Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 27, 1851, Image 3

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' r jNew Advertisement. ,
JVe 78 Iftrtk Sat St hetween Arrk and Rare Sl
HEREBY informs the public that he import
and constantly keeps on hand at new
atore, IVo. 78 North Sd St., a large assortment ol
Foreign Fancy Good,
Murical Instruments, Picturu Sr Painft,
which he will aril at tlia lowest prices.
Hi stork, in part, coasists of, Aceordenns,
Violins. Mimic Boxes, Parlor and Bar Room Or
gsns, Melodrons, Scraphines, Mathematiral In
struments, Magnets, Spy and Opera Glasses,
Stationery of all kinda, Pocket Books, Bronze
Powder, Dutch Metal, Gold and Silver Leaf,
Scales of all kinds, Snuff and Tobacco Boxes,
Lithographic Paints, Copper Plato and Steel En
(ravings, and pictures of every variety. Alao
Gilt Frame Mouldings of various sires.
Dealers, Country Merchsnts, and Pedlars, sup
plied at reasonable prices.
December SO, 1831. tf.
SEALED propositions will le rereivnil at
(he '-Philadelphia and Snnbiiry P.nil Rnal
Office," al Sunbury, tiniil 12 o'clock, M. of
the ih of January next lor ilie furnishing
ami rtt-liveiiug of a qtmniit y of imk ami pint;
timber for biilging upon Ihe line of raid
roml, according to bills and spi'dhVatinna,
which may be seen at the office as ubuve on
ami after the 22. id iust.
J. B MILES, Engineer.
Sunbury, Dec. 20, l,5l -3t.
Thi P.inville Democrat at Dsn villi',
Th Lycoming Giizeltp at Willisiilir-port,
The M ill mi i j n ;.t Milton,
wi I pleast (live the above two insertions
anil send their accounts lo the office of the
' inbury American.
VOTICE is herehv given that the undersigned.
I appointed Auditor, to riort liens against
the estate of Martin Irwin, dee'd., lata of the bor
ough of Sunbury, and to distribute the assets
among the creditors of said decedent, will sttend
for that purpose at his nlfice in Sunbury, on Sat
urday, the 3d day of January, pro., at 10 o'
clock. A. M., when all persons interested can ha
Sunbury, Dec. 13, lS.'il. 4u
NOTICE is hereby given that the under
signed appointed by the Orphans' Court
of Notthumlieiland county, aa Auditor in tha
matter of the exceptions to the account of M. A.
B. finilh, ami Virgilia B. Smith, Eaerutrires of
the last will and testament of Kenilerton Smith,
Irc'il.. who was the Administrator d totiis nnii,
4 c, of Thomas Grant, dee'd., will attend to the
duties of his appointment at the I.awrenre
Home in Sunbury on Friday, the 2nd day of
January next at 10 o'clock. A. M.
E. G. M A RKEEY, A uditor.
Sunbury, Dec. 13, 1851. 3t
NOTICE is hereby givan that the undersigned
Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court
of Northumberlsnd County, '-to make distribu
tion of the assets of the estate of Christian
Reich, dee'd-, lale of the borough of Northum
berland, to and among the creditors of said
dee'd.," will attend to the dutiea of his appoint
naeut on Wednesday the 31st day of Dei-ember
inst., at his office in the borough of Sunhurv, st
10 oclock A. M.
J. B. PACKER, Auditor.
Sunbury, Dec. 10, 1831.-31
T Y virtue of a certain W rita of Lev. I'.ttiat to
' mc directed, will be exposed to ssle by pub
lic vendue or outcry at 1 o'clock, P. M., on Mon
' day the Sth day of January next, at the Court
House, in the Borough of Sunbury, the follow
ing Rest Estate to wit: all that unji'iilas insiety
tt half part of a certain
Tract of Lund,
,:'.,u'.e in Coal township, in Northtim'.wrlsrd
r.-ujr.y, feeing art of a tract of land taken up in
:he name of Samuel and known by tha
name of UovoV S!-ne Coal Quarry, on which
(l-.a town of e'lumokin is principally Uid out, be
ginning in the centre of Spurxiieiiii street, in the
line ltwren John C. Boyd and David Mr.
Knight's land, thence eastward along the middle
of said Spurxheim street, to the centre or inter
section of said Spurzhrini St.. and Rock street,
thence southwardly along the middle of said
Rock street to the centre or intersection of said
'Hock and Webster streets, thence westward
along the middle of aaid Webster street, to the
original line between the "Samuel Clark" and
the "Samuel Wetherill" surveys, which is near
'.he Danville & Pottsville Kail Road, thence
south a'ong said original line to a heap of stones,
in a line between the "Samuel Clnrk" and "Wm.
Green" surveys, thence west along the asid line
seventy one lurches to a post in the first men
tioned line, and thence north along said line to
the middle of sniJ Spnrzheiin street the place of
beginning. Containing about HI A CM' si more
or less.
Sieied, taken in execution, and to be sold as
.he property of Kii-hard Richardson, with notice
-o Heniy Fry, Daniel Kpblin, Isaiah Miller, Jo-M-ph
Hill and David Hill, tcrre'.cnants.
A certain one and a half story frame building,
dluato in the town of Trevorton. in said Count),
in lot No. W in block No. 103, nn Shamokiu
itreet, ill sjid tow n, and the lot of ground appur
cuant to said huiMin;.
Seind. taken in execution and to he sold ss
he property of Bernard McMaruma.'
A certain two story frame building situate in
he aforesaid town of Trevorton and County
iforesaid, on l it No. 11 in block No. I 111, on
'hamokin street in said town, and the lot of
;round appurtenant to said building.
Siezrd taken in execution and to he sold as the
iropsrty of Henry B. Weaver.
A certain two story frame dwelling house, situ
te in the aforesaid town of Trevorton and Coun
v aforesaid, on lot No, 7 in block No. 02, on
rlar ket street in said town, and the lot of ground
.ppurtenant to said building.
Siezed, taken in execution and to be sold as
he property of John Gottleib Aba.
A certain one and a half story frame building,
ituate in the town of Trevorton aforesaid in aaid
Jouiitv, en lot No- II in block No. 120, on
hamokin atreet in said town, and the lot of
round appurtenant to said building.
Sicxed, taken in execution and to be sold as
he property of Michael Wartnian.
That certain two atory
aituate in the borough of Sunbury, in said Coun
ty, bounded southwardly by Blacklierry street.
eastwardly by River atreet, westwsrdly by lot of
J. II. Purdy and northwardly by lot ot me said
J. H. Purdy, containing in front on Blackberry
street, 86 feet, and in depth on River street, fiO
feet, and the lot of ground appurtenant to aaid
Siexed, taken in execution and to ha sold aa
the property ef tha German Reformed Church in
Sunbury, with notice to Jacob Seasholtx, Daniel
Haas, D- O. E. Maite. Pin lip Bonn and George
Young, Building Committee.
WM. B. KIPP, 8herilt
Sheriffs Office, Sunbury, I '
Dee. 13, 1851 4u J
GOtD PENS with and without eases, ef
ery superior quality, just received.
Alao a fresh supply ef Writing Fluid, for sale
by . ,H..B- MASPFR.
fuVivy, fcee. tT, lil.'
Philadelphia Type Foundry.
Great Reduction In Type, c
rHE undersigned heirs leara lo call the ittcn---
tinn of Printers am Publishers to the g t!y
reduced prices of his Type, vii;
Peirl, SltS Minion, 49
Agate, 72 Brcvrrr, 47
Nonpareil, Set Uoutsjroise, 37
Long Primer. 84 Small Pica, 32
Pica. 80.
and all other tyie in proportion. But shine,
to encouraje cusli payments, the subsrril-er will
make a still larger deduction of from 12 to IS
per cent, for cash. Having greatly enlarged and
impioved his establishment, he Hatters himself to
be able to supply his customers with greater lies
patch than most of his competitors, lie has
constantly on hand Cases. Chases, Composing
Sticks. Stands, Brass and Wooden Galleys, and
all other materials used in a Printing Office.
All orders thankfully received and promptly at
tended to at the North West Coiner of 3d and
Chestnut streets. I.. PEI.OL'ZE.
N. B. Old Type taken in exchange for new
at nine cents per pound.
Philadelphia, Dec. 20, lfiSt.- tf.
PAN Y. The Annual Meeting of the Stock
holders in the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Com
pany, will le held in Philadelphia, at No. 73
South FOURTH STREET, (K.adimr Railroad
Buildings') up stairs, on MONDAY, January
12th, 1853, st 11 o'clock in the nioining. at
which time an Election lor President and Mana
gers will be held, in accordance with the Char
ter. The Polls will be open from 12 o'clock,
noon, to 2 o'clock, P. M.
D. L. MILLER, Jr., President.
Casio Tim mi., Scc'y and Treasurer.
December 20, 1831. 4u
Manv rKrrifr, bd1 ir than ft !luntr4
Tlinu'aiinil t iirt-n of on-nniptlvr Ciinpiatt, n
proves! ( th saedotibifd mitfeurttoo uf nil ptrtims wna
fav Ivcim acquit'iitetl w:tl Uiit mntUrvl rtmUy. His.! il
Krrnily auiirrlttr, bvns U teoOnmg Mid AeWmf,
Q-i mrf rrrmlii tu rnrt ( onmHttiUlon ot if.
I.UtiKat, II nv tittter R-mmly Ul tlw wnt). Wm know,
Ht.evr, Itnl if BRfl ly some tl'l Citiir.iliun tu no
crri. B Uti Hi upwiMM of t muf or lti few,
rMMi mot ttf Bipl t ffiU with sufh. but Ik I tV
u- doaiiirti m fi-t, wlitcli can be pruvpd tu tlinunmlti
n( ef Um: u. MtNli n hri" mrvil Cityli aid
rif whtrli. bt'nrt lb tttrrt, wtrt rffteltsJ werf n Icarenl
1 onuuiHpti tilt, and wiurb wro ilfivi'rd tli. ljrai
tliat rnomcM, asi wre iti nil rwfpttU ilk tln triouia
of 1st" arvic dtt, mw chn 4tut ar aaci In ha efi4 with
that fatal diMrjr- i onailinpl tnn. Ti-t Ba aaui liu nirrtJ
(AotsavisW of ucrauva ho wrim Rid t b Uupc If atl? ktfl rt
?d who hal jr air. rwtny t' olin t'at vm tb
Itrrnxt, Stdt, aiiu' Hack-WMrnUjt u! Ilrrillilu
I'uruimt KxpwUraW -Htctte t'trtr - .NirMcarift and
wii.lin iiwht wftM ml lllnod. fvraoat
haviuai aurb romplaiBta z urfu eurrd f!r it was h1
inry tQuid ! 1lr a vrerk lmt;r Tli-a Mdiciuo bat
cured a-HU wKu were a-tpujtd to Im ta a niUsf ntntfta
Uit, by ihf uae of i;n icuUy, li.ay mow live ana vj
CouJ iiesvtb. ...
Thin Balaam is r"! fffciW 1Mb
:atnt lo tat, and newer dot nytn a m any atv li
ae or m. der any ni-ciiniatiret 1 1 rlVtTts ita wuUftfHnl
id tilmoti minriilmii i uri by rurllylMji. towjVf
tntug. and I il vi tiorn 1 1 ntl lti wlttue avs vui-by iif
smy rt nrcW(M. and fiiuduemtf a kultA art.ii tbua
miJ.iytny (oil vh toot Amy feist and iTtJwif (
tiniMrui; U Crs (b (vllowinc
as. T.B.
t'tlt'lillst n.l CeliU, Hronrtilit. .(. Spilltnii ,
HlMdinu ill th .Mrtyl, Vain m A hrtrnt. Aid, uud I
rn-,,ii, iVivM Swetttt. t'ulrntiilwn oj ttit Hfmrt, ami ail
''K.tlAI.F VKAKN KsMis nj Ctmamlt uisis
llMn-from, Cholrrw InfnRlmn, ac.
n" Fur lroif sua iisrticuisrs ef Csrsa. our
f nmiihlrls sad Hui4MU all or Aiol IHSIM is
givs swsy.
Fim silk bt J. W. Ffiliitr, Saiihury; Mary A. Mc-
Civ. N.nUioinlierliiiid ; J hn 11. Kaiel, Miiloiij llayrs
Mrljiinnirk. Mi-Kwrnsvills.
Miiy :t, Ml. rtw. ly.
HAS just received and opened a fresh and
general assortment of
Fall and Winter Goods,
of the newest and best styles, consisting in part of
imv croons, cuoi Kitics,
Hiirtlwnrr. Iron nml Strel, aiU, kt,
A I.SO :
Griu Shoes, Fish, Sal &o.
All of which lie will m-ll at t'.e most rrasniaMr
prirca for casli or country produce.
Uive mm a rail and try Ins prices.
Sunbury, Nov Ti, 1851.
11. fi. tsII!II,l
Office in Markrt strtet Snnhnry, opposite
H'euver's Hotel J
BUSINESS will lie promptly attended to in
the Counties of Northumlrlaud, Union,
Columbia and Montour.
Sunbury, Oct. 11, 1851. ly.
Lime ! ! Lime ! ! !
THE auhscrilier hereby informs his customers
and the public generally, that bavin reined
and put in operation tho Lime Kilns of Mr. Ira
T. Clement, in addition to the other Kilns in use,
he will now be able to supply demands for lime
at the shortest notice. 11 lime will he of the
best quality.
Sunhurv, Nov. 15, 1851. if.
IV OT1CE is hereby giien that the several
1 ' Courts of Common Pleas, (ienernl Quarter
Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
in and for the county of Norlliumlerlaiid. to
commence at the Court House, in the borough ol
Sunbury, at 1(1 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
ftth dav of January next, uud will continue
The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta
bles in and for the county of Nortluunlierlaud, are
requested to be theu and there in their prorier per
sons, with their rolls, reconU, iuqniniiious, and
other remembrances, to do those things to their
several offices appertaining to be done. And all
witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common
wealth against anv prisoner are also requested and
commanded to be tlicn and there attending in their
proper persons to prosecute against him, aa shall
be just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their
attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to
their notices.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 29th day
of Novemlier, in the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and fifty-one and the In
dependence of the Lulled States ot America
tbe 7btb.
God save the Coiiiiiion eallli.
List of Jurors,
F Northumberland County for January
Term, A, D. 1852.
larautl Jurors.
Sunbury Jacob Rohrbac h.
Nortuumbrk land. Bernard Christ v.
Mii-TOM Leonaid Beidleman, Chriaiupher
DtUAWsac Charlea Hagenbuch, James
uoany, itinri auiiusi.
Lewis. Levi Beiber.
Ufpea Augusta. Jacob Weimer, John
KiehVr, lieniy Campbell, J .hu Hanuhawout
Shsmoiim. Charles Lerch, Jess Keed.
Wm. U. Kase, Wm. Haas. '
Rush Peter Geaiharl Henry Weivar
CAMiaon.-Jaccb Wagner. ' '
Jaciiom -George Gargr,, Be,,!. Uitsal.
Ur-PM MAHOHOT.-.,)oea BeiselV - ,
Litth " v-Jacob O. Hoffman. ; "
i I " Gaer-e Uorao
'I'rnverae Juror.
Somoar. Oeors;) Yottne;, John O. Bright,
Jews M. Simpson, John B. Shipinan, Freil'k
axHrus. '
Milton. Joseph llogendobler, John K.
NnRTitOMfiRRtAKD John B Seoul.
Ltwi. ThimiHs Watts, John Tnfffart,
S urinal S:ahlnefker, AiIhiti Biuner. Stephen
DiM.AWnt Fisneis tlillianl, John O't,
Siiinucl Finney, Andrew N)r, Jamei E
Cm heart.
TctttU'T. Henry Funk, Philip Fullmer,
Joh f H.i i.j
C'HIllsqpjtqrB Philip Milliard, Joeph
Frnleiii-k, Fieil'k Fuller, John Kremrr, Jas.
Point. Wm. t.piehnw. Lponnnl Millor.
Uppbr Augusta John Clark, Henry Gh
lick. Lower " John Cohlrnn, Joseph
(ss. Solomon Weiser, George Weaver, Gil
bert PeiU-w.
Resit Charles Meltler.
Coai.. Piuil Arnrneitimn, Uarman Snyiler,
f;sppr Shull.
Siiamokin, Benjamin Wnolverton, Jesse
DrPF.n MAttnNnT. Daniel Kaufman.
I.owta " Ferdinand Camp, Eli
ja Bverlv, Jaroli Letiker,
I.tTTt.B " Samuel Trnntman.
Jackson. Kaac! Deppen, Peler Treon.
I'elil .Itirorst.
Si'NBtsnY. Weslley M Bastinn
Noktiiu.mdeki.and Wm H. Wnpples.
Dbi.awauk. J.imi'S Rhynearann, Sntomon
TriickHinillfr, James Oaks, James D. Bair,
John f?r ibcrl.
Tukdut. John Hnny, David Frirk, Jos
Kit'or, Levi Linn, Dini'-I M"Fall
Lrwis. Samuel Burrow
Cull tsquAqtiE. Hiifih Martin, John Best,
Wm. M Amen.
Point. John Dieh', John Mnnrer.
Upper Augusta Bernard Mitchell, Isaac
kline, jr.
Low K it
" John Header, lvter
MaiionoV. Nathan Haas, Pelet
Lnwcn " Jonathan Dorker, John
D.ickev. Isaac? Albert. Michael Li'iiker.
Jacxson. Jacob Seller, Henry D. Hoff
man. V in Aartman
SiiAtoKlN.--Michael Zimmerman, Genrge
Ut f it Henry Johnson, Abraham Gulick
Win. H. Rase.
ffl'OR trial in the Court of Common Pleas
8 of Northumberland County, at J snuary
Term, A. D., 1852.
HiikIi lid's
Frederick Keener
vs R & Wm Fegely
vs Wm. Ayres
c r i i c t t ...... .
C oni. for Smlrutman v. 4,M JafAm
Jacob Wriiner vs Ira T Clement
Jacob Philips vs fieore L. Weimer
F O'Donncll fir WmF Najle vs John Divers
Christian bo'.linger vs Charles Housel
Moses Dower vs Richard Coodman
Samuel Seaman vs Geo Bowman
Green & Dros. for T Howard vs Henry Lantf
R D Cumminga vs Montgomery fi Masteller
Jacob Stitzel vs Samuel L Heck
1) R Kase vs (ice A Dixon
Jacob Niltrauer vs Samuel Jarret
Wm M Auten vs Thomas Itaser
Daniel P Caul vs Dentler & Montagus
Aaron Reppart vs Ira T Clement
Henry C.ibel vs Win McCarty
Piatt PUtt vs Henry Mnsser
P K Hoffman if wife vs H Kuhnts, McCarty etal
Huph Martin vs Keuban Trovel
Martin Irwma' adm'r va II yoJtbeimer arlm'r
Molt Js. Sliober vs Daniel Dreisbsch
Follmer for (aul vs H Stoinmett, et'r.
Henry Kriser vs Henry Yoxtheimer
Win (iross lor Sam! Gilbert vs J. J. I'pdegraff
Lower A. liarron
vs Ira 1 . t. lenient
vs Joseph Klines' adm'r
vs Jacob K Treco
vs Beni F tc J W Stsmm
vs Frederick Hcckart
vs A B ilrtman
vs Leonard Roadarmel et al
Jacob Kline
William Welch
Thomas Sutton
Caspar Heckart
Daniel II Driesbach
J iiin I. Rosa
J .l.n W Peal
lieo C MrKee
fin-ail Stitxcl
vs Cei II Youugman
vs Joseph Loin;
vs Samuel S Shedden
vs Jacob 5titiel
finhrook for Arp'eton vs James Brass
llii ki k A Catiline vs Geo W Armstrong
Reuben Fap!y vs Kershner A Clement
Jacob Keller vs Bank of Northumberland,
Nancy llousel vs David Housels adm'r
Raker & Co for Jacob Bloom vs Henrv Conrad
Jacob Z.irtman a
Henry Klazc A Eve his wife vs '
George E. Gehrig et al vs Peler Warey
William McCarty vs Samuel Hunter
Mary Jane Bruneret al vs Villlsm Wilson
Becker & Weiller vs 11 D Cummings.
(ieorge Shiley vs Ah m Diinkelliercer s admr x
Marv Mariz
va U m II !pratt
vs John Campbell A wife
va It M Seydel'a adm'r
vs John Oyster senr's ex'r
Isaac Tjler
John Brown
ShalVuer A Zeitrler etsl vs Thos 8 Maekey
Juo Knorr for H. Knorr vs Enoch Howers' adm'r
James T Sutton & Co vs Samuel Kyle
Elizabeth Krice vs George Lawrence
Conrad Wolf vs Genrge Heckart
alharine Snvders' eir's vs Samuel R ood
Daniel Gonsert vs Henry Buhner
Dank of Northumberland vs JnoC Boyds adm r
nine vs Same
Mary Patterson vs (ieorge Heckert
Moneiiaite 1 lioinpson etal vs ssoer Pit I Isir
Wm McDauiel for A . , , , ... ,
W Conilv
Geo Evster for Mar
vs Eh'ier Greenough ex'r
tin Weaver
Jnhn Reynolds vs Isaac Reader
Thos A Billin
ton et al
Coin for Wm L Heiiiprnan vs
Same for Win McCarty va Same
William Dahus va II S Ilaulman
Robert Philips vs James Kenny Jr
George Carman vs B H Howell el si
John Jackson vs James Beard et si
Ilalliet for Raup A. Savidge vs Daniel Balliet
George Lawrence
vs D Marr A I Brown
Billington for Hunter
vs Susan dc Sarah Reid
dc Buyers
Jacob Haas va Charles Alexander
Same va Same A Wifo
John Jackson Jr vs A W Conily
John I.eih's adm'r vs Thomas Allen
Conrad Wolf vs George Heckart
Simon Snyder vs George Snyde.
A W Comly vs '.eorge Herts
Cromlein A Brother vs R D t'uinmincs
Baltzar Garuhart'a admr's vs R W Dunn's admr
Aliin Newberrv vs Thomas Rasr
Craudall for J C Morgan vs Geo Miller's adm'r
John Reed's assignee vs E L Piier
Com for Fred'k Wea- Henry Bardsher and
ver A Wife Jacob Fry
John Roas A Wife vs George Fox
John King vs Daniel Weidner
Same vs
Washington -Mutual In
aurance Company
E Kaufman et al
State Mutual Fire Insu
' va Same
rance Company
Peter Arnwine &, Mun-
i s
C Gosh A Jacob
go A Reid
Jacob B. Masser
John Divel A Wife
Joanna Peiuleville
vs Reuben Fegely
D C Caul
A Kspp
George Leilberger
vs Robert Whiteside
Mahonoy A Sb'.jiokin Im-
vs Abraham Tsui
provein-ri Co
Ja'-.s Hoss
vs Jacob H Rhoads
va Abraham Bros ions
vs Samuel SoviJgo .
vs John Hartman
Sarah L Keen,
Oliver Q Milliard
Ephrain K Miller
vi Jesee Campbell
J W Peal Indorsee Ae va Joseph Dim nick, et ai
Christ & McFd,derj Susanna Keid
, . . . JAMES BEARD, ProtVy.
ProtbonotsrjN Otlica,
ImnsnTT, Pv. . 1HS I " -' '
E. 8. JONES CO.,: ,
CORNER of Fourth and Rsea Streets. PnV
lishers of the Model Anhltect, bv SAMUEL
SLOA N, Architect, te te completed in t4 month
ly parts. . i -
ri i l. i. j i . . .1..
j iir suutsi wars. IB arsignvu iw mvvi " i -i "
not only of those directly interested in buildings,
but of all who desire the advancement of this no
ble art in our country, and wish to cultivate their
tastes and acquaintance with architecture. The
handsome manner in which it is prepared and
embellished, renders it a tasteful ornament for
the drawing-room, while its accurate delineations
give it the highest practical value.
Nos. ,i AS now ready for delivery.
Price .10 cents per number. Address at
above, post paid.
May . 1851. ly. Dec. 20, 1R51.
No. 8, Korth If'harvtt,
Where the following goods are received and sold
on cemmission,
Dried Apples, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries,
Ac, Green Apples in Barrels or by the Uushct,
Beans, Peas, Crsnherries, Onions, Mercer Po
tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Shelbarks, Chestnuts,
Ground Nuts. Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Fit;s.
Prunes, Crapes, P.mltry. Eggs, Butter, Cheese.
And all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pra
dure. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1851. ly.
VOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees,
' Creditors and other persons interested in the
Estates of the following named persons, thst the
Executors, Adniinistrstors, and Guardians of said
Estates have filed their accounts with the Register
of Norlhumlierland county, and that the same
will be presented to the Orphans' Court of aaid
County, on Tuesday the titli day of January
next tor confirmation and allowance.
A. C. Darret, dec'J., settled by his Adm'r
Cssper J. Reed.
Daniel Hoffman, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r
Henry Manner.
Jacob Diess'.er, dee'd., settleJ by his Adm'r
Joseph Dressier,
David Gibson, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r
Joseph Gibson.
Frederick Trion, dee'd., settled by his Ex'r
Michael Trion,
Henry Fetter, dee'd., settled by his Adra'rs
David & Elias Fetter.
Daid Keffer, dee'd., settled by bis Adm'r
Daniel Keffer.
Susanna Deck, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r
Solomon Falck.
John Seers, dee'd., aattled by his Adm'r Abrs-
lis in Shipman.
Washington Trego, minor child of Jeremiah
Trego, dee'd., settled by Ssrah Backhouse,
Adin'rix of Dr. S. S. Rackhouse, dee'd.,
who was Qusrdian of said minor.
JOHN P. PURSEL, Register.
Register's Office, )
Sunbury, Dec. C, 1851 St. $
To the Heirs of GEORGE WOLF, Dee d.
lyOTICE is hereby givon to Esther Wohf,
J- widow of said dee'd., to Catharine Wolf,
married to Jacob Market, Jeremiah Wolf, Hen
ry Wolf, Jacob Wolf. Esther Wolf, married to
Daniel Weaver, and George Wolf. That by a
virtue of a certain writ of Partition I'arirttda
issued out of the Orphan's Court of Northum
berland county, to me directed, an Inquisition
will be held on the real estate of aaid dee'd., in
Upper Mahonoy township, at 12 o'clock, M., on
Friday the Slid day of January 1852, at which
time and place you are hereby warned to be and
appear if you think proper.
WILLIAM B. KirP, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, )
Nov. S!4, 1851 ti.
IJESPECTFULLY inform the puhlic and
"the rest of mankind." that thsy have re
ceived a large assortment ef
of every varie'y of style, consisting in part of a
fine assortment of
Clotht. Casfimeres, Merinos, Moxitselint dt
Lai in, Calicoes, Muslins, checks,
and every variety of Dry Goods.
Also a large assortment of UllOCERICS,
Sugar, Teat, Coffee, Molasses, Spices
of all kinds. 1
Alsa an assortment of
Fith, Salt and Plaster.
Alao a iresh supply of
tty Country produce of all kinds taken in ex
change at the highest market price.
Bunburv, Nov. 8, 1851.
At His ilrw Store in Ilolluwiiij Rub.
I JKSl'EC ITL I.LV informs his friends and
customers, that he haa just received a new
stock of gooda, which he offers to the public
at the lowest prices, viz :
Fall and Winter lrj Goods,
Cloth, Castimeres, Sattmetts, Merinos,
Mmisseline De Lames, Flannels
and every variety of goods suitable for the season.
Also Silk Hats, Caps, Ac.
ALSO: An assortment of Hardware.
All Kinds, of Groceries,
LKH "-
A variety of Queensware, Crockery, Ac.
Besides a variety of other articles, suitable for
farmers, Ac.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange for
geods at the highest market price.
Hollowing Run, Oct. 35, 1851. tf.
mJTILLIAM HOOVER resiectfully informs
V his friends and customers that he haa
just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent
assortment of
which he oilers for sale at his new store at Mas
ser's Mill, Hollowing Run. These goods will
be sold at the lowest prices.
Dry Goods, 50.,
(JmcKam., Lawr$ Chintze tnd I
Ladies Drtst Goods gtntralty.
An ftHortmcp. f
Palm Leti Hatt, Caps, &e.f
A general aaMitment of Groctsriefl, tueh
Sugar, CoflTetf, Tea, Motet- '
ei, Spicet, fitc, '
Alto n aMortiacni of Liquora, auch
B randy t Rumt Wkukty Wine, - 4 c.
17 Product of all kinda lakan iu txebanga al
tlia highaal isarkal pricea.
llullowing Run, May 10, 1S31 ly
I7EEE BILLSvJuctioaa and GansUblra Faa
; QUIa bandmurty m1h(4 oaJ rapaf, fut
tt .teo
. :.c ."Notice- ;; ; :.j
To the Heiri of FRED'S RAKER, Dee'd.
NOTICE is hereby given lo Elirabeth Raker,
widow of Frederick Raker, dee'd.' te Hen
r Beachel. Eliza Beauhel and Lavina Jane Bea
chel, late Lavina Raker, dee'd- by their guardian
Henry D. Hoffman t to Conrad Raker, of unio,
lo Jeremiah Raker, Harriet Raker, Catharine Ra
ker and John Rsker, by their guardian Henry D.
Hoffman. That in the Orphans' Court of said
County, (November term, 1151, on tha petition
of the said Henry D. Hoffman, the Court grant
a rule upon the heirs and legal representatives of
the said Frederick Raker, dee'd., to appear at an
Orphans' Court to lie held at Sunbury, In the
County of Northumberland, on the first Monday
of January next, and accept or refuse the real es
tate of tliu ssid dee'd., at the valuation fixed
upon the ssme by an inquisition duly awarded
and held opon the said real estate, which in ease
sll the heirs and legal representatives reuse te
accept or take the ssme, then to shew case why
the said promises should not he sold according to
the art of assembly in such cases mads and pro
vided. Certified from the records of said Court at
Sunbury, nn the 7th day of November 1351.
By order of the Court, )
All of which you are hereby requested to lake
notice. WM. B. KIPP, Sheriff.
Nov. , 18M. 6t
To the Heirs of YM. SEITZ, Dee'd.
VOTICE is hereby given to Anna Maria
Scitx, Elias 8eitt, Ssmuel Seits, Jacob
Seitz. Daniel Seitz, and Catharine Seitz ; te Sa
rah 8eitz, married to George Daniel now in
Ohio; to Isaac Drumhcllcr, Nicholas Drunihel
ler, David Drumhcller, Jesse Drumheller, Eliza-
lieth Drumheller and Sarah Drumheller ; to Pe
ter Wagner, Samuel Wagner, John Wagner,
David Wagner, Catharine agner, married to
Daniel Goodman, Roaauna, widow of Michael
Neidig, Margaret, married to Jacuh Swinehart,
now in Stark county, Ohio. That in the Or
phan's Court of said County, St November term,
1851, on the petition of the said Anns Maria
Seitz, the Court grant a rule upon the heirs and
legal representatives of the said William Seiiz,
dee'd., to appear at an Orphan's Court to he held
st Sunbury, in the County of Northumberland,
on the fust Monday of January next, and accept
or refuse the rest estate of the said dee'd., at the
aiualion fixed upon the ssme by an inquisition
duly awarded and held upon tne ssid real estate,
which in case all the heirs and legal representa
tives refuse lo accept or take the same, there to
shew cause why the said premises should not be
sold according to the act of assembly in such ca
ses made and provided.
Certified from the records of said Court at
Sunbury, on the 7th day of November 1851.
By order of the Court. J
All of which vou are hereby requested to take
notice. ' WM. B. KIPP, Sheriff
Nov. 52. 1RS1 6t.
is considered by thousands who have tested it,
as lieinff tbe irrcatest
Scientific K'onJrr of the ll'orld!
Entirely doing away with that laborious and ia
jurious practice of rubbing the
And a great saving of
N. B. Tu prevent fraud and imposition, (for
many are trying to palm off article put up like
mine.) the Proprietor, I. P. HOVT, will put
his WRITTEN SIUNATL RE on the top la
bel uf every Package. Ami he only asks an
enlightened ptMte not to confound
with others that are in the market.
It ia put up in Packages with full directions.
and sold at the-nommal price of 12 J cents.
t" PRINTERS will find it grcatlv to advan
tage to purchase tnose Powders to cleanse their
being a very sutierior article for that purpose.
Manufactured only by I. P. HOYT, at his
I.sboialnry and Principal Depot, No. 10 South
r itili Street, l'liiladelpbia.
Wholesale and Retail Agents ; Henry Masser,
Sunbury ; S. B. Denormaudie, Northumberland
Remember the name
All letters to be post psid.
Novemlier S3, 1851 6 mo.
Watches and Jewellery,
W II (I I- K . I, I' nml it I T I V.
IIAtl.Mj constantly on hand an immense
Ma- i lock of Watches and Jewel ery, I am os
termined to sell at less prices than the same pial
Ity ol Wsu-liss or Jsws.lery aie aula in railadsl
phia, viz :
Gold Lever Watches, full iswsllcd IS ka
case, only $10,04
Gold Lepine, -
Silver Levers, full jewelled, euly
Silver l.epines, '
14 0U
li, no
Gold Pencils,
Gold Pens, Silver holders,
Also an immense stock of all kinds of Watch'
es, Gold Chains, Bresslpins. Earrings, Silver
Spoons, Ac, all of which i will sell at less pn
ces than f ver hae been sold in this city, as the
prices are certainly much less than ever hereto.
fore sold in ibis city or county.
California Gold bought fofcash. Particular
attention paid to repairing Watches and Jewel
lerv. All 1 ssk is a call to convince Purchasers
that this is the place to purchase Watches, Jsw
cilery and Silver ware.
Persons bv sending the cash they wish to ex
pei id can have a watch or watches sent to there
liv mail with perfect safety, having sent llism in
that way lor the lust 6 years. All coinniuinra
tions must be post paid Please call or scud or
No. 103 Chesuut St., bctwn 3d and 4th St.,
, East Wing of Franklin House
Philadelphia, Oct !S, 1851.- tf.
Stoves! Stoves!! Stoves!!!
A 8 the cold weather is approaching, the sub-
A scribrr would respectfully call the atteiv
lion of Ihe public to his stock of sloves, selected
from the latest and moat approved patterns, con'
sitting or
Cook, Parlor, Air Tight, Chamber, Office
and Boat
Stoves, all of wlmh will I disposed of " faction, ot ttie in. ilut.on anu tuior
.hingly low price Persons iu w.u. ma'10" U,'JC' o' the Hue Arts, through-
a I astonishingly low pricri
if Stoves and desirous of getting the "Wrik of
their money'' are invited tocsll before purchssiug
Nn Sniv-s kepi ihatc;,not e recommeinlvd
He also continues to manufacture
T!. ut-d tu4-l Iron Hare
in all its varites. Brass Kettles, Dippers, Dish
"'', drittania Ladlea, Japanned are, &c
N. B. Persons purchasing btovea ol the sue.
scriber, can st any lime procure Ljlindsrs,
' irate, Fire Brick and odd plates, to replace such
as may be required.
Northumberland, Sept. ST, 1851 3nio.
4 LSO, FANCY FURS, such as 'Muf&, Boas,
- Tipils, Victorias, cVe., Uc The subscri
bers ofter the above for sa, wholesale or retail,
in the greatest vsriet., tnd op the cheapest terms,
it their Establishment, No. 93 Nofth Third
street, opposite Cherry, Philadelphia.
November 1851 4mo.
AZORS A superior article for sate at the
atore of HENRY NAMES. .,
anbury, Feb. J, lltO-
Tb pnroacl. if CmitTeM nil tut Um ti?wsal t f mr
propnarua bihI pre rtu in t. wprmwl it itA.i Uf i i
Ui public Thw iUTCirt which h hithrto ttsnrtltMl linn
ndnUMiisf it i hopd WiM rommur, mul I4 wtv
prpctit ihm fnM hi toff uf Ui bsv-etiiisa sutd (
.cms or hm body mi whscli Mmjr u ti Kiu.e
Ttie aditstian of CMrrsM hn siren Um fttnM mn
OfTiCiml chaxsvtsr sxn iiu riHrnsr of mil titmt. it stssia mtA
4nam iit ib bmif. Tlif fsuietkin ha Imh Vutrd at vrv
juccrvsuT sKMitia ir riaAiir ysiria turn oy mauiirer t-1 a
parties. Tu prMS, tou, 4 U psuiict lnie tMsituoHy
io inc naeiiijr wita iaca um iwtv .bui coiaosW um mxma
prrf'Tmed. (
Th celerity with which lb letter-writer f'f the die
tant prcea eireutete thrtHigh ifae telefranh Uilf nurned
ce Jiinie end views ui tbe dvbntee of CutttrrtaNirHiere
more imponaiH nmn ever inr iuu ana exitei iimaiM repuiiia
of the ConeitaUtloNAL OLoki. The hay, m.ti in niaitf
liwtincee mx fakts, reUtU'tia by tlf;riih if what weurs
in Coiurrest MpereeUe, for the inoet imrit the eiact reports
taken d wii by reprterst and whiwh formerly, in a wape
more uf less ablircviatdl, went the ruunda f the prrsa
S.vt the telecrapb accyuuta, with all (heir impertevtion
and variety of el xingi, lake the run of the country, and
n J press but the ifiicial if e ngrei ever publishes the full
del tote with the piuceediugs ol both llmets umrtuujated.
ludretl, no newspaper chji give them, and have noin fur
Mdverlisetm'iits aiut the roisKellRnetms maltcr esarnual to
their exmienre. While, therefore, the telegraph adminis
ters to tit eager appetite of the puHic for Conpreae news,
and uieeti tbe neceHiues of the irtilitirnl press, by furniih-
ing a rapidly written epitome suited tu the taste ol lis
patrons, perfect iif rmatt n uf whut fsses ia Congress
is greaily diminished. The circulatitm of the ittticisl
reports has been, to some extent, cut ffl by the crude and
dive ruined ncoonnts which, flying slung the electric wires,
sfltnfiei curiosity, and it is almost In vain that truth put
on his boots to Ml w. Pull tbcre are a great many nin
of leitura Mud thought who like to see whnt is actually
said Slid done in Congress, and to Judge tor themselves,
rather than to receive nnprtrsniuus altogether from fa Ivan
tc batteries. Tliere are otheis, to, who for the sake of
the lilt Ufa. willingly potrinire a work which preserves a
full record of the d -inpt "f tbe great moving and eunirol-
ng powers oi ins jispuuuc.
If there ever was a time when the action of Coperess
sh tuld he looked to end thoroughly studied, by the patriotic
il parties, u ccnamiy approst'iics witn me next con
gress. I ha Uovernnient takes a new departure wuh'the
urxt session, and b w it is to work tut ths arrangements
rnnde to pacify the troubles with which il hss iub-ired
remains to be seen. The succession to the Presidene y
Win lorm a leading ct-nsiuemttoii iu svery movement at
ie next session, and there will scarcely be a mensure
ntr 'duced. or a spcevh mnJe, tbrtt will not have some
bearing on that nll-ubsorbnig question. If niitionnl con
venu .s of the respective pwrtu-s ure called together to
norninitte the innuitlfites tI each, ths Congress which
recedes the conventions always seizes the ocension, by
uticipsti'Mi, to disr'Us. in c-Minection with imbue uies
sure", the merits f the men lotted to t give them cllfcl
in the sdmiiiistrati ii. If the pe-ytle, then, wouid hnve
tiieir share in the ch ice of their farst fiiitctionaries, they
ught to study well the diameter of cotiMiilntrs us dt; vei
led by thcmvlvcs, their tuenils, and their enemies in
CvUigrcss. Tub cipital wiii be the rostrum from which
the pe-'pl of the United fctatee will he uddrcsrd on the
ibjrct oi the (hiei .ilitgistiacv, anil the uiivrtmil topics
nurrtf-ti with it. and the lecisistioii ol the c mnirv there
will lecoins the theme of discussi.m in every State t.etrts
lalurc. of every country town and village ineeiius;
thruuichout the Uricu. Mnw important, thn, docs it
beeome. that full find impart ml reports should te obtained
of ths ufuion of a body, wuich will give an impuiae to the
Kepublic in a new cirecr, and which, in very great
druree, infliicnue the public mind In the choice of tlte
Chief Mngistrnte who is to carry out the wilt of the people
as eonstituli.maljy expressed.
The undersigned has made preparations commensurate
with the increased imp -ruuic of the duty he h is underta
ken as the only rcixjrter and pulalisher of the complete
debet rs and proceed mp of both liotisea of Coneress. The
c ming session wui r naoiy ue extciidsd nine tn 'iiths,
and il.e re;oits will nut be c tmprtsed iu less than 35,000
yai quart pages I brevier and non- nreil type making
4 V 'tunics of near llH) pag-s each. The rep ns f r the
lust I ng session made ;iud r yal qimrto (ingrs, and were
ttuitd ui four vol u una, avcruiiig f74 royul quurtJ pages
1 will nallishmthe ArriNUix for the next session, all
laws tltnt miy be named during the session, which bus not
been d ne heret-ilore. A tth ngh this will iiirrense in no
S'ltall degri.e the ex t sense ( the publication, the stilkscrip
tt ti prize will be the same that it h is been for several
ye ir pust
The Daii.t OLna be puhiisheil dunng the session
a suieihue u ubie rot at siieet. it will c -nutm the
le lutes as taken d vn by the reporiera. and as altered
by the speakers, whenever thry nutke any aliernti nis;
the cur Cut news of the dtiy und the inicetloiieous laittr.
The rruiu --bject for publisliing the duily paper ts, to ena
ble Members to see their reiutirks iu it, and alter them if
they shall think proper before they are puhhstied in the
C-t MTresstonul ( and Appendix
The Congressional Giobc is miide nn nf the dnilv nrj-
ceedmgs of the tw Houses of Cingresn, and printed on
a double royal paper, with small type, (brevier and rum-
pireii ) in quarui form, eacn number conuuning sixteen
royal quatto pages. The speeches of the Memtvers, in
this form are sometimes c .ndensrd the full report of
the prepared speeches be it if reserved for the Appendix.
Ail res iiutions, motions ana other proceeniirgs, aie given
iu the form of the JtHimals, with the yens and nays on
every important queitiou.
I he Appendix ia made up of the rresinenrs Annual
Message, tlie HeMrts of the principal Oihcers or the
Government that accompany it, und all Speeches of Mem
bers of Congress, written out or revised by themselves
t is punted iu the suine form as ihe Conirrestitoimi Globe.
and usuutly makes ibout the same number ot pages during
a Bcrni in.
During the first month or six weeks of a sessi n, there
is rarely mjre business die timu wtif make two num
bers a week one nf the Congrnsioual Gllie and one
r-f the Append i x but during the remainder nf a session
there is usually sumeient m iller inr twi or thire numbers
of each and every week. 1 he next sssi-n will he unusu
ally interesting ; therefore, 1 calculate that the Congres
sional Globe and Appendix together will make at lenat
35,000 laige quarto pages, printed Hi small type hrevirr
and nMipsriel. Complete Indexes to both will be fur-
nisiied at the end ot a session.
I will iiideavr to print a sufficient number of surplus
copies f supply all tlmt may be miscarried, or lost in tha
mans; but suoscriiiets snouw he very particular to til
thrir pairers carefully, f r fear that 1 should net be able
to supply all the I t numbers.
If subscribers shall not be sat-sfisd with tha work, the
money pnid by ihera for it will be refmtded to them
Whenever they reiurn tne numbers waicn may have been
received by them. 1 will give subscribers the subscrip
tion price for any of Ui previous volume of tbe Con
greastoiial Globe or the Appendix, except for the last
session, and will thsjik. any person who will let ma have
I have a few copica of the back volumes of tha Con
gressional Gl .be and Appendix for ante at W a volume
b jund, which it ia pr. bahic will be disposed of s-nit;
ainl when they are, they will then, no d ubt, commin1etl
at lenst SI0 a volum, as they cannot le reprinted loc
less than Utat sum. There aie 5 back volumes.
For one copy of the Daily Globe during
the session, $S 00
For one copy of the Congressional Globe
during the session, 3 CO
For one copy of the Appendix during tha
session, 3 00
The money may be remitted by mail at my
risk. Hank notes current where a subsreiber re
sides will ho received at par. Subscriptions
should reach here by the 15th December, at
furthest to insure the number.
The prices for these pajicrs are so low that T
cannot alford to credit them out ( therefore no
persrn need order them unless the money accom
panies the order.
Washington City, Nov. 1651.
Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania,
for the promotion of the Arts of Design in the
United States.
IVERY member, for the year 1851, will re
ceive for each subscription of Five Dollars a
psint of Huntington's "Christiana and her Chil
dren," engraved by J. Andrews, bonton, and the
companion, a print ot liuntiiiRion a ".vierc.v s
Dream," engraved by A. II. Ritchie, New Yoik,
or the choice of any two of the following lour
Splendid Engravings, vis t
1. John Knox's interview with Mary Queen nf
Scots, painted by Leutii, engraved by
2. Ruth and Uoai, painJ by Rothernv:!, en
graved by Karlan.
3. M ercy's Drean,, painted by Huntington,
engraved hy Ritchie.
4. Christiana and iier Children, painted by
Huntington, engraved hy Andrews,
And a copy of '.ne Philadelphia Art Union Re
porter, a nic.itbly pamphlet containing a report
wi inc wnoie worm.
- The Art Union of Philadelphia awards prizes
in its own Crrtilicates, with which original
Ameiicat: work of Art may be purchased in
any part of Ihe United Slates, at the option
and selection of the person who may obtisn a
prue at ths Annual Distribution, which takes
place on the evening of the last week-day jr.
every year.
Tkm L'ztrutive Committee of the Art Union,
when so requested, select works of Art, without
charge or coiniensation, Irom Ibeit jr ice uallory,
S10 Chesnut street, for tose persons in the
country who may lie-; remote from galleries or
public exmuiti,( of the Fine Arts.
IV 'i'erros ol membership S8.00. fiuh
triptions received by P. B. MASSES Hon.
orsry Secretary oi ivorinumoriiiii nunii,
with whom copies of the engravings Way be,
seen. .
Sunbury, November 89, 1851. lit.
GOLD PENS with and without silver cases
just received, and for sale by
"unhurt-. Ahril 4 181 ,
RUSE OINTMENT. A freaU s,pJy of this
excellent article for Tetter, 4-c, just received
and for aala by HENKY, HAtHER.
SuBbory, Jul U, IN,!.
rr the Care at '
boaribmes8, bromt
ohxtis, orotjp, ast
Ma, whoopxho-oouox
amd ooixsumptiox.
Amonjf the numerous disroveries Science ha
tnsde in this generation to facilitata the basinese
of life increase its enjoyment, and avsm fve
long the terra of human existence, none eaa be
named of mot real value to mankind, then tkls
contribution of Chemistry tu the llealinf Art
A vsst trial of iu virtues throughout this bread
country, has proven beyond a doubt, thst n
medicine or combination of medicines yet known,
rsn so surely control and cure the numerous va
rieties of pulmonary disease which have hitherto
srrept from our midst thousands and tlieusande
every year. Indeed, there is now sbundant rea
son to believe a Remedy has at length beea
found which can be relied on to cure the meet
dangerous affections of the lungs. Our space
here will not permit us to publish sny proportion
of Ihe cures affected by its use, but we wouU
present the following opinions of eminent ineo,
and refer further enquiry to the circular which
the Agent below named, will always he plsassd
to furnish free, wherein are full particulars, and
indisputable proof of these facts.
From the President of Amherst Collect, the
"James C Ayer Sir : 1 hava used your
Ciinasr PacTiai, In my own case of deep,
seated Bronchitis, and sin satisfisd from Its che
mical constitution, that it is an admirable com
pound fur the relief of laryngial and bronchial
difficulties. If my opinion as to its superior
character can lie of any service, you are at liberty
to use it ss vou think proper.
From the widelv celebrated
I)., Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy,
tft., Yale College. Member of the Lit.
nf. Med. Phil, and Scientist
i octet us of America and
"I deem the Chihit Picreait an admirable
composition from some of the best articles in the
Materia Mcdica, and a very effective remedy for
Ihe class of diseases it is intended to cure."
Stw Haven, Ct., Nov. 1, 1819.
MAJOR PATTISON, President of the 8. C
Senate, states he has used tbe CmasT Picts
uai. with wonderful success, to curs an inflam
mation of the lungs.
From one of the first Physicians tn 3fi'iu.
Stco, Me., April 36, 1849.
Dr. J. C. Aver, Lowell. Desr Sir . I am new
constantly using your Cutaar I'tcTnasL ioaiy
practice, and prefer it to any other medicine for
pulmonary complaints. From observation ef
many severe cases, I sm convinced it will curs
coughs, colds, and diseases of the lungs, that
have put to defiance all other remedies.
I invriably recommend ita use in eases of eon
sumption, and consider it much ths best remedy
known for that disease.
Respectfully yours,
Pnpnr,f and sold by JAMES C. AYEK,
Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass
Sold in Sunbury by H. MASSER, and by
Drill-gifts generally throughout tha 8taVs.
November 1, 1851. lyc3mo.
Fhoerii Fire & Thief Proof Iron Cheat.
VtTARRANTED to stand sjual heat witk
' any other Chests in the country, and ls
defy the liurgbs' ingenuity. Msnufactory, Ne.
10 Hudson's Alley, running between Third and
Fourth streets, south of Chesnut, Mid in tha
rear ef the Girard Dank.
M. 4. 8., the proprietors, are Practical Me
chanic, and feci confident, fr,m long experienc
in the manufacture of Iron r. hrsta and Safes, and
a special attention to tb:s particular braach, ef
giving satisfaction to t'.i who may gtva. sbmsi a
N. B. We hav selected one ot the best mia
erala ever used as a non-cuuducsor of hssi ua
this business, and we warrant our Chests ans
Sites to be p-.adc of Ihe beat material and in thai
most durable manner, and ta. stand, any heaJk
that can ts applied to ibcta.
Manufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley.
Running between Sid and 4th atresia, 8. of Ches
uut, iu the rear oi Uiraad Bank.
Philadelphia, Oct. S.yi85. If
THE undersigned is in the dairy receipt ef
fresh and excellent Oysters from tbe cele
brated establishment of Mr. Field, No. 331
Wet Lomtrd atreet, Baltimore.
All orders will be promptly attended to and
forwarded without delay. Apply to the sus
sc liber at Ie's Hotel, Northuinlerland, Pa.
N, B Oysters of common quality tt $flt
per can.
Oitober 11, 1851 3mo.
AVI.NO settled at Northumberland, I
I a. now prepared to furnish
Fresh and Spiced Oyster.
during the whole season at the reduced price ef
one dollar for whole and fifty rents per half can.
You can depend upon them being fisah, aa I
shall receive them daily, (Sundays excepted,)
and when landed here they are only 18 hours eut
of lh shell. .
All persons who are in want of ths above arti
cle, at a distance, can have them sent per dosen
or singls can ry addressing
N. B Persons eslling on the subscriber sasf
find him either at Burr's or Haas Hotel.
Northumberland, Oct. 4, 181. .
THE subscriber icspectfulry informs bialrf
and the public, that be baa takes) the, wall
known Public House, corner ol Msrket and Riv
er streets, Ulcly occupied by Mrs. Wharton. Ho
Irusu by strict sttentinn to bueinoss, he will bs
enabled, aa give aatiafaclioa to all wha saay fever
him wilia incir custom,
6uttbrrytOcVs3m.--st ' '
bar baud as for sale by