Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 10, 1852, Image 1
...... I-.,:.: ; J. , X SLJr H. B. MASSEE, EDITOll ATP PllOPIUETOrt. JJSST' OFFICE, MARKET STREET, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. Sl-jranrtla uuispi)cr-Dclotrii to jjolftics, aftcraturr,, jmcfflit an Domestic ilctos, scfntcr.antt the aits, aorfcultitrr, ittaruets, amusements,' c Ni'lAV SlilUF.S VOL. n, NO. 3. TERMS OF THE AMERICAN. srX"K Af,;n,f'A' published everv fditimlnv nt rVl) JHJI.I.AIIH per Minium In he pniil Imlf yearly in nilyaiice.i No pnjwr discontinued until all nrrt-nnicm arc frai.l. All c-mrflrniicntiont or letters on lnisine. renting l ".he ollict, to insure intention, nm.t l TOST I'All). . TO C'LL'HS. Tarre copin to one address, .i oil Si-vnr , huki t'lUMlll , D , .jium Five dnllara l.i ailvanrn will puy for thre vein's uh. wnpiiun to Hie Ainerictiii. One SannieoflO lines, 3 timet, Kvmy nUeiiueiit insertion, i S'limre, a inonllis, ix inoiiliis, XJne ywir,' u Husiiioas ('mill of Flva Hurt, per nnniim, Mert'tiuuts and otliera. ailverlimiiK by the year, with the nririli'pe of iiimM-tiiig- linrcreiit MlveTtianrnmila weekly. t3r" Lurgui Advertisements, as per agrteiueut. V 1 1'" V Sim 5' ill SOU ' lion 10 Oil A T T 0 II N J3 Y A T L A W , EDIfSUBV, PA. B mines attended to in tlie Counlics of Nor thumberland, Union, Lycoming anil Columbia. ' " Kefer lot P. & A. llovoudt, Lower At llarron, Somer fi Snodsrass, Hcvnolds, McFarland & Co., ISpcriiig, Good & Co., JAMES J. NAILLE7. Attorney nnd Counsellor at Law, SUNBURY, PA. T( IT1LI, nttom! fnithfully and prnmitly lo rfll ' proftasioiuil buKinras, ill Kortliuiiiliprfcintl mid Union counties, llu funiiliur wMi llic Gfrniun laiicjinigc. OTKICK :- Opposite tlie "Lawrence House," k few doors from tlie Court llouc. Sunliury, Aug. 16, 1851. ly. KPRIKG AND SUMMER CLOTHING. "K VKKYHOUV sliou'd emUraec this oppurlir nily to buy CLOTHINO for Men, Youth and Hoys, ut suili prices an have never et lii en known in tliis I'itv.. nt C.KOlMiK (M l.l.N'S CLOTIHNU E8TAHU.sll.MRXT, Soutli-EiMl Corner of Market and iSecond Street, l'liilmlel I'liiu, embracing; a elioicc of tlie best, must dr. Ara ble, and fashionable DRESS AND FROCK COATS, Habit Cloth do.,' Linen Drilling dn Twceda, &c., Slc, together with a great variety of 1 . . Boys' Clothing:, ' . Coiwisting of Sack Coats; l'olka Jiic i. is, Mon key Jackets, Vests and Hound Jackets made of Tweed, Linen Drilling, Cloth, Aljiaeca, Kcrsa nirr,, ic, A c. ' . Particular care has lieen taken to procure the new styles for Men and Boys' Summer Coals, j'lintaloons, Vests, &c, to which ho would iuv ile xpeciul attention. Furnishing Goods, Consisting of Shirts, Stocks, Handkerchiefs. Ac: ill of which ore ottered at the loireil Pa-n'e task Prices, nnd as cheap as any other Clothing Store in the Union. , Parents who desire Bots' Clotiiiso nie car testly invited to cxamiuo the Stock. Country Storekeepers can be accommodated at ery low tutcs; ..; GEOKGn CULIX. '-. . Corntr of Second If Market Sis 1'liihi. April 19, 1831. tf. . iiXNIXIGODS 811 IE subscriber has constructed a LIGHT-- IS'IXG KOU on true Philosophical prim i 'esl by which buildings supplied wilh them are mlered perfectly secure agninut destruclion by ;hlning. 'J'he comiection and insulation of the d, as well as the preparation of the ground rod, on an entirely new pbin, making a moro i r rt conductor than any heretofore in line. Measures have lwen taken to secure Letters Kent for the improvement. Persons desirous of securing their lives n ml opiirty from destruction by lightning, can hiiu nductois put up lo their buildings in the must rfect and subslantiul manner, by applying ei r perBoually " or by letter, to the undersigned, the following prices: r 10 ft, with a good iver plated point !?10,0(l r 40 ft, with gold plated point, p!ali- ,;,, J2-5 d twenty cents for everv additional foot over v .. . . . . . T. S. MACKEV. Vlilton, Sept. 6, 1851 ly. . . lden's Condensed Reports pf Penna.' !.U$T tfubliihed, and for sale by the subs.ti- ter-the Strand Volume of Alden's .'un ited Pennsylvania Heports, containing the tlu'ee volumes of Ye.ilc' Keporls, and two ' niiiiiw of Binnev's Heuorts. The lirst vol- Tof Alden, containing Dallas' Reports, 4 'and YeuUV KeporU, volume i, U also , ' , e l MM,.. nltnvA Iwn v.Otun.'d 4 vl- a, ano nr saiu. -- piete within themselves, and contain all of las' Sports, 4 olhmes, and all of Yeates' trig 4 volumes, besides the two Ijrst volumes iflnry's Reports. The third volume is ready trill beiHit to press immediately. V; H. B. MASSE It, Agent InUiry, Aug. 10, 1851. TATIONAI4 HOTEL, 'V.-SHAMOKIN, '?K9rtlminberland County, Pa. snjuicrilier respectfully informs hisfriembi d the public generally, that he has open r Uatcl In the town of teliaujokin, Nor rUmJ tountv, on the corner of Sliainokiu ,v"r ,., ........i ,,. ii10 iaHrtifree reei, m-ui.j u,.,..-. BeVotuicrly kept, ile is well prepared to odute x guests, olid is also prov ided Jui-tabling. 11 tru9U W,H 'Xltfrteuce. iht ittYntioa to business, will induce p Mltng H coal region to continue the h riii 'e be has heretofore received. WILLIAM WEAVER, uuon, April 19, 1850-tf. . tAMES II. MAGE l iue street, w ,,- St (hefn CaVhdl If Willow,) s, has eoiwtuntly on hand, ' ' STOUT, POKXJSJi, Ale and Cider, . . k6MG CONSUMPTION Oil BHlPriNQ. Lowing. B"t,,in' vire ,nJ Boltle. fTf' J'or sate as aliove. Mutual Inmrance Company. 4 1 sfPKR fa the local agent for Ihe Knnu Cinnpany, in Nortuum!er ,j j, ,t all fime ready lo sllect f rf lira oa teal or personal jiro f policiea ftr the aaine. VVS, 1861 ini.lebra'uu iuk, and also Coii ilvii.rholosl r'ta'1 M,I. - H B MASSE R. SELECT POETRY. THE LINGERING WINTER. BV R. T. CONRAD "He that coelh for'.hiiml weept'lh, In tiring pipcioim si'eils, nliiill ilonbllrss roniu Hpnin wilh if'i'iicinfr, l)iiiipiii his slieavea wilh liini." l'.wlm c.vxvi, C. Tim siinw-flakes ki Ihu plnughmnn's crim son'il face ; llu piinlfs the share nml turns the furrow mill With mmily pntitMice mid wilh inensr.teil pilCf. Nor liertU lh Winter lingering on tin? hill. The fnamv flond roars, sullen, ihrnni'fi the v.Mi"; The crow. flocks flap tlie blast with labor ing winus, Tli" bine o:ik shivers in the Northern gale ; lint on its topmost bough the b!iu-biiJ eniL'S. It sini.' "f Spring the plonghmati hears Iho sill i; Of biidal April nml of bloom i'i ifr May, Ami 8 he treads, with sturdy slcp. "lo"P, linpe in his bo.-oni, sings tlie sell' s..ine lay. He hears the summer rusllin in his corn. Cloud chases cloud across his bendirjj t'iain ; The mowers scythe-son ;rei;ts llm gulden tnoru ; The soft evu welcomes home the loaded WUKl. ' j And Autumn's wealth, its pleasures and its piide, His hi-ait with joy. his ear wilh music fill; lbs plough In; billows with a quicker stride, Nor Ic'i'ds tlie Winter lingering on the hid. ! Thus to tin; Christian ; whrrcsoe'er he i on m, r'anlinu the lliient, .tric or the Isles, Or the I losl-lettered lieldii alas, nf home A prom is. 'it haivesl 'mid llm Winter smiles. , Spring coy and cold, the laborers faint nnd few ; t The hard, rnnizh glebe unyielding to the ! share 'Th' shrill blast shrieks the leafless forest ! thruuuh. Hut, from on high, a voice di'pels despair. Before him. the redeemed Christ's harvest stand ; And busts with hymns of praise his bo som tlnill, His plouuh ho seizes, with a strengthened hand ; Nor bee In the Winter lingering on the hill ! 3, Select (Tale. CRAZY MARY; OR, THIS DKTFimiSATlOX TO .HAIIIIY I'OK WEALTH. Leaf No. III. from the Journal of ! Toii3'i2!iel, .TI- liY J. E. Jl'lJlltn, M. D. CHAPTER I. The old college clock had just struck sev- 1 en, and its echo s were dying away as we : emerged from the relectorv, after supivr, ' 1 nil ibe hist ilae nf I hp rnl le.riate nnd of (he college session. The period of our stu- ! dies had terminated, and the whole evening was our own, witnout me tear 01 a cuius oeo. i.... .11 a.,.,, i.uvwuu a.o. ai.u nell took our ace.iistnined nromenade a on" I 1he middleterrace of Ihecollege yard. We walked long, until, from their homes in the heavens, came out the beautiful stars, Ihe turrets upon which rest the angel watchers who guard the footsteps of the children of men. The lofty Clue Ridgp, clothed with its .,rmm, ;,f ctr..i.l,:n,r ., , f!(, l as the eve could reach, marked distinctly ! its summit upon Ihe western horizon. IJe- tween us and the mountain stood the nia- i iiific.ent college editice, built of granite, ' with its ljfty steeple top away up above the clouds. Tall and beautifully symmet rical poplar fringed the terrace borders. Silence reigned around, unbroken, except, occasionally, by the notes of the night-bird from the adjoining groves, or the j lyous laugh of little knots of enfranchised s'.u dents,"who were scattered Ijere and there, rejoicing in the prospect of a speedy and happy reunion with the loved and dear ones plans for their enjoyment during the period ot vacation. On we walked, stopping only jiow and then with the nearest groups to ex change a word ; lor we too were planning not enjoyment for the six weeks vacation,! but for lifetime. That day was the last of our college lile. Togither had we received our honors, and proud (elt we of the (lis-J tinction conferred by Xhelrtium Baecalmir turn. '. With the usual confidence in our pow ers and acquirements, we 'never dreamed "but that now iniirht plan, and that the stubborn things of life must accommodate themselves to the course we then and there marked out for them. The sunshine of the future, as it rose enrobed with the hopes of our young hearts, smiled upon scenes each more beautiful as it progressed on its course ; it beheld n world which fancy alone can frame, which experience can never realize. With the usual f resumption and inexperi ence of bur years, we imagined that we could piake a paradise even of a desert. Did time justify our expectations No, in deed. Not thatt the, world deserved the blame for our failure ; it is not so bad a place, after all, as the sentimentalists would have us believe. They make a pack-horse of it, and load it down w ith all their errors and misfortunes. "Oh ! this wicked, this miserable world !" they exclaim. Rather SUXHUIIY, NOUTIIUAinKKLAM) COUNTY, PA., EATUHDAY, AIM.IL lO. heller, had they snid of themselves, Miser alile Cools, to he so short-sighted !" lint Iho world is a tolerably pood place, and many people live happiiy in it too, which they could not do if we were to credit all that was s iitl nain.'t it. A person beholds, in a swamp, an iriixfufittts, while he passes up on the well-paved highway, lie leaves that highway to pursue the object, which floes from him os he advances, and, as he blunders along and splashes through water and nmJ, now ankle and now knee deep, and is at last brought to a halt, because he has stuck fast in the mire, while the object of his pursuit slill dances on before, as if to allure him slill farther, he exclaims, " A t i s -crable, wretched, wicked swamp, t j hold thus fast in your filthy embrace the person of so distinguished a beinj as mvself!" While dnotlier might, perhaps, be tempted lo irreverently nay, ".Miserable fool, to leave (lie beaten path, and place yourself in such a predicament !" How often happens it thus that the inex perienced involve themselves, thoughtless ly, in difficulties which embitter the foun tains of life, and then blame the world in stead of themselves ! Our error is that we expect too much from it, and we murmur if we do not obtain the 'lion's share." "So, Tourniquet, you say that you have no fixed purpose for the future?" 'Yes: as I have told you, J intend to leave the direction of my future life in the hands of him who furnished me wilh the means of advancing thus far." 'Perhaps you are right ; but my father can have no claim upon tne in that wav. The means by which I have been enabled to live here came like drops ol blood from his avaricious heart, and now he e -orcls me to make my living by my acquirements without again troubling him. Therefore, 1 am obliged to decide lor mvself how I shall do this: and 1 have decided in part, leav- ing the rest t ) mere chr.t.ce." "And what course do you intend to pur sue. nrav " First, I will engage myself as a tutor in some respectable family until I have secur ed sufficient means to enable me to acquire a profession ; what thai shall be, must de pend upon circumstances." As you have pianm d so far, when, may I do you intend to marry '." "Wheni viT I may he able to suit my1 self as I propose." "And how may that be ?" i i i'. i c. .i - ...:r. ...i. j "MUCH 1 IlilH' lOIIIIll, uisi, ti w lie VVUIJ ! will be rich; second, handsome; and, j third, accomplished ; but on the first quali fication only will I insist." "So then you propose to marry for j wealth alone! Do I rightly understand?" "You have understood me rightly. I'or I wealth, and wealth only, will I marry." "Yon will oiler upon the alter of Mam j mon the holiest inqnilseb and feeelings that dwell will. in your heart, 'leaping up like angels,' to shed around your pathway the light of the only happiness earth can know or Heaven realize. Oh ! l.alor, we have long been friends, and I never .supposed i that J should think so lightly ol you as 1 do since you have oiven utterance to such a determination." "You may think of me as you phase; only do not suppose ne to be a hypocrite. When you have seen as much of life as I have seen, yon will he less inclined lo sen timentality. From what I have already told you, you know how I have learned to value money. Kvery tittle of my educa tion, from childhood ur.til I anchored my little bark by this hallowed shore, has en graved upon my heart, in characters, to be never erased, the truth that money is the great and only good ; and, therefore, will U)e po,ioIl llf it b(. ,ny ,,m aJ ajm . . . . "The truth ! rather say the falsehood. Does it heal the wounds of the lacerated heart ? Can it add one moment to the hours of the wretched outcast who is upon the brink of eternity? Can it restore life to the loved and dear departed ? or can it open (or you a passage to that betti r wor! 'ihcu " "r rest i ii g-place uereaiier io which is our resting-place herealter? Slri,le as y fl)r.'' ?4e Il0!io1- ably, and you will obtain it ; lor, though not the greatest good, il may be to you a j means ol doing good. Struggle, then, for j it ; but never for a moment entertain the j thought of bartering your happiness for i what at best you can hut briefly enj y. I JVever deceive the faithful heart that may ! bind itw-lf to you, trustfully confiding in your -promises of love; if you do, rvmtm her Hint lil'crlif, lilttlj will you repent of a'." 'Talk to your monn and stars about your mar.'iiL'es lor love, if you will ; mv pur pose is fixed, and time may ti ach you to ! l" d 1 . . . ,L . ",rr will I be if it dors." The clear tones of the nine o'clock bell, summoning all to prayer, broke out uxni the stillness it tliemglit, and sent its echoes away up the Blu Ridge, and fiom its tops to heaven, a notice that worshippers on earth were humbly kneeling to thank the Father who preserved them during the day, and to beg his watchfulness over their .'dumber, during the night. Breakfast was over on the following morning. The eqaches, which were to convey us home, were waiting. Our trunks had been strapped on, and the gen eral good-by exchanged. Edward Lalor stood upon the steps as I came up, and he reached out his hand for the last clasp. "Gjod-by, Tourniquet," said he, while the tears atood in his large eyes, "and, if ever we meet again on earth, I hope I shall be able to prove to you that I am happy with my lot." I could only reply to him, "Beware" and away rattled the vehicle in which lie rode, followed, in a few moments, by the one in which I traveled, leaving behind us all except theSnernories which hang round tho heart, like tbrt perfume of withered flowers, and undiminished even in their fa ded loveliness. . . CHAPTER II. . Years had elapsed since our parting. For me, the romance had grVen place lo the reali ties of life, I had b urned to place a juster estimate upon wisdom and human folly. I had learned, loo, to withhold censure upon human wea!;ne.-se and errors, from the conviction that p' rh t tioii is not one of the attributes of i,nr mortality. 1 had learned that the splendid visions of youth were nev er fully realized ; that I was not to find hu man nature as perfect as I had anticipated ; and I had tdso learned lo draw the veil of charity over the common errors of men, lo bear patiently with their failinps and their follies, and to strive lo make them better. Years hud elapsed, T have said, fine Ihe morning of our parsing in the old college yard, and our next meeting was upon the steps of th.j hall of entrance into the medi ical depigment ot the University of Penn sylvania. It was by a strange coincidence that it so happened. I had gone there to attend the lectures of Ihe distinguished men who conduct that renowned institution, for (he purpose of belter qualifying myself to discharge th-' duties ot a 'new position to which I had been raised ! while Lalor came Irom the sunny South, nnd far away, whither had been his residence. From the day of our puling until that day, neither had heard of the other; and, but for the remarkable shape of his chin, which pro jected forwards' lue an advanced guard to his nose, and th- peculiar step, which could scarce !.. imitated for the foot came flat upon tho ground, nnd, in progression, was gradually rais-d from the heel to the toe, presenting a resemblance to tbecising and falling (.fan approaching wave ; but for !h-sf peculiarities, he might have parsed me unrecognized, so changed was he. The ruddy hue of halth had departed from his face, and the white hairs mingling with the black, as they strayed over his hollow tem ples, indicated middle age; yet his form was upright as ever, and hi.-; tail, command ing person, his broad and full forehead and i agle eye, would cause him to be observed among the distinguished young men who yearly throng the halls of the fir.-t medical school in America. . Arm in arm, we entered the leclure room. The celebrated Professor Chapman was lecturing on the diseases of the brain and nervous system. As he proceeded to unfold his subject, and dwell upon the di agnosis and prognosis, detailing the treat ment of ni-ntal diseases when there is hope of restoration, the rapt attention, the eager gaze, the hali-open mouth of mv compan ion evinced how carefully he was treasur ing up every word. Put, when the lectu rer laid down the indications- which shut out hope, which determine that the light of the intellect has gone out forever, and that darkness envelopes the s.iul, Lalor's countenance became j ale as death, and he trein'iied like an aspen leaf. His eye was fixed, and his vacant stare would make one dread that his own mind was allected by derangement. When the hour had elap sed, he was evidently unable to attend the lecture of the next Professor, and we went out for a stroll upon Chestnut Street and down to ihu Delaware. Even the ftv sli air did nut levive him; and the busy throngs, as they hurried along, so annoyed him that, alter walking two or three squares, we re turned to his boarding-house, lie was ill, and to my inquiry, "What was the nat ter!" he merely replied, "I will be better t )-monow, and then I have much to tell you of my life since last yon saw tne. Oh ! Tourniquet, would to God I had followed your advice! How much of misery would I have been spared ! But it is now too 1 11 e and, clasping his hands over his eyes, he wept like a child. Next day I went early to see him ; he was better able to relate to me the lullow ing : "When," said he "I parted forever from our dear, dear old mountain home, I return ed to my father's bouse. I soon became awuv that I must hew out my own path way through life, and that, too, without a hope that cue h-lpiug hand would be extended to mv aid, when the heat of the day or (he toil might oppress me. I de parted thence v. it'iout bid ling my father gool-by; but, as I left the old homestead, and stood upon the tumniit of the last hill where 1 in.ght o itain the fart well view o' lh abode of n.y childhood, the nv m ories of my youth opened the heart that had been seared against my father, and, while the tears filled Iny eyes, I turned them from that scene heavenward to the happy dwelling-place of my departed no ther,"and pray 'd to her to watch and direct the foois'eps of her more than or phaned sou. Had Providence spared her to me, how (liiferent would have been my di stin y ! Thrown, thus poor and destitute, upon the world, I exre ienc d, quickly, the evils of poverty, and my first determination to escape them "came backaga'n more strong ly than ever. To the South I directed my footsteps. The fust place at which I slop peJ was ,in Mississippi. My educa tion soon obtained for me a situation as private tutor ii) the family of Judge V . Ilis son und daughter were my pupils. For three yetrs I labored in my new vocation, and three happier years were never spent than were those to me. My pupils grew up almost under my eyes. I loved them both, because they were my pupils; and I loved one for another reason because he was beautiful, and loved me, and bi cnuse Iter father wus rich. I knew that I was loved, from the thousind unmistakable lit tle evidence's wliich lovers only know how to interpret '; and when I first breathed into the heart of that pure and gyileless girl Hie story of my aflection for her, my better na ture, prevailing over my pernicious educa tion, ji d me to promise her a love which I really thouglit 1 felt, and forever! ' Fearing to dissipate the dream of happiness in which I imagined myself, 1 delayed the necessary appeal to Mary', father to sanction our mu utuuaiui tual enjoyment, and, by that delay, the ap peal was never made ; for, in a few short weeks, he fell a victim to the fever of the climate. The tutor, by a kind of right, re mained With the orphans; nnd willingly did I strive to sustain the courage of the be reaved young heart of my betrothed with the promises of unchanging love. "Judge P had been supposed to he v-ry wealthy ; but, like many other men, when the day of settlement came, he had bequeathed to his orphans more debts than means to liquidate them, so that my betroth ed was penny less. No one had been made aware that we were plighted, that we loved; but Coil h"d htnrd our promise, yet I then forgot. Hint. Forced again to depend upon mvsell lor support, and baflled in hopes of securing a fortune by a marriage with the daughter of Judge P , I had no idea of burdening myself with a new charge which would fetter me to the ills of that poverty with which I had already struggled so stubbornly ; which had made me selfish nnd crushed, with its iron heel, all the noble impulses of my soul, permitting liberty on ly the sordid and base aspirations for gold. "As no one knew of my engagement wilh Mary P : , I had no popular opinion to combat ; th-re was nothing to bind me but a simple pledge, which could be easily broken. Yit that pledge had been given it was registered in heaven, and now stands there against me ! Without even a fare well, I Jell for farther south, in hopes of obtaining another situation. For two tedmns:, weary years, I traveled and taught by turns: but there was no longer any rest for rue. From the hour 1 left until Ibis hour, God only knows the misery I have endured. Awake, the image of the il-ceived and deserted one was ever before mv eves, and I would start from my sleep w ith the sound of that familiar voice ringing in my ears 'In mercy, spare!' "At last I could endure this torture no longer ; I must go mad il I did it. 1 deter mined to relurn again, redeem my promise, nnd give peace to my heart; for I had now been convinced that there is no peace for that heart in which dwells the consciousness of deep injury wilfully inflicted. I did re turn; but where was my betrothed then, think you ? The inmate of a lunatic asy lum, and pronounced, too, incurable ! When I stood before her, with her hand clasped in mine, and called up all the mem ories that were deeply graven in my own heart; when 1 pressed my lips upon .her pale forehead, or wet her cheek wilh my tears, the wild laugh of the maniac was my on ly. answer ; and an imbecile, shouted in my ears the name of 'Crazy Mary.' The time, from that hour to this, has been spent by me in mv efforts to master the in tricacies of that science which alone holds out for me a hope that I may be able to re store the reason which my baseness has de throned, for that purpose am 1 here; and now, by the memory of our old Iriendship, 1 beg of you to aid tne." I promised him that I would do so ; and, from that day, the subject of insanity be came our study. Not a book which treat ed the subject was unperused ; and even the old authors, whose theories had been long since exploded, were searched by him in hopes that some hint might be discover ed which wou'd had to the detection of the seat of altered function. He imagined that, if it were found, the cure would be easy. Wilh this view, the brains of the depart ed must necessarily be examined, and night alter night did I sit with him in the dissecting-room, in the fourth story of the University building, amid the mass of fresh and hall-dissected carcasses, ourselves alone there, with our solitary night-lamp shed ding its feeble light, only sufficiently dis tinct lo mark the outlines, or, perhaps, the features of the outstretched corpses. Often did 1 sit with him there until the State House Clock had tolled the midnight hour, and until, up from Chestnut or Market Street, ascended to us the sound of the watchman's cry, "Past twelve o'clock.' The lecture session terminated, and again we parted ; he with his gathered know ledge on his mission of love, and I fjr my new home in the far West. (Cunrhuled next Keek.) Oxi:, Two, Tintr.E and (in !" A couple of travellers lately took lodgings for about leu days at a tuveiu in Yoik county, Pa. and fired sumptuously, di inking two or ihiee bottles of wine daily. The last day a, dispute aiou about the speed of iheir horses, and they al last agreed to enter on the profitable contest. The landlord was appointed ju.l-e, each being the rider of his own horse. When they were mounted, tho judge, like those tit ihe Olympic games, -ave iho word one tiro, three und Go ! Olf they went, and have never been seen of since leaving ihe landlord fully compensa ted by having had the honor to bo their judge. Maternal Influence. "I believe," said John Randolph, "I should have been swept away by the flood of French infidelity, if it had not been for one thing, the remem brance of the time when my sainted mother used to make me. kneel by her, side, Inking my little hands folded in hers, und caused me to repeal the Loid'a Prayer. ' Only ' twenty-five years ago the boot of a single roach sufficed for any mail leaving our principal cities. Now, at New York, Washington and other of our large commer cial tuwus, they amount to several tona each day. . . . 'Taddt, do yon 'know how lo drive 1" said a traveilor lo the ' "Phicion" of a jaunt ing ear. 1 "Sure 1 do," was ibe answer. "Wasn't ii I who upset yonr honor ia ditch two yeat ojo,'' Ethiopian A droll picture of an African King nt breakfast is given by Sinilh, in his "Trade nnd Travels in (Julf of Guinea." He) says : "I found his Majesty seated at his breakfast table, alien led by a girl about len years of age, just budding into womanhood, in a complete state of nudity,, nnd two or three laz.y lads of nbout the samo age. In F.neland, tho gi'l would be a child in Afiicn, undoubtedly n woman. The expression of the countenance "was that of modesty nnd extreme submissivencfs ihe sort of expression so graphically portrayed in the countenance and figure of tho slave presenting the vessel of water fo Pilate, in Srnirke's mnguigcent painting of Christ at Pilule's judgment seat. It was the duty of tho female only lo administer lo his Sable Majesty's wnnts. The boy sat at n little distance in their country fashion, which is precisely nimilnr lo that adopted by chil dicn when about lo engage in a juvenile game called lenpfrog." A Man we gues a poor specimen of on advertises bis wife, in Hacks county, lhal be will pay no debts of her cniitiaoliug. Sho replies, however, wilh a sockdologer saying that if he were lo return her the money she has paid in debts of his committing, she would have enough to keep her nnd her children during her life, instead of her be ing obliged to go from door to door labeling for a subsistence. Bishop 1'otter, of tho Episcopal Diocess of Pennsylvania, has purchased Ihe bnild incs nnd len nrrc: of land, being part of the property lately sold by Mr. Cochran to the Rev. Pr. Haleh. The properly is wiihin the limits of Chester borough, nnd its location for extended and beautiful prospects has no equal along Ihe Delaware. Hishop Potter will reside in future, in Chester, says tho lTn ion. 1 ARmsox. "Snobbs," said Mis. Snnbbs ' lo her husband, the day after ihu ball, "Snobbs, why did you dance with every la dy in the hall last night bcLWe you ever no .iced me 1" " Why, my dear, " said ihe devoted Snobbs, " I was only practising what we do at the table, reserving the best for the last." Intervention. Pobbs says he never in tervened but once, nnd that was between an Irishman and his wile, while they were ex changing smoothing-irons, and Ihe following is what he got one broken head, four kicks in tho corduroys, nnd the laign end of an nxe-helve. Since then be says he has been an uncompromising conservative. We can't say that we blame him. Mis. Sw ismiei.m, editress of tho Pittsburg Saturday Visitor, having lately had a baby of her own her first utter being married fifteen yeais, tho Builiiigtou Sentinel philos ophizes thus ; An Ii .mest, one may safety tot, VIioi!mih witlioitl tlie li-afit ciiii'-iitioti, ':i n to tlie wurltl n in st important ilctit, Though clearly frcu by -s:alutu liiuilulioil." Tut story is told of t certain New Zea land chief, that a young missionary landed at his island, to succeed a sacred teacher de ceased some time before. At a', interview with the chief, tiie young minister asked, "Do jou know my depaited brother !;" "Oh, yes ! mo deacon in his church." "Ahi then you know him well ; and was he not a good and tenderhearted man ?" "Yes," replied the pious deacon, with much gusto, "he very good and very tender. Me cut a ii ce of him." Diamonds in North Carolina. The edi tor of ihu North Carolina Whig, was shown a few days since, what is supposed lo be a genuine diamond, weighing ubuul hall it j carat, discovered in Lincoln county, while searching for gold in a small stream. IIi sh-a-by-Uauv. Some constables in a town in Maine entering a house on a "liquor-law" search, found a woman rocking a ciadie. Not finding anything of the "ciil ler" they sought foi, une of ibeni, mole cunning than the rust, made a snatch al the cradle clothes, exclaiming, "sweet lillle ba by how much it looks like ils father !" and behold, the lillle "oll'spring" turned out to be a ''keg of rum ! Wtial will i;ot the woman do that loves 1 New Discovers. A pair of spectacles lo suit Ihe eyes of potaloes. The club wilh which nil idea struck the poet. X slick to measure narrow escapes. The hook and line with which an angler caught a cold. An umbrella used in the reign of tyrants. A knot fioiii the boa id a man paid twenty shillings a week fur. A glass of lemonade mad" from a sour temper and the sweet of matrimony. HOW TO SEE TUB "Ol P GENTLEMAN " Just before ' going to bod. eat Iwo pi-' feet and a fried pie. In Irs lhau an hour you will see a snake larger than a hawser, de vouring eijjhl blue haheJ children who have just vncuped from a inonsier wilh sor rel eyes and a red hot oveicoat. A Gentleman who gave up Ihe Iron trade lo publish a newpaper, saya tout the newspaper1 bu sines is the hardest of the two.S f i . ' ' Tub man that dau'l tak a paper wants to know if General Scull wa.u'l killed at the bal lie of Waterloo. Rmhr ..wry OLD SKRIKS VOL. 12. NO. 39. ruivATE iottTiivm of t;Ki;vr terso.x ACES). Croesus possessed, in landed property, a fortune equal lo 11,7000,000, besides a largo amounl of money, slaves nnd furniture, which amounted lo an equal sum. He used lo say that n citizen who had not a fortune sufficient to support an army, or a legion, did not deserve the title of a rich man, The philosopher Seneca had a fortune of .1,5'J0,OOO. Tiberius, at his death, left 23,. 625,000, which Caligula sppnt in less lhau twelve months. Vespasian, on ascending the throne estimated nil the expenses of the Stale nt 135,000,000. The debts of Milo amounted to GOO.000. Cnsar before, he. en. tered upon nny ofliee, owed (2,995,000. Ha hod purchasad the friendship ef Curio for (500,000, and that of Lucius Paulus for ttOO.000. At the lime of the assassination of Julius Ciesar, Antony was in debt to tho imounl of 300.000 ; ho owed ibis sum on iho ides of March, nnd it was paid before the kalends of April ; he squandered (147,. 000,000 of the public reasures. Appius squandered iu debauchery 500,000, und finding, on examination of ihe stale of af- faiis, that ho had only 80, 00(1, be poisoned himself, because ha considered that sum in- snilicient for his maintenance. Julius Cicsar gave Servilln, Ihe mother of Brutus, a peail of llm value of f-10.000. Cleopatra, at an enleitainment, gave to Antony, dissolved in vinegar, a pearl worth (30,000, im.l he swal lowed it. Clodius, ihe son of Esopus, the comedian, swallowed one worth (8,000. Ono single dish cost Esopus (S0,00U. Caligula spent for one supper (80,000, and Ilelioga balus (20.000. Tho usual cost of a repas' foi Lneullus was (20,000 ; ihe fish from his lish ponds were sold for (35,000. News from Europe in Five Days. The authorities of Newfoundland have granted lo Mr. 11. H. Tibbatls and associates, of New York, the exclusive right lo construct and iiso the magnetic telegraph across that is- indj for the period of thirty years. Tho giant is designed lo facilitate Mr. Tibball in his seliiiiue. lor the establishment of steam mid telegraphic communication between New Yoik und Liverpool or London iu five diys. The telegraph is to extend from New Yoik lo St. Johns, from whence a line of steamers is to run to Galway, where another line of telegraph is to commence, extending to London. This latter line will. il is said, be completed during the current year. The distance from St. Johns lo Gal way, is 1,647 miles, or about five days' sail. Webster, Clay, and Cai.iiocn have beeu compared to physicians called in to a case of a swelled linger. Webster, wilh his big, absent eyes, would discuss the constitution uerally, with ihe ability of a professoi ;but recommended nothing. Clay, with his pleas ant smile, would notice tho wife, kiss the ba by, duller the patient, and advise a bread-and-milk poultice. Calhoun, the purest and most earnest man, would declaie the whole body in danger, and counsel lopping off iho entire arm at Ihe shoulder, joint. Compari sins are odious, because incapable of doing justice, yet the common ideas of those great men are tolerably well expressed, in ihe a uove. Massa says you must sartin pay de bill to day," said a negio to a New Orleans shop keeper ; "Why, he isn't afraid I'm going to run away, is he ?" was the reply. 'Not e'zaclly dat ; but look ahee," said the darkey, slyly and mysteriously, "he'a gwo'ii to run away hesclf, und darfur wants lo make a big laise !" O.N it being reported in a pny of ladies, that a Captain Silk had arrived iu town, they exclaimed, with one exception, "what a name for a soldier !" "The fittest name in the world," rejoined a willy female ; "for silk" never can bo "worsted. " A Poet carried some verse to a critic and desired his opinion of their meiit. Af- lei reading them, the crilio observed "My dear sir, these lines need fiie." And ho llirew them into the -rate. is English Papeks. The lowest charge for advertising in ihe Loudon Times is about three dollai a square ; even a lino announcing a maniage oi dcalh cosl seven shillings nearly two luuis. In September, 1787, both Houses of Con Coiigiess fixed upon Germanlowu, Pa., a$ the Capilol of the United Stales ; bu! ihe bill failed on account of a slight amend ment. Kossctii'i SisTEsare slill iu confinement in Austria ; the Goveriueul is at a loss to know what lo do with the relations of ihe exile. The family is ju greut dialress, and want "material aid." 'Wuat is the best attitude for self-defence !" said a pupil, (pulling on gloves) lo a well-kuown pa-ili-t. "Keep a civil tongue i i yoLf head," waa ihe significant reply. Cablyle, it is said, was weaned on a pine burr dipped iu pepper auuoe, had his head toasled instead of oombed, and learned to read on sand paper. ' A Yankee down east has mad the grand discovery that a window glazed with old hats, is a sure Indication ibal Ihe ocoupaut have aeen a rum bottle.1 ' . ' ' Tin General election in Connecticut ' , he)d on Monday. Tb Temperance que- tiona enter into th. struggle, aud tho co. , test will ba a w aim one. ,, .Why are blacksmiiln ve.-y great rascal 1 Because they fofge and etsel every day ! 4- -