SUNBUltY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. poetry. John Thompson's vavbiiter. The following clever on Cmnp. blPs balled of "Lord Ullin's Dannh'er," we clip from a Virginia piipnr. South Caro linian. A fellow near Keiiturky'i clime, Cria "Boatman do mil Urry, Ami I'll give Ihoe a iiilver dime, To row ui o'er the feiry. "Now who would crow the Ohio, This dark and stormy wHiur V "O, I am Ihiii yomifr lady's beau, ' And she John Thompson' daiiyhier. 'Vn've fl.-d before her father' fpilo, With preal precipitation, , And should he (hid us here lo niylit, I'd loso my repulalion. "Thu'vo mi.wnd the Cirl nml purse heiilr, Hii howroeii hard have pred me, And who will cheer my bnnnv bride If yet they shall arrest me I Out spoke the boat man then in lime, "You shnll not fail, don't fear it ; I'll bo, nol for jour silver dime, But for your manly spiiit. And by my wonl, the bonny bird, In dancer shnll not tarry, For though a stntm is cumins on, I'll tow you o'er the ferry." By this the wind more fiercely lose, 'The boat was at the Undine, And with the drenching rain their c!th. Grew wet where they were staiiilinjr. But still, as wilder rose the wind, And us the night grew drearer, Jut back apiece came the police, Their trampling sounded nearer. "0 haste thee, haste !" the lady cries, It's anything but funny, I'll leave the liulit of loving eves, GLASS, DItUGS, PAINTS, &c, WIIOLLS tLK AM) RETAIL. riUJE Philadelphia Window Glass Ware - house, and Drug, Paint, Varnish, Oil and Color Stores, Nos. 33 ami 35 North Fourth Street. Enst side, lias the (areit nssortmcnt of Window, Picture, Coach, Caw, Hot-lloupc. and other (1LASS, in the city t comprising upwards of 15,000 dif ferent sizes, ranging from the smallest sire, up to 38 hy 00 inches of Sheet, and as largo ss 5 hy 7 feet of Plato Glass, including English Crown, French, German and American, hoth Single and Double Thick. Also, a largo assortment of Very Thick Glass, for Sky-Light. Hulk Windows, Ac. 1 he fMilweriber having a henry stock on hand is prepared to fill orders at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Odd sizes of any pattern cut to order. (-round lute Lend ; Paint, Varnish, of ev ery description ; Turpentine ; Linseed Oil, boil, ed ami raw: Paint Mills: Puttv : Brushes ! Dye WooiIk, Ac, Ac, Ac. And also, n l.irge supply of fresh imported DKllM AND MEDICINES. J. H. SPRAGVE. Nos. A 35 Noith 4th St., E. Side. April 10, 18.V2.-lv. But nol my father's money And still thoy hurried in the face Of wind and rain unsparing ; John Thompson reached the landing place, His wrath was turned to swearing. For by the lightning's angry flash, His child ho did discover ; One lovely hand held all his cash, And one was round her lover ! "Come back, come back," he cried in woe, Across the stor.ny water ; ,'Bnt leave the purse ! ami yon may go, My daughter, O my daughter." Twas vain they reached the other shore, (Such dooms the Fates assii'ii im ) The gold he'd piled went with hi child, And he was left there minus. CIIKAP WATCIIKS, JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE. A Gil I' AT Bl:t)l'CTION IN 1'RICKs! wenttj per cent, at trust Ivan than ever have heeit sild in the United States! GOLD LEVER WATCHES, full jewelled, 18 karat case only !30 I simllv sold tor !i3,. GOLD LEPINT. WATCHES, 18 ka rat case, jewelled. SILVER LEVER WATCHES, full jewelled, I'suallv sold for Si IS. SILVER LEP1NE WATCHES, jew- eueii, SILVER TEA SPOONS, per half do zen, illLD PENS, Silver Holders, Person wishing u Wutrh or watches lry, cuu have them sent hy mail, with perfect sulety, to any part of the United States or West Indies, by first sending the amount of money. All articles warranted as represented above. Or ders from the country respectfully solicited. 1 lease address post paid. LEWIS LA DOM l"N, 103 Chestnut St., East Wing of the Fiankliii I V California Gold bought, or manufactured into Jewelry. Philadelphia, March 20, IS.'jS Om. 21 ' 10 " 8 " 1 or Jew- "AID AND COMFORT," To Your Own Mechanics. GEOIIGE RENN. MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. "yilE subscrilicr respectfully calls the attention of the public to his large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of C A IE I ft KT-1V A R K. which cannot fail to rmoniniend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durablo workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best slock to be had in tho city. No effort is spared In the. manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined lo keep up with the many improvements which are constantly lieing made. His stock consists of Mahogany Mifas, Ui vails) and Lounge, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BltEAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. UEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CTP HOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of his business, lie also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, including varieties never licforo to he had ir Sunbury, such as Mahokaxt, lim n Wimt n Ci iu.i;n M.ple Giikci ax ; anii Wixnsna CHAIRS, ami i-AM-r 1'iano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be. ccclled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his waro and Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on as Rood terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. nr l.'NDERTAKINU. Having provided himself with a handsome Hkahsk, he iH now prepared for I "nilcrtaUiiiK, and attcnd'nir; funer als, in this vicinity, or ut any convenient dis tance Irom this place. t'fr The Waro Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern GEORGE RENN. Suubury, Jan. 10, 1S.V2 tf. Phoenix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Che3ts. A STHING OF ITKMS. Onto has passed a Ten Hour Law. We cannot love those whom we do not respect. If you would make a man your enemy, lend him money, and ask him for it again A horse shoe that is put on without nails has been invented by llerr Driesbach. Say not always what thou kuowest, but know always what thou Kiyest. A young man resitting rear Schuylkill Haven, cut his foot last week w ith an axe and bled to death. Nati'he makes us poor only when we lack necessaries, but custom gives the name of poverty to the want of supeilluities. A London publisher nnnounces a mngnifi cenlly printed and illustrated edition of the poetical works of Louis Napoleon. Be not too brief ;,i conversation, lest you be not understood ; Air too diffuse, lest you be troublesome. Hot Corn. The New Orleans Picayune acknowledges the receipt of half a dozen ears of green corn. A large body of the laborers of New I'ork are on a strike for ten shillings a day, which is one shilling more than they receive at j preseut. I One of thn two large locomotives now building at the Reading Depot, with seven feet drivers, will be ready to go on tha road in a few days. Ciioi.f.ra has again broken out with sever ity in Persia, where the pestilence common, ced before its recent visit lo this country ud the rest of Eur pe. We must not always speak all that we know ; that were mere folly ; but what a man says should be what he thinks, other wise it would be knavery. So ! There is a young lady up town who ays that if a cart-wheel has nine fellows, it's a pity that a woman like her can't have one. Sensible girl that. There are in tho arsenals and armories of the United Slates, about 500,000 muskets, 31,000 rifles, and 24,000 pistol, the value of which is estimated at 54.000,000. A lake, one hundred miles in circumfer ence, heretofore unknown to the whiles, has beeii discovered w ithin fifteen miles of St Anthony. Lost Gold Recovered The trunk be. longing lo Mr. Merritt, of Nashville, contain ing 812,000 in gold dust, lost on the Robert Rogers, was fished up from the bottom o the Ohio, near Louisville, last week. Spread the glad tidings over mountain and dale ! Old winter is gone, with his sleet and his hail ; ami the birds are singing o merry a tune, and would fancy we were in the midst of June ! A gentleman, of Galena, w ho recently came acioss the plains, states that large numbers of emigrants w ho had started fur California, overland, were returning in con sequence of the bad state of the roads. As nothing is ever done before breakfast, except dying, the sooner you get break fas over the better. Washington used lo lake his "over night," which, probably ac counts for liis being Major General at twenty. A Babt Afloat ! A, gentleman from Wheeling informs us, says the Zanesvil'e Courier, that during the late flood in the Ohio, cradle with a living infant io it was picked up on Ihe liver somewhere below Wheeling. No one knew anything of its parentage or wheie it bailed from. HARRISBURG BOOK BINDERY. V. L. IIUTTKR & CO., PncrisKirs I" W. ). Hicknk, unit Ilickok Cantino. BOOK HINDERS, STATIONERS AND HI.ANK IKlillv XI tXIT WVITKEHs The subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they arc now carrying on the above business at the OLD STAND occupied by Ilickok .t Lo. 1 liey Hatter themselves that by careful attention to business, they will merit and receive a continuance of the patronage so lilicr- ally enjoyed by the old firms. 1 articular attention will be paid to the ruling and binding of every description of blank books lor hanks, county otlices, merchants and private individuals, and every variety of full and half bound blank books. Old books, periodicals, law books, music, newspapers, iVc., bound in any pattern and in any style required. In addition t the above, thev have, and will at all times keep, a general assortment of STA- 1 HJNhhV , consisting of Knives, Ifaills, lnkstiiiiils, Molto Wafers, Dlnik Ink. Sfiilins Wax, V? :i:-'Vj.: T. "I Letler Paper, Cap PrnwiiiiT " Truntifer " CMpviiii HMtiiur " Stwl IVlIK, Citrmiiie Ink, Wile Ink. C"pviny Ink, Slntps mid IVnril. eml IViicilK, I.rl'tT St:ilitll, lil'lill HlllituT, WufiTK, T.ipr, Hlnnk ('unls, r.ilil-r. S3 :c-J: Am M g Writing Flitiil, I:iflurrt, i I'lF P:iu'r ruled to pattern, and all work war ranted and done vcrv cliouplv. F. IILTTEK & CO. March 13, 1SS2. tf. SAVE YOUR MONEY. (LATH I'RKr.MAN, IlODOi: .V CO.) IMPOKTUliS AM) JOI5IUUJS, 141 Broadway, One door South of Lihcrty St., Sew York, HA VK iiMwon hiiinl, ninl will W rrcpivinp daily thronch t!. mmikiii. New U mhIk, dirt-ct froiiitlm I'.tiropf.ji iintiiiiriifiiirtTft, mid curth AiK'tinue. ri'li, rurtlii'miililr, ftuiry Stlk .MiIIum-tv (JimhU. Our fi.M-i.r lltt li UiUmiis, i- 'in-prii-cs every vaiiuty ul" the LtteM uni ut st beautiful tuiii;iis liliv tfii, Sl.tnv of our r ils nre ninutifiictnri'tl rxprwly t'i our 'HtliT, fr.tin our itwn dii.TUK unit piitrriu", ami ntnud linn v:t;d. We oiiW imr (i i xin t'nr iictt Ciis!", ut luwcl priic tlum any (Ttiltt Hon si m Anifiirtt nn nitntl. Alt .uri'liiittTki will liiui it pr.mtly to Iht-ir interest rr- ftcrve. u virtioit t Ihi ir uiout y mul itiuke 8t'lu li'iitt Irotu our irri'nt varietv t( rirli ehwip (timhU. Hihlroim ru'It tir II hiik-Is. ( upn. iisheFnnn m-Hi. 11 unlet Silktu, Sttinti. CnipeK. I.ismh tnul 'l'arletniia. Kllitiriiiderit'H. C"tl:tfl, CiieiuiHi-tln, C:tp-I. liertliut llaliilii. Sleeves. CulVa, I(tiriii(rs, ami lui'i(itiuii, 1 julimitlered Hcvii-ro, lii-e, uud It rinlilc-h Cainliric Ilanilkercliiefd. HI nuls, llliuiimii, nud Kin!irtid.'red Inres fur PtipH. V.iiilr. i;i-r'il Ijuvh l" r Sliawln, .Mrtniill p. mid Veil. mitm, .Mi'i IiIl'ii. VitlenriepeH. iiutl Uriifsel!t Ijtre. I jit'lili und Wdvu Tlircod, Siiiynm, l.ifclo Tlirwid, und C'nin .tirei. Kid, I.islu Thread, Silk, and Sowing Silk, Glovctt, and 1'rcneh nnd Amerirnn Artificial ri"vpn. t-'reiu h ltt(.e. Knt'linh, Annrieiin, und Itultau. Straw H'ttinetv mid Trmiiiiiutrs. New Vurk, Mareh ail, IcVi 3m. VrAKK.NTED to Matid equal beat with nny otlier Chests in the country, nnd to defy the lJurlas' incenuitv. Manufaetorv, No, 10 Hudson's Alley, ruiniinpr between Third and Fourth street, south of Chebnut. and in the reur cf the (Jirard M. V. S.. the proprietors, arc Practical Me chanic, and feel confident, from Ions experience in the nmiiufiulure of Iron Cheat and $afen, and a Hpcciul attention to this particular brunch, of giving satisfaction to all who may give tlieui a call. N. 1. We have selected one of the best min eraU ever used as a non-conductor of heat in litis business, and we warrant our Chests and Sufi's to he made of the best material and in the p.ust durahle manner, and to Bland any hcut that can he applied to them. MIL.NOR & SHAW, Manufactory Mo. 10 Hudson's Alley. Kiinnm hetween 3rd and 4th streets, H of Ches nut, in tlie rear of Uirard Uauk. Philadelphia, Oct. 25, 1851. -ly THE GERMAN WASHING POWDEIiS CATTLE POWDER PREPARED BY RREINIGr FJIONEFIELD & CO. No. 187 North Third Street Philadelphia. trillfl powIeT U entitled by the united testimony of nil I whii lutve unfd it to tlie 3rt rnnk ( nil ttww CAT rhK MKDICIXKf, whirli Imve leeii thought pranu wiirlhy for inniijr ymrn,1 Imlml wo rtinllnifrn nnr pet-frm to make a snpi rinr, m nny pnwde.r that net in the mint niiiuaer. Il the minimi tin period. y liwilthy it will either inrreime the nmmntof milk vt raim iw( butter t or the nuiiuiil will linpr tve rapidly in fut. It will therefore in lime lie conmlercil we Imve union lit onenf the ntnplr Hrtt. flcs of every Fanner, who kv;pR a dinry; nnd of every prrsinl fwnniff a hotte. It il not "fie (if those kind o, Mixtuhrk tUit merely swell nn ftnirrml op for a short tiniA, lint it will hy Uie eupnfity which it hits of ennrerliMff IIIPI'rniG ACID (which Is nn effete matter) Into Lac tic srin or oi.rim:; ran sen printer nmount of nutritnsis inntti to he extrnctrd frnm the same nmount of food, than poMihly tnuld he, were the nrtive principles of nuiriliim t' pn out of the system in the form of Ihprvmc Acip We have lereived u multitude of evidence to prove what we have said nltove, HalTme to sny : Wo have mixed the nrtive nffeut. with j irrent niini'H'f f Yk(irt4Ti,k nlnnls and heilm, which time nnd use have proved to lie useful, iiriproviuff the nnnetite end urnmoliinr liiri!liiin of the lo-il ; tliu seeariuff n henlthy rulitiim of i lie niotMi, i rum whirh the Milk nnd Fat must lie rormen. It muy be uied for Hohk. Cows and I loos for the follow ing complaints and diseases. YKI.T.OW WATKH, a danjferous su-Vnes, whirh de- slnys ninny idunlile hones every year, is very often nuireiy cured ny the iree iiw oi mis powder, hi ua cases it will prevent the disease from cominif on. This diseutte isowuiinr ton had and impoverished state of the blootl which becomes thin, watery und of ull yellow c A u. This powder bv ininrovinc the stomnrh nnd eivinff to the blood h g i enter pintity of red parlieles, nlPtnls the U'xt antl only vEiihle ehuiire f if recovery. If the horse is fur (r 'lie, give iiiorutng nnd night n tnlilepooufitl in wet feed, if in (lie Iwjrintiitig once a tl;iy ut mntii, if only topro veiu uie ni cen Fe nvicc a weeK. SI.Alti:iU.U. This is the in i nation nf mam valan- hie Ilorfte h exhaustion ; hy n rvmntnut diwhuriiti of sali va which oitjrlit to r( jt,t, i the toitrirh to intsift iliirestion. It is a sperieH of w.livutiou often ppNluced bv Inihas To Iwweo irrowinti in the p;iture ground A Tablesptsmful three lime n week will frenneutly arrest the How, if it d-eiii't depend on the Tobacco hi the urn, under such cirenuit!Hieep the aniniri! iiiiikI lie kept in the lnhle. tvUi'Kll. li the powder i early nml ireely uel, i other remedy need Ik iiFeil. it ha n trend v cured hun- drils of Horfk oi thi trouhlesotiie dtstmse to the nrprie oi those wiio u.ieil it. Jl not uiit eurlv, liefore matter Ims fori i lift in the neck it eanuot refitoru the niiiuml peifeetly until the mutter ia disehurfred, line it early und prevent such n result. A Tahlunpoinifal once or twice a day is enough. til.ANDKUS. Thi di;ae has linOled nil "aHBIEIIs, tiive thin powil'T n fair trial and it will do wonders in this erntile and hitherto incurable malady. It is a diBeimu of ihe trlamliinil vttem rind kept up hv imnerfeet nnlrilioii. in such eases u TiiUesnoonful every day twicu for a moniti or two, in euaiit iii-eesion. will in nine cases out of a dozen effect a cure, it h:in been fairly tetcd. I'ouirli mul shortness of llreath denemliiiff on weak hum, a Taldespoimliil every inoruinn ; if it ubules once or twice a week. POUR UiW.SPlRITF.n ItORSr.P, or where there is any reimuns of 1 otinder or tilfucs of nt 'lion, nnd the Horse will not fatten, or where the hair is roaeh and pfaiids Hiraiv!it out, the fonl Rcruiiufr to do iKfftd. the Powder produces iiltnost iinmeiliate itnprovement of the animal; lie ib-zeniion improves mid with it all the slutr eighties of the animal disappears, liecoiuinc lively Hud liriluJ, nnd the hair smooth und slick. COW 3. F r Milking Cows, we are fully convinced that it not utv impr ives tin; piahty, hat that it iii(reue the amount f Alitk. Cream ami Mutter : some who have tried the ex- peiiment say a pound u W eek, others say hall a pound wliiie one pers-m insist ml upon it that lie made two pound , more a week from -h Cows. We think it will lie found to iiveniire from ii fr r to a ponml per week on each Cow, il the Cows are teiu.:ly healthy. Thi n-lditional amount i m ule by the conversion of the Ilipuric Arid into Nitro iicnous nml futiy cooiouiitls ; ulsi by supplyinr tlie oxy Ken taken in by the lunir, with the elements of reaction; without taking snv f the Nitrocenous portion of the lew I. IIOU.OW HORN or WOLF; HOOF DISKASK. Hiid all other di;use of netit cattle depending iiMim biid tate of the fluids, nre removed peinlily and elTeeiiinlly. Cows, wlh-se milk is blue, thin and watery and where it does not yield much cream, or where Cows give bloody milk, or which are used to stand long dry, it will be I'ounil nn almost inftlliMc remedy, by improving the condition of the hl tod and creating n healthy digestion n Tablespoon fill every day or every other day as it may be neciSBury. UOiiS. Pigs m the summer often overheat themselves, get swel led necks, cough, ulcers in the Langs and Liver, which cause them to die very suddenly, these may be prevented entirely hy putting n pound or a half into ti Ihirrel of swill ; and it wilt at the sume tune c aimdernhly hustun the fatten ing process. . H. In , animal which is giving milk nnd you nre desirous to fatten ut the same time, you should not give more limn a tahlespoouful once a week or it will retuidLhe formation of fat hy inrn-asitig the amount of Milk. Let cael person try its effects for himself and be wil S'Hi he satiMiied of its excellent ijualities, und that no Far liter should Ih without it. For the purpose of finding out still further how far nm justly celebrated CATTI.F I'DWDKR. is entithd tthe eontidouce ot an intelligent people ; we Imve uddrenned Letters to all itiutb of the Tinted Slate, where our Pow r has heeii used, and we uruahle now from tlie tvi lenee llnis hroiivht ticfore us, to assure every Farmer. Diary man mid llorse-uiaii, that it has thus far veiy mueh e.t- eled our most Kiiniline expeelallon, With the additional k-iowklre thn far obtained. We Hope we will w rubbled to nuke the liest au-l inort per fect Cattle Mkiucixk ever yet oifereil to u diseeruing pie. It net us n alua!ile pnan ter of digistiou. im prove tlie uualiiv of the tiloint and thus mereiiRe the niiioiiut of either Fat, .Milk and consequently of IJuller. l i... i.i... i ..: i lb ware of Connteri'eiM ns the extensive snle of our powder ha unlaced others to niake mi nniiaiion of it. i-iieli jvick has oar written Signature on the eml. HIII.IMIi, I HUM & CO. Philadelphia, July tiff, l-.rl. ly. PRNNSYLVANIA. CITT or fHILAnKLPHIA V. 8. Hank notes IA dis All Solvent hanks put COCSTST. Rank nf Chnmlierfthurg 1 die iniiiK oi uicsier L.'n. par Hank of Del. Co. Chester pnr Hans o! f lerrnnntowii par Hank of (Jcttvslmrff 1 dm Hank of Lewistown Itink ofMnhlhtown 1 dis Montgomery Co llnnk par muiK oi iortiiumticri'iul. put Hunk of Fittsbttrg 1 dis1 Hank nf Danville Carlisle Hank or!, Ilank, I dis 17'Helief notes 1 dis1 M A INF.. ! Hank of Wln tloek 5 dis .Mercantile Hk. Haugor Kldis All Iveiif bank dis. NKW IIA.MPSII1RF, All solvent Imnks V Fit .MONT. All S'lvent batiks Bonnets, Hats and M illinerv 1 ooils! w F.RCH ANTS an.l Millinors when in I'hil- mU'liihia to liurcli.isc their j;rU, will fiuil it to their inti'rost to cxuiuino our laro and faih iolmlilo ctuek of STRAW fiO' t)S. We niaiiuhirture largely an J imfout tho iwisr SrtLcn or I wi ein r.ili ic in our line ; wliieh torethcr with other a.lianta. vc ua to oillr liberal iiulurementa to utriiu, K. A. Cr.OOKEK, & CO.. io. ii and i-j LIuHtmit Mrvet, aixl .No. SB S-cnitli irrnud street, west aulc, near Chestnut r liiluileiiliia. Ueeemlwr 27, consiilereJ hy thousanils who have tested it, aa beiin; the greutest Scientific Wonder of the tt'orld! Entirely il.iin? away with that Uihorioua and in jurious (iraetiee of ruhhiug the CLOTHES vtos tub WASHBOARD, And a ureal savins of TIME, LABOR AND EXPENSE. N. 1J. To prevent fraud nnd imposition, (for many arc trying tn palm oil article put up like mine) the Proprietor. I. P. HO VI', will put his WRITTEN KU5NA JT'KE on llio top la- lu-1 of every Package. And he only asks an ettiisitt'iHit yuUie not to eonfound THE BCIIMAX WAS11INO I'llWOIIlS ill) others that are in the market. It is riot up in Pneknxcs with full directions. nnd sold at tlie nominal price of IS) cents. W PRINTERS will find it greatly to advan tage to purchase ttiose Powders to cleanse their TYPES AND ROLLERS, being a very superior article for that purpose. Manufactured onlv bv I. r. HUi 1 , at In: Laboratory and Principal Depot, No. 10 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia. holesale and Retail Agents; 11enr' Masarr, Suubiii'v ; S. 1). Dciioriuaudie, Northuinbcrland. Reineinbcr the name GERMAN WASHING FLUID. All letters to be post paid. November H, lS.'il. Cino. J. I. DITTSRICII, .Yo 78 Xorlh id .'., Irtwreu A,elt ami llaee St., PHIX.ADtLPHIA. SSEREny informs the public that he imports and constantly keeps on hand at his new store. No. 78 North Sd St., a larae assortment of Foreign Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, Pictures $ Paints which he will sell nt the lowest prices. 1 1 i. :.. . . . . . . ins siik-k, in pari, consists in, AceorUeons, lolius. Music Boxes, Pallor and liar Room Or- gans, Melodeons, Seraplunes, Matheinatical In .. . . , ... suuiiic ma, jiiusTiin, rpy anu uiwra itlusses Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Honks, bronze fowiler, Dutch Metal, Cold and Silver Leaf, Scales of all kinds, Snuff and Tobacco Botes Lithographic Paints, Copper Plate and Steel En- liraviiigs, and pictures of every variety. Also liilt r rame Mouldings of various sizes. Dealers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup- . I: . I . n. : " pueu rrasousoie prices. December SU, 18M. tf. MACKEREL, SHAD, CODFISH, SALMON, HERRINGS, PORK. HAMS AND SIDES, SHOULDERS, LARD AND CHEESE, J March 13, ,5S.-3ra 1 I Constantly on hand I and lor sale by IJ. PALM ERA Co. r .... market mu v hart, PHILADELPHIA BLANK DEEDS printed on the best quality of parchment paper, sold at the lowest prices at this uiTuv, by wholesale and retail LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE. DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OK THE KIDNEYS, AND all rlirmaesaritliif from a Ur1rrl Hver of tin mnrh, such as const ipnli"H, inwnnl Piles. uMmn,iif Mood to the hemt, Aciilify of this Btinaaeh, ISnawm, Hrairll.nrii, cliwiint for Food, rnllnens or wriirlil in thH finach, nonrlOrnrtntiisis, sinkiiiKor flillleriin nt the pit f the Ptoinnrh, swimmiiK of theheml. hurriiil nml rtifflenll brenlliiiiff, (lnHiTiim nt tiio hnnrt, rh"kind nr urTiH'iiliiig seiiiuiiiiiti .-hi.i inn tvin ivinlurn. Ilitnnfrt of viRinn. dots or Wilis nrforathe sililit. Vryrt nml dull pnin In tlie hend, dcHcicui'V of prriimtioii, vrllowarm of Hie skih nun even, nnin In tlm aid., hnelc. rliest. lillllifl. Ac., sudilen flunhri ofhrnt hnrnimr in the flrsh, eonslnnt iinagillingt I evil, and grrnt deiressioii oi spirits, CAN BK RFFKCTUAI.I.T CURKD BY DH. HCOFLAlTD'a CELEURATED OK KM AN UITTEKS, rBKPABKn BT DU.C. M. JACKSON. AT TUB GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 130 Arch St., rh.lnrlr.pMn. Their power over tlie sUv ilisnines is n"t rxrWIerl, if pqimlli-J, l,y nny tithcr prfMinilion in tlie United ttntm, ns the cures atU'st, in ninny ctises alter skilllul physicians IiimI fniled, Thfse ItitliTB nre w"rthv llny nttmfimi f invnlitls. PtsmfKiiii ftrral virtm-s in the ririifiiiilK'ti of ilintiiif the I.ivcr hikI li'sw r phimls. cxiTrinn-u the in st sttiri'liiug powiTR in U'Kikiit'FHiin'l iitTwtirns ot the digestive is, ineyure, wnii.ii, sue, rfrtinn nnn pHnwim. I'l'iin (lie It.'slmi Hce.J The 1-Mitnr stint. Ic 'i-Jtl "IJR. HtXiFLAMl'd ( El.niHMTEn liERMAS PlTTrHS fT tlie rnre nf l.iwr 4 VtiI.t itif . J.inmlirr, Dynjietmui, Chmuic nr Nervnm Drhility. is ilrsrrvmlly nuc V the ins1 pipti hir inolirhics nf tic ihy. Them Miltcis Imve Ir-kii uliI hy thniisiiiith, ninl n f. iriiit ;it 'iir elbow snys he Ims Inin-si-lf nt-civi'il nn (tTte!niil mid ptrm.nicnt rure uf I.iver Cniujiliiinf from (lit tiw of tliin rrmtilv, W'v are ronvincwl tluit, in tio tift; oi' tlit-se Itiltr-rn, the put lent eonntiiiitly pains sirenifth mid vijror n f:n t worlhvof arvat roiiPiiie- mtion. The v nre rilr.ii,;iiit in Iticle unci smell. mihI nut ho i linnk f St Alhuns ......I i... ii i. i.u ...i.l. 1 . n i .... ty. initl'T nny rnviwiKi.-iiiers. We urn speriknnr from ex perience, nnri to (lie nttlirteat we ml vim their nw." 'SroTr's Wkhkly." one of thu hest Literary papers piihlidliett, Klid, An-,', "jry l'I)R. II'IOFNAND'S fiKKMAI HtTrt(11, till 1111 fn't ii roil hy Pr. Jwkson, nre now rec-inimetiileil by some of the mont proininL'iit members of tlie fnciiltv hh nn uritcle o murli eibem-y 111 iMsyn o lein:ilo wenktiess. As sneh is the cunt, we wonlfl mlvixe nil mothers t-i i htnin n bottle, mi l , thus Kive tlieiitm-lvi's iniieh njrkneis. IVrft tns of ilebilitn , teil roiiHiitutionfi will Hml tli'.'fe Hitters inlvinitnireoiig to their health, us we kii"W from experienee the mlutury clluet lliey linvu upon weeK symeins." More Evidence. The "PhiUnlelptun Satnnliy fiaettf.'1 thn brut family newspati) mblifiicil in the I'nitt-il uitL'a, the editor sa)S of D) linttftind'$ German Bitters. "It in seldom i. u. we recommend what nre termed Pa tent .Minliciuen, to rne mntideiiee nnd patronaue of our rendem; nnd, tlieieiore, hen we rreoiiinii'iut li. Hoof. biud'R (terman liilteri, we wis it to le iltatinetly under stood that we me not speaking f the ii'.ptnints of the d;iy, tlmtnre noipMl (iImiU for n hi iet periiHl and then for pot ten after they have done their niiiliy race nf miMliief, hut of n meilieiiie I -na established. uiuVcrKilty pri.ed, hikI which ban itu t the he irty opprovnl of the Fuenliy itself." Kvitlenee upon fvideneu his bc-u received (like the foreffomif) lnnii all see! ions of the I'nion, ttu last thre ye;irs, mill ihe siron-ji-st testimony in its favor, is, that there is more of it usil in the pnetieeof the retfutnr Phv- sienms of I'hiladelphm, than nil other nostrums combined, fact that can easily be esiiiblihetl. mid fully provintr that n scientific preiuinit.oii will meet with their uuiet iiinrovul when prewnteit even in this form I hat this medicine will cure I aver Complaint nun livs- nepsin, no one eun doubt, after usinu it ns dire-texl. It nets fpeeihetilly upon the si nach nnd liver it is pretTerable To calomel in all bullous iicues tlie cltect is immediate. They emi le ndininistercd to l-'emale or Infant with safety und reliable tienetit, ut any time. UK W ARK OF "col" N TF.R F Kl T9. This molii ine Ims nt.aine! that hiti chaiaeter which is necfssary fornllmetticiiics touttaiuto induce counterfeiters to pat forth n spurious urtielc at the rink of the lives uf those arc innocently deceived. LOOK WKIATO THi: MARKS CK TII15 GEM INI.. They have the written signature of C. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle, with our whieh thev nre spini us. For sale, wholesale und retail, nt the Germun Medicine Store, No. 120 ARCH Street, one door Mow Sixth, (Inte nf 27f Knee street,) Philadelphia, mul by respecuible dtsalers penerally throughout the country. nucKs nrnrcKD. To enable nil classes of invali.ts to enjoy the advantages of tneir great restorative powers. Single Bottle, 75 cents, Amo : For Rihs by II. Mahskb, Sunhury, nnd M. A. M Cay, .Northumberland. Aiust 30, Is51. ly. union Hotel," HANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. MASSACAVPKTTH. All snlvent bnnkn 1 dis HHOIJK ISLAND. All .nlvent linnks di. CONNKCTICUT. All nK'i-nt Imnks I dis m:v yokk. CITY. All Snlvent Imnki ! (til L?'Jik ii'ilra umliir V3 J dia rol'NTRY. All sorvenfs Imnks 1 d ass NI'.W JKIWEV. Delvidi're llnnk I dii I ill. pnrlFnr. llnnk M-mt HMly nnr 1 llll K. a il ., M IHIllHTIiWII I'l r: Coliiiiiliin H'kft D'gc Co pnrMi.clmnii ' Ilk. Nrwnrk mr DoyrlMown U;ink mrMivh. Ilk of iir l'.iitnii limik imriMrrh. Almi. Ilk Trail pnr Krie llnnk S dialMnrria Co Hnnk I dis KxcImiiiib ll'kl'iinlinrit I dialNi-wnrk llk'g 4 Ins. Co I dia I'.i'hnnirr li lt, Hrsnrh 1 dia'tlrnntre llnnk j -Ii" FiiriniTa1 ll'k, HnrkaOo par' I'e-pli''. Hk I'ntleraull J -lis Fnrmi'ra' Hk, Ijincnaipr pnr.l'rim'ct'in llnnk r Fnnnera' Hk. Kindiinr pnr iSilinn llnnkinif Co( p'ir Fnnn. Hk tVhnvlklll Co pnr fVllirrrrt I'n llnnk I dia F ft It. Hk Wnrnrsli'K I Jili. !lnlf llnnk ill Cniiidi n pir Frnnklin Ilk Wnsli'ii IJdn flnlr Ilk KlinMlit ni i di. Ilnrrmlmrir llnnk I dis Slum llnnk Nrwnrk i 'lis 1 di. Sintr Hk. N. Iliiinawick pnr H.nirMlnlr Hnnk Uiiimi'ti.'r Hnnk l'linimii nnnk p- Mi rt h. .V Mini, llnnk 1 (III. M iner.' ll'k. I'ultsville pi r .iiiilliiiifrnni'in iiiiiik I il T:iy..rvlirlBVCn 15 dia i'St llnuirh llnnk tmr lliiiik of l.-!:'Mri! vnniiMj Hk. W ilki.'sli'c ivir! Iliink nf liiiiTim pnr.NiM-t'X Mink, .rwl'in I rniT"ll iiniiKiin. t 'i I'nii.n linnk. II.'VIT Ynr.lli.vv'lf,Vllilirr. Vf llk'inili-a ii'idi r .' Pl.l.AW Mil.. I iha ilia I-'mIis J dia pnr pnr pnr l)i'l:imr. Cilv llnnk Ilk Wilnnr'n. Ilnni'ly'.v. put l'lirini r.' Ilk lt ln itf pnr rnii n Bunk. A lliiiinti n mr t'i?- I'tiilcr .'a 3 OHIO. All 'Kent Uiiika 2 dia 1 ilia t?" Hk ii..i- nnil'T 5'a 4 dia MiHill ('.XliOl.l.NA. J ili AM a 'Ivi'lil Imnks II dia dif() l'iii!iT.r'a, SJ dia PKILA. AND P.EADINGRAIIE0AD, m)ick arkax;i;.ii: r from ritll.ADKI.PIIIA AND POTTS VI LI.K. FnrcR Rnlurnl. Office of the Phi I a. if Reading Rnilrmd Co. l'liiI:iJcliliin, March "(i, li.l. Two rnssrniior Trains Daily, (exci-jit Sumlay.') TN and after April 1st, lfi.'il two trains will ViJ' lie run racli way, ilaily, between 1 luladcl iliia anil l'ottsville. MOliXIXCf hixi:. Lenves PliilaJeliiliia at 7i A. M.. tluilv except Sundays. Leaves roltsvilleat 7J A. M. daily except Bun ilays. Ai'Ti:nxoox hi xk. Leaves 1'hiladelpliia at 3J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 3J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. FA KISS, Between Philadelphia and Pottsville, $2.75 1st class ears and 2d class cars. Between Philadelphia and Keadiu, $1.75 1st class ears and $1.45 2d class cars. Depot ill Philadelphia, corner of Broad and Vino Streets. Passengers cannot enter tho cars unless provi ded with Tickets. KOTICE. Fifty pounds of lmeuaire will lie al lowed to cacti passenger in these hues; and pas sengers are expressly prohiliilcd from taking niiy- thini; as lianiraire out their wearing apparel, w hich will he at the risk of itsownrr. By order of tho Board of Manager. S. BKADFORD, April 19, 1851. .Secretary. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS . At the Cabinet Ware lloom or SED'N IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Aho at tht corner of Fainn street ft the Railroad SUNBURY, PA. Thankful for the pntronsire of his friends anal customers during the 17 years he has la-en in busi ness in this place, lie solicits from the public a con tinuance of their favors. During this period h has endeavored to keep up with the Improvements of tho day, and has accordingly extended his busi ness in every lirancli nml voncty. The public are therefore invited to the attention of the present stock of (JAM NET WAUB AND CIIA1US, Al ANU F ACTIJRKD BY SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old fffniirf, Where in addition to their former stock of th establishment thev now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chain. Isirtre Spring Scut Rocking Chairs, Dressiwr Hit remix. Centre Tables, iVarhle. Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style und E'thioainl)Ie Furniture. Having secured a Hearse and made tho neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they aro now prepared for I'nderlakiiig in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye innids nnd miKtrcsrs, and litialKinds too, Ilere'a furniture of every at le and hue, Fmin aide hoards down to kitehen tnhles, Frnm rocking, chnira to in-kinffcrndl:s F!i mid ynti tint h:iv the lendy Jnii?i tn pay, WVII wait nwliile f. r a lricht':r ls;lter day, Or Inke p'ltntot , imta, com, wh.-at nnd rya ; llnrk, h'mp poles, atnvea, or Inniijr wnt and dry, Or nny thing Lul yokus nnd tlirealinig flails, Fl'Mn pica ond turkiea down to little quaitt. Coirie on then friends. e'Srm one ond all, Kcpp trude a moving, so ''it nt on liie baQ. fs" Orders from a distance promptly attended lo and work of ull kinds ilelitrrcd with dispatch. Suubury, March 0, 150. tf MARBLE MANUFACTORY, ( I1KA1 (Hi AVE STONES. nPHE subscriber informs his friends and the public, that he continues to carry on the Marblo Business in all its branches, at his old stand in Milton, Pa., and is prepared to manu facture Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c., of the best materials, and most finished woi k- iiinuship, and at the lowest prices. Letter Cutting, English and (Jerinuit in tho most modem anil elegant style. Designs for Monuments, Urave Stones, &c, ulways on hand. II. Orders for the Kast side of the river promptly executed by leaving tho same at the office of tho "Suubury American." ANTHONY HIPP. Milton, May 10, 1851. TVlY. MIS.s YVKITZIjL'S respectfully inform .. the Public that they still continue to enter tain travellers and others ut tlieir old established stand in Market street, west of the Court House. Tlieir long experience in the business, and the well established reputation of tlieir House, will, they trust, be a sullicieiit guarantee, that their customers will lie well accommodated. March S, 1851. tf. ' HOU3E7" TOTTSVILLE, PA. TRS. MARY WEAVER respectfully inform the public and travelling community general ly, that she has opened this large and commodious HO ILL, furnished in a superior style. From her long experience in the business of a first rate Hotel, and well known reputation to accommo date, her customers may ilcgn-nd on Wing supplied with every thing conducive to their comfort and convenience. Feb. 15. S51 U WM. M'CAltTY, books i: i. n; K , Broadway, SUNBURY, PA. Jl'ST received and for sale, a fresh supply of fir Singing Schools. He is also opening at this time, a large assortment of Books, in every branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children s Books, Bibles: School. Pocket and t ainilv, both with uhiI without Engravings, and every of vari etv of Binding. Pravcr Books, of all kinds. Travels, Voyages and Adventures, all ol which will be sold low, either for cash, or coun try produce. Sunbury, Jan. 31, 1S52. tf. WEI. G. MASON, Engraver nnd Printer, Aro. 46 Chestnut Street, above Second, riULADELPHIA. S prepared to do ENCiKA VIN(t and PRINT- 1NU, in all their branches, Wedding, Visiting and Business Cards, Ball Tickets, Watch Papers, I.hIk'Is, Bill Heads, Notes, Cheeks, Drafts and Diplomas. Seals and Stamps for Corporations, Odd Fellows, Masons, Sons of Temperance, &.c. All tlie aliove engraved in the best manner. Orders by Post promptly attended to. December 27, 1851 ly. LAAYKEIS'CE HOUSE. SUNBURY, PA. MIIE subscrilicr respectfully informs her friends J- and the public generally, that she has taken the abovo well known stand nearly opposite the Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per kins. She trusts that her experience in luiuo.s, and her efforts to make her guests comfortable, will give entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor her with their cusioui. ANN C. MORRIS March 8. 1S51 tf. i:i:.ty b,ai and 1m-asiox agency. The attention of the public is called to tht sd vertisement of Mr- Charles C- Tucker, Attorney and Agent at Wnsliiton City. Persons hav ing claims for bounty Lands or Pensions are in formed that the subserilxT has made arrangements for lite requisite forms, and claimants culling at his olliee, can have their papers prepared auJ forwarded to Mr- Tucker nt Washington, audi by him be properly attended to before the De partment there. H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. IS, 1851 John a. ii a it it i s, Manufacturer, &. Dealer in Imported and Domestic Sejjars, Also, a general assortment of Leaf & Manufactured Tobacco, CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar- ket prices. Corner of Chestnut St, Wharves, Philadelphia. December 7, 1851. ly. and (AMITIES ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN J OElt. a fresh suoulv inst received sale by Suubury, Jan. 10, 1852, II. ml for B. MASSER A H.N OLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe- aiv-a Ik II. I lair.l Aoi'il aiia. tf... ...I. I. .a H. I). MASSER. 8unlury, nf 10, 1862. 1 I AND BILLS neatly printed on new type promptly executed at this office. Also blanks, of all kinds oa superior paper. Suubury, Feb. 14, 1853. TJLANK Parchment Paper Deed and blank mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons ice, for sale by H. B. MASSER. Suubury, April 80, 1851 BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! ! Clocks, Winches, Jewellery, Silver Ware, r.iucy uiiuus, i.u., aic. C11.0CKS nf every d'acriiUa nisi nimlitv, P Oay Itrnaa nail .111 hour Cl-cka, very low. u'ntriirti ,rf tlie H-at m-ikcra. TolaaaJ iiiis.iu nml ltolilnwiii Unlit jmtent levers, a nut' aa low na SVI, warranteil Ih ktuat etim-a. und iusiinl lor 1-2 uioiitiia. Silver lvera aa low us wtirrunteil. Iiini-aaa low na sl'l.ixi warnialil, tLurtu r VVatrliea in crwit viirirty. Jewellery of every nescnpii m. liolil (Itinril ml l-ob (.'liaiu. ltraeelela, Kar Itinua. Pmirer Kimn. HriKH'tiea, Um-Lc:.. lioUl Peaa lor 1,00, win runted itointa. Tlie auliM.'rilH'r Invlliff lust returned from the eaalii n factories la iremietl t.i furniah any article in loa line of liiiKiiieKa ui the Lilest atylea. mul tu elienp aa the aame urn. clca can tie aolil in the Philaileliitiia or New York markets. To convince llie nubiic of (Ilia tiirt he iuvilia their Htlen- lion unl reaH-lfiilly aolieilaii call. lie S'lulJ imrtiralarly invite the uttenlinn ol Hotel I'ropri tura, hikI r utilities to hia extensive usirlinent of Sitvei Wsre, vis: Tea Helta, Tnt'le, uehSiTi nnn icumniu., rorha, iiuira, Ac. &u Orders rn-eiviil fir uuy arltcle ol Silver Ware etn'itlid with nroitiiitne.s, mid in Ihe hmt atvle. A Rrint lurielv is' Faney li'nls. l'atuer .Miiehe work, audi as Vrrittiiaf Desks. I'ort I'oliua, Ulove lloxea, Odour lloxea, kc , he. 11 you wuill Ul aucurv nurgainacuiini K C ORF.KNtI next door to the Post Office, Centre at., Poiuville, l"s N 11. AH kiinla of repaira atleiuled to by the best work men. Dereiabcr T 1H5I 6in. CJHINGLE8e Joint and Lap Shingles, of first rate uualltY, for sale by JOHN YOUNG. Sunbury, Dec 20, 1851. tf. fOLD PENS with and without silver cases just received, and fur sale bv H B.'MASsKR funburr. Anrili 18.11 NOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT. ClILa. An excellent article, for sule ai half the usual price by i- W. FfilLLNG, Suubury, July 7. 1849- fUSTICES' FEE BILLS For sale hy 11. B. MASSER. Sunbury, 1851. '2r VVriLGY'S COUGi CNDY. ff lent remedy for coughs, cold. at this office An eicek- Foraale J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Jistici: or nn: peace. Simtury, Pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. t7 M init-a collected and ail business piotiiiilly und care fully utt.-iidcd to. April SO, ISoO. ATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing and imlellible ink, Cotton yam and just received and tor sale by J. V. 1 Kll.i.Mj. Suubury, Dec. 2, 1818. KETONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al inoiids, P unes and Cream Nuts. 1 lanes of all kinds. &'alt and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. FR1L1NG. ffunbury, Dec. S'J, 1819. New Music .lust Published. EE cc WALKER. No. lCU f'hesnut st A arc conslantlv pulilisliing ami receiving. new and beautiful music from the most distin guished composers. The follow ing list contains some of tlieir choi cest and most popular Songs, Waltzes, Polkas, &c. Now, thou nrt (lone, n beautiful song, words by Thomas J. Uiehl, music by liuiuhridgc. Mv New England Homo, words and music by Mrs' L. Wade. (robe's Omnibus; by C. O'rohe a collection of Duetts. Sounds from Home, piano and violin, by Jos. Gung'l. Pretty Little Tolkus for Pretty Little People, by J. Ling. All the Winds ajc Sleeping, by A. S. Worn sey, (iuardiaii Angel, bv the author of "Love Not." Household Words, written by Cbas. The Adieus, words by Thomas J. Diehl, mu sic by Horr. LEE .V WALKER have constantly on hand, superior Pianos, and a supply of Martin's Cele brated (iuitars, which together with a lino as sortment of Musical Instruments und Merchan dize in general, comorise a stock not to 1 sur passed by that of any oilier eslablislimont in the country. " LEE it WALKER, 1G2 Chesnut street, iSwaiin'e Building. Philadelphia, June 28, 1851. ly. NO CUKK NO PAY! Hughes' Fever and Ajue Tills!! PERFECT and speedy euro for the Fever and Ague is guaranteed to any ono who limy use the Pills. Thoy have lieeu used for tho im srrrH yum and hue never beeii known to fail ill a single instance and in eases, too, where persons have had the disease fur several years, wittiiiut intermission. 1 he proprietor lltiige the vorlil to produce an article that will cure in as short a time, without leaving any deleterious elici ts from the use of it. If tho Pills do not perform a speedy und perfect cure, the iropnetorrwill return the money, i or sale by Jacob S. Lawrence, Minersil!e: E. Helfen- slein, Trevorton; S. R, Dixon, Schuylkill Ha ven; John W. Friling, Sunbury; Mary A. Mc Coy, Northumberland ; Dr. Beekly, Danville ; John Sharpie, Cattawissa ; Dr. Judd, William port; John Raser, Milton, und by respectable Druggists throughout the State. J. CI RTl.-i C. IircilE.S, Proprietor. Pottsville, June 2S, 1851 ly. F lap 1JOOKS and Gold Pens. On hand several coii -L ies of the life of Christ, and also a number uf gold pens which wo will sell at the Philadelphia prices, ior sale at tlijs ollicu. CMLYER WATCHES A few double case English Silver Watches, for sule at very low prices by 11. U. MASS Eli. Buubury, April 12, lool. ENNEDY'S PATENT SASH FAS TENINUS. A cheap and excellent arti cle lor fastening sash for sale by J. W. F RILING Sunbury, July 7, 1849. "IVTRIN'G BOTTLES Breast pumps, and ' nipple tulies- A supply of these uselul arti cles just received and for sale by JOHN W- FRILING Sunbury, Jan. 18, 1851 tf OSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this excellent article fur Tetter, 4cM just received and lor sale by HE.Mt MASSER. Sunbury, July 28, 1849 fllEAS, from the New York Canton anil Pekin JL Tea Company. or sale by Sunbury, Dec t, 1848 J. W. FRILING. T1AY RUM. An excellent article for sale f by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury Jan. STlh, 1849 It THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION MKHCIIANT, No. 6, North Wharves, Where the following goods are received and sold on commission, Dried Apples, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries, &r.. Green Apples ill Barrels or by the Bushel, Beans, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Slu lliaiks, Chestnuts, (round Nuts, O.-auges, Lemons, Raisins, pigs. Prunes, Grapes, Poultry, Eggs, Butler, Cheese. A lid all kinds of Foreign und Domestic Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1851 ly. S0APAND CANDLES. r'JUIE subserilier takes this method of inform ing the citizens of Sunbury uud vicinity, that they are engaged in the manufacture of Soap and Candles, of Ihe best quality, at No. 41 Filliert street, Philadelphia. They respectfully invite all who buy for cash, to give him a cull as they will find it to to their advantage in dealing with him for articles in tlieir line. E. DUFFY & SON. 44 Filliert above 9th. Dacember 20, 1851. tf. fl ISSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper fo il covering glasses, Ac, for sale at the olliee cf Ike American. Valuable PROPERTY FOR SALE. rjlHE Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, JL oners for sale the following pnieriy in Mil ton, Northumberland county, viz: The large "V EPJCK BUILDING J in . npK r Milton, former!) occupied by Messrs 1'altcisons us a Carriage Makers Shop. The building is fid feet front on upper Market street, nml 40 feet on Front street, and is two stories high. Also a two story BRICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 by 25 feet, on the same promises, Tlie lot is on the coiner of upper Market and Front streets, uud is (iii feet front, utnl loi) feet deep. The premises would be valuable for a Foundry or other inaiiuf icturiiig purposes, uud will be sold on reasonable ami ucconimotluting terms hy ap plying either to JACOU CARRIliAN, Philadelphia. J. F. WOLFINGER, Esq., Milton or H. U. M.s.ER, Esq., Suubury. Philadelphia, Jan. 25, IHol tf. f El I i. A li V. t. V tl 1 EISDJEOAIi HOUSE, ESTABLISHED is YEARS AGO BY DR. KINK EI JX, N. IT. Comer oj Third and Union Strfts, BCTWtXN SPRL'CK AM) 1'ISH STREETS, IJMFTK.'.N VKAUS of rxtrmive ami uninlcrraptW jiraclu e , trnl hi tins city have rciiti-TiN. Uf. K. th uct (.'Xim-iI aii't Miffc wml iructiii(iitjr liir and titar, in )v lu'iUiMt-iit ii nil iliM'.is. h ui a pnvnlti nature. I'crKHia iiilin-lrtl wiili iiU-fiH tijuu tlk' htiW, ttirinit, or Ifga, taiti in nit- ih.iii't iHint F, iiiricuri ii riicuiiiaiimii, atriclurra. gruv., iliti-ae iinsinu' Tnuit yutlihi!) i-xccn-i nr ini'iut ities of lh blot.!, wlirrt-tiy th coimtiiuiioii iiut liecome eulctl'lcd, ulltrcait'tl with rtn-i't. He who place IniiiJtfU'niHltM thi inre nf Dr. K.. mtv r. liiiitiiFly ct'tiliitt: in Ins liquor tut u euileiiLiii, mut wnhiut y rely up n hi nkill uu a phymcuin. TAKK I'AIITlL'l LAU NO'HCE. VtMiii!? Men vl have iuniriil tliKiuiclv hy a certain piitctii'i iml iliit il in a lialut iVeiiui-uilv from evil ctMiianiiiiiK or nt school the fifrcii tt wliich ure uichtlr It'll, cvvii wiini :uircp, unit ih'stnty lx tit iniiiil und hotly, liwiiltl a;ily iiiiincili.itrly. Wcnknrra iiml (.oimtitntioiiat dctniiiy I 'xsoriiiuH'uliir energy, physical laiMvitiitle and atu era I prostrali mi. miiaialuy mul nil ncrc.m utfrriinns. indU Hi-niion. Klii!,-i;tiiii' of tint livt-i. nml every diKt'iiscui any way t'tuimvU'il wiili Hit: ilinonh-r ol' ttie proereutivt fou tioim cured, tmil lull vi;;or rt-Niort-J, YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous lifo or a prem.ilure death. R1.KEI.1X on Self Pn serration. ONLY 25 CENTS. TbiB B x.k hifit piililialinlis wlth narful iiifnrrostioa on tli: inliriiiiiH-a mul ilisfiisi-a i.l' tli Ii4if rnlive tlrgnua. Il ii.l.!r. s. uaelt nlikr M VtH"ni,MAXIIOt.iUaml OLD Alii;. ai.t vli'iutil lie re;n! I.y ull. Tin- :ilu:il.l- rnii icn mul iinpri'iiuve worniur it givea, will prevent yenraol' ntiaery uiul sulferiiig und auvs aiuiual. ly 'riioiiKiiula ol l.ii t-a. I'areiita liy reiulmi; il will learn liovv to prevent Ilia ilfa. tfiuiiuii iit'tlu-ir einltlren. A ri'liilltiini'i- ul' i eenta. eneloanl in a letter, ail ilri m. il to Hit. KIMvKM.N. N. V. ,.f 'I'll I II I) a. I'Mll.N Sllitln, Snrilee ft 1'ine. l'liillulrlulns. will eiisure u l -k. uii.I.t eiiv.-li.pi.. wr r.-lurn nl" iiuul. 1-era.uia ;n n malmler tnay UikiteKf IJr. K. Iy letter, (oat. pant.) nml lii'i-nn-.l nt li-'nu. l'Al'K.MiKS OP .MIIIIlrlM S TllllErTIONS. . firwinl"! In a- iuhiiir n rvn.utauec. uial mil un atcute from L)l Alii: i.r i l HinS'l'V. II .U-s.-lli ts, .i-w Ace-its. IV.llnra. Csiivnaafra. snil sll others aiipp:ii'il Willi tin- nlvit work ut very low rulM. &t-pttfliitKT b, loot, ly. STONE WARE. OTONE milk Pans, stone Jui;s and Pitcher., and other articles of stone wure just received and for sale by JOHN W. FWLING. Sunbury, June 23, 184tf EXTRACT Cr GIXGEll-A fresh su,uly just received aud for sale at this olliee. Price 25 cents. Sunliurj. Ju.y ia. 1851. LANK NOTES, waiving tha demotion law of $300, for sale by 11. 0. MABStK. i; April Sfl, 1851 PATS ITT IEriC;ilTE3. (iri'i'ii's Oxygenated Uiller, liriee reduced. Did Jaeoh 'l'i)Wii..ndsSarsajiarilla. liaki r's Sarsuparilhi. Sway no's Syrup of Wild t'herr Swuync's eriuil'ujje. gyre's Cherry Pectoral l)r. Utiilie's Piinacea. Dr. Culleu's ilo Tilihit's Pain Killer. lir. lloollaiid's (.'i rinou llittrra' ii 1 in ll X i'ifelalile Pills llorsr and Cuttle .Medieiiies Pur sale by HENRY MASSER. hunliury, July I I, 1S4'J. Vulaablo IIuokM, rIFE or Ciiiiist, liHinUiiinely Iwiind, D'A. J in. m'. llisriui or Tiik likniKvi.rios, Kl, iK Dat-hooks m Lkiiiikhs, full boundaJ. For sule at the publishers print's by H. ti. MASSF.R Sunbury, July M, 1819 CAI'iS. An assortmont just received. Also silk HATS at $'5, for sale by 11. MASSER. Kuuhury, Dec. 848. J ATE. NT 1SIUTTANIA SJ'OPPERS for liar hollies lor sale ny II. a ill Acini. n. Kunliurv, April, 12, 1851 WRITLNO FLl'ID and self sealing Enve lopes, just received and for sale by April 19. 1851. H. U. MASSER. BLANKS. KLANKS of every description can be bad by s)'l lying at the olfice of the American. DADD'8 celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi ci ne for sale by HENRY MA8AH Sunbury, Jan. S7th, U49