SUNBUHY AME1UCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES OF NORTIIUMBK11LAN1) COUNTY. From the first day of January, A. D. 1851, to the 31 dity of December, .?. D. 1S51, . i 4 botk days included. , , GEORGE B. YOUXGMAN, ESQ , TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE SAME. To am't rec'd from Collcctori fur 1849, $378 1 1 J m 1850, 6030 S4i , , 1851, 4279 25 - County tax unseat, land, 3 78 Road tat do 8 30 School tax do 30 m County tax on Tighlman's lands, 17 60J Road tax do 1 Sl ' " School tat do U 3RJ Poor tat do I' Du bill of D. Chichester. 6 00 G. Martin, rent. Court House, 100 " Dividend on Northumberland Bridge Stock, P0 00 - Refunded by Jus. EcXman, 10 76 J m " J. M. Simpson, 3 00 " Court fines and Jury funds from Proth'y Farnsworth, 73 00 'Balance duo George B. Younginan on County Funds, 631 10 $11,379 12 J GEORGE B YOUNGMAN, ESQ., TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY, RESPECTING STATE FUNDS, FOll 1851 du. To amount of Slate tax for 1843, $44 61 18)9, 216 06 " 1850, 2143 21 u u 1N5I, 8789 55 on Tighlman's bind, 32 10 " on unseated land, 8 30 To Tavern License, 510 00 " Balance on Retailers' License, 787 06 " License on Patent Medicines, 1 5 00 " Ovster shops Beerhouses, 10 00 ' Distillers, 21 00 Breweries, 8 t'O Militia fines, lor 1849, 77 13 1850, 23!) 57 1851, 04 50 " Balance of Militia fines in Treasurer's hands, )er last report, 66 71 of Slate tax in Treasurer's hands, per last report, 4 180 49 $17,203 20 SETTLEMENT WITH THE Expenditures of the County of Northumberland, as per orders issued by the Commissioners on the Treasurer of said county during the year 1851. Viewing Roads and sites for Bridges, Kufundiug, KheiifTs Fees, Prothonotary's Fees, Public Buildings, Auditor's Wages, Lluildjng slid repairing Bridges, Assessors' Pay. I'onnnoiiwealtri Costs, Damages Hoads, nnstatilcs making return to Court, Stationary, .'oroners' Inquests, uror's pay, 'ourt Crier, ,'nustables attending Court, Vttomey for the County, 'uoL $144 00 179 54 650 40 280 85 2H6 09j 131 (0 1821 (J 289 66 361 09 23ll 00 76 89 80 47 49 91 2185 40 102 01) HO 00 45 00 1 00 Amount carried over, 7,015 18 AMOUNT DUE FROM COLLECTORS ON COUNTY AND STATE TAX. Covntv Tax. amuel Awl, Augusta, H10, $27 96 lichacl Evert, Augusta, 1840, 40 95 ohn Leibig, Coal, 148, 19 23 )avid Stiihlnecker, Delaware, " 63 74 ' ohn Leisenring. NorthuniberlM, " 2i6 52 ohn Liehig. Coal, 1849, 16 87 lavid Stahlnecker, Dclawaro, " 17186 'homa Bare, Iewis, " 4 02 jhn Leisenring, Nortliumbe'l'd, " 271 72 icob Beck, Sunbury, " 46 06 ennis Buoy, Chiliiuaque, 1850, 170 15 harles Fox, Delaware, " 52 33 inies Vandyke, NortliuinhcrI'd, " 108 41 enry R. Johnson, Rush, " l' 61 corge. Kunts, Tiirbut, " 59 32 ilomoii Martx, Coal, 1451, 238 25 icob Kline, Chilisquaqun, " 714 35 hn Dine, Cameron, " 96 28 jniet Cares, Delaware, u 016 41 artin DrumhchVr. Jackson, 44 241 97 ivid Wilson, Lewis, " 570 68 cob R. Clark, Lower Augusta, " 4 1 1 97 cob Bingaman, Low. Mahonoy, " 330 87 8. Drumheller, Liu Mahonoy, 0114 mcs Buoy, Milton, " 255 09 tier Ruch, Nortliuinberlaud, " 266 83 aei.h Vaukirk. Point, " 410 03 enry R. Johnson, Rush, " 313 29 muel Hales. Shsmokin. 214 07 ter Pursel, Sunbury, 219 88 'orgc Kuntr., Turlmt, - 540 75 illiam Reed, l"p. Augusta, " 60 45 m. Bcrghciscr, L'p. Mahonoy, " 139 91 87,195 63 MILITIA FINES DUE cliael Evert, Augusta, 111 Liebig, Cuul, Siahluecker, Delaware, ;ob Beck, Sunbury, in Liebiif, Coal, Siahluecker. Delaware, Des Buoy, Milton, . LeisenriiiL', Nonhumberl'd se Smith, Point, ob Beck, Sunbmy, in Leibig, Coal, in is Buoy, Chilisquaque, tries Fox, Delaware, rlin Drumheller, Jackson, i. Clark, Lower Augusta, 10 D. Raker, Lit. Mahonoy, nes Buoy, Milton, . Vandyke, Nonhumberl'd, Try R. Johnson, Rush, irad Kershner, Sunbury, rge Kuniz, Turbut, Amount carried over, 1846 $34 00 1 1848 16 00 ; 1 95 35 00 1849 21 50 13 50 " 34 00 34 50 1 9 00 l 50 1850 29 00 1 45 00 54 00 88 00 " 44 50 50 ( 38 50 'I 36 00 42 00 11 59 60 25 50 S733 45 I0UNT OF COUNTY AND STATE TAX Collectors. jmoti Martz, Coal, ob Kline. Chilisijuaque, a Hine, Cameron, liel Cares, Delaware, rlin Drumheller, Jackson, . id Wilson, Lewis, ib R. Claik, Lower Aucusta, ib Bineaman, Lower Mahonoy, id S. Drumheller, Little Mahonoy, es Buoy, Milton, ir Ruch, Northumberland, 'ph Vankirk, Point, ry R. Johnson, Rush, uel Hales, Shamokin, r Pursel, Sunbury, rge Kunu, Tm but, liam Reed, Upper Augusta, liam Beryheiser, Upper Mahonoy, t, the nndcrsiznl. Auditors of Norihuroheihnd esaiatv, duly clerted and swora In ailjuat Ilia arenunts at tlia offi J A -..u An wiii. thut uu huva nuelullv rxHiBiued ill. VSN-hors, and find tlwl there is dus lo Go-iraa II . .m.. Kta.. Trmurer. lb. aun Bv auiHtrsd of Northuinlwraud, three hundred dolkra ; also due the (Suits Svs tiKSismid and eiirhly-eigUt dollars, and tweuly. ..... Ui. i.t mi ihnuae.ul five hmulrnl ami aiiiv-iiiiie d. illurs. and buy-four cents nutaundina mi. aKa; also iny orders yel ouleuuulins lo the even and a half cents, making the liabilities of i. forty-fiMir aud a hair eeuts. mi is due irom ..i, 1..A .;.,!. r,ia and l,,n v, nt ht 1 eenls. and on thousand Iv hundred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty-lout eenU uulatandlug militia fines also aevra dollars and twmly-fiv rents court fines, and one hundred and forty d siars jury luudsj also a sot. held Thomas Allen f-w W. in all ainiHiutuig to iu.fiJO l. After deduetuia; tlu ImbdiUee. th buance ui favor euu ir will t $4,111 Witness our hands WM L. COOK, tm CR. By balance due Geo. B. Youngman, per laat report, $001 15 " Caah paid Eastern Penitentiary, 15 96 ' Cash on note in North'land Bunk, 700 00 " Interest on do 39 16 ' Cash p'd on Com'aionera' Orders, 9340 1U " Charge for going to Northumberland 6 time to renew note, collect bridge took, pay money due Eastern Pen ctantiary, 9 00 " Percentage on $220 65 p'd .tosso M. Simpson, lute trcas'r, at SJ per ct. 5 51 J ' Percentage on $15 96 paid Eastern Pcnctciitinry, 0 40 " Percentage on $739 16 paid Nor tliumlierland Bank, 18 47 ' Percentage on $9;J40 19 paid on Commissioner!' Order, 233 50 " Collector's commission on $20 28 tax on Tighlman's lands, at 5 p. it, 101 do on $15 28 tat on uu seated land, 0 76 " Depreciated money, 63 00 $11,378 12V CR. By cash paid State Treasurer, as per ccipt, dated Jan ry 21st, 185.1, 'ol l) April 23.1, " 1 Villi mi C0N6 29 707 75 3359 01 " " July 17th, " " July 23d, " " " July 25th, " By Treasurer's commission on $12, 910 99 at 1 per cent, " ' on $32 10. nt 5 p.ct, " " on $1368 35, Tavern, Retailers' license, Ac. " " on S liO.uns'ted lands, 129 16 1 60 C8 41 41 By cah paid Brigade Inspectors, Vol unteer Comp's, as per vouchers, " Treasurer's commission on $137 91 on militia lines at 1 p. ct, " " mi $1101 20 State tax due the Com' wealth, up to Jan. 1st, 1852, Balance in Treasurer's hands, 437 91 4 33 11 01 2896 35 S 17,203 29 COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Amount brought over, S7015 18 Prison expenses, 36 65 Contingencies, 43 49 Priming, 393 00 Premium on Fox Scalps, 41 00 Treasurer's Fee on Deeds, 15 37 District Attorney' Fees, 135 50 Clerk's wages for 1850, in full. 4137 " - 1851. in part, 280 43 General and Township elections, 687 75 School tax on unseated lauds, 192 65 Road tax " 124 96 Northumberland County Agricultural Societv, 100 00 , . f Jacob HoflTa, for 1850, f 15 00 M Wm. Wilson, 1851, 1 10 00 ? 1 C. Albert, " 76 00 1 C. Weaver, " 285 00 . 486 00 39,583 26 State Tax. d. Leisenrin?, Northumbcrl'd, 1 843 $18 07 1 419 68 93 99 03 1 1 48 1850 686 02 52 90 - 50 49 230 95 60 29 1851 343 45 13 08 5 1 59 528 44 18 47 543 90 177 45 v, - 388 81 I-, " 23 75 " 110 73 500 35 ' 202 54 " 53 23 210 48 - 800 00 " 139 65 S5.940 78 John Leibig, Coal, Dan. Stahlnecker, Delaware, Thomas Uarr, Lewis, Dennis Buoy, Chilisiuaqtte, James Vandyke, Nortliumberl'd, Henry R. Johnson, Rush, Conrad Kershner, Sunbury, George Kuntz, Turbut, Solomon Martx, Coal, Jacob Kline, Chilisuaque, John Hine, Cuineron, Daniel Cares, Delaware, Martin Drumheller, Jackson, David Wilson, Lewis, Jacob R. CI irk, Low. Augusta, Jacob llimrauiaii, Low. M.1I10110; D. S. Drumheller, Lit. Miliono Jamas Buoy, Milton, 1'eter Kucb, Nort'iiumberland, Joseph Vankirk, Point, Henry R. Johnson, Rush, Samuel Hales, Sliumokili, Peter Pursel, Kiinlmry, George Kinilz. Turbut, William Reed, I 'p. Augusta, FROM COLLECTORS. Amount brought over, J.icob Kckrriwi, Up. Anmisla, 1850 Abm. Kuiiaelmun, U.Muhoiioy. " S733 45 4 09 21 50 21 00 44 00 16 50 68 00 82 50 46 50 78 50 62 00 20 60 05 00 43 00 32 50 43 00 76 00 25 00 26 50 23 60 Salomon Mail., Coal, 1801 Jacob Kline, Chilieiiuaque, J dm Hiue, Cameron, D.initfl Cares, Delaware, Martin Drumheller, Jackson, D.ividj Wilson, Lewis, J. R. Clark, Lower AuL'ttsta, Jacob Hinoeinaii, L. M.iliouoy, D. S. Diumheller, Lit. Muhonoy, " James Buoy, Milton, " Peler Ruch, Northumberland, " Joseph Vankirk, Point, Henry R Johnson, Rush, Samuel Hales, Shamokin, Peter Pursel, S inbnry, Georire Knnl, Tin bill, William Reed, Up. Aimusta, Wm. liorgheirer, Up. Muhonoy, " 36 50 $-1,509 54 AND MILITIA FINES LEVIED FOR 1851 Co'untv Tax. Statr Tax. Militia Finks. 339 754 $43187 Sil 00 852 90J 1220 12 4 4 00 96 28 130 37 IB 60 977 79J 1349 49 68 00 C61 434 913 20 82 50 796 27 1110 21 46 50 576 40 7S0 10 78 50 637 77 4 893 24 75 50 137 74 191 38 20 50 622 51 745 99 65 00 596 05 733 51 68 uO 492 64 4 .711 92 32 50 667 77 807 27 43 00 609 89 863 75 76 00 50OK54 716 06 39 00 766 35 1138 63 26 50 455 62 665 18 35 50 452 914 629 59 36 60 $10,040 66 $14,031 88 865 00 sad ihirtv.ias! d Slars, and U- and a fourth cenU: also due amount (if two thousand rw hundred and siilv-mue dolhus and the eoiiiity buthiiU t inn tliouaund srvea huitdred i and bllyeiyht sHwun onum, mm ....... . ou uubt ftute tai Ivc UiouKnd nine hundred and forty dolluri and seven. this thirteenth day m January, A. v., itxa. BEN W. AKT.VIAN, J. II. ZIMMERMAN, Auditors. Hew Advertisements. HARRISBTTRQ STEAM WOOD TURNING AND SCROLL SAWING 8HOP. Wood Turning In all its branches, in city style and at city prices. Every variety of Cabinet and Carpenter work either on hand or turned to order. Bed Posts, Balusters, Rosetts, Slat and Quar ter Mouldings, Table Legs, Newell Post. PaU terns. Awning Posts, Wagon Hubs, Columns, Round or Octagon Chisel Handles, Ac. IT" This shop i in STRAWBERRY AL LEY, near Third Street, and as we intend to please all our customer who want good work done, it i hoicd that all the trade wit' give us a call. 17" Ten-Piiis and Ten-Pin Balls made to or der or returned. The attention of Cabinet Makers and Carpen ters is called to our new stvlo of TWIST MOULDINGS. Printer's Riglets nt $1 per 100 feet. W. O. HICK.OK. February 7, 1852 ly. EonnetJ, Ilats and Millinery Goods! MERCHANTS and Milliners when in Phil adelphia to purchase their goods, will find it to their interest to examine our large and fash ionable slock of STRAIT COS. We manufacture largely and impoiit the Newkst 8TTtrs or Fori-is; a Fabric in our line ; which toirether with other advanta ges enable us lo tilicr liberal inducements to bin. us. R. A. CROOKER, & CO.. No. 47 and 40 Chestnut Street, and No. 66 South Second Street, west side, near Chestnut, Philadelphia. Dccemlier 27, 1851. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of un order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be ex pi wed to public sale, on Saturday the 2lst dny of r'el ruary next, on the premises, estate to wit : A certain le following real Trnct of Land, situate in Little Muhonoy township, County aforesaid, lioundrd by land of Samuel Kolhcrmel, William R.iker and Daniel Wagner, containing about 37 AfJttF,, whereon is erected a FRAME HOUSE, (Tavern Sistul,) Bank Barn, Shed and a LARGE APPLE ORCHARD, six or eight ocres lieing meadow land. All a piece of Woodland, unimproved, on the south side of the. Mahonoy mountain, adjoining land of P. Kersteter and Win. Kakcr, containing 14 ACRES more or less. Late the cstuto of Frederick Ra ker, deceased. Sale to commerce at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said dnv when the term of sale will be made known by" JACOB D. HOFFMAN, Trustee. Bv order of the Court, 1 P. PURSEL, Clk, ). C. S Jan. 24, 1852 5t, ) J ORPHANS" COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Nortliuiiilieihind county, will lie exposed to public sale, on Thursday the 20th day of Fob- ruary next, on the premises, the following real estate to wit : A certain Tract of Land, situate in Point township, t ounty nloresaul, l:e ginning at a corner on bind of Isaac Vincent, thence by said laud south 40 east 439 perches to the river, thence north 79 east 45 perches along the rivci. theneo by land of Jonathan Puisel. North 4l west 42'J perches to a corner on land of Joseph Lemen's heirs, thence couth 89 east 50 perches to the place of licginning, containing 106 Acres. The most of which is under cultivation, and whereon is erected a two story frame DWELLING HOUSE, and a Log Stable. Late the estate of Leonard Pfoutz, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said lay, when the terms of sale will 1 made known by jiniji mil 17, i BENJ. PFOUTZ, $ Adm'r. Bv order of the Court, J. P. JM'KSKL, Clk. t). C, Jan. 24, 133 5U J. STOCKMAN & SON, MANCFACTrriF.ns and Dkai.fks in COLD AND SILVEIl I'KNCJLS, Tlilmlilcs, Silver Warr, Jewelry, if. Al lh Old Established Stand, Sinn of the Gold Thimble, No. CO Chestnut Struct, South side, between 2d and 3d Sis., PHILADELPHIA. TCTSniERE thev manufacture and keep con- ' stnntly on hand a variety of articles, suita ble fur city or country trade, among which are Gold s.nd Silver Patent and other kinds o Pencils, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Combs, Finger Shields, Knitting Sheaths, Needle Case, Scissor Hook and Chain. Purse Clasps. Tooth mid Kr Picks, Tweezers, Nursing Tulie. Odd Fellow' and Sons of Temperance Jewels and Emblems, &c.., also Silccr Spoons, Forks ami Ihttler Knives. In addition to which they keep a general sup ply of Rogers' Superior Plated and German Silver ijoorts Of the first quality, such as Spoon, Fork, Soup und Oyster Ladles, Butter Knives, Spectacles, fit. Jackson's celebrated Lead for Pencils of all sixes by the quantity, at the lowest market prices. January, 24, 1852. Sill ATTENTION, DEW ART r.l'RS!t "VTOl are commanded to meet in Mar- ket Siuare, Sunbury, on MONDAY, -J3J of February, at 10 o'clock, A. M., fully equippej for drill. liy order ol tlie Captain. CEO. OLIPHANT, O. 8 Sunbury, Feb. 14, 1853 ATTENTION, FARMERS 0 IIKCUAXICS' AUTILLISHISTS!! 'OlT are commanded to meet in - Market fSouure, riunhury, on SATt'RPAY, 21st of February, at 9 o'clock, A. M., fully equipped lor drill. A Court of Appcala will also be held on the same duy. Dy order of the Captain, SOLOMON 8TKOH, O. 6, Sunbury, Feb. 7, 1852. fTIOLD PENS with and without eases, of a C M very superior Quality, just received. Also a Iresh supply ol vv ruing num. ror sue by n. O. .HABOtill, Sunbury, Dec Z7, 18ol. SMITH'S ESSENCE OK JAMAICA GIN GER, a fresh aupply just received, and tits sale tiy o. uasoliu Sunbury, Jau. 10, 1852. 10 R aale at this ollice, Sujierior Black Ink Cattla Medicine at 85 cts, Pur Easenc ol Ginger, 25 ceut. 1T AKKIAGE CETIFICATES handsomely executed for sale at this olliie, single by the dozen. i i CHERRY PECTORAL: For Ik Cara mt OOUOHS, OOX.DS, HOARSENESS, SHOW OHXTXS, GROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPZlTO-OOUOa A2TX OOXTSUZHXPTZOIV . In offering lo the community this justly eele. bra ted remedy for disease of the throat and lungs, it I not our wish to trifle with the live or health of the nlllictcd, but frankly to lay before them the opinion of distinguished men and some of the evidence of the success, from which they can judge for themselves. We sincerely pledge ourselves to make no wild assertions or false statements of its eflieacy, nor will we hold out any hope to suffering humanity which fact will not warrant. Many proof are here given, and we solicit an inquiry from the public into all we publish, feel ing assured they will find them perfectly reliable, and the medicine worthy their best confidence and patronage. From lhe distinguished Profcsior of Chemistry and Materia Mcdica, lioirdom College. Dear Sir : I delayed answering the receipt of your preparation, until I hud an opportunity ot witnessing its effects in my own family, or in the families of my friends. This I have now done with a high degree of satisfaction, in eases both of adults and children. I have found it, as its ingredients show, a pow erful remedy fur colds, and cough, and pulmon ary diseases. PARKER CLEAVELAND, M..D. Dki-sswick, Me., Feb. 6, 1847. From an Overseer in the Hamilton Mills, in this City. Lowkll, Aug. 10, 1849. Dr. J. C. Aver : I have been cured of the worst cough I ever had in my life, by your "Cur.KBt Pkitohl," and never fail, when I have opportunity, of recommending it to others. Yours, respectl'ullv, S. i). EMERSON. VW Read the following, and see if this medi cine is worth a trial. This patient had become very feeble, and the effect of the medicine wu unmistakably distinct : I. S. Hutiil, Sakatiic.a Srnniis, ) July 5, 1849. Dr. J. C. Ever, Sir : I have been afflicted with a painful affection of the lungs and all the symptoms of settled consumption, for more than a J car. I could find no medicine that would reach my ease, unlit I commenced the use of your "Uhkkki j'KCTnnAL, wiucn gave me gradual relief, and I hove been steadily gaining my strength till my health is well nigh restored, While using your medicine, I had the gratifi cation of curing with it my reverend friend, Mr. Truman, of Suinpter District, who had lieen sus pended from hi parochial duties by a sex. re at tack of bronchitis. I have pleasure in certifying tle fact to you, And am, sir, yours, resicelfiilly, J. r. fJAI.UUUN, of B. V. VW The following was one of the worst of cases, which the physicians and friend thought to lie incurable, consumption : CiiESTKn, Pa, Aug. 22, IS 1(1. J. C. Aver, Sir: I was taken with a terrible cough, brought on by s cold, in the lginuiiig of last February, and was confined to mv led more than two mouths. Coughing incessantly night and day, I liccame ghastly and pale, my eyes were sunken and glassy, and my breath very short. Indeed, I was rapidly failing, and in such distrcs for breath, that but little hope of my re covery could lie entertained. While in thi situ ation, a friend of mine, (the lutv. John Keller, of the Methodist church) brought me a bottle of your Cukbbt Pectiihal, which I tried more to gratify him, than from any expectation of obtain ing relief. Its goad effect induced me to con tinue its use, ami I soon found my health much improved. Now in three months, I am well and strong, and can attribute my euro only to your rest meilKiuc. With the deepest gratitude, yours, Ac. JAMES GODFREY. Prepared and snld liy JAMES C. AY EH, i radical t ncinisl, Lou-cll, jilnss Sold in Sunburv by H. MASSF.R, and by ruguists generally throughout the State- November 1, 1851. lyeeSmo. WM7lC"Pw0OTEElRi ATTORNEUT AT LAV7, KUNRHKY, IM. Dec. 13. 1R51. tf. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court ol iNortliiimlierlHnd count v, will to exposed lo public sale on Saturday the 7lh day of Febru ary next, on the premisea, the following real es tate to wit : A certain TRACT OR PIECE OF LAND, situate in Lower Augusta township, .aunty iforesaid, containing 14 Acres, adjoining land of Samuel Reits, Henry Rodgers and Adum Snyder, on which is erected a FRAME HOUSE, a Log Darn, all of which is cleared, and on which is a small UIICHARD. Late the es tate of Laviiiu Dcachel, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o clock, A. M. of aaid lay, when the terms of sale will lw mude knows by SAMI EL REITZ, Adui r, Hy ttrder nfllie t ourt, P. Pl'RsKL, Clk. O. C Jan. 10, 1852. 5U TI1K WORLD'S FAIR." Colli lYIrtlaf Awarded, To Eli Krupp, for his "Efscnct of Coffee." V is now sutisfsetorily decided that Krupp's Essence tif C'ofl'ee" is the best and most wholesome preparation for Coffee in the world. W e therelorv recommend it to all lovers ol "Good Cojfir" as an article of great value. The price laonly 124 rents per package, which with one lb. of Coffee will go a fur as five lbs. of ordinary Colfce alone. Storekeepers and all others ttat may purchase it are assured that if it docs not give entire satis. faction it may lie returned, and the money will lie refunded. Manulaetured ly ELI K1U PP, No. 639 N. 3d St, Philadelphia. January 3, 1861 3m. WRX. a. 1MASON, Kngrnvcr nnd l'linter, No. 46 C lust nut Street, aiovs Second, rHZZ.ASSX.PHZ A. IS prepared to do ENGRAVING and PRINT ING, in all their branches, Wedding, Visiting and Business Cards, Ball Tickets, Watch Papers, Label. Bill Heads Notes, Checks, Drafts and Diplomas. Seals and Stamps for Corporations, Udd Fellows, Masons, Sons of Temperanea, eVe. All th above engraved in the best manners Orders by Post promptly atleuded lo. December ST, 1851 ly. LANK DEEDS printed on tha best quality of parchment paper, sold at the lowest prices at this office., by wholesale and retail . for rf ISSUE PAPERv YeUow Tiss- 1 covering sIsjsmm, 4c, for r l4.1-' a American. . II or Amerirsn. "AID AND COMFORT," To Your Own ITIechnnics. GEORGE KENN. ' MANUFACTURER op FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. "THE aiiliscrilwr respectfully rails the attention ' of the public to hi large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of c: ni ft rr-w a it 13. which rannot fail to retommend itself tocyery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to he had in the rity. No effort is pared in the manufacture of his ware, and the auhscrilier is determined to keep up with the many Improvement which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany Koran, Ulvnnsi nml Loungei, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFJ, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of hi business. Ho also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, including varieties never liefore to he had Ir Sunbury, such as Maiiooaxt, Black Waict and (.Ymlkii Maplr fSnitriAK ; aii Wixnsna CHAIRS, ai act Pno Stouis, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The suhncrilier is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence eon le entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His article will be disposed of on as good terms as they can lie purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Hmiiss, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. VW The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver' Tavern, GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. irElUUXG'S (WlUIKirs I'ATKXT.) SALAMANDKIt SAFES. THE validity of this patent, (after having been vigorously contested by suit at law for the last six years.) has Iwen fully and finally estab lished in the Supreme Court of the Imited State. The undersiened. at his depot, ha on hand a large assort meiit of the genuine PATENT SALAMANDER SAFES, A '.SO, ALL KIN OS OF Iron diesis, Money Hoxcs, j Vault Doors and Bank A'aults, both fire and bur- glar )roof, with new and Second Hand Safe of other makers forming the largest assortment in the world. Also, the following LOCKS: Jones's Changeable, Combination, Permutation, and Iettcr Changeable Anti Gunpowder Locks; Hall'a New Patent Powder and Burglar-Proof Lock; Dav, Newell &. Day's; and Locks ef other celebrated makers. .IOII FARRF.L, No. !M Walnut street, Philadelphia, Sole Agent for the State of Pennsylvania. January 10, 1S52. -in. THE GERMAN WASHING POWDERS IS considered by thousan la who have Rested it, na lieinrr the Greatest Scientific Wonder of the World! Entirely dointr away with that laborious and in jurious practice of rubbing the . CLOTHES upon th r WASHBOARD, And a great saving of TIME, LABOR AND EXPENSE. N. D. To prevent fraud and imposition, (for many arc trying to palm off article put up like mine.') the" Proprietor, I. P. HOV'T, will put his WRITTEN SKJNATl'KE on the top la bel of every Package. And he only asks an enlightruetl jnillif not to confound THE F.K3IA?I WAMIIXd POWDER with other that are in the market. It is put up in Paekoges with full directions, and sold at llie-uominnl price of 121 cents. VP PRINTERS will find it rrrcatlv toadvan tagc to purchase lliosc Powder to cleanse their TYPES AND ROLLERS, being a very superior article for that purpose. Manufactured only by I. P. 1IOYT, at his Lalioiatory and Principal Dcisit, No. 10 South FiRh Street, Philadelphia. W holesale mid Retail Agents ; Henry Masser, Sunbury ; S. II. Dtmormandie, Northumberland! RememWr the name GERMAN WASHING FLl'ID. All letters to ls post paid. Novemlier 22, 1851 Gmo. J. I. BITTERICK, A'o 78 North PHII.AI5EI.PHIA. HEREBY inform the public that he Imports and constantly keeps ou hand at his new store. No. 78 North 2d St., a large assortment of Foreign Fancy Hoods, Musical Instruments, Pictures Sr Paints, which he will sell ut the lowest prices. His stock, in part, consists of, Accordcons, loluis. Music Boxes, 1'iulor and Bar Room Or gaus, Melodeous, Seraphiiies, Mathematical In slrtimcnta, Magnets, Spy nnd )ra Classes, Stationery of all kinds. Pocket Books, Bronze Powder, Dutch Metal, Gold and Silver Leaf, Sealea ol all kinds, Mm II and looacco Boxes, Lithographic Paints, Cupper Piute and Steel En. graving, und pictures tif every variety. Also Gilt Frame Mouldings of various size. Dealers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup. plied at reasonable prices. December 20, 1851. tf. HOVER'S IKK MANUFACTORY, " nmovKD to No. 1 14 lluce Mi-erf. (BeJween ith and 5th, opposite Crown St. PH1LADBLFHIA. Al'IIKRK the PrawrieU is runiaed, hy iuerwisM fttril V , tiea. 1.1 suiily till' KTowlug demand for HOVKHI lK. whii'h iu- wide-St-iHl reituiMlaai lull creeled. This Ink in uow so well estaliiialied in the b;omI oeinhm ami emibileiire lm AntMriran Public, thai it is arareeiy nurcaaurv to aav aiivtliiiMi in us favor, aisi the nuuiulactu. rur lakes ihis oniMirttiuiiy to any thut Uie confidence Utus etnirnd aim II n'S lieahuatl. lu uiHliiiiai to the various kuiria of Writin Ink. he alati nauulaclur4 Aiiiiiiauitine Cement for iiienuius; tiluas and t'hiuu, as well aa a antwri'S' tluir Dye ; a trial ity is lie ceaaary to insure its future iim, atsl a eValiua; Wax, well adHpied for UruaniaiB and Itottlera, al a very kw price, tu airire or small uuaiitilles. Urders arklr.wd to JCfKPII IIOVKR. Manufariurer, No. lit Race Htreet, Hrtwean 4th k 6th, laiposite Crown titreet, Pbiladelpliia. Deoemuei 17, loll. Jin, BUFFALO KOBES. ALSO, FANCY FURS, such as MulTs, Boas, Tippets, Victorias, &e., Ac The subscri bers oiler the above fur sale, wholesale PI retail, in tlie greatest variety, and on . cheapest tern at thou Eatablishr-.n,, . U3 North Thi 8treet, oppo cherr Philadelphia. JAMES REISKY & CO November 8, 1851. tmo. r . ol HAZOH6A superior arU.1 for UI at ths store of HENRY MAtER. tjinbury, Tab. IS, 18S0,-, TO PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. L. PELOUZK'S Philadelphia Type Foundry. Orent Reduction In True. Ac TH E undersigned beg leave to call ths atten tion of Printers and Publishers to the greatly reduced prices of his Type, i : Pearl, $1,08 Minion, Agate, 73 Brevier, Nonpareil, 5S Bouigeoie, Long Primer, 84 Small Pica, 49 43 8T 83 Pica, 80, and all other type in proportion. But wishing to encourage cash payments, the milwcrilier will make a still larger deduction of from 13 to 15 per cent for eash. Having greatly enlarged and improved his establishment, he flatters himself to be able to supply his customers with greater des patch than most of his competitor. He has constantly on hand Cases, Chases, Composing Sticks, Stands, Brass and Wooden Galloys, and all other materials used in a Printing Office All orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to at the North West Corner of 3d and Chestnut streets. L. PELOL'ZE. N. B. Old Type taken in exchange for new at nine rents per pound. Philadelphia, Dec. 20, 1851.- tf. MORE GOOD NEWS!! MORE NEW O00DS ! ! JOHN YOUNG, HAS just received and opened a fresh and general assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, of the newest and best styles, consisting in part of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QTTEENSWARE. Ilardwart. Iron and Steel, Nails, le., ALSO i SILK AND SLOUCH HATS, MILITARY AND CLOTH CAPS. Gum Shoes, Fish, Salt, &o. All of which he will sell at the most reasonable price for cash or country produce. (iive him a call and try his prices. Sunbury, Nov 23, 185'l. J OH ft A. II VlllilS, Manufacturer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestic Segars, Also, a general assortment of ItlnnuractHred Tobacco, CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar ket prices. Corner of Chestnut St., and Wharves, Philadelphia. December 87, 1851. ly. GREAT BARGAINS ! "Watches and Jewellery, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. HAVING constantly on hand an immense stock of Watches and Jewellery, 1 am de termined to sell at less prices than the same qual ity of Watches or Jewellery are sold in Philadel phia, viz : (Jold Lever Watchca, full jewelled 18 ka ease, only ifi30,08 Gold Lcpine, " ' Silver Levera, full jewelled, only Silver Lepines, " Gold Pencils, Gold Pens, Silver holders, 18 84,00 14,00 11,00 1,50 1,1)0 Also an immense stock of all kinds of Watch es, Gold Chains, Breastpins, Earrings, Silver Spoons, &c, all of which I will sell at less pri ces than ever have been sold in this city, as the prices are certainly much less than ever hereto fore sold in thi city or county. California Gold bought for Cash. Particular attention paid to repairing Watches and Jewel lerv. All I ask is a cull to convince Purchasers that this is the place to purchase Watches, Jcw- llery and Silver ware. 'ersoiis by sending the cash they wish to ex pend can have a wutch or watches scut to them iv mail Willi pcrlect safety, Having sent tnem in that wav lor the last 6 years. All communica tions must be Host paid Please call or send or- lers to LEWIS LAUUMl s, No. 103 Chesnut St., betwn 3d and 4th St., East Wing of Fruiiklin House. Philadelphia, Oct 25, 1851.- tf. TO DYSPEPTICS. THE aulincrilwrs offer for sale Cheltenham Salt, in invaluable remedy for this disease is an exact imitation of the water of the cele brated Cheltenham Spring of England, which its lieen found so lienelicial tn eases ol JJvspcp- sin, isilious complaints, pick iieaoacae, jitinn- ual ('ostiveness, Ac., and is purlicularly recom mended as a substitute for Scidlitz Powders, a it acta both as a tonic and gentle purgative. A Pamphlet containing an analysis of the water and reetmns for its use, accompanies eacli Uotlle. Price 38 centa per bottle. flie subs'riliers also prepare a Inglily concen trated Essence of Pure Jamaica Ginger. Price 25 cents per bottle. Full Vatulognrt of ilruga wiin price attached furnished Physicians gratis. Also priced Cata logues of l'uro ClieitliCUls) for analytical Chemists. The attention of Druggista la particularly in vited to our alock of fine drugs, chemicals, etc BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, Gth 6c Arch Street, Philadelphia. October 25, 1651. 4 mo. E. S. JONES & CO., CORNER of Fourth and Race Streets. Ptili- Ushers of the Model Architect, bv SAMl'EI, SLOAN, Architect, to be completed iu 24 month. Iv parts. The aliova work ts designed to meet uie wisnes not only of those directly interested in buildings, but of all who desire the advancement of this no ble art in our country, and wish to cultivate their tustes and acquaintance with architecture. The handsome manner in which it is prepared and eiiilavllished, renders it a tasteful ornament for the drawing-room, while its accurate delineations give it the highest practical value. Noa. 1. 2 & 3 now reauy ior ueuvery. Price 50 cent Per number. Addreaa es above, post paid. May a, ItSDI. ty. ure, mi, iooi. Jfl. I.. MIIMr.l ATTOP.1TST AT LAV". Office tn Market street Sunbury, opposite I curer s jioici j A JUSINES8 will be promptly attended to in NB the Counties of Northumberland, Union, Columbia and Montour, Sunbury, Oct 11, 1851. ly. THOMAS "PAIMER COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 8, North Wharves, Where the following goods are received and sold on commission, Dried Apples, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries, Ac. flreen Annies in Barrels or by tlie Bushel, Beans, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Kt-l Potatoes. Shelbarks, Chestnuts, Ground Nuts, Oranges, l.emons, naiauia. rigs. Prune, Grapea, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Cheeae. And all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1851 ly. SOAP AND CANDIl THE subscril-r Ukes tb methotl jnform. iiig tha ciurens c KyinhuTj nd vicinity, that they are " .gagej In tha manufacture of Soap u1 'andlea, of Ui beat quality, at No. 44 '""ert street, Philsdelphia. Tbey respectfully invite all who buy for cash, to give turn t call aa they will find it to to their advantage ill dealing with him for article in their Una. E. DUFFY V SON, 44 Filbeit sbovo ih. r-emver W, 1M1 t MORE NEW GOODS! , FRILING & GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform ths public and "the rest of mankind," that they bavs tf eaived a large assortment ef FALL AND WINTEB GOODS, of every variety of etyle, consisting In part of ( nne assortment or . . Cloths, Cassimeres, Merinos, Mmuselint afs Lain j, Calicoes, Muslins, Checks, and every variety of Dry Goods. Also a large assortment of GROCERIES, SUCH A Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spicei ' of all kinds. Also an assortment of HARDWARE and QTJEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a tresh supply of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. fiT Country produce of all kinds taken in at change at the highest market price. Sunbury, Nov. 8, 1851. J. 11. KAUFFMAN At Ilis New Store in Hollowing Ron, OESPECTFL'LLY informs his friends and customers, that he has just received a new stock of goods, which he olfers to the public at the lowest prices, viz : Fall and Winter Dry Good. SUCH AS Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Merinos, Movsseline I)e Lames, Flannels and every variety of goods suitable for the season. Also Silk Hats, Caps, Ac ALSO i An assortment of Hardware. ALSO: All Kiiuls, of Groceries, LIQUORS. ALSO! A variety of Quecnsware, Crockery, eVc. Ilesides a variety of other articles, suituble for farmers, A c. All kinds or produce taken in exchange for goods at the highest market price. Hollowing Kun, Oct 25, 1851. tf. LOCZ HEPJC, T7ILLIAM HOOVER respectfully inform f'l hi friends and customers that he has ' just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of NEW SPRING GOODS, which he oilers for sale at his new store at Mas ser's Mill, Hollowing Run. These goods will be sold at the lowest prices. 1113 STOCK CONSISTS OF EVERY VARIETY, Vts: Dry tloods, fyc, Such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Muslins, Callicoss, Oinehams. Lawns, Lhinttes ana Laities Dress Goods generally. ALSO : An assortment of Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c, aUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, IRON and STEEL, NAILS, eta A general assortment of Groceries, such aa Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molas ses, Spices, Stc. Also au assortment of Liquors, such as Brandy, Rum, IViukey, Wines, 4'C. l"V Produce of all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Hollowing Run, May 10, 1851. ly. Phoenix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chests. WARRANTED to stand equal heat with ' any other Chest in the country, and t defy the Uurglas' ingenuity. Manufactory, H. 1U Hudson Alley, running ...... - Fourth slrceU, south of Chesnut, and in ia rear cf the Girurd Bank. M. &. S., the proprietors, are l'raclical Me hanic. and feel confident, from long experience n il,- nn.ifjciiire of Iron meats and Dates, ana a special attention to thi particular branch, of giving satisfaction to all who may fjiva them a call. . . N. B. We have selected one of the liesl min erals ever used s a uon-condueior oi neat, m thi business, and we warrant our ltieta ana Si'ea to be made of the best material and in the P.ost durable manner, and te stand any near, that can be applied to them. MILNOR or. SHAW, Manufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley. Runninc between 3rd and 4th streets, 8 mf Chss- nut, in the rear of Girard Bank. Philadelphia, UcU So, XbOl. it HIE undersigned is in the daily receipt of - fresh and excellent Oysters from the cele brated establishment of Mr. field, Io S31 West Lombard street, Baltimore. All or.lors will be promptly attended to and forwarded without delay. Apply to the sub sciibcr at Lee's Hotel, Northumberland, Ps. SUA I. N. B-Oysters of common quality at $1,00 per can. October II, l ho i. O YSTUKS ! OYSTKKS ! ! A VINO settled at Northumberland, lata, now prepared to furnish Fresh and Spiced Oysters durum the whole season at the reduced price of one dollar for whole and fifty cents per half caa. You can depend upon them being fresh, as I shall receive them daily, (Sunday a excepted,) and when lauded here they are only 16 hours out. ' ol the shell. All persons who are in want of the above, art, cle, at a distance, can have theiu cent per dams or single cau by addressing GEORGE W. JONES. N. D. Persons calling on tha suliscriber may find him either at Burr'a or Haas' Hotel. Northumberland, Oct. 4, 1851. WASHINGTON IIOlTSEl SUNBy, PA. mil E subsoil, re,;!, informs hi frienda the pub'Ac, that he ha token the well "Vjwu Pe'.u'ic House, rjomer oi Market and Ri I er sheets, lately occupied by Mrs. Wharton. H 'iruts bv strict sttention to business he will 00 I . . . . . c .: - ii t enabled to gl satiaiai uoai h an wu may ibtw him with tlieir custom. JAMES COYERT. Sunbury, Oct S5, 1851. tf. .ATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS for bar bottles for sale by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, April, IS, 1851 I EE BILLS. Justices ana Constable Tm Bill banrJiu-ly j me4 on ean) pap, far . siat this nffir. I . rr- t "