinj culiducixi. lo their coniloii and coliveijieni'c. lVh. In. Sol tl LA WiiENCH 110USK SUXEULy, PA. T'HE Pid'cri!'.-.- respcctfullj infoni Jl und the puMic cem r.illv, , the nhove wcil luiovvn stiti.l nearly Court House, lately o.-Piipit'il l,y .' ller f: i. n.U. I.a-i t.tkcl. TT' ;''' . J.-C. Per- kins. ui.,1 he tru-ts l! vd'n'ls- l-j at her e'vper.enee 1:1 I-ii-;;!. -s, In.iiiC her i;ncfiU c ''f he. xv:!l rve entire aali-ctioii to tho-tc vor her wilh ll.eir cl:-atj;n. ' ' A-NN C. March 8, iv.n. tf. iv!,,l ill. iv mi;:i J.'H. 2I4H2IUti:A,y, . .-. Ji.SIltK Tel.) i'UUii, Eininiy, Pa. Oiru'C in Ih cr St peel,' iiiMiiediately opposite the Pldiliti School iloase. r?- Mttii'ti I'l.liv ll,t,,i '.-li 1 lie leu und ail tjn.ita'tty inn! cue- April W, 1850 tJJATEV;' Truss...- writing and in.l.'llil '.t l.ipi just roccived and Ut 1 Suuhury, Dec. 2, 1818. all kind ink. Coil !o I iv llarri fii's ; 11 yarn and ' j. w. pim.ixo. S1 1TOM-: Ware, Earthen Ware. Kaisiua. Al- ' ihoiuIb, P linen nud Cream TSuia, I J laiR's of all Muds. . , , Vail and Pl'OiU r. .Just Teeriv-ed and firsale J()H. W. I'JULJMi. 1 5'unliury, Pee. S!), IS I'J. , llUOKW and Gold Pen. On hand severul cop- ! ica of the life of Christ, and also a nunilier of ' gold pens vlliiell xxv will sell at too Philadelphia prices. For aale at this ollice. (JILVEIl AVATI IIE.S. A few donhle ,..-c English fcilver Watchca, for ale al very low 11.11. MA&aElt Suiihury, April 1, 1851. J'.XNEDVrf PATENT fiXfill FA"- TKN'I.Nf!!5!. A cheap and exccMcnt arti cle lor fu.-.tcutni' sash for alc hy J. V. FPII.IXC .Sunhury, July 7, 1810. Vi;nslNli EOTfLBS -r-Hreturt puiii7,"iid 1 nipple liihcs- A aujiply of llit-iie useful arli. flea just ivcoived and, for sale hv - . . : . JOH . W- FRH.I.MJ SunlairY, JaJVjIS, ldl tf 1 , -. , t : D.VK OINTMENT A freali flhi fefxeelU'Ht itrliclv for .'Pitter, 4 iurt received and for alo "nv HENKV.-MAssEU. , , Sunliiuy, July 29, 18 J0 J f MEAM, from tlm Kxv York Canton and h in JL Tea Company. For aale Inr ' - . J. W. FEILI.NO. Bunlniry, Doc. 2, 1818 TBAV It I'M Ail excellent artiela for aulo B l.y HENUV MAEKi' .Siotl.uiv Jan. Silli, Inl'J tf. TAULV, CuhRtXT&t) WEEKLY. f'KVVsYIA'A'IA WASSACAltM'.TTf All .l'uiii liH I ill" HIIODl', IHl.AXD. . All IrliiliK J .US ;NNI'!i:TICUT. AU uliirul lmnk i ilit m;v vobk. : MTV. '' riTY lit I'UIJ.A IIKl.rlllA. I'. S. Hnjlk ll.'tr . 1.-, ,l All Riilvenl liik inn C-O. N1IIT Tlit nk ef Oiuuilii-ri'liyrg i llnnk nYriifiiter Tu. ;ir Hunk il' Pel. Cn. CI, cler purl l!.iiikiii';erlHii!it.Yii . imr'All wlvcnt b.-uikH llulik nf i .1 1 Jl'lirir liln'l? ilk ll"tea nml I tllK lor ffS j it" M.-Ulk el l,ewin!eMil nil stry. . llnnk Midilli-tuwn 1 dl All HotrPHK ImiVn I III! .M Nilpniiu ry Cn lliiiilt mr MiV JUUHKY.. Hunk ol 'irltiiiiiilMjrriil- piultli-lvnlre Hunk I el i llnnk nt" Pitiflnirff - ilifi i'"nnn.'rpinl Hunk ilia llnnk of Diuivilla niirll'lir. Hunk I lull pur CiirliM.' Iliink 1 iim I'. .V M.,MnWliM.ivii I'l. mr .'"I'liiiliin h'k ft Tl'ge Co piir'M'-i'l ien' Itk, Newntk p:ir lnyrliivi Hunk ,nr;iMi li. Hk nf UnrlnvrloM pur I'.'i'l' il It-eik ir,U''li. A, .Mini. lik-Tienl T l-:tie ll.-ink 8 Mmrif l e Hunk j li I'.T'-h iiiye IfkVi'Mil.iirir I (le. .:irk l!k' : fni. C'l J li Il k. Itrniipli I ills l:u,''e t' ink ruiM..T' M'lc. MueliM'i pur re 'pi.- R I.n r.iMerii. JI . iii pur p-ir I'iiriii. rs Ilk. I .'iiieuMter imr I'riiireU.n llnnk l'urui.a HI.. It.wlin p ir S ili hi It-iiikiier Co, l-'iiri'i. 111. Selnnll.ill (' ,, s. tii,-n. t ( lln ilc I' li J). Ilk U'i.) neal,'n 1 ' ,i,b SluU' Hunk ul Hil l, il J lIlH pur .', ; ii; in in. i ,.kIiii I, ,1,.. sinie i: i.iii,1 . .lit. .11 llreik 1 .! eii.: Unlit, "-..-.vtirk H. .neH..i.: i:-tnk I. rnn.-KMr Iiiint l.'lii'lien Ilink M-i. ti. ft M:,,t. l:,k 1 ill Stilt i'.k. N , Htlil.M lell plu- -:ir ;iiiifii-s 1 mk. N. v. ti H iti" Pr. nt- n II .uki.:i; i'.'t nr l l-.i'-ll K.-lllli 1- .'T llirt Mill-in- Ii k, 1'iilmvillu,lPfttelllrC l.-ll 1 .lis M 'leu ;;.-li I i ImiiI ,l,ij Uk'l"'.'K Hl' ii r tii T.iyt-rrvV Lvl II V Ci I t iliM Dl'.l. UVAliT".. V. nt limn. i liu t . pnr llnnk of l. hv in) M'y .miner Iik, W ilkeHl.V p.irl H..,;k i,l Slnvni.i . rt,, . I (liH,ll. ltiw:.,n riiv II ink v.r l;" pni W. If I I V en i ,!,.!.. 1 iIm'ITI; Wilttr: ii l!i M IH. !'nrni'.r' Lk hi ! l.-1-.w.ire imr Hink ef I,. .Ir, I; M(-rnuli!r- II',;. I!.,,. All r .ly. 'it liit; f il::- I. n'eti l.-ii.'.-, lliuiii't rl p-ir iS..r Id .l.i if' I'l.'ler .V ' J ills Jf -liv.1 OHIO. llir.!'.. !l r .Iv.-nl I.-U.I. 2 .tin 2 .le-,: I'.k il 't. .-. u,,!.-r .Vi. 1 .lis 'I'J ! NOIIT1I, l AlIOLlSA'. S .! !l K. nt lnu:, ilia M.W II i.MI All K .li." it ! , ,v , . Yf;ttM(i t: .. !: . f y- n , All S I.e., I ,,,,, .1.;. I n.l. r.i'R, SJ ills niitA. a:;d heading hailsoad. ft! M'lKIt Ar.llAMil:.T.I'.T . 1HO.M 1 I!lI.AI,i'.Ll'IIIA AN I) l'(li'l I' it r f s H c tl n f r tl . OOUevf Cue ',', ,','. trllnfli,,-' lU'itfwl Co. ) l'!t;i.',!eli.!,i:i, M:ir,-li"Jli, l-'51. T.mi r.i.t-t n-'.-r ''niin.-. Unilv, (eM'e.t. Sumluy.') e. nnJ niter ,iril lf, ls.l two triii.H will ' I'e mil ej.-h w;iy, il.iil v, .1,1'tw cell I'iul.i.lvl-1-lii.i uii.1 '.Tll-iilo ' Wu:xrxf irxn. " Lent-:. l'hi!ai!L'lilua at 7 A. M., ilnily rxi'. ).t h'Uiu!uy. i.e.iuv J'otUxille ut A. JT. .laity excri'l Sim ilu s. ..... . . ,. . ' At'TtT.W'onX ' . renvoi ItiiiaJi Ijhia ut oVke'l., d.iil.'cxci'i't Silte!;is. 1,-itvct. rottmi'le ;;t o'elec';, il.iilv, exer-jit S:';i..I:!M.. lieiwoim ri',i'.nleliliia ;uul J'oltuxillo, ."S2.7.") In! elu-i ninl '. cltiii.-. eiiru. I'.elneeii i'lii!:t,.liliiu mij iie.uliii;;, l.ij.l-t r'..i- e.tis uini J-'l.I.'i -,' l eliiss.euri. li.'i "! iti I'hil.i.l.'tjiliM, 'f.inn'r of lJ'.utul ntn! Vine I'Tlell. l':i -el: '.';-1 cttitllel cuter llie I'.ir.) unless lifuvi ile.l wilii Tiekt !s. :o n'i!.--l'iiy polling nf ln.';a-r xvill l.eul l.'We.l t.teni'li;ei' in tlie.-U' lines; .1:1, 1 pus-n-ii.;i'.rs nri' i' pi tiiiLLt.-d Irani tikjn- iinv tliiiiu' .ii 1,.i-:l'.u;.' tlieir w e.itinj iij-.j.-i.e!, wI.kIi v. ill l i-ot ffii' ii:-k r.f iuo-,vner. liy ur.K-r ot'tlii' UourJ of .'.ftiii.vrera. fc. UUAUl'OKn, April 10, Iti,".!. SeerrtniT. rVew Jj Us if. B .1-.B A. VAl A lire e, n-l ml -Jllit Tuldisl en. it St., i i 1 1 it, il.Sl.Il- t ehoi 'o!k as, I UK, No. UVi Che r -1'ultiisliin an, I ie-.- ne.v and Ije iuui'nl mu.ic liuin t!ic r-.,.'sl l-M.I ill-it (.itltt.eers. The fi!!o,in.r li-t cilnt.linn some of the: ci ol and lno.-t iionuliir 8oi.'s. W'all.cs. I -..'W. t.nni art li inc. ii '..e.iulil'il sou1:, words ly '1 ii'tin-as .1. liip'il, imi-i. hy lliinilt-iil. e. Mi New I ; 1 1 !.: 1 1 1 1 M tine. wonl-i and ii'iisie: hv Mr, I.. V.'tc. liiei..i'a Lliitiiihut.; hy C. dnhe u coilcctioli of iliie'lts, .v.ii:i:iU lioin ll.iine, i!,ui'i and xiolin, hy Jos. : :,','!. . Vi.'itv Utile r.jilua for 1'ivtty l.iule lV-opIe, hy J. l.i.,-. .MI ll.e 'Vinds are -epin.;, hv A. Vorn- tin ir.-i ttv Air.ri'l. Sy the anl!tnr of I'' .X.'!.'- i I .hivIh IiI We:.'., xvrilK'ii hy I'hi.s. V..iin:;,dii. I 'i'ne Aiiuius, word.-. !iy '1 liomus J. llieol, mu- ' aitt hy llt.rr. j V VVAt.Kl'.U h..t"!!y o.i hand, j fcujciior i'iai.os, and a ripply uf ,t n, lin'a I 'cle- , I'iul.d (iiiitars. ultii-h t .iellii-r xxlih n line s- soilineiit ol Mn.iic,,! J:is .umciil and .Merili.itH dii-e in ('cneral, cn.priMC a atnik not to ho tui-pa.-.i'd ly l!it of an oilier (.'.l.iHishinont in iho c.i'.i.t.y. i.i:;: ,v wai.kuk, 1 ' " (,'hi i-nut slr.-t t, JSixalm'e kJi.ili'.ing. ri.;!...!.-!p!,i.i, Jan.- lS3l. ly. i KuW . Ttvcr and A&'ve Pills t! I 1 .. .. i u 1 . a 1.1 ; ce.iy cine i.- me 1 ever ;i Amp - avtiti'-cl 10 any one v. ho ni:.y rn liie l ids. U"! , harn la-en use, I for the ti.. wnm yt.-tt and have inrver bcttn liuoivn to lail. in a miii;I" iiii.iam ti ai'd in cases too, V..i.ei0 per- .n,s hno ,;(.! il;,, disease (or gevcral ;. n.trt , . vii'ovgt ji '.0 laissioti. 'Ihe priiprirtor ' !'.'.' '- l-f.-U to, pri din-o afti article that X...1 cui. iu o i.h.'ti a I'.uie, xiithoitt lc ivinir nnv &4- k '" l'te Ui 1-0,11 tho use 1 it. If ll.e Pi!M ' '" ! l':, ;" ! a "!''''''.'' ai:J peifeet cure, iho I'-'T. .1. slcin veil ; Cv, .lolin potl ; n I j.-. v. ..1 .:,ii;j :,.u 4-,ouvj'. lorauln hv l-rot.i-.c, Mi,,.-- illc; 11. Holieu , .Tii'v.u'.on ; j;, Uixcu, .Vi.iniylkitl Ha .1 d.n'AV. l-'iiliti", Smihiirj ; .Mary A. .Mc . nt. -.U !-i.di l'r. Ilcckl". Hativille ; .--'ii.;' C It.i'.v 1 ; I)r. JuJd, Vi illianip ; .1 i' ii Ka .rt, Mi'Wit, and. hy li.ip's t':Ol,!i.',it l',e M it. . - , - . t . C.l )mi Jl.V:lIK Pivprietor. Poll v 1. . Jut, ! s." '.-Iv, Tio:jas paliizr, commission mkuchaxt, Ka. fi, -V,' rth Wharves, '. l.c.e t!.e f tll.tvvii,.r utds are received and Hold en ei'.innii.ifti, Pried Apples, Peaches, Plums, Pcara, Cherries, c.e., Ar.ji ,pp!us in I'urn'la or l.y the Hiibhcl, P. . in--, i'i u j. ii!-. rrie, s Unions, Mercer Po-t.'.it-1. .v.e,t Potatoes Sliclhark,' ("hc-muts, ( uou'n.l TVxi.i, Uiauu. s Lemons lt.iisius, f'os. Prune 1, (.rajies l'.u.llry, KiiaK, ilultir, Cheese. And nil kinds v' 1 Jrci.;u and Hunx'sUc Pro dilec. ' - J, I'ec., l:l, 1851. ly. " ' SOAP" AUD CANDLES. "'""" 'IMIE auli.-ciihtr take, thia iinithod of inform in r ll.e ciliens cf Sunhury tuid xi. inin-, that ilit) uio cu'iar.d in the manufacture of S,..,p and Candles, ..f ihe hcl tpialily, ut .No. 41 Pilled street, Philu.lclphia. . They ' 1 twpectl'ully invite all who huy for cash, lo nivo him a tali tu they will fiiidit Id lo Ua ii ndvuirtaii' iu dealing xvitli him lor artiiles id their line, f.-rx. - ?E. Hl'KKV & SO, ' ' ' "" '' ' ' " -1 1 l'ilhert uhovo Ulli, " P;iremtr 0, 1951. tf. . : . . . I'iniS.'SLE PAPEK Vellow Tiaane pajiM Tor 1 covcriinr eluaiit', &e., for aiulo ut liie ollWccf lljc American. ' . ; UTONUVAnU. STONE, luiik Pan, j-touu Juga mul i'itcliera, and other arlichva of alone xx ai e just received pnd for dale hy , ' ' JOHN W FKILfNCJ I t'unlmry, Juiin 23, 1819 ' 1 ..... , . IXTHACT CV (JIWiElt, just received and for tall l'i ice. 23 cent. 1 hiinlwiry, JuTy 13, Ifl.ll.'. 1 -A at (Vcsh mpply tliiai office. , -- "I'T,.; : k. ki 0UrK,' NOTEif', waiving tlt fwiiiptioa JiJi law of !j.;tuo, loi-.etlo-liy 1 -. t . ,. . -. Apiil S, lhil. H. IL MAsMH!. . DANK ' A CAll TO ItOUSlEKfiEPEKS At tlm C'ublnrt Wnrct Itooin of SE1TN 1I()UI,T.& CO. hu-i. -!... c. ' Aho at the corner n ,r,hnnlil"iil fur iti" pnlroinifre oC ii fvirndn nml ttistnniMi (lnritlft the 17 yrnr li him licnn in Imsi nrsii in lliioplnee, liPWilicil" from Hw pnlilic icon linuiitiec d' llieir furors. Durin lliis period he lins oiiil iiVtjrcil to Uppp lip with tho improvements nf tlib ilny, nml lion nrror.linejly rxtrmlnl tliu lnisi nrtm In rVery Tirnnrli aiid variety. The puhlic ar llirrcfnro invited to tliu attention of Ihe prracnt flloek uf . . , , r CAHIXKTAVAIir. AM) CIIA1US, MAN'jrACTfnun ny SEEASTIAN HOUPT & CO. , At the 0.(7 Ftnnrl, A'lii'ri in mliliti'in fo Uieir fnrmer toek or tli cst:il. lishiiiriil tliex; lfow tilaniifiifturc Mahogriny, V.'abut & Cane-Scat Chairs. Lnrtxe Spiiirtr Sent lioehiylcr Cfmirs,.t Dmnintr Ih'trnmi, Centre. Tables, ' Miriih Top Wash Xl'tntls,' and a variety of other ' ' ' nciv ul yh und : ., -. ' l'.'iHhioiiaMe I'nrniliire. ' Having Freiirpil n HrnrHe and innda the nrvcu- I sury nuange-tiit'iila for the pnrposr, thry are no pri pnreii tor 1. nucrialiins 111 nil il tir.iui hes, in UiU vieiuily or at ony rnnvrnient distance. ' Ytf 1ml, Is nml misireKSrs, nn.l InmUiu'lt. loo, llerc'd r.iri.ltur nfdvwry strip nnd Imp, ' . IVim sulu ttonritdit'iu-ii. lutkilrhea talikif, lr ,in r.tektui. i-linun to tttekitigcr.-i.tlci Sli.'iil.l you net tiuve the John In pay, Vpll -uit uwhilp l't.r n l.rilttpr belter duy, HI luku pnl.-itiim, rnita. corn, tilicnt and rya; li nk. Iinnp pules, stnvcl, ur LjluVr wet and ill . Or mi) liii.t l.ut yek.-s 11111I llirisliiug ll.-iiln, .rnni piitii unit ttirki.-B (town to liltle (pmili. C"i(,e un tlien frlptiitii. petrip onpntid nil, K. ,-p (utile-moving, so "(! 011 the lull." !V" Orders I''a ili'sfuner prmnptly altrnilrd nn.l xvork ut'ull kitiih ilelivi red xvitli disnateli. liiilmry, March 1S30 tf .VXD 1KSI( AOEXCY. 'J he nil. nliiin of l,r puMic j, c-r.ll.-a to the ad vcilt and Ul'. 1 -. ilient ot .Mr- I'linilea (J. Tinker, Attorney ;,l W'usMcl.,,, Ci.y. cr01is ),0T. .I.iiins fir hi.inity I.aui'.s or I'cnsions are in 1 ! that the sn! ,, r i I n-r has iirraiiL'cinpnia f..r,.1(,l for the rcjiiipitc fornix, nnd claimant calling at .', ciin have ti.cir naners nrrtiarp.1 no. I Ills i.j.iv, foiwaitlcl l.y him !. t 1 Mr- Tucker ul Washington, and j.ropcr.y aliciukd lo heforc the Uo- Jartiiient '.hero. 11. 11. massi:r. IS, l.i.l S'linlitirv, .Ian V;it;i;ils!c PROPERTY FOR SALE. f ''VJ!' Snhseiiler who rc-.i...a in I'hiladel,,!,;.. t! er- ftrs.t!e tin' fo'.l.nvin.; property in Mtl .t!i:iiiiin'i'!.iiid ..tiinlr, x ir. s The large in tipivr Milton, fnnnerlx (icfin.ied h tell, ., Mssi J'aticr Tl.-e LiiilJIn-,- tn as a ( :irriti"e Makers S!imi. is i'ii) feet I'roiit un nopcr Markat striet, and 1') 1,-e t on front sLreet. and is ij s' Mie.s lii.t'i. Also a two story li'i.iri; nr.AcKs.MiTii shop; - 10 hv to feet, on the same promises. "The lot it on Ihe coi ner of tipper Market and Kront street, and i, C,:, feet lioi.t, and loll !'.-. t deep. 'I h- premises would l,e valualde for a Foundry or int.nnf ieliii-ii,- pmp-ises, and xvill he sold on and aei oinin.'i-l.ilin,' terms liy ap ply in;,' cilher lo JAfOU I'AltCKiA.X, i'liiladcliihia. J. y. V,'01.I'i.(;j;il, Ks.p, Mill,.,, or 11. 1!. M-Ni;i:, IS'i.. rsnnl.urv. Mn li in... Jan. Vl.i, IH., I . I IUS. i IJM,l'llll ISlOAls HOUSE. llirAULlSUKI). .15 -' YBAItS AGO liY ' KINKEUX; , fi'. r.e.e i- ; 7 (,; , ,,, i'nioii Streets, KBT.V1.KX M'lU'lK AND I1XB STIIKKTS, rrniADtLEHiA. IFTKI1S Yi'. xl'rtof,.sive nnd nninlppruni.a i ." "I "'rril Dr. K. (I.. in :;.t .. in, I 1 ,-.'. -i.-.i,ii lutK-ittioiier lur anil nom, .am 01 .a. Ji- -as,-i ma prtVaUuiture. IVtaoaa 11, . . is ,... i!u-1. ..I; . I'lr.'ul, or lega, jiuun in .lie?, ineici, rh,'iou,lln,. strict nr.-B. pntvpl iu It ' lie a'tt. If i V. 1 t'te hwt.l or lll.tet-.- i.r I.! o 1. wr. riMn-' If , in 'tl.t.Hl.i tXv-tjt SeJS or iliiL.Uiilji-i-.M tl.a I-.,- e .i.f'imi 11 i.i-t.iue euiL-cl.lcil, ... a.! tc Ue li-rioit ly r.! Yo St, 1 Willi fciiui et-r vvii .. j. s liiin.1 -u" uiuler llie c o p of Dr. K., limy ra tty, eoeiltlt; in tin, kin. ao a eiiileuiati,uiu eoiihtieui- 1 u;i.,n Ins sioii us a j liykieiiiu. T.xtvi: Txr.'1'irfi..xn notick. nit? Mi 11 ve'i i Imve i-ioire,! ttt.-invptvei; l,y a CPrtnill ' '"''''! "''' "i 1-M! ot lri-,ii.-at!y luurnnl iron, evil 111 !,.- . r at s -1.1 l the 1 ftfels 01 h urp uilttly v.i vv i i .. .'i.-;..",, .ul il.-siroy It ah 11111111 UM, i,kiv, ! u; ;..;- Itil .i. ! to ly. XX'e ikti' ss uii'l e. ilitiitiou';il y 1 '.li ol nm tttui-1 tit-rev. tttivnipul tust.itutlp .nil pt.. 1 t; OVI.II! ITttl '- 'Mr. tli 'll, l -.-iittl uilv uii'l nil liervus nll'e.-li.jtu. null. 1. .-t,,- . 1 .1 ii,..- uv.-i. u.1,1 eeuiy in ttlt-iu any ,'iiiiei..i wt, a w,e iits.-ni.-r ol Hi lie prucrcatu e luuo- ur, .1. u.. ! t.i.i ie-,1 iv-toii.! Ycrill AND MANIIOQD, A vi-'):oiis life or a premature death. Ultm oil S.!f rrrsmotioii. ONLY 23 CENTS!. . 'I'll'. tiioVinM p';, H ! !'. -. I w-illi us.'ful information oa lie' 11. lire, lots i.h.l ,fis.-iis.-K ,,r Hip (ieii-.nuivp llr-jitni It .i.ii'u lU.ii all Italy X 14 TH, XIAIIOll and Hl,b AT I !, lo:, .i, , .1.1,1 lie h.i, I ,j ,,1. Tlie v-ii!leiM- tuiviee ait, I iiiij re.-'sivp xvurninc it givei, will itit-'.et.t ems .-i iy ni.,ls.ul, iiiiau.l i.v aiuiiiul !v I li 11 t..i,.l ,t, I.,., , H. 1 ar-'ii ! v r,-;,i. it will le; .-.-irn Ik.vv loiapvcnt tht 1"- UilcU '11 el tlton- clul.ireii. '-.V rti.itlu.iiic.'.-i' -JI eeiiti. piit-loeej ia a l-lfpr, a.l ' I 1' VHt. l.l!Cl:iJ. .. V.,"iii,-r el '1IIIHJI . I MIIV ti l. Ii.t-.v. fit S;.ru(-p A Vine, hilailrl.iiia, vvii) i-airr a j. K'k. under p'ivcI i; 4. inr rriuru 01 null. T. -s 'us at a .ii.-i tin e n.-u fc!,,w, i'r. K. ,v leller, (itoil K..'I.) s.'.il I .- tu.-.l at Ii T.xi'KAi.i.s dJ.' .Xii:i.l(;ij'.is, IHKI-X'TIhXS, Ai , I ,iiiti,.,.l fy 1. vi. I'm., n ''-ttiinuui-i-, mitt eul uy secui IrPiO li.XM (.K or l l RliWPV. : I.,. -!,-.. :.T., .ew AuelitK, fe.!!n., Cnnvuls.-rl, ami all oi'ii rs s,n,,i!i, ,l a), ii. above work ui vciy low rate.. StYtciiilK-r 6, IS.? I ly. (.icon's Oxygenated Hitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Towns. tid'aSaisaparilla. lhikir's Sariapaiilla. SwayneVj rup of Wild Cherry Six ! y lie's Vcr:ni'''iie. .vic's Cherry Pectoral . I'l. Hivke'a Panacea. Hr. Culleu'a do TiUiii's Pain Killer. Hr. Hoollitnd'a Ccruiaii Pillrri' ' Indian 'e:'eln,le Pills . ' Horse and ("utile Medicines Per sale hv HENRV MAPSEIt. " - l.i.ry, j.tly U, W. - ' Yiiliutlilc IIooKti, H'E ov Cutiisr, liuudsuinely hound, I)'A- J Kilt M.'a I lis lo HV OK TUK Jill OllMiTlOK, iii-nooi.s Lliiiui.lis, full lioundrd. For salo ut the puhlishcrs iiriee Uy ll. B- WASKU. 8unhurv, Julv 1 1. IS 19 fAPS. An nss.ivUueit 111 al received. Also kilk ll.V'l'S at .j;3, for aale hv l.v li. .MAskEK 0 Wuiibury, Dee. 8-1 S. TJJJ.CtENT EKITTANIA SJ'OPPEKS for hi. Lar lioUlca lor aula by ... , II. MASSER. , 'u'nh'pry, April. Ji, 1851 . Ti;lTINU FLL'IU and aelf aeuHng Elm-. Iji'es, just received and for sale by 1 ( ' 13. Is.M. , . , 1I.H, MASSER. " iVtANKS.. . ' 1 L'AN'KN of every deaeripuon can 1 liJ ly , api lying it tho olhce ol Uie Auiencan. , VDH'S cclolaatod Horxa and Cule Jli-di. vine for al. I.v HtlNKV MASt8 ciuiilturv, Jan. V ill, 1I1J