r SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. if - 1 f v r t - v. i ll RAIL ROAD HYMIT. Br AN INDIAN. During the past week our citizen were favored with a visit from Macmgvycdai', lieredilary Chief of the Ojibway or Chippe "way Indian, accompanied by his wife, two tons and nephew. Chicf Maungwudnus i. rigidly tcmpfitate in 'his habit., and decidedly religions' in his feeling?, being (with his wife) a member of the Methodist Church ; and although hn makes no pretentions to bring a poet, the following lines written by him while here, and which we have in his own hand writing are evidence that he powsxp both mind aid imagination :Pottsville Emporium Spiritual Railway. The line Jo Heaven by Christ was made, With Heavenly Truth the rails nre laid, From Earth to Heaven the lino extends To LiTe Eternal where it ends. Hepentence is the station then Where passenger nre taken in, No fee lor them is there: to pay For Jesus is himself the Way. The Bible then, is Engineer, It points the v. ay to Heaven so clear. Through tunnels daik and dreary here It does the way to Glory steer. Cod's Love the Fire, His Truth the Sieom, Which drives the oiiffine and the train, All you who would to filmy ride Itlust -corne to Christ in him abide. In first and second arid third class, Repentance, Faith and llolinrss, You .tin st the way to Glory pain Or you with Christ can never reisrn. Come, then, poor sinners nnw's the time, At any place along tho line If yon repent, and turn from fin The train will stop and take yon in. Ii ii i.. ASTRTNG OF ITEMS. The pureft altar of Jove is the heart of a mother. There in always more error in haired than in love. There were 19n pardons in Massachusetts during the year 1851. Wheat has fallen lower in prico, this winter, in England, than for seventy-two years before. There are more people employed in Paris in manufacturing articles for e.vpnitation than in any other thtee capitals in Europe- Tuesday is a day ominous in the history f Franeo. All her revolutions have broken out on thai day. He that blow the coals in rjur.rre's he has nothing to do with, has no right to complain if the sparks iiy in hie fare. The Fpringfield Post states that Mrs. Jen ny Lind Goldscbmidl lias purchased a farm in Northampton. Over one iimnnnd new building, it is though, will bu built in Cincinnati the com ing season. CliHAPrr MaRR! ARCS IN ALABAMA. Titers- veie seventy-one divorces legalized at the recent session of tho Alabama Legislature. Fobtt persons left McConnelsville, Mor gan county, Ohio, on Saturday last, bound for California, taking with them S 15,000 in cash. On the 2Slh ult., 103 recruits from Carlisle Barracks, arrived at Fort Jefferson, Mo., un der Capt. Monis, arid Lients. Palmer and Baker. A . "I am very much afraid of lightning,' raid a pretty girl "And well yon may be," replied a despairing lover, "as your he?rt is made of steel." There are one hundred and thirty three German newspapers published in tho United Stale;, tiie oldest of which, published in Pennsylvania, has been cstublithed sixty three years. , There is mora sunshine than tain, more joy than pain, more love than hate, more smiles than tears, in tho world. Those who eay to the contrary we would not choose far our friends and companions. A kl'Meea of ladies and gentlemen of Boston have subscribed $100 each, to pur chase, in Paris, a complete set of anatomi cal and physiological instruments, for the New England Female Medical College. Time and Tide. Once these naents wait ed for nobody, now nobody waits for them the telegraph outslips the one, while the iron horse enables us to dispense with the other. Why is a young man hugging his sweet heart like an epicure who permits his wino to leak away. Because he is vaisting what ho loves. The author of this was sent to tho Penitentiary on ThursJay. Legal Sale of Liquor. The amount of sales of liquor at the Portland, Maine, agen cy, for the first quarter, was S2043 and has been for the second, $1937. Thirty-one town agent have been supplied since the store commenced operations. EWtUOil CHERRY PECTORAL: for ihe, Care f COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTii. MA, -WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION1. In ottering to the community this justly cele brated remedy fur iliscasrs of the throat and lung, it is not our wish to trifle with the lives or health of the n flirted, hut frankly to lay before thrm the opinions of distinguished men and some of the r Unices of the success, from which they rnn jndc1 for themselves. We sincerely pledge ourselves to innke no wild assertions or false statement of its rfiieney, nor will we hold out any hope to suffering humanity which facts will not warrant. Many proof are here given, and we solicit an inquiry from the puMic. into nil we publish, feel ing assured they will Hud them perfectly reliable, and the medicine worthy their hcot confidence and patronage. From thtlistinzti.hrd Pmemnr of Chrmtttry and Materia Metlica, Poirdom College. Pear Sir : -1 delayed answering the receipt of your preparation,' until I had an opportunity of witnessing it effect in my own f.imily, or in the fuinilirs of my friends. This T have now done with n hiah decree of satisfaction, in ruses both ofndull and children. I have found it, as its ingredients show, n pow erful remedy for colds, and coughs, and pulmon ary disp?cs. PARKER CLEAYET.AND, IT. D. BnrvswicK, Mi:., IVh. 5, IS 17. From an Overseer in the Hamilton Mills, in this City. I.owv.i.l, Aug. 10, 1 S40. Dr. J. C. Aver: I have been cured of the worst couph I ever had in my life, by your "Ciikhtit Pr.i'-rniML," and never fail, when I have opportunity, of recommending it to others. Yours, respect full v, S. 1). EMERSON. IT Head the following, and see if this medi cine is worth a trial. This pnticnt had become very feeble, and the effect of the medicine was unmistakably distinct : U. S. JIllTIIL, S.UIATOOt Pl'IlIVRS, ) .Inly .r, 184'J. $ Dr. J. C. T.er, Sir : I h ive been afflicted with a painful afli'ctinn of the Itine", and nil the symptoms of settled consumption, for more than a year. I could find no medicine that would reach mv ease, until I commenced the ue of vour "Citr.ttnr l'triinii," which gave me gradual relief, nnd I have hern steadily gaining inv streiicth till mv health is well nifih restored. While using your medicine, I had the gratifi cation of curing with it mv reverend friend, Mr. Truman, of t-'unipter District, who hid hrcn sus- )ienilcd from I: is parochial duties by a sevrre at tack of bronchitis. 1 have pleasure in certifying thee facts to you, And am, fir, vours, respectfully, J. V. CAI.HOLX.'of s. c. E' Tiie following was one of tho worst of capes, which the physicians nnd friends thought to he incural le consumption : CHr.sTKn, Pa, Aug. C2, 1R4P, .T. C. Aver, Sir : I was taken with n terrible cough, brought on by a cold, in the beginning of last rehrunry, end was conlined to my bed more than two months. Couching incessantly night anil dnv. I became chastly and pale, my were sunken and glassy, and my breath very fhort. Indeed, I was rapidly failing, and in such uislrcss lor breath, that but little hope of my re eovery could be entertained. While in this situ' ation, a friend of mine, (the Hev. John Keller, of the Methodist church) brought me a bottle of your Cur.nnr Pf.toiiai., which I tried more to gratify him. than from any expectation of obtain ing relief, Iu good eil'eet induced me to eon. tinue its use, and I soon found mv health much improved. Now in three mouths, I am well and strong, and can attribute my euro only to your great medicine. With the deepest gratitude, vours. oVe. j.w.ns couruEY. Prc;H,rcd and toll by JAMES C. AYEIl, Practical Chemist, Lou-ell. Miit. Sold iu Sunhury by H. MASTER, and by Pruuj;its goneral'v throughout the 8tate. November 1, 1801. lvc'climo. CATTLE P0WDEII i phrpared bt nUEINin, FItONEFIKLT) & CO. No. 187 North Third Street, Philadelphia. THIS powitw la eirtittfsl by the milted testimony of nit who have nfl it in lh Brst rank nf all Hiow CAT TI,F, MKUICINKK. which hsva twon tlsirlit pr.iire worthy f..tr rnnny yenrs. liHleM we chnllenfre nny pemsi to ntnke n Sitpritr, oi snv powiter thitt nets in the. snme miniier. If lm nuiiiial he 'perfectly hsnllhr it will either inerense the nnmnnt of milk or (renm nun halter l or ttie Minml will improve rapiilly in ft. It will therefnro in time he C'tnRhlrrcil we hnve no itialit one,t" ttieslnplenni. ctrsof every Pnrmer, who keepn n itiarv; nnd of every pemm nwniiiK h'te. t .,( one of tlue kimt n. .MiSTrRKs Dial merely swell nn nniinil nn fur sliort lime, hut -ill hv Ihe rnpncitv which II hns of cniiYerliliR Illl'Pt'mC A('ll) (whieh is nn rff te iniitler) into t.r Tin acio cr ol.r.iSKj ennse a arester amount of nntriti'Mta nmt'er lo lie rslutrtefl fri,m ,P Nnne ninonnt of fio. thnn P'issllily C'Sllfl he. were the active prineiplra of imtriti:in to prim mu nrthe ayatem in the f.irm of lliprente Ann AVe have id-eiycil n tiniltitiiile of evidence to prove wlmt o r niive mm tiivive, ?ninee In anv : Vc have loixeit the active ngent. with a prent nnmtier of VrurT vrt.K plants nnd herlis. which time nnd use Imve proved to he iiveuil, iinpmvina: the nppetile and prom-itm? iliir'tion of the fo nt ; Itms nerilriinr n hi-nllhy C'indiliui of the hl.mil. from whieti the Mii.k anil I'at nn'ist tw f 'rm.-il. t nmy We nid I r ll"Ri:. I owe nnd lloc.s fnrtlie fullow ing tntnpl iiiit4 and dij.eiif.es. IIDItSnf. Yl't.t.OW W ATI'.tt, a dnimerona a'ckno. wliirli de. ptrna ni.-iny ynliinhle InitRpa eery year, is very I'ltill entirely cttrcii hy the tree ute (,f tin powder, in nil ciiac it will preicnt Ihe d'nriiiie i r .in citiitmr on. This ilisene is owninir to n had mid iitipovi-riidiei! rfiite of the Wood wltich U'comca lliin, watery nnd of all )fllow Coloi. This pnwd.T I'V intnroviiie Hie stninfl-h nnd ffivinff tn the hlittNl n j-ie.iter nanntitv v( red partieti-a. lift' -rda the tf"t anil only pofihle ctiauee of recovery. If the homi' tar it 'He, pive nviniin nufl niu'hl n tat'lenpooiuui m wi-t eit. ii in tin; N.-itiiiiiiL- unci; n day at ll 'on, if only t" prc- III I III' OOfll-e nvif'e II xvi'i-K. St. A IWH .II l.i i. 'I'liiH i (lie rtiianti.iti of nianv vdin- t'le II rn,'H by exliatintioi! hv H CiiliP'ant iliwhnrirt: ol" mili- VI whlfli iii-j'it to en into the idoiuaeli to nsmul inception. It i n seet- ol' K-iivaiioii oiten prtHlneed liv IsniAS To haeeo prnwinir in the pnetiini prontul A 'rnhlt'spimnlul three lime', a week will treoae inly nrrest ttie flow, it" it snot depend on the Ton, ecu inlhecrns, under mell cirfiiiiii-nne, ihe iirnmqi must he kept in Ihe slnlite li ri;MI'l;K. It' tlie powder mcarlv nnd freely naed, lothef re'mntv need li H5ed. it linn ulrendv enred Inlli- dreda of llotis-K4 ol this tronhlesome diseiiae tollie mirprise of thoiie who iMed it. If le t ns'il early, ttrf ire mutter lina formeil in the neck it enintot rest'ire I lie miimal pen't-ellv until tin- mnMer is diwharce,!. in-e il earlv mid I reveiit ich a result. A Tnllepio!tfii onee or twice n dnv is eiv-neh ll.AXPf.nf!. This ilinen.e lias hnfile.l nit FjintlKlta. (five this-p-'M-diT a fair trial nnd it will do wiiilderw in lhl terrdile ai'd hither'o inennhle mnladv. It is a ilirne f tlie el-i'idnral -vfeia nnd kept nn hv imperfect ntltritton. in P'leli e-ifr-s ii Tahl'-nrvi.tmiil everv d IV twice for n lnnitli or Iw i. in e inbuilt stieecrinoti, will in nine cases tail ot a loen edeel n cure, it has heeti fnirlv te-ted. t onehn nnd sh"rt ne-n ol" Itrealh depending on went; Innen. n Tal leimooiittil every niorniair; if it nhaies onee or twiee n wo'-k. PI II III LdW-riptniTT'D TtortSKS. or where there ii nny remeiea ol pounder or sttfT'ie-a of motion, nnd t lie Horse vviil not fatten, or whein the hair is roach nnd taiiiln mrnicM out, t!i fivnl aeemiap' t I do no 70j.1l, ttte Powder pr Mlaeea nlmoMt immedinte iinirovenienl of tiie nnimal ; the dhretnion improves nnd with it all the shir pirlmeM of tl.e mnnifil tliriaoprirs. hecoiimifi; lively and spint1.1l, nnd the hair smooth mid slick. rows. ror Mils ro rmn, v.-e nre ftrlv c invi-ierd t':nt i nr.t ill,- inipr 'Vep the ipial.tv. tnlt tliat it inereasea ti.e :i:ii milt f Alllii, Crenia nnd Itatler: aome who have tried the ex eriiiiunt miv a Pound n Week, others mv Imlfn pound wane one person luMileil upon It Hint tie inatle two pounds more a week man nver.-nre ir m u I LIVER COB2FL AIN T, JAUNDrcK, T)YSI'EPS1A, CimnNIC OR NERVOUS DKltll.lTY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND nil rfi'fwtnr,r1irff from n HiifrtlfTM )Wt nf t mnrh, nitch rtirttiictirtni I'm, Inwnrrl Pili-n. Fnlmmft. nt M'KkI t tlm hwtd, Aridify f the fftomnch, Nhumw, fTnirtlrtirn, dinritat fr Fx.' fiillnrmi or weiirht hi the Ptornnrh, iirtir KnirtPtinnfl, tinRinr nr flnttrrinf nt th pit tf tin- Ptnnmh, pwimmiiiff of th hrnKhnrrifMonri clitTmilt hrfithiMir, Citttrrmir nt th hnnrt, rhnkinv or nuffnnfinB "Mimuiim whpn inn Ivinff p'iflurt. imnrM of vision, d nr wnl tWnrtMhft i,lit, IVvrr nmlilnll pnin tn Hip h-il. rt fci(nry of perspiniti'tn, vHI'iwni'Wof Ihe pkin nnd rvin, pnin in the wide , Itm-k, r1tfrt, li?nl. Ae., imrhVn Unwhrs nf hent Imminfr in t!m fl"Kh. connlnnt imngiiiiiur-i of evil, nnd prrtit deprri.n -f pirt(s, cav hk i:fft;cttam,y rrnr.t) m SS.. HCOFLA1TCS i T.r.rnrtATrn r.riftA?i iiiTTcnti, raiteMten rv nit.fi. M. .1 A CKSDN, AT TIIK GUr.MAN MRIMCINR STORE, Ifo. V2f Arrh At., PMhidripMn. Tlirir power wvr thp nhovi dturiim n h not exiUM. if uprillfd, hy nny uiln r pr'p-ir;t1iMn in th Vnited ttmi, np lln ctip'R mi t-M, in muny carfU ni'HT pk i Ihtil j-liyr irintm h:id iftilt t). Tln'Kt Hitt'Tp nrf worthv tlcv nil nit ion of inm-id. P'vfcBciiiia jrie.-it virltinf in tho r-'tifir:.H'n diw-nMrn ( the l.iver.mtl h-pwr ulrunln. cxerciwii' thf nit'd mil re In mi p 'WrrB in wnktHw nnd nttrrtinm ul (lie ttijiniive (-ifvuip, the) nre, witltiil, o!e rritin nnd ph-nit. f I-' P mi ih Hi sl 111 live. J Thf Ivhtor unitl, Irr. tiM ''On. llrmfri.AMn'H t'Ki.RrmATrn t-rRMAN Pittt- f i thentretif livcr rnmphint. Jiiiindtrf, J-ynpepsin, Clironh1 or NerVtiliM i i!ity. it tl'm-rviKtiy niicul'llii' InoFt ptipn hir tnt'dirinrs of (he d-iy. 'I'lirjH- !of'm hnve if-eii n-ed bv i tit mm in h, unit n fi iend nt ntir eii"i mv hf him Imn- WE STUDY TO PLEASE. riMfF, nttenthm of TtnilnVin nwl othprn. nre refperirnllv 1 tnvilrd to thr rxtmmva nnd welt wleetrd tm k mi IHTII.tINO IIAIIOWAKK and T Mlft, now otfered by the milmrriher, etninintinp in pnrt n ( Anwn: Amenrnn Front Door Iah: nprirht. wiitl htpht work, plnted or Kma funiilurn, or DtnTrlain nli ol'r. Amerirnn Front lor h-K, upright, ptnfn, with niplit work, hinted of hrntm fnrnitnru. or poic;clin oil colnm Amerlmn Fnnt Door ToeUi ami Ptore Poor, Horizon tal or npripht, limw fnrnitnre, or poreelmn nil etit"rn. Aniprirnn Rim Iorks, nil p'wn nnd qualities. AVhlte or bnieW fnrnitiirn, or ponlninnll rhim. Aniprjfnit Mortine Irfrk!, nil fir.fi, with plnted, while or limn fnrnilnre, tr pnrrctiiin nil P'l'ir. Amrrienn M-irliec ItHir. nil w'mp. with plated white or tints furniture, iw oorclnin nil e--! n. Amenrnn Mortiee nnd lliin Cl !t Iiekt, plntert ol hrnw ewMfetiftinn, tir p.irrr1tiin nil eihirn. AmtTimn lr-ip, Htm, Thumb, finte, nnd Wore Poor A!" ImpMilcd nnd T-ntetms of eveiv drwriplinn. ItnMwin1, nnd Ainprienii Unit Hitifien, of nil i.t-s, fiif-t or looso j int. Winner, itite, Ptrrm, T.. nnd Pnekfl ip ITine. ell kind. SlmMf-r. i:t(.-. D-Mir, FluHi. nnd Sprinjf H ilt, of wrought or e-int ir-m nud brfiw, e-i'ry dcneripiinn. NTcwB, Hprivn. Hiiin. Sunl Puper if the hr qnnlUv. Atm-neioi Anlc nnd Mniin Axle Pullrflt of every vrrie!y vXint-rifrin nntlons, ptnin or on pbli. ImiF, Iron, or bronzed. Anienenn Xnhs. pl.tted, w1:it. irn. or w"nd, n'l kind. Siifh-(rd, r"imniH und pntmi, with otht r nrliehm t" I numernMr to in-nii' n. I t-? nnd SASTI-Wr.IOIITS nt FACTORY Villr'KS. It' All flo'U d'-livrrrd fiee of Chnrgp to nny pnrt of ! tbr Cite nnd Itistrirln. j At llim exinhliRhnifiit rnn be found "ne of the lrert nnd beM nwn"rtiii'-nt of White nttd Fimrv N"b fr l'ck. Ar , in the"i!y; iine piithTiin. nt" whifh. csnni'it be seen, r , ol.fiiiiH'd, nt nnv otl.fr Nt"re. TOOl-r. Spent Ac Jiiek'ii It.-tfk, Panel. Hmid, ntd Hipp ) imp Tteil exprefly f-r Hetnil silen. nil pi-hTted wi'li enre. ! H-le rtp--r it f l relet ni ted Pl'inen, nnelf by K. V. C:ir iientt'r. of liiiensirr, Pn.. beini? nil mmlf ot mdit w C0miECTEn WEEKLY. rKNNHYKVANIA. riTT O? PHILADELPHIA. r. H. Hnnk notes 15 dul Ail noiveiit lmiiks put roifMTnr. Bnnk of (,'hnmbertiburg I din' Unnk of Ohenter Co. pnr Hunk of Del. Co. Chenter pnrj m:imh oi iierninlit'tWll Htmk of HftlynliarfT Ihiiik of t.evi:ovn Hunk of Midolrtown 1 dip M'inlfptmery f;t Hunk pnr H ink of Ntirlliiiinberrnd. nnii Ivink of Piltdhtirg difi Hutk of Jinnvilie i nrlinle H nik MAffACAFfiETT!. All h'rti l (Miikfl j dil HIIOUK ISLAND. All it 'I vent Ninki 1 dil CONNKCTlcrT. All aolvmt tmnki I dil m;w vouk. riTT. inrlAll mdvent Ixuikn ! dia 1 din!ly Itk n 'tr under f ' t (Ii rorsTBY, All Mvenl hnukH 1 din 1NKW JKK8KY. nelvidere Hnnk I dii Coiuiiit-teml Hnnk (In inriFnr. Bunk ,Mmt M1v wir 1 tiis'F. Af.( Mirldletown Pt. pnr "ti'iiii'nn H'kA; IVg: Co pnrlMeciinitie' Hk. Newark r ii-jriW.wn iiuhk par .Meeii. i;k ot Hurlnnritm Mir F,nttn Hink pnrl.Mtf'i. A Man. Hk Trent par F.rit! ItHiik ft thr.Morrift Co Unnk rin F.Kehtuijre IVkPi'lulmrff I rim Newnrk Hk'g A Int. Co j dm Ktrhiniue ll'k. Hrnneh 1 di;(rain;r Hunk (lis Fiirmer' ll'k, Huekn pnr'Pr .pU 'i Hk Pnttert. 3 din t'urmerfi Hk, I Jtiei?ier pur ,1'rtin ptmi Hunk Fnrtuer Hl. Itttelinc par Sahan Hmikimr Co, Farm. thmll,ill Co pnr'Sntiprrft Co Hunk V A I). Hk WrtviMfh'ff I lin Stale H ink nt Cmndrn Fninklm Hk. Viir- tHe Hk i;ii.nbellit.ni llarriKlni'L' Hank fdin Stnt. Hnnk Newark It'iin-wliilf Hnak 1 i1i-.Sti.teHk. N. Hmnitwiek nnr Ijinrart.T Hmk par.Snwx Hank. Newton J ibn l.t lrtiii-m Hink pifTreiitnii Hinikintt C par Merrh. A M mi. H-mk t ilmi t'nutn iank. Itivr J di Milieu' H'k. lirttPriHtf per Ynr.ltvv'le A Dd )r C'i t",dii M ' mi ni;ititlii Hnnk I di-t f'Hk'in'len nnilerW 1 din TaylMit-v e JM H'tr Co 1. hti DKLAWARK. eT iinitefi i;-n,k pnr Hoik oi pelawiire pnr par par I the par I din j .In. uml ll.n tlitta nr.. .,.,.1 tei.ul II....I. -'-m V Willi ...!- umLf h, HHTtMMi mm r'.'M n.H :..n-.i VIV , ol hl'ln, Axen, 1 1 utetl'Jl f , Dm win Kuivn, Ac., i!l war tnnphinit fr'in the ue t iIhh remedy. e me r"iivinred tnnted r""d. Wyernititr Hk. WiikefliV y mV Hink. r-Iti'lkl'n itep j m aim:. Hank ff Whelloek X dix Merennlile Hk. Han-:' r tOili All Ivrnt I'jtnki Hint, in tje use .f ihete Hiitrri', llie patient etmfanlly coiif ntrptiffth nnd viptr n f-iet woithy of preat r inside. ; j rnti'Mi. They nre pte;ttnnl in ir'fte nnd mie-ll. nnd ran I" ' i tiwd hy pen his with Ihruiostdelientt ornniiehti wilh Mfe- ty, lind'T nny eireunmmecs. :,re fpeakini; I'nnn ex- i periiaiee. nnd to the ntflieted wnd'i!i- their Ufe." I "SroTT's VFFht,v,,T oim of this l-ct l.itt-r.'ur pnjfi i plthlishetl. wid. Anc. tJ-) ' j J Dn. fHorT.n'fl Hkhv?? Hittkp. rnannfnrnrel by i j Pr. .laeki'Mt. nre nav ree iininnith-il hy nnne .f the in"Kt. , I pr"mineiit iiiemberx if the faenlty nn no nriieln nt inneh t I eitieney in ent-n of frnnlt wettkneit. An eneh i tlie i j e tn f wrtnld ntivise nil inothernto t htrmin iMttle. nnd i i mi f;h c ineuiwiven ninep RieKie's. i eri oi otMninti il rnnIlttt1i -hn will foul ttiene Hiifers ndanta'ie iis tti make of Aitfrr nnd Aner IJtl!, alj PniliR nnd S pien Amriean j!i:ire nnd Pevi!" of everv lfroitiniv i American HuJep. (itiimen, Smvset'n, Coinpa'"'.'?!, Srew- driver.1", A e. j Americnn ' S. llnr'ntTKt Cl-iw nnl liivetinff, nil frizf. ( AnviN mid Viees. nil i S'eel, Iren, and W.nteti Urnn, with C. f. Fotlfi in I preat vnrielv. V. liriT.-is Jt S mi'i". TVitelfr's nnd other rrl;brnted tifihoe mi ChifelM, r i en, Plane-Irons, Ac, .e. ' Aiti'tH eeleitrateil C'irviiir T-''ls ml etti,in Malt in t '! 'f tlif ttfrt m M innnt ex'-nive n irtment j of Hm'ihiiff Ifaidwar' nnd T.iln in the Stntp. ! ,l thin establishment it ine.ni ideied n plfrntr" t nlntw th f-i i"d.'. on are inv'te-t t't eal1 anl exnmitte t h ttort- ni;v iiAMpstniii All live i it li-i:ii V i:h H NT. H-oiV of r-t A lU-iiis A.I R.-h t-iit banks Hnnk ol Smyrna p:i l)e,tuviire City Hnnk jmr Hk ihntr'n A Hrnndyw. pnr l'nniier" Hk St Delnwnte (Mir I'nioit Hnnk. AVilniinirton iiar IV I uder S.-. j Om IIH). AM R tlvent, hnnkn 2 did 1 dif k Hk leitep niiih;r fi 4 din NOHTII l.'AIKthlNA. 2 il ? 1l wlveiit Wiukt -2 din 2 d's t & 1'inler .), dm -i lixt A EB v c : IX'VIS K n K t T Bounty Land and Pension Agency, WASHINGTON, D. C. IIT, miil-rfi.nied Attorney nnd i eileet Kiev have m,n week : " ' ,,l"t 1,'"r P""" h,r D'oHnviMP ehe Til!, miil-rfi.nied Attorn-y nnd lienernl Apent nt the City "f Wasliiie'itni. oilers UtA Bervei.n ni prmmrint; i II 'iinty 1-in-ln and Peiiion br tnone eniiiie-l. Hcini per- ( ininieiii;j i Hint u m i'ie seal , nie:h unit I nirl loioitii ! Hnlis V T1 ev of (:Phi!ndel dim Saturday Ha.-He. ti e e f.imi'y fpapet nnhiip'ieil in the I niK'J St.iti o. the eiiitor su ut in sel I m i'.hi we rer nnmrmd what nre termrd Pn letir Mnlieiin s, to i;t iiiiifi'leurn end patnunue of nir readrn; nnd. thrfefor', hi n we r-nmnend lr. ilonf lanii (iermnn Hiiler. we win it i. iusiint:y undei Blood fiat we nre not npenkiim of the n. minimi of ttie ilay. that nre noised nti-'lit f -r a hi h f peri.l end tlfti for-p-Heti nfiei tirev havetl ne tln-ir cinhv rje of minehief. but of a inedieine t -in; established, miivem div prized, nnd whirh haw met Die hearty nppMvnl tt the Fntmlty i'."e!f " ) i'viiletn-e nrmi evidence has been lereived (like the ; fre.romc) from nil neeibimt of the Cnion, t'i.i InM thre i yearn, nnd tin jOronrt tt-ftlimonv in i' fnvor. in. Hint ' fiere in lie h e of it ns-.-il in the praetie.'oi the regular Phv fieiJliis of Phil:ide!j'iin, t ha il at! ' her n ntru.ill' roinhined, ! n fart that enn eanil,- be eih1ihed, an-' full'.' ernviuir that h C own. We ttiiuk it will he found n F(-'"'n"i)" prepanoi mi will meet with their quiet nppmval t i n n mid per w--k on raeh i"ow. I '"" 'vrn ,!,IB 1 'r,n if Ihe Cmvit are pentv!!v he.illhv. Thinmlditional ninonnt I t,n" '"v',"ie will e'ire l.ivrr r nnpla-Mt nnd JJvs in mads bv the e 'iiveision of ihe Iliimurie And into Xitio. peijoun nnd fatty eonip-'iiudn : nln i by nupplyinir the oxy- ireii rnKeii in tiy tin inns, witti ttn eieinetitn ot T"netioii ; without ttikiii'j niiv of tlie Nilr.Hnrmn p'rtion of the feetl. HUhhOW IHl or YOI.F: JI'MiC DlSKASI" ond nil other dinenitcn of neat rattle ilepeiulinir upon n bed ntate of ttn rtnidn, nre retn-.vrd npenitily nnd i-rTeetunllv. own, wri..ne miiK in h'ue, tiiui ninl witetv ntnl where it p-nta, no one emit! uibt. lifter le-tni' ir ns .hrp-erel. It aetn epceitienltv uivm the ntouneh nud liver r in preamble to eul iuel m nti hillioiiK diRcases' the pij-et in immediai e. T!iey r-m be ndntinint-ri-'l t- h'eiiuile ir liif'.iht wilh Ktic'y nnd r'.'liiible beuef.t, nt iinv time. iinwAitn or corN rr.rrnTs. Thin medieine haunt .nined llmf hi-'!i et-;i-i,.tir w-hiMi doei not yield iiiueli crenm, or where Cow fiive h!:vy i ne-enarv for nil medieincn tont'nin to induee eouutetfeitern niiih. or wmen ;ire uneii to niann loiifr nry, ii win ne tomitt j to put lorth n npurioun iiriiele nt the rihk of the lives of nn almost infallible remedy, bv inmiovimx the condition of t thone nre inii'wenllv de.ieiyed. the blo.,,1 o. ereatimr n healthy diction n Tnblpo..,,. j ,OOK Wr. i to Tilt-! M X Il'fft fir Tin' r.rvi'lVT' iui every day or every tttier ttay nn it may lie neeennary fO i i nev navp me wTioen ntLorourr m c. M. JIM ' ' ' un-Mi tin v.rapper, him I the name blown in the bottle, wuh Pil'S in ttie fTniHT ofirn overheat theme!ven, tret nwe). ,,r wi,irh n,,..- ,,r.. nmin in- led nee'ris, eoiiiihn, ulecrn in tiie I,imts ami ,iver. Whieh l,r rde. Wli ilenale and retail, nt tl-r emine Ihetn to die very guddfiilv, tlieee may w prevented . g, . entirely hy pntiihic n pound or n'hnlf imon R irrel of nwill ; '. I'Crmaa JllrtlianC nnd it will at (lie name time eoiisidernhlv hntten the fatten- ' N . V20 A RM1 Street, one floor be! w Sttlt. late of ms procesn. rt ;;lfl. H,rt.t) hi"'i.ielpi.h. and hv reRneeiahle dealers . It. In nminai whien in civimrnnlk nnd von nre cenerallv throu"h"itl the. country demroim loiiitteuni ih rune time, you fihould not rive n,,.,,,. ., ... t.L.r.. t ).-.. n -.l,l...n.u...f10 iiniii n . Ir .i i, ...ill it,. J II I l. I .7 iv i .1 il l'. r-rnmin.it oi tut hy niere.inintr the amount nt Milk. I " e:nnie nn ensnrn oi mvn.ion io hhj ine iinvnwapra I.ei rne!i perwm try its elfeetn for lumwlf uud he wil of trtoii preat reMiorative jtowcrs. ff'Nui be atm(ied ot itH excellent qunlitien. mid (hut ii' I-nr Vnwflu Hntll-t rnf m-M rhoi.M ne without it. 1 V C Jj 0iU L ' 1 crni' For the pm-ponr of fiadni'r out ntill further how far on i , A.no: For enle bv 17. Mafr. Pniihnrv. nnd M. A. justly eeb bnted CATTI.K POWDKH, in rntitled to tiie I M'I'av, Norihitiaherlmid. roiiti(Kncc of nu inteltipent people; we have nddreHed j Aui,mt 3(1, lKj. ly. lettern to nil pnrin t Ihe I'uited Staten, where our Pow i . drr hat twii naeil, nnd we nrenble now from the evitlrm-e 2 n 17 f 1 El thui bron.'lit iMMore itn. tt nur every Farmer, Diary- I OiU J U It r i il 1 i mnti mitt llorf.in:iii tli.it it li: tlin f:ip vciv niiu-fi y. I ree led our mmt Miiv-Miine expeetatiom. I 7. HT'Nj'KR will forfeit SoO, it" where. Coine nnd see nn. i Your, rtpeetfiiii-.. "vm. v. ATerr.ntr. No. -7 !rarVet rt ., between T'.h ni:d 5111, upper m hv I Philadelphia, April Pi, lr.it. ly. ' BOIIA'TV LlD j AND lM-NPtON AORXCY. j Tltt" nttuntinn of tlo pnMic i. rallrd to tlie n-1 : vrili-'cniriit nf Mr- t'lini'.r (' TurliPr. Attonii v t ninl AiiMit nt Wnsliituii Citv- I'rrriorn lm' iit! l;ii'ns firlioimty ),iiiu!i nr Prtisinn nrf in i formeil tt.nt tlipunlwpriSrr ltn niAilo arinmromrtiis fir thr ri'ijiiiHiti' furniK. nr.il rlaimntttn rnllinir ut ltin nlViro, r-in 1i;ivi tl'.rir jinjtrr yirrptirpil nnil t'orwnnlt'-l to Mr- Tifkrr t't Wnpliiitiiton. nnd I'V litm Ip priijur'y nllptitlpil to lirfnro tlie Up jiurl tiie nl thfrc. U. 11. M.SKIl. Punl.tir-, .Tun. 1?. IT. I Xew ?.lnsie Just Published, rr nr. & avalkhr. n... i';s ciirnnt t.. (joyerniiieut, with a thor ilhar ne.pKihilniitT Willi lie' iicenMry loruin, f biinim mi, and hn imr fieet : to tteiite.s nnd I ill tlie 1'. S. wui" o'liee. he liofM'Mtefi laetlit if -ft for th! speedy mi'l Kitiifiaetory inijummeut ol liov.-rmiteiil 1 elai'iti (' t'V r Uia ; Hy a !atr I" i .-movcy, HoimiIv T.n t m pmnted to .! i'e i. 1J1, ;--n ni'i ! s i!.iif, i i t'n- war 01 -t-J. mitt o t):i- ;nri- rionn lnii; .1 uinn, mice Iti-o. TitMtnie who .Ti d tune ' ! in iii t'd Jti:i in-rcs; 10 ill wlto B'-reo p.iir iu nth fan ' I ai-re:1 : nut) to i1)- wi:o f i t-.l i-ne iu .n'h III neies. 1 I Arrai'-jfiiteicn h-r.e !. n inntte with r' ntleiucn of the ; I --tii I p' 'l'l"li iu tiillereut wetioim of Ihe Country, f ir 1 the loe .tion 1 1 w iirantn. and ttte n-tle of the pmenin, wtien j . is'i.-ii. on ii-e ui'ii a, iviinj .v.' ' Ol IhSi n. re;! -in. iol of 1 th'biM; m.d t--r the timm: liiethu n n' S'a'.Hiiui, 'i'l riit rif.'i. lit t ..,(.!.., O )-ic J.T, I ,..r .T t ,.,f..mi ... t n I nitnw-e. nitd ivIi.mi .-' .i...- ,...-..-. il. C --. ,..-.. ..... Ptimili:ltu.f t llie I -r tt; I i.areu nv u i-trai Airi-ai, will uhute one tin 1 1 Inn Uftinl I A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPER At lli C'Hlilnrt Hnrc lloom SEirN'TIOUPT & CO- MaAet Square, . Also at tht corner nf Fmrn $treet It theltor0ci SUNBURY, FA. Thanlifiil for tht rmtronatre of Ma friend funtonicrii during llic 17 yrari he hn leen in lu"" ni'M in thii plnco, lie Holiritu frnm the public nf0' tiiiunnpp of tlirir fnvorii. Durinif flir pfTio hn enilravorrd lo keep up wilh III inlp1rf,,,'1,''' of 111 dy, ind Imn iiccordinirW f xtrrnrltrf l'i pu' nc in every liranrh nutl vnriely. The poMic V tliprrforr! invited to the attention of the yteMn tork of CAIHNKT M'AllE AN!) CIIAts' M ANnrAcTvnrn nv ELEASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old ftand, Where in nilditinn lo their former etopk of th rKtahliKlinient they now iimnufncture Mahog-any, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chai"- Lnnre Siriwr Seat Rocking Chairs, Dressing Jhtre.nus, Centre Tables, Miiiiile Top Wash Stands, ami a variety of other new style and i Faliion:Ic Furniture. lluvinir Beeurcd a HenrHO nnd ninile the ncc ' snry nrrniisrinrnts fur the purpose, llipy ir no I prejmred fur I'lidertiikinir in all itii branclie. in ! this vii initv or Bt any eotivenicnt distutice. " J Ae inuirtB anil mistrt.'i!eii, mid liimliniuts too, , I ltere'i riirnitiiro of r-cry myle mill hue, , j T'r'un still, trinrils it wn to kitrhn tallies, : l'rrim rnckinc rlmirti In iiH'kinir rriutlfi ' PlmiiM y.ni n,t liiivn tlie putty Jnux to pny. '' , AVi-'ll v;iil nvvliili? f. -r a liriglitrr tielter lay, (, Cr tnkp 't:itw, mitii. C'irii. wiicat nnd rye ; t , llurk, lump p"M, nmvi"t, or Imnlir wrt anil Jrr, j tir nny tlmii! I.iit y.'kua unit tliri'nliitig ttnil, : : Ktotn piirn uml tnrkir-s down to littli qnaili. .1 ! inic nn tlirn frit mis, euint' one and nil, t I Kii'p trnito n muvin, "p-K on the bull.' j VYr" ( inlers from a ilintunce promptly attenile to anil work of nil kimlt delivered with dispatel Sunljuiy, Ahirch il, 1W50. tf ESSENCE OF JAMAICA U ING Ell. ii'.i. ..1,7 i,U.;.,''r:: I A TAW: Km tl, W Jimie Oh-, M. nta.W Il'll .i, ,. ir. ll.-rnl IJIW lillMlien. il) I ' 1 '"ir" 'piwnrv I 'inis ninl hihi run i.ii. ninl ini'iiriiritinii ,ii i nn run" ni'l'iTfiiiMii-.' t ' ii pn.-i'i ,! rl pfi. rut 1 'n i t tins li.isi;i.-.-.. will l,c iMnun'iPil to rt-ii!.ir IVirr,"ti.iii(l-uiB witli mi' r i:i.'. I' MS'iii il, iufitninti in nl fri"tn! in IliPiirmy or urn v, t I. iwir'lt. unit ..11 tlie .iirti-iil.iir k." .v. n ..t' t'lu'ir t,.-r in-. t-M.'-iii.-i w vh it IV" i.r i.n.' i"l!:ir, mi'l tli-.-'i I'tii'in. rti w ii! in- r.'i.l. -.' t . r.-tiirn nl' m i::. All r Jili.l'liiifii ti 'III. lo 111' (r:.::.. ir.) iuul r : 0 tr.'5i...t t , fil Utl.KS r TfflU'.t;. (II ix II7, T. (I.) Wusiui'i;! .ii, I), l'. Ili-iTinti'r !-, l-.'i'. I n 1 li A nr1 poii'-'l intlr tMi'w: -'timr and rereivtiicr, Willi the nilititionil kwiwlpilff llina Tnr olilnineit, Wit fiilin to eure any caae of peeret tliseit.e that mav feel CArn.a Medipixii ever vet ofTered to a diaeernhic ron,' l",llcr CB"' 110 mntter how lon8 stand people. It net. na n vnluii ile prnin"ter of nitration, nn pMVea the nii'ilitv of the WkwI nud Ihna iuerenaea the nmouiit of either Knt, Milk nud eouseqtienlly of Butter. Kv'en III (lie henlthv Animnl Ilewnro of C'lunterfeiti! na the ejtenaive anle nf our powder tna indneeit ntheta to nnke nn imitntinii of it. I'jieh nick lint our written Siynntnre tn the end. BUKlVKi, PHONKPIKLD & CO. Philadelphia, July US, l-JI. ty. A Bar." Stroke ron HiBNn. T.mly Isabel Finch, daughter of the Eurl of Win chaltea, Udy of the bed-chatnbor lo tho Prinecsa Amelia. I.oul Bath on evening, having no silver, borrowed ha'.f-a crown i f her J fc ent it ber npsfday, wilh the gal lant wiati thai ha couM piva her a crown Uu replied, that "thnugh ho could nut five bee a etown, he could give her coronet, gjii she va.t reaJy lo accejrt of it." IIAEEIE SIAinJTACTOay, CHEAP (JR.VVK STOKKf riili, F'ro.eri!ier mfornm lit,; fiienda and liie pulilir, that lie contiinies lo parry on the Marble lfnaiiip in all It branrnea, at lua old stand in Milton, 1'.)., and is prepared to inanu fiieluro Konumcnls, Tombs, Cravcstcnos, &c, of the hef-t maieriulK, and most f.nie'ied work niniisliip, and at the lowest pripes. l.rtler Ciittini, I'nijlish nnd (Jprmnn in the ninit inoileru and elefrant style. llefiigna for Mouunieuts, (Jrnve Ptones, &e., ulwnys on hand. N. 15. Onlera for the l'nst aide of the river promptly executed by leiiv ins the some, nt the olliee of llie "Sunbury A tni-ripan." ANT1IO.NV HirP. M'.Iton, May 10, 1BS1. VrvI. G. IVIilSON, Knvnvcr nr.d I'l-inJer, No. 4(5 Chertnvt Street, ahove Second. prepared to do EXOAVIfS and PT!I.T- lfi. io nil their hranplie. WVitdina. Visitinn- and Kus'neim Cards, liali Tieketa, Wati'll Papeia, l.nbela, Uiil lleadu. Notes, Checks, Drafts nnd Iliplomas. Seala and Statnpa for Corporations, Odd Fellows, Masons, Sons of Temperanee, &c. All the above engraved in the best manner. Ordera by l'ost promptly attended to. December 27, 1P5I ly. TIIE WORLD' FAIR. Cold Jlrtlai Awarttotl, Jo F.li Krnpp, for Am "Etsence of Coffte. 5T i now satisfaetorily derided that Krupp'a "Essenee of t'olTee" is the best and most wholesome preparation for Oollee in the world. We thoreforo repominend it to all Invert of "f7W Cnffif" as an artide of rtreat value. The price is onlv UJ eenta per paekaRe. wh'u li with one lb. of Coflee will go far aa five lbs. of ordinary Cofleo alone. Storekeepers and all others that may purchase it are u su red that if it doea not give en'ire aulis f.iction it may be returned, and the money will lie refunded. MaiiulactureJ Iiy KM KRL'PI', Xo. C39 N, 3d St., riiiladelphia, January 3, 1851. 3m. UNION HOTEL, SUNBURY, FA. TIIK MISS WniTZm.'S respectfully inform the Public that they still continue to enter tain travellers nnd others at their old established stnnd in Market street, west of the Court House. Their !ont experience in the business, nnd the well established reputation of their House, will, they trust, be a sufficient (rtinrantee, thai their rustnmera will bo well accommodated. March R, IN.rl tf. AISEniCAN HOUSE," rOTTSVILLE, PA. , n!. MA IIY WEAVER respectfully infomu 1 t!ie public and travelling couimunity Reneral ly. tout hc has ojsned this larre and commodious . IIOTEI., furnished in a usrriur style. I'rom I her Ion? evperienee ill the business of a first rate Hotel, ami well known reputation lo nccomino. j date. Iter customers may depend onbrini; supplied j wilh every thing conducive lo their comfort and i convenience. I Feb. 15. lS.'il tf int or al'lietimr. Either sex arc invited lo his Private Hooms, 38 North SEVENTH (Street, Philadelphia, without fear of interruption by oth er patients. Stranpera and others who have lieen unfortunate in the selpption of a physician are invited to call. Those who have injured themselves by solitarv vice are also invited. 1JKA1) AND REFLECT. The atHicted would do well to reflect before trusting Iheir health, happiness, and in many eases their lives, in the hands of physicians, ignorant of this class of ntal.i jii'i. It is certainty impossible for one man to understand all the ills the human family nre subject to. Every respectable iihynicinn has his peculiar branch, in which he is more success ful than his brother professors, and to that he de votes most of his time mid study. YEARS OF PRACTICE, exclusively dvo ted to the study and treatment of diseases of Ihe sexual organs, ojether with ulcers upon the bo dy, throat, nose, or les, puins iu the head or hones, incr. mial rlirimi.iti.m. pravel, irregulari ties, diseases arising from xotithful excesses or impurities of the blood, whereby the constitution has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor lo offer xpeetlii rflirf lo all who may place themselves under his eure. Philadelphia, April 11, IP 3 1 ly. T. S. BOOST'S new and beniiliful music from the most distin- Kiiislicl coinpoers. j 'J'he follow itit list contains s,une of their ehoi- : erst nud most popular Colics, AVnft . , Polkas. ' &C Now, thon art Cone, n beautiful so words by Thomas . I. Dichl, music by llnmbiiilpVi Mv New England H me. words and i.iiisi" bv Mrs' I.. Wade. (frolic's Omnibus; by C. Crobe a collection of Duetts. Sounds from Home, piano nr.d violin, Iiy Jos, ('itn'l. Pretty Little Pol'.as fir Pretty Little Pemjc. Iiy .1. I. ins. All Ihe Winds a.ie Slcepine. by A. S. Worn, spy, Cuardinn ApcpI. by the author of "Love No!.' ' llouspliold Words, written by Chns. Yontii, do. The Adieus, words by Thomas J. Diehl, mil sip bv Dorr. LEE oV WALKER have constantly on hand, superior Pianos, nud a supply of Martin's Cele brated (iuitars. which together with a fine as sortment of Musical Instruments and .Merchan dize in general, comprise a stock lint to be sur passed by that of any other cstablishmont in the country. LEE ec WALKER, lfi2 Cliesnut street, Swaim'e Duilding. Philadelphia, June 28, lS.il. ly. n e L .t Enn, rn 1 4 r.rBzcAii nousr, KSTAIH.ISHF.O is YKARS A(iO II Y Dli. K1NKEL1N, IT. Crirr of Third nnd Union Strcrfs, lUVrWKKN PI'Kl'CK AND PINE PTRKKTS, T f 3 1 1. AD B LTT I A. T'.I'TKt'N TAI. .f c3tt.'is;v mi't mini frrtrt- J4 (.ru'i !. ii;H.-ii in i-ny nnvt rmii-rrl i)r. K. llic iir-i fxju'ii :i'i-l Micc'-ssiul pniciiiitiiiHr i.ir nnd iumi, in lint 1 1 .: nifjit !' iill ii.i-n.--i i ii'n iriv;ii' ii;iim. I'-t-ih lifll'''''il Willi ll'i'f, Hi HI lite !nMlV. tiif".'!!. or l-'t'f. HiiltlH in !.; li'-nl'T !'!'f. ;.n i'Miri.ii riit'tiiu-itiFin. Ft rirltirt-F, jiMifl. niK-'ii!t: iii ifNo: tr-'t'i .-it, ,.i nil cxiTfii -r iui.nii ilu-s m- l.'-l.lll. Vi"H'''' til" l' !l!lUtlltill Ir-f'tlllL' t ll'CL-lllt'll. Utf U'.l 1 1 f I WilM KM !("... Hi; vn pl-ic iiim.fMi' uml'-r thf nf f Dr. K.. in-ij rr tl'.'i nl' f iu it; r is t nn;iciiiiin. ;ml i'ih.i'ci,i- iy Uj. ii I" :!.i:! :if :i physu'iiiii. T AM' VAUTUM I.Mt NoTICT:. Yoitnsr M'-n u-'i-i have ininri'd tlicnisolrcs ty n riTtnin,) piMfiicp nitliilyoil in n hii'iii trvint'iitty l;iriu'(l I mm tvf V WIipJUII' 'UK T Hi ffli ! HI" fllfi'lF n Wlllcll HTi' HU'IH icll. rvf'i !n n :c!"( iiml ilsj--iy h 'tti iniiiti n;iH I1 k.ie:i!.I iii-plv iiiitiictli.itcly. r-ikitt'SK iimti'iitn (Ifh'tii y 1 m nr.iFfiitur rnpFffv. p'lvicul fiitiiiti ninl rril pr 'Hiruh n, irutitihiy nitd n.l nrvn ntt'-cii m-. nt tffMi-ni. hUiiririsnnc-! t m iivm. unn evry nn:isi'iti w;iv ,iiiin', tmns curr ii'ftc.J wi'h lite (ii'rl'r u" tin? pnrritive nrf" red. nnd f ull viiror rt.trfd. .' YOUTH AND MAMIOOD, j A vigorous life or a premnltiie ili'alh liriniil pnipfviyoi which il will be found to p"i ' It ir n hi"i flli'-Hiit mid nl Ur Rttiif tintt' hnrmlfM. penttj H-'iiri'ii, in id win ne loiina ver J Imn-tu-i d in pMicvitn tl.t- pmntnl nnd distr-pfiiiis ieclni r.iiiiiiiti i iv inr itiii;iin(i ncii'Mi m nun iiup- iu-uv I'ruiii luill ton hol- t-ii-ninMininl Inkcn in tt wine-l I I'.il nl fiv.;ct' iif-d wnier will inmiiiJt"Jy rrni- v UiC llnlii ' lem iiti'lop1'n'Pii'ii risunii in tin indimpti- 'ii, uihI il Ut I Iwmt thrcr tun. f inn; . :i rt'mrtnl. wdl It- r-und lnchl ( iiKctnl nuiii.ifi tin- l;iseitii.li'iind cr.-nsi of binkina nt tl ent"iri . hell ;iiid ten ii-iu-v I PC titTii iicthid nccaJ-umPtl tij' th , em-rviiriinr fli r-( nf" tht.- summer hf .tf. r f 'll"Witnrnt'tr In i1,s;t..-i:ilJ(, iiii f.ir v in c'.uiii tin- iiifipifid stin;- o( ditin I :h:''-i. Ac ! It is h! i nn i- i! ni'-iLeinr f-ir th-in h' havr tf I inr-Ml tin- t t- m t .i ir eU.iin.'tfl.m hv thf iniin.-il.-ifitr llSCi ! i it xiciitiii'; pi i-. l.y i sliL'liily rtini'itiitiim fflcct up i tfii- Ht'ini'ic i i fin ifi i!;i tT'ivmc f 'f nuiuiiliini. while I ivt iniiiri -n n -in thr hiitin. nnd is n 't muvtrt 1 fi-.-liiiii- tf rpn M-i.iti, wiiicli u!:i ItiJloW the use nii-'ilii-hc stiniul.iM'f A f.'w dr-'p nlh'1 tn m:ttrnesiu, rlmhnrh nr other pr liv- nifiln-tiii', will render diem in r nereptnti'ft lo f .tine!; ;uid prevent tin- priping wlneli in np! t' f.feomj. tlien u -t:"li. iT.r:PAKi:D only ky 1 a M nn os i; s it ir, UIH uiilST AND flir.MlST. V. . comer of 1th and Chestnut Strtet Pnii -.ilelphiji. Aprii !. l-.il Iv . i TUKVnP.TilX, PA. ! TIir. subscriber respecifully inl.irins the pub ' B that he lias opened a Public House, I ; new town of Tre irtt.n, .Northumberland eoun i und that be is well prepared to iiivoiiinimiate auests in the hct tnaniier. His house is loca Means' utipivite the Company 'a More. He isi pror ided with soud stablitt!; sulVii ient for (! I ses. -lie trusts prompt and careful alien' to biisiiiVesa to meet a share of the public puti acre. , HEMiV 1( VEA El Trevorloi'..-". Jan. 11, 1S3U tf- It T. i KIMvCl.lN on St If PrrnrrTntion. ONLY 2.1 CF.NTS. NO CUKK NO PAY I Hup Jics' Fever nnd Ague Pills ! ! 4 PEHFECT and speedy cure for the Fever . Tin- va'a:,:.!.-: nnd A Kim is euiiraiileed lo any o'ie who ! will pr.-c. nl w-i fruiir; mav use the Pills. They have been used nt s'rfit vf'ntt and tnr.e neer been km fail in a single instance and in case where persons have had the disease lor several years, without ttilerinHsnin. l'ho proprietor chnVfiipr-s the worttl lo produce an nrliele that wi'l cure in as short a time, without leavintr auv 4: me it 1'", save iilal- - , i Iv 'I'll .iis.t;nls nl I.IVfS. lor ttie i ,v r...:l.,. ii will l.-urii how toprnvent rfll,,s- iowii to triii'ti -ii .-I" liu-ir .--I iiiti .-n . loo ! "A rein'iiiii.. -"! ciii. ei.c! .F,-,t inn ! W ' .' driwil to liii. KINM'.I.IN. N. W. iviicr of I fl ft rhi Tt H'k just piilillslicit is fllli it with useful inf. in l it. in iniir.i,.. unit Hisfiisrs of t , i,.iit:imvh It :i.l.lr,ssi H. Unlike In OI'TII. M ANIIOl l) uii1-1 il.i;. mi.l sli .nM I . i I.v nil :ni i.-e ami int;.ri.?iF:v wariiine ( lil'Si-rv mill r.'ill'.'i iii(T mill HOSn OINTMENT, kZlf-TETTl 1) r.AI) tli I illownn eeniliente from Capt. Deroe. w.-l! ktiovH on,) populiir Slmin U,iit Captain of ! I lavellcr.) x j ritit.nsr.riii. rcMtir St, t4 I S-veral years r i-ic I wi nita. st.l with a freaking I on in v inrk in id lone of Tnter, which I am eonvii ( u.mc mrncti-il at 'hf H-iriier sih.i,. It gramlilally exti ril over mv f.u'.- until it rr.-.i-liiil the Uiier psi't of .checks, li'imu' Pa- nvrr.il m ntha i,-,i lt r'mn ' aprea.lot.', I i I .hil-rctti a.i!i ati..n. s..inr of wfoeli tiie e:i-'N. nelir,..iili. at l. aKt. ,,f inrri-fniitiir ,e ttiM.ttse. from none oi i'i. i.i ,i,il .r.i-ivc Ihe h-nsl i.-nrhl ui ' tiuplinj t'a- H.,F Hivtvcnt. Hv the lire f one jar o n.t- j.ei, . i,o. ii mm nuvc reniiiiucil Irre of the a i-ttl,- I MdS w ill rtoinri' n h Pn in at a i jianl.) ami I..-i n PACK il . Intvvien Snriirp I tiie, riiilf ahiti '!.. un.irr i-nvfl li e. i-.-r retnrii ol" I'l na IHIIV.1.I.I.-...H !r. K. lo h-lli ipo! .-,! at h .in-. ok .MKiiirixr., nntixTi i 'i.itr a r,-tmltii.c., iiu.l put up m Ii I luivc s'aee ii n. 'lens of Ine tare, M .lei l.'Ct SMCe.-51.. (, i Ihe Mlroiii;eM ivaiiin I I e.. e from deleterious etlects from the use ol it. If the Pills , f .rc-anl. .1. r I l c. .1... i 1 1 M II . I-'. . r 1 I l.lllSTY. no inn. pi-noun ii mithi unit perieci cure, too - ,. . ,, x . . i, i . '.i i, ' ... 1 . 1 ' I il.i U-Be Meiti, New rieiti. I'-i'-nrs. r.-invaFva nnil nil pioprieiorvni reiuru ine money, rw sale ny ,.,.r n,,,,.,!,,,,! v. nli tlie nlv work ul e,; ii o. Jacob S. I.awrcneo, Minersville ; E. Hclfen- j pi.iiil.iT fr, J -.!. ly. j atein, Trevortoii ; N. l, Dixon, rejiiivlkill Ha- . " mmi; John W. Frilinir, S.inburv; Mary A. Me- ' TIIILA. AIID P.AIaCAD. Act' lll-'ve... Jill) , l-ltl. finlini-i.t. litht'v nppi.eil f ,r ro -. e.;1. ,(.,! I; v j,r W ith !u:'il.'iti ai in rreolllueiiiiug ' I c pnlilic. JAM 1 3 Di:vi; atA"i:s, fitnl.ury. Coy, rV'orlhuiiiberlaiiil ; llr. Hcektv, Danville; John Sharpies, I 'allawiss.i ; Dr. Jmld, A illiams port; John Kaser, Milton, and by respcct.ib'e j Drujrirists throii ;hoitt the Slate. I J. CI iif'ls C. HI -HUES Proprietor. Poltsville, June SS, 1(151. ly. mmiii; AHllA(;:ll; pom rini.AKn.iMiiA anm pottvha. LAW1JENCK II0US1-:. SUNBURY, PA. fy II E subserilier reiectl'ully informs her friend A and the public generally, that she has taken the shove well known stand nearly opposite the Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per kins. She trusts that her experience in business, and her efforts to make her Rtiesta comfortable, will (rive entire satisfaction to those who mny fa vor her with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS March 8, ISjI tf. Oftioiw or the Maine Liquor Law.- It it stated thai the till parsed ihe Lower House of tU Main Legislature with ihe confident expectation that it wouIJ be defeated in the Senate. Aa the member of the Senate Jul pol like the Mea of auming the reiifii bilily of defeating the bill, they pned it for the Governor to veto. When it wai brought to 3ov. Hubbard, he expreseed hi indignation at their folly in pasting auch a bill, nd saying, "if they want the bill, let 1 them have it, and put hi official aignaturo lo it, aud il became the fanned Maine Law. BARGAINS I BARGAINS!! Clocks, Wdichen, Jewellery, Silver Ware, laiicy Ufiotlft, &:c, xc. C1IorKS if tvery deftr-ripttftii ftiul qnnUlv, S tay Urnm J omlytlh ur 'l'tck, very low. Vnt((MH o' the Iwst niiiKt-m. Ttihiun 1ihum nnd n,'l0riiMti Gill nntrnt lever. ine nt kv tm fc'- U'lirrtiitiot, In kural niPfn, aiwl incur Iit 2 in 'i i ill Silver rfvr as lowni r I ft. I Ml wnrruiittt!. .f ini w Uw nm fH.(H warrnnlfd, (jinrtir Vtrh in irr-ii( vtirnMy. Ji-w'llery nt every ileevripti'in, linW Hinrtl Mini Koli rtvim, Hmct-lfia, Kur Itmcs, l invt-r limit. HrtKH'lirn. I.4'kip, link) I'eirt fr 1,HI, wmrnuteil vtntB. Tht; mitliwrtlH-i hiivms at reiunml in. in tlm r.iftlin ftirt(irit m prrnif u l'urmili any urn .-If in liia line of huHiiHM o llin utnt tvuit. iuul na ehtvtp nt the mime tirti- rltn wm ho t'-etl iu tlie lituiiclitlim r Nrw Virk miirkvia. pt'tiviiHM' the imblir t (nu I id he. unites tltflr ntfti lion unit reapwnully aitltritaa rull. Ila wmU iHrtinl trly lit v itr itie Btleiilioii ( ll'itfl t'nipri turn, nixl t utiiihfa In hi -!iiaivtf naatirtmitt filvr Wnrt, viz: Ten Htta. TuMe, LfTt nm! Ten tSxtnin, Ftfl(a, ljnllta tr.. Ac. OrMi'ra rttrptVMl f r nny nrtiH of Silver Vnri rxraMitttl with prmitMnfM, nnd iu tt hat atyle. A prml vtirirty ii Vuiry .trnla, l:itifr Mtiche work, am-h ua Writing D.-Bl.f, nrt Fiia, (ilnvo iikt-st (Mur Il"ca, Ae , . If you wnnt lo aware ImtHtiii cH ''t It. O ORRKS next door to the Piart 0;Tire, Crntre at., JVttavitlt;, Va, N D. All kiuda of rtpnira attriull to by the beat work man. Deremttrr 27, 1851. -ra. SOAP AND CANDLES. rillin subacrilier takea Ihii metliod of inform ina the citizen, of Sunliury an.l vicinity, that they Bra engaged in the Hi -mifactur. of Soap ami Cainllea, of the heat qua' ty, at No. 44 filtirrt street, Philadelphia. 'J'liev respectfully invite all who I'Uy for cai.il, to give him a call aa they will lind it tu to Iheir advantage in dealing with llim for article a in their Una. E. DUFFY tt SON, 44 Filbert above 6th. DacemWer 80, 1851. tC ATENT BRITTANU STOPPERS for bar bottle for aula by II. B MASSE It. 8unbury, April, IS, 151 P SIIIXOI.F.S. Joint nnd Lap Shinglea, of Crat rate quality, for aale by JOHN YOUNG. 8unbury, Dee. 50, 1851. if. GOLD PENS wilh and without silver cane juat received, and for aale bv ii b.;masskr FunburyAnril4 18.1l AUD WATCH ESTABLISHMENT la Selinsgrove, Pa. t'lorlis, tV:tlliai and JctTlr.y, 1 UPAIItED in the lient inaiiuer and warranted ' to perlorm well. j All work intrusted to It is euro will be atriclly j attended to, ScliiisijTove, Nov. "I). IS.'iO 11. JTITZIMMERHAN, jrsxii'i: or tiiu peice, Suiibiuy, Pa. OiTice in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. HP" Monica collected niiH ail liiwiiiPKB promptly and enre. fullv alteieM M. April 20, IS50 ATENT Truswa of all kinds, Harrison a writing ami iiuieiutiio iiik, cotton yarn ami laps, just received and lor salu bv J.'W. rKIMNG. Sunlmry, Dee. 1818. gJTONF. Ware, Earthen Wnre, Raisins, Al 7) monds, P lines nnd Cream NuU. Planes of nil kinda. Salt and Plaster. Jut received nnd for aale bv JOHN XV. FRILINO. ' Smibury, Dee. If), IS 19. BOOK. nnd Gold Pens. On hand several cop ies of the life of Christ, and oIko a number of gold pena which we will sell al the Philadelphia prieea. For sale Rt this office, -Tr-EXNEDYV? tatent .sanh fan- jLvL. "ENI.NGS. A cheap and excellent arti cle lor fastening sash for eule hy J. W. FRII.INO Sunhury, July 7, 1849, VURpIXG BOTTLES Ureast pumps, and ' nipple tubes. A supply of these useful arti cles just received and for sale by JU11. W- f Itll.lAU Punbiiry, Jan- 18, 18.Mtf ; pnowN-s ESSENCE op J ! (jIEU, an excellent article. AM Alt' A (JIN- 1! in v Medicated Soap for etui burns, tan, tetter, Ve. lladwav's Circnusinn Ilaltn, for the hair dand ruff Ac. Kadvvny s Ready Relief f.ir Cramps, Cliolic, Cholera Morbus, Are. For sale bv II. B. MASTER. Sunbiiry, Au. IS',0. X'aaiiaMe PROPERTY FOR SALE. FITHK Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, L oilers for mlc the lollowimr property in Mil ton, Nortliutolierlatid county, iz: The large M BrvICX BUILDING J fl. in upper Milton, formerH occupied by Messrs Patterson ns a Cnrrintre Maker hhop. The Imildincr is till feet front on upper Market street, nml 41) feet on Front street, and is two stories hih. Also n two story BRICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 by 2.1 feet, on the same premise, Tim lot is on the coiner of upper Market and Front streets, uiiil is 61 feet front, and 16(1 feet deep. Tho premises would be valuable for a Foundry or other maiiufactuiiiii; purposes, and will lie sold on reusonuble and accomnirHlatiii' terms by Hp plying either to JACOU CARRIGAN, Philadelphia. J. F. WOl.FINfiER, Esq.. Milton or II. H. MANSER, Esq , Sunhury. Philadelphia, Jan. VI5, Ibil tf- Tarr x I-rdncrtl. Of.ce of f )'hi!a. f- Viadin'i Jnfr-f Co. Philadelphia, March !: tlH.il. Two Pncn:rer Troilia Daily, (exc Sunday.') j TXN ana1 alter April 1st, ISM tvi trains will I Green's l eiiated Tiller, price redtiretf, t .'ld Jacob 'I 'ewietend's Sarsajianlhi, linker's ,trsnp.iril!n. Svn no's vriip of Wild CI. err pi, Sivnv lie's croiiiite. A v re's Cherry I'cct.iral Dr. I 'rnke's I'iir.ncca. Dr. Cullen's tlo Tibbit's Pnin Killer. Dr. lioutlamrs li'erinati Kitiers' I :i! :: i euetalile Pills Horse ami Cattle Medieine For snip by ItliNRt MAIMER. Sunliury, Julv M, lS-lil. JirNOII AND SUNG MOKTISE LAT- . .vcetlent article, for me at hall the usual pricl . J. V. FfilLING, .U19- ' Hunbury, July ' I U8TICKS ttunbury, ''( af n r PF BILL For aale by RG5E OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this excellent article for Tetter, A e., just received and fur sale by HENRY MASSEK. Bunbury, July 38, 1R49. rilEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin J. Tea Company. For sale bv 6unbury, Dec 8, 1848 J. V. FRILINO. mTBTILEY'S C'OUGf CMNDY. Aa excel. y lent remedy for ceuirhs. colds. For sale at this olltoa STONE WARE, CJTONE milk Pans, stone Juirs and Pitchers, s-J and other articles of stone ware just received and for sale by JOHN XV. FKIl.ING. Sunhury, June S3, 1849 UE WHITE BRANDY FOR PRESER VING, just received and or sale bs II U. MASSEB. Sept. 88, 1850. bo run each wav, daily, betwh Philadel phia nud Pottsville srf!i v".vr? T.rxn Leaves Pliiladelplua nt "J A. M.laily except Sundavs. I Leaves Potti.vil'e nt 7 A. M. tlairxcept Sun dae s. I after xonv j.ry Leaves Philadelphia at 3 J o'cloiilaily, except Sunday-. j Leave Potlsviilo nt 3 o'clocfaily, except Sundays. FATWfi, J Between Philadelphia and lsville, 8.75 1st class cars nud -i.'J.i 2d elaslrs. ltelween Philadelphia nnd Kiln?, $1.75 1st class cars and V 1 .4 ." 2d class caj Depot in Philadelphia, corii'f Broad and Vine Streets. Passeinrers cannot enter the I unless provi ded v ith Ticket. J NOTIcr. Fifty pounds olf'irnire will lieal lowed toeaeh passentrer iu Ihisues; und pas setnjers nre expressly prohiliituroiu taking anv. Ihimr as bairca-.-e but their we; apparel " -will be at tiie risk of its owner. " " wMch Uy order of the Liounl of Ma aatrcra. IiKADFnun April 1M1. crera'r. TIIT1 TIIOPLE'S VADE-t.rECT7 roMPKisiNti a fiii.i.KcriDN orovn Jon V A Ll A I! L K RECIPES. la the FmiiI and Interestuit! Artt trust .7..i,.. u ,,,. ..erriiiirnts Is rilK.MICTKV i I NCLl'DLNG Mc.licii.es, Perfuoiery.Cht-s Cookery, Farriery, D ine, Cot fecunntrj, meslic Economv.etc. etc. etc. Prcc J n' sale by ' IIENRV .MAS' Sunburv, Dee. 8, 18-19. Mom: t:u .M)iit Just received nt the store of HEMtVJ SEIJ, a lot of Caps, tiiun Khoea, IJ'.ieensware, Liipmrs rc. All ef wlycji sold at the lowesl price. Dec. 11, H.iO. 11 -- t EXTRACT CP GINOEIL A fresh supply just received and for aala at this ollioe. Price 25 cents. Sunhury, Juy 18. 1851. -.ijA.Niv W0TE8, waiving the exemption U law of $300, for sale by Aj.ril.20, 1851. 11. B. MA8SER, WRITING FLUID and self sealing Enve lopes, just received and for sale by April 19. 1851 H. B. MASSE R. L1QUOHS, WlXJiS, &c." 'PHE subscriber has just received a new sum l' ( the Iwst liquors that crer caine to Sunl,.,r'ly n..-;-l!.m in r,.,rl ,.f 1 Ur I Superior old pale Brntuly. Fine Cotrniae Bralldv. ! Superior Old Jamaica SiiUt, New r.nclaml hum. Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey Common tlo. Kuierior Maderia Win l.islion do. il .Sujierior Tort Wine. BurKundy Port do. Sweet Mnlaca Wine. Superior Claret Wim Chamiiucriie do. ValiistMc ttuoks, I" IFE or Cm- 'r'ly hcaCl rni:'t -' ,., , . II.I1UKII,4 "i Mt i,'4",",T"",r or Tun Rl Kor..l..,;,::,",r" fun - .oe pu: .. iHts prices by K"lMiry, juy ,4,M9 H' ,WA' ae, uud uio reaicoic, for sale unbury.JunenisJ'U 'si'llflliVo aM,1r"'"l recei J'M.bury, Dee. fiw H-MA 1'iI.ANK Pabtr:. " "r" "r7 t.' ". i-eeuiion, Sn.,1...... a -T"l Wl, 18S1 .Sunbury, May 20 1 WAY RUM. An f by So'ihury Jan. STth.j kottles. do. ENllY MASsf HENRY uT J"' .MAS 3 L YE R WATCH Ks.: A r ... J ...i. fcnu'hhh fciver Urhes. f, .. ., . P"'-'' h- H Rin, Sunhury. April ljf 51, 55 .S of "er, ,lescriiUon can F fm. - mi si 'e0),ce ol uie jmef j . j eelebnij i HoTaTj I' At . ' i