Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 07, 1852, Image 2

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Crsvaepornlcnre of the Phil. Tjerffrcr.
I Wsswikot, Feb. .
t hava just seen t new gold dollar
piece tent down from the Philadelphia Mint
to tho Han. George J. Hetwton, Chairman of
the Committee of Ways and Means. The
eain eaoMsts of a flat ring, on which there
k a superscription, but no head, as the place j
Tor putting a head is cut out. ' The only ob
jection to this kind of coin is the detrition,
lo which it seems to me, it must be very
liable. On the other band the coin may be
carried on a string, a most convenient and
safe war of carry inn money. Half-dollar
gold pieces, not yet called for by any law
have been sent down, and look very pretty.
.' ! . : SUNBURY. ; . .-
H. II. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor.
Hie amendment of Mr. Packer, of Ly. Washihqto", Feb. 4, 1852
coming, to the bill, now befora the Senate, Mr. Stockton presented a petition for an
authorising Corporations, Counties, &C., to PFP"."on ior a .ine oi, to run
l -l . i . .v jul- .j... from Jersey City to Ga way. Mr. Stockton
rubKnb. stock to the road, ha. been adopt- prMemeth9 ., cf Ctarh
ed, by the close vote of 17 yeaa o 16 nsys, w,,. of - , a R Mk,
when the whole subject was postponed for Congress to appropriate 500,000 for an ef-
the present., The amendment of Mr. Pack feci ire exploration of the Arctic seas, and a
er, proposes to submit the subscription ol further search for Sir John Franklin,
stock, to a vote of the people, instead of Mr. Hale thought the Senate ought to
the Commissioners of the Count auhecrih- know ho" n"cl CaP'- Wilkes former ex
I I l I;.! L m. Uf
nr,. Thar, i. ,., inl.r.rf mnifrfA in """" P"" nau coal, co.uro u,uc....g
a new one.
I at. 111 L l I 11 me diii, wmcn now looaea upon, as it p . , . - , . b ,
j'ipiion d MhwtMn. .th..offl.., in railed.-.., is.w really is, the most important measure of the ni(lhe j ,ha, informalinn Brea(iy
kind that has ever been before the Legisla- Mr. Underwood submitted a petition from
York, Boston and Baltimore.
These hair dollar gold pieces would be American among the different townt on tht gn,hn,.. ture. There arc various opinions in regard merchants and others, of Philadelphia, for
more convenient still than the dollar gold I ) not rreded ireqaaiiodtijrwijrpaporpaUnhcd in North to the amendment. Mr. Packer, in sup- the removal of obstructions in the Ohio
....... i i '
"pieces, and may be carried in tne same em rennsytvsn.a.
way. Quarter-dollar gold pieces might be
struck in California, for the accommodation
of bar-keepers 25 cents being the usual Helices.
price of a "drink," in the gold country. Tax Lames Keifsaks for January contains
nnrtinfr his Imanrimanl etalAo lhat l.vpnffl. I NVer
., The bill heretofore introduced by Mr.
ing county would no doubt subscribe largely . , , . . '
.,?,.' , . , ... Johnsion, of Tennessee, to give every man
iflelt to a vote of the people, but that the or wiJoW who js )h( hea(, of family) ,
Commissioners of the County would not qarler section of land, free of expense, on
I i. -a-i--.t- ' .i.. rj - . . . .
line to iane me responsioiiuy oi aomg so ceriaj conditions, was referred to the Com
on their owi account. On the other hand mittee of the Whole on the state of the
Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer has written that s Biographical Sketch of Washington, by Head-
be will return to the United States with the ly. and other entertaining matter. Published by
next steamer. The letter was addressed to John 8. Taylor, New York. I the friends of the bill say that such an Union, and made the special order of the
person hieh in office, and expressed, no Stiam TtnsiKo. &c We refer our renders amendment would nrevent larze subscriD- 1,ay 'or 11,8 firsl Tuesday in March
doubt, Sir Henry's intentions at the time he to the advertisement of W.O. Hicxok. of Harris-linn, to th utortt nf Ihr- mad and retard its Mi. Smart, who heretofore introduced it
wrote it. Meanwhile the negotiations be- burg, one of the best mechanics in the country, prorresF. We presume the people alono- eP " BuUl0rlze(1 uch Pul)1,ca-
tween this Government and Great Britian nJ who is well prepared to do all kinds of turn
are going on very bravely and satisfactorily I ing and machine work
with Mr. Crampton, who is the most unas
suming gentleman in the whole corps diplO'
tnaliqtte, a great friend and admirer of Mr.
This law went into operation on the first
JiatlUTaVi av uioai iiioiiu niiu nuiiinci vi .'11. 1 f . . .
' 6 , . t .. . . , , , , day of Jul inst., and will operate to the fol
Webster, and by far the best informed and owin eTect ' Jh s ' Amf.ricam.
xpenenoed diplomate in Washington. II 1. Subscribers will receive it by mail, in ment of Mr. Packer.
know that he has rendered good services to INorthumberland County, fhek or postage.
this country in the Cuban difficulty, and that . ror tt """ance not exceed ing pjty miles
! I.. a t na. rat nt Ka taroaat fimn.
, . . . . nulla III IHU ucn njini.1 10 w . .-.u.
the line are not very particular what shape .... i. . , r,-...:i :.,
" 1 lation in every Congressional District, in-
the act assumes, provided it accelerates the .,eaJ of ,wo 011,y hl a Sat()i The ,lbjfiC,
speedy completion of the road. Mr. Kunk- was 1o disconnect the press from the control
el, our Senator, who is a strong advocate of the Government, which, like all others, is
of the road, has warmly opposed the amend- tending towards centralism, and he wished
England on that occasion was the only pow
er, besides Spain, that really wished to
settle the matter amicably, and in a way
the least offensive or disagreeable to the
United States.
On Wednesday next, General Cass will
Philadelphia for the last week has been
in a state of excitement in regard to the
election of a new board of Directors for this
Company. For some time past there has
been great dissatisfaction, and want of har- Clinton County Bank.
IL? We ore indebted to Messrs Gamble, monv in the board, and an otiDosition tick- Mr. Frailey, from
. . I r ii I
at Five cents per ciuarler.
37 Uver hlty and not exceeding thrtt hun
dred miles at ten cents per quarter.
4. Over three hundred and not exceeding
one thousand miles, at rirTEKx cents per
to do what he could to decentralize the cen
tral power.
HASRisBi'an, Jan. 31, 1852.
Senate. The following bills were read
in place.
By Mr. Packer, a bill to incorporate the
J 1 ! I... .In.:. An lr ikiant nf !ntfiran.
UOII.CI 11 IH """Jl" .ll.o.... n I, f ,, I, f ,, . , ., ... .
tion. He has prepared his speech with """" el, caneutne "retorm ticuet," witn J. t.a
... ... . I artel f r I aaerm KMnrlhaarl n vtA lr I t Mr Tl . . .
creat care, and h s v ews w II be considerate gar jnompson, me cniei iL,iip-ineer, as
discreet, yet firm in the assertion of na- the U. S. Senate, for Congressional favors. President, was got up in opposition to the
tional law. Beyond this General Cass will - . ,
not go, and he will certainly not espouse the I 0ur reade" find "me ,n,"fsl-
doctrine of intervention for the sake of non- "ng matter on our nrsi page, i ne "Appie
intervention. General Cass is a practical Bee" is a well told story of an apple cut
statesman, and while willing to throw the ting frolic. As this is leap year, we
whole moral force of the United Slates in would advise all vouns ladies havin? a
the Kale of justice, he is not prerared for gmi:n,:no. iowarft9 trla,rimnnv. , rp9fi son, G. VV. Carpenter, Christian E. Span-
acts of hostility in regard to any European Aunt Hetty's" lecture on that subject, al- SIer Joh" Yarrowi Washington Bulch'T,
governmeui. . thoush we fullv aaree with her. that
pi m i r- -r ik Uanu. "
Alia naiai wuiiiiiiiitcoa ui uwm "t"- i .... . . ., . . ...
... , . . .... . ,. i -iiicir as uu udo iniKiiiif iu vuu un lino
Mitt nn Tiinsilnv nprl rpnort a hill, nrov ulne I 4 J
or semi-monthlv trios of the Collin, line of i' - 'y C you will try it the
rf A ,
steamers, so as to enable the steamers of "r" Sa opponunuy.
afKtt linm la alrdmata taFtlh lllA Kriliah mniL
under me ettects ot the moderate
stockholders ticket fur the re-election of
the old board with Col. W. C. Patterson as
President. The reform ticket was elected
by a majority of 5,000 votes. The follow-
. . . i . : ... a-.:... u I.
inz is the new board : J. Kdsrar J homo- un8 U,B c-r, "f UB",l
" a I r. ...
jvir. nan s resolution,
the Committee on
Banks, reported a bill incorporating the
Munch Chunk Bank, and also a bill incorpo
rating the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of
Mr Shinier, from the same committee,
introduced a bill to recharter the Easton
Mr. Carol hers introduced a bill incotpora-
Senate Bills Reported by the Judiciary Com-
mi tie. One for the appointment of Auditors
and Masters in Chancery ; a Supplement to
the bill relating to Assignees, for-4he Benefit
of Creditors and other Trnstess, pnssed 14th
of June, 1836. The following bills were re
ported with negative recommendations: A
bill relating to the Service of Prooess of For
eign Insurance Companies; a bill lelating to
Coroners' inquests a bill relative to the Ack
nowledgment of Deeds and Powers of Attor
ney ; a Supplement to the Act relating to
Imprisonment for Debt. The Senate then
Harrisbcro, Feb. 4th, 1852
Sknatc The Judiciary Committee repor
ted the following bills with negative recom
mendations :
To legalize Sheriffs sales in certain cases;
a bill relative lo the recording nf deeds and
mortgages; a bill giving to the Orphans'
Courts of this Commonwealth power to au
thorize by decree the mortgaseof teal estate ;
to exempt from levy and sale on execution
the homesteads of house-holders hnvinti fami
lies ; to authorize the publication of the public
acts of the General Assembly in the Leant
Intelligencer; a supplement to the existing
laws in relation to the recordinn of deeds;
a bill extending the time for the payment
of collateial inheritance taxes, due from es-
tates of decendants to July 1, 1852; a further
supplement to ihe act enabling the Governor
to appoint Notaries Public.
The following bills were introduced :
To incorporate the New Berlin andSusqne
hanna Railroad Company.
House The joint resolutions in favor of
a ship canal around the falls of Snult St.
Mary's, by the cetieral lovemmei:t, were
considered and passed.
Mr. Lilly introduced a joint resolution pro
viding for a final adjournment of ihe Legis
lature on the 25th of March.
The supplement to the act incorporating
the Sunbury and Erie railroad, was lakeu np;
and debated until adjournment.
Cleveland, Feb. 2.
A meeting of Ihe friends of Hungary look
It is interesting to note, that at the present
time, the Sovereigns and Princes of Europe
are almost all in the visor of their age, as
may be keen by the following table :
Pins IX,' ' 69 years.
William 1st, Kinu of Wurtemburg, 70
Leopold 1st, King of the Belgians, 64 "
Frederick William IV, K'ng of
' Prussia, . f , 56 "
Nicholas 1st, Emperor of Russia, 65
Francis Joseph Oscar, King of Swe
den, ... 62 .
Frederic VII, King of Denmark, 43
Louis Napoleon, President of the
French Asspmbly, 43 "
Ferdinand II, King of the Two Si
cilies, 41
Maximillian U, King of Bavaria, 40
Louis Charles d'Orleans, Due de Ne-
mr-nrs, 38
Willinm III, Kintr of Holland, 34
Francis Ferdinand, Prince de Join-
ville, 33
Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, . 32
Maria II, Qnepn of Pnrtneal, 33
Geome Frederic, Kinff of Hanover, 32
Henry V, head of the Bonrhons, 31
Violor F.manurl II, Kind of Sardinia, 31
Henry Enitune, Due d'Anmnle, 30
Abdjel Medjid, Snllan of Turkey, 28
Antonio, Doc de Monlpensier, 27
Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria, 21
Isabella II, Queen of Spain, 21
Louis Phillippe, Count de Paris, 13
ar.d Thomas T. Lea and David S. Brown,
on both tickets.
IU" A correspondent of the Union
calling upon the
Canal Board for information relative to the
expenses of the Portage Rail Road, with an
estimate of the additional expense and lime
required to complete that portion of the
work necessary to avoid the use of the incli
ned Planes, Nos. 2 and 3, with a continuous
New Advertisement.
SUNBURY LODGE of I. 0. of 0. P.
lOTICE is hereby given that the staled meet-
fags of the Lrxlge will, hereafter, be held on
SATURDAY NIGHT .intend of Tuesday night,
as heretofore, commencing an 8atttrdiy night the
4U1 insu ' uj order oi laotloe.
C. O. BACH MAN, 8ec'y.
Sunbury, Feb, 7, 1852
fTlHE Stitibory Ferry will be sold at tho
House of James Covert, in Sunbury, on,
Saturday ihe 14ib inst., for ihe term of ana'
or more years.
By order of Ihe Chief Burpest,
J. E SCHM1CK, Cifc.
Sunbury, Feb. 7, 1852. 2t.
"IfALENTINE'S DAY. The much honored
v 14th of February will soon be here, sml
young gentlemen should be informed llint they
need not expect to he successful in their lo9
suits unless they are dressed in suite from Roek--hill
& Wilson's and fashionable slum. Nuv
111 Chestnut street, corner of Fratikllin 1 U.t
Philadelphia, Jun. 31, 1852.
steamers of the Cunard line, and increasing
r . c. i . .. .1 '
ouniy oiar, recommends a subscription ot rorM l0 the foot of Planes No. 4, was taken
$300,000, by that County, to the stock of up and passed.
The The following bills were introduced : A
.1. . .1 lha atiH I Via Uoil UnnA
u f :i weamer oi me nasi week, me snow naa """""'J a,, vuu
IIU CUIUPOIIBHIIUII ILFI Mian BClllbS atvuiuiiiAi- i i. ... I I . . . L. 1 . - .
lv. The Collins line of steamers earned, nearly an disappeared and sleighing is now " Flup. - -
adurine the first four months of last year, in rather indifferent. We have had nearlv eny in ,nat ou,,,y 18 1 ' millions ot dol-
... I la ... ... ....
ipostages for the Government, all but $1700 five weeks excellent sleichino'. and rerret lars ana lnal ,nree Per cenI on lnal amoun
.of .tba compensation paid to it ; but when very m()ch ,hat a cannot be nroonTed r . would pay it in one year, and as the whole
. , a .? i i? i . i. i - i I, . t i i , . i .
itne Drmsu line was uicreassti, uio Fus",ti"' o month lonrr Thp irp nn h river woum not oe waniea in less man two
fell off on our sido and went to the Cu.mrd years, an assessment of one and a half per
line. There no doubt whatever but mat , , . . cent woud be sufficient. We think the
rthe Collins line, if properly employed and & i-
compensated by the Government, will in
Jess than in two years yield a revenue to
tSn Pnst.nfVme. Denartment. instead of beinc
a charge to it; and it is also clear that, if vie for Secretary of istate, and James Census returns is 5b,3'ia,5S8, or a little
the Collins line were withdrawn, the hug- Campbell, ot 1'hiladelphia, as Attorney over six and a halt millions. We have not
llish steamers would be able to put up the General, has been officially announced. 1 at present the means of ascertaining the
and administrators ; a bill lor the relief of
C. Spooner, of Philadelphia ; a bill to au
thorize Ihe Secretary of the Commonwealth
to contract with Messrs. Kay & Brothers for
ihe publication ef a continuation of the laws
of Pennsylvania.
The supplement to the act incorporating
writer is mistaken in the valuation of prop- the Sunbury and Erie Rail Road Company
The appointment by Governor Big- ertv in Union county. The assessed val- was taken up.
er, of Francis W. Hughes, Esq., of Potts- ue of real estate in this County by the late
Harbubibo, Feb 2d 1852.
The Senate then resumed the considera
tion of the bill supplementary to the ac
incorporating the Catawissa and Towanda
I Rail Road Company, authorizing an exten
tion of the road to connect wilh the New
Mr. Torbelt offered an amendment, leav.
ing the question of subscription to the slock
by municipal corporations to a vote of Ihe
The question still pending, the House
rates of postage, passage and lrcigot, The appointment of Mr. Hughes has given value of personal property, but it is much adjourned
sjii tnemseivee, rendering us in every entire ratisaction. less than the real.
tributary to Great Britain, and enabling her,
witn onr money, to increase iue numucr aim a t reu.ui dill. nj We observe irson' the anDo nt
efficiency of her steam navy. We are not I, D0W before Congress in regard to ments of Governor Bialpr. ihnif.frh.rl-.
jet prepared, 1 trust, to strike our flag on newspapers and printed matter. The bill Shriner, of Union county, as "Inspector of
ahnlifihe tht nrpmnf tariff nn nnu'cnnnpro I Cn:.:i.)i tni 1 .. i
You will remember that, month, ago, . ' . . ' ' - - - 'J York and Erie Rail Road a, some convenient
when we had all soils of telegraphic rumor- . " " ' " vu,cer om snoulQ lne point on the Slate Line. It was finally laid
about the reieclion of the Tehauntepec trea" r - --r-r . i-nor iaw De enacted in mis state, wnat aside on third reading
ty which, after all, is not yet rejectedI anyming eise, weignmg over two ounces a fix he would be in. Union county seems I Tho Dill to iuthoriZB Recorderi o( Dt;eus j hip of uationat iiulcperuleiico
observed that these rumors were artificially and a nan, and one cent lor each additional to be highly favored by the powers that to appoint deputies, was taken up and pass
rot up and circulated by the enemies of tu?t ounce or traction ol an ounce. I his is for be." But there is nothinz like pushine eJ finally.
route, for selfish and anti-nalional purposes, d'l'jtances less than two thousand miles: be- ahead. Goethe savs enerrv alone is the Tne Serate then took up the non inter-
That matter is now so far proved that the Vond that distance, twice this rate is to be r.,,.,111. mt, . m. nj vention resolutions of Mr. Kur.kel, introdu
Secretary of Stale himself has caused the LhBM(.,i N'wsnanprs spu! In rpcnl-r .nh. m-.. .-j j.i. .i!.. ..i ... ced some weeks since, declaring the right
nerson ausDected of illetral interference with I ,i m r ..t.i:...: of nations lo self-government, and asserting
- - isuiiurr. iiuiii mo '"w wi i'uuiiumiwii, i iiv 1.11 cuiiiDiaucrs, 110 onponuillly. will
4ha sceatv in Mexico, and Ihroueh the press .. . 11 J
here to be indicated and arrested. His W cn S m"e " tw-''ESea cretture a man without Uj,h indifference any intervention on the
i. Lew. He i. a centleman of the be charged at halt these rates, ine
Jewish peisuasion, and has probably by this postage is to be paid in advance, either
place this afternoon at 3 o'clock, Mayor
Case presiding.
Mr. Braylon, chairman of the deputation
from Painville, Mr. Raliah, of the German
Society, and Dr. Nevin, on behalf of the
Free Church of Cleveland, each presented
an address.
Tho Hon. Mr. Starkweather addressed
Kossuth in behalf of tho people assembled.
Kossuth said in reply, Ihnt it was the hun
dred and fifly-sixlh time he had addressed
an American audience, in the language he
had learned fiom Shnkspeare. Iiu hoped
that the time for speaking had passed, and
the time for acling had come. Business
matters required his kclivity ; but the in
strumentalities of that activity he could not
reveal, ns it would be sending over to the
enemy the plan of battle. He railed alten-
tion to the shares in the Hungarian loan
which were now rendy. That loan would
surely be repaid. The salt mines of Hun
irary now yield a revenue to Austria of $fi,
000,000 per annum. Hungary, once tree,
that revenue would be increased, and Ihe
loan cancelled in a year. He was told that
certain relieious denominations were oppo
sed to his cause ; that theie was a move
ment on foot to alienate those of Irish ex
traction. He was conscious that freedom
could, by nobody, be more beloved than by
the sons of Erin, and they could not side
wilh depolism. Besides, if despotism should
crush Albion, would it make Eiin free. H
who sides wilh despotism wi'l become its
slave. In conclusion, he repeated the motto
of Captain Lawrence, "Don'l givo up ihe
ship ;" exhorting them not to give tip the
Snow Stobm 1 Gcrmanv. -Papers re
ceived from Germany, state that the snow
driftincs in the cnltings of the Silesian
Railway, near Oderbers, have interrupted
tho communication almost daily. In some
placps ihe snow has been fo-ty or fifty feel
deep. The Pnaines wpre on one occasion
brnnaht to a stand still, their firp beins
evtinrnished. The heaviest fall nf snow'
extends the whole distance from Vienna to
Berlin, and covers a wide tra'-t both north
and south of ihnsp cities. Between Ratihnn
ami Soran, in Upper Silesia, within a dis
tance of five German miles, the loss of ten
lives i reported, from the sevrrhv of ihe
weather In the circle of Bantzen, in Saxo
ny, lilleen men and six norses perished in a
snow stot.n. Similar account have been re
cotved fiom other parts of Germany.
SHOT. Wood Turning in all its branches,
in city style nml at city prices. Every variety of
Cabinet and Carcuter work cither on hand or
turned to order.
Bed Posts, linlusters, Rosctts, Slnt and Quar
ter Mouldings, Table Legs, Newell Posts, Pat
terns, Awning Posts, Wsiron Hubs, Columns,
Round or Octngon Chisel Handles, eVc.
t-ir This shop is in STRAWBERRY AL
LEY, near Third Street, and a we intend to
lipase sll our customers who want pood work
lone, it is hoped that all the trade wit' give us a
IT" Ten-Pins nnd Ten-Pin Balls made to or
der or returned.
The atlention of Cnhinet Makers and Carpen
ters is called to our new style of TWIST
MOULLIMJS. Printer's Riglcts nt $1 per 100
feet. W. O. HICKOK.
February 7, 1352. ly.
What Makes a Man ? The longer 1 live,
Ihe more certain I nm that the grert differ
ence between men, Ihe preat anil Ihe insiii
nilicant, is enemy invincible determination,
an honest purpose once fixed, and then vic
tory. That quality will do anything lhat can
be done in the world ; nnd no talents, nocir.
enmstanees, no opportunity will make a two
leyged creature a man without it Goelhe.
Estate of JACOB G. EEED, Dec'd.
TVVnCE is hereby pWen that Icrte of ai.
minii-triition have been granted to the sub
scrilwr on the estate of Jnrob Ci. Reed, dec'd., late
of Sbamokin township, Northumberland county.
All persons indebted to said estate or having
claims against the same, are requested to call on
the subscriber for settlement.
AMns VA8TINE, Adm'r.
Shnmokin tp., Jan. 31, 1852. 6t.
JUST received and for sale, a fresh supply f
.'V a wm mt s at ma - l
r v .1 SJf T.liit M la
i fur Singing Schools. He is also opening at
this tune, a larse assortment of Books, in every
branch ol Literature, consisting of
Poetry, History. Novels, Romances, Scientific
Works, Lnw, Medicine, School and Children's
Books Bibles ; School, Pocket and Family, both
with and without Engravings, and every of vari
etv nf Binding. Pruver Books, of a'l kinds.
Travels, Voyages and Adventures, all ot
which will be sold low, either for caih, or coun
try produce.
1...... 1 oi loitn . e
, n ii' , . t nuiii'Uil, rfan. oi, io.j. ii.
ir is rrporieu u,,ii L.eiru itoifin, nnn omer ,
French Refugees of his party now in London, j ORPHAXV COURT HALE.
are about to remove to Canada. M. Rollin I N pursuance nf on order of the Orphans' Court
will nractire there his nrofes.inn of lawvr. I of Northumberland county, will b exposed
i j
M. Di.'lescluze, lormei editor if La Iteformc,
to public s.iie. on ruturday the 2n dsy of Feb
ruurv uet. on the urcmisss. liie tollowinir real
will gel his living, if possible, as a journalist, e.tatc to wit: A certain
in his new home. j TttCt of Land,
The D.muerreotvpistspf Boston are taking ' ,ituaU. Li"1le, Mahonoy township County
. ,., , ; aloresaid, bounded bv laud ol f-uniuel Ivothernisl,
dagnetrolype likeness very snccessfnlly hy j M mam Kakcr allJ "Daniel sgner, containing
(he Diiinimnnd liflht . It is said thai they ; about 31 .4t lil, whereert
can meastiie the effects of ihe light more j ' erected a
nicety than lliev can when lakim fiv ih fls?l EEAME HOUSE,
' ! AiUa (Tavern Stand,) Bank Bam, Shed snd a
j LAIiOfc Al'l'Lt. Ulii.llAliU,
No Str EC r IN CoNSTASTlNorte his n six or eiKht acres being meadow land. Also
name, nor is theie a lamp in it, yet lhere are l"tce ul Woodland, unimproved, on the south
mnnnn i i . . ti . . ! slue ut the M aliiiiiny mountain, adjoining land of
500.000 inhabitants: There is not a post i ,,,.., t v, . u l . . .
time arrived in Washington, in custody of at the place where the printed matter Js
the proper offices. Leitera written by him mailed, or Bt the office where it is deliver
to Washington have been obtained, copied, I ej
nd forwarded from Mexico lo the btate Ue- We are 0ppo3ed to anT ,ucn a change,
partmem nere in tvasningion ; ana and we prejIjme nine-tenths of the comma
innn ihnt KlF Irani In Inaa I
....." . i i . . . nity are of the same opinion. The great
District Attorney and ordered his arrest I J r
This was on Wednesday last. The District of the people of the interior, are op-
Attorney, however, does not seem to have pated to any such law, nor is it intended
been as quick and efficient as Mr. Webster, for their benefit. The object, we suppose,
and Mr. Levy had, in ihe mean time, left is to arrange the law to suit some of the
for New York, whither he was telegraphed large publishers in our cities, enabling tbem
Dy Air. vveDsier, ana arrested, jyu. Levy, i
part of Russia, in the future struggle be
tween Hungary and Austria.
Mr. Kunkel advocated the resolutions in a
speech of considerable length, and the ques
tion was still pending at the adjournment.
House. Some fony pent ions were pre
Dr. Kane, who was one of the officers of
the expedition in search of Sir John Frank-
I'm, in the polar regions, delivered several
interesting lectures on the subject, in Wash
ington. Speaking of the effects of the ex
treme cold in those regions he says :
It? The English Government has disa
vowed the attack ol one of its vessels on
the steamship Prometheus, in the harbor of
San Juan. This is what we expected.-
The English have no desire to quarrel with scnted fiom various sections of the State for
the best customer they have in the world. I a chango in the License Laws, and Ihe en
But they should teach their officers better actment of what is known as the Maine Li-
manners, and to exercise less arrogance, iuor . , , c , , ... .
, , .. . . .' Mr. Flanigen, from ihe Select Commute, to
lest frequent repetitions of such unauthon- . . . , ...,,;i u.a
1 whom the memorials on lhat subject had
sed may require something more been referred, made report upon the proposi.
than an apology. ,jnn ,0 erec, Monuments to the Old Thirteen
IBlalaa in Imlaaruilli I AfinA SnilArA. And nOmiOB-
ZT- Mas. Forrest made her appear- . VVm. Bile, 0f Clearfield, and A. S.
bv their mononnlies to break down the
v I . l r . , , I I
oeueve, was tne uiscoverer oi a preienueu i -... .. n ti I :ii :r . a ,ij . , ... ' . I U"S " '" -
ttew rout. acro the isthmus, for which he CLl f y? T' bl1 ,'f V wou,d "ce at Brougham's Theatre, ,n New York, w.ierman, of Philadelphia, a. Commission.
.desired to obtain a erant of land in Mexico: " D"""'"5 on Monoay last, mere was a number on ers on the part of Pennsylvania
" 'i .int.An - ...:u:. a.. 1 .... i . .
nd the means of making his roule the besl, l'u,""u, ewMprra wi.u.ii v,ou.j,. attempts 10 create a row, but the police, The supplement or the act lncorporaung
waj to destroy all others, or at least that of ""Ubt no memoer Irom the Country will and three companies of volunteers, kept Ihe Sunbury and F.iie Rail Road Company
Tebauntepeo. He has been several times in be lound so recreant to his trust as to give down the rowdies. She is a woman of su- was tuken up aud debated until ihe adjourn
Mexico for lhat purpose, and endeavored it his support. perior talents, and her acting was hitrhlv me"'
.1 . - ,1 I- " 1
snore man once 10 es.aonsn a company in .. successful, but most ol the oaoers condemn
M V u Ii .1 .: r.i 11 UCH A NASI Itn rill I a i
"'' cuu"w ,no 'icuoii oi iue - . r ,nnp, on ,1,. .... at nrp.Bn,
TJ,.iU,i..u . .... I .. 1 J.l .11 I Tha. fr nnds nf Me R.,-kn. .ft.. .11 r---.-
a. Vaaia,i?Ayao aiwir auwm flaw cuuvu Bill ...... ,ubiiBiiau " ' a 1
bis beautiful speoulauons, and hence Mr. their shouting, have only secured five out
lvy was no particular friend of Mr. Web- 0f the eight delegates, h the City of Phila
tr, under who particular auspices thai hia A aee- of the Convenlion
irsnii was man m si n a,t net in xanaiA
(TT" Centre county has again instructed
her delegates for Gen. Cass. Mr. Buchan
an's friends had always claimed this County
Harrisburo, Feb. 3d, 1851.
Sr.NiTi. The bill legulating the guages
upon railroads was taken up and passed.
The supplement to the act incorporating
ihe Catawissa and Towanda Railroad Com
pany, was also laken up and passed.
The supplement lo Ihe act incorporating
of Ihe UniM Slates. Mr. Levy ha. no was held in the city, on Monday last, and jn their calculations notwithstanding the ,h(1 Sonbory ,nd Eris R.irMj, w ,he
f InlrAH iris Jailoivnraa . a t. 1 a . s f m r r I ...
lonbt, wcomplicot, a.d no evidence has as one 081,01 WM ,8Ken ,or oe,egal instructions in favor of Geu. Cass
yet bean obtained to lead lo their appehen- State Convention. Eight delegates were
ion. Our relations wild Mexioo are auffi- chosen, three of whom are for Cass and five
cieotly complicated and disagreeable, with- for Bucnanan. An attempt was made to
out citizens of the United Slates endeavor- pass a Buchanan resolution, but owing to
jug to defeat tha aetion of their Govern- tha opposition to it in the Convention, it
. . ii ii. Tf it.. a;..: . . ... ... ,
sum.. a.... ituw, .u i,.oi WH deemed prudent to withdraw it. ine
and prejudiced minister we ever had from . ... . w V
Mexico, bad remained hero, lha probability , , .. , r
. ., ' , iic ii l l. McGrath, Jesse T. V odges, Michael Fagan,
la that wa should hardly have been on . , . " . . .
.P-aking torma with oar sister republic. Joseph Lippmcott, Smith Skinner, Andrew
which i mow ready to throw herself Noble, Miles Sweeny and John McFaulI
iclo tha arms of anybody that will pay her
arroiiTMESTS bv the governor.
IliRRISCDBO, Feb. 3.
Governor Bigler, this morning, made the
following appointments :
Inspector of Domes! io Distilled Spirits
Chas. H. Shriner, of Union county.'
Inspector of Salted Provisions George
Get x, of Philadelphia county.
Inspeotor of Lumber Jas. 6. Watson, of
Philadelphia county.
Sealer of Weights and Measures for lha
City of Philadelphia Samuel C. Thorn psen,
Grass Siu Extraordinary ! It is stated
in the Bangor Courier that at some of the
distilleries ia Massachusetts, tha people are
packing smsl casks of liquor in large casks,
soma in bay, soma in chaff, and stuu io
seeds, and marked to diffeirbt places ia
taken up, the pending question beina on Mr.
Packer's amendment, submitting tha ques
tion of subscription by munioipal corporations
lo a vol of Ihe people
Messis. Kunkel and Muhlenberg spoke at
lencth against the amendment
Mr. Packer advocated it in an animated
Mr. Frailey and Mr. McMurtrio spoka in
favor of the amendment
Mr. Kunkel and Judge Myers both made
powerful speeches in opposition to it.
The Speaker . (Walker) took tho floor
against tha amendment. , , '
Tha question waa finally taken and the
amendment adopted -yeas 17, nays II.
Mr. Carson moved an indefinite postpone-
At the appalling temperalure of 40 deg.
and 50 deg or 70 deg. lo 80 tieg. below the
freezing point, cold became us sensible in
its effects as heat indeed between the posi
tive effects of the very hiyll and the neca
live of the vei v low scale, it was impossible
lo distinguish by s'-iisaliun. Lpon goiiig out
in the open air, Ihe face became cncusied
wilh an icy rind, aud the lips were glued
together by the cementing aid of the beard
and moustache. The Iriuuer of ihe gun
blistered ihe finger, and a jack-knife in the
pantaloons pocket caused you lo jump as
with a sudden scald. JJurinu tne lonsr uhik-
ness, when Ihey attempted lo Deguuu me
winter hours with theatucals, an unloriunale
Theapian dropped Ihe pantomimic flat iron
as thonah receivug a sudden bum. Indeed,
next day a row of blisters had given evi
dence of Ihe truth that, in temperature as in
every thing else extremes meet.
ThR Washington correspondent r f ihe New
York Express tells Ihe following slory of the
Russian Minister : "There is a pretty good
story going about town, which is, in ihe main,
true, I believe. During Ihe recent cold
weather, Mr. Bodisco, the Russian Minister,
rigged out his sledge, and his driver and ti
ger, and furs, caps, &tt., all looking like bears
and wolves. So extraordinary spectacle
a'.lraoted the attention of ihe boys, negrpes,
io., on Pennsylvania Avenue, and as Kos
suth wss known to be in town, covered all
over wilh moustaches wilh a retinue rigged
out in style extraordinary the boys and
blacks set up over Bodisco the cry of 'Kos
suth !' 'there's Kossulh '.''hurrah for Kos.
suth'.1 This was more than human nature
oould endure, and Mr. Bodisco fled in a rage,
so il is slated, for lefuge lo the house of a
friend near by."
O" Tha rail road track over the Susque
hanna on the icr, at Havra de Grace, la I oily.'
regularly built with sills and cross ties. Keeper or the Powder MagsjnaJamea
77. I .. . 7 7 " . phiacoumy. . , yeaa n, aaya u. - -
feet to get on tha ice. A steam engtn. i. Utuut of M4rUejaeob' Umpslead. Mr. Fernoo moved that th. bill b. post-
used in leaving down the freight and bag- ' poned for lha present, w hieh was agred to
gage can. " ' 1 St'. Vaixxtini's DaT is coming, ' yeas I, nsys II.
Col. Fskmont's Gold Mints. A dispatch
from Washington says .Col. Benton, on
Monday, sold Col. Fremont's Maripos
Iraot of land, in California, for one million
f dollars.
Bishof SocTHQATC, lata Missionary Bish
op at Constantinople, has been elected
Rector of tha Church of lbs Advent in
Boston. , , ,
Th a State Bank of Indiana has a circula
lion of 4,68 1,993. . J .; , '
office nor mail route in all Turkey, nor a
chinch bell but there are al least two dogs
to every inhabitant.
Tttr. New York tilate Temperance Society
adopted a resolution, on Thursday, that they
would not vote for any candidate for office,
hereafter, who was not in favor of enacting
the Maine Liquor Law.
Mr. CiiARi.r.s Buck, at New Orleans, has
recovered $10,000 damage of the Carrol lion
Rail Road Company, for tho breaking of the
legs of his son by an accident on that road.
Served them right !
It is reported lhat Com. Perry has been
ordered lo the command of the East India
Squadron, and will leave in March, with tilt
Mississippi as his flag ship.
Price or Spinning In 1782, Arkvvrigh'
charged if 5 for spinning one pound of coltoi
into yam, No. 60 , in 1830 il had fallen lo
30 cents.
Funs sell in Cincinnaii at forty cents pei
dozen. Chickens must be on a strike ; anil
that is singular, too, f r their production a
certainly bring high prices.
Evert man who drinks at the bar in
vites others to go wilh him : but hnu
few who do good acts are mindful of this,
social duty.
A Posthi'movs Wore. Some one, whom
we will not disgrace by printing his name,
ys lhat ihe lobsler is a posthumous work i f
creation, for il is only red after its death.
California wmows are abundant in Mi
chijian ; two hundred married men havii g
left one county, and twenty olhers a single
Charles Kaibtis has been appointed
Postmaster at Williamspurt, Pa., in the place
of Chauncy Donaldson.
Cincinnati pay 124 cents per day lo the
jailor foi the keeping of vagrants, and 85
cents for other cases.
Thc French Government agents of all
ranks throughout France, number 534,832
An army of officers
Tub Si. Louis Intelligencer says Ihe se
vere weather has killed all the peach trees
in Ibat vicinity.
There are nine ladies attending medical
lectures at the llameeopaihio College in
Counterfeit half dollars are in circula
tion at Baltimore.
Wood sold in Cincinnati last week al
12 dollars per cord.
Large numbers of New England young
men are starting daily for California.
The Blace Swa" is in Boston. "
more or less. Late the estate of Frederick Ra
ker, dci-eust'il.
Sale to iiuiuiriice at 10 o'clock, A. M. of saitt
tin) when the tciins ol saa- will be niuile known
by JACOU D. HOrTMAN, Trustee.
istf v order ol the Court,
J. 1 1'LRet.l., t Ik, O. C.
Jan. 1 1, lf.V- oi.
IN pursuance of an order of ihe Orphans' Court
ol .NoilliuniUTland countv, will lie exposed
u puldic sale, on 'I liurwlny the Sblh lav of Feb
ruary next, on the premiaeii, the following real
estate to it : A certain
Tract of Land,
situate in Toint township, County aforesaid, be
jiuninj; at a corner on land nf li-aue Vincent,
:rnce hy s.iid land south 4(J cast43'J perches tn
the river, thence north 7U east 45 perches along
the riM'i, thence hy laud of Jniiathan J'uisel.
.iiith 40 west ercnes lo a corner on Isnd
I Jjaejib Lemen's heirs, thence eiauth bUJ east
)0 perches to t ie place of beginning, containing
106 Acres.
"he most of whirh is under cultivation, snd
thereon is erected s two slory frame
nd a Log Stahle. Late the aitate of
Leonard i'foutz, deceased.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said
lay, when the terms of sale will he made known
.y JOHN PKOUTZ, . , ,
Hy order of the Court, i
J. P. PL'KSEL. Clk. O. C.
Jan. 84, 1852 51. )
V7OU are commanded to meet in
-1 Market u,uare, ISuuhury, on
SATURDAY, 21st of Febii'sry,
t 9 o'clock, A. M., fully eqi i p. J
for drill.
A Court of Appeals will a!ei la
I eld on the same day.
By order of the Captain,
Sunbury, Feb. 7, 185S
i-'-- executed for sals at Ibia office, single oi
ly Ihe dozen.
GOLD PENS with and without cases, of s
very superior quality, just received.
Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sals
by H. B. MASSER.
Sunbury, Dee. 27, 1851.
GER, a beali supply just received, snd foi
ale by - ii. B. MASSES. .
Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852.
aive and legal envelopes, for sals by
11. B. MAS8ER.
Sunbury, nfa 10, 185.
IOR sale at this olTice, Superior Black Ink
Cattle Medttins at 2 ots, J'urs Esasuos
Gipyer, 35 tenia. -
Main as '-grass ssed."