Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 10, 1852, Image 3

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For the Amtrtrnii.
V started in the morning, the gtars as wet
with ile.t,
The golden sim had tint yet risen, to lingo
trie my vet nine ;
Up Mahuntangos' hilly road, we onward
made our way,
In hope to tee 'Swnturu Fall" that hiippy
summer day.
"We oon arrived at West Wood where the
river glides along,
Ve aw lliemerry mill wheel turn, and hoard
its cheerful sung,
And w-e thought of lust September, as we
g;ij.l on iuin near
Of thiit avalanche of wattr-i, iht swept de
struction here.
We now are near ' Llewellyn" and we see
the gfussy mounds
Enclosed by yon moss covered fence, around
the Ouiying giound,
The uucient dome of the old Chuiuh, seen
family llnucii-h the pines
As their brandies wav e sj gently in cool and
pieusant winds.
Time passes eu, and Uiv we ride upon the
pleasant kill,
Where Howeis (tun in beauty fair, along the
ahudeu nil,
The fealheied songsters all it round are waib
ling it) their 4; Iff,
As they perch upuu Uuj Mam lies, of some
iuendly luteal tree.
Again into the valley's shade, with joyous
heart w rive,
And think ul' uulure'e haiiJjtuuik on ihln
world uiM above
Andiee i all iheir fc'Joiy, the lalJ and wnfjs
epieml tree,
IVitii llit-it ieitves-lnVti little UUWt, ilatiC.iij;
ju llie limse.
but limit'! What inaiw Ilia'. roaciuj.', thai
ilaelilu;! nole 1 Uuxvf
it set'ii; j .; ji iK'-tKo lulifl Bui .ne, e;i
IiM w m ac
Look !'' -Jouk ."' 'itutt se ti.oss
r..-K. lb it U"ier jit lite an,
It j
j I i'. ' .twilam
J.,-.JIo.: Hurrah
xn'il mjdii be. iJteie.
Now o'er tin bevies, m.ks aii(4 eldiios, we
leajiKtl .Villii jc-oiif lee,
And aiiKited iii 'jur merry mile. "Whofiibt
tue Jails Rial I see;1'
The roar reiv louder every ft;, at"e I.a6'.en-
ed lo lie! Jn.t,
'iVheiJ rijiphn ;''eifi i!iiin dire.ik, ever
lilli LNUVe 401.'.
You eiay talk alinit yiar".", s ii Tth-fccs
i.eeii-iof. nil.
Over tse l.veiioL' nwk, tiiU! Uiuiii
flint mo; foam,
Of its vat 't(Mte ui uaters, mi 'heaL'ii.'ul
Sll't! iilMl,
Gliiliiite; .in the -t;i'ini?i; -sun, fefl-"et:ii;:
'tiea-iri t' uitt.
lilt give to me onr em'in'aif! fal!, lie rirefii r
i. ktKiir,
Midst iskxiiiIaIi t"TM'il anil n-a'.'iejn Varr, lis
v.''rs liaimy fiow
rilimgh wti.ill, lis 'liHamifi-.l lo view there's
mnic in its irrai,
'ntiii.g-cnti e preltier, tiotijh you all the
sr.irlh cwilcn.
Ttir WTitrr n'iuitf t. th itvniMtr nitsiite.t fn l
.mnrh 'if tli" 'tmylkilj At slw taac i ti.e erefct lrl1 la
lilrnrirr t-aTv
PoTTsvittr., July SR5'i. M
o xt c$ u civ s.
Nkw Von. Sun. 4.
Th fti'hmship Allantie, Cajit. West, from
iverpool, wi,h (iates pi ihe fiSih nil., ar.
ved at I3sr o'clock this evening.
The r.ews from England of very lillle
iportsnc. The r-epTMn of Kossnth in
s.v York U1I10. rtn we of much tornrnent
the K'tuli-tt Ti ipets.
Paris, Mond ay, 8 P. M The knoivn
Mill of the eCec'iou fives 2 000,800 votes
, and 600 006 asaiinst Louis Napolooti. A
finite inajoilty ofeveu pisNkins is e.'jwc
1 for the President.
Hen. Cavaiyoae nriived in Paris on Fri
y niyht, having teen Jilier;ild tlwit after
on. As the eleelKin is now over, the President
nkH rhe time arrived hen he can
ih safety to 1)imelf set free Ol her Cener-
, aiul the repoti v.a eiinx-iit thai tliey
re to be liberated on Tuesday.
Th latest nccoiiiit fiom Paiis represent
President as coiitinniiiy ileterniined on
posiitf; llie nboliiion of ihe octroi ihtties"
is oImi determined on inatiintr nunc i
eritneiils in diminii-hiiig the protective j
tern. j
Vith iho exceplion nf 3O0 rnen rf the
thoussndj conipo-ina the French pnirison
tome, all had signed alfirmatively on the
stion of th Ftench Presiiieney anl Itie
t discipline prevailed,
'he Republican Clubs have decided
no nrovemeiit tonld lie altempled at
'ho P pe was hiMy pleased with the
rse of events in France.
imbcr Cleaver, E mi leer, has made u
irt of the route of lhi rail toad from
ville, to intersect Ihe Shamokhi and .
bury road. The route starts neat the
ng-mill, in Danville, and crossing the
r, passess tlnouoh the Shiimokin Hills,
descends the ravine, rrosidns the creek
re it intersect the Stitibu i y and Shaino
road. The heaviest grades are 58 feet
ie mile on ihe foi.iIi bank of Ihe river,
eet at the head of defceiidiny riade, and
feel at L Vai-lines. Theie will be a
el of 1 G00 feet thronoh th" Shainokiu
The leng'h of the road i 9 6-10 niiles
will cost $235,164 50. The follow lug
e esliinate :
lualion and small bridges, S6I 4I4 7"i
.- tiridtfes, douhle-liaik, wi.h, 80,000 00
lei, (IfiOO feet,) 43,192 00
track ef road ihrnush (I 610
iles) and three passings of I
ile eacti 10 35 100 miles
ils 60 lb per yard at $6,237
' per mile, 64,557 81
ineering and incidental expen-
Sj 13,000 00
Total $235,164 5
j dislioeo from Danvilla to tha Sbanto
5I mln i 15 -10 mHea
Hundreds of our eilizen cnuipluiu ol do
biliiy nud hingour of the system, derange-
licnl of the liver nud sluttiHch, wniit of ap
petite, &n. j they are frequently the resuli
if too t-lose upplii-aliuii, and a IIhiiismihI
ither eauses we chiiiiiiI liere name ; lint we
would any to nil so afTlictf il, do as we have
lniie irel a boltli! or two of Dr. lldlflamlV
Germini Billei, prepared bv Dr. Jackson,
and, our word fur il, yon will be cured We
recommend this medicine, knouing from
experience that it is mnrh superior to the
aeiiernlity of patent medicines. We would
say to our 1 hii doi a, nuirhiise none unless
prepared by Dr. C. il. Jackson, Philadelphia.
SI A II ic 1 i: l.
At Cliulnsky, Nonhiimberlnud eo.. on llie
30ih nil., bv the Iti v. Il-nrv M I er Mi.'kt (iiniDiiN tn Mif. IMahy Wiiilhui.-
M I N A Dl'.NKtUN.
On ihe 231 nil., by the Rev. A. Here'ier,
Mr. Jofiaii Siiadi:!., to !is Cai' Lie.
ilfcit, ail of Upper Abibniuiy.
O.i the 2.Vh nil., bv the siune, Mr. SoifKl.
Siicin, of C0.1I lp., to Miss Ka rii eh IIkiini.k,
of Jackson lp
On the same dav. bv the same. Mr. I-msac
ScllNKIDKR. of Upper Mahouny, In Mis Mar-
iiia i kaiiNai.i.. ul li.irrvip, S'lin I U 1 1 1 en.
On iho lit inM.. bv the li. v. Dr. J. W.
Veoirmns, Mr. J. 0. I'kiiahdvj.n, to Miss
Cuit a Mon mi, all of Danville.
In the same plaee, 011 the 2-lih nil .. bv
ihe Kev Jiieph F anee, Gkorce I'aknett,
10 Mi.s Mary A. UaI'klf.v.
In ihe same iilnee. on the C'eli nil., bv
lh? same, Mr. John Wand.-, to Ki.izarrtii
Ash ton.
III Ihe same r.laee. nn lint ?.r)ih nit., l.v '.
h Mine, Noah Owes., lo Mi: Sakaii J.
III ihe
s.iinp place,
on the SS h nil . bv
ihe suiie, William W
lll'CIIKS, lo C'atiik-
risk Watkiis.
Oil the 2iih n't., hy Hi- R 'V. P. Wil'nrd,
pEWITT C. JuNKs. tif Oitivillc, to Mis IIar
bka Ann;. of IX-rrv tp
it.i the 55'h till . hv the lo-v. .Ine! H l,h-r-miv
Dr. J Uovn McKi'i.vv in Mir Maiiv
K. A Bl'OTT, all of Ii oomshiir.
it i r; j.
Al .Viirili'itnbi'ilaiiil. eu the 1 . Mis
KLIZAiir.TIJ -MKUIIAKS, tlaiiyhter
l Raries SuifS, I'ei! iiliont 211 eais.
elje illavlicts.
Phiiad.'Jpliia il'aiket.
Jan. 7, 1S.V2 j
J'j.'.trn kKt rin last Sales of llmn
fur eijiii:! ui'ie ol S3 8 1 J ; lor 1 1 y Use!
sal'-: at f-'.i ;7..S4 .00. Km in Flour Is hc.
at 64 iIJ ' j
Uvi: Flolb. Is scan-', and would liiiny '.
'n;tK Mkal. Last wiles of freh gromid ;
ftl J. l.ilile (l'etiiiff : sales of piirne!
red at Hri e ; whi'."- is held at SH7..SI8 eis. j
Eve. None mutiny l.isl Miles at 72
eenis. i
Corn. Is dill? : a'e of ennd old ellnw
nt rM a (it) rls., aijoat, and at 58 cents liom
Oats New Southei I e.rc in demand al ,
36.i!rS cte.
WKisKcr.' Sale Ri 52 cts. in lb, and
2.4 w. in lihds.
Wh:at- - -
Ktk- -
II ATS. - - -
PlliK. -
Fl.AVH.V-MI. ...
lit! KLfcll FLtX.
Duirii Apples. ...
Do. l'ZA.H4.S.
in I
ice I
IS j
88 I
tlill j
o !
IJcw Adverticciuenls.
V ii K WlllilJi'S Fills. j
UoUl iJai .1iv:snU'(!, I
So f.U A'niip, for ht (-iJsscnte nf Coffee."
f'V in now sn'.iMfaelurity divided that Krupp'sj
-Ksseiice of (,'olU'i:" is llie Ul anil most j
wholesome prrparalkm for Colii-c ill llie world.
We thcrctor.' rMoiiiiut'ial it to all low-is ot
MiVj'i Cff.r'f as ail article of great vuhn.
'flic price is only ISj cents per package, which,
with ote lib ol Co!k'- ii!l co as fur ua live lhs.
of ontitiiiTy ('otliai alone. '
Storekeepers and nil others tl ill may pun na-- j
it sre aaircd that if it d- liol give enlne satis-
t i it M.v 1b. 4toriitfl. mid tile Rloliev will
U- rclundej. Maiiufactuicd hv .
1:1.1 KKITP,
No. r.:ia N. 3d s-t., iMiiiudeij.hia.
J iiitiary '.!, IS.'il. 3ih. ;
It. . lUMUvl tt aV f O..
iMPoriTKits. maxi f.uTrni:i;a a.nb
Silks, Tulibons, Tlowers, Featlicrs,
Nos. M and l't Chesliuit Sircet, mid No. Mi
ISoiith Second Street, west sale, near Chcotniit,
1 hilmlelpliia.
Leii-nilcr S7, IS.'il. ly.
F'nravcr mid Printer,
Xo. 4tl Chestnut Street. eWc Secou
vim, a ei.?iiia.
IS prepared, o do ENtiKA Vl(. an.l I'RINT- I
1 IN'' "' '"'" '"'".'r; U P,l1.l.,I,-; '":"'-'
and liusoiess Cauls lta.l 1 ictetn, M ali li PiiS're. :
l.nhelH, Hill Heads, Notes, Checks, Hralis and
Diploma. KcaU and tSlamps tor Corporalions
Odd Fellows, Masons, Kins of Temperance, Ac
All Ihe ahove eoitraved in the hest inaiiuci.
Onlura hy Post iroui.t!y uiteuded lo. i
Derenil er 27, l'ol ly. i
JOHN A. JI v I: I! 1 -S,
Maniifjcttiler, & Dealer ill
Irapartel and Domestio Sejars,
A's), a general assortment of
l.enf Si, lliiiiiir.K liiri'il Ttibacrn,
C CONSTANTLY on hand, a the lowest mar-
ket prices. Corner of Chestnut fit, and
Wharves, Plnl.iilelphiu.
Deiciulicr S?, IS5l-ly.
fiOLl) PENS with and wilhout canes, of a
veiy suierior mmlitv. just received.
Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, fir sale
by II. 13. MASSEK.
Sunhury, Dec. 27, 1851.
'j ISSUE PAPEIl. Yellow Tissue paper for
1 covering glasses, Ac, for sale at the olliec o
tte American.
SHINGLES Joint and Lsp Shingles, of first
rate quality, for sale ty
Sunbnrr, T3e. f0, le6l tf
A'e 78 North Srf hetuetn Arch and Raet St.,
EREnY informs the public Hint he imports
S-S and constantly keeps 011 hnnd at hi new
store. No. "18 North Sd Hi., a I a roe assortment of
Foreign Fnney (5oocl,
Musical Instruments, Pictures $" Paints,
whii h he will sell at the lotvrst prices.
His stoi'k. in part, cnnfial of. Arronlcons,
Violin. Miific Dnxcn, I'nrlnr mnl Dar Konni Or
nniis, Me!oilri)iii, Seraphine. Mntheuialienl III"
striinifiits, MuiTiu'ts. !pv nml Opera (llnsscs,
taliiiiicry of till kinils, I'm-ket Ui)i:Ul. l.'roiij.e
IWder. Diit.-h Cold un.t iltfr I.cnf,
Sca'rof !l kiiuU, SiniH anil Toliacro Ihivcs,
LitlniSi'.-ipiiie Paints, Copper I'late and Steel Kn
oravini;n. anil p'uliires of every aricly. A!.o
(ji:t Frame Moiildiiias of various sizi-s.
Ueiilers. ('luinliy Merchants, ami Pedlars, sup
plied at rcMsiiiiuMe prices.
Llecrmli.T so, ls:t. tf. t
Clock, WiHrlu'?, JertriU'iy, Silver Waie,
ril.OrKS if rvvrv .lescripti n nti l fj'iiilHv. 8 iliv Hpim
iiti-t ;i i It 'iir I'fUft, Very U; W.itch. s ni' ihe lHrt
nrikem T itiinn.1 )u .n mtti It hinnin d M fiti-nt K-ver,
'ii'f it ln us SC. u .irr niu H Imiiii r ', nml iusnrecl
l-T I -J in nttf. Hirer r as I'tWfi s H.iHt wirmnteit.
I.t'i ineit in l..v :i Si' W ir.niltfil. Jn rtier ';itch-S III
fit'-.,. v-rieiv. .1 w -1 ! tv I' ry iie'ri,iii ii liMtirird
ru,l I' 1 l it-in. ii f l er l.iii'i, I in? r
Ur rl.-cs 1.' vkr't, ii-AA l'e- sir filjii. rr ti nl p -tints.
Tin; miImtiIh i h.n iii;j mini retuiii'-d ir in lln fit'in
f-ict Tie- m preini'it t inriiK'ti miv itfti.-le in Ins tine in
htiHn f-i'if n vtep. mul tif ehi np tis Ihf ti inp Hrti-
Ht-s e -il l'l in ll"- I'll. I nlt'l hin T New Y'il ifiMtkvtB.
'J' c iiivi'i' e tin? Miililif "t tl-H I i-1 In i-iV'l' lie!r ntTen
ti -n viiil rrv e:itti v eiis u i .'ill I!o iV i 'ienl irly
invili-lliu tt.-!i i n ( II Hi t'f.-pri i t, , Fi.iitilte li
hi i-t nire hhx rin lit n( Sil.ei W-ue, viz: T n Swt.
'J'h'iIl. 1 Fr-rt nn1 T.':i Spoon, r"rls. !.!''l(. Ac. Ap
Onletfi re.-eiv-1) l" l mtv nrtielf: l S:lcr frc exerutfj
with pr nip liter, nml in tin l s! st le. A prent vnriety
rimr-v tinl). I1-! -f't .M.ichp iv rk
nn ntn.if
Ui's'is. I'-m-i r'i r. lit -v- I iw mt II xe. e , &c.
lv.... w.nt i,m.,,,.t-,:i ;t
j nm 'U 1 1 1 itte I'"t O'Ve,. 9i , p,.tm uip, Pa,
. U All Uiiils of .';iii L'.ti'n lcil til')" the U'Sl WM;
D..-cc:n!iLT IMI. -C.n.
j ISdwctn Aih '-ml 5, an r site Crown St.)
' IX' ll IT .rri- tr if ni :IVH. I y n'ffn.t! f -in'i-j
y t- 5'1'pK-t(t-it ' itii: ' iii.'ii'l lr IH i Vf-jiVa
INK. ivlrrh il witlt'-si'i' iii! vc:niM!ii it lin." rrftiici),
'V nn I ul; i" nn iv sti 'f', it:tt!ilt"t in lite i: opini n
ni'il v n'i Irm 1' the Atiifi I'-tii Mr. lint it is warrr'ty
ncf-'Mirv t :iv :iiliiiiiL' i'l iiaf'.iV T. rnnl llu iinrliU'fUi
r-r Uiv lln ft'tpnriiiiti'v tti K.iy ha the t-mli ifiitc lnus
In mli'iit tn I tt:c v;Tt kiiitN "i Vrit:ns Ink. he n!
nriiiinnc'ii'- (;itiiriniiif V
f r iMeii'ifi'ir til-i- unit t
nun i. nt wi ll ji- ii ifi' i ri i ll.iir tl : trni nlv ic n'
I D'-iry t i iiiMitc ii liimr'' itf iinl h S-:tiiiL' Wiiy. well
I mlinU'it i r ! rn?'-' i 'f!:iinl IJiiUltrs. tit n very I -w j rice, in
j lt'.)f n i:nll' i' ii-s.
i uti'.th I;.Mr.M:..i t . .if srni novrn.
.Mmhiii K-iM-t r. . Ill Pit"-- Sr-"!.-:. l'ir. r.n 4ih
I A- .' ii, tn nf Ci u Mift-t, I'liil.uii !'iitj.
PepiinVT JT. l-.'.l :li!i.
rritK siii.
ilisi'i i!ie s oi!i-r lor h,i!p
-H- Salt.
in lov.iiuir.'U icmcilv lor tins iltsca.o;
it an evacl imil.iii in of the water of t'le cele
liratod Che'letiliani Spring of Kiilainl. width
has 1'iTii l-iiia.! io Vnrf.i'i.'l in imms of Ltypi.
f l. liili -.uii ( 'olll'i -laiiils. M k leai!a'!-e,
nal Costivene.-M. .'v c. ami i ;i rt ii-1 1 1 1 r I v leioni
inrocli'd us a huli-t.tute for Sriillitu Powders, ns it
nets I'olh as a lonir and m nlle piii-Mlivp. A
i'amplili't I'ontaiioii.: an analy s ol llie witer and
di'crtiolis for i:s o.-e io roiopaiii s e.u h l.ullle.
Price US cents per oottSe.
The sulis rihers aivi ii.cp.iie a highly coiiccn-
trali-d K.-m ikc of
Pu:e Jaioaii.i (iiner. Price
o ci'tit: pr I 'll r.
Pull Cfti'air"' "f ilrinjs with prices attarlied
furnished Pliv.aiiaos iritis. A!m priceil Cata-
Jicjue. of l'ili'C :hviulcuis for analytical
U l.emi-ts.
'J'iie atn nti ui of Dni-:-i-,ts is part''y in
viud to our sto k of line ilrn-i, chemicals, A c.
Dnuisls aiul .M atiutio turinir Chemists,
loll i- Arch Street. Philadelphia.
October 2.1, 1 "-" I . 'lino.
The ;i-rnl-st
jTV Trn-f $ jur li-trJ, nr .Sit Utt!e fr f J,
It i n..w p i nn in r.IET lUITTr., tr tti
t'l JUrm.d ntt!;r-, f'f'.r.n i t t l.i-rt V t I li.i'l'f.
Ktrii ltty$ ((.!!. ci.tiom- M T -TO I' It t)SK.
,. !- Fix-1 r :i fcn . irntiufr '''iii ri t
tlial o; ly line 7 .j' !ftimhtt i rii. -rt-.i f n ittrrfs
tf n . it- f'.c-s .i:,t .,.:: : ,s,i. TivtMit-Wir
wii rh i tit.iflt l.-ii.-T w.nti n l.til'1!-i.l" knv i.Mi.t tin -It
!nfi. tv.iic luere rt (.nrea ( tliia a lvm qutiuliiv
t flues Superiority of tv niomt I'nriflrr it alt
niur u.til.iiii, itisi ' in k cn-xi infiiiin' in tl rt
""i'lr rnT t c mri'ipi.f. iI:h iwwer.U Dlrillt'ul
irttifet 'f hiuk S.'urct nnJ Kurt.
Indian Roots and Earks,
whirti nn -'.'r ins-t-t
lurinf-ri i
I ir,.- IIIoimI '.ii.a w.-ir .t-f hhi-wit lo
t'mcf.ttt.itrj't of
SarsF.pahJIa, Vellow Doclc,
nt I'mH V' ritiilf I'XlltH't, m.l nn'.y (!, irrHtrl
tlifit Jiti!'fT. I'll h -it:tirr trfltetue y
Hi t-ul olN ii.i.'t it'iv f i-r. I1 ; th-'ir. I cr mis lt.
V -''''- f -l "' " M r r One l.:ir w ' U
ititirh l)iri t t w .:; Ten Tlmrni' i' Hiu4-(iia-nw. tU !'Hit MMf', .,f nit.r iiiwJ.CMi.
U frwl :ili(l"tl!i', I Mimj( I'f 'lt tinentf
Scrofula, Tevcr-Sorea,
,v;M-W, y.rvxi,,tif. y.fl. J!'hm. M tMH.
. ift-ut, '..-I Vtt h . -. I.I vri'-l 'it imjiI -iliil
f-u'-t. i htj ("il.irfni'il ('.vil. I ') 1 1 iipm, .V.r
r1.'.. 'f, ll.tltl:ie 'III' ni Vtr "life, !. .., and
.,ri, -mi i i i-1hk I vi I'H-I'.i nil In-.t.,', f.-
VAH'W hi IS und tiantimi AiM II.. tit lu
K m .T.e nv I W. Trlli if. SuVmry ; Mary A. M
C iy, N -itiiir ii r1; ; .1 Im 11. luct, Sniion; liases A:
M 't'luiiitf!. M( I AvMivillt;,
.My :i. is'il, rlw ly.
E. S. JONES & CO.,
"tOliNEl: of Fourth and Knee Streets. Poh-
Sl.OA N, Aiiiiitcct, to he conij li-.ej in 2 1 inon:li
ly psi ts.
The u!-ovr work is dct i-.-ned to meet the wilies
not ol lli'ise directly interested in Imildiuas.
tml of all v!io ih -;irr the ?d aiiccuictit of thi i;o
l le ait in otir count. y, ami wn.ii to cultivate llieir
lostcs nnil ncip:aitit-itice with architecture. The
l.aiiit-oice iiiiiiiner in which it is. prepaivd and
eiuU liisle l, ri ni!e- it a la-telti! oroaiiii nt for
Ihe ilrawin r-rixiiii. while its aci-nratc ih liucalioiis
pic it llie liiliesl practical v.ilue.
V l i x 'l ....... 1-. ..I.- I',,r ,l..'i.-nt-..
1UluU.r. AJJlxJS M
llhove. H ,,ai,l.
M-,v :i IS.'il lv IV.- "ft lftSl.
l' '.. I .'
I'llMMK.IIIY Ml.'ltl'tf I VI'
' ............,
An. fi, NoiJiV Wharves,
V.'he.-c the followins: troods are re-eived and sold
on cotnmtsMoii,
Dried Apples, Peai lies, l'lilms, Pearn, Cherrie,
Ac, (iiecn Apples in lianelsorhy Ihelluslul,
IJentif, Peas, C'ruula-riies, Ouioim, Mercer Po
tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Shelharks, (Viestnuts,
(r.iuiid Nuts, Oranges, Lemons. Itaisios, Fi.
Prunes, (.rapes. Poultry. Eirris, 13 utler. Cheese.
A ml all kinds of Foreign anJ Domeslic Pro
iluee. Philadelphia, Dec., 13, IS.'il ly.
'PllE suhsc'iU'r takes this method of inform
imi the citizens of Sunhury ami vicinity,
that they sie engaged in the manufacture of
Soap and Candles, of the heal quality, at No. 44
Filliert street. Philadelphia. They respectfully
invite all who huy for cash, to give him a call as
they will find it to to their advantage in dealing
with hint for articles hi their linn.
E. Dl'FFY & SON.
44 Filhcrt ahove Ulh.
December 30, 1851 if.
H l. ,-. ..... i.. . ...
Y.. 0I"c.e' oul,e"-: "'"k Ink.
voiuo mtmicuio at vo cts, rura ssenoa
r.anr.MriiitL . wX
Philadelphia Type Foundry.
Oreat It eduction In Typeti, tiC
f"MIE undersicned bees leave to csll the alien-
tinn of Printers and Polilishers to the gr atly
reduced prices of his Type, vis i
Pearl, $1.08 Minion, 48
Agate, 78 Brevier, 4
Monpareil, SB KouiRCoise, 37
l.onij Primer. 34 Hmsll Pies, 81
Pirs, 30,
and nil oilier type in proportion. But wishing
to rneonraiB cash payments, tlie snlisrril'er will
make a ill larger di-diii'tion nf from 13 to 15
por ceiil. for cnh. llavnis preatly enlarinl ami
iinp' ovc.l liis establishment, lie flutters himself tn
I'C aide lo supply his cuntoiners with greater des
pntrh than nio-t of his ciimpctilnrs. He has
eonsiantly on hand Caces. Chases, Composing
SiirUn. Stands, Brass uml Wooden Onlloys, and
all oilier material used in a Printini; Oliice.
All orders thankfully received and promptly st
ti'inlcil tn at the .North West Conner of ltd and
Che-tout streets. . I.. PKI.OU7.E.
N. 11. Old Type taken in exchange for new
nt nine cents per pound.
Philadelphia, Doc. 20, 1S51.- tf.
JAS jvuit received anil opened a fresh and
general assortiocnt of
Fell and Winter Goodn,
of the newest and hest styles, consisting in part of
uav (;min, ;uorcitii:,
Iliinlwarc. Iron nnJ SIcel, Nails, ic,
Gum Shoes, Fish, Bait, &c.
All of tvhieh he will sell at the mont reasonable
priet s for rash or country priiiluce.
(jive him n call and try hi prices,
bunliury, Nov S3, lsil,
WuU'lii'si and Jewellery,
w ii i. i:s a 1. 1; iuki it i;t i l.
ji.iu.Mi const jnt:y on hand an
stiH-k of Watches and Jewvllrrv,
I a la ilc-
tertniucd to sell at less prices than tha sams unl
ity of Watches or Jcweilery ai sold in Pliiladcl-
phia, vi:
Uo.d I.ever atehes, full jewelled IS ka
case, oolv $30.00
Cold I.epine, " ' 18 " St.OO
I !iler Levers, full jewelled, ou!j 14.09
j f-ilvcr l.cpims, 1 1,110
i C;..M Pcnciis, 1.50
Ciold Puis, silver holders,
1,00 I
I Also an immense ioik of all kinds of Watch-
es, Ciold Chains, ItreuNtpins. KarrinL's, Silver
Spoons, Ac, all of which I will sell at less pij.
! ccs ill. in ver haie liccii sold in this city, as llie
, prices are certainly much less than ever iicrsiu
, lore sold in ihls city or county.
I Caiiloinia tio Id l:oub"iit fur Cnsli, Puitieiilar
nlti'iuion paid to rcpaiiio r NVatches and Jawel
i lery. All I ask is a call to convince Piuvhasers
I that thin is the place to purchase Watches, Jew
ellery and Silver ware.
Persons hy sciuiint,' the rash they wish lo n
I linid can have a watch or watches scut to tiicni
hv loutl with pcrli ct safitv, haviiu; sent them in
that way lor the last Ii years. All communica
tions niUbt be post paid. I'!ca rail or send or
ders to LliWI-j I.ALiOMLn,
io. 103 C'hesiiut St.. Ivtwn Hd and 4 tit St.,
Kiint Winiriit" J-'mnklin lloa.e. j
I riiilaJi-lnlju. Oct. 2.k 1831.- tt". I
.-. . ;
1. I.. .Hn.E!I!L,
Office in Market street Siuimry, opposite
Weaver's Jftel j
HJM'SIXKSS will le noiiit!y sttendeil to in
the Colonic of Northumberland, Union,
Coluiiil'in and .M on lour.
iSiilduiry, Oct. 11, IS.1I. ly.
Dec. i:t. la.ii. tf.
Lime ! ! Lime ! ! !
HMHE i:liMrii"r lirrrliy informs hi rus!onit?M
- mnl ilic uiti!ir piMienf'ly, lint linviu? rmird
nud iti oTratiii, iho ,iuv Kiln of Mr. Ira
T. ('IoiiipiiI, in mli!iti.n t.i ilii other Ki!iin in uc.
lie will not he aliie lu mipplv )tcin-nnl- fur lime
nt Ihe shortest nutice. llu lime will he uf tlie
heal fjuulity.
uu'niry, Nov. 15, IH.M tf.
HI FI'Al.d Homes.
A IX). FANCY FCKS, iu h as MulVa
- 1 ippels, Victorias, Ar., Ac. The suincri-Is-v
olicr the a!ioe sale, wholmale or retail,
in the un-ati-st variety, am! on the cheapest terms.
al Iiicir r..tali:is!oo.Mit. No. !i:i North
i luro
Mrre-t, opposite Ciierrv. I'laladi IjiIol
-lAMl'.S KLifSlC Y fc CO.
November , ISSl. linn.
llAZOI'is. A superior article for sale at the
k store of H r.N'KY M SSF.R.
KunSurv. Fell. I. IS.'if).
V O TU'E is hcrehy p'nen tlial the several
C-iurls of Couiinon Pic is, (tenenil tjuarter
!seHioiis of Ihe jn-ace, and Orphaiis' Court, Court
of (.her anil Terminer aiul Jail Delivery,
in and for the county ..f Nortliumherlaml. to
commence at the Court House, in the horoo-jh ol
Sunhury, ,.t 111 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
.'.III dav ol .1 niti;iry next, anil will continue
The coroner. Justices of the pence nml ronstn
hles in and tor the county of NorthiiiiilK-rlaod, ari
reipiesied lo he then and ihctv in Iheir proer per
sons, with tlieir rolls, records, iii,iiisiitouR, and
other riiiieiiihrami-s, to iiv tliose thim.s lo their
several oiliccs up) i rlniniinj to he done. And all
witnesses prosectitinjj in behalf of Ihe Common
wealth iiri'int any prisoner are also requested and
coniinamtfd to Iw then and there attending in their
pioper persons to prosecute hviaiust lino, as shall
lie just and not lo depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are rcam-sti-d to he punctual in tlu ir
attendance, at tlie time appointed acrreeahle to
their notices.
liiven uuiler my hnnd at Sunhury, the 20th day
of November, in ihe year of our Lord one thou
sand eiuht hundred and lilty-one and the In
dependence of the I'nitcJ Stales of America
the iui.ll.
WILLIAM D. KIPP, Sherifl-.
Go.) save tlie Comninuweiilih.
List of Jurors,
F Northumlierlaiul Coujity fur January
Term, A, D. 1S52.
( tan (I Jurors.
Fl'SBCR Y Jacob Kohibaeh.
NoKTia.'.iUk-.Ki.AMi Ueruanl Christy.
Mil ton Leonuid Ueidleiuuii, Chiialojiher
Delaware. Charlet Hagenbnch, James
Loivrey, Daniel Aunusl.
Lrwis. Levi Beiber.
Urpa Avgi'sta. Jacnh Weimer, John
Kietfer, Ilmiry Campbell, John Ilaiighawout.
Shamokis. Charle Lerch, Jet Keeil,
Wm. G. Kase, Wm. Haas.
Rush Peter Gearharl, Henry Wearer.
Cameron. Jacob Wasn;.
J"'. f . i!u... I itTl
I Upper Mauohov.-Mo." Beis.1
Jaoob O. Uoffman,
'I'rnveric Juror.
Sunrdrt. George Yotins, John G. Bright,
Jesse M. Simpson, John B. Sbipinan, Fieil'k
Milton. Joseph Ilogendobler, John K.
NoKTiiuMBtm.AND Juhn B Scout.
Lewis. Thomas Watts, John Tacpart,
Samuel Slahlnecker, Adam Bruuer, Stephen
Dklawars. Francis Milliard, John Ott,
Samuel Finney, Andrew Nye, Jame E
Cut heart.
Tun but. Henry Funk, Philip Fullmer,
John ll.ini
Cnil.lsriUAQl'R Philip. Milliard, Joseph
Fredciiek, Fied'k Fid lei, John Kreinei,
Point. Win. Leichow, Leonnrd Miller.
IVrLK AlofsTA John Clatk, Henry (ju
lick. Lnwr.R " John Coldron, Joseph
(ass. Solomon Weiser, Georye Weaver, Gil
bert llerlew.
Rlsll Charles Meltler.
Coal. Paul Aintneiman, Ilsrman Snyder,
Casper Sholl.
Siiamokin. --Benjamin Woolveiton, Jesse
I'itkr MaiIonoY. Daniel KaiifTmnn.
. Lower " Ferdinand Camp, Eli
ja Bverlv, Jacob Lenker.
LlTTI.e " Samuel Trnntman.
Jackson. faae Deppen, Peler Treon.
I'elil .iui'oi'is.
Sl-SDfRV. Westley M Bastian
NohtiiumdeiiLand Win II. Wapples.
Dci.awark. James Rlivnearfjin, Solomon
Trni kemiller, James Oaks, James D. Barr,
John Seibert.
Ti'itni'T. John Iluoy, David Flick, Jos
Ki'ter, Levi Linn, Dmiel M'Fall.
Lewis. Samuel llu now
Clitl.lsK'Au.l'K. Illicit Matlin, John Best,
Win. M Auien.
Point. John Diehl, John Monrer.
Upper Ai'ci'bta. Beruaid Mitchell, Isaac
Kline, jr.
Lower " John Reader, Peter
Upper MaiionoT Nailian Haas, Peter
Lower " Jonnlhan Docker, John
Dockoy, Isaac Albert. Michael Lenker.
Jackson. Jacob Seder, Henry D. Hoff
man, Win. Zarlinan.
SilAMoKlN.--Mic.hael Zimmerman, George
Ri sii. Henry Johnson, Abraham Gnlick
Win. II. Kae.
TOR trial in the Court of Common
' ..I .. .. 1 IV.,,,, i,. t.
Term, A. L.t 1S5J
Hush l.el'as
vs ft Ac Win Fejcly
vs Wm. Avrea
Frederick Keener
S U Jordan, S Hunter
lex Jordiu
Coin, for Sand Furman vs
J-.i'oh Weiiner
Jacob Philips
vs Ira T Clement
vs (jeoric L. Weimer
F Na;;le vs John Divers
s Charles 11 ousel
vs Ki( hard Cioodiiian
vs Cieo li'.winan
! K O'Doniirll for Wn
Christian lio'.linger
Sanioel Seaman
(irecii iV U i os. for T Howard vs Henry Lanta
K Ll C'uiiiinints
vs .Montgomery & Masleller
i J iciih stiticl
! II i; Kae
! Jacob .Niltrauer
Win M Auten
j Daniel P Caul
vs S.uniicl I. Deck
vs Ceo A Dixon
vs Samuel Jarrct
vs Thomas Kaser
vs Dentlcr A Montague
vs Ira T Clement
vs Win MtCarty
Ui'iirv Cj!h'I
vs Henrv .Mnsser
HolViuaHiV wife r H Kuhntx, MrL'artyetal
Huuli Marlin - v Jtcuttai. 'I roxfl
Martin Irwiiw hJiu'r v II Yoxtlirimer mliu'r j
Mtt&Miulr t DiiniclUrcisbarh
i ruiimer lor Unl va ri Mommolz, ex r.
j HiMiry Kcivr v Henry Voxtlieiiner
in liroB.i tor hinl uillvrt vh J. J. I. ;lO';rixir
i Lower A- Barron
vs Ira T. Clement
! Jacob Kline
j William Welch
Thomas Sutton
I Caspar Ih ckart
Daniel II Drieslach
I John I. Hoss
j John W Peal
i Geo C M. Kie
! Karah StiUcl
I tSnrne
vs J eph Klines' adm'r
l s Jjcoh K Tresjo
l3enj F ct .1 V .Vtamm
s Frederick Heckarl
vs A B rtmiin
vs Leonard lioadarme el al
ts (ieo H Youngman
v Joseph Lima;
vs Samuel S Sheddan
vs Jacob fitilrel
i Tinhrook for Appleton vs Jame- lirass
j Hickok iV. Camilla vs (it-o W Armstrong
I lieolieii Kuivelv vs Kershuer Al Cleinent
. .j -----
! Jacob Keller vs liaiik of NorlhiiniU'rlnud, ;
1 Nancy II ousel vs David Housels' a.lin'r
liuhir oc Co tor Jacob Dloom vs Henrv Conrad -
! ... ... ,. f . Jacob annum'
, lleui v Klaze & Ins wile vs . . .
admin stiator
lieorte L. ueliri et al vs reler arey
William McCarty vs Saoiia-I Hunter i
Mary Jane llrimer et ai vs William Wilson I
Decker A: Weiller vs K D CiiiiimingJ. I
(ieorue Shilev vs Ab'in Dunkellwrser's aihur'x ,
Mary Marti vs Win H Spratt !
Same vs John Campliell & wife i
, Ju-.u,. ivin s H M Sevdel's adm'r
I John liroan vs John Oyster seni s ex t ,
Sh.illhe.- iV eigler ttal vs Titos S Maekey i
1 Juo ivnorr I ir II. Knurr vs Enoch HowciV adm'r
Jiunes T Suit. in 6i Co vs Samuel Kyle
F.hzuliclh Kricc vs d'enre Lawrence
Conrud Woif vs (ieori;e lieckart
Catlnuinu Suydcrs' exr's vs Samuel K WooJ
Daniel (ioiiscrt vs Henry Uflhiier
Hunk of Northumberland vs JuoC lloyds' adm'r
Same vs Same
Mary Patterson vs (ieorge Heckert
Iloneparte Thoinpmm etal vs Casper St Clsir
Win McDamcl tor A . . . , , ,
, ., , vs John Jackson et il
V ('oinly
(ieo F.vster for Mar- ... , r. . , .
:,, vs EL zor Greenough ex r
tin W caver
John 1,'evnolds vs Isaac Keader
1 ....-,. w.. i Tho A Billing-
Same for Win McCarty vs S itnc
William Dahus v II S Haiilman
K ii-ei t Philips Vs James Kenny Jr
(inoruu (iariuan vs 13 11 Howell rt al
Join) Jaektui) vs James Ueard et al
Dallict for iiaup & Savidze vs Daniel Dalliet
(n-ore Law-renee
Liiliiosion for Hunter
A litivccs
vs D Marr & I Drown
vs Susan &. Sarah Keid
Jacob Haas
John Jackson Jr
John l.eib's ailin'r
Courad Wolf
Simon Snyder
A W Comly
Cronileiu vV Brother
vs Charles Alexander
vs Same rt Wilo
v A W Comly
vs Thomas Allen
vs (ieorge lieckart
vs George Snyde.'
v '.corge Herts
vs K D Cuiiunings
Pallzar (jarnhait's admr's vs K W Dunn's admr
Albin Ncwla-rry vs Thomas Iiascr
Craiidail tor J C Morgan vs (ieo Miller' adm'r
John loci's ansiguee vs 1' L Piper
Com for I'rcd'k W'ea- Henry Uanlsher and
ver cc Wife Jacob Fry
John Kims ii Wifo vs (ieor-'c Fox
Jjlni King vs Daniel Wcidner
Same v
W asliiugtoii Mutual In
suranre Company
vs E Kaufman et al
vs Same
Stale Mutual File Inso
rauce Company
Tctcr Arnwine o. Mun- . C Cosh & Jacob
go A Keid V.'eiko
J.icub 13. Masscr vs Ileulien Fegely
John Divcl & Wife vs D C Caul
Joanna Pendeville vs A E Kapp
(Jeorge Leitlieruer vs Kobcrt W'bileside
Mahonoy ic Sbauokiu Iin-
' va Abraham Paul
urocmcnt Co
James Koss vs Jacob II Rhoad
Sarah L Keen vs Abraham llrosiona
Same vs Samuel Savidze
Oliver 0 Ililliaril vs John Hsrtman
Epbrtim K Miller va Jesse c-.mpbell
i w Peal Indorsee 4e vs Diiumirk c4 al
C'briat & McFaoV;,, Vi 8uunna Keid
I Protbocotaj-ys Otftca,
RERPECTFULLY Inform tha public and
, "the rest of mankind," that tliey have re
ceived a Urge assortment of
or every varie-y or .tj e, consisting in part of a
fine assortment of
Cloths. Casrimrr,, MrHno,, Moumlint dt
Lm, Calicoes, Mnlh,t, CAcr.s,
and every variety of Dry Goods.
AI30 a large assortment of OKOCCRICH
Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices
of all kinds.
Also nn assortment of
Fish, Salt and Plaster.
Also a tresh supply of
luiuos axu MmncixF.s.
tV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex
change at the hiijlirdt market price.
Suuhury, Nov. 8, 1851.
At His rv Mure in Iluiluwiiig Run,
IJESl'ECrFU.I.Y informs his friends and
customers, that he has just received a new
stock of Roods, which he olibis to the puhlic
at the lowest prices, viz :
Tiill nil VI inter lrj GuoiIm,
si r-it as
Cloth. Cassimern. Satt.nett. Merinos,
Mousseliae De Lnnies, I'
and every variety of goodn suitahlc for the season.
Also Silk Hats, Caps. Ac.
ALSO : An assortment of Hardware.
All Kiml, of Groceries,
A vnriety of Queens-ware, Crockery, Ac.
Besides a variety of cither articles, suitable for
farmers, Ac.
All kinds nf produce taken in exchange for
gends at the hinhrst market priic.
Hollowing Iiun, Oct. 8.1. ISol. tf.
-H7II.UAM HOOVER respectfully informs
his fiieniN nud ritstmncrs that he has
just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent
assortment nf
which he oilers for sale at his new store at Mas
ser's Mill, Hollowiui; Iiun. These goods will
he sold nt the lowest prices.
Dvy Goods, fjc,
Si;ci os Cloths, Cassimrres, Muslins, Callitoes,
(jiHchams. Lnirns, Chintzes and
Ladies Dress floods generally.
An assortment of
Palm Leaf Hat?, Caps, &c,
A general assortment of Groceries, such as
Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molas
ses, Spices, fee.
A lo an assortment of Liquors, such as
Brandy, Rum, Whiskey, IVines, S'c.
I-V Produce of all kinds taken in exchange at
the highest market pricrs.
Hollowing Itun, May 10, IS51. ly.
rhecnix FIro & Thief Troof Iron Chosts.
VI ,T A K RANTED to Ftsnd ec,ual heat with
' any other Chests in the country, audio
ilefv the liurglis' ingenuity. .Manufactory, No.
10 Hudson's Alley, running lwtween Third and
Fourth streets, south of C'hesnul, and in the
rear ef the (.iirard liauk.
M. &. S.. the ropvietors, are Practical Me
chanics, and feel conli lent, trom long ei()eriin:e
III the manufacture of Lou Chest and Safes, sua
a special ullculioii to this particular branch, of
giving satisfaction to alt who may give them a
N. (I. We have selected one of the hest min
erals ever used as a nuii-couductor of brat in
this business, and we warrant our Chests and
'ii to be made of Ihe best material and in llie
n.ost durable maimer, and to stand any heat
that can be upphci tJ thcin.
Manufactory No. Ill Hudson's Alley.
Running between iird and 4 lit streets, S ul
nut, in toe rear of Oir.inl Dank.
Philadelphia, Oct. Wa, 1 So I. It
11 I M l) OYSl'EUS.
riHE uiulersigiicd is in the daily receipt o
A fie.ll and excellent Oysters from the cele
brated establishment of Mr. Field, No. 331
West Lombard street, Baltimore.
All orders will lie promptly altonded to and
forwarded without delay. Apply to the sub
scriber at Lee's Hotel, Northumlierlaiul, Pa.
y.Xi. Oysters of common iuality at $1,00
per can.
October 11, 151 3"o.
AYINO settled at Northumberland, I am
now prepared to furnish
Fresh and Spiced Oysters
during the whole season at the reduced price ef
one dollar for whole and fifty cents r half csn.
You ran ileeiid upon them beiui; lirsh, as I
shall receive them daily, (Sundays excepted,)
and when landed hero they are only 10 hours out
of the shell.
All persons who are in want of the above arti
cle, at a distance, can have them scut per dozsn
or single can by addressiu?
N. B. Persons calling on the subscriber rosy
find him either at Hurr's or Haas' Hotel.
Northumberland, Oct. 4, 18M
rilHE BiiWrihr rft'tfuUy inform liii friend
i- ami the public, that lie hut taken the well
known Puti.ic lloue, corner ul Market and Ktv
eratreeU, lately occupied by Mrs. Wharton. He
truati hy stric t aitriitton to business, te will be
rnabtetl to uie saiisl.tctiou to all w!)o may fvor
biiu witU their cuit.un,
Sunbury, Oct. 1851. W.
bar bottle tor sal by
Saabnrr, April. It, 1851
I.EE DILLS. Justice and Constable Fc
Bills handauiuely priuMi u card papur, fur
sial (hiaatS.
Th ipproatb of Congress mlsi Un tt.s rsnewal of mf
prupntsuis si id prepsmUuiis to Rprmd dUate bra
tht public Ths suveeas whicn hus hithmo sttsiKlwl tbm
undertaking it i liopxl wim routinus, sud ausUs oj tv
perpetuate tho lull histiry ui tiis i and disju
shhis ui (hs Ixidy on wiiich tU Uusuiiy ol Uis KupuUis
The sd iptiun of Congress hut givra tbs Gtoss u
ollk-nl clmrscter at the r(ur;ar ul all Uml is aaitl ait4 in the ImkIjt. Tins aawtioii has bean voted st erarjr
uccfMive at-aii n Utr tmny yanrs. ami by iiMinbers uf aa
parties. Thr preM, t-,, ! all partios hat bjrue leaiuiionf
to the fidelity with wi.ivb Uis uuiy tUus avuniiad aaa bsau
The relerity with which the letter-writars f.f ths dis
tant pn;s 1'iicuiaie tiircuno ttie tvlt-siftpii tlitir bumett
sec 'iiiiis and virwt of Ilio Ut-i. tte o Ciiiigress, readers
inii'T iiiipiriut liinti aver th? full mi-J exuct ode ial reports
ui the CoNuumiu.ui, Ulobi. 'l ite bant)-, and in tnaiif
instisimes kx tabtr, reluti. ns by ttltraph ul' what urcura
in Cuiitfivts sitneiscik', t r t! in it part, th exact repuris
taitead wn by reuurirrs, and winch frwri. in a stispa
more ui' ie vi'brevitsted, uvnt the ruumit ot the prew
Now the tcU-prnpli ace nuts, with all their imperfect. i
and vjinely ivl-irin, tne run v( the country, and
n pr-i itut tiie olltoini i cirt u aver publishes tlie laJ
OeUttie with the proceedings ni hoih Unites umnutilatea.
liaicud, no newttptipcr can give thein, nnd have twin fur
U'K-rrurtin nn oml the iniw-cliiineiMis matter easrnusl to
heir esisienr. While, iherdoie, the teitgrnph adimiiis
ters to thv anger appetite ui the puhlic fur Cong reus newt,
ami in. cti- the nwiwitit-s uf lite pulitiral press, by furntsh
iu a rapidly wr.tttti epiiuiin auitrd tu the tssta of its
painma, pc-fect inf .iruminji f vhut saea in Coiitrnai
is tfrily i inniMshed. The cirmlnti-n uf ths uffieial
repurlsjuis l.mi, tu anme extent, cut ufl by the crude and
bverinluce(.nnts whK-h.)ii,gakinf (lis electric wires,
sutinh.s curi -sit iy, and it i in vam that truth put
oil his bouts M follow. Mill t t,re sre a grat many men
uf L-isure and thmisht wh-i hke to trn wht is actually
sun! and done m C. nre9t nna to j.ul?e tor themselves.
Mihcr Hkhi to re riv iiiiprciuus aitogfihtr from iraJvan
ic Uittrio. There ore o;hurt toi, -h-i fir the auks of
the lutnrt. willniRly paln'inze a work which preserves a
hill record1 of the d huks uf me gruut luovu g and s-jiiUoI
ling powers ot tlie UepiiUic. cv.t wtisatitiie wben the action of Congress
ih uld e looked to uikJ thoroushly aiuOted; by tha patriotic
ul ull parties, it certunily eppr'uatjhr-s witn the next Con.
reR. Tne (ftiveriiiumt takes a new depHrture with tha
next si-ssi .n. mid Ii ov it is to work out tna arrangements
itkule ttpiH-tfv tne tr ui:s with wlnuii it iina utboraU
ruumins to he Seen. Tiis iinrcMion lu the l residency
Will lonu a lending c ii(iemriun in svery movement ut
then.'xt Bissioii, mid there will srim-ely Ihb a iiisnsitre
imr. ilm-ud, ur a speech iindc, that will not have some
Iteuriirr un tliut uil-idisoibiiig qtii'SUt'ii. If ii.-itionrd con
ven l i- ii uf tiiu rt'neciive parties ara collrd tufther to
tioimntde tntj fuutiidntcs d enh, the O.nprefts which
prccfues the couventi -i always atizes th ocensiuti, by
niitiPipv.iuii, to tjisc'iisi, in v :nifi.ti.)ii wan public ines
sure, t'te n TiT f the nin loued tu t give tliem eQect
in the i.uiniiiimi.ii"ij. h tie .e"j. e, then, Would have
tnt ir m ite in the cii .,cc (i' t'tetr Lrt fuiictiunuues, they
oiiL'iit to s!'U) well th-s riiwrinrer uf rsndidntcs ns devel
oped by lhfmelicst t'ifs.r fVit-ntt, and tt.eir euctnivs in
CiiRrc-is. The -...iiiii will be the rostrum from which
the pe pSe uf the I. States will be audresseil uii tbs
s-ibject ot the Chief Lmistruoy, vnd the inipx.rtant top irs
c iiiief-t-d wuh i, mid th Itf-mlntion ot the c untry tl:er
w.u uccoinw i he tnrtne ui iliac JHtuii in every State Legu
tnturr, uf nory cuiintry I'.vn villnra meeting
tiiMiich'int tlie L'rioii. U,V mi.riBiit, tien, ibses it
U-ci'tii-.', tlutt lidl nml tmpiirtitl rpcrts should be obtained
oi ttia afiiun nf u butty, which wil K'vo nn iinpulae to Uta
livpuhii:.' ui nv ciirecr. pm.I winch, in a very gnst
l .life, inilncnce the puljiic mind In the choice of ths
Cnicf .M:iic:strnt who ii lu curry out u.e will of tnt people
us c-'iiKiiiuti nully exprtwed.
The tiit'-lersiticd bus mnde preparations commensurate
with the iiic'.-;iiH( uiiponmicc ul tiiednty he hus underta
ken a Lie uniy rcp'icr and publisher ut ihe cumpleta
UcoJtt s and proceeding of both liouirs uf Cut.grcH. Tna
c -tniiig hmmou will pnbubly be i tended nine inontiii,
untl the r-p"itn wiJi ii-Tt be c-oinprtHid in lens tlmn 36,(a0
r ;jnl (pint to paues brevier and nuinircii type inukmg
4 volumes of near (iO p:rii:ii curti. Tne rii"rts for tha
i.t fc.'Hiun iiuide b?;n royni nuiirto pnK. and were
t.)tiiid in four volutins, averting lJii ruyul quuxtu pages
1 will publish in the ArrtNtnx for the next soiion, all
Imvn that liny le j kissed dnrintf tttc bcfuioii, w.'ii'h bus uut
been done hcrctuiorc. Allhmigli tins win inerenes in v.o
sianil ilfgrm the expense of tin; publication, the snbt:rip
ti n prii u will be llie sjiue it b-ii been for sevctal
yftur pnst
Tne Uaii.v Cluirti will be published during the ssasion
on a supcrhno d 'UMe ruyal st.e-t It will contain US
dc!fci- i u t'tKeu d-'wn by the reporters, uisd as altered
: oy inc speniscre, vnnecr iiuy ii.ite anv uirsratiom -
ifie cnriciit uc w of tin tiny nnd the iiiKenriueous tiiNtter.
I Ne nrn i t-locct ior pu.iinniiiijj tne duly paper is, to enn
ilc .Members tu see their remarks in it, and alter liiem if
they until: tn. ttk proper before they are puhliflied m the
C''!Jc.tioill (il nwA Appendix
Tdc ComrreHsionnl til the is in. tile up of the daily pro
certimH of tna tuoil uS. s of Concrrn, and printed oa
a doi.nie nynl paper, wi'b smull tvpe, (brevier and nun
p irt-il ) in (ju.irt form, ewu iiit;tiicr c 'iiuiimng sixteaa
royal ipinito tacs. Tne speeehea uf ths Members, in
th:s f irm are w (onrinnts c m tensed : he futl r;utt of
tne prepared leechea bcinir reserved fur ihe Appeudix.
All les iliitioi., ni tioim ii nd ut-n-r proceed i:ii;i, ate given
in llie form uf the JoumiiU, wilii the ywas aiiJ nays ou
every imp rumt qncMdon.
The Append.x is nude tip uf the Pre id -tit's Annus!
M-Mtfc, the tlepurts of the prmcipnl OAicers of tha
(j v'ernnieiit tint uecompany it, and sii l-eechea of Mem
l(S of Cou-frcss. written nt ur revised bv themselves
It ii pinde.l ui the name f rm as tne Cuitgressional Glnlw,
mid ukiin ly n.aUes nbuut the s;uiie number uf pages during
a Sisi u.
imriiigihe fi't month or six weeks of a session, there
in raiciy in 'i'5 busmres rt ne tliun wdl inane two uura
tiers a weekonu nf (lie ConreviiouiiJ Globe und One
of fi e Ap;ehdix, lint during the rem-' inder of a session
tlicie itnxiitily suiTieteiit iiL-ottr tor two or three numbers
ot e:ir.i mid eve.y week. Tne n-.'Xt ': t. will be u iiu tu
rn ty in'ereiMiii ; therture, 1 c-deuiMte that Ihe Cnnpr
sionaMtl ib and Appendix t k ether will nuke at least
:J6, ni0 Irtiic qanr'o paies, printni in sited! tvpe brevier
Hud n'!.jUHiel. C 'iiijilrf Indexes to butU Will be fur
uiflhed nt the end or a sofiun.
1 will iniieitvor to print a sufficient number of surplus
copies t supply all that may lie miscarried, or lust in tha
mails ; but Htlbfellhcis th.'illd be very piuticolnr tu (ils
their papers cnrefully. for fcur timt 1 sh-uiti net be able
to supply a!) the I t minibers.
If s.ilrf rilers ahull not Iw Skt sfietl with the wtrk, the
innev paid by thein for it will tx refunded lu them
whenever they return the mini hers which umv have been
received by tliem. I will give snbseribei s llie sulerip
li hi ptierfor imy of the previous vol ui net of the C'uii
s;reftioiud filobf or the Appendix, except for ihe last
session, and flunk uny pemou who will let me neve
I haves few co-iita of the hnrk vubtm-s of the Con
LT'Stiohrd lilooe nud Apnctntix for suie at 8f a vo.Uime
i b tint. I, whiih it ia nr. b:ni will tie dio swi of soon;
; and wl.rn tiny tire, lin-y will then, no doubt, comma n tied
i 1st lejtfti $ii) a voiuuif. a tiiey cannot le reprinted for
j less Uian mat sum. There uie U't back voluirs.
j For rne copy of the Daily Glob during
tlie fusion, $5 00
j For on copy of tlie Congressional Clubs
i during tlie sensinn, 3 00
j. For one copy of the Appendix during llie
j scsiiiuti, "( 00
Tlie money may lie remitted by mail at my
I risk. U i uk notes cur.'ent where a sutisrciber r
ii!r-s will lie rcceicd at pur. Sulwrriptions
I stioiild re.u li licre by the 15iU Ilccember, at
! furthest U insure the numlier.
' The prii-es fur these papers are so low that I
cannot ailiird tu credit tliem out ; therefore no
pcrs.-n need order them uidess the money accom
lianiLS the order.
Waslilngtnn City, Nov. 1851.
YS concidered hy thousands who have tested it.
as being the greatest
Scientific Wonder of the HVU!
Entirely dnin away with that laboxioua and in
jurious practics of rubbing the
And a freut sivinj of
X. Ii. To prevent fiand and imposition, (for
many are trying to palm off article, put up Uta
mine) the Propriitor, I. 1. HOVT, will put
his WRITTEN IsKiXATl RE on the top la
bel of every I'ai-kage. Anil he only asks aa
titliiteurj puhlic not to confound
with others that are in the market.
It ia put up in Packages with full directions,
and mid nt llie noniinnl price of 12) cents.
r?" PRINTERS will (1ml it greatly to advan
tage to purchase those Powders to cleanse their
being a very superior article for that purposa.
Manufactured only by I. P. HOVT, at his
Laboratory and Principal Depot, No. 10 South
Fifth Street, Philadelphia.
Wholesale nnd Retail Agents ; Henry Masser,
Sunhury 8. B. Denormandie, Northumberland
Remember the name
All letter to he post paid.
November SS, 1SS1 Oiqo.
1 AN -1 he A unual "..fcing rftha Stock
holders m tlie Sup'jury Erie Railroad Com
pany, will be ,old in pi.ilgjrlpUi. u No. 73
South FOUM ll rf.REET. (Reading Railroad
Buildings up stairs, on .MONDAY, January
I2tli, '.(,53, at 11 o'clock to tha motning. at
whir u jme 4 Election for President and Msna.
f.cra will lie held, in accordance with tha Char.
1 ter. Tha Polls will lie onea from 11 o'clock.
uoou, to S o'clock, P. M.
D. L. MILLER. Jr, President,
Casta BiaiiLS, 8c'y and Treaauraj.
December SO, 1641.41.
BLANK DEEDS pruned on the be auslltv
f parchment paper, sold at the lawest udeaa.
1 at 3V, by vb1mH) an rVi 1
I riBbury, Dao.6, 1811