Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 10, 1852, Image 4

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Linen. Jctk nn
To Remove Ink rno.M
editor out i f hi" shirt.
' At 10 years of ago I he will reign ; at 30
the wit; t 40 the judgment.
In Alstrarl, N. II. "a girl of 17" weighs
4S0 pound.
- Nutmegs are grown to some extent in
Tub Hartford Light Guard give$100to
Ihe cause of Hungary.
A Affecting Sight. To see a young
man swapping kisses with a pretty girl.
Dhatii is a silpnt yet powerful monitor.
Heed its solemn lessons.
An epitoh out West nays that if "lime in
money," he is willing to exchange n liille of
his for the "hard."
A Steam Carriage Co., for pTitnk roads,
hns V"vn formed in New York city, the capi
tal to ronsist of $100,000.
"If five and a half yards mnke a Pole,"
asks l'unidi, "what will make n Hungarian 1"
Kossuth answers A league."
Contemptibly Small. Thn Ciiy Council
of Richmond, Va., have revoked their invita
tion to Kossuth.
Thk American Pies', penerally, cl.ns Louis
r.'iipeloon among the rankest defpots of Eif
The destruction of the Library in the
Capital at Washington city is an irreparable
loss to literature and ait.
Tiin ostensible debt of Texas is set down
nt l?,4.36,991, and the par value at 6,-
G27,2'8, including interest.
SnvEttAL slaves escaped from Kentucky,
bv ciossin on the ice, on Saturday nifrht
above Newport.
An American Female in Bloomer dress
recently landed in Kingston, Ja., and was
rnouued by the blacKs.
Money is the servant of those who know
how to use it, but the master of those, who
c'o not.
Irish edilor, in Fpeaking of the miser
ie3 of Ireland, says "Ireland's cup of mis
ery has been for ages ovei flowing, and it
Di:e:!is to be not yet full."
May I B 1 of the lovers of U as the Mit-s
of Gteon said 2 a lOJer, OCT'some 4 leg of
mutton, B4 she 8 a pteito of it.
Faith is the eyo of love.
1 he Bank of North America was incorpo.
rnted by Congress, December 31st, 1781. It
stands in Chestnut street, two doors above
The City Hotel, on Front street, San
Francisco, which once rented for $ii000
per month, has recently been let for as
many hundreds.
Thirty young Germans of Cincinnati,
Qmi, have enrolled themselves in a com
pany to aid is the cornin?; revolution in
The police force of Philadelphia numbers
C00 men, including Marshall's police, watch-
n:e: and constables. Their annual salaries
amount to ninety-five thousand dollars.
The Bank of Em:i.and having caused one
cf Hobb's famous locks to be applied to a safe
no one in the establishment was able to open
it, and Mr.llubbs had to be sent for before
the business of the department could begin.
Iv.r.Y a have bar-room in California one
liun.lied and fifty feel long, in whichare eui
p!')je: forty bar-keepers, eighteen hours out
ot t vt nty-four, in retailing liquors, at twenty
fi e cents a-glass.
Telegraphs is theUmtf.d States. The
Commonwealth slates that there are already
in t h t United States and Canada more than
12,03!) miles of wire, involving a capital of
more than 3,000,000.
No. 187 North Third Street, Philadelphia.
r I'll IS pntrrter to rntitlH by Urn Milted tenhnony of nil
1 who Iihvp iiwd it to the first muk f ntl thnws CAT
Tl.K MI'.IHeiNKS. wliicl. Imve been lh'iiiht prattec
tvnrthy for intmy yenra. Indeed we rlmllemrr nny ttru
tomukca mipcriiir, 01 nny (mhviIt tlml n'f in nm
mint tier. If the nnimal lie perfeetly hwliliv it will either
iiimstBe tlie mil Mint v( mitk nr i mini nm. Imtter ; or Urn
mutual will improve rapidly in fit. it will llit-ft-f t .ti
time Im? c (iitlirel we Imve n t dmlil on nl' tin wnple urn
rle nf every Fnnn-.'r, wUn keep u ili.irv ; nnd nf even
pf rs m mviiiny a liic. It it n d me of tlmn kind o.
Mixti.'KK ihiil iiifiL'ly fwt-ll un up f-r n h it
titn Inn it will -v tin rnpieity wliicli it In f ciivort ini?
IIIIM'l Rl? Ai'lii (wiiiHi is an ill. to iiitut r) inm
lit :ac;d nr olki.nk; r:uiw n crriitr mii'Mint of iiutiihu
inciter to he cxtiiit'tttl fr.'iii tliu mini ntnrtunt of f hI. thnn j
powihly conM tx-, witp til'- iiHivr pnnctptfrt of nmriii n ;
! j.iiw nut. of thv. xyetpm in llu- foiin nf llirri nic Ann.-
Wo Imve htpiviiI u rtiitltitudo of ovltloii'-u to prove vh;i"t I
wo hiivo wiiil nli ' o. fu;liro t i : !
li.ivr mixi-i tlic tif-iivo niroiit. witli o pront tmnihor j
of Viv ; k r.. I'l.n pl ints nnil lit it.R. w'tii-li tint; nnil iiw Imve 1
pr ivivi to lir iiKfinl, impnivin; tlte ii;.p'tito nml protir'tiNf I
titf-ii u nt tliu to l ; iliii! ni-cnrinif n hosittliy r iimiM"ii ii ,
thi! Iil'ful, from which (he Milk tnul Kt tii'i!t bu inrnirtl. j
It in:iy hi ni'il f rlIori:, t ows nirl llous for tliu i'ul!.iw- !
lug f'tnpl lial- and tliM.-;iMK. '
Vi:M.OW WATi;it. n Imi:-touf rirkmw, whirii rli-- j
n'ry timny v.iliuilili hoiin's rv ry yo:ir, in wry oftni :
iilircly onri-tl by ih fioo. iimj i f llnx puwilrr, in nil r iS'-s
it will provt'iil the dicnipi :Vtiin ootninv
Tlitp liM:ifp ij owii'ihf t ' it bnil nml imp vcrinlMil '
of the bluoil wliicli iKt'onifS linn, wulcrv ami of oil Jt llow '
C 'l T, " j
Tuis powitor bv inipnviiiB tbp f in-ifb nml rivintr 1
tin" bl niil it jri f.'ittsr f pi.Mtt it y o red ptirtiolofs, nil ! 'is Iho '
ht-sl mid only p ttiiilo eh. nice of hv i IV. Il tho b 'rL'
i it r ir mi', tivp rti ntint: mul niirht n tubtcpo'iniul in w I
iVi-tl. it in tlic bi miming onro a tlity ut u ni, il out) to pn
Will tt'f il'':i-;c hvi-.i' !l VVrrk.
MiAlilM'Ht.Nij This is tlio ininnti n of in oiy v.ilu t
ble If iri's hy cxtiiiiistion ; b n i"itfi;ijii iliFi-liiit' of r-nii
V:i wliicli oilulil to j'.i i nt' i tin- iJ'oiuifii o iiitniM i!lii' Mi 'll.
Il i? ti ii((-n' H of ;ti','uii n "ttt-n pr"tbu'i! I y Indian To
Imcro urowintr in tin pmtnio pr 'iiutl A Tjibtosom-iiiul
thron times n wevk will in pn utly nrn-H the tl-'w, il It
tt'ti-snot il.-piTil on Ili TnrtArco in thf : ins. nmlt-r uU( h
ci rcuinMii hi t'S flit.' ni'iiin' mtiFt Ik kept in tin- Mnhlo
JiIttTKMrKIt.lf ihu powilor is osirlv mul Cvi-W iikoiI,
n-i I'lhiT ri-iiH-iiy nrrd l v ii.m-iI, u hns uln-nily i-nn-il inm
(lit-'S "f lloRsr.i in' tins li'iniltlt'sotne ilif i-hfc to Hn siopns
nf tli 's- win iiiril it. If ti-1 uil p.irlv. boV-irr mittti-r Ii k
forM!t-l in t ho. iiei-U it rum -t ri?Prc lh minimi piTH-ct'y
until tin! nriitor is ihsi-lm-pi-il. ttsi it c-nly nml pp-vrnt
ni'-li n result. A 'J'.ilili np'-Hiiifni wire vr twice tl.t - t
tii.Ani;ns. This .tn i,fn,.-i utt FArnKn-,
tiiv thtsi p iMit-T ii fair tiin' nml il will l W'ii'li-it in
thi li rrrhi itmt lo'herio ini'tT.ih!' nnlm'v Ir is n t!ien5i
of tin' jrliimlunil vl-!n nml krit up hv iniporfeot iriuitioii.
in S'lch Ciiers u 'JnM"spniiit til evi-ry il ly twice i-ir u in nth
ul nt a
Per ilia Cur of
Anions tlie nuiner.'tis ilisrovencs Soicnra Iini
ninile in this generation to facililato the l)Uino
of life inrreime its enjoyment, and een rr0
long llic trnn of human cxisteiire, none rnn lie
i.iiiii1 nfniure real value to mankind, than Hi'ik
contribution of Chemistry tit the Healing Art.
A vast trial of fts virturs throughout ihie liroail
country, tins proven liryontl n Onum, mni no
medicine or comhinnlion of nirdicinrs yet known,
con o surely control anil Cure the numerous va
rieties of jiulmonnty disrise which have hitherto
swept from our midst thousands and thousands
every year. Indeed, there is now abundant rea
son to believe a Remedy hns ut Ifnath been
found which can be relied on to cure the most
dangerous affections of the lungs. Our ppace
here will not permit us to publish any proportion
of the cures affected by its upc, but we would
present the following opinions of eminent men,
and refer further enepjiry to the circular which
the Agent below named, will always be pleased
to fuini.-h free, wherein are full particulars, and
indisputable proof of these facts.
From the Prrsi'lrnt of Amhrrtl dillest, the
"James ('. Aver (Sir : I have tised. your
CiiEniiT 1'KiTornL, in my owo ease of deep-
seated l'ronrhitis, and hi natislied from its che
mical constitution, that It is an aumivnole com- nrhv, in c.n!riu;t t:i. will in uin r
,,,l C.r I', rMu.f nf lnrvnr:nl nlultironellial '"'' -a.Tt n rnrr. it lias tiw-n fairly twtH
it ,,;;,; i,;,. ....r!..r . 'H1il ami h-rni.fs -( Ut .Up. minn
uiioi uiii,-. ii inj vj-t ....... -"r in,,.... l'iKr.p....nlul pv.-ry
eliarneter can lie nt anv service, vou are ai uneiiy i or ih i. t n
to use it ns yo8 think proper.
EDWAliU lUTL'HL'UCk, 1,. .. JJ.,
rroin the widely erle! rated
V., Professor of Lhemislry, Jiliiierulogy,
rj'c, Yule College. Member of the Lit.
Hist. Mai. Phil, and Scientific
Sucietits of America and
"I deem the Ciiiciihv Phi-tohai, an ndmiiable
composition from some of the best articles in the
Materia jleiliea, and a very cllwlive remeily lor
the class of diseases it is intended to cure."
New Haven, Ct., Nov. 1, 181'J.
MA.IOU PATTISO.V, I'rrt ident of the S. C.
Senate, stales he has Ufrd the Chkbiit I'kto-
hal with wonderful succcse, to cure an inlljni-
mation of the lungs.
From one of the first Physicians in Jlume
Sici.. Me., April 20. 1813.
Pr. .1. C Aver, Lowell. Dear Sir. I am now
constantly using your Cm. nut Via toiiii. in my
practice, and prefrr it to any other medicine lor
pulmonary complaints. Troin observation of
innnv severe eases, lam eoiivmred It will euro I rntiri'lv lv nnttins a iimukI or a Imli' inm :i linrr-l of vi!l
eonnhs. colds, and disease! of the lunas. that il Wl11 '"r c iwl' Inisien tiie iiiiien-
j..: u ...i -.!: ' in:.' pr-wess.
I mvriably recommend its use lit casus of con
sumption, and consider it much the brt remedy
NP nil dimnsTBHrislnft fnnn n dinornVral liver mr tto
ni irh. such nscoii-tin1i m, jnwunl lile, VuIIiicm, or
IiI'hkI to the hpinl, Ariilify of thf St'Hnnrh. Nnuson,
Hrttribiini, d it r nst for Fool, fulhiossj or weisltt in the
t'Mnm h, s iur I'.ructotiiMic, inicinn; or flnttoritnr nt the pit
of (he ttoninrli, tiviinniiiiir of thelmml, liiirrioitiind ililfienlt
brenlhfnir, flnttrriim nt the honrt, chokiiiff or iiiiT'Tttlinn
friiSHiiins lion in n Ivintt pslnrc, Diinnesi of vision,
d'Usor webs before ( lie sight. Fever mid ilnll pnin in the
lieml. ilefieieney of, yell lwmss of ihe skin it lid
eves, pnin in tfae shir . twiek. c-hest, limbs. Ao., smldfil
flnsli(s of bent Imrntiit; in the Ib-sh, c nistnnt iinngiiiiitgi
oi evil, nml pre; it deprt-wion of spirits,
t ati:i ;t itnt"i hittkbs,
riirrAnrn ry
Hit.!". M. JACKKO.V,
Nn. t'JO Arch SI., riiilnilrlilila.
'I'lii'ir powtT over the nlvtve iltm-iipfs is not rjo-ellrtl, if
'ii. hv nnv olliiT proiuirHtioii in tlif i tnl.ti Matca.
, in iminy Ciini-s alter ihiHlul ti i-i:iiia
rpiIF. attention nf IViiidrrs anil nilieri, arf respertfiillv
.."...i".'""1 '" "'" extensive aiel well Meeleil M"ck f
nuw orTcrwl hy
I. II Wi
il iili;ites oi
us tli" en res ul test
Tin-si Ititoi's nre worthy tbey nttnition of invnlids. I
P"Si'fsiiia tftrjit virtm-s m the reoiilifiitinn of ilisenfi s nf i
the Liver mid least r plntuls, i-xerei.ii'g I lie in sl senieliinq; ,
p 'Wers in WiviKnt-ss nml sift-eiit'iis oil ho digestive org.iiit(
tliey ro, withnl. sjti'e, ceri iiii nnd pI'-Tsjiut.
f I'nmi the Ii 8on llei-.J
The Cditor Snid, Dir. J.W
'J)b. lionrr, vr t'Et.Hi.n TF.n HriiMv?! IIittphs for
Ihe cure of l,iv.-r t 'mtipl mil. .bnin-lifte. (Jyspepsn. t 'lir inie
or Nerioiis lit hilily, is ileservotlly onenfllo' ni-wl pn nir'ilii-ini's of tl.o d;iy. Tltesi- lbtieis huve been iiMd
by Ih His:mds. mid n friend nt I'lirelthiw sjij s he bus liim-F'-:i
n-e- ive-i fti tbetM;il nnd perilMlient cure of .iT
r-'tnpl iini troni the line of ilns remedy. W'v nre eonvinrrd
I hut, in I An use of iIh-ho IJiiters, tlte patient oonstantly
p;tim ntieimlli nnd vir r n foot woithyof trent e iisnle
rntion. T)iy nre ple:w:int in tne nnd smell, tmd ran be
used by p-r. 'n with th- in t drho:,te stomni-hs with sjiie.
t. under nny eireimmtjinoes. We nre siwaknm from i v
peritneo, nnd to tin utllieted we th te their use.'
'SoiTr's Vi--rr:ii.Y.'' one of the best Literary p;iers
ptibl.Klied. sni-l, Ainr.
"IiR. II ioflami's firn TIit rKRs, mnurietiiro.i by
Ti. .1 leKMon. ine ii )w let- imineniled by Mine f Ihe in st
pi 'tti ! n:iit iiiei-ih'.TS of the family as nn ariit te i-i muU
eir.eney in oti-s of feinnle we:ikne(ss. As snt-h is (ho
e,ii-, we would advise nil tnotheis to b!aiii a In idle, nnd
thns save themselves inneh fickin-ss. Fersntis of dehilitn-t.-'t
O'Misl itnli ti: wilt find these hitters ndvn'itaenmi to
lhir he tlih. ms we know from cxpTiirce tlie 6.ilutary
efiei t thi y i;;ic iioil week slems.1'
T1 ore Kvidnuc
Tin 'Plii!'h'tphin Pinird iv tbir.otte." the best family
new ?;..'u i n'ilt!i;hed in the I'uiteti Stall's, th? edilur snya
Dt Jitrotiaiid's ffcrman Hitters.
FOOK l.(W-?IMn!Ti:p TIOUSF.S, -r where th-rr is
fi-iy remims of Founder or slnlness of in 'tini, nnd the
llnrso will n-it f.itteu, oi w'iti! Ihe harr i r-inirh nnd
p mils stro'.;ht out. tin fod seeinme to do nocoKl. l!ie
wil--r pr nlaees altn st iiiimoiha'e iniprovement of the
anirn il ; tin duresiion improve nti l wiih it all tin sin-!- -j:
is! i nri-i of the nr.Mnal liiwinpetirs. Iwo ninnj; lively mid
spirited, nnd Ihe hair sino-uh and slick.
For Milking Cows, wenrefn'ly e nvi:uvd that it not
oii'v improves the tpn'it; , hat that it ii.ere -se-i tilt a:i miit
of Milli, 'rea:ii and IttiTtee : :Ur wll i have tni-) tl:e ex
pernnent s:iy n l'oimd : Week, others tuy l a p 'inid
While i 'lie pers ill ill;ite I lipnll II that he m ute tWn p'Mll'tls
in re ii week irom di Cnws. NN'e think it ol be lotntd
j t" iivcpi;'!! tp'lll H I to a p 'initl per week I'll each t'nw,
' if the Cows nre peiin 'A henl'hy. Teis nd.titi ned art. mtit
is made by the c nversi m f tlte Hippnrie A eel into . ili.
jeii-nis ti nt I f.itty eottio-'Uti'lH : nls y suppKitu the oxy
! (imi taken in hy the Iiiiim, wilh the elemeals ol reaetion ;
I wiih'tnt taUintr any of the Nilr 'ireii n. p irti n nf Hie feed,
I HOI.I.OW IMMt.V or WH.F; II'tF DlSt:si:,
' nnd all oilier difeanen of neat oanje depetidmii np'-nit bid
1 r ue of the fbtnU. are rem ed Sjie.-.lily a.i.t rd 'ftn .
! t'nws. wh. so milk is blue, thm mid w.ifeiy nn I where it
i does ii ( yield nnif-h cream, or where C'iwm imw b!-i dy
j milk, or which are tied to siani) Imm thy, it will be fmuid
j nil nlni'ist inf ilhhle, by linpr iviiif,' the cin-lni m nl
t the bl d nnd cn'-uit's; n heahhy dijesti in ; u T.iiili-sponn-j
ful every day or every aihvt day its it may its uei:es. i:y.
I IlO'iS.
Viz 111 the similiter often overheat themselves, jet swel
led necks, eoiichs, nleers in the Ijiimrf mid Liver, which
ClllfO them to die VeiV Sil-hletlb', lllcse lil tv be prevented
known lor that disease.
KospcctfitlW vnuri,
I. S. CL'wllMAN, M. P. i
Prepnrrd and sold by JAMES C. AYKR,
Practical Chemist Lowell. Mass.
SoM in Sunlmiv ly IT. MASSRR, &nJ by
l)rui;-Tists generuUy throughout the flute.
November 1, 1851. lycc3;no.
"11112 snlisrriler informs his fiiemls and tlie
)iutilic, that lie eontniues to carry on the
Mnihle Untitles in all in branches, nt his olil
staml in Milton, Pa., uuJ is prepared to manu
Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c,
of the best materials, and most finished woiU
mnnship, and at the lowest prii es.
Letter Ciittinr;, Knp;U!li and tierinan in tlio
most incKlern ami elegant at le.
Ucsigns for Mouumenls, (irnvc Atones, fee,
always on hand.
U. Order! for the Ha it side of the river
promptly executed hv leaving tC tame at the
ofiiec of the ''Sunbury American."
Milton, ?tlay 10, IS51.
As THE blazing los upon your clieerful fjlllE sulwcriher resiectful'y iiitirins the pnh!
firos sing the songs of comforts, remember
U.n'i. other songs are sung by the moaning without, shrieking dirges of wo
.through the crannies of the poor man's
he. 1 1.
Tim cars on the Ohio and Pennsylvania
Ratiivad run now from Cleveland to Pitts
bur' in twelve hours. What a change ! A
f-iv years ago people took marly as many
ciaya to go from one place to the other.
Abominable. Why is a conspiracy like n
chi-len walking ? Because its a fcwl pio-
C.(-P:i'Ilg !
i: any one can oo worse man tnat, we
should like to know it. Bortin Com'wcalth.
Crekn Corn in California. The editor
of a. California paper announces in his s
snn of the 11th of November, Ihut he
l.i I tcen corn for dinner that day pick
ed ftom tha slalk of a second crop thi
Tub Reatiino Cotton Mill. This estsb
lit ment is now in partial operation, with a
foi ls of sixty or seventy operatives, and ban
already produced some very fair samples of
th style of goods it is designed to make.
Being tha pioneer in the cotlon manufacture
' in that city, it is naturally an ebject of con.
fciJerable interest to eur citizens.
A yoviL Steamer is tola built in New
Y Jik to run on the Hudson river and connect
with the railroad. It is to be five hundred
feel long, with 350 foet lenjjth of deck. Both
en Is of the boat arealike, and her engines
tre to work both ways. She is not intended
to turn round, but to wotk like a ferry boat,
ohe i q ba called tha Georpe Wathinplon,
ant) to have accommodation for three thou
sand, passengers.
JL that he has opened a Public House, in tl
new town of Trcvorton, Xorthuinborl md county
and that tie is well prepared to acronimod:itc hir
quests in the best manner. His house is located
neariv opposite the Company's Store. He is also
provided with proud stabling sullicicnt for 0 hor
tes. He trusts by prompt and careful attention
to business to meet a share of the public pitron
ate. H KMIV IJ. WilAVEK.
Trevorton, Jan- 11, 18.r0 If-
rnilE MIS.S WEITZEIS respectfully inform
I the Public that they still continue to enter
l.ii.'i travellers and others ut their old cstuhlixhcd
stand in Market street, west of the Court House.
Their loinr experience in the business, and thr
well established reputation of their House, will,
they trust, bo a sulliciciit guarantee, that their
customers will le well accommodated.
March 8, 18.11 if.
TRS. MARY WEAYKR respectfully informt
the public and travelling community General
ly, that she hns opened this large and commodious
HtwLli, .lurnislicd in a suiierior stvle. From
her long experience in the business of a firt rate
Hotel, and well known reputation to aceoinmo
date, her customers may depend on beinrj supplied
wiiii every uiing conducive 10 ineir comlort aim
Feb. 15. 16.11. tl
lHEmibscrilKr respectfully informs her frjpnd
il und the public generally, Ihut she lias taken
the above well known staml nearly npposit the
Court House, latelv occupied bv Mr. J. C. Per.
kins, rilie trusts that her experience in business.
anil tier ehorts to make her guests comfortable
will give entire satisfaction to tlue who may fa
vor tier with ttieir custom.
March 8, 1851. tf.
bucr iii WiTciiCRArT still lingers In Cng
ha rural district. A number of people in
a paribh of Devonshire lately walchrd for
several nights in sucoessiou for ihe capturiof
a "white witch," said to be infesting Ihe
neighborhood. The excitement continued
tiil the witch was taken, when it proved to
ba a large white cat, accustomed to roam
bout in the uight, like Dou Juan, in quest of
s 1 venture.
rjOkl) PENS with and without silver ess
V-1 just received, aud lor sale bv
funbury, AnriU 1851
JEltsV CUES An excellent article, for sale si
half Ihe usual price bv
Wunbury, July 7. I t9-
l- W. r'tf 1UNU,
N. II. In mi niiinmt wliidi in civil-'- x'i nml y v nre '
(IcMrmis tn tnllfn nt Ihf whik tinic. ui fli mill ii l uive j
nn m lion n t.-ilitp'i' iifitl mice n week nr it will relanl lilt?
iVirui'iti u of I'tit liy itirrcaviiiff tilt iim nint ft Milk.
Iii-1 t'itf! vrs n try iw rlfi-fts f ir lnniMlf mid lit- wil
f Kin be il" iitt iiualiiit-s, and that n l'ar
met bIimuIiI li! without it.
Fur tint imrpopt nf tintlinir nt s' ill further Imw (u tv'
jn?tly peM.micd CATTLE POWDElt. i entitled t ulte
ri'itliilt'ive nf nn irtti llieiit pcipll; we. have mldrniil
I.eltiTK tn nil iiartHiif the t'uiliil Siaicf. wliere nnr .iw
iler h;m hern iist-d, and i are, aMc imw fr-mi Ihe evid.-iiee
t Imih broil-rid Itcfmc nn. t i nsMiire every i:timr. hi iiv
it:iii tnul Hirf('iii in. that it Icik thus far viy much cx
roedeil nur ni'n' sjiiilmiiii".' nxnertatinim.
Willi the ndiliti'iiril kii 'ledt;e t hurt fir ol'tniiutl, XV k
IIofB vi wid he en:il!tl in tnake the Im'M nnrl iiv-nt pcr
fert Ca rTt.F Meiucinf rver yet t'lTertil t n dirverninc
pe ple. 1 1 lifts us u valuable pmin tT nf ibifesti'in. mi
I'p'vcfi tlie tpialiiy nf the li! nt. and lltiii" im-re-nieii the
nmniiiit nf fillier i-'ut. Milk and ciiiicfiieii(ly nf HuUpt.
Kvn in tli1 healtliy Animal
Jiewnrfl nf tTiuititerieits ns the pxfpnsiv sde of nur
powder hns iinhienl iiilt' ts to irnke an imitnti"n oi ii.
Karh Kick Ins our written Sis-inturp ni tUe pud.
l'liilndelphia. July 11. ly.
The mnlersiiicl have rntrrptl int( Cu-j)ait-ntMship
nuiler llm firm nf
raiici" & Haj Bus;re.?s,
At Xo. 5, .1Z.ioi- Street, Philadrlphiit.
iTMl'I!K they intend keeping a lame BHtort
' incut of papers, &c, ciniristing m pnit os
follows :
Writing papers ; wove and laid, American ami
Hath Pests and Note papers ; wove and laid,
gilt und pl iiu.
olio Posts, f Lit Caps. Pniilins Tapers, all
Hardware pnpe-s, from 19 by 21 to '10 by 4.
Colored ami white tissue pnprrs, American
ami i,ngii.n. JioJiuyswoiin l atent .lunula
t olored alio wbe lioe papers, common and
extra sizes. Iiutl l.n elope papers.
Colored Printim- and Cover papers.
Manilla pipers, ail sites, Koyal, all co
Driij'ist, Plue Medium and 1'illeriii'i pipers.
'1'ea, fcScciet and Colored papers for confection
rs. Ka?,Maiii'!a and .ctraw wrapping papers.
Ii iniiet, Iiiiuleis, liox, Cap and t runk board...
V.'hilo and Hull' Envelope ; Leal, Letter,
Note and Card s;s.
A -Miits for Ptiiss, Potter Cu's
Printers' CnnTs
in parks and fhcets. white and colored odd si
zes, cut to order. Also, their toll, l iaureil and
Plain (rla.ed paixrs.
JOMKI'll i;iMH, bite of ,. Third st.
N. S. LAWUKNCK, late o! No. 3 Minor st.
N. 11. 000 Tons of Raijs wanted in exchange
lur cash.
Philadelphia. July 21!, ISot fimo.
850 F()1JFK! J
U. Hl'NTEH will forfeit 50, if f.ilin? to
euro any cue of secri't iliscuse that may
come under his cue, no matter how loin; stand
intr or alllictino;. Cither sex are invitoil to his
Private Koonis, Hei Ninth SEVENTH Mreet,
Philadelphia, without fear of interruption hy oth
er patients. Mi-augcr unU otliers wlio have
U'en unforlunata in Ihe selection of a physician
are invited to call. Those who have injured
themselves by solitary vice nre also invited.
HEAD AMI) KKl'I.ECT. The afflicted
would do well to reflect before trusting their
health, hapiincg, and in many eases their lives,
ill the hands of physicians, K'liorant of Ibis d iss
of in a la dies. It is certainly iiiipo'-,ih!e for one
man to understand all the ills the human family
arc subject to. Every respectable physician has
his peculiar branch, in which he is more success
ful than his brother professors, and to that he de
voles most of his time and studv.
VEAK1 OF PimTICE, 'exclusively djvo
ted to the study und treatment of diseases of the
sexual organs, ogether with ulcers upon the bo
dy, throat, nose, or les, pains in tlie head or
bones, mercurial rheumatism, gravel, irregulari
ties, diseases arising from youthful excesses or
impurities of the Moot), wliereby the constitution
has liecome enfeebled, enables the Doctor to oiler
)wely rtHtf to all who may place themselves
under his cure.
Philadelphia. April 10, 18SI Iy.
-1 1 is spl'l.nn i! h. vye recunmnil wlint nrr trrmnl Ta
Irut .Mi'illi'iiU'S. lo rn-? 'Miiidil, nee nml pn'.mnnet: of our
remt''re : nn.l. tliwcinre, lien vv.r rpc'iniiii-Mt In. llo f-
liiurs (lerniaii lliltcrs, -f wis it to lie itixt ini'tly loid'-l ;
to nt I vvu urn u-t Bpi'iikai,! of the iiuKiriinis of tlie '
day. aie n is.-.t nKni fim lint-f periml r ml then for- !
e'liten aTteT (hey liave it ne tli.r ui'illy rncf of linsi-liief, , "l a iii'-da'iiie . I'smlilirai'.l, nnicprfi illy pri.iil. uirl '
which lias met the liearly npii.iv nl ul the Fncilily itfelf " '
l!yii!tii'e rvi-le'iei! lias hern rei'pivr.1 (like tlie
f-iri'. tin1.') fl.nn ul!, i f ihe l'ni.n. tlla lat tlli-e
yeir. tin.! Ihe Mr 'la.'rst li.-r.liin my ill its fav-il. is. that
there i m to i'l it ns.t in tin' praftii'e..f the riaollar Piiy
pnaanfi if rhilaih lniii i. than a!! n'.hcr n 'Stninin i-miliincl.
a fafl that can easily lo t si ahaheil. aril fully nr'vii'!f that
n si-iiac ;fi- i.rt'.-virari.iu veil! t Willi tln-ir tjiuel aiiproval
vv leai iir. ,.,i. rern hi tliis l.irni
That thm lilr-.tiiaue wall rare l.ici r C' aliplaint mat tlvfi
peii'::i. ii i ohp eaii't.mli. tift.'r iiia? it as iltnrl. It m-ts
Pjirrtlieallv iiiit the si. ineieli teat liver il is preirrrilile
t' eal 'tnel ill nil Inhi ni! ihsra'Ji's the clTri't is iinini'diati.
! 'rhey can he ml mi i, jstereil tn t'i ntaie or Infant with ftal'erj-
; and reliable Is nrfit, at anv late'.
j Itr.'.VAlii: OF ((iFNTf.ItlT.IT-i.
Tins miHlirine lias nt.:nii"it that harli ehain"tir v. liiehis
tli'i'i-ssai y t'-'ral. in.-ilifiius ni atlaiii 1m iiahiec conntrtlVittT
i t't "it f'Tlh ii Fjiiiriinis (olii'li nt the risk i if the !l,-e of
! lli-.K- nre litis .eently di'.n ivi'il.
i l.dtMv WI'.I.l.TO Till'. MAKK4 OK Till'. OENTIXR.
j Th.'y have the vvritu-n s nature i f C. M. .TArKSON
lip at lh.' wrapp'-r, nail the name hl-iwil inllie thitlle, with
ear vvhifli llii-y lire spin i ns.
i 1'or sale, wil ilesale unit retail, nt the
1 OiTinnn MiUcinc Store,
! N'T 1'51 AttCtl ST'et. nn.-, loir In-live SiMli. fla'e nf
' GT.-1 Itare slna't.) rlitla'ti'lpliia, nail tiy respeetalile detilers
iielli rally throuj;h ntt the country.
1 lMilCI'.K KF.DI CF.I).
T enalile ntl classes uf to enj.-y the advantages
of t.leir pleat reslorativ e iivers.
Surjrlc Jioftla, 7.T cents.
Ilie Suhsenlier. mimiMtnir itt nun r..n.....
Amriimii Krnnt l)iwr b-.rks. uprigld, wilh night work,
plHtrd nr limm fiirnilurn, nr imreelam nil ml-irt.
Ainenenii Kmnt D-or htH'ks, ttpriuht, pltiin. wilh
mjiht w.rk, platnl nr Unsi furniluro, or ull
Amerienn Fmnt H-mf Iifrki nnd Ptnrt? Tivt, Horiasnii
tal nr upright, limn furniture, nr puncliiin nil
Amrnnm Itim iM-ks(nll simnud ciimlitim. Whit e or
Imiss iiirnilur, nr pnrrrlnin nil c lrs.
AinfTimii Mortice ltrku, nil sizes, with pitted, wliitur
Imiss lurniliir. nr porc lnni all cl rs.
Ainrriinn M.,rtuT Lnlclms, nil siz.-s, with plntett white
nr Imiss furntturr. or pnrcclMin nil r. .ir.
AtlK-ririlu Morlire ttml Ittm I ir.a,.t nhtiiil l.mti
t'Wlitclti'niis, nr pure- till fnlnrs.
AntmcNi. lirnp, ntnp Thniuti, Onte. mul Slnre Uonr
AN i. Imputed lVrkf nnd jttrln-s of evnv di scriplintt.
M ildwin's. nnd Aiihthiiii Unit llingrs, oi nil sizes, fnst
or lnn?e j -tint,
Hluttit-r. liitf, ftmp, T.. nnd Hnrkfl tp ttintips. nil kinds.
Niulter, (.tile, Dmir, Flush, nnd Spring U"ll, of wmuht
nr f:it irin nnd hrns, everv ilescripii'-n.
N-rrws. Spnes, liluc, Snd Pnprr nf Itif Iwst qunlMV.
Atii.-tirnii Axle nnd Slwni Axlo 1'ullevs. tf every
Ani' tiinn lu i ions, plain nr nn nlutos, ltrnss, irmi, nr j
Auierienn dlis, plutcd, whitr. iron, or vtKd, nM kinds. I
Siili-r.rd, c-itnufll mid pnlcni, Willi ulh'T m licit. l-m j
nnnu'riti! in nifiitt 'ii.
rittri'.s j
Ii? All Is'f-ds delivered fret ()f Chnrm! t nny pnrt nf !
tin City nnd Districts, i
At this t-Ktiililitthnieut run In ft nnd mi of thn l;iiu't und
lit-M (Iff- Tl mental nf White ;ind inify Nnhsf'tr f'wkn, Ac,
in iliet'ity; nmne pntieriis. nl" which. i'iinii't Ih' s'-et'. nr, in. if. nt !iv oIImtM th TOOLS.
S)'fl A .hiekn til's Miieli, Pllliel, Htind. Ilt'd Hipp SnWS,
imported fkpresslv f.r Hetml wilei, nil sfl'-t-tetl wi'h c.tir.
S.le lient in Ihe ee let trill -d Thui- s. in.n!" I-V ).. W. ( !ir
penter, nf I ,iltie;itet , I';!.. Iteirt" nil untie nt' split w d.
und ihe (litis ttmtMtd nnd trtetl. Ijcritty's .V Wilit hum' in.tke
nf Chisels, AxfF. ll itehiMf, Drtiwiity Knives. Ac. nil v;ir
limted ff'tnd.
Pnyli's und Slack's make nf Anders nnd Aui!'T Hilts, nlj
Aiiierienn S'pnre nnd IVvils nf ever dcS'-npli -n.
Allerie:ni Hilien. (tinies, MW-k'its, i'ninpns.'es. Screw
drivers. rVr.
AtriTifwi C. S. ITiininirs. Chw nnd Hivetiii::, nil sizefc,
Anvils nnd Viees. ell !..
Steel. rnn, und Wnndet. Druces. with (.'. S. Ililts. in
ere-it vnriety.
W. lirt-nves A S ui's. lliitrli-r's nnd ntlier cck'lirnied
limkt-ftnl 1'lcRi is. I'iles. TI'iim -I I nnc. A c . A '.
Ad Iik's celelr:!tt d Crvum nllsh.iM' S
Mikiinr one nf lie-lejt nnd must DT'riiMa1 airlmi"i!f
of lluildiiicr Iluidwnre nnd Tn!s in the Slide.
At this citiililisiiuieiit ii is cm ideied :i p'.e;iurr t't h-tw
tli (i. (!(!. Vn'l nrr invite! t't r ill mid ex-nnm. I lie um Tt-
mrnt. nnd v r ti' prieen iuked, licit tre purclmsm els-
where. Cmiie nnd s- e us.
Vmirs, rcspf.'tfitllv,
vm. M. MK i.rnr,.
N'. 9 Mnrket si.. Iietween ?ih und Mhf upper side.
riuliulrlpliia, April I-.', 1.I. ly.
nou.TV J.AII
AND 1M:nsI()X ATi FiXCY.
Thr. attention nf the inihlie is enlled to the ad
eitv or riiii.i,r.LPiii,
l.'i iii.
lT. Hunk mites
All solvent luniks
Ilnnk of rliamliersl.iirg ilis
Hunk of Chester To. pin
Itlink Chi'Sler par
niniK oi itermnittowii
J in 1 It of lic-tlysl.arir
lltlnK ol l,evvisrwn
All solvent hnnks I dia
All t ilvent IsinliS ! dis
All solvent lainks 1 dis
m:v vortK.
tM.ri All solvent hanks I dis
1 dis IV Ilk notes muter 83 j dis
"1 VTHTi
rent pitr
J dn
Co 5 dis
i dis
Hank ol .Vlnlilli'tiiu ,1 I dial A solvents ln.,l. till.
,M nilir anrr Co p..,r M;w JKHMKY.
Hank of N'.irtlnniils rl'nd. kii HHyal- re Hank ! dis
llanki'f I'lltslinri; I dis (tiniiiiirreinl Ilnnk j ills
Hank of DannllB iarll ur. Hunk Mont Holly pur
CnrhKle Hank I ilis V. .M ., ,M iildli'town 11 . par
Ciilnniliiii ll'kft Ifge Co pariMii'liaiiiiV !k. Ni-tvink par
li .y. 1st own Hunk mrleeh. Ilk nf lliirliinrion par
. ...i.'i, inns wir:ait-en. a .Vlan. Ilk Trent pltr
,.nr iiniiK '.i ins .viorrts lai liank
Kxehan,.,. irkl'itt.'.tinrii 1 dis i'vvark llk'n & Ins. Ci
i.. iiiiiiL-i- it ti. itraneli l (tis'iirnnee Hank
1 ana. 'is II k, llm-ks Co liar -I'eople's Ilk rmti-rsuli dis
I'lirne-rs lk, I .aneasti-r par'rinerton Hank pur
I'arini'.s1 H-. It.-iili,,;, Haiikiinr ", iar
Farm. Ilk fi-miylkill Cn par Si-nn rr. t Co Hank J .lis
I ' t II. H'i Wavie sliV 1 1 ilis !tale liank nt l iiniden pnr
iraiiklin Ilk. Wash-,, State Ilk Klixal.llilon 1 dis
I dia'Stnte Hank Newnrk 1 ilis
1 ills State Ilk. N. II:nnsvviek par
nar.Sassioc hank. Ni-vvt"il 2 d'S.
p triTn iilon Hankinir Ci
1 dis fiiiou hank. Dover
p.Ti anll.-vv'lr A Del HrC.
I ,liu f r-lll ....I.. I....l..r
la ihsl DI'.I.AW AHt
par Hank ol' Ih-lavvai
llarrisimrir Hank
llon- Filale Hank
l.ani-ai'l.'r It.mli
l.i'l-nnon Hank
Mi nil. iV Man. It.nk
.M in" if' H'k, I'oltsviile
M tlioiiBaln la Hank
I ayl itsv'e lli-l H'u Ci
'.st llrani'li Hnik
. I.".
j. lis
' liank
vv y nni'ie Hk, W liKrsli'e pari Han'
i ' r.. ii.niK, ,S Pi lnwai
117 Hi lief notes I d.!Hk Wiliii.-'n ,V Mr aiii'vv. nar
MAIM-.. 11'arni. is' Ilk SI IVIawnre -ar
l.inki.t Win-Hoik .-il:s t nii.n Hank.Wiliiiinstoii iiar
l anliii- Ilk. HaiiT'T III. lis IB' I n.h r t-." J dm
AM s .Ivint hai.'is dis (IIIKI. 4
l;V II vMla'M'.liti:. i.MI solvent hanks ,:!, l-ii.l,. J dlS . Il II ,!( nailer iVs tihs
rsi Alh-ms
Iveal hanks
5 ih
I dis
Milt'l ll CAIKHilN .
All .1 a at hulks o ,tj
:Vt'li'!i-r Vs, 2J dis
loiuily Land and Pension Agency,
Xin. untl.-r:.-ii.vl it H-n.-y tllid ii-m i;i A."iif nl the
A I M "I Wiisil'liut'tii, i.i-m his (seivie.i
i;:riiy ltii'!jnid I'lni-i.ttis l ir tic e,,i
iu:ui'n' iy heated n l!ifbi;tl nl I i Mfriiiiii nt
'iiL.ii :t j ii hiiniliiir lie ji;,iitil,niff ,i'!i l!n' u
in lie;
( in ((:
"ii'e, he p .M.m y i
Iltl litlil' III nf (i
l.i pr-seiirmu
l!"iiiif pe:
v 1 1 ! i n ihir-
:trv I'iniiS,
I' lHM :nitl
itr ief; tni
vrilisrmrnt r.f Mr- i Imrlrrf J uckrr, Attoniry
nnt. Airrnt nt W nvliilnn City- li r?nnH littv
inn rhiitns for lionnly IjIiihU or -JYnsi.u.s arc in
iitrmrd tlir f tiU'riibor lins mntlc a ri niiirottunth
fnr tho rrttiis':tc lorniH, ami I'luiniiinU riillitii? nt
hiri o1Vmm enn hno their ji.iprrs iiviart'. mid
tovwnnlril to Mr TmUrr at Vnsliini',tnn, mkI
ly liim hn properly ntteniK-d to liolore tlic Do
lKUtmriit ttirrr.
I sSnnbur-, Jan. IB, ISM
Hi iMiillee ! tiiiMii-h.t, tiii'l
hied in ihe t . S. w:r nt
tlie e.-ti!) Pii'.l ri'l.-titei try
c! i!i:-f "l every kip-l,
ll ii li e Ai l nf C--iV!re., IVmiity l.'md t. irrnnled ti
til' "tti'eiK II Ti. J St.lill'TK cf I If y;r ,i --J. filltl n Ihe yari
li MIR in ii.i'l waif, fit"-.' 1 TIM. T.i lhi.-e v li heiuvl nine
tll.TilTii.H I. ill II'TeK; tn til wll-i S.'V, rd f Hir Hl 'lltilS bU
iicrt;-: nnd l-i tii 'fe wiio N.'ive.t 'ine ni 'iiifi 4(( iiercf.
.r.i!ltl.tneiits letr bv u hiride with U '-1 1 T 1 ! I H n nf the
l,eifi pn.ieB-i.iii in diii'erctit H"tinu? nf the ruiiitry. tor
tin- l ie;.ii ii i warning, mttl Ilie tttie nf the paienis, when
icten tl. mi the ni' it udv.nitiiivMiM ternif : t r llic p iMiient
nl laxep. redetiitill.ili nf liiii.l-. .,t f.r j5tM e-li. ell u n
del.ln; nnd .tr Ilie triltis t 'tl n nl' CeiicMl U'UV I U.-llieKi. in
the dtlicH-nt S:;iti5 and 'I'- rril-n ies.
Ii" tender his fer t t nieiniiern nf li prnfeMvi-.n nt ri
dtNl-mee, aad win-It elatli.i I'fiiic! the ft tv ertllll'tll . are p?(;.
pMr,.,! itv- n i e;.t . jj -ni . in iinair-nn.- inh nt usual tee.
essiry t irmi nml iti.'iur'ioim. and inmrnritinn nn
-IK :i;i;icii.'ili'i:i j t ' ji (Jilce.'SMii! pr. "et.rr'n 1 tiiiM
- wili te lurnifa-d tn ret.lar C-'insp a.d'iiis wit ii
At I ho, Cabinet Ware Itoom of
Market Square,
Also at the corner of Fawn street It the Railroad
Tliatilifiil for tlip patronaiTP of his fripnils and
customers during tlie 17 years he lias born in busi
nrss in tliis ilnrvt,1icsnlii-its from the public con
tiiiuimre of their favors. 1'iirin? this period he
hns cnilcavon J to keep up w ith the iniprovement!
of the ilav, anil has neeonliivj;ly extended his husi
noss in every hraneli and variety. '1'lie puhlic are
llierefore iiivilnd to the attention of the present
stoek of
L'A it in rr w a n v. a n i ) c n a i ;i s ,
At the Old Plum!,
Where in addition to their former stoek of the
eslalilislnneiit they now imintifiieture
Mahogany, Walnut & Caae-Stat Chairs,.
7rtrc Spriti? Sent Rnrkinr Chairs,
Vrexsing Hureuiis, Centre 7'.'. v,
.Mmli'e. Top Wimh StnnJs,
utt'! a variety of other
new style unil
I'ti Sa i t ii n h I c E'eiriniCct re.
ll.ivinij secured a Hearse and made the nei es
sarv nrriiiizenients for the purpose, lliev are now
prepared lor I'ndertaliiiir; in nil its liranehes, in
lliis aicimly or at nny ronvenirnt ilistauee.
i- nini'is nml nii.'tresses. nml tmsttftiids too,
I!. -re's furniture of every style unit Inn-.
I'rnin side Irmrits d"Wll I'l k'tetien t:ih-1,
I'lum r.l'-!iill? i llni.s t'i l!"-l-:iit:rla.iii'S
li'inld y. ll 11' it Imve tin' T. ail-. .Inns t-t pt.-.
'e'll Wilit avvliil.' l..r il l.rii;iit.r i.-tt-T day,
; f,r tid-e platitis. oats. enm. vvlw-til nnd rye;
H:nk. leaip -ii'S. Staves, or IihiiIkt wet Slid i.y,
'r nny till, ii t m yokes mul Itin-stiinz flaiia,
I I'l"!!! i'il-s mul tn.iiii'S d.iv n t lilllp (M'iiis.
t I'l-'ne mi tlifii friends, e Mile uneioi't nil.
i Kri-ji tirnli. n nii'Vin?. s-v "ui-s nn Ihe hall. e
t.-t" (ln!cis from a tlitniiee iiromntlv atiended
all sill...
Old e'r
IV If.
IlllVV, V
I li-s wi
N in fhc nnnv -r
hy !c iwii nf their
A mii : I'nr m1 hy II. Maski-.r, Sunbury, ami M. A
M'Cay, irthirni.rr!ai;d.
Aus-ini 30, - ly.
T. S. 30133T?3
In SelinsgTove, Pa. "
'loUs, Watc lts and Jewelry,
1 KlWIIiED in the Ivnt manner and warranted
to perforin i II.
All work intrusted to his care will be strictly
attended to.
SeltUK-rovo, .ov. Bl). 1851). tl.
jistjck or tiii: iT.icn,
Sunbury, Pa.
Oiriec in Deer Street, immediately opposite the
l'uhlic School 1 1 iiuse.
f? M'tnies eoilccti d und ail bnsinesi prnTintly snd CRre
fnllv attended to.
April id, ISoO.
niiiiivN's dk Jamaica cin-
(il'li, an c i l l ic 1 1 1 article.
lv nivv it's .Midi.aU-d rtoap for sun hums, tan,
trtter, t.
liadvvay's C'ircas.iian ISalm, for the hair dand-
New Music Just i'nblislictl.
EE WALKER. No. 1 Chesnnt st..
are rntistantlv pulilishin an 1 receiving.
new and lieautlful music fioiu 1oe most ditin
gushed composrrs.
'J'lic follow i -iir lift contains sottie of their ehoi
cent nnd mosl popular Soups,, Polka.
Now, thou ;irt (lone, a heaulifnl soncr. words
hy 'riiomas J. lliehl. music l.y llniiihride.
My New Eti''!;;nd Home, words and niu:c hv
Mrs !.. Wade.
(Irol.e's Omnibus; hy C. (irolie a col'd-tiim
of lluetts,
Souiiils from Iloim, piano and violin, hy Jos.
I'retty l.tille Tolkas fir Pretty Little People,
hy J. Ling.
All the Wiiii'.s Slrepin.T, l y A. iS. Worn
sev, (iu-irdi;in Attel, hv l!-e author of t-Love Not.
Household Words, vviitlen hy Cha-i. Voting. do,
'1'he Adieus, words hy Thomas J. lliehl, luu
i sic hv llorr.
j LEE & WAl.KEU have constantly on hand,
; superior Pianos, and a supply of .Martin's Cell-.
hlateil (iiiitats, which toirolhcr with n tine as
, sortinent of M tttciil lusti inm nts and Mcichan-
di.e in treneral, eotnjirire a slock not to he sur
: passed hv that of nnv other estal-lisliinonl in the
I country." ' LEE i WALKEIJ,
i 102 Chesnut street. fwaim'e liuiidiiiR.
j Philadelphia, June 2S. ls.,1. ty.
i.-. d' --it in- inf iinlati in n" t.i.
ill In war I to him all the p't't.ei
I'li'i lhi't v illi n I'-".' ul i't,i d.ii::
, t.'j.lit'.l t.i !,y r-'lmtl nl' Itr-i
t.e i'p:.cp.ltV nn.l :i'l Irt-s..'.! I
i it i;i.i c Ti t ivrt!
(H"X IH?, P. tl) a.!, 1) -2-, l--,.lt.
: I'MI F, A Dl.liS1 03 I 4
: V. IJ . Comer of t'nimi Streets.
ni:Tvi:KN si'iirci; and iink stiikkt,
I I-'Tt'KV I'. A US of :Me'uivr nnd tiaiilerniit. d
j : iriti-r it-ut i:i t:iis e.ity Uave r'iidt-r.-l iir. U. l!i"
t:i t exj-cit mil -infi-M.-t ti I priftiti .inr '".-i in. 1 im at,
t u- Mil i'-tiT nl "all di.-e i- i l pr A at . n c ll"f. f' i mim
I r d wnli i let is no tu tlif It d , IMf-jat. in .-'s. p in
a id 'l' Ii it. lil 'ieu. i ii i !u tiin iI;mii. r-'i it ln: i ;u r, id.
in t!
ti t it
nl! 1
to nml work of n!i kinds delivered witli disn
ut.hury, March 1), lS.'itl tf
i AM)
1 Tiira m 2310 ai. worjaa.-: cf th
ILL li -i'ivi K' cure nil sl..,-o nf V ,1 ,1 .
Til- li.ll.U'.l'lv Ynr.n, ll...l.t. 'I...
- " . - - i - - ii.-- j i i-.ii i. ii lie, von
lern, Loi'l.jivv. Ililr-iplioliia convulsions; wii
resto.e m tiilio id tj its presline, even alti-yoii-s
of pr.isli', iiii. n, nnd ll'.e only known anil eei
lain cute fur low ."pints or mental dehilty.
I. tract fioiu t!ic Nivv York 5'utt. Oct. M, lR-lf1
Tlr r,;, ,' J'r W.its.ii,, v.hen of t!i
iiitracnl'tr.s pnwi-r of "Vi cits' Nervous Antidote,
the ipicsiiou was put !o him, ',Vhv stii-h a v i'iu
hie ii' fir a'l nervous al'".'i ioi.s was not ii
irodit. ed hy the tne ii.-nl faeulty !" replied. 'Phi
if it were, there- wmiM no longer he any use f.T
faci:!t'. as ai! disi-n.-cs originated from a tlisorai
i.i .l stile ot the nerves ; (he nerves are ihe. mni
sprint! nl the whole svstcui Keep this in unit
and h ilh the mind and hody must he."
I'mir oiinec ji'ii.ii. 'Z ihwe, euou;;h for all o
liin-irv, ONE 1)1)1. 1. A K.
Win. C'A KTY, llroadway, Sunhury.
.vcpteaiher, -S, lHoO tf.
' ari.-ni'i n nn aa litn ;
. vv in-r. l-v th- e.iiislitali'
ali-'i iv. ill sni'i-
ill Inm lice uiie
nl 1
I, hu
ll.' Wi
i l.-r th-
in 1
ly ri ly t:,i' 'll Ins s'lill -is ti j ;
TAUT. l'Al'.Tu
Yniini! M.-a wa i ha.'t- ni
rilai tl' -' ill'I'i'.'.t' I tn a i' a!'l
e iiiiiiani.'iis
1". It. .'1 I'll v'
s'ui'ial ti;-.!:
lli'l.l.iH I S.-
i'al pi
1 tin
I I'l-
1' Uf
' nf I!
. lv' .
mul i
i 1
vr:M. ,rcAirrv,
i; ti o ii s i-; 1. 1. 1; it ,
'AS re. eiit I v I eei'iv.'d. ni-ina" r i.-:;.-l.a
l.-real variety of New, Cheap and E lieila
'..'inns H.ii u
a i-i-r''
1 i i. nn t-
liadvvay s Heady I
Cholera Morhus, Ac.
funhtirv, Aug. 3,
lief for Cramps, Cholic,
1'or sale hv
11. U. MASSEU.
1 Soil.
riMIE Suhseriher who resides in Philadelphia.
1 oilers for sale the following pr.ipeny in Mil
ton, Nortliitinhcrlaiid county, vi.. I '1'he large
J iii upper Milton, formi rh occupied hy
Messrs Pattersons as a Carriage Makers Shop.
'1'he huildin is GO feet front on upper Market
I'ticet, and 10 feet ill Piont etreet, and is two
stories hie,h. Also a two story
40 hv 23 feel, on the same premises. The lot is
on the corner of upper Market and Pront streets,
and is (id feet front, and 150 feet deep.
The premises would he valuahle for a Foundry
or other niaiiul'acltirinc purposes, and will lie sold
on reasonahle ami iiccoinuioJaliiitr terms hy ap
plying either to JAL'OU LAlvKtUAN,
J. Y. WOLFIXUEK, E-t.. Milton or
II. II. MAssER, Esip, Sunhury.
Philadelphia, Jan. 85, 1851 if
mi ci tit: no rvvl
j Kughes' Fever and Arrne P1II3 ! !
i 4. PEItKEt'T and speedy cure for the Fever
I - and Atfue is uar,intee,l to any one who
I may use the Pills. They have heeu used for the
i Itnt xrren teort and have never heen known to
I fail in a snmle instance and in eases, ton, ;
j wliere persons have had the disease lor several i
; years, without intermission. The prourietor '
, W..Vv$t Ihe vorli lo produce uu article that '
! will cure in as shoil a time, without leaviutr. anv ,
I deleterious clli-cts IVoni the use of it. ii't'.ie Pills j
; do not pei form a speedy and perfect cure, the i
! proprietor will return the money. For s ale hv
j Jaeoh S. Lawrcnee, Minersv ilie ; E. Hclli-n-'
stein, Trevorton; S. It, Dixon, Schuylkill 1 1 a-
jvenj John W. Fiilin;, Sunhury; Mary A. Mc-j
j Coy, Norlhuinherland ; Dr., Danville;:
; John Sharpless, I'uttavvissa ; Dr. Jiid.l, V illiams- :
I poll ; John W iser, Milton, and l-y rt-sjiectahle
UruiL,'ists throu,'hont the State.
J. CI KT1S C. HPIillES, Proprietor.
Pottsville, June 2S, ls'il. ly.
st iimi.i: aiiiiam;i:iii:m- h:om
ritll.Allf.l.l'IIIA A XI) r)TTSVIU.K.
1' ii r f R t tl 11 r t tl .
Ojjlze nf the Phita. PcnHn Utt il nml Co. )
IM.iludcliia, Miurli Ut., 1851. $
Two rnsn'iiTcr 'JVains Pnilv, (cxtTj't Suiitlay.')
fN and nl'tnr Ar !t, 151 two trnins will
j7 nr run each way, d.niy,
:t't -lM it" winch n-.e niirlitiy
! u af.i-ep. :u.d d.-stn-v It inual mid l uly. ,
I'.iiiMctinii ly, Wi'ilvin .-: mid e nni itutlmial 1
i mi'S'-tilar i'ii'-ii:y. p.iyMnl !a':tude :ind pi-n-n.
irtita!iihv and nil n -rv un alffrli 'in., indi-
jfff-ti -n. Jsimi'sf "t t.te llV'-l. mid even di-i-an-1:;! a'.e
wa (Muni (.! wi ll lie di- id -r nt t:n: )irncrwitivi' rune
linns cnreil. niid lull n v nMrt l.
VOl I H M) MANll'ion,
A vigorous lif.t or fi pri-nia! :i i death.
Iii.MiLI.IX mi St If Pnvrialio!!.
pn! !t-!ii'd is ti
C'nii rs nove's. loinU-lc.
,1 )
1 liimas
( oektiiu
.M awe!l
or icpar.i:!".
II -.Kvei:,
Man;, att,
i rev ,
price of from 2"i to50cls psrvoli
Sept. as. H.")0. ti:
I int'iriiia
rd Willi nsi'f.
-l lie- 1 1- a- r.CH t . -,!an
I'll. VI WlltlODnnd I'l. II
n Iii-- liilnnii! H-.i nnil nis.' is.'s
ll'fss. s it..-l:'ntir M l II
. At. I :. mi. I s-i.ianl In- ii'ii.l hi a:l.
'flu- v.i;a iltli-nd ii't- nml iin;irevs; e wiirni-i'' it ci-.-s.
! Will iri-v-'itl i.irsiit' niini'i'y mul sail in;; nnd savu
. !y 'I n .lii'iils nl a s.
I'.in-iiis l.y n .iil.i:" il vv ill ii-am h.iw In j . ri-.'at tl.c i!i s-
Irn 'i.tit nt lh. -ir i "e.i!t--.i.
j .. ri'inniail'-e nl -.'i eeii's. eiti-1 -n d in a l.-tii-r. ::d
! ilriss.d tn lilt. KINWI.I.IV N. W.e.i'.iT ot Tlllttll A
I'MliN' Stii'ils. I'i'!w.'i-ii Spr -. ,V I'lne. riiiia'l-lj'lu.i,
! v iii i-iisiiri- a Ii "'Ii. na h-r I'tivl i.a-. jn-r i "tern i f in nl.
' IVrs 'n at a itist iiiei' 1,1 av t ais Ur. 1. liy ti ller, (post
1 palil.) tni'l h-eaii 'l at h ai'i-.
I'.tt it iii:s cf .mi-: i Mi imji. r.!i:i:r l'!is.
, l'..r.i irdi' i to s.'ii'hi".; a r-'inil ';iu,'i:. j.ul iiiisfime irniii
j 11 l Mil', nr I'l Itlt IS TV.
; 11 ' K-s- lli-rs. i'e A'en-s. I'.-tl'irn. I' iiiv t's-'is. mi t n'l
t nthiTS sil;i,.ll.'il wi'h tilt' almvt Wnrk lit V i': y l"V tut s,
j Se-ileniti'T 6. l-.r,l I;,.
r..ii Un
1 1'.AI' I
1 wi ll I
loll ivi'll'e ei'ilitii
v ll u.'.d ii'-,' r-ti;i ill I
rcn TrTT.'
He frmii rtipt. TWn"
tit Lai'iani ('i
1 1 . i r . . .
;. I U-.
in ih.
I'li't ii ti.eiitv. Oi-i iln-r I-
- e 1 was ii'lni-lii'd v ill) ll l.iraLiin
I am ' t'T' lli i. vv 'ai'h I run r. nv
it- H. rl.-rV - a.')!. It c:aailnaily vy
ni'il il i' i i.. .1 lh- ii.ii i r imr: i
Ml i j'
I wai.
I iia
e.l in nt lis
a , i ' li'i.l .-ins. .me .n" w hn
. .1 ini'i'rasni', the dlsraF
iis.-ive Ihe hast lu-in'lit
r. Hi ihs in i- nf inn' ,ar
i.iv e (villained free nl the
the "'.!
i a-, l-
i' ll ' it t'n- I Ciitnirnt. lielilli up; iln d r. r i
IV. I 1 1,'il.'.-. .'h.lp. l! l.'lM.f-'. , 1'. v',',1
I h o i' M - hi i n in ree. oil! oenil 1 1 it i l-i lla- l.iil'iie.
"..:v !i,l'.T. S.ii.lui'.v.
.1 A.UA 1 CA V. !X(,Ki:
price reduce
i Y
1 AIM I'i -ii tl
li"iti d pi
tn n e 'ii.'i'Mi
ll ;n a iiidM t .i
1,1 anit
t ni an. I at ;
Jauiaic.i n,i
i'l' w Itcdi ll ;
-.1 1"
I.- p.
t .till' ll If
. M'..fu: tuiX t -i.ic l' -l tl..- t t.i a-li. a: id Will (. 1
, U in'j-pit in it!:tv i:iL' tin ) "nu'tii ami t:istrisiii
,'.:M.iM.d n I ue itn.'-liri-d urll'IIDj I. if imp Hint in -ait
1 I rnai li.dl' I' n w luile teii-sii'i'tiilnl t. ken in a wiin'-iisf-1'nl
'il veeleniii W.iItT vd! tl - .-ti- ive ttie tiiiltl
j it:ir ii nl . rrsiili:nv' ir im m i n. and il taki n
tv.ici t en inn- tl-tily. ns ie-inr. il. v. ill U-t m.i t li.uidy
it iivtnifi ttie LihMi title und 'iis- il Md!. my ( td. h'.-ni-I
a. 'Ii and tendi ui't i- n.i dik .rdrif.l a-'ti ,i id imm itn Uv r::u
j i-ti'M I'atiinr ittict nt'ihe !"iitiin.-r lii-at, or f ; .xvii'alii r ia
t i''c.;i"'i Imi. nnu I-ir c-'i'iui il:.; ilie iiiii;:L..iil slayrri ni iliari-
j litv i. A
jlLVKU WATCH 8v-A few douU
Kmrlih fcikor W s.1.... t i . ...
autj mm tm very UV
P"" hy II. B. MASSE R.
Kuiibury, April 15, 1551.
I V l I..1...1
I Al.-l.n, currunu, citron, cheese, pepper
- - sauce, c ror sate hy i. W. t K1UAU
Sunhury, Dee. 3, 1H48.
IUST1CES' FEE DILLS. For sale l.y
satiuhury, 1851 -26
JATEN'i' Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's
writing aud imlellihle ink, Cotton varn and
laps-, just received and lor sale hv
J. V. I'lilLINO.
Sunhury, Dec. 2, 1918.
jlTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Haisins, Al
mniids, P tines aud Cream Nuts,
Planes ot nil kinds.
-'all and Plaster. Just received and for sale
v juhn w.
' 5imhtirr, Pee. 29, 18 a.
1 KIOlv.S and flold Pens.
On hand several coii-
s of the life of Christ, and also a nuinher of
gold ptns which vre will sell at fh Philadelphia
prices, r or sale at tins ollicc.
TF.MXCiH. A eheap snd excellent arli-
i-lu lor fastening sash fur sale by
J. W. ritlLl.NU
Sunhury, July 7, 1819.
VTltsING BOTTLES Uresst pumps, and
' nipple tulies- A suply of tlse useful arti.
civs just received and for sale hy
Sunhury. Jan. IS, 1851 tf
mp 05E OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this
excellent article for Tetter, Ae., just received
and for sale by HENUV MA88ER. -
Kunhury, July 88, 1849
ILEVS COUCJf C'vlNDV. n excel-
lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale
at tlits oll'ica
between l'hihulel
phia aud Potlsville
Monxrxo r.ryi:.
Leaves Philadelphia at 7 J A. M., daily except
Leaves Pottsville at 7 J A. M. daily except Sun
days. APTF.RXonv uxt:.
Leaves Philadelphia at Hi o'clock, daily, except
Leaves Pottsville at 3J o'clock, daily, except
Between Philadelphia and Pottsville, !fiJ.7o
1st class ears and '. '.'.') 2d class ears.
llctwcn Philadelphia and licadinu', f l 1st
class ears and $1.4.) 2d class cars.
Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Ilroad and
Vine Streets.
Passenfjera cannot enter the cars unless provi
ded wr'h 'Pickets.
NOTICE. Fifty pounds of basgrlge will be al
lowed to each passenger in these lines ; and pas-
senders are expressly prohibited Ironi taking any.
tiling as hicir.v-te but their wearing sppaiel, which
will he si the risk of its owner.
liy order of the Board of Maimttrrs.
April 19, 1851. Secretary.
ING.just received aiwl or sale hy
Sepf. S8, 1850.
1 EXTRACT CF (il.NUER. A fre.h supply
just received and for sale at tltia ollice.
Price 25 cents.
Sunhury, July 12. 1851.
fjsiLANK NOTES, waiving the exemption
B law of 3Ul), fur sale by
April 2, 1851. H. It. MAbSER.
"IVWI'ING FLl'ID and self sealinvj Enve-
hipes, just receives and for sale bv
April 1S, 1851 H. U. MASSER.
It i aN nil rxt
let! the t 'Hi-
toXiiallliq 1111 I:
Die itt-iliKieii rein V
li'-iit iiicd.i-uir f -r tli o,. wa ita i in.
I.eir d' n.l.t''1 it ! the itmn- .It'i ilr us- ti
l.y i; hniihrly fMinnialmi; elt-ei ti n
tli?: er.ivuij 1 n b:nnnlaii'N. wlnl.-it
i Ilie Inafa. imd is it- it Mlcc--ded
w iiicli ulwaya ii'llnw tlie ui.ef
Il is Id liiil'l ioliS art i. n
l-v t'celiiiu'S "f di-tii'ht'ii,
ii ii-t -ii lu- el iintilaiUK.
few dr K iiiidcd In niTiircin, rlinliiir'i nr ntl'er jnnv'a-l:-e
innticiLe. will r-iiitr tlnan m-.r ni-et-piahlf l i il-.r. .
n unneti nnd prc0nt the ymung wlncli in ujitiodcct-mnany ,
tlli'.l Uetl 'ii. :
rRcrARi:n only isv
A M HIM1S R S M I T II , f
jmruoisT ad ciiriMisr.
V. E. comer of 7th aiid Chestnut Streets
riii!:ieldnn, April It?, M - ly J
'I'llE suhserilier has just received a new supply ; s"1'' ut ""' lowest price,
of the liest liquors that ever eame to Sunhury, I'1' !WSl)'
coiisistini' ill part of
(ireeu's Owi'Cllated liilte
Vi Jaeoh 'J'oiv nsend's Sat
It.tUcr s S.irsati.uill.i.
Swav lie's --v nip of Wild Cl-.err ,
5'v.avrr's er.uil'u-:e.
i vre' 'heri v 1'i'iioral
1 r. p-..!.e's Tatiacca.
1 T. Cilia ll's' ,io
Tihhit's Pain Uillcr.
lh'. llunlland's (ierinan Hittcris-
llid:.iil c-elal le Pills
I lots." mid I at. ie Midiiines
1'or sale l v HENRV MASS
l:uhurv, July 1 1, 1I'I.
tub pr.oir.i:'s vade-mec
lOMI'lllsIMi A rill.l.KCTllIN OFOVKIl t
; In the I'scfn! ond LiUi csling Arti wilh
hiiuple niui Curl. -us i:ifriiiii-ut 1
TNCLrillNO Medicines, Pcifumen-. Ch
: 1 Cookery, Furriery, Dying, Coiifcctioiin
nicslic Ec.'iioiny, etc. i tc. etc. Price l' t
jsalehy HEN I! V MAS;
Sunhury, Dec. 8, 1S4Q-
: rrc at irVi-fiooiiM
lust received at the store of HENRY
SEU, a lit of Caps, (iuni Shoes, Ah
Ij.ieeusvvare, Liipiors Ac. All of which
Superior old pale llraiuly.
1 me I o,miae llruiuly.
Superior Old Jamaica Spirits.
New Em land (iuni.
Fine HullanJ Oin.
Sus-rior Old Whiskey
Comm. m do.
Superior M.vleria Wine.
Lislun do. do',
,'uH-rior Port Wine.
Burgundy Port do.
Sweet Malaga A inn.
Superior Claret Wine in bottles.
Champagne do. do.
Sunhury, May 26 184'J.
STONE milk Pans, stone Juk and Pitchers,
and other articles of stone ware just received
snd for sale by JOHN W. FKlLlNli.
Sunhury, June 23, 1819
1E AS, from the New York Canton and Fekin
L Tea Company. For sale by
Sunhury, Dee. , 184s)
HY RL'M. An excellent ariicle for sale
sunlmrv Jan. S'Ux. 181 if.
Vitluublc Hooka.
r IKE nr Chhist, handsomely bound.
J ru.i:'s llisruur or thk Rkhib
ISi.ixk Dtr-atioks ami I.tni.tHS, full I
or sale ut the publishers prices hy
Sunbury, July 11, !84"
MINERAL WATER, fiom the Oak
Acid Springs, highly valuuhie in cli
seasi s, and tonic lcureoies, fur sale
Sunhury, June 29, 1850 tf
CiAPS. An assortment just receive!
J silk HATS rt 225, for sale by
II. MA! '
Sunbury, Dec. 848.
BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds ai
Morttragea, Bonds, Execution!?, B
4c, for sale by li. B. MA
Sunhury, April 2fi, 1851
LANKS of every description can b
applying at theutlice of the Aineri
BTV ADD'S celehraU-d Horse and Cat
Z9 ue for sale by HENRY MA
Sunbury, Jsn. 2 1 lh, 1849