I -w'.n is t SUNHUHY AMERICAN AND SH AM OKIN JOURNAL. 1 P o ctr . , NIGHT. ar henry w. LoNoricLLow. 1. , Th" ly gone, ami th darkness Falle from lh winy. of night, A a feather is wafted downward. From an an eagle in ita flight. I Sffl the lifrhtu of Ihe .'Gleam through th rain ami lit mist, And a feeling of sadness comes o'er me, That my soul cannot resist. A feeling of sadness and lousing, That it not akin to pain, And resemble sorrow only As mist resembles tain. Coma read In me mmt poem, Some pimple and lif-ailOlt In y, That (hall south Ihe heartless feeling, And banish the thoughts of day. Not from the grand old mestois, " Not from the bards sublime, Whose distant footstep echo, Through the corridors of time. For, like the strains of martial music, Their niijjhiy thonnhiK sceet Life'a endless toil and endeavor .. And to-night I long for rest. Bead from some bumble poet, Whose notes gush from his hearf, . As showers from the clouds of summer, As tears from I lie eyelids start. Who, through long days nf labor, ' And nights devoid of ease, Still heard in his soul the musio Of wonderful melodies. Some songs hare power to quiet The restlss pnls of rare, And come like the benediction That follows after prayer. Then read from the treasured volume The poem of thy choice, And lend to the rhyme of the poet, - The beanty of thy voice. And the night shall be filled with music, And the cares that infe? the day Shall fold up their tents, like the Arab;, And as silently steal away. A STRING OF IT RMS- New York Citv receives S50,000 annu ally, for licenses to sell lirjunr by the glass. Interesting To "observe a man collect ing his thoughts " The Tnscarora Academy, in Juniata coun ty, was totally destroyed by fire last week. A son of Major Noah is discoursing, in Minesota, upon the history of the Jews. Tub cells in the new wa'ch-house, in Cincinnati, are to be made of imp. Proceedings or Congress. Eight dollars per day. Almisgitino never made a man poor; nor robbery, rich ; nor prospetity, wine. The price of coal has been raised to $7 per ton in New York. It is intended to bridge the Hudson at Al bany. "The French are beginning to build clipper liir- , The poor of Baltimore, are in a most des titute, literally starving condition. A lit begets a lie, until they eome to generations. Tom Paine's birth-day, the 28ih inst., i to be celebrated in New Yoik. A large number of persons are leaving Ohio and Indiana for California. Mas. Forrest, it Is said will make her appearance at Brougham's theatre on 2d f February. If is stated that the defalcation of the late treasurer of Mississippi . will range from 839,000 to $50,000. Eggs are reported te be very scarce in New York, selling at 4 and 5 cents each and in some cases as high as 6 peucr. It is easy enough to tell a hard drinker his offence is always brandied on the end of bis nose. A witness in the Forrest divorce rasp, on the 26th inst., estimated Mr. Forrest's pro perty to be worth $130,000. A society has just been formed in Dublin for the preservation and publication of the ancient melodies of Ireland. The alluvial gold hitherto found in Australia is rather superior in fineness to that of California, and of Min.k, in Russia. The number ol visitors to Ihe Zoological Gardens, in London, during the last year was (39,000. Counterfeit gold coin of the denomina tion of $1, 12, 50, and f 5, well executed, is in circulation in Philadelphia. Mas Fillmore, wife of the President, is at present bing treated for deafness by Dr. Hartley, of Philadelphia. It is estimated that there are 20,000 peti tioners in Rhode Island for the adoption of the Maine liquor law. There are 1,200 miles of rail road in Massachusetts, eoustructed at a cost of $55 . 000,000. The London Athenasum speaks of Let ing's ."Pictotial Field Book of the Revtlu tion' in the highest terms. The iest Fuel for Christmas Fire. RemembuDoe of Wrongs Revenge of a I injuries. The receipts of the American Tract So. cieiy for December last, were $38,307 99, of which $26,534 04 was for publications sold. The Illustrated London News of the 20 h has been (topped at Ihe Paris PoewOffica, to tk great inconvenience of the English sub sciibers. t . . . Ot Christmas day, roast beef, plum pud. ding, wilt. Is, and coffee, were given to 10,009 poor parsons, from the Leicester Squat foap Xitchea. . - ... . T Maihb Liqdob Law meets with fa vor in' New Hampshire and JMsssachusetia. It ii'rurnored that Now Jersey will nova la avails iU year. I'iit oriCiUo FvR 'A HE GLOBE. TUe pp ouch of C"iif rrt calti f r th fwiewal of my 'r mni mid prriwTeni ttt t irtd it- dfLata tirf r lie uWir- Tli iuwkj which has biOtrrto attntdtxl this umlnrtitkitif tt U hop.nl will Mitinu. imI tml-l n m erpetimte the lull hiiMrr ( the nrcxtiiiyi and dii -iisv roiiti oi (he buiy on which tke arttiny ol Utt RpWie 'l.'i'WKle. The ad -ption of Congreee hut iren iht Oloii 'ffirinl rli'i racier the rvporter i t all that ia aaid d hi in tli h ily. Thie ainrii.-n hue tw-tn v ted at 9wmf eucMTMiTr tewi m for many fear, attd by mmbra t partiM. Trw prriw, t.n, nt all parti hat burnt tetimy Ut thr rMHiljr with which the duty thua MiikVltd hae bean ptrf ritml. : Thtrvltrlfv with which the kttr-wrttera f f tant prea fitciillf tbr.usjh tht tvlffranh their harried arr wita ain1 virwi f the drhatM -f rn;r, twider nvire imporiant than ever the full and mxmcl oiftriat rtMHta m( the CoNoftKMintiAL Uloi 'J he hasty, mid in many inatHiirra ax r.aTr, rei.tt i ne ly telrfraph of what tnre in Oontrrm tupfM-iwrif, for the tn part, the eiact rrn-ntt taken d wn hr rep'Mimi, ifd which f TimTlv. i innreof h n 'b!iriviateU wwit the rtamla of the prpen. Slow Ihe tel grai h aT miia, wiih all their i m pe r fret ion and vnriHy I c I 'ritifrs lake the run of Ihe country, and no prnw tint Ihe .-Ificial f c .Mjrraa ever rhliehea the fall 'lelnte with the pmraeiliiiga oi iNtih IJ uwa amnulilateti. ImlrH. no nrwapnprr can (five thrm, ami ha v fo-mi f.ir ndvrrtiaeiniit and the tniawtlHueoiil limit cr ceaential to thrir exiareiK. Whilr, iherrf k. the telrf ra.h adinniia tera tf the txiavr appetite ol the putlic for Conaree uwa, iMtl nifit the iinrfMiiiiea of tint p iitiinl preM, hy furnih iiif a raj -idly written epit"m enilrd t the taafe of narr na. perifert inf rmnii ti i f what w hi Conrrvaa te ftrrjilr iliiiiimihed. 'Die cirrnl iti n f the clfictal rFn-irte h'na heen. to aome extent, rnt IT Mr the rmda and diversified arc nmti which, Hyitiif altinf th eh-ctric wirea, antiFfi-a curi ily. and it ie film at in vain that truth pul on hia ImkiI to f t -w. Htill there are a graat m;tty men of leiftire and Ihtmpht wh t like l ae wlnt ii nctuilly mmI and Hone hi C ttffrmn, and t jndre for rliinelre, rather than to receive iinprratjkHia al'itlirr from frlvan ie hatterice. There ar othra, to , wh f t the anke of the future, w limply patr nuc a work which preerreea a full rec rd of then infra 'f the great ra -ving and cuutr.J ling power ol Ihe Republic. If there ever writ a time when the action of ContTeMi h uklhe I Hiked to and thoroughly ttudieil. by the path 'He of all partina, it ccrttiiuly npimwchfe with the next Cou greM. The Government htkea a new depnrttiia with th next aeni n, and h w u ia 1 1 work t-ut tn arrnngameuia rmuie t pacify the tr uhlea with which it hat lah Td rctirain to Iw aeen. The euceewion to the rrmdency will form a leuding c uiitdeiiitiou in every movement "1 the next teasi u, and there will ecnrcely h a meuaurc ititr-duced, r u apeet-h made, that will not have aome hejring on tlait all-uliaorhtiig qmaii'n. If nuti nal eoti venli us of the rennrctiv pHrtiti are railed tcgHhrr to uomimtu the cniKlid itt-a ol ewaht the C 4igrM uhich prcrcilea the e niveuli ii alwava n-ic the iMt-fiaion, by atit;ciwiti ii. t thaciiM, in r nnei-ti 11 with public mca aiirra, the uierila f tl.e men looked to t give thvm arlwet in the nd.iunis'ruti -u. If the pe jve, then, w -ukl have their ahnie in the eti ice f then firat func.Muiuiea, they ought to fJhidv well the chnrncier f camlid.na dcvel ojictl by themselves, thcii frii'titU, and tto if enetuira in C ngrcsa. The ciipilnl will Ins the r.-sintni If m which the p iple of the United Slates will Ik adilrcaced on the subject of the Chief tlagietrarYi and the important topics c Mtuected with it, and the legislation of the v 'Utitiy there will hecoma the theme ol disuiiiii n In everv flute Lcgis Inturc, f every country town and villHt?e mevtmg Ihrnnrhoiit the Urion. Ilow unrKTlaut, then, dries il beri'ine, that lull nnd imonriml reports should lie obiamed of ths action nf a ImhIv, which will livi an impulse to tli Itenuhltc in n new career, and which, in m very rreat degree, inrtiience the public mind In the choice of the L-ntei nrifrmtotte who is to carry cut the wiu ol tne people as coiiatittiti nany expreaseu. Tim undersigned has mnile preparations eimmensurat wmi inr iiicioivtu imp -rmiK-c 01 incnuiy ne ifia siimnisa- ken aa lite only renirter and publisher rf the c.imptete debiiteaaiKl pr recdiiigs ol loth Houses of Coinrresa. The (Mini Mir session will irhablv be eateiMled nine nvmas. and the reits will u t be c tmpristnl in le than 35.01IU r- yal (uiiit puges of brevier and innnJireil type mnKitig 4 volumes of umt fNHI pases ouch. The reports i t the Ust lou aefiMm ni;ide :ter"tni rovnl oinrto nnec, nd were Imtml m four volumes, averaging U74 royal quarto uages enrh. I will puMish in the Awmwi for the next scion, alt luws that m ty he primied during the st-ssi'n, which bus u t been d -ne heret't're. Alih -ugh ibis will incrwia in no tn tail ileirrve Ihe exnenae of the publication, the subscrip tion pru-e will Ut lha nine thai it Una iMi t r several yeirs The Dailt Glofk will he pnl litlied during the sasi mi oh a super line d ul tie rovnl ahect. It will e utaiu the dehntes as t'ikeii down by the reporters, and as altered ty the spe;ikers, whenever they in:tke uny alteruti us; the currunt news "f the dny nml the micclluneous matter. The mnin - Inert f r ruhlishunr the ibilv noner is. to eiui- hie Memlters t see their n-ui'irks iu it, and alter them if they pIihiI Hunk proper liei re they are puhhsheu Mi the ii-'iicresiouai i oe una Appenaix The CongrHMionnl Gl lie is mide up of the diily pr ceedingsof the two Houses of Congress, and printed m a double royal poj er, with rm-tll lyi e. (brevier and ii"ti-p-ireil ) In quarto f irm, each mitnher emtHiutug sixteen rin qnnito pagea. The speeches of th Mciubers, in this form are sometimes c mdeused the lull rNit nl the prep-ired speectina hrina: resr-rved for the Appendix. All resolutions. :n tioiis and other proceeding, aie given in th form of the Ji'urntils, with the yeas and uaa oh every important qtiention. The Appendix is made up of the President's Amuinl Messtige, the Keports of the principal Officer of the Government that accompany it, mwl all Kpeecliea of Mem bets of C ngreas, written out or revised by themselves It t punted in the same f Tin ns the CongreagionUi Glotie, and usually makes about the simc number of puges during a session. Dun g the first month or six weeks of a ression, there isntiety m re businem done than will inn he two num bers a week on of th Cougresfcifmal GMte and on of the Appendix, hut during the remainder of a aeaainti there is usually sumcient mutter for two or three numbers f each and every week. The nexl eeasi n will b uuiisu ully intereatinc ; therefore, 1 rlenlaie th il the C tigres siotisl Giolse and Appendix t-gether will mttke Ml 1 33. (KK large qunrr-t pftga. printed in S'nill tvp Jirevin snd n mi panel. Cunplete Indexes to U'th will h fu nished at the end of i senai tn. I will indcMV r t print a sufficient ntti!jr of snrln e-piea t s ipplr ail tint may be misc trri.Nl. or I at iu tb man ; lmt stihMciitvra sh 'Uld be very parltenlur t their papers carefully. fir fear that I b aid ul be abl to siipnly alt the I Ft uu'nhars. If auhacrihra ehill u t l sit snd with th w rkt th m- nev pcid by thet f r it vill be rei'nuded t- tbeir. whenever they return th i nmtters which mav hive beei--eceived hy them I will give S'iherihrs the anbaerin tioii price for any of the previ na voluu r if lha C treani inal Globe r t e Appeiftix. excet f r the km session, and will thank any person who will let ni hav them. 1 hsve a Tew copies of the laiek vl'imeeof ii Civ rt asiunl Gl and Appendix fr an I at 91 a vohuo bwid. which it ia or bable w'll I disn ed f m wl'en they are. they wll then, n d 'Obt rtimiWiiiHe it IctPte)'!) a voln-ne. as they cnnirt ! reprinted foi less than that sum. There nre 9'f lack Volume. TERM P. For on ropy of the Daily Globe during the afKion, $$ 00 For one ropy of the Congressional Globe during the erosion, 3 00 For one ropy of the Appendix during the suasion, 3 0 The money may he remitted by mail at im risk. Bank notes current where a sulisrrihe Hides will he received at par. HuhAcriptiona should reach here by the 15th DecemW, at furthest to insure the number. The prices for theae paH?rs are ao low that I cannot atlonl to rredit them out ; therefore no perarn need order them unle.s the money s ceo ni ps nics the order. JOHN C. RIVE 5. Washington City. Nov. ISM. BARGAINS ! BAEUAUSiS i ! Clocks, WtfichHn, Jertelleiy, Silver Ware. Fancy Gimdf, kc , Sec. CLOCK of every desert Ht 41 ami quality, 0 day Brass and 3it h air CI eks, very low. Wuiches of ihe heal makers. T 'bias J has hi and R -bmsoiiGokl atent levers, s -me us low as 30, warranted 18 kurai discs, and insured for l'i in ut lis. Silver levers as low as 81 6,00 warranted, lupines os low ns 00.00 wirmiiteri. Qurtier Wntehes in ureal v iriety. Jeweiterv f every deseripii n G Id Guard oid K b Chun. Hreele-s, Far Hiiga. Finger lins. lir rhea, l ckeia. G W Pei af r o, wor n d p ims. The autwerib 1 liaviug jnH returned lr in tha cistern fact 'Tie is preted t famish any artlrttt in his line nf hiiainees -f the hilest arvlea. Hiid ua cheap hs the stme arti. le cm be a Id in the Phihdrlphia or New Yvk iiuirkeu. To c aiviiice the public of this fact h ittve their attea lion and res(ectfully solicllsa call. He a uld naliciilnrlv invilethe attention f II tel I'r pri tors, and Families 10 Ins extensive ass krtment of 9ilvet Ware, via: Te 8eits. Tat. Dessert and Tea lpnotis, Forks, l.llea, e.. Ac. Orders received f t any article of Silver War executed with proaiptnct, and iu the best stvle. A grent variety of Fancy Go ids. Paniar Mach w rk, aneh aa Writing Desks, Port Folio, Gl we lioiea, (Moor lioxe, Ac , Ac. Ii yai want U secur bargiiuscallat U. C GREENH nct door to th Pott Offie, Centre st , P-msville, Pa. N. B Alt kiiKls of repairs attended to ay ths best work men. Decemlicr 7, 185I,-ib. MABBLE MAmjTACTOEY CHEAP GR WE STONES. THE suWrilwr informs his fiirnds and t'lr jiulilic, that hs rontinurs U rany on fir Marble UimineiM m all its brsnrlirs, at his uln stvnil ill Milton, F, anil is prepared lo manu fnrtura Monuments, Tombs, Gravestone, &c of the lst msterisls, and most fliiishrd woik. manvliip, and st the Innnt itrii-es. Letter I uitniR, Eti(lih and Oerman In the ml modern and elefnil style. Designs for Monuments, Grave Stones, &e. slwsys on hsnd. ' N. D Orders for the East side of the rivei rom) tly eieeutrd by Jraviug the aaiae st tlx of&cs of ths "Bunbury A merinin." ANTHOiNV HirP. Milton. Msy 10, 1851. s. W'tlMil-Kf Joint and Lsu Shingles, of first rle quality, for sale by . , ton vovxa. ' Sunhury, T)ee. SO, 1831. tf. fOI.D PENS with and without silver cases Just received, and for sale be . , . ' - U. B.MASaKsV faastuy.Aptili 3I 4 CATTLE POWDER j - . ' MRP It CD t ' " s t BRRIMCI FHIINKFIKLT) & CO No. 187 North Third Street, Phittulelphia. 1 I'HIJ powiler ia entitled by He united teetimmy of all who hav used it to the firrt rnuk of all the CAT TLK MK1JICI.NK8, which have been thought pr.it. Wttrihy f r many venra. Italeed we chHllena any nera n tt make a annertor, ot any pw(er that acta m the snme manner. 11 ineanimiti ne perieeiiy irniinr 11 win uner lueretiae the am unit of mi I It ir irrani and butter : or the am inn I will improve rapiilly hif.it. It will therefore in ttme be considered we have n doubt one of the staple arti clesof every Farmer, who beef a a di iry; and of rverc 'f-rvni it win up; a noiaa. 11 i n one 01 inove iiiki v AliXTtraas thnt merely aw II an animxl up for a short time, but it will by the cijuH-ity which it hue "f c inverting HllMMJHIC At.'ll) (whiehisan eflete rtmtter) into lac tic eit or oLRixa i cuuse a g renter amonnt of tintrili ua mutter lo le exti-Hctcd.fr -m the anme niimnnt of fix!, thuu p'mibty e mkt le, were ihe active principh a t f tintrili u to p im mil nf the system in the form of Mtrrt'Bic Acid. We hnve received a multitude of evidence to riW what We hnve sutd nb ve. tulhce t any : We have mixed the a'iive agent, with a great nnnilier of VftoRTArLa phiilaand hcrlie, which time and nse have pr vcd tn he narfnl, improving the appetite nnd promoting digeaii'in of the fo ri; thua aecuring n healthy e -ml it ion itf Ihe blood, from which Ihe Mti.a and Ft must le f nned. It may be used f rlloB-Ka. Cows and I loos f rrthe follow ing eompluiuta and diacnHca. YEMsOW WATER, a dangerous sickness, which de- atr ys many vuiunble hoiaes every year la very often entirely eiircil by the free one f this p. -wrier, iu all Case il will prevent the diseare ! 'in cumitiff on. Tins diwciise is - wututt ton Ivid ami imp wertshnl stnte of the bkiod which bec..Hine Ihiu, wuu ry and of nil cll w c r. This powder hv tmpr wing Ihe at much and giving to the biiod a grentcr qmintity of red particles, nn rds the best and only possible ctiui ice nf recovery. If ihe h -rae ia far g ne, give m rniiur ami ntcht a tiiMcsuoinituI in wet feel, it in the In'gi lining imce a day at n -on, if only to pre- em ne nimttae twice u U'eeK. SKAHUKU1NG. Tins is the ruiuilion of mnny valua ble Morses by exlmnpt ir.,i ; by a coustiiut discharge of atili vn which ought ! pi into the atomich t nniwt dtgesti-ii. It is a pee'' nf Mitivfitton often produceil hv Indus To bacco growing in the pxature gr -utid A Tublespoonlul three tunea a week will frequently arrest the flow, if it does not depend on the Toa ten m the gnia, uniler such eirenmarnnrea the anitiifi' must he kept in the stable 11SI'KMPKK. If Ihe powder is early nnd freely med. n thct remedy need be meL it hits alrendv curcil htm- dreils of llohFft oi this tronblesomedisense tothe surprise of tlfe wh nstil it. If u t nwd enrlv. hef re matter h-e lormeil mi the neck it cum rcst -re the animrtl perfectly until the mutter is dtMiuraeri. iimh it wirlv and nrevent auch a result. A Tublesjoonl'ul once or twice a duy ia en"itrn flLAVUERS. . This diaenae hus lnffle.1 all Pbbibrb. Give this p iwder a fuir tntil and it will d w niilera in thia IcrrilJc and hilherlo iucundile nmltidy It ia n disenne f the aifiudnmt avatein and kent nn bv iimerfect nutrition in ich rises a TublcmfNiiul every driy twice for a month or rwo, m consmm aitcc 'SSMti, will m nine cases out ol a dozen effect a cure, it has been fuirlv teoted. Cone It" and ahortuena of Hnnth depending on weak lunira, a TnUcanuuiiful every inorutng; if it abates once or twice a wek. POOH MnV-JPimTED HOnsi:. nT where there is any remnma of rounder or stithices ut m ti n, nnd the Horse will not fntteti, fir where the Itnir ia rouah and stmds it ni tif ht out. the f-nl eeemipg to do iiogotNl, the Powder prodnees nhnoar immediule improvement of the antm'il ; the digestion imp rove ami with it all the sh le gitimes nf tha aniia'd dimippenra. lHcoming lively and ajpirucu, hiiu me nuir ainmnn unn suck. COW?. For Mi Lit txo Cows, we are fu'li c nvinced that it not oiriv impr ves the qiiiility, but thut'it increase the amount of lilk. Cretuii nnd Itntter ; me wh have tried the ex pertmentsaya I mud a Week, othem snv hatfa r"Utid while one person hiMsteil upnn it that he made two pound in re a week from -h C iva. We think it will b I'otiad t ' average lr in a I 'tin p uud per week on each Cow, if the C ows are pen& ly licliliy. Thisud ltii.aixl am aiut Is made by the e n vers i mi f the flippuric Acid into ,itrti geuoii and fitty conip iiuris; nisi by supplying ihe .oxy gen insen im ny in uiiifft. wun tne element m reucti'Ni; wttn nt tivuig anv "f (lie ttr tien u prti n f the leeil HOIJ.OW HtiR.V or W(Hl'i IHMiK DlSKASi:. and all other diseases of neat entile depending upon a bud at-ite of the fluid, are rem veil speedily and clTeelually. C iws, wh. te milk is blue, thin mid witety aiHl where it d cs u t yiekl much cream, or where Cowa give bloody milk, or which ire lined to stand I nig dry, it will be found an almost inf.illible remedy, by tmpr whig the r -tidiii u of the ul'iod ami crentiitg a healthy digestion ; a Tahtespo-ttr- iui every uay or every uthet clay as it may be necessary. HOGS. Pius m the summer often iwerheat themaelves. sret swel. led necks, coughs, ulcers in the I-nnirs and l.iver. wltn-h cmse liietu to die very suihleuly, hee in.iy be prevented entirely ny puiTing a pound or a mil into a Karrel of swill ; anu it win ni tne sum time c aisuierawy tinsteii the tut ten ing process. N. It. In animal which is giving milk and y u are di'siroua to fatten at the aame time, you sh ntd n t give more man a uihiesp1 iilui oucu a week or it will return the torumtion o lat by mcreiuuis; the am tint ol Milk. ICt encb per n try its effects fr himseli' nnd he wil Ih.ii be sntiahert o na excellent qualities, and that no Far met should le without it. For the. purp ise of finding ont still further how fir out jtnstlv celebrated TATTLE POWDER, is entitled b the c mfitlence of an intelligent people; we have add r caned l'lers to all parts of the United States, where mr P w tier has lMen used, and we are able irw frm the evidence thua hr 'tight lMnre tn, t assure every Fanner. Ihry nriiinnd llorae-m-m. that it line thua far very much ex ceeded our m t annaTniue exnectitiiqt. With the nriditioml kii"Wle.l(re finis far obtained. Wa Flora we will b enabled to make the beat and m st iter feet C4TTta Mko'cisk ever yet offered t a diseermnc peot ie. It ufs ns a wamble irm ter of itiresti n. pwes the quality of rbe hi fwl and thus iwrenae the amount of either I nt. Milk and c msequeutly of Butter Even in the hea'thv Antmil Hewnre of Pomitrrieif as the extensive ad of our n uvder hns indnced otliers to make an imitation of tt froteh pack his our written fiauatiire on the end. HIIKIXin. FKONEFIELD ft CO. Philadelphia, July titt, 1351. ly. S50 FORFEIT. YR. HUNTER will forfeit $50, if failing to rurc any case ol secret ihseuse that may come under hi care, no matter how lun stand ing or arhVtinn. Either e are invited to his Privnte Kooin, :)3 North SEVENTH tstreet. Philadelphia, without (ear of interruption hy oth er patients. fStranzera and others who have lieen unfnrtunst? ill the selection of a phyvirian ire muted to call. I Iiom who have injured themselves hv solitary vice are alse invited. HEAD AND KEFLECT. The afflicted would do well to reflect before trii'tino; their health, happiness, and in many caes their lives in the hands of physicians, ignorant ol' this class of mala.iies. It is certainly impossible for one man to understand all the ill the human family are sul'ject to. Every reiectalle physician has his peculiar branch, in which he is more success ful than hi brother professors, and to that ha de votes ni wt of his time and studv. YEAR'S OF PRACTICE, exclusively dvo ted to the study and treatment of diseases of the sexual organs, ogether with ulcers uiion the bo dy, thro it, nose, or legs, pains in the heed or Iwnes, mercurial rheumatism, gravel, irregulari ties, discaoes arising from youthful eirruca or impurities of the hlixxl, whereby the constitution has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to ofler tpedy relief to all who may place themselves under his esre. Philadelphia. April 19, 1831 ly. UNION IIOTKL. STJNBUEY, FA. fl'HE MIPS WEITZEI8 re.ectrullv inform I the Public that they still continue to enter tain travellers and others at their old established stand in Market street, west of the Court House. Their long exierience in the busineas. and the well established reputHtion of their House, will. they trust, lie a sufhrient guarantee, that their customers will be well accommodated. March 8, 1851. if. AXVIDIIICAN HOUSE, P0TTSVTL1E, FA. 1 R8. MARV WEAVFR respectfully informi ' ' the public and travelling community general ly, that she ha opened this Urge and commodious HOTEL, furnished in a suwrior jtyle. From her long eierience in the butne of a first rate Hotel, and well known reputation to sccom mo dule, her eusiomera may depend on being supplied with every thing conducive to their comfort and convenience. Feb. 13. 1851 tt LAWItENCE HOUSE. BVNBURY, PA. '1 'HE sulscrilr respectfully informs her friend. 1 and the public generally, that she has tsken the above well known stand nearly opposite ths Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per kins, bus trusts thai hei esperience in business snd her erTirta to make her guests comfortable, will aive entire satisfaction to those who may fs vor her with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS ' March 8. 1851 tf. KNOB AND fiPKINU MUKI'lBti LA i t:HE8 Aa cllenl article, for sale a half tha usual price by ' J W. rflLIKO, Huitbury, July 7. U49- - v. JUSTICES' FEE BILL8. Tot ssU br ' H. B. MAMEB BtvaJsttry, UH. 1 LIVJDn COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE. DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, ND all riiwnsrs sri-tnt fwm s dlfrW-1 liver or stn mrh. MtrhnsenitMiiMli..,. inwitrri Piles. Fullnpss. ol hkKt b Ihe hem), ApiitKr of Ihe Bl rninrh, Nsusra, ritTni'h,siiiirKriirlMims,siiiliiiiiir Sntleriiic at Ihe pit "i inr r't.imnrh. .wimmniff nf Ihe henri. hnrrmlanntlininill tirenthine, fltiii-ritie at Ihs henrt, rh"klne or siiff e:tlnc sntwii-iii. wheiitita hhif vMiir, plmness if ytsinn, d ssiir wrln Iwf.irFthe iiht, Pevpr and dull psiii In the had. dHlcwnr)' of Drrspiniif"n. vellnwwiws S Ihs skin surf eye., puiii in ihs .ide, hm-k, rhwit, linilis, fte., snrfden rui-nr ni rwm imrnin in Ihe nh. einsuint itnnginnigs evii, nun sreni neprr.-1'iii ol spirits, . CAX BR KPFKCTUAt.LY CtJRF.D BY ' . . DP.. HCCFLAITD'S CELtBRATED OERalAN UITTERS, MirtSKD T DR.C. M. JATKJION, AT THE GERMAN Mh.DICIXH STOUG, K-i. ltift Arch Kt., Phllndelnhla. Thlr miwrr over the nlwivfl diM.n. i. nut expelled, if eM by any inner ireiniti u in the I niluil niiittv, :i Ihe cure, attest, in muiiy cum. ulter skilliul iliy.irians iiihi iniini. these Ititli;. are wnrlliv Ihev nltentinii nf liii-ttlula I'nmewinj Eient virtues ill Ihe reeiificuli in if dieeiMes nf Ihe Liver ami lemer arhiiMln. exeleimitt the in st senrehing n--weni in wenknem uud utfeel ieii. nt the digestive organs, they are, withdl, rife, trrrtniii uinl plenwint. iri'iiu ine I, w u iice.i The Killhir sniit, Dec. 441 "l. ilnon.AKD'. Celkhbatid f!ess nitrsss he cure nf l.ivi r rnlllnl;iiiil. JiiniKlire. livmieiMltl. Ilirimie T Nervnui llehility, i deiHTVndlr nue I the ni'M pniu- inr inanriiie. ni ine uny. Tlicw Itifleis liuve lieen llwil hy tlriusnmls, slid n friend nt .nir elh w sny. he hns him ell reerived un efl.vlujil nnd nennniieut cure nf l.iver Cntnpl'iiul I'r im the usnm" this reinedv. We are nniviueeil thin, in lie line nf thiiK Hilter., the nntieut nmslsiith tnlns slreuirth and virnr fuel worthy nf f rent pmside mlinn. Tln-y are pteiiMnnt iu tnMe anil .inell, mid i-nn lie ued hy pers m. with Iheimntdelmite sliniieli. wilh rale. ty, nimer nnv t'lrruilMtuuees. V e are spenkliie tr-nn ex ierieiiiH!, nnd In the ntHirletl we nilviw their use." 'SeiTT's Wbsxlv." one of the best l.itemrv nnners puhtiiheil. nid, Aug. 'Un. IImflaiid's fiRRMt rtiTrrR. mnnufnetureil hy Dr. i H'kem. are n w rer uitinendeit hv s mm 'if the tn st pr nnnriit memliers nf Hie tneulty a. an nrtiele nl mueh eincney in cu..'. 'f fein-ile wenknens. As sueh is Ihe eife. we w iuIiI uilvine nil in Mher. 1 1 nhtnlii a Ivittle. mid lima imve Iheinndve. mueh niekiiep.. IVm'nis nf dehititn ted c niMiluti ni. will find these Killers MiU'nnlnKe.ili. to thrirheilth, n. we kn iw frnin expi?rielice the aulutary eiTect they have upon tveek sysienii." More Eviihncc. The "Philadelphia Kniurduy Unzette," Ihe liert fnmily uewaiaivi ;nlilialieil in ihe tuitul tuili s, the eilidr sus nf Di ilooluiitl's German Miters. "It Is arld.im uh. we rep iminend whnl nre termed Pa tent Medicine., to me -nuhdenee nnd pntmnnee nf nur render.: and. theielore, hen we rec 'innieiid III. II-. -F-IniMr. Isernian Hitters, we wis it tn lie digtinrtly uiutei M.mil thnl we nre n ! senkiun nf the n imrmns nf ihe dny, thulare tmiawt nlmut firs biicfperind nml then fur gotten nftei they hnred .lie their iruiliy rnee of imsi'hiel'. lint'!' a niedieinel ng e.t:ihli.heil', niii'versdlv pfised. and wliic h hn. met Hie hn'my approval nl ihe Kni-'nlly ileelf Kvideuee llirin evidemw hi. lieen reeeivetl (like the f ireij line) finni nil aei-ti m. nf the I'ni Ilu hut thr-e ynnrs, and the !r meent tetim mv in ita fu- n, ia, tli.it there I. Ill ire ! it uaetl in the pr-ieliee if the reg-llnr Pliv aiei:ui. nf I'hiliidelpltin. thim nil nlher it -.'rum. e nnliiue I, a f iet th it enn en.ily lie em iHir-lieil. nnd fully pr 'ving that a .eienlifir pre;ir iti ill will meet with their unlet nipnvnl when pre-u'eil even iu tin. f.iriu Thnt this niettienie will enre l.iver Ciimpltiint nnd Dv. pepain, n i line ennd-niliT, nfter m iug it na direeteil. Il net. jieeifiefilly upm the at 'luneli nnd lil'er it in prefTendile lo enl unei in all hilli -ns diwiM.iu-.ihe erfit i. iininediile. They nn lie adiiiiuiateril Kniule or I mailt with snlely mid reliuhle lieuefit, Ht any time. BI'.WARF. OF Ti7rXTKRFHITi, This meilieine hns nt.niued tint hieli chnraeter which is nere.Riryf.ir nil medicine, fnnllnint" tnduee cniiu;erfeiters M put f rth a apurinu. nrtiele nt the riak nf the lives of Ihnae are inu-ieenily deceived. I.OCIK WKl.t.TO TIIF, MARKS OF THK OF.M'IXR. They hnve the written ai puntiire nf C. M. JACKON up ni the wrapper, and ihe name lilown ill the Imttle, wilh i.ur whieh they nre apuii-iiia. For sulc, wli ilexnle snd retail, nt the Ucrm'in Medicine Store, Ni. ti!0 ARCH Street, nnednr below Sixth, (lite of 278 Rnee street.) Philn-lelphiu. and Ii)' re,ieclalHe dunlers generally Ihringhiiilt the country. ri;ici:i ur.DL'cr.D. T i emlile nil etisva of iiivili.lv tn euj iy the a lvaiitnges if tneir great rest irnlive powers. Sti ilr. Bottle, 7. cents. At.ao: For snle liy II. Mum, Sunhury, and M. A M'C.v. irthniiiliertniid. A.njutW.lsjl- T, S. BOBST'S AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Selinsgrove, Pa. Clot Km. H itli lH s nml Jt-wclry, j EPAIUHD in the liest manner and warranted to perforin well. All work intrusted to his care will be strictly attended to. Selinsgrove, Nov. 30. 1S50. tl. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, jrsiitt: or tiik ikace, Sunbury, Pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. I r Monies cnlleeted and ait liu.iiiesa piomptly and care fully attended to. AprU SO, 1850 IJBOWN'S EHSEXCE OP JAMAICA GIN 1 CiER, an evcellent article. Rtnwit's Medicated Soap for sun burns, tan, tetter, S;c. Itadway'a Circassian Balm, for the hair dund- rulF&c. Itadway a Ready Relief for Cramps, Ch.ilic, Cho era Morbus, &c Jr'or s.ile hy il. Ii. MAsSER. Sunbury, Aug. 3, 1S30. Vnliialile PROPERTY FOR SALE. fpHE Subscrilier who resides in Philadelphia, I offers for sale the following iinperiv in Mil ton, KorthumlKTland county, viz : The large SI BEICK BUILDING in upper Milton, formerh occupied hv Mesars Pattersons as a Carriage Makers Shop The buildiiiK is fill feet front on upper Market street, and 40 feet on Front street, and is two stories high. Also a two story , MUCK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 10 hy 55 feet, on the same premises. The tot is on the corner of upper Market and Front streets, Hid is 6S li-et front, and 150 feet deep. The premises would las valuable for a Foundry r other manufacturing purKaes, and will be sold on reasonable and accommodating terms hy ap plying either to JACOU CAKKKiAN, Philadelphia. J. F. 'VVOLFIXCER, Esq.. Milton or II. B. MASKER. Esq . Sunhury. Philadelphia, Jan. 35, 1851 tf. PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing and iudellible ink, Cotton yarn and laps, just received and for sale by J. W. r RILING. Sunhury, Dec 2, 1848, gITONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al nionds, P unea and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. Salt and Plaster. Ju.t received and for sale by JOHN W. FRILING. Sunhury, Dee. 59, 1849. I JOOK5 and Gold Pens. On hsnd several cop. ies nf the life of Christ, and also a nuuilier of gold pens which we will sell at tha Philadelphia prices. For sal at this office, KENNEDY'S "PATENT SASH FA.s". TENING8. A cheap and excellent arti tie lor fastening sash for sale hy J. W. FRII.INO , Sunbury, July 7, 1849. . . C RHINO BOTTLES-. Breast pumps, and nipple tubes- A supply of these useful arti. clea just received and for sale by JOHN W- FRILING Sunluiry. Jan- 18. 1851 tf ROSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this excellent article ut Tetter. 4 c, just received and for sale hy . HENRY MAfcMEKv Hunbiiry. July ti. 1848. U7 ILEVS COCG7 CilNDY. An exl but raasady far aeugbs, eolds Far aala at this asWa WE BTULY TO FLEASE. 'I'llF. sllentl m nf B'lllders and other., nre respectfully I invited t the nteusive and well selected st'Tk '( III II. DIM! HAHlVAHKn T(Ml, i.iw caTered hy the .nlmeriiier, e niaiing in jmrt aa f llnws: Ameiican Front Jloni I, icks, nrrlehl, wilh night WJts, plalert or I mum funiituni, or fn-Hon all r..rs. Americnn Frmt Dor leTka. upright, plain, with night w irk, plated or l,rna furniture, or potcekiin all enl' .ra. Americnn Front Door Ixwks snd f Te TV-, II irilon tal in npright, hrnss furniture, or pnrrelnni nil f l its. Americnn Rim l k, all sise. and qnnhtiiia. White ot lim fnrnitnre, nr pnreelnin all -S' rs. Ameriena Mortice Nicks, all sis., with ptaled, while or brew furniture, nf pnreelnin all c I .rs. American Mmlce iMehea, all sixes, wilh plnted white or hrnas furniture, nr pnreehin nil enl its. Ainerienn M 'riiee and II nn CI snt levks, pkileil in Unas eaciiteheons, it poreelniii all e. AmiTican Dr ip, Stop. Thumb, flute, and lore Poor IJltehes. A I.', Imnorted Ixick. nnd Ijitehesof cvetv deseription. Riiklwui's, and Aiiicrnun Hull Hinges, of nil sizes, Inal or l-aise 1 .Int. fhntter. Gnte, fttrnp, T., nnd Bnekflip Hinges, all kllida. Phiitter. Unte. Door. Flush, nnd !i rine II II. i f wr.sisht or cuat iron and bmw, everv desrriitiini. pVrews, Xprnr", Hlue, tn.l Paper of Ihe Ik-at qnnlitv. American Axle and Hlmin Axle Pulleys, of every variety American Buttons, phiii or on plates, brnas, iron, or bronr.ed. Ainerienn Nol, plnted. wliite. lr n. or wood, nil kinds. Hnah-C'ifil. eniimnniid patent, with other urtielwl too niniirnHia io nieiui'in. 1 MIUS ami JAS-Wn.nTS nt FACTORY PHirKfi t All O-fal d'li-erl free nf Clmrge to ony pnrt of Ihe City flinl l)iPtrirtn, At thu rttnlitmhmfiit mn Ym finml !! tin" Inifff! mitl lxnt an rtmrnt nf Whili mwl Vnwy Ni4wf or Is-wk. r , in Ihe City; mme iuiUo-i-h, of whii-h. nimi'4 he wmmi, or olrtninrt, nt anv oilier M re T 8 Hprm A Jrtr-lrp n Bnrk. IN ml. Hn'tl, mr Hipp Sovri, imp rfeil exprrmtlv f r ltt!nl rtltn. nit iwh'rtp'f ih rr Hole ntrriit ftf the relplimtpd I'lun.. mml liy K. W. Cnr pentr, f lAit(nTer, Ta., bfinjr nil mule Y milit w-l. ami the Hi:ta r. nii(l nml lri.il. Ilr-titv1 A WtCi nn innke of Chiref. Axt, Hatchets. Drawing Kuivn, Ar., nil nur rnntptl ir ot1. I'licti't ami flHck'n I link c of Angen nti'l Anger Bitta, ol aizea Ainerienn Stmrpp ntnl Be Vila f every ileaeripti- n. Amertctin Hutra, Gaun-, iitwaetts, Ci4niiiMun, ierew drivrrt. Ae. Amerienit C, H. IT imineri. Claw niul Pivctinp, nil tizea, Anvil ntxl Virea. nil nirpa. Steel. Inn, nml WonkU'H Bmeep, wilh C. f. Bilta, in grent variety. XV. (ir-ive A i n, 11ite!ier'fi nnH mhpr celebrate:! mnkpa .1 rhi l, rilt-d, ri.iiif-lrona. Ac.. Ac. Al'ltp relel.ntsNt Carvinir Tooln. nil ahnt-ea Mnkiinr iftf if the Iteat nttt) tn 'iit ejtrnnive nua irtmenta of Isiiilrhtiff II tirivvnre nnl T n!a in the Stnte. Al thia eatiiltlirtliiiient it ia e m iilewl 11 ntnire t nhnw Ihe G -J V'i are iiiriteil t e ill mi l examine the 'iart ment, anil heir the prieea nuked, Iwlore purchnaiiiff elae where Come nml im-p n. ViMira, reapvetftillv. No. QS7 Market at., Mweeii 7th and fith, upper aide. Philudelpliiu, April !., I-jI ly. IIOIIKTY la w l AND PIGSKIN A(JK.( V. The attention of the public is callcil to the ml vertincmcnt of Mr- Charles ('. Tin ker. Attornpv j anil Auctit at Waliiirtin City- Persons hnv. ; in? claims fur homily Lntnl" nr Pi'iisiniil arc in- fmned that the subscriber his in.nle arr.itiTcincnti. ' for the rcipiicitc furina. B'ul cl.iimunH Ciil'in nt i his office, can hnve llicir pnpers prepared nml j forwnrileil to Mr- Tucker nt Wa.hiiiuton. nml by him be properly alti'mlal to licforc the De- purtinciit thuro. II. 13. MAS8EK. Sunburj1, Jan. IS, IR51 New Millie Just PuMislied. EE ct WALKER. No. Ifi2 Chcsntit st., A are conntnutlv ptiblisliiii2 and receiving, new nn. I beautiful music from tho most ilistin- guihe:l cintp Kcrs. I he following list continue aotne of their choi ce.! and most popular SoiiL'it, Waltzes, Poikss, Otc. Now, thou nrt Gone, a beautiful song, words by Thomas J. Uiehl. music by Ilambridge. My New England Home, words and music bv Mrs L. Wade. Orjlie's Omnibus; by C. Grolic a collection of Duetts. Sound from Home, piano and violin, by Jos. ftting'l. Pri'tty I.ttllc Polkas for Pretty Little People, by J. Ling. All the Winds aac Sleeping, by A. S. Worn. sey. (tuirilbii Angel by the autho' of "Love Not.' Ilousch ilil Words, written by C'h.is Voutijf.ilo. The A liens, w.irds by Thomas J. Dieid, mu sic by Hurr. LEE A WALKER have constantly on hand, superior Pi nion, and a supply of Martin's Cele brated (!nit,ir which together with a film as sortment of Music.nl Instruments and Merchan dize in general, eoinprixn a stock not to be sur passed hv that of anv other enUiblishmoiit in the country." ' LEE fc WALKER, 162 Chesnut street, 8vaim'e Building. Philadelphia, Juno SS, 1851. ly. NO CURK NO PAY I Hughes' Pever and Ague Fills ! f ,4 PERFECT and speedy cure for the Fever and Ague is piinrantccd to any one who may use the Pills. They have lieen used for the la! seres) yrar and have never lieen known to fail in a single instance and in cases, too, where persons have had the disease for severnl yeors, without intermission. The proprietor rh.nl I en $m the world to produce an article that will cure in aa short a time, without leiving anv deleterious elici ts from the use of it. If the Pills do not perform a speedy and perfect cure, the proprietor will return the money. For sale by Jacob S. Lawrence Minersile ; E. Ilclien. stein. Trevorton; S. It, Dixon. Schuylkill Ha ven j John W. Frilin j. Sunhury s Mary A. Mc Coy, Northnmlierlnnd s Dr. Meekly. Danville j John Sharpies. Cattawins i ; Dr. Judd, W illinms port ; John K.iser, Mi'ton, and by respectable Druggists throughout the St it.'. J. CIIRTH C. Hl'OHES, Proprietor. PotUvtlle, June 58, 1851 Iv. PHILA. ASD P.2DI.VO RAILROAD. NL'MMKrt AKHAXIiKVIKStT FROM riillDKI.PIIIA AMD POTTSVIUJrU Pnrri Rrdnrrtl. Office of the Phila. If Reading Rnihoail Co. Philadelphia, March 2B, 1 8o I. ) Two Passenger Trains Duily, (except Sunday.) ON and after April 1st, 1851 two trains will lie run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsville MOR.VlXff .'AT?. Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 7 A. M. daily except Sun days. AFTER XOOX I.r.E. Leaves Philadelphia at 3 o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 3 o'clock, daily, except Sundays. FARES, Between Philadelphia and Pottsville, $:.?S 1st class cars and S2.?5 id class cars. Uetween Philadelphia and Heading, $1.75 Ut class cars and $1.4.5 "d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia, comer of Broad and Vine Streets. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will lie al lowed lo eaeh passenger in these lines i and pas sengers ere expressly prohibited from taking sny thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, whit h will lie at the risk of its owner. By orJcr of the Board of Managers. 8. BRADFORD, April 10, 1851. Secretary. piTRE WHITE BRANDY FOR PREKER. VING.just receive! sod or sale hi II B. MAUSER. Sept. IS. 1850. XTRACT CP GINGER A fresh suppFy just received and for aale at this olfios. Pi ice ti cents. ; c Sunbury, J tr It. IBM. t -:L.AMi NtH't-l, wsivuij the eiemplion 1 Uw of 3i0, for sale by . April S6. II3I H. D. MARKER. WRITING FLUID and sast seeling Enve lopes, just receiveJ and to tle by AprU 10, llel U. B. MASSE R. MANIC IN OTIS TAJilal!).' CORRECTED WEEKLY PKN!YI.VANIA. citv or KniL.nsLpin.. MAfMACAlfiF.TTSl. All snlveut lianas I dis HHODi; ini.AND. All solvent lanika I dia COXiNKCTICl'T. All solvent laiuks I dia M:V YORK. CITV. IJ. . Hank imte. ,l dia All snlvenl lainks pai cousrsv. Ilnnk of C hamla-ralnirg 1 dia Hnnk of Cheater Co. pur imii m i.ei.u;.,. i;iiester pal ii'ui. 01 ijermnumwn Hunk nf liettyalmrK Ilnnk of lwiatown ir,Alt solvent Imnka I dia 1 clia.fr Uk ii 'ti-a hixIit Bi i dia Hunk nf M ulcll.it, nni ill. "itTHTXV. . All snlvctita Uuik. I dia iNKW JKKKY. Belvulere Ihmk I dit C nnnieieinl Ilnnk I clip ni sits'imerv c; i Ilnnk per Ilnnk of N n-lhiitnlierriid. n Ilnnk i f Dualling; ilia ll ink ot lnnville puiirnr. r.'iiiK niniit iinuy iwr i urliale ll:ink 1 dia K. A .M.. Middlelnwii IM. iur t'nhimliis Il k ft rt'neC.i pnr Mcchnniee1 Hk. Newnrk it i.-y.-inr-wu ihiiik airj.IQl'll. UK nl IJlirllnirl ii alt Kjintim Ilnnk imrMeeh. A nlun. Uk 'i'leut pat I'.rie Hunk a dia'.M"tria Cn Hank ilia dia .tie dia Ksfhnnse H'k Pi'talmrii I ilea Newark ltk A Ins Cc Kxchatare H'k, Hrnneh ilia tlrnnie Ilnnk Pnrmera' U k. HnekaCo (mr'l'e iple'a ilk Pnlterann Kiirinera' Hk, Iducuaier pnr Princeton Ilnnk Fnrnierai Hk. Hemline. pnr Siilcm Hnnkiur Co, I'lirin. Hk Selinvllnll Co n.r.S.nw,ml I'i, Ilnnk pnt pur dia ran V A; I). Hk Wn'vnesli'ir lldia ttnle Hnnk nt ("nmden Knmklin Ilk. Wnah'n llnrrialiuri Hunk llnlH'whde lltuik lantenatiir Mink l.eliHtiii Hcink Mereh. A Miin. Ilink I jilia rtnte ok i-.iiRineini ni I dia Suite Hnnk Newnrk I ilia tha 1 diaftnleltk. N. Hcnnswh-k pnl nnr luasrx lituik. Newmn J dia inr Trent n Hnnk ins (?o imi I dia t'iiinn Hunk. Ilver I dia Mineia' H'k, P'dtsville ni r, Vnnllevv'leA llel llrT . Iftlin i iii'mmiii'lri ironic t .li.'f-9alllr .Ii4 iiilImP e.t f tli. ''')' c in-iii irin i.i in. in-.t..ivAl(r.. cat Hrtiueh Hunk pnr Hnnk nl l)el:iw:ire pnl Vy iinins Hk, WilkciaVc r"r Hnnk nl rinivrnn pui irk Hnnk. da I iel.iiire I'iiv Hunk itii ryitehef nntea i ,m ilk Wilnnr'nar Hrnndvw. pni SIAINK, ll'nrmira' Ilk f Delnwnre ir Hnnk nf Wheilnek .1 .ia;rni, u Hnnk. Wihniuirtinifair Mercnntile Ilk. Hnus; f 111 lnaf e" I'nder RVa I ilia All 'h ent lanika dia ilfl NKW II AMIIIllli:. 'All a.leenl Link.' .!!. Alls.li'ent Irinka 1 dial ir Hk ii lea nnihr fia J dia VKIIMIIXT. NOHTII ( Ahdl.l.NA Mi nk nf Sl Alliens All a ilveiit laiuks dia dia Ml a Ivi nl luiika a dia tfCmlerS's, 91 dia i;it um:t3e:m Bounty Land and Pension Agency, cpilK nml r it'ii.-il Altnrney nnd lieueral Aireiil nt the J. t ity ol nsinnct,.,,, ,,.r, j,,, fcrVK.,.. , ,,,.,,, 11 Mllily lunula nnd IVuamua I .t Ulnae eutilleil II, mi; ner- Itiiini'litly I cnleil ut Hie s;it nl (l..Verii ,,t Willi n tlnir- . iiCll mid l iiiiiliiir ne,uiiiiitniiee Willi Hie liu-emtiry forms, nml loiuiue of liiiaim lw, niul lun i,i nii'ea. to Kccialer. nnd llo Is filed in Hie nr mnen. lie nnsseaaes rneilities nil Hie aedy uud KclKi'iictnry iiiljUBIciient nl O .y .ruuieiit cl.iiiiia nl every kind. Hy n hie Aet I' Csiereaa. Ilonnlr Ijiild ia cnnileil to the rneern iiihI a.il.lii ra i. Hi,- vir .. xa. mid nf tlie vnri ri ma liiilmu wura, aiuee I7!l T i Hnw wk aervid nine niniillis IIHI ueieaj to ill -an i-lm aervtil I'.nr III inllis HI nerea; nnd tn a la ae wlin served ue in iiili III acres. Arriiii m.-ii'a li ne Ihvii mnile wilh !enll-ii f ll,e lil rr 'fea.i ii iu iiill'ereul aeciinna I ihe Cuintrv. ( the I "Titi .ii . w irnu'a. mul Ihe a;le ! Ihe i:ilculp, ivlu n iaaue.f. nn Ihe ill -at niUMui.iiie -nn ti-rius; f r the (iinnii-ul of tixis, reileiu ill -ll --f Itmila. s .1:1 f .r Inxea; e II. eti n n delna; ii'vl l r .lie inma ieii u i r.d I jiw liuaim aa. ia tlie tliirerent S'ntes mid 'l -Trit tii-s. He tenders Ilia sen i'va t i ir-. 1 1 .1- a if Ihe r f. ani u nl a dial nef. Slid when el llius utr dual Ihel Verinili'il. me ire jiir.il hy ii I ed ir. iil. will iiloleiiuu hill h:a naird fie T!ie iH'fenstry f .rina mill tiialrue' ions, uud iiunntrili in .111 nil yilliiiv'a ;iii eri:oi'in!T t u aiteeei.al'iil prnaeeini in nf Hii. Imaiueaa. will lie Ulruislicd t i regular C irri.a(v udenla Willi mil eh Hire lieiaiu. drairintr iufiriniti n of friends in Ihenrmv nr iiiivv, will I' rwirlt i In in nil the pnrlieul ira ku iwn of their aerviee. tnirellier wilh ii lee of nue d ill.tr, and their euiiii. riea will he rephe.1 d liy ri-lnni nf iinil. All c iinuiiniien. lima to be (PliEfAin.) uud nddreaaed to l'IIAUI.i:s C. TITKI'.R. (H" 107, P. t.) Wnaliiiuilmi, 1). C. Peeemlier if. I. -.jO. I'll I t A DI.LPII I MBDICAti HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 13 YEARS AGO BV DR. KINKKIJX, N. ir. Co. fief of TkirJ and Union Streets BKTWKKS PPKL'OK AND I'INK STHKtr.-, PI3Il.ADLPUrA. FIFTi:i:N Yi;RS .if rxtnre and iiiiinlcrriipted pr;i-i)re tpput in tins rily It.ive ri'inlcfr'it )r. K. Mm in t cxjit ri iiitrl puctTHHitil priH-tui utT inr ami inHr, in tlie tf (fmrni it" ull ilift-im'B i it rii il u uim r-, ioiiii iiilii'Mttl wild iiirtrm 'ii thtr h uly. ilir-:if -tr U-n. (..tiiik hi lit lie i l r tt ut.', iiie-i fitri.tl rlu tim ilium, utriclun-d, .i.vtl, tiieit ine Hrimnir t'r mi y -iiiliiull i-xct-mtn ,Pf iitipnrn .cs i thr ht hh. wlifrrtty lite -MWtiluli n li.u Itcc uie cineelilril, rt ull fu:iiitl witIi iifivi in wh pbrif liiHiitftr timlrf thft iir? nf Dr, K., tiny r 'tiMy r k in Ihm Ii t( ,r un a f;niticiiiiMi,uiiil c nliiliiit ly rely no u lit" Nr.il) i n Uynvvtu. TAKK l'.VUTtCl lsAll XO'riCK. Ymiiii M'-ii wli i h v i;iiurt;l tdr-inst.-lvrii liy n ceiliiiii pinflict iii-lnltfrtl m i li;tSii fi-cipifii'tv (''nriitl iVitin rvil e iiiiLKtui ut nl 'h-fl Hit i:fl?-n ( wliifh in uiirhtly evt-ii whrn imlefp. ami ilirr..y d id niiiitt att.l linlv, s'h'nlal Hpply iiiinuilinirly. WtnUii'Mii n;. -iirtitur i'ititl iL'Inlily I -u of itiMiwMilitr energy, phvflitril l.m.-iriHlr mul ir til er il ir lr ui ii. irrif iiliry iiu nil uerv im atfrcli'tit. imti pMti mi, tliitrvishiim f the livei. himI evry iliKennein nny w iy ittitiiwtfil wi'd Hie ili'nltr of tde priK-rcutive fmic tiiiiis curtd. inl lull vitriir rent i if erf. YOtJI'H AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a premalnre death. KINKEI,I un Self Pr srrvation. ONLY 25 CENTS. Tliia B mk iuat pulilialieil is Olltnl with uai-fiil iitrnrmati in nn the iiitiriiliLit'a mul iliafnai-a nl Iih lii'iifr-ilive Orsntta It sililnws iinli iilikc tn VIM TH, .UA.MlOUDaml UI.D Al.l', nml all mill In rend hv nil. Tan vulnnliU inlv ice anil imjireaaive wnrniiie it give., will rtrerent yi-uia il imacry aud.ullcriug uud save uilliual ly Th iliMihla ot' l.iwa. I' irniia hv rvidiiie it will leuru bnw m prevent the dia trutlmi nl Iheir cliiltli trii. ,iA rcinltiimi'e !' 'J! rrnia. ciK'l iatd iu a Iflter, ad (IrcMi-il t i lilt. KINKKI.I.N. X. V. c rner iu 'I'll HID A I l'Mn Slrci-ta. iMIweeu Spriwc A Tine, l'hilu.l.-l.hui. win ruaiiri; u n xik. uu.ier eni'.-i n.. nfr rt'iiiru ni imni. Pira mailt n diat uicf in:iyadi!rets Dr K. hy leltcr. (vnrt paid.) mid lii'rarml ul Ii nit. PACKAI'IKS UK .MKIUOIVfA l)RKCTIf)NS, c. f-irwunlwl by muidiiie a rinitittuui'e, uuo nut up w-uie I'r.uii u.iik.'i crniiirY. H i 'k-arlli-ra. NVw Anuta. Teill'ira, C-iuva.aera. and all othfra ati-ilti.il witli li. uUive wnrk ut very Inw nilra. flitfiulicr b. IOI ly. LSSENCE 01' J A M A 1 C A il 1 X C. K ll . MADK fi m the Itei' J:uuiia Oinfffr, ull llie Hiialit' iiic.lu-iml r -erty ( wliirh it will ik ittuiiU to p sU-H in h c tivciiifiu miiJ r iH'eniMit-tl i' nn. It is m in ml etrit'ifiit ami ut tbr uiit limr li'irmlrw. treiHl iiiiiiil'iiiiilC t mo i r llm 'iiii-h, and will Im I uud vei Ite.K-hci l iu rt lieviiiK Hie (..mul uud ditircM'tiir irt ltuv kt ibi muhI ly llie 1 1 m inred ueti u ol llii imji ri.mt iiru Kr ih ddf toa wdolu itr.i-iijiottulMl ijik-Rii iu a wmeflitr fill if avvHt-leued watnf will i-UHic !ijrly rnti ve Ihe Hulii true) and oppnuai-Ht rtMniliiuir irui m It) u, mul it taWe twtor tlirte tnifa tiiily, ua ri uircl, wdl 11 und In-iii uai'ful nttiiluat tlte liiMinidc uud aeusir amkinf m llicutoui cil .iipI leittli-iK'y t i it dia -nlt-red ai.ti m hhuhimiui by tli eorriiiiinj; .ff t'l f the an iimt-r he its. -r f II wiuir after in dia,. tn 1 1,1, and fur correcting tit iiuipiejit uaijea of diari bin s iu It in ;it i an exeellent m.rire f-r ih'e whi have ii jured llie t ne f their t..mariis t.y I'm miMhailcrMte uae 4 lutoxieudu li .uor. by ita al.jitjrity s'luiiilutiitkr elft-el ujti. (lie al 'in u n reu vinr( t lie cr (, nur f l aiMiiuUuita, while i h t u i niuirt'Uia ucli tt on Hie bruin, uud ia u t aiine.te hy rrfluiL'a f dt-preaat -n, which uhvuya fiUuw the uac u all h Iu Hiimubnita. A few dr pe dM to rrrijr.iefrin, rlmlmrh or other purn tivt tiirtbcinct, will rfiKier them di ra arreptnMe io the el nned nti ( prevent the griping winch U upttacc(uupau then action. PRKPA ItlCO ONLY BY AMIIKOSK SMITH, DHL'OiilST AND CHKMIgT. N H. titer of 1th ami Chestnut Streets, riiiUtdetphia. April 14, IMI - Iv LIQUOHS, WINKS. &C. "I'lin subscrilier has just received a new supply of the licit liipiom that ever came to Suuburv, rousistiu't in part uf MiiptrtoT old pale Brandy. Pine Coaniae lirandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirits. New England Hum. Pine Holland (Jin. Superior Old Whiskey Comnun do. Superior MaJcria Wine. I.islion do. do. Superior Port Wine. Burgundy Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Siia?rior Claret Wine in bottlea. Chumpague do. do. HENKV MASSEK. Sunhury, May tt 1849. STONC VAUX3, STONE milk Pans, atone Juga and Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware just receiveJ and for sale by JOHN W. f KILINU. Sunbury, June S3, 1849. - rpEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekiu L Tea Company. For sale by J. W. FRILIXO. . Sunbury, Dee. t. IB4 It AY HUM. An excellent article (or aale bv . . HENKV UARIi. K anbury Jso. STtlt, 1849 Ii A CALL TO HOTJSEXEIPERS -. At Hi THhlnPt Ware Koom of SEJJ'N IIOUPT & CO. . Market 8quare, ) 1 ' Alto at the corner of Fawn itreet & the Railroad SUNBUKY, PA. ' Thankful for the patrons, of llii fnends anj customers during the 17 years he has been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public a con linuance of their favors. Durins; this period he hsa endeavored to keep up with tlie improvements nf the day, and has accordingly extended his busi .tens in every branch and variety. The public are iherefhre invited to Ihe attention of the present tock of CABINET WAKE AND CIIA1KS, MAN'jrscTTRrn ar SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. the Old Stand, Where In addition to their former stock of the 'steblishmcnt they now manufacture Mr hog any, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chain 1irn Sprinsr Sent Rocking Chain, Dressing Bureaux, Centre Tattles, Xnrbfr Top Wank Stams, and a variety o f other new style and Fnihioii.-ililr Fiirniliirr. Having secured a Hearse and made the necea sary arrangements for the purpose, they are nov lin'pared for L'lulertakiiig in all its branches, ii this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ve in iide nnd miatrea.es, and hualmida too, Here's furniture nf every style nd hue, From side h.ainla d .wn to kitchen mulas, Pr'nn rucking ehnirs tn inekins cradles Plmidd ynn nut hnve the tendy Joaii tn ()ay, We'll w-ait awhile fir a tirii;liter lietter day, r tuse potnloes, outs, c ini, wheat and r s j Hark, hoop ridea, alnves. or liimlier wot and dry, r any thing hut yoke, and threalmie flails, Flotn pica nnd lurkiea down to little onalla. Come on then friends, come one and all, Keep trndc a moving, so "goes on the hall." I f' Orders from a distance promptly attend to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatc Siiiihury, March 9, 1850. tf WATTS' NZnVOUS ANTIDOTE Al IMIVSIC VI. l!WTII!IA TI VI-:. THaM cJicflij wc5Di3c: cr th ',. pt-siiivtlv cure nil stares iif Xciirs!? '1 ic lioliimux. Nervous Heailache, CI Icrn, I.nrkjuw, II ilrnpliolim convulsions; w restore tnuniiiiiul lo im prcstiuc vii;or, even af j cars uf proKtrnlinn, nml the only known and c tain cure for low spirits or menial tlcbiitv. Kxtrni-t from tho .ew York un, OvX.3, 18- The crtrhnunl Dr Wfll-iui. when talking of' miraculous pnncr of "Watts' Nervous Antidot Ihe question was put to him, ,Vhy such a vsl bit- rciiicily for all nervous um'Ctjnns was not trodureil hy ihe medical faculty !" replied, "T if it were, there woulil no longer lie any use fu faculty, as nil diseases originated from a dlsorg inl htrle of the nerves ; the nerves are Ihe m spriiiK of llie whole system Keep this in on nml both the niiiul and body must lie." Pour ounce pbinl, IS doses, enough for alt dinary cases, ONK DOLLAR. ' OI.1J HY Wm. McCAKTY, Droadway, Sunkury September, 2S, IH50. tf. TUB VO tlT CM 220US! I I TKKVOKTOX, Pa. ri'lir suliHcrilier resjiecifiilly intorms tile ptt I i l!i:it he lias opened n Public House, hi . new town of Trcvorlon, .Northiiinlierlaiid eou uud lli.il be is well prcpured to uccoiiittiiiit t't ! Rtu sts i:i the best manlier. His house is lor im.iriy opposite the ('nuipuny's Store. He Is prmided with tpml stablinv sulaeieiit lor 20 sea. lie trusts by prompt nnd careful uttet to business to meet a si nue of (he public pnt ae. Jtli.MO It WEAVE! Trevorton, Jan. II, 185(1 tf. Ross oiwyiiKNT, ron tett, 1 KAD the I iMiiwiiis ccititicata fmm Cspt. DeYor I well known anil inuiular !li.wl 11. .at Csntalu i. Tiaveller.) ' ritlL.DKLrill, Octnln-r 31, It P vend yira a::ire I wua uttiirknl with a liraakiit' mi my neck iu th"! f irm nf Tetter, which I am mm j w:ia c -iilriielwl at 'he lisrlier'.Stiiiii. It enuuluullye: r.. ".. i in, i.w-v uiiiii ii rnienru me upper purl i cheeks. I nn ink the aeverol m ulna Unit it enn' a;ne:lihll.. 1 liaeil ililleieul Hpjilieul InllB. a ilpe nf u III! the etfeet. iipprenlly nt leiial. .if lueleiiaiiitf ,e iUiiw frnin nniie nl ttieni li, itereeive the le.iat tieuetit uppheil ihe llii'S(lTr.T. Hy the uae iifniiejar I wua jieneeMy eilted and liuve renmiiied tree of llie tinii. I liuve .iuee uaitl tlie Oiiitnieut, tirhtlv applied fnr, Ilea, nf the fuee. hi ieh. a. elKippril lunula. A e. Win fi-et succeas. I liuve un lieaituti ia m reetuiiiBeuiliul the sir inireat n.:iuuer tn me nuulie. JAMKS I)KV A"eii IItmit MAarts, fiiuhury. July-, IMfl. PA7E1TT ISDICI1T3 d'reen's Oxygenated Hitler, price reduced Old Jacob Townat-nd's Sursaparilla. linker's Sursapurills. Swayne'a M-rup of Wild Cherr Swuuic's 'criiii('u?e. yre's (Cherry Pectoral I ir. Drake's Punucca. l'r. Cullen'a do Tihbit's Pain Killer. Dr. HiMillund's (iermun Litters Indian Vegetable Pills Horse and (.-utile Medicines Korsulelv HENKV MA! -unbtiry, July 14, 18-19. TUTJ PBOPtr'S VADBMBCt COMPRISING A COI.I.I-.CT1HN orOTKR 2 VALUABLE RECIPES, n the Useful and Interesting Artt wilh t Simple ami furious Experiments Ir CHE.MISTKY t j NCIX'DI.NO Medicines, Perfumery, Che 1 Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionar icslic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price 6 1 ct -ale by HENKV MASS Sudbury, Dec. 8, 1849. iioiti: Ai:v.oons Just received at the store of HENRY 'Kit. a lot uf Caps, Corn Shoes. Aim jucenswsre, I.iipiora &e. All of which -old at the lowest price. Dec. 14. 1850. Vtiltiiihle Hook. IFE ur Chsist, handsomely hound, -''i.t's HisTiiar ur ran Kkkubm IlUXK Dlt-BUIiKS IS1 I.KIIOKMS, full lw i-'ur sale at the publishers prices hy H. B. MASS Sunbury, July 14, 1819 T INEUAL WATER, from the OakC o Acid Springs, highly aluable ia chn seases, and tonic rerueuics, for sale HENRY MAS; Sunhury, June 29, 1850 tf C'APS. An assortment just received. ' silk H ATS at J25, for sale by H. MASt Sunbury, Dee. 848. T)LANK Panhment Paper Deeds an Mortgages. Bonds, Executions, Sui ' Ac. fur aale by II. D. MASt Sunbury, April So, 18SI. iTVE R NvTfVi'CrTES. A few doubh English Silver Wetehea, for sale at ti prieea by H. B. MAS: Sunhury, April It, 1831. JJLANKS. . fit LANbl5 pf every description can be pj h nig al tba ottice of tue Amenc DADD'8 eelebrated Hone and Cattl pe (or aale by H EN RY MAM ankery, Jaa. 7u 184 X. m