...... ..Hi-'-.uf;; . - k k i .PtvSlSK f . ' ........ !:;:" rM ff. fliAssEii, joditoh and rnorniEToit. 7; - OFFICE, : MARKET STREET, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. :M-v,e'l . ,SX jointly iiftosimpcr-Dciiotca to ajolftlcs, Enctatuc,jfiiornlHii, jFpvttavi nnfl Domestic irtos, sefntee aui the artu, eirjrfcultuvr, lHarltcts, amusements, rc - 'I :i lr SEIIIKS VOL. ;, NO. I I. SUMU. ilY, ()n rjl L.:Kl!l.AM) COUNTY, PA., SATUIJD AY,;,JUXE a I 833. OLD SKHIES VOL. 13, NO. 37. ' TERMS ,0E, THE AMERICAN.: '. . Till-: AMERICAN In pulilisligit fcimnlav nt I'VAll DOI.LAUg p..f ;niiiiiii li lie ,iul half yearly 'in ilvnlice. Nu naihui i!isL''MtintK-d until AU, iiircarjice. sre ai.l. e e , i . ' . - All e-wimiiiiKflitirtis t. K-llcrs on ImviniiMl rivtnfiiit; lo (lie oince, (u.imurc uUoilinn, mum Im 1'(Jb1':"AI1j. ; ;,Q,Cl.fIJ8.,...,. ,.',, 1 ,. . I'krte I iic In oho ni)ilri-s, ' .,, ,( fi '' finnan'' JJ II.) , ,. - in l.n .1 1I ,' 1 : . -M.iin in Htivnnftt Ul JKiy 1UI blllVU ) till BIIII- wriliilinl til th Aniipricnn.' ' Oil Sgnle of l luw, 3 iiiinji, , ., .- (.,, r.Vorv Blilisrqurnt inKcrliuii, One 5iiinrp, a niiuillis, fix limnllis, ,,;. j.'-t ,'. -. ':' Vne your, lliiKinrM CiuiIh nf Five lint', prr nnnuin, MiTi'hunt mill oilier.. qilvtilt'Vij 1 i iu yciir, with tlte irit-ili'i; nf ingi-Yting r (lifTureutaiitvvTtiuituiiii r'l'rkly. ,...i .,' ! , ViT" t.;irccr Advi;rtu;iiit'jii. yn uct nLTcumujil ' H III! " rr,! Mil ai.ii .i.A.TT U U N Ji,V .:A T, L AAV EUtTB V, PA. - : ' Hiisiiii-ss nttifiilrii Ui lu the (.'uiihIm'm f Nor Ifatuuiio.Uuutl, ('uiim, 1.;. ciiiiiin uml Coluriilii;i. l'.'. ur Ut-iVr .i i ''. "f P. A !A. K.nimdt, ' ' ". ' I l,iit A llarroii. Huiiii'M & Siioili;rsi. ;- VluL , ,i -. Kr uglils, Mi-Tnr'aiH! ici C c..,J , - Sjioriiig, (JoiiJ A; Co., " I'JAtVJES J. NA2Lji : Attorney aaid Counsellor at Law, ,-t jSUEURY, TA... , , "ltMl.T, ntt'cu.l f.iilli fully nnil iirnmpll.v 'in iOl , roli'f:J,ii;il Imsiiu'ss, ill N0;l!mii'i1'i'i!;iiii! ntnl 'Tiiinn coiiiilics. ,11c is fuiiuli.rr with t?;0 (irniiiiu lnti;ii:ifFi . 'V Vl'k'lCK : ()ipositc tlie "l.avrpnr.e Huusi1," a fi,w ilinr iV))in tli Court ITousc. . ' tiuiiluiry, Aiiij. lfi, IS.'jI. y. : , J. STEWART. DEPUY. " 4 T Xi.rlli 2il nliHrt. ii'iove Woo l. ( limn i Disti l. Pliilmlet - - j ri siTcU'iilly 'mil t lie ntlriilion ofbii f. ii'PiU 2 mill tl'ii I'ulilic tn rneiat, to liis !',ir:.e mul p iweirscliv tKl sloi k of Carpvls, t)il I't-tliii, C i Matlins, .W'iiuluw Sli ulesi, ttuir lioi's,: " Ait, &e. i i i .'. W I V'llili:lll C:iTlrlili;! fruillT it:t t i ll'll .i:p p. r J. -5 lnwiiin ! ' 1-1 " )' " ''' 5 "Tlifrr I'ly 1 ' MI " !"" "' U;' I'OtMi'ls V 11-Jj ' li'l ' " ' v D.1f MalUi lie woulil iinite Ibu iilti-n- 1 tii m' of do lrs : i t ollii r ; t j l.in l r-re htoi li. C of )om jTi " v.'likti'. be in-lmlai ti.n'i 2 ii'1 Cr0:1' vrji ty ninl of s)'l. o.Iiil ijUjilKi lj Oil I'tciTliii, fi.Mii 1 jaril 1j b yan' MjiJu wliolesale uml retail. , ,. : April 10,'lrtj-. fim. , . .' HARRISBTJRG STEAII 700D rjntTHNINf AM) SCKUI.I. w.WVI.Nf, - S1101'. V'onil 'I'liriiiiim in all il In aui'l'i'. in rity style, ami at city price. T'. Cnliiuet mid (.'aipcntor work rilbe y'vaiiefy i.f on baud ui tunnit to onlif.1 lied Pn-.its, li'alusters, Kffsetts. 8b:l nnil ;tr UTMrJiiMiiiq Tabic I .ecu, Newll I'o-N, P;,t lerlt, Avviiine 'I'ostx, V. uit m llul'", 'ohimt!, KimihiI er Octnoii Chisel I f .iih1V. if. Iff Thin Uop U in STtt WVliKKUV- AI. I.IOV, near TbirJ .Stivot, and as c intend to please all our etistonieia. vvlni want c i"d w uii ituhe, it is lieprd that all the trade Wit' give u5 a rail. i ' -''.; "" Ten-llns mid 'JVn-Pin BnlU liuttle la or der or rtinneil. 'friri Attention of Cabinet Mabcrn and Cnrpon- lerti' in lealled' !o our new style of 'JbJ Mfll'I'-DlNUK Printer's Riirl'etKnt f 1 per iliO leer."! 1 V. O. 1MOKOK. Felifuary 7 1 852 ly. ; ' f"' - KARDWARE, CUTLERY AND' : ro.i:fil .V 3a Market Street, '- ' ' riXILADELPHIA. TnE uleriliers would rail tlic ntteii'ion of bnyers to llieir Block of Hardware, eoil 'istins cif'Tatdc nnii 1 Pocket Knives, (iwi,' Chains, l.iAks, llollowrtre, &c Ac. We vouli rerom mend U all, our " i Endless Cliiiiii Piiinitji, H new article n4w irctlini; into neiicrnl iiw which weniA fiirnisli.1 ronii!ete at about one half the prie iid for tile obi sivlo Pump, also a iioav nr lieltMu? .ImiHH r;t'(! !o;r I,o:&H.' icti Liwlt suited qitber for li'bt or bit b.m-J iiojri with mineral r white knob. ' 11 Oortock of :allS is lame and wijU KcV'cl 'it,ieniQriiiii iiislo mid dmhlc barrels linlit-li: Hud (ierman ipakc. All i;oods can be ri tiu.ieil if lot found t' lie as represented. CiXinfJT.'nifri I lie as rcpiv . J'l nv'l I.I rliaiiH would, o well tj call on u Int.. re pcH i haxijiif elsewkuic. yVhrelwriuV1 ""d rni . .! ' . i .... i . . arnnje niauc.rs,' cwpniieil Willi goods suited to their bumiK'ss. I v e:!hiii on w; H. A c. w. ai.i.i:,n( N'oa. 31 A-'.l:j Maikct Street, Philadelphia'. February, S1f 1862 Oimi. ', ' "' AVM-THcTcARTY, Bookseller,' ' i,Tl'.t 1WTY.1Y,. SI Vtll HY. I A. E I AS iust rrccived and f ir 6do, Pu'noi I'i- A I . g sl of the laws ol Pcmi'y 1 aubt, i ;!iljii of lril, i'riee onljr SB.OO. , ' judge Kcaits rdiiion of Ularkstniici Cinunicn laiic, in vi)l. 8 vo. formerly Bold ut ili),Ul, uinl now offered (in lVeli binding) at the low orice. of $0,00. ' A Treatise on the laws of Pennsylvania ,rc Hpi'rtin the estates of licccdciits, by Th.mlaS F. ( lorJoti,' priccohly S 1.1)0. . . '' Kossuth and tho Hungarian Var : r.in.pris'm - 0 iKnipW'1e hiry of the laltj trui;i;le. for iVccdoin of (halt country w ith notices of tin, kiulini; thirls an4 lU'esineii, -who ilistiiiKuisbrd lliuu.-flivrn iu oupcil and i' ibe field, V""' ''1,'""! '- l -"', ''' intcreslini; matter' with authentic p.irlr.utn. 1 KosoutV ddr la tho rf"l,lJ '' Ihiitnl states, with u porrrt, niul il on ltfoJuA. mid ..,.t on rollers alter i.!ie mafkiier ol maps, price ..nlv 50 cents. WashiiiKton's fareHi ll ..JJ e-.-, uniform style with the above. February, if), 1S53. ll.l . - . , . , Alden's Cojideuied Report or re.na- , VT PuUiiishcJ, and lor sale ly,llir s.Ml'.cit xi thi!wvccW YuluMe of .Wdep's Coiit ilenwd ... I IViiiiKYlvalll.l J.c Htris, ruuuu colit.uiii!) r the last tlirei Volume tif Yeales" rteporls,' in.n two r.rsi volumes of Uinnry's Kepoils. Tho lirr.1 vot- UI1M! rf Aldeiii.containiiiK lWlas' Ki oyi it, A vat-, nines; and Yeates' KnsirW, volume I, is uliimi lianJ, nd forule. 'The' above two Volumes uii rouiulete uitljjn tlu'iusclvr,. and cnil.dii' .ill of Dallas' ReiwrU, 4 volume, auJ all of Ve ites ltepnrta, Votutrtesj, bfniih- flip two Out volumes of llinncy's lteports..' volume i. ready to WANTED TO BORROW- mWElVK lU KUBI'D lK)J-LAK?i in Kva ,UIHI 1 milW'W uiinun nu.il, mmuii 11 odlfresMwU WtHirity will I givou. AJUroM 4.1 IV. ISuiiliury, reu. o, "-" -.T':.-!.r, i INK B'ourW celibiaU J Ink, nJ also I'pn ari iiik forulei whoksale and retail hv l'mbe, S8. II B MAMI1. ' lp'm tlie l.riihn nvilj Titii.n, 'of M ay CJ, icri. ' HCrvPJBLE TATA CF TUE PATAG9 HIAW MISSION. II.'i- .Miijfstv'o ship Portliini!, ) : Vvlmtrrtisn, I'cbivnril 21, IS.Vi. '; -tuclosl U Cajitaiii .'Mur.-,h.'aJ'n j U'l 'oll.of Hie d''alh ly stm vatiou of Com- ; niatiJiT A. Caiilini-r nnil (la- whole ol the j parly sent out by the PMaonian Soriety in N-J tetfiher, f:iO, to Titton Island, the sou'hern (ireiiiity of America. . 'J'htir loiih,!iij)tf will deedv deplore the Tu'e of llie::e devoted tuitionri'ies ; but this Jewoii of cxj)i ri'-DCtf will have its vfK-ct.- The earnest application of sanguine minds lor the propaotiu'i of I'hrislianit'y' mnvt, in a climate like Cope lTnrn, first cmsid 'f lilt locality where existence can he iiiMi!' ed.1','! have .dejiired Capt. AI'orllead to cJivlully jitick (thu iiiiiiiianU thai he has collected, ar.d they will he forwimled to the Admiralty hy the Dophtte. can be transmitted bv the mai Such as art sent ' herewith. ' T have, fee, ' Ili:r.vv M h;l::j;y, IJear-Admiral and Coiuinandei-in-Chief. The Secretary of the Admiralty. i He r M;ijes!v'n ship Dido, nt sea.b.tt. - (5.5S S.,- loner. 61..0 W.,"Jaii. ' ;' 22, 1S52, Cape Horn Witt 30 '. ilijh s. , . . Sir, In compliance with orders, from the Lords CommisMoni'in of the Admiralty, dated October 2"), 1S51, direct in me to nscei'lain the fate of C'n plain (iardiinT and .bis missionary p;irly in Tierra del ru'o, on my way to the Atlantic, il is my me lancholy duty lo report, for their loid..!iiis' information, that the w hole paiy have per ished by -tirvsilioii. : I Inviiiii .received infoi'mrition from the Rev. (j; I'. . IJ,-.spard, of liedland, Pri-tol, honorary secretary to the 1 '.itajtonian Mis sionary Sjri 'ly, I leanil that the parly, coil .hi! in;;' of Caj.t. Allen Cardiuer, Ii. X., superiiitenib iit ; .Mr. William?, surgeon and catec.hiat ; Mr. Maidineut, cathist ; John Ki'win, larput t'.-r ; John li.idcc.t l;, John Itrvaiit, and John lVurce, Corni-h fi.-h- riiien, left 1'ne.lainl in S, pteii,!n r, IbJ i, in the balk. Ucean liueeii ; h.so learnt that s'ores bad been forwarded to them in Junr- last vit the Falkland Islands; and should the party he unable to maintain their position at Ticton Island, Dearie Channel, Leiii prov iU.-tl with partially decked launches, that they would fid! back on Stati n Island. Having called at 1he Falkland Llands, And eu'batked these stores, 'onsi.ti:i of thirty casks, cas-.-', I sailed thence on the Cth ol Januaty, IS;"2, and sto id alon thi north coa.tof Strtten Inland with laro ensigns I'yin at the mast-heads to attract attention, ai.d filed s!i .lied 'Uis into ttK moutliS of St. John's llar'j ', Co( l,'s IJarbor, and Xcw Veal's Harbor, . and, o'iserved a lla r-slall erected with a (la on it in New Year's land, I ca;rie tn rmclior under il id ei'rht o'clock on Sunday evening, ' the lllli of January. The next iuotuiuj, January the l'-Mi, 1 sent Lietenant (jau.v-eii in lliu cul ler to asrei iain the cans ', and went my sell at the saa.e time into New Yiar's Harbor, and found a ?hi p's lon-bo.it lying hauled upon the h -ach, with "Aludin Apetiiade' on her stem. She was fitted with oars cut from trefs on the spot. : Uy a tally on the beach, I found the si -honner J. E. Davidson, of Xew York, W. H. Sniyly master, had called here oil the l'Jth of October, Jfial, on her way to I'ic.toti Island, to relieve the Oiissioners. . I return, il to tin ship at the same time, as Lietenant (iiinssen, who r-p-irfed' that piece of wreck were on the is'an.l, but, exceplint; tho fiaj which he brought on board, ihero were no indications of how or wher. any vest d coidd have been lost. It blew a perh c'. hr.rrirnno that ni,'hl off the land-, and, bei:v iir.alde ii heave tbebip up to her anchor, I fully' xpectc.l to be blown oil with the anchor and eable ; but the ship held o:i wimi tiim t v fathoms of chaiu i:i twenty-two fidl.onio of water. I sailed tho next dav, hut could not tit tempt the Straits of Le Muire, as it Mill blew fresh from the touthward. ll.ivi::'' J puVsed Cap.e St. John, I stood alon tin- soutn coa t ol biuleti Jsia:ul, atul eut a poo.t view of Port' Vancouver, the only harbour on the South si le of Staten Lland, and seeiuir no si 'tiB of the natty heinj th 're, 1 irmle direct for 1'icton Islai dtill the lTth when the weatfiT proving very thick rnd hazy, with s-jiiiillinir bal'din' winds, 'I was comp died to bear up, and stood alon 'the east and south' co ist 'of New Llan.l, jjctting a jrooM view id' Richmoii.lroads. I en deavored to beat up to 1'icton Lland thiouih , florei-rvjajs, auJ cot well up, si as to open the 'Writs ( haniiel, when tlie wind liiiiii-r, and a current setting to life smithward, ' 1 bore up and anchored in Ci-ree'-toads for the nihl. Tin- next di.y, Jan. IS, It blew a heavy ;..b from the touthward, but the ship rode wvU .Willi two auction ahead ami lo'l lulhom of chuin. i . JfiiV. ID.- Tlie wind havin'. moderated io the' ni 'ht and sniff oil to the northward I woidiej at four in tho inoruinz, and " at 'up jlhroich Goree-roads and stood ilon tlief south-west coast of 1'icton Is- Und, passing Cape Maria, beat up the iiorth-eusl xoit.of Hie inland. - The. wind a.'ain 'falitnj; hhf, "it was late before we cuOjlU towj ttf ttiip to u?r berth in p -ove foruied by an inet n the coast, called by Captain Gardincr'"Uut)ner L've?" auJ the yceite of. his early trynUea, , I -,.Tli iollowingiiay, Jan. 20, wa deyoled tn scouring the coast and the adjacent iclet ; and alter many honrt of IruitleM search, without aign of tjte party, and When, on point of giving 1hem up,' soinfe writing wa cen pn a rock' across river, which' we instantly, made for, anJ fjun4 written, 'Go to Spaniuid Harbor." Oa (knottier lock adjoining we miJ-'Yoii will find u:- ill Spuniaid llaruor." Ou a.thild j iice of rnck we r.Mit, "Di 1,elow" Which we instantly did, but found only a br k n lot- tie, wiUuiut any paper or direr1n'li. On seai'ctmijt fiftc ol trie' nitinerous wigwams in the neihhoihood we read on oneol their pohs, "A hot 1 1 4 Ulldir this pole," but we l'("lli ,lot 'l. filthou-h we eiit for sliovrls and riowUns, and dug di't p mul carefully for il ; hut it was tvideiit, liom s'1ir"' li"S"jei)ts ol .stores fouml on Hie spot liiai tne mison nau reMecj In re. Accordingly, the next morning, Jan. 21. I wiled early for Spanish ILir'i'of, and entered it on the snrtie rveninjj at fcVe'n o'clock. Our notice was fir.t a'.trartrd by about lyiti? on th beat Iv fi'ioiit onpmile arid a half inside ol C'a)e Kinnaird ; it wns LlowiiiiT very fresh from the south; and the ship ro le uneasily at her nnchori J in stantly sent Lieutenant Piotl auJ iM.. IJ Joerts, the mater, to reconnuitre and re tiirn im'tnediately, as I was anxious to ni l ,r"' '" s' a ac'"" ' safely lor the niht ',t'J' returned shortly, hrininjf some hooks cno papers, raving discovered me txulies of Captain Gardiner and Mr. Ma'ufment unbi.ried. . . . J'roni the papers found Mr. Maidinent was dead on the 4Ui of Setein!ier, and Captain (laiiiiner could not possibly have survived the Uth of Sejrti tuber, 1851. On one of the papers found was legibly, but without a date, '-If you will walk alonr the beach for a mile and a half yon w ill find us in the other boat, hauled up in the mouth of a river at the head oi the harbor, on' the south fide, lb lav not, we arV starving." At this fad intelligence it was impn.v-iblclo leave that niht, although th weather looketl wry till ealenitlT ; ' neither the oneroid barometer nor symperzomiftcr l)eillb' very uiiluvorable, 1 held on lor the ni;:bt. 1 landed early the. next 22.) and vi.-iled the spot moroili;; (Jjtn. where Caiil.iili ii.iriiiuer aiui lus comrade were lyinj, ami then went to the head of the liarbor with leut. Gallon, Mr. Roberts, and Mr.' Kvati r.vans, the sureorf. Wo found there, tho wreck of a boat, with part of her rivat 6lore., with quantities of rtothini with the rciiiuiu of two hodius, which J conclude t i be Mr. Wilii.inis (-surJeon) and Jolta Tears': (t'oi nish fisherman,); as the lepers clearly .show the deaths and burial ; ol all the rest ol the mission party. ., The two b.'als were thus about a mile I and a hall apart. Near the one wore j Caplain Gardiner was hiti'wasa lurre 1 cavern, called by him ''I'ioneer Cavern," ! where they kepi their stores and occasion j ally slept, and in that cavern Mr, Maid i ment's bo.'v was fjund. Attiot: (.'apt. Gii'di:1ers; papers, which I will notice presently, I extract the fo! I lowing : "Mr. .If.iidment was so rxhatist ' ed ytsleulay that he did not rise from his bed till' noon, am! I have not ropii hirn si. ice." A :ain, on the lib of September, ; allti.Tn;,; to Mr. Mai Imeiit, he writes, was a'l.iercifisl l'iovidenco he b ftthe boat, as I conlJ 'not hae renuvvd tin. body." 1 t.'j tain Gardiner's body, was .lying bes'uU the boat, which nppnrently hv bad, loll, and, beiu t .!.) weak to climb into it agaijij bad died by the side of il. We were di rected to the cavern by a hand painted on the lockx, with "I'.-.u.M i.xii., v. f)N,'1 un der it. , Their remains weiu collected t)ether and buried close to this spot, and the. funer al service 'read by Lieut. Underwood; a small inscription was placed on this rock; near his own tent ; the colors rf the boats and ships struck hall-mast, ami three vol leys ol n UNftctiy, Were the only tl'i!uUof r. i-jn tt I could pay to this lofty-minded man and his devoted companions, who have peri lled in b,. cao.-t' of the Gospel for the wat.t of timely supplies; and before noon Ih;' Dido was proceeding: safely cai Iki voyage. . , . . . i ;i looking ovq- the papers found in the cavein, I am rnabied to trace out the wan. ano it. any of the itillerini's w lilh beset tip? party up to the time of their un happy end,. Svme of the papers are on private all'.iirs, tiucoi.nected with their po sit ion, and some on religions subjects, bu I fjii"te only from tliosu which bear upon their fate. ' ' . Having arrived at Pit ton Island on the oili ci December. lSfx). thev lauded and i'i il,. ir t. i. Is mi tbu Clli I, ol lo.iv I r ' " ...... comieI!ed to re-ei:ib.iik in cons, q u tice ol the annoyance of the ti.it i vi s, until luptr boats could be got ready. Their holds were 'named the Pioneer and Speedwell : and tin y finally disembarked, and' sleot I'l them ou December IS, The. nhip saih'd the in xt day, and lluir troubles seem to have commenced. I'.i'.h boals immediately got under weigh fir the opposite shore, on the soiiih coast of Tiei Ta-del-riio;:o, to a place they have iiaiiied tlloondield Harbor, as the natives annoyed, them ; but b. fore clearing thy anchorage the Speedwell got on the rocks, lost her anchor, and' injured her rudder ; il appears to have bep blowing fresh,1 as both boats s'.va'iipd, their din::ies and lost Ihetii. The Pioneer , leached Llooinfield harbor, but returned again the next day, and - ioiueJ. -trie Sfiedwe.U. ; .llatli. boats then weighed for i'loomfield harbor, but on thin occasion the Pioneer grounded, uud the SpeeJvvell having been out all night, rtjoined her the next morning. Oii Jan uary (i, I find both boats in Lennox harbor, where they haJ gone to iH-acn jnem' ana stop their. leak', but in tackiug Uw Pio neer was tlirovvn by a sipiau into a nest ot rocks, anJ slit vas lio'f afl iat till the 17lh ol January. Tlut'v . Wl .Leuox harbin-ton tthe 2Jih of January for llloyilield lwUr to refit their boats, bm finding the natives, there fn great ' force, they ; boro: op' for Spaniard hatW.'tvliich they1 reached ort the 2Mb. of January, , j. , . r.,,!;o A. Here they seemed- to iave experienced many vicissitudes Irotn the surfs and storms till th' 1st of Ft-bfoary, when the Pionaer was driver, on lh rocl, her bow Move in, and iiiepaiuble. The party in this Loat then took to a cavern, hut finding it damp, and'. the tide washing iiiio it, they liauleil the wreck of the I'loneer higher up on the beach, and, covering her With a lent, they made a dormitory of her, the Speedwell being higher op ht the mouth of a liver, w hich they named' 'Cook's river, dller a ladv and hem-'faCtress to the 'mission. 1 1'Yb. 18. The tide rose higher than usu al, and 1 find the folkiwing remaik by Cap- .lain Gardiner ; "The box which contain ed my most valuable books and papers was floating about in the surf, and the beach strewn with its contents in all directions." Ly Ibis unlorseen' accident I lost a refer ence'' Bible, try private journal, and some 'useful memorandums, chiefly on missionary Ftibjoct?, which I have been collecting for years', also my rings, And a purse contain ing K. 8.?. nil the money I possessed, with tluj exception of fid. in copper. ' All my warm clolhin was washed away, but pro videntially, thrown up again by the tide in the course of two or three days." Feb. 2S. Mr. Williams is unwell in the Loat, and Captain Gardiner removes to a lent to make more room. March 13. This-tent, named a hermit age by Captain Gardiner, is burnt down. It appears that two casks of biscuits ond and one. of pork had been 'buried at Picton Island to disencumber the boats, nod nour ishing foud being wanted, as Mr. Williams and J. Uadcock had got ilia scurvy, they resolved lo go to Picton Island for it, which they reach on the 23rd of March, intend ing lo remain there tiil the expected vessel arrives froin E.'.ghmd with stores. ' lljvinj got these pi-orLions on board, and finding the natives still liotlblesnnie, they painted tin' notices on the rocks mentioned above, buiied sornu boiiles, and returned lo Spaniard-harbor on :ho 2:ih of March. Li the beginning of April another of the party' (J. Mi van!) g.-ts the scurvy, and, the diseaso gaining -on the'olliers, they become enfeebled in corisctjuence. ' ' 'April 2.L They have provisions enough to last for two month;, but some are very low ; and, a fox pilfering from them,, they kill him by putting a piece of pork nppo mIh the muzzle of a gun attached by-a string; to thi trigger; and, as they can only .issue poik three times a week, they dine oil' this fox, and salt the remainder; altogether they appear to have been very frugal with their supplies. I fun! a notice ol live large fish caught, and an account kept of the number of ducks shot, as their powder having been left on board the ship and a flask ami a hall bung all they have they kept it for emergenies. May 12. Is a'note of the biscuit being short, ond altogether as they have not sup pliesfor more than three weeks, nil (but the kick) go on short allowance. Mjy l !b The pr served nu at is out, ami Mr. Williams appeals to be failing. M ly 22. S. t rijMit for special piaycr on behalf uf the s'uk, f r supplies of fooil, and the arrivr.l'of the .expected vessel. Frcfpiohl mention is made' of the tide washing into the cavern, earning away Uieir sfores,'and rnil.rirterinj their sleeping boat, which they endeavored to counteract by building breakwaters of 'stones ; but in the night ' tho surf washes away their woik of the day, On one ocraioti I find Captain Gardiner and Mr. Maidinent have to escape . . from the cavern to save their lives, and, and takine; .refuge on a rock washed by the sea, they kneel down in. prayer. . June 11. J.'Erwiii and another of the party take the scurvy1;' and misfortune seems hovering around them. Their fish ing in t;iswpt away, and J. Dadcock dies ou the 2Sth of June, and is buried on a bank iimli r the trees at Cook's River. Alt. r performing the hut offices they retire to their boat f ir prayers. July 1. Havii.g been seven' Weeks on short allowance, and latterly 'even this having been curtailed the parly are utterly helpless". I'verythiiig found iu the shape of food is cooked and eaten a penguin, a shag,-a half devoured fish washed upon the shore, and even tlie tailed fox, washed out of the cavern, is thrown up again on the bcadi, and u l for loud.. Captain Gardi ner. writes: "We 'ave now remaining half a duck, about one pound of salt pork, j the same quantity ol damaged tea, a very little lice (.1 pint) two caues ol chocolate, fjur pints of peas, to which I may add six mice. '' Thi mention of this last item in our list of provisions may startle some of our Ji'ieuds, should it ever reach their ears, but, Xiicumstancvd as we are,- wo partake of thcin with a relish, and have ahead y eaten several u! tlieni, I hey are very tender, and tasle like rabbit." . " July 22. They are reduced to living on muscles, and feel, tho want of food, and sometimes the ciaving ol hunger is distres sing to them. Captain Gardiner writes, "After living on muscles lor a fortnight, I was compelled to give them up, and my food is now muscle broth uud the soil part oi 1 1 n i pel July 28.Captaia Gaidiner writegof the party in, tlw other bout, 'They are n . i i ! .vMrqwiviy aud, . iieipiess; j even their gardeu, sft'dsusevi lor broth are now all out August 11. Captain Gardiner takes to Ills bed, tut' a rock weed is discovered which" lhy boil down to a jelly, and find noiiMsiitrieni irom. v Aug. 'li.y John Erwin dies. Aug. 2d J. Dryant dies, and Mr Alaid- ment buries them both in cme euve. , t r v. J.obo Pearce, the remaining boatnian, is cast down at the loss of, Ins comrades, and wandering iii his mind,, but Mr. Williams is souiewiiai ueuer. , t ept. ., jvir. Maidinent lias never re cruited from that day of bodily and "mental f xertiorr. ' tie remaining remarks' I tran scribe literally j they must speak for then1 selves.' r i ' ! ' t-z.it m a l v1 8,'pt.j 3."-Wihing if possible to i spare hi iu (Mr. Maidinent) the trouble of altmii' in' on me. u:.d foi tbo mutual coiufuit uf all I purpose. I, if practicable, to go to the river nnil take up my qnarlcis in the bont. This was attempted on Saturday last, feeling that without .crutches I could not possibly effect it.. Mr. Mnidmmil most kindly crtl me a (two forked sticks,) but it was with no sllslu exertion and fatigue, iu his weak stnte. Wo set out together, but. soon found thai 1 had not strength to proceed, mid was obliged to i'. turn 1cforo reaching the brook on our own beach. Mr. Maidmenl was so exhausted yesterday that he did not rise from his bed until noon, and I havu not wen him since, consennorilly I tasted nothing yeslorday. 1 cannot leavo Ihe. place where 1 am, and know not whether ho is in the body, or In joying the, presonee of the gracious Cod whom ho has served so faithfully.' 1 am writing this at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon. Blessed be my heavenly Father', for the many mercies 1 enjoy a comfortablo bed no painj op even cravings of hunger ; though excessively weak, scarcely able lo turn in my bed nt Ipnst n vsry great exertion; but I am by His abounding grace kept in perfect ornue, refreshed with a sense of my Sa viour's love, and an assurance that all is wisely and morcifully appointed, . and pray thai 1 may receive ihe full blessing which it is doubtless designed to bestow. My care is all cast upon G d, and I uin only waiting His time and His good pleasure to dispose of mo as lie shall see fit. Whether I livo or die may il be in Him ; I commend my body and my soul to His euro and keeping, mid earnestly pray that 1 iu will take my dear wife and children under l ho shadow ol His wings, comfort, guard, sliengthen, and sane- :fy them wholly, that we may together in a brighter and eternal vvoild piaise and adote His goodness and graeo in redeeming lis with His precious bleo.l, and plucking us as brands from the burning to beslovv upon us Ihe adoption of children, and make us inher itors of His Heavenly kingdom. Arnen. Sept. 4. There is now no room to doubt thai mv dear fellow-laborer has ceased fiom his earthly toil, and joined tho company of the redeemed in the presence of the Lord, whom he served so faithfully ; under these circumstances, il was a merciful Providence that he left the boat, as I could not have removed ihe body. He left a liltlo peppor-niiut-w liter, which ho had mixed, and it has been a great comfort to me, but thero was no other to drink ; fearing I might suffer from thirst, 1 prayed that- tho Lord would strengthen mo lo procure some, lie gra ciously answered my petition, uud yesterday I w as ei.ubled lo get out, nnii scoop up a suf ficient enpply from some that trickled down at the stern of the boat by means of one of my Indiaiubber overshoes. What combined mercies am I' receiving at Ihe hands of my Heavenly Father ; blessed bo His holy uniiii). : . ';Sepl. 5. Great and marvellous are tho lovint! kindness of my gracious God unto me. lit, has pieserved me hitherto, and for four ilavs, although without bodily food without any feelings of hunger or thirst." These last remarks ate nut written so plainly us the previous day's, and 1 coucdn. ded that they were the last ; but I find anuilier paper, dulcd September 6, addres' d to Mr. Williams, and written in pencil ihe wbuli! being very iudiMinet, and somo p.uts quite obliterated, but nearly as fol lows : My dear Mr. Williams, Tho Lord has seen lit. to rail liume anutnoi oi our nine company.. . Our dear departed brother led the baut ou Tuesday afternoon, and has not sii;co returned. Doubtless he is in tho pre sence ol his tctiecincr. whom no serveu faithfully. Yet a little whib', ui.d lliouyh , . Ihe Almighty lu sing Ihe praises . throne. . I neither huiigei noi Ihiist though , days without food . , . . Maidinciil's kindness to mo . , heaven. " 'Yuui aire.cliona.lo biother in . . ."'Allen F. Gaudinku. "..'September (', From ijin above extracts I must theicjuiq , . . . . i r . f i C'luclu.le 1 1 uil tne two uuoies louiici ai vuok Uiver wero thusj of Mr. Williams and J Pearee, .and, timsideii.ig their weak state, it is uuietisunublo lu suppose they could have survived Captain Cardiuer, who could scarcely have lived over the Gill of Septem ber, 1851. i I u il) ulTer no opinion op the missionary labor of Capt. Gardiner and ihe pally, be yell I it being mailed by an earnestness uud devotion to Ihe cause ; tut, as a biother oiliccr, I beg to iccurd my admiration of his conduct in the moment of peiil and danger, and his energy and resources eutiilo. him to high professional credit. At one lime 1 had him surioimded by hostile natives and dreading an attack, yet fbi bearing to lire, and the savages, uvyed and subdued by the sulemnity of. his parly, i kneeling down in pmwer.; At anoilier,. h iving foiled to heave oil his boat u lieu, on llw locks, lie digs a channel uniU't her, and diverts a freh water stream into it, and I find him making an an chor liy filling an old bread cask with stones heading it up! and securing' wooden ciusms over the heads wiib t'baiu. i ; There could not he doubt as te the ulti. mate success of tniioa hre, if .libeially sjpputiad i bui ventura to exptes n hope liiut no society will hazard jututher . iulruali iug their supplies to practical Uieu acquaint ed with commercial fcilaars, who would hive seun at a gUnoe tbe liopeiess impivDaUiiity f any ship nul chattered fun tbe ecussiuii saibug out uf Iter way, breaking her aiuulu auJ torfeitmg Uer insuraove for the freight age uf few loi es from Ihe FalkUud ! lauds. Painful and unsatisfactory as my rc- port of iho fate of Ihe pnrty is, I trust it may bo considered conclusive by Ibeir lord ships, and setting at rest any further anxiety I on the part of their sorrowing friends I luive, &e., ,Tj, ''.'." W. 11. Mousiif.au, Captain. Rear-Adrairal Moresby, C. B. , , Her Majesty's Ship Dido, luparinso, Feb. 21. ) Sir, In reference lo my letter of the 22nd of January last, relating to Captain Gardiner and the missionary party, I have the honor to enclose two unfinished letters written by Captain Gardiner shortly before his death (found in tho cavern, and addressed to bis son and daughter,) fur immediate transmis sion to Kiigbind lo await the disposal of the Lords Commissioners of tho Admiralty. Tho remaining books, papers, and other arti cles found near Iho boats are enclosed in a case, awaiting .any opportunity you may deem desirable for sending them. 1 enclose a list of (hose effects' to the cise, one packet addressed to yourself ns my commander-in-chief", being the original documents on which my letter is founded, and I suggest it should bo retained until you should be satisfied with tbo correctness of the substance of the above letter, dated Iho 22ud of January, 1852, and, as none of these articles can be claimed by the Missionary Society, 1 also suggest tho piopiie'y of their being for warded to Ihe Rev. K. O. Marsh. Aylesford Vicarage, Maidstone, Kent, fiiend and exe cutor of Captain Gardiner. I am, &c., W. H. MoRsiiF.An, Captain. Rear-Admiral Moresby, C. B. A list of articles belonging 1o tho late Captain Gardiner, enclosed, viz : A mahog any case, continuing two silver pencil cases, two halfpence, a piece of a the- tnorneter, a half crown, a silver watch, a memoranda regarding lus euecis ; a sp3'olass, a piece of a quadrant, a leather case, containing letteis ami papers, a sketch book, two pocket bocks one Patagonian vo cabulary (manuscript), manuscripts, ibree memorandum-books, tvvenly-two books, a few pamphlets and periodicals, an atlas mid chart. Eight letters addressed to the mis sion party, in Captain Morshead's care, nil having been exposed to tho air and sea for months, are nearly valueless in themseles, but may prove of interest lo their fiieuds. W. H. Moiisnr.AD, Captain. Examination ok tub Alphabet. Which aro ihe most industrious letters ? Tbe Bees. Which are tho most extensive letters 1 The Seas. . Tho are the most fond of comfort ? Tho Ease. .:'..' , . . Which are ihu most egotistical letters? The IV ; Which are i tho longest letters? The F.lls. Which are Iho noisy .letters ? The Ohs. Which are iho leguminous letteis ? Tho Peas. Which are . the 'greatest bores? The Tease. '' Which are tho most sensible letter ? Tho Wise. Hkxby Clay is gradually declining liko tho bri'dit setline sun slow Iv siukint! beneath the western hills, ho is expected soon to bo seen and heard no more. But Ihe memory of the good lives and speaks, The recol - lection of iho long lino of Chiisliau paltiuts who have acted so nobly nnd so heroically, is next to the revelation from above, our country's richest treasure. Impoutation ok Ness and Piuests. -Among Ihe passengers who aniyed at New Oilcans ou the 12th inst., iu Iho Fieueli ship Belle Assize, from Havre, tbeie were twelve nuns and twenty-seven Catholic piiesis. Their destination is Texas and Missouri. There wero in tho steerage of the Belle Assize 291 passengers. ' . A orust of bread, a pitcher of water, nnd a thatched roof, utid love; tliero is happiness for you, whether the duy be ruiny or sunny. It is the heart that makes the home, whether the f yo rests upon a potato patch or a (lower garden. Heart makes home precious, and it is Iho only tiling thai can. Snooks says that theio is a maiked ditTer eiieu between birds and women. As an il-justiu-tiuii of Ibis he cites tbo fuel that a bit of looking glass on a fiiiit tieo. will frighten away every bird that approaches it, while iho same aiticlo would atliact muio fair ones ihan ix load of cherries. . Dark BocnB Tiif.es. Scrape with a knife and wash with, very strong soapsuds, once or twice during a seisoit, and tho euro will iu all probability bo effected; if not tio long straw around the Vuuk of the tree, which is said to bo ait effectual Cure. Ciiokf.o Cattle. A correspondent of the Mass. I'oagAmriii says "Wurm a small quantity ot lard, and mix wilh it a small qnautity of gun-puwder uud pour into the ihrotit.'' I onr prepared a' second dose, but liad no occasion to use it."' .The oibor -day one of widow B.'s admi rers ivae Cuinpluiiiing of Ihe loota-acho. fttr. B.'s smart boy' immediately spoke op 'Well, sir,- iw by dou'l you do as ma ds 1 She takes her toelh out nd Hit 'em back whenever she wants to.1' .'-A few minutes afterwards, the boy was whipped ton soiou pielcucc or other. AKKcnoTEs or Fat Men. Dr. Beddoes tho English antiquarian, wns so enormously corpulent that n lady of Clifton used to call him tho "liavelling haystack.' He was onco requested by n butcher to give it ont that ho bought his meat of him, us it would rebound lo the credit of any shop lo have Ihe feeding of such a Falsinff. Al Cumbtidgo resided a huge professor, and the paivours were wont to exclaim : "God bless you sir!" when ho chanced to walkover their work. In the Court of Louis XV. lived two lusty noblemen, who were related to each other. Tho King said to one of them, when rallying him on his corpulency, ' I suppose you take little or no exerxise," "Your majes ty will parden me," replied tho bulky duke, "but I generally walk round my cousin two or three limes every morning. Con.iiN'x help laughing iho other day, at an anecdote of a man accustomed lo mako long prayers, who had over-persuaded a guest greatly against his inclination to stay to breakfast. He prayed and prayed, till his impatient guest began to think of edging away quietly, and walking nir but in at tempting it ho waked up ihe old man's son, who was asleep in his chair. ' How soon will your father bo through ?;l whispered the guest. lias he got lo the Jews?" asked the boy in reply. "No," said the other. " Wul, then ho ain't half through," whis pered the boy, and composed himself again to his nap, whuioupon tho guest boiled at once. A maidm ladv suspecting her female ser vant was regaling her beau upon the cold million of the larder, called Betty, and inqui red whether Fhe did not hear some one speaking wiih her down stairs'? "Oh no, ma'am," replied Iho girl, "it was only me singing a psalm?" "You may nmnse your self, Betty," replied the maiden, "with psalms, but let's have no Aims, Betty, I have a great objection to hints." Betty courtseyed, withdrew, and took ihe hint. I sav, landlord,' said a man in a country village to a tavern keeper, 'how many )i qtiois can I gel for two long bits V 'Five,' said mine host. 'Well, fork 'em over. Come up, my b y and drink.' Tho liquating completed, he pulls out two old worn out bridle bits, which were long enough is all conscience. It is needless to say how savage tho landlord looked w hen his customer walked coolly out amidst the shouts ot the crowd. Iodine. This substance, which a few yeats siuco was lliuugbt to be confined to a few marine plants, has been gradually traced ill tough the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms, and ils general diffusion, throughout nature is rendered exceedingly probable. At the Paris Academy of Scicnco M. Ciiati.n recently read a paper iu contin uation of his researches on tho presence of iodine in the air, lliu water, the soils, and products of the Alps of France. A Cuai. Mine has been discovered in Ken lucky, which appears to be inexhaustible. The coal burns like gas, imparling great heat. Il will as readily ignite as a candle, and the ' steamboat men use it for torches, instead of ' P'"e kll0,s- I' quality is supposed to be Tar ' superior to tho undiscovered coal mines of Japan, in search of which the Administration has sent a large naval force. Advice to Married Laoies A writer ut tho South gives tbe following advice to wives : "Should you find it necessary, ns you un doubtedly will many of yon, lo chastiso your husbands, you shall perforin this affectionate duty with the soft end of ihu broom, and not with the handle." It is remarkably pleasant lo return from California with fifty thousand dollars in experience and jitsl fifty cents in your pock et The moment ono touches the wharf, with his well woin portmanteau, he becomes a landed proprietor, that's a consolation however. Tub longest known cm rent of modern lava on the earth is iu Iceland, extending 60 miles ; while from iho foot of Ihe largest volcanic- cone on tho southern limb ef the moon, diverging streams of lava Hew lo the distance ot GOO miles. "What did Mr. simple ueighbur. - die of ?" asked a Of a complication of disorders," replied his liiond. "How do you describe a complication, my good sir V 'He died," rejoined tho other, "of two physicians, uu apothecary aud a surgeon," A Yaukeo pedler, recommending ascyih", said that one of Ihe samo kind of scythe was so sliaip that I Ley bung it ou a tree, iu Kentucky, and its shadow cut a man leg oil ! . Dr. W. A. Ai.cott, the Vegetarian, lately reported dead, has written lo Ihe Boston Journal, sajing that be is not dead, but has lived a quaiter of a centuiy beyond his lime already. . ScHNe Hotel dining routnv Actors Wait er and old Gent. Waiter Will you have some sallad sir! Old Cent, (gruffly) No, won't, 1 say, I won't have any. ' I've no na tion of making a Kebiuhadnmar of myself. ; ' . I. I V Goon juleutiuii is nut icfoiuiuliea