Jl SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOK1N JOURNAL. ARREST OF AN ALL Eft ED FtOITIVK SLAVE OR EAT EM ITEMEHT. An alleged fugitive slave, named James rhillipt, wa arrested in thi plac on Mon day last, by Deputy Marshal Loyer and John Sanders. Phillip has resided in Har risburg for the last len or twelve years, is an honest, industrious man, and has a wife and everal children. His arrest caused the most Intense excitement j and during the examination, which lasted three or four hours, immense crowds of people surrounded the office of the Slave Commissioner, all anxious to learn the fate of poor Phillip. Aftar hearing the testimony which, to us, wa by no means conclasive as to the iden lity of the alleged fugitive, he wa surren dod to the claimants, who, with great diffi culty, and after a desperate struggle, sue ' ceeded in ironing him. During the struggle in the office between the captors and cap. live, the "outsiders," moved by the frantic and heart-touched cries of the poor wife thus rudely torn from her husband and the fulher of her little children, became greatly excited, and were unsparing in their denun ciations of the Slave Commissioner and his Deputies. At one time, indeed, so intense was the excitement, that we feared nn at tack upon the Commissioner's Office. Order wa speedily restored, however, and Phil lips, without being permitted even to see and bid his wife a "last, long farewell," was hurried olT to prison, and the wretched mother returned to her desolate home, with a sorrowful heail, to comfort, as she might, the littlo ones thus suddenly deprived of the protection of a kind and provident father. The scene was one calculated to excite deep sympathy, and to melt the hardest heart. Efforts are now being made to ransom Phillips, and restore him to his family. Sev eral hundred dollars have already been gen erously contributed by our citizens for that purpose. Harrisburg Journal. TEE A1ERXCA1T SUNBURY. SATURDAY, JUKK , ISM. II. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor. V. B. PALMER It our anthunxed agent to receiv tub' aniption and advertising at his office, In Philadelphia, New York, Doston and Baltiinnra. To Advihtheks. The circulation of tha Pnuhnry American among the different town! on the Sutqnehanna ia not exceeded if equalled lijr any pnper published in North ern Pennsylvania. DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATION. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, "WILLIAM SE ARIGHT, of Fayette County. rU" PniNTiNo Ink. For sale for cash, at this office, kegs ol 25, 20 and 12 pounds each. Price 25 cents per pound. His Honor, Judge Pearson has been holding a Special Court here the whole of Ibis week. The business of the special term was very heavy and required the Court to sit 9 or 10 hour a day. SHOCKING RAIL ROAD ACCIDENT. The Boston Journal of the 25ih inst., con tains the following particulars of a fright ful rail road accident which occurred in that neighborhood on the previous evening : One of the most shocking accidents which hits taken place in this vicinity for a long time, occurred about 71 o'clock, last evening on tho Fitchburg Rail Road, at a road cross ing in West Cambridge, near the Waverly depot. As we learn the facts from a pas senger, it appears that the Northern special train from Burlington was approaching the crossing at a speed of about forty tniles an hour ; the engineer blew his long steam whistle and rung his bell, as usual, at the same time reversing his engine. This was noticed by some of the passengers, who sus pected that there was something more than ordinary in the way, from the fact of the engine being reversed while the train was going at so rapid a speed, and some left their seats for the purpose of looking out side Before the train could be stopped, however, the engine struck a carryall, con taining Mr. Wm. Sawyer, of Charleston, his wife, three daughters and Mr. Juhn Gibb., son-in-law of Mr. Sawyer, knocking the carryall into fragments, and instantly killing Mr. Sawyer, his eldest daughter, a young lady about 18 years of age, and Mr. Gibbs. The two other daughttrs wero young child ren, the eldest of whom was thrown a con siderable distance from the track, and es caped without any serious injury. The youngest, an infant, was in its mother's arms at the time of the collision, and singn. lar enough, was retained to her embrace) while she was carried a distance of seventy or eighty rods on the front of the engine, before the powerful instrument of destruc tion could be stopped. When picked up, Mrs. Sawyer was senseless, her skull being fractured and a portion of the brain protrud ing therefrom. Tho infant to whom she had so fondly clung in such a terrible moment, escaped unharmed. She, together wilh the two children, were taken to the residence of Mr. Reed, near by, where physicians were speedily called, and every attention paid the sufferers. Mr. Sawyer appeared to have been struck on the left side of the head and body, and was not much bruited. Mr. Gibbs was so badly mutilated as to scarcely bear even the resemblance to a human being, his head being cruiihed to a jelly, his intestines pro truding from his body, and his body and limbs mangled most shockingly. The hor ses just escaped instant death, ami the last heard fioin them they were dashing up the road at fuiious sp-ed. The train was de tained about an hour behind its usual time of reaching tho city, and immediately after ils arrival at the depot here, another engine and car, wilh such friends of Mr. Sawyer and the family as desiied, returned to the scene of the accicent. Mr. Sawyer was about fifty year of age, and was recently appointed Chairman of the Hoard of Inspectors of tho Siate Prison Very littlo hope is had for tho recovery of Mrs. sawyer. I assekgku Contract. It U understood that tha Canal Commissioners mado a con tract wilh Messrs. Duck and Bingham, of t'hiiadelptiia, to carry passengers over the Columbia and Philadelphia rail road, to the exclusion of all other lines. The terms of the contract have not yet Iran pired, but it is said that the State is to get 21 61 on each passenger, and the contractors 41 cents. The Philadelphia Press, generally, ques tion the policy of this measure, and allege that it will lead to tha construction of an other road at an early day, by the way of Pho-nixvilta, Cornwall, and the Lebanon Valley to Harrisburg. Arrival or Thomas F. Meagher at New York. We learn by telegraph, that Thoma F, Meagher, one of the Irish patriot trans ported to the British penal colony of Van Pieman's .and, a few year ago, and whose reported escape we published a few week since, arrived at New Yoik on Fiiday last Died The man Blocb, who wa shot by paum, at the battalion parade at Bowman' tavern, in Pike township, Beiks county, not long ago, has since died of the iriimie recei ved. Ho leave a wife and two children. Baura has fie J KF" A review of the uniformed volun teer battalion took place on Monday last The companies present were Shamokin Guards, Capt. Farrow, Cadwalader Infan try, Capt. Frick, Mechanics' Artillery, Capt. Marlz, and Dewart Guards, Lieut. Shindel. The rank of the companies were well filled and the display was very credit able to officers and men. The battalion was reviewed by Rlaj. Gen. Kase, and dril led by Rlaj. Muench. The Artillery paraded with their new field piece, which added much to the ap pearance of the corps. CF" The council of the city of Philadel phia refused to appoint a committee to en quire into the expediency of subscribing to the Sunbury and Erie Rail Road. ff!F" The Engineers have commenced finally locating tho Delaware, Lehighi Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, from Exston to Mauch Chunk and Tama qua, along the valley of the Lehigh. The Company have purchased the track of the Beaver Meadow road as far down as Parry-ville. Smith, Texas; David A. Smalley, Vermont; Charle Ysncey, Virginia ; Wilson Dewey, Wisconsin. Secretaries Edmund C. West, of New York; 8. C. Paratt, Tennessee; E. Berks- dale, Mississippi ; William Stewart, Indiana; Patrick Crittenden, Connecticut ; William A. Hookas, Illinois; Edward B. Bartlett, Ken tucky ; Lucius Y. Lusk, Louisiana ; Samuel II. Ayre, N. Hampshire ; Oliver S. Dewey; North Carolina ; Samuel D. Patterson, Penn sylvania J C. Pryor, Virginia ; David Noggle, Wisconsin. The Committee also reported the follow ing resolutions : Resolved, That the Rules of the House of Representatives, as far a applicable for the government of the Convention, be adopted a the rule of this Convention. Resolved, That two-thirds of the whole number of votes given, shall be necessary to a nomination of candidates for President and Vice President of the United Stales, by this Convention. Resolved, That in voting upon any qucs. tion, which may arise in the proceeding of this Convention, the vote shall be taken by Stales, at the request of any one State ; each Stale lo be entitled to the number of votes to which each State is entitled in the next Elec toral College, without regard to the number of Delegates in attendance. The manner in which said vote is lo be cast, to be decided by the Delegation of each Stale by itself. After the reading of the report all of it was, on motion of Mr. Albcrton, concurred in. Bv Telegraph Baltimore, June 3, 7 o'clock, P. M. The Democratic Convention was called to order at 9 o'clock, A. M., when on motion of Hon. Cave Johnston, proceeded to ballot for a candidate for President, which resulted as follow: 1st ballot, Cass 116, Buchanan 93, Douglass 20, Marcy 2, Hous ton 8, Lano 13, Scattering 8 ; whole number of votes 288, necessary for a choice 192. The 2nd ballot resulted neatly the same as also all succeeding one with a little falling off from Cas and Buchanan, and Douglass slowly increasing. The follow ing is the result of the 17th and last ballot after which the Convention ad journed until Friday morning, at 9 o'clock : Cass 99, Buchanan 87, Douglass 50, But ler 24, Houston 11, Lane 13, Scattering 2. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION. The Convention assembled at the Hall of the Maryland Institute, Baltimore, on Tues- ay. An immense crowd were in attend ance. 1 he Convention orsanisett bv the ap pointment of Gen. R. M. Saunders, of North Carolina, Chairman, pro. tern. The Rev. Mr. White made an appropriate prayer. The States were now called in order, to select a Committee of one from each State to hose permanent officers of the Convention. The following are their names : Maine Wm. C. Allen ; New Hampshire John R. Redding; Vermont Lucius B Peck; Mas sachusettsCaleb Cushing; Rhode Island , H. Allen ; Connecticut General James D. Pratt; New York Zadoo Pratt ; New Jersey Samuel Shannon : Pennsylvania II. B. Wright; Delaware A. B. Shannon! Maryland General II. Ely; Virginia Hen ry A. Wise ; North Carolina Robert Dick ; South Carolina ; Georgia (one from each delegation) Hon. James Sturges, . H. Lumpkin; Alabama Hon. J. W. Brid ges ; Mississippi lion. J. inompson; lou- siana Wm. G.Kendall; Ohio Wm. Ken- non ; Kentucky Geo. W. Stevenson ; Ten nessee J. R. Howaid ; Indiana Findlay Vickers; Illinois Thomas D. Harris; Mis. souri M. P. Blair; Arkansas N. B. Bur row; Michigan J. H. Harman; Florida Hon. D. L. Yulce; Iowa W. F. Coolbangh; Wisconsin John A. Bryan ; California C, Gnrr; Texas P. Duvall. The Committee on credentials was then appointed as follows : Maine, T. S. Jones; New Hampshire, E.lmund Burke ; Vermont, isnao Bowdiich; Massachusetts, Isaac Davis; R. Island, Wm. B. Lawrence ; Connecticut, J"hn Slillman ; New York, James W. Nye; New Jersey, Joseph C. Potts; Pennsylvania, R. B. Flennikin ; Delawaie A. Wicker sham ; Maryland, Jarvis Spencer; Virginia, Wm. C. Flonrney ; North Carolina, A. C Renshaw ; Georgia, (declined appointing a member of tha committee ; but the two setts of delegates respectively designated, James J lrkson and Solomon Cohen to represent each before the Committee on Credentials) Ala- bamn, John M Malone ; Mississippi, Wm. McWillie ; Louisiana, Juhn McVay; Ohio, Allen G. Thirman; Tennessee, Ed. Ring; Kentucky, Wm. A. Holmes; Indiana, Wm. Morrison; Illinois, S. S. Hays; Missouri, R. M.Clayton; Arkansas, S. C. Roane; Michi gan, Alex. W. Buell; Florida, Charles Byrn J Texas, Matthias Ward ; Iowa, Col. S. S. Car penter; Wisconsin, 11. C. Hobart; California, Wm. II. Richaidson. ' Jacob Thompson, Esq , returned wilh the Committee on Organization, and submitted the following report : PieBident Hun. John W. Davis, of Indi ana. Vice Presidents Juhn Irwin, Alabama ; amuel C.Roane, Arkansas: Henry A. Ly otis, California; James T. Pratt, Connecticut; Cha. Wright, Delaware; John Branch, Flor ida ; Jo. Day, Georgia : Jas. B. Foley, Lou iMana ; Dr. Cha. Johnson, Illinois ; George Gillespie, Iowa; Levi Tyler, Kentucky: cm no A.essieie, Louisiana; Amo VV. Rob erts, Maine ; Edward Lloyd, MaryUnd : H H. Child, Massachusetts; Eton Farnsworth, Michigan; Jno B. Neviii, Mississippi; V.A. James, Missouri ; Samuel Tillon, New Hamp shire J David H. Craig, New Jersey ; Zadock Pratt, New oik; Weldon U. Edwards, N Carolina J Win. Medill, Ohio ; David Lyucb, Pennsylvania; Welcome B. Laylesa, Rhode Island ; Cave Johuson, Tennessee Ahbel Otto Goldschmidl'a marriage with Jenny Lind was alter all a very natural affair the woild had imagined it to be celestial, from the divine character of Jenny, most likely. lie married Jenny and Jenny married Olio, after the usual manner it was a bargain between (wo contracting parties, both having the necessary mental capacity to enter into the covenant ; and it was induced at least by some of the usual concomitants of con tracts it had the consideration, at all events, of a Last Will and Testament natural affection. On her part it was a re' turn for obligation conferred by Otto and Olio's father, besides sundry other causes "moving her thereunto," and on his side, he seems to have made a kind of draft on his God-molhcr, which wa accepted and paid in promises of love, honor, and obedience Thousands of person have committed mat' rimony and passed along the world, as the lawyers say, "under bonds," and we do not see that Oito Goldschmidt and Jenny have made out a different case at all. Mr. Goldschmidt is the favorite son of one of the richest merchants in Hamburg, Gerj many. His grand-father is proprietor of gigantic Silk Merchants' House, that has three establishments ; one in London, second in Hamburg, and the third in Leip zig. Olto Goldschmidt was, therefore, Jen ny Lind's equal in wealth, needed none of ;.er money, and cared not a pin for it. Ma ny yeais ago, when the Swedish Nighingale was a poor birdling, without friends or mou ey, Ot'.o Goldechniidi's father, (being as sa gacious a he was wealthy, and a benevo lent a he was sagacious,) protected, aided and fostered her ; and it may be that the merry young Otto, who wa then a charming little fellow, soul full of genius and loving to a fault, said many kind things to the gen tle and talented Swede, was caressed by her in return, and learned to love her so well when a child that he could not overcome bis affection when he became a man ; and so of course, it overcame him. He was Men delsfolnrs favorite pupil, and early exhibited remaikiiblo musical talent ; and the fair Swede doubtless fell that interest and aflec tion for the boy that the child of genius ever feels for beings of like exquisite organ izalions and heaven gifted attributes. They who know the human heart will not think it strange, after reading thus lar, that Jenny Lind should have loved Olto ; and each dearly loving the other, it is not wonderful that they should have been married ; it is only wonderful that they were not mai ried before. ti. Y. Musical World. An Ungrateful Son The trustees the alms house of Portage county. Ohio, re oently asked the Legislature of that slate to pass a law to compel children, who are able, to take care of their helpless parent. The request wa made in consequence of an un natural ion, worth $30,000, driving his mo'.h er out of the house, and tending hi father, whose head wa whitened with the snouso 91 yean, lo the almshouse, lo be supported at the public expense I'SQUEH AN ItA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, At a general meeting of the citizen of Coal township, Northumberland county, held on the 25th of May 1852, at the pub'io School House In the town of Shamokin, on motion, DANIEL EVERT wa called to the Chair, Daniel Krieoer and Alexander Caldwell, were chosen Vice Presidents, and David N. Lake, Secretary. On motion, Wm. Fagely, Jonaa L. Gilger, George Krieger, Chauncy Eaton and Solomon Weaver, were appointed a committee lo pre pare tesolution expressive of the tense of the meeting. The committee reported the following res olutiont : Resolved, That we cordially approve of the proposed subscription by Northnmbeiland county to the stock of the Susquehanna Rail Road Company; and that we respectfully, but earnestly, request tho County Commis sioners to n.ake said subscription. Resolved, That as the County Commission ers have the power, every consideration of justice towards this and other sections of the County, and every view of the subject based upon the permanent welfare and prospeiity of tho whole County, call upon them to exer cise it. Resolved, That the following memorial which wa published in the American of last week,) contains our view on the sub ject that the same be signed by tho person present at this meeting and by other citizens of the township that it be laid before the County Commissioners, and published in the papers of this County, along with these proceedings. Resolved, That we heartily approve of the suggestion, Iheiein contained, that if neces sary, Coal township alone will pay the inter est on one half of ihe whole subscription. Resolved, That as the County Commission ers, hold as it were, the destiny of the Coun ty in their hands, if they make Ihe subsc rip- ion as requested, it will be a source of pride and pleasant reflection to them a few years hence, to hud, as the consequence of iheir act, millions of dollars added te the wealth of the County, and her population doubled, and themselves remembered wilh gratitude. These are considerations that may well actu ate those who are intrusted with, and seek to advance, the public welfare. Resolved, That being within our County as rich a coal field as there is in the State, ex tending some 25 miles in length by about 4 miles in breadth, and in its whole extent convenient to market, it may well appear a surprising fact that there are only 30,000 tons of coal taken out of it per annum, w hile ad joining and neighboring coal fields are yearly sending their millions of tons to market, and bringing back millions of dollars in return. This coal field, containing mines of inexhaus tible wealth, ha been kept locked up by a want of capital, of enterprise, and if suitable outlets to market. The proper occasion has arrived lo supply a remedy lor this state of things; and Ihe entire population of Ihe County are interested in a measure, which will be the certain means of developing the mineral resources and increasing largely the wealth of the County, and, in a brief period of time, of putting millions of dollars annu ally iu circulation amongst her citizens. Those who are informed on the subject will appreciate these statements. For Ihe benefit of those who have not examined the subject, we appeal to Ihe whole history of coal oper ation, and the coal trade in the neighboring Counties. In a part of Schuylkill county) where 20 years ago there were scarcely 1000 inhabitants, and scarcely 1000 tons of coal taken out a year, there are now nearly 50, 000 people, and 200,000 of tons of coal anuu ally sent to market, and both are still rapidly on the increase. And this in a coal field in no way superior to our own, but in the single fact that it has its avenues to market. These avenues were secured at an expense of some $25,000,000. Surely Northumberland county will not hesitate lo allow I he use of her name, in effect as an endoiscr, to the amount of only $200,000, to confer the tame bene fits on her citizens. Resolved, That in the reduced price of lime, which this toad will produce, there will be to ihe farmers of this and the adjoin iug township of Shamokin an annual saving, more than equal in itself to the annual inter est on the whole amount of tho proposed sub' script ion. Resolved, That if, by any possibility, the claimsand interests of Coal township which are in fact identified with those of the whole County should be slighted now, the day is coming when she will make herself felt when she will be in a position to reward her friends, but hopes she may have no enemies lo punish all we ask is that our fellow citi zen shall act neighbor like, and give u an equal chance with them of getting our crops to market ; and we promise them a good home market for theirs, for every Ihing they can raise, from the poult iy of Ihe farm yard op to Iheir fat cattle and the produce of iheir fields, and we will save them the time and trouble of hauling their marketing and pro duce over rough road 50 and 60 mile as many of them do at present. Oil motion of John Caldwell, Resolved, That the proceedings of thia meeting be signed by the officers and pub lished in Ihe paper of this County. (Signed by the Officert.) CALIFORNIA NEW 8. ARRIVAL OF THE NORTHERN LIGHT. EIGHTEEN DAYS L AT Ell FROM CALIFORNIA. TERRint.F. SLAUGHTER OF INDIANS Expulsion of Chinese from tin Mines. The place for unhappy wive and hus band to reside is in Cincinnati. Their di vorces are gianted with a kind of rail road celerity in adjudication, jmiieen were granted in one day last week in that city. This is much belter than the tediousnes of a New York court, 01 the publicity and un certainty of a Pennsylvania Legislature Thirteen divorce in one day ! Why Cin cinnati must be the Paradise of unhappy spouces ; if we can imagine any cause in operation in Paradise to produce so many unhappy people. Lady Franklin ha addressed a long letter to Ihe President of I be United Slates, thank ing him for the interest Ihi country ba takes) iu ihe. search of bar husband, and taiing her ground of hope that Ihe un fortunate Arclio navigator art) not lost. Important from Texas. New Orleans June 2. The steamship Yacht arrived to day, bringing dates from Brownsville lo the 26th ult. Outrages by the Mexican contin ued to occur along the Rio Grande. A parly of Mexicans, forty in number, crossed the river, and killed five Amen can, who were encamped at Lake Cam pacuas, on Ibe American aide ; two other escaped. The ateamer Camanche had again been fired into by the Mexicans, and Mr. Brusher the Custom House officer, wa dangerously wounded, and an American lady uanowly escaped. Mr. Ragers, a merchant at Rio Grande City, had been assassinated ia hi own lor by Mexican. These outrage had created an Intense excitement all along I he Araericea aide of the river. New York, June 2. The steamship Northern Light, from San Juan via Apinwall city, with three hundred passenger and a small amount of specie, (not reported) ariived (hi evening about 6 o'clock. She brings San Francisco date to the 6ih ult., being eighteen day later than the news brought by tho lad arrival. Tho steamer Columbia sailed from San Francisco on the 6th, with one hundred and eighty passengers and $1,838,845 in gold dust on freight. The dreaded anniversary of the great file passed off quietly, though so great was the fear of the inhabitants of a recurrence of Ihe calamity, that all the engines of the city weie tanged in the streets wilh ropes stretched, &c, ready for use at a moment's warning. Intelligence has been received from Shas ta of the slaughter of on hundred and fifty Indians by the whites, who had become in furiated at the murder, by the former, of Mr. Anderson. A memorial signed by many of the most substantial citizens of San Francisco, depre cating hasty legislation in tho matter ol Chinese emigration, had been presented lo be Legislature. In the meantime, intelli gence from Sacramento announces that great excitement exists in regard to the Chinese gold diggers along Ihe banks of Ihe American rivers, and terrible accounts are received of their being forcibly expelled from the rivers. On one occasion two hun dred wpre driven awRy from the rivers in a single lorality. There is but one opinion among the American miners in regard lo ihe importation of Chinese laborers into Ihe mines, and they are fully determined to sub mit no longer. The Legislature had closed ils session. The population of San Francisco had been increased nearly 6000 during the month of April, half of which were from China. Dates a few days later, have been re ceived from the Sandwich IslamU. Great excitement existed at Honolulu, in conse quence of a current report that the Chilian colony in Magellan Straits, which lately re volted, was on a practical cruise after Ame rican vessels in the Pacific. Application had been made by Mr. Wiley, of ihe For eign Office, lo Capt. Gardiner, of the sloop-of-war Vaudalia, requesting him to delay his departure until the arrival of the sloop-of- war St. Marys. Captain Gardiner consent ed, and in the meantime Ihe officers of the Vaudalia were drilling troops in Ihe garrison. The dust of the puff-ball (Lycoperdon bo vista) is a powder so minute that a cubic- vessel of a hairs breadih iu size, would hold 125,000 of Ihe little spherule grains. There arp, iu pepper-water, auimalculic whose thickness is not Ihe 7800: h part of a hair bieadlh. Their length is lo Iheir breadih as 50 lo 1. At the Stark Mills in Manchester, N. H., they manufacture seamless bact. Fiflj looms manufacture 2000 a dav. The invention be longs to a Mr. Cyrus Baldwin, and is said to be exceedingly ingenious. A daughter of Thos. Winch, residing fcnir miles west of Cleveland, Ohio, was bitten by a mad dog early in Marcn last, and died a few days since of hydrophobia. A aiinnesoia paper announces Ilia mar riage of Thomas H. Curd, forinerely of Ohio to Mis Whiilir.g Thunder, a Winnebago lady. Pa, how many legs has a ship 1 "A ship has no legs, my child." "Why, pa, the paper says she draws twenty feet, and tha sho rim before the wind." Senator Berrin of Ceorgia, ha resigned his seal in Congress, and Robt. M. Charlton i appointed to fill the vacancy until the commencement of the term of Mr. Toombs. A daily paper has been started at Wilkes barre, Pa , under Ihe name of the Daily Telegraph On the l-lih inst.. hailstones four inches long, and which in some case killed catlle, fell near Parkersburg, Va. A Mr. QciN wa burned lo death last week, in Charleston, by the careless use of camphene. It is etiquette now in New York not lo introduce visitors when tbey meet at a friend' house. Out West Ihey have bars at the mouths of the river ; here mouth at the bar predom inate. Choleba ia prevailing in ihe Western and Southwestern Slates. There are said lo be 3000 Mormons at Kanesville, HI., en route for Salt Lake. The King of Siam has given assurance that he will not eat the missionaries. Why is a girl not a noun 1 Because alas (a las) is an interjection. Cholera prevails in New Orleans lo some extent. Bloc birds and while bonnet have come again. The Bulletin say that Ihe world cannevei be overpopulated. 1m America, granite i not fonnd higher than 12,000 feet above the tea. Pittsburgh jail contains one hundred in mate. The population of New Orleans w 125,. 498 ; of which 17,000 are slave. A calico p:int work i about lo bo located at Brook ville, Indiana.' . It i said the demand for the Eastern maikei i draining llliuoi of kecf cattle. COMMUNICATION. For the American. Mr. Editor : In Ihe column of Ihe last Sunbury American, there wa given to Ihe publio what purported lo be, a oorrect ex tract of Ihe supplement to the act relative lo the Sunbury and Erie Rail Road Company, but a that extract contained many and man ifest eirors, unintentional of course, permit mo, for the take of the cause of truth and justice, to make correction thereof by send ing you a copy of the ninth and tenth sec tion of the law referred to. They are as follow : "Section 9. The said Company shall have power lo construct lateral and branch roads from ihe line of their road, at Southward and Eastward from Williamsport, to intersect any other Railroad, by means of which Ihe said Company may be eniibled to form a connec tion with Ihe city of Philadelphia, by way of Ihe valley of Ihe Schuylkill, or as hereafter provided, by way of the valley of ihe Susque hanna. Provided, that on any road that may be made between Sunbury and Harrisbuig, Ihe same tax be, and is hereby imposed, as is now, or may hereafter be imposed by law on tho Susquehanna Railroad; provided fur ther, that if Ihe Susquehanna Railroad Com pany shall fail lo put that portion of the line of Iheir road under contract, between Biidge port and Sunbury, within one year from ihe passage of this act, and complete Itin same wiihin two year thereafter, then and in that case, the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Compa ny is hereby authorized to extend iheir road from Suubuiy by the vnlley of the Susque hanna, lo connect wilh ihe Pennsylvania Ruilroad at such point as may be deemed most expedient by ihe said Company, on the same terms and conditions tltat they are now authorized to construct the main line of their road between Sunbury and Erie. "Section 10. That if Ihe said Company shall construct a railroad from Bridgeport or Harrisburg to Sunbury, under the provision of this act, they shall make the towns of Dau phin, Halifax and Millerebure, in Dauphin connly, and Georgelown, in Noithumberlaud county, points on said road. ll will be perceived that the Company has the right, under Ihe tenth section, lo make a railroad eastwanl from Williamsport, by the valley of ihe Schuylkill as near as Norris- town, ami thus "lorm connections with the city of Philadelphia," free from any condi tion whatsoever ; or by the vailty of the Susquehanna, nn condition of the piymenl of a tax equal lo ihe tax imposed on the cusquenanna Han linrul. Hum provisos in Ihe tenth section relate solelu to tax : if Ihe Susquehanna route be adopted by ihe Sun- bury and brie Company, Ihey are to pay the same lax H3 the Susquehanna Rail Road Company south of Sunbury ; and if the Susquehanna Compnny is not put under con tract in one year and completed in two years thereafter, then the tax provision expires and is annulled, and the Sunbury and Erie road south of Sunbury is subject to the same terms and conditions as the miin line of Iheir road between Sunbury and Erie, which ts not liable for any ta.r or tonnase what soever. JUSTICE & TRUTH. Sustiuclinnna Hail Road Company. TTOTlCE i hereby given, that Letter P. A' lent having been granted to Ihe tq,b scriber to ihe dock of ihe Susquehanna Rail Road Company, in pursuance of the ael of incorporation, the Commissioner have appointed THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1852. as Ihe time for Ihe Stockholder to meet at Ihe Stale Capitol Hotel, in Ihe Borough of Harrisburg, at 11 o'clock, A. M., to organize said company. At which lime and place Ihe subscribers to said slock, when met, shall elect a President and twelve Director to conduct and manage Ihe affair and buti nes of said comimny, in accordance wiltf Ihe provision of Ihe act of Assembly in sucu case mane auu proviueu. Wm. F. Packer. Wm. Cameron, James H. Carter, Amos E Kapp, Geo. Schuabel, Wm. Bnse, R. M. Mngraw, Simon Cameron, Alex. Jordan, Eli Slifer, A. D. Wilson, and others, Commissioners' N. B. Subscriber who have paid the first instalment of five dollars, on each share sub scribed, will be entitled to vote at Ihe elec tion. Harrisburg, May 22, 1852. 2t. Joseph R. Priestley, J. M. Haldeman, Geo. F. Miller, J. B. Packer, Zenos Bnrnnm, Geo B Weiser, "Michael Herr O. Barrett, Notice. THE Vender and Retailers of Domeatio and Foreign Merchandise of Northum berland county, will take notice thai they are assessed and rated by the Appraiser of Mercantile taxes for Ihe year 1852 as fol low : Lower Mahonoy. Name. Class 14 14 11 13 14 14 14 New Advertisements. JXTRA ORDINARY CASE. A Canada pa per records the death of Mr. Charles Bou cher, of Brrthicr, at the ago of 1 06. He was married to three wives, by whom he had 60 chil dren ! lie leaves to deplore his loss 43 children, C6 grand-children,, 13 great grand-children, IS nephews, 70 grand-nephews, and 18 great grand nephews. This must have been nn expensive family, particulnrly as Canada 1ms nn rhrip clothing stores like KorkhilliSi Wilson's, No. Ill Chestnut street, corner of Frunkliu Place. Notice to Collectors. rTIHE Collectors will have lime until Tuesday, - W ednesday and Thursday, the 13th, H'h and 1 5th of July, to pav their folate tax in order to get the five per cent abatement. Tho Collee tors of Delaware, Lewis, Turlmt, Milton and I'liilisqiiiique, will como in on the 13th of July ; those of L'pr Mahonoy, Jackson, Little Malio noy. Lower Mahonoy, iShamokin, Cameron and Coal will come in on the 11th of July; Rush, Lower Auguxta, I'ppcr Augusta, Sunbury, Nor thumberland and Point will come in on the 15th of July 1852. Prompt payment is required, 5 per cent will be allowed for payment up to the limes stated above, for the different townships. WM. WILSON, ) C. ALBERT, GWrs. C1LVS. WEAVER, J Sunbury, June 5. 1852. 6t. y" Miltonian copy. $10 ?2V7i.?tD ! Stop the Miy Thieves! ! "1 VHTIIIX the last month my stable has been ril,!ied of nearly a ton of hay. The above rcwaril will lie paid to any person, wlncli will lead to the conviction of the thief or thieves. WM. McCARTY. For sale a Cow and Culf. Apply as above. Sunbury June 5, 1852. ol. Charles Snyder liq Daniel Heime liq Bonneville llolshue liq Jackson. William Deppen liq Josiah Swaru John Wirt jr liq William Kearns liq Lover Mahonoy. Anthony Dilty liq 14 George Brosious 14 Klias Weist liq 14 Winner & Dockey 14 Lower 1ugunla. Heilner & Knable liq 14 Jacob Weimer liq 14 lin haulmnn tin 14 Jacob Krebs tin 14 Upper .Augusta. Isaac Campbell & Co liq hlija Anderson liq bhamoKin. Einstein & Strouse liq II II Vastiue I sci John Vanzaut Samuel John Win (J Kase S Heigslresser Taimart & Co Win Farrow jr liq tVOTH'H TO CONTRACTORS. T)ROI'OSAI.S will be received at the Coller tors Olfice at Northumberland, until Wed nesday, June 23.f, 4 o'clock, P. M, for building an Outlet Lock in the Conal at that place, together with all the necessary excavations lid embankments that may be connected there. with. Plana and specifications of the work will 1 exhibited three days previous to the day of letting, and all the necessary information given at the time. II. D. RODEAKMEL, Supervisor. New Berlin, June 5th, 1852. 31. CARBON RUN IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. 4 MEETING of all persons interested in that Compnny will he held at Jones' Hotel, Chestnut Street, I hiluuvlphia, on Tuesday the 22 aiy of June inst., for Ihe purpose of electing directors and other olhcers. JOSLl'lt 1I1UIIS and others, Corporators. June 5, 1852 St. S20 REWARD. VttHt-KEASsome evil disposed persons, have been in the habit of injuring and destroy ing the property of Ihe couniy, tha Commission ers of the County deem it their duty in order lo bring the villluins lo justice, to oiler a reward for their discovery and conviction. We, the Commissioner of Northnmlie rlnnd Couniy, therefore otter a reward of Twenty Dot lars fur the discovery and conviction of the person or eraous who broke in and destroyed the veni- llan blinds of the privy iu the Slate House yard on Monday ingril last. W M.WILSON, ) C.ALBERT, JCom'rs, CHAM. WEAVER,) 8unhury, May 29, 1852 31 JOHN V. 3IAHT1N, SUN BUR V, PA. THANKFUL for past favor respectfully in form hi friend and Ihe publio thai he till coot mm? lo carry on Ibe Tailorina Busi ness al Ihe shop formerly occupied by Jacob rainier a a naiier nop. neing tn ine re ceipt of the fashions, monthly, from New York, ni work will always be done in workmanlike manner, and according to the lalesl style. Ill term lor cast) or country produce will be a reasonable as any other in me piace. Sunbury, May 22, l5J.-3ia. Coal. R llelfensline Wm & R Fejielv Aninierinaii &l 'Zern John Rosser & Co roint. Samuel Wood Utile .Mahonoy. 12 Wm Rothaimcl Delaware. Denller & Piper Hayes & MeCormick Ze brim.' & Baker Jnnns Wolf liq A 1 LikIwii; & Lo liq Dalesman & Voder 12 12 14 14 14 13 LlCDNIS. 10 50 10 50 10 50 15 00 7 00 10 50 10 50 10 50 7 00 10 50 7 00 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 1 00 10 00 10 50 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 70 12 50 7 00 12 50 12 50 7 00 10 50 10 50 10 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 10 50 10 50 10 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 12 SO 12 50 18 75 7 00 20 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 12 50 7 00 7 00 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 7 00 3 50 3 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 50 7 00 3 50 io on 10 60 7 00 15 00 15 00 7 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 10 50 7 00 7 00 KMC AC ED IK ICLI.IKO FATINT MEMCINE IN KoaTHUMBEaLANO C01HT7 ARt ASSESSED AS FOLLOWS I Delaware. Names. Class Hayes & McCoimick 4 Wi ton. John F Caslow 4 John Geler 4 John A Gray 4 BEER HOl'SK AKPOYSTta CELLAR. Sunbury. Philip Brymire liq .Villon. Joseph Eckberl Christopher Stein liq S PERIUM EKGACEH IN E4TIlL!!t LIQUOR. MUtn. John Kohr 10 09 A Donee 9 8 00 (REWERI WITHIN THE COl'NTT. George Baker 9 $09 An appeal will ba held at Ihe Commis sioners' Office in Sunbury, on Tuesday lb I5ih day June next, at I eUx-k, A. M., at which time and place iboee inlieled may attend. REUBEN W. ZARTMAN, JVrr. Aft. Jit k sou township, May 8P, 151. Iu Northumberland. Forsvlho St Priestley lid James Tupgnil jr liq J Ta'jart & Sou liq .Marsh & Vaiulliiig liq Win Kiliot liq M J D Wiiliiii-.'ton liq S B Deuniniaridie Conrad Wenck Mary MeCay Amelia Yonngman .Villon. Blaii & Reed Ixaac Brown liq Swenk &. Masiellcr Aaron Comly Wm H Frymjre liq John F Caslow Heiuen & Krulber George Corry Charles J Engel Win F NaeltT liq Sweny & Caldwell Selh Cadwalader & Son U H Hacg B Cromer John Vouut M Vouut I! ihn & Cha pin John Murry J M Wood John A Gray Jonathan Zellers Joseph Angstad Sunbury. S N Thompson John Young Geoipe Blight liq John Buyers & Co Henry Maswr liq John W Friling & Grant Ira T Clemen liq R Si Wm Fepely Benjamin Heffner liq I W Tener & Co liq P W Gray 1 Lewis. Roup & Savace liq A T Beisel liq J Camp liq Chilisquaque. Hause k House liq Adam Conrad James Reed ALL PERSONS 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 12 12 12 14 10 14 14 13 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 13 13 14 13 13 13 14 14 14 LlCfKOC &00 5 00 5 0O 5 00 8 50 5 Off 50