Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 10, 1852, Image 3
CUMMUMCAIION. For the American. Al a lnrce nnd enthusiastic meelins held ly the ciiizens of ihe upper end of Shnmo kin township, Norlhnmberlnnd county, at Elysburg, on Monday evening tlie 29ih nit., for the purpose of entering their protest to the Commissioners of ihe aforesaid County. On motion tha following persons were cho sen to preside, viz:-CHMSTIAN BAU KCI1LAG, Chairman ; Robert McWilliartii, O. H. Campbell, Samuel Ent, Isaao Hull, Koleon Leiby, George Pensyl, Jnhn Rondar-'mt-1, sen., Jacob Swank, John Tiutswortb, 7umes Vanhorr, H. 11 Knoeble, Jacob No cker, Edward Wilkerson, Groreo Boikhiirt John Gillinger, Amos Vasline, Wm. Tiels worlh. Jonas Mntchier and J olin F. Mcrviuet "Vi. e Presidents ; D N. McWilliams, and E Robins, Secretaries. After Ihe orgnnizntion of the moeih'2 ihe Chair proceeded to state llio object nt" the meeting, after which In appointed the fol lawirig committee to draft resolutions to e. press the sense of the meeting, viz: S. K. Ciilger, Win. G. Kase and P. Johnson. After a short absence the committee reported thrnui-h their Chairman, S. K.Gilger, the fol lowing resolutions, which were unanimously adopted. Resolved, That we as citizens of old Sham )kin acquiesce in the preamble and resnln ions which were adopted at a meeting held iy Ihe cilizrns of Rush on the 22 J ult , and ir.blii.hcd in the Snnhury American.. On motion the Chair appointed four dele 'ates to present Ihe resolutions and proceed lies of this meeting to the Commissioners of he County, viz: John Roadurmel, S. K. Gil tor, Charles Marl, Eq., and Rt bert Mc Villiams. On motion it was ordered that lire proceed nil be published in Ihe County papers, af er which the meeting Adjourned. (Signed by the Officers.) Hundreds of our citizens complain of de iliiy and humour of the system, derange lent of Ihe liver and stomach, vviu.l of iip "lite, &c. ; they are frequently the result f too close application, and a thousand ther causes we cannot here name ; but we ould say to nil so nlilieted, do us we have one get a bottle or two of Dr. Huoflland's i ermnri Hitlers, prepared by Dr. Jacks,, n, id, our word for it, yon will be cured We commend this medicine, knowing fiorn perieoce that it is much superior to Ihe nenility of patent medicines. We would V to our readeiv, purchase none unless epared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philadcl lia. m r. it i n r. On Ihe 2Isl nil , by the R-v. A. Rivsner, Ir. GuTTFItlKl) Rf.BoCK, to Mis Catiiaiunk kit, both of Upper M.ihonoy. On the same day, bv the same, Mr. Pmo. an SriiNF.inr.K, to Mis Ciiaiu.ottk Mo.n ki.iis, bolh of Upper Mahoiuiy. iauxttainsaiinnmz3SWKmn.-rti : vawr irri vat i 1 u i. In ihis place, on Tuesday las'. WILLIAM LLIs?ON, son of William II. Thump-on, ed about 6 years. In this place, on Wednesday lasl. EMMA , daughter of Georye nod Maiy Ilcilmau, ed 6 years and 8 months. In this place, on the same day, CATflA NE, daughter of Michael Young, aged mil 4 months. In Jackson tp., on the 29ih nit., Mr AV IONY WOLF, nf"d 83 years, 2 mouths it 2 days Mr. Wolf was one of the ( Id. : settlers of Jackson Ip., hsiviiirr emigrated III his father to litis county, in the year 75. At Lancaster, on the 26th ult., Rev. MAR N BRUNER. formerly n resident of this rough, aged about 5(5 years. M Se'i'isgrove, on th lsl insl., JACOB SMITH, aged 56 yeais. I)C ittavlictsi. Philadelphia Market. April 7, 152. '"l.ol'K AND MkAI.. Flour is dull Sides 700 btds. mixed brands at S4 per bid; -s for city use al S4,12. Extra llour icld at ?4J a S5J Ivb Flour. Is scarce, and would bring 50 .rt.v Last sales of fresh ground S3.1SI. Viikat Little oflerin" ; gales of prime at 90 c ; while is held at 98. tK. None airivingj last sales at 72 its. 'ors. Is dull ; sales of good old )cllow .1 els. ats. New Southern ere in demand at a 40 cts. ViusKF.y. Sales at 21 cts. in bbs. and cts. in I: lids. Baltimore market. April 6, 1S51. IRA1N. The supply of Wheat is small Ihe last day or two. Sales of good to no reds to-day at 87 a 90 els. ; w hile al a 99 cts. ; and a large lot very prime ile, laken for Shipment, al 103 els. ales of new Corn, in good condition, al Is. w hite, and 5U a 57 cts. for yellow np parcels sell at 45 a 50 cts. Sales of torn at 54 a 56 cts. ales of Maryland Rye at 70 a 72 cent.. !e quote Oats at 34 a 35 els. fur Mary I, and 37 els. for Pennsylvania. I'MISKEY. Sales of Pennsylvania bbls. li cts., and of hhds. at 21 cents. UXDUIiV MICE GTUKliXT hkat. - 90 E. 65 HI. ... (i'i T. 40 TiTIIll, " - '0 TTtH. .14 ... 10 nic. . . . H its tin. - .ICO New Advertisements. Sl'KJNU FASHIONS. fAHAN'S Paris, New Yor.t, and Philadel ' pliia Fashions, (Reports are published quar ,) and ready for delivery. Tho Spring i!e- conuius a lare variety of new und perfect Ut The plate contains twenty two figures, ng them are accurate likenesses of Kossuth iU ll of which fur surpass any former jcation. JViij wrt it fntiArU If a prucli. ud sure'""! Tailor. 'i'taMS, Cash is n tg, svatem and uncokired plate $5 eryear, tm'siid colored plate $8 Icr year, a re.luc- of $1 for cah. Colored plate, Fultern el nd Book of rxplunutioiis, and directions liuingu,, r Y MAHAX. Sll Chestnut Ptu Phjlidclriliia. iirthW, 155.- It, ict of cttcv5 HIM AIM NO IX THE POST OFI H E AT SI .MJIK1, Jtlnrcli 31, 1V2. A Arnold Joseph B Brown Henry Ham hart Michael Berger Elisabeth. Brewer Geo W Breymier Gollleib 0 Cnmpbell Simeon Chnmberlin Joseph Coldren John Kennedy David It Katlerrnnii Andrew L Loudon Asa M McMichnel Chris'pher Melvin I'eler Metier Enoch MeAudrew James Mnnz Alexander Moore Isaac ffloyer Henry L D tt Dunklcbi-iyer Samuel Qnickley John E R Eckbert W F F Fisher John 11 0 Gass Marrin Gass Hem v II Ilober Bt'lij lline Samuid Howard Aaron Repsher Peter Raker Cnnrnd H Robeus Henry S Sheovcr Hiram 7 Wolf Peler W.-bb Mr Rev Woodrow John Weitzel Wm Y Vo.vlheimer Geo R. B. PACKER, P M. IIST OF LETTERS It Iv MAI MIX ft IX Till-: l'OST OITK'K At Northumberland, March 31, 1C52. . A Adam Nel-on B Bulls Bryan .1 Buyer Mis Mary lleairher Mis Mmy Brills James I) Biouse Daniel Babcock Anson c Crowe Thomas Campbell Jackson D DolTy James Diehl 1'iaiicis Pullman Enis E Early libit" irelt F Forks Georne Kinder Hiram KiMiiot Henry Fullmer Joseph Fieese Isaac G Gelchell James M Grible Maiy Jane Gibbons Snau II lloorne Henry Hoover Wm J Jackson Samuel M D Johnson Susannah Johnston Parley K Kill Samuel Kaufman Daniel Kutzner Edwaid 2 M 2 Mills dipt A J Marklu Win 3 3 Morrison J II Miller Hachael McMahon Bud-ret Mastidlo Jacob Mi Fadden Fiiiucis P Poising Elizabeth R Robbins Daniel Randolph Edward S Seamen Zaclmtiah 2 2 Sieinrm k Ann Seveson Samuel 2 Sanders Jos Scot I Win G 2 Spalding Jesse Slock Levi 2 VT Wiiliirns Richard Went Freilerick Wrocl; Jacob MARGARET WEIMRH, P. M. An1 HALS I TJnflf.f. be hel l for the several Town- j ') ships and joroiii;li in the County of orl llOni Itt.i l:i nil !.l Hit. ( iimriiksioi.ii'tt (if.1 lice in Suiibury on the ilavs folluwing, lo ; xvi: : ! 1. ('hi!iii!i'pic township, April 20lh. j 2. Mill'in l!oroii;!i, ' " i 3. Tm-Liit township, " " ! ; -I. Di l.iuaru " ' " ! 5. 1. 1 wis " " " j fi. Lower Muhonny, " 21st. I 7. Jackson lnwnship, " ' j ' H. I ppcr Malionoy, " " ! ' 0. Little " " " ; 1 0. ( 'mil township, " " I .11. CantcriM! ' " j 12. Saanitikiu " 13. Lower A'.ijusta, I I. Upper Aii'.'ustn, " 22ml. j : IS. Suiiliury lloiounh, " ' j 10. llnsh township, " ' i 17. Point " " " : IS. Northumberland ISnmush, " " AVILLIAM WILSON, ) ; CHRISTIAN ALIJKKT, Connn'rs. CIIAKLLs WISAVKK, ) Siinl.orv, April H, 1S.VJ. 3. I'tr.l? of JOSEPH FOLK, Dec-d. TVOTM'K is hereby Riven thnt letters 'i'esta- incntiy huvo been nranled to the sobsi'iibt r on the rslale of Joseph Folk, oVc'il., late of Low er Aujcsta townsl ip, Noi ihunibcrland rountv. All persons indebted lo said estate or having claims against the same, are requested to call on the sii'.isciibi r for settlement. PKTliK CON HAD, (son of Pe'.cr.) I Lower Augusta, March 27. 1852. tit. ( II K M' V.'ATCHKS. I JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE. A lil'.F.AT ItCUCC'TION' IN I'RICKs! ' Twenlu jt cent, nt Irasl lets frn i erer have been y. Id in the United States ! ' T-iOl.l) LEV FU WATCHES, full j SijJ jewelled, 18 karat case on!v $30 1 Kindly sold for !S33. I j GOLD LEI'INK WATCHES, 18 ka- ' I rat i use, jewelled, " 21 ' j SILVER LEVER WATCHES, full i jewelled, " M 1 Usually sold for $1S. j j SILVER LEl'lNU WATCHKS.jcw- j i eiled. 10 SILVER TEA SPOONS, per half do- zen, 5 GOLD PENS, Silver Holders, 1 Persons wishing u Wati h or watches, or Jew dry, can have them sent hv until, with perfect safety, to any part of the United States or West Indies, by first seiulhcr the amount of money. All articles warranted as represented uboe. Or ders from the couolrv respectfully solicited. I'icase address post paid, LEWIS LA DOM US, 103 St., East Win;; of the Fianklin House. 1 1" California Gold bought, or manufactured into Jewelry. Philadelphia, March 20, 1S.V2 3m. EOITItETS AND STItAW G00ES. 2 , v TOHX T. WALTON wislies to inform ,! hi custoincrs and the public, that he is now prepared to fiiruiuli lln in with u new and v eil selected stock of l!oM is of the new est style, and materials, together with a variety uf other ktiaw coo. U uiid M 1 LLIN FRY TRIM Ml NCS. He wilt also lie receiving throughout the season ull the f ish und desirable klyles which he will sell ut the lowest prices. JOHN T. WALTON, No. CI Norii -Jnd t., Philadclphis. March 13, 1852 amo. NEW MILLINEP.Y STORE, Fawn Street, Sur.bury. 3JISS ELMs rj;TEUY, irOULD respectfully announce to the ladies of Sunbury und vicinity, that she has just returned from the City of Philadelphia, and in tend opening a new and huudsoiiie assortment of SPRING MILLINERY, on Saturday, April 3, ut her Store, opposite the Iiaptisl Church, and invites the public to call and examine her stock. Hunl.ury. April 3, 1852. tf. Inluriiialiua lVnnlt'd. BN FORMATION' i wanted of William Swan son, or hi wife, formerly Susauuuh Hall man, by her brother, residing in McEwensville, Northumberland county, Pa. Any information of their whereabouts would lie thankfully receiv ed by HENRY H. 11 ALL.MAN. Editors ot newspapers pleaic. notice the above, and confer a favor. April 3, S5S. SUN15U11Y AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. H" ONDON HOUSE, 231 Chestnut strcrt. UJ :rnnd SPHINU OPENING IN THE MASONIC HALL. Li i) ford Ernest, Importers. L. & B. beg leave most respectfully to tender their most grateful Bcknowleileinenls ta the la dies of Philadelphia, for tiro liberal patronage they have received since their commencement in business. They now enll the attention of the Inilies of this eilv and elsewhere, to their OPEN ING OF 8PRINU FASHIONS, which will take place on TUESDAY, Ihe 30th inst., in the MASONIC HALL. Room No. 1. The princi pal part of Ihe stock which will be exhibited lo the public is expected in a few days by the City of Nanrhexttr" and consists of a prent variety of Mantillas, entirely new styles, a few cases of w hich have already arrived. They will be found pcrlect as rrenrds simplicity combined with style. The atteuliiin of the ladies is especially called to two new Mantillas called the Amelia ftunrt, and the Dnrhrx of Fritirriiurt, w hich have been o much odniirid in the fashionable circles of Europe. The stock further consists of: Rich Turk Satin, in a variety of colors. Dress Guilds, made up and in the piece. Robes de Chiiml rrs, diesinrr cowns, ec. Lilile boys street und house drcs-es. Misses do do do Infants do rhi ,1 London and I'uris Millinery, ill bonnets, bead dresses and caps New SI le of Straw Goods, Ribbons and Flow, ers. Under Sleeves, Collars, Niirht Caps in variety. Silk and Satin Aprons, Infant Hoods and Cloaks. Cutsets, in every style. Loudon, Pans and American Gaiter Hoots Bnd Slippers, willi iiiuny other goods too numerous to insert. N. !i. In order that the ladies who desire to purchase may have every attention paid them, mid not be crowded to excess, VIS cents will be chartietl for admittance and a card given to each on enlcriiiT. w Inch card will be received as cash from purchasers. The above oiu'iiinu w ill continue at least for three weeks, and diiiiinj whien time, fresh arri vals will he received by each steamer. Goods sent to all puts of the Slates by Express. Dres ses in re:y style made to order. Ladies' und Children'H Under Clothim-, Philadelphia. .March 27. 1S2. 4t. STACK OFFICE. WASHINGTON' HOUSE, I SUSEUHY, PA. j JAKES COVERT, Proprietor, I TI'OUI.D respectfully announce that he has ' ' talcn this well knoun stand, w here hi' j will be uralili. d to see and entertain his liieuds j mid the travelling public ifciicr.illy. This house is now replete with every convenience, comforla- ! Me, pleasantly located, handsomely furnished, ! well ventilated, n iidcriu r it in every respect a ! dc-irablc st ( ; in." place. j No cNicnsc has been spared in tilt in? up this j house. The chambers lire well furnished und i thp tabic and bar provided with the. best the I marmot can ulVurd. j The stable i!ccomnio:hitions are extensive and well calculated for travelers. j STAGE OFFICE. The Klaire running from Northumberland lo j Pottsville, slop at this house, where throiiL'h and i war tickets to Philadelphia can he obtained. ' Sunbury, March 8H, LSS2. tf. HAF.PwI33i;a3 E00S EINDEEY. j V. I- Ill ITKIt & CO., Siieeess'irs to W. I). Ilickok, mi,l Hick .k A rnatilie. I I TJOOK HINDERS, STATIONERS AND ! 1ILANK ROOK MANUFACTURERS. The subscriber.! respectfully inform their friends j and the public, that they are now carrying on the ! above business al the OLD STAN 1) occupied by ! Hickok 'c Co. They flatter themselves that by I caret!,! altculioii lo business, they will merit and j receive a coiiiinnaiu c nf the patronage so liber- j ally enjoyed by the old firms. l' ni lent ion will be paid to the rulini; and bindiu.; of every description of blank books J for b. inks, county i. ii'.-i s, merchants and private j individual, aad cvciv variety of full and half j bound blank bo ks. Old books, periodicals, law j books, iniisic, newspapers. bound in any pattern and in tiny style required. I In addition to the above, they have, and will j at nil limes ki cp. a j.m i:eral assortment of STA TION UK V, coiisi.-lins of Letter P:j:'t, ("a;) I r:i-in " TnMslVr ' (. intr ' 111 .lin,' " Steel l'fllP. Knives, St itcH ami Pcneili. I I IVm-ils. I.i Iter Sla:ili, India liul.lnT, it.ii 'iy,.-. lilank I i.nts, .oils. I n'. 'ami. Mo'i . Wafers, Ink. Scnliii" Wn.v, ! i 1 1 1 In!., Cariainc Ink, ; niir Ink. io-rs. Ain-iiii a v ininp l'inul, llrasnrcs. r. IT Paper ruled to pattern, and all work war ranted and done very cheuplv. ' F. L. HITTER &. CO. March 13, I $52. if. ItllMtV CAKI1. CI'O. M:.VCI"1 j. ii. (iii'.si: rorasr.ioN WW F0KVARD1XG KOISE. GAIin, C U CO., Commi-sion & rorwr.rdinu Hercliants, 1!'. Snrnrs Wharf. Will receive and sell FLOUR, GRAIN, and all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE und ulsu LI MEEK. rjARTR'ULAR attention will he given totliis branch of the liusiness, by Lewis W. II. (lic.-c, whii-i' whole uttenlion will he devoted lo Ihe sale of Lumber, and will occupy all Oliice on Ihe Falls Doik, especially for this purpose. Mr. (iiesc's loii!; ep.( licnce, and reputation us a first rate salesman, is a guarantee that the highest market prices will always be obtained. I J' Libera! Ca.'h advances made on Con signments : but in no case will this House make uny advances, until the Produce is received. March 13, l!52 lino. ijii'oiit vvr to r:ooct iirvcns. i great sale of DOORS, damaged and soiled by the late lire at Swaim's lluilding, Scv enth ami Chc-tnut sts., is now in progress al HE.NDilRSON Cv Cn.'S new liook More, Nortiivvesl corner of FIFTH and ARCH Streets, (ihe old stand of Mr. Ocorgc W. Child's,) 50, IIIIU volumes of Miscellaneous Hooks, gome onlv slightly iujureil, embracing many recent works of Diogiaphy, History, Science, the Fine Arts, Tra vels, Ficliou, Sporting, Ac; will lie. sold from 20 to 75 per cent below regular price. Vtf Early application will secure the best bar gains. HENDERSON & CO.'S Cheap Hook More. Fiflii and Arch sts.. Late ol .-sn aim's Duildiug, ill and 'Jiicsinut. Philadelphia, March 20, m52. It. sprjsG iiillinery'goods; JOHN STONE iS- SONS, I.MI'dliTKlIS AM) DKAU'lllS IX FRKNCH MILLINERY OlH)DS, A'o. 45 Som7i Second Strett, Philadelphia. I I!E now prepared tooflir to their eiistoiners und the trade u largo and well stlectcd as sortment of Slim, lUblsuns & MtlUtH'ry C;ooIn. Conlluing theniselve itcluaively to this branch of the trade, and Imjmrtinq the larger purl of i ttieir stock, enunies llicin to oiler an assortment unsurpassed in extent und variety, which will be sold at the lowcat prices and on the mot favor able terms. March 13, 1952. Smo. LANK DEEDS printed on the lies! quality - of parchment paper, sold al the lowest price at this oliice, by wholesale and retail. l.OU sale at this oliice, Superior Mack Ink, Cattle Medicine at "5 otst J'ure Cuenrs of binder, 15 cents. 'J KEASURKRS SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS. A GREEARLE to the provisions of sn Act of Assembly, entitled sn set directlns the mode of selling unseated lamia for taxes, and for other purposes, passed on the 13th day of Marclu 1815, and the further supplements thereto pass ed. The Treasurer of the County of Northum berland hereby gives notice to sll persons concern ed therein, that unless the County, Road, School and State Isxes, due on the following tracts of un sealed lands, situate in Northumberland county, aro paid before the day of sale, the whole or such parts of each tract as will pay the charges and costs chargeable thereon, will lie sold at the Court House in the HurnnRh of Sunbury, County of Northumberland, on the second MONDAY in June next, and be continued by adjournment from day lo day, for arrearages of taxes due said County, and the costs accrued on each respect ively : .No. of Acres. Tovvsiiiipi. Amoint Hus. WAItRASTKCS NiMSt. Aatiir l-'refterick, A nl in lleiiiy A1I11I1IS W'iiiiitirt Ailaiim Tlionmi AllalllK KlitHTt llcllns llnuli ItriKike Jessa Hriuiliton llntiiel Mower I'lirisliuu II vln l.uke Hail, y .Mm lirmly W'iiljnrn P llovilJohii Haiti in Samuel ltrmly .lohii llrnily J0I111 Cisik J' lm Cisk William Covvletl .lolnl Dninff t'harliil Dnrr Jolm D11I John liar .Mnrv lnr IVt.'r I'ar laike li.'ir Idivvrenra I'lV'IIIIN Jl'SH'! l-ilioti Wiaiain Dv'miH Smith K.i.OT 'riiiiinal Fi'll.-r l.uke Kite l.ukr l'Me.'ly William fiilcmen lliiskuis 'J'hiimas Ifreer .laini'N (Iri't r Tlioina iillM-rt William llieen William limy Wiltiaia lirant 'I'lioiiian liiinlti'T AreliilinM jr lianlncr Archibukl jr limy Itols-rl Ciniv lli l irl Hall I'.ilm nil lli'iiliuru J muss llvrrm n Wil.iam II ai l J .1 ,1 llotlin .lolin llnillill l.llke 1 1 Hiiii-r Alexaniier llefihiirri .lames lliiiiii:in 'rtiomn 1 1 mil t Ali'.vmilrtr Ibmmetrii-h IP.-urr llnulz Panii I IlliMcy lliirnaril .leiiktnii JimifS Irvcia lloliert Irvvitl It.ihrrt ' .Ionian A!' vndcr .1 inl.m J. v-ph Tv ..iii,-.l- David Klelit lie .rue I.ane Witlium Lain! Mary I .ane S nail Snnlh l.nkin l.nkins .Vli'eiil Lake ItieharJ Moj er Oeorpo lloi.s. Cts. Casl 7 ?7 l tu 415 !tV1 .'li mi it-,a 4i:t) so 4 I3i aili an 40TJ iwj Son :ef :iim S.'l III) 41-4 Hi 4:17 4M :ni ttao i-J ail 4.1H .'nw 4 4ViJ I TO a-o ami 411 ami) rmni 410 4:1; 40111 4:1.1 JO) Si a. .11 III! 1'I7 2.M at!i 4i:i'j 41-.') 4II 4-"s .',0 4JI 4 III a "si :il7 r.M as 4 pi 10 ni::i tiioi tan j twr' .in It', mu 1:1 4111 4.".n; tia; aai a-) Hi 117 3-111 4;i 1 1 1 i 4I-; 4ai, -"-( ii'U 4 I.i !Kl 410 IV 1 110 :n :i-nt :il7" ar l-) ;r,j 4l'ij :tti' -V7 ITU 17:) till ariit la.i at nn in n) 410 in.i tin I I.i a"s la'i 4i:.J inr :iiil pin 1 1ll 4!i -'i rttel na.ij 4II':J 4 am 4:;7i srri 411-1 :i:.i iu3 9:) CO Jvl ,'SI a in 51 7 J 7' 4 a 6 I'i 6 7.M in a.'4 in in" 4 87 4 V4 9 .'SI 7 MU S5 is 5 i'J 6 H s na 4 in I M .1 7a t no 2a cm 4 M 1 S3 111 21 3!l 4 s 2 KI 7 no 11 !IM M II 711 1! M 30 7:1 31 is, 5 Sir 3 HI 5 4S Ji 27 11 77A aa 41" 10 4 :i si 3 OO 2 'ill Ifl 7:1 4 on 2i 77 Sll 73 e 3s 92 (is I) ia 21 23 8- 02 12 .111 3 H 6 53 27 2 4(1 ;.' s.-. :u (Vi an a-. 4 na 4 27 4 00 3 4U 3 so 4 271 50 7.', 2S .ill 12 s.i 111 00 5 M 3 7i ! S 75 2 41 2 41 3 41 1 N 2 61 3 73 2 2 j i:i ta 19 70 Id 50 7 50 10 H4 3 f.'l 3 3il 1 27 2 4 20 73 10 0(1 51 27 5 23 0 77 3 H 14 72 II 01 3 H 11 27 4 5:1 7 10 "i 6 00 18 23 11 50 1 02 I vi Oi 1 HI 9 SS 9 00 3 Ikl 9 an 4 .is 9 20 5 m 3 in 6 D2 1 70 Mnrtiu .lotm (i " Maainii It ii'liaul " Morrison William " .Miller Isaiic li " Mver.Marv " .Meil!iie...l.'.hn " .Mii-isit Henry " I'. ln y I'eler " I'rinci. lieori: 11 l!ecs llanirl " llnslnii r'liarlatt 41 ll.yinlilsj.liil " r.nsloii 'I'tionus ' ItiiMon .Mnry H It.a s Diinid " iteen Saruli Sliaiiiioa Wi!lisn " Salmon llirhanl " Shalter Andirvv 11 Sinrr Merrirh " Slt.-.-tK Ue iriic H Se at AIhiiIi.iiu " Small .lolm " Sunlli Ahi'ca.l " Se .It Sailinrl " S-oil Suiiuel " Smith l'emr " S" Al -xanJiT " 'Pail t Isaac " Tacinirl John " Tnekel Charlrs O " 'rnioM Kicharil " I'lson .lo! 'l i'vi- nh J ha " White John " Walker l....vii " M innie Hi 11 noun n Yoxlhenii.:r llnrr " I'oxtheiiiii.r IP-nrv 41 iiinaerm 1:1 Matthias 14 Ziau'hT Ismie 44 'LTnl'ilt Peter 44 V.wuint I'eler 44 Zl-oaiftl Peter 44 Barinnn Toint llarron John ji ' H. vilJihii 44 IJ- kioih IVti-r 41 I'pt.'V Aniheve 44 I. anl.ier Arehilwld 14 Oanlni r Win I' 44 Irvviti Itohrrl 44 l.ik- Hieliaol 44 Mailin I'eler 41 Ah 'vner John D 41 ".'-dinar Jntne ll-tt.-rt mi Heniainin liell Tlon ll.ananiin t,-vart William llevcnrt Ji-hn ri'trilner Willimn P llimler Jainel Hall Chnrii'S 9 2B 6 It 44 7 42 7 52 7 54 6M S23 0 Hi (I III 3 M 5 hi 200 Uner Mnhonoy CiiiUsinaqn I.iltio Muhonny Kiilil Jolm Lake Kielinril Itees Thi'lnnl l.evv ifc Jumri Shmiioliin JACOB YOTNO, Treasurer of Northumberland county Punhury, March SO, 1S."2 4t. Xlmv t'sirpet Store. 3AILST h, BS-CTEE?. "B jffTAVING irinde extensivo alteration in their li .vtore, and increased their facilities for DuKincK. v.'nuld invite the attention of purcha ser to their large assortment of Eniili.-h Tapestry, " " lirussels, I Super Ii.arain, j- CARI'ETINGS. 44 Imperial 3 Ply, V Plain ec Twilled Venetian J KI.OOU Oil, CLOTHES of every width. Civriis Mattinos of tiny style and quality imported. As these goods have been purchased fur tuih, und we intend conduction our Uusiucs on Tin: ('asm 1'iiiM ipi.k purchasers may re ly upon olitatllina baruains. BAII.EV & D ROTH E It, Imjiorter and vtanufacture of Cnrpetintis Twellth it Market St., Huladeliihia. March 20, 1H5J 3m. SAVE YOUR MONEY. t!M:i.i:s v. n:i:n5it & to., (LATi: l'Hr.K.MAN, IIODGMS k CO.) IMl'OllTKIlS AM) JOlJllEIiS, 144 Broadway, One door Suuth of Liherty St., A'rur York, HAVK now on li;i1, iinil will lie receiving daily through tlie t-nai, .New (JihkIii. direct 1'roin the Karepeaa niaimlactiirerN, nail nuih Auctions, rich, liishtonalile, laiwy Si.k Millmi-ry liiHMUi Our Mock of Hieh Kiblninp, r in-priM-c e fry varirl) uf Ihu lateal and moat beautiful dcsigus lm;i iitetl. iManv of our po- (U are iiifttinfueturnl esprrssly to our order, trom our own deim iiml intterili, anil nmd uitri vailed. We otS-r our itikhI lor nett t.'unli, ut lower prices limn liny eredit limine in Ainerieu cun alfisd. All purehas.'r will find it grautly lo their iutercit to re set ve u v irtion nl' their money anil muke aelccliolul Uoiu our irreal vnrieiy iH' neh cheap po."'- HilihinN rich i'. Hi.uneia, t'a, ferHheand Bella. lioiiuel Silk, Satins. Criiei, l.iweaand Tarlelou. I'anhroidi'ric, Colboi, Cliemi aettii, Ciitea, lierlluia lluliili. Sleeve. Cud. hrftirui)!l, and liiktirlinpa. Kmi.roKierid Ueviero, and HeinatiUjii Cambric lliinilkereiiu-la. Ulomlt HluHion, and Flmhniirtered lrea for Cnpi. Kaiilir.mtered Ijieea lor Shawl, Muulill ia. nnd Veils. IIoiiiIihi, Meehlen. Vnlencinea, and UrunJW I Area. Knirliali uwl Wove Thread, Smyrna, Jjala Wbread, and Colrou Ijiccb. Kid, Ule Thread, Bilk, and Sewing Silk, Glover and Miu. frenrh and American Artificial Flowers. French jw.e. KuplliUi. American, and luUmn. ctrHW ItiHiurtaaiid Triiiimiiiua. New V"ik, March 20, Ib52 -3rn. filAKKIAGE CETIF1CATE3 handwmely T executed for stile at this office, simrle or 1 by the iotn, CLOTHIlTCr WAREHOUSE. WMOLESALB AND RETAIL. j. y. $ K. 1). 8TOKKS, No. 194 Market Street, South side, First belw Siith Street, rniliADELPHIA. o l)D FEI.IOWS and Masonic Regalia of every variety, suited to tho various ranks and orders, constantly on hand. Also, a large and extensive stock of fashionable ltcutly Made Clolliing, manufactured by the liest of workmen, and from the newest style of Goods, nf late importation, at greatly reduced prices. They have also a lara;e and well selected assortment of Piece Goods, of English, French and German Fabrics, of new and beautiful Patterns, which they will make to order in the most approved and fashionable man ner, and in u superior style of workmanship. February -IK, IS.'iS. 4mo. Vni. II. ROCKEFELLER, ATTORNBIT AT LAW, SUARHJESY, VA. Dee. 13. 1851 If. WIl. McCARTY," Bockellor, rtltO tOVJ A Y, Kl'lIIT'KY, l'A. n AS just received and for sale, Purdons l)i (rest of Ihe laws of Pennsylvania, edition of 1831. price only Sfi.OI). Judge Keads edition of Iilnckslone Commen taries, in 3 vols. H vo. formerly bold at $10.01), and now ollcrcd (in fresh binding) at the low price of Sli.llO. A Treatise on the laws of Pennsylvania re specliiu; tho estates of llcccdclits, by Thomas F. Gordon, price only 31,(10. Kossuth and the lluutrnriiiti war: eomprisinj a complete history of the late utrusale for freedom of that country, with notices of Ihe lending chiefs and statesmen, who distinguished themselves in council and in the Held, containing '.88 pages of interesting matter with authentic portraits. Kossuth's address to the people of the 1'nitcd States, with a portrait, printed on broadcast, and put on rollers after the manner of maps, price only 50 cents. Washington's farewell address, unifon ! style with the iibovc. February, SI, 15C. tt. S 1.000,0011 Saved Yearly by Purchasing SILVER'S IIIIJERAL PAINTS. ("Pill' vvoiv'erof tlf Hire, nnlnre's own productions L I'aiiilB differ from nil ntliera In the market; Ihev rue not clnvs : ll.ev reip.ire lirtle Oil. How easily, and cover with II henviel llv lhan while lead. They neither crack nor peel, mill dry readily, making nil JonaMKL or Stok. i'UI.OHS We have aeven difTereiit colors, viz : three Urown. two 'li"e'lute. IPaek inal Yellow, undbyeoin lilniilli'ii lll.i!.e eviM'V carietv llllil shade of color. litiliy 'I'I,. re j'.iintu are tn'rior in UhIv (or e ver inc pr.ii.i.Tlv) to uny yet diseova-ted. nnd iiound lor jiound will i-over ilollUc lh : surface of white lead, zinc, or olhtr liie:al:ie Painls. lUO.V To Iron Ibey furninli n perfect nrotcclioii nirainrtl ru.!. f r ltn:V cJiilnin no metal, which lil.e vehile lead nets dcn'niel ively en ihe iron; in fact tins Paint m ikes ir I aitiK' valuable for hnildimr iiurpises. UilK'lv W Oltlv Tliev eve lo h u-e walls a ninh heavier eoriiinir thim oi,cr iiaintB. ami if fan .line is requir ed. ie Ihini; holils i lii inly or finish' so well with it. Old) lit 'CI S (live us ii root, never ao old and leaky. Silver'! Mineral PnnitH will make it cheaply new und lll.iie I'llituraiu ll'ail 11 ever was. SlllI'Mliiimr Ihis extra ordinary Mineral us we prepare itfirtlietn. vvnl I prsil" uiraiiiat Ihe nc'.ion ol hot aui.a W'lrius aid h ih water. ( Pn'AI.ISIt and Hl ll.lll'.!!? ore invited to make strict scrutiny int tlie merits o'' tl.eie Pain's. They will rind a very irreal reduction niiulit he imule III the cost ol pain. liar. ' Tiiese Paints urn purely mineral ; nil eliiVHiliid oilier impuritl! me wnshed mil III pre(mlliia ineru 101 ine ) market. Tln-v est Iml half Ihe tice(,f white lead, nnd the s-ii iiiiutilv will eovir twice he surface, mid la.-t aix times ua I n.' which in lael reduces tho price to o twelfth. Climate has no ea'eet on this Paint, nnd is equally Vahialile in the e-i, 1'aiilldas or our funny I'lorilla. IHKI I I luvs I'se l.insceil Oil. mix as thick ns vo u. anil uc ns other pain's. The'C l'ninls need but little drver. and f I pr iil' und second eoatinil in rill liou vv irk they will he found far cheaper tin I in 're dura ble lhan lend. Dealers and consumer mu procure litis Psmt wlcleFnle and retail "f I'lil'M'll A' HUH AIM'S. X. W. Corner lO'.h nutl Market Sis.. Philadelphia. rieueinl Wli-dearili! A'.-'nts : nls I inporters of Plate and Colored Window Oh,' lea!v:a in Drugs, l'ain'.s, &c. Match I.I, l-V.'. .'lino. HARDWARE, CUTLERY AliD GUNS. :'c.t 31 tV 33 Muriel Street, rriILA3LP ITIAs rjAHU sulsciibcrs would call the attention of luivers lo their stock of Hardware, consisting of Table and Pocket Knives. Guns, Chains, I. oi ks, Ilo'loware, &e.. Ac. W'c would rcconi mend lo all, our Kiiciless Cltiiin Vumps, a new article now gclt'in?; into general use which we enn fiiini-h complete at about one hall the price paid for the old style Pump, also a new ar ticle of I'lK C Dlllir (.Oi k's, each Lock suited either for rh.'lit or left hand doors, willi mineral or white knobs. Our stock of CslUlvi is larRC and well select ed, romprisinff sintjle and doulde luirrcls, Himlish and German make. All poods can be returned if not found lo be as represented. Country mer chants would do well to call on us before pur chasing elsewhere. Wheelwrights and carriapo makers supplied with goods suited to their business, hv calling on W. H. & (i. W. AU.K.X. Xos. 31 A: 33 Market Street, Philadelphia. February, 21, ISiS Gmo. IIARRISBTJRG STEAM WOOD mniMMl AXIJ SCKOI.I, SAWING -- SHOP. Wood Turninr; in all its branches, in city style and at city prices. Kvery vnrieiy of Cuhinct and Carpenter work cither on hand or turned to order. l!cd Posts, Ualusters. Rosetts, Slat and Quar ter Mouldings, Table, Newell Posts, Put Icrns, Awning Posts, Wairon Hubs, Columns, Kotitid or Octatron Chisel Handles, Arc. IV This shop is in STKAWBKKRY AI. I.EV, near Third Street, and as we intend lo lease ull our customers who want pood work done, it is hoped that all the trade wil' give us a cull. I.i?" Teu-Pins and Ten-Pin Ball made to or der or returned. The attention of Cabinet Makers and Carpen ters is called to our new style of TWlsT MOU.UINGS. Printer's II islet a ut l per 100 feet. W. O. HICKOK. rehruary 7, 1852 ly. MACKEBEL, SHAD, CODFISH, SALMON. HEKBINGS, POKK. HAMS AND SIDES, Slllll l inlfs. Constantly on hand nnd for sale bv J. PALME It iV Co.. f Market St. Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. LAUD AND CHEESE. J March 13, '5S.-3m Bonnets, Hats and Millinery (lootls! MERCHANTS and Milliners when in Phil adelphia to purchase their good, will find it to their interest to examine our large and fash ionable stock of STRAW GODES. We manufacture largely and 1 mi-out the Ntwr.T SrrLi or Foreign Fabric in our line ; which together with other advanta ge enable us to oiler lilieral inducements to lit ri.u. It. A. CKOOKEU, & CO., Nos. 47 and 40 Chestnut Street, and No. S6 South Second Street, west side, near Chestnut, Philadelphia. December S7, l3l. WANTED TO BORROW rpWELYE IU NDHED DOLLAR i lwo -- sum of six hundred dollar each, lor which good freehold security will be given. Addreas M. W. Sunbury, Feb. 29, 185'.' tf. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN- GElt, a freh supply just received, and for sale by II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1853. EE BILLS. Justices and Cun.table Fee Bills handsomely printed pneaid paper, for ti tt thisotfice. "AID AND C0MI0RT," lo Yocir Own 'JTIcch.niici. GEOUGE KENX. MAXC'fACTl REU OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. '"THE subscriber respectfully cnlls the attention of the public to his hirrjc and splendid assort ment of every quality slid price of VAHIXI3T-WAIII'.. which cannot fail to rciommend Itself toevery one who will emtniine it, on account of its durable workmanship nnd splendid finish, made up of the best stock lo he had in the city. No eliort is spared in thn manufacture of his ware, and the subscrilier is determined to keep up with the marry improvements which are constantly being made. His slock consists of Mahogany Sola, CsivmtM nnil I.ounc4", Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOF.t, DIIEAKFAST AND DIMM. T.1SLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, eipial to Phila- dclphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, Ct'PROATlDS. WOIHC AXD CANDLE STANDS. TOII.KT TABLES AND EXTENSUIN" TABLES, in short, every article in this line of his business, lie also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAINS, including varieties never before to be had ir ISuirbury, such as MtnotiANr, Blacu Wuvi-t ivii CtiiLKii Maplk Gukciax ; ami Win I. son CHAIKS, ami VAM-r Piami Stools, which are of tho latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to ptirchaso furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware ami Chairs. His articles will 1 disposed of on as good terms as they can he purchased elsewhere. Coun try Product) taken in paviiirnt for work. r?T I NDEIiTAKINt;. Having provided himself with a handsome II ki list., ho is now prepared for I ndertakiiiir. and attention; funer als, in this vicinity, or ut any convenient dis tance from this place. ry The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's tStore and Weaver's Tavern. GKOIvGE KENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. books i: i, 1. 1; it , Brctndwny, BOBUEY, PA. TUSST received nnd for sale, a fresh supply of for f-'inpina; Schools, lie is nlso opening at this time, a larjre assortment of Books, in evcrv branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Homauces, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children's Books, Bibles; School, Pocket nnd Family, both with and without Ihirav hi:;s, ami every of vari ety of Hilidinir. Prayer Books, of till kinds. Travels. Yoyiincs and Adventures, all ol which will be sold low, either for cush, or coun try produce. Sunbury, Jan. 31, 1j-.j2 tf. THE GERMAN WASILINCI roWDUI.S tSfi considered by thousands who have tested it, as being the greatest Scientific Wonder of the. World! Entirely doinj; away with that laborious auJ in jurious practice of rubbing Ihe CLOTHES vi'u.N nn: WASIIBOAUD, And a (:reat savin ; of TIME, LAIJOU AND EXPENSE. N. B. To prevent fraud and imposition, (for many arc trying to palm oil' article put up like mine.) Ihe" Proprietor. I. P. HOVT, will put his V KITTEN SIGNATI'P.E on the top la bel of every Package. And he only asks an tuliglitriiti! I'ullir not to confound Tin: ;i:ni.N yvasiiim; powdi i-.s willi others that are in the miuket. It is put up in Packages w illi full directions, and sold nt the nominal price nf 12) cents. It" PK1NTEKS will Iiml it (trcatlv to advan tage to purchase those Powders to cleanse thsir TYPES AND HOLLERS, being a very superior article for that purpose. Manufactured only by I. P. HOYT. at his Laboratory nnd Principal Depot, No. 10 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia. Wholesale and lie tail Agents : Henry Masser, Sunbury ; S. B, Dciiorinandie, Northumberland. Ki'incmhcr the name GEB.MAN WASHING FI.l'ID. All letters to be post paid. November 22, ls.1I. Ohio. J O II A A. II A It'll I S', Manufacturer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestic Sejars, Also, a general assortment of I.ral'sSi IrHuiUil'.H Icirctl Tobarro, CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar- kct price. Corner of Cl.ei.tnut St., and harves, Pluladelpbia, Dcccniber '. IS.jI. 1 v. E. S. JOKES & CO., CORNER of Fourth nnd Race Streets. Pub lishers of the Model Architect, l.vSAMl'EI. SLOAN, Architect, to be completed in 2 1 month ly parts. The above work is diVemcd to meet the w ishes not only of those directly interested in buildings, but of all who desire the advancement of this no ble art in our country, and wish to cultiv ate their tastes and aeipuiiiitauce v illi architecture. Tile handsome Inulini r in w hich it is prepared und embelli-hcd, renders it a tasteful ornament for Ihe drawing-room, while ils accurate delineations give it the highest practical value. No. 1. 'i &3 now ready lor delivery. Prico 50 cent per number. Address as above, post paid. May :i, 1S31. lv. Dec. '0. 1S51. ATTCPslTZT i.T LAV. Office in street Snnhury, opposite ' ir- r..i.,i i II on o IIUIO J El'SINESS will be promptly attended to in the Countie of Northumberland, I'nion, Columbia and .Montour. Snnhury, Oct. 11, 1S.11. ly. THOMAS PALMER, CO Ji: MISSION' JIKKCIIAXT, No. 6, North Wharves, Where tho following rjooil are received and sold on conimission, Dried Apples, Peaches, Plum, Pear, Cherries, A c., Green Apple in Barn I or by the Bushel, Beans, Peu, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Shclburks, Chestnuts, Ground Nut, Oranges, Lemons, Baisins, Kis. Prunes, Grapes, Poultry, Ejjirs, Butter, Cheese. And ull kind of Portion and Domestic Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1S51 ly. OLD PENS with nnil without rflftCx. nf a H very superior ipialitv. just received. A I. V i. ,.. . t vi :.: i'i..: I c. I. m lieaii aiiiujr ui iiiiuiz r lino, iim n.uo by H. B. MASSEI!. Sunbury , Dec. 27, 18.M. It AOKS. A aupciior article for sale at th store of IIEAU lAOOt.iv. Sunbury. Feb. 18, 18 50 HAND BILLS neatly printed on new type promptly neculed t this oirice. Al' blanVs, of all kinds on superior paper, unbury, Feb. li, 185'-'. "TO PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. L. PELOUZK'S Philadelphii Typd Foundry. fircnt Itrdiictloii In TyM?n milE undersigned hegs leavs lo cull th ' -B- lion of Printers snrl Publishsrs to Ik r" re lured prices of his I yps, vn i Tcarl. 81,08 Minion, Agate, 72 Drcvief, Nonpareil, S I'outgroii, Lone Primer. 34 Small Pisa, 41 43 1 I Pics. 30, and all other type in proportion. But "lsmjj to encourag cash payments, tin) subsenhsf will make a still larger deduction of from 1 t 1 per cent, for cash. Havim? greatly enlarged and improved hi establishment, he Mailers himself t be nble lo supply his customers with greater des patch than most of his competitors. He has constantly on hand Cases. Chases, Composing Sticks. Stands, Brass and Wooden Galloys, and nil oilier materials used in Printing; Office. All orders thankfully received nnd promptly at tended to at the North West Corner of 3d 1 Chestnut streets. L. PELOUZE. N. B. Old Type Inkcn In er.change for dsW nt nine cents per pound. Philadelphia, Dec. 20, 1S.1L- tf. MOHK (lOOI) NEWS!! IIORE HEW GOODS ! ! JOHN YOUNG, MAS just received and opened a fresh ani general assortment of Pall and Winter Goods, of the newest nnd best styles, consisting in part ef D2tv c.oous, t;i!0 i:5ili:s, CTJEENSWARE. Hardware Iron nnil Mcil, Nails, U., ALSO: SILK AND SLOUCH HATS, MILITARY AND CLOTH CAPS. Gum Shoes, Pish, Salt, &o. All of which he will sell at lbs most reasonable prices for cash or country produce. (ive him n cull und try his prices. Sunbury, Nov 2'J, 1S51. MORE NEAV GOODS! & GRANT. pESPECTFKLLY inform the publie and 'the rest of inankiiid," that they have ie- ceived a large assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, of every variety of style, consisting in part of line assort inent of Cloths, Ctisrimercs, Merinos, Hfoussclint it Lains, Calicoes, Muslins, Lhecks, and every vSiicty of Dry Goods. Also a large assortment of GIIOC'EHICS, SITU AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also an assortment of EARDWAEE and" QUEEN3WARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a trcsh supply of Ulll'CS AND MKIirlXKS. ry Country produce of ull kinds taken in ev chan.'e at Ilie highest market price. Sunbury, Nov. tf, 1851. NEW GOODS ! J. II. KAIWMAX At His fv More in Hullowini Rnn, pESPECrFI.'I.LY informs his friends and customers, that he has just received a new slock ol irooils. which hu uli'crs to the publie al the lowest pi ices, viz: Tall usid Wlnler KJrj Good4, Sl'CH AS Chillis, Cassimercs, Sattinetls. Merinoi, Mmisstline De Lames, Flannels and every variety of sood suitable for the season. Also Silk Hats, Caps, Ac. ALSO : An assortment of Hardwure. A Lsi): All Kinds, of (iroceries. A I.SO : A variety of Quecnsvvure, Crockery, &. Besides a variety of other articles, suitable lot farmers, eve. All kinds of produce taken in exchange br soods at the highest market price. Hollowing Bun, Oct. V.r), 1H51. tf. riicnbc Pire & Thief Proof Iron Chssta. fits 'JriZ ! ?.tJr' lyARHANTED to stand erjtial heat with any other Chests in the country, and ta defy the' ingenuity. Maiiul.ictory, No. Ml liudsou's Alley, runiiini; between Third and Fourth si reels, south of Chesnut, and ill the rear cf the Girard Bank. M. iV. S., the proprietors, are Practical Me chanics, and feel com. lent, from lon experience in the uianul'acture ol' Iron Chests und Safes, and u special :it 'cut ii m to this particular branch, uf -mil.,' satisfaction to all who may give them s call. N. B. We have selected one of the beat mir. ends ever used as a iioucimluctor of heat ut this business, und we warrant our Chests and S'.li to be made of the la-st material and in Ihe n.ost durable maimer, and lo sUuJ any Imat that can he applied to llicin. MII.NOB & SHAW, Manufactory No. Iil Hudson' Alley. Buiinini; between llrd and 4th streets, S of Ches nut, in the rear of Girard Bank. Philadelphia, Oct. So, 1S51. ly J. 1. BITTERICIT, A'o 7S Xortk S' '(., Ltlu-ern Arch and 7.'a Sln PHILADrLrillA. HEREBY informs the public that lie import and constantly keeps on hand at his new store. No. 78 North Sd St., a lurcc assortment of Fori'in Fancy (loods, Musical Jnnlrumtnfs, Picture V Painli, which he will sell at the lowest prices. His stock, in part, consist of, Acconleons, Violins. Music, Parlor and Bar Room Or San, Mclodcon, Seraphiuc, Mulheinalical In struments, Manuel, Spy and Opera Glasses, Stuliooerv of all kinds, Pocket Book, Bronte Powder, Dutch McUl, G..U and Silver Leaf, Scale of all kinds, Snu.T and Tobacco Boies, Lithographic Paint, Copiwr Plate slid Steel Eu pruvim;, and picture of every vuriety. Ale Gilt Frame Mouldimr of variom size. Dealers, Country Mcrcliatils, aud Pedlars, sap plied St reasonable prices. December "!0, 1SS1. tf. 4 RNOLD'S WRITING FI.l'ID snd Adhs- i sive snd legal envelope, for sale by II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, nr 10, 1852.- fjvlssl E PAPER. Yellow Tissue psper r I coveriri glasses, 4c, for sale at the ollicctf th American. I