Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 31, 1852, Image 4

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    j? -Kyi,
Shs wat all that fancy' art could paint
She was ugly he was blind !
Bui bar heart was soft an apple auce
Oh, she ever was kind !
1 loved bet tarta as boy ne'er loved ;
Ah, love without decay I
But her tnrts and pics are now no more
Alas, poor Granny Gray 1
Her pastry was paraded
O'er a stall of spotless white
Her rows of cakt s Hint apple
Engaged the enyer sight ,
That pastry I no longer asc,
That stall is in decay
For her heart, her heart is. cold in death
Alas, poor Granny Gray I
I'e grown from youth lo manhood's prime,
I've travelled far and near ;
But the memory of my boyhood days
Must long be cherished here I
And when each charm of life is past,
May memory fondly pay
A tribute of regret fur her
Whose name was Granny Gray.
Two thousand eight hundred and sixty
persons, on an average, die every hour.
It takes only 74 hours to travel from Bos
ton lo Augusta, Me , a distance of 180 miles.
It is estimated that the revolted Indians
in California number 4000 men.
Next month will contain Jive Sundays, an
incident of rare occurrence.
A Weathercock says "it is vain to a
Thb book-ease which the Queen of Eng
land is about to present to the Emperor of
Austria, will cot $50,000
On Christmas day, no less than 80,000
paupers partook of a good dinner in the
Union Houses of the metropolis of London.
Heart's Ease. To young gents thousand
dollars checks to young ladies, marriage
"A patriot is easily made," said Wal
pole, "It is but the refusal of an unreason
able request, and op starts a patriot."
A Branch of the Pennsylvania Kail Road,
extending to Blairsville, two miles in length
baa been completed and opened.
Great Britain possesses one hundred
and forty-seven steamships, and also thirty
two iron steamers, eleven of which are of
1500 tons burthen each.
Preposterous. To see one man kiss
another. The fashion came from the French
while the French, we believe, got it from
This year Washington's Birth Day occurs
on Sunday, and its public observance will
therefore have to be deferred until the day
following the 23d of Febuary.
Bald Eagle Lake, 12 miles from St. Paul
Minesota, has a cluster of small islands,
which, in the proper season, are covered
white with swan's eggs.
Thb dead bodies of John Burke and Wal
ter Brown, were recently found in the canal
near Mount Morris, III., killed by a jug of
The Cornered Editor. "Oh, Jerusa
lem ! here's a nice fix. An original article
to write, and somebody's stolen the scis
sors." Sartain's Mag.
A stove has been invented for the com.
fort of travellers. Il is put under the feet,
and a muetard pl.islor upon the head which
draws tha heat through tha whole system.
The Ohio Legislature has parsed a reso
lution declaring it to be duty of tha United
States lo interfere, should Russia, or any
other power, tako part oguinst any nation
struggling for liberty. What ninnies !
A Terrible and singular disease has just
broken out in Gullioia, Poland, which defies
all the efiorts of the medical faculty to
explain or cure. It is an epidemic, and
has received the name of the "sleeping
To Fatten Poultry. Shut them up in
the dark give them a little light two or
three limes a day, long enough to fill thctn
elves with food, and then shut them tip
quite dark, and keep them there leu or
twelve days, at farthest.
The Uold ijecember. i.aft month va
the coldest December in the present century
one or two days in December, 1835, were
equally as cold as any of Ihe lust month bur,
as a whole, it was several degrees wanner
than December, 1851.
Look Out ! When cold the wind Mows,
take care of your nose, that it doesn't gel
froze, and wrap up your loes, in warm
woolen hose. The above, we suppose, was
written in prose, by some one who knows,
tha effect of cold snows.
epitaph or poon sir. pet k.
Here liet a Peck, as some men say,
Was first of all a 1'erk of clay :
This, wrought with akitl divine while fresh,
Became a curious reck ol lleeh.
Through various forms it Maker ran,
Then, adding breath, made Peek a man.
Full sixty years Peck felt life's bubbles,
Till death relieved a Peck of troubles.
Thus fell poor Peck, as all things must,
And here he lies a Peck of tlunt.
A Hkayt Libel Suit. A Washington ror
respondent informs ihe Phila. Ledger, ibat
Mr. Hamilton, Ibe priuter lo Congress, has
prosepuled Mr. Rive, of the Globe, for dam
ages, for an alleged libel, vhich appeared in
that paper of the 13th of December last.'
The olaim for damages is laid at a large
amount, said to be over $10,000.
Baltimobb exhibits a steady and rapid
growth, denoting wealth and prosperity. Iu
Iba past yest, ihere were eighteen hundred
and fifteen brick bouses built in ihut city, as
essed at over two million three hundred
thousand dullais. Iu the last five years, uine
thousand four hundred and rixty-lwo bouses
have been built. The entire taxable basis of
A TLB l 11 fcr.j sT
For Cure mt
Among tho numerous discoveries Science lias
tnrulo in this generation to facilitate the business
of life increase its enjoyment, and even pro
long the term of huniun existence, none can be
hatned of more rcul value to mankind, than thin
contribution of Chemistry to the Healing Art.
A vast trial of its virtues throughout this broad
country, has proven beyond a doubt, Hint no
medicine or combination of medicines yet known,
ran so surely control and euro the numerous va
rieties of pulmonary disease which have hitherto
swept from our midst thousands and thousands
every yesr. Indeed, there is now abundant rea
son to believe a Remedy bus at length been
found which can be relied on to cure the most
dangerous affections of the lungs. Our space
here w ill not permit us to publish any proportion
of the cures affected by its use, but we would
present the following opinions of eminent men,
and refer further enquiry to the circulur which
the Agent below nnmeil, will always be pleased
... e. :.,k r i :., c.n -.:....!...-.. !
.v, mv, .u iii, ..... ,
indisputable proof of these facts.
From the Frcridcnt nf Amherst Cnlleee. tie
cclcbrulcd 1'KOFESSOll HITCHCOCK.
"James C. Aycr fiir s I have ue.l your
Ciir.Bnt Pr.cTiiMAi., in my own case of deep
seated Bronchitis, ami nm satisfied f.oni its che
mical constitution, that it is tin admirable com
pound for the relief of Inryngiul and bronchial
difficulties. If my opinion us lo its superior
diameter can lie of any service, you are at liocrty
to ue it as vnu think proper.
From the widely celebrated
V., Professor of Chemistry, Minendosii,
tfc, iaie i.ouepe. uicmncraj me. L,ti.
Jfist. Med. Phil, oiid Scientific
Socicliis of America and
"I deem the CiiKitar 1kctohi, an admirable
composition from some of the Iwst article in the
Materia Medics, and a very ctlertive remedy for
the class of diseases it is intended to cure."
New Haven, ft., Nov. I, 1819.
MAJOR PATTISOX, President of the S. C.
Senate, states he has used the CiiEitnr Pkcto-
ral with wonderful success, to cure uu inflam
mation of Ihe lungs.
From one of the first Physician in Muiiic
Sach, Me., April 2fi. 1849.
Dr. J. C. Aycr, Lowell. - Dear Sir. 1 am now
constantly using your Cittiiitt Pkctom tt. in my
practice, and prefer it to any oilier medicine for
pulmonary complaints. Prom observation of
ninny severe eases, I am convinced it will cure
coughs, colds, and diseases of the lungs, that
have put to defiance all other remedies.
I invrtably recommend its use in casej of con
sumption, and consider it much the best remedy
known for that disease.
Respectfully yours,
i. s. cushma:;, m. d.
Prepared and sold f, JAMES V. AYER,
Practical Chemist, Lowell. Muss.
Sold in Simbiiry bv II. MASSER, and by
Druggists generally throughout the Stale.
November 1, 1851. lycciJmo.
Til? subscriber iiiformfl bit fiioiuls and the
t lit Mir til t ho rnnriniiPri in miti An ills'.
Murbln Huniness in all iu braiichp, at Iiia 0)1
stand iu Miltun, Pa., and i prepared to matiu
f.icturo Mouuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c.f
of the best material, nnd most finished woik
mannhip, nnd ut the lowest pri.Trj.
better tullintr, fcrnjIiHi. and tiennan in the
most modern and elegant style.
lJesigi.a tor .Monuments, CiMve Stones, &c,
always on bund.
i. is. Orders for the Ent sido of the river
promptly exoruted by lnivinc tho eiiino at the
oftice of t!iu Sunhury Anierifan.'
aathoxy iiirr.
Milton, May 10, 18ol.
trevohtox, pa.
fflIR auliscrilier rpfrjajrlftilly tntorms lite pu'iit
A that he lias opened a Public Hon-, in ti t
new town of Trovorton, Northumberland county
ami tlmt he ia well prepared to accommodate his
gueslg in the licst manner. Hi house ia located
ucariy oppoiie the ('ompany'a Store. He is ulna
proided wilh good atuhlinp; aullieient for SO hor
e. Ho trusts hy prompt and careful uttetttion
to lmsinciB to meet a slinre of tlie public putroti-
l?e. HUAKY li- WKAVEK.
i revorton, Jan- 11, 1850. tf.
rnm: MIPS WKITZKIa respectfully inform
tlie J'ublic tltut tliey si ill continue to enter
tain travellers and others ut their old cniuhlUhed
tuiul in Market atreet, west of Ihe (Jouit House.
Their long experience in Ihe huriuesa, und the
well ratiihlished ri'jiuliiliou of Ihclr House, will,
they tiust, Ihi a auliicieut iuuruulee, that their
cusioiucra will he well accommodated.
March 8, 1851 tf.
Jlr.S. MARV VEAVKR respectfully infortni
' the pulilie and travelling community general
ly. Ibat she has opened this large and commodiou
I1UI1. 1,, lurnished in a aiii.ertor stvlc. From
her long experience in the buaiuci of a first rate
Hotel, and well known reputation to aecommo.
dale, her customers may depend on being supplied
with every tiling conducive to their comfort and
Feb. 15. 1851 tf
rilIE suhscrilwr respectfully informs her friends
A and the public generally, that she has taken
the aliove well known stand nearly opposite tlie
Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per
kins. Hie trusts that her experience in buMiiesa
snd her efforts to make her guests comfortablu,
will (rive entire satisfaction to those who may fa
vor her with their custom.
March 8, 1851 . tf.
QOI'D PENS wilh and without silver cases
just received, aud for sale bv
fr'unbury, A mil 4 1851
C!H EH. An excellent article, for sale al
hall the usual price by
i W, tVilUNU,
Bunbury, July 7. 1S19-
4ILVER WATCHES. A few double ease
English Silver Watches, for sale at very low
prices by .
MA S.St' iw
' , . - rPABP tt ..
Aru. 187 North Third Stmt, Philadelphia.
rpHIS powder In mtitlMl bv the tiiiitnl testlmuiif nf "II
I who have nswl it In the '6 rut rank nf nil thtnai CAT
TLB MF.MICINK&, which have hmi thais-lit praise.
Wtwttiy fur ninny yearn. Indeed wa chnllena;. any
hi make a superior, or liny powitff Hint apt in the nine
mnntier. If tlie animal he perfectly hrolihv it wilt either
inrretise tlie niniientnf milk r rcain anil baiter ; or the
nnimnl will improve rnniilly In fnt. It will tlinrrforo in
llnio lie eritisitU'rrit we hnve no ihniht nneitf tret staple arti.
claof every Knrtrirr, who keeps h riitiry t mid nf everv
icrTii owning a amse. it is nut Hie 01 inosa Hinti o.
Iiktcbks tlmi nirrctv swell an animal tin fur a short
lime. I,n it will liv the r ipirity whirh it hns of eimvertina;
Htl'I'UHIO AOIh (wlrii-h i mi effae mntirr) iiitn Imp
tic acid or olrink; niie a ftrftilcr amount nf niiiriti'.tts
nr.lttitr to lie extiuctcit rr til H10 smile nnmiiiit nf fm-il. thnil
possibly enulil he, were the nrlive prinrirtlt'S of lintrlti -n
hi pass nut iH the sysiem in the form nf llirrcnic Acid.
We have icceived a multitude " evidence to pruve whnt
we h.-ive nid nh ve. Mnlli,.. ti snv
We hnve mixed the aeiive n-eiit, with a (treat nitmlier
nf VKiiKTARt.K pl-ints mid hetlw, wliira time and line hnve
proved to he uvul'ul, improving the appetite and nrmwitintf
iltgt.Miim of the fo tl j linm sri'iiriitff" r henlthy c mdition of
me inoisi, iroin wtm-n the Mn.K mid r at nntnt lie t irmen.
it nuiy ke nsi tnr lloR.r, Cow and Unas for the follow
ing eomplaiiiLs and disvaitt a.
YKM.OW WATr.n. a naniri-roas sickness, which de.
atntys inntiy rnlntthle hotnea every yrnr, is very olleii
entirely enrud hy the free ne of this powder, in ail cases
it will prevent the dinense trom romina nn.
Thin disemie in owninir to a hnd mid impoverinhed slide
of the hlood which becomes thin, wutery and of all yellow
This powder hv iinpniving the stnmarh and ftiviog to
thehl iod a ftienter n,n:intily 01' red p:irtieles, nff'rds tlie
het nnd only nossihle chunee of recovery. If the home
is fnr g inc. sive m trnintt nnd niuht u hihlrspoitiii'iil in wet
fi'ed, if in the htfrinninit once a iVay ut 11 kiii, if only to pre
vent the diewme Iwice n week.
SI.AHHKHINO. This in the rniintion nf mnny vnlnn
lle llorsen by exliimstion ; liy a eoimtmit diwhiirpe of snli
vii which on'lit lo fro into the ntom:ich to nnnirt tlilen!in.
It is n stiecirs of aniivntion often nnidticed hT Inpiam To
I hiieco trnwinff in the pnnture arrnund - A Tnhlt'Simonl'nl
three Innen n week will tref)ln;ntly nrr"St the M w, if it
ri'ies 11. it depend on the Tobacco 111 the ttriiAS, under inch
I cirMitiilnn('i the nriiiunl imint he kept in the Mnlile
iJlsrKMI'i '.ll. II Hie laiwler is early nnd Irei lv lined.
n ii'tliei renutlv in'i'd he tifed. it litis nlrendv i-nr'il hnn
,,,,,lrt;0l lM,,r(,11,,WHn(.,i,,,l,1(.,llrpr,M
of th'ifti wlifi imcI it. Il ii t iwwJ tsirlv, bfftiri- tmittir Iitiii
f'trin. il in tlte nock il ninn t rtwtnre the niiiinnl prri'ei'tly
until tlie niiiHer il tiiwlmreil. uw it early am! re vent
mu U n result. A Tul)luuniiltil imue tir twice u i;y i
ilAOi:KS. Tliin diH-nw hnn irifflr-.. nil Fahrtkhi,
(iivt ihiM 'vvtln a f.tir trial tntd it will tl womler in
tin icrrtttle uml liiilirrt'i incurithle tmilntly It in tl (list-are
o' t!n vzl'i'idnriit n Ktt'in nnd krt up hv iinpen'tvt nutrition,
iu d'H-li vw h Titlikuponniiil trvry lny twict I'T ft month
nr I w, in cmflfmit unci-cfeidn. wi;t in nm" cmhj out tf o
dozen etrrt n it hrin Iiomh f.iirly
Onifjli mitl riirtiH'MS of Hrciitli (li'pcndntfr n vfnk
liinir. n Taliti'ttfimmiul every iii'irtiiug ; il' it mIwIcb tuit-e
or hvice h vrrk.
lMOR I.OW-St'iniTnD II01.SK?, or whfre thfre in
tiny ri'tn iinB nf Koiiiiilfr or iirinri of in ni'Mi, nnd lite
II;rrt will not hittrn. or wltrru the hmr in Miitrh nnd
r:ind firniirht out, tliu Ov-mI tfMniMff t" tin, tlie
Pi'wdtT priMlnivs nlni'"t iintiifdiotc. iinpnvemt-ut ol the
nnimnl; Ilic ilitri'tttiim improves nud with it nil ihe slim
siKhtifH nf Ihn nnhniil dimpprnrs, ttevoniing lively and
ppiritt-d, ami the liatr siunoit. nnd slick.
For.MiLkixo Cow., we nrr fully e mvinced that it not
only itnpr ivtn the nimlity, hut thtit it incrwist'i th niii'uiut
of Milk, Cn-nm nml Hntier; some wh'i hnve tried the ex
pi'rinu'iit sny u Pound n ek, otliers kiv hnli'u jrouud
winir one prrni iiunmen UjMm it inni iieirKtuc rwo piMiiiita
ni.r s wut'k irons h Cows. V think it will b lonitd
tti srrrittir trom n I f t ti pound per werk mi h Cow,
it the Cows nre jK-iitvJy ht-.ililiy. Tlitsudditii.iinl mnount
in uiuilf hy the ruiivraitm f tin Ilippuric Acid into .Nitro
freuoiis nnd lntiy romj round ; nln hy supplyiiiff the oxy
gen tnkrti in by" the lunjr, wilh the elements ot' rwiotionj
without tnking hi tv of the Nitroii'n m portion of the feed.
sud nil othrr diuRifi f uent mtilp dtjeiithiijj upon n Iwitl
tn'e of Ihe rlnid, nre rein ved spetily hihI eiteetuntly.
Cows, whoBf milk is blue, thin mid xvutery and where it
d ei not yield much erenm, 'r where Cow eive blotnly
milk. fr whieh nre used to am ml lone drv. it will Ive found
nn nt iiKit infallible, remedy, hy imprtiving the rontliti n of j
the Ulrn hiiJ ereatinij n liejillhy dtyr'tiliiiii ; a Tiiblenpo-n-ful
every duy or every other tl.iy as it may Ue net-essHry. 1
Fie in the summer often overhent lliemselve, get swel- j
led necks, cough ft, nicer tu the Limtrs and Liver, whieh
ciiuse I iie m to die vury Buihleuly, Ihene lntiy he prevented
entirely by putt tjttr u pound or n half into n Hurrel til" swill ; j
nnd it will ul Hie name time onvidernbly hasten the Inltcn- !
inc proccKM.
N. 11. hi nnimnl which j sinus; milk and you are i
nirous to fnltcu nt the Kimt lime, on Mr mid n t uive
more limn n i:iblecHin0il om-e u week or it will retaid the
loriimtKtn ol ml by inerenaimr the amount nr Milk.
Let enc! pers hi try its eiiicts for himself and lie wil
soon be satisfied of its excellent qualities, and that uu Fur
iner should be without it.
i.',.- ti.. .,rn...a ..i .t.11 r.iMi... a.. ...
i.iilvcelebr..teilCATTLK FoWOKIt. it h, the l
',,,.,, lxf i,..i- ., ,lluM. .... l. i 1
loiter to nil ports ol the Ciuled Stales, where our Fow I
iter ha H't used, and wr tire able now from tlio e iih-uce ;
thus brouirht before us. to nsmire every Farmer, Diary- ;
linn nml Horse-man, that it litis thus fur veiy much ex- !
ecedetl our mot sauvuine expei'tntions.
With the nddilioinl kuowleile thus fur obtained, AV
Hope we will le enabled to make the bet uml most per- !
feet Cattlk Mkhicink ever jet onVred t' a discerning :'e. It acts nn a valuable, promoter of dtircstiou. im-
proves the quality of the blood and thus iiterum tue ;
mnount of either Fut, Milk and consetpiently ol llutter. I
Kvn m tlie lien It hv Auim:il I
Hewfire of Counterfeits ns Ihe extensive sale of our
powder hn iuducett others to make mi imitation of it. -
-uch pack lias our written Pimintnre on the end.
KKKIMtr, r KU.ibr lril.U CO.
Diibdelphia, July . 1y.
Tlio iiiHlersisriied have entered into Cu-pail-
ricrsnip miner me lirm ot
Taper & Hag Business,
At A'o. 5, Minor Street, Phdadclphia.
IIERK they inleml kecpint; a lnru-e ansort
ineiit of pupcra, &.e., coiisUtiug in part ai
Writing pajxra; wove and laid, American and
lla'h Posts and Note papers; wove and laid,
gilt and pluin.
Folio J'osta, Flat Capa. Printing Tapers, 'all
Hardware papers, from 19 by 24 to 40 !y 48.
Colored and white tissue papers, American
end English. HoUingeworth'a Talent Manilla
Colored and white Shoe papers, common and
extra sics. Huff Envelope pajiors.
Colored l'riuting and Cover papers.
Manilla papers, all sizes, Glazed Koyul, all co
lors. Druggist, Blue Mediiitn and Filtering papers,
'J't a, tSeciet and Colored papers lor confection
era. Hag, Manilla and cUraw wrapping paprs.
llonnct, lliudera, Box, Cap and Trunk, hoards.
White and Hull' Envelopes; Legal, Letter,
Note and Card si.cs.
Agents for Bliss, Potter tf Co's
Printers' Cards
m packs and sheets, white and colored-odd si -
re., cut to order. Also, their Gi.t, t igured and
i'luin ulued l'''P''';
J(.K1'1I UIMBY. late of S8 N. Third at.
'. . LAWKKXCK, late oro. 3 Minor at.
N. I). 500 Tons of Kugs wanted in exchange
lor cash.
Philadelphia, July 50, 1851 6mo.
850 FOI.FK1T.
Hl'NTER will forfeit 50, if f.ii'.inij to
cure nnv case ot secret ilueuao that tnnv
conic under his cure, no matter how lorn; stand
inn or arllictinir. Either sex nre invited to his
Private Rooms, 38 North KEVENril Street,
Philadelphia, without lear of interruption liy oth
er putteiils. Mrangers anil outers v. no liavc
licen unfortunate in Ihe selection of a physician
are invited to call. Those who have injured
themselves by solitary vice are alas invited.
READ AM) REFLECT. The afflicted
would do well to rellcct before trusting tlu-ir
health, happiness, and in mnnv cases their lives,
in the bauds of physicians, ignorant of this class
of mulaJies. It is certainly impossible lor one
man to understand all the ills the human family
are subject to. Every resectable physician has
bis peculiar branch, in which he is more success
ful than his brother professors, and to that be de
votes most of his time anil study.
. YEARS OF PRACTICE, exclusively dovc
ted to the study and treatment of discuses of the
sexual organs,, ogelher with ulcers Usu the bo
dy, tluout, noso, or legs, puins in the head or
bones, mercurial rheumatism, gravel, irregulari
ties, diseases arising from youthful excesses or
impurities of the blood, whereby the constitution
has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to oiler
tpetdy relief to all who may place themselves
under his care.
Philadelphia. April 19, 1851 ly. .
UAlalNrj, currents, citron, cheese, pepper
sauce, Ac. For sale by J W. KKlUNCi
Bunbury, Dec, , 1848, .
J USTICES' FEE ttlleXB. Kor ula by t
ttttubury, 1851. '2
AND nil rffKenmniiiinff from rtiaVmWwl JiworBtn
nmr)i,nrti nnroiiRiipnttmi, inward Pil, Fullnwrn, of
llMd tn thu s-ttwl, Acidify of the flioinBeh. Nnurvw,
Hnrtl.uni, Hi fit nut fnr Ktmil, full net r weight In th
Pi'Vimrh, fcmr KrutMriilont. Bmki nc of flnttritn ut the pi
ff Hie fUnr.nch, f wimininft nf thr hmd, hwrriw. nml difficult
brenthinr. fluttering at lite heart, choking or nlT CHting
iinH(titi when in a lying picture, DimneM of vnimt,
rt ttAnr wnlw before the iifflit. Fever and dull pain In the
nemd. drfiVtenry of nerspinttiMh, yfllnwnewiof the nkin nnd
even, pain in the aide, hnek cheat liraha. V, amltlen
iWltrn of hont larninff in Ihe flh, cmiaUuit iinagininga
f evil, and great ilrpremion of npirita,
rrrKco t
Ko. 140 Arch St., riillndrlnhln.
Thnlr pownr over tlie alnve riiminses la not nxecllril, if
ctliiullnl, liy nny other prcirntion in the t'nitnl Piulct,
as tlie cures allent, in nuuiy ciinm alter alfilltul physirimis
hud lulled.
TllefO IliltLn are H'orlliv llwv nllnlini, nf invnll.ln
Posnessiua areiit virtues 111 the reciificatioii of difrfimrs of
me l.iver biil l.sner RlmMis, exercisirfi the m at senrcliins;
p-wern in wenkitt-M and iiliecllcus ol the digestive orgiis,
they are, witlutl, snle, rert'iin mid plenrant.
ll'imii the IJ stiii IJce.l
The Kititoranid. Dec. vAI
"1)H. lliHiri.i.VD'f ClLRBBATKIl Giml TtlTTKRa for
Ihe cure ol l.ivi r fomplnitit, Jiiumlice, jlys,.psia, Chronic
or Nitvisis Ueliility, is dincnvinllr one ut the imt ppu
liiminliriiiea of the diiy. Tlii'ae'Hitiria hnve km nml
liy UhiumiimIs, and n friend nt cur elbow anvs he litis him
self received an cfTi-cnml anil permanent cure of l.iver
Comptiiint from the use ol' thin remeilv. We lire convinced
Hint, ill Ihe line of these lliltrrs, the patient co'istnntly
pints streinrtlt and vigor a met worthy ol' yreat eoumde
rntiou. Titey are plriistmt in inete and smell, unit enn lie
Used liy pers ins with trie most delicate shimnrlts wilh nnu
ty, ninler nnv cirrntniiniees. AVe nre Sieikiiiir from tx-
peneiicc, aim to me nmicrcti we nuvise tncir use."
'!coTr's Wskkuv," one of the best Literary pnpera
piihliHhcd, aaid, Aug. 2.1
'IR. HiorLxNus fiKBiix BiTrvnn, maiiufactureil hy
T)r. J-iekmu, are now r'C:i!unirinkd liy s nne hi' the
priininent tnenilnfrs of the tiu-ultv nn nn nrtirle 01 much
cinVuey in rn.Ml ol leiii-ile weiikucns. An stifh is Ihe
e ire. w would ndvine all in -itliera to obtain a Imllle, nud
thus K-ive lhfii...vefl nvtrh sicklieFS. I'ernuils uf deliililu-t.-d
e.nliluli mis will find tlfe Hitlers ndvnntivre-Mis to
their henlth. nn we kn iw from estvrience the ailutury
e:l'uct lliey hnve ujmn week sBtrms.M
More Evidence.
The "Philndeti'.liin Saturdiiv Onzrtte." tlie bent family
lleWKptlllel published ill Ihe L uilcd flutes, the editor ku)S
Di ti,.limd's Clcrman Hitlers.
"It in seld im C. h. we Tecinnin.'iid wliut nre termed Pu
tent .Medicines, to tne ?otili,leiu'e nnd pnlronnje of our
renders j nud, theiel'ore, Itvn we recommend Dr. Hoof
luud's tjcrmnn Hitlers, we wis it to be ditrliiu'tlv umlei
sto,xl ihut we nre not Sjieuking of Ihe nostrums of the
duy, thut nre. nniswl nlxutt for n In iff period mil then for
pillcn after Ihey hnYcd ine their guilty nice of mischief,
but of a medicine I uifj entnhlished'. Illlivern-illy pf izil, niui
wlurh has met the heurty approval of the Faculty itself "
Kvidence upon evidence hna been received (like the
foreiroine) Horn nil sections of Ihe I niou, thj last thr-e
years, nud tlie stroniresr tentiminiy in its fuvoi, is, tint
IImtc is more of it used in ihe pnielicanf the reituinr Phy
sii'iunn of piiiludelphin, thnil all other li'isrriiins comliine'd,
a fact tint cun eusilv Im esiuhlifhed. mul lulu- nr iviuir lli.-it
a scientific prenunmon will meet with their quiet approval
wiien presented even ill litis lorin
Thut this medicine will cure l.iver Complain! nnd Tvs
pepsiu. n't one e:m doiilil, after iifin it as directcit. It ncls
Sfieciticullv iiKin the st'imneh rtud liver it is prelTernl.le
to cnlomel in till billi us ilistiiseM Ihe cffi-t is iuiincdiute.
They cun lie administered to l-Vtuule or infant with safely
and reliable benefit, at any time.
HF.WArtF. OK "ciirXTKRFr.lT9.
Thia mnlieine hnn ut.aiued that hiirh chaluctcr whieh ia
lli.'CnSKiry fornll tneiheiiies touttailito iliduee collllteifeitern
to put forth a spurious article at the rik of the Uvea of
those are innocently deueived.
Thev have the written aignnture of C. M. JCKSO
upon the wnipper, aial tiie nniue blown in the bottle, with
our which tney are spniinus.
For sale, wiiolcsnlc and rctnil, nt the
German Medicine Store,
Xn. 130 ARCH Street, one door liel iw Sitih, (l ite nf
2?H Itncc atreel.) Philuilelphin, nud by respeetulile dsnlcrs
generally throughiuit the country.
pnii'Ks nr.nrcr.D.
T.i etnble nil classes of invulids to enj ly the advantages
of tneir great resiorutive pwcrs.
Single Botlle, 75 cents.
. .AMO :.Tr,?r m! !I"M""B Sunbury, and M
" Cat. .irt.mtiit,eritini.
Auiul 311, ly.
In Selinsrove, Pa.
C'IocUn. Vilcli'a) anl Jrvclry,
11 ETAIRED in the heat manner and warranted
lo jwriorm well.
All work intrusted to his care will be strictly
attended tn.
Selinsjrove, Nnv. 30. 1850. tl.
Sunhury, Pa.
OfTice in Peer Street, inimcili itely opposite the
Public School House.
rf M'tires collcetednud ail business piomptly and care
fully attended t'i.
April IS")!).
mkown'S nssnxcE or Jamaica gi.-
liUlt, an excellent article,
liiiiwu's Medicated Soup for sun burns, tun,
tetter, 4c.
Kudway's Circassiun Ilulni, for the li'uir d.unl
rufl'iic. Had way s Ready Relief for Cramps, Cholic,
Cholera Morbus, iScc. For sale hy
Butihury, Aug. 3, 1850.
flMIK Suhacriher who resides in Philudclphin,
1 oilers for sale tlie following pr.ipeny iu Mil
Ion, Northumlierland eounly, viz: The large
'' in upjwr Milion, formerU occupied fy
Messrs Pattersons as a Carriage Makers Shop.
The buildinit is eo feet front on upHT Market
street, nnd 40 feet on Front street, and is two
stories hizh. Also a two story
, 4Q , - on ,w mm9 ,mUr, Tle U.t is
t,lc (.orner of ul,llor MarUt a((j Vmut tUrcUlt
I and is 0.5 feet front, and 150 feet deep.
.,.,, ,',,,, ,, ,,,,. f' P,lr.
The prcmirH's would be valuuble for a Foundry
nr other muntificturing purHHes, and will Ik? sold
on reusouiilile and accommodating terms by ap
plying cither to JACOil CAKRIlJA.N,
J. F. WOI.FINCER, Esq.. Milton or
II. E. MANSER. Esq., Bunbury.
Philadelphia, Jan. ii5, Ibol if.
PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's
writing and indellible ink, Cotton yarn and
laps, just received and lor sale by
Sunbury, Dec. I, 1819.
JTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al
monds, P unes and Cream Nuts.
Planes of all kinds.
Salt and Plaster. Just received and for sale
Sunbury, Dec. 29. 1849.
BOOKS and Gold Pens. On hand several cop
ies of the life of Christ, and also a numlier of
gold tens which we will sell at tlie Philadelphia
prices. For sale at this office.
TENINGS. A cheap and excellent arti
cle lor fastening sash for sale by
Sunbury, July 7, 1849.
N L'RPINQ BOTTLE8 Breast pumps, and
nipple tubes- A supply of these useful arti
cles just received and for sale by
Sunbury. Jan. IS, 1851 tf
Wp OSE OINTMENT. A freh wpply of this
K xcetteiU article fur Tcttor. Vc juHt reriveJ
and fur tale by HENRV MASS IS If.
Sunbury, July 28, 1849 . ...
flLEY'S COUG Cw(NJ)V. An w
lent remody for couUa, colda. fot aalc
fpHB altMitlnn of Ruililirra and nthnrn, are ripnMfiilly
I iiiviinl fi lh rxtriwiva and writ anllwl nu-lc -f
HUI1.UINO HAKDWAHKakhTOOO, how offered by
Ui. BubaL'tilx-r, omsisiinit In mn as f.lliura:
Ametirmi Krimt Uis.r Un-ks, upiulil, wilh night work,
plateri or hrun. fnniiliif i, or pun-rliiiii all ira.
, American Fnnii Umir trucks, apnght, ptain, wilh
niKhf work, plated or brass furnitura, or poiceliilu all
colors. . . ' . 1
Amcripnn Front Door txwks and JM.ire Door, Iloriaxm
tal nt upright, liraas finiiiiure, t poroslain all ookn-n.
Amerieun Kim lx:ks, nil aizrsand qunlillvs. Vhltot
brnns I'urnltiire, it porrrtiiin all col .rs.
AmiTicnn .Monies Ijwks, all sizes, wilh plated, whilo or
brans rnniiiiir, or nnrrrliilnall olnrs.
Ainwionii Mortice liatohen, nil sizes, wilh plated wliit.
or brnns luruilnre, or porrrhitn nil col its.
American Monica ami Rim :.sel Locks, plated ot lnas
eneiiii'lmiiin, or pom-l lin all ci.kirn.
American Drop, Stop, Thumb, Ontc, and Store Door
A Is Imnoitcd T.ncks and Latches of everv dencripllnn.
Hnldn in'n, and Ailrericou liutt liingen, ol all sizes, fast
wr nwi!i- j-'iiii.
rihiltler. fjittc. fltrnn. T.. and rineVAnn Tlliwes. nil kindn.
Blintfrr, (liite. Door, Flush, nnd Spring B ill, i.f wrought
' iron iiiio ornm. every nrseripinai.
Hcrews, Spnirn, Glue, Aiiid Puner rn' the best qunlitv.
American Axle and Miam Axle Pulleys, of every
American Buttons, pluin or on plutes, brass, iron, or
bron reil.
Aiiienmii Nobs, plntcd, while, irm. nr wood, all kinds.
Snli-C"rd, comui niaiid patent, wilh other artielus Umi
iiumi-ioiis o' iiieniion.
I? All 0 1 d-livered fiee of Charge to any pnrt cf
the Ci'v and Diftrict.
At this t'stiihlifthmeiit can lc found one of the Inrffcut find
l't hh Ttmcut of Whtte nud 1'itiicy No!f -r IH-kf. Ac,
iu the City; some p'Oteni, of wliich. cannot he Seen, or
ol.tfiiiil, nt any other M re TJ(H
Ppenr A Ja'k -n llnrk. Panel. Hand, ni'd 1? ipp f'aws,
Imp rtcd expresj-ly t. r Itetutl Kihtt, nil selected wi'heare.
H-tlc Mfrent i. i the relel.rnled I'I uk . m id by K. V. t:ar
penler, f UmcuMrT, I'n., bnnir nil made n't pplit w--d.
nnd the Hills around nnd tried. itenlty;s Willi'iins' make
of Chisels, Axes, Hatchets, Druwing Kiuvcp, Ac, nil war
runted c;nn1.
I'tii(h's and Slack's make of Augers and Aiifrrr Gitts, nl
Americnn Pfpinres nnd Bevil of every description.
Ameriemi Itules, Ouugcs, !awsctts. Compasses, Screw
driver, A n,
Amcricm C. S. irnTnmcra, Cluw nml Kivetiug, nil sizes,
Anvil nud Vice, nil ize.
Stei'i. Iron, ami omlen Hraces, wilh C. Bitts. in
great variety.
V. iirenvr Jt t4 mi's, Biitehr's nnd other e'cbrutcd
mnkesdf (;iii . File, Ptnne-lroii, Ac, Ac.
AV's celehr.-iteil i'nrvintf Toow, nil simpi:
t irihnr n'w of (tie Ih'sI and mot ex'r-nxive u irtuieiits
; of Htiildinir Ibudwure nml Tik1s in ihe Stnie.
i Ai thi esfabjiiiiucMr it i e n i'lercit u pl-inre t show
j Ihe U -oil. ou nre invited t e.ill mid examin t he assort
, nient. nnd hear Hie prices nuked, beiore purchuuig else-
Iwherc. Cont nnd -r u.
Vunrs. respectfully,
. V. 27 Mnrket t.. Iwween 7th and sth, upper nt'le.
i rhiltululphm, Apiil 1J, ImoL ly.
Ruii.vrv t.wnt
The nttcnlitm of the public ia called to the nil
I vei'lisemeut of Mr. Charles C- Tucker, Attorney
! and Agent at Washiston City. IVmoiis hnv
ing claims for bounty Lands or Tensions are in-
formed that the subscriber has made arranzementa
i for the requisite forms, and claimants calling at
. his office, can have their papers prepared and
I forwarded to Mr. Tucker at Washington, and
! hy him he properly attended to before the De
partment there.
j H. 13. MASSER.
I Puiiliury, .tan. IS, 1S51
Now Mumc Just PuMisluil.
EE & WALKER, No. 1(13 nt
arc constantly publishing and receiving,
new and beautiful music from the most distin
guished composers.
The following list contains aoine of their choi
cest and most popular Songs, Waltzes, Tolkas,
Now, thou art Gone, a beautiful aong. words
hy Thomas J. Diehl. music hy Ilnmbridge.
My New England Hume, words and music hv
Mrs L. Wade.
(.robe's Omnibus; hy C. Orohc a collection
of Duetts.
Sound from Home, piano and Mulin, by Jos.
Trolly Little Tolkas for Trclty Little Teople,
hy J. Ling.
All tho Winds aao Sleeping, by A. S. Worn
ccy, Ctiardiaii Angel, by the author of "Love Not.'
Household Words, written bv Chas. Young, do.
The Adieus, woids by Thomas J. Diehl, mu
sic bv Horr.
LEE ec WALKER have constantly on hand,
superior Tianos, and a supply of Martin's Celc
hinted (iuitars, which together with a line as
sortment of Musical Instruments nnd Merchan
dize in general, comprise u slock not to be sur
passed bv that of uny other rstubliahinnnt in the
country.' LEE & WALKER,
102 Chesnnt street. Swaim'e 1! milling.
Philadelphia, June 24, 1851. ly.
Hughes' Fever and Ague Pilh!!
A PEI'FEf'T and speedy cure for the Fever
mid Airne is guaranteed to any one who
may um the Pills. They have Wen used tor the
Inxt feveit year and have never Iteen known to
fail ill a single instance and in cases, too,
where person have hud the disease for several
years, ' without intermission, Tlie proprietor
ch'tlhtie'x the viril to produce all nrtii le that
will cure iu a short a lime, wil'i.iut lc iviu any
deleter! mis eM'ects from the use of it. If the Pills
do not pcifnm a apeedy nnd perfect cure, the
proprietor will return the money. For Kiln bv
J.icoli S. Lawrence. Mincrst il!e ; E. llclffii
slein, T revorton ; S. , Dixon, Schuylkill Ha-
ven ; John W. Fii'nu, Sunbury; Mnry A. Mc- ;
Coy, Northuiii'ieiliind ; Dr. Meekly, il.inville ; 1
John Sharpies, f.illnivixsa ; Dr. Judd, ii'iiiiiis. ,
port; John Riser, Milton, ami liy vesv t.i'.tle i
Druggists Ihroiu'hoiit the stile. I
J. CCRTIS C. IIIT.HES:. Proprietor.
Pottsville, June 55, ISol. ly.
rilll.Ani'.I.PIIIA AD P()TrSVIl,!.K.
Farri Beduerd.
Office of the Phila. If Reailins Railroad Co.
Philadelphia, March 20,
Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.)
N and after April 1st, 1851 two trains will
be run each way, daily, between Philadel
phia and Pottsville
morxixg r.rxi:.
Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. M., daily except
Leaves Pottsville at 7j A. M. duily except 8un
Leaves Philadelphia al 'i o'clock, daily, except
Leaves Pottsville at 31 o'clock, daily, except
S .-unlays.
Between Philadelphia and Pottsville, !fS.73
1st class cars and ii.ti 2d class cars.
Between Philadelphia and Reading, $1.75 1st
class cars and $1.45 2d class cart.
Depot in Philadelphia, comer of Broad and
Vine Streets.
Passengers cannot enter the cars unless orovi-
ded with Tickets.
NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will be al
lowed to each passenger in these lines ; and pas
sengers aro expressly prohibited from taking any
thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which
will lie at the risk of its owner.
By order of tlie Board of Managers.
April 19, 1851. Secretary.
YING) just receive! uJ or wle
Sept, 28, 1850.
EXTRACT CF GINGER.-A fresh supply
juitt rea'iveij nJ for tale at thin oillc).
Plica 35cenU.
Bunluirv, Ju y 13, I8.M.
g. jjUAA K NOTES, waiving tha exemption
5 law of $300, for sale hy
April 0, 1851s - H. B. MASSER.
l- WRITING FLUID ami aeif wling Ena-
louaa. lust raorivad and for aula br
1S()TJ: TAJiJ.E.
, riTT or nnLADaLFnt.
All aotvent Imnka I dia
Alt ai.lcetit IsinVn I di.
All solvent Imrks I dis
. MiVV YORK. "
U. 8. Hunk ii.uea in dis
ah soiTent nauKa mi
Ilnilk Of Cliamliernbiirg 1 dis
llnnk of Chester Co. nnr
Itiink of Del. Co. Chester pnt
iiniiaoi l.eriaaiitown
nnrlAII solvent bunka f dia
llnulc ol ti.ll v si. lire
1 dis,(7"ljk lutes under (J I dis
Ihuilc of l,ivi!owil
llnnk of Aliildleiowii 1 din
Montgomery Oi llnnk pur
linnk of NonhnnilieirMd. pm
Hunk of I'illshiirg 1 dis
Ivenls linnks
M'.w ji:hsi:v.
1(1 is
j ilis
Ilelvulvra Honk
INMiiui.'ieinl Hunk
Han m Unnrille psrl
Fnr. Knnk Mont Hollv
Cnrlifle think 1 (lis F A M.,Middletown Tl. pur
Cohimliia ll'k Tl'ge Co iJiriMechnnies' Ilk. Newnrk pnr
U .yelstown IJuuk r.Mcli. Ilk of Hurlnurt.ui par
Kii.ton Uiink imr Much. V .Mun. Ilk Trent pur
Kne Dunk 9 dis Morris Co Hank I dis
Fxehauee H'k Pittsburg I dis Newark Hk'g ilus.Co J dis
Fxelianire H k, llrnnrli 1 din'Orniure llnnk dis
Farmers' B'k. Hacks Cn pur; He ipie'a Ilk Fntlnrsou J dis
Farmers' Rk, lAiicnnter pur rrmet-iou IJunk
Fnriners' Hk, Haubt'g r'Sulrul Hiiiknur Co,
ruriu. tin ''IIIIVIKIII t o p-ir ,remerrel ;o lltoia
K ft I). Ilk YVnvnesh'ir ltdis (liite Hunk at Cinmlen
Franklin Hk, Wnsh'ii
Hilis.Wnle Ilk I'.liznliellitiiii
HiirrislHirit lt;ink
llonesdnle lt;,nk
l.nitcuter llaitk
lbmuni llnnk
Merch. ft Mini. Hmk
Millets' ll'k. Pnttaville
M Ul 'llll i I elii llnnk
Tu' l 11-m. Y I - li'tr 0 i
Ww Hrali-h l!:.iil
tn;. - il, ,i(,i,
v :fv Hunk.
IT IIiln l n t.
Rllllkltf 'l.e:.iek
dis;Stnte Hunk ewark
1 dis Stale Ilk, N. limnswick ir
piir.Sunex llnnk, Newton J dis
prTrent hi Unnkin Co pnr
I lia. 1'nioii hnnk. Iliiier ills
r.-r!V:ir,lei v'le.l J, llrC'. t.l.tiaj
I ills li? Hk ii-.l'-a ii,u' t"i j ills
im; iFi,AWAi:i:.
pur It ink ot Uflnwre
p tr I' i,. . I S:n i i.-i
1 .iy 1 .Ho-irc ilv MioiV
1 His Ilk Wilmi'nA ll'-i.lvw
l-l I
ilvmiirr'. i;k Ur'-iM'TMe pur
.1 lis I :ni in lumk. U'iliuiiiiJitiui our
Aiert'iitilile Ilk. thing ir lOtlisjtip' L luler s.i'h J dis
in 'M .-nr niiiiKK j UiSi tlllll?.
M:vii.irsiiiin:. Aiis.iveni bunts adis
All solvent Intikn j dis 111c icitfa nuder 5'n 4 dis
i;ivMtlT. .XUItTII CAItUU.N'A.
Bank of SI !l.uiis 2 dif lAll n.-lvnit Innks S din
Ah s ..'vent bunks J disry I lKleri's, S dia
Eounty land o.r.d Pension Agency,
i I , n,,,V'r"1i! A;l rnfr niui lienenil Aff!if t the
J. " i I ) il WfirhintMti, , ,i,.,-8 H4 fi' irm 1.1
t IJ MIDI V ! JKIlN liinl rtnUiMHS 1..T I'm)..' eiifitl'tl. ll.-iii pr-f.
iiiitiH-ntly Utiu-tl nt tht-WMt nf Ouvtiih t, with n U.r-
miil-Ii in if 1 l.nmhiir iMvpiuiMiiiiu'r wnli i)t :iccr.-,r j hiriii,
im.l inntini o' I.uhik-kii, h ul httviiiir :iififH t KcL'ivtrrn i-nil
! Uollij Uivi in Him I . . wr t'iitc?. t imum. e (.m-mIk-i. mt
'iH'ctiy im I n-ititi-icfry udjiihtnicut i-i O.-v rnmuH
' Li.iiiiia ol i' rr. k"itl.
Hy n littf A-t . f O .iisiym, K'umiv 1nw. in rrniitw! to
j the f'tlif-'-rs unit Mdi-ri ti' '. vir.i;' tci't "i iln-':in.
; i i his i n I trni Wilts, ciucr IV. ti. T.) tii.tHL- Ir i 'i -v nine
lni'iillm Hfi nrrm: tn flj w)ut f.rveil I. Mr in ntlis e
ticrt-H: nm) tt tit f.' v'.f nt ivt-il i'ii? m n!li 4'i imtcs.
j Arnci'.'tMl'f'i's t.rivi- In' -ii nriili villi prill li-iiM n f te '
,t!''ti i i.'eji hi MMfntcitnit trfii'iuii til ilif l.'iMintry. l".r
th- l'viii -ii "i" vv;iir iii!r, iiict Hie h ih nt' (he p:itfiiu. "vh-n '
iMstutil, oti Hip ni'ifti inlvtiMt:tp;nit if mix ; It the pavnii'iit j
nf iHXi-ft, r'Ufityti -.ii nf luitl. n lil f -r tnxe ; ; n ol i
ilflnn: niiit l-ir llii tranM-ii -n r iMicrul Isiisv l)iiiMe.-(i, in
the ii il't ivwi Si'iirn nml 'J'iriturii-n, i
IM ifiiil.-m hit servh'fi t tiicnihrrs of tli" rrof.-gsi ii nt u
nisuim't. wtin ciiiliim nirainnl Mir U vtiiit'
trirrii hv' J I Affrnt. will nln.lf one Im.l hi tisii:
'I'lii- M-rnry f 'Tmn titnl iiirtruriioM(, nti'l tMi'oriii.tlion on
nil mibicctii tijH-rinti'lin: t u puwt'Mstnl pfurHV'tiU ii ul tht
lntKiiii -15. will lc 1'iiriiiriiicfl l. rriil ir Cirrrsiciiiicut! wilh
out rhmi;iv
IViattis il''iriii; inf lrnnti ii if frifwlt in Ihennny r
niivv, will f trw.inl t' hnn nil the pnrtirtil.irn known of tltt-ir
f.-ivic(. toftilier with ti ! of one dojir, otil tiivir eii'jnj
riffj will ! rjilit ! h rri-im of in.iil. All c JiiiiiiititLca
li nn to be ('aid.) qmU n 1ilnnw ttt
I'lIAillsKS C. TlTKKTl.
(Hix H7, 1 O.J Va!iinloM. D. C.
IPC?m!nr 2r, l.-.'iit,
I' Ell l A I t. Ij 1 II I 4
.V. If'. C'oH!;c of Thirdtnad Union Streets,
TIFTrKX I. UII ol exienmve nud limiC
and uiiiii'errup!e:l
1' ittlK'life Silent in tins eily hnve rendered llr. Iv
in 'M f.Vieit nud MUvcKsui! nrnciaiuiier mr und nertr.
in tbe lieMtM.eul nl nil dire.,H,-H t.l n private n.ilure. l rtns
. unie'lfl Willi ute-is up Ul InelhSly, Ittrout, of l.'s, viuis ill
im- lieinli.r ' i.'s. rli,'uiu.ittMii. Mrieltir.'. v.ul't'i.
1 tliweuse tin-ilii Ir. .tn v.tilliuu'l i'Xfsf s nr linni'iilies .11' Ihe
; i. tti'l. wli.-it l.v lli. c tiit.uUi'.ll lias uccilie euleeltied, ure !
j utt utitlt.l with .ll j
lie wlitipri-rs lutiisell' under tbe cure of ))r. K., ni-iy re- j
j tiui tuly et'ili't.' in h'.n r 1 ti ir us 11 it,'uileni.iii. uml i'itiit;,teti;- j
1 iy rtiiljtiit ins l,il! us u pi; r-ieiuii. j
i i'aki: r.Minrfi.Aii otici:. j
t Yo'l'ur ie.i .-lltl ll.ive i:tiure.l lit. -niv. .lees ,y a e.Tt.litl 1
1 piueuee in'ititced in a Itnltit fre,ju..n;iy le-irud I'l-tm evil j
i iiiii.iits t,r ut s-'fut'ii lite rlli-els ol' wlli.-li ar niltlly
felt, even vlien nsl,.t-p, nud d.-strny tttihiniuil nnd It 'dy. j
I should upply iuinittdiu.-!y. Vt-.ii,ucNS uie) t; tnl ,lu! i:.i,;i 1
j ilt 'tilily I 'its nf inus'.iiiir pnyn.etil Inssiimle and u.-u- i
ernl tr tstrnii tu. irriluuiltiy untl nil nerviuis Htl-'eliuus. in'ii- I
! tesu 111. i.liiiMrtslim.fS 'if ti"' uvel, nud el ery riiA"iiriu nny '
i wuy c-timtN-tt d wi'li tlie itie tnier nf tlie jnocreutus lime-
1 titnis cured, untl lull vigor reblnrud.
! j
j A vigorous lifi' or ti picniatuir? ilealh.
Lt.MiLi.iAi on Mir rrirrvu;;i)ii.
Thi HwO:iti!tt pnlilmlitd it (ict wit'n tivfn! mfitrtntvi u
thr jHliriMUifH H'nl fllSr.tMrl i if I tie Oi-lM'rrH Orrr'Mf.
!l Mtl lr.-snt H itirlL'iilik? to VirTir..MA.MIUOOuiM Oi.D
Air!', mul Hii'iM )..- ,:.! by nil.
Tinr vn'ii'ilili' ii'tvii-e iimI inijircrive wnrnii'ir if triv.
will prcvi'itt ycitfB 'i misery untlouiierutg nml uvu uunii ii-
IV I .1 HIWIll.!!. l lH 'K.
In'fittii liv- r-;t'tniir 1 will kuni how loprevent the d
, triH-ti-itt n" i'i'-ir c'iihImmi.
A r-'uihiiiMft l ffutp, ri'r!Ffil hi n IftTrr,
' (Irrvs.'-I V Oil. Kil.:i.l. .N. .r'rner uf Till il U .
1 I Siret'Ot. i-t'cn Sjini'-e V I'inc. Vliiimti-'jihia,
will iiaurr a (j "U, nmlt-r if ! p.-. i r return M nun!.
Vrrn iimnt n ii:"t:tnce muiv uditrt'ef Dr. K. liy let at. h Jtt
1 imi't.) ;ii.l tie run t ;tt h ltu.
lt'K iil.S UK Mi:iHrlf, IMItl'.CTIUNS. .Vc.
f Twiri)., Iv it-'iMliMu remittaufc, ntitl put uptttuie iroin
t DAMAI.r. or L'l itKtSTV.
H -ik-rrf'llrTn. New Afft ufs, .Vt!ir. C nivnwerii, nml 1
I OtlltTD UllliMMi With til: ili-JVO WOl'k Ut V-Ji")' UlW ruit'.
I tSentenil-er 6, ly.
V M A S C A (1 I X G M I
in I'!'- I'S .T-ti:ti(Vi Oii.-r.-r, nil tin? V.lln;il.l-
; i tit ,i , .1 ;t , e iy I nu ll II will in; Ih.hiA U
St in 1 1' tivi-ii t ul a, tti c ui-' itir .'t :l i" nn.
Il in n til -.-f clifi'-.H uml ;,; 'iio ii..iif tune li.ninlfF.J, tjeull;
KtilUiK, i,1(J t nte i X lilt ft nirtett, Ull'l WtH lie l.xilni Vt'l
lieiieti'-j t l;i r-LicVtui tlie :Hiitill uml iikI reSMivj; leeltlij;?
oee tv ihe liiiiiiretl aeli lt nt this imp TUint oririui.
I'r tn IihII' l.nt leu-K.HHiiilul ti ken in n wiiitirl'issv
ful n mVLVtent'il w:itt r Will liHtiti-iutriv reniiive Itie lt:itll
lent) uiui unnri jwnm remiiuiiir imui mtiL'eit.ii, Hint iT t.iki'ii
twi tr ihr-e tiuie liiny. hs reqiiiretl, will 1 imitl highly
titk Uit uan lit tlie lii51fltti'Hii(l ttetiKe el Binkiiit.' u ( he )luti
ucli anil teiiilr-nry to it tint-Tilereit uetiun trtra.iuiiel by tlie
eiierviliiiar ert'eet ol" the huumier hwns, r fi'llnwinirnfter in.
iHHis)Ui'u, und lor cufrceiiiiH Ui niL-ipieut Hluuca ui Uuurr-
it ihals t mi -xee!leul me.,eine for thin who Imve in
iurel the t me.'i' ilieir ttnnuiehu hv tii innruHlentte umc ui
! nittiX'i-uliiivi liqii th, hy itx tiiighiiy iiiiiuintiiir eittet
! ttie t,niim'ii reiii.n ini; tlie ernviiiit f i Mniiuuiuti, while i
no iniurhitis :e li in uu tlie hiiiiit. unit ib n t eueeeedec
hy h'ftiiiijii m" deiireHHinn, wliidi ulvvn) fiii.vv tiie uo ol
uk ih 'lie Jiiumluiim.
A I'evv tir ') luMri, lo nvic.irriia. rlmivirh nr oilier purica
live m-1ieiiieM, will rentier lh-in hi re l-t lltt
rt iiimlt Hit I iirtvent the gniti WiiK'h m u( toareuinpi,n
Uicii act! u.
-V. R. rornrr of 1th ami Chestnut Stitcls.
VitiliinY'nhin. April J, 1 151 Iv
1 1 1 K suhserila-r has just rcoeivcd a new supply
of the liesl liiUors that ever camu to Suiihurv,
consist inic in part of
Superior olj pale lira inly.
Fine Cojiniae Urandy.
Superior Old Jamaica Spirits,
IView Knt;laiitl Hunt.
Fine Holland (iill.
ISuperior OU Whiskey
Coin in Hi Jo.
8uierior Matleiia Wine.
I.ishon tlo. do.
Superior Tort Wine.
llurHUiulv fort do.
Sweet Malaga Wine.
Superior Claret Wine in hollies.
Champagne do. do.
Sunhury, May 86 1849.
STONE ware:.
STONE milk Pans in J8 nJ Pitchers,
and other article of stone ware lust rweived
,d for sale hy JOHN W. FK1L1.(J.
tfunhury, June 23, 1849
fEA8, from tlie New York Canton and Pekiu
JL Tea Company, r or sale by
4. w. rniu.No.
Sunlmry, Pec. S, 1848
8 AY KLM Ao excellent aitieto lor salt
banu7 Jan. ITdt, IS49 tt",
Ai llio Cabinet TTure Iloom of
Market Square,
Alto at the comer of Fawn street tf th Railroad
Thankful for the pntronsira of his friends anil
customers during the 17 rears he hat been In busi
ness in this place, he aolii its from th public con
tinuance of their favors. During this period he
hits endeavored to keep up wilh Ihe improvements
of the day, nnd has aecordinirly extended his busi
ness in every branch and variety. Tli public r
therefore invited to tha attention of the present
4toek of
At the Old Stand,
Where in addition to their former stock of tho
establishment they now manufacture .
Mahogany, "Walnut & Cane-Seat Chain,
iAirsre Spring Seat Rocking Chairs,
Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables,
Marble Top Wash Stands,
and a tmriety o f ot 'nr
new style and
E'a.Sianc: lilt- t'uriiiltirc..
Hii'iuir neeiire.! llenrse ami mfiln tho ne.-es-Kiiry
nniiiiK, irenls lor the pi.rpose, tiny are now
prepared fur I'luk-rlnking in ail It) t rirrties, hi
Ibis vicinity or nt nny convenient distance.
Ye maids and mistresses, and huslnnds too,
Here", furniture of every style and hue,
I'pan side boards dnwn to kitrheu tables,
Frum rockiuir ehmrs to locking eraJles
Phnitld ynu not huve the ready Juii!i to p.v
We'll wuit awhile fur a briarliter lietter day,
C 'r take potatoes, outs, com. wheut and ry. ;
Hurlr, li.joj pol. s. sl.ives, or lumber wet and dry,
f r any tliniar l.nt y.ikea and threshing flails,
Frum piirs uu'l turKirs iliiwn tn little quails,
f 't-nie mi Mien friends, C'llne one and sll,
K eeji tmtle a nniviiifr, so "g te. nn the ball."
I"" Drders from a distance promptly attendsj
anil work ol ull kinds deliTered with dispatch.
Punitory, March !, 1 8.")t tf
X2i.n MtaicAt wetTDBn or th
l""il"vely cure nil stare of Neuraliri.
Diilorout. Aervons Headache, Chr
1 lera. Loikjiiw. IIdroiholiia convulsions; wi!
I restore niiuiliond to its prestine vigor, even aftf
I i nrs of jirostration, and the only known and cei
lain cure for low spirits or mental dchillv.
I'.xlrai't from the New York ft'un, Oct! 3, 1S4!
j The t'lrbiaie.l Dr Watson, when talking of tl
iniraeulous power of "Walts' Nervous Antidote
j the question was put to him, '.Why sneh a vaUu
i iile ri niedv for ull nervous alTections was not ii
j trodiu-ed hy the incilienl faculty 1" replied, "Th:
i if it write, lltere would no longer he any use for
I faculty, ns ail diseases originated from a disorfra
i ized strte of the nerves ; the nerves are Ihe ma
fiprinn of tho whole system Keep this in ordi
j uml ItiUh the mind and hody must he."
. r.utr onnie phial, 'i doses, enough for all
Jinarv awn, O.NE DOLLAR.
, MlI.D BY
j Win. Mi-CAKTY, Broadway, Sunkury.
ft'rpteniltcr, 58, l.')!! if.
U ti o li s ; 1. 1, k R ,
I J AS reeenlly reeeived, amonir other articles
(ji-eat v.(rir'y ol .New, t'hcaii and Knlcrta
inr pu jli.'atiuns sjf:h e.
ipers iiove s. r.ui.i.'.ele or sei arate.
lHiut9 do
uo do
Co -run do
Jerrold tin
Morris do
Atthr low prii-o o) 'from ' to 50 eti per volu
ytitiinirv. Srpt. S1?. 1h.0. tf.
aoss oxwviisNT. roa tettj
"f ) KM) tlie i!lowm.r reitinmie from Cupt. Ir,
I i t M i.n -wii mul puinr Mi;nn lli.nt Captain (!
'1 i.uencr.)
PllM.nEl PIITA. )pMlier 31, I
Srvc-nl v;r citier I ws uttnekrsl with hrtknif!
nr. it i.-i. mi fi t inn i TM'Cr, wim-h t ani p,hv
win e ut 1 r:e li uhfr uMion. Ii irrmnlunllv e
ptlnver m i i''t' until it reached hc uni-cr rvirt o
k. liiitm i, -t evr;il in"iiiM ihut it itnf
,iitvttlmir. 1 iif.i 'inler.-nr iiiij'lieiiuwm. iiit of whie
itif ( upj.H nt'y :ir nntnt, uf hiitimsmih; tue iliwsi
frnin it'Vie "i tliin ihft f pf-i-eeive the Wirt twitfht i
nji.'i"tl ihe Ojxtmkt. Hy the ue if uu jor
I wns t r:tiv euuu n ii have rvirmtutM lre til tue
1 h ivf siin-e nef th (''Htinfnt, !ihtly nppheil forr
ne i thefnec. hiiiteh. e,ritteti huntlft. At. Will
feel iiiei't I I -up lie nesjiliitioii iu lcuuilDuUiiig
tlie iirunC'CL iRmtnt-r In the juMic.
Aceiit IIpnit JfaiKR, 5iiuhury,
Ju' -, Ir-iit.
(iieen's Oxyzcuu'cd Hitter, price rei'ilred.
(Mil .liiro'i Towns.iil'sSaisipari!la.
UiiKers Sars.ipiirilis,
Svay tie's vrup of Wild Clierr ,
Sv;r lie's Ycriui:in;c.
y.e's t'liciry J'c-.'loral
llr. Drake's l'al,nrea.
l)r. C'ul'eu'a do
TiMut's I'ain Killer.
Iir. H.hifland's (iernian BitUrs:
Indian firi'taltle I'ills
Horse and Cattle Medicines
For sale hy HENRV MASS
f unhury, July 14, 1849.
fn the UseJ'ul and Interesting Arti vith
Simple and f urious i:.vierlmenls li
XCI.l'DIMi Medicines, Perfutneri-, Che
Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionai
uiestic Lcoiiouiy.elc. etc. etc. Price fij cl
Sunhury, Dec. S, 1849.
.is one .i:V(.ooi)s
Just received at the store of HENRY
Ell, a lot nf Caps, Cum Shoes, A hi
ijneensware. Liquors 4c. All of which
ohl at the lowest price.
Dec 14, 1850.
Valuable Books,
1IFE or Chs i st, handsomely hound,
' in. m.'s HisTuar or th Kkforsi
Fur sale at the publishers prices hy
Sunhury, July 14, 1849
MIXERAL WATER, from the Oak (
Acid Springs, highly taluahle in cbr
seascs, and tonic remedies, for sale
Sunhury, June S 9, 1850 4f
CAP8. An assortment just received.
J silk H ATS at 225, for vale by
Kuiihury, Dec 848.
BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds an
Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, 8u
dir., for sale hy H. 1). MA8
Hiinlmry. April 16, 18M.
LANK-S of every dearriptioa can be
applying at the office ot the Americ
ADD'S celebrated Horse and CatU
no for sale by HENRY MAC
fcqnkury, Jan. 17th,
Ihe city at the present lira is 84,739,612
kunbyry, AprJ 11, ltl.
at thia tlie
J AprU 19, 1851s II. J). MAfetfCH.