f SECOND NATIONAL COtttltAi OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS TlVfi UNITED ' : -. STATES. i . Bai.Vimoii, May 9. The Second National fcounoil of the Caih lio Church in the United States, convened Nhia morning at the Metropolitan Cathedral in thia city. The preliminary meeting of the prelates was rreW at an early hour in the Arrhepitcopal mansion on Charles atreeti l the rear of the Cathedral, when the offi cers of Ihe Council were chosen by the Moat Illustrious and Most Reverend Archbishop of Baltimore as follows : Promoters Right lfvV. Jnhamms, D. D., Bishop of Natchez, sni! ' Ihe Very Rev. Franois L'Homme, Su perintendent of Sulpioians ; Promoters' Sec retaries, Very Rev P. N. Lynch and Rev. Thomas Foley ; Notary, Rev. Edward Dam phonx ; Chaunlers, Very Rev. L. De Goes brarand and Mr. John Dougherty ; Master of Ceremonials, Rev. Francis Botlnndo. About 10 o'clock this morning the Pie lates formed in procession, wenrinn full pon tificals, and walked from the Arehnpiscnpal residence to the Cathedral, passed round I lie square to the front of the edifice, and thence into the nave of the church, passing through the biond aisle to the grand altar, chaun ting appropriate canticles for the occasion. The procession was headed by a magnifi cent gilt crucifix, followed by Acolytes, bearing lighted candles, the master of Cere monies and Assistants, Chaunlers, Theolo gians one for each Bishop followed by the Archbishops and Bishops, taking prece dence according to priority of consecration all arrayed in the most magnificent robes. After all the prelates had taken their pla ces, the Council was opened in a solemn manner by Archbishop Kenrick of Baltimore who addressed the Bishops present in tne following words : "Most Reverend Fathers and Venerable Brothers. Is it pleasing, to you for the dory and honor of God and for the amplification nf the Catholic. Church, that the Councilor Baltimore, lawfully convened and here as sembled to-day, shall be opened 1" To this question each Bishop replied ''It pleases me let it be opened." After other appointed ceremonies and the reading nl the decrees of tho Council of Trent, touching the Profession of Faith and residence, a Grand High Mass was perform ed, with a solemnity and grandeur never per haps equalled in this country. The choir was composed of upwards of one hundred male and female vocalists, accompanied by the entire Germania Musical Society, and the powerful organ. The singing of the Te Denm and Gloria in Ercelsis, was execu ted in a manner grand beyond description, and excited an intense degree of fervor and devotion in the eongregntion. At the conclusion of Mas, which, to Celher with other ceremonies occupied up wards of two hours, the Most Reverend Archhihhnp Hughes, of Now York, entered ihe pulpit, and commenced his sermon at 124 o'clock. The Rev. Gentleman read the 10th Chap. ter nf St. John, and took fur the theme of hi discourse, "Christ is the door and the Shepherd." A Boneless Body. The London papers describe an inquest held by the Coroner, on F.li.abethVigors, agel 5 years. The body presented a horrible spectacle, being one lump of fiesh, twisted and distorted. De reased's father slated, that soon after her birth, a girl threw deceased over her back in Ihe ere und. Since the occurrence, she assumed a curved position, could eat nothing bfit bread and butler and when touched her bones appeared to snap. She had been uniler medical treatment for a long lime, without deriving the least benefit- He found her dead in bed. Mr. Harrison, surgeon, made a post mortem examination. There were no bones in the body ; the limbs were purely of gristle. It was au aggiavnted cas of what was called ' rickets." Tub London correspondent of the Phila delphia North American thus describes the dress worn by Mrs. Lawrence, wife of the American Minister at the Queen's first draw ing-ioom on ihe 1st inst: "Mrs Lawrence's cost n mo was very gen .. ' i ; i ct.. - ..r eraliy aumireu. uo uma unm ui icu velvet, lined with pink glace and trimmed with point de Venise ; dress of pink chine inoir antique. The head dress was com poed of feathers, point de Venise lappets, nnd the ornaments were a profusion of dia monds and emeralds. A New style of Watches has been recent ly imported into this conntiy from Genevai Switzerland. They are so constructed as to be wound up, and ihe hands moved back ward and forwnrd, without tho aid of a key and without opening. This prevents the Must from settling upon the works, or tho oil from evaporatinc, and renders them less lia ble to get out of order than ordinary wat chesat the same time the const root ion is so simple that any watchmaker cart set them in order without difficulty. All of our banks slopped specie payments on ihe 10lh of May, 1837. A well remem bered fact by all business men. The LtMtoii Journal says Daniel Webster is the only Whig who can, under existing circumstances, carry Massachusetts! Mii.k-Titebs, showing exactly the com position of the while fluid, are said to be old for 25 cents each in London.-'' Thesc are several hundred clergymen from the country, now in Sew York, await ing the anniversaries. Peach nd pear trees are blooming, and give promise of plentiful yield. The late tiess of ihe season exempts them from dan ger of injury by frost. Patrick Carroll recovered 84000 of the jf,aw York nd NISW Haven flail Road, for breaking h bV collision. A fld wprt f ,na 'ea,h' t lr- Clay reached Cumberland, Md., oti Tuesday, sjtien U h fir be" of lhe 0I B wer tolled.' .,! futt were S3 deaths in Charlerftfr oViiig tieiidliif May J. - DISTRIBUTION OF Tllfe PUBLIC LANDS An amendment of Mr. Underwood to the bill intioduced into the United Slates Senate, to donate public lands to Iowa, for railroad porpfci'es, proposed a distribution 16 all the public lands, among the HI old Stales of the Union. The two new States, California and Texas, are included. The lands are to be used for purposes of internal Improvements, or of education, within the several States, as Ihe Legislature thereof may direct. The division is as follows : To the Stale of Maine, 683,040 acres. To the Slate of Verment, 313,020 acres. To the Slate of Massachusetts, 994,240 acres. To the Sinte of Rhode Island, 147,520 acres. To the State of Connecticut, 870,020 acres. To the Sialo of New York, 3,097,280 acres. To the Stale of New Jersey, 490,280 acres To the Slate of Pennsylvania, 2,311,680 acres. To the Stale of Delaware, 90,S60 acres. To the Stale of Maryland, 546,800 acres. To the StHle of Virginia, 1,231.680 acres. To the Stale of Noith Carolina, 753,240 acres. To the Slain of S.uilh Caiolinia, 514, 2s0 acres. To the State of Georgia, 753,280 acres To Ihe Stale of Tennessee, 906,566 acres. To the State of Kentucky, 897,920 acres. The design of the above distribution is to assign to the old States, land equal in amount to one acre to every inhabitant, ac cording to the census of 1850. Da. Hiwrt.ANn's German Bitters. That this medicine will cure liver complain and dyspepsia, no one can doubt after using it as directed, ll arts specifically upon the stom ach and liver : it is preferable to calomel in all bilious diseases ; it acts bs specifically upon the liver its calomel ; calomel prostrates the system the bitters strengthen ami nev er prostrates Ihe patient, nnd will give re newed life nnd health to the delicate invalid and restore Ihe liver to its functions, and give digestion nnd appetite in those severe cases wherein ihe ordinary medicines fail in producing any elfect. D I K l. In Williainsporl, on the 3d inst., Mrs. MA RY A. KALHFL'S, wife of Rev. Charles Kalbliis, nnd daughter of the late John Bow man, of Columbia county, aged 39 years and 7 mouths. On the 5lh int., nl his residence near Wil lia.nspoit. JEREMIAH TALL MAN, Esq., aged about 76 years. At New Diggings, Wisconsin, on the 11th ult., F. P. DEKItINU, aged about 60 yeais. Mr. Derring was well known in this neigh bmhood, having for a long time resided at Selinsgrove. Wherever known ho was highly esteemed for his amiable disposition and his uptight nnd honorable conduct. Somo years since, he removed to Wisconsin, where his sister and bioihers, formerly of this place, now reside. He left no family, but to his bereaved broiheis and sister, his loss will be that of a father En Am. !)C iUorlicts. Philadelphia Market. Mav 12, 1852. Fi.ni'R and Meal. Flour is firm sales of 700 bids, mixed brands at $4 per bbl ; vales for city ue at $4,121. Extra Hour is held nt 4. it $5 livfc Flour.. Is scarce, and would bring $3.50 Chun M.al. Last sales of fresh ground at 3,4. Wheat Little oflering ; sales of prime red at SI ; while is held at 95. Rye. None arriving ; last sales at 78 cents. Corn. Is dull ; sales of good old jellow at 64 cts. Oats. New Southern are in demand at 42 a 45 cts. Wiiiskkv. Sales at 21 cts. in bbs. and 21 cts. in hhds. Baltimore Market Mxy 10, 1851. GRAIN. The supply of Wheat is small for the last day or two. Sales of good to prune reds to-day at 88 a 93 els. ; while at 96 a 99 cts. ; ami a laige lot very prime white, taken tor shipment, at 103 els. Sales of new Coin, in iood condition, at 58 cts. while, and 5ti a 57 c.ls. for yellow Damn parcels sell at 45 a 50 els. Sales of old torn nl 54 a 56 cts. Sales of Maryland Rve at 3,50 cents. We quoin Ouls nl 38 a 40 cts. for Mary laud, and 37 cts. for Pennsylvania. WHISKEY. Sales of Pennsylvania bbls. at 21 i cts., and of hhds. at 31 cents. SUNBUKY PKICE CURRENT WHKiT. 0" I! ie. 68 (Jo as. fii Ovrs. 45 Potatoes, .00 ltlTTlH. - .14 KnuK. ... 10 PoitK. ... s Kl.nsitn. .... 100 Tsiliiw, .12 Dr.KswiX . SO Hki klkii Fl. ... 17 Dhieii Ai-pi.es. .... 100 Do. Piaciies. . . 250 New Advertisements. FANCY GOODS AND MILLINERY. MISS JANE FINN FA' (Successor to Mrs. Eliiabeth Follmer,) fJESPECTFl'LLV informs the citizens of ' Sunbury and vicinity that she has recoiled a new stock of Fancy and Millinery Goods, Such as li'mnets. Kibbotu, Laces, Edging tine Dluslint, tfc, ffc, Cfc, Also' a' laVge assortment of Iadlea and Children's Shoes. IJONNETB done up in the neatest stylo, Bnfl at th6 shortest notice. In order to sell cheap, she has' sdopted lbs rash system. Khe will therefore bs enabled to sell at the lowest prices. Sunbury, May 8, 1852. t EsUle of GEORGE DEIBLEB, Deo'd. "1VOTICE is hereby given that letters of adrnjn-i-' istratisn have been granted to the subscriber on the estate of George Dsihler, dec'd., late of Hliamokirr township, Northumberland county. AU persons indebted to said estate or having claims sgaiast the same, are requested to call oa the subscribe' for settlement. JONATHAN 0. DEIBLER, Adm'r. Shsniokui, April 17,' H59. til. SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOUKNAL. In the matter of the Estate of PETER STTJLL, Dec'd. 'lHE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to 9am uel Null, who is deceased, leaving issue Peter Rtull, Jane Ktull, Esther Stull, Kanny Stull, Elizabeth Stull, 8amticl Stull, Lester Stull, the last named two are married. Ka chcl Stall, married to Joseph Jones, which said Joseph is deceased. Anna Btull married to Abraham Snyder. Elizabeth Stull married to Daniel Wampole. Maria Stull married to Wm. Neville. Maria is dead leaving issues F.lir.a, Jeremiah and Jane, all married. Fanny Slull married to Jacob Lilley. Jacob Stulh Pel" Stull, Henry Stull, and John Stull. Aaron Gastort Is appointed Guardian of the minor chil dren of Maria Neville and of tho two minor children of Samuel Stull, dec'd., pro. har. riet. lineal descendants of Peter Stull, dec'd., and all other persons interested, GREETING I Northumberland County, as. You are hereby cited to lie and appear licfore the Juds of our Orphan's Court In be held at Sunbury, on the first MONDAY of August next, then and there to except or refuse to take the teal estate of said Peter Stull, dec'd., situate in Delaware township, containing; 103 acres more or less, which was valued and appraised in pur suant of a writ of Pnflitinn awarded by the Orphan's Court of said County, und hereof fail not. Certified from the records of said Court at 8iinbury, on the 13th day of April 185S. By Order of the Court, ) J. P. PURSE!., Clk, O. C. May 1, 1852. 5t. ) Tremendous Encitemunt! ! Cash, Steam, Klectricitv ' The Aerial anil all other lines out-done by the I,lglilnlng Mne or IRA T. CLEMENT. WHO, havino creat faith in rapid sales and small profits, has just received anu opened a Urge assortment of SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS, At his Store in Mar;;et Street, Sunbury, which lie offers to the public at the lowest prices. His stork consists of a general assortment of Dry (Joods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers. Cassinets, Jeans. Drillings. Muslins, Linens. Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, Bcrages. Sii.k & Palm Leaf Hats. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Groceries, Sugar, Tea, CofTee, Molassps, Cheese, Spi ces, Fish Salt, Plaster. HARDWARE, Vis : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, ike. QUEENS WARE, Tea Setts, Flutes, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, 4-c LIQUORS, Vine. Brandy, Gin, Hum, Vhisfcry, it- VsT Country produce of all kinds taken in ox change at the highest market prices. May 8, 1S52. ly. LICHTMNd HODS. AFTER many years' close investigation and numerous experiments, the Piiteulee takes pleasure in informing the public that he has arri ved at the true principle of protecting families, dwellings and property from the destructive influ ence of I.KiHTNI.NO. The calamities that every Citv, Town. Village and Country fulls vic tim to annually, through the gross negligence of its inhabitants, is beyond calculation, especially when the remedy is so easy to obtain this is found in Patent Magnetic Lightning Rods, and in this alone. This Rod has been examined by the most scientific gentlemen in tho world Professors M'Murtrie, Johnson, Wallor and ma ny others that have ciaminrd them, recommend and sneak of thorn in the highest terms of appro bation, and have pronounced them the only safe rods in use in this or any other country for the protection of Lives and 1 ropertv. One advan tagc is to ilivulc anil throw hack a part ol tne elec tric thud harmless to theclouils; in tune of a stroke this enables the rod to conduct that portion of fluid that belongs to the earth without the slightest danger of leaving the conductor. Thii rod has many other advantages over the old one. The only place of manufacturing is in I'i'ii St. 3 doors abort 12fi, Philadelphia, where all persons are rcsiicctfullv invited to call and examine for themselves, ror sale Wholo. sale or Retail bv T1I0MA8 ARMITAGE. CT" The onlv authorized Agent for the Coun ties of Union, Juniata, M i 111 in, Clinton, Lyeom ing, Norlliuuiberlaiid, Montour, Columbia, I.u leme, is SAMUEL HOOVER. Jlartlelon, L nton comity, ra. Orders and letters addressed (pott paid) to Mr. Hoover, will be promptly attended to. May 8, 1852. - 4 in. NEW STORE. BEN J A 31 IN HEFFNER TlESPECFFULl.Y informs the citiiens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a new store in the room lately occupied by George liright, opposite Dolton's Hotel. He has just re ceived a handsome assortment of .Spring: and Mummer Goods, consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. SUM ME It WARE of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO : Callt-oeN, Gliihaim, Lawns, nioiiMNclInc lie lvalues nnd all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. Also sn excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also sn assortment of HOOTS it SHOES. Palm Leaf and other Hats and Caps. Suit, Fish, fjc. Also a variety of LIQUORS such as ISi'.intly. Wine, &c. And s great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, sll of which will be sold at the lowest prices. tV Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. t Sunbury, May 1, 1852 ly. JUST KKCKLYK1) AT TUB Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. AV. STKOII, Market Street, Sunbury; A new assortment of Silver, IlraNS aua Juniinucil Mounting: Which he will either make up to order sir sell separately for cash at prices as low if hot lowsr than can be bad anywhcre-vlse. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Trunks, Vallces, 4.C., Constantly kept on hand or1 manufactured to or der; CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on the shortest notice. . All persons are invited to call and examine themselves. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Sunbury, May 1, 1858 tf. 1JAZORS, A superior article for sale at the "store or . HKNKY MASSEU. Bunbury, t eh. 1G, 1850, CHERRY PECTORAL: Per ihe Cut's f COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROW. OHXTXS, CROUP, ASTK. JVIA, WHOOPING. OOUQB AVS OOSrSUMPTXOV. This remedy is offered to the community with the confidence ws feel in an artirta which sel dom fsils to rcslitt the happiest fleets that ran bs desired. 8o wide is the field of its usefulness and so numerous the esses of its cures, that al most every section of the country abounds in persons, publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desptrate diseases of the hint's, by its use. When once tried, its superi ority over every other medicine of its kind, is too apparent to escspe observstion, and where its vir tues arc known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for ths distressing and dangeraua affections of the pulmonary organs, which are incident to our climate, And not only in the formidable sttaeks upon the lungs, but for the milder varieties of Colds, Colons, Hainsi: kcss, Ac, and for Ciiiliihe it is the plcassut eat and safest medicine that can be obtained. No family should bo without it, and those who have used it, never will. Read the opinion of the following Gontlcmen, who will be recognized in the various sections of country where they are located each and all as merchants of the first class and of the highest character as the oldest and most extensive Wholesale Dealers iu Medicine with an experi ence unlimited on the subject of which they speak. If there is any value in the judgment of experience, see THIS CERTIFICATE Hi the undersiuned, Wholesale Drusrists, having been for long acquainted witk Ayer'i cneirv recwrui. nereuuceriijy our oeuej mac it is the best and wios effectual remedy fur Pul monary Complaints ever offered to the Ameri can People. And tee would, from our knoirU lee of its composition, and extensive useful ness, cordially commend it to the afflicted as tcorthy their best con fidence, and with tl-e firm conviction that it will do for their relief all thct medicine iu do. Hcnshaw, Kdmands fi Co., Dost on Mass. Reese & Coulsou, ltultimore, Md. Ladd & Iiifrraliain, Dangur, Maine. Haviland, Harrall V Co., Charleston, 8, C. Jacob IS. Farraud, Detroit, Michigan. T. H. McAllister, Louisville, Ky. J'rancia eV Walton. St. Louis Missouri. Joseph Tucker, Mobile, Alabama. Theodore A l'eck, Uurliiiuton, Vt. Haviland, Risley & Co., Augusta, Ga. Isaac D. James, Trenton, N. J. J. M. Townscnd, Pittsburg, Pa. Clark A Co., Chicago, Illinois. E. E. (iay, llurlington, Iowa. M. A. Snntos fc Son, Norfolk, Vs. Edward llringhurst, Wilmington, Del. John Gilliert cfc Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Z. D. cc W. II. Oilman, Washington, D. C. J. Wright A. Co., New Orleans, La. Watson, Wall ct Co., Fort Wayne, la. C C. Richmond & Co., San Francisco, Cal. Lewis fi Ames, Tallahasse, Florida. U. R. Strong, Knoxville, Tennessee. Chilton & Duer, Little Rock, Ark. Stiller, Slade A Co., Lexington, Miss. N. D. Labadie, Galveston, Texas. Chas. Dvcr, Jr., Providence, R. I. Jos. M. Turner, Savannah, Ga. Wads, Eckstein A Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES : J. G. Coffin A Co., Valparaiso, Chili. K. M. Dimnnd A Co., Vera Crux. Mexico. Rred Rivas A Co., llogota. New Grenada. S. Provost A Co., Lima, Peru. Morton A Co., Halifax, Nova Scotia, T. Walker A Son. St. Johns. N. U. C. G. Salinas A Co., Rio Janeiro, Uror.il. With such assurance, and from such men, no stronger proof ran lie adduced, except that found in its effects upon trial. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunbury by H. MASSER, and by Druggists generally throughout the Slate. JNovcmhrr 1, 1851. lyccSino. ITEViT STCP.E, (Nearly oppos'tt Weave r'$ Hotel,) Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. I. AV. TENER & CO., TEG respectfully to announce to the citizens of Sunbury and its neighborhood, snd to tho public generallv, that they are now opening an entirely new and well selected Stock of Goods, Consisting of Dry Goods, Grocerlea. Hardware, Queens ware, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, With a choice assortment of Consisting of Brandy, Ginger Brandy, Cherry Itrnndy, Holland Glu, Rum, Whiskey, and Tort, Madeira and German WINES, All nf which they are determined to sell for the smallest profits. e respectfully solicit a call and inspection of our stock. Sunbury, Msy 1, 1852. ly. NEW MILLINERY STORE, Fawn Street, Sunbury. -MISS ELLEX PETKitY, VITOULD "pcctfully announce tri (lis ladirs of Sunbury and vicinity, thai she has iuit returned from the City of Phftadrtphia, and in tends opening a nr arid handsome assortment of SWING MILLINERY, on Saturday, April 3, at her Store, opposite the Baptist Chitfrh, and invites the public to call and examine Mt stock. Sunbury,' April 3, 1852. tf. Ltst of Jurors, OF NcVrlhumberland County, for Mar 31. 1852. Special Court, i.iwi's. John Clapp, John Dimm. DtL.wiRr. Joiin Nicely, R. H. McCor mfck, Isnao Vincent, Charles Fox, Eph'faim IfiTliard, Samuel Sees, Simon LanU. T.ubbut. Henry Lttdwirr. Po'int. Henry filoryan, Wm Hartnr.. Milton. Thomas Strine, Wni. C. Wilaon, J. H. McCormick, Ooo. K. Keafer. NoRTHiMBCRL.ND Jarpe . Doiflenbach, Jorjn Hummel, Charles V. Little. SuNBuar. Ira T. Clfmeni, Hirafn' Prfct. Rush. Joseph Peg?, ,( , Lower Augusts.. H'enry1 Sheib, WillrarVi Bloom. .,i Jacksom. Frei!erjcf ShrefTler. Jacob WATr ter, Samuel Clark, John Clare, j. R. Reigef, TBvoTof.C7ef. Weaver, D. V. Dora baugh. .. vl.. Low i a Mahohoy. Micbasl Biltinc. , Upper , " Jacob llofta, F. Sfou rer, Peter Geise. SsjAMpnit. Amandui Miller. . IMPROVED LIGHTNING RODS. THE suhsrrilier has constructed a LIGHT . NINO ROD oh t,rus Philosophical princi ples, by which buildings supplied with them are rendered perfectly secure a,gainst destruction by lightning. The connection and insulstion of the rod, as well as the preparation of the ground rod, is on an entirely new plan, matting a more per fect conductor than any heretofore jn use. Measures have been taken to secure Lottsrs Patent for the improvement. ... (. ,.:( ; Persons desirous of securing their lives and proicrty from destruction by lightning, Iran have condurtors put up to their buildings in the most perfect and substantial manner, by applying ei ther personally or by llt&r, W the uhderiigned, ,l. r.i, :. . . me iuiiu,tiiij puces i f ' 9 I For 40 ft. inch ropper rod goia plated :.. . I. i ... . . . puuii, tuna ptatina ftp, And forty rents for oterv additional foot over fortv. For 40 ft. i inch tnhular rods gold pl ted oint, tolid plathia lip. For 40 ft. iron rod gold plated point, toU id plnlina lip. For 40 ft. iron roil n'rrr plated point, h,50 18,50 10,00 And twenty cents for every additional foot over fortv. T. 8. MACKEY. Milton, Sept. o, 1851 ly. cap 17, 1R52. Estate of JOHN UNGER Sen., Deo'd. TV'OTICE is hereby given that letters testi- ' inenlary have hren granted to the subscri ber on tho estate of John L'nger, sen., dec'd., late of Shamokin township, Northumberland county. All persons indebted to said estate on book account, vendue notos or otherwise, or hav ing claims against the same, sro requested to call on the subscriber for settlement, who will attend at the house of Charles Lcisenring, in .Shamokin township, on Tuesday tho 25th day of May next, for that purpose. WILLIAM II. MUENCII, Exc'r. Shamokin tp., April 10, 1853. 6t. MORE NEW GOODS! FRILING- 8c GRANT. RESPECTFI'LLY inform ths public and "the rest of mankind," that they have re ceived a large assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, of every variety of style, consisting in part of a fine assortment of Cloths, Casrimercs,. Merinns, Mousselint de Lains, Calicoes, jiliisuns, Checks, and every variety of Dry Goods. Also a large assortment of GROCERIES, situ A3 Sugar, Teas, Codec, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also an assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a tresh supply of DRl'GS AND MEDICINES. tlT Country produce of all kinds taken in ex- chango at the highest market price. Sunbury, April 17, 18.)2. NEW" GOODSl J. 1?. KAUFFMAN At His Nrw Store in Hollowing Run, 13ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and customers, that be has just teceived a new stock of goods, which he offers to the public at the lowest prices, viz : ' Spring and Summer Dry Goods, SUCH AS Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattmetts, Merinos, Mousseline De Lames, Flannels and every variety of goods suitable for ths season Also Silk Hats, Caps, Ac. ALSO : An assortment of Hardware. ALSO: All Kinds, of Groceries, M1! OK. ALSO: A variety of Quecnsware, Crockery, &r. Besides a variety of other articles, suitable hr farmers, iVc. All kinds of produce taken in exchange far goods at thr highest market price. Hollowing Hun, April 17, 1852. tf. PROCLAMATION. NOTICE is hereby siven that a Special Court of Common Pleas, in and for the County of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in the boiouh of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday the 31sl day of May 1852. and will continue ONE WEEK. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable lo their notices. Oiven under my hand at Sunbury, the 17lh day of April, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and fifty-two and the In dependence of Ihe United States of America the 7Cth. WILLIAM B. KIPP. Sheriff. God save the Commonwealth. LIST OF CAUSES lTOU Special Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County lo be held thr 5th Monday of May 1852. fLAlNTIFFs. DKFENDANTS. Frederick Keener vs Win. Ayres S D Jordan S Huntet Com. fur Sand Furman vs Alex Jordan Samuel A Jordan et al vs John Arnold Aaron Kennart vs Ira T Cltmcnt Henrv Keiser vs Henrv YoHheimor's adm'r Ucorge E. Cshrig et al vs i'elcr v arey Thos A Billing ton et ul Com for Wm I. Heinem'an Vs Robert Philips VI James Kenny, jr George (iarmsn , vs B H Howell et al Com. for FrCtl'k Vv'eavcf Henry Bardsher & and Wile Jacob Fry Mahonoy and Pl.aihokin Abraham rul lmproemcnt Co. James lioss vs Jacob H Khoads JiVh?irt'.i,,,n" x ""b''13"11""' Hrrlrv llonnrl ct al vs Huirh Bellas !om L Hoss vs Leonard Koadarmel et cl JAME8 BEAKl), ProuYy. Prothonntiry's Oiricc, ) Suiiburj-. April 17. 1852. S New Carpet Store. BAILEY & BROTHER, IfWAVINQ made extensive alteraiiun in their B( r. Slore, and increased iheir facilities for Ui;sinesa, would Invito tlie f ttrntion ol purclia sera to their la'ge assortment of English Taftstry, Brussels, . Rupt tnsra'irf,. CARPETINGS. Imperiai 3 Ply, Plain &, Twilled Venetian j FLOOR OJL CLOTHES of eveVr width. Cistos MiTTisr.s of ti tty style and quality imported. As these goods have been purchased for tak, and sve intend conducting our Business on Ths C-su Principls purchasers msy re ly upon obtaininc hsrtrains. . ,.. BA1LEX & BROTHER; Importer arid klanultu-turca of ('arnetines Tweli'di & Market St.; Philadelphia. Msrcb au, iso-j dm. lMERSON'8 ARITH EMETIC Nos. 1.9. 3, and Porter s Rhetorical Reader, just receiv ed and for ssle by WM. McCARTY. Bunbury, Msy 1, 1851. MARRIAGE CETIFICATES (t'an'd'soniely executed for sals at tHs oAics, singls or by the dozen. 1"jEE BH.LST. Juttwes and Constables Fm ; Bills handsomely printed on card paper, for sale at UtisotUca. JA1ES BAP.EEPs'S Wholesale and Itctnil Clock ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Corner Second and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. WHERE msy be fon'tid, one of the Isrgest and best assortments of Clocks and Time pieces in the United States,, in quantities lq suit purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thou sand Clocks; embracing eVery variety of; style and manufacture, suitable for Churches, Halls, Counting Houses, Parlois, Keeping Apartments, snd Kitchens, Strsm and Cshal Dosts, and Fsil Hoad Cars. , Also general sale Agent, for Kapp s latHy, pat ented Scientific Niche Gold Ten. Wholesale snd Retail Gold snd Pilver Pen Holders.- and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Gooclf , Those wishing to purchase will find it to llicif Interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. , . JAMI.S UAlluijU,. 8. E. Cur. Chestuut & Snd Sts., Phil. April 10, 1852. ly. J. H. & W. B. HART, W ,U O J, P SAL U C U OCER S, No. 22!) North 3d St., above Calloiehill, PHILADELPHIA. A l.irpe .rsnnrlmrnt of Groceries always on hand, which will V" "'d at the lowest prices for Cash or approved Credit. April 10, 1852. -ly. R. COHNEUU5. I! e. IIAKKU. W. C. IIAKKIl. Cornelius, linker 5 Co., MAX IT ATI' It lilt "I OF lamps, Chandeliers, Gils, Fixtures, &b STORE NO. 176 CIlESi'NCT ST.i Manufactory No. 1R1 tH'crry St., PHILADELPHIA. April 10, 1852. tf. SOAP & CANDLE M ANUFACT0R 5f ,' , No. 19 Wood St., between 2d iV 3d Sti., ni'd Ao. 17 JSortU lift ntrcct, riiti.ADnu'iiiA. John llancrol't Jr. and Son, REsrECTFL'l.I.Yinforin Store-keepers, Mer chants, (Sic, that they Manufacture and have for Sale, Palm, While, Variegated, Yellow snd Urown ttonpsi Mould and Dipped Candles, all of gooil quality tt'td at reasonable prices. VsT Cash paiil for 'Fallow and rough Fat. April 10 18?S. ly. LIBERTY STOVE WORKS, BROWN STREET, ri!)orc Fviirtn, PHILADELPHIA. THE undersigned rcspcrth.illy inform tlie puV lie that they arc in I'll!! operation1 nt their new foundry, and ready to fcxecute orders for stoves of every description on the most reasona ble terms. , , They invite the attention of PTOVJ3 DEAL ERS to their large assortment of STOVEM, all of which are entirely new, snd got up at great expense. Among which are the Libcr'y Air Tight Cook, Complete Cook, f'tar Air Tight, Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny I.iiiil Im proved, Fire King Radiators, Salamanders, Can nons, liases, Bare Cylinders, liar Room Stoves, Furnaces, Gas Ovens, &c &c. A15UOTIW LAWREXCE. N. B. Country merrhants sre particularly invited to call und examine April 10, 1852. ly. our assortment, H. J. W0LVERT0N, ATTO?,lT7 AT LAW, OFFICE in Market street, Sunbury, adjoining the Olliee of the "American" and opposite the Post Olliee. , Business promptly attended to in Northumber- and and the adjoining Counties. RrrtTit to ! Hon. C. WMIeeins slid W. Uan- nan, Pottsvillc; Hon. A. Jordan und li 1). Mas scr, Sunbury. April 10, 1852. ly. SUNBURY TERRY. HEXRY W. El'CIIEH informs the public that ho has taken the Sunbury Ferry and as ho is now well prepared With good and sulli cirnt crafts he will be enabled to accommodato Ihe public with promptness and despatch: April 10, 1852. II. J. STEWART DEPUY. T 223 North 2d street, above Wood, Cliiirnt District. Philadelphia, would respectfully call the attention of hisfriends 22 and the public in general, to his large and well selected stock or t;srieU, tut I loins, Mattings, Window Shides, Stair Itods, rVe., fic. Vrniliull Carpeting from T rts lo ldO eta per yd. Ihzniin ' I" " K " " Tlirw Ply " t' " la " " lirllisrls " liaj " 150 " l)oor Matts. He would invito the atten tion of dealers and others to his large slock of J)obt Malts which hs manufactures in grtat variety and of splendid ijuality. y Oil Cloths, from 1 yard to 8 yards We wuolrsiilo ami reuiu. April 10, 1852. 6m. IQTIAIMT'S I1MDIA1M 1Y The Groat COI'CII Ur.1I CD Y Sfany years nf experience, sail more than a Iltltlflreil ThoussiiKl t'lires "f ('oii-iiinillvr CimiHniii, dans Cru.-eU lo the unihiiihleu iiii.liicliuii uf sll ivriiini whs ave liernnie sctjimmluil wnlt Ihn wonderful reMrity. Ilial 11 laurently superior, U-eauie ii i Mirti! anU y, ana mure en-lulu iu eiii-B 'oiiniiipiln. 01 ih l.tlllHs, Ihan any oilier Heme ly In Hi" wornl. e know, kowuvi r, thai ll la aalil hv a ime Ilial l.niniiuiillon can ms ho cured. He lhal the oitinini of llio many or lhe lew, shall not sneniit lo arvtm wnli audi, hul Una wi vtll ty, ami no aurrt iu u fact, wl.lrli cmi ho iioveil in thousands of enu-, Ihnt this imtliciuo lias elired C'esyAi ami d Kitn whieli. Inlan the cures were eSrrleil were called rent ('ullHillHIillon, anJ wlnrh were alh-mliM will, utmptomt Uial reaeml lod, and were in nil ;(. list Ihe avnnuoiiia of Ihiifo leiu iir, ai d il'-nl Hie .md lo huve diui will, hui r..ml ,lL.i.na I 'nn. inn nl I il ll. 1'liia Ualaumhaa ciirvd thauMitiit of ptMMOlul w ho linn Saul lo he lniielc.M.iy arnirl. ed who had hard, dry. i-uiMnrl t'OIIBISa-l'uoii 111 Ilia HrenHl, Mir, .and fiiirs-lllllleulty of III eiilhllia i'urWi.l l.Tplititim lltclii: crier SipM-Smult and wn.llim nwiiy "I the I lh und lllvod. I'eraona haviim auch eninilalula have heeu cured sner It Wat said they could ( live a week longer. Tina Medicins has Cured some who were sunp'irtid lo ho in s ilylliH slflle, but, hy the uw of Uiia remedy, Uisy now live, and sujoy a cmhI health. , , ... Tills lllllsnni la ry . rttttablt tompound. ll ll fiteaaant to uku, and nnr don isary In any atag-s of die. vase or under any cireuiiiataiu-wa. ll elli-cla il- wulliterl'ul and almMl uilrnriiluus Cures hv I'llrllVlna, ilrauyiv may, and Invluol'illinH lh whole avaleiu hy afasll. na tht tircuiatu. and producing, a ktulUiy action ikus sAyiri? C'fiuiib auorsiao ls Nlirves and itiJias and fatdiiaiiua bxuerluralloa. ll Cuisa Uia fullvwisf due UUI, vix. Consumption, f CH'tillM and Coldl, HrtntliUi: AilSma, Kpillaf e Bind, nVexliay at the I Mam, halm la th JlrM.t. Sid, aid (Seat, AVrvoMtntfi, .Vi.jar Stal: PaipttoltuH th Hatt, and si .. .... ... ! ... . v ....... i.-...i ..i.-,. ...... FK.tlAI.V t.lllM-h ami CeaijlaiaU ariain. Uierefroiu, t'linlera Inlaiililni, Ac. I s Vmr I'roof au-l oaritculsra of Cures, sea our Puuiphlf Is and. Handbill sll uur Agsola sava Uieut us f ma sway. Fom sah av J. W. Frilinar, fnuhuryj Mary A. Me' Cay, .Viiiiluiuilirrhind; Julm U. Uaaci, Muton j ilayea A MeOnrinlck, MeKweuavillc. May a, leil, etw. ly. BONNETS AND STRAW GOODS. p. TOHX T. WALTON wishes to inform Cy lus customers and the public, that he ;t ia now prcpaied to furnish them with a new and well selected stock of Hons cts of the new est style, and Irmtcrials, tocfitr wilh a viuety of other straw goods and , MILLINERY TKlKiSlfNai He will also lie receivinir ihroiiKho'ii't the season all the fresh and desirable styles' which ha will self al fbe lowest prices. - - - . JOH.N'T. WALTO.V, No. 61 North Jul: St., rhilsdclphis. March 13, 1853.-8mo. WAWTTTli ffl SORROW TWELVE HCMRED DOLLA.KS in two' sums of sis Rundred dollars aach, lor whicn good Tree-hold security will l fftserl: Addrsna M W.' bunbury, Tsb. ii8, 1854lX.' STAGE OI FJCK. Washington . House; SttNBTJRY, PA! . r JAMES COVERT, irropriewr, - , Tnri n ...nnrirnllv announce that he hs - . 1 " ..taken this well known stand, where b wilt lie gratified to see ami enieriain .... and the travelling public generally. 1 his house is now rrplete with every convenience comrorls ble. plrasaqllv located, handsomely furnislnd, well ventilated, blidPring it in every respect a desirable s,opllij place. . t Xo cinsc has besn spared in fitting up ' house, ' ThechamWe .a I furnished ano the table, aiid .bf r provided vitb the best the market rtm.-tfrri!..,.. ,. ,. r ,,, ; The stable accommodations sre Siisnsne and well calculated for travelers; STAGE OFFICE. .,.. . . , The stages ,rurining from Northumberland to Pottsvillo, stop .at .this house, whero through and wav tickets to Philadelphia caii.4 obtained. Sunbury, March 20, 1302. tf. . ; ..... ... - ; THE GltE.Vt PniZIl IWEO O. All- hivEO i .. KICKEY & TULIi; No. lit Chestnut pt.,flbovt Sixth, Front of JONES' lidTEL.,., , .,(. ;. , rTTTYi TfAVK just received theit- Prjasj tenTrTil 1Jl Medal, awarded to then) or s-JJ.XLj their best Tfavcll'iig Trunks ex hibited at the World's Fair, in L'rjndop,, 1851 j being the only exhibitors to whc;n any award, was made. Their competition Was witlt-sll We: world, and they have taken, THE PKIZb! TUtTNKS, VALISE?, BAGS, &c.' , To be found In this City, and at very low prices Call and .see. ... ,H ICJvEY. & TL'LL,, Trunk Manufccte.rcrs, MS Chestnut 8t. April 10, 1852. tl'. S 1,000,000 Saved Yenrly by Purchasing . SILVER'S MINERAL PAINTS.' r W. w.iulrnf ih- nfo, nature owe pnsluctHins. f , 1 . Tlit-w 1'snils itilTcr from all oihtrs in Ihe market j Ji-v nn iKit rtova ; lln-y riiirc litlle Oil, flow emlH", sis) rnvflT ill' li'avier luslv tlimi wbils lenrl. .TInTmlir rra.t'jiHir pej!, a::d ilry readily, inahmg an KftMSL us jttos-:. -- ' , " . -1 COLOR?1 - Wo hsTAlevefl HilTeeral colors, ns ; tlirts Mmwiis, l-'.M ClionilntcJ, lllnek nlld Vs l"-. Sn 1)T com. linmli-Mi nmse.everv vwietynml plisils of ctnr , . llliDY 't'lVse Paints nrc saperiur in llr (or tovsrJ ins pi.nierlv; t.suy yet iliscovernl. mjrl round inrpouml will over il.inli'-; '.! wrliice of wliiit lend, nae, or ollnrf liietiiltip I'ainls. .- IHIlN trot tlisy furnish pt-rfeet pTKtcvtinsi ncninst rust, fir the.- snulaiii no inelui, whieli lika white Iriid nets ilrsirnciive ni the iron; iii fact this I slnl makes iroliil aiWv vnhmliie for Imil'ImC ptlrises. . : ' h HKII K WOUlv. Th -y n-e 4o li-r wnlbi a nael luavii re miiiiir llian other n-inls. mid il wildise il rciuu cil. nolhinc lu'lits s i firmly or linisliet scuxrell Willi It , , (i. In lOI'S Hue ii a roof, iieyer ri old nun leskyi ftlver s Minend I'uints will ira'.t il clieoply new anu lllnre enduriiiir Itiau il ever was. Il- flllPS iisini: tins extni'irilinarv .l!(nrnl ss wa prepare, jl f ir t Iiimii. will he pr.iof ngnhut In; B?lion of hot suns w-nrii'S and rilt water. .., ' ' 1-Al'lTAI.If TS oiul Iini.Iir.rtSara l.iv'l-dtti tik stru-l serui ijuv ililo tlie llHTils n'' these I'ainls. 'J hrr.'Wlll linil a very rri(t nilneihni niicht he made in the ;istPj iuiiut ny; .These l'ninli are purely mineral; sll clays snd i.lher nuplinties are washi-d out ill prepnrius thera tut ths market. Thev enut lint hall' Ihe pi ice f white lend. Slid the same quantity Wilt cover twice the surface, and last six limes n I me, Which in fart reduces Ihe price to mr twelfth. Climate Imsnn elleei on mis i sini. ami im csu" valnahle in tlie cild Lanadas or nnniiimy l-'loridn. I It t:c TIOMi.-1 su I.inseeil nil. mix ns.thick as vnll can. and use ns other painls. Thens.J'iunls used but little drer. and fnf (rimi")r anil isensui r-notMig-ia all hiiii. w.'irk they will In f mud fr ciieopir nml mors dura hie ihan lend. " ? ' .' ,' ,' ' I Dealers and c nii'inUTS ran procure tins rami Miif' i ...i ......n ,.r lltl'.Vfll UlCMAItl).'.- i . w. Cnmer lOih and Murket.r'is,.' lynia.V-lplna. i I (ieueinl Wholesale- Affeilli ; a.(..i lltpoilern of 1'lnls and : Cni'ir! Wiml'iw (ilavs. Deojcis in Drags, faints, Jto. .Match t.1, 1SVJ. 3mo. IIF.NMV CARtt. CF.O. LKAOl'IJ. J. H. OIEStf.' ljiU.'JaVrivJI " 1 1" ' fcflinilSSlON AND FORWARDING MISE. care, giusx: & CO., jominission & Forwarding; Merchant,' Vo.. 19, Spurn Wharf, jjAl-TIIiIOKE- , , tA'dl receive and sell l'l.OI K, OUAIX, and aff kinds of COUNTRY PRODIX'E and also LUMBER. PARTICULAR attention will be given tMhis branc't of the Business, bv Lewis W,' H.J fic!', whost whole attention vVill be dcvoled to lhe sale of L'tiffiber, and will occupy ah Olfics osi the Falls Dock, especially for this purpose. Mr Giese's long csperirnce, snd reputation as a first rate salesman, is a piiaranieo, jimi ins nig nasi mar' ct prices will always be obtained. . . I i?- J.iherul I ash advances made on ion- snininenls : uul in no case .wiiiifisuus mm any advanj-.vS, until the Product is reccivaj,' March 13, 1S52. 4mo. t tjavid coo?eh; f ... COMMISSION . MERCHANT ion TIIK 8AI.K OF Fish, Provisions, cc. .Vo. 9 JNorA Wharves', , PHILADELPHIA.- April 10, 1S52. ly.' CLOTHING WAREHOUSE. WHOLESALE AND RCTAIL. J. AV. K. 1). STOKES, So. 194 Market Street, South side, First bil Sixth Streitj , Philadelphia: ODD FELLOWS a;ii'i .Masonic Regalia of every variety,' suited to the various rinks ind orders, constantly on jiapd, . Also, a tt)t i nd extensive stock of faihionatila Steady iTlatle Ciuthih nanufaclured by the best of workmen, and fiora the newest six le of Goods, of lato importation, a rreatly reduced prices. 'I!hey have also a bugs', md well selected assortment 6T PiSca GoqllS, o Eiiiilish, V'rench and German .Fabrics, o nsW md baut'fid Patterns,' vvfiird ihey will nisVs to' order in the most approved and fashionable man ner, and in a superior style of workmanship.' Fcti'raary 23, l85S.--"ima. The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVISED P'tli f tombard St , PlIllAtfELpHIA. THE subscriber begs leave rc.-pectfully to in-" form Pkiti;u generally, that hs baa sue' reediul).! the llufiuess of pmnufacturing Pnnf i'V ini formerly rallied on by liisgrsnd Father, and Father, and oilers .Ms' srticle to tha Irsd without sny Pi rrii", bu with the simple rcliutrtrs upon the loin; establhed chsiacter it haa .rMr; I'reliii'g confident of ita Rviiig entire saliAaction lo all who may .faun- him with a callfsaMS t'.sii. t'H lKLES ENE L'JOHNjiTON.' April 10, lS.tf. 1 : WM. M. R0CKETi?tLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW si m 1M. ee. 13. 1951. tf. ATTOR1TET AT. L:i.W, ket street . S impute, opposit 1 v Wcaver'i Hotel j " V Ti-JUffNESS will' ha 'ro'mfy atun.lsd to in' flf) t'lie Counties .qf Northumberland, Union (JoKmbia aud Montour. . Sunbury, Oct,' 1 1,' 1851. ly. YTRACT Of COFFEE.lrliiii article mors wholesome and inirVh cheapsr than CoiVje ilr'clf. for sale at thia r!uc,' April 17, IBS2. JT10M PENS wilh and witttW (H very superior duality, iux' reived. . Also a fresh sutuilv of WriLsSi Pluid. for miU hf H M-MASSER. j Bunbury, Ik, rf. ISO!.