Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 28, 1852, Image 3
.KING OF ITEMS if Monday la the first tiny of 5prin(f. "cth rait but one in twenty-four h't sittrvt it. Smithers says he nw n write with a pig pen. Ms. Houo, of Fnlion county, recently birth to three little hop I sursrKT my bill in dew time," an the bird mid to the worm. thM will not be counselled cannot be I. o thing mud to be lout dinner and 'It.. was selling at Cincinnati, a few iiice, at the enormous sum of 13 dol " cord. atorms of adversity are wholesome. like snow-storms, their drift is not en. 0 foots at Lancaster are going to put no the place w here others keep their i. man deceives thee once," said a J old gentleman, "it is his fault ; if he thee twice, it is thine." Dskikl Wbtrii delivered an nil- re the Historical So- j "... '; V 7 I io, s passed a bill to which !he tie- sent. n ' liAt Mate an .. most simple ''lhrahino machine" s yet been invented, is a piece of rat- AMD Jknsy. t GnM-sehmirft if g'iM sehmittea, trht to har. her nnlri re,ien-d, vrn thent tip atiit leeii cmtrntrlt, art and eiekrt both are I.infl. fstsn PnovtiiB says that the lews hmelve at their passnvers; the at th"ir marriages, and the Christians r l.wui:s. Swishki.m dectarea that "the coil of rouda wtmld make a better girdle for a woman's waist than the arm of a n husband." Onto Free foil Convention, at Colum Vb. 11, recommended John P. Hale siden'j and Samuel Lewis (Ohio) for resident. kti:rm paper says th:t when fimtr 1 to four dollars ami (orty cents a and wheat eight y cents per bushel, s mure than ten mi7f to make i cent. n county, Ohio, produced 1,314,741 i of wheat, and Ross county is) the State, 8,918,958 bushels of corn in Imeriean, at Vienna, wns tafely arres r expressing the opinion that , Lord ston would soon return to office, and ii Napoleon would be shot. : of th Chinese in California huve va'chrsso larce that they Use the out es to fry potatoes in. Queer country, lowery land," isn't it ! triors Minsrss Going crary after Its premonitory symptons are stand liars and a passionate desire to blow tvels out of a flute. i.r, my boy, can't you eat a little ii II, I don't know but I could, mother, if i up." ,j McLean, i ICmr', pay rnj erty in Cii McLean, ol the United Slate Su- $3,000 a year taxes nn Cincinnati, which is ?14 leds than Mr. I.ongswurth of the same pnys. . WrTCR man says that on hearing tee Doodle petfortned on a organ in the nal Palace, he felt the Declaration of In mlence, and a couple of Bunker Hills if in hi bosom. isci'tAR Rissok. A nrjrin In St. Louis nlly attempted suicide by cutting his it, alleging as a reason that the climate too cold for him, and his master would sell him to go Smith": . A. L. HawV.s, of Worcester, has in rd a ralico pi inline machine, which print twelve colors at once, the cloth ing thiough at the rate of a mile an una The hind from w hich we rbtained jwldlge of gunpowder, printing piesses, ing-mills, green lea, and nervous com snta. Till teapots were invented, such s as hysterics were unheard of. havr never lived in any place," aid h, "where there was not some mean on never lived in a place where there lot on mean man," said Spikes. it. Temperance Man. 'N" mora tlis wine eup lures him henev, No mar s mnii nf sin ; Without, all fail but belter far, llii hum all peace within." cinu j eeYH' in Old Are. Mr. Rich , of Ticonderoga, N. Y., seventy-three of age, ha been deprived of teelh for al years, until recently, a new act of teeth have cut through. Capital Pom. Tha Milwaukie Adver thus sums up the hanging question : r careful consideration of all Ihe ru nts for and against capital punishment, ava coma to the conclusion that tha of nature should never be paid, if it be collected without an execution.' " i. IUVERDT JONKIOM'f SPEECH IN THE Church Cask. Tha Christian Advo- and Journal contains letters from Dr to Hon. Reverdy Johnson, calling upon o retraot lha asertion mada in his i belore Judga Nein in Ihe great dist Church soil, 'M which ba called overnment ef ibef. E. Church an xracy." The lata sy delegation in tl an interest la n, which I'M found .(list Frclcstsnt of B. V nenl in favor Ihil 7 A V r. New Advertisement. WM. McCARTT, Bookseller, nnoADWAv. sv.vnvRY. pa. 1IA8 just received and for sale, Purdnns Di grst of the laws ol Pennsylvania, edition of iooi, price only 56,00. Judge Read edition of Blsckstone Common Uriei. in 3 vol, a rt. formerly enl.1 l SIAriA and now offered (in fresh binding) at th low price m 90.UO. A Treatise on the laws of Pennsylvania re specting tti ratstrs of Decedents, by Thomas F, Gordon, price onlv St.OO. Kossuth ami the Huncarinn wan roitprWrig 'inr ui-iuiv 01 tne nie struggle lor treeilom of tlirt country, with notices of the lending chiefa anil statesmen, who tlistiiiBiiishci tbemselvea in council and in the field, containing itHK pages of iiiirrriin, miirer wun authentic portraits. Kossulh's stlilrcss to the nconle nf tlm t?nitul States, with a portrait, printed on broadcast, and put on rollers after the manner of nun, nri,-i. only 50 rents. Washington's farewell address, uniinnn pivic wun ihe ahove. February, SI, 1S52. tL HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND GTTNS, ?'o 31 If 33 Market Sfrrrf, PBILADCLPRi. XMIE uhcrilera would call llie attention of " - liuj era to Ikcir stock of Hardware, consisting ui iaoie aim rocKet Klines. Guns, Chains, L.ocKi, nonowsre, &c. Ac. We would recom mend to all, our ' Endless Chain Pumps, a new article now getting into general uae which we can furnish complete at almut one half the price paid for the old style Pumps. also a new ar. ,icl of l're linr Lock, each aimeu eimer lor rigtit or left hand doora, with mineral or white knobs. Our stuck of CUlll la large and well select, ed, comprising single and double barrcle, English and German make. All roods can be returned if not found to be as represented. Country mer- "' wH -do well to call on ua before pur- ensuing elsewhere. . "'"- : . , lieelwriiilita anil carriage makers supplied with gooila auitoil to their business, hv calling on W. H. l G. W. ALLEN. Nos. 31 (V S3 Market Street, Philadelphia. February, 81, 182. Gino. Estate of JACOB 6. REED, Dec'd. "JVOTICn is hereby given that letters of ad luiniNtration have been granted to the sub scriber on the estate of Jacob 15. liced, dec'd., late uf Shainukin township, Northumberland county. All persona indebted to said estate or having claims against the same, arc requested to rail on the suliKcriU'r for settlement. AMOS VASTINE, Adm'r. Sliainokin tp., Jan. 31, 18.V. 6t. AVM. M'CAKTY, BOOKSELLER, I3romlxctyt SUNBURY, FA. TUST received and for sale, a fresh supply o ' F.VtXGEL.IC.!, MUSIC fur Singing Schools. He is also opening at this time, a largo assortment of Uooks, in every branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History. Novels, Roinsnces, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children's Books, bibles ; School, Pocket and Family, both with and without Engravings, and every of vari ety of Binding. Prayer Books, of all kinds. Travels. Yoysees nd Adventures, alt ot which will be sold low, either for cash, or coun try produce. Sunbury, Jsn. 31, 1653. tf. HARRISBTTRG STEAK WOOD TURNING AND SCROLL PAWING SHOP. Wood Turning in all its branches, in city sule and at city prices. Kvery variety of Cabinet and I'nrpeuUr work either on baud or turned to order. Bed Posla, Balusters. Rosetta, Slat and Quar ter Mouldings, Table Legs, Ncwall Posts, Fat terns. Awning Jist, Wagon Hubs, Columns, Round or Octagon Chisel Handles, etc. IT This shop is in STRAWUKRRY AL LEY, near Third Street, and as we intend to please all our customers who want good work done, it is hoped that ail the trade wil' give us a call. tV" Ten-Pins and Ten-Pin Balls made to or der or returned. The attention of Cabinet Makers and Carpen ters i called to our new slvle of TWIST MOULDINGS. Printer's Riel'ets at ! per 100 feet. W. O. HICKOK. February 7. 1 S.VJ ty. Bounctf, Hats and 31 i 11 i n o ry Goods! ERCH A.NTS and Milliners when in Phil adelnhia to purchase their gooila, will find it to their interest to examine our large and fash ionable slock of STRAW GOODS. We manufacture largely and import the Newest brrtca or Fort'ijarn Fabrics in our line ; which together with other advanta ges eiiublo us to ollir liberul inducements to Be I cas. It. A. CROOKER, cV CO., Noa. 47 and 49 Chestnut Street, and No. 56 South Second Street, west aide, near Chestnut, Philadelphia. December 27. 1851 J- STOCKMAN & SON, Manufactikers and Dealer in GOLD AND SILVEK PKKCILS, Thimblrs, Silver Ware, Jewelry, it- At the Old Established Stand, Sign of the Until llumbln, No. 60 Chestnut Street, South side, between 2d anil 3d Sis., PHILADELPHIA. 'V7HERE they manufacture and keep eon v v ttiintly on hand a tarietv of articles, suita ble for city or country trade, among which are Gold and Silver Patent and other kinds of Pencils, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Combs, Finger SliieliU, Knitting Sheaths, Needle ('area, Scinsor Honks and Chains, 1'urse Clasps, Tooth and Ear Picks, Tweeiers, Nursing Tubes, Odd Fellows' and Sons of Temperance Jewels and Emblems, &c, also Silver Spoons, Forks and Butter Knives. In addition to which they keep a general sup ply of Rogers' Superior Plnted and German Silver Goods Of the first quality, such as Spoons, Forks, Soup and Oyster Ladles, Butter Knives, Spectacles, Ac. Jackson's celebrated Lead for Pencila of all iies by the quantity, at the lowest market prices. January, S4, 1852 3m. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ini iiv, pa. Dec. 13, 1S451. tf. GOLD PENS with and without cases, of a very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale hJ H. B. MA8SEB. ounuury, tvee. xr, leat. CMITH'8 ESr-'T OF JAMAICA Gil, GER, fre.... ,4,A received, and I sale by k. B. MASsER. Sunbury, Jsu. 10. 1853. Y1AND BILLS neatly printed on new type promptly executed at this office. Also bnks, of all kinds on superior paper. ' Sunbury, Feb. 14, 1853. IO R sale at this offiea, Superior Black Ink, Cattle Medicine at tS eta. Furs Essence of j tiinj.r, Zb cents. SUN BURY AMERICAN AND sfAMQKIN JOURNAL. RECEIPTS & OF NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTi From the first Jay of January, A. D. 1851, to the 3Ut day ef Dtctwf, A. D. 1851, GofA days GEORGE B. YOUNGMAN, ESQ., TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT Wfl THE SAME DR. To aru'tree'd from Collectors for 1849, $37 1 IHat, SZQ 84 " " 1B.M, 4S79 55 " Comity lai unseat, lands, $ 78 ' Iload tax tlo ft 30 " School tax Ho 4 ao County Ux on Tighlman'a lands. 17 80 1J 34 It 3SJ S 13 t, 00 1 00 Road tax do School tax do Poor tax do Due bill of D. Chichester. O. Martin, rent, Court Houae, Dividend on .Northumberland Bridge Stock, an 00 Refunded by Jas. Eclmsn, 16 76) " J. M. Simpson, t 00 Court fines and Jury funds from Froth'v Farnaworth. 74 nn Balance due George 11. Voungman on county r unus, 63110 GEORGE 8 VOUNGMAN, ESQ., TREASURER, IX ACCOUST WITH THE COUNTY, RESPECTING STATE DR. To amount of Stste tsx for 1943, $44 61 " 1849, 16 06 " 1850, 5143 31) " IsJSl, 8789 65 " " onTighlinsn'slsnd, 33 10 " - " on unseated land. A an To Tavern License,' SI0 00 Balance on Retailers' License, 787 06 J.icenae on Patent Medicines, IS 00 - fctster shops it Beer houses, 10 00 " Distillers; SI 00 11 " Breweries, 8 00 Militia fines, lor 1849, 77 13 " 1850, S39 57 " 1851, 54 SO " Balance of Militia fines in Treasurer's hands, per last report, 66 71 " of State tax in Treaaurcr's hands, per last report, 4 ISO 49 $17,303 39) SETTLEMENT WITH THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Expenditures of the County of Northumberland, as per orders issued by tha Cummirsioners on the Treasurer of said county during Ihe year 1851. Viewing Roads and sites for Bridgta, 8141 00 Refunding, 179 54) Sheriff's Fees, Prolhonotsry' Fees, Public Buildings, Auditor's Wages, Building and repairing Bridges, Assessors' Pay, Commonwealth Costs, Damages Roads, Constables making return to Court, Stationary, Coroners' Inquests, Juror's pay, Court Crier, Constables attending Court, Attoiney for the County, Fuel, 650 4'J) 380 85) 306 09 131 f0 1831 66) 289 66 361 09) 330 00 76 69 80 47) 49 94) 3183 46 103 00 90 00 45 00 1 00 Amount csrrjed over. $7,015 18 AMOUNT DUE FROM COLLECTORS Cork tv Tx. Samuel Awl, Augusta, 1S10, $37 96 Michael Evert, Auguata, 1S4G, 40 95 John Leibig, Coal, 1848, 19 S3 David Slahlnecker, Delaware, " 63 74 John Leiscnring, Northuinherl'd, " 336 53 John Licbig, Coal, 1849, 16 67 David Slahlnecker, Delaware, " 171 86) Thomaa Barr, Lewis, " 4 03 John Leiscnring, Norlhumbe-l'd, " 371 72 Jacob Beck, Sunburv, 40 06 I Dennis Buoy, Cliihsquaque, 1850, 170 13 Charles Fox, Delaware, " 53 33 Jainea Vandyke, Northumberl'd, u 108 41 Henry R. Johnson, Rush, " 163 61 George Kuntz, Turbut, 59 33 Solomon Murtz, Coal, 1851, 238 35) Jacob Kline, Cliihsquaque, 714 35 John lline, Cameron. " 96 88 Daniel Cares, Deluw-ue, 616 44) Martin Druinhellur. Jackson, 341 97) David Wilson, Lewis, 670 68 Jacob R. Clark, Lower Augusta, " 411 97 Jacob Bingainan, Low.Mahonov, " 330 87 D. S. Drumhelter, Lit. Mahonoy, 91 14 Jainea Buoy, Milton, 255 69) Peter Ruch, Northumberland, " S66 83) Joseph Vankirk, Point, " 410 03 Henry R. Johnson, Rush, M 313 29) Samuel Halea, Shamokin, " 3 14 07 Peter Pursel, Sunbury, " 319 88) George Kuntx, Turbut, " 540 73 William Reed. Up. Augusta, 60 45 Wm. Bergtwiaer, Up. M.ahonov, " 139 91) $7,195 63 MILITIA FINESJDUE Michael Evert, Aucusta, 1846 1848 u t John Liiibi, Coal, D. Stahlnecker, Delaware, J.icob Beck, Sunbury, John Liebiii, Coal, 1849 f) Slahlnecker, Delaware, " James Buny, Alilton, " Jno. Leisenrius, Noilhttmberl'd, " Jesse Smith, Point, " Jacob Beck, Sunbury, John Leibig, Coal, Donnis Buoy, Chiliscjuaque, Charles Fox, Delaware, M irlin Drumheller, Jackson, J. R. Claik, Lower Augusta, l.aao D. liaker, Lit. Mahonoy, J.tmea Buoy, Milton, Jas. Vandyke, Northumberl'd, Henry R Johnson, Rush, Conrad Kershner, Sunbuiy, Geoiye Knnt, Turbut, Amount carried over, il 1850 ii ii ii S733 45 AMOUNT OF COUNTY AND STATE TAX Collectors. Solomnn Marlz, Coal, Jacob Kline. Chilisciuaqoe, John Hme, Cameron, Daniel Cares, Delaware, Martin Druniheller, Jackson, David Wilson, Lewis, Jacob K. Claik, Lower Augusta, Jacob Binaaman, Lower Mahonoy, David S. Diumheller, Little Mahonoy, James Buoy, Milton, Peter Ruch, Northumberland, Joseph Vankirk, Point, Henry R. Johnson, Rush, Samuel Hales, Shamokin, Peter Pursel, Sunbury, George Kuntg, Turbut, William Raed, Upper Adjusts, William Bergheiser, Upper Mabonoy, Ws, tha amt.raign4, Aanltora ef NorthumbailenS srwnrr, Surf slsetse! sad awnra ta arfjast Ihs aeenuile of Ike enV ews of said eouuly. do earlify that w. hav earsfullr saainincd Iks voucheie, and SuS that law is da. la Oaorg s B. Voaagmaii, Esq., Treasurer, tk sum of tva hundred and tairty-ons dooar, aad lea and a fouilk Mils; also dua ta. Bank of Ncvtkumosrand, MtrM aaadred dollar. ; also dua As But. Svs tnoaaand and .ifhty-wfhl dolaua, and twMy tare, will, balance oa StaU tax, oua thousand lv kuodrsd and sixty-Bin. douses, and ailj-fou nants Mtaunding asi tin. (nas i asm ananty araSra yt outstanding So th aaeMuat of two Uvawand twn huadead aad sutwauM dollais and ifty-SOTm and a half caitf nkinf th. liabilities of ih. county aowanl as aina lawal aval knndrcd and Slry-ght doUara, forly-foar and a half aanli. Taers ia due fross collactors nf manly ssa ssrua shauautd ana aandnd and ninety ivadollara .nd siily.thra.Mnu, and f rasa .nlwMor. of Suu lax See ihoaaand aiua handled aad f nrty doUara aad saven. lyxigM aunt., and an. ihnuatnd Its hundred and aixiy-ains dnlUus and tfryfuoi ecuia ouusanduif Kijliua Sues ; smsi .rtymvtm dollar, end ewunty-ar. emi. court Snea, and one bundled and f'Hty dnikva lury funds aan a not held ainunat TVsn.. Alta for tViT, in aH amountinf to 6I4.SV) vol. Ater dsdaeting the bebilltias, las haiaass U faro ef ih.e-uiir will he ,! l 16. Wuuass nu baud, this OonaMiia day of Jaaasry, A. D , ISM w w L no, net uts w. ArfAN, t jifyriis,v, suiws EXPENDITUB&S xncudtd. I ctd I By halanea due Geo. B. IkingBissj, per last report, ! 15J Csah paid Eaatern Ppitantiary, IS B6 Cah on note in Noiflead Bank, 700 00 Interest on do f 39 16 Ceah p'd on Com'ers' Ordera, 9340 19 Charge for going tiorthumberland 6 times to renewote. collect bridge stock, psy moiin; duttem Fen 9 00 S SI) 0 40 16 47 Fercentsge'en J0 li p'd Jess M. Simnoon. latetrea, t S) per et. M Percentate on Si IS M paid Eastern Penetenriary, " Percentage on $7f 16 paid Nor- thumberland Bank Percentage on $0 19 paid on Conimisaioners' frders. S33 SO " Colltctor's eoiuiawaion on $30 tti on Tighlm's lands, at S p. it, 1 01 J M do erf I 3 tax un dated laod. 0 7 " Depreciated mky, S3 00 $11,376 131 I FUNDS, FOKWt. CR. By cash paid fKate Treasurer, aa per ceipt. dated Jau'ry Slat, 1851, $3351 00 April S3d, I zoo uu G086 39 707 75 3359 01 - - July 17th, " " July 33d, m juy S5lh, " By Treasurer's commission on $13, 916 119 at I per cent, ' - on $33 10, at 5 p.ct, " " on $1368 35, Tavern, Retailers' license, Ac. " on $8 30, uns'ted Isnds, By cash paid Brigade Inspectors, Vol S9 16 1 60) 68 41 1J unteer Comp's, as per vouchers, 437 91 " treasurers com mission on -M37 61 on militia fines at 1 p. rt, on $1101 30 Stale tax due the Com'wealth, up to Jan. 1st, 1853, Balance in Treaaurcr's hands, 4 38 II 01 3896 35 SI7.303 39) Amount brought ever, 57015 18 Prison expenses, 36 65 Contingencies, 43 49 Priming, 393 00 Premiums on Fox Scalps, 4 1 00 Tressurer's Fees on Deeds, 15 37 District Attorney's Fees, 135 SO Clerk's wsges for 1850, in full, 4 1 37) 1851, in part, 380 43) General and Township elections, 667 75 School tax on unseated lands, 193 55) Road tax - 134 96 Northumberland County Agricultural Society, 100 00 Jacob Hofla. for 1850. 15 00 Wm. Wilson, 1851, 110 00 V. Albert, 76 00 C. Weaver, ' 185 00 486 00 $9,582 : AND STATE TAX. State Tax. 16) ON COUNTY 1848 $18 07 1949 68 93) 99 03 " II 48 1850 586 02 SS 90 - 60 49 230 95 60 29 1861 343 45 613 08 54 69 ' 528 44 318 47 " 513 90 ' 177 45 " 388 81 , 23 75 " 1 10 73 " 327 73 500 33 " 262 54 53 22 " 310 46 306 00 139 65 $5,940 78) John I.eibig, Coal, Dan. Stahlnecker, Delaware, Thomaa Barr, Iwia, Dennis Buoy, Chilisuuaque, James Vandyke, Northumberl'd, Henry R. Johnson, Rush, Conrad Kershner, Sunbury, George Kuntx, Turbut, Solomon Marts, Coal, Jacob Kline, Chiliequaque, John lline, Cameron, Daniel Cares, Delaware, Martin Druniheller. Jackson, David Wilson, Iiwia, Jacob R. Clark, Low. Augusta, Jamea Buoy, Milton, Peter Ruch, Northumberland, Joseph Vankirk, Point, Henry R. Johnson, Rush, Samuel Hsles, Sliainokin, Peter Pursel, Sunbury, George Kuntx, Turbut, William Reed, Up. Augusta, FROM COLLECTORS. Amount brought over, J.icob F.i kman, Up. Aucus'.a, 1850 Abin. Kunselman, U. Mahonoy, '' Solomon Manx, Coal, 151 Jacob Kline, Chilisquaipie, " John Hme, Cameron, " Daniel Cares, Delaware, " Martin Druniheller, Jackson, " David Wilson, Lewis, " J. Rs Clark, Lower Aucusta, " Jacob Bingeman, L. Mahonoy, " D.S. Druniheller, Lit. Mahonoy, 11 James Buoy, Millnn, " Peler Ruch, Northumberland, " Joseph Vankirk, Point, " Henry R. Johnson, Rush, 11 Samuel Hales, Shamokin, " Peter Pursel, Sunbury, " George Knntz, Tmbiit, 14 William Reed, Up. Augusta, Wm. Bergheieer, Up. Mahonoy, " 733 45 4 09 31 60 31 00 44 00 16 60 68 00 82 50 48 SO 78 50 62 00 20 50 65 00 43 00 32 50 43 00 76 00 25 00 26 60 23 50 36 50 $1,569 54 AND MILITIA FINES LEVIED FOR 1851. Couxtt Tax. Statc Tax. Militia Fines. 339 754 43t 87 (21 00 852 90 i 1220 13 44 00 96 28 130 37 16 60 977 79, 1349 49 68 00 661 431 13 10 83 60 796 27 1110 21 46 50 676 40 780 10 78 60 637 77 893 24 75 60 137 74 191 36 20 50 622 SI 745 99 65 00 696 05 733 61 68 GO 492 641 711 92 32 60 667 77 607 27 43 00 609 69 863 75 76 00 600 851 716 06 19 00 766 35 1136 63 26 50 455 63 665 IS 15 60 452 911 629 69 16 60 10,040 66 14,031 88 8865 00 "AID AND COMFORT," To Your Own JTIechniticft. GEOUGE HENN. MANUPACTORtR Ot FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. T'HE subscriber respectfully calls tha attention 1 of the public to his large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of t Aiiirr-vAnr. which cannot fail to reiomraend itself to every one who will eiainine It, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be hsd in the city. No ellbrt is spared in the manufacture of his wsre, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the msny improvements which are constantly being mada.--Hia stock consists of Mahogany Horaa, Divans) and Ioungee. Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND D1NINQ TABLES, and also V ENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phils- delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds snd qualities of CHAIRS. including varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such as MiKoeiaT, Black Walnut b Ccsiae Mint Uaacia ; ass Wisnsoa CHAIR8, and rcr Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or rlaewhere. I The aubscriber is determined that there shsll I no excuse for persons to purvhsse furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained abou' the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will lie disposed of on as good terms as they csn be purchased elsewhere. Coun try i'rnduce taken in payment for work. riT UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome llunii, he is now prepared for l iidcrtaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. CV The Ware Room ia in Market Street, below Thompson's Store snd Weaver's Tavern. (JEORGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1853. tf. HE SWING'S (WlLUKIl'S PATKNT.) SALAMANDER SAFES. rilHE validity of this patent, (after having been vigorously contented by auils at law for the last six years.) has been fully and finally estab lished in the Supreme Court of the United States. The undersigned, at his depot, has ou band a large assortment uf the genuine PATENT SALAMANDER SAFES, Ai.SO, ALL KINDS OP Iron Chests, Money Boxes, Vault Doors and Bsnk Vaulta, both fire and bur glar proof, with new and Second Hand Safes of other makers forming the largest assortment in the world. Also, the following LOCX: Jones's Changeable, Combination, Permutation, and Letter Changeable Anti Gunpowder locks; Hall's New Patent Powder and Burglar-Proof Lock; Day, Newell cV. Day's; and Locks ef other celebrated makers. JOHN FAItRFX, No. U4 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Sole Agent for the State of Pennsylvania. January 10, ls.Vi. im. THIS GERMAN WASHING FOWDEKS 1.1 considered by thousands who have tested it, ss being the greatest Scientific Bonder of the World! Entirely doing away with that laborious and in jurious practice of rubbing the CLOTHES t-eoN tiik WASHBOARD, And a great saving of . - '' TIME, LABOR AND EXPENSE. N. B. To prevent fraud and imposition, (for many are trying to palm off article put up like mine.) the Proprietor, I. 1. HOVT, will put his WRITTEN SIGNATI'RE on the top la liel of every Package. And he only aska an tnlightrtud public not to confound THE G Ell MAN WASI1IM1 POWDER; with others that are in the market. It is put up in Packages with full directions, and sold at the-nominal price of l!i cents. t7 PRINTERS will find it greatlv to advan tage to purchase- those Powders to cleanse their TYPES AND ROLLERS, being a verv superior article for that purpose. Manufactured only by I. P. HOVT, at his Laboratory and Principal Depot, No. 10 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia. Wholesale and Retail Agents; Henry Manser, funbury ; S. B. Drnormandie, Northumberland. Remember the name GERMAN WASHING FLUID. All letters to be post paid. November 52, 1851. Sino. J. Z. DXTTEXiXCH, .Vs 78 North id St., Utwn Arek nd Ran 5, PHILADELPHIA. HEREBY informs the public that he imports and constantly keeps on hand at his new I store. No. 78 North 2d St., a large assortment ol Foreign Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, Pictures 4 Paints, which he will sell at the lowest prices. His stock, in part, ronsiata of, Accordeons, Violins. Music Doiea, Parlor and Bar Room Or gans, Melotleona, 8eraphiues, Mathematical In struments, Magnets, Kpy and Opera Gluaaes, Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Hooka, Uronie Powder, Dutch Metal, Gold and Silver Leaf, Scales of sll kinds, fenuff and Tobacco Boies, Lithographic Paints, Copjwr Plate and Steel En gravinga, and pictures of every variety. Also Gilt Frame Mouldinga of various sixes. Deslers, Country Merchants, and Psdlars, sup plied st res son a bio prices. December SO, 1651 tf. HOVER'S INK MAKTTJFACTOEY, KEMOVED TO So. 114 lluce Street. Between ith and ftA, opposite Crown St.) PHXLABBTaTHIA. 11F.RE th. I'mprictor is enabled, by increasMt fseitl tirs. ti aunolv Ui. arowriiis dsmsiid for HOVER'S INK, which its WKle-s.icd reputalaai hesereaiml. This Ink is now so writ nabiished in th. good opiuion and oiiu,l.ii of lha Aiurriean Public, that it ia scarcsly ancientry to say anvthtng in its favor, and tha manufactu rer take. ihi. nppnrtumiy to say that the eouftdmcs thus secured sl.all a4 b. ahueed. In to th. various kinds of Writing Ink, ha also niauulacttirs Adamantine Cement for mending Glass and China, as well aa a superior Hsir Dye : a trial only ta ne cessary to insure its mi are uss, and a Sealing Wax, well adapted Ii Drujtfists aad Bottlers, el a very lo our pries, la Isrce nr amsll quaiiiuies. Uti -tiers som-assed to JOSEPH HOVER. Unufaetuiar, No. tit Race Street. Between ih ath, OBnosite Crowa Street, rhuadelphia. Seermbar S7, IShl.. BUFFALO ROBES. ALHO. FANCY FURfl, such as Muds, Boas, Tippets, Victorias, tVc, aVe. The subecri. hers offer the above far sale, wholesale or retail, in the greatest variety, and on the cheapest terms, at their Establishment, No. 98 North Third Basel, opposite Cherry, Philadelphia. JAMES REI8KT dr. CO. JToreojbsr 8, 1851tmo. f ARRJAGE CETIFICATE8 baadsoeoely A" ejaetjesd fee sale st tJlie cflTica), siutfe ev by ths dntur. TO PRINTERS AMD PUBLISHERS. L. PELOUZE'S Philadelphia Typ Foundry. Great Reduction In Type. Ac FpiIE undersigned begs leave to call the atten-- lion of Printers and Publishers te the greatly reduced prices of his Type, vis i Peart, $1,08 Minion, 49 Agate, 79 Brevier, t Nonpareil. SH Bourgeolse, 97 Long Primer, 94 8msll Pica, 9t Pica, SO, snd all other type in proportion. But wishing to encouraee cash pavments, the subscriber will make a still larger deduction of from H to IS per cent for cash. Having greatly enlsrged and improved his establishment, lie flatters himself te he able to supply his customers with grester des patch than most of his competitors. He hss constantly on hand Csses, Chases, Composing Sticks, Stands, Brass and Wooden Oalloys, and alt other materials used in a Printing Office. All orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to at the North West Corner of 3d' and Chestnut streets. L. PELOUZE. N. B. Old Type taken in exchange for new at nine cents per pound. Philadelphia, Dec SO, 1851.- tf. MORE GOOD NEWS!! MORE NEW GOODS ! 1 JOHN YOUNG, HAS juat received and opened a fresh and general assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, of the neweat and best styles, consisting in part of DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, UUEENSWARE. Hardware. Iron and Med, Noils, ic, ALSO: SILK AND SLOUCH HATS, MILITARY AND CLOTH CAPS. Gum Shoes, Fish, Salt, &c. All of which he will sell at the most reasonable pricra for csah or country produce. Give him a call and try his prices. Sunbury, Nov 23, 1851. JOHN A. HARRIS, Manufacturer, & Dealer ia Imported and Domestic 8egrar, Also, a general assortment of I.cnf5t Manufactured Tobacco, CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest msr kct prices. Corner of Chestnut St., and Wharves, Philadelphia. December 27, 1851. ly. GREAT BARGAINS ! Watches and Jewellery. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. TfTAVING constantly on hand an immense A stock of Watches and Jewellery, I am de termined to sell at less prices than the same qual ity of Watches or Jewellery are sold in Philadel phia, vii : Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled IS ka rase, only $30,00 Cold Lepine, " 18 ' 24.00 Silver Levers, full jewelled, only 14,00 Silver Lepines, M 11,00 Gold Pencils, 1,50 Gold Pens, Silver holders, 1,00 Also an immense stock of all kinds of Wstch es, Gold Chains, Breastpins. Earrings, Silver Spoons, Stc, all of which I will sell st less pri ces than rver have been sold in this city, as ths prices are certainly much less than ever hereto fore soli in this city or county. California Gold bought for Cash. Particular attention paid to repairing Watches and Jewel lery. All I ask is a call to convince Purchasers that this ia the place to purchase Watches, Jew ellery and Silver ware. Persons by semling the rash they wish to ex pend can have a watch or watches sent to them bv mail with perfect safety, having sent them in that way lor the last 6 years. All communica tions must be post paid. Please rsll or send or ders to LEWIS LADOMUS, No. 103 Chesnut St., hctwn 3l and 4th St., East Wing of Franklin House. Philadelphia, Oct. SS, 1851.- tf. TO DYSPEPTICS. THE aubscribers offer for sale Cheltenham Salt, sn invaluable remedy fur thia disease it is sn exsct imitation of the water of the cele brated Cheltenham Spring of England, which has been found so beneficial in cases of Dyspep sia, Bilious Complaints, Sick Headache, Habit ual C'ostiveneaa, Ac, and ia particularly recom menced aa a aubstitute for Seidlitx Powders, as it sets both as a tonic and gentle purgative. A Pamphlet containing an analysis of the water and directions for its use, accompanies each bottle. Price 38 cents per bottle. The subscribers also prepare a highly concen trated Essence of Pure Jamaica Ginger. Price S3 cents per bottle. Full Cataloguts of drugs with prices attached furnished Physicians gratia. Also priced Cata logues of Pure Chemicals; for analytical Chemists. The attention of Druggists is particularly in vited to our stock of line drugs, chemicals, dec BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, Cth dr. Arch Street, Philadelphia. October 25, 1851. 4mo. R S. JONES & CO., CORNER of Fourth and Race Streets. Pub lishers of the Model Architect, bv SAMUEL SLOAN, Architect, to be completed in 24 month ly psrts. The ahove work is designed to meet the wishes not only of those directly interested in buildings, but of all who desire the advancement of this no ble art in our country, and wish to cultivate their tastes and acquaintance with architecture. The handsome manner in which it is prepared snd embellished, renders it a tasteful ornament for the drawing-room, while its accurate delineations give it the highest prsctical value. N os. I. 2 c5t 3 now ready for delivery. Price 50 cents per number. Address as above, post paid. May 3, 1851. ly. Dee. 20. 1851. ill. I.. SlIIXDEIs, Office in Market street Sunbury, opposite Weaver's Hotel BUSINESS will be promptly attended to in the Counties of Northumberland, Union, Columbia and Montour. Sunbury, Oct 11, 1851. ly. THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, So. 6, North Wharves, Where the following goods are received and sold on commission, Dried Apples, Teaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries, Ac, Green Apples in Barrels or by the Bushel, Beans, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Shelbarks, Chestnuts, Ground Nuts. Oranges, Lemons,' Rsisins, Figs. Prunes, Grapes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Cheese, And all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dee-, IS, 1851 ly. SOAP AHD CAHDLES. THE subscriber takes this method of inform ing tha citisens of Sunbury and vicinity, that they are engaged In the manufacture of Soap and Candles, of the bast quality, at No- 44 Filbert street, Philadelphia. They respectfully invite all who buy (or cash, to give him call aa they will And it to to their advantage in dealing with him for article in their line. ..XOJOTT ASH. U lit'"! frV. Pt eavhar t1. !Ul-Jf MORS NEW GOODS! TOILING 6c QXIANT, RESPECTFULLY inform the pahtts) e4 "the rest of msnkiod," thai they hkve ra reived a large assortment of FALL AND WINTER GO0M, of every varle'y of style, eonskninf l part ed fine assortment of Cloths, Cassimrres, Merino, MtmstAiM $3 Loins, Calicoes, Muslins, OUsJts, snd every vsristy of Dry Goods. Also a large assortment of VROCERllsfl. svea Al Sugsr, Tsss, Coffee, Molsseea, Spies of sll kinds. Also an assortment of HARDWARE and 0.TOEN8WARX. Fish, Salt and Plastsr. , Alao a iresh supply of DRUGS AND MEDICINES), ty Country produce of all kinds taken in change at the highest market pnes. Sunliury, Nov. 8, 1851. NEW GOODS! J. R. KAUFFMAN At Bit New Store in Bollowlnt Utu RESPECTFULLY informs his friends aad customers, that he has just received a new stock of goods, which he offers te the pelie al ths lowest prices, vis t Full and Winter Dry Cta. such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinttts, Merinos, Mousseline De Latnes, Flannel and every variety of goods suitable for Ihe isaaa. Also Silk Hats, Caps, &c ALSO i An sssortment of Hard wart. AL8O1 All Kind 9, of Groceries, LIQUORS. ALSO: A variety of Queensware, Crockery, A Besides a variety of other articles, suitable fee farmers, dec. All kinds of produce taken in schang fsr goods at the highest msrket price. Hollowing Run, Oct 35, 1851. tf. LCCX HERB, WILLIAM HOOVER respectfully infersae his friends and customers that he has just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of NEW SPRING GOODS, which he offers for sale at his new store at Mas ser's Mill, Hollowing Run. These goods will be sold at the lowest prices. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF EVERY VEITT, Tie: Dry Goods, jc, Such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Muslim, Callitoes, bingnams, Lawns, Lhxntxe an Ladies Dress Goods generally. ALSO: An assortment of Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, 4c, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, IRON snd STEEL, NAILS, 4m A genersl assortment of Groceries, such as) Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molas ses, Spices, &c. Also an assortment of Liquors, suck ae Brandy, Rum, Whiskey, Wines, let. I v Produce of all kinds taken in eschaage al the highest market prices. Hollowing Hun, May 10, 1851 ly. Phcenix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chettt. V17ARRANTED to stand equal heat witV ' any other Chests iu the country, and te defy the Burglus' ingenuity. Manufactory, No. Ill Hudson's Alley, running between Third and Fourth streets, south of Chesnut, and ia th rear ef the liirard Bank. M &. b., the proprietors, are Practical Me chanics, and feci confident, from long experience, in the manufacture of Iron Cheats and Safes, and a special attention to this particular branch, ef giving satisfaction to all who may give them call. N. B. We have selected one of the best mis srsls ever used as a nou-eonductor of hsat ia thia business, and we warrant our Chssts aad Sties to be made of ths best material end in the most durable manner, and to stand any heal that can be applied to them. MIIJVOR & SHAW, Manufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley. Running between 3rd and 4th streets, 8 ef Ches nut, in the rear of Girard Bank. Philadelphia, Oct. 35, 1851.-1? THE WORLD'S FUR. Gold Medal Awarded, To Eli Krupp, for his "Essence of Coffee." IT ia now satisfactorily decided that Krupp's Essence of Coffee" is the best and meet wholesome preparation for Coffee in the world. We therefore recommend it to all lovers of "Good Coffi" as an article of great valua. The price is only 12) cents per package, which with one lb. of Coffee will go aa far as f v lb, of ordinsry Coffee alone. Storekeepers and all others that may purchas it ar assured that if it does not give ntir satis faction it may be returned, and ths money will be refunded. Manufactured by ELI KRUPP, No. 639 N. 3d St., Philadelphia January 3, 1851. 3m. WASHINGTON HOUSE, STTNBUBY. PA. THE subscriber respectfully informs his fries1 and the public, that he ha token th well known Public House, corner ol Market and Riv er streets, lately occupied by Mrs. Whartoo. R trusts by strict attention to business, he will b enabled' to give satisfaction to all wbs easy fcvor him with their custom. JAMES COVERT. eunbury, Oct 85, 1851. 1 PATENT BRITTANIA 8TOPPEM fee bar bolllaa for sals by H. B MAMIJL Banbury, April, It, 151 FEE BILLS-Juetice and Ceastoble Faa Bills hsndsoraely printed a card psaar, far sale at this effle. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Ada aiv and legal enrelopes, for sal by H. B. MASSER. Snnhury, ar 10, 1151W fl'ISSUE PAPER. Yellow Ttseu pars Sag 1. eoTaring glssasa, for sals at aWsata at th American. . IJ AZUKS A superior article (or sals at ta ftkjrof v BENRT MASSKCTL. KnhiirT. FK 1. IfVVe lis e l J