SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. e or ci gn News, ARRIVAL OF TUB! A ME11ICA . rOVR sYsj LATER MUM Kt'flOFE. ENGLAND. The grv-at P8'''0' event of the week w the defeat "d resignation of the Russell Ministry, on h local militia bill. Lord Palmerston mnrk d that the word lotal should be striken out of ti bill, and that the forea tihould be per amblary, not confined to England, Ireland or ScVtland ; but should be aent to any quarter ot Iha' United King lorn where it miisht be required. On this prnpo sal of Lord Palmerston, the Ministry joined Issue, and on division, were dt'ated by a Tote of 136 apainst 125. Lord Palmerston, in movinjj hi .amend went to the bill organizing the local mjlitin, said that the country was in a situation Jht aa lately to result in war, and our peace armament was not sufficient to meet tha emergency. He wanted a ready trained force prepared for Instant action. All the objection to the proposed regular militia was founded on the distrust of the people. If the nation could not be misled to defend itself, we had better give up tbe idea of de fence and send for Austrian or Rusaan ol. diem. He was confident that the people would answer the appeal from Government, and prove to the world that we were pre pared for defence. All sorts of rumors are afloat, at Liverpool, ns to who would succeed Lord John Russel, and a coalition between Sir James Grahnm nnd Lord 1'almernton was expectad. The greatest astonishment was felt when the Premier annnnnred hi resignation. No one was prepared for it, so suddenly did the cri- I it come on. The general impression among the mem Mrs of the limn in, that the Queen will not ive Lord Palmerston as Premier, but that lie Earl of Derbv will accept that post, ill ELAND. The Dublin Eveninsr Post mentions, on rnqnrslianabln authority, that pome of the lomsn Catholic clergy, who had become lin gular on account of opposing secret socie. sand their inevitable results, have been rreil with notices to desist. While the irholio priests are prenehine acainst thpse imhinatinns, ome of the ablest anil most iifpendent Prusbyterirtn ministers have sen distinguished by loud end vehement ijiiTsationn arrninst the lauded proprietors. In the north of Ireland, a formidable com nation against the payments of rents id such is the state of alarm among the ndlonls, that several have given up all no ma of enforcing payment. It is stHted at the Presbyterian tenanlry, in some lo-lilie-, are offering passive resistance to payment of rents. FRANCE. The new law for the regulation of the has been issued, but does not give isfsctinn. ,ord Normandy had handed his letter of all aa Riitish ambassador to France, to the iilmit; and Lord Cowley, the new minis, arrived in Paris on Wednesday. t was feared by the government that CJen. j . Cavaignac would be eluded. . decree ha been published, abolishing fetes of the 24ih of February, and the 4th day substituted as the only anniversary thy of commemoration, vix. : the birth of Napoleon. arions rumors prevailed of a new minis il crisis.' eneral St. Arnold i said to be in disgrace use he will not sign a decree for the dis al of a number of odiums known to have an tendencies. he war department is to beconducted by lirnl Lalane, during St Ainaud's absence l(jeria. in flaxetle de France slates that the e's Idetit of the Republic was about to form uly-giiard from the gens-de'nrms and lard mobile. SPAIN. The Queen's health has been completely stored. A public thanksgiving, therefore, s been celebrated in Madrid, and all the .tholic. capitals of Europe, with great mp and ceremony. The Gazette contains - Royal orders, directing that the pninard th which Martin Marino committed ihe me, together with the sneatn, ann tne nls and balls found in his house, be bro i to pieces, nnd his manuscripts, at least h as are of private interest, burned in presence of the Judges. The body of regicide has been burned. BELGIUM, he Paris correspondent of the London ning Chronicle writes tha, "it will be embered that French agents had been to Belgium for the purpose of seducing rmy from their allegiance, and sowing weds of discord and disaffection among vsople. Reports are now daily submit- 0 Louis Napoleon of the proceedings of 1 agents The Catholic party was, in , the principal means of severing Bel- from Holland. It is that same party h is now the most active in getting up 'sling in favor of the French alliance, 'he clergy are almost all indefatigable s nf France. gium is adding 4000 men to the army, trengthening her defences. iTcur.s Uhci.iimcd. A committee of ar York Legislature, after an invest. into the trust funds of the Chancery have reported that there is nearly a n and a half of dollars now held in and that the rightful owners of nearly ion of this large sum are unknown. i kin were in litigation there t Is none to speak 1 What are they New Vttorneys about 1 'caMOKT paper define the rights of s follow : "To love her "lord 1 her heart, and her baby as herself make good bread." in High. English papers say "The aaioned by the fire al the Capitol at gtort, is estimated at forty millions of i moat south amkmca. The following letter will show that Earth quakes' and Civil War are not all the ca lamities they hare to provide against in that quarter of the world. Disease inci dental to our 6wn climate, also find there way there, as will be teen by the fefned they seek for protection. To Dr. J. C. Aytrt $c. Valparaiso, Ckili, S. A., Juty it), 1848. Dbar Sir : We hare the pleasure to re port on your shipment of Cherry Pectoral to our house, the w hole quantity sold, and a pressing demand for more, which must await the arrival of further supplies. Its tnctess in curing diseases af the Jungs, end it consequent notoriety, ha txctlled any merit tint tvr used in this country. Most of our tonicities her.; are imported from England, and some uf thpm are rich and valuable ; but no product of medical skill fiom that or any other quarter has ever won so fully the confidence of our population as this beautiful preparation of yours. The article has attiacted particular atten tion among our most distinguished tilisens, from the fact that General Bulnes, President of the Republic, and the highest officer in the state, was cured of a severe and danger ous affection of the lungs, by its use. He a.'lovf us to send his name, and wishps to add the acknowledgements of gratitude for his relief. We have the honor to be, sir, Very respectfully, Your obedient servants. Carlos Alvarez & Co. Hoori.ASD't Grrman Bitters We would call the attention of our readers to the adver- t-fsoment of Dr. Hoofland's celebrated Ger man Bitters, prepared by Dr. C Al. Jackson, No. 12 Arch street. Philadelphia. In cases of Liver-cwmplaint Dyspepsia, Disease of the Kidneys, ana an diseases arising from a dis ordered stomach, their power is not excelled, if equalled, by any wier kuowti preparation, as the cures atlosl, in many cases, after the most celebrated physicians riad failed. We can conscientiously recommend this medi cine, as being what it is represented and urge our readers who are afflicted to pro "(ire a bottle, and they will be convinced of the truth we ascPft. M A n It I E D. On the 29th tilt., by thfl Per. P Rom, Mr. Francis Drli.riooh'. to Mrs. Sisan Difiil, widow of John Dieh'l, both of thiin pluce. n i k n. 1- N -. I 1 1 I I. KiU :.. in iurtiuiinuei iiimi, un 1110 win iiipii D C. DODGE, Esq., aged about 70 years. In the same place, n few days since, Mr. HENRY ZEITLEK, aged about 34 years In '.his place, on the morning of Ihe Rlh inst.. after a short but painful illness, Mrs. CATHARINE, wife of Mr. John Young, merchant, aged about 56 years. After a life devoted to the service of her Maker nnd her fellow Beings, peacefully and happily did the deceased quit this world of temptation and soirow, for that blighter and better land where there is neither sor row nor sighi'ig, aad where God himself shall wipe away the tears from all eyes. Philadelphia Market March 11, 1852. Flock and Meal. Flour is firmer sales of 1500 bbls. fair brands at 5i per bbl ; vales for city use at 84,3"i. Extra Hour is held at i a t$5j. Rvb Flocr. Is scarce, and would bring $3.50 Corn Meal. Last sales of fresh ground at 83,lRi. Wheat Little offering; sales of prime red at 91 c ; white is held at 81,01. five. None ai riving ; last sales at 72 cents. Corn. I dull ; sales of good old jellow at 60 cts. Oats. New Southern are in demand at 38cts. Whisky. -Sales at 24 cts. in bbs. and 224 cts. in hhds. Baltimore Market March 8 1851. GRAIN. The supply of Wheat is small ! for the last day or two. Sales of good to' prime reds to-day at 87 a 90 cts. ; white at j 93 a 99 cts. ; and a large lot very prime white, taken for Shipment, at 100 cts. Sales of new Corn, in good condition, at ' 53 cts. white, and 56 a 57 cts. for yellow ' Damp parcels sell at 45 a 50 cts. Sales of j old torn at 54 a 56 cts. i Sales of Maryland Rve at 70 a 72 cents. We otiote Oats at 33 a 36 cts. for Mary-! land, ami 37 cts. for Pennsylvania. WHISKEY. Sales of Pennsylvania bbls at 23 a 23 cl., and of hhds. at 22 cents. SUNBUKY 1'ltICE CUIIKKNT Wbxat. 00 Rti. . . G'i Cuss;, 62 0t. . 40 PoTATnr.s, .62 Bl'TTKB. .14 r.B. ... 10 1'llBK. ... 6 Fiiiiirn, .... 100 TllLOW. . 10 Bkcswax - 20 HxrKLcn Flax. IS Damn Arrtr.s. .... J 00 Do. Pkachxs. . . 250 Flax . . 8 New Advertisement. IFl IOCLA M ATIOn! jV OTICE is hereby given thnt tlio several L v Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and lor the county or Ivortliumlierland, to commence at the Court Houae, in the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o clock, A. M. on Monday, the 5th day of April next, and will continue TWO WKEKB. The coroner. Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several offices appertaining to be done. And sll witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner sre also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shsll be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors arc requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, th 6th day of March, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and fifty-two and the In dependence of the United States of America the 76th. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. God save the Commonwealth. MARRIAGE CETiriCATES handsomely executed for sals st this effice, finals bt ; Yf ths iein, LIST OF CAUSES YTOR trial In (he Conrt of Common Pitas 1 of Northumlierland County, at April Term, A D 185 PLAINTIFFS. DrTKKOAlvT. Hugh Bellas' v R & Wm Fegely Frederick Keener vs Wm. Ayres Jacob Weimrr vs Ira T Clement Christian Boilings? vs Charles H onset Moses Rowef vs Rirbard Goodman Jacob Stitiel vs Samuel L Deck B R Rase vs Geo A Dixon Plstt A Piatt vs Henry Massrr P K Hoffman 4 wif Vs H Kuhnts, McCsrty et at Martin trwins' sdio'r vs H Yotheimer adm'r Mott ft fthober vs Daniel Dreiabsch Wm Gross lor Paml Gilbert vs J. J. UpdegrtfT LowcrcV Barron vs Ira T. Clement Jacob Kline vs Joseph Kllnea' adm'r Thomas Sutton vs Benj F ti J W 5tmm Caspar Heck art va Frederick Heckart John I Rom vs Leonard Roadarmel et at John W Peal vs Geo B Youngman Geo C MeKes vs Joseph Lone; Surah Stitiel vs Samuel 8 SlicdJon Same va Jacob 5titzcl Thibrook for Appleton va James Brass Hickok A Cantiue vs Geo W Armstrong Reuben Fagely va Kershnrr it Clement Jacob Keller va Bank of Northumberland, Nancy House! vs David llousela' adm'r KuWer & Co for Jacob Bloom vs Henry Conrad u t.-i r i Jacob Zartman'a Henrv Klaae & Eve 1... wife v. ,j,InUtrBtor William McCarty vs Samuel Hunter Mary Jane B rimer et al vs William Wilson Becker tc Wriller va R D Cumming. George Whiley vs Ab'm Dutikellrger's adtnr'i Mary Marts vs Wm H Sprntt Same vs John Canilell tt wifa Isaac Tyler va K M Seydel'a adm'r John Brown vs John Oyster aenr'a ex'r Similiter & Zcirjlcr et al va Thus 8 Mackey Jno Kuorr for H. Knorr va Enoch Howera' adm'r J rimes T Sutton & Co vs Snniuel Kyle Elizabeth Krice va George I.awrcncs Conrad Wolf vs George Heckart Catharine Snydera' exr's va Samuel R Wood Daniel Gonst-rt vs Henry Bohner Bank of Northumberland v JnoC Boyds' adm'r Same va Same Mary Patterson s George Heckert Bonepartc Thompson etal vs Caaper St Clnir Geo Evster for Mar- . ,. . , . till Weaver " Kb Mr f"-nouh ex Wm McDaniel for A W Comly J Mi n Reynold William Daliu John Jackson George Lawrence Billinglon for Hunter A Buyers Jneob Haus Snms John Jackson Jr John Lcih's adm'r Conrfld Wolf Simon Snvder va John Jackson et al va Iaac Header v 11 S Haulman vs Jamea Beard et al M 1) Marr ft I Brown va Susan & Sarah Reid Charles Alexander vs Same & Wife vs A W Comly vs Thomas Allen s George Heckart vs ficorge Snyde." v Ccorsre Hertz A W Comlv Baltaar Carnhnrt's adinr's vs R W Dunn's admr Albin Newberry vs Thomas Baser Crandnll for J C Morgan vs Geo Miller's adm'r John Reed's assignee vs E L Piper John Rosa Si Wife vs Georce Fox John King va Daniel Wcidner Snmo v Washington Mutual In- Same E Kaufman et at surance Companv State Mutual Fire Insu' ranee Compony Pster Am wine &, Mun- go A Reid Jacob B. Masser John Divel Si Wife Joanna Pendevitle George Leillicrger Sarah L Keen Same Oliver B Hilliard vs Same C Gosh A Jacob V.'eike vs vs Reuben Fegely vs D C Caul vs A E Kapp v Roticrt V'hitecl va Abraham Brosiona va Samuel Saviilge va John Hartman J W Peal Indorsee Sec ve Joseph Dimmick ct si Christ Si McFadilcn vs Susanna Reid Reulien Fegely A Co vs Hugh Bellas I Aliiiah Bowan vs Wm H Thompson Rebecca I.amison vs Thomas Vsstine's exrs Christian Cable vs M Ilaehmiin AKMarkle Rolicrt M Lyon vs A E Kutzner Reliecca Swartz va Andrew McLanahan Henry A Lechner vs Wm H Bound John L Yeager vs George Bright Fruncis Jodan va David L IrlnnJ Henrietta Lewis va 'I hoinaa Barr D. , r,., Jacob Reinard and aniel Gibson va , , .. Jacob Kahler JAMES BEARD, Proth'y. Prothonotarj'a Office, ) Sunbury, March 13. 1K52. liist of Jurors, XF Northumberland County for April Term, J A, D. 1853. 'strand Juror. Si'sbvrt. Samuel Snyder, John Young. Milton. Geo. Baker, Samuel Shadman. Delaware. Isaac Hilliard, Jas. P. Arm strong, Juhn P Heard, Joseph Irwin. Lkwis. Isaac Shook, Peter Lilley, Samuel Kosel Ciiil.lsqcAQi'E. Win. Beikheimer, George Hollman. Tt'RBl'T. Charles Hnttenstein. Trf.vorton. Daniel Tobias. Shamokin. Conrad Yost, Samuel K. Gil- ger, John Koaiiarinel. Ri'sti. Simon Uberdorf, Enoch Woolver- ton. I'ppf.R MaiiokoV. Samuel Weist Lowrr Michael Weit, Samuel Borrell. Upper Aitsi'sta. John Eckman. Traverse .furor. Scnbvr y. Benjamin Zette'mover. John Latulaw, Samuel Fetter, Geo. C Welker. Northumberland Wm. Forsyth, sen Andrew Forsth. MitTOM. Timothy Millet, Fred'k Sticker, Samuel I. Krown, (eorge Imbody. Lewis. James Wilson, Juhn Harman, An drew Kerchner. Dklawarr. James Durham, Peter Shadv G. W. Armstrong, James firyson, Samuel Do Armnnd, rranklin It. Carver. CHii.tfQi'AQi e. Paul Lahr, John Vorhi sen., Jacob S. Itishel George Wallets. Point. William Vankirk. Shamokin. Henry Leisenring. Jno Moore, r.phraim Zimmerman, Charles Marl.. Cameron. Michael Derk, Joseph Groves, Solomon B. Buyer. Daniel Kremcr. Coal. Joseph Dimmick. Upper Mahokov. Joseph Fa ger, Charles Sn viler. Lower Philip SpaU, Joseph Fenstermacher, Peter Witmer, Martin Bach man, Christian Yeager, John Lenker, sen., John Bingaman, jr. Lower Avgi'sta. John D. Conrad, Geo. Kevser, Wesiley Clark. Little Mahokov. William Rotharmel. Rush Jonas Wolf. Jackson. J. A. Daniel. Pet it Jurors. St'NBi'RT. E. G. Markley, Charles Bock. T i) a but. Charles Fullmer, Jacob Hoffa, Andrew Armstrong. Milton. John V. Good ladder, William Uernckson, K. M. Priclc. Delaware. H. J. Reader, John Bnyer. Lewis -"Robert C. Ruckman. Chilisqi'ahue William Taggart, Dennis Buoy, sen. PoifT. Samuel Diehl, John Hamor. Rush Ishi McLoughan, Daniel Gearhart. Shamokin Aaron Kelly, Samuel Camp bell, John Vastine, Adam Gilger, Andrew Gonserl. Trcvorton. Benjamin Troutmsn. Coal. Richard Woolverton. Lower Augusta. Jacob Bloom, John Wynn, Jacob Krebs, John T. McPherson, John Ebright. Jackson. Benjamin Treon, Charles Roth armel. Daniel Wolf. Uppkr Mahokot. Petar Beisel, Georga Hsiir, Michaal L. Paul, Gcerga ftehr. REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby riven to all Legatees, Creditors and other persons interested in th Estates of the following named persons, thst the Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of said Estates have filed their accounts with the Register of Northumberland county, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday the 6th day of April next for confirmation and allowance. 185S. Sarah Trion, dee'd., settled by her Adm'rs Benjamin Trion and Abm. Kunselman. R. W. Dunn, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r 8. F. AlbrighL Hannah Vaatinc, dee'd., settled by her Exs'rs James Eckmsn and B. F. Vastint. John Farelv, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Sam uel S. Wsgner. Gideon Shadcl, dee'd.. settled by Ida Exe'rs Wm. II. Shailel and Gid. Shade), fin. aec't. Jacob Lcrvh, dee'd., aettled by his Adm'rs J. Frsncis and Charlee Lerch. Joseph Trion, dee'd., aettled by hia Adui'r P. SchotL Henry Daniel, dee'd., aettled by hia AJm'r George Garnian. Polly Adam, dee'd., settled by her Adm'r Jer emiah Adam. Jonathan Mettler, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r John Eckman. Solomon Frick, dee'd., settled by hia Exe'ra. George Flick anJ Peter Slmll. George Deppen, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r William Deppen. Henry Leghow, ilec'd., settled by his Adm'rs William and Pembroke I.eiliow. Bastian Stepp, dee'd., settled by BaatianStepp, Adm'r of John Stepp, dee'd., who was Ad m'r uf said Pustiau Stepp, dee'd. George Miller, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Ephrsim Miller. John I.ahr, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Wil liam Shaffer. William and Rachel Tliarp, settled by their Guardian Ephraim R. Miller. Washington and Charles Hornhcrgcr, settled by their Giiard'n John Mnurer. ' Apolene and Matilda Hornlwrgcr, settled by their Guard'n George Snyder. Sarah and Margaret Follmer, settled by their Guard'n Simon Follmer. John Friek, scn'r., dee'd., settled by hia Adm'r de bonis non, Ac, Benjamin P. Frick. John Raker, dee'd., settled by hia Exe'r Benja min Stncklcr. Maria Swinehart, dee'd., settled by her Eie'r Daniel Zartnian. Moses Riche, dee'd., settled by his Exe'rs Re becca Riche, Isasc Riehe and Abner Tharp. Isaac Mettlcr, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Ro bert Campbell. Christian, Kriger, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Samuel Kriger. JOHN P. PURSEL, Register. Register's Olliee, ) Sunbury, Feb. 6, 1851. 5t. J PUBLIC SALE. WILL be aold at public aale, on Saturday, the 13th day of March next, at the late residence of Mary Renn, dee'd., in Upper Augus ta township, ISorthumbcrland county, all the Real and Personal Estate ol said dee'd., consist ing of a Lot of (1 round, containing four acres, whereon is erected s one and a half story LOG HOUSE, U, Barn and Apple Orchard. A spring of good water at the door. The land is in a good state of cultivation. A lso a t, ow, a MBttreau, a twenty four hour brass clock and case, beds and bedsteads, chairs, iron pots and kettles, tubs, s winnowing mill, flax lietchels, hups and dried ap ples, a ten plate stove and pipe, looking glasaea. lard, ham and shoulders, a number of new bed quilts, sheets and a variety of other household and kitchen furniture too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o clock, A. M. of said day, when the conditions will be mail known by riill. II' KKAA, appointed by the heira of said dec'J. N. B. Possession will be given to the pur chaser of the land en the first day of April next. Lpper Auguata, feb. 28, 1852 3U CLOTHING WAREHOUSE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. J. W. c5 E. 1). STOKES, So. 194 Market Street, South side. First btlne Sixth Street, PHILADELPHIA. aTDD FELLOWS snd Masonic Regalia of .very variety, suited to the various ranks and orders, constantly on hand. Also, a large and eiteusive stock of fashionable It endy Made Clothing:, manufactured by the best of workmen, and from the newest style otuootls, of Inte importation, at greatly reduced pricea. They have also a large and well aelectcd assortment of Piece Goods, of Knglish, French and German Fabrics, of new and beautiful Patterns, which they will make to order in the most approved and fashionable man ner. and in a superior style of workmanship. February 28, 1852. 4 mo. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, M Will UY, IA. Dec. 13. 1S51, tf. WM. McCARTYT Bookseller, RROiUWAY, HBl ltY, IVt. HAS just received and for sale, Punlons Di grst or the laws of Pennsylvania, edition of 1851, price only 96,00. Judge Reads edition of Blarkstonei Commen taries, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold st 910,00, snd now offered (in fresh binding) st the low price of 86,00. A Treatise on the lawa of Pennsylvania re Siectiug the eatatea of Decedents, by Thomas F. (jonlon, price only 84,00. Kossuth and the Hungarian war; comprising a complete hiatory of the late struggle for freedom of that country, with notices of the leading chiefs and statesmen, who distinguished themselves in council and in the Held, containing 2H8 pagea of interesting matter with authentic portraits. Kossuth's address to the people of the I'nited States, with a portrait, printed on broadcast, and put on rollers after the manner of maps, price onlv 6 1) rents. Washington's farewell sddress, uniform style with the above. February, 81, 1852 tl. HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND GUNS. I ' os 31 It 33 Mirier Street, PHILADELPHIA. rTMIE subscribers would call the sttention of buyers to thrtr stock of Hardware, consisting of Table and Pocket Knives. Guns, Chains, Locks, Holloware, eVc-. &.c We would recom mend to all, our Endless Chain Pumps, a new article now getting into general use which we can furnish complete at sliout ons half the price paid for the old style Pumps, also a new ar ticle of Janus Tare Door IM-ka, each Lock auiled either for right or left hand doors, with mineral or white knobs. Our stock of Guns is Urge and well select ed, comprising single snd doubts barrels, English and German make. All goods can be returned if not found to be aa represented. Country mer chants would do well to call on us before pur chasing elsewhere. Wheelwrights snd carriage makers supplied with goods suited to their business, by calling on W. H. & O. W. ALLEN. Nos. 81 A S3 Market Htreet, Philadelphia February, SI, 1862. 6mo, CJMITH'8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN sJ HER. fresh snnnlv Inst received and for als by , 1 y U. B. MA8SER. 8unbury, Jan. 10, 1852. II AND BILLS Vieatly printed ou new tyue rrbmotlv executed at this ofRca. Alsa ! Uu,Ws, of sll kinds superior pif"' uabury, FK 14. 1 J- ' WM. M'CAKTY, BOOKBELLKIt, Broadway, 8UITBUBY, PA. JUST received and for sals, a fresh supply of KTANGELICAL MITSIC for Singing Schools. He is also opening at this time, a large assortment of Books, In every branch of Literature, consisting of PoelryHistory, Novels, Romances, Rcientifle Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children's Books, Bibles ) School, Pocket and Family, both with and without F.njrovings, and every of vari ety of Binding. Prayer Books, of all kinds. Travels. Yoysges and Adventures, all ot which will be sold low, cither for cash, or coun try produce. Sunbury, Jan. 31, 1832. tf. HARRISBUHO STEAM WOOD TURN! NO AND SCROLL SAWING SHOP. Wood Turning in all its branches, in city style and at city prices. Every variety of Cabinet and Carpenter work either on hand or turned to order. Bed Posts. Balusters. Rosetts, SUt snd Quar ter Mouldings, Table Legs, Newell Posts, Pat terns. Awning Posts, Walton Hubs, Columns, Round or Octagon Chisel Handles, cVc. IV This shop is in STRAWBERRY AL LEY, near Third Street, and as we intend to please all our customers who want good work done, it is hoed that all the trade wiK give us a call. ri Ten-Pins and Ten-Pin Balls made to or der or returned. The attention of Cabinot Makers and Carpen tera is called to our new style of TWIST MOULDINGS. Printer's Riglets nt $1 per 100 feet. W. O. HICKOK. February 7, 1832. ly. Bonnets, Hats and Millinery (J o o d s ! ERCHANTS and Milliners when in Phil adelphia to nurcha.e their goods, will find it to their interest to examine our large and fash ionable stork of STRAW GOODS. We manufacture largely and ixrour the Niwxst tirri.Es or Foreign Fabric in our line ; which together with other advanta ges enable ua to otler lilieral inducements to Bit irs. R. A. CROOKER, cV. CO., Nos. 47 and 49 Chestnut Street, snd No. 58 South Second Street, west aide, near Chestnut, Philadelphia. December 27, 1851. ly. cf. J. STOCKMAN & SON, Manufacturers and Dealers in GOLD AND SILVER PENCILS, Thimbles, Silver Ware, Jewelry, &c. At the Old Established Stand, Sign of the Gold Thimble, No. 60 Chestnut Street, South side, between 2d and 3d Sts., PHILADELPHIA. "INHERE they manufacture nnd keep con ' v etantly on band a variety of articles, suita ble for city or country trade, among which are Gold and Silver Patent and other kinds of Pencils, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Combs, Finger Shields, Knitting Sheaths, Needle Cases, Scissor Honks and Chains, Purse Clasps, Tooth and Ear Picks, Tweezers, Nursing Tubas, Odd Fellows' and Sons of Temperance Jewels and Emblems, Ac, also Silver Spnonx, Forks and Butter Knives. In addition to which they keep a general sup ply of Rogers' Superior Plated and German Silver Goods Of the first i)Uality. such as Spoons. Forks, Soup and Oyster Ladles, Butter Knives, Spectacles, e. Jackson's celebrated Lead for Pencils of all sizes by the quantity, at the lowest market prices. January, "4, 1852. 2m. HERRING'S (WILDKK'S I'ATKNT,) SALAMANDER SAFES. THE validity of this patent, (after having been vigorously contested by suits at law for the last six years.) has been fully and finally eatab lished in the Supreme Court of the I'nited States. The undersigned, at hia depot, baa on bsnd a large sssortment of the genuine PATENT SALAMANDER SAFES, also, a i.t, Kttins or Ii'on Chests, Money Boxes, Vsult Doors and Bank Vaults, both fire and bur glar proof, with new and Second Hand Safes of other makers forming the largest assortment ill the world. Also, the fo'lowing LOCKS: Jones's Changeable, Combination, Permutation, and Letter Changeable Anti Gunpowder Locks; Hall's New Patent Powder and Burglar-Proof Lock; Day, Newell & Day's; and Locks f other celebrated makers. JOIIV FARREIj, No. 31 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Sole Agent for the State of Pennsylvania. January 10, 1H52. 2in. THE GERMAN WASHING POWDERS Ttt considered by thousands who have tested it, as being the greatest Scientific U'onder of the H'orld! Entirely doing away with that laborious snd in jurious practice of rubbing the CLOTHES t-poN the WASHBOARD, And a great saving of TIME, LABOR AND EXPENSE. N. B. To prevent fraud and imposition, (for many srs trying to palm off article put up like mine ) the Proprietor, I. P. HOYT, will put hia WRITTEN SIGNATURE on the top la liel of every Package. And be only aska an $nligktentJ pvblie not to confound THE fSKHMtN WASHING I'OWDtR with others that are in the market. It is put up in Paekagea with full directions, and sold st llie nominal price of 12) cents. tlr PRINTERS will find it greatlv to silvan tage to purchase those Powders to clesusa their TYPES AND ROLLERS, being s very suerior article for that purpose. Manufactured only by I. P. HOYT, at his Laboratory and Principal Depot, No. 10 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia. Wholesale snd Retail Agents t Henry Masser, Sunbury ; 8. B. Denormandis, Northumberland. Remember the name GERMAN WASHING FLUID. All letters to be post paid. November 22, 1851-6ino. " HOVER'S INK MANUrTRYr" RFMOVEH TO No. 114 Race Street. (Between 4A and ftht opposilt Crown SI.) PHILADBLrHlA. W'HFRF. the Pmprieinf is enabled, by ineresser1 reiii. f tis. tii supply ths growing deinsil lo a VS INK, whirk its wiits-arsuit mnuutiw has cms This Ink is aow so well sauhttshfsi ia ths softv pinion and eiNi&deiiec of ths American PuUie, Ibst it is aearoely aseessarv to say snytbina in Its favor, and lbs rosnuiiirtu. tot takes this opportunity lo say that ths eouadsnca thus secured shall am be aliased. In additicm to ths vsrious kinds of Writing Ink, he alan manufseturea AdsimatlM Cement for niendinf Olsss Slid Chins, as well ss a superior Hail Dys : s trial only ie ne cessary lo insure its future aee, and a Sealing Wax, well adapted for Druggists and Bottlers, at a veer low pries, ia large of smell qusntittss. Orders addressed tn JOftFTH HOVER, Msnufutursc, No. 144 Uses Hireet, Between 4,ik 4 6tk, opposite Crnwa Street, Phicyhja. December 17, 1851 Jm. ImfX BILLS, Justice and Constable Ta Bills handsomely primed ea card FIA fr silsatthisorTiea. "' 1 ' i "AID AND COMFORT," 7o Your Own Mechanics. GEORGE RENN. MAfflTACTlRKn OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Faahionable Style. 'THE subscriber respectfully calls th attention of ths public to his large and splsnJid assort ment of every quality and price of UAllINET-WARi;. which cannot fail to reiommend Itself toevery ons who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, mads up of ths best stock to be had in ths city. No effort ia aparedin the manufacture of hia ware, snd the suliscrilier is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany Sofa, Dlrnn nnd lounffei, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, snd also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phils- delphta manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STAN DS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufacture all kinds and qualitiea of CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be bad ir Sunbury, such as Maiioojrt, Blics Wsijict nn Ci-RLtn MapliGricia) inn Wmnsoa CHA1KS, and rAKcr Piaso Stools, which are of the latest atylea, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence con be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pavmcnt for work. t3T UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome llntitss, be is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. I.jr ihe Ware Ivoom is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store snd Weaver's Tavern. GEOKGE RENN. Sunbury, Jun. 10, 1852 tf. TO PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. L. PELOUZE'S Philadelphia Type Foundry. Great Reduction In Type, Ac. fiHE undersigned begs leave to call ths atten tion of Printers and Publishers to ths greatly reduced prices of hia Type, vix : Pearl, $1,08 Minion, 48 Agate, 78 Brevier. 42 Nonpareil, 58 Bourgeoise, 37 Long Primer, 31 Small Pica, 32 Pica, 30, and all other type in proportion. But wishing to encourage cash payments, the subscriber will make a still larger deduction of from 12 to 15 per cent, for cash. Having greatly enlarged and improved his establishment, be flatters himself to be able to supply his customers with greater des patch than most of hia comiietitors. He has constantly on hand Cases, Chases, Composing Sticks, Stands, Brass and Wooden Ralloys, and all other materials used in a Printing Office. All ordcra thankfully received and promptly at tended to at the North West Corner of 3d and Chestnut streets. L. TEI.OUZE. N. B. Old Type taken in exchange for new at nine cents per pound. Philadelphia, Dec. 20, 1851.- tf. 3IORE GOOD NEWS!! MORE NEW GOODS ! ! .TOIIN YOUNG, TYAS just received and opened a fresh and i general assortment of Fall and Winter Qoods, of the newest and best styles, consisting in part of DRY tiOOD.0, GKOCERIEfl, QTJEENSWARE. Hardware. Iron and Steel, Naiti, ii., ALSO : SILK AND SLOUCH HATS, MILITARY AND CLOTH CAPS. Gum Shoes, Fish, Salt, &c. All of which he will sell at the most reasonable pricea for cash or country produce. Give him a call and try his prices. Sunbury, Nov 22, 1651. J OIIN A. HARRIS, Manufacturer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestic Segars, Also, a general assortment of Lear & Manufactured Tobacco, "CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar kct prices. Corner of Chestnut St., and Wharves, Philadelphia. Dccemlier 27, 161. ly. E. S. JONES & CO., (COKNER of Fourth and Race Streets, Pub J lishers of the Model Architect, bv SAMUEL SLOAN, Architect, to be completed in 84 month ly parts. The above work is designed to meet the wishes not only of those directly interested in buildings, but of all who desire the advancement of thia no ble art in our country, and to cultivate their tastes and acquaintance with architecture. The handsome manner in which it ia prepared and cmhellished, renders it a tasteful ornament for the drawing-room, while its accurate delineations give it the highest practical v.ilue. N os. 1 . 2 Si 3 now ready for delivery. Price SO cents per number. Address as sbove, post paid. May 3, 1661. ly. Dec. 20. 1851. M. L. SIlIftDEI,, .ff.TTCP,.lTT AT LiLW. OJJice in Market street Sunbury, opposite n taver s iiorei .j USINT.S8 will be promptly attended to in the Counties of Northumberland, Union, Columbia and Montour. Sunbury, Oct. 11, 1851. ly. THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, M. 6, Sorth Wharves, Where the following goods are received and sold on commission, Dried Apples, Pearhea, Plums, Pears, Cherries, dec, Green Apples in Barrels or by the Bushel, Deans, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Shelbarks, Chestnuts, Ground Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Prunes. Grapes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, L-heei And all kinds of Foreign and Domes tie Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1851. ly. BUFFALO ROBES. AI.RO, FANCY FUR, suck ss Muffs, Doas, Tippeta, Victorias, Sit., dec Ths subscri bers offer ths above for sale, wholesale er retail, in ths greatest variety, sad oa ths cheapest terms, at their Establishment, Na. 99 North Third Street, opposite Cherry, Philadelphia, JAMES REWKY A CO. Kovambe ft, 184 1. tmo. VRNOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adha air and legal snvelopsa, for sal by H. B. M'aEf. uabuvy, f 1. 1155.-- GREAT BARGAINS t "NVatchei and Jewellery, WHOLES and RKTAIL. 1TAV1NQ eonstsntly on hand an imnaaoas " stock of Watchea and Jawallsry, I aa de termined to sell st leas prices than ths earns nast ily of Watches or Jswsllsry ara sold la PhUaat. phis, vix i Gold Lersr Wstchss, full jewsllsd It ka esse, only )M.64 Oold I.epins, " II H Silver Levers, full jswsllsd, only M.ea Silver Lepines, - I l,0i Gold Pencils, 1,M Oold Pens, Silver holders, 1,0 Also an Immsnss stock of all linJa sf WsteV s, Gold Chains, Breastpins, Earrings, Silver Spoons, tic, all of which I will sell al Isaa prl ccs than ever havs been sold in this city, ss tha prices srs certainly much less than avsr hscste fors sold in this city or county. California Gold bought for Cash. Particular attention paid to repairing Watches and Jewel lery. All I ask is a call to convince Purchasers that this is the place to purchase Watches, Jsvr tilery snd Silver wars. Pcraons by sending ths csth they wish to ss pend can havs a watch or watches sent to thesa bv mail with perfect safety, having sent them la that way lor the last 6 years. All communica tions must be post paid. Pleas call or send se der, to LEWIS LADOMUS, No. 103 Chesnut St., bctwn 3d snd 4th St, East Wing of Franklin House.. Philadelphia, Oct 25, 1851- tf. MORE NEW GOODS! FRXLING & GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform ths publis and "the rest of mankind," that they have re ceived a large assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, of every variety of style, consisting to psrt af a 6ns sssortment of Cloths, Cauimeres, IHcrinos, Mousstlin d4 Lains, Calicoes, Muslins, CAtc&i, snd svery vsritty of Dry Goods. Also a larga assortment or GROCERIES, SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molaxaet, Spies of all kinds. Also sn sssortment of HARDWARE and QTJEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a fresh supply of DRUCS AND MEDICINES. Cy Country produce of all kinds tsksa ka ss change st the highest market price. Sunbury, Nov. 8, 1851. NEW GOODS ! J. R. KAUFFMAX At His New Store In Hollowini Baa, TJESPECTFI'LLY informa hia friends aad customers, that he has just reccivsd a aaw stock of goods, which hs offers to lbs pablia at the lowest prices, vix : Fall ana Winter Dry Gootla, SUCH AS Clothf, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Wsrtisa, Mousselint Dt Laxnes, Flannels snd every vsriety of goods suitable for ths isaiaat. Also Silk Hats, Csps, Sec ALSO : An sssortment of Hardware, ALSO: All Kinds, of Groceries, liquors. ALSO: A variety of Queenswara, Crockery, &. Uesides a variety of other articles, suitable far fanners, Ac. All kinds of produce taksn in eichang far goods at the highest market price. Hollowing Run, Oct. 25, 1851 tf. Phoenix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chart. WARRANTED to stand aqual heat whk ' any other Chests in the country, and la defy the Uurglus' ingenuity. Manufactory, Na. 10 Hudson a Alley, running between 1 mm ana Fourth streets, south of Chesnut, and in tks) rear el' the Oirard liank. M. fc. S., the proprietors, are Practical Me chanic, and feel confident, from long expeneaea in the manufacture of Iron Chests snd Sates, ana a special attention to this particular branch, af giving satisfaction to all who may gits them a call. N. B-We have selected one of tha bast m lit erals ever used ss a non-conductor of heat ta this business, and we warrant our Chests aad Sales to be made of the best material and in tha most durable manner, and ta stand any ksat that can be applied to them. MILNOR Sc. SHAW, Manufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley. Running between 3rd and 4th streets, 8 af Cae nut, in the rear of Girard Bank. Philadelphia, Oct. 25, 1851. ly J. Z. DITTERICH, .Va 78 Forth 2a? Si., series) Arch and Ran 5, FHIXiASE LPHIAe HEREBY informs the public that hs import and constantly keeps on hand at his new store. No. 78 North 2d St, a Isrgs assortment of Foreign Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, Pictures 4" Taints, which he will sell at ths lowest prices. His stock, in part, consists of, Aceordsons, Violins, Music Boxes, Parlor and Bar Room Or gans, Melodeons, Seraphines, Mathematical In. atrumenta, Magnets, Spy and Opera Glasses, Statiouerv of all kinds, Pocket Books, Bronse Powder, Dutch Metal, Gold and Silver Leaf, Scales of all kinda, SnufT and Tobacco Baiea, Lithographic Paints, Copper Plat and Steel En gravings, and picturea of every variety. Als tJilt Frame Mouldings of various sites. Dealers, Country Merchants, aud Pedlars, sup plied st reasonsble pricea. December 20, 1851 tf. 80AP AND CANDLES. THE subscriber takes this method of '.nfuraa ing the eitixens of Sunbury and viciaitT, that they are engaged in ths msp.ufaettw af Soap and Candles, of th best qusb.ry, at Na 44 Filbert strset, Philadelphia. Tbey raactru)lr invite all whs buy for rash, to iv eUra eat! ais they will find it to lo their ativentaga in dsahag, with him for articles in their lias. E. 1UTFY sV boN. 44 FuVrt.We.tA, Dare m her 20, ISM. tf. GOLD PENS wi.e4 ,nd wiUou eMM rf , very supers ,jt . AIM a iresft Supply of Writing Tluid, for ssla jpply i H. B. MAMEB. Sunu,,:ry, Dee. 27, 1851 ISSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissu papar fcr Js- eo-.ering glass, &, for sals at tk sBa SS American. RAZORS A auparior artieta tor sat at tk stars af BtKRY MAbEZK. tunbury, rs. 18, IttQ-w I