SUN BURY AMERICAN-' AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. Jo reign txo 0. j . ARRIVAL OP THE ' HUMBOLDT. OtJR OATS LATER FROM EIIIOPE, Desyetle Act o( Lsals Naoe'eaa Tbs Ptatioa. , ol eaarts Asollsaea. ! CORN ADVANCING. - ' Halifax, N. S., Feb 2. The Crystal Palace bad been entirely tired of its contents. !t was thought likely in London ihnt dun ardo would replace Normandy an Atnbns lor to France. " V Lord Normandy had arrived in England m Paiis. The London Newt of (he 12th of January, aking in relation to the Prometheus, rays t the British Government will express te Cabinet, at Washington, in frank and nly term, their regret of what has oc red, aisj testify in a matked manner ir disapprobation of the aggressor's con. t. That matter may, therefore, be cou jred ai amicably settled, 'he President of the French Republic has ed decree dissolving the National irdt throughout the Republic ; but it is e reorganized when the government miiy m it necessary for the maintenance of lio order. In such rases the President appoint conimandets, colonels, and tenant-colonels. was expected that Louis Napoleon Id soon declare himself Emperor ; but as felt that such a step would not add to despotic power he now execise. he Mark Lane Corn Market was very on the 14th, with an advancing ten y. Bailey had advanced one shilling, .r tells less readily at last week' atl e. Floating cargoes of wheat and corn at an advance of 6J. lo Is. American - is held one shilling higher. FRANCE, large number of persons had been sent ie government to the pestilent swamps ayenne. Decrees had been issued bnil g Victor Hnpo and six hundred and ty representatives of the mountains the territory of France, Algeria and Colonies. r reasons atTeclins the public tenuity, temporary banishment of the following ins from Franre and Algeria, has been ed, viz : Generals Chancarnier, Lamor 9 and Bedean, M. M. Thiers, Girardin twelve others. The Generals named 5 had been released from the Fortress m, and escorted to the frontier, conspiracy had been discovered for ig the convicts in the hulks at Roche- ests continue to be made in all parts r e, and a virtual Reicn of Tenor had established. The French funds had nsequence, fallen considerably. ARRIVAL OF THE MAGBAA. Three Days later from Europe. Halifax, Feb. 4., Monitor published the New Constitu s iudicaied in the Proclamation, s President is to be a responsible Gov for ten years. Justice is lo be dispen i his name. He has the initiation of and the right of pardoning. He coin s ihe laud and sea forces, declaies war nukes treaties, and appoints all public otiaries. The oath required of all pub icers is in this form : '-I swear obedi ,o the Constitution and fidelity to the lent." In case of the President's the Senate convokes the nation for a leetion, the President beini? entitled cret deed to designate the citizen, nerils the confidence of the people, i Loudon Times annonnces that Louis eon is about to strengthen his portion natiimonial alliance with a Swedish , the daughter of Oscar, and grand ter, on her mother's side, of Eugene arnois. She is 22 years of age, and of h descent. KOSSITII AT CLEVELAND. Clevkkand, Ohio, Feb. 1. ernor Kossuth arrived in this city about ick last evening?! and was received le most unbounded enthusiasm. On the mm Pittsburg, he addressed the people imand Ravenna, and from the platform ears at places, where immense throngs wembed to see him. At the various ig-placea he received contributions of alaid, amounting in all to about $1700, liance he was addressed by Judge ins. Chairman of the State Committee. lis arrival in this city, he was escorted trchlisht procession of the military and n to the Waddell House, whieh was itly illuminated in linnor of the distin d guest. He shortly afterwards ap. upon the balcony in compliance with Is of the immense concourse assembled it of the building. He made nut a ddress, simply thanking the people tor eception, and excusing himself from a speech, on the plea of fatigue and Ith. will speak at the festival on Monday (dress the Ladies' Association in the TY one thousand emigrants landed ada during the past year, and of this r upwards of twenty-two thousand nh. er Ofoh Hyde's paper in Iowa de- he Mormon tystem of a plurality of 1 he Mormon law anows it ana tne aeems u w . Russian Goverment are taking con. Tor iron in the English markets, for wtuction ol the railway bridge over (tula, and other royal bridges. Wednesday week 123 slaves were Charleston, at an average of $448 and 16 others at an average of 1 612 i. y A of tha Forrest Divorce Case eeneral dissatisfaction in Philadel- n i r...ii- Mr Forrest, epila Ol U ' UUiis, From the Boston Transcript. MORMOKISM A DEMORALIZING DELI). BIOS. '" The following it a communication, addres sed tout by Mr. Hardy, formerly an elder in the Mormon ohurch, on the subject of (he charges brought against the Mormons by the returned United Slates officers from Utah. We have had some conversation with Mr. Hardy, doting which he Impressed ut most favorably by those external signs of physiognomy and manner, which denote truthfulness and sincerity. We firmly be. his tory, confirmed as it is by much concurrent testimony from official and other sources.. We have hitherto defended the Mormonf, believing them to be a traduced and persisted people. M ORMONISM EXPOSED. By an esMormon. To the Editor' "f ihe Transcript The late high handea and" treasonable proceeding of Ihe Mormons in territory of Utah, as shown bv the officii "?pirrt of the U. S. officers returned there.W. however strange and startling they may appear te the unini tiated, form no new development lo thoie who have had an opportunity of scrutinizing and observing them, and ihei. doctrines and practices, and designs ; but a r perfect keeping with the character o.' 'he sect, openly avowed by thrm to most or 'heir members for some ten yeats or rnore The writer of this having been f their number, and having been person ""Hy acquainted with Brighm Young and l.'s associates, called by them Ihe twelve Apos- I lies, and having had frequent conversations with them in respect lo their policy in rela tion to the government of this country, is perhaps better qualified than many to sub mit a few hints thereon. First then, a word in regard to their great leading doctiine ; they believe and teach that the aboriginies of this continent are descendants uf a branch of the house of Israel, through the seed of Joseph, the pa triarch, and, consequently, those remarkable blessings pionounced upon Joseph, and his two sons, by Jacob, his father, also by Moses, will be fulfilled upon the head of the Mormon Church, and on this continent. Hence all those terrible denunciations and destructions predicted of in tho Prophets, against the oppressors of Ephraim and Ma nassnh (Ihe Indians) aie to be fulfilled upon the devoted heads of the American people, tho Mormons beina the instruments ! The Book of Mormon misnamed Ihe Motmon Bible which Joseph Smith claim ed to have found miraculously, in the shape of metallic plates, inscribed upon in an un known or lost language, but translated by him through inspiration, is the sacred and political history of this branch of Israel, the predecessors of the American Indians. The organization of Ihe Mormon church is the beginning of this work, of returning political powers to the Indians ontensibly, but in reality lo the Mormon church. In regard to the government and laws of this country, they are ready at any and nil times to set them at defiance, except when they may deem it politic to do otherwise. In addition to their religious idea of vengence on this government, they Iiave sworn vengence against Ihe States of Mississippi and Illinois, from which they have been driven, and against the U. S. Government for not siding with them against those States. The Salt Lake movement was got up for the avowed purpose of placing themselves without Ihe pale of this Government, (they, with all their prophets, little dreaming that it was so soon lo be a part of that Govern ment) that they could the belter manage their treasonable designs, and at that time the Mormons petitioned Qneen Victoria for aid for Ihe Mormon emigrants from Great Britain, urging in that petition the impor- tance of her Majesty's Government counter acting Ihe rnpid emigration from the United Stales to California ! That petition can be seen by examining the files of the Mormon paper printed in England at that tune, call ed the Millenian Star. In regard to Polygamy, it hns been preached among them for years ; and, if it were necessary, I could give you cases of the separation of husbands ami wives, and breaking up of families, the demoralization of young women by some of these twelve apostles, in this city and vicinity, that would almost chill the heart's blood. They leach and avow openly that marria ges performed out of that church are null and avoid, and can be broken at the plea' sure of either nr both parties ! There is no particular order or system about it. The heads of the church manage to secure to themselves the most desiiable of the fe males thai join the church ; and when tired of them, given them over to Ihe laymen of the church, and not before. 1 know of one instance of a family from this city, where the mother and two daught ers (mere children) were used as wives by one of these apostles, Heber Kimball ; he at the same lime living with his lawful wife ! I know of another case, in which P. P. Pratt, another of the 12, took the young wife of Mr. Hum of this city, unbe. known to him, and they have lived as hus band and wife since. But your space will not permit to begin lo enumerate instances of that kind that have come to my personal knowledge. Instead of polygamy, it should be termed licentiousness run mad. Any and all of these charges I stand ready to substau liate by their own documents, and by uniin peachuble witnesses. JUHN HAUL)). I The Austrian Government is aaid to be demanding a tax of two hundred and twen. ,y.five do!ar, from ery fu)i gro,rn tton emigrating to America, Qucstiohi to bc Amswered.--Do you be lie vu in ibe Rochester Knockers 1 Do you love figs' peel Do you love ismbs lungs ? Do you live near tbe ehottecary'e pop 1 DiJ you ever ride in a wagage baggoul To draw a ton upon an ordinary conn try road requires a "full" of one bundled and forty-seven pounds J upon a Macadamsied road, sixty-live pounds upon the Rue pvroRi9 iuirsjiaio puuuu.1 t upon piana .1 rii.JK Mill. luanlt.lkfU nnnn.l. t: Iloofland's German Bitters, prepared and sold by Dr. Jackson, at the German Medical Store, 120 Arch street, Philadelphia, daily increase in their well deserved celebrity, for the cure of all diseaes arising from derange ment of the liver. These bitters have, in deed, proved a blessing to the afflicted, who show their gratitude by Ihe most flattering testimonials. This medicine has establish ed for itself a name that competitors, how ever wily their schemes or seducive their firomises cannot reach. It gained the pub ic confidence by the immence benefits that have been derived from it, and will ever maintain its position. OIK l. In i his place, on Thursday last, ELISA BETH, daughter of Mr Jonathan Baslian, aged 5 years. In Upper Augusta, on the SSth ult., Mrs. MARY RENN,"relict of Mr. Bernard Renn, aged about 78 years. In Milton, on the 201 h tilt , Mrs. REBECCA COATS, wife of L P. Coats, aged years. In Delawnio township, on the 26th ult., Mr. SAMUEL CALDWELL, aged about CO yea rs. In White Deer township, Union county, on the 2d ult., JOHN, aged 19 tears, and on the 24i h ult., JACOB, aged about 1? years both sons of John Bachman, Sr. Tn Lewis township, on tho 17lh ult., Mrs. SUSANNA GLASE, aged 34 years. In Lewis township, on the 21st ult., MA RY JANE SEVESO.V, aged 6 years. In Point township, on Ihe 10:h ult., Mr. JOSEPH GIBSON, nged 79 years In the same township, on the 17th ult., af ter a short illness, Miss MARY HAMMOR, daughter of the Into John Hammor, due'd., in the 20th year of her age. In Limestone township. Montour county, ,-.n iho 3d ult., Mr. JOHN FREDERICK ERG, aged 75 years. In1 Delaware township, on the 25ih nil., JAOPB HITTKL, infant son of Josiah Ktlser, aged 1 )'enr ai"' $ mouths. In Le Hisburc, on the 10th ult., MARY, wife of Martin A. Slock, in the 73d year of her age. H)C iltorkcts. PhiLideitihia Market. Fk. 5, 1852. Fl.ofR and MeaI..--Flour is firmer sales of 1500 bbls. fair bi.vids nt 5i per bbl ; sales for city ue ill $4,374. Extra flour is held atS-IJ a 5 Rye Flour. Is scarce, and would bring S3. 50 Cohs Meal. Last of fresh ground at S3,12i. Wheat Little ottering ; sales of prime red at 90 c; white is held at St. 00. Rye. None aiming; last sales at 73 cents. ConN. Is dull ; sales of good oU yellow at 68 cts. Oats. New Southern are in demand at 40cts. Whiskey. Sales at 21i cts. in bbs. nd 21 cts. in hhds. SUNBUKY 1'ItlCE CURRENT WllSAT. "0 lit K. .50 Con. - -50 Oats. . . U7 DuTTsa. 16 Kerns. ... 12 I'o iik. ... 6 Flaxskcii. .... 1C' Tallow. -10 lit ts wax - 25 tUcKLKti Flax. ... 10 IJiiif.1i Api'I.ik. - 100 Do. PttAcakS. 250 Flax New Advertisements. J. STOCKMAN & SON, Manufacturers and Dealers m GOLD AM) SILYEU PENCILS, Tliimllis, Silvrr Warr, Jfffrlry, if. At th" Old Established Stand, Sijrn of the Gold Thimble, No. 60 Chestnut Street, Suuth side, between 2d and 3d Sis., PHILADELPHIA. WHERE thev manufacture and keep con stantly on hand a vnrirtv of articles, suita Mc for city or country trade, among which are Gold and Silver Patent and other kinds of Pencils, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Combs, Finper Shields, Knitting SIiphIIis, Needle Cases, Scissor Hooks and Chains. Purse Clasps. Tooth and Eur Picks, Twee7.ers, Nursing Tillies, Odd Fellows' and Sons of Temperance Jewels and Emblems, dec, also Silver Spoons, Forks and Butler Knives. In addition to which they keep a general sup ply of Rogers' superior Plated and uertnan bilver tioods Of the first quality, such as Spoons, Forks, Soup ami Oyster Ladles, ButterKnives, Spectacles, Ac. Jackson a celebrated Lead for I encils of all f'wrt by the quantity, tt the lowest market prices. January, .4' !" im- WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, aiLYIHUtY, PA. Dec. 13, 1851 tf. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sate on Saturday the 7ih day of Febru ary next, on the premises, the following real es tate to wit : A certain TRACT OR PIECE OF LAND, situate in Lower Augusta township, Ceunty aforesaid, containing 14 Acres, adjoining land of Samurl Reitr., Henry Rodger and Ailuin Snyder, on which is erected a FRAME HOUSE, a Lot; Darn, all of which is cleared, and on wh:ch is a small ORCHARD. Late -tht es tate of Lavina Beachcl, dee'd 8ale to commence at 10 o'rlnrk, A. M. of said day, when the terms of sale will h made known by 8AMI.EL REITZ, Adio'r. By tinier ot Ihe Court, e Court, ) Clk. O. C. J5U ) P. PLKSjil,. cik Jan. 10, MX TUG WORLD'S FAIB. Gold Ifledal ii warded, To Eli Krupp, for hit "Essence of Coffee." IT is now satisfactorily decided that Krupp's "Essenc of Corl'ee" is ths best auj most wholesome preparation for Coll'ea in tha world, W therefore recommsnd it to all lovers of "Good Coflit as an article of great value. 'l bs price is only 144 cents per package, which with one lb. of CoTee will go as fat as five lbs. of ordinary Cotles alone. Storekeepers and all others that may purchase it ara assured that if it does not giv antira satis faction it msy ha returned, and tha money will Da reiunuca. jtianuiacturao ny ELI KRUPP, ' No. 639 N. 8d 8U, Philadelphia January 8, 1851 3m. fa ISSUE PAPE& VeUow Tiasu papor wr I. ovwinf Issm, Ac, for sal a rhs orCea A Ua American. . . , Ml rXaj W4 CHERRY PECTORAL: Far lb Car mf COUGHS, COLDS, BOARSSNX2SS, BRON OHXTXS, GROUP, ASTm. XVI A, WHOOPIItrOOOUOH AtfX) CONSUMPTION. In ofTering to the community this justly cele brated remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs, it is not our wish to trifle, with the lives or health of the afflicted, but frankly to lay before them the opinions of distinguished men and some of the evidences of the success, from which they can judge for themselves. We sincerely pledge ourselves to make no wild assertions or false statements of its efficacy, nor will we hold out any hope to suffering humanity which facts will not warrant Many proof arc here given, ami we solicit an inquiry from the public into all we publish, feel ing assured they will find them perfectly reliable, and the medicine, worthy their best confidonce and patronage. From th' distinguished Prnfrsiorof Chemistry and Materia Medita, Uoicdoin College. Pear Sir : I delayed answering the receipt of your preparation, until I had an opportunity of witnessing its eflccts in my own family, or in the families of my friends. This I have now done with a high degree of satisfaction, in cases both of adults and children. I have found it, as its ingredients show, a pow erful remedy for colds, and coughs, and pulmon ary diseases. PARKER CLEAVELAXD, M. X). BnrMswicK, Mi., Feb. 5, 1847. From an Overseer in the Hamilton Mills, in this City. Lowkli, Aug. tn, 1849. Dr. J. C. Ayer : 1 have been cured of the worst cough I ever had in my life, by your "Cukbrt 1'EtTonAt," and never fail, when I have opportunity, of recommending it to others. Yours, reapectfullv, 8. i). EMERSON. I'iT Read the following, and see if this medi cine is worth a trial. This patient had become very feeble, and the cH'cct of the medicine was unmistakably distinct ." U. S. HuTUL, SlHlTOBA SpRINOS, July 5, 1849. $ Dr. J. C. Eyer, Pir : I have been afflicted with a painful nfl'vetiun of th a lungs, and all the symptoms of settled consumption, for more than a year. I could find no medicine that would reach my ease, until I commenced the use of your "Chkmmt Pkctoral," which gave me gradual relief, and I have been steadily gaining my strength till my health is well nigh restored. While using your medicine, I had the gratifi cation of curing with it my reverend friend, Mr. Truman, of Sumptcr District, who had been sus pended from his parochial duties by a severe at tack of bronchitis. I have pleasure in certifying thee facts to you, And am, sir, vours, respectfully, J. F. CALHOUN, of S. C. fST The following was one of the worxt of csaes, which the physicians and friends thought to be incurable consumption : CiitH-run, P., Aug. 22, 1S46. J, C. Aver. Sir : I wss taken with a terrible cough, brought on by a cold, in tha beginning of lust February, slid was confined to my bed more than two months. Coughing incessantly night and day, I became ghaetty and pale, my eyes were sunken and glsssy, and my breath very short. Indeed, I was rapidly filling, and in such distress lor breath, that but little hope of my re covery could be entertained. While in this situ ation, a friend of mine, (the Rev. John Keller, of the Methodist church) brought me a bottle of your L'uirut Pkctohai., which I tried more to gratify nun, than from any expectation or obtain ing relief. Its good effect induced me to con tinue its use, and I soon found my health much improved. Now in three niuiiths, I am well and strong, and can attribute my cure only to your 'cut medicine. With the deepest gratitude, vours, &e. JAMKS GODFREY. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mtus. fold in Sm.hury by II. MARSER, and by Druggirts generally throughout the telutc. November 1, 1651. lyceSmo. PURIFl'ISIl EXTRACT The Greatest BLOOD PURIFIER In the whole IV Priest $t pr fi" flit, or Hi Hottlm far 1l U now nut tin tn U1.4 ItT ItOTTI.KS. of tt tine jnatrunl s?iWctf tfnup tin when In mi if huttlet. r.iirh Iat., txtnle contains) I XT YPOi It l0KH, tt.l Om tilicHtinna are u ntitirly ( nnrriitrnlrif Html only One TaUtpmfl t rp)innd at ae thrr timm a atf tlius) oiiti IhiiiIsj !( Twenty-One !nv, wiin-n it n men ioni'-r wan ikiw of or other ttHHlirin IrIs). linraiiM IttHi-st it reauired uf tlita aunniUv tf a (loam. The renf ffujwrtWtYs of tlift Bland Purifier ever a!) o'.lr ttielu-iiie, ctHiHstta in ftfui nieavura In it ps tM'ntT m a of Ut cmifsminii. i le pomtrtd Medical innn us anmio nrnrre ami iiare Indian Roots and Barks, wMr!t no otdfT tnerttcinr nuMsxaes. Thfc ara the arKt swrv " I'ttrtfiiTa of Hluod itiat were ar known lo tHiltnr ImJmm or tckitr am., ana Utrae basing aaaywasisfad witn Ua ttromyt -eumcMt rated ht tract of SarsapariHa, Yellow Dock. CHERRY AND SASSAFRAS BARKS, ntaka tlii a Vraretnbl Kxtrnrf, not only tha prastal Itlitnd luritifr, l-ui ai, a dirt per arfn ny lirent ortri ih;n any otJVr It in dwiper, Isacauae Uw ffuud'y uf u that may lm nmtiUi for One llol.Hr will laat murb lontier, tMul will rurn Ten Tliuen mora Bluod d-R. than a iWnVt wnnh tf any .itimr MMtkln). y rur uuduiiUUMi ftrour uf Uia L vrmol Scrofula, Fever-Sores. fiwld Htd,, H,ilt- Mm, RMm ttim, 5Aisa, rup4fM Pufj-itm om tht k ', I,iverC'ompluliita Ptlet, l.umKctf. Cttiararoifa IWi, ('oaf iveneaa Sura t'va. IrTMtM-ln Patm a U ai, Htmut, iiimm, mnd Jotott, nt i i. oiHra iMrtjRi-Ui.oou UikCAiir.ft, aea otir PAMrnl.m. IS M4 UoucUnil-tivrj Agvi baa tbaal lu giv away. For tLS by J. W. Friltntt aiiuburvt Mary A. Me Cay, N'ittmniierwnl j J-4ia ii. Hot-tt Matou; llayca Sc 5IrCormi k, MrKwtfiiavill. May 3, IWl, olw. ly. STE1W CllUDH AND MILUNERT. R. A. CROOK UK & CO., IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN STRAW CLOUDS, Silks, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, AND OTHCa MILLINERY GOOD?, Nos. 47 and 49 Chestnut Street, snd No. 58 South Second Street, west side, near Chestnut, Philadelphia. December 57, 1851 ly. Witt. G. MASON, Engraver and Printer, No. 40 Chestnut Street, above Second, PHILADELPHIA. - IS prepared to do ENGRAVING and PRINT ING, in all their branches. Wedding, Visiting and Business Cards, Ball Tickets, Watch Papers, Labels, Bill Heads, Notes, Checks, Drafts and Diplomas. Seals and Bumps for Corporations, Odd Fellows, Masons, Sons of Temperance, Ac. All the above engraved in ths best msune Orders by Post promptly stt"ied to, t December?., TOLANK DEEDfci printed on ths bast quality of perchmrat paper, sold at tha lews prkee I c, Vy whoussaW n rtn ' f ' is "AID AND COMFORT," lo Your Own Mechanics. GEOKGERENN. ' . . MaNtTACTURER Of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of tha most Fashionable Style. T"HE suliseriher respectfully rails the attention 1 of the public to his large and splendid assort, ment of every quality and price of ClARINET-WARI?. which cannot fail to reiommend itself to every one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscrilier is determined to keep up with the many improvements which ara constantly being made His stuck consists of Mahogany Koran, IIvnii and Lounges, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, m, BREAKFAST AM) DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BUNDS, equal to Phils- dvlphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be had ir Sunbnry, such as Mhoort, Bi.c WimcT iiuiCi'susMiniGiuaiJi n Wixnsna CHAIRH, ixn rAMf Puno Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscrilier is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can lie entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. Hi articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elxewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pnvment for work. CV UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Hkarsk, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. W The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1862. tf. HERRING'S (WII.DERH PATKNT.) SALAMANDER SAFES. fMIE validity of this patent, (after having Wen vigorously contested by suits nt law for the last six years.) has been fully and finally estab lished in the Supreme Court of the United States. The undersigned, at his depot, has ou hand a large assortment of the genuine PATENT SALAMANDER SAFES, ALSO, ALL KINDS OP Iron Chests, Money Boxes, Vault Doors and Dank Vaults, both fire and bur jrtar proof, with new and Second Hand Safes of other makers forming the largest assortment in tlie world. Also, the fo'lowing LOCKS: Jones's Changeable, Combination, Permutation, and LetteT Changeable Anti Gunpowder Locks; Hall's New Patent Powder and Burglar-Proof Lock; Day, Newell & Day's; and Locks of otlier celebrated makers. JOHN FARRCL, No. 54 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Sole Agent for the State of Pennsylvania. January 10, KS2. Sin. THE GERMAN WASHING POWDERS considered by thousands who have tested it, as being the greatest Scientific Wonder of the tl'orld! Entirely doing away with that laborious and in jurious practice of rubbing the CLOTHES I'pon tub WASHBOARD, And a grcnt saving of TIME. LABOR AND EXPENSE. N. B. To prevent fraud and imposition, (for many are trying to palm oil article put up lika mine.) the Proprietor, I. P. HOVT, will put his WRITTEN MGN'ATTRB on the top la bel of every Packsge. And he only asks sa enlightened fiiblic not to confound THE OKR-MA AVASIIIKG POWDER with others that are in tho market. It is put up in Packages with full directions, and sold at the.nomina) price of 12J cents. tV PRINTERS will find it greatly to advan tags to purchase tbose Powders to cleanse tlieir TYPES AND ROLLERS, being a very superior article for that purpose. Manufactured only by I. P. HOVT. at his Laboratory and Principal Depot, No. 10 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia. Wholesale nnd Retail A (rents ; Henry Masssr, Sunbury ; S. 15. Denormandie, Northumberland. Remember the name GERMAN WASHING FLUID. All letters to be post paid. November!?, 18M. Oino. J. Z. DITTEHICH, -Vs 78 Xortk Sd St., bttwetH Arrk and Race Sr., PHILADELPHIA. YYEREBV informs the public that he imports and constantly keens on hand at his new store. No. 78 North Sd St., a large assortment of Foreign Fancy Goods, Musical Instrvmtnls, Pictures $ Paints, which he will sell at the lowest prices. His stock, in part, consists of, Accordeons, lolins. Music Boxes, Parlor and Bar Koorn On gans, Melodenns, Herniiliiues, Mathematical In' airuinents, Mugncls, h'py and Opera Glasses, Stationery of all kiiuls. Pocket Books, Bronze Powder, DuU-h MeUl, Gold and Silver Leaf, Kcalea of all kinds, fvinfl" and Tobacco Boxes, Lithographic Puinls, Copper Plate and Steel En pra vinns, and pictures of every variety. Also Gilt Frame Mouldings of various sizes. Dealers. Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup plied at reasonable prices. December U0, 1651 tf. HOVER'S INK 'mANIJFACTORYT rtr.novi:r to No. 144 Race Street, Between ith and SA, opposite Crown St.) PttlLADELTHlA. 1XTIIF.RE the Pniontrtnr ii anaHerl, bv incfasKit farfli lie, to euortlv Uia growing ileinsisl lor HOVEK'H INK, which IU wiilo-anitaij rulali"ii lm created. This Ink ie uow so well eeuUilied in Die (raid opinion and e ai&leuce of the A meneen Public. Ikftt it ie arefeeijr aucteiiry ii aav aurihini iu in iuvr. aiul the mauuiecta. Mr inea this opportunity to euy that the confidence Uiu Srrurrd shall rt'S lie abneKl. lu to the various kinde of Writing Ink, ke elan BMiiulacturea Adamantine Cement for nieiHUnf Glass and China, as wll as a annerior Hair Dye ; a IruU only is ne ceeeary to inanre n lulur use. aud a Bralins Wax, well adapted for Druggists and Uottiers, ai a very low price, in terse of smalt qiuuit Hies. Orders addressed to JOOEPH HOVER, Manoineturer, No. t4 Race Bireet, Between 4ih A tie, opposite Crowa Street, riuladelphie, December 7, 1M1. n. BUFFALO ROBES. Al0, TANCY FURS, such as Muffs, Boas, Tippets, Victorias, eVc tVe. Tha subseri hers oflier ths abate for sals, wholesale er rataiL in ths greatest variety, and on ths cheapest terms, at tueur establishment, No. S3 North Tbirsl Street, opposite Cherry, Philadelphia. JAMES REIaY eV CO. November ft, 1S51. 4mo, HAZUI&A superior artkU fur sals at taa ssorsj of . - HENRY MAMXX . hinkqrr, fK l, l80- i' t TO PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. L. PKLOUZE'S Philadelphia Type Foundry. Great Reduction In Type, Ac. PF1HE undersigned begs leava to call tha atten- tion of Printers and Publishers to ths greatly reduced prices of his Type, Vis I Pearl, $1,08 Minion, . 4. Agate, 7 Brevier, 4 Nonpareil, 58 Bourgeois, 87 Long Primer, 34 Small Pies, 3 Pica, 80, and all other type in proportion. But wishing to encourage cash payments, the subscriber will make a still larger deduction of from 12 to IS per cent, for cash. Having greatly enlarged and improved his establishment, he flatters himself to be able to supply his customers with greater des patch Uian most of his competitors. He has constantly on hand Cases, Chases, Composing Sticks, Stands, Brass and Wooden Galloys, and all other materials used in a Printing Office. All orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to at the North West Corner of 3d and Chestnut streets. L. PELOUZE. N. B. Old Type taken in eichange for new at nine cents per pound. Philadelphia, Dec. SO, 1851.- tf. MORE GOOD NEWS!! MORE NEW GOODS ! ! JOHN YOUNG, TTAS just received and opened a fresh and general assortment of Pall and Winter Goods, of the newest and best styles, consisting in part of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, aTJEENSWARE. Hardware. Iron and Steel, Nails, ic, ALSO : SILK AND SLOUCH HATS, MILITARY AND CLOTH CAPS. Gum Shoes, Fish Salt, &c. A 11 of which he will sell at the most reasonable prices fur cash or country produce. Give him a call and try his prices. Sunbnry, Nov 22, 1851. JOHN A. II All It IS, Manufacturer, &. Dealer in Imported and Domestic Segars, Also, a general assortment of Leaf & Manufactured Tobacco, CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest msr- ket prices. Comer of Chestnut St, and Wharves, Philadelphia. December S7, 1851. ly. GREAT BARGAINS 1 Watches and Jewellery, WHOLESALE niil RETAIL,. HAVING constantly on hand an immense stock of Watches and Jewellery, I am de termined to sell at less prices than the same qual ity uf Watches or Jewellery are sold in Philadel phia, viz : Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled 18 ka case, only $30,00 Gold Lcpine, '-18 84,00 Silver Levers, full jewelled, only 14,08 Silver Lepines, - 11,00 Gold Pencils, 1,50 Gold Pens, Silver holders, 1,00 Also an immense stock of all kinds of Watch es, Gold Chnins, Breastpins, Earrings, Silver Spoons, Vc, all of which I will sell at less pri ces than ever have been sold in this city, as the prices ara certainly much less than ever hereto fore sold in this city or county. California Gold bought for Cash. Particular attention paid to repairing Watches and Jewel lery. All I ask is a call to convince l'urchasers that this is the place to purchase Watches, Jew ellery and Silver ware. Persons by sending the casli tliey wish to ex pend can have a watch or watches sent to them hv mail with perfect safety, having sent them in that way lor the last 6 years. All communica tions must be post paid. Please call or send or ders to LEWIS LA DOM US, No. 103 C'hcsnut St., hetwn :td and 4th St., East Wing of Franklin House. Philadelphia, Oct 25, 1851- tf. TO DYSPEPTICS. THE subscribers offer for sale Cheltenham Suit. n invnliiabln remcdv for this disease it is an exsct imitation of the water of the cele brated Cheltenham Spring of England, which has leen found ao beneficial in cases of Dyspep sia, bilious Complaints, Hick Headache, Habit ual CoKtivencss, cite, and is particularly recom mended as a substitute for Sciillitz Powders, as it acts troth as a tonic and gentle purgative. A Pamphlet containing an analysis of the water and directions fur its use, accompanies each bottle. Price 3ti cents per bottle. The subscribers also prepare a highly concen trated Essence of Pure Jamaica Ginger. Price 25 cents per bottle. Full Catiilortin of drugs with prices attached furnished Physicians gratis. Also priced Cata logues of l"u re Chemicals for analytical Chemists. The attention of Druggists is particularly in vited to our stock of fine drugs, chemicals, &c. BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemist, Cth & Arch Street," Philadelphia. October S5, 1851. smo. E. S. JONES & CO., CORNER of Fourth and Race Streets, Pub lishers of the Model Architect, bv SAMUEL SLOA N, Architect, to be completed in 'ii month ly parts. The abova work is designed to meet the wishes not only of those directly interested in bnildiugs, but of all who desire the advancement of thia no ble art in our country, and wish to cultivate their tastes and acquaintance with architecture. The handsome manner in which it is prepared and embellished, renders it a tasteful ornament for the drawing-room, while its accurate delineations giva it the highest practical value. Nos. I. 2 A 3 now ready for delivery. Price 60 cents ler number. Address as above, post paid. May :t, 1851. ly. Dec. SO. 1851. M. L. KIIIXDEIj, ATTORITEY AT LA"77". Office in Market street Sunbury, opposite Weaver's hotel BUSINESS will be promptly attended to in the Counties of Northumberland, Union, Columbia and Montour. Sunbury, Oct. 11, 1851. ly. THOMAS PALMER) COMMISSION MERCIIAKT,- No. 6, North Wharves, Where the following goods are received and sold oil coin mission, Dried Apples, reaches, Plums, Pears. Cherries, Ac,, Green Apples in Barrels or by ths Bushel, Beans, Feaa, Cranberries, unions, mercer ro ta toes. Sweet Potatoes, Shelborks, Chestnuts, Ground Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs. Prunes, Grapes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Cheese. And all kiuds of Foreign and Domes tic Pro. dura. . Philadelphia, Dee, 13, ,851 ly. SOAP AND CANDLE il. THE subscriber takes this meJ'jod uf Inform. Inj the citizens of Sunb'jry and vicinity, that they are engaged ip. tha rnanufactrrra "of 6oap and Candles, pf tb beat quality, at No, 44 Filbert street, Philadelphia. They respectfully Invite all who buy for cash, to give him call as they will find it to Is their advantage is) dealing with him for articles in their line. C. DUFFY A BON, 44 Filbert sbsrs M. Dacaabsi r, 111 tL MORE ! NEW GOODS! FRILING & GRANT, RESPECTFULLY inform the public an! "the rest of mankind," that they bavs ra eeived a large assortment of FAIL AND WINTER GOODS, of every variety of style, consisting In part of fine assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Merinos, Moutselini de Lains, Calicoes, Muslins, Lhecks, and every variety of Dry Goods. Also a large assortment of GROCERIES 81'CH AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices ' of all kinds. Also an assortment of HARDWARE and OTEENSWARE, Pish, Salt and Plaster. Also a iresh supply of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. GT Country produce of all kinds tsksn in St change at the highest market pries. Sunbury, Nov. 8, 1851. NEW GOODS ! J. 11. KAUFFMAN At nil New Store In Hollowing ton, TJESPECT FULLY informa his friends anil ' customers, that he has just received a new stock of goods, which he offers to ths publia at the lowest prices, viz : Fall and Winter Dry Goods, SUCH A3 Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Merinos, Mousseline De Lames, Flannels and every variety of goods suitable for ths season. Also Silk Hats, Caps, dice. ALSO: An assortment of Hardware. ALSO: All Kinds, of Groceries, LIQIOKS. ALSO : A variety of Quecnsware, Crockery, &c Besides a variety of other articles, suitable for farmers, &c '. All kinds of produce taken In exchangs for goods at the highest market price. Hollowing Run, Oct, 35, 1BSI. tf. LOOK HERE, W1KTILLIAM HOOVER respectfully informa V his friends and customers that he has. just returned from Philadelphia, with su excellent assortment of NEW SPRING GOODS, which he offers for sale at his new stors at Mas scr's Mill, Hollowing Run. These goods will be sold at the lowest prices. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF EVIiRY VARIETY, Ytit Dry Goods, fjc., Such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Muslins, Callitoetr Gtnghams. Lawns, Chintzes and Ladies Dress Goods generally. ALSO: An assortment of Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, IRON and STEEL, NAILS, & A general assortment of Groceries, such as Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molas ses, Spices, &c. A lso an assortment of Liquors, such as Brandy, Rum, Whiskey, Wines, tc. VtT Produce of all kinds taken in exchangs at the highest market prices. Hollowing Run, May 10, 1851. ly. Phoenix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chest. "I"t WARRANTED to stand equal heat with, any other Chests in the country, and te defy the Burglaa' ingenuity. Manufactory, No. 10 Hudson's Alley, running between Third and Fourth streets, south of Chesnut, and in tho rear el' the Girard Bank. M. &. S., the proprietors, are Practical Me chanics, and feci confident, from long expsrianeo in the manufacture of Iron Chests snd Safes, and a special attention to this particular branchpf giving satisfaction to all who may give them a call. . ' N. B. We have selected one of ths best aim- erals ever used as a non-conductor ol neat la this business, and we warrant our Chests and Sites to be made of the best material and in ths most durable manner, and te stand any heat that can bs applied to them. MILNOR& SHAW, Manufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley. Running lietween 3rd and 4th streets, S of Ches nut, in tne rear of Girard Bank. Philadelphia, Oct, 25, 1851. ly . 111 IMEOYSTEUS! THE undersigned is in ths daily receipt of" fresh and excellent Oysters from ths eele . brated establishment of Mr. Field, No. 83 L West Lombard street, Baltimore, All orders will be promptly attended to aast forwarded without delay. Apply to tho auo sciiber at Lee's Hotel, Northumlierland. Pa, PHILIP SJBAV, , N. B Oysters of common quality at $1,0 per can. October 11, 1851 3mo. ' OYSTKKS! OYSTEttS!! AYING settled at Northumberland, I ana, now prepared to furnish Fresh and Spiced Oysters during the whole season at the reduced pries of ' one dollar for whole and fitly cents per half can You can depend upon them being fresh, as shall receive them daily, (Sundays excepted, and when landed here they are only 18 UrMuoostb of the shell. All persons who are in want of t'M above (rti etc, at a distance, can have them aeut oor doson or single can by addressing GEOR'JE W. JONES. N. B Parsons calling 'j,, th aohecriber mf find him either at Burr's, or Haas' Hotel. Northumberland, O-t, 4, J 851- WASHINGTON HOUSE, . 'UNBVRY, PA. rXIHE '.ubacriber respectfully informs ki friends ' jid tho public that ha haa taken lbs well ' . anewn Public House, corner ol Market and Riv 'a streets, hu-ly occupied by Mrs. Whartoa. f trusts by strict attention to basinoee, ho will a ' e ruth led to gio satisfaction; to all who snay fcvor him with their custom, JAMES COVERT. " Sunbury, Oct , 1441 tf. . , I bar bottles for sals by h. b mam nr. S anbury, AariL IS, 1851 PEE BILLS Justices and Constebras Foo, Bills tandsoraety piat4 oaeord pspor. tm eiest tiue ofteo. -,-... 1 ' v ' . J. it