Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 14, 1852, Image 4

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    fK1pftrtMIWIK if - ; -fj .
t !
"As sound ta ft nut on the plain."
I of laie whiBilml, "chock full" of gtee ;
A stranger lo aorrow ftntl pain,
"Ax happy happy could ba."
"A plump a partridge" t grew,
My heart being "lighter limn cork,"
My slumbers were "calmer than dew," '
ily bof?y was "falter than pork."
Thu happy, I hoped I should pass
'Slick as greas?," down the current of
.. time j
But pleasures are "brittle as glnss."
Although "as a fiddler, they're fine.".
Jemma the pride of the vale,
"Like n top," nimbly tliinced o er
plains i
With envy the lasses were palp,
With wonder stood gaping the swains.
She "smiled like a basket or chips"
"As tall as a haypole" her size
"As sweet as molasses" her lips
"As bright a button" her eyes.
Admiring I gazed on each charm,
My peace that would trouble so soon,
And thought not of danger or harm,
Any more than "a man in the moon.
But now, to my sorrow, I find.
Hor heart is "as nam as a uric
To my passions forever unkind,
Though of love I am "full as
a tick."
I sought her affection to win,
In hope of obtaining relief,
Till I like "a hatchet grew thin,"
And she "like a haddock grew dear. .
Unless then nnpitying fates -
With passion as anient shall warm her,
As "certain as death," or as "rates,"
I soon shall be "dead as ft hammer."
51 Sketch,.
When the British held possession ol Phil
adelphia, Gen. Howe's head quarters were
in Second . street, the forth door below
Spruce, in a house which was befoie occu
pied by Gen. Cadwallader. Directly oppo
site, resided William and Lydia Darrah,
members of the Society of Friends. A su
perior officer in the British army, believed
to be the Adjutant General, fixed upon one
of the chambers, a back room, for private
conference ; two of them frequently met
there, with fire and candles, in close consul-
.iin About the 2d of December, the Ad
jutant General told Lydia that they would
tin in the room at 7 o'clock, and remain
late ; and that wicbed to retire early to bed,
adding, that when they were going away
they wonld call her to let '.hem out, and ex
tinirnish their fire and candles. She accord
fngly sent all the ramily lo bed ; but, as the
.officer had been so particular, her curiosity
was excited. She took off her shies, and
-put he ear to the key hole or the conclave.
?5he overheard an order read for the British
droops to march out, late in the evening of the
(fourth, and attack General Washington's ar
my, uen encamped at White Marsh. ; Ou
hearing this, she returned lo her room and
laid herself down. Soon after, the officer
knocked at feer door, but she arose only at
(he third summons, having feigned lo be
asleep. Her mind was so agitated that from
this moment, she could neither eat nor sleep;
supposing it to be in her power to save the
lives of thousands of her countrymen, but
not knowing how she was to convey the
necessary information lo Gan. Washington,
nor daring to confide it eren to her husband.
The lima left, however was short ; she
quScliy determined to make her way(
quickly to the American outposts. She in
formed her family that, aa they were in
want of flour, sbe would go lo Frankford for
some ; her htibband insisted that she should
take with her the servant maid ; but, to his
surprise, she positively refused. She got
aceess to General Howe, and solicited
li-ha l be grgnlcd--a pass through the British
troops on the lines.
Leaving her bag at the mill, she hastened
towards the American lines, and encounter
ed an American Lieut. Colonel Craig, of the
light burse, who with some men, was on the
lookout for information. He knew her, and
inquired whither she was going. She an
swered, in quest of her son, an officer in the
American army ; and prayed the Col. to
alight and walk with her. He did so, order
ing bis troops lo keep in sight. To him
she disclosed hot momentous secret, after
having obtained from him the most solemn
promise, never to betray her individually,
since her life might be at slake with the
British. He conducted her lo a house near
at hand, directed a female in it to got her
something to eat, and speeded for head
quarters, where lie made General Washing
ton acquainted with what he had heard
Washington made, -of course, all prepara
tions : for baffling the meditated surprise
Lydia returned borne with her flour j sat
up alone to watch the movements of the
British troops ; but when they returned in a
few days after, did not dare to ask a ques.
tion, though solioitous to learn the event
The "next evening, the Adjutant Uerrerai
came in, and requested her to walk up to
his room, as he wished lo put some que
tions. She followed him up in terror, and
when he locked the door, and begged her
with an air of misery, to be seated, she was
surs that she was either suspected or had
been betrayed. He enquired earnestly whe.
ther auy of the family were up the night he
and lbs .officers met ; she told him that
they had all retired at 10 o'clock, lie ob
served "I know you were asleep, for I
knocked at youi chamber three time before
you heard me ; 1 am entirely at a loss to
know who gave General wasmngton infor
mation of our intended attack, unless the
bouse could speak. When we arrived
near While Marsh we found all their eannon
mounted, and the troops prepared to receive
us : and we have marched back like a par
oel of fools."'
Sitter late rine. and bear, than blossom
and Matt. .
A aooordeon icttyled by the negroe i
he $outb, "an educated bellows." v
The atkst. Crape vai stolen from
Cimmujiiti iluor knpb Hut week.
- pkoo. jicrus job the globe. ,
The upry.tHchof Corwrrwa mil for the rmrwal of my
8rOrwnB mt1 itrepanttuma to tprwid Ml tlehate bef'ire
m public. The eticcen which hue hitherto unified thie
unth-rtnkiiig it is hoped will etmliniie. and enable me to
perpetuate the full Imti.ry f the iimcpediMf and dm.-ue
intie of the body on which the deetlitf ol the Republic
de penile.
The Wion of Cofieri tine eiren the Olo en
official character the reporter ? ell that ie eeirl end
0Hie in the I km I j. Thie notion nee iweu mtro ei ererv
BtitTMive eemitfi ftw manr yeere, mid bjr member f el
pert Ire. The pre, too, of ell pertice he ennie teetimenjr
to Ihr fidelity with which the duty thus eeitfuted has been
perfiriiid. -
The celerity with which the letter-writer for thedie
fniit nrfufl rirciilnte thntntrh th tflmrrnnh their berried end Tiewi of the debate of Cornrrene, rewlere
more itnponeiti iiwtn ever the lull end eiect otiiciw rcpHw
of the Conoreaiio.ial Olobi. The huety, end ill many
iiifftnticc ex paktk, rotations by telegraph of whnt occur
in CoiiTc enpenteilo, ft the nun part, the elect report
lken d.wi by reporter, end which fwrnerly, in sbepe
innre of It- abbreviated, went the round ol the pre.
Kmv the tclerniDh acc.iiuit. with all UiHr imperieetion
and Vrtriety ot coloring, l"he the run of the connlry, and
n press out me oniciei ot cnree ever puntimioa mo iun
ilrlwil with the procLtilinpfiol Nub JIonce uninutitaieil.
Indt-cit, no newfnner enn irive thctn. mtd hnve room for
tidverliaenimte am) the iniecellniieoiie nmtter eanential to
their exintcnr.- While, then-fore, the telcgrnpli adtmint
trti lo the eiipor tappet ite of the pnMic for Cotifrrcs news,
and meets the ncciiitiee nf the nolitical pre, by furnirh-
iiilt a mpidly written epitome aimed to the taate nf its
ptiiron. perfect ItitnTmati n uf wlmt pit mo in UonjrrcM
1 prwiity diininidhed. The circnlnti'iii of the ofticinl
reiwiri hue been, to mme extent, cut off bv the erede and
diversified ecmxmU whieh? Hyinp; nlonir the eh-ctric wire,
shiiifitw .-ijiv visy, aim n nmiiun in thiii iniu irMin u
on hi bruit to Still there re a cnut nwiiiy mtn
of lemire and thought who like to aee wbnt ie actimlly
enid and done in Couirres, and to judire for theinelve8,
rather tlmn to receive hn-csiftna altnrtiher from enlvnn
ic iMiuerit, i nero are others, too, who lor iihj kikc oi
mr i in u it.-, wniMiuiv nniniiiize a wnri wuicn nitwnmi
fnH record of the d.iitifr nf Hie ureal moving utid c-intrtl-
irut powers 01 lite itepuuiic.
If there ever wee a tune when the action of ConrjTc
li-mhl le 1'ioked to rmd thmnibly studied, by the pnlriotic
of all panics, it certainly ntironche with the next Con-
frrcsa. The trovennnent btkee new departure with the
next session, and how it i to work out the nrrnnppmeiits
nwdc to pneify the tfrnbh; with whicli it hue ltiltrd
remit in to be' seen. The miceensmn tt the Prepulcncy
will form a Ictidiug cottsideiat ion in every movement at
the next aesamn, uml there will st-nrccly be n incitnrc
iutndiiced, or a speech mnile, thnt will not have onie
hearitHr on tlvit alt-nbsorbtitir uiiestion. If ntititnal con-
vcnti-Hi of the respective parlies are cnileil fffctlier to
nitiiiinnip me ram una tea ui eacii, in ,ongrc wnirn
precptlee the conventions nlwaye seizes the tK-t.-nsioii, by
anticipation, to dtwnra. in connection with pnbltc men-
suren, the merits of the men looked to U give thein ettect
in the Administration, f the people, thin, would have
iiii-ii aim in in nioiCC ol IIICII IITHI illin-lionniirn, im-j
oinrht to slmly well the character of rmidiiL-iies aa uVvel-
opotl by theinsclves, their friend, and then enemies m
Congress. The c.ipital will be the rostrum from which
the people of the I nited Stntca will be nildrcssed on th
tibject of the Chief Magistracy, and the important topics
connected wiilt it. and the legislation of the c mntiy thnre
win iK'Come uie iiiemc ol dist usioii in everv rnme i.eais-
lit are, of every country town imd Mllape nicctinir
throughout the L'rion. How imprtent, I lien, does it
become, lhat full and impartial reports should lie obtained
of ths action of n body, which will give an impulse to the
iirpuiuic in a new career, ami wnicn, m a very grcui
drgree, irffluence the public mind In the choice of the
Chief Magistrate who is to carry out the will of the people
aa coiirttituiioually expressed.
The umlersianed has made nrennrntion commensurate
with the increased importance of the duty he 1ms underta
ken as the only reporter and publisher 4f the complete
debates and proceedings of both Houses nf Congress. The
coming session will probably tie extended niiM mouths,
and the repoita will not be comprised in Icfb than IVS,!
royal qunito iwges of Ivevier and notif-nreil type miiktug
4 volume ol near 800 nntres mch. The reports for tli
Inst long sessiou made JltJ'JO royul quarto pages, and were
non nd in lour volumes, uveragmg vi royal t
quarto nuqcs
will nuMifh in the Apfknmx for the next session, all
laws that mny lie passed dtuiinr the session, which bus not
been done heretofore. Although Ihia will increase in no
small degree the expense of the publication, the wibscrip
tion price will be the same that it has been for several
years past.
The Daily Globe will be pulitished during the session
on a auperhue duble royal sheet. It will contain the
de.twt.tcs us taken down ty the reporiers. nnd ns altereil
by the speakers, whenever they make any alterations;
the current news of the dny und'tho mioellrmeous mutter,
The i mi in nbteei for ntibliHlirmi the tlil nuner is. to ena
ble Memttcrs to see their remarks in it, und niter them if
they shall think proper before they are published in the
uougrcHsiouni (.iMie unu Apm-iMtix
The Congrnssional lllolie is ut-ide up of the daily pro
ceeding o the two Houses of Congress, and printed on
a ooitoie rovni piper, with amnll type, (nrevier aim non
pareil.) in quarto ftrm, each nuinter cont-unine sixteen
rid uuaito msea. The sncechus of the Meimiers.
this form are sometimes ciinlenst-d the full npoit of
the prepared speeches being reseri'ed for the Appendix.
Ail resolutions, ni 'tions nna other proceettmirs, are given
iu the form of the Journals, with the yens und nays on
everv imnortutit nuestion.
The Appendix i made up of the PresitlentTs Annnnl
Message, the Reports of the principal Oihuera of the
Government that aeeomrmuv it. und all Speeches of Mem-
. Iters of Congresit, written out or revised bv themselves,
is minted in the same form as the Con jresional Gltle,
nd usually make about the aume number of pugea during
During the first month or six weeks of a session, there
rarely more business done than will nnke two num
bers a week one of the Congressional Globe and one
of the Appendix, but during the remainder of u a:sion
there is usimlly sufficient matter for two or three number
it ench ami even' week. 1 he next session win ie unusu-
illy interesting : therefore, 1 calculate that the Cong reg
ional UloUe und Appendix together will make at least
1,000 large fiuurto uages, printed in small tvps brevier
irml ii'inpariel. Complete Indexes to both, will le fur
iktien at tne end oi a session.
J will mdeuvur to print a sufficient uumler of surnliu
opiei to supply all that may he unscarrieo, or lost in the
I urn is : hut suutfctineiB siioum tie very n:micuinr to me
their paper carefully, for fear that I should net be able
supply all the tost nunmer.
Jf subscriber shall not be :it.sned with the work, the
money paid by them for it will 1m refunded to them
whenever they return the numbers which muy have been
received by them. I will give ubeeritieni the uUscrip
tinti nric for hiiv of the nreviou volumes of the Con-
gressionnl (ilohe qr the Appendix, except for the last
sesstott, unrt win tnauK any perauu who win m w
them. , ,
I h.isa four cimies nf the IwrW volumes of the Cun
gretsional ttw and Appendix for siile at W a volume
Kumd. whifh it is proliahle will ue nisposea ii bmii ;
ud wlien Uieyare, they will then, no a mut, commjnaea
t Ichki io a volume, a invy r-mura i iriiin,ii
lea Ikaa U.ul 6UU1. "J'hcre me 25 bwk volume.
For one copy if ibt Daily GIulc durina
(lie session, uu
or oti copy of tha Cujixrrsianal Globe
dwtmt tike aessiou. vu
or one copy of the Acueudu Jurimr the
The money may be remitted by mail at my
rUk. IJank note current where a ubMrcibr ie-
v'ueu will bo rcccivej at par. Hubwriptioiis
ould reach here bv lite I5tu Dorembcr, at
furthest to ii usuK (lie number.
The prtcoa for Uieae puper are ao low tltat I
cannot alVord to credit tlrffin out ; tlirrpfore no
person need order Wwin unless the money arcom-
panics Uie ordiT.
Washington City, Nov. 1851,
No. 187 North Third Street Philadelphia.
MIIB powder ieetrtitkMl by the imtted testimony of all
who have used it to die first rank nf all those CAT-
TI.H MKUIChNK, which have leeii thought pr.nee
wortby for many year. Indeed we challenge any person
U make a anperior, or any isnwdet that ac at the same
manner, ii uie an i into ne penectiy neaunv u win fimcr
ncretisnlhe amount of milk or (ream and butter; or the
inimnt will improve rapidly hi fat. Jt will therefore in
lime Ih; considered we have no doubt one of the staple arti
clesof every Farmer, who keep a diuryj and of every
iM-rami owning ikhfo, ik is noi one in umu Hum im
iMisTvaR that merely swell on animal np for a shmt
time, bnt it will by the capacity which it bn of cimrertin:
HllTbRlO AOIl fwhichianu effete mniter) into hut-
no ACioor olki.nb; muse a greater amount of nulritiou
mauer lo ne extiactcii irom the wnne amount oi tNti, tnan
possibly could Im, were the active principles of ltutrition
to pass out of Uie system in the form of Hippuair Ann.
We hnvo received a inultitudo of evidence to prove what
we have said nbive. rtnibrn to snv i -
We have mixd the active agent, with a great nninlwr
of YitfiBTAfu.K plHtitsamt herbs, which time and use have
proven to l nseiul, improving the oppctite nnd promoting
iligeslion of the l'o d j tims securing a henlthy condition of
the blood, from which the Mil.s ami Fat must le formed.
It may be used fnrlloR-r, Cows ond Uousfor the follow
ing eompkiints and ilineitf-s.
YKI.Tif)W WATKIt, a daugenui aiekneas, which de
stroys mimy vn I in title botnes every year, la very often
entirely rured by I In free use of tins powder, in uil cuw-s
It will prevent Uie disease trom coming on.
'J'his disease is owning ton Iwd and 'impoverished! state
of the blood which becAunea thin, watery aial ot" ull yellow
This powder bv improving the stomach and giving to
the blood a grenter quantity of red particle, nflords the
best and only possible chance nf recovery. If the horse
i tar gone, give morning nnd niuht a imncsponntui m wet
feed, it in the legiuning tmce a day ut noun, U only to pre
vent the disease twice a week.
St.AHHKIllNtJ. This ie the fubmtion nf nwnv valua
ble Horses bv ex hau Mi on : by a constant discharge of anli-
va which ought to fu into the stomach to assist digestion.
It is species of salivation often produced bv Ispiax Tj
biicco p rowing in the pasture ground A Tablespoon fid
three Unit's u week will frequently arrest the How, if it
dites not drpend on the Tobacco in the grans, under uch
circuniwinees the nniuml must lie kept iu the stable.
DH I'KM Pi:U It the powder i enrly and freely nscd,
no other ri-inoly need lie used, it has alrendy cured hun
dred nf IIorff.s nf this troublesome disease to the surprise
of those who user! it. If net used enrlv, before mailer he
formed iu tin: neck it cannot restore the nuiuwl perfectly
until the matter is dtwlmrged, use it airly and prevent ;
ench n result. A TubIesKionrul once or twice a day is
;i,AMKRS. This disease ms bnfTled nil FaIIBIKFk,
Give iliin piwiler u fair trial and it will do womlmi in ;
this terrible and hitherto incurable inalmly. It is n disease 1
of the gland u nil system nnd kept up by imperfect nutrition. '
in such cn a Talli'SMK)ni'ul every day twice for a month
or two, in constant succession, will in nine case out of a
dozen elfeet n cure, it h i been fairly tested.
Coughs mid shortness of Ureal h depending on weak
lungs, a Tableepooutul every nnruiug ; if it uliatca once
or twice n vc-k
POtMt I.OW-SPimTF.n nortri:s, nr where there fa
any remains of l-ouuder or at i micas of motion, and the
Horse will not tittlen, or where the hair is rough and
stmtds strniglit mil, the food seeming bi do no goinl, the
Powder p roth ices almost iiumcuiute. improvement oi tne
animal; the digestion improves nnd with it all the slug
gishness nf the ultima! disappears, becoming lively and
spirited, and the hair smooth nd slick.
ForMii.aio Cows, wr are fully convinced that it not
only improves the un ility, but that it increases the am unt
o aiiik. l renin ana Htitter ; some wno nnve iriiNi the ex
periment say a I Nil ml a Week, others any bulla pound
while one person insisted upon it Hiut he mailc two puitmls
more n week frnn -h Cows. We think it will be found
to average from h I. r to a itound per week on each Cow,
if the Cows are iciuitly henllhy. Tins additional amount
is m:ule bv the conversion of the llippuric Acid into Nitro-
genous anil fatty coinponnd ; nls-i by supplying the oxy
ireu taken in by the In hit, with the elements of reaction :
without taking auv of the Nitnffenous portion of the feed.
and all other diseairs of uent cattle dcpemling upon a Ink)
state of the fluid, arc removed speedily and etreetmllv.
Cows, whose milk is blue, thin nnd w.iiery and where it
does not yield much rreum, or where Cow give bloody
milk, or which are used to stnud long dry, it will be found
nn almost infallible remedy, bv improving the condition of
the blorxt and creating a henlthy digestion ; n i'alilrspoon
ful every day or every other day as it may tie necessary.
Pig in the summer often overhent themselves, get swel
led necks, coughs, ulcers in the Lungs and Liver, which
cause tiiem to oic very siKineniy, these uuiv ite prevenien
entirely by potting a pound or a ball into n ftarrel of swill ;
Bun it will at (lie Kime tune considerably hasten the tutten-
g process.
N. II. In auimnl which is giving milk and rnu are
lesirous to fatten ut the same time, vou should not irive
morit than a tJiblespoonfitl once a week or it will retntdtlie
formation nf fnt hy increusing the amount of Milk.
let cjicU person try its effects for himself mid he wil
soon 1 sntinfietl of it excellent qualities, mid thut no Far
mer should le without it.
For the purnoHe of finding out still further how far nui
justly celclirated CATTIK FOWpKK, is entitled to the
conlideiiee of an intelligent people; we have addressed
ijeiiurs to au parts oi ine iuneo ruaies, wnere our row
tier has been used, and we are able now from theevidewe
thus brought before us. to assure every Furmer, Diiiry
mau and llorso-iiuui, Unit it ha thus far veiy much ex-
ceetb.'d our most, snucuine expectatitais.
with the nnditionnl knnwleitge thu lur Ohtameii, k
Hon we will be enabled to make the liest und most per
fect Cattle Mepicisk ever yet offered to a discerning
people. It acts as a valuable promoter nf digest i mi. im
prove the (ptalitv of the blood nnd thus increases the
amount of either Fnt, Milk and coiisequently of Butter.
Kven m the henltbv Auimnl
Jlewure nf Counterfeits as (he extensive side nf our
powder hits induced others to make an imitation of it.
iMicri pucii lius our written signature on me eno.
inth,i ii, r IIO.M-.C iniili cl
FhikidHphia, July SiO, 1KS1. ly.
AND nil ilirm ari.inp from dianrriernil llrm er to
mm h, .'liBliiirmlirm, Inwonl Pil Fallnf."
Ili Ik tlx timA, AriMj nf III StmroM, Nnum,
llnirtlrtirn, dirt fiif Food. rtiUnn "f weight In th
Ptrmwrh, or Kfortnllnrn, inkin or fltiltfrinf ut the pit
"ftli Umirowh, wiminii if thht, karrirdinddllfirult
brmthiiHt, fluttering si the heart, cli'iking or BiflV-riliiig
"enmlinw wtt rrt a Mug rlnm, DimneM nf pio1
dounr wela beforeUi iiirlit, fever anrl dull rmlii In ths
henrl. ilrtlcitncv of rKTsrtinrti'n. yrllnwucM of the flkin nud
eye, pain in tka airle, niwk, elient, Uinha. Ae,. Kmlden
ftuthe, (rt' hejit iMirning In Hie llmh, ninatant irengininga
ni evil, atei grent rreprimiort ol t)intRt
rimmn bt
: No. 110 Arrh St., rhllnili'lpbla.
Their power nvi-r the tilmve die:ii,r ia not excelled, if
eqii illed, liy any oiher prepnmtiim in Hie 1'nited rMnlia,
m the enrea attust, in ninny cuaea al'tur akilllul phjsiriuiui
Jutfl fnilfd.
Theae llitiera nre worthy they ntlrntiraof invnlida.
PoMcMin grenl virtnea in the rc'iincMli'm of diwam-a ff
Uie l.iverund lesser glnnda. exercinieg Ihr nmal. aoitlfhing
powera in wenkneas and ntriyliwia ol ttio licBlive org.tna,
they are, witlml, anfe, certain nnil pleasant.
rr'roui the liostou lice. I
The Kditor said, Jec. Wtl
'Da. II-Htrr,ANn rm.RaRATKO OrrmaI Pitthss for
the cure uf Liver CoinpLiinl, Jiiundice, Uyspcpsia, Chronic
or Xeryous Uchility. is descrviMlly one of the imwt popu
lar ineiliciui-s of the dny. These Hit lei s hnve leen used
hy Ihousnnds, and a friend at our elbow enys he has htm
eelf received mi elTcetunl nnd permanent cure of I.iver
Compluiiil fnrni the use of this reined). We are cimvuiced
thnt, in tie use of these It liters, the patient constantly
(puns strength nud via:iir a fact worth yi if fretit conside
ration. They are plensnnt iu tnste and smell, and enn lw
used hy persons with themosldcliciite stouuichs with siu'c
ty. under any circumstances.. We are speaking from ex
perience, and to the afflicted we advise their use."
'5coTTa Wefrlt," one of the licst Literary papers
rnillishe1, said, Aug. US
"Dm. HaorisAaa's Uvrma Bittkrs, mannfaptumt hy
Dr. JackviM, are now rcc iinmeiided ly nne of the must
prmiiineiit iiiemhera of the, luculty as au article ! much
eiTicacy In cns-s nf female weukness. Aa such is the
ense, we would ndvise nil -titers to ohtniii a hut tie, and
l thus snye themselves much sickness. Persons of dehiliu-
ted constitution will hud these Hitters advantageous to
j thfir health, ns we know from experience the snlulury
i effect they have upon week systems. "
More Evidence
850 FOliFElT.
fU. HUNTEK will firfrit $50, if failinsr to
cure anv cane of wcret diaeaao that may
come under Ins earn, no malUir lionr long stand
inrr or allhctinir. K.tlicr -x are invilnl to Ilia
Privato Hooins, 38 oth rJEVENTH Street,
Pliiluili l)liia, v. illioul fear of inlerruution by oth
er palicnls. Mrangera anil other who have
been unfortunate in the ai-lertion of a physician
are invited to enll. Those who have injured
Iheim-elvea hy aohtarv vipc nre also tnvtled
liKAU AND KEFI.KCT. The atllicteJ
woulil ilo well to relleet liefore trusting their
health, hapiiinem, ami ill inanv caaea their livea,
in the bnmla of physieiana, ignorant of this elaas
of inuhiJies. Il la rertainly impoaaihlo lor one
man to understand all the uU the human family
are auhjrrt to. Every respcctablu Jihysiciun baa
his peculiar hranrli, in which be ia more aucccaa-
.rul tlrun hia brother profeaaors, and to tliut be dc'
votca most of bis time and study.
VKAlfS Or rKACJl IL E, exclusively tlavo-
ted to the study and treatment of diseases of the
sexual organs, ogether with ulcers upon the bo
dy, throat. noo, or legs, pains 111 the head or
bouea. mercurial rheumatism, gravel, irrt-gulun
ties, diaeases arising from youthful excesses or
imiiurilies of the blood, whereby the constitution
lias ln-rome enfeebled, enables the Doctor to oiler
sjict-Jy rtlirf to all who may jiluce themselves
under bis t are.
Philadelphia. April 19, 1651 ly.
rpHE MISS VEITZEL'S respectfully inform
I the Public that they still continue to enter
tain travellers and others at their old established
aland iu Market street, weat of the Court House,
Their lone experience in the business, and the
well established reputation uf their House, will.
they trust, lie a suibcient guarantee, that tbeir
customers will be well accommodated.
March S, 1851 If.
US. MARY WEAVER respectfully niformi
' '-1 the nulilie. and travelling: community neneral-
Iv, that she has opened this large and commodious
HOTEL, furnished m a superior stylo. Jrom
CUE 1 fill WK STONES l,cr '" m"'-"' n tl,e un-ot
HoU-l, and well known reputation to arcoinmo-
riUE subscriber informs his friends and the date, ber customers may depend on being supplied
-I- uublic. that bo continues ta carry on the u iiL .vrv thin? romlucive to tlieir comfort and
Marble Business iu all its branches, at bis old convenience.
Clucks, Watches, Jewellery, Silver Ware,
fancy unous, o:c.t o-c.
C11H"Ki of every description ami onaiily, H iny jiibm
t autl 30 hour Clka, very kiw. Wuulita of the lieat
JitliiuhMi and Kulinaitii4lokl iiutetit levers,
nine Ba low oa (f.10, warranted 1 Wiirat eama. and iusured j
lor U usailha. Silver lvera aa low as lo.uu wurrnmni.
I.e.. nr. ii. I,iv na fil ial wurninteO. (Iliurtler aicnts in
ar,-ut wur .,ir .1. prv ol every clf'aerihM m. "i imnrn
and Fob Chain, Urai-eieta, Far Itiiitfa, Finger Hiinr,
Briwieliea, Isa'krls, (iokl l'oua umj i 1,1X1, wairauteil P"lnla.
'I'li siili'rllif hnviiiir iutt rftlirm-d from lite ensteili
f:trt-tries is nreimietl to I'nrnuli unv ample ill Ina line m
husiiu'ss of Hie latest stvles. mat as eliexn aa Ilia aauta artl-
rlia eiin lie sold in Uie l-liilndrlplna or New York markets.
i eonvinre the nnblie of llua Inet he mules Uiclr allen-
II i and reaiiertliiHr anlirlliia eull. He WMild rnrlleiilurly
invite the ntlenlioii nf li.ilel Pronri bin. and Families to
his exleirtu.aaaaortniriilof Hilver Wura, via; Tea lelts,
Tnlile. llfMnert and Tun Kinmhis. Forks. Ijtilles. A;e.. Ac.
Orders received for any article of Pilver Ware exueulcd
with nroinntners. and in the heat atvle. A Brent vuriely
of Fnney IiivkIn, Pnpier Mnehe wurk, sneh as Witting
Desks, i-ort roinw. i.l .ye ihixea, txiour iloxea, ac , u.
U you waul to secure balanitis can ut
K.C onEFA'-r
next door to rite Piwt CUTire, Centre St., Poruvillc, Pa.
N U All kinds of icpaira atteisled to by ths beat wk-
Deermhcr ST, 1651 Dm,
The "Pliitadelphia Sntunlnr Gnzetie." the heat family
iiewaias published in the l nited rruitea, the eilitor Buys
Di lin)flinid's German Bitters.
"It is seldom .1 Hi we rivommend what are termed Pa
tent Medicines, to ine mnfitlelice and iMitronnire of our
renders; and. llu ii (ire, hen we reeoltiuiend Jf -land's
Xemtaii Hitters, we wia it to he distinctly nude,
stood Uml we nre not speaking of lite nostrums of the
dtiv, thnt nre it iised nlint for a hiief periisl nnd then for.
f ntleimt'tpi Ihey luiTeilnne their gnilly rnrn of nnaeliief.
intol'n medieitie long estnhlisheil, niii'yersrilly prizeil, mid
which hna tne the hearty approynl of the Fnenlty itself."
F.videnee llism evidenen h.'la lieeil rHi'eivtl like lite
foreiroiiiir) from nil sret ions of the Union, lha Inst thre
years, nnd the striatgest te"tini'tnv in ils favor, is, tlmt
there is mme of it used in the pmelieeof the regnlsr Phy
sieians of J'hilmlelphia, tlmn all other li"ilrnin ci-inhineit,
a fnet that can ensile Ik- eiiahlirhed. nnd fully nroviiis- thnt
a Kcientifie prnpnrnlion will meet wilh their ipuet npproval
when presented even in this form
Tint this medicine will cure Liver Oinplnitit anil Dvs-
pepstn. no one tmidottht, nfler Ufin" il ns dtrectiil. Il nets
Bpeetnenlly Uvni Hie stumiieh ami liver it is prcffcntlile
lo enlomel In nil Inllinns iliaenses Ih- erleet is lintueillnle.
Thevcnti lie nihninistered to Female or Infnnt Willi snl'ety
nnd relinhle benefit, nt any time.
This mulit'ine has nt.ninetl Hint hich eliaiaeler which ia
necessary for nil medieines to attain to in-luee
lo put forth n epnnmis article at the risk of the lives of
those nre innocently deceived.
Ther have ilie written si mtntare nf C. AT. JACKSON'
upon the wnipper, and the nunc blown in Die Ik it lie. Willi
oar which they are spuiious.
For Bale, wholesale and retail, at the
German Medicine Store,
No. 130 ARCH Street, one door Mow Sixth, dale of
2TP ITit'-e street.) Philmlelphin, and hy respectable dsalera
generally inrougiioai me eontury.
To einble nil classes of invalids to eiii-w the advanlaaes
of tneir great restorative powers.
Single Bottle, 75 cents. For snle hy H. Masseb. ftanburv. and M. A.
M'Oat. .Northumlierlaitd.
Aafiistao,lji. ly.
In Selinsgrove, Pi.
CIocIiH, Watches and Jewelry,
TEPAIRED in the best manner and wurmuted
to perform well.
All work intrusted to hia care will be strictly
attended to.
SelinBtfi-ovo, Xov. 30. 1850. tl.
TIIF. Kent Urn of B'lildert and otiwri, r revpeeirnlly
Invitnl t the rxtciiKive nnA wt-ll Mertptl MoeH f
niTlMUNO HAHOWAHK anaTOOIM, how tiflTered by
th nhnrrfher, etniwwinp in purl m follnwi i
nmrnrau r mm Uintf lcki, liprmnt. with night Worn,
ptntri or brum funuUiro. or porreluin nil rnk.rft.
AmnrirMti Fmtit 0Of liOpkii, upright, pbiin. with
nlRtil.wurk, plated t Uravt fumitur. ur pmcekiin H
Amrrlmn Front Inor tjoeVa Hurl Ptur Poor, Mnriaon
tal or uprifflit, hrmw fnniiniro, or nnrretnm all nrtn.
Amertmin Rim UhAsl all ixraniid nunlitiea. White or
brnw furniture, or porrclninall cora.
Amcricmi Mortice IsiH-ka, all aixra, with platH, white or
braa fnrintiire. nr porrHnin atl enlitra.
Ameriran M'tflicc Lutchei. all aisci, with plated white
or hraaa fimiifnre, or puree Iu in all cl'MB.
ARterifitn Mnrtiee and Kiin Clet Iicka, plated ot brniw
eaftitrheiuf , ir poiretniii all rf)liira.
American Dnp, 8fp, Thumh, Gate, nnd Store Dot
AIm, Imp'iited TM and Irfiteheaof eveiT deaerlpthm.
)IhIHvih, und American Hutt llmpei, ol nil aizea, tutl
or ltie ioint.
Phuiter. Gnte, Ptrnn, T., and .Wltf. TTiinrea, all ktmla.
PhuMer, Oiite, l).mr, Flnh. nnd Spring Hi 'It, of wrmight
or mux irm niiu iirnw, every ncwriptmn.
Sert-wa, Snnirtt, tilnr, ftiuid Tupit of Ihe lie! qimltly,
Aniencun Axle and Hinm Axle l'ullcyR, of every
Amerienn Huttont, plnin or on plutCK. hniaa. Iron, or
Ainnriean ohs. fluted, while, iron, nr wixxl. all kinds.
S.inlt.Curil, C'nnniin and puteul, wilh oiht-r ortielea ti"
iinmerrHia to nviiu(n.
IT- N A 1 1 sS and PASH-WninilTS at FACTORY
IV All OfwdpdHivercd nee of Chnrire to anv part of
the City and 0ii!rietfl. 1
At Ihia eptn1lihni'!it enn he found one nf the hoffps' nnd
ltpsl tirtaitrtmenta of White mid Fancy Noliafor Is'K'Kh, &t.,
in met ity; annu piitti-rna, ol which. cnnuit ue aoun, or
ol.tniurd, nt any o her Store. TOtl,S.
rpi-nt At Jucka ni'ff Hack. Panel, Iland. and Ripp Snwa,
imported expreiwly fur HVinil inilcn. all aelcrted vithe:ire.
S-ile agent fot the celeliniled Flaiita, imwln ly F.. W. Car
penter, of latinenAti-r, IV, bcinc nil nmile of nplit woil,
and the HillR primiid nnd trh-d. lt-ntty fc Willinnj' mnkr
of Cliiwls, Axrs, Hnteheta, Lruwing Knivcn, ,c., all war
muted )rod.
Fiijlh' and Slack's make of Augers and Auger liitt, nl
American Squares and Bents of every deseri)ti"n.
Amerienn Rulra, Uuugcs, fuws(jlis, CotuptiwH, li:rew
drivers. A e.
Amerienn C. ?t. ITummeri, Claw and Riveting, alt siaea.
Anvils and Vices, nil iz.
Steel, Iron, and Wooden Umce?. with C. 9. Bitts, in
greitt vnriety.
XV. Grenvea V t m, Rutelier's and oiher celebrateil
makes of Chisels, Fih. Flmif Irons. Ae., Ac.
Aridts's eelcbrntH Carvhur Tnls, all slmpra
Miikiinf one of the best and most extensive as rtinents
of HuiMiiig IlniiKmre and Tihi iu (tie Suite.
At tins est:!)iiAhiuent it is crm idcrrd n pleasure tn snow
the Ooods. You arc invited 1 1 rill nnd examine the assort
ment, and hear the prices nsketl, beiore purrhaiing clue
where. Come nnd see us.
Vouis, respect fultv.
WM. M. MeCf.l'RK,
No. Market st., Iwtween 7ih aiwl btli, upper side.
Philadelphia, April T2, 151 ly.
city or 1-Hii.ADii.riiiA,
V. 9. HsnV mnra l." dis
All solvent hanka jai
nank of Chainltershnrir 1 dis
Itonk of Chealer ?o. par
Hank of pel. Co. Cheater par
Hunk ol (jerninntnwH paf!
nana m iimiystMira; 1 nil
Hsnk of Irfiwistowil
Bank of M iddlelou n 1 dis
Montiromery Co llnnk pnrl
tlatik of Norlhnmlterl-nd.'nni
Dinikof l'ittshnrif 1 ilia1
Jiitnlc oi llanville pnr
Carlisle Hunk
All solvent luniks I illl
AU solvent Imnfca . I dis
All solvent hnnks
m;w yohk.
All Mvent Innka ' f dil
t? Uk Holes under f3 dis
All solvents Innka 1 d is
KKW Jl;Hrr;Y.
Ilelvidera Hunk J dis
Comineri'inl Bnnk dis
nr. Hnnk Mont Holly par
1 dis'P. ft M., Miildletown PI. par
Coinnihia H'k 9e B'feCo jwrjMwhniom- Ilk, Newark pur
Unyelslnwii Hank par Meek. Ilk of llnrliinrUin pur
Knst.m Hank par Meek, ft Man. Ilk 'frent par
Krie Hunk 9 dial Morris Co Hnnk 1 dis
Kii-hunae R'k Piltahiira t dis Newark Bk's ft Ins. Co 1 dis
l .xehnnue H'k, Hraai'h I ilialOraniie Hnnk
Fiirmrrd' H'k, Hui-kstVi pnrll'enpli-'s Ilk Pnllcraon
Fnrniers1 Ilk, ljmenster pnr!lrinrtlnn Hnnk
Funm-rs' Hk, Mending piirlSnlein Hnnkin Co,
Kami. Ilk rVlmylkill Co pnrJ!emerrBt Co ll.uik
V ft I). Hk Wnvnesli'g IJihs'stnte Hnnk at fnniden
Fnniklhi l!k. Vnn,' i,is Slnte nk F.liznliolht.m
llnmslmr!- Knnk 1 dis Slnle Hank Newark
llonesilalc Hank t dis Stale Hk, N
Lnneasler Hank
llmn. in Hnnk
Merrh. ft Man
I dis
I dil
1 dis Stale Hk, N. Hiaiiswii k par
utr,Suss'X linnk. Newl.'ii J dis
pnrlTrrntor Hnnkinit Co par
H.-nlk- I iliii'.rnion ltiink. Dover 1 dis
H k. PnttaviUa rr Vnrdleyv'le Del Or Co Ijilis Hnnk 1 dis l?'Hk n"t"B under fS I ilis ,
r.iylorsv'ellilH'eColS dis DKI.AWARK. !
est Hrnnrh linnk kit llimlt nl' lllfiwnrn
Wyomiiin Ilk, Wilkesh'c iinri Ihnk of Smyrna
.rk Hnnk, I dis;)elnvnre City Hank
I7Hvliel ll'iles 1 dis!
rtiink nf Vlrctl.s k A .tin
Mi'rmnlih- Hk. Hanrr'T Tndis
All s ilv .nit hnnks 9 J,,
m:w ii . mi-sim
All S ilvrnt Irui! j din
r.ii .hum
Hnnk nf Sit All.-iits S di
All s 'Ivcnt hanks dis
Ilk Wiltnir-nA Hnin.IyW. prtl
I'liriiiers' IJk St Ilelnwnre jtnr
I'll i. in Hnnk. AVilnliligton par
I V Ulster p.i's dis
.Ml s 'Iveiil htinks 2 d'S
tV"Hk ifites innlnr fi's t .lis
Mlifl'll CAHOI.INA.
All s -ly.-tit lvinks 2 dis
l liderfl's, BJ dis
The attention of the public is called to the ail
vcrtiaoniciit of Mr- Charles C- Turker, Attorney
anil Atjent nt M'ashiton Citv- I'erROiis liav.
g claims for bounty I. anils or Pensions nre in
formed that the subscriber has mailc nrranrreincnls
for the requisite forms, nnil rlaiinanla culling at
his office, ran have their pajiers prepared anil
forwarded to Mr- Tucker nt Washington, and
by liiin bo projicrly atlcndcd to before the De
partment there.
Stinbun-, Jan. 13,1831
New Music Just Published. I
Y.V. cc WALKER, No. 1G2 Chesnnt st
A are constantly piihlUhins and receivins;, i
new ami beautiful music from tho most distin-
gu'Hiied composers. '
The followinp; list contains aoine nf their choi- j
cost nnd most popular Songs, Wnlt.tM, i'olkaa, !
Now, thou nrt Oone, a lK-atiliful son?, words !
y Thomas .1. Diehl, ninsii- by lldnihridr. 1
My iNew Lnirland Home, words and innsic by
Mrs L. Wade.
Bounty Laud and Pension Agency, '
TIIK llnili-rt.iini.-d Atl irnry and li ral Aeeiit nt the
V'ily of ..den his si-mn-s in prt-.-nrin '
11 .nnty Lands and I'.-iisiuns f ir cntilled. H.-inif per- I
Irion, in I V I ernnl nl Hie ol ti .v.'r. aent, with n llior- :
caifih nnd fniiiiiinr iie-iutiinl e wilh the un-i-ssnrv forms.
and l. inline of hnsns-ss, and hnviiiiriiretss tn lWitn.-rs and I
Uoiis (tteil in tiie. ti. H. war oiliee. fie ihisscs.s Im-niues f-n
il. I.- .....I .t..i,.... .... ...i .- ,i
"I I -"...u,..ij ..Mjiia,...,.... ii. uuvull.ll.Cllk
chlms ol' every kind.
Hy n lute Art of Coiitrress, IJ.iunly T-nnd is pmntrd to
the t fli'-ers nnil'is i.i lln- ynr ol 'lnl-J, i-nd oi ihe yuri-
riitns Indiiin M-.-irs. i-ini-e 17.(i. 'r,.th..i.c who served nine
months JIhi B'-rt's; to th ise who s.-rvwl f nir m-inth bO
acres : and lo th -se who serveil one minth 4ll neres.
Arr.iiKirin.Mit. l, ...I.I. I..... ,f O.
i T-tf.d nmu-s-ti-m in dilTL-rent sei-tiitns .f tiie Cuiinlry.
the i.f wnrrnnls. and the snle nf the pntt-nln, w!iea
iss.te.1, on the adi tmuijre.iiis terms; fur Ihe pnvinenl
ol Inx.-s, rL-lempli-in of liimls, a l.l f .r tuxes ; e. 'Il.-rtinii ol
il.-hls; mid I'.-r Ihe tnins-i.-ri in nl iriuicral Ijivv businens, iu
the dilti-rent States nnd 'IVrrit-iri.-s.
He t.'iid.'is his serviyea t-i m.-mlters of liie pr..f.'ssi-'ii nl a
ilisun.en. urn wncii claims acalnst tne L ivcriilllcnl. are pre
j n:ir.-.l hy a 1 -c:tl Ai;riil. wiil nkite one Imll Ins iir.kiI fee.
The neii'ssnry forms nnd instmel ions, nnd iiiforinnti..ii on
nil snl.i.M'ts afiix-rlmi-iin; to a siiccchbinl pr.tseciiti'in of this
liiisiiie-. will Is; Inrnisiied to regular CorreSi.n.leiits wilh
j onl eh.oee.
j P.Ts-ins desirinT inf iriiiMtinii of friends In Ihe army or
I nayv, will f-.rvv ir.l I., him nil Ihe pnrlieiilnrs known of their
I s.-ivicc, liiji-ltn-r with n Ice of one dollar, nnd llwir eiujui-
i! ries will hn r!';:i-il t . I.y return of iiinil. All e .iii'iiaincn
ti'ins ti Ik- (Pl.n'.ill),) and icl-lresscd !
rn vkli:s c TrcKi:n,
, (II ix HIT, P. (.) Washington, 1). C.
Hcccmher '2.-, l-".".n.
At (lie C abinet Ware Koom of
Market Square,
Also at the corner nf Fawn street (f the Railroad
:- SUNBURY,PA. : ,
- -
. Thniikful for the patronatra of his friemU and
customers during the 17 years he has been In boai-
ness in tins place, he solicits from the public a con
tinuance of their favors. During this period ha
hns endeavored to keep up with the improvements
of the day, and has accordingly extended his busi
ness in every branch and variety. The public are
therefore invited to the attention of the present
stock of
Manufactured bv
At the Old Stand,
Where in addition to their former stock of the
establishment they now manufacture
Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chair.
,'rrre Spritiff Sent Rocking Chain,
Dressing Bureaux, Centre Tables,
.Mnrble Top Wash Stands,
and a variety of other
new style und
ratliioimtilc Furniture.
Ilavinr; secured a Hearse anil made the neces
sary arrniicements for the purpose, they are now
prepared for irndcrtaking in all its branches, iu
i this vicinity or at any convenient distance.
Ve maids nnd mistresses, and hnslKinds tai,
j llerc'B furniture nf every style ami line,
' Front side honrds down to kitchen tallies,
I roi'kini; chairs to locking cradles
Should ynn not hnva the lendy Jons to pny,
I M'e'Il wait awhile for a brighter Iwtler day,
fir lake !ntors, oats, corn, wheat and rya;
i Puilc. Ii'si;. jx-les, slaves, or Inmher wetand dry,
I Or st.y Ihit :e. yokes and threshing flails,
Pinin pins and tnrkius down to Utile quails,
j Cme on then friends, eorne one and all,
i Keep trade a moving, an "goes on the hnll.1
W Orders from a distance promptly attended
to nnd work of all kinds delivered with dispatch.
Smihiiry, March 0, 18.r)0 tf
VVTLL positively cure all ataies of Neuralirig
' 'l it Doloroii.x, Nervous Headache, Cho
Sunbury, Ta.
Office in Deer Street, iiumcdintely opposite the
1'ulilic school House.
7" Monies collected and ail business momntlv and eare.
fully aUtanled to.
April 80, 1850
liER, an excellent article.
Rviiwsi'a Medicated Snap for sun bums, tan,
tetter, ivc.
Railway's Circasaian Dulm, for the hair dand
Kadwav s Ileadv Relief for (.'rainps, Cholic
Cholera Morbus, &c. For salo by
Runhury, lug. 3, 1850.
fllHE Puhscrib-r who resides in Philadelphia,
JL oilers for sale the followinj properly in Mil-
ton, Nortliuniln:rland county, viz: The large
1 in upper Milton, formerl occupied by
Messrs 1 attersons aa a Lnrnarre Makers Shop,
The building is CO feet front on upper Market
street, and 40 feet on Front street, and is two
stories high. Also a two story
40 by 25 feet, on the same premises. The lot is
on the comer of upper Market and Front streets,
and is 60 feet front, and 150 feet defp.
The premises would bo valuable for a Foundry
or other manufacturing purKses, and will be sold
on reasonable and accommodating terms by ap
plying either to JACOU CAKKKjAN,
J. F. WOLFINGER, Eaq.. Milton or
IL 1). MASSER, Esu , Hunbury.
i'lillaUclpliia, Jan. .o, 1801
i" i: 1 1. m: i.v.i 1 1
kstaih.isiip:d is years aoo by
iY. IT. Corner of Thirdand Union Strrets,
l!TlI- KAIIS of pxtfiikive unJ itniittrrnipii'il
(rrohe'ii Oinnilnut: by C. Cirnlio a collection ! ,-vVi-rt iin.Uii-'frt-smi nr.irliii wt nml nr-:..-.
of DuottH. i iii itti; trt'.-itHir-ni t nil tliyi-nsL-R tn'u riv.tti-ituiuro. 1 r: ins
fiilhcliti Willi uU'i'if t ui Hit hiMtv, ifir tut, (r Iffjs. in
j (lit hoail fir Ittiirw, ini'ifniitt i ht'uuriiiMu. nt fichu . mnvf!.
i .l.fn-nsti uridine ir un y.tuil.luM X'uni-fa nr int:uiitit-6 i.i i Ik-
IiIimmI, wlitTi.'hy Un: nuiifiUtuHitii has lieffine cniirfliiftl, urt
I nil trtMifil wtili m rem.
. lie vli' B-;if:-n hniiMi'U ninl-r thf mr f Dr. K., unv r-
! lijri Mlly cnjitnlc ill Ins li.nior iin il fittiL-in ill, Ulut full iulf lit
! Iv rely iinm bis (r.ill an a physicinii.
( ' ta to. i-i:Ticri,AU NOTiri:.
I Yiiium Mi'ii wti-i linve i'ljnritl tli'-uisi-lvp liy n rirtnin
j piriciir; iinliiturtl in l.ahii .Yrt(iint ly linnil fiom evil
i c;niium.'ti or at whivil the clhMs of wliich me umiilly
felt, vvfn wtit'ii ;t(t.,''p, Hiul (Irslroy l)"th itiiiul tunl Irnly,
I thi.iiUt nnply iniiiM-ilialt'ly. Wcakiiemi and t-t uM itut ioiuit
I drltililv 1 tf uiuKi'tiliii cueruy, phyHinil lawitudc and sn
i tntl proHtnttii'ii. irrit-iliility nnd nil nervous nlfe! i'u. Midi-
Iprsii'in, sliifr-rishiiffw of tin- livii, und every diMriu nny
wjv ruiiiMi't'-d with th disorder of the prmTcutive func
tions cured, and lull viiror rtuf-red.
youth and manhood,
A vigorous life or a premature ili-alh.
kINuElilN on St'lf Prrwrvatlon.
Sounds from Home, piano and violin, bv Jos-
Pretty Little Polkas for Tretty Little People,
by J. Line.
All the mds aie tMcepins, by A. . Worn-
Guardian Ansel, by the author nf "Love Not.''
Household Words, written by C'has.
The Adieus, words by Thomas J. Diehl, mu
sic by Horr.
LEE ct WAT.KETt have constantlv on hniid.
superior Pianos, nnd n suiiply of Martin's Cele
brated (iiittars. which together with a line as
sortment of Musical Instruments and Merchan
dize in general, comprise a stock not to be sur
passed by that of any other est ililislunout in the
country. I.I.r. & WALKER,
162 Lliesnut street, fiwann e li muling.
Philadelphia, Juno 28, 185. ly.
Hughes' Fever and Agile Pills ! ! j
A PERFEf -T and speedy euro for the Fever !
and Ague ia guaranteed to any one who
1 hey have la-en used for ttie
mav use the 1'ills.
Iimt trven years nnd have never been known to
fail in a mimic instance and in cases.
wliero persons have had the disease for several
years, without intermission. I he proprietor !
clialeiiprx the warltl to produce an article that ;
will cure iu na short a time, without lc:iitnr unv i
deleterious clli-cu from the use of it. If the Pills j
do not perform a speedy und perfect cure, the j
proprivtor'will return the money. For sale by
Jacob S, Lawrence, Miuersv ille j E. llellen- j
stein, Trcvorton ; S. K, Dixon, Schuylkill I In- j
ven ; John W. Frilins;, Sunbury ; Mary A. Me-
("oy, Northumberland ; Dr. Iteekly, Danville ;
John Slnirplons, CuttawUsa ; Dr. Jutld, Williams-
port; John Kitser, Milton, and by respectable j
Druggists lliriiiiirlioul the t-'tate. I
J. CL KTIS (.'. 1IUU1IES, ProprieUr. j
Pottsville, June -8, 1851. ly. (
too, ' nress.-ll t-l till
Tills It-xik just published is fillt-it witli nserul itir.irinttli'-ii
on the Ultirinilies null ilist'iisi4 el' Ilie Iteil.THtive (lisinis.
Il sses n.-ll nlllie to VCH' I'II, ,M AMIOOU und (ll.l)
All K, iiiul rli.iul.l lie rtii.l I.y all.
'J'iie val.ii.lil.' tiilvire and impressive wnriiincr it aives,
will prevent yeu.s ol' iniserj anil siifteriiiir and anvo annual
ly Tli. niRinds ol Lives.
1-areiits I.y r.-n.lniu it will learn how to prevent Ilie Jcs
trilrttou ol limir e'.iiidren.
'. rrniiitjii.-e ni' rents, ellelselt in a letter. a.l
KI.NKKI.IN. X. W. e .nier ol Tllll.l)
belM'i-ea S-.-ruee tc Pine, I'liilailelKlitii,
will ensure a li n.k. lln lt-r eni-.-l -ie, per ri lnrn 01 mini.
l'ersiitis:it u itn-e may address Ur. K. by letter, (ptail
pnid.) nnd Ihii-iiii' I nt li-'ine.
l'Al'UAI.I I'K MI'.lliriM"., PiniXTIONU.
I .rw-u-tt- il lo s.'ii'I:.i!r a re;ti.:lauce, and put upsuraie Irnin
D MAUI', .'.r I! IIP iSi'V.
II k.k-s. Il.-ti., i-vv Au'.'.il. P;-.!! irs. l-mvas!ris. mt.l all
olln-rs suppl.e-l witii Ilie work al V'.'iy l.w rates.
S.-j-teiiili.'r 6. Isil. ly.
v :.i a l c a oi x t; k n .
lera, Lockiaiv, 1 1 tdroplioliia convulsions; will
restore manhood lo its prestine virror, even after
j years of prostration, and the only known and cer
i tain cure for low spirits or mental debiltv.
J Extinct from the New York .s'iiu, Oct. 3, 1849.
I Thr crlrhiolnt Dr Watson, when talking of lh
j miraculous power of -W nils' Nervous Antidote,"
the ipicJ'ioii was put to him. hy such a valua
ble remedy for all nervous nll'ections was not in
troduced I.y the medical faculty !" replied, "That
if it were, there would no longer be any use for a
faculty, as nil discuses originated from a disorgan
ized sine nf the nerves ; the nerves are the niaia
sprini? of the whole system Keep this ia order,
and both the mind and body must be."
Four ounce, 12 doses, enough for all or-
; dinary cases, ONE DOLL A K.
Wm. MeCAKTY, Droadway, Sunbury.
.t-eptein',.cr, SS, ISoll tf.
fJllK nuWrit'or ro.-'(H'tfu,ly intirms t'lrt puM. -A.
1 1 in t h is 1'iM'iieJ a I'uMic HouHe, in tl
j uvw town of Trovorttin, Xortliuniherliunl couiily
1 ;tinl t'a;it lit' in well prcpitrrj to urcuinniotlale lii
j ritt ,!s in ihr i:i:ihiicr. HU bouse U ItK-atrJ
I iit ariv iHit(' the i 'oitipaiiy'i Itoro. lie innlsn
I proiJid witii gouil tttuldiiiit; tuliuicut fur SO hor
1 cs. Jle trusts hy prompt Hii-i carrfiit attiMi.ioii
to luibinoa.-i to nu-ct u uliitro of llic pntdic patron
hi;ak ij. weavek.
rrevorton, Jan. 11, 1850 tf-
'.Al tlir I Howinc t'i'flifirnte from Cnpt. Devo. Ih
M't'll ku vu and n 'puLir hlmm Himt (Junta in (of Ui
I'liii.ADKi.PHiA, Oct-rU-r 31, 1946.
f'fVPrul yrars f:rr fithu-kwl wirh brenkiiijC on
on inv n'U in I'lrm ofJcttcT, wliirti I am rMivinr
i wm r nlnirtril .it the Hirlicr'nSliiin, tl gmiidunlly extiut
e-l over my f;"e until it rwu'lini the upper part of ih
I checks. ln rilitr Dm: M'Vfnit m uillii tlmt it tfHltinu
' npn-.iriitiir, tiwtl nltltTt iit iipjtlii'iitloiiii. sVHiit" of wbuh lis
I tlir (irc t. nnprt-jitly -.a ic:i.-tt, of iiHTrtmiii ihe diMuae, In
i from none oi tlt'Mii ditt (trc-rive the Iroirt beupfit umil
j fipplin! lit I'osf IMntmfnt. Ity tiie utu oft'iiejnr of i
I w.n ptrricv-tlv ruted a ml have rriiuiiiie! I'rnt; uf Uie afl
! ti"ii.
j 1 hvf taw utl rlip (tintmpitt, Iij:lill)f apilied for rnuff
I iif i if tin- ficr. hi ili lirn. cliapjictl hmitls. &to. AVilh pc
: fi.-ct Kiua(M'5ii. 1 huvr no hrsitnlii'ii in rccoiiiiBeudiiiy it
i (lie ironi'i M iHJiiuu r to ilu- iultK'.
! AtlmiI Ikhy .M.sti:ft, Sunlmry.
1 July tl-. l-i'x
stand in Mil ton, Pa., aud is prepared to inmiu
Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &.O.,
of the best materials, and most finished work
manship, and at the lowest prices.
Letter Cutting, UngUali and Uermnn in the
most modern and decani style.
Designs fur Monuments, Grave Stones, &c,
always on hand.
IN. U. Orders for the East ante of Uie mar
rub. 15. 18.-SI tl
lAwkenci? house.
rSlIE suWrilier respectfully informs her friends
4. and the public generally, that sho has taken
the above well known alauil nearly opposite the
Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per
kins, bhe trusts Uiat her experience In business,
promptly executed by leaving tl.e sain at tin nd ber efforts to make her guesU comfortablo.
oluce ot Uie "buuliury American.
Milton, May 10, 1851.
SHINGLES. Joint and Up Mhinglea, of
rate quality, for aals by
Sunbury, Dae. tO, 1851. tf.
will give enure satisfaction to tuose wno may la.
Tor ber with tbeir custom.
March 8, 1851. tt
riOLD PEN 8 wilh and without silver .cases
N- just received, and for sale bv
V CHESAnaxcellent arUcU, fur sale at
half th usual price by J- W. PJIL1NU,
Hunbury, July 7. 1S4 -
f uubury, April 4 1851
II. 1). MAbfcER
ounbury, ISjI. 'r
PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's
writing and iudetlible ink, Cotton yam and
laps, just received and for sale by
j. w. j i;u.i.u.
Suubury, Di-c. 2, 1813.
CJTONE M'are, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al
k? monds, P unes and Cream Nuts.
Planes of all kinds.
Salt and Plaster. Just received anil for sale
unl.ury, Uee. I84U.
BOOKS and tiol.l Pens. On hand several cop
ies of the life of Christ, and also a number of
gold pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia
prices. For sale at this office.
TENINUS. A cheap anil excellent arti
cle for fastening sash fur sale by
Sunuui7, July 7, 1849.
NURSING BOTTLES Breast pumps,' and
nipple lubes- A supply of these useful arti
cles just received and fur sale by
Sunbury, Jan-18, 1851 tf
RUSE OINTMENT A fresh supply of this
excellent article for Tetter, t, juat received
and for sale by HENRY MASSER.
Sunbury, July 28, 1849
lent remedy fur coughs, colds. For sale
at this pint
riiii.AUF.LniiA and porinviuj-:.
Fore 1 Reduced.
Office of the Phila. It Reading Rnilroad Co,
Philadelphia, March S6, 1851.
Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.)
sTWN and uftcr April 1st, 1S51 two trains will
HW be run each way, daily, between Philadel
phia and Pottsville
Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. M., daily except
Leaves Pottsville at 7 J A. M. daily except Sun
Leaves Philadelphia at 3$ o'clock, daily, except
Leaves Pottsville at 34 o'clock, daily, except
Between Philadelphia and Pottsville, $3.75
1st class cars and 33.25 3d class cars.
Between Philadelphia and Readinz. SI.75 1st
class cars and .$1.45 Sd class cars.
Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Broad and
Vine Streets.
Passengers cannot enter the curs unless provi
ded with Tickets.
NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will be al
lowed to eaeh passenger in these lines; and pas
sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any
thing as huftgaiie but their wearing apparel, which
will beat the risk of its owner.
By order of Uie Board of Managers.
April 19, 1851. Secretary.
VING, just received aud or sale by
Sept 28, 1850.
XTRACT CF GIN G ER A fresh supply
just received and for sale at this olhce.
Price 25 cents.
Sunbnry, Ju.'y H. 1851.
AlK fioni tin? ItM J;im;iir Ciiie-r, all thr vulnnMf
uietl.iitnl pr tpeity of which it will U luuud lo p-
eti in h 0 uvt-iiuni unit t viK'iMiiruieil j -trui.
Il m a 111 't cii.i'iftif ami nt thr une tint" h:ntn1ti9, eently
Ftiiiiulntiii'j t nit' for the t-t uiucli, ami will tw lomni vtry
liiiHiruit in ifliirvin ih' puiniul uml disirin leehut
tciftio)it'il hy the impaired ucli ii of thin important ot,ran
Fr'Hii h;itl Ioh whi!r ii:i-rionitiil Inkrn m m wiiie-jrlitw-ful
of mvft'lfiicd water will iiuiiietliutf ly rtuiovc Die Hum
Itiiif) iiiul oi.prcHiwoa rt'sulUnjr troin iiulit i i -ji, mil if tiikfti
two or thn-r tu in duly, usreinm-tl. will lo f niinl highly
u net ul npitiust the liiMiitiKtriiiut rnir of mukuiKol llieiton,.
ach uml ifiitlcti'-y lo its U inlcrtti acLhn orrasiiHinl by the
tMiervutuii iifTt of the feuiunier heals, or f ll iwint; :fUT iu
itiiioMiioa, uikI fur correcting the nu ipient aliu(ett of dutn
1hp.i, Vr.
It ib wis mi extvlU iit nc for th c who have in
jurtMl ito lone of their a(om-H-hst hy the miitiiktciaic une of
into3tic:ilimr linuom. Iiv i(n liirhllv sliniiiLiliiiir elied iiton
! theRtonint-h rnn.n iii the rravuiK for imiulunts, while it
lia 110 iiijtirioiii iicti ii 011 tin? brum, unit ia not uccci'ilrtl
by fceiiiiu'B of dcprriuiuiii, which uHvaya ftllow tho une uf
ak'-h"lic tiinmkin'fl.
A few l. '.' luld'il to imiriifstia, rhnharh or other purga
tive mtliciiici, will rcmler (hem more acceptable t the
cloiutch miit preveiit the griping which ia aptMucctHiipaiiy
theii uftun.
N. E. corner of 7th and Chestnut Streets.
riiiUb-lphia, Apnl'13, lel - Iv
'I'HE suWrilier has just received a new supply
of the best liquors Uiat ever came to .Suuliurv,
consisliin? in part of
tSuM-rior old pule Brandy.
Fine CoBiiiue Brandy.
Superior Old Jamaica Spiiils.
New England Ruin.
Fine Holland Gin.
Superior Old Whiskey
Cumin in do.
KuH-rior Maderia Wine.
Lislam do. do.
Superior Tort Wine.
Burgundy Port do.
Sweet Miiluita Wine.
Suierior Cluret Wine in bottles.
Champagne do. do.
Sunbury, May 88 1849.
Green's Oxygenated Hitter, prico reduced.
Cld Jiicoli Tawnsend's 5-urs.iparilla.'s Sarsapnrilia.
Swiiyue's ''yrup nf Wild Cherry
Swiivm-'a crinilune.
gyre's Che.-ry Peclorul
Dr. l.'rul.c's Punucea.
l!r. Cullen's iln
Tilibit's Puin Killer.
Dr. llootlunu's lieriuaii Iiillers-
1 mil :i ') Wffftuhle Pills
llororiind Cuttle Meilicinra
For sale by HENRY MASSER
unbtiry, July 14, 1819.
1.ANK NOTES, waiving the eieinption
law of $300, for aale by
AprU,28, 1851- H. B. MASSER. '
WRITING FLUID and a sealing Enva-
" loHis, just received and fot
April 19, ISal. II
lie by
STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers,
and other articles of stone ware just received
and tor sale by JOHN W. FRILING.
Sunbury, June S3, 1849.
J. Tea Company. For sale hy
EAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin
Ie by
Ia the Useful and Interesting Arts with a J
sjiiuple a nil ( uriou Experiments ia
T NCI.UUING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemii
Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary,
mestic Lconoiny, etc etc. etc. Price 6 cts.,
sale by HENRY MA8SEF
Sunbury, Dee. 8, 1849.
iIjTTiTiTjxijw .mhs i
Just received at the store of HENRY M
SI'R, a lot of Caps, Gum Shoes, Alinsn
Queensware, Liijuors Ac. All of which wi'
sold at the lowest price.
Dec. 14, 1850.
r ife
-4 lts
Valuable nooka.
or Un a i st, nanasomely liound, 1)
st s MisToar or tss Kcruaa. r
Hl.lNK. DaT-BOIIKS AMD LU6SBS, full boutl
For sale at the publishers prices by
11. B. MASSKl
Sunbury, July 14, 1849
Sunbury, Dec. J, 1848
excellent article for aale
Sunsury Jan. STOt, U49 U.
71 T INERAL WATER, from the Oak Ore
Oi Acid Springs, highly valuable in cbron
eases, andjonic rcmeuies, for sale
Sunbury June 89, 1850 tf
CAPS. An assortment just received.
-I silk HATS at 5, for aale by
Sunbury, Dec 848.
BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and
Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Sural
Ac, fur sale by H. B. MASSl
Sunbury, April 86. 1851.
CM LVErf vTaTCHES A few double
English Silver Watches, for aale at ver
prices by H. B. MASS
Sunbury, April 18, 1851.
BLANKS of every description can be h
Pi tying at thaotKoa of the America!
DADD'8 celebrated Horse and Cattle
neforaa'- V HENRY MASS