Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 10, 1852, Image 4
SUNBUltY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. POETICAL PETITION. In tho Oliio House of Rcprrspnti tivo on Tuesday last, the subjoined poetical petition from eeventy.four lade , for the Maiuo Law was read at the Cluik's deck : UtRLiN Township, Dbi.awaiik Co., Ohio, I February 1 1, iji. ) To the liono'alle, the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: Your petitioner jhoweih, what jour honors no Knoweth, Tliiit woinHii have suffered by rum ; And we tlii'ieloiH besm-ch von, vun, with tt-nra we entreat yon, That you to our rescue) woulil c ino. A petition from women, you may think unbecoming, But hear us before you decide ; If tint (invented by teasuii if our prayei'a mil of season t oncd you can oust it aside. There tire many whn'ra making nil their living by taking The rnntiev, tlnf health nml the live. Of the lords of ciealion of the nien i f lliif nation, Ami breaking the heaits of their wives. We refer, sirs, to creatures with hearts blacker than features The maker and sellers of ruin, Men No ! Men we'll not name them, fur demons would shame them If they from Tal lin us hliutiltl come. These black monsters entice men, to their deep dens of vice, then I'eisiiade them 'twill be fur their health, To drink and feel Intiny, while) they pocket their money ! And store up their masses of wealth. But their drih'its, when once swallowed, are (iiite euro to be billowed ' With unawinss an. I cravings for more. Hence, the habit of drinking, which e'en men versed in thinking Find haid, very hard to yet u'er. 'Tii thus fathers and brothers, yea, husbands and others, Spell bound by this monster, are led To the voitex of ruin, to their titter im doinr, Till health, peace and comfort are fled. 'Till their means are all squandered, till their reason has wandered ; Like demons let loose from beneath, They have seemed to delight in bolti con tention nod liahtimr. And tilling their friends' hearts with grief. Biightcst hopes have been blighted, fairest prospects benighted ; While homes have been shrouded in grief, By these black-hearted fellows, by these dirty rumselleis, Led on by the devil, their chief. Many grief-stricken mother?, kind compan ions and others, Have sank, under grief and abuse, Brought about by rum venders ; yea, by heartless lieart-iendeis, Thiou'h tho means of the still and its juice. Many widows are sighing, many orphans aie crying, For grain which these raoal' still up ; Many bosoms are aching, many hearts are breaking, Through miseries brought on by the cup. Many thousands are going to the grave, and to ruin, Who're poisoned and murdered by rum, Sold through country and city by these strangers to pity, 'Till homo alter home is undone. We have used moral suasion on each proper occasion, And tried every means that we could ; By the tleep lamentations, by the waiting of nations : By the anguish, the teats and the blood, Of the widows and orphans ; by the shrouds and the collius, And by the deep wail of despair, Sent from country and eilv ; wu have said, "Kumselleis, pit v !" Their answer i 'It'hat do we care .'" Their hearts are unfeeling, and vain our ap pealing To them any more for relief; Law only can reach them, law only can teach them, Law only can dry up our grief. We do therefore implore you, with our Brief hpread before yon, To iiive us a law like old Maine, For 'tis just what is needed ; and we'll see that 'lis heeded ; Your labor shall not be in vain. Yes, the Maine Law on liijuor, will stop rum selling (jiiicker Thau any thing else wo can name, And the people exact it ; will you therefore enact it 1 Or shall wu entreat you in vain ! Y'ou are clothed with the power, if you please, in an hour, The tide of intemperance to stay, O, then, lly to our rescue ! and high Heaven will bless you, Y'our act of compassion repay. Philadelphia is the largest city on the Western Continent. W.M. G. Ml-Kcnna. aue I 35 year, died sud denly in Milwaukee, last week. Cause, '; Want of the Maine Law." There are POO steamers on the Ohio and Mississippi of 150,000 tonnage, uuith SIC. 000 000, and carrying J59.6u0,0lJ0 freight year ly- Tub Baltimore Clipper says Congress is do ing nothing, and their Legislature is helping w ith all its might ! The Treasury of the Slate of Virginia hav ing become empty, the State is now compel led to bonow. A man on Spanish Flat, near Auburn, Cal jforuia a few days ago luuk out a piece of gold weighing over forty ounces, A vkruast traveller h is to the con elusion that New York lawyers write with their toes, seeing so many sit with feet on their desks. Kitchen girls are now termed "young la dies of the pnrlot." People who grind l ..;.-. eisors. ami razors. "uotillemen of lha revolution." Folks who dig clams are termed "profound investigators." Cthuifihici rrown in the open air have made their appearance in New Or leans. The Picayune nays this variety pro. duces six weeks earlier than any other, and will continue to bear until the middle of An. mm CHERRY PECTORAL: For the Cur nf COUGHS, COZ.D3, HOARSENESS, SHOOT OHXTXS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. In oflerins to tho community this justly cele brated remedy for disease of the throat and limn, it is not our wish to trifle with the lives or health of the nfllicted, but frankly to lay before thrm the opinions of distinguished men and some of the r idenrcs of the success, from which Ihry can judjn for themselves. Wo sincerely pl due ourselves to innl.e no wild assertions or false statements 0f j, eJiJeney, nor will we hold out any hope to sulfeiing humanity which facts will not warrant. Mirny , j arc here uiven, and we solicit nu inuiry li-nni the jmlilic into all we pulilixh, feel- ' i n.r iiBim. I ,1. . -ii e i .i e I lie.' assured Ih.-y will hud i!,c-m perfectly rehahle, , and the liieilirine wnrltiv tli.-ii- l.e ...... (M ; nnd p-.itroiiuue. j From tli'diftinaiiMml Prnfrstorof Cltriititlnj j ami Materia Mitlini, lliiinluin Collide. llenr Sir : I dclnved ntiswi-rint; the r ipt of your preparation. un:il i had an opportunity of nilnessin j its ell'eels in my own family, or in the : l'titnilies of my 'i irinU, " j This 1 have now done with a Inch den-ree of : satisfaction, in eases liotli of inloUs nnd i-lulilr I I lunc founil it, as its iimreilieiits . slum, u now- ' eil'ul remedy lor colds, mid coughs, and pulinoii- I arv UiKc.ises. I J'.MJKKIt Cr.n.WKT.AXU, M. D. li III' NSW II k, Mk., l'eli. 5, 1S-I7. i From mi Overseer in the Hamilton Mills, in j this Citu. I.nwKi.1., Aug. 1(1, lSl'.l. j 1'r. J. ('. Aver: I have hecii cured of the worst coipjli 1 ever Inid in my life, hy your "Ciii.iinv I'kc i-oiiAi.," nnd never fail, when I have opportunity, of reeomiitendiiij' it to others. Yours, respectfully, ii. r.MKKso.X. - Kend the followimr, and see if this nu-ili-fine is worth n trial. This patient hud lieiome very fri-Mc, and the elVeet of the medicine was uuinistaknlily distinct : I . IS. HoTllL, All.. roA SeillNfiS, Julv j, 1SI!I. Mr. J. C Kver, Sir : I have lieen atllii led with ii painful uHi-ctiim of the fines and all the . symptoms of settled consumption, for more Itoin a yenr. I could find no medicine that would reach my ease, uulil I comiucmvi! the use of i your 't.imuiv Jki ioiiil," w liich gave me gradual relief, and I liae lieen steadily Lrainin-r my stri-inrtl, till my health is well ni-.'li restored. ; While usint; your medicine, I hail the "Tati;i eatiiiu of eurinir with it my rexetend friend, Mr. 'I'riiinan, of Sampler District, who hud lieen sus pended from his parochial duties hy a severe at tack of liioucliilis. I have pleasure in certify inp; Ihc-e facts to you, And am, tir, voiirs, respectfully, J. I'. i:Al.ll()L"N,'of S. C. fThe fo'Iowiiur was one of the worst of eases, which the physicians and friends thought to ho incur. il Ic consumption : Ciikstkii, Pa, Amr. 2'-, J. (.'. Aver, Sir : I was taken with a tcrrihle roii-h, hroturht on liy n cold, in the lieinninrj; of Inst rdiruary, nnd was conlined to my lied more than two mouths, (.'oimliiun incessantly niuht mid day, I became ejiasily nnd pale, my eyes were sunken and iilassy, and my breath very short. Indeed, I was rapidly failimr, mid in such distress for breath, that Imt little hope of my re covery could he entertained. While in litis situ ation, a friend of mine, (the licv. John Keller, of the Methodist church) Inotndit lne a boltle of your I'iikimiv 1'l.c i on i r., which I tried more to urality him, than from any expectation of obt.iiu iiiir relief. Its trood ell'ecl imhiced me to coii l in in- its use, nnd I soim found my health uiiicli improved. Xovv in thiee luouths, I am wi ll and slrotiir, and can ntiriliutc my cure only to your Ki'tat medicine. With the deepest Lratituilc, vours, Ve. JAM ICS tiDJJr'HKV. l'repnrrd ami sold In, JAM EX C. AYFJl, l'ractiial Chrmist, Lmrrll, Mass. Sold in Sunluiry by II. MASSKH, and hy l)rii3i;ists (,'enerally llirourzhoiit the State. .ovenilicr 1, 1851. lycetlmo. MARELE MANUFACTORY, C !li:A i cijaa e stonks. Clll'l hiiliHi'ritier inliirmn liitt frieinlH nnd the pill. lie, tliat lie ruiitiiiiieH to carry on t!u- Marl-li- I!u.'iiic-h in all iu liram lic. at liis olil Ktanil ill Miltuu, l'a., und is prepared to inanu- laetliro Moiiuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c, nf tlic lic.l niaterialri, und moHt linished wurk- niaiiKliip, mid ut the lowest prices. Letter t iittint;, hinrlish und l.ennali in the must modern und Ic. j l)i-Kit;iiH for .Moiiunieiils, (iruve Stones, Ac., ulvvavs on hand. N. U. (Iidcm for the Kust ide of tho river ' proinptlv cxieutial hy leuin tlic same ut the oliicc ul' the "Sunliurv A im-rii an." ANTiio.w nirr. Milton, May 10, 1K51. VM. Gr. 1V2ASON, J,'ap,i,aei' and Printer, Nu. 46 Chestnut Street, uhore Second, PHILADELPHIA. SS prepared to do KNtiliA VINfJ und PKIXT ill nil their liniiielies, Wedding, isitin-' und I'usiiii-Ks Curds, liall 'I'ickets, W'uti li 1'apeiii, l.ala-ls. Kill lleuils, .Notes, t hecks, llralls und iJiploinas. Seals und f-lautps for Corporations, Uild rcllmva, Musons, Sons of 'l'einperaoee, &c. All the nhove eni;ruved in the la-st manner. Orders hy 1'iwt promptly uttended to. Deceinher 'il, 1S51 ly. THE WORLD'S FAIR. Ciiold .lltilal Awarded, To Eli Krupp, for his "Essence of Coffee." i'V i now salisfaelorily decided that Krnpp'a "Kssenee of Coll'ee" is the la-st und most wholesome, preparation for Coll'ee in tho world. We therefore recommend it to till luveia of "Clvml CiiJir" as an article of rreat value. 'J'he price is only 12 j centa per pucknire, which with one Ih. of Coffee will go as fur us five lbs. of ordinary Coffee aloAe. Storekeepers und till otlirrs that may purchase it are assured that if it docs not nive entire satis faction it inuy he returned, and the money will he refunded. Munufaetured hv KM KIU TP, No. 039 N. 3J St., Philadelphia. January 3, 1151. 3m. SOAP AND CANDLES. FIHE iiiliscrilier takes this method of inform--B- inir the citiens of Sunhury und vicinity, that they are engaged in tho iiianufacture of Soup and Caudles, of the hest quulity, at No, 41 t'illirrt street, l'hiludelphiu. 'J'hey respectfully invite all who buy for cash, to give him a rull as they w ill find it to to their advantage ill dealing w ith hiui lor articles in their line. E. Ul'PKV & SON. 44 Filbert uhove 0th. Pucfmlier 20, 1851. tf. LATENT MUTT AMI A bTOPPEHS for x I . . i C I .. 1... Uar uoiuea lor aaiv uj II. B MA8SER. Sunbury, piil, 12, 1651 viMirruu.t: CATTLE POWDER Pit EPA RED BT DRKINin, FHONEFIELT) & CO. Art. 187 North Third Street, Philadelphia. 'rillS pnvvilcr tii entitlnl liy the united trstltnniiT nf nil n'i u .1' ' '" ",0 Bnit n,"k ,lf '""" CAT" I I.e. MKlJlCIXKS, which hnve liecn tlmnplii pr.iira Worlliy for many year. llHicnl in chaltciiirB Itnv pcrn to make a (ulterior, nt nnv pmviler thnt net. in tin mins manner. If (tin nn i mill be 'perfectly hciillliv it will cither mcn-iira the nm, unit of milk or irmm mill Imtler or llio stimuli will improve, mpiilly in fut. II. will therefore in tone lie cmi.iilen-il e Ibivo no ilmilit one of the nlnple nrti. etc if every l-'tirnit-r, who keeps n Hi.-irv ; unit of every person tm-iiing a hone. It la nut ram nf lh"e kilnl o. MlxTcrfm that merely swell hii aiiiiilnl lip lor n .Imit lime, hut it 1vj ,v ,. r.iy which it hn nf convening llll'l'l'ltli; ACIi) (which is an circle nmttce) into I .nr. Tie Ann or oi.kink ; e.uiee n crenler Rnemtt of nutritinii mailer t.i Ih- cxloieteil I'rcm ttie same mimtuit of fnnil. thim p-'Mihly e nilil lie, w-re the netiyo principles of liil'ritinn I" ii:iM nut nf the syntein in the form of llien-Rie Arm. e Icive tceei-eil n mult itllile nf evillcuce to prove Wllilt We hnve nh ,, e. rtnltiee (! mv : 'c hiive mixeil I he nctive ntjeiit, Willi n pre-tt numher of X'l-tiKT UM.K plnntsnnil herbs, which tone nml ns- hnve prove-l t-i he i-ttil, inipmvinp the iippelile imtl troniolinir ilil'-stiMii of the lo -it ; thus s trinir n lu-nlthy Ci'iiititinn of the liln.nt. from which the Mii.k nml Vat must lie fi-rmcil. I I limy he I'oi Hiiikks. ( uwi anillluus for Che follow lllt( t- ui.llliul9 nml (licenses. IIOItSKS. ' I-W.t. V AVATMIt. n fhinirerniis sickness, which ile slros iii-uiy viiluuMe li.iises every yenr, is very often entirely curcil hy the free use nf Hub powder, in nil discs II Will prevent ttie llncuse fl'-m coluinir on. This ihs.-use is nwniinr ton ImiiI titiit impoverisheil stnte ol Ihe iihMMi wlncli bce:'iui.'S thiii, wntery unit ot nil )elluw 'Pli' pwiti-r li- improvinii the stom-ich nml uivintr to 1 ''p 1,1 " " tM enter iii:uil it v of red purl teles, iilfonls I he i st d .. , chnnce of recovery. If the lmrse is l ir ir -in-. uie in 'iniic nml niirtil :i tiihlcsp'H.nful in wet iil. II in lie- heiriiiiiiiifi once a iluy at litmii, il only to pre vent llie ill-;i.t- ivviee n VVeeK. SI. A ttlli'.KI This is ttie ruination nf ninny valua ble Mors, s by eliiiustion ; by ll eoiisl.-iut ibsi-bnrir'.' of s;ili-v-i vvlii-'h iuivlil o ,-o into the stomach to assist iliir- sti'ni. Il is ii so s of stivntinii oi'ti-n (iroilueed bv Iniiivn To- hricco u'ov.'iin.' In the pasture ri-und A Talit-,spo"ulnt tliri e tunes a vv-'-!. will Ir-.'pii-ull, arrest liie llow, it' it it es not ih-peiiit on (In ToB,ceo in tl-e irras. muter inch circiine-l'iuccs ihe utiiianl mast Is- kept ill Ihe stable. lilts IT'. VI 1 1 Ihe p.ovder is i-.irlv and .reeiy used, ti ioile-i rruieity u I be uS'-d. it has alriridv i-.irid btin- dreils of lloni ot this tr nititesoiiie disease lolhe surprise of Ih. 'Si- wlei u.'eil il. Ii" u t us'il early, bri'.-re iiiall'-r tins formed in I II" neck il cumi'l restore liui linunal petfeelly lite il tiitr mntter IS iliscliai ll-e il earty nnd prcl-ent such a result. A Tahl'-sponnful once or twice u day is cnoitirb. Iil. ANIir.H This disease has billh-d all Iviiiciku. Iiive this powder a fair trial mid it will do w.-inteis in I tliis- I erril-t.- nnd lu'ln-rl-i im-nrable m:d:iilv. It is a ilisi-use j of Ihe -rlantlaral yieui and kept up by iinperleet nalntinn. ; in sa-'h i-as- s n T il.t- s;s..iiuid elery day twice for a la -ntii ' or two, ill e.-ns-aiit sai-e- ssi. in. will in nine easts out of II , doen i-irecl ii cure, il Iris It fairly leslcd. I Coairlis and shortness nf llrt-ath depenilinir nn wcnU hiueii. a Tublcspi sinful every lucrniiifr ; if it altates once i nr twice n v--i-k. ! I'lMHl l.llW-SIMItl l'r.l) IMllisr.S. or Hh. re llu re is nuy reiilains nf l-'otiader or sllifut-ss of nitttioii, unit the j Horse will not lailea, or vvlu-re the hair is ronult aiel i stalets slraiu-ht oat. the fooit seeniini; to do lloy-i-st. the : I'-twt'-r prottn-'-s alni.isl iinui'-ibale itnprov eineiit of the uniinil; lite tliueslion iinprovcs nisi with it ell the slni!- iiisliuess nf lite hniiu'd disappinrs. bceoluilig lively unit ' spirile-l, na-l the. hair ainl slick, j COWS. . j Fr Miuuno Cow. v n rp fully ciiviuccl tlmt it imt i onK iiupr.'Vi'j lln- cfiurlity, but tlitit'it iiHTciim1! Hie ;iiu unit , of .Milk. 'r. inn tm. I IIiittiT ; .""tin; wli'i Imvc Ii i t lln- -x- " Tiint.i)t s:iy :i I'.-irnt ti Wi-i'k, itli-m viy lr!l 11 (vtiitul v lnl: '!iu nTK-iii iiiMstfil iiii-ii it tint' t W ptdiutb in a wo k i n us -It Own. Wt- tuiuh, it will In- Uum t" i( .T:i'' ir III U I f l" II i HliHl jut Wrt'k HI Vit' U CnW, t if t lie I -nvs :iit .cii ;ly li-,lllty. This tidtlilinrirtl :nn lint i." iu:iil.- hy tin- r-'iif :i u (' t!t- Hii;uirii Ai'itl inl-i .ilr--i: itiu :m.( fatty cuMjv.titiiln ; ri I s (y mi1y.itir tli -Lfii trtlifn in hy tin1 lu:tj, wiiti th' i !-m-:i ?- nf r-'iict i u ; ; with-'ll tikiti'.' 11 V "I lilt: .i1riir'iiiurt pnitiori nf lir fr-cil. IHH.I.OW IHiltN or WOLF; Hour IHM'.ASi:. inid :itl ', r ilm-ist s "f iti'.-il cililc t)-M'iiilini; upnu :i Irul st itf of ih lliiiili, ii n rt-iu 'Vd sp'fi l ttii'l rlit'i-ttiriltv. ; I'iiu", vh n.iik is hhif, thin itul w.i'ciy :nnt whi rr it JirK. t yii-M iidk-Ii rr. iim, T w.nT- t'ow.1 L'lvc lOomlv u hl'-h 'T' IIS'"I ti i tlij!il lull-,' ltr . It Will tn f-'llll'l :iu rilhi isl luf i I'ii !- rr-tii:-tl , li- iiupiMV'niL' th nln i n nf t lii IiIu'hI iniil Tr:ttnn; ;i hf;ilihy ilijrsl i-n ; a Tiliil'-spn-n-Itll fVrry il:iy nr every nthcr t:ty us il III iy be licttsttn . Vii. Millie HaaiMH-r I'l'lea nvertieat Ilit-aifn-Iveji, L'i-1 svet ' led neeKs. I'liliytl cans- lie .III -1 .In iiteeir. iii ui': l-iin-JK aail l.lver. Wllien i Miuiieii.y. im-e ui.iy lie irexeiai-l eiitii- lv la' pint ni;: u ii-niiiil ur a half int. i a jlai rel ut" s ill ; anil il will al tie.- same. tiaiM euuHi.ter:il'!y hanlca tin: laltca Iiil' (ir.i-es.1. -V. II. la naiinal u-liieh is irivin? milk Hint y-.u aro il..sir.iis 1. 1 liitleii ri ll,,- Kline time, ua slrmlil li t uiv-e Hi' -ie tliiia a t:i!.l.-sp-.i,fi,l ,'in-t- a week or it will relaiiltlm t"riiiall-ii ul' Iai liy in Teasnm ttie aai iiiiit ul' .Milk'. Let. ,-ae' jieis a Iry its etr--et8 for llliusell' na-l In- wil H h'ii l! satisliist nl' its excellenl ijnaliliea, utnl that no l-'ar iil-'i xtiinilit In- will). an it. l-'ur tie- )"iri 'hi- ul' linitiatr nut prill further linw far no jusllv eeleliiateil CAT'fl.K IMIWDIIlt, i. entitliil to the e intiiloiii-e ul" nil iiilellurenl pcipk; wc have mlilresseil 1,1-ttt rs to all pans --I' ttie I'niteit State, w'hi're uur I'uw ih-r h.ts hern us.-.l, leal we iirnilih- ii'-w fr- in the eviili m-e IIiiih hr 'ii'ht Iwl'iii'ii us. in assure fVery ranner. Ilirov iiiau ii-i-I ll.-rsi'-iiian. that it lias thus far veiy luutll ex i te I -air ui -st sanuuini- i-.i'i-i-l:ili'iiis. Willi Ihr nilitlti'illlil kii"Wll-'L''- llins far ohl'iiiul. Wt: Ilul-E wc will lie eual'h-il t" inaki; Ihe hest nii-l iie-sl in-r- fect L'Arrt.K MhtileiNK ever y-1 I'lfere.l I'l a tllseerillllS pt- 'ple. ll nets lis a val'liihle prma 't'-r of ilijr'-sti-ii. lill-pr-ives the ipialil - if llu-"iil anil thus inereases the ain-iant nl'i-ilher i'al. .Milk unit C'inse.jaeiilly of Halter. K ei I'l tile tiertllhe Alliliril ll'-a-ni- nf C-'iiiiterieus n the extensive sale nf our p -i'li-r h.-iK iii'liiei-.! "liieis lit tuikean unit:ili--u of ll. Kaeli pack lias ear written S.u'lritiire on the i-n.l. iinniMi;, i iti.i:rii;i.u a co. I'lnla.lelphia, July -.11, ly. UXJOX HOTEL, SUNEURY, PA. rCIIin MIPS VKIT.KIS respectfully inform fi the 1'ul'lic that they still continue to enter tain travellers and others at their old established stand in Mu.'ket street, west of the Court House. Tln-ir loin; eperience in the hli-iui'ss. und tin well estuhlishetl reputation of their House, w ill, they trust, he a siiHicietit Kuuiuutcc, that their customers will he well accommodated. March 8, la .11 if. AMERICAN HOUSE, P0TTSVILLE, PA. 1 lis. MAHV W KAVF.R respectfully infonm 'thc piihlic and travelling community general ly, that she has opened this la rye and commodious 1IOTKI., furnislied iu u superior atvle. Prom i her lone; epcrien--e in the husiuess of a first rate 1 Htitel, and well known reputation to accomiuo I date, lu-r eustoiners may deK-ud on heint; supplied I with every tiling conducive to their comfort und I convenience. 1 h. 1.1. tl J.AWUKN(,7E HOUSK. SU1JBURY, PA. 71 '! E suliscrihcr respectfully informs lu'r friend. 1 u i ul the public tcln rally, that she has taken the above well known slum! nearly opposite ih( Court Jiouse, lately occupied hy Mr. J. C. Per kins. She trusts that her experience iu husiuess and la r elliirts t.i make her guests comfortable, will i:iw' entire salisfaction to those who may fa vor her w ith tlu-ir cusiom. ANN C. MOIUilfi March 8, 151. tf. BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! ! i, Wntcln-s, Ji'wellery, Silver Ware, Fancy Cioocls, &c, &c. Cluck LOCKS of everv ili-seripti'in and qanlitv, N d.iv Diu.s inn) liil h -ur Ci'K-ks, verv low. Watehes uf the hest makers. 'J'-ilaas J-iius.iu mill It'ihuisnu liolil iali-ul levers, inn- a:' l'iv a. KiO. warnintt-il li kaiat eases, nnil insured lor i-i in-.iiltiM. Silver 1. 1-vers us low as MO.liU warriiutinl. l..-,iiui-s a. low a. Sn.oll vvarnuiteil, l(Ltinier W'ati-lu s in vai iely. Jew-'llery nf every ilena ipti.nt. lOiaol nail l'"U Chaiil. Itnieelets, l-'.ar Hin-.-s, Fintrer Kiii-,, llriss-hes, Iss-ki-ts. liniil Pens fnr ? I .!, U'airuuteil IS-ilill. 'l'lie suhsi-ntiei having just relurueil u-aii Ihe t-nsleiii fael-iries is prrpiuisl In luriiish uny urlicle in his Inn. nf business nf the latest S' les, milt II. clleap us the Kutnc arli-i-h-s can U- s lil ui the I'iiil ailelphiu or New Vnrk inarkits. Tn i-'iiiviuec the public of tins fuel he Invites their Hlteu lloii unit ri-spei-liully solicits u cull, llo a-tulU mrlieuLirlv invile the iitlcuiinii nf II-l.-l I'rnpri tnr., uad l-'uinilies lii In. extensive asimrliiint nf silver Ware, viz: 'IVa tS--lt., Taiil'-. llensert inn) Tua Sm.iiii, Forks, lanltes, Ac.. Ac. Onlers ii-ccivril fnr uuy urtiele of lilver Ware rxc-utisl Willi irniiiiituess, nml ill llie hest style. A creul varit-ty nf l-'aney (i.imlB, Pupu-r Mat-he w-irk. such us rums' Desk., P-trl l-'nlins. lil'ive ll.'Xel, Oilnur Jinxes, &c.t A;c. Jl'ynu want to secure bargains call at K. O CiHKI'.N-H next rlistr to the Pest (i.Ta-e, Centre t., Pottsville, Pu. N II. All kinils of repairs atteinlexl to by the best work men. December -J7, Ife5l 6in. SHINCa.ES. Joint nml Lap Shinglea, of first rate quullly, for sale hy JOHN YOUXU. Punhury, Dec. 20, 1851. tf. piOI.D PENS with and without silver cases just received, und for sale hv h. b.;masskr funhury. AnriH 1851 NOU AND PKINU MOKTlsB LAT. 1. CUES. An excellent article, for sale at it article, for sale 1 J- W. FJiILING, hull Ihe usuul price hy iSunbury, July 7. 1819 JUSTICES' FEE BILLS For aule l.y ll. 0. MAbSEK. Kmibury, 1851. 'S LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICK, DYSPEPSIA, CtmOMC OR NRYOFS DKUirTV, DISEASE OF TI1K KIDNEYS, AND nil clirpnftfnriiiiiMr from n dinoHfrwl liwTOtnto ninch. Buch tut const iwiti"ii, inwnnl Pilrt. Fiill'fwi, or hlnol u Ilm limit, Anility of Ihe Stomnrh. NmiP'i, IT"nr!liiini, cliritrimt ff Fioi1. fnllm-wi or wriirht n tfiir !toninrh. imor KnirlntintiA, linkinir or fliitlrriim pt the pit f tlir Sfmtnrli, nwininiiuR of tit lnmn liurrieilun lUififiilt !tr:ti!iintr, flullrriMKnt thf lipnrt, choVinir or FiilT'i'i tiiiR piiHlinm wlirn inn Ivintf pfilurpt Dininpt of vii'n, ilomor W'hii ht-forRtlie liirlilt 1-'evar nml dull pnin Iti the lii'inl, (li'fu'i'Micy of prrpinili'n, yllinvtH-KB of the akin nnd pyvn. Miiu in tltn niih-, bmk, rlirnt, lintlix, ftc, WMltlcn flunlnn of hfmt lntriiiiiK in th fl'h. constant imngiumjpi of vil. nnl ftrmX tlrprerpi'm of fipiritt, CA in: KFFKCTFALLY CFHKD BY E?v C07LA1TE'S ci;M;imATn c;i:miAX BiTxr.ns, rtirpAnt:T) tv Dlt.C. M . JACKSON, AT TUB GE11MAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 1,'0 Arch St., Fhilmlrlpliln, Thir p'w r oyrr Iht nhuvf iIi-hiisch is ii"t rxmll-nl. if wptfilli'il, l.y ni'j otht-r prrpnriil ti in the 1 mini Nntc. nc tin-rurt uiicFt, iii mam cam-s ullcr Bkilliul nlixsirti iis IkkI laih-rl. 'J'hi-oi IliHiftt are worthy Ihry nttmlioti of invalids. Piwt.iina mi-lit irtii'-K in tin ri.'riifiration of dittru'H of tli hivrrinnl i-scr k'"miIs. fxt'rrmt'H tin ui-iHl staifhinii in u-CiikncHU uud nlf-'i't ifiis of Ilm ilit-slivo orynns, till')' urt", Wllhul, wtt'r, rrrlruii nnd ph-nsiinL. 1 I'r' iii lh Hitji-.n Hit-. The vht..r mill, m-. o..', JHt. MnOFI.ANTiV rn.IIMKATK!) (iKIlMAX I?ITrTP f"t Hi- iMiri' nf I ji-i-r Cntnpl.nnt. .l:iiiudi(T. Dyxprpsiu. t'lirouic r .NiTVniis lMtihty. if i!cF"'rviMtly mir ttl tht' tii"Kt Mtptt lnr MH-dii'in.-fi of ihr d:ty. Thr.f HiflH s l-ivi! ln-fil lisiil liy thi'timiitils, mid ti fril-ud nt i ur t lhnw wij s he Iimii rtl n-r.-ivril nu ril'ctiiiil utiil piTiniiii'-nt cure of l.ivt r Cninplniiif ircin tin- nwnf this rnut iiy. W'f urt fonvinrrrl Mud, in io usr- nf tht pir l!itirrs. t'lm pit irnt enn.-Oiniiiy ennw atr f-nirt h and vinor u furl worrhyof urrtd f"tiith'. latinn. Tti- y lire plrris,-iii: ju tiiHh and nirn-ll, und ciiii lit' ii wd hy ptTS'iurc wild Ihr iiinHt drlii':!'" slt.iimrliM wi'h nalr. tv. tt'iia r aiiv rirruuMVuirrn. arc fiirMkliiir tr.'iu tx prrii tu-r. and to (In itiiiirti d vi' a-lvisL- Ihnr iim-.' "Sr-iTr Wrph.y." one of the best Litrrary p;pfri publi'dittl. n:titt. Antr. ,'." Pit. If'ioi j.AMi (;i:i;ma Hitter, nian-ifa-'tiirril bv Ir. J:irk'ia, rr li "W irrnuiNiritdrd -liy MllH "f I'm! lii"Si pmniinr'nt iik'IhIiits nf tlii- luculty n an urtirlr ot iihk-Ii rdir.iry in rns.s nt' fnti'il'' wrnkuenj. As ftch in tii i-i'f, t: would adviM :dl in 'tliiTu f) obtain a boMlr. and thus KiVr- ihi-t, "K'rs much dirkurpf. I'ithmmh of 1 1 1 Kilila ltd rnti-ti:uti-Mi! will tind Ihtsr IlilttTH :id atitai'. -wt tn tlu-ir hraitli. s wr kii"W from rxp'Tieiice tliu calutary t'llVft they liiii i1 upon wck vs'i'ius.' More ErifPtKC, i Up " I liil:i'l''i jtliia Nil'inl.iy iia ttr." 11k l"t tnniiiy i'Vp:iii''i M'ltl..lnl iiiini,' l nitnl Malt'ff, lnu udtt'T fcah )i it,ofhiuVs German Jlittrrs. 'It is seldom a. w tent .li.l,( uirs. t t 111 rradert; iilit. t hrt rfor r, land tier.ii in Mittr. MO.n Hi;,. ,- HI,- ,t day. that are 11 'jr-rd commend wiiat arc termed Pa. ailiiteiii'c and pat rou;n:o of hi n wr rr:iiniii'iiil III. lb tf. r w if ll to be ibttiiifl!y uud'a of lilt IfvUlilIif of the t f -r a hurt periin) ind thru for- i'oiti-n attei t.i, v luivrd ih. ir irniltv race ot im. 'hirl, eral!y pri .!. and I ti I tt a liifdieme ! nj e.t il io-in d, nuiv Wlm Ii htin m-l the h-Mrlv at.Pi ival of ihe Faeultv it Fviih ner upon eid.-ie-j l;:in been rcceivetl (like the foreoiiiL-) liom all Heel inn of (lie l.'uion, th. la.t ibr-a: yearn, anil iln mi r--iiCi'i leftim-my in iln favor, if. thai there if nioie of it 11 fed in Ih.- practice 1 if the regular Phy sicians of Puiladt lohiii. Hi m all other n"lrmus eoinhrietl. u fuel that easily If t-siahiifhcd. and fullv provnar tint a M-ieiiliii' prep na'i u will uc-i I with llieir piit;t tippi'oval When p; .! rd even in tim- lorni 'i'lim l'.ii lut-iiieiie will 1 are Liver fomohitit and l( pepxia. n 1 one eaud a!il. afti-r irin-j it as dtrrete-.l, it arts itmt: "jilly U'i"ti the hi 'iil'ieh and liver it in preii'i rul lt: to calotin I i;i ail titla-'iis dixetfs ihe ctfeel in iiieaed' ile. They ran be uisirrrd to Female- or infant Willi sfitety and ! 111 ill, at any tunc. V, i:va :ti: i-deaae l-.aK or ror'n:iui:iTs. il ameil that hi'i cliataeier w!iich ir t,it f tti attain to i in hire r mno-i ft u i-r anielrjit ihe risk of the lives ol This leiess.iry I to pal I -ri! ::!, I..--1I, lliost! are mil ally i'.'-.c ied. UMtlv WKM.Tti Tin; .MAIUCS or Thev h:ivel!ie rill en m aat a re of tiii: (ii'.M im:. C. M. JACKSON w hieli lliev aie i-muii'iia 1 f-'ur Kile, wli.'li-salu nail ii-lail, al the (Iwnaii Medicine Store, No. 1-ja Wil li Slr.-.l. ni.-ilniT Is'l'.w Six'h. ('ale of 27- Knee street. 1 l'hilii'irlphia, ami liy resj-t-etahle i.ualers reujrally liiia.uti nil I lie- cautry. I'Kici'.s iii:i)t ci:i). T i eici!.:. all elnsses -a' iuviili'ls to cuj-iy the ailyaalacs of tiieu gieal resl'iranve p .vers. Single JJulllc, 75 cents. : l-'ur sale hy 11. .Mas.kk, Sunhury, and M. A. MV..Y. N.'rlhuui!irrl.Mnl. Ail-jihl ll". 1 - j 1 . ly. S50 F()IFi:iT. UCNTKI! will firlcit .1lt, if fiilin? to rnn nnv cisc tit' cure uiiv case ol secret uiscai-e that mav come under his cine, no in itlcr how lone; slatul iiiir or alllielin. Kithcr sex are invilcd to his PliMite Kooms, US North SEVKN'l'll Street, Philadelphia, w ithout fear of iutcri upliou by oth er patients. Slran-.'crs and others who have been inifortiiuato iu tin- selection of a physician ure invited to cult. Those, who have injured themselves bv solitary ice are also invited. P.KA1) AND HL'ri.lH'T. The ulllicled would do well to reflect hefore trusting their health, happiness, nnd iu many cases their lives, ill the hands of physicians, ignorant of this class of in. il. i. lies. It is certainly impossible fnr one mull to understand till the ills t'.ie human family nre subject to. Every respectable physician has his peculiar brunch, in which he is more success ful than his. hrntlic. professors, nnd to thai he de- ! votes iiiogl of his lime und study, YKAKS OF PK.VCTK.'K, "exclusively dovo ted to the study and treatment of discuses of the sexual organs, ie'cll:cr with ulcers upon the bo dy, throat, nose, or le-s, pains iu the head or hones, mercurial rheumatism, gravel, irregulari ties, diseases arisim,' from youihful excesses or impurities of the blood, whereby tile constitution has become enfeebled, enables the l)octor to olli-r yiefii nlirf to ull who may place theiusi Ives under his care. Philadelphia, April 1ft, 1S.11 ly. T, S. EOBST'S AND WATCH ESTAELISHUENT In Scliiisgrove, Pa. t'loc lis, X alc hcs and .Ic-xvi'Irj', I EPAII!lll) iu the hest inunner und warranted - to perl. inn well. A 11 work intrusted to liis care w all he strictly attended to. Selinsnrove, Nov. 30. 1S.10 If. J. HrzmJIEIlSIAN, jisiati; ov Tilt: i"i:itx:, Suntury, Pa. Ollice ill Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. F7 Monies enlleeleituiul ull basilicas pmuiptly mill care fully lltleili'.eil to. April -Jll, ls.10 JJATENV 'JVunses of ull kinds, Uurri.son'a writing; utnl mile lliblo ink, Lottou yarn und lajis, just received uud for sale by J. V. l'KIMXO. Sunhury, Dec. 2, 1818. TONE Ware, Earthen Vure, Kuisius, Al- moiids, P tiles and Cream Nuts. in Planes of ull kinds. .Salt und Plaster. Just received and for sale JOHN W. EK1UNU. Sunhury, Deo. 29, 18-19. 1 )OOK.S and (Sold Pens. On hand several co ie of the life of Christ, und ulso u nuniln'r of Rold jiens which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices. For sale at this ollice. E.NXEDVS PATENT HASH PA.s- TE.M.Mi'S A cheaii and excellent arti cle lor l'ustcnina .ash for sale hy J. W. FRIMXO Sunhury, July 7, 1810. VTl;-iIN(i BOTTLES llreust pumps, nnd niniile tulMa. A sniitilv of these useful urti. clca just received and lor sale hv 1 1 i i . JOHN W Sunhury, Jan- 18, 1851 tf FKILINQ ROSE OINTMENT A fresh aupply of this excellent article for Tetter, & c., just 11-ceived and lor aule by HENltV MASSEH. Sunhury, July 28, 1849 f IEAS, from the New York Canton aud Pekin X Tea Company. For tale by J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec 2, 1848 WILEVS COEUH CNDY. lent ramedy for cougha, cold, eicel For le at Una oflica WE STUDY TO PLEASE. fPHK ntti:ntiTn of Ibiildrt nnrt n(h?r(i, nre rfBpwtfiillj I inviM i t Ihe rMriive nnd wrll cclrrtetj rtrnk m Ul'MAHSn I1AIU)VAI;aM)T()(H.. mow otferedby the dubwrihrr, ronnislimr in part iim follow: Ainciiniii Front lonr .ck, upiiuht, with ntglit work, platrd or braf furnituro, or porcelain nil colors. American Front lMr lHks, upriphl, plain, with niplit work, plated ur brass furniture, or poicclain oil colors. Anmricnn Front poor Tock nnd PtoTe poor, llorizon tnl or nprielit, bras furniture, or porn lam nil color. Ainrrinau Kim I wks. all i.'fnud tpinhtti s. White or braw fiiriiitnrr, or porcelain nil colors. Am-ridot .Morlict- lks. nil sizes, with plated, while or bni"s luruitun,t or p irccluin all rvnr. Amcricatt Mori ice Irfitrhr. nil siz-s, willi plated white or brass turaiiurc. or pnreel'iiu all colots, Amencna Mortice mid Kim Closet Ieks plated ol brnss escutcdenn, (.r p rrrlain all mlopi, Annricaii Drop, fti-p, Thumb, Gale, nnd Store Door Iatchcs. AIo. hiiiv-itcd ,wk nnd l.atrhrs of rveiv diwriplinn. Ibddwiu'. and American Hull II m', 'l iizvu. I'wt or l wise joint. Shutter, li.itn. P'rap, T., nnd Faclillap II hires, nil kind. Wiutt.-r. (iai-, ).K.r, hih. and S(.rin' U"ll,of wi'ouiilit or cast iron and bniM. rvrrv desci iption. S'Tcwh, S;iriL'H, (ilm-, S iiid I'.tpi-r of lit" best quality. AiiT-tican Axle mi. I Hmm Axlo rullcys, of every Variety. AiHiTietm llnttons, i!:iiu nr on plates. baRH, iron, or bronzed. American Vob, plated, white, iron, or v.otn1, n't kin''. Si-li-('or.'. e HiMiou and palent, wild oiiaT urlichi too nuni'Tiiii to mention, f-" N.VII.S SASn-WF.KiilTS nt FACTOKY FltHI'S V;- AH'; Ae h livrred fn-e of Charee ti nay part of the City rind I). '!ilrt. At this ri,di'irliuh-nt e:m b" found onp of the Irmcyt nnd brji a rl mi-of White mid I !ine Nob? for l'i-hs, e., in I'm Citv ; Mtin' path i n. ol whieh. cannot Ik.- bcvu, i-r nbtaiiitil, iii nnv other t -re. TOOLS. Sprai A .lrter.,4 t:t I'anel. Ib-etl. ai-d !i; p SaW. irnporicil cxpr"l I- r k-iIi n;l h-i-icd wi'h cure. S'h :re,ii .-i il",,- ceN-l.rtl.-il t'imc ntcd-- by 11. W. i.'-.-r-pflltrf, of liuraf'trt, I'l - h-ltl'.' n vr ot t;ilit Wo- d. anil the ISit'c an; tiie.i. H- nty'n .V ' 1 i r 1 1 makr 'ft'hle, AAtt., lah'iic-, lrawiiu Ivnivr f, e., idl W;;r lanted L'ood. l'nyh'H and Slark's make of Aii'." i-i tiad Auy-r llitin, nil RleK Allirrie;i r5 t.nreft :t in I Ite lis of every deft Tip! ion. Ameiii-Iill iiuifS, tiaitei'S. :l WFl'11 f . O'lllpUf.-it'S, Sere'- drivets. A r. Ainrriean Ilriniinei t !a w n nd liivetinv', till i7.f'it AuviIk ami ' ie. x, all m h. Mm.!, Ir ii, u.ii ...lrii Itrace-i, with t. S. IIiti, iu pret'l vanely. W. i iTr; t-M A- makfH 1 1 1 ( Itii-'V. Ai,dis'' cell brai Ibi'cher's and it her celebrated f. -'l!e?, M:llii-l urns. Ac.. tc, '.tied ( 'itrviiti: Tm-K all shapes. l' lite befit Mid lit I rX'eiiMVe ItSS irttlleittf I of Miiii-lmu At ll.i Ihe ( i 1 iot is , iiteut. and where. C o(v Mr ini'i I' h Si-.fiit il if; f .11 air ih it d r iln- pri'-e.-- a and u. : in the S -in . -ii i.h-M il a ple:inir to si, w ci!' aad exiitmiie ttieaiMa iod, belore pinch. imji v- "iirs. ri- Hi-.-i 'V. M .vim Ttti ami l . 1 v. M-ri.ri!l -tii, iipt-iT siile o i-rt,. t v' .. lie! . A, -III f.'. I- AND VI'.N'SIOX AT.K.XCY. 'I'hc ulti-nliiHi of tlir1 I'l'I'u c:ilia tt tlic nt viMUrhM'iil ol' ?.!r- ('li nil ? Tucker, Attorney ntul Aciit nslii'.rion City- IVrsons liav ing t'l.iims I-tr liouiitv l.ainl or Pensions nre in (oi niial that lite Mi!)a rila-r lias m:n!e urraiiLieineiith lor the lYtjiii-ilc linns an. I eluiinuiiiH callini; ut Ins ella-e, ran have ihrir jiaoern rrjiiirotl ntul torwan!el to .M r- TurUer at Win'tiiutoii, and ly him he iio;:er!y attetu'ed to Inlure the Lie parhin iit lline. Sunluiry, J in. 1 . II. Vs. MAsskk. -,liis I'uhlislied. 'K & II 1 0 C 111 strlltl I V lillli Nn. ll!3 Cliesmit st., i-l.iii:r airl reeeivitur, lViilll tlir must (ll-tlll- ll'-.v an. I l-i-.iiili'"iil Tin- fnllowiiu rest niiil most p. Ac. list cunt. lilts some of their choi ijiular Soul's, Waitcs, Polkas, Now, thou art ( lone, u b il'ul son: w ords hy Tbomiis .1. l)ie',il, inttsi' liy llaiiibiiilv;e. Mv New liimlaiid llome , words and liiusie. hy , (I'rolie a collection I Mrs 1 Wade. i (irobe's Omuilius; hv (' of Ilm Its. . Snuiiils from lliimc, piano and violin hv .in i Ouini'l. i Pietlv Little Polkas for Pretty Little People, ! hv .1. Linn. i All the Winds ujc Slrepiiit;, hy A. S. Worn i "''' liuardian Anirel. bv thi nutlior i-f --Lovn Not.' llniischnld Words, wrilli o by t 'has. Voun, j 'J'he Adieus, words by Thomas J. Diclil, mu i ic bv 1 1 nrr. i I. EE v WAI.KKK have constantly unhand, sueiinr l'inuns, and a sii;ijilv of Martin's t'cic- ; hraled liiiitars, wlii'-li tn'41'tlii'r with a tine as snrtmeiit of Musicul lusii'imients and Mercliati- r i!i.e in yeiieral, eiimiri-i- a stuck not to be sur passed bv that of nnv other est iblishtn.nit in the ; country.' " LEE .V W'AI.KEU, i ) Hi ('he.-tiut street, .-ssvaim'e Uuil liii'. j Philadelphia, June is. ls.11. ly. j Ml Vi lli. NO l'AYI I j Hushes' Fever and Afjue Fills!! t PEWFEI'T and speedy cure for the Fever ; - - and Aurue is nuarautecd to nnv one who ! may u-a- tlic Pills, They have been used fir the I Mtuii fir, us and haw never hecii ktmuu to I fail in 11 simile instance and iu cases, ton, ! where persons have had the disease for several ; years, without intermission. The pi oorieti-r ; eh nil. iium llir vmlil to produce till iinicle that i will cine iu as short a time, without leavim; auv deleterious cilia Is frnlu the Us-ol it. If the l'llis , do not c: !ni 111 11 speedy nil I perfect ciuc, the proprietorwill return llie money. For sale by J icoh !S. Lawrence. M inersv ille ; E. llelfen stein, TrcMirlon ; S. I, l)ion, Selmylkill llu eu; John W. Frilitia, Sunbury; Mary A. Mc Coy, .N'orthumbcilaiid ; lr. llcckly, Danville; JohuSharpless. Caltawissa ; Dr. J111I1I, illiam port; J ol 111 Ivaser, Mutnii, and by icsiiectabbj Dru ;is!s I Ii 1 11: ic hull t t.u- it.- J. CI KTIS C. 11 1 CHK-S. Pronrictor. Pottsville, June 18.11. I v. 1 M.'OWN'S Em.sE (iEli, un eveeilet .sENCE OF JAMAICA (ii.N- nl urtiele. ll.Mtwu'ii .Medicated Noap lor sun liuriis, ti.n, tetter, .Vc. ltadvvay's Circassian li.ilm, for the hair dand rull'Ae. Iladway s ltcady Kelief for Cramps, Cholic, Cholera .M 01 bus, Ac. For .sale bv Jl. 11. .MAiSSEK. Huuhiiry, Auj. :!, ls.10. Valmalile PROPERTY FOR HALF.. T toll, IHE Suhscrilicr who resides in Philadi-liibia. oilers for sale the follow-in" liroin-riv in Mil ton, Norlhuiuberland county, viz: The large ' BFJCK BUILDING in upper Milton, formcrK occupied hv Messrs Pattersons as a Curriaire Makers Simp. 'J'he building is do feet front on upper '.Market street, uud -10 feet oil Front street, uud is two stories liiuh. Also a two story muck m.Ack'SMiTH shop, 40 hy 2.1 feet, on the same premises. The lot ia on the corner of upper Market utnl Front streets, uud is (ir) feet front, und 1,10 feet deep. The premises would be valuable for u Foundry or other itiaiiufacliniim purposes, and will be sold on reasonable und uccniiiuiodatiiu; terms hy up plyiiiinithcr to JACOU CAKKlliAX, Philadelphia. J. F. VOLFIXfJER, Esq., Mdlon or H. II. M.lsEK. Esq., Sunbury. Philadelphia, Jau. 25, 1S51 if. STONE WAUB, STONE milk Pans, atone Jmra und 1'itihers, uud other urlicle. of stone ware just received und for sule by JOHN W. FKILINU. .s'uubury, June 211, 1811). pi KE WHITE UliANDY FOIt PISESEE- YINli, just receivev! and or aule by II 11. MAUSER. Sept. 28, 1850. IXTUACT CF (HNOEKZfTrsiyYupTy just received and for aule at this ollice. Price 25 cents. Sunhury, Jn-y 12, 1851. g BLANK NOTES, waiving the exeuijition flp law 01 -ji.iuu, tor sule liy April JiH, 1851. II. U. MASSER. " Itto, jtul rtMvivcd and for Kile by Apr.1 I'J. 1851. H. B. MASSER. HAMv NOTE TAJ5LE. CO 11 R EC TED WE EKL Y. ri:VSYI,VAMA. PITT OP I'lllI.ADItLriltA. MASSArAFPF.TTS. Alt solvent banks I dis L . S. Mank iiotra i,-t di II HOOF. ISLAND. All solvent Itnnks fai roriTRr. All solvent banks dil FONXKCTICUT. nark of rimmlH-rshurg dm' All lolvent hanks dis ii;iiik fi i aesicr i n, vir Mank of Url.Co. t'he-ter par m;v youk. city. n:iuK oi iierimmtfiwii Hank of (irttynlmrir H ink of l,f -wisb-wii panAII solvent lnnks 1 dis 1 dis't? Mk notes under go ) dis rorTitv. M ink of MuldletowH 1 di Moiitirotiirrv Co limtk par All olvfiHs banks 1 dis m;v ji;hsi:y. Mank of .Nnrthumberriid. pailHelvidere Itank 3 di Mank of rittfbnr 1 (li1 'oimnercial Mank j dis Hank f I'lnviilo pariFar. Mank Moni olv pir t'nrlic Iim.k 1 di I'. A 3I .Mi-lill. t.-wn Ft. par Columbia 'k A It'geCo par Mrd'aim s' Mk. .V-wark par UoyrlMown Hank par'Mrrh. Mk of Iim limM- ii par I '.!' ai llmlk jvir leeh. A Men. Mk Trent psir F.rie Mank 9 iu' Morri Co Mauk 5 KTrhaii!r M'kFittKbnriT 1 dis1 Nfwark Mk'u A. lit. Co 5 i!i Kxeliate'e M k. Mianch dis ( bami'' Itmik diw l'linurrs1 M'k, Mucks Cij p;ir: I'e 'ph 's Mk Patterson di I'muiets' Mk Iiueater par Princeton Mank p'o I arinro' ill-., Mefidniff- p:ir I'artn. Mk S-'mlkil! C-i par afeiti Maukii"' Co, emerrrt Co M'otk iialc Mank r)t C;uinli'il 2 .lis par F A l. Mi.' WaviH-sliV I .'.dis I raakliu l!k. WaFli'n I P.k F.llAibrtl.l . : i Iborifl'iiri; Mank Ibn. j l:i!e Mank Lancaster Punk l-ei:moi !',..k Merrh. Man. Mauk 1'dis Slate Mark Newark 1 dis ; par j I 1 1 in Stnte M1-. . Miiiii'V ie par,Sa" X ;mk. el'-n pirlTrenl 'ii llaiikimr Co t flixll'nion linnk. Dmer ; III par I ,hn I. 'nhs J ilis Miners1 M'k. Poiitwille Moiiotm:ilii';t Maitk TrJ-ir-i V ll.-l M'tf (',, J prriYunl-rw'IrMb-inrt.n I iWn'-f'T Mk'n.'tes iMiib r t.i ) rl F M'.I.AW AKi;. par M'nk of lii-Inwaru W '.vl Mran.'h P. -nk par M"nk of Delaware p:1 Wx'-iaitu: Ilk, WilkeshV iiar M ink of Mmnn p:ir Yffkliauk. I ih;HeiaWMie cm M ink par I I f Itelief M'itn I diKjMk Wihii"'nV Mranih w. pal j MAIM-:. Fiirincrs "Mk St Drlaware par ! Pi id; if W net lock di In it a Manic. Wilmington par Mer-autile Mk. M imjor Itliti'tXT tilder 't's dis All f t,!,s ' elis! OHIO. NPAV II MPSmii:1,. Xll s-Ovent ban!. 2di . All solvent btfikf Iiii.:-:' Mk noterinnder ft's 1 dis . VKKMOVP. t 1 11 CAIKH.I.NA. M.tnk of st AMuns Al ".Ivei,! biifks J di 1 ilis ,l! s-.lvi-nt h'tiiki 'J dis ; ; Fnder.Vs, 2) dis 2omit31' Land and Pension Agency, IVASIilitfGTOri, 0. c. fpllL mnler-si-r,,,.,! Attomce tmd ( J. " Uy of ' ixhmyi m. ml'.-is ,,.( neral Aifent nt- the rviees in 1 rncurimr 1 nii:ted. Prim; pei- l( 'iintv Latnip ,111. 1 I'fii-iiiijis l-T lli-e emitted. I man. iiily I 'caird al the m-al of onh :i;id t'aimaar ai-tpiiatjuief lli. i roiitl':e of lniMM.-ySj m,,J li:,- li'-'il in tii.- 1". S. war o!a the y .,, hntlallJHt.iry I. i viainiieiit, with a ihor w il ti Ihe neeivjtry fornifJ. : . V -e i-i h n IS is! eft and . tie p otM h r- l.trihta ? In) i'i;'imeut of (I'vorumeiit e!:inti ol i-vi-iy kind. liy a I"- ,-t -f foiir-"?. Iloiinty Laud is lanletl o !ie lift ip ami toldiem of ihe war of I - lJ. and (tl t he ari II 'UN 1 Jm! Kill wars. Mure i;:H). To tin. who herved lime l.i 'ii!l,f aeiet; to thovt- who Ktied four liionlhaM) iter, ti; nml to HiM.e who fteiv.-ti mie laonih In urn s. Arraicrrmi Us h ive he- n mini .'"S.' pi'lei.. in llllOTt nt M-e 'ie- I e,i;i i,i i f wanan's. a:id ih -t.-see-l. on tie- uio.-;! ndvnul-eji , V illl V''-llteei of tllf! in), n i In t'..imlr, for ll" of the plltellir. ' t- rii : I- till- I :o Uieill '. ni re.i-m; 'i- ii o( i 'lt i. , . l a t:ix.-M e lli-i-ti' ii i a ad I . r 11. e !tani "iieral Iaiw liasinei-h, iu litl. Ten' S':.' and T- ri it 1 1... lie rv !i - : . i viren to nieiiil" tid Wiieu claim :.iuti t I r i lit. will alole . in of th profession at a !ic t io erillllt'iit. are pre Iftll IliS UMI.ll l". e. is, and inform ilioii on isinl prost-t-ni n in of this ar CVne.-p 'i.denld Willi ffi-ud ia the nnnv r-r ' ' ! -i n.i lo; -wii "f th-ir I '.:;i,f aitd I hen t-T t ; 1 1 1 ie t;'. ,ll e uiiimmica- .!,M,i..... p-ir.-.l l. Tin- nee -arv toriim and insti nei ii all il.e-.. !! apjieriaii'lii t v..l be lurmsue,! I . . I - i-llt . Ir l i n -a I'eisons desirinir iifnfn ll'i , Will i'UV.i: i t i a IS.- f 'lvn'r, t i.;. !he! irli ;) f. lli'S Wl! !:;:.. .. t, f li us in In- (r.cvt:i.) ai.: .i I'll itl.i ") . Tt i i;i:i!. llilUl -M. I). C. inr. 1 tTffl -a- A Jj SV U J. i. .'J ksi-ai;.imii:i) i VKAKS a;o iv DR. KINKKLIX, AT. I'. (n'tt r of T Iu i'd mid L iiim Strcvts in: tvki:n m-iiich and imnk stkckts. I I I'M' llMt illl.t ::i-rniji'i-i Ur. K. Ill- ll IT :: I :-l '' !-. ii! ,i i" ! 1 1 -r i . 1 r iinil ii'- it, -M-t-s , jlf , Illf H .llHf. I'tl. 1, v 1 lit i ' K . l at, ..r Uy. jin-i :i n-ii 1 ;n';u:ri!isiu. st i-lun-s. nmvcl. 1 nn l ul it MS i-r llil;Ufil lev l tlir IS liLT-iliK' ciui-fltlcii, it it IV Ill Ill Ml- I.SllllU ail It. :.!., I v II- vv.i ni,: c. ly rt'lj ii( -i li'i'S 'llill"ll 1)111 Mr. t'i. in- n' Ilr. K , limv re 'lleiu 111, aial ennUilen!- i ti i'i !u. !i ni'.r .is ti 11 !n mh.I ;t :i hi - si'-. iu vawi: r irnri i.ii -1 -. J,:,'. - IMJir.-.l I'i l-.t-.-i) :M-;t l-'.l.f fir :.l Nnrici:. tll---:-- . S t'V a cerl.i I- iri.nt iri'in 1" il w ineli lire n'L ll! IV i ul nml li .lv. :.- - r al Wliell :i -' ei .1-- I . I' an.t e ..i-lltilleiiell t.l l.i-siuii'i- mat K-m. 11' IV 'IIS illleetl'-ns le.-ll-:ii:.t e er- ;.i ;ii rn.y 1 llie iirm-reatn c lunc- T.-t i'.:' ;ll"li. urn Mill V ni.fUni v- . f lii liwi H-l wii'i tt.,..i. .r.. r I. nii-l mil v ii;. ir r- t m .il YtH'TII AND .MANHOOD, A vij; irons lifts or a iiii'iii;itui(.' ili-ntli. h!M:LM.I tm Self I'r st ivulioii. ONLY 21 CENTS. T;i i s H 'ok.iiist piil Iinhrii $ lillnl willi UMi'fnl infiirmai ion mi til- 1 1 ill i'iiil 1 icH ail1' iliMri1-' s nf Ui- I "Hi l 1' 1 Vi ( 'iuT:ii. It .i.l-lic.v- f ,1. !, -uikr to 41 TILIAMU KlDiuiJ (ll.lJ A'.K. 1-in! sli.i'.M l.r ft-u by ;tl!. j Tin- v:iltiaMi-;nl tc- nml 1:1.; Tvsnl v? v.iruiiiir il iiiv-t. -Will (iri 1 fht v .tr "t i:ii 1 iiii. I h..U' i imr aiivl s;ive annual- ; Iv Tii !. in-'" m I .i '. I'miis ti,- riM.ij." il will l-MTii linw l.'pri'vcnt ll.e dew- i ti ifi i i 1 1 f Un-'.r ciul lun. I ' . rf.iil:;:.iM 1 ".'.i ''ii!s. -Ii'scl in 11 I.-ii.t. 'ul i v . t-i UK. KINKCI.IN. V I- iiiM-r . fTHIliU I lt S'r.-.t--. hi i-r,! r-yi.i,'.' iV I'.i.r, ,'lii';iiiiliiiii:i, wit: c,i. tut- u It "1, un li f riiV' l 'in', )ifr rt turn nl' hi: I'l. ; !' 'ii ill ;i ihs-Lince lii:i ;iiut-.'.-rv .r. li, l.v U-lti-r, tjtiift- ' v.:.l ) -rul I :inl HI Ii ';n. ' 1 piKiii:s ! mi:i icii:s. iuim:tios. a.-., i l". ir v, 1 1 -1 1 ' i I'V Kfinlii'L' rf?iitl:iti'c. ;inl put n ; -trn t fr- mi 1 t , r i'l Kit TV. U.i 'tv-. !'T.-. i V '-iitS. l't-it'-KK, C",itiV;w-'rn, niltl Till i.t't.""- 'i 'I'i'.'il vU tin' :tl.(vc writ; al Vcr l w rate. N';,:.:iil.; r b. ly. PIIILA. AND HEADING RATLItOAD. j M AIIIKtl AltUA(ii:.Mi:MI' t'HU.M j piiii.Ainii.i'iii v am) Pdrisvit.i.r.. I 1 11 r e s Fi f tl 11 f r tl . 'Office of the Phlhi. .V Itnilr-Hfl Co. ) j ' Philadelphia, March 2li, 1 Two I'.issen;-'ei- Trains Daily, (except Sunday.') i 4fN and alter April la, 1 M." 1 two trains will 1 l y be run i-ach way, daily, helwi'en 1'hiladcl I pilia uud Pnllsvilie j Mt'll.XXC Ll.Xi:. I Leaves Philadelphia ut 7J A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville ut 7 A. M. daily except Sun da vs. a ft 1: i:oox i.r.xi:. Leaves Philadelphia at !! o'clock, daily, except Sundav s. Leaves Pottsville ut 3 o'clock, daily, cxccjit Sandav s. i:ti;i:s, lletwecn Pliilaili-lphiu und Pottsville, tJ'-'.To 1st class cars and 'J.'J.') 2d class cars. llctvtceli Pliiladeljibia uud Keadili, 1,75 1st class cars and oSI. I.'i 2d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Droad and Vine ilr.'ets. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. NOTICE. Fitly pounds of hat;'ai;i' will beal lowcd to each asscin;cr in these lines; und pas-si-iiners are evprcsi ly prohibiled from taking anv thini; us ha'iraje but their wearing apparel, which will beat the risk of its owner. Ey order ol the Board of Maua-.rcrs. S. lil!A HI'OKD, April 19, 1851. Secretary. rrilE stih.-ciiher lias just received H new supply of the best liipiors that ever cuine to Muuhury, consistiui! iii part of Siiiei ior old pale Ilrundy. Fine Coniae Uruudy. Superior Old Jainaica .Sj.y ils. New England liuiu. Fine Holland Oiu. SiiM rior Old Whiskey Comm. ni do. Su-rior Mudcria Wine. Lisbon do. do. .Vuperior Toit Wine. Huniundy Port do. Sweet Muluua Wine. Sujierior Clun-t Wine in bottles. Champagne do. do. 1IEN1JY MASSEK. Sunbury, May 26 1SPJ. AY Kl'.M. An ncelleut article for aula l,y HENKY MASSEK. iinhury Jan. IVUi, 1649 I. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At llie CnMiict Wnre Itoom of SEIVN uourT & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fami street tin Railroad SUNBUKY, PA. TlinnVfiil for tin- patronage of liii fricndi and rtutimirra ilnriiin tlic 17 yrnm lie hn liron in liusi-nr-M in HiiH )ilm-o, lio unlit-its from the public a con-liiiuiini-e of tlu-ir favors. Dnriiiff tliis jicriod ha litis ruilcnvorpil to ln-rp up with (,e itnprovcmenta of tlir lUy, ami lins an-imliiirjly cxtpiidej his busi ness in rvrry lirnoi li nml varirty. 'J'lir pnlilic ara llicrrfurn invili-J to llio ottrntioii of the present Work of CAI1IXK T WWW. AND CHAPtS, M N'-FrTfRrn nv SE2ASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old, AVlir-rr in p.ililiiion to tln ir fnrmrr atork of tlic i-i-talilisliiiii ul tlipy now imiiiufiK-tiire t.t Uahogr.ny, Wdiiut & Cane-Seat Chairs Jjtr'se. Spring Sent Ruvkinir Chairs, Dressing Himuim, Venire Tallies, Mirlile Tup Wash Stands, an'! a vitriol 1 of other new slijle and Vn !i i o u a M c V 11 i n i I u re. lltivini; acrtirril a HrnrMO ntul iimilr tlic nrce. snrj iirriiiiijcinriits fur thr ptirpono, tliry nre iiu prepiirril liir l.'iiilertiikiiii; in nil its liranclies, it this iriniiy or nt uny convenient distance. Yi- lliniils anil niilr"t-l"-s, nml hanlma-ln too, Ili-ri-' I'liriiitiin- nf every sule ,,, hue, I'r"ln .lite It-iorils il-i- l-l liileli.-,, t:i!,l(.-, l'n-tn r-iekia-r etiairs t-i tm-kiti? era-lies Sli-.ii!.l y-iii n-it have tic ii.iuly John to pay, AVe'll i i i l--r n lirijriilcr l.rtn-r ilinr, ie., iviIr. ei .tii. whent iimiI rye ; 1--k. stavi-K, or limili-r wet and Jr.. Or ta'ie p-tj,;, li.-irk. llnnp p- Onmj thini: 1ml yokes and lliresli hiie flails l'rom pi.'s mid turkicH down Id little quuili. Come on (hen fricndM, come onenml all, Keep trade a ninvinir, no ;igo, nu the Udl." lnlrrs from n !istanci protnptly at lend nml Work uf all kiln!?' deli'eriMl with disjuUl tinhiirv, March 'J, lHoO. tf to 3 -ty ? t r yip g 52 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA a IN r. Kit A OK fo ni the la Jatiiaira ft hirer, a!! the valnot hem d (Hope; o whi'-h it will he loti i id to i i!-- ui a v iiivenirnt und r-'iie-ni ralrd form. It l a ui it cti:eten: and al llie ftimr tiiu- haimlMs. ..'nt p:imiu!:i;iii t -me fir lie' M.'iiiaeh. and will he t"und ve lieu-'Heial in l eU.-vin I la pam' ul and di-f ret-sinj tt.fini occasioned i' iln- iiiipmrrd net ion of t)nn miportunt orp. I'r an I: "If tmi whol ; tea-spijonliil llikeit III u W'lie-jiii! ful of M-veicned w.ler wil! ii ii ui' lately remove tit Hal h ney Mini "pitn s-'h .a rei::iu'ir i mm iniii'.'-J-: i ait and if tak two or three timi-N ilmiy, us remiircd, will 1 found hni itfff.d ii:- t';,- !.-iiniiU-;itid seii-e ol niiiLiiifiot" ihf'.f' a- !i :n.d n it I- 'if, to jt i!ih -rdeied anion oeeaiom-d iv I ener"..: : ihs" .i lin-a. .'.i It 15 : 'nre-l i !i ii et ol Hie Miiiiuier heai. oi ( 'h-wniraitcr itd tor v orrecttiii: Ihe iiieipicut Maizes ol ilia 1 i'sri!!iMit nirtljciiip fir t!i'ic wlm h:iva i'l lln-ir Muiiiiu-liN tn- tii nnm..i1rrnp r.m im: f i;ni'.' Il-jti-'is, l lis f-lii'dily Miiiiil;iline tlifd U' ili'-st ttn'icji fi-Hi-1 n iu tlii-t r.iiit: si iiniiliuitf. wlu! Inii-i m iiMniis .-u i 1 n mi flu- 1'iMiii, nml ts n it Kii'-cfcit 1 1 ii'.'w ' 'I .l.-ir..ssinn. lin ti ruvviiyJi fuilmv llie ue 1 nn. 'i-lic s-iiiciln ii1 s i A f-v ilr ; :i:,ili,tl ti tii-iL'ii'Hi:i, rlnilmrlior othr pun I live 11 in" . s. will r-'iri'-r lln-iu ut- r' :irct;ii;,,'e to) : 1. -iti-i. . tin'ii .1 r vt'itt I in -'rijxnif wlnrti is njit loaccomru I'ltl'PAlM'.l) OM.Y 11V A Mlii: OS 1', SJI I TII, lilll tilllsr A) CIU'.MIST. '. r.orrr of T'i inn Chestnut Sheets. ! Apnl'lS. I .-.11 - Iv X fi.i: Tr-irtfGRTQIJ HOU3I 'I TvKVOrnON, PA. rj'lllF. subs. -fiber respectfully informs tht pub ' thnt he has iijieued 11 Ptihlic House, in t ne town of, Northumberland ruuu I an I lha' be is well prepared to iiceoininodiite i uuesls iu tin- best manner, liis house is loca ; i.eaiiy n nn-.i?. tin- Company's tMnre. He isa provided wi'ii nond slablin sodii ieut for CO li ' scs. I!,- trusts by prompt and careful attent to business to meet a share of the public patr a-.-. HENRY WEAVER i Trcvirlou, Jan. 11, ISiH) tf. 1i:Hti 1 e-l I-' I ill-'WU'i; eemli. v. 11 nail ii'.j' : ii' ffim ('tipr. l)rro, liaiu K'Ut Captain (of li.; il e I'hm aph.I'ima. October 11, ::ii'f I w.i alliifkt-il wth n brfaiiini; t'Tiii nf 'IV:iit. Inch I ;tm pnnvi' !n- li:nlirr'Si.iip. Ii rraiiilijiillypx' until it r:icfit:ti tlir upper fmrt nf tin nvi-nil ill-till Iih ilmt it ron'i I tlilt'TPiii :ii.lir;tn.niti. ttoim- nf wlin ii!y :ii ii 'inl. ul" iinTcrisiiie; the ilist-aw u. 'liil I tfrcriv llie li-;ist brnrht Ul mi 11 in'i'lv in I v;i 'iniJiric'i ci I ir my I'm-I'lii-c'rtS. 1 iriii'. fcpi'Stilini:. t n-f l'n- f li.-i't. Ii.ipl-r'lli fr-Hti iii Kit-1I.1 11 npi-hi-t! iln l4tsi: i I w:t pcricvtly fi, i Mi t. Hy the f fonemr r .I ran I Ikivc rcnutuied irre ul the t tl-'M. 1 h-i i since ii-ti ihr OiMltiicnt. liahllv nppiicil fnr ro n-f nt tin- i.i'c hi -iciti n. fitiiM-Hil hiindi. A With fr.-t :-.iiiti'm(. I h.iv no li.:siliili..n in ri't-tiitinjcgriinsr tii-1 s! r iii;i'j t inriiincr in llie puhiu. JA.Mi: DKVO Aernt M T(V .'MA!KB, uiibuiy. July 1-1". P-TZlTr"i3DICJ:iTS (ireeii's fyL'enatcd Iiilter, price reduced. C!d Jacob Town-end's Sarsaparilla. Ual.i r'- S.-r-apaiilla. Sway lie's Syrup of Wild Cherry Sv aviie's erinil'ui;c. Ayre's Cherry Pectoral lr. Jlralic's Panacea. r. Culli-ii'a do 'i'il-liit's Pain Killer. Ilr. linnllan.i's ticrmaii Piliers- Indian Veuclabto Pills Horse and Cattle Medicines For sale by H EN HY MASSE Sunbury, July 14, 1 SI il. Tii S TEOPtE'S VAOE-MECIT1 tO.MI'lilSl.M-. A CIH.I.KC'TION urilVKR 2UI X A I. F A li 1. 1: H E C I P K s , lii the I scfid and InteristiuM Arts with a Stluj'le ami I iirbais llierinlellts iu I IIIIMIS'I'HV : NCI.riHM; Medicines, Perluinery, Chem Coi'I.ery, Furriery, Hyintr, Coul'ectiouury, meslic Ecoiioinv , i tc. etc. etc. Price tij cts.. sale by ' HENKY MASSE Sunbury, Pec. S, 1S-19. ce r: r: w t; ooiii Just received at the store of HENKY . Sllli, ii lot of Caps, (iuin Shoes, Alma IJ'.U ensvvare, I.iqunrs ic. All of which w oid at the lowest price. Dec. 1 4, lSoll. ttiilnalile ISouliM, I 1FE of CiiuiT, handsomely hound, II I'l.M.'s lllslllllV OF Tilt KliMlllM.I Ill.VNK H ll-linnl, S AMI I.I.IK, Ills, lull I'OUl I'or .sale at the piii'iishcrs prices by 11. 1!. MASSE Sunbury, July 11. IS 19 MINEIIAI. M'A'I Acid Snriuu-s. h PEE, from t!ie Oak On hiuhlv valuable ill rhron Kt-asrs, uud t-iuic reiueiiies. for sale HENKY MASSE Sunbury, June 29, 1850 tf Ci A PS. An assortment just received, bilk HATS at for sule bv II. MASSE Sunhury, Pec. 84S. 1H.AN 11 Mm ANK Parchment Paper Hceda and I urtirasca, Enmls, Executions, Sumii &c., for sale by H. 11. MASSE Sunbury, April 2fi, 1MI. SlI.VEIl WATCHES. A few double Enulisli Silver Watchea, for sale at vers price-, bv Sunbiiry, April 12, 1851. H. 11. MASSE IJLAIVKS. B LANK.S of every description can lie ha- DJP an b 'ut! uttheothc ut the American. AUU'S celebrated Horse and Cattle J cine for ile If HENKY .MASSf f-uubuiy, Jan. i i 111. 1849 gust uAt, without inlermittoiuu. L s i