'T SIJNBUUY AMB :j-:- J'J o c t r ij III IX rBUO tOSffctlT. An eastern editor has been fiinreil with a pram! Fn2 Concert. Ho transcribe tho feci tat ion as follows : "Knng le filing liiinjr, tnng, Kooile knng, to koo; Tineri, titteri nonr, Tilleri, titleri kno." Full Chorus. fiiinj ilft knng kick a kn ! Te to wen noun dee koo. Solo Soprano, Tiddery pt do we do knn, i'eo dee weet, peedeo went ! Chorus of liass Voiees. Knno knurr, trula kmis, Dijigory kitm.de knin de buo Tree-Toad Soo, Tr a a In weet '. : . Weelei ry ilije 1 The effect was truly istriif li itiC j the shirs blinked, mid the balmy zephyrs stooped to catch the enchanting melody. OtAFS, DRUGS, PAINTS, &c. WllOI.I.Stl.r. AISD nUTAH riUIE Philadelphia Window Glass Ware--- house., mid Drug, I'aint, Varnish, Oil and Color. Swires, Not. 33 ami 35 North Fourth street. Enst side, linn the largest assortment of Window, Picture, Coach, tVe, Hol-Houso, and other , (1LASS, ' in the citv i rompriainjr npwnrds of 15,000 rllf. fcrcnl sires, rniiRinu; from the smallest sire, "! ' 3H hv (10 inches of rihect, and nn Inrtrr) ns "y 7 feet of Plate Glnss, Including Enslish Crown, French, (iennan and American, hoth Single and DouMo Thick. Also, a Inrr-e assortment of Very Thick (ilssn, for Skv-I.ight. Mulk Windows, Ac. The Subscriber having a hesry slock on lian.I is prepared to fill order, at the shortest notice, nml on the most reasonable terms. Odd sims of nnv patlern cut to order. tiromid White Lead ; Paint, A nrnish. of ev ery description; Turpentine! Linseed Oil, boil ed and raw; Point Mills t rutty ; Urusl.es; live Woods, &e.,&e.,&c. And also, a Inrjre sii.ply of fresh imported DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J. II. SPHAfil'E. Kos. 33 Ac 33 North 4th Ft., E. Side. ' April 10, IMS. ly. . C)itmorou0 Skctcl). NOT OBI.ir.EH TO KILL IPSt'J VOTE. Tho following capital story appears in the New York Spirit of the Times, anil is sup posed to be written by a "man Horn Arknn- "Abnut the year 1830 politics rat) very high in Arkansas. Colonel A. H. Sevier was a candidate for the office or delegate to Congress, and Ken Desha was his oppo nent. Judge Andrew Scott was n warm friend or Desha, and utterly hostile to Sevier. H bad a neighbor, living about fifteen mil.s from him on the 'Tar" side of Gallery creek, named Logan, commonly called "stuttering Jim Logan," who was exactly wice wersy' in his politics; and so frequent had been their encounters that the two neighbors had come cordially to hate each other. One pleasant morning in the spring, when the sun shone out warmly, and all nature was green and fresh after a heavy rain or two or three days' duration, Lnyuu was down from his house, through the little strip of creek bottom, to tho bank of the creek, and sat himself on a "lick log," musing, peihaps, as Col. Jack M'Carlby once said, "on the evanctlunthe of thubhinary thiuglh." The creek was about twenty yards wide, ntitj the rain had raised it. to that it was swimming, covered wi'li foam, and running like a mill race with a full head of water. Where the road crossed, on the edge of which Logan was sittinsr, was the only opening in the woods, which fringed the stream on each side. Above and below the trees leaned over, and their branches hung gracefully in the water, and swung to and fro in the swift current. After Logan had set there a little while, Judge Scott came riding down the road on j the other side, but halted when he reached the water's edge, and looked across, without saying anything, but looked as. if he thought ' Hang you, if it's swimming, why don't you say so V' Logan look out his jack-knife, split a piece off from the lick-log and com menced whittling it. looking steadily uciuss towards Scott all the while. Logan was a large, stout, heavy looking man ; Scott, small, wiry, passionate, peln'.ent. and as jrave as a bull-dog. After wailing ft moment for each hated the other too much to speak Scott tightened the reins and rode into the water. His horse had not taken more than six steps, before kcrchng! he plunged in over bead and ears. In a moment more Scott was washed from his back ; the rider went one way, the horse the oilier, and the saddlebags a third. The horse turned towards the side which he went in, nml got ashore some little way below , the saddlebags floated down the stream, and Scott managed to reach Logan's side of the creek, and caught hold of the swinging limb ol a sycamore which dipped into the water. "Help, Logan, help 1" cried Scoll. "I shall bo drowned ! Help!" "S-s-s-say you'll v-v-vole for Sevier!" bawl, ed Logan. "Help, Logau! Help! I shall drown! Help!" "S-s-s-say you'll v-v-vole for Sevier ! again bawled Logan, not rising from the lick-log. Just then the sycamore limb snapped, and that moment Scott sung out "I'll see you h d lirst, you infernal old rascal and away he swept round the tree and out ol sight below. Luckily, the current made a sweep below, eddying round in the concavity at the upper edge of a sand-bar. upon which Scott was Hung, and scrambled out. He walked up the bank, and towards Logan, sputtering with lage, and streaming with water. Luckily he had no weapons but a pistol, and that, of course, was unfit for seivice ; and Logan was too big to be whipped by him in a fist fight "D n it!" cried Scott, as he got pretty near him, "do you stop to ask a man how he's going to vote before you save him from drowning ?" Logan never stopped whittling, but looking composedly up, slowly said "Every g.s-zenllcman his a riaht to v-vrote as he likes, and tld-ilrmcn when he likes ; find I d don't suppose anybody s bound to dive into the rretk, to f-fnh out a vote to kkkill his own." It is a fact, perhaps not generally known to farmers, and which, at this season, is im portant, that there are two parts in the po. ta o which, if S'parated imJ planted at the same time.on will produce potatoes-fit for the table eight or ten day sooner than the ulher. The smalt end of the potato which is generally full of eyes, is the part which pro duces the earliest ; the middle or the body or Ilia potato the lata aud larger ono. This we learn rroni an exchange. "Wire." said a tyrannical husband one morning to hit abused consort, "I wish you Mould make me a pair of false bosoms. "I should think," replied she, "that one bosom as false as yours is would be sufficient A gentleman, "Punch" says, is ore who CIIKAI WATCH KS, JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE. A ;HKAT Itr.ni'CTION IN 1'ItICKs! Twenty per cent, at least less than ever have been sld in the I'nilrd States ! GOLD LEVKlt WATCHES, lull ' jewelled, If karat case only $30 l.'siudly K1il for 5i3.'). (iOLU LEri.NE WATCHES, 18 ka rat ense, jewelled, " 24 MI.VEU LEY Ell WATCHES, full jewelled, " 14 Vsuallv sold for SIS. PI LYE R LEl'LNE WATCH E.s, jew elled, " 10 SILVER TEA srOONS, per half do zen, " 5 GOLD PEN'S, Silver Holders,' " 1 Persons wishing a Watch or wntchrs, or Jew elry, can have tliein sent by lnnil, with perfect safety, to any part of the United States or West Indies, by lirst sending the amount of money. All orlu les warranted as represented nnove. Or ilers from the country respectfully solicited, Plene address post paid, LEWIS LAHOMCS, 103 Chestnut St., East Wing of the Franklin House, try California Gold nought, or manufactured into Jewelry. Philadelphia, March 50, 18.r2 3m. IIARaiSBUEG EOOX EINDEEY. F. L. IIUTTISH & CO., fMUTi:.H'rs to W. O. Ilirkok, nuii II irk1 k & Oiuitiiie. TTSODIC HINDERS. STATION El's AND M.ANK HOOK M A N I ' F A CT ( ' RE lis, The Buliscrilicrs respertfully inform their friends and the pulilic, that they arc now carrying on the above business at the OLD STAND occupied by Hick"k it Co. Thev flitter themselves that hv careful attention to business, they will merit aud receive a continuance of Hie patronage so liber allv enioved nv the old turns, Particular attention will be paid to the ruling and binding of everv description of blank nook for banks, county nllices, merchants and private individuals, and cvciv variety of full and half bound blank bonks. Old books, periodicals, law books, music, newspapers, &c, Juund in any pattern and in nnv style rcouiicd, In addition to the above, they have, and will at ull limes keen, a general assortment ol SIA TIONEHY, consisting of 1.1'lti-r Paper, - "AID AND COMIOIUVV To Yotir Own Mechanics. GEOIIGE llENN. . ! "... . s MANuiTACTrinElt OF! 1 . V," ' ' ' j FURNITURE AND', Cltfap 1 . tt ilia tnncf PoobintiaVU ClW 1 i rTHE suhscrilier respectfully rails the attention of the public to his largo and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of ( , , tt ! f'.Alll&BTTWAKISa'J which cannot tiil to rnvonirnend itsetrtaovcry sue who will -CHnmine it, on nrcount of Its durable workmanship nnd splendid luiish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the ninnufacture of his w are, anil the suliscntier is determined to keep tip with the many Improvements which nrc constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany Solus, Pi van anil Lounge-, Bnreaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, IIREAKFAST AND I1IMX0 TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phils- ilclplus. manulacltire. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILKT TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of his business. . He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CllAIKS, ucluding varieties never before to be had ir Suiiluirv, such ns Mahoiiixt, Black Wai.nct aii CriiLKii .M Acts GitKriAX ; ami WiMisnn CHAIRS, ami i'am t Piao Stools, which ure of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. 1 lie sulmcriner is determined that thers shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in I tic cities, as every confidence can be enteiUunciI about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will bo disposed of on ns good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pavmciit for work. Etf CNDEKTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Hr.Aiisr., he is now prepared for I ndcrtaking. and attending funer als, in Ibis vicinity, or lit any convenient dis- ancc from tins place. YW The Ware doom is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. t;i;oui.iii ku.mn. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 18.ri2. tf. rhocnix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chests. 'i73..'nraiit.'. , ''cattle po vrnt'-R 7 KMh Third ktrtef, rHiladelphii .VV , CO. P-fcT.i2. .fia! jIi'-l . , Ktiivfs, Sl:,tcs nmt Pcnciti". I :ip " f li I lis:. I.etlil I'eilfllK. Ilniwinir ' liikcitimlf, J,i'lt,T StampM, 'I'nuist'cr " MoMo WtO'ers, India Ktilitx-r, r livinir " lllack Ink. Mnffrf. Ilt.it'.niu Si'Titma Wax, ltct Tap,, I I'wu, Uluf Ink. Hlrink Curils, Curl nine Ink. ('"pyinir Ink. Folilrrs, Ai ii.ilil fl mint; 1 Unit, l.ianrcs, ,Vc. tV Paper ruled to pattern, and all work war ranted and done very cheaply. F. L. Hl.'TTER & CO. March 13, 1.')2 If. SAYE YOUR MONEY. (l.ATK FRKKMAN, ll(l)rii:S it CO.) IMlUHtTKUS AND JOUBEKS, 144 Broadway, One door Smith of Liberty St., Sew York, nAYK niAV ou liruut, ami will li' rcceiviiwt iluily lllimifll the Kiiis oa. New O.mhIs. Uirifl fn.in the KurniKitn in iii'.ilni-liiriTH I cash Aurl!"HK, rictt, tasln in:il.f, lyncy Silk MlMmrrv Our M.x k I f KicH Rilili Hl, r - prin-s every variety of the tatt-sl unit iirmt tiuautil'ul iteuuiis Imp 'rtiil. Miiny of nnr p s4s are in-iinifncturcl cxprwsly to our nr.lcr. fr.im inir uwinlcsins anil p:iUi:i'us, untl annul unrl- viiIIih). vve i'II.t i.ur ijhiIh lur luit l'i,sli, at luwur prices limn anv crnlil IIhiiri' in Anifricn enn ntVinil. All puri'hnsers will liiia it erantly to Un-ir nilcruit lo rtv ,crve a sirlioil of llicir laoufy anil make st'lu'ctniim irulii oar uTrjit varn-ty i-f rich clnsip p-vm!. Itillnii rich .ir II 'line's. Cups. Mslii-stina lien. llniiiiL.l Silks, Hulins. l'rMp's, ListM nntl TarlcUini. :iu!irnnlcnc, C"Il:irfl, Clieiinsftls, Capes, llcrtluiA Il.-iliits. Sleeves. Cnirs, KiL'int'S, anil Inscrlinirs. I'.nilir'iiitiTiil Ucviero, l.icc, and Iliiustucli Cambric Ilrmitkcrctiii'fs. lil lints, llluslnm, anil Mlllir uilenil I Jirp nr l.nps. Kuilir.iiiliTrit l.nccs fur Shawls, Mmilill . anil Veils, ll.mit-m, Mr4-lilci. Vnlencieiies. anil llrassi-ls Ibices. Kra-'lisli nml Wove Tlircuil, Sniyriitt, l.isle Tlirnul, mul C'lllnn i.necs. Kill, l.islc Thrcnil, Silk, nnd tawing SCK, ijiovcs, ami Alios. French nail American Artinciai r twm. Freiu li Ijne. I'.nirlisli. AnH'ricnn, autl itnliun. Slnnv Itiinnels anil Trinaniiiirs. New Viak, Marcli Js-VJ 3in. Bonnets, Hats and Millinery (looMs! TTA TT ERPH ANTS and Milliners when in Phil if1 JU S'lelphia to purchase their goods, will Cud it to their interest to examine our large and fash ionable. .tock of TR.iW OttS. We manufacture largely and imi-oht the Newlst SrrLKS or I'ortin Falrtci in our line ; which together with other ftdranta geg enable us to oiler liberal inducements to Lie reus. 11. A. CEOOKER, & CO., Nos. 47 and 49 Chestnut rUruct, and No. 50 South Second Street, west side, near Chestnut, Philadelphia. December 27, 1851. ly.cf. J. I. DITTEXUCH, ,Yo 78 Xorth '2l Ft. letu-em Arch and liaee St., PIIILADrLrHIA. TfTEREEY informs the public that be imports and constantly keeps on hand at lus new store, No. 78 North 2d Hi., & large assortment of Foreign Fnney (lootls, Musical Instruments, Pictures y Paints, w hich he will sell at the lowest prices. His stock, in part, consists of, Aceordrons, Yioiius, Music Danes, Parlor and liar Room Or gans, Mtdodeons, tSersphiue, Mathematical In struments, Magnets, t-ipv and Oiinra (ilusses St.tlioiu'ry of all kinds, i'ueket liooks, Urmi'e Powdor, lniuh Metal, 1-olJ and hulvcr l.euf, Scales if ull kinds, Huuff and Tobacco Boxes, Lithographic Paints, Copper Piute and fSteel Eu uraviugs. and pictures of every variety. Also tjilt Krama Mouldings of various sinv. Dealers, Country Merdiaut, aud Pedlars, sup. plied at reasonable prices. ,''' Decfmliervu, imoi. iu VARRANTE1) to stand equal hc.it with any other (Chests in the country, and to defy the liurgl.is' ingenuity. Manufactory, No. 10 Hudson's Alley, running between Third aud Fourth streets, south of Chesnut, and in the rear ef the (.iirard Dunk. M. N.. the proprietors, are Practical Me chanics, und feci ciinfideiil, from long experience in the manufacture of Iron Chest and .Safes, and a special attention to this particular branch, of giving satisfaction to ull who may give them a call. A". B. We have delected one of the best min erals ever used as a non-eoiidiiclnr of heat m this business, and we w arrant our Chests and tS-iii-s to be made of the best material uud in the ".list durable manner, nod to stand any heat that can be applied to them. MIl.NOi: & SHAW, Manufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley. Running between :)rd and '1th streets, S of Ches nut, in the rear of (Iirard Dank. Philadelphia, Oct. 25, 1851. ly THIS GERMAN w asuim; row jinks' ?S considered by thousands who have tested it, as being the greatest Scientific Wonder of the World! Entirely doing awav with that laborious and iu- juiious practice of rubbing the CLOTHES rrcsN tub WASHBOARD, And a great saving of TIME. LABOR AND EXPENSE. N. D. To prevent fraud and imposition, (f r many are trying to palm Ml' article put up like mine.) the Proprietor, I. P. HOYT, will, put hi WRITTEN KKINATTIiE on the top In. Ik'I of every Package. And he only asks an 0niiriilrneti jmUir not to confound the c;i:ioia WASin-fs i-oyvim ns with others that are in the market. It is put up in Packages with full directions, and sold at the nominal price of 12) cents. W PRINTERS will find it greatly to advan tage to pure base tnose Powders to cleanse their TYPES AND ROLLERS, being a very suierior article for that purpose. Manufactured oidv bv I. P. 11(11 I . at his aboiiitory and Principal Depot, No. 10 South Eiflh Street, Philadelphia. holesale and Retail Agents; Henry Musser, uiihurv : 8. H. Dcnormandie, Northumberland. Remember the name ' OERMAN WASHING FU ID, PKC.PARf'.D BV mtEixm, Nit. to 'f'HIS rnrttiT Is entitled by tlic united testlirinfiy ef nil I wlui linvs asnl i In tlie HrSt. rank of nil Hk,b CAT 'I'l.K MI'.l)ICIM:ri, which hnve tswii Unniffht ir.iipc ,....il.e (..r tetirs. lisleeil we rluitlcuire tiny nrrs'in m inalie a supnriiir, ol nny nrnvdnr lin neto lu tlie mine mauner. If the miiinnl lie perfectly Iwnlthy it will oiihcr inerrisi-ilie nmnnninf milk or ircam nndhntterj nr the nunniil will Imprn-s npiilly in fnt. It will therefore in liiiK lie ennsiiJitreil we have nn ihiulit one of the staple nrti. t ies of every Farmer, wlm keeps a rlmry j mid of every person own'ilnf Isuse. It is mil one ol' those kilul n, SlixTi nss llmt merely w-ll an nnlmnt np fur n stunt time, hut it will liy the capacity which it lmsofr"nrrriiiig Illl'l'rltlC ACII) (winch is an rllete mimc.r) inio i,ac tic Acinnr oi.EiMi; rniisr a greiiter nfiltnint of nirtritimis miiller to lie retractiil I'ruis the same niunant of Inml. Hum pnssihly C'liilil I"-, cere the nelive principles if luitrilimi In nss out of the system in the f"nn of llirpcnie Acin Imvo lereii'iil n nctl'ituile. of evidence to prove what we hnve saiil ntvil'e. Suffice to sny : We have mixeil the netive nirent. with a ureat mmilier nf Vkokt Art.R plants ami In rtis, wlm h lime anil un hnve pr.iyiil t,i I Hi'l'ul. linpT'n'iiic the npnclitc nml pMmtini itiilisiiiin ol" the I'.i il ; thus securiiitr n healthy C'linlilioii of the hlii'st, frnii which the Mii.k nml Fat lansl lie f nneit. It iiiti v W" iiseil f ir llnK. t'nws and lloG for the f illnw- itift eoiaplaiuts and discuses. . . ' iinr.srA 1 YKMX1W WATT.H, a itangenms sickness, which de sires iinnr vahcilile liuiees every year, is very of leu entirely cnri-d l)- the free use of this powder, in nil fates il will prevent Ihe disease ilnln coming on. This disease is ownlinr ti a Iral nnd impoverished slide of Ihe hln Hi which laconics lliin, .watery and ol all yellow color. This pnwler bv improving tin, stotuaeli and pivieg to tin- hlssI n ereatcr ,piantity of red inrtieps, iill'onls ihe Ik'sI and only sissihle ciiauec of recovery. If 1 li horse is t'nr (r uie, uive tnorniiif: unit niht n tahlespoonfnl in wet feed, il in the liey-innimr imee a day at noon, If only topre venl Ihe disease Iwiee n week. SI.AIIIIi ;i;iMi This is the ruiuition of many vnhta- I hie II uses liy es i.uisli.Hi hy n e-islaut discharge ol s-ili- vn wllll'h iineiit n-'l into ihe stnnmeh to ll-sift nicest!"!,. U is a species iH n;livu!l'Hl olten prishiced hy Iiwax To. Imcco fiowinjr in Ihe pns'iire prund A 'ralilespoiintul three limes a week wtil t'reipten'ty nrrest tin: thnv, if it does not depend ou tlie ToUacco in the Brass, under each circiiuiKlniires Ihe atiiiuti) Mui't lie kept ill the ittihle. DIM I'l ;M PI".!? . If the powder is early mul freely used, no other remedy need he m-ed. it has already cured hun dreds of llohsi:s ol this tr mlilesiime disease tnthe surprise of those who used it. If n.. u.etl early. Iiefore liultler l.ss foriiui! in ll.e uec il c.mii 't restore tin! unimnl imtiWiIj until the m itter is diseiinrpil. nse It early nnd prevent such n result. A TidileswHnl'ul once or twice a ilay is eaonch. (il.AM)i:RS Tiiis dtflse lias killled nil FUTor:R, fltye this powiler n 1'iir trial and it will do wonders ill this lerriHe find hit llerto ini'iiral.le malady. It is a disease of Ihe rrl'iniliird system ami kept up hv iui-erleet liul.riti.ul; in leieh e.ises n Tai'lespooiiful every day Iwic" 1'ir ft m"iilil or Iw i, in conM.-int sueeession. will ill unit; cases out of 11 dozen etr,-el n cure, it has h.-eu f.iirly tested. Conehs and shortness of lirnnli ilependmc on weak turns, u Tntiternoi infill every morning; if il ulmtes once ul twice u week. POtHt I.OW-SI'lHITnn HOi;sl.S, or wliere there is nnv remains of founder or stitri'SS of motioii. nnd the ll'irs.- will not fatten, or where the hair Is Toilirli nna stands slrniuht onj, the fissl seeiuiup to do mi pood. US' P iwder pr nllices iilulosl iiuniediale improvement of the nniirial ; the digestion improves and with it nil the sluir pishness of the animal rlifijpeiu s. becoming lively and spirilinl, and tile hair miiooth nad slick. COWS. For. Mlt. KING L'ows. wearefa'lv convinced that it not only iin:r oves the nil 'lit of Milk. I'reaui end Hutler; some w ho have tried the ex periment say a Pound a Week, others say liall'n pound wlnle one peis u nisi-c.-d upon it tliut he made, two pounds more a We. k lioui li I'oys. We think il will he found to tivera-.re fr an a I to u p innd per week on earh Com', if Ihe Cows in-., pen. v iv tie illhy. Tins additional n mount is made li Hie e niversi ai ol'tiic llipiniue Acid into .itro. penous nml f piv c m;i nui'ls: nit i .y supplviiiir llie oxy- p.-n taiien lu liy I lit- Ili.v'S. with Ine clemeiusol reaeihul ; Willi' iC I'imiiu :iu ' ! I lii! i'r -ecu ins tiortioii ol the leeil. MOI.I.OW lll'iRN or WOI.V; HOOK DISI'.AVI :, Slid nil other ili.i'MSi s of neat caltle I'ependiup upon II Imd slate ol" the l!;nde. are rem i nl spc-dily tmd clleeluitlly. Cov.s, wli se milk is hUie, ihiu uud watetv nnd where it d es not vie'd much cream, or wdiere t';ws ei'e h! ooity milk, or which are nun! I o stand iiuitr dry. It will lie found nil aililosl inf ihilrtV reiuedy. hy liuproviuii the c aulllioii of the hi ml iiiilI en-.-ciiur n h.-iltiiy diiresti ni ; u Tnlili-spoon-ful every day or every other day as it may lie necessary LIVER COIftPLAINT.1 JAUNDICE. DYSPEPSIA: CHRONIC. 'OR NERVOUS TiKIULITY. DISEASE i if hi j ii i rTr'Fcn n r ifiiK innii n (UH'triicTfu nvrr ( A1 UAyiO JsOTI-: TABLE. 1 1 ' connrxTED, weekly. or sin mucii, such uatonMiisilvauiinvnid Piles. IfuUitsss. oi rllnorl to il,i, head, Acidify of Ihe Slilmticli, Ivauscn, Heartburn, diiintSI fur il'onrl, fitllnew or weieht in the Slonineh, t.iur Kriiclalious. sinkinii or lluttcrinu ni the pit of the PtnmiieH, swlinndiir of fhe Ih.,,1. Inirrierl imd diffi enlt I'renthii,!, rtalterinii at t'ue lienl, i li kiti or snfTucutinp sensHtjons when inn Ivinp posture, lliuinesi of vision, itnsor wehs l,.foretlie tiehl. Fever nnd dull pain in Ihe head, ilrfb-sctiry lifOTpinuion, vellnwnessof Hit Skin nnd eves, pain in llie side . Inek, eliest, limtis. Ikr., sudden flnsliee of hen! luirninir in the flesh, rouslnnt iuraginiiurs o evil, nnd rrenl deprevsi'm of spirits, , CAN UK r.FFF.CTCAM.V CFIlllb J1Y B?k. HCOPLAiTD'S ' i i:lf.i;kati:i itiTTi:its, rRRPAItrTtl fY DH . C. M . JATKSOX, AT TUB GERMAN MKDICINH STORE, Kit. ICO Arcli Si., rhllailrlpliln. l irnr jKnvfr 4ivrr (Up nHve ilint-iintw U not mHIhI, if rutmnctl, lV iiitv ul iiT nrs-tM.ri.l. I ti. I nit.,1 Sl,.i.- nMiif- curB nttt-H, in niitny tnnea alicr UilUul physioiuua TImw lltlM-rir nre wtirtliv llirv nttnili-m nf hmiliiU. rnwwiim ifiMit virtitt'ej in Ihe uvulintti'in u( iIih-hm l il... I i i . . i . ..... t-n r ri:itnm, rr.T"t!h-i? llie in m nciiirinns 'v?r in v'wiktti tw tint) nltViMii-iin i.-i Hie lt(vtive mg.niR, fl-'min the Hurt n Jiee.1 1 h I,!il.r Mi.f, Urr. .i I Ml. llnnt-I.ANp'n ('KI.HIHtATEn TtHmtAN t llTTKR f I uie riirnoi ivi-r ( (nnpliunt, .(iuiihIk-p, J)vrifpiiiii, ChrciiU! r Nitviimr l)i- iiiv, is ii.-st rvtpillv r.nt-t.Vtlic liittKi twipn- lur mrMifiiM-ett.f il.c l;iy. TIn-w- HiMfm lmvr ln-tn iittl ny ui'itiruMn, jnul n r. milt! nt cur i lti nv mvm hv litis him-f-tl ns-eivt-'l mi tr -tiiTil nntl ),friiruu-ni "run nf l.ivi i Ctiiiipl iin i'miii . iipnnl, ivinrdv. We arc (nvnir' Uml, in IAo iipi ol Untv Hntrrn, tin puii-iit rmtjitniiilv inilllil Birrnylli :t;i( V''-ir li fir! wortiiVMl yri!Ht i'-tlfiilf- nilinii. I h-y iin- jiK-is:iiit in i;vtv nml 3iin li, nntl ivm m iimm i.y nt'rm.iiv wdh tlM-inuM flfhrtn ftmniiclis Willi mif ly. innitT tiny cirr;iniwt-ini'ti. 't- nn riifntiMnr fnuii v.: ifri(iiw, tiinl to ihi niiii-Ll v .vlKthT,e., " "SfnTT'r. Vi.rrtt,Y." .me of tltri lit-st T.ilfrtif y pripori. MIIMIilll-(l. Mill, .AUK, ZJ . 'Dn. II'MiPMM)' rmrMAS IiITtk", iiiiiiuf:Htiirnl by LT. .1 :t K 111, itrr il HV riTmiiilM'hilfti hy l"Hlt t'l 111'' IhMftt pr inniirtii ni.-;iiS.-rs u ftp iricul; v iiw an ariirli t iiiu''1i t'lV.vwy in cvw.-B i-f Irin.ilf wvTikhf-RK. A fu-1i is ihe C:iS(. 'V y I ;i.1vi. It) lttri J t I l T T t tt a l 'Hi'', jiimI i:itm rw thfni Iv ni'ir-'. tr kin I'cffs m of d tili:i ti'if rnjiff iTtiu h! will tiii'l U m HiMi'i-i ntlvinLi-'iiW I tttf'ir i"-?irii. wi- kn tv IrtHii xj",riem!e tue Ktlnlar rlltvt they Unvv w:v HYNli-uie." fth.re flvulcntp. try v i v a i a . fitt or MiitAOF.Lfnu' I. Mnnk imtn . lAllit AH sulvenl fefiiikn pm rnrNTBY. niniK 01 i:iirnUT i o.' m r j Jlniik of DH.Co. rlimter iar Htink of (o'l innntnwii iwir! ilary Honk of (lellvsburir ' 1 ills Hunk f lievt istcwil i 1 llnuk oriMiililletou n I His , MAFSACAtlffcJT?. All s-dyeni Imnks rtts HIKIDK lrI.ANI. All recent Imnks . I li ro.NXIUri'lCVT. All sidvent hanks ' " J fis m;w yoiik. I OITT. j ' Alt solvent IfuiVs ins Ull j die par par pir 3 iii par t'dis llis t?" Bk intra under 93 rmiKTSY. . . Alt solvents banks I OIS l, ,, ,ie,,., ,..,,..' II... 1, . IV!-IV II HSF.V. llnuk of .,ril,,ol.,l d llrlvulere llfmk I 'lis iiuiK in i'i k nirir i it is ' i.omiiti'rf iti ! iiaiiK Hank of Dniiville " ,,-irll'nr. Itnlik Al nit tritlly' Carlisle Hank 1 dis F. A AI ., iMiddlelown IM. n" loluiiiliin USA H'ne Co isirlMechiuiinf' Hk, Newark par l)ov. Isiowu Hank ' imr'Mreh. Ilk of Hitrlinaton wr l-Inston Hank parl.Mecli. Man. Ilk Trent, par Krie llnuk a dis .Morris l!o Hank 5 dis Ktelmnjc irkriltshurn ids: Newark Ilk's A liia.Cl J dis F.lehaiin. Il k. Hraucli 1 ilia'Oiniiee Hank , j ihs l'lirmers' H'k, liiuksl'o par l'eopie's Ilk I'atlcrs on dis rnrmers' iik, uiucustcr prir.lTlliccTou ii-ius Kntmerst Ilk. Hcailiue par titem H:i!lkin C', Fnrm. JJk Sehuvlklll To par etuerret t'o Hank F A I). Hl WuvneiuliV II, lis Slate Hank nt l iimdell Franklin Hk. Vasli'ii I idis t'late Ilk rjizalnlhtna H-irrisl.urir llnuk I dis State Hank Newark Hmierilalc Hank . 1 dis. State HI;. N. Hiiunuviek par Lancaster Hank par.Snssex l.nnk. .Newton j ilis .elimiiin Hank tvirf I'renlon llankintr r i par Mrreh. A- Man. I! ink 1 disll'iiion liank. Mosep ihs Miners' H'k. I'o'tsviUe pi-rj Yurdlej v'le A II..I lir Co l.hs Mop iie;ihet;i Hun', I dis'l 5?lik notes under fj i dis TavtorsvV D. lll'uCi, 1.1 disl DFLAWARI".. Wcs! Hraneh U-iik pnr Hunk of llelawiire fir voniinir Ilk, llkcsli'e jutrj H.ink ol Sini rita , pa! York Hank, I disl Delaware lilv Hank pal t llehef notes I tlislMk Wilimj'n tlraislrw. tl MAIM. It'iinuiTs" Hk llelawiire par Hinkof li.iloek ' Srlie fnion llnuk. Vlhuinnton par iMi rcniilile Ilk. Ilanij or HIilislIV I inter M'a j dis Alls'lvent hanks J dis (HMO. NOW IIAMI'SIUttK. All itveiit lanks 2 dis All solvent h-iii, dis't I'.k n-S'ii nndrr .Vs I .lis Vi;l!l(JVr, : MltCltl ("AltOIJNA. l!:iid; ofsi AiliMiis 4 d'. All s .1 nil hanks .8 (lis All solvent hanks leil JM uderS"s, JJ din PEIIA. AND HEADING RAILROAD. Rni!r:u aukaxrkmit from riiir,Ani:i.rniA axd roTTsviu.K. Thi "riiili'Miin V:tTnn-l:iy (Ifiz-'lti','- hr Wl familv iitVJp:ip,,i ;nil'licil:i-tl in Hit; I nitcd SwiUrt, llio edit.tr .) Di IhT'ifhtml's German Kilters. 'lt i Kfl-lcin ti. we n'i'ciiitiii'nil wlmt urn lermctl pit- t'n AM'tliciiifn. I in- nnliilriicf nii'l p;itrtimot' of r'.'it'iTn ; mul. r it i i-.r f, inn r rrc ir:in'-nr1 Dr. f To if. l-imCi iirrnnn Itith-rs. we wis it in lie fliwtnu'tly tiiulr-r Rtoi'd tl.rtt Wt! uie if it Ritcnkliiu' "1" the 11' ml rutin of the thy, t)mt ;ue ii'iinnl nl).Mit l rji In iff peritnl cml tlieu for dutien nl'ti'i lln-y li.iVefl iu; tl.fir Riiilly rnrt of itiiwliirf. tint n ti iHi ilu-nit1 1 11 t'Htittilic-ln it. univTrt illy piietl, nml which ivm nwt Itir h-nrty nppiovul of tin- Fiu-uily itur.f Kvitlt'iifi iipni ''Vi lfticf Ins Imm-ii rcrtiivtl (like llu forcr ttn!:) fiom nil wrclioi.t t.f itw 1'iiion, tlu lu1 Ihr-e hut that il iiwfwvn ! inn Hint 1 . 7'. UT""'N, 1,',V'M iiii-ir in iii'ir i it iift"i in him pr:ici i'i tut r"i;u:;ir i'iiy hcihhh of 1'iiilit Iflphui, lh in nil ft in r n tut fluid cnil.inf I. tl :U( tlllt fill -:Si'V li; CMnlt! .t .t I, Illdl flt'lv pr- IIIlT ill it n cfit'iiiiti'' prc;-tr:i:i ti wit! nn'-i with liivir quicl nppr'iv.il wtini pri-j-t'iiml vi'ii in thin litrin 'J'tiiit lliis ltif iiiciin' will t-irt' l.ivtT riiiniMnint mi l Hv pcpnin, ii'i oik i'miii nilit. nftf-r in-r il us iliri'i-o-tl. It nri Wt"'ilic;i!!y upon si in:u-li nml Iivit it i.i pu tT'-rji ( i: to c;il unci in :il l.i'li i'3 ti f:t-s llu elf is i i t t n-i ii:it t. Tlity : ii t'f ;"lniiiiiM''H,il ti I'r m.ile or Infant Willi wiii-ly nml rt liblr Ih ik-Ui, at n.iy i iU'NTi:iin:n. .1 I'm lii-li c'minftur wlnrh ii Pisrn m)ir fumnifr oft mi owrlifit tlifmrHve, pi't rw'! I nl ti'iA". ('(i'kIis. nlftri ni th' (.'mi's mul l.ivcr. whifli lmusi' iIh-iii to i!ir vury Miil'li nly. ihvft; inav rvrtitel otnin-ly 1'V piiiiiii:: ti p.nitnl or u Inll into n jlarr-! nf vill; mul it will nt tin: Kmi? time c 'iifiicralily hastrn the l.ittcn intr pr-trc.1-?. . It. In nniii'i! vlii h is pivnijj milk mul y n nre il'-siC'iis t jitt'n nt III- rttini' ttirit', you f-h-'ii'd n t cut more titan a la lesn i ntfal onci' a w:eii or it will reljiulthc fiirni:iti''ii of fat hy ni-ri-ihinir tin mii"imt of . i:J, lal i-.n'!4 piti'H'in try it -r;ff; for himself mul hi1 wil r mil hi iitiUsl of m ch llcnl tjiuililium Mtal that im Far lli'M pirtnltl In witli-'iit it, lor tli pnrp'isc of titi'lio? omI uttl! furlliT I'ow fir oui jusily iH. ln iV.l I'A'I'TM; I'l'W IHot. in ciilitlt.l llit t"ii)ful.'iHi if Hit inolli'f"itt rt(plt: w h ivu n-llri-il I'llfrs- t i nil parrt- d t(;t- 1 nil'd Stair., whrr nr .w ilcr h;if liffil ijf-'l, mul W ari:iVf r''V l"m tll I'villrilfP thus !r mjlit l-rfuri' iif. lo nnrnrt' i-vtjry I-'arni'-r.. Dial y lirtii fittrt llir-J-iii'Mi. Hint it has thus far Vt'ty limtill tx rM''l irr m-'t .anrrntnt' ,i,i,tnti'tn. With Ihr mlihtioiinl ki-wl-.l'it Ihns fur rhtfilnitl, Wn Iloi-K wt.' will l eniiWli'il to nnlt the Ih-sl niid m mt pt-r-f.-rt f 'a tti.k Mfiicim: i-vit vl off-rt-d to n tlii.-prni'nr pr i Ic It lifts us n n!iriliU priMii"trr of itiesti.iti. im provm tin ijiviliu- of inr hlo mI iihi! thin jniT.-ows the toti'iiint f iM'brr I'tit, Milh ii ad 'itfi-qut-Mtly of Untlcr Mvt in Ihf hfu'lhv Anitiril Jlrwuri' f' OiuiifritiM n llif estf-niv kiIp of r powihT l;s miiin-.tl .'iSfis to mi kf nil iinilation of it. I'.urli aic'( 'Wf written Sipniitnre on th iid. lUiT.lMU, I'KUM'.KIKI.D A CO. I'hiln-Jelphiiu July i. l-wl- ly. MARBLE MANUFACTORY, CHEAP (iiJ.VVK STONKS. ''"till) suliscrilvr informs his fricmls sml tlic inililic, that lie continues to carry on tlic . . Fares Rpilnrrtl. O fee of the VhUn. t( Keadiii? Uinhnad Co. riiilttrlrlpliin, Mnrcli 2fi, 1831. Two PiisscniTer Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) f"nnil nftcr April 1st, two trains will vi ie !( run cucli wy, daily, lictwren l'liiladel pliiu mul I'ottsvilli- MDUXIXG LTXK. I.cuvcs Pliil.ulelphin nt 7J A. M., daily except Sunday. Leaves Pottsvilic at 7 A. M. daily except Stm da s. Al'ThK.VDOy TA.YTi. Leaves I'liilailelpliia at tjj o'clock, duily, except Sunday!!. Leaves rottsville nt 3J o'clnel;, daily, except Siiiulav. Iletween Phi!.nl,:li!iia and I'et'sville, $2.75 1st i-las ears nnd .-") d cl.is i-ars. r . lletween l'hiladclpl'.ia nnd Heading, S1.7,i 1( clas eai'S and l.l.i 'd class ears. Depot ill Pliilailelpliia, corner of Tiioad nml Vine Streets. l'nsseiitiers eneiiot ruter I'.ie ears unless provi ded with Tickets. rt I'l'ICK. l'ifty pnunds of Imjtr.ice will lien! liiwi d to caeli piissi iigr in tliesi: lines ; and pas scn;r"rs are. expressly proiiiiiitcd lV.nn taking uny tltiinf as liacj,r.;i' lint tiieir wearing uppurcl, wliicll will lie at tile rink ofils owner. Uy ordiT of the loard of Manairers. S. DKADFOftD, April 19, 18.11. Secretary. -.Tust I'uhlisiicd. - ji "7,r rt r TffTJTX!Tmiar , A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At I lie Cabinet Ware Itoom of"" SEirjJTi IIQUIT r& CO. Also at the tower nf Fivru street 4 l Railroad SUNtJUHYi.l'A. Thnnliful for the pntronnr;e of, his friends and rttstomers dr.ritnj: the 17 years he has heen in busi ness in this place. h solicits from the public a eon tinunnee of their limits. Dtirinir this period he has endeavored to keep tin with the itlihrr,rments of the day, and has neeordinirly extended llis busi ness in every branch nnU variety. 1 he public sre therefore invited to the attention of the present stock of ' . i . . . CAM X RT WAKK AND CHAIRS, MAN'.'f.rTfftrr nv EEBASTIAN H0TJPT & CO. . At the Old Flnnd, , , Where in addition to their forpier stork of tin establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, TTalnut & Cane-Seat Cliair'i Limre Sprint Sent . Ilockiw Chairs, Drrssiitir lhiremm, Centre Tables, .Marble Top Wash Stands, ' ' "' and a variety of other ' nctc style nnd ' - FnstiinianMc !! urniliirc.1 llavinff secured n llenrse and made tho fiercs' snry nrianirements for Ihe purpose, they sre rtotsr prepared for UndrTtakirifr in all its branches, in Ibis vicinity or at any convenient distance. . , , Ye lilaiils nn-! mistreirses, nail hnsliainls too, u Here's fttrnilure of every style mat hue, I'risu side tsinnls rliiwn to kitchen tnlileg, ' r Fr'im riickinirclinirB to luckiinrerarlleS . Pliuulil you not liavc tlie n-aitj Jons to pay, . We'll wjiit uwtiile f;ir n bristlier bettor itay, ,:" Or take potatoes, oats, c.irn, wlient nnrl rya ; , ltark. lump p'lles, staves, or lui!ilH.r wet sail dry, Or any tliiuj luit yikes unit tliresliiug flails, rinin piirs anil talkies rlmvii to little quails. Cmne nn Ilien frlenits, come one sun" nil, Keep tmite n mnvinp, so "gi'es oil tlie bait. ' , , t"" Orders from a distance promptly attended to nnd work of all kinds delivered with dispatcli. Sunbury, March 9, 1R50. tf n5t!.TV li.WI) AXD PCXSIOX ACENCY. The attention of the publir is railed to the ti verttsenient of Air- Charles C Tiirkcr, Attorney nnd Aneiit nt Wnshi'ton City. Persons li. ing claims for bounty Lunds or Ptiiisiuits are in formed that the subscriber has made arrangements for tiie requisite forms, itnd elaininnts calling at his oliiee, can have their papers prepared and forwarded to Jlr Tucker nt Washington, and I iv him he properly nttended to heforo the De p.iitineiit there. ' II. D. MASTER. Suuliury, .T.in. I5, 1S51 Ill'WAKf. OI- Tliis me !i'-;:-c Ik's -il.aii iiei-i-fs-ir i .rail iu'-.lii-iin; r ' a'lai.t t i ni.liii-..- '--iiinii-ifi Hers t'i tint f'Tlli n s.uri-i;i..- nrti. -ti- at tl;e risk of the lives i.l llyise nrc iuil'icenlly ile.-iciveil. look wci.i.'i'o i 'in-: maiiks- or Tin-: of.ntini-:. Tliev liavc llie writt.aisit.-11'iiuri- nf C. M. .lAf'KSON npnn tin- Ti-nipper, unit tin- n-iiue lil'.wu illllle luittle, with i.ur wliieli Ih.-y ure !--ilil'-iis. . l-'ur sale, wll'il"sale anil rcl-iil. at the (lermaii Muliiint Stare, N,. till AI'CII Street, one il-mr 1k-I -w Sixth, (hte .f i - , IT,, ' a;?- Ila-e Mrcel.) IM11I.1 -leipari, ami l.y riani-i.-ialilc iliailers I M- - f i lit 1.1 generally IliPiUillnuit tin- mtry. I -- . I.ICK1!, No. S M Che.nilt Ht 1'iiicKs ,;riii'ci:i). t-J . , " UL-M v"ii-iiiii .ii.ui-i.,.i . ......ift, lie!,' mid beautiful mu.-.ic from the most iliiliu- AlACh.kiHr'a., SHAi, CODFISH, SALMON, HEKH1XG8, POKK. HAMS AXD SIDES, shoi:ldks, I I Constantly on hand I and for sale hy 1 J.PALilEK&Co. f Market St. Wharf, PHILADELPHIA LAHD AND CHEESE, J March 13, '523m 1.AMC DEEDS printed on the beat quality of parel iiu iit papi r, sold at the lowest prices All letters to he post paid. Novemlier 'ii, ISol. fiino. u i) o k ? i-: t. Luit, Broadway, BUKBTJRY, PA. Tl"ST received and for sale, a fresh supply of r.v.4t:M'4i. .mrsic fur SiiiKinrr Schools. He is also openimj at this time, a large assortment of Hooks, in every brunch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, llistorv. Novels, Homanees, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine. School and Children's Hooks, Bibles; School, Pocket and 1 iiinily, both with and without Engravings, and every of vuri- etv ol liiudiog. Prnver liooks. of all kinds. Travels, Vovatro and Adventures, all ol which will lie aold low, either for cash, or coun try produce. Sunbury, Jan. 31, 1 8S3. tt. J O H N A. II A lri l S", Mantifaclurpr, &. Dealer in Imported and Domestic Serjars, Also, a general assortment of l.raf& UlRiHirarturtMl Tolcro,! CIONSTAXTLV on hand, at the lowest mar- ket prices. - Comer of Chestnut St., and Wharves, Philadelphia. December ?7, 185t-ly. MITIPS ESSENCE OF JAMAICA C.1X- " GER, fresh supply just received, and for sale hy , , , U. II, AI AsSLK. Sunbury, Jan. 10, I8.i3. Marble linsincss in all its branches, nt his old stand in Milton, Pa., and is prepared to manu facture. Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &o., of the best materials, and most finished work manship, nnd nt the lowest prices. Letter I titling, Lugiisli and licrman in the most modem an I elegant style. Designs fur Monuments, Grave Stones, &c., always on hand. 11. JJrdcrs fur the East side of the river promptly executed by leming the name at the otiice of tho ''Sunbury A nieriean." . AXTHO.NV HIPP. Milton, May 10, 1851. wis. a. ESASON, snj5,Tsivi'r :t ntl lrintcr, No. 46 Chestnut Street, above Second, fs prepared to do EAtiUAVI.Nti and PlilNT l.Mi, ill ull their braiicbes. Wedding, Viniting and lousiness (.'arils, liall Tickets, W'at. b Papers, Lain Is, Hill Heads, IVotcs, Checks, II raits and Diplomas. Seals aud Stamps fir Corporations, Odd l'ellows. Masons, Sons of Temperance, &c. All tho nbove engraved 111 the best manner. Orders by Post promptly attended to. December 87, 1851. ly. T en-Oilc all classes .u' iuc.ili Is t i cnj"' the atlcantafres ol" taeir ((real resturutlVi p--wcrs. j Sif'p. JloHlr, 75 rents. ' j At.so: t'nrs-ile liy II. M..isi-.l-., Suntniry, nml M. A. M'Cav. N irtlin-u'ierl-tuil. Auutlril ;lo, l.'il ly. T-T-', .llVI'!'! gthhtjey, pa. - r-JtllE MIPS WEJTZEL'S rcspectfullv iulorm B the Public tliat t!n-y still continue to enter- j lain travellers and others lit their old established stand in Market street, we t of the Court House. Their lung experience in the business, nnd the ' well established repul ition of their House, will, I they trust, be a suliiciclit guarantee, that their customers will tie well uccouiiiio.l.ilL'd. March 8, 1851 tf. AMERICAN HOUSE, rOTTSVILLE, PA. " 7 US. MAUY WEAVER respectfully inform! ;-i;.,. .,,,u;.. ,t ,r ,.;,.. .,...i. ' i - v . ... ... .- Iv. Ihat she has oiencd tliis large and cinniui'dious lldl I.I., furnished in a superior style. 1 roni her lony experience ill the business of a first rate Hotel, and will known reputation to accommo date, her customers tuny deM-ni! on being snp lied with every thing conducive to their comfort and convenience. Feb. 15. 851. tl LAWlil-NCH IIOUSI SUNBUHY, PA. flHE subscriber respectfully informs her friends and the public generally, that she has taken 1 the above well known stand m arly opposite the (. oui t J louse, lately occupied by Mr. J. C Per kins. She trusts that her experience in hu-inesg. and her efforts to make her guests coinnirUhlc, will give entire satisfaction to thoso who may fa vor her with their custom, ANN C. MOKWS March 8, 1S51 tf. ,4 K.NOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe- i- (ive uud legal cnclope, for sale by i " II. B. MASSES. Sunbury, nra 10, 1852. v 1 AND BILLS neatly printed on new trpe promptly esecutcd at this office. Also blanks, of nil kinds on sierior paper. Sunbury, Feu. 14, I852. , T)I,ANK Parchment Paper Deeds ohd blank Mortgages, Bonds, Lxeeutlohs, Summons, -!.... IJ II II lUilPO OLV,, ioi sale oy ... .11.0-1-1.1,, Sunbury, April SB, DS51. BAP-GAINS! BARGAINS ! ! Clocks. Wiitches, Jewellery, ' Silver Ware, rancy tiimds, &c, &c. I.Ol'KSnf every ilescripti n nml finality, H ilav RraK anil tin li 'Ur Clicks, veiy low. ulciics nl tin liest milkers. T tbi-isj -tins ni mill It tillis-il! li-ilil iviteul le.vi-rs. s sue ns InW as KU, viirrnnt-il IS knint enses. nml insnriil fur 1-2 miittlis. Silver Inversus towns ln,tH) wirrnnteil. I.epiiies ns low us isii.lio warrauti'il, (.jLiirticr Watches in L'real variety. Jewellery nl every il.'S.TI)ti 'II. (mIi! liilanl mul l-'.-li Cli-tiu. Ilrawlets, Kar Hilars. Fintrer Rinci. Hrv-i-lios, Issno-ts, C.nlil Pens lor e-l.lsi. wuiranlwl p iluls. Tlic mit.sci ili.-i liiiviuir lust relurneil Irum Ihe t-uslein eict.n-iii! is preoel In furnisti nnv urticle in Ins line uf luiNuiess nl the uilest t'vlep. mul ns eliefip ns the snnia nrtl- cles can lie s -M in tlie l'liil-iilelplnu nr Nov nrk murki-ts. e nivlnce tlie inililic. nl this lai-1 lie invites tlu-lr iilti-n- linn uml resjiei-iful.y snti.-itsa mill. Hti v.ulil tsirtieularly Illl lle thn nlleillKui ol llouu rrupn mrs, nml l-iiinilles In liis extensive assirl!neul ol" tsilvel Ware, viz: Ten rlls, utile. Iti-hsert anil 1 ea SMvmns, rnrKS, Lndies, A-e Ae. I Inters mceivnl f"T uny srtii-le of Silver Warn rxcculiil with iirmuptut-fc, nntl in tlie Is-Mt sti le. A itrenl varietv of riuicv ImwsIs, Punier Maelie w-irk, sueli us Wriltuir Desks. Port Knllisi. Olnve limes, (Mmt llnxes, 4e, Ac. if yoll want to secure b;ir)Cilu cull ia it. c nnr.r.vft next rl'Sil In the P ist OlTire, Centre it , t' lttsville. Pa. N H. All kimls of epairs atleiiileil to tiy tlie beat work men. JJeectnuer 7 I01 Cm. I HINOLES, Joint and Lap Shingles, of fir. 3 ratu quality, for sale by V, ! .JOHN YOUNG. Suuhury, Dec. 30, 1851 tC ;l (0LT) PENS with and without silver cases v J just received, and for sale hv ' 11 B.'MASSKR runhury. AnriH 1851 ' ' - J. II. ZIMMERMAN, jisi.tt: ' tbi u ii:itTt Euubury, Pa. 1 OHice in Deer Street, immediately op)iOHite the J ulilic Sehaol lluuse. r?" Monica rsilleeleil auJ nil biuuuess niiuimtlv aintcare- fuhy ulii-nileit tn. April 80, 1H50 JJATKN'i' Trusses of all kinds, Harrisons w riting ami utile luMe ink. Cotton yam and laps, just received and tor sale bv . , J. V. i KH.l.Mi. Sunbury, Dec. S, 1818. 1 TON 13 Ware, Kurthen Ware, liaisina, Al- 1 monds, P ones aud Cream .Nuts. Planes ol all kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just receivej nnd for sale l.y - JOHN W. FKII-INU. Sunbury, Dec. 21). 181'J. . j Il OOKS and Gold Pens. On hand several coi ies of the life of Christ, and also a number of gold jiens which we will m il at tlie Philudelphia prices, l or sale at mis ouir. SILVEI1 WATCHES. A Tew iloutue caise Eii"lish Silver Watches, for sulo at very low price, by 1I.B. MASSJTU. Sunbury, April I-:, inoi. wrKN'XEUYV PATENT SAfill FAS. Si TE.N1XGS. A cheap and excellent aril- cle lor fujiteiiius sash tiir sale hy J. V, t 1.11.1-U Sunbury, July 7, 1840, , ( . "VH'lisING BOTTLES Breast pumps, and niimle tubes- A supply of these useful nrti- cles iust iwouiTed and linr sale hy , I J IIUIV IV Dlf IVC! Sunbury. Jan. 18, 1851 if NOB AND SPRING MORTIKR f'AT it article, for sale J- W. FAILING, U CH ES. An excellent article, for sale at half the usual price hy ' Sunbury, July 7., 1$40 TTESTICE8' FEE BILLS ' For sale by tV 11. B. MASSER. ., Sgnbyry, 185L'2r . , , ... . - -, .. , ILEVS VOVaU CNDV. An exoel lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sal at this ofln e guished cuiiiposers. '1'he fulloiiig litit contains some of their choi cest nml mo-it popular Sonus, Waltzes, Polkas, CV.C. Now, tana art (io;ic, a beautiful soii-. words by Thomas .1. Dic'.il. tnusie by llauib.'idge. Mv Ne-.v England Home, words and music bv Mrs'L. Wade. Probe's ( Iniiiili'is ; by C. Grolie a collection of Duetts. Sotniu from Ilnnie, piano and violin, by Jos. Ctiug'l. Pretty Little PoKi-as fur Pretty J.ittlc People, bv .1. Ling. All llie Winds are Sleeping, by A. S. Worn scy, tiuardian Angel, hy the author of "Love Not." Household Words, written by Chns. Young, do. The Adieus, words by Thomas J. Diehl, mu sic by Horr. LEE & WALKE'.t have constantly on hand, siipi'ii-ir Pianos, and a supply of .Martin's I'c'.c Inaied (iuitars, which together with a tine ns siirtinent of Musical Instruments and Merchan dize in general, comprise u stock not to lie sur passed by that of uny other eslablishinont in the country. LEE & V, Al.KEH, 102 Chesnut slirct, Kwuiiu'c Jluilding. Philadelphia, June S8, 131. ly. " Ml CI UK NO 1VVYI Htr.licV Tevcr mid Aie rills!! PEIIPECT and speedy cure for the Fever mul A true is guaranteed to tiny one who may uo llio Pills, They have been used for the xi ren years nnd have never been known to fail in a singlo instance and in eases, too, where persons hnvo had the diseaso for several veais. without iiilermiininii. 'Ihe proprietor V.in'A'f " sun1' to piodnee ull article that will cute in ns short a time, without leaving any deleterious oH'orl from the 'nap of il. If the Pills do not pet form a speedy uud perfect cure, the proprietor.will return the money. 1'or sale by Jacob S. Lawrence, Minersv ille; E- Hell'en stein, Trevovtnn; S. 1, Dinon, Schuylkill Ha ven; John W. F riling; Suuhury; Mary A. Me Cov, Northumberland; Dr. lieekly, llanville; John sharpies. Cattawissti ; Dr. Judil, Williams j i, rt ; Johii li.im r, Mi'ton, und hy respectable Druggists thri'iighout the Slate. J. (.TUTIS C. lU tiHES, Proprietor. PuttKiiile, June as, 1851. ly. V'ilu:;lc PROPERTY FOR SALE. fl'llE Snbscrilii'r who resides in Philadelphia, 8. oilers fur sale tho following property in Mil ton, NorihiuiihiuUiul county, vix: Tho large EIUCK BUILDING in tipper Milton, formerly occupied by Messrs Pattersons as a C arriage Makers Shop. The building is til) feet front on upper Market street, and 40 feet on Front street, and is two stories hi-.ili. Also a wo story MUCK ltLACK..M!TII SHOP, K) by 25 feet, on the aine premises. The lot i on the comer of upper Market and Front streets, and is (lit feet front, and 15(1 feel deep. The promise would be valuable for a Foundry or other manufacturing purposes, and will he sold on reasonable and ticctimiiuKl.iting terms by sp pKiug either to JACOB CAKItlGAN, Philadelphia. J. V. WOLFINGEU, ,.. Millou or H. li. MA. --.-Ell. Eso.. Suuhury. Philadelphia, Jan. 25, 1S51 tf. i- ti i i. 4 ta i 4 raEsicAii houss. ESTABLISH ED 15 YEARS AGO BY I 1)11. K1XKEIJX, I X. IV. Corner vf Third and Union Strettsr ! BETwr.tN M'ttrCK AM) 1'INK STEECTS, ! rHItiADiiLVKIA. j I'lrTKr.N YCAIif is" extensive unit uuinterruptMl IJ. luacliee. speul lu tlua cny Isive rendered iir. K. the isl expert nu.l saecessial iiraelilioiier lur anu unar, THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION MKlICIIANTt No. fi, North IfliarrcSy W'Ucre t'.ie following anjs are received anj soli on commission, Dricil ApjiTi's, IVchr-., T'lnms, Pmr, Cl.erries, Ac, Grci-n AiU'X in Ilarn-ls or hy tlie Duslii'l, IJpaiiP, IVn, (Viiiilu-rrion, OnionH. Mercer Po t:ittrst Swri't Polutooa, Sliflltarks, C'ho.stnuts, (Iitmiu Nut-s Oi;int's( I.p.mm-, Haisii.K, Firs, Irunr-J, (Jmiuh, mltry, Ee, B uttor, Chci'su. Atul all Kiutld of roivigi. and Duincslic Vio dun l'lulft.Vljia.Doc, 13, J851. ly. SOAP AND CANDLES. fflUlE sultsrrilmr tukrg thii method of infnrm- -- inor tlift citiPlis nf Runliiirv Hinl vii'iitttv in tlx tit nliiiriiL oi alt ilm-riMfs oi u jtrlvnte imiurt. t'ersons iijhH'ittt w 'Uli ul-cia u; u tlic Uxlv, tlmuit, or legs, paini tit llu lit'-itl'ir li iK'it. iiK'K-urial rhcuiuutinui. itiu'luifit. gruvvl, iIimmm Hfiimiy iroui y itf !iial! -k(-k-ii nr impuittiet of Ii!hkI. wIk ti i-y Lit- c 'iiMitiiiiwii tkiit U'C -ine fnietiitrd, art all trr-iitti iviili .'.icrt'ce. l!f wli" ii ifi-n lull.. Ii "iiuU-i (lit cure nf Dr. K., may ra-Ii;;i-'illy r.:ilif in In h ll r nn u iii nlU'iii lu. und iMiilulcut y rvi ii.u Lii s..iii .-in a j.Iiuiuii. TAKK I'Ali'nct l.Mt NOTICK. Yt-tiM!? Mt'ii wli't Invf iniiiri'tl llii'iiiHelvrs Uy a ctrtniu piiu-tii c lu'ltiiat'tl in u (mini l'rtiutntiy Jtvirrit-d irom cviL v niitiiiiii'iif cf nt sclnvil Ihf t'lttTtft in wliidi ure uiglitiy li-li. fvvii wlit ii (mlft-i. nntl dt-finy lettli tutmi nnd UhIv, ; iii. nit iti'p'y HiitiHiH:itt ty. W i;tkii' rt iiitd t'"tisitutiunut I ilt-itiiity l"nsl' tni:wn::ir cneriry, phyM! tnwitutte and em I mii r 'lrli initunUi'y ml nil ni-fVoits udt-etKtna. imlt Cffini. tUi-.".iflrifv nf tli liyt'i, mul evrry (1nrueiit any : wiiy fiiiiiHi tt tl wi tli llie dnntritt-r nf the prorrtoti ve fuuu- tn iit cured, uml inn vi-r rt-Hionu. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous lifu or a premature titath. tLMiEUX ou Self rrt&rrvatioa. ONLY 25 CENTS. I Th: II Hk jimt ptiMiHhcilis filial with ueful informatioit on tin-ititirmitiefl nut! t1ittfi-ii ,f thf fitnfruiive rtnn. I It iKl.trt-twc lUt'linlikeu Vi)"TlJ..MAMlOL)l)utia UL1 j A'K, unit clunil.i he irud tiy all. i The VHlunl le Htlviea ami imprtwiva wnrniiifr it (rirw. i will I'ifviMit ve.tr ot nitnery uiu! miiit-ring uiut Hiva annuiil 1 ly 'I'll iuwmuIn Live. ' I ' i'nrriiiH hy lert'ltiti: it will leuru how lo prevent tlia drt , trneti.m i Hieir elnlilreii. .ik'A reinliinnee ! mitt, rnr'Jtised in a Iftter, ad I dn-Mt .1 tn Hit. KIXKr.MN. X. W. o-trurr ofTUHil) A I I'MON Stm t. lietwtTiii Sprm-e & INmv IMiilHtlrlphia, ' will eiiKiirr a l fk, iiikIit vu l per return o uwil. j IVrmnifiit a dirttiiuce nnyadiiretii Dr. K. by letter, (pt i paitl.) untl he i-tiifd ut hi ine. f -rw-mied liy in'ii-lMif u reinittiMui, mill put up arcuie irmn lAMAtiK .r lTi:u!TV. i JVi ik-aclleri. New A'jeiita. IVdliirt, Cniivniier, and all : oiIhtk nin-pltfil witli the alnive work at Very low rale. pt'inemiier o, lol. iv. lirccn's OxytriNiatci ltiltcr, pries reduced. (M.l Jai-oli 'J'uwnsi.Miil'kSars.iiurilla. llakrr's Sarsaiiarillii. Swnyntt's f yriip of Wild Clierr Swnviic's Vennituj'. gyre's t-'licrry IVctornl )r. llrakc' l'ntiacra. l)r. Ciillcn's ilu Tililiit's I'nin Killer. Dr. lloullaiij's liiTinan liittersr Iniliiiil I'uctulile l'ills Horsi'uud Cuttle Medicines For sale hv HE.NRY MASSER. Kunliury, July 14, 1849. Valuable Hooka. tliat tliey are enga-cd tu tlic niaiuifactiirs of f IFE or Ciiiiist, hanilmely Iwunil JTAw at n 41' XJ Ill.I.S HlsTOMT or THI tlKFOHSMTlnit, 1 KOSB OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this , etrellrait article for Tetti'r, & e., just res-eived and fur sale uv , , . .HUNUY lASSEIl. Hmdmry, July 28. 149 r f I'll; AS, fail's tlio New York Cantorj aud Pclun J. W. FKII.ING. I Tea ConiPiUiy. For sale by 'Sunliuryl Dec. 2, 184S AY RUM. An exeellsnt article (iir 'sale l, HENRY MASisER. Snuliury Jan. STtli, 18191. Soap nnd Caudles, nf tlie liest quality rill ert street, riiliiulclpliia. J hey reapectfully inite all who huy fir eah, to give him a call as they will find it to lo their advantage in dealing with him fur articles in their line. E. DI.TFY p0-v! ' 1 41 Filhert above 9th. Dacemlier 20, lSSltf. Ml.S.Sl i: i-AI'EU. Yellow Tihaue paier fo' 1 cotetim; glasses, Ac., for sule at the oftieccf tie American. '' STONE WARE, STONE milk Pans, stone Jufs and l'itchers, and other articles of stone ware just received and for sale by JOHN W. FRIUNU. Suiibury, June 83, 1819, ' '" ' I EXTRACT CF C.I(iER A fresh supply jut received and fw sal at this eitiea. Price ?5 cents - ft Sunbury, Ju 9. IM. , ' .' sl.ANK. NOTES, waivinj the eximtition D law of iji'iOO, tor sale by ' April 2(1. 1851. H. U. MASSER. Di.m Dii-uihiks s LtniifHii, full bounded. For salo at the publishers prices by " 1 II. B. MASSF.R f-unbury, July 14, 1849. .:1 . received. silk HATS at 'i25, t sale Uy , ''APS. An assortment just Al JI. MAS8ER. Sunbury, Dee. 8-W. J A TENT UKiTTANIA 8T0Pf ER3 for bar Homes lor saie ny LI. B MASSIR. rlunbiin-. fpril, It, IBM ri'ITI.MJ FIAUU and arff Keating' Enve- Luiai Tust r.Mvnrl and for sale b ' tl April 19. Ht. H. 11. MAHSFTR. liLANKS.'' V.1, ) HBI-ANKS of every description can he tuujby U9 ap tying at the otlK-e ol tue American V KWS celrbratej Hi-rsd and Cattle- Keil. rine for sule by HENRY MAUtrK i Hunbury, Jan. 87th, 1849 liai no business in the world. at this oim , by nolesal inu rriau