I sM""jUI'llliUl.aJMaVJSS SUN iiU If VL AiMKUIGAN' Aim SUAftlOKlN. JOURNAL ;P o ctnj; : CAITJXKT. r--.', i X Ri FPAHCCS . OIOOOD. 6 A -whisper woke lha Ir, ,r . .!". ..... A soft, hunt lone, mi low, . iv ' Yd limbed wilb shame nd wo. Ah ! m (jM ii on If there, Nor further co I , ' : ' . ? -..-- -- ;?; Bui no ! . a quirk rtnd eairer car '., Caught up the lillle, meaniilo;. sornt J" .. Another uic has breathed it clear j" ' And i it Wandered round ' ;' ''- " Fminear tu li, frntn lip to ear, t'n:il il reached a riitli hear', Thai lhriibti.it from nil I lie world upait, And that il bit ke ! - ll the only heart il found--The) only heart 'twas m ant to find, : When tiist its mH'iMM woke j ll reached the venlle lit ait at least, . , And thm-il broke 1 Lov it seemed to other ear It Fame a lhundert'Mnh to hers That f'Ujjili; fill, m fair and uy 'Ti said, a lonely liunimini biid, 'That dreaming in a lily lay, Vd killed but by the (.'tin's Vriorl Soma idle buy h id liied in sp.nl ; S ecni.itoly trail its iiame, The very souiiii a death blow came And thus hr.r heart unused tu shame 'Shrined In its lily, ton 'For whri ih 'maid that knew Kul utvned the delicate, fluwei-liktl grace Of her vomit; form and lace 1) Her liaiil and happy hcait, that beat With love and hope an fust and meet, When tiil that oiuel word it heard, ll tlultereil like a fnuhteni-il bird Then phot hi wings ami sicliol, A. id will) a ki tent dnnlili-r died ! iWacrllaurous swatter. A younj; lady bcinT ked why she dii not attend a party to which she had been in ited, replied I forgot all about it, and ate odious for breakfast. Tome Industrious. A reward of $500 will be f;iven to the first aclive man whodix overg ouo single neivf.p;iper-Lorroer ilia I is willing to admit that there i ".inylhiiig put liahed noiv-a-days worth reading." The Government of Saxony ha seized all the journals which contain repnits of Kos. aulhV reception in England. In St. IVlers buig, the C'zir hIIoas ilr; newppapore tu publish any amount the pnldisf.eis ma please of the proceedings fiom lha K.ii'l.i.i journals. A Buck Eve. Whenever you get a black ee by a fj 11 on l he ice, or fiom inn ning Hgaiusl i he boiipust, apply the clolh wrung out of very warm water, and renew it until I lie pain cease. The moisture and heat liquifies the blood, and send it back to the proper, channels. Use warm water or hoi, but never cold water to the biuiie. : . .... r . . - Scrueant Dsvy was once aroused of having (li-graceil ihe bar by lakiiij silvei front n i-li.-nl. 1 l.iok silvei," hj replied, 'br-rnuse I could iiul get !olil ; b'H I took every futthinii the poor fellow had in the wo 1 1,1, and I unpa you dou't call that disgra cing the piu.Vs.joii." Mtrimonv. Hot buckwheat cake warm bud comfortable slippers emokiiit! colfee round arms ted lips (ahem !) eel., eel. .hirls exulting in buttons re. deemed stocking boot-jacks happiness iiC. Single Ulessedess. Sheet-iron quilta blue noses froly rooms ice in the pitch er unregaiitraled linen -hetd-less socks cotTce snectened uilh iciclj -gulta-perch.' biscuiis thbby steak dull razors corn cuiiyln and ch'jlics -rhubaib lues mi ser), iiv.. Tab. i ' ' ' " '" ' .IIXCI'SES FOH NuT G'Jl.NO TO ClIl'RCIl Oveislept ill) clf ; conltl mil dremt in time : ton cold J too hot ; don't feci ilUpnttt il ; i.i uiher time to inyvelf ; put my p.ipers ti. liillt ; letiers lo wnle ; lied to hiiiueR day in the wet k, no freh air but on Sim days, mean lo lake a little neecffaiy exer ciso ; new hairnet not come home ; don' like a liturgy aUa) pia) Ue for I ho satin thing; don't like exsempurary prayer ; don'' like ail organ, il is too uuiy ; ilon'l liki singing wiiboul iustiumeutal muic make me nervous ; can't bear a wriilt u serinou too proy j itioliku ail exlemporaiy sermon too Irothy ; nobody tu-d.iy but our ouu do tnuiisier i don't like a tniance one ; cau' keep awake at church, fell asleep last timi I was there, shan't rink il again ; and so or Bi'atNM Necr.JSABT -.The eip-iienee of all, ilcnionatiali' th:tt a lecnlur pteinn''i business is rusenlial to tha healih, hn ppiie couleiitmeiit an t UMfn!iiei', of man. With, nut it, he i uneasy, unsettled, inieeial.li and wretched. His tleaires h.lve no fied aim, his ambition tin high and noble vi"!e He is ihe sport uf viaiuniuy dreams and i.lh fa icies -a looker-on w here all are busy, a drnie in the hive of lmlus ry J a nuiper ii' the field of enterpiii 'and labor. If such were Ihe lot of the feeble and helpless mil.', il were less to be deplored ; but il i oftenei the doom and curse of ihoiws who have the power to do without the will to act, and who need . that quality uhich makes so man) others, but Ihe want of uhich uumakis them the quality uf vior and reaultt. tifiu. liuainess is the grand regulator of life. ''.' , . HoVSCMOLD DeKIHlTIOVt, omf.-llli- ptilCe where 4'hilJren have their own way, and rnanii'd men re-sort w ben they have now licit? tipe) to ke.'p themselves. H'lsihej woman who is expnoleil to pnr rhase w iiboul nieitiie, and sew uu tullons te fure they cmne dir. i Joiyihi thills' on esuotint of which its mother1 should never go lo lha apvra. txjiin-. queiillr need never havei a nevr lint.' .iOmiVf -ih muul which iseApcled iq b ittxact ccidi.ifs whenever I he niHler o the huuse happens lo be al home to eat it, vhe U-t at twelve nr half past three, JIaJUua iiny-pa -iia limn . heu a kvonian '! throw 4 broom at a thievish dog, 'ir ley '1 wupt't'.' wi'huut beii g tbotgbl eroair . Trcvitri-b Uiajiuted UJ(ii0tj . . WJKT4IH.H - ' CATTLE POWDEB ; ., raKPAREB ar .. , nRBlMO, FKON KFIK1.1) iV CO. No. 1ST iVoriA Third Slrttt, Philadelphia. 1IW iniwilrr Ii cirtilM hjr Wi wiiltnl tnnlm -nf uf si I wh i have inml it u ili Brtl rank uf nil lh w CAT 'II.K MKDICINKS, which hnr ln til tiglil pr.iirc wiirih)' f f tnniiT yrmrt. Iitlrf1 ws rlinllritr uf rrrfl lo irnka s tiipriir. if nitf ptiwih-r 1ht hoik ih th snis nmnrnr. lflhifiiiiiMl Im perfKdtr hfvlihr K will vtilivr ItHTOtiM the atn xiiit cT until r i renin ami hullrr X r Ih minimi will impMvs mpWIy In ftrt. It wilt lhi-irl'rs Is liint li r Hiihlrrfftl w lmv Hi d mla mi"f ill itHf Hi arri t-lra of averv Fnrmvr, who keepa a ili itv ( t r w prra m ntntiitft a htae. It ia h i t.na if tlHM hind r MiiTRRKD Hint mrrpiy awrll an niunml ap f. aiwt limr, Ihii N will y l hp ntpucilv whirh ll ha -f eiaiprtiii IIICI'UIIIC At ll) (whirh i an rfftta nmltrf) inM l.i -tic ci "T iii.ai.ii ; niiiar a (rmilrr amount of miiriii nntirr to Pit.arlnl ft in Dip anina ainnnnt "t f'l. lima (xa lily o-nil.1 r, wrrt llir ai'tirc iiriiiripl.a of imirili n ikimihii iirtlipaiairm in th firin ih" llireeaic Ana ' imv ffpeivtil a intiltitmta f pviilenca tu pr.iva whut w hiivp mill all v. Kii;rn- I iv : W't tmv mixnl ihf miivp aimii. with a tint nnml-pf f Vedrtirlv I'fcnit niKl hi-ri. vli;i-li tun anil an hii?a pr.v,r ti l uBPint, iinjiraiitf iIip appi-lii ami pr- m iin tiff-Mi n if Hip in d j ihna nn-nriiic a hmltliv e lullliim if the hhul, fmin ivlii. n the .Mil mat FT innai l f Tniril. It iiwit he ne,l f r Hnaiti. Cows and tlcjoi fur Ilia f jIIuw in( e Jinpluiula ami Uiatvivra. noitsr.. YEU.OW V ATI-tit, a iluiiKi-rnas siftnwaa, which .le. atr)a iiuiiy vulunlile htiniea every year, la very often entirely i-ured tiy Uh I'rtw lieof tin pmviler, ill alt faaet It will prevent Ihe iliaruae t'r- m cniiiiuir ml. Tliia itniciiRe ia owuinii 1 1 a lunl ami inip'iveriplieil alnla of the UjiiU wliii li Lvcuinua lliiu, wutcry anil of all yrllw c lr. This powder hy impMviiig Ihe si'imneh and Kivinf l Itiehl.NHt a xienler tiimiiity of red purtirlce, afl nla ilia heal ami only pumiMe elmm'e of rec 'Very. If Ih h -rpa ia i';ir ft 'lie, i(ive in Tiling ami iiiehl a tahleani'ul in Wei ft-eil, if in itie hepinninir nnee a day al n on, if only t are veiii f lie riieiip iwit-e a we-k. MI.AIimtKI.NO. 'I'hia i tlie mlir.itl in nf imny vnta i lile II tpi-s h- e.th.niplioii ; ly a riinittint iliat-litirpe of .ili vil whh'ti itiiiftit ! pi inM Ihe Mtinii ii'li 1 1 aimipl iti-t'i n. It it a aieriea of aiilivtitl-in oftoll pr ulnced hy Ihiak Ta-Wii-Pfi crowing in the pnptnre r-tuml A 'i'lil'I'-aii'iMii'Mt llireelimt a week will l'rnpini ly arret the II w. il' it it tea n ipeml i'ii ttie Tobai-co iii ll-e RTp, nndfr eui-ll cmiiiii'iMiH-rp me iti'ttim' intiPt lie kept in the atiii'ie DIS ritMI'Kll ll Ihp .iwitr iaearlv ami Ireelv "ed. li i "iher ren.e'ty n.aeHe ntil. it 1i;ip alrepily rured ran drei "f IIokbra ol ttna lr')utl. t.)itie diprl.pe t - III bum tiy if lli.e wli i nar.1 it. If n t iisril e:tr;. I.ef re imrieT h a f innr.1 in lite neck il e i.ai t real re Ilia aniinnl pertecltr u.nil Ihe nritter ia ilipehn'ite'l. ne it e:irly and prPvent aneli a rca.ilt. A T.iljteep i iiu'ut oik- or iwir a d iy ia en-tush it. WliKltS. Ttiia iliieniie Ina liniBe.1 all Fiaaira, liive tlii p wrier a fnir fritil and it wilt it i vn.lerp in ihip lerriUc mid Imhert.. imnr.'lile ninln.ty It ia a uipeiifa i Ihe trliindnnt PVPtem ami kel up liv inuierle.'! nutrili-!'. in B'irh fiara ii 'rnl'tfP-'O'Miinl everv ih.y tvviee f r a ni'ini or Iw ', in 'iiar.-tnl am-.' -ppi in. will in nine mart ..ut ol a dozen efTret a cure, it h:n tw-en f urlv fi-pet. it.i.icIip nmt ah 'rinepa of lirmih dcpemtni on wenk Iuiiitp. a Tnll.'Pivfc'nfut every im-rnine; it il abuii-a .'iit-a ul twice a week PODH I.OV.?PIHITI-:n lirmsr.S. or where there ia ai.v rein .ina of K'iniler or attlfnepp of m 'Ii ti, and Ihe llorae will not fnttnt, or where the hair la rmnrh ami armi'lp arniffht out, the food eeetnitre; t-i do no food, ihe 'uwler pr Hliiivi. al'iioni iniine.li!ite imnrovenienl in ina aninrili the dipci-elioii iinprov.a and Willi it all the alint irntlnieea of the ainintil rliKii)iperira. Iiev.miii'l lively and apiiituti, and itie hair amootli and alick. COV! For Milmn-s Cowa, we are fn'ly e 'nvince.1 thai il nol nlv iiiiit ivetf tlie uutilitv, lit.it lti.it it inrre..ara the ain.imit of M.lk. Crrnin mid llntlei ; a Hue wh ' linve irieil the rx periwent any n 1. oiinl a Week, ollieia aiy h.ill a p mud Wli.le one peraoti luMKted nixiil It Unit lie matte t-.v pnumn in Tea wrek i'miii h C"va. We think it will da founa1 t ' aiLTi.ee fr mi at "l i n i 'invi per week on each Cow. if Ihe (towa are ieiot ly Ik'HIiv. Thia attdilionnl am mill ia in i.lu to- the c 'iivcrai u - f the iliorii' io Acid ml i .Niirn- frenotip nil.) f.itly cnip uii ta : ul liy aupplyii'it ihe . xy- tfen tak'en In !' Ihe !il:i-e. wnh ttie rlviilt-nla ol reaction; Willi- nt t-iKinp any f ttie .Nilr ecu -up porti-'ii "l l he. lecl. iiin.i.iiw iinK.N .r win. K: iiieir ijii;ai-., and nil other di.-aat'8 of nenl c due decending np-'ii a bnd plate ol the niinU. are rem veil apectltly ami enec uallv C 'Wa. wh ae nnttt ia t'tue. thin mid wileiy sad where it doee n 4 vie d m.tch c.'e:.n.. or where Cowa give hlo xly nnllc. tv vhich lie UPid I at:iml I my dry, il will he I aind nn aim al ii.ftttilile re.iie.ty. liy tmpi vii'tt the eomnli n nf Ihe III tkI and cienling n healthy ilictti n ; a TahlfPiTHw f ul every iiuj or every utticr day as it may be iiei-essaiy. 1IUUS. l'ijfa in the summer often overheat itienwlvep. (jet awal led necks, cong-hs, ntcers in the laiinrs and later, wlnca cause iheni to die very suddenly, 'heee may l pre-euie. eulirely hy pHllinii a ponnd 01 a half into a ilurrcl f evill ; and it witi at the aaiue tnue e .iisi.lerality lualeii tlie lutlvn inffproceas. .V. H In an aniinnl which ia t-ivnijr milk and r u are 'lesirons ti fallen ut ttie eaine time, y.m pli nld tl t Kive Ml ire than a t.il.lepp 'i.l'iil once a week or il will relaid til f irm iti--n of fat hy iiicrenpii.fr the am tint of Milk. t.et eic ra ai try ila crlecla f ir hiniPetf and h wil niii he aatialie4l of its excellent qnajiiiea. and Unit 11-1 l-'nr 'net alionl.1 1 with ml it. l-'or the nurn ve of findinr ont still further how f-ir om 'nallv celcl'nitid CATTI.K I'llWtlKK. is entitled I i Ih. "oiifl'lcuc e of nil intelligent people; we have addressed altera t i all porta of the I'lliteil ftatrp. wlicre one P..w ter h"e lieen uae.1, llud we are able it w frm tha evidence Mm lr 'ilirhl lafore ua. to naaiire every r'ariner. Iliury iiitin and il.irse-mati. that il haa ihua far very mueh ex eecicl our m t s'luiruiue expf iti ua. With tha additi iud km'wleilire time far fttniiied. Wa Mora we will he emhled to make the lept and ln-at per fect CxrTLK McDiciHB ever yet otTcreil ! a dieceriiine--e.'pie. ll acta aa a valiwhle pr.an -ter of direau n. iia. .rovep Ihe qualitr of tha In sh! amt thua owrcssea the tmoiiut of either Kilt. Milk and e maeqaenUy tti Hatter tven 111 Ihe hetilttiv Animnt llewara ff It'Hiuterieits as the extensive eite nl aai wiwdcr haa indnee.1 iKheia lo make an iitiitnli.ii of il. Kacti pack baa our written Signature on th end. IIKKINIi;, e-KU.NKKIKIJ) 4 CO. riiiT.lelphia. July 1851. ly. MALEMANUrACTORY," CHEAP Cal. VVK STONES. nnilH sulisrrilier iiiforma his fiiemls and tlie -- ptililic, that he continues to carry on tlie Mnrlile liiisiiirs in all its l.ni ih-Iicm. at his old "land in Milton, IV., and ia prepared lo manu facture Monuments, Tombs, Gravestone?, &c. of t.ie licit material, and nnwt finished work Miitus'.iii, anil ut the lowest prior. Letter t.'iittiui;. Knlitli and German in tlie mwt utiMlern an-l etcor nit style. Ucaigna for MouiiinentH, Cirnve Stonea, Ac, lwava on llnnd. N. H Orders for the Kant aide of the river tiroinptlv executed liy leaviuir the sjins at tlie ilUce of the "Sun'.iurv Ainerican." ' A.NT1I0.W HirP. Vi't-iri. Mnv 10. t .. 1 . v &FiITIC?. IHl! auluirriU'rs oiVcr tor a;i! Clipltriihnn. - Suit in itiviiliiiihlp ipini'dy for this iliarapei t in an exact imitation of the Mater of tlir ri le r a ti-.l Chi'llciihain Spring of lnluiid, whirl, as l ien found so lH'iu-1'n ial in raws of Dynprp i i, Dilioim I'niii plaints, tick llruilacap. Halm ul 'oativriicM, Ac, and ii pirl.culariy rccoin ipmlrd as u eutist tutc for Sridliu IVwilrra, as n eta hoth aa a tonic and penile purgative. A '-iiii lilet roiitaininj an unaKsUol tlie water an. i.e' toiiik for its i.w ni-roiiipaiiie. each l.olilr. 'lice 38 ronta irr liotllc. The sulia -rihrrs al.-o prppaie a liildy roiicei. i.itpd KkKcnrr of t'u.e JainaU I (iinjer. I'nc. rrtita per I utile. Full Cultiuiriui of ilrnc with piiiea lill.irlu . iirnUlicd l'h -.H-ijiis (jr-iliM. Also jinced .'a.. -rues"!' I'lln- t'llt llilC'.il - for ui.al'i.-- iirlllislK. The altciilion of )n,i;.;ijt is arlici.larlv i . ird to our atn. k nf line druira. i lirinirula, Ac III l.l.OtK A V li E.N SHAW, Drug-ipis hi nl Mnntilacturiiia ( lieniists - Cth A Arch Street, riiiUilelnhia. iicipi er io, is.ii una. TREVORTON HOUSE, . TUHVOUTON, Ta. rilllC sulipcribrr rectfu!ly intorms the pu'J. M. tliat lie lias oprnru a rulilic House, in , , new town of Trevorton, Northumherlund county and llmt lie is well prepared to arconnuodatc ,i, guests in the ht't manlier. Ilia house is located nearly opKaite the Company's Store. He isalau provided with good slahliug sulikient 'for 'it) hnr sea. He trusts by prompt and careful attention to bufciueae to uuct a share uf the puhlic patron age. IIL.VKV 11- WKAYEK Trevorton, Jail- 11, lS50tf- WATCHES. A few double stare n Enaliah bi i biker Watches, for sale at very low prices hy II. B. MAS.SFR. eiunhury, April It. 1"-M. K JNOB AXD fc'PKI.NU MOUTlsB I.AT : CH ESrAn escellcut artu le, for sale . half the usual prion by : J W. -'A'ILIMi. Bunhury, July 7. Iej49- . , ... ,, 171 1 sale at this otrire, Buiierior Ulaek Ink. C itile Medicine t S3 cts. Pure Ewcucs of 0 ng.. S4 lenu. :,- t .- , ,.. ip i . . i . .. , ,,, 4 KAlIN, currants, citron, rheese, pepjier sauce, Jcc. fat sale hy J. W, FKIl.I.NU . enkurv, pee. Jllfc ustices fit bills. rors,ie'i,;T' . 11. B. MHI Mf. Afril IIIUM ... I.IV r R COMPLAIN T, Jaundice. DYHMcr-MAi cukomo or NEia tU'S DEHII.ITV. DISEASK , t)K THK KIDNEYS, 4 ', ' ND all dlseneeparlplnn from a di rilered liver ar St" mnch. such npeoi.sltnli ti, fnwirri rile. Fllltness. of M pI I lias lipnit, Aetdilv of Ih H mneh. Naneca, HearllpKiK dise-nat f it F-aat,' fllllneaa of weiifllt in the fltomm-h. s ur KriM-lati iia. Piukliiff f flatlcrluff at thP pit of rhp ! ati M-h. pwimirrtnv f the he-id. hnrricdnnd dlrttcntl I'repihl.w. rliiOern. at the Henri, .-h -kme or enrT-eailiiif aenanlj np when in lyi.'f p Plure, HiinncPa of (iafm. d SB-ir wehs Iwf .re the siaht, Fever and dull oniil In Ihe heod. defteienev jH perppirali m. Veil -wmTtp.if the skill and pvea. pain in ilia aide, hnr, cheat, liinh. Ac., aadden Itiiahea u henl iHirmiw in tlie llcp'i. oa.staill im igillliulP a evil, and pre.it ilepoei ai of spirits, , . CAM DK l-.FFi:cTI AI.I.Y Ct'RKI) BV rTCCPL.lTC'S DR. C. M. JACKSON, AT THK . gi:iuia mi;!)imi: stork. Ni. 10 Arch Oil., rhtlnt-1ihin, Tlifir iM.wcr ovrr the ith tve ttifriftti it nl PicHir.l, if n illi'il, l.y miv oiliir pr(iirti.itit in iltn rtiiiiil It Mm. nit I lit- enrt-i alti'it, in iiimiy cax ullcr k ill, it I !i nit-uuif h;nt iiiilisd. Till di ItitlfrB nris wt.rlhv- l1itv nllfiil inn i t MlVltlriln V iBrnwiiiai frinl virtiif-i in Ihe ttfi-iiftiMii "! ..t' iliwui-i t tlie l.ier untl l.tM-r gluntln. rteiricittji tlie hi W Miirhiiifi p 'WffM in u-rriloit flM n i id iiflWiieir -i the iligive urn. they uru, wttlwl, tn rt-riitin m It-Mnitil. I From the.U 'fit il litre.J , The K.ht.ir utii.l, !?. 'i)t. IIM)rLA"tn'p ('Kt.lIKR ATKD ' 'iTHM A S HlTIKR4 f"l the cure i if l.iv r (Nmifil imii. .luiimtH'1. lyniMiiii, ChrxiiH' nf iwvmii itvMity, imihmrrvinUv one t thi in ut n Itir ineilii'iiit i ( ih it-iy. Thie'Hitiei8 hnve Ikm-ii hy th iimmlfi, mid n frintt nt nr ih w my he hm hini-m-ll- rtt-r-'i.-ei. hii t fltftim, uml j in-iiiiiiii iii rure f tier C-mpl.titit ir m lire im-m thin rniNih . WV rr c iiiiH-il tltttt, in liitt ne !' thi'rft' Iti-trm, th ntinii ismstiniily ruti tUf Mirth trnil vi r n f-M-t wrthv 1' ureitt v titile niiinn. They Hre pliiig'tnt in inMn nu am II, tun! rtin t llftl hv HTi tin Willi the ui:Kt ih hnite at iiuirltR with fttilf ly. tihil'T tiny rirciiiiit' Nt'.-n. We nrt; Kin-nkim.' fr in vx- Ticnte, nml t t the Hftiirftit we it.lv.w I heir tiw." ?r'Tr'ii AVrFKLT." "ne uf the hoirt l.itiTitry iwjteit pulilinhril. Mii(, .u. 1"1)r. HrLir'ii i.RRv?t Mtrrrn, mntmr-tftiireilhy Or J icHa.i.1. yc n -w mm ui tit-iittiit hy b 'ine -i tin hi nt pr inim-nt tneinVTS .)' the :ifiihy :n tin unii-le "I iniu'li e-fitMcy in rt tf li-irnlf wenkneKn. An Bn'h is (lie rie. we w ill I :i Kir -! in .tiurn I i -ht'iin n ti file. Hint tluiH iwive thittiw-fii tiPiflf rtfn t mi !' th'l.ihti tH r.ni'it.ni (,n fit ul tttfs- Hit tern I'lvmiitiue ti t their he-ilth. w, k i w i'mhi fs -rirnre the ilutary eject they Jmv u.i-hi we'.-k BvitttMis." . il.vre Evifantr. The "IMltbl IH,.hf S.tiirtl;.v ti.ii-tle,' the hrT f.tmtly nowiv'M i ;iliiptiitl iii tiut I'liaed uii.-i. the elit -r ..) i ci' man Hitters. 'It ia Bel.l in wu iw nuneiMl wh.it me lertunl Pa tent MtiliriiMS. t line 'MiitVlt-itre mil p:itr ni:tjre f nr rentier; iml. fl'.'ir! rrr, i.n Wr rrc tnuiriirl M. II" t timi' (itTin.tn Itiiiern, we vt it tu he rtniiiK'Uy uuih t NtiiiKl Ihiil we are 11 l u efikiny i t' the 11 wfruni" l ihe rlny. thiil lire it iwtl nh i f r n hi iif peril m! "ml then fur- fl'itieiiiU'tei they hnveil -hp their tznihy nice of iiiiBchtet, mt I'h uiedifiue I 117 eflahliKiieil, nnivein Hv iittrl, ttnil which tniB met theheiiriy uppr'ival -l'the Kaeitliy iin-i,' " Mviih'iH'e n mii evi'h'iiee Ii.ib hecn reeeiveil (like the fore-r hi to) tnnii nit Btfti hb f the Cni-m. thj Inm thr y-s.rB, nn.l the Bir 'inifni t)nii niv in in f iv -i. i. that there i m a it ue. in Ih- pn i e f the rei'iilar 1hv. ..HHiir. -I H..IHJ,n. tin,, nil m ,w .. I'n.., f.,..nl(M.H, i mi 1 su it winn in t-?M iiinirimi. if-i'i ni iv pr viiht ui'ii 1 ft B.-ie(,iifi.- nivtriri'i mi wH ft with their iiiietuiiiruvul i wh"ii 'irwittnl evmi in fhis f- vn That IhiB ineilieiiie will rare I iver C nml-iint nml pv. j ftepBia, it one einiil aitit. fifir w-iv. i 'b h'-wtet'. It !! : BueetPeatly np-ai the nt nrirlmml liver it i.ri-iT-r tl le ( to i;il mie, iti all hilti ti ht-n tKf crt'.-f' i. i a iifiti tie. Thev mi W 'i'haitii-tfr( l I V'ii.:le ii iitf ut W'lh B i'ir' v ; nmlrchihlfUmfit, titanytim.v I1KWARK OK roUNTKTlFl.i f ThiB ineili.'iiie h ia !tt.nineil th.it hivh eliaiaerer wliifh ib iHWBJwry iiiihn.?liei.i i-i . M (ail I rMi a nptin mix nrtu te ut the nA if the liveB ! tu e are. inn gently .h jeive!. I I.OOK WKI.l.To THK M RKH OK Tl I K t.KNt 'INK. Thry hnve ihe written ,.LM,,rnre of C. At. J iiiwMt fhi wraprH-r, an-l the mine hi mn in the Kitth'. with inir whirh tiiev Hreitpilii lis. I ar sale, wit ileBaleHiitl nl'til, nt the N VJfl AtlCri ?reet, one H r Itel w Sixh. (I it 37P Ra-e BtreM.) Phil'iileiplii!. nml hy TuiieeUi!ie ih:uier generally tlir.mglr.nt the e tint ry. ritici- RKprci-m. T- naMe nil ehs. tf invaltila 1 1 enj y th itvantaget tif tneir great rBl'rative piwTH. Suvfc Bo'flfii 75 cents. At.n Knr nr hy If. Mamkr, Sanhiity, and M. A MOaV. Tthtinilierlanft. Am?nt HO. C iy. Th" tiii.ler!o;'n' I have entero.l into Cn-purt-liersllip mi'liT tho film id IIIMHY V. I.xWI.r.Nt'K. TO OARRV 1 THC Paprr & Hag Burner.. At .Yu 5. .1ioe Slrfrt. Fhilalrlphia. VITHEI'E they inleml leepine a Isrue ssaort- ' nient of papers, Ac, cwieiitilif in part aa follows : ritin? papers ; wove and laid, American and English. lluth Pout and Note paiers ; wove and laid, gilt and plain. IV. io Tests, Flat Cape. Printing Papers, all sizes. Hardwire p-ipe-a. from 19 l.y 2-t lo 40 hv 48. 1 Coliired and while tissue paper, American ! and Uui;likli. Ilolliu;awoitirs Patent Manilla papers. ', Colored and white 8hoe papers, common and extra sizes. Hull' Kuvc.lope p,iiers. i ('oh)red Priiitiiii and Coer papers. I Mauil i papers, all sizes. Ild2e. Koyul, all co- l.irs. ! Druzgiat. Hlue Medium snd Kilterim papers. ' Tea, feeiet and Colored papers for confection- 1 era. i llaj, Maui'la and e'traw wnippinir paprra. Hoiinet. Uiiuleri.. ll.u. Cup and Trunk hoards. 1 hite and Dull' Lnveloies; lr-al, Letter, .Note and Card sues. Agents for Miss, Poller !f Co't FiL tors' Cards in packs and sheets, white slid colored mid si res, cut lo order. A Is i, their t.ilt, fumed and Plain g'azed p iwra. JOSEPH H1MI1Y. late nf K . Thinl . I N. K. l.AWIlE.NCE. late ol No. 3 Minor at. N. It. 500 Tons of Ha? wanted in evchsnje (or cash. Philadelphia. July 58, l.5t. Cmo. 100 LABORERS WANTED I MMI'.DIATEI.V on the Trevorton liiil Itoad. " S.. IIOIIS ol .V SS ; al tlie Mouth ol the Ma iioiui) C rick, to whom lil-irul watreswtli la- paid, iit.v 'P. ci,i:.n;.NT & Co. Suiihi ry , Ju'y .", Is.'il t!'. T ' ! ( ) 1!( )'f ' I ' I LiUU'' llJlil... A SUKTORY, TA. 'pJIK MISS WUI I'Zr.l.'S icspenfullv inform I the PuMic that they Mill en, .tome to ruler, lain Irntclli rs and nlliers ..i I'le.r n'.I ..t,.l,li.l..l stand in Market street, west of the Court House. Their lonti evperience in the Inisiness. and the j "uudays. well estahlished reputation of their House, will,!. '' TottsviMe al tj o'.-l a-k, daily. they trust, he suH'u-ient niiaiuniee, that their cualotiii-rs will he well arcomiuodated. March 6, 1831. tt". A3MERICAN H0U13B, TOTTSVILLE. TA. ' XI KS. MARY WEAVtK reactrully iufonni ' ' tlie pul'lic slid traielliuz .'.nninuiiilv tieiieral ly. that she ha iiened this lar.'e ami -o uimaliniu. IIOI KI.. furnished iii a stipeiior style. Kro.u her Ion.' cperirnce in the Inisiness of a first mi, Hotel, end well known reputation lo ivninii lale, her customer mav depend on la-llif supplied with every tiling conducive to llicir comfort and convenience. - fell. 15. 1851 tl LAWl.KNCK 1I0USK. ' SUNBUEY, FA. ' lIEaularriliercK'crfiilly informs her friend. - and the puhlic generally, that sue has takei, the alaw-e Writ kuowu .laud nearly opposite I lie Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. (J. Per kins, hlie trusts that her eiuerienca hi liu-4nesa snd Iter elTa-i tl make tier (ueau wnulortlle, will Kive entire sali.-lurliou ia Utuse woo way fs- yor her with liieircuatoiO( - ., - , r - ... v t . A.N Jf C; MORRIS March 8, lMletf,..i : w - . , ' BLANK DEEDS primed on tue tana uualily cfarchtOt-tit IMpei. sold at the lowest rice l tlus tllste. Is bu wd rtssjj , , i WE BTUDT TO PLEASE. 'I 11 r! aovmln of Railitera and oll.prp, ar reepectfnlly I. Invheil t. the eateiipiv and wU aiderted si rk ' M Il.ln.XO II AKbWAhK -.nTtMilJs, n .w ..Bured hy the tnheiTibeY, e .nplwiiKi In i art aaf Hows: ' Aineuean Fr ut II01 b rka, iipriihl. with lliplrt W fk, pluled hraM iiinnlnr t pora-claHi all e- l r. .ii.er.ciin rr -ni u or l. eha. ai riuhl. rii-.m. wnn nifrM w -rk, -hitnJ nr hran furniture, or inHcL.iii American Fr ! P xr Uwki m ft r P-. II iHi tul T it night, hi-HMfii niiure, or iorcelriui nil e I tb Arnvneitt Ritn I,;. ill Bieaand qunlitiet. Whttai f hmtw tiimiture, .-r (woelBianii -t t. Artltfiniti MiH-li. I. ka. fsll sm.'. saiitii itlnlnL whiLa or iraB fiirniiur., -,r poro It.in nil e ) wb. Atnerienn M liter Isatrht-n, nil aixs, with plntM whita r hrnna furniture. r p 'roeliHi nil e I ib. t Am rii-MM Al tritee ami Him CI m U-ckB, pallet. 1 hrnM r iitchf.-iiB, or p'Tr. I titi nil e lura. . i-i-TM,in l)r ip, iHtp. Thumb, rtnte, nial fftnra Dmr I atehea. l . Imitiiited tiin-km mihI jitehB"f eyetr iliwriptioii. linUlwnrB, ami Aiiierieaii flult Uttitfi-R. ul all uzi-a, InM r l-n'Be j int. Hh.irier. Oate, !lrnri. T.. ami Rr.rkl.-ip IlinteB. nil kuHhi. fhiiMrr. ti;,ie, ),Hir, Khinh. ami !, ring Ii -U, f wr light r e-irt inm mtA hr.w. evurv ih-BTi Ipti. 11 errwB. SPiri. filne, !iml Paper I ihe Iw-at iprility Aiueiimii Axle ami fhuin Axle r.illeve, of every V-riety American Rnttniii, phitn of oil plate. Iiriisa. iron, or hr u tent. AmiTiefin 0I1B, platetl, white, ir 11, wu tl. H ktiula. t ib1i-C rit. e nan 11 uml patent, with other art irhi ton nuiTirnsnn o inepfi -n. IF" NAILS urnJ SA!U-Wi;iU!ITS at l? ACTOR Y ri:iri:s t'-f All n itB il' lirrreil fice of Charge 1 1 any part f Ihe 'itv nml ltBirici8. At I liit out i Until meat pun r t aim) ''lie ni the IntfreM iml iH'Bt nn rttiifiitM -.f White ami Kanev N I f r I.-i-Wb. Ae., hi tle City, Burne pntternB, of wliieh. cannot lie eca, r hitiineil, nt any other t re. THV t Seai A JackB Itnek, TattH. Ilaml, nml Hipp Pmwb, int rl-il exprenBly I" r Ite'nil Brih-n. nil Bflecttfl w i'hcare. S -le n'nt f 1 the relehnit.il I I.um b. mail hy I:. W. Car peiittT, f I jitreaHit-r, I'm., In intr nil iiimIc a' mpl it w ul. mid the KittB trr nml hijiI tii.il. Ileattx 'b A Willi intB' make f Chi'wlB. A sea. HntrheiB, Uruwinu Kniven, At., nil wur rantetl ff ml. I'imlt'i nml !:iek'a uuike uf Angers and Auger Hitla, olj BIZ'-B Ann-riean Stiinrea ami HevilB -f evry I'earn; Ii n. Anierii-ni Ifuiea, Oant-a. twaetta, Cohiiikkcb, rrrtw liriveis. Ar. Atmrinni C. ? ITtnim-TB, Claw nml Rixetinir, 11V. fit-B, .iivim amt lees, all mxt-a. tte'i, If ai, ami Virlt ii Bnuit, with C. H. Hitta, in pre-it virii-ty. W. liriMvea A H ir. Itntrhera aii't otln-i ceh hratetl maki'B I Chiat-la. Kile. Pl:u.e-i roim. Ac, .r. A-MibV relet r it i.I Cr iiht T niIb. ittl stun ea M ikimj Mt ' f the lft ant in fl ex i-ttMve nva 'rtiuentB nf Hail lite II -t'Kwtte anil T - !n tit th- S'-ite. Al thia ent:t'it.hiiienl it ia e-m ii(enf1 11 (ihi'Biire t ' ahpw the H '-I-.. Yici t f invite ( t e ill an-l exatnnie the an -ri-utriit, Ufur li e prteia ankel, teiore purchiming vUt-wht-te.-t'.'uie mi i n . n.-erifiilU. WM. M MeCLI RK. - -7 V :fv !' . I et ween 7;h ami Mh, upper at.le IMi.laileti 'ni A-i: 17, Kl ly. AM) IVAS10N Y. 'I'lie nttt'tition nfllin imhlir ia rnlli-.l tu t!iP ail vritiarnirnt nf Mr- t'lnrli-a ('.. Tui'krr, Altornrs nml Aii'tit nt V nHlii'Mn (."itv. I'i ranim linv ini! i l.iiiiiM l.ir Initinty I. .mil nr IViirtinna lire in liirinril tlint tin-MilxrnliT hua in.i.lo iirruii::i'iiii'iilp fur till rcquUitr ti.riiia. mill rl.iiiii.u t. i--il.iti4 ul Ina ollii'e, mil bnvf tnnr un"r i ! i irr.l urn ,.,1 to Mr Til. kT Ht WaiiiI.M. in.) , , . , , ..11... .11 h' " ' proju'rly ntiomifJ Ut tK-iuro tur 1 ? inirtiiirut llicrc. jj " JS'KK. . t o . UliItlv, Jail. IS. IK.H . m 1 . 11 It' I I V W J I i V j U S I I IWUlSlKMI. n i:i: a m .w.ker. n. ins eiK-pnnt at., A ni" OMiiaiitly tiltiiiiix Hiitl rrreirini, fil J are f-si ,.w nlM Umiful music from lite imwt tlitii- . . . K,,,!'tll rnii w.t. ' Iie '"""t" I" milium aom of their rlnn- IM,'iir "? ""'"''"i TOiKas, Ac Now, thou art Hone, a l eantil'iil aonsr. words hv 'I'lloin iH J. ;irhl. lilu-ic hy Haiuliri'K'e. Mv ,ew EukIiiiiiI Home, word and leuaie l.v Mrs' I,. Wiidc. IJnlie's Uinnihtia; hy (J. tlrnhc -u eorection of IHirtta. Sounds from Home, piano and violin, hv Jos. it . I wont; i. Pretty Little Polkas for Pretty Little People, hy .1. Linn. All the Winds aje Sleeping, hy A. "'J. Worn- sey. I litiardintt Ansel, hy the niithnr of "I.ove Not.' Household Words, written hy Chn. Youiu.do. The Adieus, words by Thoinas J. Diclil, mil- i sic hv Ilorr. I I. EE A WAI.KI'U have ronsUnlly on hand ! auarior Pi.iuoa, nml a supply of Muaiii'a Ce'e- ' hnited (iuitars. which together with a line as-- portiornt nl Mimical IiiKtrumeiits ami Men li ni-' ilic in Kcncral. eompriee a Mock not to he snr- pusaed l.y that of any other reLihlmhuiout in the riimiln- I I V A- V l I.l.'l' I ins i iicniiii street, nwaiui e 1juiiuiii(. Philudeiphia, June US, H.)l. ly. XO ( l RK Nt) V I Hughes' Fever and Ague Pill ! ! ,4 PEKFKCT and speedy cure for the Kever and Ajrue is Riiarautecd ti any one who may use the Pills. They have la-en used for the . sere yrnrs and have never leu known to fail in a aine instance and in eaaca. too, where (htsoiis have had the diaease lor several years, wittiout iiitermisaioii. 'Ihe pi onrielor thtillnign tUr varhl to produce an article that will cure in ua alio t a time, without leavint; any ileleterioua elfiTta from the use of it. If the Pills d. not peiform a s.iecdy mil perfe t cue th proprietor w ill return the inoncv. I'or sale hy J.ieoh S. l awn lire. Miners' il'c ; U. Helleri- stein. Trevorton ; S. It, Dixon. Schulkill lla- ven; John W. pii'ini. Snuhurv ; Maiv A. Mc Cov, .Nortliuiiilsilainl ; I if. Ueekly, Danville; ' John Sharpies.. CattawisKU ; Dr. Jtidd, illiaius j pott ; John Kaser, Mi!ton, and by resjM-cUilile j Druggists tlirouvhout the State. J. Cl l.TJs C. HI (JHKjS. Proprietor, j Putt.iillc. Jin e -H, lt-01. iv. TIIILA. AD JlEt.DIY3 RAILROAD. .iviMiii akh.m;i-:vht iriim l'IIII.Ai:l.l lll AND IHtTMVIM.K. FHrri Rrtlorrtt. ww-h Mra yrtai t-v Offueof the Thila. fr Rca li'is Railroad Co ) Philadelphia, March 'Jh, l-M. Two PasM-iiaer Train. Daily, (except Sunday ON ami u'li-r April let. !t two tnni.a will la- tun r ich vvav. daily, helweeu Phil. id. I phill III J l'.'INvilU 1 NOttXIXG U.F.. Leaves Pl.ili.!eh..ia at 't A. M.. dailv ecept j S,i.....,ys. J l eave, l i lt ulle at 1 J A. M. daily ejeept Sun jd-iys. AI'TI.'HXOOX .AT. I ' '-eaies I liila.lt Iphia ul 3J o'cU k d iily.enrej eicept j FARE!, Iletween I'lii'adelphta and Polisvile, -rJ.T.'i 1st etas, cars and .'i Sd class , ... Del ween Philadelphia an I 1;. .i.li..,,. ?!.'Ti l-i das. cars and H.4.i '.'d class . i v. D.'it in Philadelphia, comei of bio.i l uml I'itie Htreels. . Passenaera cannot enter the ears iiulcwi provi ded with Tickets. .NOTIt'E.r'irty iwutids of haj ra?o will beat lowed to each passeiiv-er in these lines; and w -ii-;.-rs are .'.j-icssiy pniiuhitej from t.ikiui; any tliinir as liaaue hut their weanuj apparel, whirl will iieal the r..k ol its owner. , liv order ol tlie Hoard of Managers, . 1111ADKORD, , April 19, l3l, ( , Secretary. 'j)l'RK .WHITE BRAXDY FOR PREsER Yl.NU, just received end ' nr sale hv i ,., - II U. MAUSER 1 S.'1't. S. IPSO. ' ". " JXTRACT UK lilMiEH. A fresh supplv just receivej Slid lor sale t tliia ollioe. tire ?5 eeutfc iin'r. Ii, It. 111. ! ....Viv AUl'ES, waivinj the rieuiptiu, J P law of $ luO, for sale hy April 86. 1M iyiUTl.NO f'hV ' lopes, lust race li, IJ. M A8SKR. W KITING Kl-l ID and self sealing Euve t V Llls-P lnai ..;...l np p.,U lip 'April It, ISM l U.B.MAMER. j A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS : Al lh h hi lift Wmr llnom nf SKirN noiTpT & co. I Maikct Square,' - - Jlo ol Iht enrnrr nf Fnwn strrt Ihe Railroad i 'SL'NIIUHY. I'A. Thnfikfnl fur tlrr pntrnris?r of liia rricmla nml riiPlrinirra illirinn llif I? r-nra lie tina Iktii ill litiai- lirpa in tliia 'lnri lie a.'lirila frun tin- ptili'ir a inn. tii unnrr of tlioir fiivnr. linriim thia Trioil lie ln.a I'tiilrnvori'il to krri up willi the iiiipnivriiirnta i f tlir iIhV, ar il luia mi-nnlinjlv cvtcntli'il liia lnii. l rs in rvrr- I ninrli ami vnrirly. 'I'lio t I .liT- srr Ihnrplhrv invilnl to tlie nllciition of tlie prewnt atork of t AHINKT W UK. AMI ( II ?JS. MN';PAcTfnr.n nv SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. Al Ihe Old Ftand, Wlir-rc in sdj.liun li llicir forim-r stork of tlir Iftiililislinirnt tlipy now iii.iiiiifniliire Mchocan, Walnnt & Cpne-Seat Chairs. I.nr'Xt Spriv'i Sent Hacking Ciairs, Vresxintr Jliremi.i, Centre Tulles, Mnrhle Top Wns'i Sfnmfs, uml n variety of uthrr nnc style und E';iIiioii:i hit Til ni it live. llitxiiiS arriiroil it llrttrap nml nntili1 tlie nrrra aiiry nriiiiiu'i'iiirnlp for tlm ti r rwc. t'.ii-v lire1 now lityimn-il for I inli-rlaktiiir in n!l iti lir.iiii'lna, in tliia lii-inity or at any convenient ili-t.iiire. Ve tirii.ts ntiil miptrppea. an'l HiipI.-iii'Ip t pi, Ifere's I'ltrnitlire of every Ptvlen.nl tine, Tri'lll Bllle ll sirits ll twil t l kitellen t:.l'eS, l-'r 111 r ekins rli.-iirs l-i t H-kii'ver.-fll.-p Wi Mllrl y.tit 11 -t hnve tlm l.-ntly J.ni t.. pay. We'll v;.il nwliile f .r n liri!it.Tlptler iliiy, III take rritatoes. mita. c -Til. wlient mul rye; Hark, h.si(. p Irs. staves. -r Itiuile-r wl -iu ,tiT, dr liny lliiu)! )mt y 'k-s nml llir.-satt.c Hails, I'r -in I'ies nurl turkiep il.'Wil I . little .piaiis. O'lue .in tliea friemls. e 'ine oiieiiiitl nil, K' en tlaile n lil'ivinjr, p.. ''a: i"ii the Uill." I V' I )nliTa from a iliplitnre iiriiiniit'y sttrinlr.1 to nml work of s'l kin li ilrlivrri'il willt ilispati li. uiil nrv, Miir. ii V, tf T. BOOST'S 'i J 1-33' 251 . Ci Q 33 "-S3. A1ID TSTATCH ESTABLISIiriEST Ia Seliiisg-ove, Pa. lix !ii. l ;! 4 Mini ,vv; l', 1 ' KI'AIUI'l) in tin' lirl nia-m.-r nn I w.iii run! ' lo -nl irni well. All work iiHrtisti'.l tj liis ,'i'ie wiil'i. !ri.-:!.. iitti'.i.li'.i to. Ni'liinnr vi', !..v. :t . Iv'.'i.- il. J. II. ZTi.i;-IitrlAN, Jtsi: or in.; 11: UT. Suntury, Fa. (Wire in Deer Street, immediately opposite the I'uli ic School House. V.i.ieB eollectcil uml ail t.iisinera .i"iiijit!- amt care- I ti.lv- nlleii'lerl to April ill. IS.'itl.- UHOW.YS EsnK.NCE Of liEK, ane i-elieut artii lr. JAMAH'A lilN- tn wit's Medicated Soup for situ hurna, tun, teller. Ar. iiadw.iy's Circassian Uahn, for l!is hair d in.l rull' Ae. 1,'a.lwiiv's Ueady l"lipf for Cm in pa, Ch die. (.'ho er.i Murhua, Ac. I'or a.ile hv II. li. MASSE R. Sunlitiiy, Auj. 3, I8.10. 850 KOS.t'K.T. IK. HL'NTEK will t'..r:eii 3,l. if failin; t- cure anv e.ie of secret ilin'ase lluit in i come under hi., ere no in itter how Ion ( atiin.i- iu or ullli.tiu Eitiier mc are iaviic.l to his Private U-ioins. :W North sRVENTJI Street. Philadelphia, without Inr uf inter-iipiiou hy nth- er plli-nlK. Strauera anil oliiei wlto h.i.r la-eu unlortiiiiute in tlie aelecti itt of a pliviciau .ire lu.ite. lo mil J'li.ise who have injured thein-eivcs hy iohla y v ice ine in. ited. KKVl) AND KEPI, OCT. Tlie nflii.-ti-.l would do well to relied liel'o.e tni-ainii their licalth. h ippiucK.. mi l in in uiv raes tncir lives in the hands of physicians i;tior.iul o. this cl ue of in i t.i.1 i.-n. It is certainty iiupomihle for one man to iimli-u: mil all the i'.ls the hum in I'.iniiiv are Mihicet to. Uerv r.'-iia'ctahle phvsici in his hia pi collar I ruin h. in w hich he i-i in r success- ,-. a ,i . i - . ,i i . . . . ltd than h,s hr.itliei- prole, .rs. und to tint he de- vote, most ot his lime and stu.lv. YlCAIfSOK PKACIICK. evrlusilelv tUuo- , , , ,, , . , , . . ,- i- .i led to the atuily anil I eatiiii-ut ot iltaeaaes ol tlie seviiil orii.ius oetlu-r Willi ulcer, upon tlie ho- ly. thro it, nose, ur lr-s, p iiua in the head oi hones, incr. iiri.il rht-iuuatis r.ncl, itreulari. ties, ili.Mi.ises arising fr un youthful ecesses or iiiipnrilies of the hlood, whereliy the constitution has l.ecome eiilreh ed, euali e the DiK-tor to olli-r tp'rily relief td all who may p!aie tiu-uiuclvis under his care. Philadelphia, April lit, IS31 ly. V.'ittin tile PROPERTY FOR SALE. I H P. Sulwerilier who rrni-l.is in Philinl"lphia, t oliers for sale the f illowi.i ' prioenv in Mil ton, Nortlitimlierland t'ouuiy, viz: .The lurge. RRIGK BUILDING in upH'r Milton, firmerlv occupied hv Messrs Paltrrsi.tis as a Carria-je Makers Simp. The luildiii-T is fill feet fruit on upper Market at-eet. and 40 feet on I'r. nit street, and is two stoties hi,-h. "Also a two story liiiltK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 10 liy 2S fret, ot- tue same premise.. The lot ia on Ihe i-oriier of liiK-r Market a al 1'iout streets, ami is fiT fed trout, and loo- leet deep. The premise, would lie v.iluaMc lor a Foundry or other matiuf ictiiiiutr purposes, and will lie a aid on reason. il le and acconiiuojalin j terms ly ui plviut; either lo JAC'UU CAI.iilliAN. Philadelphia. .1. F. WOI.FINIJEIS, Esq.. Milton or II. II. M SSEU Es. . Suiihury. Philuilelphia, Jan. 'ii, I Ho I ll- ul'i:ibi' II'miI.m, 1 IKK vr t-HitisT, hatidsoinely hound, D'Ar i-i. vt's 11 si'llll in tmk K .ma M .Tins. !'i. -a D.i-aii-iK. 'M. l.KiniKiis, full hounded or sale nt the puhlisl.er. prices In II. I!. MVSSKIt unl.tev, llllv I I. lt ';:i,N Pirc'in..'it Pne- il.'-U ai I l.ljnk ' Mitajes. U t.ls. l'.- i!iin. Snot n us. e.. t'lr.iieliy M. U- .'' AViiJ ';. !-Ml;i'.iirv. April if., tai. - TO.H Ware. Eir.hr.) V, .re. limn-, Ai niuml. P noes m l Cieani .Nui. I'lu.es of all kinds. Sail and Plaster. -Just received and for stir iv JOHN W. FRIMMJ. ' .uiihurv. Dee. S'J. 1K4U. ' IIOKS and (lold Pens. On hand several roi ies of the life of Christ, and also a nuinlier ot -old pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices. For sale at this oilier. 4 TE.NlNf.S-Aeheap and ctcelleut arti cle tor fasteuiuir sa.li for sale hv J. V. FRII.I.Nt' : .Sunhury, July T. JSt!J. jYL'HSINd HOTTI.Es llreaat pumps, and i-' nipple luU'ei' A supply i Hivm useful arti cles just received and for sa'e hv , . . : , JvMI.N W FIUI.INU , Kuulmry. Jan. I. IH$I if - w'tLEY'S COVOlf CilNBY. stn ei.el ' i' lent remedy for vou.'hs, eolds. , For sale tt this ptlice , , ... . . ... f ISSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue asiir for ! I covering glasses, 6lch for wit al the eil'wK ol lit Aussicejiv : ' " HAMv NOTK TAi$l.l . CORRECTED WEEKLY, PP.WSVI.VAXU. fin nr PHini.ai.riii. MAfKACAlUKTTS. Alt a .Ivetit luniks itif HIIUDK. IHI.ANU. -All a Iv.-iit Links 1 llif CONNIXTiOl'T. All Solvent leinka I (lis NKW NORK. U. . Hank 11 I. a . . M ,la n s -iviail Isiiiks .4,1 nilrsmr ll-nik "f I'lriiiil.TPlPirg I ilis 11.111k ol'Cllt-ster Cm. wir ....... ' i i.e.. v .. i.nepler pur nrt """ii'Hii- wii ivir All a 'Iveiit la,ka I ilii 11 ml 1 l.rtlvp!.nr 1 , if k ,M,.r ffi 1 ui. Hank f l,e isl.'W.I I'im ntpT Hank r .MiJillet m 1 ill- All a h i nip trnikp ' 1 iltt .1 nig mer 1 . ll-mK par .KW JKItSKY. Hank "I N Tllmi.iU-.IH.I. un 1 1 i-lvul. re ll.mk ili llaiik f I'illPl.rirar I ilis t'-'iiniieieinl ll.mk J ilit llimk of Danville eirlFnr. II ink M 111 II illy l Ctirlisle llnnk 1 ilis V. it M.. Mi.l.lk'town I'I. .r Uollliill.m II k A IfgeC.i ,ar M.i'li.n.ies' Ilk. Newark il II y.lsl 'ivn llimk ir'Mei li. Ilk ol llarliiisl -n j.r KiiPton ll-nik pnri.V.i'li. A M 111. Ilk Trent r I'.rie Hank ilia.M aris I'.i Hank 1 ills Kvl.i.nire M'k I'inslinrit I (lis.Newiirk Itk'g A Ins. Co J ill" Kvehiniire H'k, llraneli I ilis Ulinice II ink j ilii- Karmerp' ll'k. Ilneksr 1 r t'e 'ple'p Ilk Pnlterai 11 "lis Farmerp' Hk, Irfuiinsler par I'rineet.ai Hank .ir Fanners' Mk, I(e-l.liii0 ttar S-ilt-m llxnkiiiu Co. par Farm. Ilk rWinylkill 'o par !.'inerrel Ua Hank il.p e k 1.. up ivinn.'Pi. tf lldis tnte 111111K ni I itiiKlen par ITiinklin Hk W-iali'n Ijil.s S'nlr Ilk l;liiliellit .11 I .lis II irrisl.i.rjt ll.mk .lip rVnli- Hank Newark j ills II .ninlale Hanlr , "H,.!,. Ilk. N. H.lniswii-k par I rfinetoter Hank ar SneS'-a Hank. .N'ewl'ill J ills ''"""'.i o.n.H p-ir-Ir.-nt 11 IVtnki.tu i. o ia) v.-r.-n. nan. n.nk 1 ths I in ni l.ank. I) ver it's Mmeia' ll'k. I1 iihv ill,- p, r Vnnllevv'left llel llr O -I VIi. M 11 'iia ilii.l.i llimk I .lis I? Ilk 11 'I. P nnilvr iM ilit . ..v e 11 e ua 10 ills 111 IV A 1( I.. " ea- nr: n II ink par Hank ol ll. laware UH IVy nniiia Hk, Wilkesli'e par Hank ol Knivrna an V 'rk Hank. I ilia tielnwiire I'iiv H ntk pal rP'ltelirf Holes .lip Ilk Wiliiiu'liA- Hnualvw. isil M ! K. I' lriii.'-s' Hk Si Pelawnre inr Hank "f Wli.'lli k X .lis I .11. 11 Itnnk. Wiliningl liir Mereimtilr Hk. H nnr 1 III ilia t"?' L il'ler .Ta ! 'lis Ml s Ivent hmiks ? .hp ll. Nl:V II I.Ml'flllltli. All s Ivenl Links t.lis MIS'lv.-i.l hanks I ilis t fl Ilk II iti'S nn.ler A's 4 .lis VKIiMiiNT. Hank "f Si All'ana ill a liciit liaiike -villi I II I AIIIII.1N . ? .Iij III s Ivenl Links ! .I'S .l.s.t e l ii.l. r 5 a, V il.s Eoiuit land aad Pension Agency, W VHllGTUe , 1. V. IMIK uiiih-rMirniil An nM y ami (i-iiettl Airi- it at idr t ii f Uiichihigi .11. Mera hi aTVM-ta iii -r rurun! if inn) I siiinii) .mil I'i-iiMiiiii 1 1 lit ! nil ulf.l. Ifi'in:; j.t i- iMiieinly 1 e.iteil al. the ne.it i it veriaiieiit, wilii i- lit .r null inal r.iniili.-ir ac ii lint mm- with tlie nereN .ry .".inim. imiI iniiti :e nt laisiiiem, nml ln intratfe) m Uei.Mera m.hI K'llia hh-il in the 1. 8. war niriet. he ft-e.-i. t reilili t'..i Ihe H(n-e.(y uikI Kit tstiuet ry iitljUShncKt n t ,y rnii.eiit fht. na 'a' every kiiul. Jv a late Act I Oaicri-BB. It nintv l.mil i prantetl tu (lie ineera tin.l iMiera nt the w.tr . If-ttf. mul .il I Ire vnri ri na lutltaa wara, Bii.ee ITtHI T tin me wh t aetvvil nine in aitha Mill nerea ; tu ih ae vvliu a.. ri e.l t ur in mtha mj .iiTea; mul t ifh c who act veil ne in nih Mt iierea. ArtiUim'liieuia iiae lie. ii ui.ide Willi K4'i"l,i '' he l.ei il ir l"e.i ti ia ihllercnl neeliiini . the C -uniry, l it the I -rali n f w iiT.ui'r'. nml the Bile n' the palenif, Wiien cmieil, mi the iti i atlvan'ai'e m i.;rnt; I r the pmnteitt a' t-ix.a, re-leni .ti it ..f Lntju. a I I f r tas'-a; e II. i-t'i it nt .:li:-: iti.l i r iia ir.i'isicti n t' (tenerai imw haBineiia, in '!.:T.'ie-c :'-:.! i, :-l r.-it ii t. lie It'ii'o -ft li i - . v -eK t tn iii!e. m f :iif nr f. mi n :i rt J ;if-: Hi, e. v." .H . ,.(, :- ,' I'll'ii ii it !-,, ,r p. f.. I !- a -v:-..-v .,., .,...1 ,...:.r.lt ... . .1 Mf r...aT, ... . .'.'v ..; -..r.ii; it.: - ..nil ii 'I l:i--.. -I. ii, .'i, ' f M.t V ,i t I t.i i i n: !ir .rM .i i . . i. vi I . , i.il" ' i' ' 0 a i'i -I '-.a- a..!- . -. 'i, - ,. . ,.. . i i.-p 1 !i.- it,. . 1 t l. rt-larn m' n. ..i. ,:. , ni.n.un' li -lis to In (PMirAili. an. I a.i In h.e,l l-t i n viti.i.s c. TtvKr.it. (It. t7, t. II.) Waaaiia;!.'!., ll C. DeeeiriLer-l!-, It-.u. I'll! I, 1 OKMMI I 4 B2r:U2CAl HOUSE. KSTAai.lMIKD i YE.VIIS AGO HY KINKI'IMX, S. TK. tWi?r of T:tii lmnil Unia Streets, BKTWKKN Sl'liLTK AM) I'ISB STtlllKT-, j irTI.KV I'.Wl V ! fxifiiitw ami uuiiiirrrui t-il I i ii-ii-e tyc.it hi tint chv 1if rcti t iy Ur. K. iln in 't t'Xi-t'i't int-1 fti't't'srnl pi'.-h-Mti ucr t.ir mul iiciti, in t In 1 1 cm t lint i i aii th hi- tsva nl ii I'fiv.ti' ii ii urc. I'itm iim i Hi, i c.l wr it uici-i h iiii ti t tic It hI , t ii 'in, i t Ii ir. mis 'i Ik- i.imiI r it -in , nicicitri tl rlicii.u itiniii. ncliin , yr-iM l, i4f:ivij urifini: ll ill) Y U'.M'ilil I'Xl'i'fM'-M l iilipill lll'! il Iltt; 'I tml. wlii'it-liy iltc i iiMtituli it iiii litt ihu ciHticlik'tl, uik ill liciiKil with nitrc'-wi. He wh ' ii.n.'r Miuienrii 'iinlci t!.c f.ire -if Dr. K., ni iy re liui u"ly f ''fi in I"" li " r 11 iifiitleiiiiiii, ami c i.f.iiiiit. I)' fcl) it,! it l,t tAiH u u tili tiiri. :ti. TVKK rK'IKI'ls!l NiiTUT. V'tttiiir M -ii wii i Ii ho iuiu I tli.'iniirlV''t liy fi taiti 'iiMiMn-t ttiilul'ji'il iti :i linhit t'it iii. 'ii.lv Itaru.-il ir n:i u; il " hh(':ihi in -ir al ifti i :li t-tViitu M1 which r? myltily .rlt. cvfii w 'it'll H!ft, mul ileal ny l III iiiiikI nml hul,. hi.iilil itiipU uii-iliiliaii'lv. e iritH HK mul e itnlifiilntial tilare.iefiry. ttiiysir.il Iuum flute and (ten- i-ii.-le .. sL-M.-uw ..) ...iiinii, 1 lelilluy I s H imir r;ii itr strati -ii. trriiaiiHitv .i:iii ait ii'-t v iinna.-t-U im, itiiiiility .i:iit ait a-1 v ii ti.V;-i-:i hm. licit- ili'tti'-ii, iliiiiHUiSiiirM ' tlm Itv!. ittt t vtv ilinctdtfin tinv , i tinii'-cii'il wiili the (li 'nler ol tiie irorrt.-:uiY fu.ic ii ui t uri-il. nu t t'lilt it r retitrr l. YOUTH AM) MAMIOOD, A viiT'iriiu lile or a preni.iluie ilealh. tlNKEI.lt nn S. !f rr. si nation. ONLY 2.1 C'KNTS. ; T;,'; " "'k i"'' poMip.!.--.! ia iilie,i u-ith .is. f,.i ...r .mi ni .a 'II Uu- liilirui.iH-ci aiMl dis-ases M n... l,....,'rall e lire:.:., , ,..., ,., nllk, , w ni, M'lliititiUn.lcii.U Alii:, a...l s)."!.i.l ie re.-i.) hy t.tl. Tlie vu:n il.U-a.lvne anil' i,n.r.plv war.iia" i' eiv.p. will p..- vol vi-rp i ii.isi-i uiiilsiilloriMir and save annual, I t, -j-, ,IK11,- , I'arems l.v realma il will karn lunv to prevent tlie .1. s- tra.-ti 'ii of ll.-ir eliililren. .A reiultt--.-i'-e l .' .-en's, eni-1 iseil in a l'-tier. let-.lr.iKs.-d i.. 1)1.'. KI.NKW.I.V X. V. cui.-r nl Tllllll) A I Ml IN Snei-is. Iieni-i ea Spraee Pin.-. iiu.l..-l.kia. wiiltionrr u ti ik, lla-lei- rio .-l .j.,-. -ei r.-lni-n . ni.itl. Pi-ri. insal a il! iil.-e In .yad.lie.s I Ir. K. liy letter, (mis'. pai 1.) mul liei-ire.l t.l It -ine I'At'iv XliKS 111-' MCDII'INI'.S, III It KCTK INS. e f .rwinliil liv B- irliiie a reniiltauee, uml nut u.i set-aie I'r mi DIM Mil-: oi 1.1 KKleil'V. It ' ik-pt-llers. .New ."a's. IV-.II irs. V uivasseis. mi l III! others siii.iili.-l Willi the nlh.v'e w-iri. ul v-r) low rules. Seplemlii-r t, lal. ly. LSSENCE OF .1 A 31 A I C A V. 1 N t; i: ! . All fi"in the ! .1 mi ii-u Oincer. n?l the vjiItiI'J iiiciii ni i. i.r .i etly . wh '-li il u ill lie tnuml U m-m in a t 'iivi'tiit'ii! nmt c iici.tr.ttrtt i nu. ll t-i n ui ml tlticiciir itii,! tit ilji- uttue ti.uc hiiMiili-Mi. fjciilt' KtHIll.l.llll.t; t Hit' t f tin fl .ll(l'll, lliiil Mill lit I '11. nt VtT' Ik-mile 1 1 in h-Iil vih tin sutiiutl iiik) ilitrtBtont lt-riitij iv-in inil tiy the mi ciirl ii'-.i it i Ilim iui ii.miI k-k-m I'r .in li in" ttin win lie tM-e.t) Niiiiiii tfikcit in it winc-ni: ful it' iivvi.' ti-ucil vv.itfi xviiiiiihn li4i'l ri'iii xv tin Hm H Icm) uml ii n-sei.'it rffiiiltiitfr ir iui iinimcMi n. iuiiI it t-ikti (w mr llir-c t units ifeiny. it rr juinil, will lei'ini.l Infill ilUlMUl ilU.IHIM Hie l.thXIill'U-llllil ! ll.t i'i' sillthi.!! - il ihcul-'li. .11 ll tdl.l If'Y t UK III -tlll-rill lll'll HI iK-s-.IHl incl Itv Iti .iicii.iMiif; silirl nl tin jMiiiiuii T liiats, r " 11 wiiii: ihItt in liit,iii i. i iiiul lr c .ritvt.ni; ll.c iiicii.iit iit;ii;c vi iliuii Ii4i 4, Xr. It i .il i nn ext-elli'iit ui'l.i'iiie f r th m win tun ir iurrd (Ui t nt -l" t'u'ir limn iflts ly t 1mi..i ilrnHf us-1 i it iKMlioc li'l11 ir". hv it hliiniy i iui!i!;ilihif fO'.-i"! MP' lie tu ritui'ti rem iviiik the r Mitf f i ntiiiiiit'iiiii. wh;t hi M iiiiuii Miiiu'll ii .in tlit tmiiii. uii l ti t miii'i't'.ir. l.y fi fluii'B ( il.-picwii in, wl. it'll ilUvat t lil.iw liie use u i ll til UMllllliilM'll A tvw dr ( iiilitfl to itrie-i'xi-i. rhiilmrh ir mttfr pureu. live iiKiliriiifs1. will ri-iidtr them m it ucffpiJililt? t- th t in h-h nn.l prevent lw (.'rij iii winch in aittoutc.iiii.ain thcil ucti mi. runrAfiKn only hy A M IM! os i; s M I T II , UlU GdlST AND CHKMItT. AT . rosier of 1th anil Chestnut Streets. Pinl.lrlhm. A;iril I'i. IVS v Iii(H'()HS.AVlNM-:S,"&C. i III; Milw-i.1'! i li '.p !iul leceiied a new rupply i i ti.. i..j..ii,s iti:.'. ever calm; to .Saiihury, . ! t I tl. ' .1,. .1..- . il Kul - Com:.-.- I.. i.j-.-i o. 1 1:.! l i i.ai. . v l.-i,,...,.! limn. I I... II '.Ulld lilll. um nor Old Whiskey Coiiini ui do. HuM-riur Ma.leua Wine. I.islMin do. do. j SuH-rior l'ort Wine. liurgundv l'ort do. Kweel Malaga ine. SuK-rior Claret Wine in hottlea. ( Chuiiipugne do. do. HENKY 'MASSEK. fiuuhury, May 2C 1B49. STONE WARE, O TONE milk Fans st ineJu;. and I'itchers. and other articles of .to ae ware just received ml for sale hy JOHN W. FKII.INt!. rSutihury, June S3, 1SI0 f I IE AS. from the Near York Canton end I'ekiu I Tf a Coiiijiany. Fur sale hv J. W. FRII.I.Vi. Kuiilmry, Dee. 8. ll ... BAY HUM An eicT-llent artieU for asU hy - HENKY MASSEK. fceubury Jta. tTtk, UU tt FASHIONABLE MAKR OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. J'lIR siilawrilKTarrspeetfiilly call lif '.t tint nf tlip piiMir to llipir lar an t splend d sasoit nrnt of evrry qiinlily a: i ji ic of ' Vmivr r-w litr. vliirh rs'inot fail to rc-ornrn n I itVt.ievrrv nn. who will evaiiiiiio it, on nrr. -iiiit of its ilurslil vorkninnsliipnnil silei.ili. finish, mnle lip of t'i -at atiK-k to lie hail in ti e city. Nrt effort m 1'iireil in tiip mannnirtiire of t'li-ir vare nml the ailMM-rilirra nre ili lrnionnl o keep up with the iiuiiy iinirovrnipit whirh rnn.lantly laiii( niiile. Tlirir atork rnnsiHts of Mahogany Nlir.lH, IHVHIsM mill IMIUVC. Uttrratts, Srrrrtnifrs, eSntfeonvHs, m:, BKLAKFIST ,.M) DIM B TIHIIS. ml nleo VK.NKTIAN" BI I MIS, crpial to Tliils. Irlihi mniinlni'tiir". !IKtTK.-M! or ,'ver i.atte-n ami prie,, CI'l'rtoVUDS. WoitK' AND rniK. STANDS. TdH.KT TABl rS AND K rFAK TABLKS, in liort. rury irlii-le in tl.ia line nftlirir hiisinraa. Tlii'y al.so iiiiiinilin tiirc nil kin, Is a nl ijnnliliea OH A JUS, inrlii.lnitt vari.'lir. nrvrr la fnre t ,e t, , Stm:iir, sii. h as Mino.iAM. 15 ai k V.L.f e-H!.l;n Mifl.l. (illl.-l,.; Aj, VMia f 'IIA IKS. v i. nm-t ', ., .Sro .i.a. whirh are of llir liilrst alvlra. a ml warranl.-il to lw rxrrllnl ly nniir tiiiinnfnctiiri'il in tlir ( 'iiirs nr rlwwherr. Tlir Kiilisrri!'rr. nro ilt-ti'i'iiiiiieJ lliat iIiitp ahull la-no rvi iisr for piTKonp to ptin lntsp furniltire in tlir rilii'i. n rv, ry ii'ifiil.'iirr ran hr rutrrtitiiica' hIioiiI Hie iii.t:ity ami limsh nf Ihrir wars anJ (-linir. Tln-ir rirtirlra will hp (lisport! of on sa ciaI Irnns a li ry i nn lie piiri-liasr.l rNrwIiprp. (.'oi'iC 1 iv rroilifp taken in pat inrnt for work. IP' IM'I'IM'AKlSti. ILivitnr proviile. iIii i.ii 1ms with a hiiiiilsoinr IIk.iisk, tiipy sre now propur.'il lor l.'inh-rtiikinir, ami nttrii.lins; I'n ttpriila. iii thin vicinity, or al any convenient dis tance tV.un this placp. The Ware IJooin is in Mark Strppt, oppnaitp .1. Young' slurp, anil noarl opposite einui'a 'l'avei'li. DAXIEI. H A AS, niilitirv, Vrr. I I, lrj.ri0 tf. "V ATI'S' tjip.vcus Asxircn: .i I; !';:Y-:i' w, uv.-- i i. t j Vi, II, i. j-'"ilivcly ci.rr ,.ii ..icea .0 Nnn.il.'a, 'lie lij'.rout. Ntrvi.ua iiiu.i.i,!n t i.o lira, I, ink ia iv, II '.Iroplu'liiu coiivuleimia ; wiil . tine iiihiiooihI lo its pn-niiie viuor. even st'ter years of pi '-traliuii, and the only known und cer- ! tain cure tor !o.v spirits or mental dehilty. . j Kvtract from lite .New York Mini, Oct. 3, I !!. Tlec-hhiatrti l)r WnUon. when t.ilkine; of th : iniiaculoiw power of" Watts' .Nervous Aulidole," the qtii-atioii wm put to him. '.Why Mich a value hie remedy Inr u'l nervous iillcctioiia was not in troduced hy the medical faculty !" replied, ' That it 'll were, there would no longer he niiy u-e fr i t.iculiv, n nil illscaM-x orip-iuated from a diaor j.in i.cd sine of the noes ; the ticrvep are th maul s run ol li e whole rysteui Keep this in ouler, anil liolh loe mind ami hody must I.e." I'mir ounce p iial. li dosiw, enough fcr sll sr dinarv ca., LK'.i: Lidl.l.AU. CM) 11 Y , Win. McCAi; TY. tlroadway. SuuWtirr. ., tciiiScr, i i, 1 S."i!) tf. WM. MTIAIFty; lidiiKSKI. l.KK, , II fn-nl Will , SUNBUEY, PA. .. .. I J rrrently rtrrtvfd, annum otlier rti.(.n. uri'til v iriotv ut iv ureal virietv ot Aew, I heaii and Entertain. iii puhlii'ittioiiK suU OS Coopcr-i iiovt la. eoiuplel or M'parate. Ilertierts lo Ko.Im.-II, Dumas Sue t.e iniola ( o. klon Mavwell J.-rrold do .lo lo do do till Trolhipe, Halliliuitoti, Marrvutt, li.-ev'. Marsh. Aiusi.ortlt, Morris do , A I the low price uf I'miii Ho to AC i ts per volume, t tiuuiiury, Sept. VIS. lol.tf. i ROSTJ OIN I'MSNT, TOa TBTTiiX. 1) V-.Ml the f..H m nia eeitila-ale fr-mi Cluit. Ilevne. III. i u-.-ll kii.vcuaiiu i."ituiar llalu 11.11 l.'t.tlaiii ( a 1U. I Traveller.) I'llll.sliKLPIUA. (let.iie-r 31, III. Severn! years sin.-e 1 wa. t.itaekeil with a l.reakins oil I on my Heek ill lile l-irill "I Tetter, u Ineli 1 am e -liv llteeT I was e una. Ie,l al l lie I ! irlu t Mn iji. ll uiaislually eleui. j eil nier ii. y face ails: a 1 11 lenelici llie ujnter Kirt nf till 'liet-ks. liiiri..:; ll-e Pi ver.il in i.tiis tl.at it .".itiii.ues : ..i.ii.litiir. I iiipsI .lill'Teal aiii'liinttaiiis. a -me nf wlneli l.ai In- ell.-i-l. a;tveull ill lea..1,-i lner.iisn. I lie illRease.bin r-illl n-ii.e ol' tiielil illil I eteeivt: the leasl Ip-iietit mini, ipi'lin! tlie ti.i.r OlNTMrT. Hy the use if..ie t:.r l.l' it was icrlvetl) eaii-d ami li.ivc leiiiulneil I'ree ol th. allM- i nt. t li.- e sin.-e llp-,1 Ihe . iintlueiif. i:hiti titilie.l i'or r-i.P lee. nl the fttee. 1.1 l.-hes. i-rtai.(.e.l lia.pl.. ,Ve. W It 11 -r eel fc-ii-eess. I h ive n . liesii .ii .n m re.-oia.iieu.iiii) it ip le- sir nii-pt i. iniit-i to the rutilic. JA.MI..1 DKVtlE. Ai!.hiI Ki-srv Msascr, Sa.iliuiy. Jalv , l-vl'i. (irreu's Hw-jenalrd Hitter, price reiluce1. ('Id J:ii oh TowUM-nd's Sarsaparilla. Ilal,er's Sai-saparilln. Suayiie's 'Amp of Wild Cherr , Sv. .iv lie's crmilu'e. yre's t'herry I'cctoral I'r. Urake's 1'umicea. , I'r. Ciillen'a do Tihhit's I.i in Killer. Dr. llooflaiid's (ienn iii Killers Indian etfetahle 1'ilis Iloreenml t.'ultle Medicinea l-'or sale hy HENKY MASSEK. r uiihury, July 1 1, 1849. TUB PEOPLE'S VAOr.KISCV.1I CHl.MrKISlNI! A I'OI.I.KCTION OFOVKR 2(10 YAI.UAIU.E IlECIPKS, In the I'aih ami Interesting Art with a ft fcluipl. oud luiinu. Ctpei-liueiits ! t.'lll-:.llS'l'llV : NC'I.lTlINf. Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistn ' Cailery, Farriery, Dvintr, CoiittH-iiotiary, Ue nestir Economy, etc. etc etc. l'riee 6 els., to ,alel-y UKXKY MA.I-.'lt. Suiihury, Pec. P, 1S-I9. i. .: vi ..ou.ih .li.,! K-. i.- c.l iii tne n ir, ol 11 i-l.N' l Y .'! A -'I ii. a lot i t dp.., li on svs, Al.iiiinac ..lienaiiare, J.ipiois o... Aii ,t e.i.h a ill h s.i .1 al the iiiuc price. Dec. 1 1. ISoiJ. MINERAL WATER, from the Oak Orchard Acid Sprimra, hitthly valuahle in chronic di-M-aaes, and Ionic reuieuies, for sale HENRY MASSER. 8uiiluirv, June S9, 1850 tf AI'lS. An assortment just received. Alse silk HATS at o. for sale hy H. MAS SER. Soul. "i , Dee. . "JATE.N'P Trn.ises of all kinds, Harrison's wriiiiu! and indellihle ink. Cotton yarn and laii.,1 i.t re. rived and for aale hy J. w. rniuxo. Sunhury, Dih-. 'j. I81R. IH.ANKS. ; f LA N KS uf every description can he had liy 5 j )j tun at the olti.-e of the . Auiericu nADD'H eelelirated Hurae anJ Cattle Medl ne Tor sale hv HENRY MAMMt Biuibury. Jan. t7ih. 114$-. ,