Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 03, 1852, Image 3

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correspondence of the american
Nkw York, )
December 27, 1851. J
Dca Mams : Though yon will have re
ceived full account of Kossuth' reception in
Philadelphia long before this reaches you, 1
feel sure you would like to have the views
of one, whose ideas of parade and pageantry
have been cultivated in the same school ns
your own, to wit : tht battalion fields of Ma
honoy. These I have beheld under the most
favorable circumstances, when flying horses,
fiddle string and gingercracker, combined
to add luxury and mirlh to tho brilliant dis
play, yet am I compelled reluctantly to own,
that henceforth Malionoy is nowhert.
Had we not belter abandon the notion of
entertaining Gov Kossuth in Northumber
land anil Sunbmy ! I fear we ahull fall short
of whut lit) has already seen. I throw out
the hint, that you mny not incur, any further
trouble or expense in I tin preparations.
From an early hour the streets were alive
and along the contemplated line of march,
almost impassable on account of the multi
tudes. At 101 o'clock the line began to
move. On tho right, 2,000 soldiois, in beau
tiful and gorjeons array. As company after
company defiled along the street, with the
stately bearing thai marks only tho soldiery
of a free people, I thought with prido of the
power and glory of my country. I marvel
led not at the bloody womJeis of Buenu Vis
ta and Chnpultepee.
Next came Kossuth, dressed in the piclur
que costume of his country, accompanied
by the Mayor of the city, in an open car
riage, drawn by six horses. At every step,
tie was hailed by the enthusiastic shouts of
freemen, who cheered not so much for the
scholar, philosopher, the statesman, orator and
patriot, as for the glorious principle of human
liberty which he so nobly represent. In
this vitVf I rejoice in the iMitiiusiaim of my
countrymen. All haill illustrious, brave,
and eifted Kossuth ! May your wildest hope
be fulfilled! Before tho clods tinva fallen
upon your m'mh'y and gallant heart, may
WiiCiry am! all earth be free! May the
slave1 fetters arid the tyrant's lash bo known
no longer anions the Nations i
After Knntli, followed hi childien and
.he companions of hi temporary exile, a't-o
in open carriages. These too were loudly
Mieered by tho multitude. Never ha l'liila
lelphia seen a more brilliant (:aU-day.
A you have perceived by the heading of
his letter, J am now in Gotham, and yester
lay morning I had llio rare pood luck to se
:nre a seat in the Hall of the Superior Court,
where Mr. and Mrs Forrest, by the aid of
heir very able counsel, are trying to hold
ach other up o the pity or contempt of the
voild Mr. OToiiner for the lady plaintiff.
lr. John Van Buren for defendant. The
'otirt Room is crowded daily as soon as the
'oors are opened. Nay an hour before that
ime, a sufficient number i gathered outside
3 fill the hall, in spite of the bitter cold.
was on the ground very early, and then
.as only able to get in by stepping over the
eads of short legjed people.
Both parties were present in Court. Mrs
accompanied by Mis. N. 1'. Willis and a
Qutlemau whom I did not know. FoitrM is
very line looking specimen. Ho appear
veil bettei nfT the staye than on it, I don't
onder Willis "hollered" if Forrest put in his
st licks.
Mr Forrest i the first person that ever
recisely corresponded with the ideal of my
nneiiration. Sh is, in all respects, "what
ly fancy painted her." Judging fioni ex
irnals, I would say. slin is better endowed
i body and mind, than wilh heart or con
ience. She looks self-reliant, bold and fear
sj. Her feature are a happy mingling of
10 Roman and Grecian model. If the wit
3sse have sworn tho truth, they limild
ive been separated long ago. and yet it is
j pleasant smht to see persons who have eat
r years, at the same boaid, and dreamed
l the same pillow, waging so leinoiseiess
nl mnlisuaiit a war upon each other. B
re tho cise is concluded, the. world will be
ell t,o'.eJ up in tlnj private biography of
eiriKoives and their confederates.
No oiid In) visu New York should fail to
cend th'! Iriyh tower of Tiiuity Church
om no other point can ho ohlaiu so satis
ctory a view of the great Ameiican Me
ipolis, ntid the adjacent rivers, cities, land
id ocean. It only costs a shilling, and eon
leriug the congregation is only woitii a
uple of millions, and the wear of stone
rn quite perceptible, the charge
is nut I
uch. I ascended over 300 steps. Iriiine
alely below me lay the churchyard a
Dwded city of the dead closely packed
ith the mouldered and mouldming carcases
men and women, who are only known by
e shabby monument, that are reared above
em. Thousands upon thousand pas by,
ery hour, and scarce one cives a thought
the silent indwellers of tho tomb! An
ler shuffle of the dice a few more blasts
time, and the eaieles passer by, vill he
ssed as carelessly. A few more years, and
a hoping, feaiinj:, aspirin?, piovellinjr, up
jht, rhpntins, larinr, snenkin?, joyous,
retched insects, that fly and ctawl aloior
ese busy streets, will be swrpt into the
me cold and terrible oblivion. Such i life,
divided between mirth and misery anil
soon passed away !
Standing here, and looking down upon
oad. way, glittering with fashion and benu
, wealth and splendor, and adorned with
e evidence of a hiyher civilization than
i world ever knew before, it is. hard to
iliee, that only 200 year ago, on this very
)l, the barbarian held divided empire
lh wolves and wild cat. Where the mer.
mt expose hi costly ware, the she-bear
:kled her cubs, ami where the rich man's
rriape rolls, the elk bounded beneath the
inches of the towering forest tree ! aye,
4 where the beggar's infants shiver and cry
bread, the joyou wood-bird spread her
ng, ond hovered over her well-fed young!
re Point and Broadway! Misery and
irlh ! Happinesa and Despair J D. T,
Death or Mt Lino's Mother. New
rk, Dec 59 Miss Jenny Lind received in.
ligence this morning, of the sudden death
her mother; and in consequence ber con
rts will be abandoned. It is presumed she
II leave far Europe by the net steamer.
New Advertisements.
iVe 78 Forth ZJ St., letwrcn Arch and Rate St.,
SSEREBY inform the public thnt lie Imports
S. snd constantly keeps on liiiud at hi new
tore, No. 78 Aoith Id St., a lores assortment of
Foreign Fancy Goods,
Musical Instruments, Pictures Sc raints,
which he will sell at the lowest prices.
Hi stork, in part, consists of. AccorJenns,
Violins. Music Boies, Parlor ond Bar Room Or
gans, MtloJeoiis, Sernphiric. Mathematical In
struments, Magnets, Spy and Opera Glasses,
Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Bonk. Bronze
Powder, Dutch Metal, Cold mid Silver Leaf,
Scales of all kinds, Snuff and Tobacco Boxes,
Lithographic Paints, Copper Piste and Steel En
gravings, and pictures of every variety. Also
(jilt Frame Moulding of various size.
Dealers. Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup
plied at reasonable price.
December 20, 1351. tf.
F.At.ED propositions will bo received at
the ''Philadelphia and Siiiibiiry Rail Road
OthVe," at .Sunbury, until 12 o'clock, M. of
the tth of January next lor the furnishing
and delivering of a quantity of oak and pine
1 1 rnlver for (nidging upon tin; line of said
road, according to bills and speciiications,
which may be seen t the otliue as ubove on
and ufler the 22ml iut.
J. B MILLS, Engineer.
Sunbury, Dec. :i0, 85 3t.
The Danville. Democrat at Danville.
The Lycoming Gazelle at William-port, !
1 lie Wiltoniau at Million,
will please give the above two insertions
and send their account to tho oliice of the
uubuiy Ameiican.
jVOTICE is hcrchv given that the undersigned,
' appointed Auditor, to report liens aeainst
the ctale of Miirtin Irwin, dee'd.. late of lio hor
ouh of Sunbury. ami tn distribute tb.e asset
aniuniMliR cueditnrs cf said decedent, will attend
for that purpose at bis ollico in Sunbury, on Sat
urday, the 3d dav of Jacmarv, lirox., at 10 o'
clock. A. M., .ltcii all persona interested can be
HENRY DON N EL, Auditor.
Smiliurv, Die Kt, 1S51 1t.
"V"OTICE is hereby given that the undor-
sinned appointed by tire Orphan' Court
of Nor.binnbei laud county, Auditor in the.
matter uf tl.e cvreptions to the account of M. A.
1!. Smith, and irmlia n. Sunt'i, I.xeiT.trires of
the last will ar.d testament of lCetiilerlon Sniilli.
dt'c'd.. who was the Adoiinrsiratur tie ioui.t ttott,
tSc, of Thomas limit. ileeM., will fit lend to the
dutivs of his ;iMiuliiK'iit nt the Lawrence
House in Sunbury en Friday, tlie 2nd day of
January next at 10 o'clock, A. M.
E. ti. M A It k LEY, Auditor.
Soiitinrv, Dec. 13, 18.'1 tit
TOTICK is hereby
picii tltnt tlio vin(ltTftiiintJ j t,rv All I usk is u full to convince l'urch&vcrs
Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Curt ; that this is the place to purchase Watches, Jcw
of Norlhiimlieriand County, to make distribu- cllerv and Silver ware.
lion of the assets of the eslate. of Christian iv,,,,. ,v M.ili,r i,o ,.nb tbev wib in t.
Reich, dee'd., late of the borough of Nortlnini-
bertand, to and anions; the creditor of said
dee'd.," will attend to tlie duties of bis appoint- j
nient on Wednesday the 31st day of December
inst., at his othVe in the boroush of Sunhurv. at
10 oclock A. .",1.
J. B. PACKER, Auditor.
Sun! lire, 1'ec. 10, 185 a
V virtue of a certain Writs of I'v. Facias to j
me diiccted, will be exposed to sale by pu!- j
lie vendue or outcry at 1 o'clock, P. M., on Moo- I
day the fith day of January next, at the Court
House, in the lioToush of Suidniry. tlie follow
in? Real Estate lo wit: M that undixiiled niaicty
or half part of a certain j
Trsict of Limtl, i
situate in Coal township, in Northumberland
county, bcniR part of a tract of land taken tip in j
the name of Samuel Clark, and known by tho j
name of Boyd intone Coal Quarry, on which I
the town of Humokin is piincipally laid out, be
ginning in the venire of SiuTzlieim street, in the '
line Is-tweeii J0I111 Royd and David Mr.
Kniiiht's land, theuec ealard alonn ibe middle
of taid Siur.liciiii street, to the centre or inter
section ol miid Spur.h' im 6l.. and Rock street,
llieiicc southwardly along lire middle of said
Rock slrert to the centre or intersection of said
Ruck and Webster streets, thence westward
oloinr the middle of taid Webster utreet, In the
nriiriiiiil line In twern tbe "Samuel I'lark" and
the ' Samuel Wetln rill" sunns, which i near
the Danille cV Potisville Rail Road, thence
south a'omj said original line to a heap of stones,
in a line between the "Samuel Cl.nk" and "Win.
tireeu" ure, thence west nlonz ti e said l i e
seventy one perehe to a post in t!:e fi.Kt men
tioned line, and tht nee north a'oire said line to
the middle of said Spurlieirii street the place of
lPuiiiiug. (.(.l.tainiut; about .HI 4 ('(' more,
or less.
Siczcd, taken in execution, and to be sold at
the prop.ertv of Richard Richardson, with notice
to Henry l'iy, Daniel Ephlin, Isaiah Miller, Jo
seph Hill and Daxid Hill, terreteuauts.
A certain one and a half story frame building,
situate in the town of Trevorton, in said County,
on lot .No. 9 111 block No. 115, on Sbaiuokin
tireet, in taid town, and the lot of ground appur
tenant to taid buildiu;.
Seired, taken in execution and to be tuid ut
tho property of Bernard McMaiiiins.
A certain two storv frit 1110 builibn? situste in
the aforesaid town of 'J'revorton and County j
aforesaid, on Lit No. 11 in block No. Its), oil
SliHiiiokiu street in taid town, and the lot of '
ground appurtenant to raid buildimr.
r-'iczed taken in execution and lo be told as the
property of Heniy 13. W cuter,
A certain two tory frame dwelling house, nitu
ate in tlie ntoiesaid town of Trevorton. and Coun- '
tv aforesaid, on lot No, 7 in block No. U'J, on '
Market street in taid town, and the lot of ground 1
appurtenant lo said buiUiini;. j
Sitved, taken in execution and to be aoid at :
the prupeily of John liollleib Aba. j
A certain one and a half story fiauie buildine, 1
situate in lire tow n of Tn vorton uforesaid in taid I
County, on lot No. 11 in block No. 1st), 011
Sbamokin street in said town, and the lot of.
ground appurtenant to taid building.
r-iczed, taken in execution and to be told a
the propeity of Michael Wnrtiirun.
That certain two story
tiluate in the borough of Sunbury, in taid Coun
ty, bounded southwardly by BlacMierry street,
eattwardly by River street, westwardly by lot of
J. H. and northwardly by lot of the taid
J. H. J'unly, containing: in front on Blackberry
street, 3(1 feet, and in depth on River street, 60
feet, and the lot of ground appurtenant to (aid
biezed, taken in execution and to he old
the property ef the tierinan Reformed Church in
Sunbury, with notice to Jacob Seasholli, Daniel
Haas, V. O. E. Maize, Philip Renn and George
Young, Building Committee.
WM. B. KIPP, eherut
SherilTt Office, Sunbury, )
Dee. 13, 1851 It. J
GOLD PENS with and without eases, of
vary superior quality, jutt received.
Also freth supply of Writing Fluid, for sale
br H. B. MASHER,
f-unbury, Dec. ?T, 1951.
Philadelphia Type Foundry.
Great Reduction In Type, Ac
THE undersigned begs leave to call the atten
tion of Printers and Publishers to the greatly
reduced price of his Type, viz t
Pearl, $1,08 Minion,
Agate, Ti Brevier,
Nonpareil, 58 Boutgcoise,
Long Primer, 34 Smalt Pic,
Pica, 30,
and nil other type in proportion. But wishing
to encouraze cash payments, the subscriber will
make a still larirer deduction of from 1? to 15
per cent, fur cash. Having greatly enlarged and
improved his establishment, he flutters himself to
lie able to supply his customers with greater des
patch than most of bis competitors. He ha
constantly on hand Cases. Chases, Composing
Sticks, Stands, Brass and Wooden Cialloys, and
all other materials used in a Printing Oliire
All orders thankfully received ond promptly at
tended to at the North West Corner of 3d and
Chestnut streets. L. PELOUZE.
X. 1). Old Type taken in exchange for new
at nine cents per pound.
Philadelphia, Dec. 20, 1851.- tf.
HAS- just received and opened a fresh and
general assortment of
Fail and Winter Goods,
of the newest and best styles, consisting in part of
buy c.ooi., ; nor 1:1111:$,
Il.trdwurc Iron nml Slrcl, Nuils, it.,
Gum Shoes, Pish, Gait, &c.
All of which he will sell at the most reasonable
prices for cash or country produce.
Give him a call and try his prices.
Sunbury, Nov 1 80 1 .
Watches ami Jewellery,
XT II O 1. 1: X i I. i: atKl H E T A 1 1, .
OA INCt constantly on hand an immense
stock of W'ati lies and Jewellery, I mil de
termined to sell nt less prices than the same qual
ity of WiitcUu or Jewellery arc sold in Philadel
phia, vi :
liold Lever Watches, full jewslled 18 ka
ciiKe. onlv !ji30.00
Cold I.i pii.e. ' " "
Silver Levers, full jewelled, only
Silver Lepine-i. "
Gold 1'iniiis
Gold Pens, Silver holdiii,
11,00 1
1,00 j
1,00 I
Also an immense stork of all kinds of Watch
es, liold Chains. Breastpins. Earrings, Silver
Spoons, cVc, all of which I will sell St less pri
ce than crr ba e been sold in this city, ns tlie
prices ore certainly much lens than ever hereto
fore sold in tins city or county.
California liold hotiirht for Cash. Particular
nt!'iilimi imiil hi rpiiait'imr Wnlrlu.u ami Ji.wi-1.
n..,l .. lu've a watch or watches "sent lo them
i, ....; oerfcet aafetv. havinir sent them in
,lllt wov , ,,c iasl (i vr;ira, All cominuiiica-
! tions must be post paid. Please call or send or-
No. 10:) Chcsnut SSt.. bttwn 3d and 4th !St.,
East Wins of Krunklill House.
Philadelphia, Oct. S.I, lbol.- tf.
m. e,. ..8i.ii:l,
Jf-T-rC?tlTS-r AT LAV".
Office 111 Market street Sunbury, opposite
Weaver's JUel
BTftl.'SlNESS will be promptly attended to in
f) tlie Counties of Northumberland, l.'uion,
Columbia and Montour.
.Sunbury, Oct. 11, lS.'il. Iy.
Dec. 13, IS.". I. tf.
Lime ! ! Lime ! ! !
r'jnUE subscriber hereby informs his customers
-" and the public generally, that having renied
and nit in operation the Lime Kilns of Mr. Ira
T. t lenient, in addition to the other Kilns in uc,
he will now be able to supply demands for lime
at the shortest notice. His lime wfli be of the
best qualilv.
funbury, Nov. 15, 1851. tf.
.4 1.SO, FANCY FI.'RS, sttth at Mints, Boas, j
Tippets, Victoria, A c, Ac. The subseri- I
1 ,.ir..- .1... r. .1 . ...1. .1 i . . t 1
... in 1 in.- ... iui b.iiu, wiiotrsaie or retail,
in the greatest variety, and oil the cheapest terms,
at their E-tub!ihment, No. 03 North Third
Street, opposite I'berrv, Philadelphia.
November R, 1P31. 4mn.
1 RAZORS. A superior article f,,r mle at ti.
store of HENRY MASTER.
Rtiiibury, Feb. Hi. IS.'iO.
NOTICE i hereby given that tho several
C itirls of Common Pleas, General Quarter
Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
in and lor the county of Northumberland, lo
commence at the Court House, in the borough ol
Sunbury, at 1U o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
.'nil dav of January next, and will continue
The coroner. Justices of tl.e Peace ami consta
bles iu and lor the county of Northumberland, are
requested lo be then and there in their proper per
sons, villi t'icir roiid, records, impositions, and
other remembrances, to do those tbiug4 to their
several oliice appertaining to be done. And nil
txitnesses prosecuting ill behalf of the Conimuu
u eallb aeainst any prisoner arc also requested and
commanded to be then and there aitenihiig in their
proper peisoi.s to prosecute auaiust him, a shall
be just and not t i depart without leave at their
peril. Juiors arc requested to be punctual in their
atti'ii.l:iii''e, at the time uppointed agreeable to
their notices.
(iiveu miller my hand nt Sunbury, the 29th dav
of November, in the year of our Lord one thou
sand ciahl bundled uud lil'ty-one anil the In
dependence of the I'nited States of America
the Tiith.
WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff-.
Cod save the Common wealth.
J-is t of Jurors,
t,F Northumlierland County for Jsnuary
J erm, A, D. lb3.
(ra iid Jurors.
8unbi:ry Jacob Kolnbach.
NoKTHL'.MBr.m.ANU. Bernard Christy.
Mil .ton. Leonard Beidlemun, Christopher
Delaware.--Charles Hagenbuch, James
Lowrey, Daniel Aunost.
Lewis. Levi Be i ber.
Uhhur Augcsta. Jacob Weimer, John
KielTer, Henry Campbell, John Haughawoul.
Suamokin. Charles Lereh, Jesse Beed,
Wm. G. Kae, Wm. Haas.
Rush. Peter Gearhart, Henry Weaver.
Cameron. Jacob Wagner.
Jacesom George Carman, Benj. Leitzel.
Upper Mahonov. Motet Beisei.
Little " Jacob D. Hoffman.
Loxt- " Giiorje Hornce.
Traverse Jurors.
Sunbury. Georp YotinR, John G. Bright,
Jesse M. Simpson, John B. Shiptnan, Freil'k
Miltom. Joieph llogendobler, John E.
Lbwi. Thonia Watt, John Tappart,
Samuel Slalilneckar, Adam Bruner, Stephen
G la 7.0
Dklawarb. Fiancis llilliard, John Ott,
Samuel Fhiney, Andrew JNje, James E
Cat heart.
Tur rut. Henry Funk, Philip Fullmer,
John H rag
CHti.isqUAque Philip Hillinrd, Joseph
Frederick, Fied'k Fidlei, John Kremer, Ja.
Point. VVm. Leii:hi0P, Leonnnl Miller.
Upper Augusta John Claik, Henry Go
lick. Lower " John Coldron, Joseph
Gas, Solomon VVeiser, George Weaver, Gil
bert Berlew.
Rush Charles Mettler.
Coal Paul Ammeiman, Harman Snyder,
Casper Sholl.
Shamokin. Benjamin Woolveiton, Jese
Cprr.R MahonoY. Daniel Kauffman.
Lower " Ferdinand Camp, Eli
ja Bycrly, Jacob Lenker.
Little " Samuel Trantman.
Jackson. Isaac Deppen, Peter Treon.
lclit .luror.
SusnuRY. Weslley M Bastian
NoRTHUMnEHLAND. Win II. Wapplei.
Delaware. Jame Rhvnearon, Solomon
Trnckemiller, James Ouks, Jame D. Barr,
John Seibert.
TlBiifT. John Hnny, David Frick, Jo
Kilter, Levi Linn, Daniel M'Fall.
Lewis. Samuel Burrow
Cmr isquaque. Hugh Martin, John Best,
Win. M Amen.
Point. John Diehl, John Monrer.
Upper Augusta. Bernard Mitchell, Isaac
Ivline. ir.
11 Jotin Header, reier
Maiionoy. Nathan Haas, Peter
Lower " Jonathan Docker, John
Dickey, Isaac Albert, Michael Lenker.
Jackson. Jacob Seiler, Honry D. Hoff
man, Win. Z.irtnimi.
Sin.MoKiN. Michael Zimmerman, Gcorgo
Ursii. Henry Johnson. Abrahntn Gulick
Win. II. Kase.
"BTTOH trial in the Court of I'omnron Pleas
of Northunilierlaiid County, at January
Term, A. I)., 1652,
Iliifth Bella
Fiedcrick Keener
vs R fc Win l'egely
vs Wrn. Avres
s rx i..i,. s ir.,i.
t o.n. for SamI f urmaii vt A cx JorJn
Jacob Weiiner vs Ira T Clement
Jacob Philip vs Gcorgo L. Weimcr
V O'Donnell for Wui F Nagle v John Diver
Chiistian Bollinger vs Charles House!
Moses Bower vs Richard Goodman
Samuel Seaman vs Geo Bowman
Green cV Bros, for T Howard v Henry Lant
R D Ctiniming v Montgomery &. Matteller
Jacob StiUel vt Samuel L Beck
U R Kase vs Geo A Dixon
Jacob Nillrauer vs Samuel Jarret
Win M Auten v Thomas Raser
Daniel P Caul vt Dentler & Montagu
Aaron Rrppart x' Ira T Clement
Henry Cohel vs Win McCarly
Piatt iV Piatt v Henry Masser
P K Hoflinan V wife vs II Kuhnts. McCariy et al
Hugh Martin vs Reuben Troxel
Martin Irxvins' adiu'r vs H Voxtheimer adm'r
Molt ti. 8holr v Daniel Dreisbacli
Fullmer for Caul vs H Stein met., ex'r.
Henry Kciser vs Henry Yoxtheimer
Wm liross tor Sand Gilbert vs J. J. UpdcgralT
Lower fc Barron
Jacob Kline
William Welch
Thomas Sutton
Caspar Hcckart
Daniel 11 Driesbach
John I. Ross
John W Peal
Geo C McKe
Sarah Slitel
vs Ira T. Clement
vt Joseph Klines' adm'r
vt Jacob K Trego
vt Hen) F & J W .5tamm
vt Frederick Hcckart
v A B vlrtinan
v Leonard Koadarmel et al
va Geo B Youngman
vs Joseph Long
v Samuel 8 Slieddan
vs Jacob JS'litcl
j Tinbrook for Applcton vs Jame Brass
j llickok cfc Camiue v Geo W Armstrong
1 Reuben Fagcly v Kershncr V. Clement
Jacob Keller vs Bank of Northumberland,
! Nancy House! vs David Housels' adm'r
j Raker ci Co for Jacob Bloom vs Henry Conrad
I,, ,., , ,, ,. . ,. Jacob Zar'.man's
; lb nry Kla & Lve his wife v. ,inillUlralor
I Georie E. Gehriir et al v Peter Warey
William McCarty vs Samuef 11 uiiter
Mary Jane Bruner ct al vs William Wilson
Becker & Weiller vs R D Ciinimings.
lieorge Shilcy vs Ab'm Dunkclberger' admr'x
Mary Marti
va U 111 11 Spratl
v John Camplx.ll & wife
vs R M SeyiU l's adm'r
vs John Oyster senr's ex'r
ji,,. Tyler
Joint Browi
Sh ilVucr A Zeigler ctal vs Tho 8 Mackey
Jno Knorr for H. Knorr v Enoch Howcrt' udm'r
James T Sutton &. Co V Samuel Kyle
Elizabeth Krice v George Lawrence
Conrad Wolf vs lieorge Hcckart
Cuthariue Snyder' exr's vs Samuel R Wood
Daniel liontert vs Henrv Bohner
Bank of Northumberland v Jno C Boyd' din'r ;
Same v Same
Mary l'atterton vt George Heckert
Boncparte Thoinpton etsl xs' Casper St Clair
Wm McDaniel for A j u Jackson
W Cumly
Ceo Eyster'for Mar- j..,. G , .
tin Weaver 0
Jnhn He v Isaac Reader
Thot A Billing
ton et al
Com for Win L Heineman vs
Same for Wm McCaity v Same
William Daliu v 11 S Haulmaii
Rolairt Philip vt Jamei Reuny Jr
(ieorge Garuian v B H Jlowell et al
John Jackson v James Beard et al
Balliet for Raup & Saxidge vt Daniel Baliiet
lieorge Lawrence
Billiuijton for Hunter
t D Marr & I Brown
vt Sutan & Sarah Rcid
& liuvers
Jacob Haas
John Jackson Jr
John Leib's udm'r
Conrad Wolf
Simon Snyder
A W Coinlv
vt Chrlet Alexander
vs Some & Wife
vt A W Comly
xs Thomas Allen
vt (ietirge Hcckart
vt George Snvde."
vt 'Vorge Hertz
vt R D Cumniinrjt
Cronilciii & Brother
Baltrar Garuhurt's sdinr't v R W Dunn' admr
Albin Ncwlierrv vs Thomas Rasr
lull for J C Morsau . Cico Miller's sJm'r
Reed . assian.e vt b L 1 .per
Com for Fred'k Wea- Henry Bardtlier and
xer &. Wife Jacob Fry
John Rot & Wife vt George Fox
John Kiim vt Daniel Wcidtier
Same vt
F. Kaufman et si
Washington Mutual In
turaiire Coniiiaoy
State Mutual Fire Insu
ranee Coinuany
vs Same
Peter Arnwine & Muu- . C Gosh. A. J
go A Reid Veike
Jacob B. Masser vt Reuberi Fegely
John Divel ct Wife vs D C Caul
Joanna Pendcxille vs A E Kapp
George Leitbcrtrer vs Robert Whiteside
fti ..1. l:, 1
mauono, x ci.amua.u m- Abraham Paul
provement Co
Jauiet Rot
Sarah L Keen
Oliver B Hillltrd
vs Jacob H Rhoads
vs Abraham Brosions
vs Samuel Savidgs
vs John Hsrtman
Ephraim K Miller
vs Jesse Cnipbell
J W Feal Indorse ore vs Joseph Dimmick etsl
Christ it McFsdden vs Sussnii Reid
Prothonoltry's Otrlee, )
; Punbury, Dc. , 18l. )
E. S. JONES & CO.,
C CORNER of Fourth and Race Street. Pub
J lisheraof the Model Architect, bv SAMUEL
SLOAN, Architect, U be completed in S4 month
ly psrts.
The aliove work i drsined to meet the wishe
not only of those directly interested in buildings,
but of all who desire the advancement of Ihi no
ble art in our country, and wish to cultivate their
taste and acquaintance with architecture. The
handsome manner in which it i prepared and
embellished, render it a tasteful ornament for
the drawing-room, while its accurate delineation
give it the highest practical value.
No. I. 4 ti. 3 now ready for dolivcry.
Price 50 cent per number. Address a
above, post paid.
Msv !t. 1RSI. tv. Dec. 20, 1S51.
No. B, North Wharves,
Where the following (roods are received and old
on commission,
Dried Apples, reaches, Plum, Tear, Cherries,
A-c, Green Apples in Barrels or by the Bushel,
Bean, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po
tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Shelbarks, Chestnuts,
Ground IS ills, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Pig.
Prunes, Grapes, Poultry. Eggs, Butter, Cheese.
And all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pre
duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1851. ly.
TV OTICE is hereby given to all Legatees,
' Creditor and other person interested in the
Estates of the following named person, that the
Executor, Administrator, and Guardians of said
F.tntcs have filed their accounts with the Register
of Northumberland county, and that the tame
will be presented to the Orphans' Court of taid
County, on Tuesday the Utli day of January
nest for confirmation and allowance,
A. C. Barret, dee'd., settled by hi Adm'r
Casper J. Rccd.
Daniel Hoffman, dee'd., settled by hit Adm'r
Henry Masser.
Jacob Dressier, dee'd., tcltled by hi Adm'r
Joseph Dressier,
David Gibson, dee'd., settled by hi Adin'r
Joseph Gibson.
Frederick Trion, dee'd., settled by hit Ex'r
Michael Trion.
Henry Fetter, dee'd., settled ly hi Adin'r
David & Elias Fetter. .
David Keft'cr, dee'd., cttled by hi Adm'r
Daniel Keller.
Susanna Beck, dee'd., settled by hi Adin'r
Solomon Falck.
John Seers, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Abra
ham Shipman.
Washington Trego, minor child of Jeremiah
Trego, dee'd., settled by Sarah Backhouse,
Adm'rix of Dr. S. S. Backhouse, dee'd.,
xtho was Guardian of taid minor.
JOHN P. PLRSEL, Register.
Register' Oliice, )
Sunbury, Dec. C, 1S51. 5t. J
To the Heirs of GEORGE WOLF, Dcc'd
IVOTICE is hereby givon to Esther Wolf,
widow of aaiii dcc'd., to Catharine Wolf,
married lo Jacob Markcl, Jeremiah W olt, Ilea
rv Wolf, Jacob Wolf. Esther Wolf, married to
Daniel Weaver, and George Wolf. That by a
virtue of a certain writ of Partitioni l'acioida
issued out of the Orphan' Court of Northum
berland county, tj mo directed, an Inquisition
will be held on the real e.'.ate of said dee'd., in
Lppcr Malionoy township, at 1- o'clock, M., 011
Friday lit Vind day of January 185-, at which
time 'and place you arc hereby warned to be and
appear if you think proper.
Sheriff t Oflice, Sunburv,
Nov. 2i, 1851.- ti. '
ESPECT FULLY inform the public and
"the rest of mankind," that they have re
ceived a large assortment of
of every varie'y of style, consisting ii part of s
tine assortment of
Cloths, Cussimcrcs, Merinos, Mousseline dt
Lains, Calicoes, Muslins, Checks,
and every variety of Dry Goods.
Also a large assortment of GItl( CltlKS,
Suar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Sices
uf all kinds.
Alto an assortment of
I'i'ih, Salt and Plaster.
Alto a trcsh tupply of
ntrus and mkdicixi:s.
tV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex
change at the highest market price.
Sunbury, Nov. 8, 1831.
At His cv Mure in Ilullowiiig Rim,
f ESPECI'FIT.LY inform his friends and
customers, that he has jutt received a new
stock of goods, which he oners to th public
at the lowest prices, viz :
Fall una Winter Dry Goods,
Cloth. Carsimeres, ftattmetls, Merinos,
MmtssiUnt De Lames, Flannels
did every variety of good tuitsble for tht season.
Also Silk Hats, Cap, Ac.
ALSO: An assortment of Hardware.
All Kind!, of Groceries,
1,1 Q 10 it.
A variety of Quecnstvare, Crockery, die.
Besides a xaricly of other srlicles, tuiuble for
farmers, Ac.
All kindt of produce taken in exchange for
gaodt at the hichctt niaiket price.
Hollowing Run, Oct. 85, 1851. tf.
TII.LIAM HOOVER rcsncctfullv informs
I3 liia I'lieiwls anil enstdiners that he has
just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent
assortment of
j w,irh ,w fof wa , ow or, ,t Mag.
,olowing un. T,, gooa. wiU
be (old at the lowest prices.
Dry Goods, 6jc,
Suth os Cloths, Cassimeres, Muslins, Calliioes,
Gmchams, Laic-ns, Chintzes and
Ladies Dress Goods generally.
An assortment of
Palm Leaf Hat?., Caps, &o.,
A general assortment of Groceriea, tuch a
Sugar, CotTce, Tea, Molas
ses, Sjiices, f.c.
Alto tn assortment of Liquor, such s
Brandy, Rum, Whizkty, Wintt, cc.
t3T Produce of sll kinds taken iu ichng st
the highest market prices.
Hollowing Run, Mty 10, 1651 ly.
1J Bills htudsomely printed en card ppr, for
1 st thitgfltcc.
Tht pprsBch or Concreai call Tor the renewal of my
prur)ftiii and prciHirHiiuiit lj gprcad iu tlebulca iHmt
the puhlio. Th auccrM which lw bit,irio itenUeiJ tins
UiKlfruktiig it ia hoped will tviiiinu. mid imble luvu
perpetuate the full liwtary tf the proeediiiga and
uma of Uta Unly uh which lite deatuty ol Iht HupuUio
The adoption of C-nrrM hni fivpn th Glou an
official rharttrler as the reporter ni all Ilmt it Mid and
done in the IkhIv. Thit nnnlrt, h,,a (k,, ynivH at every
aufceMive amion f.w nuny yenra, nnd Ly inemlrere of ail
parties. 1 he pret-B, Hx. t all ptrtiet hn borne Iritni.ony
to we mieiuy whii wiiicd the duty ihua couhJud hat Uetn
The celerity with which the let tor-writer for tht ilia,
font nre-M circulate thT-ush the telMiianh ImnU
cc mute tnd viewt of tlie drtKite of Cotiiricat, rendera
mjre important tltun tver the full mil pxnct oilU-iat repoitt
ot' the (JooRRi4to.NAt OloBK. 'J lie linnty, nnd in nmiir
intiniicci ix l'AMT, reutioua ly t- gr.h of hat occur
in Ooitgrcaa aiiperacilc, for the nit'M purt, tlie exact rrpnn
taken d wn by reporters, and which form-rip, in a nhiipe
more of Icra Hhhrcviated, went the rouiHlt ol the preiw.
Mow the telegraph a count, with nil H.cir imprricctioita
and variety l col trins. tuku the run of the eountiy, and
no prt M hut the t'tririal uf c nt'rc?it ever puhlislirs the lull
dehnte with the proceed inert of Ikwu llni"cn unmutilatrd.
Indeed, n newtpnper enn aive them, and hnve ro"in f,r
ad vert item cut a and the miKelliiucoiin mutter eaftrnlinl tJ
their cxtatene. hile, llitTnlore, the tch nmph ndininii
ten to tlie igr nppctite ol Hie puhiic for Conrufta new a,
and meet the nccettaitka Af the pniiticnl prcsa, hy f urnish
ing n rupidly wrnteii cpit"ine suitd lo the tuitc ol ila
patnuta, perfect infoimuTi'-n of , hut poBe iu t:iiiffrc
ia gradly dtiiiimahrd. Tho ciicnlntioii uf the t ificiul
reports hua been, to gmnr extent, cut ctf hy the crude mid
diverailied accounts which, h nig ulona; the ehrtric wirta,
antiFhiv turioaiiy, uud it ia almost in vain tout truth put
on his boots to tolhiw. Nill there are a great many iik-ii t
or luiMire ond tnouia who uite lo ace what is actuMiiy
tuid and done iu C Jiigrew, nu4 to judi;e tor t hems? lve,
rnther than t receive imprcaiioiis altogether from gulvan
ic umterict. There are oiht-m, to , who for the suite of
the future, willingly patronize a work which preserves a
full record of Ihc d titles of the greut niuviiiu; and eontrol
ling powers of the Kcpubtic.
If there ever whs a time when the action of Cii;rcss
should he looked to and thoroughly studied, by the putriotic
of oil pnrtict, it certainly appiouches with the next Con
grefs. The Government Hikes a new departure with the
next session, mid h nv it is ut work out tht orrmicmt-uta
mmle tt pucify the troubles wilh which it tins lulvred
remains to be seen. Tii aucccssion to the .'residency
will form a leudmg c innlfintif.n in tvery inoveineut ut
the next session, uud there wifl snircely lm n measure
introduced, or a speech truide, thnt will not have some
bearing un thnt ali-nhrbtnp quest inn. If ntittoual con
ventions of the reieciive parties ure ended together to
noininnte tho caudidntcs of curb, tht ('onirress which
precedes the conventions ulwuvs seizes the m-ension, by
anticipation, to discuss, in c ninection with public inru
sures, the merits of the iin'it liK'ked to tn (live them crtevt
in tlie udtniuistrutiuH. If the jic, thuii, woind have
their share in the choice of their first fimctimmries, tiny
ought to study well the clnnieier of cuiididntes ns devel
oped by themselves, their friends, and their enemies in
Congress. The capitul will be the r slruin from which
the people of ihe I Hired Mntes will le adtirevsed on the
subject of the Chief l;irisirfi'v, nnd the imp trlant lopn s
connected with it, and the Irijislatiun ot the c untry there
wilt becntntt the thente of dijtiiirh,n in every Mute Lecit
hin re, of every country town and villce UK-ctmg
throughout the Uriou. iliw nnftortunt, ihen, does it
become, thnt full mi l imiwtinl rt ports shoui.t be obtained
of ths notion of a btAty, which u iil cive nn impulse t the
He.uhlic in a new oiucr, nut I whu-h, in a veiy grent
decree, intt lence the public mind in the clcicooi the
Chief Mugistfiite. who is to carry out the wU of the pe-;'!e
us c niftiluti vnally exreed.
The iinUcrsiiied has initde prearutions commensurate
Willi the imp -runice ol uicouLy he h;is underts
ken us the only reporter nnd publisher 'of the coui lt!ie
dilutes nud proceedings ol Imth Houses of toinrress. The
c 'ruing b-smoii wiil pr luti-ly be extended nine months,
nnd (he r-poits will n t Ik eoint-nsetl in bus than 35,IKjO
riynl ijumbt pages of brevier find noiii type making
4 Vidumes of near Utn) pMc-s em h. Tlie r p"its f:r the
tist lng seMsion made :t-i r.iul qntirt" pscs, und were
Ivnind iu four volumes, overtiming VH royal tjimrt puges
1 will publish in the Atrnuix for the nfxt session, nil
htws thai nny le ihsril ihnun; the sesscn, which has ii' t
been d ne heretofore. Alth uh this will iiirrc'ise in no
small decree the expense of the puMication, the subserip
ti 'ti price will be the aume thul it has been fnr several
ycirs (ist
The Daily Gloue will be published during the sera ion
on a superfine double rouit shc:t. It will c ?ntiou the
debates as taken d mil by the reporters, nnd ns nltered
by the speakers, whenever tfi-y m-ike nny ulterulius;
the current news of the d-ty nnd the mice! mucous muter.
The main object fur puhlndiing the daily paper is, to ena
ble .Members to see their remarks ni it. and alter them if
they shall ttimk proper before they are published in tlie
Congressional 'il'lte tuid Appendix
The ConiireSMonu! I is made tip of the d n)ypr -ceednias
of the two Houses of Congros, nnd printed r-n
u doniiie royal paper, wilh una II t pe, (urrvier and non
pareil.) iu quarto fonn, each iioudK.r contaiuinff sixteen
royal q unit- pnge. Tho i)eeche of the li'iuers, in
this fotm are S"inetnu. s cuitlcnsed ihe full refnttt of
Ihe prewired speeches bemie rcsered for the Appendix
Ad ret 'lutions, ni tions nnd oiht-r priK-eedmgM, nieivn
in the form of the J mi inula, with the yens uud najs on
every important quest ion.
The Appendix is made up of tlie President's Annual
Message, the Reports of the principal Oificers of the
Government lhal accompany it, nnd all Speeches of Mem
beis of Congress, w lit ten out or revised by themselves
It is printed in the sumo fnnnsthe CougretHionnl Globe,
and usually uuikes uUut the same nuiuoer of iugct during
a smioii.
During the first month or six week of a session, there
is raiely more business done than will umkt two num
bers u w;ek out of the Comriessioual Uml-e and one
of the Appendix, but during Lite remainder of a session
there is usually sumcieut in-titer for two or thret numbers
of each and every wettc. The next session will be unusu
ally interesting ; therefore, 1 calculate that ihe Congrea
sio'nul Globe and Appendix together will make nt lemt
'J.V00 large quarto miles, priutwd in vmull type brevier
and iiniiiriel. C nnpiete Imlexes to UUl will bt fur
nibbed nt the uud of u session.
1 will iudeavor to print a sufficient m:mlr of surplus
copies to sjpply all that may be miscarried, it l"st in tne
tiimls ; but tubscrdrers siiould be very partieulnr to fiie
their papers carefully, for fejr that 1 should iil be a bit
to supply ail the losr numbers.
If stiiiseribcra adinll not ite sat rfied with the work, tht
money paid by them for it will be refunded to them
whenever they return the numbers which muv hive been
received by lhen. I wid give s.iliscrthers the subscrip
tion price for any of the previous volumes of the Ci n
gressi.iual Globe or tne Api-udix, except for the hut
session, and will thank any person who will let me have
I have a few copies of the Iwiek volumes of the Con
trressioual (IMw nml Appendix for tale nt a volume
b mud, which it is pr. liable wiil be disposed of an :
and when they ore, they wilt then, no d nibt, commanded
at least Si 0 si volume, as they cannot bt reprinted for
leas Uin that sum. There me '25 back volumes,
For one copy of the Daily dobe during
the tcniou, $5 00
For one copy of the Congressional Globe
luring the session, 3 00
For one copy of the Appendix during the
session, H 00
The money may 1 remitted by mil nt my
risk. Hank note current where a snbsreibur re
sides will be received nt ar. Subscription
should reach here by the 15th December, at
furthest to insure the number.
The prices for these papers are so low that I
cannot all'urd to credit them out ; therefore no
pcrsi n need order them unless the money accom
panies the order.
Washington City, Nov. 1(451.
S considered by thousands who htv tetted it,
at being th grcalcut
Scientific Wonder of th World!
Eittircly doing way with that luhoriout snd in
juiiuut practice of rubbing the
And s great laving of
N. B. To prevent fraud ami imposition, (for
many are trying to palm oil article put tip like
mine.') the Proprietor, I. P. HOVT, will put
hit WRITTEN HKiNATCRE on the top la
bel of every Package. And he-only aks an
enlign'eiicd public not .o conlound
Till-: (;l It VI AN VAM!!ti I'OWUER
with other that are in the market.
It is put up in IV L uses with full directions,
and sold at the nominal price of l-J cents.
tV PRINTERS will find it grcailv to advan
tage to purchase tttose Powders to cleante their
being a very euperior srtiele for thnt purpose.
Manufactured only by I. P. HOVT, st his
Laboratory and Principal Depot, No. 10 South
Fifth Street, Philadelphia.
Wholesale mid Retail Agents t Henry Matser,
Sunbury ; S. P.. Denormandie, Northumberland.
Remcmlicr the name
All lettera to be post paid.
November 22, 18S1 6ino.
PANY The Annual Meeting of the Stock
holders in the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Com
pany, will he held in Philadelphia, st No. 73
Souih FOURTH STREET, (Reading Railroad
Duildiniis') up tluirn, on MONDAY, January
18th, 1022, at II o'clock iu the morning, it
which time an Election for Pretidcnt and Mana
ger will 1 held, in accordance with the Char
ter. The Poll will be open from IS o'clock,
noon, to 8 o'clock, P. M.
D. L. MILLER, Jr., President.
Cstie BiDiiLt, Sec'y snd Trctturtt.
December 80, 1651. 4 u
BLANK DEEDS printed on the best quality
of parchment paper, told at th lowest price
t thit effioa, by w hlal Sttd rttsil
rp I ha Cur r
Among the numerous discoveries .Science has
made in ibis generation to facilitate the buainet
of life increase its enjoyment, and even pro
long tho term of human existence, non c hm
named of mure real vnlue to mankind, thsn this
contribution of Chemistry to ths Healing Art .
A vast trial of itt virtues throughout this bread
country, ha proven beyond a doubt, that BO
medicine or combination of medicine yet knows,
can to surely control tnd cure th numerou va
rinlica of pulmonary diteat which have hithsrt
wept from our midst thousand tnd thsutands
every year. Indeed, there ia now abundant ret
urn (o believe a Remedy has at length b
found which can bo relied on to curs ths moat
dangerous affections of the lungs. Our space
here will not permit ti lo publish any proportion
of th cures affectrd by its use, hut w would
present the following opinion of eminent men,
anil refer further eiumiry to th circular which
tho Aircnt below named, will alwty b pltttta
to furuifh free, wherein are full particular, sod
indisputable proof uf these facts.
Front the F reside at of Amherst College, tht
"Jnmet C. Aycr Sir : I have used yssr
Ciir.nnT l'ti-TontL, in my own case of deep
willed llronrhitis, uud am tntisfisd from it che
mical constitutiuii, that it is on admirable com.
pound 'for the relief of laryngial and bronchial
dinicuttics. If my opinion as to itt tuptrior
character can be of any service, you r st liberty
to ute it os vou think proper.
From the widely celebrated
1)., Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy,
A-c, Yale Cotlcse. Member of the Lit.
Hist. Med. Phil, and Scientific
Socic'.its of America and
' I derm the CucrtRT Pkctorii. en admirable
roiupusitioii Irani sumo of the tst articles in tit
Materia Meilica, an. I a very cilective remedy for
the class ol diseases It it iiitcntled to cur.
New Haven, Ct., Nov. 1, l-i9.
MAJOR PATTbSON, President of the S. C.
Senate, states he has tued the Cinnnr Pict
riAL with wunderful success, to euro an inflsm
tnntion uf the luncs.
From one of the first Physicians in Main. Me., April 26. 184.
Dr. .!. C. Aver, Lowell. Dear iir . I am now
constantly usinj your CiicariT Pi:ctiiji. in my
practice, and preicr it to any oilier medicine for.
pulmonary coinplsints. From observation f
niiiiiv severe cases, I am convinced it will cur
cousin, colds, ami di-enscs of ths lungs, that
have put to dpfiance all other remediet.
I iuvriably rctoinmend itt ute in catat of son
sumption, and consider it much th best rtmtdy
known for that disease.
Respectfully vour,
I. ti. CCffHMAN. M. D.
Pupated and sold by JAMES C. AY EH,
Practical Chemist, Lovell, Mass.
Sold in Sunbury by H. MASSER. snd by
Druggul generally throulmut ths Stat.
November 1, 101. lyce3mo.
Phocrax Pirs & Thief Proof Iron Chetts.
XAKRANTED to stand equal heat with
' nny other Chests in the country, and to
defv tho Hurcla-.' iiuieiuiitv. Mtnufactory, N.
' HI Hudson' Alley, running between Thinl snd
j Fourth streets, south of Chetuut, and in th
rear ef the Girard lSank.
M. A. S., the proprietors, re Prcticl M'
chanics, and feel confident, from long experience
in the manufacture of Iron Chests and Sale, Slid
1 . . ...i t k
a special nlleutioii 10 lint parncuiar uiihui,
giving tatislacliuti to all who may (fivs thra
X. P.. We have selected one of ths best min
eral ever used at s non-conductor Of hsst ia
thit butiness, and we warrant our Chests snd
SiIps to be made uf the best material and in th
piust durable maimer, and to stand sny hsst
that can bs spplicd to them.
Manufactory No. ID Hudson's Alley.
Running between 3rd and 4th street, 8 of Cu
nut, in the rear of (iir.ird Hank,
Philadelphia, Oct. 35, 1J51 ly
THE undersigned it in ths daily receipt ef
fresh and excellent Oysters from the cele
brated establishment of Mr. Field, No. 831
West Lombard street, lialtimore.
All orders will lw promptly attended to snd
forwarded without delay. Apply to ths sub
tcriiier at's Hotel, Northumberland, Ps.
N. D. Oysters of common quality st SI, OA
per can.
October 11, 1S81. 3mo.
AVINU Milled at Northumberland, I sat
now prepared to furnUh
Fresh and Spiced Oyster
during the whole season nt the reduced price ef
one dollar for w hole aud fifty cent per half can.
You can ilefiend upon them being freth, st I
thall receive them daily, (Sundays excepted.)
and when landed here they sre only 16 hour out
of the (hell. '
A II nAM.Mi mbn im ill wnnl nt tht mbav arti
cle, at s distance, call have them sent per duaea
or aingle cau by addressing
N. D. Pertont calling on the ulicjiur
find hiin either at Uurr's or Haas HotcL
Northumberland, Oct. 4, 1841.
flHE tubtcriber resiectfully iuformt hit friend
A . alid the public, that lie hut taken the well
known Public House, corner ol Market and Hir
er ctreett, lately occupied by Mr. Wharton, He
truttt by atrict attenlion to businesa, he will be
enabled to give talitiactiou to all wUa mJ bset
hint wilit llieir cuttoiu.
Sunbury, Oct-$S, 15 1. It
bar buttle for sale by
li. B. MAMCR,
Sunbury, Atil, IS, lt