SUNBUltY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. fc COMMUNICATION. " Tot Ih American. CHARGE D'AFFAIRI AT ROME An American artist of some merit residing t Romo lately became involved in ililliculty vith the authorities of that city. He was standing in the vast crowd that had assem bled to witness and participate In one of the most imposing ceremonies of Holy Week. Forgetting or not wishing to uncover his head at the appearance of the Pope, a French officer standing near took it as an in sult and knocked his hat ofT with a sword. Our countryman returned the compliment by blow of his cane. This brought on another thrust from the Frectihmnn's sword, followed by a severe blow of the cane. The Result was, our artist was huriied off to pris on and left to mine on tho nnceitniuty of human affairs, and the rapidity with which VfO are sometimes passed from one scene t nther. It would have been belter had he Conformed to the habits and mannets of the people among whom he resided. A simple observance of the good old adnge -do in Rome as Romans do would have prevented the dire necessity of breathing the unpleas ant atmosphere of a prison, and that to wilh in the sacred and classic shades of the Eternal City. Tho conduct of Mr. Cass, our Charge at Rome, in his exertions to libeiate his fellow countryman, is worihy of the warmest and most cordial approbation. Every Ameiiion citizen will read an account of his action on this subject with the liveliest feeling of pride and pleasure. An emergency arose, that called for prompt, energetic, decisive action. Many men have shrunk back ap palled at the form of unexpected difficul ties ; and nothing so shows off tho true character and tests its strength as the sud den appearance of emergencies. Mr. Cass throws himself into tho breach with admi rable courage and determination, nulling prudence with fortitude, decision w ith bra very and evincing a fixed resolve to protect his countrymen, command respect for his government and maintain the honor and in. tegrity of his country. The first request of our Charge was peifeclly fair and honorable ihnt Mr. Jones should be liberated forwiih iindeigo a fair tiiul, and that he (Mr. Cass) would be responsible for his appearance. This proposition was rejected on the giound that the prisoner was in the hands of the French authorities and that application must be made to them. Our'Charge replied that he recognised no authority lh-rti but that of Rome herself. What a sad comment on the fate of Rome. Ouco the piido and glory of the world "the revel of the earth, the mosqne of Italy" the march of whoso le gions was from conquest to conquest now held in base subjection by the glittering bayenets of a servile soldiery. Mr. Cass very soon brought both sides to the knowledge of the fact that he was not to be trifled with. He declared war against France on his own account, dared the French officer to mortal combat ; and as il he was in earnest drove his carriage to the piison, and very soon returned wilh his lib erated conntiyman sealed by his side. We congratulate Mr. Cats on his good fortune. The American people are wont to remember services of this kind. Let him continue to serve his country with fidelity and devotion and he will lead a useful, bril liant and glorious career. Dr. Hoofland's German Bittebs This celebrated medicine is one of the very brut in the country, and its good qualities only need to be known, to give it precedence over nil others now in use. We have seen its good cfTeels lately, after the total failure of many others. This is saying more than we can say for any oilier medicine within our knowledge, and we feci it a duty to re commend the Bitters to the notice of our friend. The genuine is piepared by Dr. C. JI. Jackson, Phila. M A R K I 12 . Iii Selinsurove, on tho 20;h ins!., by Ihe Rev. J. WinecofT, Mr. Jamf.s W. Washing ton, (barber,) of this place, lo Miss Ellen Ann Clark, of the former place. d i i: i. In Rush tp , on the 7ih, insi., afier a pro tracted illness, DAVID FAUX, aged 65 jeais- l:i Delaware tp., on the 19th insl., WIL LIAM I ,only son of Simon Lantz, aged four years, six months and twelve days. CTIjc iUiivkct Philadelphia Market. . May 2fl, 1852 Flour and Meal. Flour is firm sales of 700 bbls. mixed brands at $4 per bbl ; tales for city use at 84,124. Extra Hour ia held at $4i a 5 Rve Flour. Is scarce, and would bring 3-50 , , Corh Meal. Last sales of fresh ground ' Wheat Little offering; sales of prime red at 86 ; white is held at 1 1,02 IhE. None atriving; last sales at 75 C"corn.--Is dull j sales of good old jellow at 64 cts. . . o.N' Southern are in demand at 43 c's. , , , Wiiisket. Sales at 21 cts. in bbs. and Jl cts. in hhds. Baltimore Market. hy 26, 1851. TRAIN Tho supply of Wheat is sn all foMhe lust day or two. Sales of Rood l0 pr ,e reds to-day at 97 a 98 cts. ; white at 81 and a large lot very prune white, taken for Shipment, at 103 els. Sales of new Corn, lis eood condition, at 58 cts. white, and 66 a 57 cts for yellow - Damp parcel ' 45 50 .,1.1 corn at 64 5ft cts. Sale, of Maryland Rye at 3,50 cent. Uats at as a s cis. iur ia)' " . . n i "' '.J .' " r Pn.. Uooi. 1,1.1a. , I All PI TOr I fTMIIBl ITWIIir WHIMlE.1. cie .- t 21 1 cts, and of bhds. at 20 cenis. SUNnURYFUICE CUURENT 0 WSiT. Rt s. Cos. OlTS. lOTiTOIS, BiTTsa. Fjius. Puss Fisssssn. Tatuw. Brssvt ft 62 45 eo 14 10 8 100 13 ;o New Advertisements. NEW STORE. FETEIl W. GRAY RESPECTFULLY informs the citiions ef Sunhury and vicinity, that he has commen ced a new stors in Whorllclierry street, in the home formerly occupied by Mrs. Gray, and lias just received and opened a well selected assort ment of Dry Goods, Consisting In part of CLOTHS, CASfMMEKS, 8ATTINETTS, A ml a (tcneral assortment of LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS of every variety and style. GROCERIES of every desciipiion. Also an assortment of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, And a penernl variety of other articles such as are suitable to (lie trade, all of which will lie sold at llio lowast prices. Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. Sunhurv, May 15,-1832. Gin. Merchant Tailoring. CJEOXlGn C. WELSBR r"1HANKFUL for past favors, rcspcclfu'ly in forms the citizens of Punntiry and vicinity, that he has just received a handsome assortment Of Cloths, Cassimers, Cashnierets, Vesting, Linen tf Cotton Drillings, Trimmings, Gloves, Stockings, Suspendirs, Via vols, silk if linen Handkerchiefs. Also fashionable SILK HAT.-. The above articles having been selected with great enre, will be sold nt the lowest rates, or made up in the lest style on reasonable terms. Tailoring in all its brunches carried on as usual. Sunbury, May 15, l8.r2. tf. Valuable Property. Lato tho Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq., or ti tliiiniuei laiiil , m- m-s a m "; TI1K siibsciibers, Executors of the Lsinlo of Ephraim I'. Shannon, lale of the Bor ough of Northumberland, oiler at private sale, I he lolbnving valuable Ileal hslale, viz: Lot No. 77, corner of Queen and Front Sheet, on which is erected a two story Hi irk uuildin!!, tormeily occupied by Ihe deeeaseil as a Store ami Dwelling, and nmv occupied as sin h. Ineic aiealso on the lot two name dwellings. &e. Lot No. 52, situated in Maiket Street, on which is erected a two story while Frame Dvvellinir. See., adjoining JuhuTaggait, Esq., occupied by C' Knous. Lots Nos. (ill, 70, 71 & 72, situate in Mar ket Street, a to story while Frame Dwel ling, occupied by James Donly, and a stable is erected on lots io. by ,v it). The undivided half of Lot No. 120, situate on the comer of Duke and 4 1 h Slieet, on which is erected a two story dwelling, occu pied by Joseph McCallisler. Lot No. 1SS, situate in Queen Street on which is erected n two slot v whito Frame Building, occi'pied by John Buikert Lot No. 60, situate at Norlhway and Wa ter S'reets, on which are erected two Frame Dwellings and Stabling, occupied by w idow Vutidliiig and John Yamlling. Also the undivided fourth part of lot 1 66, on which is erected ntvvostmy Fianie Dwel ling, occupied by John Vandyke. Also len acres of cleared land, adjoining lauds of John Deshay, on the East side of the Susquehanna, abnul three miles below Djii- V lllU. Also Iwo adjoining vacant town lots, situ ated on the corner of Second and Orange streets, numbered in the general plan of Bui. ongh, Nos. 215 &. 216. Also four vacant lots on Third and Oianpe Streets, numbered in I lie general plan ol said Borough, Nos. 209, 210, 211 & 212. Also four vacant lots fronting on Maiket ami Si.vih Streets, running East to an Alley, numbered in the general plan of taid Bor ough, Nos. 77, 78, 79 & 80. Also four vacant lots fronting on Orange Street, and numbered in the general plan of said Borough, Nos. 185, 186, 187 & 1S8. The. above rrnperly will bo sold in parts or parcels to suit purchasers, on reasonable terms. lor lurtlier particular!) apply to John Cake, Esq., at Northumbei'and, or to the subscribers. ALFRED KNEASS. ) ,, , THOMAS STRAWBRlDfiE. " Northumberland, May 22, 1852. tf. Drigadc Orders. 'jV'OTICE is hereby Riven to the ' Uniformed Volunteers of the 1st Brigade, 8th Division, Penn sylvania Militia, that they are to meet for inspection in the follow ing order to w it : Northumberland Troop, Cnpt. Hrvson, nt the house of Henry J. Render, in McEwensville, on Thursday the STlli day of May at 10 o'clock, A M. Washington (Guards, Captain HulVi, and Dcppiitsville Cnvnl rv, Captain Ililbe.h, at the houc of Daniel llcim, in Upper Ma hoiioy township, on Huturdny tha 29ih Jay of May at 10 o'clock, A. M. Khaiuokin (iuards. Captain Farrow ; f'adwal adcr (iuards, Lieut. Win. T. Forsythe ; Dewart Ciusrds, Captain Zimmerman, and the Farmers and Mechanic Artillery, ("apt. Marts, in Mar ket Square, eiunluiry, on Monday the 31st day of May, at 10 o'clock, A. M. J- II. ZIMMERMAN, Brij. Inspector. Brigade Inspectors Otlire, ) Sunhurv, May 13, 1852 J New AitRANcoinriTs roti Susquehanna Packet Uoats. Former Detentions at the Junction Avoided ! 0 and after May 12, 18!2, tha Tacket will leave the Junction daily at 3 o'clock, P. M. (or upon the arrival of Ihe Cars leaving Phila delphia lit 8 o'clock, A. M.,) and arrive at Wil- liamsport next dny at 10 o'clock, A. M. Leave YVilliamiiport, daily, at 1 1 " A. M Artive at Nortliiinilierlaud, at 7 " P. M And at the Junction, at S " A. M In time to tako the cars for Philadelphia and Piltlurj! SUSQUEHANNA BOAT COMPANY. HnrrUhurg, May 15, 1652. 3n. Estate of NICHOLAS WOLF, Dee'd. f 1M1 E suWriher, executor of the estate of Null L olas Wolf, dee'd., late of Lower Aueusta gives notice to all persons iudehted to aaid estate or havinar claims asainst tha same, that lie will attend at the late residence of the deceased fur settlement, on Saturday tha l'Jlh or June next JOHN WOLF. Lower Augusta, May 15, 185S Estate of ZIBA BIRO, Dee'd. " O'l'ICE is hereby given that letters testameiv 1 " tarv. bava been granted to the subscribers, nn Ihe estate of Ziha Bird, dee'd- lata af the mm nkliiu of Point. Northumberland county. A II persona iadebtad to said estate or havnig claims against the same are lequemeu 10 can oa uw sua- aenbers tor actuemcut. JOSEPH BIRD, ) Ee'ra. SAMUEL READER, J fcinamolin tp., May 8, 1852 6t. TtVAURIAGK CETIKICATE8 handsomely ill axecutrd for sale at thia office, aingle or by the dozen. I WsSV-i-. '11 TREMENDOUS DISCOVERY In the Dry Goods Business ! Goods to be sold Cheaper than tub Cheapest at the Store or ISAtVG CAMPBELL 05 CO., In Upper Augusta township, Northumberland County, Pa, TJHO respectfully inform the public gener ally, thnt they have received and opened a new and well selected stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Consisting in part of French, English and American Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimers, Sattinetls, Checks, Drillings, Muslins, iVc , Calicoes, Linens Ginghams, Larrns, and all kinds of Summer Ware, Delaines of every de scription and St, ile, Together w ith n lot of LadifS Dnrs Goods. Also a fre,!) supply of GROCERIES, such as Snaars, Codec, Ten, Mo lasses, &c , HARDWARE, Nails, Iron, Steel, &e., also a liirtrf assortment of QUEENSWARE. A fresh supply of DRUGS Si MEDICINES. BOOTS and SHOES suitable for men, women and children. IIATd and CAPS such as Straw, Palm Laaf and other lints. FISH, SALT, -CHEESE, kc, l"5?" All of which will be sold cheap for cash or in exchange for country produce at the highest market price. Upper Augusta, May 13, 1 fi 32. ly. JOHN A. TASTiOIl, Iilaniifacttirer of Monuments, Tomhs, AND GRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and American Marble. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. RESPECTFULLY inform tho public thnt nil work in his line w ill be made up of tbe very best material nnd finished in the latest style of the Eastern cities. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the best stylo nnd nt the lowest rates, will do well to call and examine before they pur chase elsewhere. Mav 15, 1 853. I v. NEW COUNTRY STORE, A the Forks of the Plum Creek and Tulpt hocken lload, (near Krcijibaum's Black Smith Shop. JACOil AVEIMKH, RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he has opened a new Store ht the above place and has just received a splendid stock of new Spring and Summer Good3, I'miBUting ill pnrt of Cloths, CassinuTs, Satlincts, DRILLINGS and nil kinds of linen cotton nod worsted summer waie. ALSO: Callicoe?, Muslin de Lames, Lawns, (iiBs'iait), And all kinds of Dress Goods for Ladies. Tea, Coffee,, Moi.assf.s, &e. C.ltCi:IIi:S, of all kinds. BRANDY, GIN, WINE, nnd all kinds of Lienors. Hardware Iron nnd Strcl, Nails, Sr., QUEENSWARE. Shoes, Boots, Caps, Palm leaf and other Hats, Fish, Salt, &c., All of which he will sell at the most reasonable prices for cah or country produce. May 8, 1852 -If. FANCY GOODS AND MILLINERY. MISS JANK FITS' KEY , Successor to Mrs. Eli.ubeth Follmer.) RESPECTFULLY' informs the citizens of Sunhury and vicinity that she has received a new stock of Fancy and Millinery Good, Such as Beimels. Ilibbons, Laces, Edgings, Fine Muslins, 'c, Ij'c, Ifc, Also a large assortment of I.u;icn nitl C'hSMrcit'M Sliocs. BONNETS done up in the neatest style, and at the shorte.-t notice. In order to sell cheap, she has adopted the cash system. She will therefore ba enabled to aell at the low-cut prices. Sunhury, May 8, IHj2. It. NEW STOHB. " HKXJAMIN llKKFXEll I"ESPECFFULLV informs the citizens of Sunhury and vicinity, that he has opened a new store in the room lately occupied by George Urijiht, opposite Uolton s Hotel, tie lias just re ceived a handtiuuic nssorlnicnt of Spring ami Kiieiiiiici' fools, consisting in part uf Cloth?, Cassimers, Cassineta. SUMMER WAKE of nil kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted, ALSO: C'alfrom. Gingham), I.awit, nicustHrllac Io L.altics and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an a-ttortmcut of Hardware, Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent nssortment uf QUEENSYARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS U SIIOI S. Palm Leaf and other Hats and Caps. Salt, Fish, 50. Also a variety of LIQUORS such as ttrniiily. Cain, Wine, &c. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all uf which will be sold at the lowest prices. Country produce tnken in exchange at the highest pri-es. Sunhury, May 1, 1852 ly. just kkckTvki) AT THIS Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. ST 11 OH, Market Street, Sunbury, A new assortment of Silver, IlraKB OUd Japanned Mounting, Which he will either make up to order sr aell separately for cash at prices as low if not lower than can be had anywhere else. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Trunk!, Vallces, &.c , Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to or der. CARRIAGE TRIMMING riofta on the shortest notice. All person ar invited to call and siamtn for themaetse. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Sunbury, Msy 1, 1851. tf. EMERSON'S A RfTH EMETIC No. 1.8. and Porter Rhetorical Reader, joat recei 3. lost receiv. ed and for sale by WMr Mot! ARTY. Sunbury, May 1, I85L F' EE D1LL8 Justices and Constable Fee bills handsomely printed on card paper, for sale at lhu.olUc.a- TnnsiENDous Excitement!! Cash, Steam, Electricity ! ! The Aerial and all other linet oul dom by the Mgtiliilnff Hn of IUA T. CLEMENT. - WHO, bavins great faith in rapid sales and small profits, has just received ana opened a large assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, At his Blore In MarSet Street, Sunhury, which he ofl'era to the ruMic at the lowest prices. His stock consists of a Reneral assortmant of Dry Coods, viz : Cloths, Cassim'rs, Carsinets, Jeans, Drillings. Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, Bcrages. Silk & Palm Leaf Hats. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Grorrrlcft, Sugar, Tea, CuITee, Molasses, Cheese, Spi ces, Fish Salt, riaster. HARDWARE, VU : Iron and Klerl, Nnils, Files. Saws, &c. QUEENSWARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, 1ft. LIQUORS, Winr. Brandy, Gin, Ram, Uliiskry, it- nf Country producs of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest maiket prices. Muy 8, 1852. ly. fn the matter of the Estate of FETER STUIL, Pec'd. THE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Sam uel SStulI. who is deceased, leaving issue Peter 8tnll, Jane Stull, Esther Stull, Fanny Stiill, Elizalietli Stull, Samuel Stull, Lester iStull, the last named two are married. Ra chel itull, married to Joep'i Jones, which said Joseph is deceased. Anna Stull married to Ahrahain Snyder. Eliahelli Stull married to Daniel Wampolc. Maria Stull married to Win. Neville. Maria is dead leaving issues Elba, Jeremiah and Jane, nil married. Kanny Blull married to Jacoli Lillcy. Jacoh Stull, Peter Stull, Henry Stull, and John Stull. Aaron Huston is appointed (iuardian of the minor chil dren of Maria Neville and of the two minor children of Samuel Stull, dee'd., pro. hae. ri. lineal descendants of Peter Stull, dee'd., and all other poisons interested, GREETING : Northumberland County, bs. Von are herchy cited to be nnd appear before the Judges of our Orphan's Court to he held at Sunhury, on the fust MONDAY" of August next, then and there to except or refuse to take tho real estate of said Peter Stull, dee'd., situate in Delaware township, eoiitainioR 103 acres more or Ices, which was valued and appraised in pur suant of a writ of J'nrtitinii awarded ly the Orphan's Court uf said County, and hereof fail not. Certified from Ihe records of said Court at Sunhurv, on the 13th day of April 1S52. By Order of the Court, J. P. PURSEL, Clk, O. C May 1, 1S.VJ. 5t. UdHTNlXC HODS. ,4 FTER many years' close investigation and numerous experiments, the Patented takes pleasure in informing the public that he has arri ved at the true principle of protecting families, dwellings nnd property from the destructive influ ence of LIGHTNING. The calamities that every C'itv, Town, Village nnd Country falls vic tim t annually, through the gross negligence of its inhabitants, is beyond calculation, especially when the remedy is so easy to obtain this is found in AR.MIT.ltii:'. Patent Magnetic Lightning Roda, and in this alone. This Rod has been ciammed by the most scientific gentlemen in the world Professors M'Murtiie, Johnson, Wullor and ma ny others that have examined them, recommend and speak of them in the highest terms of appro bation, and have pronounced them the only safe rods in use in this or any other country for the protection of Lives and Property. One advan tage is to divide and throw hack a part of the clsr trie fluid harmless to the clouds; in time of a stroke this enables the rod to conduct that portion of fluid that beluiigs to the earth without the slightest danger of leaving the conductor. This rod has many other advantages over the old ene. The only place of manufacturing is in I' nc St. 3 doors above 2th, Philadelphia, where all persons are respectfully invited to call ami examine lor themselves, r or sale Whole sale or Retail bv THOMAS ARMITAGE. tl? The only authorized Agent for the Coun tie of Union, Juniata, Milllin, Clinton, Lycom ing, Northumticilaiid, Montour, Colombia, Lu zcrne, is SAMUEL HOOVER. Ilartlclon, Union eountu Pa. Orders and letters addressed (post paid) to Mr. Hoover, will he promptly uttended to. May 8, 18.V. 4ui. 1TEV' 3TOB.E, (Nearly oppos:te Weaver's Hotel,) Sunhury, Northumberland County, Pa, I. Y. TJSXKIl & CO., IV EG respectfully to announce to the citiiens of Sunbury and its neighborhood, and to the public generally, that they are now oponmg an entirely new ami well selected Stock of Goods, Consisting of Dry Good, Groceries. ISardivarc, urenssvarc, Soot?, Shoes, Hats and Cap;, Villi a choice assortment of Consisting of Brandy, Ginger Brandy, Cherry llraiuly, Holland Glu, Rum, Whiskey, and Port, Madeira and German "V7INES, A II of which they ai 'eterinined to sell fur th mnlleht profits. We respectfully solicit a call and inspection of our stock. Sunbury, May 1, 1852 ly. New Carpet Store. BAILEY & BPwCTEEP. IfW A VING made extensive alteration in their f4 Q Store, and increased their facilities for liusiucss, would invite tho attention of purcha sera to their large assortment ot English Tapestry, " Brussels, I Super Ingrain, CARPETLNGS. " Iinperml 3 Tly, 1 Plain & Twilled Venetian J FLOOR OIL CLOTHES of tTery width. Castox Mittimus of tvrry 4yle and quality imported. A these goods have been purchased for eah, and we intend conducting our Business on 1 as Cash I aisnri. purchaser may re ly upon obtaining bargain. UAILEV & BROTHER, Importer and Manufactures of Carpeting Twelfth & Market St., Philadelphia. March 20, 185V! am. Eitato of W1I. KASE, tr. Dee'd. JOTlCE ia hereby given that Inters testamen i-' tary bav been granted to the subscriber on the r si ate of Wm. Kaae, sr. dee'd., late of Rush township. Northumberland rouuty. All persons indebted te said estate or having claims against the same are requested to tall on the ubscribers for aettlenteut. JOHN KASE, , SIMON P. KASE, t,xeci , Danville, May S, 185?. -u ..1 CHERRY PECTORAL: Far the Care OOUOHS, OOX.SS, HOARSENTESS, BHOI7 OHXTIS, OBOUP, ASTjeC- MA, WHOOPISrOoOOUOtf AN 13 OOINTSUIVIPTIOK. This remedy is offered to th community with the confidenco we feel in an article which sel dom fails to roil ira the happiest sflects that can be desired. So wide is the field of it usefulness and so numerous the cases of its cure, that el- most every section of tho country abound in persons, publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate disease of th lungs, by it use. M hen once tried, its superi ority over every other medicine of its kind, is too ppareut to escape observation, and where its vir tues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and angcrous affections of tho pulmonary organs, which are incident to our climate, And not only in tho formidable attack upon the lungs, but fur the milder varieties of Count, Col ens, Hoiast- xess, &c, and for Ciiildbsk it is tho plessant cst and safed n:cd:cii: that can tc obtained. No family should he without it, and those who Lav used it, never will. Read the opinion of the following Gentlemen, who will bo recognized in the various sections of country where they are located each and all as merchants of tho first class end of the highest character as tho oldest and most extensive holcmilo Dealers iii Mcdicino with an experi ence unlimited on the sunject or which they speak. If there is any value in the judgment of experience, see THIS CERTIFICATE Iff the undersigned. Wholesale Drnic.ists having been for long acquainted with Aier'i Lheiri) rectorul, hereby certijy our bcliej that it is the best and rnosf effectual remedy for Pul monary Complaints ever offered to ihe Ameri can People. And xte voiild, from our knoirl- dee oj its composition, and extensive useful ness, cordially commend it to the afflicted as worthy their best confidence, and icilh the firm conviction that it will do for their relief all that medicine can do. Ilenshaw, Edmands fc Co., Boston Mass. Reese & Coulson, Baltimore, Md. Ladd A Ingrahain, Bangor, Maine. Haviland, Harrall Co., Charleston, S. C. Jacob S. Farrand, Detroit, Michigan. T. II. McAllister, Louisville, Ky. Vrancis & Walton, St. Louis Missouri. Joseph Tucker, Mobile, Alabama. Theodore A Peck, Burlington, Vt. Haviland, Rislcy & Co., Angusta, Ga. Isaac I). James, Trenton, N. J. J. M. Townsei'd, Pittsburg, Pa. Clark Si Co., Chicago, Illinois. E. E. Gay, Burlington, Iowa. M. A. Santos & Son, Norfolk, Vs. Edward Briiighnrst, Wilmington, Del. John Gilbert .V Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Z. 1). fc W. II. Oilman, Washington, D. C. J. Wright & Co., New Orleans, La. Watson, Wall tc Co., Fort Wayne, la. C. C. Richmond & Co., San Francisco, Cal. Lewis & Ames, Tallahasse, Florida. B. R. Strong, Knowille, Tennessee. Chilton Si Doer, Little Rock, Ark. Stiller, Slade Ac Co., Lexington, Miss. X. D. Labadie, Galveston, Texas. ('has. Dver, Jr., Providence, R. I. Jos. M. Turner, Savoiinah, Ga. Wads, Eckstein .Si Co., Cincinnati, Ohi. IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES: J. G. Coffin Si Co., Valparaiso, Chili. I'. M. Dimoud Si Co., Vera Cruz, Mexico. Jired Rivas cV Co., Bogota. New Grenada. ' W. Provost & Co., Lima, Peru. Morton St Co., Halifax, Nova Scotia, T. Walker St Son, St. Johns, N. B. C. G. Salinas Si Co., Rio Janeiro, Brazil. With auch assurance, and from such men, no stronger proof can he adduced, except that found in its effects upon trial. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AY EH, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunbury by II. MASSER, and by Druggist generally throughout the State. November 1, 1851. lycc'Imo. List of Jurors, OF Northnnibeiland County, for May 31, 1SV?. SnMei:.! Conrl. Lewis. John Clapp, John Dimm. Dki.awarf.. Jonii Nicelv. R. II. McCor- rniek, Uaao Vincent, Charles Fox, Eptiraim I o I c cv riniiiiiu, caniuei oees, Pinion i.uniz. IvnnuT. Henry Lndwir. Point Henry Morgan, Win Hamnr. Mii.ton Thomua Sliiue, Win. C. Wilson. H. McCormi-k, Geo K Reader. Northumberland James Deifleubach, John Hummel, Charles F. Little. iM'Nnuriv Ira T. Clement, Hiram Puce. Rush. Joseph IVcjj. Lower Auccsta. Henry Sheib. William Bloom. Jackson. Frederick Shreffler, Jacob Wei- ser. Samuel Claik, John Cliuk, j. R. Itei'el. J revorton. ueo. Weaver. U. W. Dom- bangh. Lower Mahonov. Michael Itiltms. Upper " Jacob Hoffa, F. Alon- rer, feier ueise Shamokis. Amnndus Miller. NEW GOODS I J. Jl. KALWMAN At nix Nfw Store In Ilullowiug Run, RESPECTFULLY inform hi friend, and customers, that he has iunt received a new stock of goodis whirh he offers to th public at th lowest prices, vii : Spring niul Summer Dry Goods, Bt'CH AS Cloths, Cassimeres, Saltinctts, Meriners, Mousteline De Lainer, Flannels and every variety of good suituble for th season. Also Silk Hat, Caps, Ac. ALSO : An assortment of Hardware. ALSO: All Kinds, ol Groceries, LI QUO IIS. ALSO: A variety of Queensware, Crockery, Ac. Beside a variety of other articles, auitabl for farmer, Ac. All kind of produce taken in exchong far goods at the highest market price. ' Hollowing Run, April 17, 1852. tf. NEW MILLINERY STORE, Fawn Street, Sunbury, 3ITSS ELLEN PETER Y, YT OULD respectfully aanounos to tha tadiea of Sunbury and vicinity, that she ha just returned from tha City of PLUudclubiu. and in tend opening a new and handsome assortment of SPRING MILLINERY, on Batarday, April It, at her Stora, opposil th uaptist t fiurcn, and luvitas tha public so aall a examine her stock. Huuburv, April 3, 185X tf. 1YLANK DEEDS printed on tha beat qualify of parchment paper, sold at the lowest price at tuis oltice, ny noicule nd k.iu proclamation; VTOTICE is hereby piven that . Special x Court nf Common Plena, in and for ihr County of Northumberland, to commence at tha Court House, In the boinugh of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday the 31st day of May 18S2, and will continue ONE IV CCft. Jurors lira requested lo be) punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed screeablo to their nntiees. Given under my hand at Sunbury, th 1 Tth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and fifty-two and the In dependence of the United States of America the 7Gth. WILLIAM B. KIPP, RhctllT. Odd .t.ivu lilt) Coiniiionweallhi LIST Of causes h ,OIl Special Court of Common PInas of IL Northumberland County to be held the 5 ih Monday of May 1353. oinnuay ol Ala ' rLAINTIFPSi Frederick Keener DKFENDASTS. vs Wm. Ayra Com. for SamI Furman v ' S D Jordan S Hunter Ales Jordm Samuel A Jordan ct a I v John Arnold Aaron Reppart v Ira T Clement Henry Keiscr v Henry Yoxtheiiner' aJin'r George E. Gehrig et al v Peter Warev Com for Win L Heine.nan v. Thtn aBillins' Robert Philips v James Renny, jr George Gannon vs B II Howell et al Com. for Frcd'k Weaver Henry Bardsher & and Wife Jacob try Mahonoy and Shninokin , , , , , ' . i- v Abraham Paul Improvement Co. James Ross v Jacob II fthoad James Graham, James . , , Carothers et al Vi IIuh Bc,Ia' cl ' Henry Donticl ct al v Hugh Bellas John L Ross vs Leonard Roadannel et al JAMES BEARD, Trolli'v. Prothonotarj's Oln.ce, Sunbury, April 17, 1853. JAMES 3.P.SE?k3 Wholesale and IS Cluck ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Corner Second and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. WHERE may be found, ono of the largest and best asHortmeuts nf Clocks and Time pieces in the United States, in quantities to suit purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thou sand Clocks; embracing every variety of style and manufacture, suitable for Churches, Halls, Counting Houses, Parlois, Sleeping Apartments, and Kitchens, Steam and Canal Boats, and Rail Road Cars. Also general sale Agent, for Rnpp's lately pat ented Scientific Niclio Gold Pen. Wholesale and Retail Gold and Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. JAMES BARBER, . S. E. Cor. Chestnut &. 2nd Sis., Phila. April 10, 1852. ly. j.H -& w j if ARTi W II O I E S A L E (I II O U K R S, No. 229 North 3d St., above Callouhill, PHILADELPHIA. A lare assortment of Groceries always on hand, which will be sold at the lowest prices for Cash or approved Credit. April lit, 1852. ly. rt. CORXKI.II S. I. F. 1IAKKR. W. C. BAltlilt. Cornelius, linker Co., MAXL'FATL'RKrtfl OK Lamps, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. STORE NO. 170 CHESTNUT ST.. Manufactory No. IS I Cherry St., PHXX.ADSZ.rHXA. April 10, 1852. tf. SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, No. 19 Wood St., betu-cen 2d 3d Sts., und No. 17 North Gth Street, I'UII.AUr.Ll'IIIA. John Runerol't Jr. and Son, RESPECTFULLY inform Store-keepers, Mer chants, Ac, that they Manufacture and have for Sale, Palm, Whito, Variegated, Yellow and Brown Soaps, Mould and Dipped Candles, aH of good quality and at reasonable prices. Cy" Cash paid for Tallow and rough Fat. April 10 1802 ly. LIBERTY STOVE WORKS, jfa BItOWX STREET, jprfl ouore Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. THE undersigned respectfully inform the pub lic that they arc in full operation at their new foundry, and ready to executo order for stove of every description on the most reasona ble terms. They invite the attention of STOVE DEAL EKS to their largo assortment of STOVES, all uf which are entirely new, and gut up at great expense. Among which are the Liberty Air Ti;;ht Cook, Complete Cook, t-'tar Air Tight, 8lar Franklin, Star Kadialor, Jenny Lind Im proved, Fire King Kadiators, Salamanders, Can nons, Bases, 13 a re Cylinders, liar Room Stoves, Furnaces, Uas Ovens, Ac, Sic. AliUOTTiV LAWRENCE. N. B. Country merchants are particularly nvited to call and examine our assortment. April 10, 1853 ly. H. J. W0LVERT0N, -TTOR1TEY AT LAV". FFICE in Market street, Sunhury, adjoining the OlKce of the "A mcrican" and opposite he Post Olric. Business promptly attended to in Northumber land and tho adjoining Counties. Rht'Ea to Hon. C. W. Hcins and I). Bun nan, Pottsville-, Hon. A. Jordan and II L). Mas ser, Sunbury. April 10, 1852 ly. SUNBURY FERRY. ENKV VV. Bl.CHER inf.irms ihe public that he has taken the Hunbury Ferry and as ho is now well prepared with) good and sufli cient crafts he will be enabled to accommodate the public with promptness and despatch. April 10, 1852. If. J. STEWART DEPUY. T 223 North 2d street, above Wood, (Burnt District,) Philadelphia, would respectfully call the attention of his friends and the public in geuend, ts his lame and well selected atock of Carpets, Oil CKiths, Mattings, Window fchuU, Suir Hods, Ac, Sic. Veuaiaii Carpetiu frot 7 cts to 100 els per yd. liiCTiim lj " ua o Three Kty 1IK1 1S5 " Biasarks " ll-JJ " m " Duo? Merits H would invite th atten tion of dealers and others to his large stock of Doat Mailt which he manufactures in great variety and ut splendid qualHr. Oil CroTus.from 1 yard to S yards wide wholesale md retail. April 10, 183?. 6m-. - BONNETS AND STRAW GOODS. JOHN T. WALTON wishe to inform hi customers and th pubke, (hat be U now Dreired to fumisli llrvro with s new and well eelocted slock ot Uusssti ef lis new est tjle, and maUritsU, togellw? wilh a variety ef oibe straw good and MILLINERY TRIMMINGS. Hs will sJao be receiving throughout the season all th freak and oVsirabl yU wbicn h will sell at IIm Uwsot priess. JOHN T. WALTON. No. 61 Norlh 2nd l., Philidelpai. Maich 18, 18 3mo. STAGlOFFICE. WAsiuNftiotf House, SUNBURY, PA. JAlIES COVERT, Proprietor, TVOULD respectfully announce that hs lis w T takeh this fcell known stand, where hd will he gratified to see and entertain hit IriemU and the travelling public generally. Thia house' is now replete with every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly located, handsomely furnished well ventilated, rendering it in Ovety respect a desirabl stopping place. Nd expense has been spared in f tti ig Op this house. The chamliera are well furnished and tbS table and bar provided with the best th market can affurd. The stnblo accommodations sro extensive and well calculated for travelers. STAGE OFFICE. Th singe runninj from NorlliumheTtshd' ftf Pottsville, stop at this liouro, whrro throiiRh and way tickets to Philadelphia can be obtained. Sunbury, March SO, 1852. tf. tiic ciiimt rnizn medii, aik niTtni IIICKEV & TtTLL, xVo. 113 Chestnul St., above SLcth, Front of JONES' HOTEL. VU'pt Vi") 1 JAVE just received their Frisa t Wrj-M Medal, awarded to them for S.IXL-Ll (heir best Travelling Trunks ex hibited at the World' Fair in London, 1851 -being the only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was with ill th woild, and they have taken THE PRIZE1 TRUNKS, VAUSES, tJACi!, &c. To be found in this Citv, and at very low price Call and sec. HICKEY Si TULL, Trunk Manufacturers, 148 Chestnut St. April 10, 183U tf. 31,000,000 Saved Vearly by Purchasing SILVER'S MINERAL PAINTS. rJ ' UK wrmdr nf llie ns, nnlart's own pffxtuctiops.- I 'i'h.-M I'nints differ from sll ntlifn in tlie nmkft I t,ry are n 't rl:iy ; Itiey rtiu'rc little lid. (tow easily- eiHl cjver wild a heavier tnnlv limn w liite lr;id. '1'he-y neither crnr ivr peel, and ilry rcsilily, mnkifii; an liitL uf STOS. COI.or.3. Wc have seven ihflersnt rotors, iz : liir Itrowns. two ("ll-K'otnti', lllnck nnd Yrll.iW, on by Cora- biii:ilini innke every variety nnd simile ( ct'.r. HlilJ v . These I'uinls are unpin .r in uooy (or rover' nig pioperty) to any yet ntwoveieil. nnu p.ano inr ponn will e vrr donlilc llie'sun'uce v( white teuit, zinc, or utur niftiillie liiirts. J lHit i'Vit Ir tn thrv rnriiikh nerleet nrnteeliort sriion nnt. f -r lliey conlnin mi meliil, which like wliit lend win ttps.rnciive:y en ine iron; in i:iei hob rain ln;ikc rr-nl vnlunhle Tur liuilttiiiR prpoe, HKIC'K WDIIK They Rive to tioine wnlls a mueH heavier p. within tin titer puittlw. mul it' Bniutijn? is reijuir- til. n.ilttiutf to tlttn S't firfrrly or fiuili.-s. Well With it. Ot.ll litiOl7!. Clive nsn t t . never s old nnd leaky. Silver's .Minend I'nints will nmhe rt cheuply ucw and more endiiriun than il ever wnl. SHIPS nina this extra 'nhn.iry Slinernl s W prepare it for iheui. will he proof against the neth'n of hoi sun worm mul s ilt wnt. r. , CAIMTM.IS'I X and nril.TVKrtS are invited to tniike trii l seriilmy into the nierit'iir ll.ese Pnints. They will liinl a very Brent redaciiort liniilit ht made in the ens! of pninttntr. Tlu-se l'uinls are purely mineriil ; all clmsamf other iinpnritieii are washed out in pretrinj; theiu I'nl thil mirkil. 'I'liey cost hnt half the pticei f white trait, and the irnne quanlily will cover twice tlie surface, and Inst six times iik 1 tinr," which in fact re-lures lh price to one twell'lh. Climate Ins no efli'et nn this Paint, and is eiunlty valniihte in the e"lil CaiimliiB or our sioinv r tfTruhi. 1)111 i:' l lOS l so I.insrcil till, 'mix as thii ks VMi enn, nnd ukc ns nttier pnints. The e I'nints nerTut little diver, nnd for pnniinp nnrf second eouting in all liiin w ii k they will lie found far chruptr and iwirs dans hie than lead. Praters tjii c-.i:SUIlirrs erin nrnriire ties Paint wh"!cide and retail of KKKNCIt Hli'll AltDS. X. V. Torner I0:h ninl .Market Ms . I'tilUulelplna. Gi-ueitil Wli lerile . 'cents i nls Importers of I'lnteaasl Colornl Winilnw Glens, Ucnleis in Drugs, Paints, A.c. Match It, IK. Hum. IIKXIIY CARR. Clif). I.KAGIT.. J. II. Oilisa Li t .r.v. Jffi-J. i.i uj. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING llfltSE- C3AF-I1, aiSSB &. CO., Commission & Forwarding Kerchant?, ,'o. 19, Spears Wharf, B-BXTirilOIlE. Will receive and sell FLOCK, CiUAlX, and sS kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE and also LUMBER. tlARTK'CLAU attentiort will be giton to thi branch of the Uusiness, by Lewi W. H. (iiese, whose whole attention will le devoted ia the sale of Lumber, and will occupy an Oflice on the Falls Dock, especially for this purpose. M r. Oiese's long experience, and reputation as a first rate salesman, is a guarantee that th highest market prices will always be obtained. r5" Liberal . Cash advances made on Con signments : but in no case will this House roak any advances, until tho Produce is received. March LI, ISai. 4mo. DAVID COOPER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, FOR TIIK sai.i: or Fisli, Provisions, ?jc.t .Vo. 9 North Wharves, rillLADELPillil.. April 10, 1852 ly. CLOTHING WAREHOUSE. WHOLESALE AND It KTAIL. J. Y. li. I). STOKES, No. 191 Market Street, South side, First belvu) Sixth Street, PHII.ADBt.rUIA. ODD FELLOWS and Masonic ReSaii'a of every variety, suited to tho various rank and orders, constantly on hand. Also, a larft) and extensive stink of fashionable IStady Hade C lothing', manufactured by the best of wmkinen, and from tlie newest etvle of Hoods, of late impoitation, at greatly reduced prices. They hav also a targe" and well selected assoitment of Piece Gcnds, of English, French and Cermatj Fabrics, of new and beautiful Patterns, which they will make to order in the most approved end fashionable m sa ner, and in a superior stvla of workmanship. February 23, I&52. lino. The Johnston Ink. MANUFACTORY REVIVED. 10fi $ Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA, r"I"MIlv subscriber begs leave respectfully to ia form I'liiNTr.ns generally, that he lias suc ceeded to the Butfiirena ot' maiiiif.u-tiirhnt "rml ing Iii formerly carried on by his grand Father, and Father, and oners his article to the trade, without any PVfis, but with the simple reliance upon the long established chaiactrr il ha horn, feeling rouliji nt of its Ri'vini entire satisfnctioni to all who may favor him with a roll. Tina Cash. CliAULES KNEW JOHNSTON. April 19, lSdi tf. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAIIIItV, 1A. Dee. 1 3, 1 85 1 -Hf- ATTOR1TS7 AT L.TT. 107ic in Miirkel street Sunbury, opposite 1 M Weaver's Hotel Sjmf'PINKSS will be promptly attawdrd to far B 0 th Counties of Nortkuusbeilaiid, I'nion. Colombia and Montour. guiibury, OeU II, 185lA ly. WANTED TO E0RR0W pWELYE H INDUED DULL A RS in tw sum of ait hundred iVoltae !, tor whiclv (ood free-hold aecurily will U given. Addrss st. vr. Sunbury, Feb. , 1M4 tf. RAZORS. A superior ariieU ftr sal at tti lor of HENHY MASSUB, Sunbury, Feb. 18. 18.10,