Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 06, 1852, Image 4

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Stand 'tip erect ! Thou hnt I ho form
And likeness of thy Ond ! who more 1
A soul as dauntless 'mid the storm
Of daily life, a heart ns warm
Arid puie, as breast e'er worn.
What then J Thon att ns trim a mnft
As moves, the human muss along ;
A much a part of the s;reat plan
That with Cientinn's dawn begun,
At any of the throng.
Who ia thine enemy 1 Tho hiyh
In elaliuti, or in wealth lhn chief 1
The great, who coldly puss thee bv,
With promt slep and nveited eye 1
Nay I nurse not such belief.
If true unto thyself thou wast,
What were the proud one's scorn to thee ?
A feather which thou mighteM cast
Aside ns idly as the blast,
The light leuf from the tiee.
No : uncurbed passions, low desire.',
Absence of noble self respect,
Death, in the breast's rcmsiitiiini! fncs,
To that hifih nature which umpire,
Forever till thus checked ;
These are thine enemies thy worst ;
They chain thee to ihy lowly lot,
Thy labor and Ihy life ncrurseil,
O, sinnd, erect ! and from them burst !
And longer suffer not !
Thou art thyself thine enemy '.
The great ! whi.t belter they than thou ?
As theirs, is not thy will as free 1
Has God with equal favors thee
Neglected to endow ?
True, wealth thou bust not 'tis but dust !
Nor place, uncertain as the wind !
Nut what thou hast, which, with thy crust
And water, may despise the lust
Of both a noble mind.
With this, and passions under ban,
True faith, and holy trust in Cod,
Thon art the peer of any man,
I.onk up. then : that thy little span
Of life may be well trod !
Sometime apo a man was tried at Cain
briile for a rubbery committed on an acd
gentlewoman in her own lioupu. The juile
wks Baron Smith, a man of an amiable
character for religion. He aMccd the gen
tlewoman if the prisoner at the bar was l)ie
person who robbed her.
"Truly my lord1 paid she, cannot posi
lively say it
was Le, for it wus iluskich
when I was robbed, so dark that I coulj
hardly discern the features of his face.'
"Wheto were you when he robbed you V1
'1 was in a closet that joins to my bed
chamber, and lie had get tu to my house
while my seivai.t had gone out on an in
land." 'What day of tha wtvfc was it V
was tUO Loid's day cvcuiiti', my
"How hud you boi-n employed wlieu he
robbed jou V
"My lout, I am a protectant JieM-ntcr ; I
i. i i ... ,u :.. .i i i .... t
llll 1K.'C .IL I1IC IIICCJLlll lil.lL UILI . UI1I.I llilll
retired into my cloec-t in tho evening for
prayer and meditation on w hat I been
hearing through the day." She hud no
sooner uttered these word?, than tho court,
which was crowded with some hundreds of t
students, rang with a peal ofloud laughter. !
The Jude looked round the court aa one '
, . . , , . , , - , ..j
Utomshed, and with a decent olemi.iiy (
JailLtlta hand tipon the bench, n if ho was !
God ! where am 1 ? Am 1 in the place of
one of lha itiiivcrsitii's of this kintum,
whore il is to bn supposed that jonnir v.vtl.
tlemen are pilucatf.l in th' piinciplun of re
ligion as well as in all useful learniiiir 1 and
foolish to laugh in so indecent a manner, on
hearing an aSe,l Cluis.ian ,e!l lliat shJ re.
liwJ into her closet on a Lord's day evenii.o
for prayer nnd meditation. Blush and be
ashamed, all of you, if you are capablu of il
.... IIt b,l,,rll aiBU (u Mn ...
now ureliojous a maniier Iheir pupils ami
students behave." Ami then turning to the
lady lie said, "don:t be discouraged, madam,
by this piece of rutla ami unmannerly, as
well as irreligious usage ; you have no rea
son to bo ashamed of what you have on this
occasion, and in thii public manner, said :
on tho contrary, you may glory in it. Ii
adds dignity to your character, and shame
belong to them who would expose it to
Mn. McCormick'3 Feat or Walking'
HEAD.DowKWARus.-The Scientific American ;
mm mo leal is pariormed upon well i
known principles of science, by usin
' usinsr air I
pumps, and working them step by step, to I
n ., . ' ';,t -11 .1... . . ' " ,
t.x k : '
feet solh-,1 ih, i " I
-" "i wuoie weigtit. It lie is '
150 lbs. weight, it requires ten sqnres inches
of atmosplierio pressuie to balance thai, for j
the almo-pherio pressure is 13 lbs. on every
square inch of the earth's surface, therefore 1
10 15 100 lbs. This pies.nre must be on I
one foot, while llu oilier is being moved j
forward. The coinage required to nerform '
the feat is not small, and the labor is very
severe 'ami toJious. Il ii needless to say,
that although Ihe polished marble slab is the
greatest wonder lo some, he could not per
form the feat on rough porous boards.
Great Rat Trap. Mr, J. H. Chester,
of the city of Cincinnati, has taken measures
lo secure a patent for a veiy ingenious "rat
trap." It is so conslrucled tltat when Mr.
Eat enters and reaches forth to snatch the
bait, his weight acts upon a spring trap dooi
which suddenly opens aud precipitates him
into a dark chamber, iit which he can see
only oe speck of light, for I hut he rushos
into another chamber, and by doing so set.
ihe spring of the trap door by touching a
lover, and in this manner the trap is le-set
and kept set for any length of lime by the
animahi themselves, so that without any
trouble but lo the ratsr a whole bo full may
be caught. .
i -
All the tail loads now on earth have cott
the enormous sum of U1,lbl 000, or 8 .
Ut.HO 000. ' '
For ih. Cur. t
In odi-ring to tho community thii justly cclc
bralPcl remedy for disrane of the throut and
lungM, it ia not our wish to trifle with the livea or
health of the afflicted, but frankly to lay before
them the opinions of distinguished men and
some of the evidence a of tho success, from which
they cuii judjje for themselves. We sincerely
pledge ourselves to mnke no wild assertions or
false statements of its efficacy, nor will we hold
out any hope to suffering humanity which facts
will not warrant.
Many proofs ttrc here t;ivcn, and we solicit an
inquiry from the public into all we publish, feel
ing assured they will find them perfectly reliable,
and the medicine worthy their best confidjnce
and patronage.
From Ihr ilistiapiirhcd Frnfesor of Chnntstry
ami Materia Medico, liowdom Cullrge.
Dear Sir : I delayed answering the receipt of
your preparation, until I had an opportunity of
witnessing its elTL'rts in my own family, or in the
families of my friends.
This I have now done with a high degree of
satisfaction, in cases both of adults and children.
I have found it, as its ingredients show, a pow
erful remedy for colds, and coiijilis, and pulmon
ary diseases.
1! nr Nsw n K, Mr.., Feb. .'), 1847.
From an Uvcrsccr in the Hamilton Mills, in
litis Citij.
Lowell, Aug. 10, 1840.
Dr. J. C. Aver: I have been cured of the
worst cough I ever had in my life, hy your
"Cm: nm Pbctoiial," nud never full, when I
liu'-e opportunity, of recommending it to others.
Vours, respectfully,
ftr Until the following, and sec if thia mctli-
. i n,t . .-.lit
unit iii ttiirtti n Inn 1 liu riufiittit li'iil ininm.
v... ........ ....... . 1'"
very ft clle, anJ tho effect of the medicine was
unmistaknhly (!iptinrt :
L". Ci. HuTtiL, Sahatooa 8pni?roi,
July ft, 184U.
Dr. J. C. Dyer, Sir : I liave Lren alllii ted
with u i!tin!"ii! nll'eciion of the lungs, ami all tlie
bytnitoins ol'sctlleJ eoneiinijition, tor more ttiaa
a cur. I rould funl no riiodirinc that would
reacli my ease, until I commenced the una of
your "Chkiimi I'ii'Tohal," which gave me
gradual rt licl, and I liaxe l.icn steadily gauntly
"'.v slfengtu till my lieallli is well umii restored.
V llll: Ullll lift Ull . UilM Ul KIUIIII-
catiou of curing with it my reverend friend, Mr.
Truman, of tuniU'r District, who had heen aus
iicnded from his duties hy a aevrre at-
i tuck of bronchi t i ri.
! I have pleasure ill certifying these fhcts to you,
j And urn, t,ir, voura, rcsicctfullv,
i J. F. CALJ10i;.,'ot S. C.
! CX The follnwirij was one of the worst of
! cutcs, which the physicians and friends thought
""'ural ' eoiisun-.i.tom :
-Hksti;r, ca, .Aug. fi, if in.
I If . ... Si. I t-.Ln.. ,1 i a i
j h'Sn on l'y a cold, in the heguming of
; ust Fcliruary, and w as confuted to my iieJ more
than two months. Coughimr inee-sauily nigiit
! and dav, I t ecamo chaetlv and pale, inv eyes
. ' "
j were sunki u and ylassy, and my breath wry
snoii, iiiuccii, i waa rapidly lulling, anu in aucu
dittre.-s for tircath, that luit liltie hope of my re
covery could t e entertained. Wjdle in this situ
ation, a friend of mine, (the Hev. John Keller, of
tlio Metlmdist church) brought me a liottio ot
your Cui.ukv 1'i:ctuiiai., which I tried more to
gratify him, tliuu from any expectation of obtain
ing relief. Its good effect induced me to con
.; :. .. - i r c I I t,l, .,.,,..!.
iiiiiii' lis um , iiiiu . wiuii luuiiti my mniin iiimu
inilromI. ,N0W in time n.ontl.s. I am well and
,irn?, and can attribute my cure only to your
V.T.fTXTrr -xtr- . tear- -
Prcpnnd and told fi JAMES C. AYEF,
Fracticul Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
Sold in Simhiiry by H. MASSEK. end by "fiirrally tl.roujjliout the blute.
Aoviii,!,or I, 1B5I. HceHino.
! 'PUK stibscril er informs l,is niends and the
,!'"','!''''. "lat 1,0 f0inue to carry on ti.e
., iuiii
Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones. &c.
of the best materials, and most finished work
! niHiisliip, nd ut the lowest prier.
Letter Cutiincr, English and Uerman in the
most modern and elegant style.
Designs for Monument. Grave Stones, &c
always on lmnd.
-. II Orders for the East side of the river
promptly executed by leaving the Bame at the
oiiice ot tho 'Sunbury American."
Milton, May 10, 1S5I.
yB2. G. MASON,
Engraver and Triiiler.
-Vj. iii Chestnut Street,
ahove Second.
f S rrn'ated to do E.f;i!AVI(i and PftIT.
, "' "' a" t'"''r branches. Wedding VisiiiK
and liusinos I art s. Hull T1L i. n
ailU I)
. , i, ' "'" " " " "Pers,
' t,C'",s Checks. Drafts and
"u" r"uw. masons, pons ol t emperance, cVc,
All the above entrraved in the best nv.nn.r
Orders by l'o.t promptly attended to.
Dei ember S7, 1S51 ly.
Co i-d iTft'tlai Awarded,
To Eli Krupp, for his "Esscme of Coffee."
tT is now satisfactorily decided that Krupp'
' Essence of Collee'1 is the best and most
wholesome preparation for Collee in the world.
'e therefore recommend it to all lovers of
"Unit Coffet" as an article of great value.
The price is only 18 j cenls per package, which
with one lb. of Collee will go as far as live lbs.
of ordinary Cotfte alone.
fcUirckcepers and all others list may purchase
it are assured that if it docs not give entire satis
taction it may be returned, aud the money will
be refunded. Manufactured by
630 X. 3d fct., Philadelphia.
January 3, 1851 Um.
WAS 1 1 1 XUTONno US15
T"C i'""'1;,' r,TClfully inf'"" bi Wend.
, "d ' Public, that he ha, ,,:., ie we
known J iiblic House, comer ol JUrk. t and Kiv
er streets, lately occupied by Mrs. Wharton. He
trusts by strict atHulioii to business, he will be
enabled to gs satisfaction to all whe muy
In in with tiieir custom.
Sunbury, Oct. 53, 1851. tf.
bar bottles fur sole by
rs i . ... H B MASSER.
fcmiLunr, Asnl, IS, 1651
No. 187 North Third Street, Philadelphia.
'riltS pftwrter ii entilled by the united tfrtiromiy of all
I who hnve ntm it to the firm rank f nil tli"e CAT
Tl.K MKIMCINKS, tvhich hnve Irem pr.iiee
worthy fur many ywn, litdfttl we rhnllmern any prt...i
to make a mini-rior, or nnv pnwlT tlmt rift in the antne
mmiiuT. If th nnimnl he 'perfectly httillhv it will either
i i it reuse llir nmunti'f nnlU r iroatn anil butter ; nr the will improve mptilly in fit. It will lhTtfre in
time Iw oniithTt'd we have no ilouU one. if thr staph: nrti
clem if every Fnrnier, whn knepa a rittry ; ami f evffv
prrun owning n limfe. It ia not on of thoae kind nt
MtXTirnn (lint merely aw-H nn nnimnl up for a hmt
linif". but it will bv the r.ipwhy which it hnn of converting
IHPITKIC ACli) (whi-h in nr. rffrtn nnmer) into Imc
iiCAcinor oleixk; i-nnae a grenter ntnonnt of nutrition
ttuitler to bf f'Xtiacliil from 1 lit- wmie nnuamt of foot), tbitn
pnwilt.y ponlrt h, were the m-livc prinriptv of miirittt-n
to pnni out of (lie aynirm in the form of Hiprumo Arm.
We hnve leeeivwl n multitude of evidence to pruve wlmt
Wf have an in nlov. Hu.Vu-e to any :
We have mixed the nriive nirent, with a RTcnt numltef
of Vkcjftapi-k pltinta and herb, whic-li lime iiml tiae hnve
provnl ti nwfnl, improving the appMite mul prumotiuff
ilnrcftiiuii of the fod : thim iveenriin? a henttJiy pmfli.ih of
the bl'KHl, from wltirh the Alii, a and Vat tnunt be formal.
It inny ae ned fnr1lonR. Cows and I lints for the follow
ing eoinptuinta and tliaeum-a.
YP.hLdW WATKR, a danperoita niekneaa, whirh rle
Btr"a nmtiy vnluuble homes every yntir, ia ery m'tfti
entirely rnittl by the tree utc "f thia powder, in ail case
it will previ'iil the dieue from eomiufl: !.
Thia diM-ipy ia owninir to a bad iiimI iiiitroveriabed alnte
of tlie til.iod which iK-roiuea Liiin, wutery and of all yellow
c. i r.
This Kwder by improving the atomneh nnd ffivine to
the U.kxl n citnt'T tnnmiitv 01 reit nnrtielea, till da the
lat tuid only powuble rliiuire nt' recovery. If the h rae
it fur v ue. tfive inorninp nnd night a liibleKpoonful in wet
iced, it hi (tie iH-irmninu once a any at n vn, It omy 10 pre
vent tin- dipe.i twice it week.
SI.AIJfiKKINti. This is the ruination of rrnny vulun-
ble H'trAfn by exhnustinn ; by a const mit diachrirfre of tli
vn which iHtirht to po into the Rtornuch to nwist dnreati'-n,
(l ia ii aperica of a.livn'.ion often produced bv Indian
biieert (riowintf in the p.itiire ftr-umd A TiiblfajHutiiful
three liuiea n week will frerjuentty nrret the flow, if it
doi-siint depend on tlie ToRrco in the ffrns, under such
circmnstittif i n tl.e nnincil nniit be kept in the stable
UlSTKMI'Llt. ll the powder isnirh and freely nwd,
no other remedy nepne ttseit, it has aireuny purevi nun-
dreds of iloKHK of this troublesome discus to the surprise
of those wh'i used it. If n t used early, liefore matter hna
formed in the neck it cntin t restore the nninml perleetly
until the matter is diwhnrffed. use it rsirlv nud prevent
surd n result. A Tnblespoonlul once or twice a day is
en 'tiirh
OI.ANnr.RS. This rli sense has Imfrleil nil Famrikrm.
(iive thi powdei n fair trial nnd it wilt do wonders in
this trrrilile nnd hitherto incurable mnlndy. It is a din-use
of the irlandural system aud kepi up by imperfect nutrition,
in such ciisea 11 TaM-Kouitil every ilay twice for a nrnith
or two, im cnsriiur suci-esitiiin. win in time cases out 01 a
dozen efTeet n cure, it has hrcn fairly testnl.
Couelis nnd aliortuesa of UrMitli (tepemlinfr mi weak
hinffs. u Ta!leipitm(il every morning; if it ubaiea once
or twice n week.
PtMlli l.tW-SPIKlTKl) HORSKr. or where there is
any remains of Founder or stillness of motion, and the
Horse will not fatten, or where the hair ia namh imd
:utd straight out, the food seining to do tin'o't the
Powder prodnecH attnojif inunediate improvement w the
nninml I tie i ion inmriivi-i nml u-ilh it till ill lIllfT'
, gixhtiead of the annual disanpenra. becoming lively nud
i spirited, aud the hair smooth nnd stick.
1 '
j For Mii.kiva Ciwd, we nre fully r-mviiirpfl Unit il nit
nnlv iiiiprovi'4 th'i rtitiit, hut ih;it it iiicrfas tin; Hiiiinmt
; f Miit. t'rt itm nn I IJntier : nfuc wh linv trnil ihr v
f eiy it l'-'iiii'l a ok, cttu'm g.'iy hail u pomui
j whilrt "hp nTSiii iii.-istil upi in it tlmt he inade two pounds
i iti ire u wrW irmu -)i (Jown, W'e think it will be i'iind
tit at:r:ie iroia a I t a "tml p r week nn tueh Cow,
I if tin C"vs nrr pciir. ly ltrtlthy. This nddil ioinil nniounl
id nunlu liy tin? v nv'rsi"U nf ih Hippiinc Arid into itrn
, f(fiinn mid fully mm pi 'ii nil ; nli hy tiipplyiitft the txy-
Utti tukrii in hy t lie litntfi, wilh I lift eii-uicitu ol rariniti;
witti'Mit lakinir nnv 'f tiie itnjeii. -u portion of ihr i'tml.
iin all ol!it;r diwuw of nent rattle dfpeiidmti; upon a hud
white of the ttuid. nre rrin vrt fpcdily nnd e(fctunlly.
Cows, wlionu milk in hi tie, thin ttntl watery and where it
d not yield murli rrenin, or where 0w tzive LImmIv
miik. or whirl t are uM-d to slant! tone dry, it will he found
tin alinoMt inf iliihlf? remedy, hy improviuc the pondni'-n of
the hi' Kid in id rieutiiHf a healthy th7'Klitn ; n Tahlmp.. -n-ful
every day or every other day as it may be uecesKtiy.
INt iti the tiunmrr often ovorhent themselves. Ret wel
led ii'r'iH, oiiIim, u'eeia tn the I.uutis anil I.iver, which
cruise tiiera to ilii-very Ptiddeiily, 'hene lilay be prevmitetj
cmimyhy puMiu a pound or u hah" into n Hnrrel of nwill :
and it will a! Hie same time consider a My hasten the fiitten
intr pr. nr.
. ti. I it nnnnal whieh in privmtr milk nnd v-mi are
d"jtiri"is t' fatten at the Mime liinr, yott fhonld n t qive
iTinre i taMiip wHifnl mice a week or it will retaid the
fiifiitaiioii ot "at hy tncreuinnff the nm-itint of .Milk.
Let eaei nern try its efT'ft for htinfcir nud lie wil
fi-soti Ih Kitirtiett of its excellent qualiiies, uud that no Fur
mei shoultl te without it.
For tiie purpose of find hi? nut still further how far nit
juMly eelthruted FoWPKK, is entith-d t the
roilhdeure l ail llitehiretiL people; we have odd rented
loiters iii nil parts nf th I'niied Stnti-. where our Paw
der lint hern used, and we nreuhle now from the evidence
j thus hr ought before us, to assure every Fanner, Uiary-
man nnd Horse-man. that it has thus far very inueh i-jt-
ceedr.1 our ni it Kanniuc expectations.
I With the additituial kuwie.Iire lims far otitniued, W
Hopk we will he en ihleil to make the het and moat per
! fcrt Catti-R .Mkdicinb ever yet offered to a discerning
' people. It acts ns a valuable prnm 'It nf dicestiou. im-
proves the qualitv of the blood and thus increases the
amount of either Fat, .Milk and consequently of Butter
f Kven in the healthy Animal
I lb-ware of ronnteri'eits as the extensive sale of our
' powder has indtired otheis to make an imitation of it
I'aeli rrnck lias our written Snrnature on the end.
PhiUhWphia, JnlyJfl, 11 ly.
TY p' AV,niT1ZEf',S pecfullv inform
the Public that they still continue to
i tain travellers and others ut their old established
j sianu in Market slrect, wct of tho Couit House.
I I heir lonir experience in the business, and the
, en estamixiieu reputation of. their House, will,
j they trust, be a stillicient guarantee, Uiat their
, customers win i.e well accommodated.
.Marcli S, 1S51 tf.
RS. MARY WEAVER respectfully informt
tlie public and travelling community general
ly, that she has opened this larjje and commodious
HOTEL, furnished in a superior style. From
her loii evperience in the business of a first rale
Hold, and well known reputation to accommn.
date, u.r customers may deend on being supplied
Willi every lliinir conducive Ui tbpir rnmLri ...l
Feb. 13. 18.-)1 tl
nPIIE subscriber respectfully informs her friend.
i and the public generally, that she has taker,
the abovo well known aland nearly opposite the
t-urt House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per
kins. .She trusts that her experience in businesa
and her ellorta to muko her guests comfortable,
will give entire salihfaction to those who may fa
vor her with their custom.
March 8, 1851 tf.
Clocks, Wau-hfs, Jewellery, Silver Ware,
Fancy C noils, &c, &o.
C?i!S?m ,.,T,n"" sod fiallty. 8 .lav 0ms.
,V k . T 1 ' '"V.1"' Watches of ih br.1
..kt-ra. I..,ia.l,.hiis-.ii and It'.ltinkHi potent levers
s ns low ns ?:sl. warranted IS. karat enam. mul innired
lor l-J inttnths. Silver Levers as low as SIB.IIU WHrrautr.1
l.epme. . t,.w , S!MI warrantf.l, Ijnurtier Iii
Ijr. nt varieiv. Jewellery f every lei:ripii..n, Gnkl (iunr.l
m,, ftth rim,,,. Kr H.a. Kinprer Kt.,Bs.
llrt.K hw. N. kels. f,.., l,ui, warrante.l u.
I he suUcrili. t havuie just rctiiriied tr-.m Iho enitnu
nrt.iriesi. l.t furnish any article in Ins line nf
ItiiniMsa ol the fcit-t stvle.. uud si ehenp , ,,,, rti.
H. S i-.,h he .l.l in 111 I'lnlirlelphis it New V,,rk nuikels
IfcnvinrtelhepiiltlK, ,,f tlm i',. he invii,-, their attend
lli.ll liii.l rrsm-.-lf.illy K,lirilln mil. Ilo V .l I.I imrl ieiilurly, ,. ..el 1'n.pri tttr., and Ft.linlie.
his extensive ms innieiil .if Silvei Wore, viz: Tea Sells.
I nlae, and Tea J!,. wins, Forks. Ij.illes. to. Av
Irtlers received f,.r any article of Silver W'ure executwl
with pr.nnptnt ss, nntl in llie l-i style. A (real variety
'.f ,i""'l.t ''"ii" M.iche w,.rk, such as Wriliui
Ui ski, I'.irt f isms, B.,xes, (Itlour Utiles, 4c ftc
II ) oa want to secure ls.rya ins call nl
. . . H. C r.BF.F.N S
nest dotti to ihc Post OBiee, Centre st , Puttsvillc, Pa.
N B. All kiisls of retaiis atteiidtsi lo by the Ust work
men. Ueeembcr 97, 11 O.o.
6HI.'(iI,ES. Joint and Lap Shingles, of first
rate quality, for sale by
Sunbury, Dee. SO, 1851. tf.
QOLD PENS with and without silver cases
just received, and for sale bv
Funburjr. AnriU 1851
CHES. An excellent article, for sale ac
hat!' the usual price by J. W. FAILING
ctuubury, July 7. U49 '
UST1CE3' FEE BILI.rJ For sale bv
tl II. U. MAISrEK.
Hiuibury, 1KS1. 'SP
jaundice, dyspepsia, chronic or
AND nil cliirnwn ariFiim from s liver or to
insoh. urhnRrntifttii1inn, inwnrrt Pil. Fallnrss.or
blond to lha hind. Ariditv nf the Stomach, Nsusra,
Hitmlrflrn. riinriist ftir Pnni. filllnc or weinht in the
Momnrh, iurKriirtniioii, liiiViiil or fliitteriiit; nt the pit
ih ihr Inmnrh. switrinme nf thetiran. namennnnnimrnu
lirmiliin, Hiitteriui at the heart, eh"kini; or snff' icting
wnwliiui. when in a Ivlosr p.'tnre, Dimness nf vision,
dotsnr hrOwthe siirtit, Wver nnd dull pain in ths
hwnl, drficitMiry of ncrspinoioii, VpHttwnpss of the skin and
nvf, pnin in tbn sulc , lirt-k, rlm.t, linibs, smlilf n
flushes nfhint niirnitnr in the ftrh. Constant imnginitips
if evil, and erent drprcioii of spirits,
ritEPAnKn bt
Nn, 120 Arch Al.v Philudrlphla.
Their power uvcr tlie ntwive disenici ia not MPeHcH, if
cqunlled, ly hiiv other jiP'puniii'iii in the ('nited Wutct,
h the citrcn attest, in imitiy runes niter skilluil phytic iant
imti tuiicn.
Tin HitiPTfi tire wurthv thev nttcntiiwi nf iiivbIkIs.
PttsscMiiia arcsil virtm-s hi Ih rcciifi'iitii'ii nf diwnfli'i t
tlie Iiivcritud Icswr plnml. xcrciitiftf Ihr mitt icurrhiitff
pwcri in ivckncw nnd nHrtirii ! the. digealivo nryiiin,
tncy ure, wiuial, n tic. cert ii in nntl picnwitu.
It- mm the H"St"ii uce. j
The lMitt-r Dec. -I
"1K. IliKlKLAMr- t'RI.HRRATKn fi ER M A HlTrHRit fF
the cure tt( .tc r 'nuipl;titit, Jimnilice. Dyfp.-pi!u. t:hntiic
r Acrvrum Dchihiv. n diicrvNHy nicnt the iniwi pnpn
Inr metiicincn nf iliu iJuy, I Itcsc Ditto hnve hrcn uw.'U
ly th'iotmtMlB, Hint n friend nt inr elhiv wyi he hn hiin
nelf receive.) nn cfTectiuil nnd pernwinenl cure nf Liver
Oompliiiut Irmn the life nt thin nmcrlr. We nre rmivince
thiit, in le use ul litem ItiLtrm, the pnlient mnMiintly
flftmit siretiitih nnd viffr n f;ict wrtliy nl" rrnt c"nftiitc
ruli(Mi. They nre pleimiint in tnste and smtll. nnd mn lie
used hy per in with llicmnut delirnte RtomnrhR with :ifo
ty, under nny eircnnMtMticefi. We ipe It i ne f mm ex
perience, and t ihc ntlltctcd we ndvitie their use."
"Sctt" Webklt." "lie of the best Literary pnpets
pulilmhed, mill, Aut?. Ti
Dn. Hooflad's Grha?! Hitier, mnnuOietured hy
Pr. .Incktnn, nre now reotnmpitiled hy S'unc nf the mnst
prominent iturnlwrn of the fiicnlty im mi article nl much
iTicncy in c:iss nf i'cm:de weak lien n. An inch in the
Ciife, we would ad vine nil mntlie.rn to nhltiin n h-iltle, nnd
thus nave thcmnelven nrich ncknent. Pervous nf dehilttn
tcl ru(iit(itin(i will find these Hitters ndvtintiiceoiis to
their heiilth, ns we know from experience the Mlutitry
ell eel they have Uion week systems."
More Evidence
The "Fhilndelphia Saturday Jazette," the bent family
newhj,api published in tlie United states, the editor snji
J)) hvofluiuVs German Bitters.
tllt is neld"in we reeonnnend whal nre termed JVu
tent AtediciueB. to tn- ?ou fide nee and pntrounije of our
readers; aud. theielore, hen we reeommend lr. Hoof, j
land's (iertimit Httttrs, we wis it to be ditiuctly under i
stood that we are not spen'vinjr of the ii"strums f the (
day. ttiat are noised nlmut for a hiief ptriKl nul then for- j
ffoiten nftei Ihev havedone iheir v'uiltv rare of nnsrhief,
hut of a niedieine ohq estab1ihed, iiuiverdlv pfi.ed. and
wliich has met the hearty iippiovi'J of the Fneulty itself "
videiiee unfiil evnlenee lias lieen received (like tlie
fnrefToinu) (mm all sttitw ..f the L ti., la.t thr-e
vears. and the sT-ineefit tcstim niv in fit fnvir, is, that
there is iiiit ( it used in the practieetf the regular Phy-
sieiansid rtitlaileliilua, than nil tilher ir strums e'ni!nnefi,
a fart that eail e.iMiy he established, and full, proving that
a si'iennnr preiaiart'iii win meei wiill incir quin uppm. ui
when pre'iiied even in ibis furm
That this medicine will cure liver O'niplnint and Pvs-
pepsin, no one eamluubt. alter iimiiv it nn direetnl. It acta
speeifieallr Ukiii the winaeh and lter it is preffenible
tn enl.tmei in all hilli-iurt direriiet the rffrt in immediate.
They ran he administered to Female or liifutU With nil el y
and reliable bmefit, nt any tune.
This mwlicine bus at.ainetl that hlffh rharneter which ia
nifitssaryfornllinediriues toattuiuto imhiee efiunterfeitera
to put forth a spurious article at the rik uf the lives of
tin ipc nre inii'K-enl.y uetieiveii.
They have the written snrnuture of r. M. JACKSftN
n pun the wrapper, and the name blown in the tKHtlc, wilh
our whiidi they are spuiious.
For sale, wholesale and reiail, at ihe
German Medicine Store.
No. vy ARCH Street, one door helw Pixth, (late of
i iui''f noreei.i i uii'iorioniii, uiki uy icapci:uitni; uimirii
generally throngh-mt the eountry. 1
pmcKn iii:ut' r.n.
To en-ilili all rlasses of invali-ls to enjoy the advantages
of tn-jir great restorative power.
Single Bottle, 75 cents. For ssle by H. Massch, Sniibnry, anJ M. A.
afl'AY. Nortlniiniierlniitl.
Angil.t 30. IMl ly.
850 FO Ii REIT.
DK. HCN'TER will forfeit S50, if failing to
cure any case of secret disease that may
come under his care, no matter how long stand
ing or alllicliug. Either sex arc, invited to his
Private Rooms, 3i North SEVENTH Street,
Philadelphia, without fear of interruption by oth
er patients. Strangers and others who have
been unfortunate in the selection of a physician
ore invited to call. Those who have injured
themselves by solitary vice are alsa invited.
READ AND REFLECT. The afllicted
would do well to reflect before trusting their
health, happiness, and in many cases their lives,
I be hands of physicians, ignorant of this class
or maladies, ll ,i certainly impossible for one
?Zn '? understand all the ills ilv I., -
are subject to. u.eiy ic-pcrtafilrj physician has
his peculiar branch, in which hu is more success
ful than his brother professors, and to that he de
votes most of his time and study.
i-iwur i I ifu, exclusively davo-
ted to the study and treatment of diseases of the
sexual organs, ogether wilh ulcers upon the bo-
uy. uiroat, nose, or legs, pains in the head or
bones, mercurial rheumatism, gravel, irrcgulari
tics, diseases arising from youthful excesses or
impurities of the blood, whereby the constitution
has liecome enleebled, enables the Doctor to offer
speedy relief to all who inav place themselves
under his care.
Philadelphia. April 19, 1851 ly.
In Selinsgrove, Pa.
Clocks), ft uniics and Jewclrv.
1 EPAIRED in the best manner and warranted
tn ru.rli.rtn u.atl
All work intrusted to his care will be .trip. I.
attended to.
fcclinsgrove, Nov. 30. 1S30. tl.
Sunbttry, Pa.
Office in Deer Street, immediately onoosite the
Public School House,
f !fT ''V''1"i''., Bollec'e' d "'I busiiieis piornplly aad care-
April 8(1, 1850
J A TENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's
writing and indcllible ink. f.' v.... ....I
.,-, jui ,vv4;i,vu aim lor sale uy
J. w. rniLiNG.
Sunbury, Dec. S, 18-18.
ITONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Kaisina, Al
r7 monds, P tines and Cream Nuta.
I'lanes of all kinds.
A'alt and Plaster. Just received and for sale
Sunbury, Dec. 59, 1819.
1 ) OOIC.S and (.old Pens. On hand several cop.
"-s of the life of Christ, and also a number of
irold pens wliich we will sell at the Philadelphia
prices. For aalc al this ollice.
TENINCS A cheaD and ei.-ell.-iit arti.
cle tor fastening sash for sale by
Sunbury, July 7, 1849.
Breast pumps, and
nipple tuls?s- A sunnlv of these useful arti.
cles just received aud for sale by
8unhury, Jan- 18, 1851 tf
ROSE OINTMENT-A fresh supply of this
excellent article for Tetter, (re., just received
and for sale by HENRY MASSER.
bunbury, July 88, 184D
f lE A8, from the New York Canton end Pekin
JL '1'ea Company. For sale by
, i. W. FRIUNO.
Sunbury, Dee. , 1840
An eicel-
W 'eot remedy for coughs, culds.
Fur sle
al thia allies
fCHK aitmition of Railderi and ntlwrs, are respeelfnlljf
1 invitrd to the eitcnsive and w-U selerted st--k f
IIL II.UINO HAKDWAHKAsaTOom, now rlfrred b)r
the sulrrilier. cousiiting in pnrt as follnws:
Amaiinin Front l)ir IK-kn, upright, wilh night work,
pkiti-d or hmn fiirntluro, , pnnclHin all eolnrs.
American Front Door lirks, upright, plain, with
nialit work, plated or brass furniture, or poiccluin all
AmeriTin Front P.r tnrks and ftnre T)nor, Ilnrixon
tal or upright, brnsn fnruilurc, of nnrrplnm all ciilors.
Ainrrirnn Him ly ki, nil sizes nnd qualiln.. While or
brnsi furtilture, or porcelnin ail eolors,
Aniericnu Mortit e lx-ks, all sizes, with plated, while or
hrnss furuitur,.. or roni.i,in nil eolors.
AniprirBii M.mier IjiI.-Ii.-,, nil n, , with plated white
or bniss furnilurc. or pnrriMnni nil eolois.
Auicriciin .M ini nnd Kim CL'Set Iyn'ks, plnted ol lrn
esrutrhiins. or n.irri!:iiu all rulnrs.
Ainericnu ump, Wop, Thumb, Ont, ana store uoor
Als i, lmtnitp,1 tK-k. nnd Ijitpln-Sftf evetv desrriptiou.
H'llriwiu's. nud Amerieaii Hutt llnig'S, of nil sizes, Inst
or lme joint.
Sliutlnr, fintc, ?trnp, T., and flnrkflnp Ilinees, nil ktmls.
rhntlpr. iinte. Ionr, Flush, and Spring IMl, if wrought
or nit iron nnil lirnss, every dr-scriptiim.
Serews. Sprnrs. Glue, fnnd Paper of the beat qnnlily.
Aineiicun Alc and fham Axle Fulleys, of every
Aoifriiin Buttons, pluin or on plntes, brass, iron, or
AmiTirnn Not, nkited. white, irm. or wm1. nil kinds.
aianli-Corl, eomninu uud pntfiit, with oilitr nrticlos too j
liuinrmne t" ineuiiri,,.
pnicF.:. I
If All Oonds delivered free of Charge to nny part of !
the City and Districts.
At this estii1ili!hmeiit enn he fonnd on of the (nrgest and
Iwst iisflnrtment. of White and Kaney Nolm fnr Locks, Ace.,
in the City; anme putlerns, of which, ennuot he seen, or
, ntitniited, nt any other More. TUOl.H.
fnem A J:ickVm's llnck. Panel. Iltmd, and Ripp Saws,
imported expressly fnT lletail r.iles, nil selected with enrc.
Sole ayetit "m the celebrated 1 Inn en, made hy V.. W. Car
peutir, of lniicter, Pa., htiinir all mnde of split woixl.
nnd the Hilts frmund nud tried. Henttv's At Wiliiams' make
of Chu-el, Axes, Hatchets. Drawing Knives, Ac., all war
rnuted (T'kmI.
Puuh's nnd Plntk's make of Angers and Auger Hitis, nl
American Squares nnd Ilevilt of every description.
American Kulus, Oauges, Snwsetts, Compusses, Screw
drivers. Ac.
American C. ft. Il imincrn, Claw nud Riveting, nil sizes,
Anvils nnd Vices, nil "sizes.
Heel, iron, nnd Wooden Braces, wilh C. ft. Kills, in
great vnrielv.
W. Greaves K'n's, Butcher's nnd other celebrated
makes of Chisels. Tiles, Plane-Irons, Ac., Ac.
Addis's eelel.rnted Carving Tools, ah shapes.
Makitnr one of the lesl nud most extensive assortments
of llutlduiir Il iriKvare nnd Tools in the ftnte.
At this t-ktahhshinent it is cm idered n plensure to Mnw
.. i the UiN'ds. You are invited t end and examine the assort
ment, nnd hear the prices asUeil, uelure purchasing eipe
where Come nnd see us.
Youts, refpeetfully.
ww. m Mecr.rnr.
Nn. Market St.. between 7tli and sth, upper side.
Pluiudelrhin, April U, ly.
I ssor.vrv
I Tlir ntti'iition 'nf tlie public is ralloil to the ad
, vcrliscment of Mr- ('harks (' 'J'urker, Attorney
anil Asrnt at WashijlDii C'ily- I'crsons hav
inq claims fur bounty I.aiula or Pensions arc in
! fornieJ that the subscriber has maile arraneenients
r. ..... r..... l..;.n,.t.a llisa.r .
"r ;-" "
ins onirr, ran nae mru ihijc-i mi - mn u unw
; ibrwardi'd to Mr- TurkiT nt Washington, and
, i t ,.iio.,.1..,1 t, inf,irn tho
. lV ,U,H V"T"'J M """"" "
c... 1 . to lat
R"""ur:' J'1"' 11
, T tili' 1
I q J USt A 11 iJl I S llClI.
"BT EE A: WALKER. No. 162 Chrsnut nt..
' a. A ar0 oiiMnntiy iunlis,iinrf ami rorrtvintf,
m;w beautiful inuMC Iroitl the most distin-
I ffu lulled composers.
Tho following Hat rotitnins aomP of their choi-
cost nnd mot popular tfonps. Waltzes, Polkns,
! &e.
! Now. thou art (Jane, n heaut'tful onff, worda
i by Thomas J. Diehl, music hy I!umbridte.
My New England Home, words and music by
M rs ' L. Wade.
(irobe's Oiunibuu ; by C. Cirubc il collection
of Dm-tts.
Sounds from llumr, piano aiul violin, by Jos.
I'rt'tly Little Polka, for Tretty Liltie Pcnplr,
by J. I.incr.
' All tint Winds aie Sleeping, by A. S. Worn
scy. fiuarJiitn Anel. by thn nnthor of 'T.o-.e Nut.''
HousrliolJ WorJs.'tt riti-n by Clios. Voung.iio.
Tlie Ailieus, words by Tliomas J. Uiclil, mu
sic bv Ilorr.
I LEE tV WALKER lmv ronstnntly on hand,
uprrinr l'ianos, ami a supply of Martin's Cele
brated CJuilars, wliicli together wltli a fine os
ortnient of Musical Instruments and Merchan
dize in grnernl. comprise a slock not to be sur
' passed by that of uny ollifr ci-tul!Uhinont in tlio
! country. LEE & WAl.KEK,
1 02 Cliesnut street, bwaun e lluiluing.
n-.iladclphia, Juno Z, 1851. ly.
Bushes' Tever and Afjne Pilli ! !
PERFECT and speedy euro for the Fever
' .nil rtgtie is (itiarantecd to any one who
may use the Pills. They have been used for the
la. i irren ytnri and have never been known to
fail in a single instance and in cases, too,
wncro persons nave bail the disease for several
p,ar"t wminui intermission. The proprietor
! th?,,e"Z 'ht wrtd to produce an article that
I w'"' ru.rc "' 6,lort "m"t without leaving nny
(icieicnous ellccts from the use of it. If ihe Pills
do not iK-rforui a speedy and perfect cure, tho
pruprieiur.wiii return tlie money. For sale by
Jacob S. Lawrence, Mincrsville ; E. Hcl'fen
stein. Trevorton; 8. R, Dixon, Schuylkill Ha
ven ; John W. Friling, Sunbury ; Mary A. Mc
Coy, Northumlierlanil ; Dr. Bcekly, Danville i
John Sharplcss. Cattawissa ; Dr., illiams
port; John Raser, Milton, and by respectable
Druggists throughout the State.
J. CLKTI.S C. HL'GHES, Proprietor.
Pottsville, June 2S, 1851. ly.
.ER, an excellent article.
tetter"'" McJ'ralCd Soaprr '"" burn"' Un'
Railway's Circassian Balm, for the hair dand-
rull &c. uairoanu-
R,.,lv. lf.,.l P,:..r c. r.. ..
Cholera .Morbus, ic,
"7. " ViT.i. f. . U ynips, uiioiic,
for sale liy
ll. 13. MASSER.
Sunbury, ug. 3, 1830.
flHE Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia,
L oilers for sale tlie following property in Mil
Ion, Northumberland county, vii : The large
i ' in upper Milton, formerly occupied by
Messrs Pattersons as a Carriage Makers Slum
The buildin? is 60 feet front on unoer Market
street, and 40 feet on Front street, and is two !
stories nnrti. A Iso a two story
40 by 25 feet, on the same premises. The lot is
on ihe corner of upper Market and Front streets,
and ia 6S feet front, and 150 Ice I deep.
The premises would be valuable for Foundry
or other manufacturing purposes, and will be sold
on reasonable and accommodating terms by ap
plying either to JACOU CARRIUAN,
t - S...-.T rtit-r-rtn . .... '
j. r. iioi,ri.ur,ii, r-q., .Milion or
H. B. MASSER, Esq., Sunbury.
Philadelphia, Jan. 25, 1851 if.
STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers,
and other articles uf stone ware iust rereiie.l
end for sale Ijy JOHN W. FRILING.
Sunbury, June 83, 1849.
A YINU, just receives! and or sale by
Sept. 38, 1850.
lAXTRACT CF GINGERA fresh supply
just received and for sale at this oflice
Price 85 cents.
(Sunbury, Ju.'y 13, 1851.
H BLANK NOTES, waiving the exemption
1 of $300, for sale by
Aprii.36, 1851, ll. B. MASSER.
"fir KITING FLUID and self sealing Euve
" " lupes, just received end for sale by
April 19, lust ll. B. MAUSER.
V. S. Hank notes i& dn
All solvent Imnka pui
All solvent Isinks I oil
All solvent Isinks 1 dis
All solvent hanks I dis
ftnitk nf ('hamherfthurg 1 din
lltink of Chester Co. pnr
Dank of Del. Co. Chester pnrj
iihiikui uermniiMmii
Hank of Gettysburg
Hank of OwiRtj'wn
inrlAII solvent Innks 1 dis
I lin lVHk notes under S3 ) dis
Hunk ofMiddletown
Alimta-'nerv Oo llnnk
1 dis All solvents Innks
pnr m;v jkuskt
;iiiik 01 orttiuinuell no. o lleivulere Hunk (nn
Hunk of l'llt.liiug 1 dis (.oinm. n inl Hnuk dis
llnnk nf llnnville purl Far. Hunk Itnllv pnr
( arline Hunk 1 dis,F. A M.. Miitdletowu I't. par
Coluiuliin H'k A; H'geCo piOi Mei liiiiiun' Ilk, Newurk ir
I)nyejtnwii Hunk mr le'h. Ilk of L1urliu;tui pur
i:ton Bnnk pnr'Meeh. Ar Mnn. Dk Trent pnr
Krie liunk 9 disl.M'ilris t'n Hunk dis
F.tchiuise H'kri'lumirg I rli Newurk Hk'z it Ins. Co I dis
Kxelmne H'k, Hrntiel, 1 ilivOrnuce llnnk
Fnrniers' H'k, llueksdo p'ir People's Hk Fntterson
Funner,' Ilk, Irfuieiiin'T p;ir Friiieeton Hunk
Fnnuers' Hk. Keudiiur nur Snlein H:oikuur Co,
J dis
Furm. Hk Setuivlkill Co pnr !euierret Co Hunk
F A I). Hk Wiiyni'iuYjr IJdis'State Hunk nl Cnmdeii
Fmnklin hk. Wnsh'ii tjilis Stnte Hk I'.liznliethlon
limit, l i itoivnTe miuik .einrK
j dis
1 dis !tnte Hk. .. Hiunsuiek pnr
lmeniter Ituuk purussex Hunk. Newton J dis
I.elKinou Hunk p-irlTrpntoii H:mkiiu Co r
Mereh. ft Mun. Iluu'it 1 ilis I 'ni'iil Bonk, llover J dis
.Miners' H'k, Fntrsviile pi r Vardleyv'le A Del llr Co I5dis
lononeuhelti Hnuk I dis, ITf'lik notes uiuler S.5 ilis
Tuylorsv'e Delll'eCo 15 dl DKI.AWAHli.
West Hrnneh Hunk pur Hank nf llrlnwnre pnr
'yoniinc Hk, Wilkusb'e purlllunk of Prnvrnn pnr
1 ork kui.ic, iii Del
llelnwnre City Htutk
rp'Helief not
1 dia!
Hk Wilui'j'nA llmuilvw. pui
Hunk of Wh. tl.H-k Sdi
Merrnntile Hk. Uuneor 10 dis
Furtnerf' Hk St Delnwure pnr
I'nion Hunk, Wilmiiigton tr
Cf Under .i's dis
All solvent Innks 9 dis
All solvent Iwurks (lis
m:w HAMPi5iiini
All solvent lirinV,
I distlV'Hk noteii iiu'It 5'. 4 dis
.mjii i ii i;ahui.i...
All solvent Innks 4 dis
C"-L'ndcr5"s, SJ dis
Hunk of Si .llius 3 di.
Al! s ilvent ltunks diw
A S VniT.MvTJ I. T
Bounty Land and Pension Agency,
rpiIH uiiderftitmed Atnrn-y and General Aircnt at the
X City ( W afhtitftin, mlers hi.1 surviees in prKairing
H unity jnidaiid IViiPimm im those entitled . Heiiiff per
iiiaiienlly I 'fated at the sent nf Government, with a ihcr
titmhRud famtliar anpiaiutanee wi'h the neefsjmry fornm.
nnd routine of hnsine), nud havimracei.-rrs to KemiMt-ra nud
Hoiis tiled in the 1'. S. war niliee, he p-isnont-i facilities Or
the speedy Bud eittisiaeh.a-y udjutmeiil of Uivonuiieut
cliiimsol every kind.
a late Act "f C'Miarpsii, Itnuntv Innd ia eranteil to
the i-ili'-eis and siddif.TH oi tlie war of I-PJ, and of the van-
ri'itit Indian warn, muce 7:HJ. To those who staved nine
iii'intha ttiit a'-reft; to th tc who served f ur inmith tO
acre; mul to thae who served one month in nrres.
Arrauveiiiculs hae hern made With eulh'tiKii of the
I,eifal proiVstjon in ihffiTent sections (,f ihe (,'ountrv, for
the location of warrants, and the mUi of the patents, when
issul, on the most advantageous teruiH; f t the navment
o, taxes, r not..,,, of land. ,ld for Me, r,ALi
tlie ihirerent Sin! en ami Ten ilm i-c
He tenders his er tecs to uietiiluTs of the profession at a
distance, and when claiinn a:iiust the ).vcmiii'ait. nre pie
r;tred hy a I enl A treat, will nlmle one hah his iimiuI fee.
The uer'esiviry tonus and nutiucitons, and infortnatioii on
all SllhieetS llppertaii'int to u Slleeessfld proSfi'iition o( tins
btisinebit, will be tiirnished to regular CorreSiriudeuta with
, out eliaitfe.
Peisaia df'Hritv inforniati in of fiinds in the army or
navv, will forward to him all the particulars known of their
! aii vice, lojreiher with a fee of one dollar, and their empn
; ro'S w ill be replied to hv return of mail. All eoimniuiica.
lions to be (i-uri'.iiti.; uud nddn-i-d t i
, P. O.) Waaliinglon, I). C.
December 'i 2, t?."o.
i v. 1 ci;mii 1 1
, IV. Cumer of Third and Union Streets. I
itrTMI'.M VI. MIS of extensive mul uiiiiit.-rrpt. .
pr.iclici? .ctlt in tins rily liuve rentlt-reil llr. K. tilt
111 'SI rxifil mul Filrctrssltli ,raclitMiitjr lur uul,
in tlie trfjitiiieut ui nil iIi:i'.iim-b il a priviittf nutiirt;. l't-i-t,.iii
it'liii.'iiit witn nli'fiB uj'ii tin- throiil, or 5. i.uns in
I'iij lie.iilitr biuirs. iiicicili nil tlii'iuu-itiMii, slrii-tnri . umy.'l.
ili?ti iirihiny lr "in yi'till'i'uli rxi'i-sM'ti tr niipiiiitif 'il ll,.
It! .wl. wiitTi'iiy id.- t- umlitutli-n li'is liccinu tnli.'t;!'!t tl. are
ml tttnlftl with sticreit.
Il wiio ,liiff liliiist-ir iiiulcl tilt' enrr cf Ut. K , limy r.'
i'.'i"U"ly ctiiili.lf in bit h.iiwr a.. :t tr-'titleiriuii. unit C"it!iut:ir.
' !v rev iivni bis si.ili us u ibyMrimi.
' TAK1". 1'AltTR't.I.AIt Ml'I'IfK.
i . . . . ... . -
, Vising Mm who nave mjiirni iiieinsrivcs i,y n c.rmiii
maeliee unltilyl ill a I it fri-tnfiil ly Inirnnl Insii evil
c tiuiini .ins it at fliti"l Hi- flT.t-ls til winc h nr.- nightly
, leli. ven wlifii nslffp. smi iifirt,y if tn nnini im.t lull,
Siir llitl UtlIV llllllltrtlliil.Jlv. , t.-inii. nn unit htim it
dt'hiiily I tps t'f miis-"ii!ar rtierny. physieiil uml ct-n-eritl
prt'fctnitiitn, irnlnbility nnrl nil ut-rvtms Mb-rii n.". in b-
: tzt-iili'ill. sliierihhiif.s t'f tlie liiTi.nntl every ilnn-int -tti nny
wnv ciiniifcli 'l vili tiis iltwrilfr nf the prttcrKitive runc-
' titins curinl. nud lull vigur rt rtnrl.
A vigorous lifo or a premature ilealh.
KttKEUX nn Self Pn servntion.
ONLY ".;
This B'Ntkjiiftl pul'lisb,,., fll, . ...
i on the ii.firtnni.-s ; "7 ',r V- ""r""'niorr,uii.Hi
l h ii.,..... ilii.rus.-s t. th-r l,t-ni r.tlive Oir-.tts.
'. ' lo V-TII,.UA.IIOUDaml Dt.iJ
I A'l-.. nti'l .iil-l !! n-id hy all.
The Viilunbli-wli ii-e ami" impressiye wnrnini; it uives
will prei ent tenia .if im-ry auUsuiruiing anil sine'
ly I h'.iirtiu.lN in Lives.
; Pawns I.y reni'm il will It iu ii how to prevent llie dec
; trcctii.ii i.t lin n ciiil.lre.1.
. A r.-in.i:ii.-.-.. -J", ,-e,,.,. ei:,-l,.(.ed in a Irlttr. ml
j t.t 1)11. MNKKI.IX. . V. c .nur of THIRD A
. tnr. r-iriMi,. iretu-eii ,iiic.. At I',,,,., l'nilnil..!.,hia
Will ensure n Ii .k. umlt-r eiit't l.ipe. ivi r.-turn m
Perk,,,.:,! ,- , inriv u.l lr.- llr. K. lit Icttei. (nusl.
pin. I.) mi l bei -iicl nt h ,,.. '
PACK li-S (if MKlllflXF.". DlltKCriON'S e
uStn'nisu:'"'"''"1" '"" "p ue, .,..;
Il. ik-st-llers. Xew L.,.,irs. IV Ihrs. C-nivasers, and all
others supplied with th.; above w. rk ut verv l,nv rates
Pepte. liber 6, l-ol ly.
l'IIII.ADi:i.l'ltlA AND POrrsVILLE.
Farci Reduced. of the Phila. It Readinft Unilroad Co. )
; Philadelphia, March Sfi, 18j. J
! Two rM"?'r Trains Daily, (except Sunday.)
dl)? ""' A,'riI I?1 ,wo ,r."i"" wi"
. jf ue run each way, daily, between Philadel-
! I1'"" nd Pottsville
Monxrxa T.rxr:
Leaves Pbil:i.1ibibin nt 71 X M ,l..:i
C . j-...--. J , ttutij .irt.i
Leaves Pottsville at 7 A. M. daily except Sun
Leaves Philadelphia at 3 o'clock, daily, eicept
Leaves Poltsville at 3 o'clock, dailv, eicept
Between Philadelphia and Pottsville, ljlS.73
1st class cars and S2.'.5 2d class cars.
Between Philadelphia and Reading, $ 1.75 l,i
class cars and $1.45 "d class cars.
Demit ill Pllilailt-llthbi. e, n-r ..f Tl...l I
i t 1 - v. U.lll
me Streets.
Passencers cannot enter the ears unless provi
ded wilh Tickets.
NOTICE Fifty pounds of bairgarre will beal
lowed to each passenger in these lines; and pas
sengers sre expressly prohibited from takin? anv
tliina; as baRiaro but their wearing apparel, which
will beat the risk of its owner.
By order of tho Board of Managers.
April 19, 1851. Secretary.
'PHE subscriber has just received a new supply
- of Ihe best liquors that ever came to Sunbury,
coiisikiuib; in pan or
Superior old pale Brandy.
Fine Corxniae Brandy.
Superior Old Jamaica Spirits.
New England Rum.
Fine Holland Gin.
Superior Old Whiskey
Common do.
Sus?rior Maderia Wine.
Lislwii do. do.
Superior Port Wino.
BurRundy Port do.
Sweet Malaga Wine.
Huerior Claret M ine in bottles.
Champagne do. do.
Sunbury, May 88 1849. i
RAY KIM. An excellent article fur sa
bunburr Jan. !7u., 1819u.
At the ( fltilnct Ware llwrn if
Market Square, . . .
Also at the corner of Fawn $tnct if tht Railroad
Tlianliful for the patronafje of h! frienda ni
custonicra during the 17 year he hn been in busi-'
nesa in lliis place, he solicits from the public con"
tinunnre of their farors. During thi period he
lias r mlcavored to keep up with the improvement
nf the day, and has accordingly extended hi busi
ness in every branch and variety. The public re
therefore invited to tho attention of the preacnt
Btock of
At the Old Ftand,
Where in addition to their former alock of the
establishment they now manufacture
Mahogany, "Walnut & Cane-Seat Chain..
lirqe Spring Sent Rocking Chairs,
Dressing livremts, Centre Tables,
Marble Top Wask Stands,
and a variety of other
new style and
lTah ion aMc Furniture.
llnvinir secured a Hearse and made the necea
saiy arraiitfctnents for the purpose, they are now
prepared for l-'ndcrlakiriir in all its branches, in
this vicinity or at any convenient distance.
Ye treiirts ami mi'Inurt, ninl liaslnnds too,
Hire's ftirnititre of every style aisl hue,
From siilc b ranis down to kitchen tables,
I'ri'rn rK-kiiicr chairs to rocking cratlles
5!iiin!1 you not Imve the fcaily Jolia to pay,
We'll wait awhile for a brighter better day,
Or take potatoes, oats, ern, wheat and rya i
Unrk, hm'p p'tes, staves, or lumber wet sad dry,
Or any tliuu Inn yiki-a mid threshmg flails,
From ptirs and turkirs down to little quails.
Come on then friends, come one and all.
Keep tuitfe a moving, so "got on the ball."
1' Orders from a distance promptly atten.leJ
to nnd work of all kinds delivered witli dispatch.
Sunbury, March 9, 1850 tf
j f-O '
; r ?
F i 1 1
; , .i . t r - , it Mi..Hr.f
TADf. fini the besi Jamaica fi.neer nH tl ralunbl
incttii.-iiti tiMpcrtv nf which il will be 1'isliid !( pos
i Hi's in a ciinvi'iiii'iit mul tMiirrntr.itPtl l r.'tu.
I It is n ijvipi rlii'-i'-nt tun) :it liitr sniiie nm Inrmiess, riM
i sliiiiMbliu t'liitr l'r tlm stiiiniirti. mid will hi lotinil ycr
j iK'iii'nrtitl in ii-!ii viii tin' i-iiiunit ami iliilrpssin lueliits
; nc-iiiiifil ). ilic iiiipnirt'il (!li"ii nl' tliis important orpii
I I'r-'tn liiiif ton wlioii; li-ii-Hjtooiilnl taken in n wnie-ir'os
t'lilol" Fivefli-ni il v:iti-T will iniiiii.'iiiutWy renove the tluli
Inn-) anil o;prMioii r. imllliifi Ironi imliTfpsti-iii.uiHl it tali
' two or tnrfc tun. s it;ii!y. as riiiiriil, wilt lie toiind lilb
! uii ltii naiiiiiM the lafipiutili-iiii'l HPiine of sinkintrof thf slur
! a-a unit Irii'h ir to ills ilia irili n-il action iK-raKlniuil by It
! fn'-ryn'mit !"'''' of tin. ftiiiupi.-r hi'iit, or f 'llowinc nl'tef I
; ili.pniiioii. mul lur c.irrt-iHing lite uirnpient sltiifts tif duv
1 lio1, i.
It isiiki an ' mnl.fine for tlinse whnlmrei
uri'il Uie t 'lit ot tlii-ir moinarhe hy the immoilerntf use
intoxiiMiiiLr li'j'v-r.. I.y lis sltL'liily stiiniilatinir -"trect up
tin; Btoiriaih ii'iiMi-ini; the rrm niff f.r stiiiiiilnnts, while
lirii no iiiiuiioiiB aim n on lit. I.raiu. nnil is not snrceerl
by iVeiiiiirs of ih-piension, wiii':il atwuys follow the uss
aic h 'In mnii'ibnt..
A fi-w ilropn aittli-'l to nvicaeiii, rhntmrb or other pur
liy i.ii'ii'iii'.., w ill r.-ii'lrr ih.-in in re nproptnl'!" :
rt -nvi' h ami pieVL-iil tin; gnplng whtpli is Ujil lo Bccompt u- tijii.
i r r i t. i ' to M it if
I ,1 ,ii n iiun ii n ,u I i ll ,
I Dltfiiiltr'T .IM) riir;.Mi?T..
I y I', corner nf "ill and Chestnut Streets
I' April 10
l - y
I'A. .
I rBIIK siilwcriber re-peetftilly inlorms the pti'
; K that be has tifii".l a Public House, in
! liew town of Tret,rbni. Nortlimiibeilanil c.ou
I uud that he ii well pirpnri'il to iiccommoil.iic
gursls ill Ilic best inamier. I lis house is loc
i ...:, ,,. ('....,.,. store Hn is
. "ti,n ,"e !" '-ol npail) s r-iore. n. is
I slabllllg Sllliicieilt for "0
i ars. He trusts bv pr.niijil nnil carelul otter
lo luisiness lo nn cl a nf the public pal
aire. HENIiV U EA E
Trcvorton, Jan. 11, lsoll tf
"1 KAtl thf I tlknvimr Ofiliiifjttp fr.-iu Cnpt. Dcvo
I I wt-ll kii'iv.'n anil jftpuiar" o-
u, cuptaui (
i , , 1 11'1,1'Ki.rniA, aeMUr.1l, I
, ' V":il veins ; i. e w: :,ttrrl trilli a hrentii
tn my ne.-k in li. form of Teller, wiiicr, 1 sin cm
t. :,s e n.ri..-l.-. tv. -he HirLer'sM, It n,iKiuali,-,
eil ... er my fnee until n reti.1,,,1 the upper in
c,..-. k. lln.i.. il,e i-j .uti.a tlmt it iv. i
"pitii-liit!.-. I iihil ilnleietit appiiui,,,,.. .,e,,f ,, ,i
; l uc ell. .1. iipprei.tlr h.j,. ,.f ineiensin, the disea
, ..r . i I.,. , pererirn llie least lieeeh.
i.p.!,T.MrT Hv the use of one isr
I whs jH-rievut .me., anil have reiaainril freeol lii.J
I hnve fcinee u ,
net .if Ihe lure. It!
ffe (liiitment. lishtly applied f,,r i-lmppeil hnials, 4c. wA
I.-.-1 sueees. I t-
' nesio.i ll rrcoimaeuiiiiil
tlie ...rt.iit'.if imin.ier to
Lie l.mtli.'. I
-.I-.-.IT, .u5,.r.. r.iinii..rv.
, I-IP.
(.reen s Oxy?f naleil Hitter, price reduced.
(!!d Jacob I'mviisciid'sSursdparilla.
Ilaki iJs Sarsapurilla.
Sway lie's --yrup of Wild Cherry
Sa tie's i rinil'ue.
yre's fhen-y Pectoral
Dr. Drake's Panacea.
Dr. Cullen's do
Tihhil's Pain Killer.
Dr. Hoolland's (.erman Bitlens VeirftaMe Pills
1 1 ot. -e uml Caltie Medicines
ruuhury, July 1 1, 18-19.
In the I seful and Interesting Arts with a j
Simple ami C urious Experiments la
N'CLl DING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemi
I ookery, Farriery, Dying, ConfccUonarv,
meslic Lconoiny.ctc.etc.etc. Price 6 r cli
Sunbury, Dee. 8, 18 f 9.
, oj:i; i:u .oois!
Just received at the store of HENRY M
SER, a lot nf Caps, Gum Shoes, Almar
CJaeensware, Liquors 4c AH of which wi
sold at the lowest price.
Dec, 11. 1850.
Valuable Hook.
T IFE or CiniisT, handsomely bound, D'
J ionk's Hisruer or t RsmnsitT
Busk DiT-Booas sin Lincias, full !,,,
For salo at the publishers prices by
Sunbury, July 14, 1849
A T IN EH A L WATER, from the Oak Ore
i,A Acid Springs, highly valuable in chroni
seases, and tonic remeuies, for sale
Henry masse
Sunbury, June 89, 1850 tf
CAPS An assortment just received,
silk H ATS at $435, for sale hy
Nuiilmry, Dec. 848.
1JLANK Parchment Paper Deeda and I
Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Sumn
At., for sale hy II. B. MASSE
Sunbury, April 88, 1S.M.
iLYE RVA TCI I ESU-A few double
k ' English Silver Watches, for sale at ven
P"- by H. B. MASS
Sunbury. April 13, 1851.
BLANKS of every description can be ha
I'l Jyii'K t tlie oilice of the American
ADD'S celebrated Horso ami Cattle :
lie for sale by HENRY MASHI
Sunbury, Jan. 3'rlh, 1849