Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 27, 1851, Image 1

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    .m-w J-.e.-.s-ejj,rs-;. umumr-?r i y-wi mm iw-w'MrtrMv .ww-w 11 mm;&m'i&m4 W0 m'Vt
v U. .si t : i i ; t . i
t J ' , ' -- - .. . t-.vr-
iTT""' ' ' '"TV"
; -r r
.fL-ll'"I?-" 10 0Lj ani aoawtic lictos, anencg am the arts, aorfculturr ; markets, Slmustmtnts, c.
rm--4 ,jt m - - w - iu i - wis a k- . fc s . - sr a u n w-m aaa . fi aaa iv k
NKW SI '.15 IKS VOL. J. Ml. 40
TIIK AMK.RICAN is pulilialirH every Sitiiiili.y nl
TWO IHII.I.AhS per nilliMiii In lie iiil Imlf jean. In
ailiiince. ; No Mi iliK.niliiiucd until ll arruimp'rt nr
pniil .
All poininiliiicnlinn (ir )e ters on business r.-lfi'liig t'
tlieulfiic, to iiuure Kllrnlhiii, mint lie I't'M' TAiU.
TO CM lit.
'I'hre. C'tpie. t tm mlilrrst, 13110
ri.v.-n II- li I'")
. finmt ! " IM - "K
t-'ived itlin-ii in Hl-nnce will m- rn tlitre yrnt'a auli
vrii. ion t.t Uir Aniericuil.
One ?ni!ii ( 16 lino. 3 litiicn,
Hvfiv Kutifiiriit iicrliHi(
t its 5tjiiitfr, '4 iii'Niths,
l I'D
ituhiii-fiw Citrils of Five liiirn. irr niintim, UiH)
Jnriliiinti mitt 'ittttfm, Milvertisiiist hy the
yrnr, with the privilfjie of insert
(I tlVrent tilverliseiiitMita weekly. 10 CO
I f lirgri Advert isviuenta, u pet ngrcemeitl.
A T T I) U j i: Y A T I. A W .
lillsilipss Hlloiulod to ill llic ('oinitios of Nor
tliuiiilivilunil, I iiiun, I.V1011MI13 anil L'ulumliin.
Kticr mi
P. & A. Ttnvutiilt, 1
J. omit it Uiirron,
Siiiiu'M & Siiin1sjraflii, S Vu.'a .
Ki'vnolils, Mi'l'-iirlnnil & Co., I
SSwrinj,', Good it Co., J
Attornc7 and Counsellor at Law,
"lTIM. nttonil fnithfully ml promptly !o til
profci!iiiti-il huniiM'ii-i, in Nort!itim1rlitnil
and I'nimi rountirx. He i fa miliar with tlm
" l;in ;ii.i'jr.
(!'!-'Il.'K : ;y-t-itr t'r "I iwioik-k llouse,"
fi-w d-tt' fr.uii Up ( oi.rt
-.Hi'ii.ry, Auj. 1 o, 1 r 1 - I.
EVKKYDt)i)V utioiild ciiilir in' tiiis oiiiiu.'tii
tiity to Imy Cl.OTIIIXS for .Men, Vontli
nd IlovK, nt snrh price n hnve never M't Iwn
known 'in tliis Citv. at CUOIt'iE Ci.'I.IN'S
t 'l.( iTlII.( KsTA1Jt.ISHMK.NT. Soutli-Kii-it
;ornor nf Mniki't find Hticuml Strt, J'liilailcl
i.hia, etnlir.irinu; n clmii-e of the liest, tnont ili aira-
Lle, and luHliionabie
Habit Cloth do., Linen Drilliinr do,, Twpi'dj,
.J.C., &.C., togi'tlit-r with a uroat variety of
Boys' Clothing,
I 'onsitin-r of Sni'k Coal, I'o'.kM J.ic ...fs, Mnn
iry JiK-ki'U, VrlN nnd lionnil J.irki'tH uiiile of
I'irt-d, I inrn Diillinct, t'lolli. A!paivj, Kersa
iiirr, l)oi kin, -Sir.. &c. rare lia ' lent t ikon t i procure the
iew Htyien for Men mid linvo' Sniniiipr Coils
I 'nut ilooint, Vt'HtH, &.c, to wliicli lie won'd imiic
lUl attention.
J;ui iii!iin (Itiods,
"ons:istiii5 of S'ltiits Storks. Itandkerrliiefs See.;
il of wliiell uit oll'.'.-ed l the loirnt I'otnttr
Vnrrs, mid u ilieup iis any oilier Clothing
toie in till! I 'iiion.
' l'a -entH who di'nire Uiith C'i htiiix; rr eur
eitly invited to examine ttm Stock.
Counli'y Stort'.eepers can be accommodated at
sry low rules.
fiKoi?(;R cn.iN.
. K. Comtr nf Srxmul Market Six Phila.
April 19, 1831. if.
rllE Milixcrilicr linn ronstriicleil a l.KiH'l'
M.; Kill) on true l'!iiloiopliical prinri
'K. Iiv which huililiiKTH Mipplieil willi them are
idcred M-rfcclly hecure naiimt ilerttriiciiun lv
lilnina. The eoimeetion nnd iiiKiilution of the
I, as w ell us the pre 'luratinii of the ground rod.
on nil entirely new p. .ill. in ikinir a more per
il conductor than any hen-tofore in in'.
Measure have heeii taken U Hecure Letters
.iteiit for the iuiproveineut.
l'ersons desirous of secnriiia their liics and
nfierty from iliHlriiclion hy liv-hininir. cm lute
nihietors put up to their liiiililinis in the most
Fleet mid auhslaiitiiil uiiiiinnr. hy upplyin ei
r ersoiially or hy letter, to the uiidersi(-in-d
the folloiviui prices:
.r 40 ft. wilh a (ro.d uirtr plale'l point $10 00
r 10 IU with gold -ilcd point, plali
a ;, I2,!i0
id twenty cents for every uilditioiial OhvI over
v. ''J'. 8. MACK BY.
.Milton. -Sept. fi, 185! ly.
Men's Coulemed Reports of Teana.
J l Si 1 iihlished. anil for sale hy the siiliseri-
i Imt the Frrvmt YuliiiHf uf Allien. (Jon
ied Pin 1 Ivaui i lic'iorn, eoiiUiiuii- the
three volume of Yeut.'s' Kepurts, ami two
t vnliiuie of liioiM'y's li' po.ts. The liist vol-
ii of Alden. colif lining lallns' lieports, 4 vol
ii; mid Ye.tte' Keport. volume I, is hIsooii
d, nnd for hale, lite alfjve two loluiut ure
plele within theuiselve. and runlim" nil of
las' Keports,4 volumes, unj all of c ites
i.uta, 4 voluiui'S. Is'sides the. two first ioIuiiii h
tiuney's licpoils. Tae thir l voluiuc is ready
will tie put to press imuiediatelv.
11. 11. MASS'lilt, AaenU
uuhury, A us. 10. I No I.
Northumberland County, Pa.
IE aultaeriher respcrtfully inform his friends
ami the public generally, that he has oH'n
new Hotel in the town, uf iShuinokin, .o,
dierlauJ county, on the corner of Sh.nn.ikin
Coiumurce streets, nearly opposite to the
ic lie toriuerly kept. He is well prepared to
niiiiMl.tto hi (ruesU, and is also provided
12'M.I slid 1114. Ho t utis hi ei.ic ience,
iliict aiieuiiou to hiifiiiess, wiil i.iduce ir
M-ilnu too 101! r- ,;. 1.1 to roiitinue the lllw
-uliullaje lie h.l h.'.i-tolore lineltid.
v 1 1.1. 1AM vUAVUit.
Amokiii, April I'J. li-.'t'i. H.
A a "i i;s II. MAUKK
1 AS icinoied from his old Stand, No. 119
t J Vine sUeet, to
p. 52 )iieiy.l St., bct'ii Cul liiU 4" If'tJow,)
icre lie has constantly on hail ',
Ale mid Citlcr,
ron 110MB consi-mption on sinpriNr;,
s'. II. Coloring, Uottliug. W'uo and Dottle,
euar, &r. Kor aale as aliovr.
'luladelphia, April IS, IH.M y.
sorain Mutual Insurance Company.
t. J. U. M AhiKR i the Iwsl atrrut for the
arnie Insurance Company, in NorthuiiiU'r
county, and il at all time ready to le t
.rauce aajainat ir on real ar personal pro.
'. or reuearin t polieie tir til eame.
uihurv, April , I8SI. tf.
' Bourrau' reh bru(ed iuk, anil alaa Cvu
a Ink far aale. wjioleaale and retail hy
taiuhai ti, UftO. II 0 MA8SSK. 1
The il.iuuh't'r r l in 'he pnrlnr,
Ami o ki in her kIihj clinli ;
lii''s rUil in 11 r si ks riinl niIIii-.,
Ami j -vt Is air lo lift him--She
li k Hull -jlKuU-s Mini Blllipi'lA,
Ami sniii'i! .iinl uiuuh a Hint w iok,
Aii. I ill. nun .sin tniks tml n li llc,
'l i v.ioily inoiB ilun ftiw ihink.i.
Hi-r fi l,r L'i.r clad in lnr tiiwti,
A'nl muaeil mill wi-ily nl tlia:
Hi. i-iiuis me nil mil Ml 1 In' c IImiw.
He i i, iniisl i-liiii'kii.K li.ul hut .
II"' nt uuil h vnii: his sliilliii(,',
1 ciifliilly ihiy li) ilaj,
Whih' sh", on lifiuiv poodles,
Is iluoiin)i tlii'in nil auuv.
Slt- li.'s n-lii'il in lhe ninrninf.',
Till iii'Hily 1I1' It 'tir nl ilium ;
Th 01 mini' .l.nvn n.iiippinu ami snnilinp.
li rniwe .-sli i'iiiIoiI ii aouli 't
II 'i lut i i a' ill in th 1 1 1 pi 1 -.
II r i-hffks siill il.ililih'il uilli paint,
R 'Miains nf .f Inst iiioh.'s tiili-hes.
li. l.iii; sliu' iuteudeil tf) fsilit
She? .lout upon tni-ii iiii-Ihtpi',
Ami iiifii null "ilie lliiujuu hail,"
Sh'" eluipieul over iiiousiarlirs,
Tlirj aive? sni'li a fiin iun 1111.
Sh"s talks ill I hIiiui iiiumi',
A nl lui- 111 Iovm wiili t!m miinp,
Ami tlio' lull 11 niniisp ahmiltl meet her,
Shu sinks uiiiv in 11 juoiin.
Il.T fni-l we n very liitli",
II -r It mil ,nt s:i vi'iy hile,
Her j- vi Is aii- so very h hvi,
A ..I hi'i vei liuh' ;
ll-'i i'iiIiii- is mail.' nl ro-mi-tii's.
rii iooh 'li s sh" iii'vt ill iiivn,
II r tindv's 11 in. U itioslly nl en Inn.
Her htf.irl is made iilioily nl Mime.
Sli- fall in love iili a f How.
Who aaeli with H Inrrljii hi',
II mniiies h r fur her inline),
h.i ma'ii- him fur his hair;
1). f ill- vert. In l iniileh'
K nil lire well niu'ril in lilt',
Sh ' i!n si fool fin h -r Imsliuiid,
ll''!iil a fool I111 In wilt.
Select -Xalc.
a sioitv k k tiik 1 li i:ni I.O! s.
Do ymi s-i', sai l th. a xton, "thow thr e
iiillocks innh r, "iili' hv siili I'li.-r slffp
liiee hrnleg wlioii- lii-tur I am alioul 1 1
.eisle. L s k tin Te, sir, nil V'ill'1' I I LI V U
ins. nea little d-siiluli' Iiuiish, with a kiraj
liiijr li'iK i' in frui.t, an I a I'.-w nut. il a
jile tri'.n un th- ient Inliiml h. Il is
..I'lly out ul r pair now, ami I lie oaruVn is
"ow oveirriiwu with wveda ami hia.n'ileR,
Hid I hi- whole plarn. lias a ih-sdlate it (- r
iiicts. iMhi' wveils wtTi hi ill now, you
ni-ilit lienr crazy shntlt-rs fl 1 (i)in against
he sitl.-s, ami the wind t arino; the j;r'v
hinles ctfl the roof. Many years ai;o,
illi re lived ill that house an old man and
nis son, who cultivated the lew acres of
;roiind I hat belonged to it.
The iiillii'V va a self-tansiht
lei-ply versed in the iiiysteri- ol si i' ore, i
mil as lie comil t'll the name ol eVeiy
low. r that blossomed in the wood or urevv
111 the garden, and usd to sit up late at
lihl at his books, or rea 'in the mystic
story of the starry heavens, men thought
ne was crazed or bewitched, and avoided
iiimaslhe ignorant ever shun the gilted
mil enlibtened. A few there were, ami
imon; o'hers, the miuistir, the lawyer,
Hid the tihvsii i.111 (if the nine., u lui cbi.u.'.
.'d a U'ltllll rliess til lii.ii e..iii.l.jiia....
uit thev so .n dropped bis ai'd iaintance. I
- - " "-' I
for they found the old man soniew hat re- j was on a summer alternoon I recollect it
served and morose, and inireover their j well. Dutini the ceremony the blackest
vanity was wounded on discovering the . cloud I ei r saw, overapremi the heavent.,
xtent ol his knowledge. and the moment this hiide pronounced hi r
"To the minister be wool I quote th vow, a clap of thunder shook the hoihliiit;
fathers an 1 the scriptures in the original'10 t'4 centre. All the females shrieked,
fonirue, and showed himself well armed i hut the bride herself made the response,
with Ihe weapons ol polemic controversy, j w'ln a steady voice, and her eye glistened
Me astonidied the lawyer w i ll his pro'ound Wl,h a wild lire, as she gazed upon Inr
u qn linlance with jurisprudence - mid the bridegroom. When ariivcd at bis house,
physician was surprised at the extent , f his 1 "I" -"k the threshold ; but this was
ueilical kn.nvl. .-", S 1 all ol them de- I the liuiidit v of Ihe maiden.
i-rieil hun, and the minister from whom h
li(T r-il in some Irilliti r point of dm trine,
spike very lightly ot hi.n, and by and hy
looked 0:1 the s If educated farmer with
yes ol aversion.
"He in -ira. ted his son in all his lore.
ilie lana;uii -s, literature, history, philoso- !
..I... I . ... ... r . . 1' .
phy and science, vv re unfolded one by om
to th-- enthusiastic son of the solitary.
'Years rolled away, and the old man
died. He rii-d when a sudden storm con
vulsed the face ot nature; when the wind
howled around the sheltered dwelling, and
ihe li i III 11 i 11 r played above (!. ronl, and
though he wvi 1 to heaven i 1 faith a-ul pu
rity, the vulgar iindsiil that the
Mul on" ha i c ai m il hi dwii in the ele.
in.-nts-, I can , i it pii-it to yni the grief ol
the .m at this h reuvein-ni. II - was bira
iiio.iienl as one distiiieteil Th" uiioist. r
came and muttered a few hollow pbris. s
in his ear, and a few n irhbors, i npell. d
by curiosity to f-e the i it. rior ol bis dwel
ling, came to ihe luueral. With a prnu I
and lofty look the son si 00. 1 above ihe dust
of the dea l, in the ll:i Ul of the bi noerili-
tal mourners, with a pang at hit bean, but 1
serenity on bis brow, lie lhank-d bis
friends for their kindness, acknowb d red
their courtesy, ami then si role away Irom
the grave, to hurv bis grief in the privacy
of the lies-rled ilweliing.
"He found at la t the snlilll le of the
mansion almost iniiiuirlatile, and lie pa
ced the flurry H mr from mnrniiigli I ni.hi,
i l all lb" wo" a id il. sd i'ion, vainly ini.
Mirtuniiii luaven f.r rli I. t rame ,
him in the guise of poeiic inspiration.
wrote with wond. rlul ease and piwr.
I'age after page rame Ir mi bis proline pen,
almost without aniflorl; and there wis (
time when be dreamed (lain font) of im
mortality. Some of hii productions' fame
before the world. Tbey were praiseii guj
MMH HV. Ml4irilU.IIIKItl.AM) t (IUNTY; 1 A., ; BA'I I MIAV
ircula f I ; and inquiries sel on loot in tlir
hope ol tlisiowrinic thf author. He, wra)
ped in the veil of iinp' petrahle Olwnnly,
likened lo the toice i,f applause, more tl'e
lirinus lieraiisf il was olt nmd hy sValth
I'nun tin ol)ciii ity of yonder lone' mansion,
and I'nnii this 1ei.u1, to send lays which
astonished the world, was indeed a Iriuii p't
to the visionary hard.
"His thirst liir lame h.l l been ST-ilifietl,
and l e how hean to yi am lor Ilie t on.,
patiionship of some v. eet h int ol the oth
er sex, to share wilh him the laurels he had
won, and to whisper consul ilion in hii ear
in H.oments ol (lesioii(lHtu , and to supplv
the void which the death of a lather had
occosioned. II- would picture to hitnsell
the felicity ol a n fineil intercourse with a
highly intellectual ami lieauliftil woman,
and as lie had chosen for his moilo, '-whatever
has heeii done may be done," he did
not d.'sjuir of slices..
In this village lived three sisti rs, all
heaiitiful and accomp i.shed. Th- ir names
were Mary, Adelaide and Mad, line. 1 am
far enough past the atre of enthusiasm, but
never ran fori t the beauty of the young
ttirls. Mary was the youngest, and a Inirer
huirrd, more laughing Han s"! m v. r danced
uiu ine j;reeii. A0eaile, wno was a
few years older, was datk luiired and n-
sive: hut of the three, Madeline, the eld
est, possessed the most fire, spirit, cultiva
tion ami intellectuality. Their father, a
man nl taste and education, nnd beinir some,
wh: I ahove the vulirfir prejudices, permit
ted Hie visits of the hero ol my story. Still
he 1I1I not encouraje the nfleftion be found
sprinoini up between Mtrv and the jviet.
When, however, he found that her am r
tions were emrai d, be did not withhold
his consent Irom their marriage, ami the
r-cluse tiore to his mansion the youn bride
"f bis alf. 1 tions. Oh, Mr, the house as
su m il a new appearance within and with
I Hoses b!o-itned in the jrarden, j ssamineg
I peeped tliMtiirh the lattins, and the fi-lds
j a'xiul it sihiled with the effei Is ..f careful
cultiia'ion. Lights wire seen in the little
j parlor in the evening; ami many a time
j would the passengers pause by the jranleli
i "ale lo listen to strains ol the sweeteM mil
sic breathed by choral voices Irom the col
1 la 'e. Il ill" mv Morions sin. lent and wile
h.l l been ti 'srlecteil hy the m i;hhois, what
cared they ? Tln-ir emhu ino; mutual atT r
lion made their home a little paradise.
Hut death rame to l-Meii. Mirv suddenly
fell sick, and alter a l-w hours illness I'ied
in the arms of bet bus'ianil ami bet sister
iviaiii tine. (us was the student's second
heavy nlliii tion.
Days, months rolled on, and the only
solace of the b. reived was to sit with ihe
sitr of the deceased and talit of the Inst
one. To Adelaide he ollered his wi.low.d
heart. The bridal was not one ol revelrv
and mirth. Yet they lived happily, and
the rose Bfititi blossomed in the gard. n.
Hut it seemed as il lalalily pursued this
sini'iilar man. When lhe'roe withered
and the leaf fell, in (he mellow autumn of
the year Adelaide too sickened and died
like hi-r sister ill the arms ol her husband
and Madeline.
Terhapa you will think it strange,
youmr man, that after all, the wretched
survivor stood anaiu at the altar. Mad. l
ine! I well remember her. She was a
b auty in the true .-nse ol the word the
iiiiiht have sat upon a thr .ne, and the most
loyal subject, the proudest peer, would
have sworn lb" blood in her veins descend
ed from a hundred kings. She loved the
widowed f,r his power and bis lame, and
she wedd'-d hi. n.
I hey married in that church it
"When they wi re alone, he c'asiied her
hand and it was as cold as ice ! II-looked
into her face "Maid'it," ,aid he,
"what in an this ? your hi ek is as pale as
your wedding. .own." The bride uttered
a fiaulic shii.k. '-My weldi ir crown !"
exclaimed she, no, no this is 11. v sister',
..I 1 l ni. 1. . . .
shroud !" The hour of conl. ssion ha ar.
rive.l. t is (iod that impelt me to speak.
To win you, I lo-1 my own soul. V s, yes
I nn 1 murderess! She smiled on me
in Ihe j oyoiis afleclion of le r young heart,
but I gaie her the fatal drug. Adelaide
twined Iv r white arms around tuv neck,
but I a ii'iniser"d the poison! Take me
lo your arms; J have lost my soul for you,
an I mine ymi must lie !"
'And then,'' con'imied be In a hollow
voice, 'at tha' moment rame the thunder,
a it th- guilty woman fell dead 01 the
Hot !" The countenance of the narrator
expreS"d all he felt.
"And the bride. room," asked J, "the
husband ol the d si rover and the victims,
what became ol bun !"
Hkstasus ueiorb vol !" was the ibril-
'"V i:w''
Thr real object of education is to give
children resources that will endure as long
as life endures', habits that will ameli "rate,
not destroy ; occupation that will remb r
nil ktiets tolerable, solitude pleasant, ag veil
erubl , life more dignified and useful, and
death bi terrible.
W 11 ilk fSiiied la-fore uchet'iful fire in your
I'OHif.nlable, I'twy ailliuu 10 re, dolh Ihe fiinii
of a sHr. hsl'.-iarvi,.!, liiwii,ig ,-ieaiurit
neVr iutrule itself bmneen yuu and ih
f1 It jl .bull, let miaerabie
Iiiiiiihu liei von HiMel, rind it kind smile 011
ymi ftM-e,. ami .your- hand in jiuf tviekot.
That's our way. i . f-i
A few day use, there arrived in Boston a
eonple from Rhode Is'aml, ho came to get
join d quietly in the bond of rriatr many.
As ..nii n they were fairly ibimieiled, the
wuiiltf be-tiiideiiroom wlin was a rmijili but
Hpwiini!y honest specimen of the country
Vankee sent for I la. pmpiietor of the hotel,
who quickly answeril hi summon.
"Say lan'lntil,' lnt rpos.'.l the trancr
p inting lo bis mnileU diilrinen in the coiner
o'' the 'pnrlnr, "this i my yniinr woiaan
Nanw we've cum nil the way from Rhode
Island, nnd want to cet spliced. Send for a
minister, will yet wont it dune lip, right
-tiamht . f.
The bin llnrd smiled and went nut, m il
half an hour nflrrwnrd h licetiaed minister
made his appearance, and ihe uhliiiiiiK host
wi'h one nr two wn-igisti friend, were vail
ed in lo iuii'S.4 the 'scene.'
"Nanw Mr. Sliguiii," iil the Yankee,
'.leu il ip briiwu, and yer miiue' red,"
Jind bulhiviih the reverend ieiitleniati com-
meitoed by direclinii the parties to join
liaiiil. The Yn kee "no. up to hi blush
i l' ladv-love, like a sick kitten I11.1fui.1u a
hot biiclr, a.'iaid her by the band, hi.i! was
11s much pleased h a riii'i'inm inihl be sup
piwil iu be wilh two tail.
"Yuu pmiiiie, Mr. ," said the par
suit, "to lake thin woman."
"Ynas," said ihe Yankee, al once.
"To be your lawful mid wedded wife.' 1
'Van y:uu."'
'Thai you will love and honor her in all
thine V
'That yon w ill rline; to her and her anty
as lona a J nil live."
'Van, indeed no'biii' else "' continued
the Yin krx, in the 111111 deliuhted and earn
est manner, but here the reverend cleiM
man hailed, much lo the surprise nf all pie
sent, and mute especially to ihe nimnvatice
ami disi'uiiiliiure of Ihe intended bride
IiI.iiiiii. ' Y..a Vans, I said," ndded the Yankee.
'One moment, my fiiends," responded
the minister, slow ly, fur il nci-tu red In him
ihit Ihe law i f M.isiiehustts due nut ad
mil of this pt'iformiiiice wiihout the obser
vance of piinishmenl, elc, for a veriaiu
lei,(.'ih of time "
' Wal'eii ihiindi'i' is ihe matter, mister.
Hoi.'. ii.--put tin tin 11 Ni'th.ii'o spin.
ell .' Ain't si. k, jnistei, he jel ( '
-Just nl this iiiomeui, my friends, I have
thought that )ou can't lie man iod iu M.ism.
CllllSt'llS -:
'Can't t wot'n nature's the reason I
like her she likes me vvnl'a t'heuder V
'You bavt.'t t -en published, sir, I think."
' Hain't Hfitihi' to be, mi h-r ! ill's nut we,
cum 'ert tut J 011 I ho sly ; yn uu, go on old
' I reiilly. sii," said the pursuit.
' K.iill) ? will, co ahead ! Taiu'l fair )ou
ee, 'taint, I swaow ; yuu've married me,
and uir.'l touched her. tin uu doan't slop
here, 'al ain't jest iho thiu, nuuw by tjrarh.
u 'lam't V
"I will consult"
'No vuu wuii'i no veu dnn't oonvu'l
i.o'hiu' tier iiuhuly, till lln eie busiiie is
ciinclilded, uaow mind, I tell je !" said
Jo inlhan loeiilulely, unit in an lusluiit he
mined the key m the luck amid the titlerinu
ul 1 he wiluesM-a. who were nearly choked
with iiieiiiuient.
"Niuiw, mister, a ware" continued
he Yankee, seizing hia trembling inlendeil
by Ihe hand niain ''an , r 11; lit Mraiht
from ware )nu lell nlf ; )iiu cuu'l cum none
u' Uu ball way business wi'h lhi child;
n pui 'ei iho , and no dodging it'll all be V
The parson reflerled a rro neni, and con
cluded In risk il, contitiued--
'Yuu promise madame In lake this man
lo lie your lawful husband 1''
'Yaus," aid the Yankee, as the lady
bo wild.
'That you il love, honor, and obey."
"Tli"in' inn '' said Jouulhuii, aa the lady
bowed again.
'And thai you will cling to him, ai long
as ymi tmih live."
"TUui's the talk," and ihe lady said 'ye'
-Then, iu ihe presence nf these witness?
I pnuiouuce yuu man and wife'
"II 101 ah !'' slmu'eil Jonallnn, leaping
nearly In ihe celling wilh j..y.
'And w hat God hath juined together, let
no man put asunder 1"
'Hour. ill !'' coiilinne.1 Jonathan, '-Vrol's
ih piiee I IIjw iiiiicb !spit it oui doi.'t
be afiaird--)u did jesl like a bunk old fed.
ler ! ere' a V, never mind Ihe cbaujie
send for a hack, laudlor give u yer bill ;
I've got her I llai', Culumbia happy land !''
luared the pair lelluiv entirely unable to
eoiiliol bis joy ; and leu ini iule afterward
h was 011 hi way lo tha I'.ovid.'iira de.
Ki't wiili bis wife, lbs huppieel mail out of
We hea nl the details of the above scene
f oui an cje-iibe of the ceremony, and
we oiiild not avoid putting it duwu as "unto
of ihe weddiu",." '
' -t "H - s--l " ,, .
; AerLK I'oTTsoB. Take ri apples rar
fully pared ami cored, nnd put them in lay. 1
er Iu alone ur earthen jar alternately,
with layer of sugar. If the apple are
eet, a liule lemon er quinee intrfrminnled .
will give it a better flavor. 1 Coves be
wh Ij with wheat pasie or ibnifih, and place
he jar In the oven liar ll"''.o..'r L''l it re.
main all iiljjhf, u'nd h will mako meat Jeli
cious dta-b for breakfeat. lb. ''- '"
DK( K.MitKit ar. iri.ii.
"There ia an endearing tenderness'1 any
Wiishttiiiloti Irving, "in the love of mo.
ther for her son. that transcend all other af.
tectum of the heart " We have just baard
of a touching ilhistrtttinu of the fact, that the
love of a sun for hi mother may also tran
scend and swallow up all other ntfeclini . at
a liniment, ion, when he mil! hi well be
paidimed fur remembering only his own
ttreat trials.
Snme two years ago a young man, belong
ing to Phi'ndelphiu, was returning by rail
road fruin the town of Rending, Petmsyl
va da By an accident which happened to
the train as it was approaching town, and
while he was standing uu ihe platform, he
wa thrown off and fell partly under the
w heel of the succeeding car, and his riuhl
aim "niarrow-bones and all," wa crushed
to a jelly, and dropped Uselessly at his side.
Thi, however, was fortunately his only in
jury. He wa a young man of determined
tieive and of the noble! spirit. He tillered
ti" complaint not even a eroan. When the
irain arrived at the depot, a carriage wa
immediately ordered when all ended by a
fileinl, he said to lh ronchman :
"Drive at once to Dr. M 'a iu Walnut
"Hadn't ymi better go immediately
hnme 1" asked hi friend.
'No," said he, "I don't want them to
know anything about it till it is all over."
Our hero, for he was a hero, was deaf lo
all the rou liter .remonstrance of his friend,
and they drove rapidly to Ihe bouse of the
eminent siimeon alluded lo. They were
hown into the parlor, and the doctor was
summoned. Afier an examination.
"Wei', my dear fellow." id the mirgeon
for he wa well acquainted wilh bis pa
tien', "yuu know, I suppose, what 11 ul be
"I do." he replied, "and it i for the pur
pne of having il done that I came here for."
'My surgical table," saiJ the doctor, "1
' Can it not be done withfit that V aked
th iiff.'rer. "I cannot be tie I I cannot b
held. Amputate my arm herr. doctor. h
continued, ho'diiiff out hi dangling limb
over the back nf the sofa. "D 1 il here.
doctor. : I shall not flinch : I shall not inlei
ree with voer operation "
The limb wa bared ; and two attendent
medical indent in the hnue, were sum
moned. The arm wa taken off above th
elh uv whiUth P'tlient sit lis he hid reqiiea'-
Pil. tillering no groan nor a ino word,
while the operaliun wa being performd
The dressing were applied : and, Attended
hy hia friend, ihe patient had reached the i
lonr, 011 his way to hi own hon, w hirh
was very near bv, when he turned lound lo
the surgeon, and said, "Doctor, I should like
10 look at my arm once more ; piav let ti e
see it " The suigeon raised Ihe mangled
limb : Ihe paiicnt glanced al the bloodies
hand, and said, ' Doctor, there i a ring
upon the middle finger of thai band ; won't
vou lake il off for me V My mother gave
me thai ring when Mie wa on hei l"sih
bed. I can part- wi'h mv aim, but utiiU I
live, I ran't art wi'h that ling." The rii g
wa alipped from the ruld, white tinner.
"Put it on that finger," said he, hnlding
out Ihe ame finger on the left hand. As
he was leaving the door w ith bis alle.idiiu'.
in enter the carriage, he eajd. Jfotr shall I
break thi tl'ing lo my poor siMei
ts not this a true hem, reader 1
Mvsi rav or Tin Amkricah Lk
fine, say ihe Dublin Magazine, is only
ivlv oraeventy feel deep ; but the bottom
of Lake Ontario, which is 4.13 ft deep, ia
230 feel below ihe level of the ocean, or a
low a inbsl pari of the (Jnlf nf St. latwre-mu
and the bottom of Lake Huron, Mi. bigau,
and Superior, although their suiface 10
much higher, are all, fmm their vast deplh)
on a level wnn Ihe bottom of Lake On
tario. Now, as the discharge through the liver
Detroit, after allowing for the full probable
portion carried ofl by evaporation, does nut
appear by any means equal lo the quantity
of water the llnee upjver great lalea irecive
il ha been conjectured that a Mibieiatiean
river may 11111 from l-ake Superior to llunn ,
id Irom Lake Union lo Lake Oiilano
This conjecture i by no mean improbable.
and will account fur Ihe singular laei ih .t
almoii and hering are caught in all lie
akes coinmnnicaliug with St. Lawrence,
but ill liu others,
As the Fall of Niagara must have always
existed, it would putzie Ihe nainralist to say
h iw these fish got itno ihe Vpper Lakes
iihiMit some such sublrriiien river ;
moreovei ; any peiiodicai otislriiction ul Ihe
river would furnish a not improbable solu
tion of ihe mysteriou (lux and leflux of the
lake Detroit Daily Adv.
Msrruuk Good roa Health.Di. Cap'r,
of bVrliii, ha calculated that the mwi tuliiy
among bachelors from t'le age ol 2010 45
yeaia, is 27 per ceiil., while among ma. tied
men of the same age, It is only IS pel cent
For 41 bachelors who aliaiu ihe aue of 40
years, there are 73 marriml men who attain
ihe same age. The advantage in favor of
married life is still more sinking iu persons of
advanced age. Al 60 years of age.thete re
maina but 38 bachelors foi 4$ married men.
Al 70 years, 1 1 bachelois for 27 marriv',n,
at JO year, 3 bachelors Jjjftiptl. : iijut imr
rii men,,' "id i" '- '
... ' ; 1 1 ''"i --- "f - n .'. i
It is thought that if Sir John f ranklu. Is
lif e ts is la some kt-olattd loe."
"If'jnur flat-irons are rough, or smoky,
lay a little fine salt on a flat surface, and
nib them well ; it w ill prevent them from
ticking to anything starched, and make
th"m smooth.
Rub your griddle with fine salt before
yon greee it, and your cake will not stick.
When walnuts have been kept until the
meat is too much dried to be good, lei
them stand in milk and water eight hours,
and dry them, anil they w ill be fresh as
when new.
It a good plan to keep your different
kinds ol piece tape, thread, &c , in sept
rate bag, and there is 110 time lost in look
fur ihem.
Oats straw is beat for the filling o( beds,
and it is well tu change it as often as once a
year. ,
Cedar chests are best lo keep flannels, for
cloth mo'hs nie never found in Ihem. Red
cedar chip are good to keep in drawers,
ward-robe, closet, trunks, tic, lo keep out
Wh-n clothes have acquired an unpleas
ant odor bv being fiom the nir. charcoal,
laid in the folds, w ill Soon remove il.
If black 1I1 earn have been ataineil, boil
a handful of fig leaves in a quart of waten
ami reduce it to a pint. A sponge dipped
in thi liquid and tubbed upon them,
will entiiely remove slain fiom crapes,
bombazine, &o.
In laying up furs for summer, lay a tallow-
candle in or near them, and danger from
worms will be obviated.
Cr.fnly cumpikd and cnrrtet by 8. Quick, Jr.
Honrstt Little in Market.
Patriotism Fii' qualityno demand.
' Second qualityprincipally
Isit.aht up by speculators.
PacDmcis Al par; (ill held by old
stockholders )
Monr-sTT None but damaged pntcels hi
Vice. Large quant ilie held ; no sales
pRine - Market glinted.
Politeness. Very cheap; but the own
er appear indifferent about the disposal
of il.
Toil. All bought up in foreign rra-ke's.
Scandal .None offered at wholesale ;
ihe article altogether engrosed by hawkers
and pedlars.
Rr.LtoioN. When brought in'o market it
ia g'tteially highly adulterated ; sales nom
Love None offered, except for real
Coquetry Veiy little offered, in conse
quence of the difficulty in managing the
Talents. A cash ankle: no credit al.
Sinceritt. -Out of seasoa. Mctkotlitf
Mctton. -We mean to report that at
lewsi a thousand time, or till what we say
have nn.e etTccI on our countrymen, that a of lean, lender, juicy million can be
raised tor half ihe rot of the same quantity
ol 'at poik ; that it is infuiiiely bealihier
fund, especially in the summer season, i
more agreeable lo the palate, when one get
acrostorned to it ; and that those who eat it
become moie muscular, and can do more
work with greater ease to themselves than
those hn eat fat poik. We know nothing
mine delicate than smoked million hams of
south-dow 11 breed of sheep venison itself is
not superior. Sheep can be kept iu fine
growing order where other domestic animals
will sea ice ly exist, and thousands of acie iu
the Slate under en enlightened system of
shewp husbandry, may be made to pay a
goil interest where now they are nearly
dea.l prnpeity iu ihe hand of their present
uvvuri. Amerutn Agriculturalist.
Printers Lanocauc. -ICvery profession
has its torhiiical tetms, of course the Prin
ters have a '-small s iiallering," which is
only intelligible In the craft The following
Irom the Delawaie Republican, as a speci
men ; it doii'l mean, hnvvrver, a mucfTat it
seems to th uninitiated '.
'Jun, pill (Jen. Washington on the galley,
and then finish ihe uiuider nf that young
tdrl Jon commenced yesterday Set up en
tire the ruins of lie rculaneom J distribute
the small ran ; you need not finish that
runaway match ; have the high water iu
the paper thi week. Let the pie alene till
after dinner, but put the political barbscue
In press, and then go to the devil, ami he
will tell yen about the work for ihe morning.
Not much wonder that Mr. Faustus was
burnt for inventing such a diabolical art."
, Why i soap considered 10 be of high an
tiquity Because it ia mentioned by one the
Hebrew :--"Tinnih lhnn wash wilh the
nitre, and take much soap, yet thine in.
ipiiiv ia flunked before me. Jirtmiak,
ii. 22. .. , .
P.Mjit Hans, he bit himself mil a snattln.
rake and vaa sick In his bed for six long
weeks in de mouth of August, ami all de
dime he xav vater ! vater ! and he did tat
noting til ha gnmplained of being better,
o ash he could stand upon ' his elbow and
a little ea, -
laaiTATtNg Afier loHiivg all sight in your
beria at arm, till you miserably aic.k, 10 have
slawatd ope -yen -.(loo e the morning
ami aak if you ' will ' have a frisk rott for
Wkfssi, - .',.--- " - :
!OW tit F yiAlJATIOi.
The influence of the Imagination on the
nervous system has, on some Occas oas,
produced efTecls bordering on . a" elate of
insanity. The following wbijh weeopy
from an exchange paper, is a caae in
"point :
"A few years since, Elijah ' Barns, of
Pennsylvania, killed a rattlesnake in his
field wiihout any injury to himself, and im
mediately after, put on bis son' waistcoat,
both being of oe color. He returned to his
house, and on his attempting to button bis
waistcoat, he found to bis asioni.hment that
it was much tn small. His imagination was
now wrought to a high pith, and he instant
ly conceived the idea that he had been bit
ten imperceptibly by the snake, and was
thus swollen from the poison. He grew
suddenly very ill, and look to his bed. . The
family, in great alarm and confusion, sum
moned Ihree physicians, and the usual rem
edies were prescribed and admiaistered.
The patient, however, grew worse every
minute, until at length his son came hnme
with his father's waistcoat dangling about
him. The mystery was lnstnutly unfolded,
and the patient, being relieved from hia
imaginary apprehensions, dismissed his phy
sicians, and was restored to health."
I can conceive no reason why he should,
but ten reasons why he should not.
1. It is mean. A man of biuh moral
standing would almost as soou steal a sbeep
as swear.
2. It is vulgar ; altogether too low for a
decent man.
3. It is cowardly ; implying a fear either
of not being believed or obeyed. '
4 It is ungenllemanly. A gentlemen ac
cording to Webster, is a genteel man, well
bred, lefined. Such a one will no more
swear than go into the street le throw mud
w itn a loafer.
S. It is indecent ; offensive to deli
cacy, and extremely unfit for human ears.
6 It is foolish. "Want uf decency Ss
wan! of sense "
7. It is abusive lo the mind which con
ceives the oath, to the tongue w hich utters
it and 10 the persons to whom it is aimed. .
8. It is venomous showing a man's heart
to be a nest of vipers, and every time he
swears, one of them slicks out his head.
9 It is coutemptible-foifeiting the respect
of all the wise and good.
10. li ia wicked ; violating the law and
provoking the displeasure of Him - who
will not hold bim guiltless who takes his
name iu vain.
Economy in Fuel. Let the coal ashes
w hich are usually thrown into the dust bin,
be preserved in a corner of the coal hole,
and add to them fiom your coal heap, an
equal part of tha small coal or slack,, which
is tot) small le be retained in the gralc, and
pour a small quantity of water upon th
mixture. When you make up your file,
place a few lound coals iu front and threw
some of this mixture behind ; it saves the
trouble of sifting your ashes, .fives a warm
and pleasant fire, and a very small part only
will remain uiiburut.
Keep the Feet Warm. Paper being a
good non-conductor, il a piece laige enough
to cover the toes be placed uver them, anil
then the stocking diawu 011, the feet will
be kept warm, if the weather be dry ; the
kind of paper used by hardware dealers, is
the best common paper lo use for this per
Maryland Colonization Society. The
annual appropriation uf leu thousand dollars,
which has been made for a number of years
past by the Slate of Maryland, in aid of the
Colony of Ihe Maryland Colonization Society
al Cape Palmes expires by limitation during
the present year.
Savinij Manure Overlook no means of
adaing to your slook of manures Do not
scatter your coaiae fodder over wide fields
iu early winter because your yards are
muddy, but prepare racks and pens around
them, and save the refuse fur littering
sheds and atables le absorb the liquid
The Grand Jmy at New Oi leans have
found indictments against R. O. Smi:h, E. F.
Aibell, St. Leon Faziude, Win. E. Wilner,
and J. B. Serapuru, as participants in the
Cuba riots in thai city on the 21st of
August last. "
An Irishman, writing from California,
says: 'It's an illegant country. The bed
bugs are as large as dinner pots, while the
fleas are used fur crossing creeks wilh
one hop an' tbey are over with two 011 their
Tue Mam who bad lo lower his shirt collar
10 puss under Wheeling biidge, arrived in
Ciiicinnat'i laat week. He was laboring un'
der a slight attack of coffury morbus. -
"I (now by a little what a great deal
means," as the gander said when ' he saw'
ihe tip of fox's tail sticking out of a "hoi.
low tree, " "' ' "
' ' ' : t
Fink Piortx Tha man wht advertise
in our paper ; the man w ho peter refuses to'
lend )ou inooeyi ami the .felluw wly,.e.
oogrting jogrsisier. , ti
i, Teach children .t9 lp ,? verythng :l)mt,
is: beautiful, awl u will leavU 1m ,4v
useful and good, ? it? ,!, M4 ..
j Mlct ts'lae eecetU -seal of tixa keyueis
thaTuinegj.' ; -"C t .'. . .-.I ,'',.