CALIFORNIA. NEWS. ARRIVAL OF THE ILLINOIS. rota days later from CALIFORNIA. 1,904,300 In Gold Suit. Ntw York, Mny 17. The eteamship Illinois, wh the Calirornin "iUloihe 18th nil., 325 passengers, ami 81,252,300 in dust on freight, and 8250,000 in the hand of pasaeliper, arrived hete thi morning, at an early hour. She nailed from Aspinwall City, Navy Bay on the 8th inat., and from Havana on the 13ih inst. The Panama Rail Road ia progressing and will be opened within five miles of Gorgona during the present month. The steamship Northerner tailed from San Francisco on the 18th ult. A piece of pure gold, weighing 306 oun ce, wtt recently found near Sonoia. There ha been a marked improvement in all kiridt of business throughout the Slate, The weather at San Francisco has been extremely hot. The Democrats are to hold a Stale Con. vention at Benicia, on the 20th of July to nominate Presidential electors. Hundreds of our citizens complain of de bility and Inngour of the system, derange ment of the liver and stomach, want of ap petite, &o. ; they are frequently the result of too close application, and a thousand other causes we cannot here name ; but we would say to all so afjlicled, do as we have Heme get a bottle or two of Dr. Hoofl'laml's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. Jackson, and, our word for it, you will he cured We recommend this medicine, knowing from experience that it is moch superior to the generality of patent medicines. We would say to our rendeis, purchase nonn unless prepared by Dr. C. SI. Jackson, Philadel phia. NARHIGU, On the 20ih inst., by the Rev. A. J. Col lins, Mr Gr.oncE I'knsyl, of Danville, to Mrs. MiRT Ann Savage, of Rush tp. fn this place, on the same day, by the same, at Weaver's Hotel, Mr. David W. Stewaht, of Lycoming co., to Miss Janb Mi'ciit.Fii, of Sunbury. On the lfith inst., by the Rev. P. Born, Mr. Isaac Rurkhoitsf.r, to Misa Elizabeth Hacpt, both of Upper Augusta. mmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmumtmmmmmm l 1 K D. In Anensta township, on the 1 6 h inst, Mrs. MAKY, wife of Samuel Savidge, aged 48 years. OBITUARY. Died May 7th, at the residence of her bro Iher. near ' Plaitifiel.l. Cumberland county, MARGARET T. GILLILEN, aged 23 yeats. "Joy for tries happy friend ! Thy lark has part The rough aca'a foam ! Now lh iteep yearnings of Ihy soul are Milled Ituin ! home ! thy peace ia wm, thy heart if filled, Thon art gone home !" IIemam. Many in this little community have not for gotten and will remember notf, with mourn tul interest, the fair, and genlle girl, whose name heads this brief notice for she is dead and sad hearts are sorrowing over the mysterious Providence, which has left an earthly home so mournfully desolate ! Bui a few short yeais ago she came amongst lis a stranger, winning our admira tion, and affection, not only by her personal loveliness but by the happy joyousness of a guileless, child-like nature, and the more no bl", and enduring qualities of hear!, and mind which every day seemed more fully to dvlope. She was the light of every circle ii which she moved carry ina sunshine with her presence for it was ever on her brow, welling up from the depths of a happy heart ! Months passed on she came again how changed ! Disease had began it work the bloom was fading from her cheeks, and the light vanishing from her eye. The smile of peculiar sweetness (that will evr live in the memory of thoi-e who loved her,) was still there, but laughing, joyous girlhood was transformed into thoughtful womanhood with deep, serious views of life, and her own re- sponsibilily to the great Being, who had pla ced her an aclor, in life's scenes. We knew the was ill but we fondly hoped, and be lieved that when spring would come asain, with its sunny air, and its buds, and blos soms, health's roses would bud and bloom once more on that pale cheek and she, live many coming years to gladden the hearts that loved her. Spring came but she fa ded with its first warm breath, and its early, fragrant blossoms have fallen upon her grave. She has gone to God. Mysterious though it it to us, for her it is a blessed change. Ta ken in her early womanhood, frorr) the trials, nd cares, which are incident to all, and which are so peculiarly woman's lot to her vternal home, where the can never again know weariness, or sorrow ! Writes one (who was with her when I tie Inst struggle came with death,) "she died rejoicing, charging me not to mourn for her. She knew she Was making a happy exchange and her last message to her distant fiiends was prepaie Tor your dying hour and meet me in Heaven " Brief record of a young life! for she is Tmmbered with the angels now ! tee mourn our Inst ! and by one who knew and loved het be this pasting tribute is inscribed to tier memory! !)C iNnvkctg. Philadelphia Market May 19, 1852 Fi.erba and Meal. Flour is firm-sales ef 0A bbls. mixed brand at $4 per bbl ; ales for city use at 94,121. Extra flour hi Md at U a 95 RVt Fi.oiia. Is scarce, and would bring 93.50 Co Mial. Last sales of fresh ground at 93,1. Whist Little offering! ealeeof prime red at 86 ; white ia held at f 1,02. Rv. None arriving ; last sales at 78 cent. . Coa (s dull ; saleeof food old jellow at 94 eta. Oats. New Southern are ia demand at 43 en. Whisht. Sales al 31 els. id boi. and 91 el, in thda. Baltimore Market MAy 10, 1851. ' GRAIN. The supply of Wheat It small forthelasi day or two. Sales of good to prime reds lo-day at 99 a 98 cts. white at 81 ; and a large lot very pflrne while, taken for Shipment, at 108 els. Sales of new Corn, In oood Poluliiion, at 58 els. white, and 60 a 67 Cts. for yellow Damp parcels sell at 45 a 50 cts. Sales of old rnrn at 64 a 66 cts. Sales of Maryland Rve at 3,50 cents. We quote Oats at 38 a 40 els. for Mary land, and 37 cts. for Pennsylvania. WHISKEY. Sules of Pennsylvania bbls. at 214 cts., and of hhds. at 21 cents. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT Whist. 00 lit i. . .62 Jon. G3 Oats. . . 45 Potatom, . . CO IllTTKB. -14 Emu, . . . io 1'tlBK. ... 8 FiAirsr.itri. . .100 Ta 1.1.0 V. .12 Dkkswax 20 Hkcklkii Fl. ' 17 Damn Arri.fs. .... 100 Do. Psacuks. - 250 Flax .... 8 New Advertisements. NEW STORE. PETER W. Git AY TESPF,C'iTULLY informs the citizens f 8unhury and vicinity, that he has commen ced a new store in Whortleberry street, in the house formerly occupied by Mrs. Gray, and has just received and opened a well selected assort ment of Dry Goods, Consisting in part of CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, 8ATTINETT8, A lid a general assortment of LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS of every variety and style. GROCERIES of every description. Also an assortment of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, And a penem! variety of oilier articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will he sold at the lowost prices. Country produce taken In exchange at the highest prices. Simliury, May 15, 1852. Cm. Merchant Tailoring. GEOHG2 C. WELKER TmANKFl'L for past favors, respcctfu'ly in forms the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has just received a handsome assortment Of Cloth, Cassimers, Cashmerets, Xestings, Linen If Cotton Drillings, Trimmings, Gloves, Stockings, Suspendtrs. Cra rats, silk If linen Handkerchiefs. Also fashionable SILK HATS. The above articles having Wen selected with great care, will be sold at the lowest r ites, or made up in the 1 est tj Ic on reasonable terms. Tailoring in all its branches carried on as usual. Sunbury, Mny 13, 1852. tf. New Arrangements for Susquehanna Packet Boats. Former Detentions at the Junction Avoided ! fy snd nftcr May 12, 1852, the racket will " leave the Junction daily at 3 o'clock, P. M. (or upon the arrival of the Cars lenving Phila delphia at 8 o'clock, A. M.,) and arrive at Wil liamsport next day at 10 o'clock, A. M. Leave Willismsport, daily, at 11 " A.M. Arrive at Northumberland, at 7 " P. M. And at the Junction, at 5 " A. M, In time to take the cars for Philadelphia and Pittsburg ! SLXQLEHANNA BOAT COMPANY. Harrisburg, May IS, 1S52. 3m. Estate of NICHOLAS WOLF, Deo'd. TllIE sulwcrilier, executor of the estate of Rich Jl olas Wolf, dee'd., late of Lower Augusta, gives notice to all jiersons indebted to said estate or having claims against the same, that he wilt attend at the late residence of the deceased for settlement, on Saturday the 10th of June next. john wolf. Lower Augusta, Mny 15, 1852. NEW COUNTRY STORE, At the Forks of the Plum Crtck and Tulpt hoeken Hood, (near Krcighbaum's Black Smith Shop. JACOB AVELMEIi, TIESPECTFCLLY informs the public that he has opened a new Store at the alwve place and has just received a splendid stock of new Spring; and Summer Goods, Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinets, DRILLINGS and all kinds of linen cotton and worsted summer wate. ALSO: Callicoes, Muslin de Laines, Lawns, diinghaiue, And all kinds of Dress Goods for Ladies. TKA, Corr'KK, SufiAR, MolASJES, &C. GUOCERIES, of all kinds. BRANDY, GIN, WINE, and all kinds" of Lienors. Hardware. Iron and Stl, Nnils, it., QUEENSWARE. Shoes, Roots, Caps, Palm leaf and othtr Mats, Fish, Salt, &c., All of which he will sell at the most reasonable prices for cash or country produce. Mov 8, 1853 -tf. Notice S hereby given tlmt, at a Court of Common Pleas held in Sunbury, in April last, applies tion wan made in behalf of certain persons, bv J. J. Naille, Ex.., for a charitr of lueorfioratioti, fir tbe "tirtt German lieformrd tturci of . ii'rv," in the County of Northumberland ; and that if no sufficient reason to the contrary be given, to said Court, by the fust day of next term, me same will be granted. JAMES BEARD, Proth'y. ftunbury, May 8, 1852. Ut. Estate of ZIBA BIRD, Dec'd. V OTICE is hereby given that letters tetamcn 1 Urv. have been granted to the subscribers. oa tlte estate of Ziba Bird, dec'd., late of the township of Point, Northumberland county. All person indebted to said estate or having claims gsuist the esnie ere requested to call oil (he sub scriber Utl settlement JOSEPH BIRD, i KAML'EL READER, ) Bhamokin p. May 9, 1952 CU Exec'rs. Estate of WM. KASE, sr. Dec'd. TV'OTIC'E is hereby given that letters testamen'-' 1 tary bave lieen gralited UJ uie sunscriiierson tli estate of Win. Ksse, sr. dec'd- late of Rush township, Northumberland county. All persons indebted Ui said estate or having claims against the asm are requested to call on the subscribers lor settlement. JOHN KASE, - , 8IMON P. KASE, ( "ec " Danville, May , 1841. U TMERKON'ft AHITH EMETIC Noa. l.S. 3 A- and Porter' Rhetorical Header, just receiv ed and Tor sal by WM. McU ART Y j etunbory, Msy , l5l.- TSUNBURY, AMEKICAN. AND SHAMQKIN JOUHNAL. TREMENDOUS DISCOVERY In the Dry Goods Business! Goods to ic sold ChbapK thaw th ClIKAPCST AT TH STORlfl OF ISAAC CAMPBELL CO., n irppr Augrnula loltnahlp, Northumberland County, Pa. WHO rcsectrully inform the puiuir gener ally, thst they hsve received nd bprlttd a new and well selected stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Consisting in part of French. Enclish and American Cloths. Blatk and Fancy Castmers, battmetis. I heckt, Drillin'fs, Muslins, o'c , Calicoes, Linens Ginehnms, Lawns, and all Umls of Summer II 'art, Delaines of every de scription and Style, Together with a lot nf I. Ann:? Pitrs fionbs. Also n fresh supply of GROCERIES, such as Sugar. Cfiflee. Tens, Mo Iases, &c, HARDWARE, Nnils, Iron, Steel, &o., also a lnr?p nnrtment of QUEENSWARE. A freh supply of DRUGS & MEDICINES. BOOTH snd SHOES suitable for men, women and children. HATS and CAPS such us Straw, Palm Leaf and other hats. FISH, SALT, CHEESE, kc, All of which will be sold cheap for cash or in exchange for country produce at the highest market price. Lpper Augusta, May 15, 1S52. ly. JOHN A. TAYLOR, Manufacturer of Monuments, Tombs, AND URAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and American Marble. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. RESPECTFULLY inform the public Ihot nil work in his line Will be made up of the verv best material and finished in the latest style of the Eastern cities. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the best style and at the lowest f.llf s, will do well to call and examine before they uf chnsc elsewhere. Mnv 15, 18.12. tv. FANCY GOODS AND MILLINERY. MISS JANK FINNEY (Successor to Mrs, Elh.nbeth Fullmer,) RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity that she has reccired a new stock of Fancy and Millinery Goods, Such as B' nncts. Ilibbons, Laces, Edgings, Fine Muslins, Ifc, ire, l(c, Also a large assortment of I.atllr fitul III Id roll's Shoe. BONNETS done up in the neatest stvle, and at the shortest notice. In order to sell cheap, she has adopted tho cash system. She will therefore b enabled to sell at the lowest prices. Sunbury, May 8, 1S52. 4t. LKJUTNINC. Itons. ,4 FTER many years' close investigation s numerous experiments, the l'utentco tal and perimeuts, the l'utentco takes pleasure in informing the public tlmt he has arri ved at the true principle of protecting families, dwellings and proerty from the destructive influ ence of LIGHTNING. The calamities thst every City, Town, Village and Country falls vic tim to annually, llirough tbe gross negligence of its inhabitants, is beyond calculation, esjieeially when the remedy ia so easy to obtain this is found in Patent Magnetic Lightning Rods, and in this alone, i'his Itod has been examined by the most scientific gentlemen in the world Professors M .Murine, Jolinson, Wallor and ma ny others that have examined tlicni, recommend and speak of them In the highest terms of appro bation, and bave pronounced them tho only safe rods in use in this or any other country for the protection of Lives and Property. One advan tage is to divide and throw hack a part of the elec tric fluid harmless to the clouds; in time of a stroke this enables the rod to conduct that portion of fluid that belongs to the earth without the slightest danger of leaving the conductor. 'i'his ! rod has nianv other advantages over the old one. 1 lie only place of manufacturing is in T'i'ik St. 3 doors above I2fi, Philadelphia, where all persons are respectfully invited to call I and examine lor tlicinsolvcs. ror sale Whole sale or Retail bv THOMAS ARMITAGE. HT The onlv authorized Agent for the Coun ties of Union, Juniata, Mitlliu, Clinton, Lvconi- ing, Northumberland, Montour, Columbia, Lu zerne, is SAMUEL HOOVER. llarthton, Union found, Pa. Orders and letters addressed (post paid) to Mr. Hoover, will be promptly utlended to. May 8, 1KM. 4 in. NEW STORE. II EN J A MIX HEI'FNEIi RESPECFFUl.LY Informs the citizens or Suubtirv and Vicinity, that he has opened a new store in the room lately occupied by George Bright, opposite Bolton a Hotel. He has just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring and Kiiiiuiier (sootls, consisting in part of . Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. SUMMER WARE of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Callcoen, Gingham, I.awn, MoiiMNellnc De lvalues and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety, Also an assortment of Hardware, Iroa and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an eicellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various style and pailei ns. Also an assortment of HOOTS &. SHOES. Palm Leaf and other Hats and Caps'. Salt, Fish, iy. Also a variety of LIQUORS such as Itrnncly. fain, Wine, Arc. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which Will be sold at the lowest prices. V Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. Sunbury, May I, 1852. ly, JUST liECEIVEl) AT THE Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. W. STltOJI, Market Street, Sunbury, A new assortment of Sliver, Ili aas and Japanned Mounting, Which he will either make up to order er sell Separately for rash at prices as low if not lower than can he had anywhere else. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Trunks, Yallces, &.C., Constantly kept en hand or manufactured to or der Carriage trimming done on' tbe shortest notice. A If persons ar invited to eU end exartrinefo themselves. All kinds of produce taken irt etching1. Sunbury, Ma I, If A3 It. Tremendous Excitement!! Ctvsli, Steam, Klectricity ! ! Tht Aerial and all Vlher lines out-done by the . , LlffhttilnK Mne of ni a t..' Clement. WHO, having grt-di with in rspid sales and small profits, has Just received ana opened a large assortment or SPRING! AND SUMMER GOODS, At his Store in Market Slrl'el, 8unbury, whlrlt he offers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment of Dry (ioods, via : Cloths. Cassimers, Cassinets. Jeans. Drillings. Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin dc Loins. Lawns, Ginghams, Bcragcs. Sit.K &. Palm Leap Mats. A large assortment of Hont snd Shoes, for Men, Women and Children, firorri lea, Sugar, Tea. Coflop, Molars, Cheese, Spi ces, Fish Salt, Plaster. HARDWARE, Via ! Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, fee. QUEENSWARE, 7'ca Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, i'c LIQUORS, Wine Erandjf, Gin, Rnm, Whisky, &c t!? Country produc of all kinds taken in ex change at Ihe highest inaiket prices. May 8, 1852. l v. Estate of GEORGE DEIBLER, Deo'd. TVTOTICE is hereby given that letters of admin istrutien have been granted to Ihe subscriber on the estate of George Dcllilfr, dec'd., lute of Shamokin township, Northumberland county. All persons indebted to said estate or having claims against tbe same, arc requested to call on the subscriber for settlement. JONATHAN I). DEIBLER, Adm'r. Shamokin, April 17, 185S Gt. In the matter of the Estate of PETER 6TULL, Deo'd. THE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Sam uel Slull. who is deceased, leaving issue Peter Stull, Jane Ktull, Esther Slull, Fanny Slull, Elizabeth Stull, Samuel Stull, Lester Stull, the last limned two are married. Ra chel Stull, married to Joseph Jones, which said Jriseph is deceased. Anna Stull married to Abraham Snyder. Elizabeth Stull married to Daniel M'ampolc. Maria Stull married to Wm. Neville, Marin is dead leaving issue Eliza, Jeremiah and Jane, all married. Fanny Slull married ta Jacob Lilley. Jacob Slull, Peter Stull, Henry Slull, and John Stull. Aaron Gaston is sppohtiod Guardian of the minor chil dren nf Maria Neville and ef the two minor children of Samuel Stull, dee'd., ir. liar. t in. lineal descendants of Pc'tcf Stull, dec'd., and all other persons interested, GREETING: Northumberland County, sS. You ore hereby cited to be and Siifaf before the Judges of our Orphan's Court to lit) hHd at Sunbury, on the first MONDAY of August next, then and there to except or refuse Id take the real estate nf said Peter Slull, dec'd., situdtfe in Delaware township, containing 103 acres more or less, which was valued and appraised in pur suant nf a writ of Partition awarded by the Orphan's Court of said County, und hereof fail not. Certified from the records of said Court at Sunbury, on the 13th day of April l&oi. By Order of the Court, J. P. PURSE L, Clk, O. C May 1, 1852. 5t. 1TEV STOE.E, (Nearly oppos;te Weaver's Hotel,) Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. I. Y. TENEIt & CO., TEG respectfully to announce to the citizens of Sunbury and its neighborhood, mid to tho public generally, that they arc now opening an entirely new and well selected Stock of Goods, Consisting of Dry GooiIn, Groceries. El a rd w a re, t u ec n wn r c, Boots, Shos, Hats and Caps, With a choice assortment of Consisting of Brandy, Ginger Brandy, merry Ifi-anuy, lioiland Glu, Rum, li'tiskry, and Port, Madeira and German WINES, I All of which they are determined to sell for the ! smallest profits. I We rCttterlfnllv snliril a rati unit IttanMttnn nf our stock. Huubiiry, May 1, 1852 I v. New Carpet Store. BAILEY & 3F.CTEE?. HAYING made extensive alteration in their Store, and increased their facilities for Business, would invite the attention of purcha sers to their large assortment of English Tspestry, ' Brussels. Hiipcf lngraili, - CARPKTlNGS. " Imperial 3 Fly, Plain cV Twilled Venetian FLOOR GIL CLOTHES of every width. I Cixtox Mattisrs of ri'ery style and quality I imported. As these goods have been purchased I for eath, and we Intend conducting our Business (on Th Cash 1'HiNciri.s purchasers msy re ly upon oniaiiimg tiargaius. BAILEY & BROTHER, Importer and Manufactures of Cnrnelinira i wrlttti .Market St., riuladclphia. marcn -u, isoj am. Is! st of Jurors, Or Northumberland County, for May 31 1852. Special Court. ' Lewis John Clapp John Dimm. Delaware Joini Nicely, R. H. McCor inick, Isaac Vinceni, Charles Fox, Erihraiin niiiiaiu, camuei pees, Minon LanlZ. Ti'Bbut. Henry Ludwi. Point Henry Morgan, Wm Hamrir. Milton Thomas Slrine, Wm. C. Wilson J. II. McCormii'k, Geo K. Reader. NonTHt'MBEKLA&D James DiMffenbach, John Hummel, Charles F. Lillle. Sunuury Ira T. Clement, Hiram Price. Rush. Joseph Feus. Lower Augusta.- Henry Shell), William oioom. Jackson. Frederick Shrefl'ler, Jacob Wei ser. Samuel Clark, John Clark, J. R. Rei-jel TatcVoRfoN. Geo. Weaver, D. W. Donv baugh. Lower Maiionoy. Michael Rittinr;. Upper Jacob Hoik, F. Mou- rer, Peler Geiso Shamokin. Amandu Miller. WANTED TO BORRdW mWELVE HUNDRED DOLLARS in two sums nf six hundred dollars each, lor winch good free-hold security will he given. Address M. W. Sunbury, Feb. 28, !8SS, tf. 1 AZOftS. A superior article for sale at the "etoreor HENKY MAbsEk. SuflbOTY, Feb, Id, 18S0, Ttf ARRIAGE CETIFICATES handsomely i-'-- executed for Mb) at thi office, single or by the doien. IEt IlILLS. Justice and Constable Fee ' Bills handsomely printed on said paper, fr sale at tuts oikee. CHERRY PECTORAL: Fer she Care r . . oouaHs, cofcbs; HOARSEIVSSS, BltOtf. OHXTXS, GROUP, AStH. XVXA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. This remedy is offered to the community with the confidence we feel in an article which sel dom fails to reiillr.e tho happiest effects that can bo desired. So Vviilo is the field of its usefulness and so numerous tht cases of its cures, that al most every section of the country abounds in persons, publicly known, wild have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs, by its use. When once tribd, its superi ority over every other medicine cf Its kihtl, is too apparent to escape observation, and whert its vir tues arc known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs, which are incident to our cliinata, And Hot only in the formidable attacks upon tho lung, hut fur the milder varieties of Colds, Corsns, Hoarsk ncss, Ac, and for Ciiilukkn it is the plcassnt est and safest medicine that can be obtained. No family should be without it, and those who have used it, never will. Read tho opinion of the following Gentleman, who will be recognized in the various sections of country where they are located each and nil as merchants uf the first class and of the highest character as the oldest and most extensive Wholesale Healers in Medicine with an experi ence unlimited on the subject of which tbcv speak. If there is any value in the judgment of experience, see THIS CERTIFICATE If the undersigned, Wholesale Druggists, having been for long acquainted with Ayer's Cheiru Pectoral, hercbn ccrtil'ii our belief that it is the brst and most effectual remedy for Pul monary Complaints ever offered to the Ameri can People. And we would, from our knowl edge of its composition, and extensive useful ness, corUiullii commend it to the afflicted us worthy their best confidence, and with Hit firm conviction that it will do for their relief all thr.t medicine can dn. Hi'nshavv, Edmands cV Co., Boston Mass. Reese Sc Coulson, llaltimore, Md. Ladd & Ingraham, Uu rigor, Maine. Haviland, Harrnll . Co., Charleston, 8. C. Jacob IS. Fiirrand, Detroit, Michigan. T. II. McAllister. Louisville, Ky. Francis & W alton, 8U Louis Missouri. Joseph Tucker, Mobile, Alabama. Theodore A Feck, Ilurlington, Vt. Haviland, Risley & Co., Atuusta, Ga. Isaac. 1). James, Trenton, N. J. J. M. Townsecd, Pittsburg, la. Clark A: Co., Chicago, Illinois. E. E. Gav, Durlingtoii, Iowa. M. A. Santos fic Son, Norfolk, V. Edward Bringhurst, Wilmington, Del. John Glllirn fc ('o., Philadelphia, Pa. , Z. 1). &. W. H. Oilman, Washington, D. C. J. Wright V (;., ,',. Orleans, Ls. Watson. Wall cV Co.. Fort Wayne, la. C. C. Richmond (V Co., Sn Francisco, Cal. Lewis & Ames, 'i sllahasse, Florida. B. R. Strong, Kndxville. Tennessee. Chilton A Duer, Little IWk, Ark. Stiller, flade A Co., Lt'tlngtnn, Miss. N. V. Labadie. Galveston, Texas; ('has. Dvcr, Jr., Providence, K. I. Jos. M. Turner, f avannah, Ga. Wads, Eckstein A Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES: J. G. Coffin & Co., Valparaiso, Chili. F. M. DiiMond & Co., Vera Cruz, Mexico. Rrcd Rivas A Co., Bogota, New Grenada. S. Provost A Co., Lima, Peru. Morton A Co., Halifax, Nova Scotia, T. Walker A Son. St. Johns, N. B. C. G. Salinas A Co., Rio Janeiro, Brazil. With such assurance, and from such men, no stronger proof can he adduced, except that found in its effects upon trial. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunluiry by II. MASSER, and by Druggists gcnerullv throughout the Slate. November 1, 1851. lycelbno. NEW GOODS ! J. K. KAUFF3IAX At His Krw More In Hollowing Run, TJESPECTFULLY informs his friends and customers, that he has just received a new stock of goods, which he oilers to the public at the lowest prices, Viz : Spring: and Summer Dry Good. SICH AS Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetls, Mcriaes, Mousselint De Laines, Flannels and every variety of goods suitable for ih season. Also Silk Hats, Caps, ie. Al.SO t An assortment of Hardware. ALSO: All Kinds, of Groceries, Miroit". ALSO: A Variety of Queensware, Crockery, At. Besides a variety of other articles, suitable for farmers, Ac. All kinds of produce taken lri exchange for goods at the highest market price. Hollowing Hun, April 17, 1852. tf. "IMPROVED LIGHTNING RODS. TIIE subscriber has constructed a LIGHT NING KOI) on true Philosophical princi ples, by which buildings supplied with them are rendered perfectly secure against destruction by lightning. The connection snd insulation of the rod, as well as tho preparation of the ground rod, is on an cutiruly new plan, making a more per fect conductor than any heretofore in use. Measures have been taken to secure Letters Patent for the improvement. Persons desirous of securing their lives and properly from destruction by lightning, can hav conductors put up to their buildings in the most perfect and substantial manner, by applying ei ther personally or by letter, to the undersigned, at the following prices : For 40 ft. 4 inch cooper roj fold plated point, lulut pi ut inn lip, $22,00 And fovly cents for every additional foot over fottv. For 40 ft. 4 inch tubular rods gold pla ted point, tvlitt )Uatia tip, 13,50 For 40 ft. iron rod gold plated point, tol- id plat ina tip, 12,50 For 40 It. iron rod tilvtr plated point, 10,00 And twenty ceiits for very additional foot over forty: . . T. 8. MACKEV. Milton, Sept. 6, 1851 1 v. cap 17, 1852. MEW MILLINERY ST0EE, Fafra Street, Sunbury. MI SS KtLKN PETEUY, w 70LLD respectfully announce to tlie ladies' ' of eiunbnry and vicinity, that she has iusl returned frdm tht City of I'hilsdcletVia, and in tends eiyening a new and handsome assortment of STRING MILLINERY, on Saturday, April S, at her1 Store, opposite the' Uapuift Church, and invite the public to eali eeh exsmin her stock. Bunbuiy, April , ldi;. tf. PROCLAMATION. TVOTICE is hereby civon that a Special Court of Common Pleas, in and lor the County of Northumberland, lo commence at the Court House, in the botongh of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday ihu 3Nt dayrif May 1852, and will continuti ONE WEEK. Jurora are requested lo he pnnclunl in their attendance, at ,lli9 lima appointed agreeable tb their notices. Given under, my hand at gunbury, the I Tlh dny pf April, irt the year of our Lord one, thou sand eight hundred and fifty -two and tile In dependence Uf the United Htalcs of America the 70th. , , William b, kipp. phcriir. God savo the Cnmmnnwrnlth. . . LIST OF CAUSES Special Conrl of Common PIpbs of Nofthtimlirrlund County to be held ihe 5th Monday of May 185!?. n.AiNTirfs. DI'.rEXDANTsj. Frederick Keener vs Witu Ayros Com. for Saml Firman i. 5 D i, S ,Hun,tr Alex Jordan Samuel A Jordan ct al vs. John Arnold Aaron Rcppart v Ira 'J' Clement , Henry Keiser vs Henry Yctthcimer's adm'r George E. Gehrig ct al vs i'cter .Warey , r m- r it 1 hos j Billing- Com for W m L Hcineman vs . : ,, ton t( al . Robert Philips vs James licnil, jr (icorge Gannon vs B II Howell el nl . Com. for Frcd'k Weaver Henrv BardshLr & and W'lfo V1 Jac'ob Fry Mahonoy and Slismokin , , , , i . ,, vs Abraham Paul Improvement Co. James Ross vs Jacob H Khoads James Graham, James . , Carbthers et nl V HnBli Dellae el 1 Henry Donuul et al vs Hugh Bellas John b Ross vs Leonard Roadarmel et bl JAME8 BEARD, Proth'y. rrottionotary a uliiee, cmihury, April 17, 18.V Wltolcsale aiecl ICclnil Clock ESTABLISHMENT. S. L'. Corner Setond and Chestnut S:s., PHILADELPHIA. '1'1'IIERE may lie found, onn of tht In-get ' " and best assortments t)( Clocks and Time pieces in the United States, in ousutities to suit purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thou, 'and Clocks: embracing every variety of stle and manufacture, suitable for Churches, Ilalis, Counting Houses, Parlois, Sleeping Apartments, and Kitchens, Steam and Canal Boats, and Road Ciirs. Also general sale Agent, for Rnpp's lately pat ented Scientific Niche Gold Pen. Wholesale and Retail Gold and Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, mid a variety of Fancy Goods. Those wishing to pun-hart Will find it lo thuir interest to call before purchasing elsfcvf he re. JAMES BARBER. S. E. Cor. Chestuut A 2nd Sttf., Phlla. April 10, 1852 ly. J. & W. B H A R T, V II O L E S A I. E (1 K O C E R Elt No. 229 North 3d St., above Callowhill, PHILADELPHIA. A large assortment of Groceries always on hand, which will he sold at the lowest pi ices for Cash or approved Credit. April Id, 1852. ly. n. coitNrddrp. i. 1'. IiaKkr. w.c. haki:ii. Cornelius. Hukcr 5 Co., MAM.TATURr.nS Of Lamps, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c, BTORC NO. Hfl CHESTNUT S'i-.. Manufactory N". 11 Cherry St., April 10, 1852. If. SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, No. 19 Wood St., between 2d iV 3( Sts., and No. 17 North h'h Street, l'lllt.ADMli'iltA. J oli n llaneroft Jr. si nil Son. RESPECtfl'lil.Y inform Store'-keer ers, M'-r-rbnnts. iVe.. tlmt ttiev At iimfiiM nr. tiitillinvi. for Sale, Palm, White, Variegated, Yellow and i Uruwn f oaps, Mould and Dipped Candles, all of good quality and at reasonablo prices. IV Cash paid for 'Fallow and rough Fat. April 10 1852. ly. LIB E R T Y ST 0 V E WORKS" IIUOWX STKEET, ebore Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. THE undersigned respectfully inform the pub lic that they are in full operation at their new foundry, and ready tl execute orders for stoves of cVery dosrtiptloll 011 the most reasona ble terms. They invite the attention of STOVE DEAL ERS to their largo assortment of STOVES, all of which are entirely new, and got up at great expense. Among which arc the Liberty Air Tight Cook, Complete Cook, Star Air Tight, Star Franklin, Star Kadiator, Jenny Lind Im proved, Fire King Kadiatnrs, Salamanders, Can nons, liases, 13 are Cylinders, liar Hooin Stoves, Furnaces, Gas Ovens, &c'., ic. AlilJOTT LAVVKENCK. N. B. Country fuerfliants arr! parllctflii'l invited to call and eiuniiue our assortment. April 10, 1852. ly. H. J. VV0LVERT0N, .TT OBITS? AT LAV. FFlCE in Market street, Sunbury, adjoining "- the Olliee of Ihe "American" and opposite the Post Oliicc. liusiness promptly attended to in Northumber land and the adjoining Counties. IiirtiiTo;- Hofi. C. W.Hegins and 11. Han nan, Pottsville; Hon. A. Jordan and H 11. .Mus ter, Siinburv. April 10, 1852. ly. STJNf URY FERRY. HENRY W. OrCHEK informs tbe pu'llc that he has taken the Sunbury Ferry and as he is now well prepared with good snd sutii cient emits he will be enabled to accommodate the public with promptnesi and despatch. April 10, 152. tf. j. stew Art depuy. 4 T 22d North Id street, above Wood, -4- (llornt District.) 1'hiln.hdpbia, would respectfully call the attention of his fi iends and the public in ecueral, to his large an4 well selected stoclt of Carpets, Oil ClolhS, Mattings, Window cih-ides, rtair fcods, Ac, A:c. Vciiii inn Csrwt'mg from 7 cu to 100 il per yrf. Inirraui lh !i Thru- I'ljr " loo " las " UlUUfls ' ltl " I .VI " " Voot Malts He wcAild rhvit the atten tion of dealers and others to his lari;e stock of Dooi yludjs-wlirch he manufactures in great variety and uf splendid quality. Oil Clots?, from 1 yard (o 8 yards wide whnleetffe and retail. Artf 10,-1858 6in. BONNETS and straw goods. JOHN T. WALTON wuhes to inform hi customer and the public, that he is now prepared to furnish them with a new and well selected stock of tlosxtTs of the new est style, and materials, toother with a variety of other straw goods and MILLINERY TRIMMINGS. He Will also be' receiving throughout . flic season all the fresh' and desirable style which ha will sell at the lowest prices, . . JOHN T. WALTON, , No, ti North Snd St., rhillielvhie. Mirth' i, 1852 3mo. STAGE OFFICE. Washington- house, sunbury, pa: i JAMES COVERT, PripHetor, . "0,VOi;LlJ respectfully announce that lis 1ms1 takein this v'.dl known stand, where ha will be gratified to set!. and entertain his tritml, nml tbe travelling public generally. Tins housa is now repl.Sif with every roHveiiienrc: enmfurts hie, pleasantly hicsted, hanilanmely furnished well ventilated, rendering it ill avory respect a dcsir.lblc stooping 'lseo. ,, ,-. - No expense has lifeim spared in fitting up this house. The rhamlwis. ,src well furni:licd and Hie table nml bar pro.ldod Willi the ,p,t t,a liiMiUel can afiord. , ,, Thi) stable accommodalions ar xten!v am! well calculated for travelers STAGE OFFICE. . The stages running from Nc'hh'.imbcriiuid id Pottsville, stop at this house, whrie throueh and way tickets to Philadelphia can be oliiaint'l. Sunbury, March 20, ld62 if. ,IE CnEA- PV 1W sL AIU HICKEY & TULL, So. Ui Chcstnul St., abrive !rr!h, Front nf . . ,. JONES' HOTEL1. IVJ'Y ITAVE jnsf recftve.1 (liMr i'riia ! ?- v-rrri-1 Medal, av-aided In them for I ss-i,l,l'lJ their best Travelling I hibited at Ibc World's Fair in Loi,d!'n, 1851, j tieing tho only exhibitors lo whom tii.y award ! vTus irade. Their competition whs vitli all tho '' vibild, and they have taken THE PRIZE! j TUUXKS, VAt.lSES, BAGS, kc: To be f.f'iitd in this Cilv, snd st verv low prices' j Call on.l B(C. HK.'KLV et'TULL, I Trunk MaPlif.ictiu'.Ts, l it Chestnut St. April 10. 1S52. tf. , 31.000,0(10 Saved Warty !y l'lin-hnsing i SILVER'S MINERAL PAINTS. '.T HK wuii'i.T of (:' no, uatur'-'s own iipxlui'tiim. 'J'liif t I'.-imts ililiVr ir-nii iiil ntlirri m ihe niiukf-t ; t!i- arc it' it chys ; li.ry reqtitrc little Oil. tt'iv i-ft'i:. ar.I . ci cr V illl U llt SlVUM Il-lll ivllit; 'liiM., i''lt:V liiliir.f ! '-rucU tit r ii.-I, i'-y r'j'f'iij j j n'.i l'.XAXt&L ov ! ) ulJl'fi.-AVt: I. -ue fii'vci' t;iiu-re:it r'...!:. vrr : trcc. ! l:roTi!5. hv i Clri-ct.tti-f' Hlm-i; t:i l ' -.-Il'iv.-. m:i !if -t)ii- I'iin'i 'ii tin!." rvcry :ir;-y miii th-h'.u nl c '1 T. 17 Mi V.- t. strf nvpi vj t in l.t.fy t'r cvr- vis fs .jt.r v ) t-tiiiiy yet i'is".h ti'nl jf.ntl ttr pottiij I v, i ii v 'v r l ii'iie U: vin.xi; U" Wuitulcul, iiiin, ur ullit-r i UI'Miillif I'll'MtS. i. I IIU'V T' Ir-'n l!i"y fitrnij ;i j isnVct .ttrci;.u) fi!Ui!n.'t rnr. f t (tr y r.iiitijin nn n.- tiil. wliifi likft wliito Jr:ii,i im ilrstrncrive'i t-u the inm: in l.n't t!n 1'uiut , i:iJK- in it (I .!.' v;i!i hi i l:ii;iiiiitr .itriHi?f. 1 .M'!v UoliK. T.i.-v m i i h"ii-' w:illn n narh j linv it-r r-K'i iii-j lli;-n ctlit-r puiiitn. nml ii rniflnitt i r:quir ; ni. nctlniicr Ii I'!f ki firmly r tin ihfF we? ttltii it. , ul,l) IM iUI riivis uy n r-mi'. nt-vcr 6 ; "'U it.wl icaky, 1 Silver's M'n'-uil I'siinm will inaku il tiiJ;i;i:y inul ; tii'irp I'li'lurma tlum il cvrr vim. . Mill's ut.:ny tliis i-xtr;irnl';nr- Minern! i we prrji.tre it Pr tlifin. will I if i'Tih'I" :ig aiiist ilic ucli 'ii ol Imt nine f'MMTAl.lSrs nml HT'lI.nritS nr Invite! t' nmkrj tri'M tk-rutiiiy tin; incritisn'" INiiuts. 'i'liey wili fiinl n vit tr mit n-'liirti-'ii inii'Jit tc tiimle in the r t i f jin utt ntLE. 'I'hfm: 1'iiiiitr me pntvly timicnil ; nil cliutfrirnl ntlirr unptiritirR are wnshcd out in prepnf ii-it; ihciii i.i tiit in:irkrt. Tttey hut hall" Ihe pin uf whiio k':al. and tti rvuii1 ii'.rmtity will cover twicr the Biirtacr, nml liibi pX Umo. I mir. wliieti in titel r'-ihif's th pri'e to ft'ie-tw-h'ili. i'liniate ha tin rji'eiH (In Paint it ml it equally vah' ihlt in'thf r-i!i Canniiit nr inr n;iliv Kioihln. lIKI':i'1 90 Mirc6iI (Jilt 'intt im thick cti yoii rail. ntl life ft otltp.r iiAiiits, Thre Fnints nurJ hut iittlr clryff. Miirl t-t priniiiifr und fft-'-'-tid ritinj; in a?! h.msi work thty will 1 fuuml far cliepi-r ii'iii iivilt tJur blf than ltnH. It'jnkTii "ml c Misumrn) ran pr-rnrt thin Paint ivh lci-al an I rrfail-if KltKNt'M & It It'll A It OS. N. W. Cornet 10th and Mnrkft St , Phitaih'lpi.ia. nneml Wholpwtlf Agr-ntst ; nlR Importr- nf Plato auJ Colored M iiulnw (ilaM, DcaleiR inUrugi, Puinli, &c. Maich IJ, 'tiuo. ui.Niiv c.vnn. 'jT' M-Af.rr.. j. ii. giksiv CDMMISSIOX AND lWiRDIN PlitSE CARE, GISSE & GO.y Compii-.sion & Jiortt&rilhig Mernliant:, -Vo. II), Spurs Wharf ) EAliTIMOSIT. V, ill receive and sell l'l.OU!. liil.UX und ah Li.uUo.TULN'l'KV I'RODl.l.'i; und also 1.V.MU!:;;. (15 AliTICl I. All a'.b'iitiou wilt be rWcii to thi brai.ili of the lluidiicus, bv Lewis V. 11. I'ic, V.'.io-o M'hole uliention will be devoted t.i the" of I.mnbrr, und will o.-cupy an I .iio on the Falls l)o:-V, (ni'ci.illy for this purpne. Mr. lii!sc's loi' cprricm c, pnd T'1nlt:lt' in nil n f;ut late r.ilcsmuii, is a piaranicc that t'.ie hihet prices will alwavs be obtained. t vi'" I.i: crul I' ash ndvuiiccs made on on ninnicnls : but in no ca?o will this House niska auv advances, until tbe l'roduce is recti veil. March 111, ItSi. DAVID CO0?EE,' j COMMISSION MKl.ClIAiV I run Tin: pai.k of Fir?li, Proiion?, 'c, , j .Vo. 9 A'orth Wharves j rHILADELrtllA. April 10. lSoi. ly. " CLOTHING WAREHOUSE. WHOLESALE AND ltlvrAIL. J. Y. iS- E. J). STOKE.?, A'o. 191 Market Street. South side, First Liu; Sixth Street, ODD FlCt i.ONVS and M..uiij Kij;i!.u: of , every variety, suited to the various f'liilnl and orders, constantly on hand. All), largs ; uttJ exteiiHive stocU of fai-hiu:i.r..iO 1 I!iadv .tladv 4'o!,iii;. inaiHifactiind by the best o' vnrUinon. anil fronl t'ne newest stvlo of Hoods, r-f late importation, at greatly reduced prices. They have als-o a largo and well selected assortment of I'ieee liooda, of Knalish, French aiid Herman Fabrics, of 1'iew and beautil'ul' l'uttcrna, which they wrl! malifi to order in the nuist approved and laimiorinble man-' ncr. and ill a U).erior sttle of wf.'rliri. liuhip. Fibiiia.y 8-, 1S54 'lino. The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY TLtH'i Vtii) . ltK.'t if L;M;,d Si , PHILADELPHIA. tyillY' subscriber begs lewe respectfull: to ill-- form I'him i ns yenciallv, that he has. suc ceeded bv flic lii:simf;.s of nijiiii-.icturinp ',. in:.' lul formerly carried on by his grand1 Father, an I Fr.thcr, and olVers his article to tho trade, without nr:y l'rrra, but with the simple, reliance upon the loii'; csta'iiUhcd diameter it ban borno, lei dinir. confident of ils sivim entire satisfaction to nil who in:iv 1'ivor him with a Call. Triiva Cisu. Cli.IlLi:.s LNLL' JOIINST'j.v, April 10, 1 i-5J tf. Wm. m. eockefeller, ATTORNEY AT LAW, M Alt! Hi', IM. Dec. 13. 1851.' tn XT T- Sfl-Twripr (jflict in Mariet street Sunburn opposite' , t v U tavtr'i Hotel Dil t,,!:,,.!i'RS w'11 prompt artends.1 to iw V tlie l buntie of IS on Vrtniberlur erland, Uiiioh LOHimnia snu atontour. runhUfy, Oct. 11, 18f. fy.- lXTRACT OF COFFEE An excellent article more Wholesome and much cheaper than O offje itseff. For sule at this ollic. 17, 1952 1 OLD i'ENS wiih uJ wiurrases'Tf a 4.H vefy superior quality. jul received. Also a fresh u;r of Wilting Fluid, for al I '- D MASTER