Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 29, 1852, Image 1

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1 .JLU:
a jfamfly ilctospapcv-DctiotrH to 3Jol(t(cs, 2Utcrttuvcr, -filoralftj?, .lfovcfiin nnXi D6mc$trr ilcus, Attract, an the Slrts, a'orftulturr, jmarftcts, amusements, tc
NKW Sl'JtlKS VOL. ,1, NO. 10.
sux ii u ii y,-no u;ri i um kk land :(:ouxty, i'a., b.atvuday, may eo. isss.
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.1, I't-'Vl. Ifl ' ' I -.1 V ' " " 1.4 j 1 1 '' ' It 1 ,; I ri -M . U. ... .-. .
lr., -. . fc. ? .,11 ..,.. MvFJm': 11 fv I 1 '" El -if -1 ' Fi ""' .' " KynPsTTl
' rX"KMF,R,CAN PMl'lih 'very SuMlrdny nt
TWO Ddl.l.AUS per annum to lie pnirt hnlf jenrly in
nmiMice, No paper illacoiiliimed until all nrrenrncus oru
. o'd ' . , . :
All rnmmlmicntions or letters on lmsiMcw renting t'
lle office, to insure attention, must he POST J'AII).
v" TO CI.UI3?. :
Thfcd triple, to one nclilreBs, PI on
Bovert ,.. Ji , no KKKI
Tirtecn " l)n 1).) Siiihi
Five dollar, in mlvaiice will pay f it three yonr'a uli-
cnptiim to tlic Aniericnn.
Jne (otmte of 10 linen, 3 litnca,
vt'r2 Bul,lleqent insertion,
' ne Square, 3 month.,
Six month., , .
One year,- ' .
Itusines. Canl. of Five lines, per annum,
Merchant, and others, urivertisint? by the
t year, -with the privilege, of inserting
different advertisements weekly.
' IV Iiffrjrei Advertiseitieuts, ns per ngreement.
in no
H.' B.' 1TASSE?.5
:- DiwiiicsH-ntlonileJ to in tlic Counlios of Nor
tliumljcrlniKl, Union, Lycoming and Colunil iu.
-. Refrl- (si
P. & A. Novoudt,
Lower &. IJarron,
(Somen & StioilirraM, I ml
KeynoliU, MrFarlnml & Co.,
8ering, (jood 4; Co.,
' Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
WILL attend faitlifnlly mid promptly 'to all
professional Inisiness, in iVortliumhri'linid
nnd Union eounties. lie is familiar with tlie
German language.
' OFFICE Opposite tlic "Lawrence House,"
few doora from the Court House.
Wnnhnry, Autr. 16, 1S51. ly.
SHOP. Wood Turning in all its hraiulies,
in city style nnd at cily prices. F.vary variety of
Cahinet and Carpenter work cither on hand or
turned to order.
Bed Posts, llaluslers, Kosetts, Slat nnd Quar
ter Mouldings, Tnhle Lean, Newell l'nts, Pat
ternr). Awning Posts,. Wagon Huhs, Columns,
Round or Octagon Chisel Handles, At.
tr 'I'his sho is in 8TR.V.'HKRHY AL
LEY, near Third Street, and ns we intend to
please all our customers who want go:id work
done, it is hoped that all the trade nil' give us a
tW Ten-Pins and Ten-Pin Balls made to or
der or returned. '
The attention of Cahinet Makers nnd Carpen
ters is called to our new stvle of TWIST
MOULHINUS. Printer's Righ ts at $1 per 1(10
jjojehruary 7, 1852. ly.
wo.i 31 A- 33 Market Street,
THE suhscrihers would call the nttentioti of
hovers to their stock of Hardware, consisting
of Tnhle and IVukct iuihes, (Jims, Chains,
Locks, llollownre, &c. &c. W'c would recom
mend to all, our
; 'liHilcss Chain Pumps,
n new article now netting into general use which
B can furnish complete at a'oont one half the
price paid for the old style Pump, also a new ar
ticle, of .riviim race lir l.orHn. each
Lock suited either for right or left hand doors,
with mineral or white knot.
Our stock of CitlUN is laro-e and well select
ed, comprising single, nnd donhle hnrrols, English
nnd German make. All goods ran he returned
rfnot found to he ns represented. Country mer
chants would do well to call on i us hefure pur
chasing elsewhere.
.1 Wheelwrights nnd carriage makers supplied
with goods suited to their lmsiness, hv calling on
W. H. & O. NV. ALLEN.
No. 31 eV 33 Market Street, Philadelphia.
February, 81, 1S5S. Ohio.
- WH. KcCARTY, Eookceller,
HAS just received and for sale, Purdons Di
gest of the. laws of I'cnnavlvama, edition of
J 851, price only S0,00.
.'judge Reads edition of Blackstones Commen
taries, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at SI 0.00,
and now offered (in fresh landing) at the low
price of 50,00.
n A Treatiso on the laws of Pennsylvania re
specting the estates of Decedent, by 'J'homaa F.
Gordon, price only $1,00.
Kossuth nnd the Hungarian war : comprising
a complete history of the late struggle for freedom
of that country, with notices of the leading chiefs
and statesmen, who distinguished themselves in
rnuucil end in the field, containing pages of
interesting matter with authentic portraits. -
, Kosuth'a address to the people of the United
States, with it portrait, printed on broa least, and
put on rollers after the maimer of m.ipi, price
only 50 cents. Washington's farewell address,
uniform style with the aj)0e.
February, St, 185 2. tt.
. iMronTKiw and iy ;.vi.i:us ix
eWo. 45 South Second Street, Philadelphia.
A KE now prepared to offer 1 1 their customers
iV and the trade a largo and well selected as
sortment of .
SIU, Ribbons & MHllucry Ciooils.
ConfintiiB themselwa exclusively to this hraneh
of the trade, and lmrliiisi the larger part of
their stock, enable them to oiler an assortment
uusurpasse.1 n extern u..u ''".". " "
Bl,ld at tlie lowest prices and on the moat favor
able tfltins. . . .
, Marej 13, ISoSSimo.
Aldten's Condensed Reports of Teuna'.
I'ST Fuhlishcil, ami tor saie oy uibih
V..rthe Second Valium of Aldin's Cou-
.lelised 1 ennsyivanin 1 " , , ?
Ust. three volumes of . YeaU's' Reports, and two
first obmea of Uinney'. Reports The first vol
ume of Mden. oouti.ining DalW Imports, 4 vol
ume.; ami YeatfV Ilenorta. volume 1, is also on
"d and for wte. ,TU w l"'f
copVte wKhin Uisela, ...J centau, all of
Re, oru, 4 volumes, heside. the two l.rt volumc
t Uirmey'a Beporta The tlunl volume w ready
.IH tj, nut to Pres. immediaU'ly.
'"?! . - H. B. MASSKR, Agent-
eSunVury, Aug. 10, 185'r" ' " ;'
Lvocming Mutual Insurance Company.
iU J B MAHSER is the local agent for the
V alnire Insurance Company, in NorthumWr-
,J county, and is at all times ready to effect
lMJnto 6 I Pl I"
w,rty. or rcnewina police, for the same.
iunuurApm tt, W', .. ... ,
TNKlTuoureauVcelebrated ink. and also Con-
l'.re. ink to le. wholesale and
'Twas in ilia dic.-ir Decenilicr, .
An vviinitirj clear and calm,
Tim frost lay on tny whiskers,
And she? leaned on tny urin ;
Tim whili? snow filunmeil hiouikI us
T1i lnniiiil slars nlmvi,'
We chntlod new nnd noupeiipr,
But tifver hrruthed of love.
Her "Pay Slalo"' wrapped tirouml her
In mnuy ml nmplu lohl,
And I hoIow will) pussioti,
Wo ilnln't mind tin! coKi ;
I fell tin; bashful Ircrnor
That shook her Mender form,
While thicn-h its vvhalelione pi i.-oii
. llor liotii l was pulsing wauu.
And mino trip-hrtttinipr fasliion
Was bonncini; In my lliioal,
And all ih'! while scorned bursting
The buttons from my coat ;
But Flill 1 fjonlly led her, .
In patient tones mill love,
Thronoli half an hour of small lalk,
As well us lliiongh tho snow.
A smnllerinii of rnmnnre
And fashiouiible lore,
A lillle spieed with yossip,
Ami ipnlly iiiiti; n bine ;
I'Hti llnoiijih twenty topics
I u many a faint approach,
But the nearest, and the ileiiiesl,
1 didn't ilan? to Ijioarli.
Tlionyh oft 1 stopped nnd slammereJ,
She waited t-lill is death,
lint I hadn't spunk to say i',
And only yasped for breath ;
We leached ihe yate and parted,
The iliina was stiil nnsiiid,
1 wished myself the bull-dug
She palled on ihe head.
A moment by ihe threshold,
And then sli" turned to on,
To "wail a lillle longer,"
Or nab Some oilier beau J
She In lier anxious mother,
And 1 my In ieliless den,
To stiiiL'jIe w iili 'lie niuht-tnaio
. In dii-iitris of her noain.
Sk etc I).
There i.s nolhinrr nntisnal in healing the
blue j;iy seivamiiio; hall the day for it is,
pet haps-, mote easily esriled than any
other feathered creature, Hut, if you have
ever noticed, it titters a very peculiar try
when (here is soinethin unusual in Ihe
wind. When some much-dreaded en'my
is at hand, its note becomes extremely shrill
and disagreeable. So it was nt the time cl
which 1 am speaking ; and for that reason
it drew my attention, as well as that of my
companions. , .
We looked towards the spot whence the
cry came. We could see the blanches of
a low tree in motion, nnd the beautiful
sky-blue wings of the bird doting and
spreading ajrain as it fluttered through tliein,
We could see nothing else upon the tree
that is no enemy of the bird nor on any
of the trees near it. On lowering our eyes
to tho pro;ind, however, we perceived at
once what had set the jay to scolding.
Slowly di awing itself along tho earth, glid
ing through the grass and over the drv
leaves, without causing even the driest of
lliein to rustle, went a hideous reptile a
snake, lis yellowish body, dappled with
black blotches, glittered as the sun glanced
from its lubricated scales, while it rose and
fell in wavy undulations as it moved, t
moved slowly by vertical sinuosities, al
most in a direct line, with its head slightly
raised from the grass. At intervals, it stop
ped, elevated its neck, lowered its Hat, coffin-shaped
head, like a feeding swan, gent
ly oscillated it in a horizontal direction,
touched the crisp leaves with its red tongue
as though it was JeeHntf for a iruil and
then moved on again. In its frequent pau
ses, as it lay stretched along the ground, it
appeared cylindrical, as long as the tallest
man, and as thick as a man's fore-arm. lis
tail ended in o hoinv appendage, about a
foot in length, and resembling a string of
large, yellowish, ill-shaped beads, or a por
tion of its own vertebne stripped of the
lle&h. I his peculiarity told us its species.
We mw before us the dreaded rattlesnake
the crulnlitx hurridus.
My companions were eager to rush for
ward and at once attack the monster.
restrained them, doirs and all. I had heard
who has not of the power of fascina
tion which these reptiles possess. 1 knew
not whether to believe or disbelieve it
Here was an opportunity to test its truth,
Would" it charm the bit'J 1 We should see,
One and all of us remained motionless and
silent. The snake crawled on.
The bird followed overhead, pitching
itself from branch to branch, from tree to
tree. scriamin!r with open throat. Neither
of them noticed us, as we were partially
concealed where we sat. ... ( ;
On reaching the foot of a tall magnolia
the rattlesnake after going once round the
tree, and apparently smelling the bark-
slowly and carefully . wound itseit into a
spiral, oil, close in to the trunk. . Its body
now presented the appearance ol a speck
led audi glittering cable, as they are usually '
coiled on tha deck of a ship. The tail,
with its. horny appendage protruded be
neath, and the flat head peeped over above,
resting upon the uppermost ring of tut) bo
dy.' The nictitating membrane was drawn
over its eyes. It appeared to sleep. t This
I tliought strange, as I had heard that the
fascinating power of these creatures lay in
the eyes. It soon became evident, how
ever, that the bird was not its object 5 for
the) latter, on seeing that the snake lay
still, ceased, its chattering, and (lew offiiito
the woods. . . ",, 1
Believing that the interest of the scene
w.i now over, I was about raising my rifle
to take aim at the snake, when a motion
on its part convinced me that it was not
asleep, but watching. Watching lor what!
A rquirrel, perhaps, for this is its favorite
prey. I looked op into the tree. t had
all the appearance of being what is termed
a "squirrel tree" that is, a tree in which
squirrels have their hole and nest. Ha!
just as I expected i there was a hole in the
trunk, high tip ; and around its orifice the
bark was slightly discolored, evidently by
the pnws of Ihe squirrels passing in and
out. . Moreover, on looking to the ground
again, I perceived that a little beaten path,
like a rut track, led of! the grass. A ridge
like protuberance that projected from the
loot of the tree marking the direction of
one of its great roots ran right into this
path; and, from the discoloration, of the
bark above it, it was evident that (he squir
rels usually climbed up or descended along
this ridge. The rattlesnake was coiled be
side it so close that no animal could' pass
in that way without coming within his
reach. ' I felt certain, then, that he was
waiting for the descent of the squirrel ;
and, desirous to see what should happen, 1
muttered some words of caution to my com
panions, who remained silent as before.
We sat watching the hole, expecting
every moment to see the squirrel come
forth. At length, the lillle rat-shaped
head peeped cautiously out ; but in this po
sition the animal remained, and did not
seem inclined to trust itself beyond the
mouth of its den. I.t Was evidently ob
serving us which it could easily do, Irom
its elevated position and was not intend
ing to come down.
We were about giving up all hopes of
witnessing a "scene," when our nttentioti
was drawn to a rustling among the dead
aves in the woods beyond. e locked
in that direction. A squirrel was running
towards the tree. It was rutininir. at full
peed now along the fallen logs, now
through the grass and dry leaves appar-
ntfv pursued. It wns pursued ; for almost
at the same instant his pursuer came in
tght an animal with a long, slender bo
dy, twice the li.'iigth of the squirrel itself,
and of a bright, yellow color. It was (he
pine weasel. Theie were not twenty feet
between them as they ran, and both were
doing their best.
I cast a glance at the rattlesnake. lie
knew what was coming. His jaws were
extended the lower one drawn back until
it touched his throat his poisoned fangs
were nuked and visible ; his tongue was
protruded forward ; his eyes glanced like
diamonds, and his whole body rose and fell,
as with a quick respiration. He seemed
to have dilated himself to twice his natural
The squirrel, looking only behind, ran
for the tree, and, like a streak of liht, pas
sed along the ridge and upward. We saw
the snake launch out his head ns the other
passed him : but so quick had been the ac
tion, that it did not set 111 that he had e ven
touched it.
'Good !" thought we, as we saw the
quirrel sweep up the trunk, and fancied
that it was safe. Hcfore it had readied the
first fork, however, we observed that it
climbed more slowly then faltered then
stopped altogether. Its hind feet slipped
from the bark ; its body oscillated a mo
ment, hanging by the Cure claws, and then
dropped heavily back into the very jawsof
the serpent !
1 he weasel, on seeing the snake, had
uddcnlv Mopped a' few fed from it, and
now ran around, doubling its long, worni-
ike body, and occasionally standing erect
all the while spitting and snarling like
an angry cat. It was evidently lurions at
being robbed of its prey ; and we thought
for a while it was going to give battle to
the snake. The latter had recoiled him
self on seeing this enen y, and lay with
open jaws, awaiting ttie attack. The body
ol the squirrel, now quite dead, was close
up to his coil, so that the other could not
snatch it without coming within reach of
his dangerous fangs.
On seeing this, and evidently afraid fo
encounter such a terrible antagonist, 'the
weasel, alter a w hile, ceased, its hostile de
monstrations; and, turning to one tide,
bounded off into the woods.
The reptile now leisurely uncoiled the
upper half of his body, and stretching out
his neck towards the squirrel, prepared to
swallow it. He drew the latter out to its
full length along the ground, so that its
head lay towards him. This he purposed to
swallow fir.-t in order to lake the animal
'with the grain' and he now commenced
lubricating it with the saliva that ran from
his forked tongue.
While we sat watching this curious op
eration, our attention was attracted to a
movement in 'the leaves above the spot
where the snake lay. Directly over him,
at a height of twenty or more feet, a huge
liana, of the trumpet species, stretched
across from tree to tree. It was full as thick
as a man's arm, and covered with green
leaves, and large, t rimson, cuneiform blos
soms, such as belonged to itseit. There
were other bio: som mingling with these,
for still: other parasites smaller ones
were twined around it, and we could dis
tinguish the beautiful, star-like flowers ot
the cypress vine. ' Among these, an object
was in motion a living ontect, a dohv
the body ol a great snake, nearly as thick
as the liana itsef. ;, . '!, 1 . ,- . v
Another rattlesnake ! No 1 the rattle
snake is not a tree climber a could not be
that. Besides", the color of the one upon
the vine wa9 entirely different. It was pf
uniform black all over smooth and glit
tering.' It was the black snake then the
conslrictos" of the north. - ."- 1 ' 1
' When we first noticed it, 'it was wound
upon the liana in spiral rings, like the worm
of a gigantic screw. We ww that it was
slowly gliding downward for the vine
tended diagonally from tree to tree, and its
lowest end impinged upon the trunk of
the magnolia, about twenty feet from the
ground. '
On' reaching this point, the ftiake grad
ually drew its rings closer together, until
they appeared to touch each other, lapping
the liana. It then commenced unwinding
itself bj" the head, which was slowly cir
cled backward about the vine still,, how
ever, creasing closely, along it. After a
sufficient number of i volulions, the rings
hud completely disappeared with the ex
ception of one or two near the- tail and
the reptile Iny doubled along the liana.
These mnnrruvri s it had executed silently
and with great caul ion ; and it now seem
ed to pause, and survey what was going on
During all Ibis while, the rattlesnake had
been busily engaged with the squirrel, and
thought of nothing else. After licking Ihe
latter to his satisfaction, he extended his
purple jaws, drew in the head of his vic
tim, and, stretching his long body to its full
extent, proceeded to swallow it, tail and
till. In a few seconds, the head and shoul
ders of Ihe squirrel had disappeared.
Hut the glutton was suddenly interrupt
ed in his meal; for, at this moment, we
observed the black snake gradually lower
himself from the liana, until nothing rr
ninined upon tfie tree but a single loop of
his prehensile tail ; and his long body,
stretching downward, hung directly over
the other.
' "Surely," thought we, "he is not going
fo encounter the rattlesnake the most ter
rible of all reptiles." - J3nt the constrictor
understood one chapter of herpetology bet
ter than we (or the next moment we saw
him drop to the ground ; and, a'mod us
quick as thought, he appeared, lapped in
sable folds around the speckled body of the
It was a singular sight to see these two
creatures writhing and wriggling over the
grass; and it was some time before we
could toll how they battled with each oth
er. There was no great difference between
them, in point of size. The black snake
was longer by a foot or so- but much
more slender in the body than his antago
nist. He possessed, however, an advan
tage that koon made ilsell apparent his
activity, which was ten times that of the
rattlesnake. We saw that he could easily
evolve or wind himself at pleasure around
the body of the latter, each time compress
ing him with those muscular powers which
have entitled him to his name "constrict
or." At each Iresh embrace, the body of
the "crotalus"-a ppi ared to writhe and con
tract under the crushing influence of his
sable adversary.
. 1
The rattlesnake had but one weapon
which he could' have employed with ef
fect his fangs. These were already lock
ed in the body of the squiirel, and he could
put use ihetii upon his-tidvcrsary. He could
not get rid of that hairy morsel, that, like
a barbed arrow, now stuck in his throat.
We could see that the sipiiirel Mill remain
ed there, for, as the two reptiles struggled
over the grass, its bushy tail was seen wav
ing in the midst of their toituous contest.
A length the battle began to flag. The
motions of both combatants waxed slower
and slower. We could now see how they
fought. We could see strange it appear
ed fo us that, instead of battling head to
head face to face the fangs of the "con
strictor" were buried in the rallies of the
"crotalus!" Stranger still, the tail of the
former rose a"d fell with a muscular and
powcrfuimpetiis, whipping the latter-to
The contest was soon ended. The rat
tlesnake lay stretched at full length, evi
dently dead, while the black constrictor
still continued to hug the speckled body, as
though it was an object to be loved. This
lasted for a moment or so ; and then, slow
ly unwinding itself, the conqueror turned
round, crept through the grass,' and pro
ceeded to-appropridte Ihe piey. The 'scene'
was over, and we leaped to our feel to enact
I should have spared the con.-lrictor, af
ter the good service he had done in destroy
ing the rattlesnake; but Cudjo, who hated
all sorts of creeping things, was ahead of
me; nnrl, before 1 could come up, I beheld
the victor suspended upon his spear. '
Kosm'th's. Famu.v. A Vienna coirespon.
dai.t of tho London Times says, in reguul to
Kossuth's family :
- It having been found impossible to estiib.
lish a cusu against Mesdames Me&zlenyi and
liut.kny, lliey have been liberated, and are
now residing in the Hotel National in ihe Leo
poldatadl. - Tho Austrian Government has at
length come to tho conclusion that nothing is
10 bo gained by detaining Kossuth's relations
hero, iik'.l accordingly the whole family
some sevt-uleea persons I believo wilt be
permitted to quit this country on the 1st of
May. . '-.,'...:...-. , ' - - '
Thu Legislature of Ohiq have passed a law
restricting the employment of cl.i'dren under
eighteen, and till women in thd mechanical
or manufacturing establishments more then
ten hours ii day: and making ten hours a le
gal day's labor in ail cases in which (he cou
tract is silent on that
THEMtsTOcxEi had a daughter to whom
two men were v'.'..l ig" to make love ; one
was very lich, but a simpleton, and tho oth
er poor, but a very 'wtso' man. The father
preferred the latter, saying. I would rather
havj a man without riches, than riches wjih
out a man-, . . ; ; , - ,'i -. 't . ' '
YanceR -Investioh. Mint Julips and
Brandy Smashes' are no' longer popular In
Boston since the Maine liquor law has been
pa-s.-d. They now advertise "Sheibet from
Bhiraz," as a substitute j lis' intpxicating
power being rendered entirely harmless by
its oiieuiul name.
We saw n funny spectacle the other day.
A dozen omnibusst-s, with live freight, were
nbout starting on ft pic-nie, when a woman
ran hastily up and said to a gentleman of the
party, who had just sealed himself closely by
Ihe side oT a pretly gitl :
' Here, sir, I want 40 know what right you
have lo be a going on pie-nics, and your wife
and child at homo V1'
"Hush, Mary," whispered ihe gentleman,
hastily gulling out of the bmnibus; "hush
the people w ill hear you "
"Who cares if they do. Why didn't you
1 hi 11k of the people, or of me, or your child
instead of tunning off lo pie-nics w ith oilier
women !"
"Well now there don't."
But 1 will though! And as for you, Miss,
if you ever dare to look at my husband again,
"1 didn't look at him mu'uin," tremblingly
replied tho poor girl ; "I thought he was a
single man w hen he asked me to go on a pic
nic with him."
' So you have begun your didoes, have yon
my lark !" exclaimed tho wife ; "jou have
begun your didoes, have you? So so; I'll
give you a lesson which you will remember
(taking him by the ears) now walk home
with me V ' .'
The joor fellow writhed and implored, but
his belter half kept hold, and walked him off
home, the laughter and jeers of the whole
party ringing in his ears.
Fkastinc and Votini:. A good anecdote
is related of the James Do Wolf, of Rhode
Island, a wealthy merchant and politician.
When desirous of carrying a measure in the
Assembly of that Slate, Mr. De Wolf was
accustomed to feast ils member, nnd the
process was not unfrequenlly suecesful.
But Mr. Do Wolf fancied that such ns par
took of his feasts became therefore oblig
ted to vote us he wished and when, on a
certain occasion, one w ho had dined at his
sumptuous mansion, ventured to vote) other
wise, "tho hospitable Do Wolf" exclaimed
'D 71 him f lie voted aguiiist me with my pig
in his Icily !''
Washing Made Kasv. Tha "crazy folks"
n the Asylum at Hartford, Ct., mix a gill of
alcohol with a gallon of soft snap, just as
they are n going to rub it on the clothes
which t hey then soak two or three hours,
and then merely rinse out in clean water,
and all ihe dirt is laken out as effectually as
good sense is out of a fellow after drinking
the same quantity of Ibo ''poison stuff"
That is the easiest way to make washin;
easy. In washing stairs and passages, al
ways use a sponge instead of a cloth when
washing the space, between the carpet and
wall, and jou will not oil Ihe edges.
nnltiro 14 rlie:in nml 1 1 1 i a in furmn I ifn id
cheap, but it is valuable to all house
keepers. Prach Wuiim. Boiling water, says the
Horticulturist, is a most excellent application
in tho spiing of tho year, for diseased and
feeble peach trees, and is a certain remedy
for the peach w orm. A correspondent very
effectually excluded the peach worm, by
digging a basin mound the foot of tho trunk
fm ming a cavity a foot in w idth and four
inches deep, and then pouring into this ba
sin very thick whitewash, made of f.esh
lime, and suffered to aland one day before
applying- (
Fhcit A cultivator of f ru it, whose good
example is referred lo in tho New England
Farmer, keeps a circle of several feet around
the rools of every teee clear of grass, and
enriches, it with chip manure, bones, ashes,
and seveial olher kinds of feitilising sub
stances. He has very laige crops of most
excellent fruit,, which, he states, brings him
more money thn any of the neighboring
larmeis obiain from all their crops,
Bens on Melons. lings may be kept
from melons, cucumber, and squashes, by
setting boxes ever them, six to ten inches
high, and open at both ends. Bugs fly from
vine ta vine in a horizontal direction, hence
the boxes are generally an obstruction, and
they pas, by them.
It is said that these fiames with niiliuel
drawn over them answer as good a purpose
fur forwaidiug early vegetation, as fiames
covered with glass. .
Ci'ano. It is said that Ihe amount of gu
ano annually used in Great Britian for the
lust five years, has cost two million pounds
sterling; nr about ten millions of dollars
moio than equal yearly, to the cost of the
Erie-canal till its first' completion. ' In addi
tion, gieal quantities of lime, bones, shells,
and immense piles of yard manure have been
applied to the. land. - .
Food koh sick Animals. The .-fmcWtciu,
Veterinary Jouanal states that an excellent
diet for sick animals, is simply scalded shorts.
When a horse has taken cold, with discharge
from the. nostrils, the mash may be put into
the manger while hot, with a view of slsam
jng the nasal passages.
Lemon Bcttss 6 Eggs, I h. pulverizod
Sugar, , lb. Butter 3 Lemons large. Beat
Ihe eags and mix the Sugar. Melt the but
ter and mix with tha beaten eggs and sugar
Orate the rind of (he lemons1 and add the
juice to the previous Compound. Let it
come lo a boil afterwards pour into glass
dishes for use. ., - . ,,...! - 1.
Why was Barnum's Museum like the Cu
ban Expedition 1 Because it ended in smoke.
to emetics.
The fourth of July comes on Sunday.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
The New Jersey fruit crops will be good".
All science has ils foundation in experi
ence. The fenst of imagination, fcPnslfMsin hav
ing no dinner, but reading a cookery book.
The Baltic, for Liverpool, took out 175 pas
sengers, and $75,000 in specie.
The National Free Soil Convention is to
be held at Cleveland the 4th of August.
The City of Salem, Mass., has substituted
fluid for oil iu its street lamps.
The average mortality of London is 154 a
Ci'LENnin salmon sell in California at 20
cents per pound.
A happy family is on exhibition at New
ark. Are happy families so rare 1
Cotton yarn has been spun so fine as to
require 1,680,000 yards lo weigh one pound.
Long John Wentwoith has been oleciod
pound master at Chicago, III
A school of shad was captured in the
Susquehanna, near Harrisburg, last week.
Governoi Calhoun, of New Mexico, is
There are forty-six places of religious
worship in Louisville.
Strawberries in Boston sell nt twenty-five
cents a mouthful.
A road has been laid out across Hollows
Hill, in Salem, where they hung tho witches.
Ir is human to err; diabolical to persevere
in error.
The wheat and rye fields throughout Le
high and adjoining counties look unpromising.
The debt of the cily of Louisville is
Next to France, it is said that Hungary
produces more wine than any other county
iu tho world.
Bonapaiite died on the 5th, of May,
Gen. Wool is mentioned as a candidate
(or tho next Presidency.
He that swells in prosperity will shrink in
ud varsity. . .
The Australlian packet ship Kate has arri
ved at London, from Sydney, with gold dust
valued ul 177.000
A recent statistical return slates the popu
lation of Austria and her different posses
sions to be 36,514,466. '
Fergus O'Conner, the lunatic Irish repub
lican, sailed in the Europa for Liveipool, on
the 19th inst.
The Ohio Woman's Rights Convention
will meet at Massillou on the 2tilh of May.
Auolher good lime coming.
Amoni; tho roads which will meet wiih
an early completion is the Indiana and Ohio
About 900 persons two-thirds females
are employed at the cotton factories in Lan
caster, I'a.
An American lately inquiring his way to
llu Ftench Senate House, was waggishly di
rected to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum,
The intense frost of last winter is said to
have killed over 1000 shade trees in Cincin
nati, including all the ,:papcr mulberry."
The citizens of Mobile have presented a
service uf plate lo Mr. Sydney Smith, the
Secretary to the English Consul at Havana.
George H. Campbell, formerly a repoiter
on the Boston Times, has been appointed a
Judge in California.
There are' two daily lines of stages be
tween St. Paul arm Si. Anthony, Minnesota,
making two trips each way.
Thb Delaware river is said to be so low
that .the Easton and Lambertvillo steam
boats are unable to make their regular
There is good sleighing yet, hi parts of
Vermont. The snow on Mt. Washington,
N. II., is ii!y 7 feet deep.
The King of Ashante, an Afiican King
dom has sent his son to the school of mines
at Freiburg. :
Vnv should wo seek that love that cannot
profit us, or fear that malice that cannot hurl
usl ' '": ' " " '' '' ' '
Green currants and green peas are in the
Cincinnati maikets. Green peoplo buy the
former. ,
The High Street Presbyterian Church, an
elegant golhio edifice of atone, was dedi
cated at Newaik on Tuesday, last. If cost
310.000. I . - I wire, the thirteenth of an Inch,
will sustain 302 lbs. ; lead, 28 lbs. ; tin
34 7 lbs. ; zinc, 110 lbs. i silver, 137 lbs.;
gole, 150 lbs, '
! A new cask-manufacturing machine is iu
operaliou in F.iiglaud. A laborer, by Its
means, is able to turn put 3500 slaves a day,
iufilhbly correct in form aud curve. , . . t
Th Lutherans of Illinois are making ar
rangements to eatabliab a College and Theo
logical Seminary at Spiiugfield, for which
37,000 have already been secured.
Luke Short, when about fifteen years' f
age, heard a sermon from the celebrated
I'lavel, and soon after went to America
where he spent tho remainder of his life;
He received no immediate impression from
Flavel's sermon, and lived in carelessness
nnd sin till he was a cenlury in age. He
was now "a sinner a hundred years old "
and lo all oppearance ready to "die accurs
ed." But, sitting one day in a field, he fell
into a busy reflection on his past life; and
recurring to the evenls of his youth he
thought of having heard Mr. Flavel preach,
and vividly recollected a It'.tga portion of
his sermon, and the extraordinary earnest
ness with which it was delivered. Starting
as if slung by an adder, he instantly labored
under nccusings of conscience, nnd ran from
thonght to thought till he nrrived first at con
viction of sin, and next at an apprehension of
the divine method of saving tho guilty. lid
soon after joined a Congregational Church in
his vicinity, and to the day of Ilis dealh,
which happened In tho one hundred and six.
tcenth year of his age, gave satisfaclory fevl
dence of being a truly converted ami believ
ing followei of Ihe Saviour. Mr. Flavel had
long before passed lo his heavenly rest, nnd
could not while on earth have supposed that
his living voice would so long continue to
yield its echoes as an instrument of doing
good to a wandering sinner. Let ministers
and private ChrislialiP, who labor for the
spiriiual well-being of their fellow men, east
their bread upon the waters, iu full faith that
though they lose sight of it themselves, it
shall be found after many days. London
Evung'l Miscellany
Chance ok Uadit. A gentleman recently
from Africa, while at one of the civilized
colonies on the coast, met a young colored
woman whom ho had known in Old Virginia
who had obtained her freedom for good con
duct, and had emigrated to Liberia.
"Where are you travelling to, Mary V
said the gentleman.
'I am going down to the village on the
sea shore. I'm tired of seeing nigger, nig
ger ! 1 want to see some white folks I"
''Bui are you doing well here V
"Oh, very well. I have four slaves who
make palm leaf hMs."
- "Slaves, Mary. You, emancipated, to
have slaves in your own land I"
"Oh, Yes," said she, with great sim
plicily, "must do as they do in Old Vir
ginia." , Large Rah. Road Loan. Baltimore, May
17. The proposal for the Coupon 6 per cent
Ina'i of the Baltimore and Ohio Kail Road
Company, to the amount of $700,000, wera
opened to-day, according to previous notifi
cation. The entire bids amounted to 53,
305,000. Messrs Lee & Co.( of this city,
get $117,000 at $86 10. The rest Was
awaided in smaller amounts. The bids
ranged from S86 10 to $90 05.
Soft Gingerbread. 6 Tea-cups of Flour
3 do of Molasses, 1 do of Butter, 1 do of
Cream, 1 teaspoonful of Pearlash Ginger
and Spice, to suit the taste. Mix the ingre
dients, then put in the flour and bake in
pans, the same as pound-cake.
The power of Jenny Lind's voice may
bn in some measure, understood, when it
is staled that it was distinctly heard mora
lliati a quarter of a mile from the Town
Hall on the evening of her concert in Nor
thampton. The passenger traffic by rail road, in
Great Brilain, annually exceeds four limes
in number the whole population. The speed
is three as great as formerly, on tha
average, and the faro is one third less.
Says Freeman Hunt, in his Merchants'
Magazine, "The young man w ho leaves the
farm field fer the merchant's desk or the
Uwyei's or doctor's office, thinking to
dignify or ennoble his toil, makes a sad
A Washington paper says ! "An industri
ous fiieud lately returned from a two years'
residence in California has made twenty
thousand dollats-in experience; and brought
homo wiih him sixty-two cents !"
A mas with a lurge family was com
plaining of ihe difficulty of supporting all of
ihera. "But," said a friend, "you have sons
big enough lo earn something for you now."
"The difficulty is, they are too bis; to work."
There is a book with the dangerous title of
the Pocket Lawyer. We shouldn't like a
book with this tille much, fur we are afraid
if we once got the Lawyer into our pocket,
we never should be able to get him out.
Beware how you regard as trifling, fault
which appear of but little consequence.
wehh them and think them nothing but
count them, and you will be frightened at
their number.
Benev olkncs is daily more and more gene,
rally acknowledged as the true rule of eon
duel. The maxim, "Live and let live," will
soju be superseded by a still nobler principle
of action, "Live uJ help live."
Amoso the dead letters sent to Wastilngtos.
ftom Notlhampton post office, ihe last quar
ter, about one hundred were addiessed It
Jenny Lind Coluschmidt, wiih the postage
unpiiJ. ' ,, . i
Ir is all moonshine about the Connecticut
gills petitioning to Congress to have "leap
yeai" come cosiderably ofteoer. They can
get husbands any year.