SUNimitY AMElUCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. STRING OF IT1HV1S- lit Peru, a cat is worth nsmiichtna horse. Thckx are in the United Slate 1094 cotton factories, and 1519 woolen factories. A fellow just from the New York pri son says be hates Auburn locks. What is a Bloomer ?" One who panh for notoriety. Cot'NTKRFEiT $5 notes, on the York Bank are circulating. The Earth Bound in Iron. The pre sent length of the railwnvsof difiVrrnt coun tries, would exactly encircle the globe ! Dates have been grown in perfection, for the first time in this country, upon St. Simeon Island, Glynn county, Ga. Thb Newarkites are nrrilalinji the subject of a Hospital. She has forty churches, and no place for the sick and suffering. The New York Day Book cntprs to South Carolina fanaticism, and opposes Kossnlh. How characteristic '. Tub Boston Courier says thnt the 17lh inst. was the coldest December day which has been experienced since 135 Dr. Mills was liberated from the llftrris bnrg jail on Saturday evening last, and left in the cars for the East on Sunday morning. Thomas Sxvann, Esq., of Baltimore, has presented S3 000 to the Chemical Depart ment of the Maryland Institute. Thb abundance of pame in the Philadel phia market is indicative of a tough winter. So they say. If every lady in America would pive Ko. Ruth the price of a pair of new plover, he would have means enough to conquer Austria. The New Jersey State Temperance Society will meet in the city of Trenton on the 29th of January. Five persons were buried at Bordentown, on Thursday the ynunsrest being eighty-one years of age, and the eldest ninety-one. A ball is to be (riven within the palace of glass, the profits of which are to be handed over to the London Hospitals. In Cincinnati, a laborer named George Thomas, in Aashcroft's saw mill, was in stantly killed last week. Alcohol was first invented and used to stain the cheeks of the ladies ol Arabia 950 years ago. It still reddens portions of the human face. So! It has been hinted that the Aus trian Government have spies Hoggins the steps of Kossuth, and that Lola Montes is one of them. VEUKTMILi: CATTLE POWDER prepared ar BREINIG, FRONEFIELT) & CO. No. 187 North Third Street, Philadelphia. fIMlli powilef it entitled hy th united testimony of I who hnve usnl it Iw the first rank f all thin CAT TLE MKDICINK8. which have been thought praise worthy for ntnt y ytsirs. Iisleed we rhnllrng any per toinnkea superior, ol nay ovviter thnt acts in th. snnss maimer. If the nnimtil he perfectly healthy it will either iitrrenie the ntivmit itf milk or f renin ml butter ( or the iiiinsl will Improve rnniillv in fnt. It will therefore time lie eimsiilerecl we hnve no dottlit one of the stnple arti cles T every Farmer, who keeps a diary) al "f every pencil owning a hnise. It is not tie of thos. kiiHl o. ,il i n tub m tnnt merely swell an aiinnni up im time lint It will liy the enimrity which It hs of converting iiiri'i niu aliu (which is effete nmtter) into Tic Armor oleimc; causes greater amount ol iiiilritnins nmticr In lie extracted from the mine amount of food, thnn poMihtv ponM lie, were the active principle of nutrition to puss out of the svstrin in the form of llirroaic Acid We hnve received a iitult inula of evidence to prova what we hnve enid nlxive. Suffice to any : We have mixed the active agent, with a gieat lumilier of Vkiirt KLK plnittsniHl hi-rlis, which time and nee Imva proved to he nfehil, improving the appetite anil promoting digeeti.ii, of the fo l time eecuring a henllhy condition of the MoimI. from which the Mll.s mid Fat must lie formetl. It iimy at. used for Hork, Cowa and Uuos fur the follow ing eoinpbiinU and discneca. HonSF.9. YKI.LOW WATER, a dnngerniu sickness, which no strnys mnnv vnlnntile hoisci everv venr, la verv often entirely cured hy the free use of thia powder, in ail caeca it will prevent the llisc-ist from coming on. I hie ilisense la owning to a had ami impoverished stnto of the blood which become! Ihiti, wntcry and of all yvlluw color. 'I'liia powder Iit improving the stumm-h and giving to the blood a greater quantity of reil parliclce, nlt'-inls Ilia hent imrt only possible cliunca of recovery. It' tha lioree is tnr jr-'lie, give morning and night a tnhleMpooufiil in wet feed, tl' in the liegiuning once a dHy at uion, if only to pre Vent the disease twice a week. SI.AHHKUINfl. This is the rninntion of many vnluii lile Horses by exhaustion ; by a constant discharge of sali va which ought to ro into the stomach to assist digestion. It is a species of salivation often produced bv India To bacco growing in the pasture ground A i'ublcspoont'ul three times a "week will frequently nrrrst tlia flow, if it docs not depend on the Tobacco in the uriiss, midcr such circumstances tire nnimiil must Ih; kept in the stable. DISTKMI'KU. It' the powder is early anil freely used, no otner rcmeily need lie userl, it has already curcu Hun dreds of Norsk of this IrouhlcsotnediHcuse lolba surprise of those who used it. If not lisi-d earlv. Iiefore mutter h"S formed in the neck it cannot restore lira animal perfectly tmtil the matter is discharged, me it curly and prevent such a result. A Tublcspoouful onca or twice a day ia enough. OI.ANtlK.ns. This disease has laifllnl all FianiKits, fiive this powder a fuir trial and it will do wonders in tins termite nun hitherto Incurable malady, it is a disease of the gltmdunil system and kept up by imperfect nutrition, ill euch cases a Tallesioonful every day twice for a month or two, in e instant succession, will in nine ensea out of a dozen effect a cure, it hna lieen fairly tested. Coughs and shortness of llrentli depending on weak lungs, a Tiiblespooniul every morning ; if it alsiics onca or twice a week. POOK l.OW.PPintTKD HOnfKfl. or where there is any remains of Founder or stiffness of motion, and the Horse will not tntten, or where the hair is rolign ami LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND nil dieworlilnfr. fmm n (.iBorderrd llm w Btn mnrh, mrh nsofiiitttipntinii, Inward lile. Vullnent, m W.vkJ t the henrt, Aeidify of the Btmmer.. Nminrn, Promneh.ttmrErnrtnlinni. ttnicin or flntterinf M the pit of the 9tunneh. awimmiiiff nf the Itentl, hurried nnd dilTirult brrathiitfr, fluttering nt the hrnrt, rh'-kiiiff or tiffmitiiig nrnmlinim whfn hi n lyint rMnliirff, 1itmieMi nf inHn. d t nor welrt boforRthn tinhf, Kevr imd dull pnin in th hPfid, flrfirtenry of pfrttpinili'm, vellowiifMiof the Jkm nnrt ryrn, ptiiti in the nide, hnrk. rnont, Hiiiii. Ac, nudtln flnidifi of hwit hurninc in tlm fli-nh. ciimtnnt inincininiri nf evil, nnd grrtit deprrtion of spirit, CAN 11 K KFFKCTITAI.IjY Cl.nKD nY DPw KCOFLAITB'S tKLEBRATED C3 EH MA IS BITTEns, THKrARKD BY DR.C. M. JACKSON, AT TUB GERMAN MEDIC1NR STORE, Ko. 1-0 Arch St., Flillndrlpliln. Their power over the nhove dinennrs in not i-xepllnl, if eqiinllril, tiy nny oihr prtjwirntiim in the 1 "nit! fhii, nt tlie cureB Dttvst, in niuny cukb niier Kkilliul physa-iuni hurt fnilt'tl. Thene UitlPTi nre worthy they nttntlion of invtiliiU. PoHseraing rrnit virttien in lite rv'iifiruliii i-f diiwiwnnf Die Liver hiuI Irracr pliniiU. exiTriwrg the nv l m-iitrliiiiR poxverg in wcnkni'm nnd titoulicn oi the iltlivc org.-ui, they nre, witlml, kh'c, cerlnin nnd plniint'. f From the H Hit on lift. Tlie Editor iid, Ore. id 'L)H. lloOFt.AMl'i ('KI.flDHATBn f tKBM . 71 ttlTTF.Bfl fof the enre of l,iver (ntnpl;iint, Jsouidire. Dynp'-psin I lir"inc or .rrvniis Urbihty, i ilr!rvolly one hi the mom pop!! Inr incli('inra of the diiy. 'I'lipse llitleia h:ue Ihtii ift hy tli'MiKtmln, Htid n friend nt our ellv-w myn he hus hini ! self n'fivt'd mi eiTvtn:il nnd pprmntient pure of Liver : Compltiint from (he nn'ot thin remedy. htp eonvim-t-d ; Hint, intie nne ttf them Itiltern, the vitint constantly ' psriiii ntrHiiffth nnd vijjor n fuel wortliyof preid eonwidr ; rntion. J'(iy nre ptr:i;mt in tnnte nnd nmt'll. nnd enn lie i nwii I iv rnrinn with IhemostilpliPiite tomiMh with wte ; ty. under tiny rirpmiit:iiiee8. M nre ttppukinii from tx I perienee. and to the nHliftPd we udvine their nse." I 1Stott Wffki.v." one of tho best Liltrnry pnpert ' puhlishcd, Kiid, Ant;. In. IIooflsd Gkbmax Bittkr, mnnnf;iPlnred hy , Tr. J teksvin. nre n iw rer immHiided hy innnc f the m-wt pmrniiirnt iiipnilM'rn f the Inrul'y im un nrliele ol inn eh eth:ey in enn.'s of leurite wenkiipsn. An sneli in the ' cuse, we would ndvie nil mothers to ohlnin n Imtrle, nnd ) thnn siivp thenim-lves mueh sieknecs. Pers mn nf dehilitn 1 ted cuimiitnti'inH .will find tht-se Hitters inUMiittmitui to j their liPitllh, ns we know from Pxperienre the salutary I efleet they huvc upon week systems." More Evukncc. The "rhilndolphin f;iturdy liiizrtte." the nest f.itnily ; iiewspare! puhliblied in the L'nited 5Uiti'S. the editor snjs . of D) iitroflttiitVs Gentian Bitters "U is spldm '. ui ve reoininend wliat nre termed Pn- tent .Meilictiii'S. to in- nnilelence nnd oainmnL'O of our renders; nnd, theielnre, hen we recommend Dr. Hnnf. WE STUDY TO PLEASE. 1'IIK attention of TluiMera and others, ara respeetfully in vittl to the estensive and well aeleeled atoek ef III ll.lHMl HAHUWAREAsnTOdl.t, now offered hy the auliseriber, eousistinfr in part as follows: Anieitenu l'ront Uisir lxieks, uprighl. with night work, pluled or brass furuiluro, or porcelain all eolora. Ainerienn I'niut Door locks. upright, phln, with uiKht work, ilutcd or brass furuiluro, or porcelain all cofota. American Front Door I vies and flora Door, Horizon tal or upright, brass furniture, or porcelain all colors. American Him Iincka, all sizes nnd qunlitiea. Whita or brass furniture, or poreclniunll colors. American .Mortice lieka, all sizes, with plated, whila or hrasa furniture, or norcelnin all colors. Ainerienn Mortice Uiti hcs, all sizes, with plnted while or brass furniture, or pnrccluiu nil coi ns. Ainrncan rtlortice nnd icim t Inset leks, pmieti 01 uruss escutcheons, or norccLiin nil ctlors. .American urop, rtop, Tliuiub, unte, nnd store i;oor lICIICS. Alsi. ttnnoitert Ixtck and Irfitelicsof eveiv description. Huldwin's. ami Auicrican Unit llimtcs. of all sizes, fust or loose i..ittt. Shutter, (Inte, Plrnp, T.yid ll:iekHip ITinges, all Kinils. flintier, Unte. Tlonr, PhiSnud Spring Unit, of wrought or diet iron and brurs. everv dcscripti',11. ferews. fprnrs. Illue, ftiuvl Piipcr of the best quality. Ainerienn Axle uud flmin Axle I'ullcvs, of every vnrii'ty. Amerititi Uuttona, plain or on plates, brnss, iron, or bmnzed. Ainerienn X0I1S, plnted, white, iron, or wood, all kinds. Push-Cord, cniunon mid patent, with other iirliclua too numerous to infution. tW XAII.S nnd PASII-WKIlillTS at FAC'I'onY I'lllt-I'S. iy All OoiKlsd. livereil flee of Charge to any part of the Citv and Districts. At this eslaMisluneiit can be found one of the largest nnd best ass rluic nts of White nnd l-'nney Nobs for IH-ks, Ac., ill the Citv: Borne pnttcrns, of which, cannot be seen, or obtained, ill nuv other More. Ttllll.f. Spun A .luc k's .u's Hack, Panel. Hand, nnd T.ipp fnws, linp'Tlcd cxprcaply lor Helnil snlcs, nil scn cicu wuuenre. role ngcnl (mi the celebrate 1 rtnnee, luaoc 10 r.. . . i-i- peutiT, or liucasrer, Pa., bciiiir nil ninile ol spilt wikhi, nnd the Hilts gmuivl mid tried. Ileum 's tt Williuins' make of Chisels. Axes, llutchcts, Drawing Knives, ftc., nil wur- rnnteit tT'HHt. Pupil's nnd Slack's make of Angers nnd Auger Hilts, nl Sizes Ainerienn f ijunrea nnd llevus of every ilenerti tton. Alncrican Kules, Utilises, r-nwsetls, Coinpuhees, Screw drivers. ,1 c. American C. 8. Hammers, Claw nnd Riveting, nil sizes, Anvils nnd Vices, nil sizes. fieid. Iron, nnd Wooden Unices, with C. f. llitts, 111 gnut varielv. W. lireavce ft S n's. nutclier's nnd oilier celebrated makes of Chisels, piles. Plnne-1 rous. Ar.. Ar, Ad.lis's celebrated C, Irvine Toots, nil shapes .Making one of the best ami most extensive ass irtnients of llnilduig llardwnre and Tin da in the Slate. At this cstahlixlimcut it is run iilcn d n pleasure to show the Goods. You are invited to call nud examine the nSK'Tt ment. and licnr the prices nsked, belore purclmsing else where. Come and see us. Yours, rcsneetfullv. vm. m. Mccu nr. No. 27 Market St.. Iictwecn 7!h and 6th, upper aide, rhikiililphiii, April 1'J, 101. ly. A Panther was killed in Athens county Ohio, a few days since, by Eli Dnrant. It was one of the,"rale critters" weighed 130 pounds, and measured fight feet in length. A LACY of fashion stepped into a shop no! long ago and asked the keeper if he had any matrimonial baskets, she being too polite to say "cradles." Thb Delaware River is frozen tight, op posite Philadelphia city. The Schuylkill lias been in that condition for some days past. The Hackensack river was frozen ever on Wednesday night, for the first time in many years. The cold during the eight was intense. Thb river is closed up at New Hope which it has not done before at this season of the year, more than once or twice in twenty years. Michigan Election. Tho official returns show a majority of 6926 for McClelland, Dem. for Governor, and 4297 majority for Barry, Dem., for Lieutenant Governor. Virgil was so fond of salt, that he seldom went without a boxful! in his pocket which he made use i f from time to time, as men of the present day use tobacco. Thb total number of persons received into the Maryland Penitentiary, during the past two years, has been 212, of which 107 were from Baltimore. Bulls are not confined to Ireland. There is a perpetual advertisement in the London papers, of "unmarketable shares, every tie criDlion uf which, Ihe advertiser slates, "he continues to buy and $ell .'" WinrmG tub Old Gentleman Ropnd the Stump, A lady of the Peace Society has sent $30 for the relief of Hungarians who may be wounded in the battle for Freedom. Costly. The New York Mirror, says that the New York City Fathers have al ready expended some 100,000 in connec tion with the Hungarian ovations in that city ! Several application have been made to the Auditor of the State of Illinois for au thority to do a banking business under the law recently appioved by the people of the State. The Cincinnati Enquirer says that well executed counterfeit five and ten dollar notes on the Farmers1 bank of Philadel phia, have been put in circulation in that city. They a have bar-room in California one hundred and fifty feet long, in which are em ployed forty bar-keepers, eighteen hours out ot twenty-four, in retailing liquors, at twenty fine cents a-glass. Handel, was such a raiser, that at the very time he was in receipt of fifty pounds a night from the opera, he was frequently known to wear a shirt for a month, to save the expense of washing. . The Bank or England having caused one of Hobb's famous locks to be applied In a safe, no ooo in tha establishment was able loopen it, and Mr. Hobbs had to be sent for before Ibe business of the department oould begin. A Fox lately entered a house in England, and, seizing an infant which lay asleep in lis cradle, dragged it by the throat to the fields. When pursued, h dropped its unusual prey, a d made off, but Ihe child was picked up quilt dead, , v , Stands straight out, the food seeinin to do no good, the I "'' enn ui Hitlers, we wis it to lie distinctly under Powder produces almost immediate improvement 01 ina auimul ; the digestion improves and with it all the slue. frislmess of the auimul disappears, becoming lively ami spirited, and the liuir smooth and slick. COW. For Milking Cows, we are fully convinced that It not onlv improves the quality, but thai it increases the amount of Al ilk. Cream mid liutier t soma who have tried the ex periment say a Pound a Ycek. others tuty halt a pound while one person insisted upon it that he made two pounds more a week from di Cous. We think it will lie found to average from a I pto a pound per week on ench Cow. if the Cows nre peitevtly healthy. This additional amount is made by the conversion of the Hippurie Acul into Nitro genous owl fatty compounds ; also by supplying the oxy gen taken in by the lungs, with the elements ol renetiou ; without taking nuv of the Nitrogenous portion of the feed. HOLLOW HORN or WOI.K; HOOK DISKAtSK. and all other diseases of neat cattle depending upon a bad state of the fluids, ore removed speedily nnd elfectnally.- Cows, whose milk is blue, thin and watery and whera it does not yield much cremn, or where Cows give bloody milk, or which nre used to atmlil long dry, it will h found an almost iufullible remedy, by improving the condition of the blood nnd creating n healthy digestion ; a Tablespoon ful every day or every other day as it uuiy b necessary. HOGS. Tigs m the summer often overheat themselves, get swal led necks, coughs, ulcers in the Lungs and Liver, whicti cruise them to die very suddenly, these limy be prevented entirely by putting a pound or a half into a iturret of swill ; ami it will at the same time considerably hasten the fatten ing process. X. IJ. In an animal which is giving- milk and you are desirous to fatten tit the same time, you should liot give more than n tublespoonful once a week or it will retniilthe forinntion of fat by increasing the amount of Milk. Let eaea person try its effects for himself and ha wil S'Sin he satisfied of its excellent qualities, and that no Fur liter should be without it. i For the purpose of rinding out still further how far oui I justly celebrated CATTI.K I'OWDKH. is entitled to the j contidenee of an intelligent people; we hnve addressed ' letters to all parts of the United States, where our I'ow rier has been used, and we are able now from the evidence lluil brought before us, to nssure every Farmer, jliary man and llorse-mnn, that it has thus fur veiy mueh ex ceeded our most Minguine expectations. Willi the additional knowledge thus tar obtained, hi Hops we will be eiuibleil to make the liest and most per fect Cattlk Mkdicinr ever yet odcrcd to a discerning people. It acts na a valuable promoter of digestion, iia nroves the nnalilv of the blood and thus increases tha amount of either Fat, Milk and consequently of Batter. J-jVeu in the lieatthy Animiil Jteware ol Counterfeits as tha extensiva sate or aiir Eowder hits induced others to make an imitation of it. ACh pack has our written Signature on tha end. Httr,iiti, rnu.r.rir.t.u a lu. Philadelphia. July Wl, 1831 ly. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At II in Cabinet Ware lloom of , SEU'N IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Aho of the corner of Faim utrtet (V the Railroad SUNBUItY, PA. Thankful for tlie patronage of his friends and ruatomrra during the 17 yeara lie hna lavn in litiai neaa in tliia place, lie solicit from the public a con tinuance of their favors. Dnritin; this period lie hna emlrnvorcd to keep up with the. improvements of the tiny, nnd litis: nfconlitiRly extrndrd his Inisi- nran m every branch nud variety. 1 lie pulilic arc therefore invited to the attention of the present stork of CAIUMiT WAR!? AND CHAINS, MANUFACTVItF.n II V SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old ftnnd, Where in addition to their former atock of the establishment limy now inunufurture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. L'trqe Spriwr Settt Rocking Cmirs, Dresshiir lUirmus, Centre Tables, Mirble Top Wash Stands, and a vnricfi of other new style and I'.-itliioiialitc Fiimiiurr. Having sertiretl a Ilcnrse nnd made the no.-es- snry nmiincenientH for tho tuirnose, thev are. now prepared for 1 'liderlakinu; in till il branches, in IIiih vi ittitv or ut any convenient distance. , Ye maids and mistresses, nud husliands Po, Here's furnilure of every style nnd hue, Fran side Umrds ilmni to kitchen tables, From rocking chairs to locking cradles Should yon not hnve the rendy John to pay, We'll wait awhile fir a brighter littler day, fir lake potatoes, oats, corn, wheat nad rye; Hark, lump poles, slaves, or hunlier wet and dry, Or any thing but yokes nnd threshing ll-ils, Ftoin pigs nud turkics down to little quails. Come on then friends, come one nnd all, Keep trndc a moving, so "goee, on the IkiII." CfT" Orders from a distance promptly attended to nntl work ot all kind!) delivered with dispatch Kunliury, Munli a, 1S5II tl JUNK N()TETAin.K. "CORRECTED WEEKLY. MAEBLE MANUFACTORY, CHEAP GRAVE STONES. TWE subaprilier informs his friends and the i,,,!, ip. thnt bp continues to enrrv nn tlie Marble II names in all it brunches, at his old stand in Milton, Pa., and is prepared to uiaiiu fact tl re Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c, of the heat materials, and most finished work innnship, nnd at the lowest prices. Letter Cutting, Eiiclinh and Uernian in tin most modern and elegant style. Designs for Monuments, Grave Stones, &c., always on hand. N. B Orders for the East side of the river promptly executed hy leaving the same at the ollice of the "Sunbury Amerirun." ANTHONY HIPP. Milton, May 10, 1851. stisid that we nre u it spenking of the nostrums of the nny.ttint are noised im-mt i-.r a laiel period end men lor. f:oiten nttei tney niiYeii iue nicir guilty nice oi imsciiiei. att of a medicine long established, muvcrs-illy prized, and which lias met Hie hearty approval ol ihe r nculiy ilseit." r.videilee uiMin evidence has been received (like the foreiroiiic) fioin nil sections of the I'uioii. tha bed tbr-e venrs, nnd the strongest testiinouv in its favor, is. that I there is moie of it userl in the practiced" the regular Phy. siciaus of Philadelphia, than nil other nostrum combined, a fact that can easily be established, and fullv proving that a scienlilic preparation will meet with their quiet upprovnl when prercnled even in Ibis b.rm That this medicine will cure Liver Coinnlaiot nnd Ilys pepsin, no one enndoubt. after using it ns directed. It nets specificnlly upon the stomach and liver it is prellcrable to culolnei in nil billions diseases the effect is itniiiediate. They can he ndiusistered to Female or Infant with safely and reliable benefit, at uuy time. HKWAUF. OF COI'NTF.RFF.IT. This medicine has nt.niucd that high ehatacter which is necessary for all medicines to uttaiu to induce eounteifeilers to put forth n spurious urlicle ut the ritk of the hvea of those are iuii'ieeutly dcielved. LOOK WF.LLTO THK MARKS OF TIIF, OF.NTINF.. They hnve Ihe written signature of C. M. J ACKSON upon the wnipper, and Ihe nume blown in tlie lioltle, with our which they nre sputious. For rile, wliolesnle uud retail, at the German Medicine Store, No. V30 AllCH Street, one door Mow Sixth, (l ite of 2! Hncp street.) I iiilndelphia, nnd by respectable (tellers generally throughout the country. rnici:f ni-:nrcr.D. Te. enable all classes of invalids to enjoy the advantages of tneir (real reetorutive powers. Single Bottle, 75 cents. For sale by H. Masher. Sunbury, and M. A. M'Cav. orthunilierlitnd. August 30, 153I. 1 y. The undersiirneil have entered into Co-part nership under the lirm ol KIMI1Y LAWRENCE, TO CABBY ON THK Paper & Rag Business, At No. 5, Minor Street, Philadelphia. V "irHERE (hey intend keepiti- a large assnrt- " ment of papers, &c, consisting in part as follows : M' riling papers; wova and laid, American and English. llnth Peats and Note papers ; wove and laid, gilt and plain. Folio Posts, Flat Caps. Printing Papera. 'all sizes. Hardware paper, from 19 by 21 to 40 by 48. Colored and white tissue papers, American and English, llolliugsworth's Patent Manilla papers, isou.vrY 1AI AND PENSION AGENCY. The attention of the public is called to the ad verlisement of Mr- Charles C- Tucker, Attorney and Ascnt ut Washi;lon City- Persons hav ing; claims fur bounty I, anils or Pensions arc in formed that the subscriber has made arrangements for the requisite forms, and claimants culling nt his ollice, can have their papers prepared and forwarded to Mr- Tucker ut Washington, and by him be properly attended to before the De partment there. H. 13. MASSEK. Stiiihurv, .Ian. 18, 1S51 T. S. BOOST'S AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Selinsgrove, Pa. docks, WsifclM'M a lit! Jewelry, T EPA IKED in the best manner and warranted la liertoroi well All work intrusted to his care will be strictly atlended to. Selinsorove, Nov. 30. IK.jO. II. New Music .lust Published. TT EE c WAI.KEK, No. ir,2 Chesiiut st., gfj are constantly publishim? and receiving;, new and beautiful music from the most itistin- uislied composers The follow im' list contains some of their choi cest and most popular iSouiis, Waltzes, Polkas, vVc. Now, thou art Gone, a beauliful sonq;, words by Thomas J. Diehl, music by Jlamhrid?,e. . Mv New England Hume, words and tausio by Mrs" I,. Wade. (irobe's Omnibus; by C. (iridic a collection of LUu-lts. Sounds from Home, piano and violin, by Jos. (illllg'l. Pretty Little Tolkas for Pretty Little People, hy J. All the Winds aje Sleeping, by A. S. Worn rcv, (itinrdinu Ansel, by the author of "Love Not.'' Household Words, written by Chus. 'J'he Adieus, words by Thomas J. Diehl, mu sic by Horr. I. EE & WAI.KKIt have constantly on hand, superior Pianos, and a supply of Martin s Cele brated (iuilars, which together with a line as sortment of Musical Instrument and Merchan dizo in general, comprise a stock not to he sur passed by that of any other estublishmnnt in the country. LEE 5t HAl.M.K, 1C3 Chesnut street, Swaim'e building Philadelphia, June 28, IS31. ly. N,() CUItK NO PAY I Hughes' Fever and Ague Pills!! , PERFECT and speedy cure for the Fever - and Ague is guaranteed to any one who j may use the Pills. They have been used for the i last wit yrars and hae never la-en known to ftil in a single instance and in cases, too. Colored and white Shoe papers, common and ! where persons have had the discas for several extra sizes. Huff Envelope papers. years, without intermission. Ihe proprietor TO DYSPEPTICS. rIIE subscribers offer for sale Cheltenham Salt, in invaluable remedy fur this disease; it is an exact imitation of the water of the cele brated Cheltenham Spring of England, which has lieen found so beneficial in cases of Dysup- in, IJilious l oinplnints, f-ick Headache, Habit ual Costiveness, &c, and is particularly recom mended as a substitute for Seidlitz Powders, as it acts both as a tonic and gentle purgative. A Pamphlet containing an analysis of the water and directions for its use, accompanies each bottle. Price K8 cents per bottle. The subscribers also prepare highly concen trated Essence of Pure Jamaica Ginger. Price J5 cent r tattle. Full Vaialusnes of drugs with prices attached furnished Physicians gratis. Also priced Cata logues of l'ui e Chemicals fur analytical Chemists. The attention of Druggists is particularly in vited to our stock of fine drugs, chemicals, &ic. BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, 0th & Arch Street, Philadelphia. October 25, 1851 4ino. Colored Printing and Cover papers, Manilla papers, all sizes, fila.ed Koyal, all co lors. challenges tlie VftilU to produce an article that will cure in a short a tune, without leaving any deleterious effects from the use of it. If the Pills Druggist, Blue Medium and Filtering papers, do not perform a speedy and perfect cure, ths Tea. Secret and Colored papers lor coulee turn- proprietor win return ma money, r or sine uy Jacob S. Lawrence, Mincrsv ille ; E. llellen 1 stein, Trevorton : s. H, Dixon, Schuylkill Ha- I ven ; John W. Friling, Sunbtirv ; Mary A. Me I -.,. V. ...!,..... .1 . iw u...,i..i., ii..... ;n. I John Sliarpless, Cattawissa ; Dr. Judd, Williams port; John liascr, Milton, and by respectable ! Druggists throughout Ihe State. J. C CUTIS C. II COil ES, Proprietor. I Poltsville, June 28, 1851. ly. TREVORTON HOUSE, TREVORTON, PA. THE suliserilwr resjiectfully intorms the publ'. that he has opened a Public House, in tl i new town of Trevorton, Northumberland county and that he is well prepared to accommodate hit guests in the best manner. His house is located neanv opposite the Company store. He is also provided with good stabling sufficient for 20 hor ses. He trusts by prompt and careful attention to business to meet a share of Ihe public patron age. HENRY IJ WEAVER- Trevorton, Jan- II, 1850 tf- CJILVF.R WATCHES A few double cases English Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by . H. B. MASSE Iw Sunbury, April 12, 1951. NOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT- CUES An excellent article, for sale al uall Ihe usual price by J W. FAILING, Sunbury, July 7. U49 Rag, Manilla nnd Straw wrapping papers. Dnnnet, Binders, liox, Cup uud Trunk boards. White and Bull' Envelopes ; Legal, Letter, Note and Card sizes. Agents for Bliss, Potter tf Co s Printers' Cards in packs and sheets, white and colored odd si res, cut to order. Also, their Gilt, Figured and Plain glnzcd papers. JOSEPH RIM BY, late of SS N. Third st. N. S. LAWRENCE, late of No. 3 Minor st. X. B. 500 Tons of Rags wanted in exchange for cash. Philadelphia, July 28, 1851 . 6mo. UNION HOTEL, STTNBTJRY, PA. riHE MISS WEITZEL'S resiwctrully mform sL the Pulilic thnt they still continue to enter- luin travellers and others ut their old established stand in Market street, west of the Court House. Their lona experience in the business, uud the well established reputation of their House, will, they trust, be a sufficient guarantee, that their customers will lie well accommodated. March 8, 1851. if. AMERICAN HOUSE, P0TTSVILLE, PA. MRS. MARY WEAVER resiiectfully tnformi the public and travelling community general ly. Iliat she has opened this large and commodious HOTEL, furnished in a superior style, lroni her long experience in the business of a first rate Hotel, and well known reputation to accommo date, her customers may deend on being supplied with every thing conducive to their comfort and convenience. Feb. 15. 1851 tl MASHACAl:fKTT9. All solvent hnnks I dll HIIODK I rl,AAD. All solvent lu,ks I tlia COMNKUTICL'T. i All solvent hanks I ills iNEW YORK. riTv. parlAII solvent Links I ills I inniliTMik antes un.lor S3 J uis - corrTHv. i All solvents Isinks 1 dis m-:w JKitsr.v. llelviilere Hank J ilis I ill! PENNSYLVANIA. CITV Of rHILADKLPHIS U. . Hank notes 16 dis All solvent hunks put enrsrsr. Hank of ChamlK-rshurg 1 (lis iiuiiM in i.ncsir-r v:o. per Hank of Del. Co. Chester purj itaiiKiu ucrninmowii Hank of Oiityshiirg Hank of'is!nwu Hank nfMiihlletowil 1 dis Montirninery Co Hank par jmuik oi .nortiiuinlierl lid. pnt Hank of Pittshtirir 1 (lis Coll .-rcinl Hank li-uiK ol llnnville pari I-nr. H ink Mont Molly par Carlisle Uauk I (lis K. M .Mehlletowii I't. par linnliin ll'k A ll'ire Co l.ar1.l1llllllics, Hk. Newark iMir lloyi-lstown Hank jmrLMech. Hk of Hiirliutou isir vision Hank pur Much, k .Alan. Hk Trent par '.rie Hank 9 ilis Morris Co Hank I ills Kxehanee ll'k Pittsjbiirst I (lis Newark Hk'jr ft Ins. Co j (lis I'.xchaiige Ilk, Hrniich 1 (lis ( Irunire Hank litis Farmers' Hk, HucksCo par 'People's Hk Patterson J (lis io ns, irfineasier pnr:i riucnoii nans pur Farmers' Hk, Ucvulme luir Salciii llnnkiiie Co, par iMirui. Ilk sv-lmylkill Co par.cinerret Co Hank j ilis r n ii. i,k Mivu, slt'(r 1 litis Mate Hank III l.aill'len (sir Franklin Ilk. Wash'n ij.lisiSlate Hk J .Its llarrislnirjj Hank I dis State Hank Newark j dis lloni-silalc II ink 1 ilis Shite Ilk. X. Himiswick nar Liiiienster Hank nar. Sussex Hank. Newton I ilis l.elniuon Hank i,-iri Pri,iitnii Hiiiikinir t'.t. o-ir Merch. A Man. Hank I ilis I'uioii Hank. Dover 1 .lis .Miners' II k. I'oiisville per Vnnllew'le A Del Dr C. I ."..lis lahela llnuk I ilis tV'Hk 'notes under 5 j (lis Taylorsv'e Del Co 13 dis DF.I.AWAKi:. est llrnn. li H ink par Hank of Delawnre per W yolmin? Ilk, YVilkcsh'e iiarillank of Sinvnia ir York Hunk. I dis Delaware citv Hank par IVItclicf notes ) dig lk YVihntr'iieV Hrundyw. kii MAINK. l-'ariners' Ilk Si Delaware wir Hankof 'hi-tl.ick 5 dis I'ni. n Hank. Wilmington ir M. rcaiililc Hk. Hmigor llldis tV L'lider RTs ! dis All s -lvent hanks dis flllH). NF.W IIAMI'SIIIItl!. All solvent U-uiks 9 ,11s All solvent iKiuks dis l7"Hk iimN-s under .Vs I ilis VI'HMdNT. Hank of St Allsins All s dvent U.nks 9 ilis j dis Ndlt'lll C.MtOI.INA All solvent link a ,i I Vl'iulerS's, Sj , J. II. ZIMMERMAJM, Jl'STIl'13 OF TUB I'E.ICK, Sunbury, Pa. Ollice in Deer Street, immediately opposite the i'tihlic fvliool House. I If" Monies collected and ail lilisiness motnnllv sad care. fully utteiiih-tl to. April Uil, 1S50. l)ROVN'S Esskxc'E OF JAMAICA CIX--J liEli, an excellent article. Raiiwat's Medicated Sioap for sun burns, tan, tetter, tc. Railway's Circassian liulin, for the hair daiul- rull' &v. Railway s Ready Relief for Crumps, Cholie, Cliulcra Morbus, i.c. For sale by 11. 11. MASTER. Sunbury, lug. 3, 1850. "iliicournsc Your Otvn!" HAAS &RENN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. HiUT. sulmcribers respectfully call the attention of Ihe public to their large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of (MIIIlTRT-lVAKFs. which cannot fail to rci ommem) iNelf toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durubls workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the Iwst stock to bo Imd in the city. No effort fs spared in the iiiumifncture of their ware, and the stibscriliers are determined to keep up with tha ninny improvement which are constantly being made. Their stock consisls of Mahogany " Koran, UtvniiN nml Lotuir, Uurtitus, sccrctmfcs, Suicfco.irts, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DIMNG TABLES. 'nd also VEXETIAX RLIXDS, equal to Phila- delphin maniifucture. DEDSTEADS. of every pattern nnd Tn,-c, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CA DI.K STANDS, TOILET TABLKS AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their luis. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities CITAIKS, 'ncludniff viinrtion nrvcr hofnrp to 1 Imd in Sun.mry, biu-Ij n Mahokant, Buck Walsutt AMI (Vltl.KII MaI'.K flllKCIAV ; A 1 'iMiMU (HAIIvS. ami KANt T Pia8tooi,. whirlmrtof tlie lulest Ktylos, nnd warr:in!rd to I exrp.lod none niHnufiH'hirrd in the Cities or rl-cwhrre. Tlie suWrilirrs are detrrminrd that tliere slmll he no exrtise for persons t ymrrliase rurniture in thri ities, asevrry rorifitlrnce can lie entertained jikiut tlie quality and linisli of their war and Chitirs. I Tin ir urt'h lit will l.rt .T;u.nJn.i r i It ii.kv l.-nxlii m.f if...1i...k. t..r - r. Terms ns iliev r:i nitniHilly lin.-d at Hn mil ti-'vcrmii.-nt, with a iimr- n ih unit fmnilrir Mf'itiaiiit.-incfl with tlif iitf.-s.Hiry I'ln'ms. mul nml i ni n' lmmi'iM, nml havinir nccr-niK tn ItctjiMiTu mul Holla Itltii in Him I , S. war nilin. lie pmimira iVn-iiii it t itt thr BpiMilj- nad itini';ictry ailjuslntciil ot" Liv-rium-al 1.1 it 118 itl l'VTV kiml. liy a late Act ot' Omi-rpBs. Hniinly Twiud gninteil tit thf i.tlu-ern unit sli1tTt i tit wsir in'l-ls, tnul nt the ;iri ri' ms Imiiaa warn, Mii- t- ITtKI. T.i tlium- vhn nurvi'cl imi Mi'itittis JtHi nrrcn; to Ih p who rtervol t'otir iumihs bll aiTt ?: ami to th s? who scrvrtl one uvmtli 411 aeres. Arraiii-nifiits haw lieen mailt with Keinh turn of Ihe Jfral rot'estion in ilillerml wrtiong nf t lie t'oiinlry, lor tin- loeation t' warmnm, atitl the Kile of the put nil is , when iwnttl, on tin? most ailviiiitniremm tt-rniB; lor the iavincnt of tnttn, nileinpttoii of lantid. i i!d lor taxef : roH,-eti -a ot ilt-litu; not t'i-r the tiaiiKirlion of general I aw laiKine&s, iu tlip fhuVrpnt Siatrn ami IVrriloriin. He tenilem htn --r teen to nicidIhth nf (he pr..feBii.ii al n itintaiiee. iiii'l when i'Iioihm MS iiraU tlie i-riiim nt. are pre-prir'-rl liy a I ful Ayvnl. will aUtte one IimIi'Iiiii nuial fee. I'lie iH'i-ensiiry for inn mul iiMtnieltoii!". and iiiformatinn in all pnliieetw ni'periaioiMir I't u fiieeeHsinl prowcMti n of this Itnniitt'HR, will be t'irntnliel to regular Corr..i(leiit8 will. ml rliaiL'e, Pcm tii'i (h-siriiiii inf r mrtl i-m of friend ia thenriuy ir navy, will f award I him all tho particular, known of their pet vie, toirether with a fee of one dollar, and thir rit'iii rit will In replied to dy return of mail. All coiiuiiuiiie.-i-ti n to Ik; (pukpaih.) and iKl'Irefs.-.l t fllAKI.KS O. TITKKR. (IVot 167, V. ( ) WuBhim-ton, U C. Drrnnlier 2, tr'tU. I'liiMttnLi'tm MEDICAL HOUSE. ESTABLISHED 15 YE.YI1S AGO BY Hl. KIXKKLIX, . If, Corwr i) Thifl and lrnim Streets, r.iT',rr.r.. si'iirrr. ami i-iki: t!u:i:ts, i ADVIJCTESH.taKT Bounty Land ami Pension Agency, WASHINGTON, D. C. r 111-, iiiiil'-rsiL'iii-tl Alt'ini.-y nml n.-n.-ml Ac.-nt nt the X 1- L'ity nl' WiisliiiiL'to in lie tiuri'liaicd elsewhere. Conn. try Produce taken in pavment for work. Cr K.N UKK'I'AKlSti. Huvint; provided lliemseles with a handsome Hkaiihk, thry ars now prepnred for rinli-rlakinr;, and attending fu nenils, in thin virinitv. or at anv rnnwnisni .liw. I tanee from this place. I v ihe Ware Koom is in Mnrke Street, opposite J. Young's store, and near! oppusita Weaver's Tavern. DAMRLHAAS. URdKUU ItRNN. Sunhun-, Dec. M, 1850 tf. 3";, K lO K sale at this ollice. buterior Black Ink Cattle Medicine at 25 eta, Pure Essence of u nger, na cents. 1 A Alurva . . 1 ; Iv ' curranl curon, cheese, pepper Huu, joi saw oy j. w, r nlLl.MJ Hunkury, Uec.S, )84t. L'8'nCES' FEE BILLS. For sale lie U. B. MAMEK J anbury, U PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD, si. m in ahbam;i:ikn r from rillLADKUMUA AXD roTTrtVIU-K. Farci Reduced. LAAViaiNCE HOUSE. SUNBURY, PA. riHE suhscrilier reieetfiilly informs lier friends I and the pulilic gent-rully, that sho lias taken the ahove well known stand nearly opposite the Court House, lately occupied by Mr. j. C. Per kins. She trusts that her experience in business, and her ellbrU to make her guests comfortable, will give entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor her with their custom. ANN C. MOKR18 March 8, 1851. tf. GOLD PENS with and without silver cases just received, and for sale br U BMASSKR Funbury, Anril 4 ISM Office of the Phila. If Reading Ruilroail Co Philadelphia, March -(, 1851. Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) N and after April 1st, 1851 two trains will lie run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsville MOHXIXG L.VK. Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily except Suiuluvs. Leaves Pottsville at 7J A. M. daily except Sun- davs. AFTKRXOO.V UXE. Leaves Philadelphia. at3j o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 3 o'clock, daily, except Sundays. FARES, Between Philadelphia and Pottsville, $3.75 1st class cars and $2.25 2d class cars. Between Philadelphia nnd Beading, 31.75 1st class cars, and $1.45 "d cluss cars. Depot in Philadelphia, comer of Broad and Vine tlicets. Pasieimers cannot enter the cart unless provi ded with Ticket. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will lie al lowed to each passenger iu these lines; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will lie at the risk of its owner. By order of the Board uf Managers. 8. UKAUFOKD, April 19, 1851. Secretary. piT.E WHITE B HANDY FOB PRE.sEK Y1NG, just receive! and or sale by II B. MA8SEB- Sept 28, 1850. XTKACT CF GINGER. A fresh supply just received and for sale at this ollice. Pi ice 25 cents. Snnbiuy, July 1. 1W1. S5() FO 11 FN.IT. HUNTER will forfeit ."ji.'iO, if failing to cure anv c.ise of secret ilisease that mav come under his caie, no mutter how long stand ing or alllictiiig. Either s.-x nre invited to his Private Idioms, North SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia, without fear of interruption by oth er patients. Strangers and others who have been unfortunate in the selection of a physician are invited to call. Those who have injured themselves bv solitarv vice are alse imitcd. READ AND REFLECT. The alrlirtcd would do well to relied U-fore trusting their health, happiness, and in many cases their lives, in the hands of physicians, ignorant of this class of maladies. It is certainly impossible for one man to understand all the ills the human family are subject to. Every resjiectablo physician has his peculiar branch, iu whirh he is more success ful than his brother professors, and to that he de votes most of his time and studv. YEAR.S OK PRACTICE, 'exclusively duvo tcd to the study and treatinent of diseases of tlie sexual organs, ogethcr with ulcers upon t'oe bo dy, throat, nose, or legs, pains in the head or bones, mercurial rlic umatisiu, grawd, irreguhiri ties, diseases arising from youthful excesses or impurities of the blood, whereby tiie constitution has become enieenled, enables the Doctor to oiler speedy relief to all who may place themselves under his care. Philadelphia. April 1!, 1S51. ly. Valuable PROPERTY FOR SALE. rilHE Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, sL nirers lor sale the following properly in .Mil Ion, Northumberland count v, viz: The large f- BRICK' BUILDING JJt-Is. iii upper Milton, former! occupied by Messrs Paltersons as a Carriage Makers Shop. The building is B0 feet front on upper Market street, and 40 feet 011 Front street, and is two stories high. Also a two story BRICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 by 25 feet, on the same premises. The lot is on the corner of upper Market and Front streets, and ia C6 feet front, and 150 feet deep. Tlie premises would be valuable for a Foundry or other manufacturing purposes, and will be sold on reasonable uud aceominodaling terms by 11 p plving either to JACOB CA RRIOAN, Philadelphia. J. F. WOLFINGEH, Esq., Milton or H. B. MASSE It, Esq-, Sunburv. Philadelphia, Jan. 25, 1851 tf WATTS' 17ERV0IJS ANTIDOTE AM) PHYSICAL IIESTOIIATIVK. THC I.IEDICjCVIi W0ND2S OT TU V7n.T positively cure nil nta?p of Neuralgia, ' Tir IMimuix, Nervous Hfiularlip, Chn lorn, T.ockjuw, 1 1 ? ilrojholia couvuUioiM ; wi!t restore niiiiihooil tu its pri'iitinc vior, even aftcr vrarH of jn'ostriilinn, nnd the only known mul cer tain cure for low spiritn or menl;il (ief.iltv. K tract from the New York Nun, Oct! 3, 1M. Thr cehhuttfti Dr Watson, when talkincr of the miraculous, power of "Wtitts' Nervous Antidote, the iurs! was put to him. ,Vhy sue!) a valui hlr rrmeily for nil nervous iilVe liniiM w:is not in- '.-1. i'hat i . i- a "i't'.i; 1-.A US nl fX1t':iivc ati'l ntihi'frri;tt.-l ...u';irf f.ifiii in U. in ruy h.tvi; ri'ittii-rr J ijr. Iv. lln in i t.M.'it :iiul Micrt'HSitil iriir(iri iK-t l:ir :ui l iifin, in (lie Ii'i-atiiinit nl' nil tlit:it'H ol u privatr inline. IVr im tilliicifil Willi nlrors iiwiu tlu'li Hly, tlirnil. or li', r.unn hi tlu! Iicitl ir Iioih-k. tiKMcin m rlu'iiiuaiiKiii, strictim. tfiavcl, ilmcatsi1 iirifiiitr lr m y'Utlii'nll fXfesixi'n ur iuiptmiifh .i ihe 1immI. when-hy Hi p tiintituti liaK liec -me i-iilLrlik'tt, lire nil trcaitil Willi piifccnn. I Itf wlin plicfrt lumm'll' 'iiiili-r tlie ';ire of Dr. K., nny n izi Mily c.niliilc in liii turn r an it irfiit'.ciiiaii. ami e-Mitnlcnt-ly n-ly itj'"ii biK fxil nn n jilivKifitui. TAKi; I'AKTU ris.Ml NOT1CK. 'itiine Tii wln liav injitrtil ilit;niLlvia liy n erriaiu iittt'ti'f iinliil'jcil in a liahit rri'tnit'iiilv Icnrjicd imiii tvil finifwiiii' iih nr nl wli.inl tlie cilVrtH o( wlticli nre hiirMly Irlt. I'Vt'ii wlit-ii 1 1, mul ilcvtnty ti it It uiiuil nnl l xly, fllii-ulil iipjtlv iianii'ihalt'ly. Wikm-wi mul -iiiftlitaiiiiial tlcliility I o( miisciilar fttrjry, ptiymral lassitmlc ami era I nMntralinn. iminlalitv and ail iter vu i-iit. ftlSlKl. 8MltlLrISMlM'"S D Hit! 1 1 VCt, llll'l rviTy iiiKt-avin nuv . way (Mtinifit tt wi'li the lm adt-r ol" the proerraliv luac- I tiiuti cured. Hiitl lull vipr rextored. YOUTH AND MAN' HOOD, A vigorous lifa or a premature death. I R1XKEL1N on Stlf Pnsfrvntioit. ; ONLY 25 CENTS. This nkitlBt paMmhedii flllnl witli litffal uifitrinntiou on the iiifirinilieir and diiea;e ni' tin (ini'Tative Orcnus. It addrmiM-it iiMi alike to OITII, M A MH OU and (Hd Atl., and fdnaiUI !c tend hy all. T'ie vahiut)h; ml ice and iinprenwive wnrniiifT it will prevent year. it misery and mUTeriug and siivc amiu;il ly Tli"iiKtnds l' lave. Pari nlH liy readnii: il Will leani how lu prevent the des t ru-t i-u nl" lltir rhiidren. .-A remittance it" J" eea's. et'e'. ihe.l in n tr. nd dn -Vil to 1K. Kl NKKI.IN. X. W. eaner ui'T(llltIA I'MII.N iSireels, hetweeu Sitta'e A I'ine. l'liiiailfljilna, 1 will eiit-nre n niidt-r tn v-! pe, pel return t mail, j Peru iimiit a ilij-taiu-e iiinynd.ln-M. Dr. K. Uy leUi.-r. (pust- paid.) and In cured at htne. r. iv Aiii .mi-.imi i.m .7 iiiui'.t. run. e fnrwiirditl liv stMidinu a remiiiauee, and pat up secine inui DAM i;K nr CI UlosTY. Mii'k-dters. New Aifeuts, Peilrtrs. Canvassers, nnd all others supplied wi'li t!te hUvc work al wry Uiw rates. tepteniltr 6, ly. in J 'l t , cuouuli for a! I r froriucetl hy the meilienl I'm i; it it were, Ihert would iu 1 . l it tilty, ns all disen-es .,n ied 1 ct of the iiriv, ; Hpiiii'4 of tl.e x'.t'.oh stfin uti'i 1m. th tin uitiid utid hodv Tour ounce phial, li dose dinury chv, ONK JHU-LMJ Wm. cI;T V, UmadwaT, Sunkury, 'cpteinht'r, 1S."U. tf. Jj (1 () K r K I. I, K It , flroHtliniif, SUNBURY, PA. -i ii- I -'Is ri'contlv nvcivrd, among ui'irr artirtps. iiuli- i ' A emit varirtv of Npvi. CIicjii and K.ilirt.m. iirr publicatiiius such ns C'o'ipcrs novo!, complete or separate. I Rmlwell, I rollopr, Halliburton, Marry alt, tSrpy, Marsh, AiiiswortH, llerbi'its Uo Dumas do Sin- do Rt'Vmlols do (oikton do Maxwell do Jerrold do Morris d.i At the low price nl'from S- to 3(1 its pr volume Sunburv, Kept. 'iS. 185U if. 1 ! ross ointtie?:t, roa TSTTrr. 1 KAIl the fnlh-WMiff fr.-m rapt. Dev.. l!i Il wt-il kii 'Wliami ii--niil;ir !liaiu ll,,al L'ui'lunl (nl' til er.J rHiLAiKi.riuA, Oct i-r nt. ism. I was attacked with a lirmkiiii; 0.1 wliii-li t am c m ilMT' It irniinliuilly eAlrnit tlie U.-r (urt -f lit Dial it f.iiiliinie ROSE OLNTMENT. A fresh aupply of this excellent article for Tetter, 4 C, just receised and for wl by HENKY MA8ER. tuibur, Jul 11, 1111 BLAMK NUTE8, waiving tha exemption law of $300, for sals by April.26,1851 II. B. MA8SER. lyRITING FLUID and self sealing uts ' lopes, just received and for sale bv Apr si i, 11, 1. U. D, MAkBER. - Valuable IluoliM, rIFE ur t'liaisT, handsomely bound, D'Ar flONt's HlSTOHT III' THE RkKIHIM ATIOX, Blank Uat-hoiiks ami Lkiii; ihk, full bounded or sale at the publishers prices by 11. U. MASSKR Sunbury, July 14, 1819 TILANIC rarchmcnt Paper Deeds and blank " Morti;aies, Uoiids, Executions, ISiiniiiioiis, ic, for sale by II. li. MASSE R. Sunbury, April 26. 18SI TONE Ware, Earthen M arc, Raisins, A 1- 7) inonds, f unes and Cream Nuts. Danes of all kinds. all and Piaster. Jut received and for sale by JOHN V. I'RILINU funbury, Dec. 59, 184'J. llOOKS and Gold Pens. On hand several coi ies of the life of Christ, and also a number ol gold pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices, t or sale at mis oiiico. irr MlL TENINGS A cheap and excellent arti cle lor (.listening sash for sale by J". W. FRILING Sunbury, July 7, 184'J. Vjl Rs'ING BOTTLES Ureast pumps, and ' nipple tubes- A supply of these useful arli cles just received and for sale bv JOHN W- FRILING Sunbury, Jan- 18, 1851 tf ILEY'S COUGJ CMNDY. An excel lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sal at thia orlioe W1 rI8SUE PAPER Vellow Tissua paper for 1 covering glass, &.c for aula at tha oliiac ol ba Auarteu. ESSENCE OF J A 31 A 1 C A (UN t; K II . MA OK fi"in the bent JitiiLiit-a (lincer, rH the v.ilnali!e inedieiiial pr-perty uf whteh it will lie l-ruiid to pne hvhs in a cnvtMi cut ami e-tie'nFraI'd rani. Il in a nifiM ciiti'i'iil and al fin- Baiite time h'li iiilet, tt-nll Btiinulatimr l ane (' r the ttn'M'li, and wil! he ('nund Verv hent-lit'ial in i -licv iuif the i ;i t m ill nml dixlrexmn-j; leeli'ux fimciitt hy Un unpaired ai-il"iiol hub lin iilant oini, Kiiau hall" to:i wlnie tea-isixnairid t.ikea in a wnie-tfi'ii-s- fnl il MWeeti-iied Wat r will iiiMmtliutely r-ia ve the it iln lrne uml'pir Mtion resuliiiiri i'rHii intiitferti 11, and il taktu tW'inr tliTfc tune ilaily, a ru piired, will le l aind hultly liMrl'ul against the InnHiHiilriHid 'nte it Hick iui nl' ihest an arli and tendency l its dlH trd'-red iH'tinii oeeaiimned Uv the euervnttng ert'eet nl" the minuter heats, ur 'll -wiiaratjer in (liitpoKiiiuii, und (or curret'Ung the iiu-ipient stane ol iliari- licra, Al'. It in also nn exerllent mrtlieiue fur th'W who h-ive in jnrnl the t an uf their gtuinai iiN hy the niiin.idrrtite Ue ol' intuxieatna; Inpium, y its uli-jhily tttinialaiimr t-iiVct inwm the tumaeli rem .vim; theernviiar I r liimilantii, wh.le it had tin injuritais tiell u nil the laun, and im ii t naecenitit hy feeling "f (h pressuni, wlavbulwayi follow llm uoc ol aicult lic niiiiinlania. A few drupi addetl to mitjrnfsia, rhiiharli or other purru- live iiiedieinei, will render Iheui in ifd aiH'eptahle to tha Kluinach and prevent the griping which is apt tu accompany thru uetiun. rrr:pAni:i) only ty AMBItOSE SMITH, imrGGIST AND rilKMIST. K. E. eomcr of 1th and Chestnut Streets. Philadelphia, April' Id, If 'il - ly LiQuoiTs, avixi:s,&c. rl'HE suhscrilier has just receded a new supply of the best liquor that ever came to JSunbury, consi itini; in piirt of riiiaM'ior old pale Brandy. Fine ('osniae Urandv. Superior Old Jamaica .Spirits. New England Ruin. Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey (.' do. Superior Maderia Wine. Lislion do. do. Superior Tort Wino. liurgundy Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Wine in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, May 26 1S49. STONBWAlilia STONE milk Vd, blooe Jutt a ad l'itohrry, ttinl it!ifr artn lcti ofsUme ware iuxt rct-eivcJ ati.l for hy MHIS FliJUNli. Suuoury, June S3, 181U. fYlEAS, from the New York Canton and Pckin X Company. For ale by J. W, FRIMNG. Sunbury, lc t, 1848 BAY HUM. An eiwllrnt article for tale by HENRY MAfcSEU. feanbury ). tTtb, 149 U. Several Years sin on my neek ni the ( trm u Tettrr. waj tiitrn- led nt Ihe It-irlier'aSiio ril nver in V f:ien niilll it reaeliet ehteks. Unrnt the peveral ni nl n nj ieailnnr, I ited dnlerent npplie;ititiiH. line uf whieh lia the i ll.-et. a;pient!y al h-itst, uf incria!iiii; tlie nWaite. hi, Ii na itune ol thej.i .ltd I p.-rceir tl.e leant heaeiil until itpi.lnil ihe lioK t M rn:T. Ity tlieiiKi- oi'otienr ol" il I was perictt.'y cmed have leiuanirtl t ree u th nilW thai. 1 have si nre lined the (tint men, lightly npplird fur ruuV llfi-i ufthelaee. Ilulehe. elt'ipped haniN. A r. Willi pel ftft wicci-M. 1 luive nu hesiiatii'ii in rei''iaiurudir(; it 1 tiie Kiruiifjeist iw.iunei l the pulatc. JAMKS HKVKK. Aeeni MKav .! AsEitf buiihury. July tJreen's Oxyncnatcd Hitter, price reduce1. CMd J:ico! 'J'ownend'aSarsaparilla. Itakcr's Sarnaparilla. Sviiyiic"iiyriip of Wild Cherr, SivaMie's 'crniifit!;e. Aviv's Cherry 1'tvtoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullen's do Tilihil's Tain Killer. llr. lloofland's Uernian Bitters' Indian Vegetable l'ills Horse and Cattle Medicines For sale bv HENRY MASSER. runhury, July 14, 1S19. tiih people's vade-mecum" Ci1PRIS1NO A COLUVXTION OFOVKR 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, Li the Useful and Interesting Arts with a ft (simple and furious ruprrlmmts a CIIK.MIKTHY i I NCU'DINO Medicines, Perfumery, Chemivtr CiMikery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Di nestie. Econoinv.etc. etc. etc. Price 6 cts., IV sale by ' HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1849. ITSOSl I? ,EV .'OOI ! .lut received at the store of HENRY MAS SER, a lot of Caps, Hum Shoes, Almanaci fjuecusware. Liquors &c. AH of which sriU li sold at the lowest price. Dec. 14, 1850. MINERAL WATER, from Ihe Oak Orchai Acid Springs, highly valuablo in chronic d seascs, and tonic remeuies, for sale HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, June 29, 1850 tf CAP8. An assortment just received. All J silk HATS at $'35, for sale hy H. MASSER. Sunburv, Dec. 848. EJATENV Trusses of a: writing and iiidcllible i.u laps, just received and for sale Sunbury, l)ic! 3, 1848, I-irrison , i - 'i- an J. V. I'KU.lNtJ. JLANKS. LANKS of every description can b had l; I'l l) ''' at the ollice of the Aniericsn. "VADD'8 celebrated Horse and CattU Med f uibraUby HENRY MAiSfT.R Sunbury, Jam. 7lb, 1I4K