T fjSYLVlNIA LEGISLATURI . IUrrisbcro, March 15. farther supplement to Iho Bill lncorpo. ruling the Snnbury and Eiie Rail Company, va 'plu' p'ace this morning in the Sen ate, by the Senator from tho comity, Mr. fernon. This supplement is th snme 'n effect as the one now pending in the limine of Rcpresentaliee, but embraces two mhli tional section of moment one of wl i h authorizes the company to extern! their toml rom Sunbury to Hart isburir, while the re. winning lectinn chnnaos the nnme of the Tmpany to "Philadelphia, Sunbury find Urifl Ril l'"d Company," in lieu of its piesenl liamP. A proposition is now beinjr entertained fjr the leaso of our whole line of public woiks. F"r of the firms of piineipal trans porter, n' present doing business on the Philadelphia nnd Pittsburg Line, nre nnmed i:i the proposition, which, in effect, is to allow the Commonwenlih one million of dollars annually for ten years, for the us of the whole woik ; the money to be paid in monthly instalments. On the first year, $900,000 is to bo paid ; on the second, S!!00.000. The balance of Iho million on each year to be expended for the widening of Ihe locks of the Delaware Division of the Pennsylvania Canal, as well as on other sec ions of the woiks. The State is to complete ho improvements now commenced and eon emp'ated on the Columbia Rail Koad and on he Pint age Hail Road. The same pioposi ion ofleis to pay 7 per cent on the 81,300, 00, supposed In be necessary io the com lelmn ol the Ninth Biamdi Canal. Now, if lis idea can be canted out in frond faith, ul I understand that uuquestiunalili! bunds ml s.-riiriiies ar.i preferred by the transput rs, it will lie a pecuniary iniileniuni ljr ntis Ivania. The State will bo rid ofn my "of " iiiMitia.il-' pirtdiu rol'bets, and the .blic v. oiks be made to Jiel.L, for Ifce iiit .Tie. a sum coiuiiieiisuinlu viith tnVit decr sng. Later rnoM Texas. The steamship de.vico h;ul arrived at New Oi leans, bi inil- jf T.-xas d.il'-s to the Sih inst. I.iilian out ,ges and depiedalions were on the inciease id a number of shocking murders hail feu committed, Jirmliioiim an intense feel tg of hatred, and a burning desire lor le ence union;; ihe inhabitants. The drajjnons pursued n party of Indian, il overlook lln'in at l."s Blanco. lu'n y completely rented ihem, killing thiti llii-ir tnimWr The Governor bavins refused to sij'i the Nirlinnmenl bill passed by the Legi'laliue as expected that an extra session would e to be convened. . lOil.in I's German 1mUit. prepared find 'by Dr Jnckwiu, st i German Medical e.'lv'fl Areh street. Philadelphia, daily eae in their well deserved celebrity, for cure of all diseae arirdiiir from derauiie .it of the liver. These bitters have, lu- I. proved a bh'ssina to ihe a (Dieted, wiio w ili.-ir jrrati'u.li bv th..- inoi l nieiinj iiirtmiaU. This medicine has e-taldii-h-f it itself a name that oo'iipoiiinrs, limv-rTs-ily th'-ir scheme or s-dncivo tlioir T i-?s cannot reach. It eair.ed 'he pub vnirideiice by the immense hi'tiWits that Iv-ou derived from il, and wi'l eve main its position. : ' 1 bi ii it i k t9. ,' gcliiisgrovf. 'n.'t:,fre" AW iTiM., bv the Rev. ''iC7i.'iltMr E. S. T)vts, of ' I'hiladel a, to Miss C J. Smith, of tin- former place. Vt Miersville, on the 25-h nil., bv llie r. J. R M. C'iilincli, Mr Sii.o.MiiN Siiin :. of PhriMiix Colliery, to Miss Susanna unson, id' the former place. In Ihe 4th hi-'., by Rev. D Y H-iler, ;j WrrTrsMYi.R, to Mis Amanda Forcs i, both of Ctiilii-iuarjne. . Mdton. on the 6 h iust . Mr. FREPF.R. STICKER, n-jed abmit 67 years. , Mi.ldlebni". oiilhel4lh inM , MARY 'lll. ife of Rev. Peter Shindel, am M.etler of John outlB, ot tins place, ngeil ' year's. a V..',eoni .. (.nzerno count v, on the l-t Mi. pniSt ll.l. A (iri.lCK. consort of is Ime Abraham Gulick. Ei , f.irmurly of orlh'il county, ngeil uhout 76 yeais. i a Wl, ii ir i " - '"-'. 'L'r""rl " dl)c iltnvlicts. Philadelphia Market. Mauc'ii 17, 152 IWs ami Mkai.. Fhmr is firmer sales 1W0 bbls. fair biaiuls nt 54 per bid ; nlnrciiv use at ?4.37i. Kxua Hour nt S4 J n 54. htFi.oi-B. Is scarce, and would brnifi U 'nt Mkai. Lust sales of fret-h prouinl in. W Little offerintr ; sales of prime l 92 r ; white is held at 81,ua. it V.,o w,ivinr: last sales Bt nw , o I II. Is dull ; sales of gooJ old ) ellow rti. "-New Southern re in demand at i latrr Sales at 22 cts. in bbs. nnd ' in hhils. Baltimore Market .larch 15, 1851. 'heat is small of tie suripij sales l duv or I0, .n mi. : iwe '.ti lo-day at 87 lot very p'i'"e cts. ; and a 'f. al 100 els. aken for Shipf"c" 'oo l con.Ul'i ' of new Corn, '"Jf rt. for yellow while, and SB 0 . 5U cts. ut parcels sell al i at 54 a, 56 c-. Bt 70 5 72 cents. .of Marvhmd ft 31 e,. for Maty nnote Oats l ,nBVlvania. . .d 37 cts. for V pe,lll8VlVBnia bbls. EY'.-K.atJ'' is., anu " BUKY P1UCE CUURBNT 00 61 It. 62 40 Ct 14 'OSS, 4. 10 7 ino ITK. ' At ' WtVLSS. vss. V New Advertisements. SHERIFF'S SALES. O Y virtue of a certain Writ of Lev. Facia to - me directed, will lie exposed to sal by pub lie vendue or outcry at 1 o'clock, P. M., on Mon day the 6th day of April next, at the Court Hone, in the Borough of Sunbury, the follow ing Krai I?tate to wit i all that undivided moiety or half part of a tcrtaiu Tract of Land, situate in Coal township, in Northumberland county, bring pnrt of a tract of land tnkrn up in the mi mo of Snmiicl Clirk, and known by the name of Boyds' Stone t'oul Quarry, on which the town of Shatnokin is principally laid out. be ginning in tho centre of Spnr7.hcim street, in the line between John C. Boyd anil David Mc Knight's land, Ihrncc rostwnnl uloun the middle of said 8piii7.hriiii street, tn the centre or inter section of snid 8innheiin sU, and Rock strei't. Ihence southwardly nloim the middle of snid Rock slrret to the centre or intersection of snid Rock nnd Vclisler streets, thence westward along- the middle of said Webster street, to the original line between Iho ".Samuel Clark" and the "Suninc! Wctlirrill" surveys, which is near the l)nnvillc V otlsville Rail Rond, thrncr south along said oiigiual line to a heap of stones, in line between the "Samuel Clark" and "Win. (irecn" surveys, tlience west along the said line seventy one perches to n pcml in the first men tinned hue, and thence north along siid line to the middle of said Spnrzheiin street the lace of In'grmiiug. t'onluininj; about SI Acres inoro or less. fcied, tiken in execution nnd to be sold as tne property ot Kk-hnr.l lucliantson, illi nutirj loiii niv I ry, jjatiiel l.pnillt, isaian Aimer, Jo seph liiil and David Hill, teiri tcuant. AI.Sil: 1'y certuin Writs of I en. I'.ry. a certain Tract of Land, I situate in Lower A ugunta township, in said j I'ouiity ; bounded north by lands of (iconic Key ! ser and John Vleiniiig. east by lands of illiam j Ross nnd Daniel Rulalier, smith by lands of Fe lix Maurer and west by lauds of Wcsllcy ('lark, containing II .it'i ct tnsrc or less. Siecd taken in exerulion and to be sold as the j property of James iSoss. A I, SO : A CERTAIN TR.U-T (jK LAND, situate in Lower Augusta township, in suid I'ouiity ; bounded bv lunds of Joseph Shipman, lec'd., Thonma Snyder, John Wyiin. David M' Cloud, Michael Cressinger, (icure Conrad and (ieora- Nihart, dee'd., containing I.Ti" Acr'M and ICi perches, strict jneasure, whereon is erect ed a Dkv llini( Blitltsi; and liaru, Ac. Sinscd, tnlicn in execution nnd to be sold as the properly of Emanuel Knullinnn, wiih notice to llelirr Kautlionn, terrcteimut. WM.MAM B. KIPP, SherilT. Shenli s (Mure, Nunbury, March 13, 1B5'J.- -It. IIKNBV Cnn. CKO. l,KA0fK. J. It. tilF.!E. cmniisMON am) roiavAR)iG house. CARE, GISSS & CO., i Commi -sion & Forvardin"; HercLants, j vV, ID, Sptnis ll'mrf, BAtiTIMOUE. i Will rcccivenml sell FbOl i!. (ili.MN, and all i kinds of COUN'J'R V l'Rl.tDlfi: and a No I i.i.mui:k. FJARTKTl.AR attention will be given t i this biaucli of the Rusiuers, by l ewis . 11. i (iiese, wiiose .vhole atieiilioii will be devoid to ; till stile of f .umber, nnd wdl oenpv an Olii. e on j t!ic l'"ui- l.'ork, ispccidly ior tins pui'i c. Ml. , (iicj-c't; l-.icr c. peneni e, :.lri lt'i'i l:ilioo as a I'.tsl i r.ite s.tli mii.,11, is n ;;u.r;M:lce lliat t!ie highest ; iiiarkrt prices will always be oblaiueil. ' IT? t.il-ernl ( ash advances made on Con : sigiiments : lmt in no case will this House make ,' uy adv snees, until the 1'roduce is received. March 18.VJ. 4ino. HAEEISEUEO BOOK BIKCEHY. V. Ii- HU'l TKIi & CO.. wis'!" to W. n. Iliekoli, act Ilickok A Csntinr. "HOOK BINDERS, STATIONKRM AND ;Q-BLANK BOOK MANl'lWCTCRERS. ! Tl subscribers Tcsprclfnlly inform their friends smhc piiblie, dial lhay are now carrying on ti e slice business at the (II.D STAND occupied by ; lliiok V Co. They (latirr themselves thst by 1 cand niteulioii to busmcMs, they will merit and : recer a ciiutiuunnce of tile patronage so liber- allyiijoved bv the old firms. lrticiihir iitlcntinn will be paid to tlie ruliuc andinding of every description of blank books for Viks, county olliccs, mrrchaots nnd private iiii!ituaM, anil every variety of lull and half : bouilblauk honks. (I!d books, periodicals, law - bouki music, newspapers, A:c., bound in any pattclnud in any style required. in tbtiori to the above, they have, and will at nil nes keep, a general assortuiciit of STA- 1 'I'lllXliV i v-iv i t ronsisiiiig ui !,rtlrr V,,.r, Knives, Slutft nnd Pencils. I "l ' niN". I .rait IVncilB. Ilrnwiiif 1iiVIhm'. Lrllrr Sunups. Tiiinstir' Moil, i W'mVn, lnHn Itnlilur, ronii nick til's, V.if--s, ISL.ttiliS . SnililK Wnx, lint 'l'rlT. S'eel l Hlr Ink, H nnS lar.'i, I url c;, r,..yn,e l:. I'.-i.'-r,. nolil's Vriiiii. V'liiiil, T'.msures, Sic. t5J lier ruled to pattern, and all work War rsnted a done very ebenplv. F. L. III.'TTE" cV CO. March!, 11552 tf. ATTENTION,"" .HTII.1-KI1ISTS!! " Ol' are coliiinatidisl to meet in - Maiket Square, Sunbury, on SATl'llDAV, 27ih el March, it 9 o'clock, A. M., fully equlp el "or drill. By order of the Cn; tain, SOLOMON S i'liOH, O. S. Sunbury, Marih 13, 185S. 72 -. SFEI1 MILLINEEY GOODS. .IOUJSTONK c5 SONS, IMPTKRS AND DKAlJ'.ltti IN FRKNl MILLINERY (iOODS, So. 45 Sqi Second Street, Philadelphia. k Uf? nnw In niXfr t.t llieir custom I 1 W nn,t itlR .1.. a tt.r,, mill Well IU-IhCIimI customers as sortment of HIUh, lllbhm & millinery c;oo(In. ContininU tbselves exclusively to this branch t tl.o trade, I m;(ofi'.e- the larger part of to k, cng them to oiler an assortment their '- 1 j ; e Itent atul variety, which win ne uii"'i -. , ,,,.. ., on tho 11104 favor- Bt Hie io" Si - nblc teims, March 13. 15-S" 1; ,'onslnntlv 011 hand SALMON. and l"r sale bv I J. PALMER cV Co., Market St. Wharf, I PHILADELPHIA. HEKU1M" UARD ANUC-HE8E, J March 13,'52.-3m. ' RAIL IUA.D LETTING. I.L persons uuelileu to tne suoscriucr 011 Hook account, it liereny noiiuca o come v 1 r.. r and settle Uie wmi uveeil una aim mo March urst. Stioulii this notico he neglected, 1 ersons csn find fs.lt if their sccounts are pla ced in the hands oft tagistrate fur collection. My books niuai 1 ttlleu money ur uu uiuuc,, .bort seUlenicnts uiiUong friend. iE)RUE KOHRBACII. 10 90 18 ury, Fek H, 153. .;Mlo. f AKIUAliE CrriCATES handsomely executed for Matt this ofCos, single or St dossfi. -&&lajsi SUNJ5UUY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. Pl.OCLAMATION. IOTICE is hereby (rivn that thn several " Courts of Common Pleas, fJeneral Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' ('our'. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of ISorthumlierlsnd, to commence at the Court House, in the borough ol Runbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the Sih day of April next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner. Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the comity of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their projier per sons, with their Tolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several oflicrs appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behair of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested nnd commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prowutc against him, as shall lie just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time uppointed agreeable to their notices, (iiven under my hand at Sunbiiry, the fith day of .March, in the year of our Lord one thou sand riuht bundled and fifty-two nnd the In dependence of the l.nilcd Mates of America the fOlh. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. God save Ihe Commonwealth. hegistetts notice. V" (lTICn is heirby piven to all Legatees. L " Creditors and oilier persons interested in the Kstntes of Ihe following named persons, that the Eteeutors, Administrators, and (iuniilinlis of snid Estates have tiled their account with the Register of Northumberland county, and that the same will be presented to Ihe Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday the Gill day of April next for confirmation and allowance. Sarah 'Prion, dee'd., settled by her Adtli'rs I'cnjimin Trion and A bin. Kunsclninn. R. W. Dunn, dee'd., settled bv bis Aiim'r S. P. Albright. llamuiti Vasline, dee'd., settled by her Exe'rs James Kckman and B. I", Vnstine. John Pngely, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Sam uel S. Wagner. Gideon Shailel, dee'd.. settled by hi Exe'rs Wm. H. Shade! nnd (iid. Shadel, lie., ace'l. Jacob Lcicli, dec'ik, Settled by his Adm'rs J. Francis and Charles Lercli. Joseph Trinn, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r P. Schnli. Henry Daniel, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Guorire Garman. Polly Adam, dee'd., settK'd by lvcr Adm'r Jer einiah Adam. Jonathan Meltler, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r John Eckmaii. Solomon Frick. dee'd., settled by his Exe'rs. George Flick nnd Peter Sluill. Gi-orfe Deppcn, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r William Depiicn. Henry Lcghow, dee'd.. settled by his Aihn'ra Vi!linin and Pembroke Lcghow. Bastinu Slcpp. dee'd.. settled by Bastian Stepp, Adni'r of John Stepp. dee'd., who was Ad m'r of said Mastian Slcpp, dee'd. George Miller, dee'd., seiilcd by his Adm'r Ephraim Miller. John Labr, dee'd., settled by liU Adm'r Wil liam Shal'.'cr. W iiliani au.l Rachel Tharp, settled by t'neir (,'uardian V'phiaiui 1. Milicr. BshiiU'ton nnd Charles llornberger, selllcil by their Gu ird'n John Maurer. Apolene and Matilda llornberger, fett'ed by their Guaid'u (ieore Snyder. ! rs.iraii anil ,iiurgnre( j niuucr, tciueu ny uieir (iuard'n Simon Folbncr. Jolm 1'riik. sen'r., dec d., settled by his Ailm r ile boms nn, eve., lienj.niiiii P. l'ricl:. J..,iu L'nker. dec d., settled by Ins Lnc r I.en,a- mill SirieUJcr. ! ui t ri in.-h.i. t, il l.'iuiet ,'iihiiait. M., .I'.i.-d by her i'.ie'r ; M. pi !' 1 !: !' xe'.-s IV Hivi.e ami Aimer 'J'harp. i settled bv ids Adm'r Ro- I Ii. ciM Kifiie, i-aac ,i:ic Mi li!i'r, dec ti. I Gauiiibell Christian, Kri'cr, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Samuel Kiiger. JOHN P. PL RSEL, Uespster. Register's Ollice, ) Sunbury, Feb. 0, 18.il 5t. J BRANT'S INDIAN mm Bffiffi TStc iont OlJII ItE.IIKDV Msiiy yrurt if exrr',"",p' '"t sin's ttiiti a Ttlimll'Sd II,., u in it ( arm i,f I'nnowniitilvr C.iuieia'att. i- fn i.v. , : tf t imkmiii.:,.! Nlij'ii'ti.,n of k'.: ;Hri'Hil h ia. ii'.'l"Tne rnein,iil w.m Uel - .i..itrf'.t rtm9dij. 11.11 II areullv miei ior, is-um i ' '"' "i"f. s,-l tM-rt rerinlt! i" cure f,iiiiiiiiilliin ui I.HIIH-. HiS'l "I"" It' ln-ly II. len i. W liunaver, tlil It ' l.v vmr ist Co: nua -j:i WK : r jip'I. h' li ui : . ul.ii, "M of l" "'" " "" l'" ' wu nt ai.-i. i" '' ''- ' ", n.i.t iluiiMrrlH. l'n-1. !:' ' l""vr ' ' UlUMWllliU el . ili.-l IUi me.li.; " lei" ell ee l I '!, " n.a ii run ii..'l,. U"i tli raw (! ' "! .... real 4 ',lilllii,liun, an I vv...:m " i' "i..l wl'. ',. .i. .: IliH! rtrliili e,l. mi.l were .11 nil 'f'Cvf o n.fr n:;.:,.lin ui :m.i1 If VJ ill.-, hli I I. .Til it a.e s..i '.1 '.i.. il.iS w.til lual ii.nr ihnv.1" fonilj!ililioii. T''i (In '-i lloiiHiVl ul liTi.i. ,.iO rti ie tl. I I. . ,,.e: i ai.fl. r i w:i I11..I Suri. r.i. t.vr t eliu '''" " " llrensl. Mrf. a.1 ..- xllll liny "I lll-niillilntf 'leuV'l f.iwl-tiilii"' H t ' er- "''' nn.ilnu iivtiiv ui" i'h- I'leah ami llloml ,(il,-sild retifna 1 v. y aa.J ha.mt: ,urh runniiaiilti lia" lieaii r.irM I tiiey toultl not live a wrru lui.rr. Tint .V'vitaii.a lint cnral auiue li-rniri,i,-l a 11 "' in '"", but. liy lii ua 01 una leniei.y, i..ay ifi, mc, 'I hla llillantn la ruttly m nftlaVt fmpnin,!. II II p.akkaut to :a., 1 ,1 i- u -w 1 nf 1. t ' m uitflerlill a il ulmrtl iniraciilnus I nie i rarnviiu, . ni'l lnviaruiln4 u ,- ' r amn lit n ei.'u.v.n, an. I p..H'u':iiir a Amii.l, arvim n ij uii.ikin.j 'oiib-r-.-Mi r. srve-r.i '" .,f,..f.i-iiiy i;iiiri'loiulon. 1: I una la luiiuwil.4 u aaaa, v .1. Ooiisiuiiption, v(., ,,,i. .Vi. hi ,s .-. I'..i,.i:..(w rT .(, ana lul I K II I.H i:Alil-i;s a.id tmplamU ai.ain t errioiii. t'lioleru I nliinl iii.i, A-e- Kr I'liiin .1 ui-'i" "f Carta, aaa our I'l.mi.lilela a.iu H m'iial. a Aame navt um w giva away. I'ua eats r .1. W. l-'fiiies, Sni.bnryi Mary A. Me. 1 iv. Noii.iiiiicirr'niiil; Joi'ii tl. Itiiaei, Aliitoaj lluycsft .M'riiilini k. MflAvtii'vllle. AI 'V 3, lsil. elw. ! tl.ou0,tl00 Saved Veaily by Pinchasiiig SILVER'S MIIIEItAL PAIIJTS. ' I' 1 1 K woiitrrnr ttie ne, mlure'e own iirislm-liona. L Tin-tie I'iucta ilili'er l"foui nil eltiria In the uiiiiket; tlicy arc ii"t cutis ; lln-y r-'iaiire liMIc Oil. tlnw riiaily. and c.ilL-r with n ti.'M'it'l tiist, llmu vUir.i l.4tit. '1'liey llcillier crack nor ta'cl, and dry ruaU:l' making uu D.vamki. vr SlONE. COM lt$. We tinve a.-ven ililTen-nt tsili.ra. viz : lliree llrowns, Uvi ClioeoLitea, ItLirk and Veil 'W, atul by can l,iiitil..ii m il,' every vtireay mid ttneie ci r 'lor. HOUY. 'I'lieae Puuita nre auiwirier la IsSty (or cover- inn (ii'iperlv) to 'iy yet liiaciivrteil, uul noinul lur pisitid WlUc 'V?r il"ii'tu lite lilrluce ol Willie lead, zinc, or otJiel llli-'llllic I'uinu. IKllN To Irai lliev f urnlf.li a licfeet nrnlection uirioiiKt nut, f ir tlicy cMtiiinu no iiietul, wliieli tike vvlnia le:nl ncla ilcfirticllvriy ell Ihe linn; 111 lael una 1'ullil in ika 11 iii d uh'v vulinil le tor litindnitr imrikiaea. KtiU'lv W4IIIU. Tiii-v tfive to Ii .le walla a niaeli lienviereoatiiia lhaa oilier lunula, nnd ii" aHiiilinff i requir- rii, notiiiinc in .ina a niiniy or iiuiciieei ao Weil wan 11. OI.1) Kin U'fA line ua a nail, never a i oUI and lenkv tilver'a Mineml l'uinta will liuiku II client'!)' new anil moie eiiiliirins man u ever wua. S1IIIS ualus Una exlraordhuin' Minemt as we prepare it for Itiein, will Is, t'r.Mif auiliat Ilia ueliou of lit auim vv. iriiia unit a-ili wnitr. I AHITAI.IHTS nnd IIULIIKR! are bivilt.l to umke utriet avrulmy tut- Itie merila tit llieae Puiiiu. Thry wilt tluil a very pienl rMtuil"lt miulit tar nmile in tle coal ol imiiitiiie. 1 new I'liiuis jue piireiy nitiit-riu ; an einvaaml oilier iiitntii nl'-a are wifhed 0111 m crejuu mir llietu I'm Ihe inark.S. They e ial lull hall' lite piiceof wtiile lend, anil the alone iiiuiillly will iMVcr twice lltn aun'uee. and laat aix timet 1 I ilnr. wliieli in lucl reilnees Ihe arte, to one. 1 well 1 h. C'liiQtitc linan 1 rtt'ect on tlda Paint, sisl la equally Vdhitit'le in ihe enUI Caiiuilna or our aiiimv I'lornla. Dili Kt 1 IOH I mi I.niiKe.1 oil, mix ut ikie's at you e:nl. ami Uke lis , Slier pnlilla. Ttieae l'uinta need hot lutle dryer, ond i""f prunina and aeeond coetius in sll hoiiiievvoric tticy will uc tuuiul Isr chenuer and mors tiuru. hie ll.uii lend. Jieiilera and cimtuiaert enn prsnre Ihia Tsint wleileaalt and rrlnll of r Hr.M H A KU HAKIIS, N W Conier lOlli and Mnrkel Sll., Fliiladrhihia Cieueial VVholeidile Aireuia; al, lma,itera ,S IMnle and Colored WiiiU 'W Glaaa, Uculeti la Uruga, 1'uiiilt, Ac Muich 13, 1K. 3ini. WANTED TO BORROW TWELVE HUXDKED DOLLARS in two sums of six hundred dollars each, for which cood free-hold security will be given. Address M. W. Sunbury, Feb, CS, 1853, if. TJLA.NK DEEDS printed on ths best quality of parchment psPT ' lontl prices tt this ofiie, by witeieoti )) revsti LIST OF CAUSES "OR trial in the Cotirt of Common Pleas " Ar .l r'n,.Mii -, A nril Trin. A D. 1843. rLAiritirfs. CEPTiNDANTS. vs R V Wm Fegely vs Wm. Ayres s Ira T Clement s Charles H ousel Vs Richard Goodman vs Samuel 1, Seek s Geo A l)imi vs Henry Massef Hugh Bellas Frederick Keener Jacob Wrimrr Christian Bollinger Moses Bower Jacob Stitxel B R Knse Piatt tt Piatt P K Holhiinn V wife s H Kohnt's, McCarty t si Martin Irwins' adm'r s II Yoxthelmef adm'r Mutt ft Sholier vs Daniel Drrisbach Wm (iross lor Paml Gilrt vs J. J. Cpdcgrnff Lower ft Barron Jacob Kline Thomas Sutton Caspar lleckart John I, linns John W Peal (eo C McKee Sarah Sliticl s Ira T. Clement vs Joseph Klines' adm'r vs Benl F & J W .S'tninm vs Frederick Hecknrt vs Leonard Roadnrmel rt ol vs Geo B Youugman vs Joseph Long vs Samuel S Shedddn vs Jacob .s'tit.el Same Tinbrook for Appleton vs James Brass Hicknk A- Cantiue vs Geo W Arms!reng Reuben Fagely vs Kershner cV Clement Jacob Keller vs Bank of Northumlierland, Nancy Houscl vs David II ousels' adm'r Raker A: Co for Jacob Bloom vs Heurv Conrad .., ... , . Jneoh Zariman'a llenrv kl.ire ol Eve bis wife vs , ... , administrator William McCarty vs Samuel Hunter Mary Jane Bruncr et al vs William Wilson Becker ft. Weiller vs R D (,'unnnings. Georce Shiley vs Ab'm Dnnkrlbercer's adinr x Mary Marti vs Wm 11 Sprutt vs John Campbell cfc wife vs R M Seydel's adm'r vs John Oyster senr's ex'r Same Isaac Tyler John Brown Sli.ili'ner ct Zeigler etal vs Tim 8 Mnekey Jno Knorr for II. Knorr vs Enoch Hnwera' adm'r James T Sutton ct Co vs Samuel Kyle Elir.nhcth Krice vs Georiro Lawrence Conrad Wolf vs George lleckart Catharine Snyders exr's vs Samuel R Wood Daniel (ionscrt vs Henry Buhner Unlik of Northttmberland vs JnoC Boyds' adm'r Snine vs Same Mary Palterson vs George Heckert Boneparte Thompson et al v Casper St ('lair Geo Evster for Mar- , r. . . ,. , tin 'eax'er vnvciioujjii .v is Wm MeDaiiiel for W Conlly John Reynolds William Dalius John Jackson George Lawrence Biliington for Hunter & Buyers Jacob Haas Same Jolm Jackson Jr John Leib's ndm'r Conrnd Wolf Simon Snyder A W Coiidv vs John Jackson et al Vs tsnac Render vs II S Hnulman Vs James Beard el al vs D Marr A I Brown vs Susan A. Sarah Rcid vs Charles Alexander vs Same cc Wife vs A W Comly vs Thomas Allen vs George Heckert vs George Snydnr vs George Hertz Riilt.ar Garnhart's admr's vs R W Dunn's admr Albin Newberry vs Thomas Rar Crandall for J C Morgan vs Geo Miller's pdm'r John Reed's assignee vs E L Piper John Ross & Wile ys (ieurge Fox John King vs Daniel Weidner ?ije Same E Knufmnn et al 1 asliington Mutual In ' ,. vs surance ( oinpany ! Slate Mutual Fire Insu- ranee ( 'ompiiuy vs Same I liter .xrnwtnc cc .'.lun- ( (iiish A- Jieoli vs ... . V. eike Vs Reiibe'i Fegely vs DC Caul s A E KnrifT vs J; .,'iert WliilCMile vs W.'ih.nn llro ioos vs Suinnel S.r.ii'c vs J ! i ii llirtmau i ei,l Jacob It. Mass, r j.j,,),,, ),. & ire , ,oallm .r,U.vii:e , liiWJI, j,,,itl,r:.t r , i ,. Oliver !i Hill r.rd J Peal Inibc'sce Ac vs Josriih Dimmi. k et al Christ ct McFuudrii vs Susanna Rcid 1 Reuben Fegely & Co vs He.h Bellas Aliijah Itowali vs Wm II Thompson I Kebeccn Laimsun Christian Cable Robert M Lyon Rebecca Swartt Henry A Lechnet J0I111 L Vcagcr Kraiicis Jislan Henrietta Lewis Daniel Gibson vs Tlioinns Valine's evrs vs M Unehnian cUFMarkle I vs A E Ktitzner s Andrew Mcl.snahait ! vs Wm II Bound I vs George II right vs '.livid I. Irland vs '1 hoinas liarr Jaculi Heinnri) and Jacob Kabler JAMES UEAKD, Proth'y. Prothonot.vry's UlHcf, ) Sunuury. March 13, 185,.. i List of Jurors, tfll Northuinlierland I'ounty for April Term, jp A, U. 18VJ. (si'nuil .Iiiroi'si. SfMicnv. Samuel Snyder, John Voiincr. Mti.ToN. tieo. iiaker. Samuel Shiidrn.in. Diii.aw are Isaac Milliard, .las. I. Aim- strniij;, John P Heant, Joseph Irwin, Lkwis. Isaac Shook, Peter Lillev. Samuel Itnssel. Cim.t.Qt'Aqi.'R Wm. Bcikheimer. George Holfmiiu. Tcnnt'T. CharVs H"t'entei:i. TgKvoRToN. Daniel Tuliins. 1 SiHMniiiN. Ciuirad Vw.-t, Samuel K. flil-j er. .I.1I111 I! inilurmei. IitsH. Simon Oburdoif, Enoch Woolver- j Ion. j CiM'F.u M.vhonov. Samuel Weist. , l.nw 1:11 Michael Weil, Snnitiel , Bnrreil. j I'i'i'Kn Ai i.i sTA. John Eckman. ! Traversic .Iui';i.. Srsiiftiv. Itenpitiin Zeiie'rnover. John; Landaw, Samuel Feller, f.i'o. C U'elker. ) X'iRTiirMiiEKi.Asu Win, Foisyth, sen., ' Irew foisvlli. i Mti.TiiN. Tiniolhv Millet. Fud'k Slicker, iarimel T. Brown, Ilenrae Irrbndy. ! Lkwis. James U llson. John Ilarmnn, An- Jrew Ken hi.er. ! Dki awAuk. James Dnihatn, Peter Shadv, 1 W. Arms'rono, James Hiyson, Samuel De Ariiuiud. Frank I in IL Carver. Ciii!.itiCAiirK. Paul Luhr. John Vorhis, ' en.. Jaeoli S. Rishel Ceorce Walters. I Point. William Vankiik. I Shamokin. Hem v Leisenriiirr, Jno Moore, I Ephraim ZimmermHU, Charles Manx. Lamri'N. Jlichael Oeik, Joseph I i roves, Solomon B. Bover. Daniel Kremer. Co.u.. Joeph Pimmick. I'hvek Mamokov. Joseph Fajer, Charles Sn viler. Lowf.it " Phi'iii Snatj!, Joseph Feiistermaeher, Peter Witmer. Martin Bach mnn, Chrislinn Veaotir, Juhn t.enker, sen., John Biiiitaman, jr. Lower AunttsT. John I), (onrnd, Geo. Kevser, West ley Clark. Little Mahonov. illiam uolharmeL Hush Jonas Wolf. J acksom. J. A. Daniel. I't'lil .Turol'. Sl'XBfRT. K. fi. M irklev, Chniles P.ei k. TlhntT Charles Fullmer, Jacob Ilofla, Andrew Armstrong. Mu.toN. Juhn V. Goodlartder, William Derrickson, K. M. Ftii-k. Df.i.awake. II. J. Ueader, John Rnyer. Lr.wis Robert C. Kuckman. Chilisqukjoe. William Taggart, Dennis Buoy, sen. Point. Samuel Diehl, Juhn Hamor. l'ti'sii Ishi McLouyhnn, Daniel Gearhart. SiiAvtokiN Aaron Kelly, Samuel Camp hell, John Vasline, Adam Gilger, Andrew Gonserl. Trevortom. Benjamin Troutman. Coau. Richard W oolverton. Lower Augusta. Jacob Btonm, John Wynn, Jaoob Krobs, John T. Mcpherson, John Ebri"ht. Jackon Benjamiii Treon, Charlei Rolh. armel, Daniel Wolf. Vvtti Mahovot. Nlar Balsa), Ceorg Haim, JVIiehaal I.. 'a,ul, flsorje 5thr, CL0THINO WAREHOUSE. XV II OL BULK AMD KCTAII.. J. W. E. I). STOKES, M. 194 Market Street, Smith vie, Pint btv Sixth Street, PHXX.ASEt.rHtA. ODD FELLOWS and Masonic Regalia of every variety, auited to the various ranks and orders, ronstsnflv on hand. Also, a largs and extensive stock of fashionsble He july ITIndc Clothing, manufactured by the liest of workmen, and from the newest style of Goods, of late Importation, at greatly rcilueed prices. They have also a large and well selected assortment of Piece Goods, of Enalisb, French ami German Fabrics, of new and beautiful Patterns, which they will make to order in the most approved anil fashionable man ner, and in a superior style of workmanship. February S"s ISA:!. 4 mo. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, fcr.BSMtV PA. Dee. 13. 1S.M tf. WM. IJcCARTY. Booken UROilMVAY, Sf m HV, P4. HAS just received nnd for sale, Purdoiis Di gest of tho lnws of Pennsylvania, edition of ISOl, price only f,,l)U. Judge Rends edition of Blnckstnnes Commen taries, in B vols. 8 vo. foiioTlv sold nt ?10,0n, and now offered (in fresh binding) at the low price of S0.00. A Treatise on the laws of Pennsylvania re specting the estates of Decedents, by Thomas F. Gordon, price only 9 1.00. Kossuth nnd the Hungarian wsr : comprising a complete history of the late struggle for freedom of that country, with notices of the leading chiefs and statesmen, who ilistinguisbeil themselves in council and in the field, containing 268 pages of interesting mntter with authentic portraits. Kossuth's adilress to the people of the I'nited States, with a portrait, printed on broadcast, and put on rollers after Ihe manner of ninps, price only 51) cents. Washington's farewell address, uniform style with the above. February, SI, 1SSC It. HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND GUNS. :'os 31 iV 33 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. THE subscribers would call the attention of buyers to their stock of Hardware, consisting of Table nnd Pocket Knives, (inns, Chains, ' Locks, Hollounre, Ac. Ac. We would recom ; mend to all, our Endless Clisiin Pumps, J a new article now petting into general use which , we can furnish complete nl ubout one half the i price paid for the old style Pumps. nlo a new ur- j tide of .Inium I'aro Ifrior l.vrkt, each Lock suited either f..r right or left hand doors, j with mineral or white knobs, I Our stock of (-IIHH is large nud well select ! ed, comprising single nnd double barrels, English I nnd German make. All goods can be returned if not found to be ns represented. Country mer : chants would do well to call on us before pur chasing elsewhere, j lieelwrights and carriage makers supplied j with goods suited to their business, bv calling on I W. H. A G. W. ALLEN, j N'os. 31 A S3 Market Street, Philadelphia. I February, 21. Iij2. timo. K 11 CI K S V. I. 1. 1: K , lh-r"!rl;rmjt T received and fir sale, 11 tres'i supply of f:r Singing Nchouls. He is 11U0 ojiening at this time, n large assortment of Hooks, in every branch of Literature, cotisiatiug of Toetry, History. Xovels. Romances, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, Kclinnl and Children's Bonks, Bibles; School, Pocket Rod Family, hcth with aad without Engravings, and every of vari ety of Binding. Prayer Books, of all kinds. Travels, Voyages" and Adventures, all ol which will be sold low, either f.-r cash, or coun try proilucr. 'eiunburv, Jan. ."51, 1852. -If. HARRISEURO STEAM WOOD TCU XI NO AND SCBOLL SAWING tsJlOP. Wood Turning in all its branches, in citv atvle nnd nt eitv prices. Everv Vnrietv of Cabinet nnd Carpenter work cither on hand or j .;,;llJ;;.,;ri;;;l'1;lu, M' """ '","it lh'" turned to order. j in mUlum to th various kimts of Writine Ink. lie sluo Bed Pouts, Balusters, f'osctts. Slot and Qnnr- nvuinir.entrea Adamantine Ceinrnt for mcmlnn; Gluaa and tcr Moulding. Table la gs Xewell Posts, Pat- ; t'''"'- " 'e ;'!'"' "-or Dye; n in.,1 ..nly la lic it r .iiuiiiiiim.., . - c. virvto niMire lla fu'iue line, nnd n r-t-n'mji :i.x, well terns. Awning Post-, Wagon Huns, Columns, ,,i.n-.l t..r tirutrmsia nnd IJottlcrs, t a very low price, in luiund or Octagon I lllsM llanilies. vc. ft" This shop is in sTIl WVBEKia AL- j LEY, near Third Street, and us we intend to 1 Klease nil our customers who want good Work done, il is hoped that ail tl.e trade wil' give us a call. Ten-Pins ami Ten-Pin Balls made to or der or returned, ' The uiteiuion of Cabinet Makers and f'arpen- ; its is called to our new sivle of TWIiST MOl'LUINtit. Printer's 1,'iaielK nt $ I per 100 fed. W. O. HICKOK. Fehruare V. 1 R.'.S I v. Eonnet?, Hats and Milliner v Co o (Is! EUCIIANTS and Milliners when in Phil- ndclnbia to purchn--e their goods, will bud il to Ihoir interest to examine our large iluu ta.-,li iotiahlc stoi k of UTIIAh' fiOtlRS. Wc matiulriidurn largely anil iMPPaT the Ntwi.sT Stvli:s or I'orrifill S'fl liriCt . ,. . l . ges enable Us to oiler liberal inducements Bin: in. IL A. CKOOKEB, & CO., Xos. 47 and 10 Chestnut Street, and Xo. SB South Second Street, wc.t side, near Chestnut, Philadelphia. Decemlier 57, 1S.1I. ly. rf. J. STOCKMAN & SON, MANl.'FAOTI'nEKS AM) DkALKRS IS GOLD AM) SILVER PENCILS, Tliluibln, Silver Warf, Jcwclrjr, &r. At tho Old F.stahlished Mand, Sisrn of the Onlil Thimble, Xo. GO Cliestuul Street, South side, between 4d and 3d Sis., PHILADELPHIA. Will' HE they mnnufactitre and keep con stantly on hand a variety of article, suita ble for city or country trade, anions which are ! Gold am) Silver Talent and oilier kinds of Pencils, (iold and Silver Thimbles, Ciimba, Finger Shields, Knitting Sheaths, Xeedle Cases, ScisMir Hooks and Chains, Purse Clasps, Tooth and Ear Picks, Tweewrs, X ursine Tulies, Odd Fellows' and Sons of Temperance Jewels and Emblems, rvc, also Silver Spoons, Fori and Jiutter Knii'es. In addition to which they keep a general sup ply of KogerV Superior Plated and German Silver uoods Of the first quality, such ss Spoons, Forks, Soup and Oyster Ladles, butter Knives, Spectacles, Ac, Jackson's celebrated Lead for Pencils of all sizes by the quantity, at the lowest market prices. January, .4, 185'j. Zin. CMITH'8 ESSENCE OF JAV rt,fjA OlX GEB, a frou-rJ-,-&Ji'-;i received, and for sale by I. U. MASSER. Sunbury, Jsti. ij"" 0I..JUilil. f lloustaulisa rea w O I.1 , . . Cuiistablse Fea "ALD AND COMFORT," To Your Own Mechanics. GEORGE TJENN. MANCFACTURF.ll OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rFHE subscriber respectfully calls the attention of the public to his large and splsndid assort ment of every quality and price of CABINET-WARE. which csnnnt fail to rciommcnd itself toewiry one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the bent stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which arc constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany Sr., Dlvniix nnd I.ouiiffe, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SuFi, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, nnd also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPROAHDS. WOTtK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS. including varieties never before to be had ir Snnbury, such as Maiiiic.t, Black Walsct ami Ci'uleii M u i.K (inn ias ; ami Wivnson ClIAIKs, ami rANcr Pi ami Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to bo excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined til at there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can lie entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. r UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Hkahsc, he is now prepared for Undertaking, nud attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. IT?" The Ware Room is in Mnrket Street, below Thompson's Store ond Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE KENN. Snnbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. THIS GERMAN WASHING POWHEKS N S considered by thousands who have tested it, -" as being the greatest Scientific ll'onder of the If'ortd! , Entirely doing away with that laborious and in jurious practice of rubbing the CLOTHES upon the WASHBOARD, And a great saving of TIME, LABOR AND F.XPEXPE. X. B. To prevent fraud and imposition, (for many are trying to palm off article put up like mine.) the Proprietor. I. P. HOV'P, will put his WRITTEN SlOXATl'RE on the top la bel or every Package. And he only asks an tnliehlturd jiutAie not to confound HIE C.EIOIAN AVASHINO POWtlEKs with others thnt arc in the market. It is put up in Packages with full directions, and sold a! tlie nominal price of 12$ cents. tT' PRINTERS will find it grenttv to advan tage to purchase those Powders to cleanse their TV PES AXD ROLLERS, being a verv superior article for tint purpose. Manufactured only by I. P. IIOVT, nt his Laboratory and Principal Depot, Xo. Ill South Fifth Mrecl, Philadelphia. Wholesale nnd Retail Agents; Henry Mnscer, Sunbury I N. B. Uenormandic, Northumberland. Reniendier the name GERM AX WASHING FLUID. All letters to lie post paid. Xovember 2?., 1851. timo. HOVER'S INK MANUFACTORY,'- ItKMOVEB TO Xo. 144 Race Street. (Bchteen tli and 5A, opposite Crown St.) PHILADELPHIA. "1 MlF.RK llie Proprietor is enahM. liv inrrrspnl fnrili. tl lira, to ai.pjilv itie erowinff ilvnmii.1 t'r HoVKU'S IVV H.I.I..I. Il ...i.l.....n.l P..n.,,n.l..l. k..MMl.ll Tina Ink la now ao well ealaliltslieil in Ui f mki opinion . Olid C'nti.lfiice of tlie American I'uMir. ttint it ia aearccly u'-Mctrv to snv iinvuiiiK III lla trivor. suit the inniinlnctn. laive or sin-in qmnililiei. luiL'e tlntera iiiLirewnl M .tflSHl'II tlOVK.lt. .Manntnctiircr, Xo. Ut rises Street. H,lvve.m 4th A. .Mil, opposite (.Town Street, l'liihidclt'liia. Deermtier 97, lMl. 3rn. I J O II jy A. II A It It 1 s, MunnfacUirer, &. Dealer in Imported and Domestic Sogars, Also, a general assortment of l.onl'& Rlniiailacttirt'U 'loharrn, CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar-- kct prices. Corner of Cheatnut .St., and Wharves, Pbilndelphia. Ueceiiiber 87, 1S51. ly. E. S. JONES & CO., aflOIIXEK of Fourth niid Itace Streets, Pub- I V li.dhra ibn lnitpl n-liitc. t l.v S VMI'KI. SLOA X, Architect, to be completed ill 21 month ly parts. The above work is designed to meet the wishes not only of those directly interested in buildings, but of all who desire the advancement of lllis no- 1 hie art in our country, and wish to cultivate their ; ..... 1 ..1,1. nr..Kit,-.,.,,,rM 'I'l. a ' lt,wt,s 11I1U Bl'"uini.ii.. ...,,,.,,.,.. ..I. i l..,.!.i.-it,i, itiniinpr in u'hirli it is nrennred mid to i ." ... .,-, . ' ellllClliaucu, II lllll r II B laniuiii ui lilt lot-ill the drawing-room, while its accurate delineations give it the highest practical value. Jos. 1. S & J now reaily lor delivery. Prieo 50 rents per number. Address as above, post paid. May a, ltial. ly. JJec. so, isai. ill. L. MI IV I) I.L, .TTOPJJEY AT L77". Office in Market street Siinhury, opposite ii eaver s iioici j I'SIXESS will lie promptly attended to in the Counties of Northumberland, Union, Columbia and Montour. 'Sunbury, Oct. 11, 1851, ly, THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION MKKCIIANT, No. 6j North Wharves, Where the following goods are received and solJ on commission, Dried Apples, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries, Ac, Green Apple in Barrels or by the Bushel, Beans, Peas, Cranlierriea, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Shclbarka, Chestnuts, (round Xuta, Oranges, Lemons, Iiaisins, Figs, Prunes, Grapes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Cheese And all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1651. ly. G OLD PEN'S with and v.'omvut rases, of a very suiierior iiu.i'.itv. iust received. Also a fresh .,nnlv of Wrilimi Fluid, for sale by H. V. MAS5EH, Bunl.ury, Deer. ST. 1861. UAZOKS. A suiairior article for y,ie Rt thr store of UUY W ASSEU. Buuliurv. Feb. IB, I '(. UAXU''iLLS neatly printed on new type promptly eiecuted at this ollice, AUo hlat.Vs, of all kind uu superior paper. HMiry, Tt U1- TO PRINTERS AND 1-TJULI6HERS L. PELOUZE'S Philadelphia Typ Foundry. Great Redaction In Type, tit THE undersigned begs lesva to esll the atten tion of Printers and Publishers to ths greatly reduced prices of his Type, vis 1 Psarl, $1.08 Minion. 48 Agate, 79 Brevier, 't Xonpareil, 48 Buuigeoiso, fT Long Primer, 34 fcmall Pica, M Pies. 30. and all other tvpe in proportion. But wihini to encouraze cash pavntents, the subscriber will make a still larger deduction of from 12 to 15 per cent, for cash. Having grestlv enlarged and improved his establishment, he flutters himself to be able to supply his eustoineis with greater des patch than mot of Ins competitors. He has constantly on hand Cases. Cbto-es, Composing Sticks, Stands, Brass and Wooden Galleys, and all other materinls uaed in a Printing Office. All orders thankfully received nnd promptly at tended to nt the North West Corner of !td and Chestnut streets. L. PELOCZE. X. B. Old Type taken in exchange for new at nine cents per pound. Philadelphia, Dec. 50, 1851.- tf. 3IO UK GOOD NEWS!! MORE NEW GOODS ! ! JOHN YOUNG, OAS just received and opened a fresh and general assortment of Fall ar.d Winter Goods, of the newest and best styles, consisting in pnrt of 1)31 V uoous, ;oc Eitis:, QUEENSWARE. I'nrilwarc. Iron nml Steel, Nai!s, Lt., ALSO: SILK AND SLOUCH HAT?, MILITARY AND CLOTH CAPS. Gum Shoes, Fish, Salt, &c. All of which he will sell at the most reasonable prices for cash or country produce. Give him a call and try his prices. ciunbury, Xov S8, 1851. MORE NEW GOODS! FRILINCJ & GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform the public anil "the rest of mankind," that they hv re ceived a large assortment of FALL AND WINTER G00D3, of every varie'y of style, consisting i'l part f a fine assortment of Cloths, Cas'imeres, Merinos, Moitssclint it Luins, Calicoes, Muslims, Uiecks, and every variety of Dry Goods. Also a large utsorlnicnt of GROCERIES, srni as Sugar, Teas, CofTee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also an assortment of HARDWARE and GUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster, Also a fresh supply of Kt.tiS AND MT'.DICINES. R1" Country produce cf all kinds taken la e change at the highest market price, fcuiiburv, Xov. 8, 1851. NEW COOES ! J. U. KAl VVM AN At I!is Nrw Sttirn in Ilulltiwing Run, REetPECTFI'LLY informs his friends and rustomers, that he has just received a new stock of goods, which he utters to tho publio at the lowest prices, viz : Fall nud Whiter Dry Goods. MTU AS Cloths, Casfimeres, Sattinetts, Merinos, Mousschne He Lames, llanntls snd every variety of goods suit ible for the season. Also Silk Hats, Caps, A.e. ALSO : An assortment of Hardware. ALSO: All Kinds, ol Gpoccries, MQl?OR$. ALSO: A variety of Quecnswarc, Crockery, te. Besides a variety of other articles, suitable for farmers, .Vc. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods at the hiuhest market price. Hollowing Bun, Oct. S3, 131. tf. Phoenix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chests, 3S ,:K&tfiWJ;t UT AKKAXTEP to stauJ cipml heat witk nnv otiier Chests in the country, and t lefv the Btirnbis' iinienuitv. Manufactory, Xo. i o 'Hudson's Allev. runuili'j lk'twccii Third and fiurth streets, south of Cheanut, and in tha r,.or c( t,L. tiiratd Bank. M. A. S., the proprietors, are Practical Me- ehuuics, and feel confident, from long experience in the manufacture of Iron Chests and Safes, am a spcrial attention to this particular branch, of giving satisfaction to all who may give them a. call. X. B We have selected one of the host nnn erals ever used as a non-conductor ol heat in this business, and wo warrant our Chest and 8'ifrs to be made of the best material and in the most durable manner, and to stand any heat that can be applied to them. MILXOB & SHAW, Manufactory Xo. 10 Hudson's Alley. Running between 3rd and 4th streets, S of Ches nut, in the rear of Uirnrd Bank. Philadelphia, Oct. 85, 1851. ly J. I. DITTEIIICH, -V 78 North 2t St., between Areh and 5.'., PHILADELPHIA. HEREBY informs the public that bi import and constantly keeps on hand at hi new store, Xo. 78 X'orth lid St., a lama assortment of Foreign Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, Pictures &' ruitti which he will sell at th lowest prices. His stock, in part, consist of, Aieorjeoni Violins, Music Boxes, Parldr rlnj B jj00ln Or gans, Mi-lodeous, SerupWiir. M athcuiatiral In struments, Magnets, Spy ' j itverm (iluases. Stationery of all kind, ocket Book, Bronift Powder, Dutch Met'(t t;0j i,d Silver Leaf, Scale of all kinflB (snulf and Tobacco Boxes, Lithographic. 'Bit, Copper Plate and Steel En iiravinijs ailli pictures of every variety. AUa, U'll K rame Mouldings of various soe. Dealers, Country Merchants, slid Pedlars, sup. plied at reasonable prices, December 20, 1851. if. VRNOLD'S WRITIN'O FLUID and Adha aive and legal auvelojies, for acl l. H. B. MASTER. Sunbury', "fa 10, 1853 ri'lSSLE PAPER Yellow Tissua phx for 1. coiwui ylsavsa, Vv, far ! al Ua 8s tl ilSMMUi