SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. lOnrrnpoiHlciipe of h Phlla. Iiwlgw. "LETTER FROM WASHI NGTOJI. Mr. Cay gradaU$ Sinking-M perfect Consciousness and Lively Disposition to the endConversation with Mr. laxhson Gen. Cass' Speech on Ik Collins Line-, lieu Jersey und Commodore Stockton. Washinotow, May 9. Mr. Clay (rs finkm very rapidly. Ha it not troubled wilh any particular disease, but suffers from general debility, and you moat not bo surprised, therefore, to bear at any , moment of his final dissolution. He knows that lie is dvinjj speak of it sometimes' quit jocosely, and, when told the other day by Dr. Jackson, of Philadelphia, that he should die without being tho least conscious of it, and that, too, at no distant period, he observed, with a smile, that "ho should like to know the precise hour, merely as a mat ter of personnl gratification to him." He then took a cijiar, and smoked it with real pusto. The other day he drew a cheek on Messrs. Corcoran & Riggs for $500, in ns firm a hand as ever, arid it) his usuul clear nnd leijible style. Ha wrote the whole check without a formula. In a wont, Mr. Clay is the same man he nlwuys was tho tame statesman, politician and tribuneonly with less physical force. His big soul has worn the body threadbare, and, peeping through the seams, is anxiously watching for a new vestment. He is not only per fectly conscious of his own position, but of the position of the country, which he loves wilh unbounded affection. Among the pub lic men who have oftenest railed and chut ted with Mr. Clay during his protracted ill ness, I must not forget to mention Lewis Com. Gen. Cass' speech on tho Collins line of steamers has placed that sublet completely on national grounds and is every way worthy of the enlarged views of the experienced, and far sighted statesman. The opposition to the Collins line originates, in a great mea sure with officers of tho United States Navy, though tho whole steam fleet of tho United Slates does not carry more than 37 puns, ull told. A feeling has of lata sprung up between the Navy and the United Stales mail steam service, very much reseiiiblins that which has always existed between the olR cers of the Unyal Navy of England and those of the British East India service. This is much to be regretted. The amend ment will pass the Senate by a full two third vote. The State of New Jersey being claimed by many candidates for tho Presidency on her second choice, I deem it not indiscreet to say that, as far as Commodore Stockton is concerned, she will go for Uen. Cass from first to last. So says the gallant old Com modore himself, and ha is likely to know. i do not have this from hearsay ; mind you. Commodore Stockton is a frank, high-minded, generous man, who has no idea of enter ing the parlor through the kitchen door, and scorns all underhand combinations and pet tifogging in politics. Me in just what one might expect from a gallant American tar, who mounted his sailors in California, and taught them to unhorse the Mexican Lan cers. On Tuesday, Mr. Clingman. of North Car olina, will come out in a letter explanatory of bis position in regard to the Presidency. He is ready to support any candidate, Whig or Democratic, who will endorse the Com promise and the Fugitive Slave Law as a finality, though he, himself, did not vote for the Compromise in tho last Congress. .. -- 1 t . i . . .. . .. ., THE AMEPJCA1T. SUNBURY. SATURDAY, MAY IS, IMil. 11. II. MASSER, EcliUr and Preprleter. V. B. PALMER l our aotht-nzed sirnit to receive sub scription unit advertising nlhmiAice, in Philadelphia, New Y (irk, Iloston and Baltimore. To AtnmTTMtits. The eir-rnlntlon. of the Sniitmry American nmonp; the different town on Ihe Sutqueliainia i lint exceeded if riuiilled ly any paper published ill North em Pennsylvania. DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATION. Ffllt OANAI. COMMISSION!:"., WILLIAM SE ARIGHT, of Fayette Count). EDITOR'S TAIiLE. Bnshipss Notices. Humphreys Dacguerrinn Journal for May ia on our table. It contains information useful for Da gucrrcan artists. Tim Lady's Keepsake for May i also received, tt contains the usual amount of rending matter. Axothku Nsw Si-onr-. Our readers will perceive liy the advortiscinrnl of Peter W. Ciray, that he hns opened a new Store at the residence formerly occupied ly Mrs. (Sriiy, in tho lower end of this berough. Mr. Gray is a good business man, well known to many of our readers, having sold tape, cVc, for ourselves, in days gone by. Munrt Nr.w linons. We refer our readers to the advertisement of Isaac Campbell & Co., in Augusta, who have received a large stock of mer chandise. Mr. Campbell believes in ihe gn-ahcad principle and is determined to keep up with the times. Tom us, Moncmrxts, cVc. To those of our renders who are in want of articles of this kind wo refer to the advertisement of John A. Tnvlor of Northumberland. Mr. Taylor has had much experience in his business mid has the reputation of being one of Ihe best workmen in the country. Tim Packkt Boats. By an advertisement in our paper this week, it will be seen that nn alter ation has been made in the time of running the Packets, which will no longer be delayed lit the Junction. MBnrnAXT Tailoiiixo. Ocnrgo C. Wclkcr by his advertisement, in another column, informs the public that he has just received a handsome assortment of cloths, cassimers, cashmerets, vest ings, and a variety of other goods for gentlemen's wear, which he will sell, or muke up to order in the best style. BANK OF NORTHUMBERLAND. I The Union Times nd the Lewisbursr LVcmocrat it appears came out with a ftonunciamento against the Bank of Nor thumberland a few weeks since. This for midable attack, somehow or other, escaped Mir observation, and we most probably shoula have remained entirely ignorant of this important event, if a reply in one of our exchanges had not brought it under our eye. On one -account we regret the cir cumstance very much. We fear Mr. Priest ley, the Cashier, has had his slumbers dis turbed most prodigiously, and as for Mr Taggart the President, we should not won der if he had lost at least a hundred pounds, neat weight, of his aldermanic proportions, on account of this terrible onslaught. But, seriously, boys you had better spike your blunderbusses. Though guerilla warfare may be, temporarily, profitable in a politi cal contest, it wont pay when aimed at came like this. Besides it would be well to remember the terrible effects of Hudi brass patent breeched revolver Tor when he oimed at duck or plover It veil mre to knock iti owner over. ineuankot Northumberland has now been m operation 17 or 18 years. The strict integrity and honorable conduct of its officers and directors, during that time. are too well known to be affected by such empty explosions. FINE CATTLE. While at Northumberland a few day since, we called to 6ee some of the fine cat tle belonging to Mr. A. E. Kapp. He has two full blooded Durham cows wilh their calves, in his stable, at present, that are well worth a visit from those who are fond of fine stock. One of these cows came from the State of New York, the other was pur chased at the late Agricultural Fair at liar risburz, by Mr. Kapp. The calf of the York State cow was 13 weeks old, plump. sleek and silky in its appearance, and about as large as an ordinary heifer of a year old. The other was three weeks old, a fine calf also. Mr. Kapp will be apt to come in for a share of the prizes at the next State Fair, if we are not incorrect in our judgment. STATE APPROPRIATION. I DReDFt!. AND FATAL AcclDKNT. tg- The following is a svnoftsls of the feaneral densbtirff, N. Y., May 7 At Pierpobt- on ItlXIGIOlS ROTUI'. Preaching in the M. E. Church on Sunday mornini and the Sacrament administered at II o'clock. KF" Ink. For sale for cash, at this office, kegs ol 25, 20 and 12 pounds each. CF FiitE. We neglected last week to mention that the store of Simeon Hour.t, in Lower Augusta, was entirely consumed by fire. THE Sl'SQUrilANSA AND THE SINBLRY AND EIII1 n AIL ROAD. E7 The Milton Democrat publishes a letter from John Reeder, son of ex-Sheriff Reeder of this County, who is now in Cal ifornia. Mr. Reeder was 4-7 days from Panama to San Francisco, instead of 16 the usual time, caused by the breaking of the engines. The passengers made a narrow escape from drowning. appropriation bill adopted by tne state L.e gislaturt at its last session i Salaries in Executive Depart ment and Clerks hire. 828,900 00 Contingent expenses of Execu tive and State Departments, 2,985 08 Contingent expenses. Aud'r. General's Office. 1.330 00 Contingent expenses, Slate) Treasurer's Office. 1,225 00 Contingent expenses, Survey or General's Office. 995 00 Expenses of the Legislature, 100,000 00 Printing, folding, binding and stitching. 25,000 00 Packing and distributing Laws and Journals. 700 00 Miscellaneous Expenses. 3.000 00 Water and Gas for Public buildings. 2,400 00 For the support of Common Schools. 200,000 00 Pensions and Gratuities. 20,000 00 Expenses of the Judiciary. 80,000 00 Payment of interest to Domes tio Creditors. 5,000 00 Payment of Guarantees. 26,017 50 Payment of interest on Fund ed Debt. 3,000,000 00 Pe pairs and improvements on Canals and Rail Roads. 199,900 00 For relaying norlh track Phil adelphia and Columbia R. Road. 200,000 00 For the Allegheny Portage R. Road. 400,000 00 S200,000 of this sum to be taken from Ihe Norlh Branch Canal Loan, and 8200,000 from surplus fund if there be any.) Delaware Division Pennsyl vania Cannl. 60,000 00 For ordinary repairs, 112,000 00 Expenses for motive power, 1852. 864,000 00 Expenses for motive power, from nnd after 1852. 70,000 00 For payment of Collectors, Importers, kc, ke. 87,000 00 Expenses Canal Commission ers. 6.307 00 Rebuilding of Locks in the Canal at Northumberland, and repairs to the schute at Shamnkin Dam. 25,000 00 Repairs to road and farm brid ges. 15,080 00 Payment of debts contracted for repairs and damages by (loods, &c. 174,180 00 Payment of debt contracted for repairs previous to Dec. tbe Walertown and Home nan oan, to day, a most dreadful occuirence took plaee whilst several ladies were amusing mem- selves on a hand-car. It was overtaken by a freight train, which knocked the car to nisces. instantly killing four of the ladies and seriously injuring a number of o:her. Among the killed Were Miss Tease, ol Pierpont Minor, and Miss Wright, of Os wego. The head of one of the ladies was severed and thrown two rods from ner body. The limbs of the others were severed. Vacancy tor a Doctor. Greiner, the Indian agent in New Mexico, wrote home on the 31st of March, lhat he knew of an opening foi an enterprising physician a vacancy had happened, and he told how : One of the Eutaws on the San Juan River was taken sick, and an Indian doctor from the Rio Verde was called in to attend him Owing to ihe strength of the disease, or to the weakness of the prescription of the doc tor, the patient died and was buried. After the funeral the doctor whs taken by the friends of the deceased, tied up, shot and scalped his wife's hair wns cut off, his house burned, containing all Ins property, and all his animals killed. This is the law among these Indians, regulating doctors. The vacancy is yet unfilled. Col. Frkmont is Limbo. Letters have been received from Col. Fremont, dated London, April 13, staling that on tho even ing of the 8ih of April, hu was arrested by a party of rudu officers and locked up for twenty-four hours, at the suit of unknown persons, for liabilities amounting to $70,000, growing out of the military operations in California. From an article in the New York Herald, it is very clear lhat the U. S. Government is responsible for these claims, and that Col. F. has about as much to do wilh them as the man in the moon. Union County Mutual Fihe Insu rance Company. This Company was in corporated by the last Legislature, and was organized a few days since by the election of John Gundy as President. The opera tions of the Company are to be confined exclusively to Union county. There is scarcely a dissenting opinion in Oihers will, no doubt, follow the example of Philadelphia in regard to the great import Mr. Clingman, but I doubt much, whether ance 0j th,g road to that city, and yet, strange as it mav seem, the select council rejected the resolution passed by the com mon council, authorizing a subscription of one million of dollars to this great enter prise. We confess, we were not much the movement will become general, even among the Southern Whigs in Congress. Observer. Washington, May 10. In the House, the Homestead Hill has made somo further progress, nnd there is really some probability of its passage. Whether tho Senate will have lime to act, or whether it will not be talked to death in that body, with fifty oilier measures, is ex. tremely doubtful. In spite of the few re. fractory movements in Ihe Whig party, it is now pretty well ascertained that the South ern Whigs will cave in, and support Win- field Scott, under any-circumstances. The action of the Union Whigs, in the Cotton Stales, seems to warrant this belief, which for a day or two past has become general in Washington, It Is rumored here, in Washington, and I believe truly, that the President intends writing a letter to the effect that he will not allow bis name to be used iisa candidate for the Presidency, unless the Whigs, in Convention ussembled, will first endorse surprised, as Philadelphia has heretofore exhibited such a degree of narrow minded- ness in regard to this improvement, lhat we never did expect much from her. If the city thinks the country should make the road in which she has ten times more interest than ourselves, or any portion of the country, she will be much mistaken. Some of the city papers regret this very much, as they were anxious to "pre-occupy the ground of the Susquehanna route" now certain to be made mostly by Baltimore capital. If the object is merely to "pre occupy" in order to prevent the construc tion of the Susquehanna Rail Road, we are heartily glad that the subscription was not made. We should like much, very much, OIF"" A pair of silver spectacles was lost on the road between this place and George town. The finder will please leave them at this office. A Substantial Platform. We learn that the Committees of Arrangements for the re ception of the National Democratic) Conven tion, have ordered direct from the Hermitage, 20,000 feet of prime Hickory Boards for the construction of the I'latfohm upon which the Convention is to hold its deliberations. We like every thing that comes from tho Hrrmitane, and shall feel very safe upon the proposed platform. Laa Intel, and Jour. m There is too much humbug and gammon in all this. Oenera Jackson. could he arise from the grave, would re buke such nonsense. There was elasticity enough in the ordinary platforms, for the various political somersets of many of the actors. Theie is no occasion to give them more spring by substituting hickory for pine. SENATOR STOCKTON. an anecdote a few weeks what he has done during his administration to see the road from Sunbury to Erie made of the Government, in reyaid to the Com promise and the Fugitive Slave Law, and then endorse the Compromise and the Slave Law as a finality. This is extremely pro dent and sagacious, on the pan of Mr. Fill more, and louks mightily to the formation of an independent ticket. 1 do not believe, however, lhat such a third party would ma- leiially after ihe issue between the iwo Susquehanna though we confess we have not had much faith in the manner in which we have been previously treated by those who had the management of that enterprise. We have, however, always had great and abid ing faith in the route, which the unerring hand of nature has located. We knew the route would command the parties of Whins ami Uemoerats, which "aae ana travel, noiwiinsianoiug an me will be quite as hot and furious this fall as attempts made to divert it to another course, on any previous occasion. J here are men North and South ready to endorso Gen. Scott's orthodoxy on lh Compromise, and with such an endorsement, the South will not oppose him, after his nomination, espe cially if, in his letter accepting the nomina tion, he should come out fully with a decla rator! of principles. The people of this County are all favor ably disposed to the Sunbury and Erie road, .but like all other bodies and individuals, they favor most that which will be of the greatest interest to them. They know they have a greater interest at stake in the Susquehanna rood, as that road will place us immediately in connection with Phila delphia and Baltimore. They know that nineteen-twentieths of the passengers and trade from this point will go East, instead ol West, to Erie. It is for the same rea- Archiishop Hughes not a Cardinal. A cumwpnndent of the St. Louis lulelligen eer. wi'nin- from Rome on the 20lh of March, not4 tbe creation of four Cardinals, Anil M4-a 'To settle ihe matter 'about Bishop sons that our friends in brie feel a deeper Hughes, I may say here that I learn from interest in the bunbury and t,ne Kail Koad several sources that the Pope has said that than the roads running West from that be should appoint none for ihe United Slates pace T,e completion of the road from fcut a native American, and that Ihe honor Ha,., to this place and Williamsport , ,.r..,.er,T oue 10 mar) ta.iu, as iue om.o . . t all we war)t jt con, etlled, by Roman Catholics. There is nn lalk, at piesent, of making an America-! Cardinal, but some Bishop of Baltimore may reasonably expect the honor in the conrse sf few years." Small pox. prevails ii .tariniii-r uImi-.I ' ' iii Camden, to an nects us with the Erie Kail Road and also with the New York improvements by means of the Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road. It is in fact the key to the other improvmiM-nls and will enable us to com maud, tlwt which wc might have to beg for, For repairs of damages that rfiay be done by flood or fire to public works. Stale Library. Payment salaries in Eastern and Western Penitentiaries. Improving Eastern Peniten tiary. House of Refuge. Pennsylvania Institute for the blind. Pennsylvania Institute for the deaf and dumb. State Lunatic Hospital, Completion Western Reser voir. Publication Final Geological Repoit. For damages to private pro perty by construction of Rail Road to avoid Inclined Plane, at River Schuylkill. Additional Clerks in Survey or's Office, ii ii ii ii Clerk hire in Slate Depart- menl. Bonks for Registration. Pennsylvania Colonization So ciety. Public Grounds. Expenses at Slate Arsenal. For payment claims. 13.732 78 50,000 00 700 00 40,417 00 on 11,000 00 12.000 00 15,000 00 30.000 00 55,000 00 8,000 00 The Pennsylvania Bank Cask. The case of Ihe Commonwealth vs. the Pennsylvania Bank, is before the Dauphin County Court. It involves a sum of 8172,000, which it is hl leged the bank owes the Stale, and from the payment of which it claims exemption, we believe, for services rendered ihe S'.ate, in paying the Slate interest. Judge Mallery, Hon. Thos. S. Bell and James Fox, Esqrs., are counsel lor the J hn Common wealth is represented by lohn N. Purviance, lale Audilor General, and James McCormick, Esq. 0"Conner, the Chanist orator, and mem ber of the British Parliament, arrived re cently In New York, from England ; and some of his first acts give some color to the belief that he is insane. The New York Post says: Ho strolled into Slewarl's store, and chucking a handsome young woman among tho purchasers under the chin, asked how she would like a moustache 1 Iln was ejected from the premises, and afterwards re turned, but did not renew any of his wild tricks. It is said lhat he left England with out the knowledge of his friends, and lhat they will come lo this country after him by the next steamer. Rev. Thos. Strotiif.r, a Methodist Cler gyman and a Missouri slave, liploncing to the estate of the deceased Luke Whileomb, , is now in New York city, THE UW Of NEWSPArERS. 1. Subscribers who do not give express nbllcl to the contrary, ire considered as wishing to continue their subscription. 2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their newspapers, tho publisher may con tinue to send them until all arrearages are paltl. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspapers from the officers to which they are iliiected, they are held responsible nntil they have settled the bills and ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers remove to other placps without informing Ihe publisheis, and the newspapers are sent to Ihe former direction they are held responsibl. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers from the oltice, or removinrr and leavinff them uncalled for is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud 6. The United Slates Courts have also re peatedly decided that the Post Muster who npaleets lo perform his duty of giving sen. sonable notice, as required by the Post Office. Department, of the neglect of a person to take Irom the office, newspapers ad dressed to him, renders ihe Post Master linble to tho publisher for Ihe subscription price. The Portsmouth Gazette slates that Kos snlh will visit Exeter, N. II., next week, in compliance with the invitation of Captain Long, of the U. S. Navy. Six patients have been admitted into the Indiana Insane Hospital, within tho past month, whose insanity has been produced by the spirit rappings. Martiif.w St. Clare Clark, died at Washington on the 6lh inst. Ho was a na tive of this State, but has long resided at the National Capital. Jenny Lind gave a private charity con cert at Northampton, Mass., a feu evening since. The journeymen bricklayers of Memphis, Term., are cm a slrike refusinc to work while negroes are employed wilh them. The Odd Fellows of Lancaster intend having a grand parade during tho coming season. Mrs. Amelia Welby was in hrr 32d year at the time of her death. The mail is now carried betwopn Indian apolis and Terre Haute by railroad. A new Reform Journal is shortly lo appear in Quebec. He ing. lhat goes a borrowing, goes a sorrow- New Advertisements. AN OliJNNANCE. 11,350 00 575 00 700 00 2,100 00 4,500 00 2,000 00 200 00 232 00 58,066 46 TREMENDOUS DISCOVERY Irt tlic Dry (loods Business ! Goods to fs soko CnB- than thc CiitAVKST AT thb Store ni- ISAAX5 CAMPBELL J CO., In Upper Autrnaia niasfp, Northumberland Countu. Pa ft all v, hst the, rcei,ej ,nJ Lnej s new and well slrcled stock of SPRING AND 8UMM Elt GOOD8, Consisting In part of French, Enalifh and American Cloths, Black and Fancy Cafsimers, SnttinetH, Checks Drillinps, Muslins, V( ( Colicofs. ' , Linens Ginghams, Lawns, and all kinds of Summer ll'are, Delaines of every cc icriplian ana Slijle, Toselher wilh a lot of Laoies Dress Goons, Also a frpsh supnlv of GROCERIES such as Snsnrs. Coffee, Teas, Mo lasses, &c, HARDWARE, Nails, Iron, Sleel, &c, also a lar-jn assortment of QUEENSWARE. A fresh supply of DRUGS & MEDICINES. BOOTS and SHOES snitnMc for men, women and children. HAT-" and CAPS such us Straw, Palm Lesf and other hats. FISH, SALT, CHEESE, &c, r?" All of which will be sold chran for or in exchange for country produce at the highest martin price. Lpjicr Augusta, May 15, 1852. ly. Estate of NICHOLAS WOLF, Dec'd. fllll E suliscrilier, executor of the estate of Nich X olas Wolf, dre'd.. late of Lower Aoeustn. Rives notice to all persons indrMrd to said estate or having claims against the same, that lie will attend at tho Into residence of the (Weaned for settlement, on (Saturday the l'Jlli of June next. JOHN WOLF. Lower Augusta, May 15, 1832. NEW STORE. PETER AV. GRAY TiESPECTKL'LLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, thut ho has commen ced a new store in Whortleberry street, in tho house formerly occupied by Mrs. Gray, and ha just rcccivrd and opened a well selected assort ment of )iw Go oils, Consisting in purt of CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, SATTIN ETTS, And a general assortment of LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS of every variety nnd style. GROCERIES of every description. Also an assortment of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, I And a general variety of other articles such a , are suilnlilc to Ihe trade, all of which will lie sold nt the lowjst prices. I Country produce taken in exchange at the Highest prices. Sunbury, May 15, 1852. dm. JOHN A. TA3TLOR7 manufacturer of Monuments, Tombs, AND GRAVE STONES OK THE FINEST Italian American Maiiiii.e. At his Old Stand in Northnmlcrland, Pa. BE it ordained by ihe Bur-jess and Town Council (if ihi. Itnmlloli rif Sniihnrt- mill it is heieby enacted by the authority of Ihe same, thai no person or nersons shall under any pretence whatever, ride or drive on j I3ESPECTFULLV inform the public that all jons eurt or worn in ins line win he mane np of I ho Very We published since in relation to a duel fought by the gallant Commodore, then a young officer in the Navy wilh some British officer at Gib raltar. A New Orleans correspondent of the Natchez Courier, doubts its correctness and gives the following version of the story. He says: I rather think, Ihongh 1 may be mistaken, that Mr. Wise has claimed laurels for the Commodore, which are the property of an other. Shorilv after the last war, Decatur was at Gibraltar, and rjappenetl, together wilh one of his officers, Alex. Wadsworlh, to dine in company with some English officers of the garrison. During the conversation, Wadswnrth made some remark to which De eatnr, who was his most intimate friend, re plied, by saying in jest, "O, Wadsworth, you lie, you know you do." After dinner when the wine began to circulate freely, Wads- worth requested one of the English officers to drink wHh him. The latter declinedand his e.atnple was followed by his compan ions, tin mis waiiswortn rose ami leu me table, and was followed by Decatur. The next day they demanded an explanation, and the answer was, that English officers could not consent lo lake wins with a man who had allowed himself lo be railed a liar, whe ther in jest or earnest, without resenting it. Wadsworlh ' immediately challenged the whole of them, six in number, and the chal lenge wis accepted. The parlies met oui- side Ihe town, and Wadsworlh shot three of his antagonists successively, but was in his turn wounded by Ihe fourth. Decatur then held him in bis arms while he shot the fifth The sixth came forward and made an apolo. gyonbebalfof himself and friends, slating thai they were perfectly satisfied with Mr. Wadsworth's conduct as a gentleman and man of honor. None of Ihe wounds proved mortal, and afterwards tbe British officers were as polite a set of men as one would wish to see. This circumstance may have j-iven rio to (lit) story about Coin. Stockton 84,542,433 43 To this may be added the loan of $850,. 000 for the completion of the Norlh Branch I Canal, from which S200.000 is to be de ducted, for the Allegheny Portage Rail Road. The section of the bill authorizing the Governor and Slate Treasurer lo negotiate a loan of 85.000,000, and issue therefore 5 per cent, coupon bonds, for the purpose of li quidating the 6 per cent, loans falling due in 1853 nnd 1854, was agreed lo without a division. By this operation, $50,000 will be saved annually to the Commonwealth. So much for Governor Bioler's policy. OIF" The weather for a week past has been delightful. Durinz that lime lire warm and genial rays of the sun has brought forward vegetation with a degree of rapid ity unknown for many years. Gardens that two weeks ago were unmade are now smiling with flowers and covered with a luxuriant growth of young peas, beans, as paragus and other esculents. AccmaNT to Hon. Danirl Webstkk. Boston, May 8. Intelligence was received here this morning, of a serious acciJcnt which befel Hon. Daniel Webster. Whilst riding near Marshfield, he was thrown from his carriage, strikingyipon the head and rfghl shoulder with such stunning force as to be insensible for several minutes. His injuries, though severe, are fortunately not dangerous, but that they will likely detain him at Marsh field some days. A rumor reached Boston that the distinguished man waa fatally in jured, and caused an intense excitement throughout the city but, shortly after, Ihe erroneous report was corrected. Dr. Warren, on hearing of the accident, ket out, with all possible haste, for Marshfleld. ol N. Louis, is now in New lork city, at tending the General Confeienec of llio Afri can Methodist Episcopal Church, havinu hired his lime for $10 per month of ihe es tate in whose behalf he is to be sold next year, if not previously redeemed SitAn. These delirious fish were caught in creat abundance bv Ihe gill-net mpn at Chester nnd Marcus Hook, on the two first days nt Ihe present week, rino shail were bought nt both the above plurcs on Monday last, at the rate of cit'hl dollars per hundred. Since then, the catch hns not been quile so eood, and prices have slightly advanced. The early and latter part of Ihe week is the best time for purchasers. Early Tovato -Benj. Hood, nf Willis- town, Pa., exhibited to us last week, a ripe, full grown tomato, which w-as raised in the house durini; tne winter. 1 ne plant crime up in a flower-pot last fall, whpre the seed was by somo means deposited in the enrth, and blossomed about Christmas, bearing and ripeninn several healthy tomatoes. TIip slalk was of a moderate size. This mny es tablish the fact lhat tomatoes can be raised during the winter wilh little trouble. The New York Times nominates Richard Cobden for the first President of 'he United Republic nf Great Britain and Ireland, and snsgests Wm Smilh O'Brien for Vice Presi dent. Ihe ticket lor Kr.ssta anil Austria is not yet nominated. horseback or in any waaon or wajoi carts carriage or carriages or any other vehi cle, over or acios lhat part of Market Square I in tins lSurou-ti of t tie Coiiit House ! which is surrounded by Irees. or cut tip the sod thereon in any manner, under the pen ally of ono dollar for ench and every otlenee, to be recoverable as debts ol the like amount are now by law recoverable. Resolved, That ihe llih Constable be au thorized to give ten days notice to all persons lo have lh Streets and Alleys adjoining I heir property cleared and cleaned up, and in take up all Horses and Mules running at liberty in tho same. Bv order nf ihe Chief Burgess P. M SHINDEL, Clerk. May 15, 1852 31. 'll 1 -v : Brigade Orders. ; Vi-i, - ry, I aptai j., " "f Daniel -' L" hi.twtv low Thc Main Law in Rhode fsLAHD. Providence, iky T. Tha Maine Law was passed in- rke House to-day, by a vole oi to zt, anil in Hie twnala witbout a division. ' '- TVOTICE is hereby civen to the Uniformed Volunteers nf the 1st brigade, 8th Division, Penn sylvania Militia, that Ibey are to meet for inspection in the follow in'! order to wit : Northumberland Troop, (.'apt. Dryson, nt tho house of in nn the day at 10 o' clock. A M. Washington Guards, Captain Iliilfa, and Dep; i.isviile l.'a vill ain llilbish. nt the house rl Heiin, in Uniier Ma- honov township, nn Saturday tlis 29th day of May at 10 o'clock, A. M. Sliamokin duanls, Captain r arrow; Cadwal- adcr Guards, Lieut. Win. T. Forsytlie ; Uewart Guards, Captain Zimmerman, and the Farmers and Mechanics Ariillery, Lieut. Mart-., m Mar ket Square, Sunlmry, on Monday the' 31st day of Msy, at 10 o clock, A. .M. J- H. ZIMMERMAN, Brig. Inspector. Hri-rade Inspectors OHiee, Sunbury, May 15, 1832 3t, ATTENTION, FARMERS 40 MECHANICS' AIlTJLLElllSTS!! "VTOU are commanded to meet in A Market Square, Sunbury, on SATURDAY, 22d of May, at 3 o'clock, P. M., fully equipped for drill, and prepared with 0 rounds of blank cartridges. liy order of the Captain, SOLOMON STROII, O. S. Sunbury, May 15, 1S53. Merchant Tailoring. GEORGS C. WBLKER nnilANKFUI. for past favors, lespecifuMy in forms the citizens of Suu'ourv and vicinity. that he has just received a hamUomo assortment Of Cloths, Cassimers, Cashmerets, Vesting!, Linen If Cotton Drillings, Trimmings, Gloves, Stockings, Suspenders, Cra vats, silk if tineit liandkenhiefs. Also fashioimuia SILK HATS. The above articles having been selected wilh great care, will he sold at the lowest rales, or made up in the I -est style on reasonable terms. 1 ailonug in all Its branches earned on as usual. Sunbury, May IS, 1853 If. New Aubangement-i FOB Susquehanna Packet Moats. Former Detentions at the Junction Avoided ! n of lbs verv best material and finished In Ihe latest style of Ihe l'atcrn cities. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the best style and at the lowest rates, will do well to call and examine before they pur chase elsewhere. May 15, 1S.V3 ly. NEW COUNTRY STORE, A' the Forks of the Plum Creek and Tnlpe. hicken Road, (near Krcighbauin's Black Smith Shop. JACOB "WEI M KB, OESPECTFUI.LY informs the public that he has opened a new Store at the above plaee and has just received a splendid stock of new Spring and Summer Goods, Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinetu, DRILLINGS and all kinds of linen cation unci woisied summer ware. ALSO: CaJlicoes, Muslin de Laines, Lawns, ha in, And all kinds of Dress Goods for Ladies. Tka, Coffkk,, Molasses, ke. GllOC'ERIKS, of all kinds. ERANDY, GIN, WINE, and all kinds of Liquors. Hat-dwarf. Iron nml Strtl, Nails, ii-, QUEENSWARE. Shoes, Buols, Cups, Pulm leaf and other lists,- Fish, Salt, &c, All of which he w ill sell at the most ressonsble prices for cash or country produce. May 8, ISoS -tf. Prof. W. R. Johnson, who died in Wash ington a few days so, it is said, was a de scendant of the nolehrated John Rnr-ers, who was burnt at Smithfield for heresy, in Ihe reign of Queen Mary. Mr. Henrt White, of Hartford, Conn., formerly conductor on tho Rail Road, has travelled during Ihe last twenty-five years, 823,000 miles equal to 37 times round the Globe. Irf.i.ano has 63 agricultural schools, Rns. sia h'R, Franee 75, Bavaria 35, Austria 33, Prussia 32, and Belsium one hundred th pre are numerous others in different parts of Europe. Frost Bitten. A Miss Frost, fh Massa. chnsetls, has recovered S365 of a gallant, for a breach ol promise, lie cnurted; her a year, and has lo pay at the rate of a' (foliar a day for it. Ths Whig State Convention is to re-as- semble on the 19lh of June at Ifarrisburp, to f)N and after May 12, 1853, the Packet will nominate a Supreme Court candidate, to fill Ie the Junction daily al 3 o'clock, P. M. l.-lCni,....'. . . . (or upon Ihe arrival of the Cars leavuig Plula- ""JB c' delphia at 8 o'clock, A. M-.) and arrive al Wilt. Dc. ha. been hard a, work for five u, U M monms past; but wa are sorry not lo Arrive at Northumberland, at 7 P.W. be able to inform tbe publio wbat it has I And at the Junction, as 5 " A. M performed. I In lime to- take Ui cm for Philadelphia arid! m, I Pittsburg ! Ths Supreme Court is uow iu sewiVu, at I st sgUEii.VNNA BOAT COMPANY Harrisburir. I Iiarnsburu, May lo, ISj". uiu, Eiec'ro. Notice IS hereby (riven that, at s Court of Common Pleas held in Sunbury, in April lust, applica tion was made in behalf of certain persons, br J. J. Naille, Esc., for a charter of jncorjwration, fir the "i'li-.rt (in mail lirformnl I'liurrk ' Imiy," iii the County of Northumberland; and lhat if no siill'icieut reason to the contrary lie civen, to said Court, by the first day of ncxl term, the same -sill be granted. JAMES HKAliD, Proth'y. Sunbury, May 8, 185. 3t. Estate "of WM. KASE, sr. Dec'd. OTH-'E is hereby given lhat letters testamen- ' tsry have been granted to the subscrilwrs on Ihe estate of Win. Kase, sr. dec'd., late of Rush township, NorihuinU-rlaud county. All person! indebted to said estate or having claims again Ihe same are requested to call on the aubsenhen tor setllcnu-iit. JO.IN KASE. S1MOX P. KASE, Danville, May 8, 1862. 6U Estate of ZIBA BIRD, Dec'd. OTICE is hereby given that letters tcslsmen lary, have been granted to the subscriberi on the eslste of Ziht Bird, dec'd, 1st of th township of Point, Northurolierland county. A' persons indebted lo said esiule or having claim against the name are requested to call on tle cut scribcrs for oelllrroent. JOSEPH BflvD. ) Eite'ro. SJAMITEL HEADER, J Shamokit- lav May 8, 1853. tit W.'ETOTU COLLECTOR! T OTICE is herebj given to all cullectors wl are hack on County of Plate m, loiif 1mo trie present year, that ty are requirea falfoii'!T)0 County Treasurer on or before tl Slst of May 1853, and pay over Ihe amount i on their duplicate. Thof who neglect this lice vviir have suits inslitutad against them ni out fc.l. WM. Wlt.SON, 1 C. ALBEttT, Com'n CH AH. WEAVER,) Sanbury, May 8, Wrf5-3t. f OR sale al thi OfGcft, Superior Black Caltle Medicu at 35 cts, Pure Eateno) li'ingvr, "3 (cut. t i