r SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. CHEAT BARGAINS 1 Vatchea nnd Jevcllerj, IT II OL K 8 A I.K and fl UTA IL HAVING constantly on bind n Immense Block of Wetchce and Jewellery, 1 If rmiiied to sell at lew prion thn the saaae que ity of Watches or Jewellery ere sold PhilI- ill in 'VI ,'.' J !i ' . . i Hold .ever Watch.s, Ml jewellee' II k II 910.04 S4.G u,e l.so 1,00 case, onlr Gold I.cpinV. " ' fc Silver I.erere, full jewelled, enl Silver Lepincs, " Gold Pencils, Golil Perm. Silver holdere, A!so nn immense stock of til kinds of Watch es, GolJ Chains, Breastpins, Earrings, bilvor Ppoons, Ac, nil of which, I will tell t less pri ors than ever have horn sold in thia city, as the prices nrc cortninly much less than avar hcrkto lore sohl in this city or county. California GolJ bow-lit for Cosh. Particular attention paid to repairing Watches and Jewel lery. All I usk is a rail to convince Purchasers that this is the place to purchase Watches, Jew ellery and Silvor ware. .Persons hy sindiiitr the cash thoy with to ex pend ran have a wali'h or watches sent to them bv mail with perfect safety, Imvincj sent them in that way lor the last 0 years. All communica tion! must be post paid. Please rail or tend or ders to LEWIS LADO.MIS, No. 103 C'hesnut St.. bct'.vn :iil and 4th St., East Winn of Franklin IIou.. Philadelphia, Oct. 25, lr'5l.- If. Stoves! Stoves!! Stoves!!! A S the cold weather is arproachinir. the sub-scriU-r would respectfully call tho atten tion of the public to hi stock of sloves, selected from the latest nnd most approved patterns, con sisting of ' Cook, rarlor, Air Tight, Chamt cr, 0Sc nnd Boat Stovps, all of which will he disposed of al, astonishingly low prices. Persona in want of Stoves and desirous of getfinir the "reerAJe their vioncy" nre invited to call Lefore purchasing elsewhere. No Stoves kept tlint cannot he recommended. He also continues to manufacture Tin mid SSiccI Iron Waio in nil its varieties. llrass Keiths. Dippers, Visit Pans, Ilritlanin Ladles, Japanned Ware, Arc. N. 13 Persons purchasing Stoves of the aub- acriher, ran tit any time procure Cylinders, G'ratrs, pirc Urick and odJ plates, to replaie such ns may be required. 1). M. IillAL'TIGAM. Northumberland, Sept. 27, 1351 3mo. CATTLE P0V3EH rnr.i'AUED cr miEiNiri, vi.om:fieTiD & co. No. W North Third Street, Philadelphia. rplUS pmviler is enlitl'il by ths nailed testimony of tR 1 vvlio have ur"-il it tn lli lira rauii nf fill thus. ('AT 'I'l.r. .Ml '.DRINKS, wlm-li have brm liieiiglil pnM wnrtliy l.ir many years, hiiWil vc clialieit any yxtix-m to muko a supcrinr, in any iviler lliat nets in ttifr wtaa manner. If the annual tie'pcrfeclly hcaliliy il will Miliar increase Itie uin-mnt of iiiiik ur i icain ami I. alter ; yr th mutual w.il iiupr.va rapully in fi.t. It vvi'l tliensur. in time tie consnlereil vc linve n ilnalit on. ul' ill. stasis arti. clcs of uverv Farmer, vvim l.rps a iliuiy ; mul el Avrf i Siw Tori. Nportm nntl JuWuts FREEMAi;, H0DOE3 Ct CO., 68 ttt, UTir STRBBT, Between Broa.Ucay and Natsau-Strcet, Near the Post Office. WE are rorrivinir, by daily arrivals from Eu rope, our Fall nnd Winter assortment of KK'IT FASHIONABLE FANCY SILK AND MILLINERY GOODS. We respectfully invite nil Cash Purehascro thoroughly to examine our Slock nnd Prices, and, ns I jt uest tiovunia, we feel conlident our Goods and I'rices will induce them to select from our establishment. Particular attention is devo ted to MILLINEKY GOODS, and many of the articles are manufactured expressly to our order, and cannot be surpassed in lieauty, stylo nnd cheapness. Beautiful Taris Ribbons, for Hat, Cap, Neck, and Belt. Satin anil Taffeta. Ribbons, of all widths and colors. Silks, Satins, Velvets, and uncut Velvets, for Hats. Feathers, American nnd French Artificial Flowers. Puflinps, nnd Cap Trimming. Dress TriminiiiE-i, large assortment. Embroideries, Cuprs, Collars, L'ndersleeves and Cull's. Fine Embroidered Rcviere and Hcinstich Cambric Handkerchiefs. Crapes, Liases, 'J'arletons, Illusion and Cap Laces. V.ileneienes, Brussels, Thread, Silk, und Li.;lo Thread Laces. Ki.l, Silk, Sewing Silk, Lisle Thread, 'Merino Gloves nnd Mitts. Fieured nod Plain Swiss, Book, Bishpl.ntvii and Jaconet Muslins. ENGLISH. FRKNCil, AMERICAN A NO ITALIAN STKAVV GOODS. August 3(1, 18"il 3inr. KAItELE HANITf ACTORY, CHEAP Cli.VVE npiIE subscriber informs his fiiends nnd tbo pnblio, that he rnnlinucs to rarry 'i the Marble Bioiuess in all its branches nt hU old stand in Milton, Pa., and ia prepared to manu facture Monuments, TomluE, Gravoalo-acs, u2., of the best materials, and most fmbhcJ wor'.: mnnsbip, nnd at the lowest prices. Letter Culliiic;, Inlish and Cierman in the most modern and elegant style. Designs for Monuiiicuts, (Jravc Stones, ceo., always on hand. N. II. Orders lor tbu Last Bide ol Hie nvrr promptly executed by tcavintr the sumo at the oliice of the Sunburv A inei i,-an.M ANTHONY HIPP. Milton, May 10, 1P31. IiIVEXi COIV2PI.AIKT, JAUNDICE. DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND nit clispaws nrisinir frnrn itisintcrpd liver er sto inncli. such ns cotisl inati'Mi. lnwnril Piles. I'lillnrss, of lil'KHl to lh hewl, Ariilify of the tst-'nineti, Nnilnm, llnirll.iini. ilicust I t I"iI, l.il iicks or wi-ivht in tin; finnuic h, amir l'.nirtail iis, Kinkiiiar "r flnttcriinj nt Hie pit of the Sloumrli. nviinnniia "f Hie lient, Imrrii il ini.l iliffinilt lirejiihiinr, Hiiileiiira at Hie henrt, cli 'kinu or si.iT.-ntiiin sriisiitiiiim vvIimi in a Ivihk p"utrc, Diiuni's of vi,i'n, iloisui wl-s l f.i,w.ic liaht, Kevcr ini.l ilnll fain in henil. nYftrirarr of pcrspimlion, vi'llovrms of Hie ahinnml ryi, pain in Hie siil. Im,', elicit, Innl.s, Ae.. laild.-n tliisltr;, of heat Ixtrnins' in Ilia fl-,li, c instant iniiiginiligs ol evil, nml ftrrnx ilcpri:-sian of spirits, can in: i.Ffi:cTL'Ai.i.Y crnr.n uv rnnrARKTi hy P IX . C . M . JACiiSOX, at tim: Kn. ISO Arcn St., rhllndrlt Their nnwcf ovrr tlio i'li iv ir.RL'am n ia not pju'dlnl, if pi;il!i-il, ly r::ty uiht r prcp;irntion in itic I'nilwl fluted, ns 1 1 it i-nrcii mtust, in iii;ni uiuca ulu-r akilliul iliiici;iii8 iii'it iiinco. I'Imt.' f.iitcrq nrr 'rt!ir iIipv nltfiition of InvnJM. pittivM iim irititt virtnen m tliu rfiaiil:fiit iii if ilirra.'!! "f tlie l.ivcr uiiil Imwr jtl;iiiit(, irxcrcic-it-B iht1 mini Benichhift vivitw in wi'tiuiM'pH jcni iiifcrtiMnn mi:ic tiitrfsiivu tirg.iiip, tlmy nrr. wilihit. ru'-v fcrlniii tuid pl'-nruinl. (tf tin ttir It.iLlun Uct'.J . Ire. .!. t IhniFr.wirjt f 'kt.hkh trd tlnnM-ii I'ittkt". fir Otf ritrt o(" l,iv-r 't;iiii,ijnt, .IniipilicT, Drftpppiiiii, Chptnii' or NcrvuitH Di lniity, if di-s'-i vmlly one ol im- ni.tri pupti l.tr nif.liciii-!i nf ilic" il.iv. Tlirne Ilittris liavr lici'ii n-ril (y th msiti'l, tun) n frifinl nt iir ftlmw tuiyi 4n lin lnin rt-ii rtf ivfil tni r 'I'cf tun I mi'l iirnnruirnr i'tiref 1ivrr C 'liipl iiu' l"in lln- nr oi ihit rniHiiy. W'v nrtM-niiviiK ivl tlmt, intti list iii" (li'w JiiHcrs, tin' p:il it-lit foiirthmtiy Utuim mrt-Mtli nml vi?or n I'jirt vnrtl:yf pn-ut connitli ciii'tn. J'iiry in c plujisiuit iti t.i!! nml smell, tntil run ! twil I'V ;r -us vi li tin- inl ilcliciit 5t"in;iclin witli mlc. ty. mul'-r nny rirr:itnV:nMis. V nrp piukiitit I'roui cx pcrim'o. uml i' uiili'i:tl we in I vim ttit-tr ime.' 'StuTT'M WKnKT.Y." otic uf the bi'st Lilernry pnpuri pnl'lislicil, Riiiil, Atij. ln. If MiFi.AMi'r. (iKitvux lln rt:n, iinnuOicliirnl 1y lr. .hicknnii. uri' iv rn- uiitiicirUtl y N mih1 ot" 1 tie inotil pniinttfiit iiifiulHT of lltf iiirnlty r.w mi nrtifln of innrli I'lliciicy in r:i.-rt ol iVmiUt wenknrws. An Kiirlt in tlio ':isr, we on; mlvi.f nil nnilicru to olitain ti innl lltns rivp llii-MM'lvi i nmc!i U ws-": I'its mn of (it liilitn ti'l r.mwiiiiiti iih will tliif? IliltiTn iilv:t'ilji7i"nii lo I'i' ir liivilth, us vc kii'tw from rx'.M.rienee tlio siluiury tfiL-ct thoy Iiui'e upon week Hvbtcins.' Mure Kvidruce. Tlii "P.iil:i'lH;iiit;i Sainnliiy ia7''tte.M thn !i"t fnmily ii' Vd;:ip'i ;tii.hh!u'il in Uie I'liit'-U fiuli'. Itic vtiiw; kih ) ItooQntuVa (!cn;um Hitter. WE STUDY TO PLEASE. ! IMfR mt.-nii-m nf RnlMpri nntl mhrri, nre rcupwtftilly invilMl in Dm rxlrnnive nml wi-H nelet-tt-d work ( IlLIMiiNo HAKDWAKK akdTooI now uOerrd ly tlio iih-tcr iIht. c"ii"Winf in pnrt tin f -Howii: Ampiimti Kmnt Dim l"rk, uprichi. with niglit work, platrd or hniM t'uriutiiro, or pon-chiin nil eolitri. Auirririni Front Dnor Lrks. uptiglit, pin in, with nipht work, plutcd vt bran fiirnitur. or poiceluin oil colon. Amrrir.ni Front poor Iorki nnd Ptn-e iVmr, I fori ton -tol or iiprij-lit, lmm I'urniturp, or porcelain nil cl-'r. Anierinn Him lwkn, nil size mid qonhtic. VhH or ImiM fiiniihirc or porrelniii nil color. Aiiktic 1,1 Morliff itiTkn, nil izm, with jilntwl, while or liniM furnitnri, or porrclain all c-or. Ampriciui M'Tticr !rfitctn !t nil Pi7r. with plated wliitt or Imiim tiirniinrf, or p'rrrlnin nil r-i !. Anicrir:iii .Mo.tice nnd Him CI nut lickt, pluted ot Untw ejKMitrlitMihai, ur porci liiin nil colom. Aim-rieaii Urop, tMp, Ttnnnli, Ontr, mid Store Dfof Intrlirn. A Is. Imrvitti-il T.iM-k nnd f,n!rl.i- of evpiv awrintion. Iililwin'ft, nnd Amenenii Hull llmgri, ot nll eizem, last or Ihosp j,iiiit. Hmtli r. O-itr, Pimp, T., nnd Unrkllap Mitiffcn, nil kind. Plmticr, t ;,ii.. Door, FImkIi, nnd Spring lMt, f wrought or rani iron mnl lmi. rvi-rv dctvi mti'in. rTi--, SpriL'j. liluc, S uitl Puprr (" tin Wrt quality. Ahieiican Axle nml Mum Axle Pullevn, of every varU'tv. Anii'iicnu Uulloiuj, pt.iin of on ptalen, brnim Imn, or Aini-rirfiii Nolis. plnltil. wlti'r. ir m. or vo.id, nil kindi. KiFli-Oird. r iiiiii n nnd put tni, with oilier nrticlus loo nninTu'ti tn ini-nti mi. 1 IV" XAIU n.ul PAHl-Vr.IfjtlT3 nt KACTOUY PHUl'.r. 1'" AlMioi tin drli ertd fue of CJmruo to nny pnrt of the City nnd Distrirt. At this i fMfiHifhiiK'nt run he f-mnd one of thr Inici-M nnd hi-ut t? -rhni'iiU i'l Wliileaiid Fnnry Mohs f r Im-Us, Vr.. in the City; mmi!! putti i ot which, rannot he wm. or ohttihu-d. iit nny i.lht-r M m-. TOfH.!. Spent A .lark's mi'f iha-lt, Paiu l. lliunl. nnd Hipp Sawn, inn Ttnt cxprfuclv li r Hr'ail si!i-h. nil neh-eti'd wi'h i-in-. fole inrenl I-i fie rclei.r.tti'il rlrniis. iimitf iiy 1-.. U . 1 r prntiT, i'f laJinr-i.-trr. a.. In lit1, lirtde ot yilil W t l. nnd l!ie Hittn irniuril mid tiird. fleiillv'a Willi on" ninke of Chisi-ld, Axes. ilatt'hclB, Urnwinti Khivi if, v.t all wur- ranted iforKl. Pii'ili'n and Slac k's mukc of Angers mid Anper Hills, nl Bi.t'H AmTtrnn ft-pnrrs nnd Hevi!s ( every dfsnption. AiiH'rii-nn llulrs, iiuiiites, S.iwsettn, Coinp:ijtsT Skrrw dr.vers, c. AiiK-riran C. Hriminers, Claw nnd Rivctin-:, nil sizes, Anvils nnd Vice, nil sizt-s. Htrt'l. Iron, nnd Woo.len Hmees, with C. S. Lilln, hi trri;it V'Oirly. W. tir-at-s Jt S 'ns. Thitehir's and nikr relthrattd make? i.f Chiself, Files, Ptniie-lrons. A e.. Ar. Ailihs's (relelimted C.irviier Tls, ittl shnp's Mat iinf one n tlirlit'Hl. nnd twift i-xu-nsive tins irtineiitu of Hinldinr Hud wan- nnd T-to's in tin Stale. At this establishment ii nt rm iih-ri'd a ph-:isiirr to simw the O sidn. Vun nry invilnlt t enll m eaminf thenss irt- iiH'iit, nnd hear th" pi ires nuked, helore iurihtisini tlr wtnre. Coin" nml see iin. ontri. respectfully. VM. T MeCIaFPF.. Vv Market St.. Ii-twii-n ?th and Tth, iinpn side, rhiladrlpbrn, Apiil l.-ol. ly. TO ZHZS&E2vLi2V3. TilK sulisrriliers offer (or s?.!e eiielteulioni Salt, nil iiivaluuhle remeily I'ur tliis ilironsr; it is nu rvart imitation of the water of the rvlc liratril '.'lirlli'iilmm t'luinp; of Knliiii l, v.liicli lias lirrn limiid so lKMielioial in ra.M'S of Uvrjirp. fi:'., I!ilious t'oiii:l;'.ints, r'irk Hemlnrke, llaliit- lierain owninj a limse. It it n .1 om of lliort kiml a, I uul tiiiitiveiii'KK, .."., mill u purliciilarlv rccuin- Mutikks that in-n-:y w.-ll iui nniiunl up f.n a alu.t , ,,(i UH n sui,ql;,,0 ,ir (teiillitz Towilcrfi, as it tlllir. hat It will ov Ihr raparily wlncll It lina "f c illteillnr ( . . . i .i 4 llll'I'UltIC AOli) (ulin-liisan , n-te matter) inki !..- 1 nets I oth an a tome nli.l centlo pitrs.-.liv... A tic aciu or olgc ; rails? n prrn'cr ninount of natriti at nniililrt roiilainin' nn nnalvsij ol l!;o ?:itrr nnil inaitrr M hr iiiiucicl loan the same anient of f.l. Una ,v.pi.,j0m (or w(. accompanies cni-li liott!-. p-iBSlhlV L' )lll:l hi, Wrre III- Si'llVIT pinuv.'I.S of llllTjtl-.ll ..,., I , ( to pnu' nut of the syslrm in the lorm of llim-mc Acid. 1 ''J1' e""u l"'r '""Hi'. AVe liave icceivcit a tiialiiiuihs of ev-idi?nca 10 provo ivliut Tlio Subartiliers nUo prcpnre a liililv cor.cru we have ii.l a!i .ve . Sa.ii.-e n any : ' tiatvd K.sscni-f of l'uie Jamaica Ciiii-e.-. 1'iii-e c HHVi- inixrti uic aeiivc nt.Tvtn. w r.n pim innnnr of Vkc.lt sVPLic plants nnd herl. which Unit? end nsr l;svt , proved tw he ttsriut, iinpnivin the ajpil!tr nnd pr nviin( 1 ihffesii in of the I'o it; 1 1 1 iin Kciiriit(i u hrntlhyc mdilioti of 1 the hlivil, from wl.ieh t!ic Mit.x nnd Fat must h i -rin. ', it nny We nsetl f -r IIouk. Cow and Hoc fur tl.n t jiluw- J i:tg ejinplutiil fcnJ (liLcntes. YHI.T.OW WATKII. o il -inyeroui lielncsi, whish rift- iroya many v.iluaMe lioises fvry yiar. ia er? nftu , entirely cured ty the free use of thi' powder, in l ! it wilt prevent the dis-iie t'loiu rotiiin; on. Tiiis di sense is owum? ( h:id r.nd iuipoverished tiata of the bkMil whiL'h becvunea thin, WJtery und of all ycliuvr color. 'J'his powder by improving the atoma-di and irivinf t the IiUkhI n teater qiuntity of red piumeles, nil'irda the heat nnd only possible riinnea of ree vry. If til huraa ii far k ie, give m irimij: and nilita lul-le;:pnnntl in wet fted. it in lie heinninj: tmer a day al noon, it only to pre vent the clftease twice n week. SLAIJUEKI.Vi. Thia ia the ruinaii-in of many valua ble llorsca by exhaustion ; by a conalant ilisrliarge of anli Va which oiiKht to fni into the Kt'inmch to inunat die!i'n. It is ti apeeirs of Kidtvatiou often produced by India Te hieeo prowipff fn the pasture ground A Tableapooi.tal three t turns u week will freipienlly arrest tlia fl w, if il does not depend on the Tobacco iu tht itrasa, vn.lar aaak cireninsi'ineea the atiima! must be kr-pt in the atebla. l)lsrivil'i:it li the p iwder ia early and frealy a4, ivi otlirr remedy netl l-e ubisI. it hwa a I rem I y cured an il re-Is of f lonsEt of this trouhleso'tie ihamse to the anrurina of thorn who used it. If tint nied early, before luaticr has !rnin( in the neck it o.nmot rmtore the nniiunl perfectly until the mutter is discharged. ue it early and prtvanl such n result. A Tublespoouful once or twice a day a enon-ih. i.la.WDIUIS This disease his 1.3 tiled nil I'akktsss, flive this powder n fair trial mid it will d woiidrn m tins terrible und hitherto incurable nml.nty. It is a hist of the "I'lndiiral nysteninnd k tt up hy nnperfeet uulr.tian. in aiieh e.ises a Tahlraiuj-iiiiiil everv d iv t wice f.T a m a;ta or two, in conntuiit aii-ersion, wilt in nine cases out of dozen effect a cure, it lias befit fairly tested. Coughs and ph-rlue of lirtatii dfpi-ndin rn vrk ' lunsa, a TahlesptMiiiiul every morning; if it elites once or twice a wek. 1 PUUH I.OW-SPIRITKD IfOPSl'S, or wliere lhre is nny remains of Founder or snffufsR if mli n, nnd the Jlorre wilt not fatten, or hfre the l:nir is roujli and ' taifla ttruiht nut, me f i l l sfmi'itr t- di in;od, the lNiwd-.-r pr.sdii'T i:inue.ti!e luiproveinritt of tiie niiim-d : th fUzryn'u.u iin'truv n nn With it I'M tiie s!u f!tmBs of t'ie niiindii r.m-ti,HT, lc.Munip live'y and Viriled, und tae i.a.r sj"- i ii t.f tOnti. For Mils t:.o Covvt, v.eft.e ti, ,y r -miic-ed that it irt f'idy iinjir vra tiie ipinl.t'. . !mi n ..nv-o t'! (., diiit of Milk. Crratn mi'l Hut iff : is.j v i i n -, . ,ef i,e x 1 TiiiR'nt any a l'-ini'l a Ww, tt .tit t -u a uiJ Wlldc "ie pfs m Jiiis1-;'i iljuy it l.rjl j.e i , ; , t i(l;g in. ire ii we.-k irnu h C '. :!!,.' ti v. ... 1 1 t.t t overaire If an a I f i il p-MOfl fur -l h erv'h t i,y, 11" the Cows are ioiit Jy h- a!'liy, T'ns i.ti in il ri u-jt id made, by the c UiV'.tm jl '-f the II i,;iur o- At :1 (nVj .Nj'.k,. j-en-nn OimI f itly rMm;.iyiiil ; hIh l.y si;ij,t . inf the cxr m u taken in Ly the iuiw, wdh iie il-tiifu oi runiiiu , With nit taUinv; nnv, l lite u rt 'f a nt pmii n . i.,e Ire-.I IIOLUiW fHHiX or WOLF; iioof IdSKASK. ftiid all other itist'Uesof neat cattle dependnitf upin a lad st lie ot itic thli'U. are r in ed a;.eftily und :! ! ual! Cowa. w!i -Sf ii;i:k ik bliif, i'4in nml vv.iiety und whfie it cioea not yi aid mack nreiin.of whne Cyr ic M"-tv initr., or which are used t. Ktand .i,y di y, it Will I e f -jiiiJ nu almost (nfiliiMe remedy, by tuiprovn'iH the e tuiitii u ut the hi Kid und cieatiny n he ihhy dteati tn ; h TaliUspo.ii ful every day or every other day ns il uiuy hu ne; esaty. . - - IIOOS. Tifft in the s immer ofleu overheat lhenvVvfw, pet swal le.l iwtj'.is, coughs, ulcere lit the Limes and Liver, wlneb cause tlc'nt to die very aud.leiily, th-e may lit prevented entirely by puttinp a pointd or n half into n llanci of swill ; and it wot at the value tune c -msidernbly Jiasien the fatten lllf pf tress. -. Jt. In mi Oit'.uI ulii. h is f n'iii milk nnd y.o are desirous tn fallen at lh- same limr. ym hU hiM u t five Hi' re than a 1 ilii- p m ul miri u wed, ur it will reiaidliie f jruiatixu of tat ! iiicr-as;t lb am iuul of Let rai-U pi-rs u try its eiti-eiK T i:iii!-lf nnd he Wil fttou tn rjirtti-i nf lis excels ul i(aa.it;cs. und L tut ii j I'ur tii-i sh'HiU nu with a l it. I'or ttie purple ,.f fni;l!Ti' on rit'l fnrther how f ir oni justly ecl.-Uaicd FAT I'LL FOWtniJI, ii euiilhd t ilbr coiirideuce of on ini'-tli'-iit pe.ij ; we hn sditriFSi1 Lftttifc t nil pan ut li.e I uilil St ales. vl:erf our t' )VT O'er has Ih-i'ii i.M .t, und vr nu: nt.Ir; u.iv r .in the e. ideiire thus brought refrtre tia, to nsur eve. y Farint r, I'liiry Iiiau UuJ Uorse-lit Hi, that it has thus yny mutil tl eeeilc-1 mir ni'Ht rfuiitiiie rxH'cinii With Hie u.tititi. und kuivldvre tt:ia fnr r.ttnineil, Yt HoPE we Wilt te eiUlblid lo iiiiike the b-nt ani i, . pnt. It.'t I attlc .MtvimiME i;vi f yot oif.-rcl i t a dncrr:iai peip'j;. Iiai tsuiia valuable prom "er of di; sii mi. im prves the ipmiiiv of the blfHHt und thus in-rave the amount of either Fat. Mil' mid c 'iieefpuaitly of Hall bvfii 4ii the hrul'Jty Auinml JJewure nf Connteri, iu ns the extens;ve ante of isr rouiler has ludueed oHioim to ni'immi iiiutntion of ti lcli pack hit our wntifn miiur on the enJ , liHKlXUi, FKONKFiLlOi 4 CO. Phifhde!plun. July yd, 1-,5L ly. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, j, gujyuyay, pa.- tl.'i cents cr l ottic. l'ull VulnhiL'iii . of limits with jiriies nttc'irj fitriilsliril Physicians pralis. Also priccil Ciitn I '-ui'3 oi' i'UlX' 5JE:ct5llC itl lor analvticul Chemists. The attcntiiui uf Prujii.its is )i;irticu!arlv tn vitcj to our clock of line drr.ys, ehemiiMlA, A.c. m i. LOCK & CnRNRHAV.'. Diiif(;iiits nml Miiniifiictiiriiitr Chcniisis, Gill & Arch .street, I'liiiaili llctohcr So, U.'l. lino. j The underii;iii'il have entered into Co-juit- niTMiip uiitlor the lirtn ol IlIMISY fc Ii.XM'UKNCE, TO CAltRY CN THE Taper & Sag Business, At No. 5, Minor Street, Philadelphia. "711 L'.Iilj tlioy intend keeping a Urc Rssort- im'iit of papers, &.C., coiisUting in put t us follows : W riting papers ; wove and laid, American and English. Until losts ntid Nolc papers; wove nd laid, gilt and plain. Folio Posts. Flat Caps. Printing Tapers, 'all sizes. Jlnrdwart pnnors. from 19 hy 21 to 40 hy 4. (.'olrtml nml white tissue papers, Amriean and Knl.oli. lloliinsworttrs Patent Manilla papers. I. ol-red nti'I white. Mlioe papers, common am! j extra tfizrs. Huir Knvelopr p;iper. I (-'olred Priutin and Lorr pipers. Muiiilta p. i pern, all sizes, (ilazed Koval, ul! co- ' lor. j Uriirrit, UIu Medium and Vilterincr paper?. 'It iff arhV im tit.. n(- rt'emntneiiil whut tv tonn'-tl Tu tnit Mln'iiifR. tn iti- i)iitiinne nml putroiini cf oisr miller; uihI. iiii-ii-ture, tu-n wv t.'riiMM-iit ir. Ilo'ii' luid'e (irritviu I in I orw. we it t 1 iltslincily uhi1i Mii 't! tlint i-t: im ii' it aaM;;ikiu? "f t!ie ii'; trui'is oi' the l:ty.th;r ttre ii'-r- ! nhiit t" r n hih'f friml rmt then for Uti'tH'M nUi'l tliry h:ive.l 'iio thr.r i;u:lly rne of luiM-hier, hut i'T a iiie.lu!itt' I 'lip rhtlillinl, univriM illy iin '!. uiul whirh h:is nn-I the u-:tily ithp(.iMil nf F:"'tiliy ilf-i-ll' ' I'iv, li-ii- e ill rviih nt" 1i-ij hi-i rw-n'rl (hkf tiie f'.r:"i nu.') (loin nil S'T'i';i:K i'i l'ni'n. lln k-si hra x t .nH. uiiil tiu' . ir'i.t: "t it'Kiiin uy in favoi, i1, tlj;:t I'li-ri' i ni'io- nf ir ii : i in l Lf pM"fin-of ih n'ithir I'll.' Fici uis nf 'liil:i'li'!;itii:i, t!i in :;!t oilier li i !iuiii cniiliincil. 11 f:n'l ti: i! nil r: fl !n- l"l il '.li"t. tli.il lllllv V "Vili tlmt :i :-ri -ul ii:- i'rf.;ir;i' i 'n w.H no Willi liu ii i;uu-! nji;irv;il v"ii ii i!"-' I im'i'ii in i:on omh I'li'it tins tin- In in- will crre LiViT I i 'ttt'l:nnt uml Dyri ii' ; n ' ''in; fiiii 'li'i.t't. ;it t it iinu' it lis ill ri-rt ril. It iii-.b c:'i ciiicnlly mnii lltn tt much -M it v-r it if prriTv:ii'e i tn ml unci Mi I'll lul l 'ii li' ;cfs tin rlo-rt if iiniilfitint". Tl't y ("in li.- :i'l.!iHii.!iT;' 1 to Fi i.t.itc or liiunit with H;ii jt unit ri-iiiil'l.j iH'ix-t.t, ut i.uy tniu-. ISKWAHK OF forNTF.HFl'.rr.'. Thin metlicitti nr i't.iihi"l t'i.;t liih elinifi'-'f-r whi'-h ia niTi-sfiiry f iriil! iii'i):i'iin') lo titlum t imhicr emjiiti'ifi'itrra t tut f"t"h a r pnri i h itr-icl.' nt ilic rit-k i'f the livi-s nf th'tue uri. inn i fiilly ih'.n'ivr-l. LOOK WKLI.TO Till-: MAttKs OF TIlii GKNTINK. Tiny h:iv Die w;inni sicnuturi' of ('. M. Jt'KSO upon tin wrnppiT. nntl I lit iriine Mown in t lie hiHile, with itir wiiii ii iii v nif p'it i -n:t. I'or uilf; 'hniv ami ri t-iil, nt the f-Vf-jiirrii MctUfiim Store, V-i. l-.m AHOIf tirnpt. one clivr hcl -w ri.-:lh, (I.ii of JTW l!:--e stri'i-t.) fit:'itil,hi.i. and hy icKctahlo iluaicra 'ou?i-l!y lh;MiiiiiM,t ti:. nmiitry. rulers RF.DFrKn. T enable n'l rlnnm-a of invaliilR to enj y the ailvautngca of tiitir giciit restorative pnwvrs. Sn-r!e Jiottte, 7.) cents. Alio: For filf hy II, Maasr, Suu'jury, ami M. A M"'av. . tnlnimlierliiinl. Au-.;.:.il ay, l.VL ly. 100 lABOPvELS 'vAUTED SMMEDIATKI.V on the Trcvortou Kail Kootl. Sccti in., :! iTc 51 ; at the Slotilli of the Mo lionuy t.'rc.'.i, to whom lihrrul v:t.rc will he aiil Ii!A T. CMiMUM' cV: Co. Putiluiry, July f', 1C!. tf. IIE'7 aiid roniLAH SCHOOL eoox .f'OMIMCniinN.-'IVK stiiiimnry of I nivcrsal lli.tcrv. together with a liio?railiy of l)i-j tiii3iL-:hetI l'rrsotia, to whicli is iiiitiinlvil an cpi- i tonic of j Hc.ithcii Mythology. Xalnrul V'liToF.ijiliy , Cicn cral Astronomv mrl I'liM-iolov. . Ail'iitnl anil tist-il in the I'tiMic Sc'nools tof I'iiiluilcljilii:!. B. S. JONKS cV Co., rulilKlicrs, S. V. Conicr I'uritTII nml HACB Sis., I'l.ila. Teachers ami Nt'linol ('niiiinillciw aililnv ir letters to VM ist jr.iiii, will be fin 'iiUhcil Willi coiitM for examination. t i'" A I'iiM nml Ci.inVtc Assortment of '.'tlOKS nml i TATlU.NAIiV, for .Sale at the May :(, IS.'.l. I V. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the Clablnot Ware llooni of SE1VN IIOUPT & CO. Market Stjuare, Also at the corner of Farm treet & the Railroad SUNBU11Y, PA. Tlinnlifnl for tiie fntronnfrc of liis friemls anil customers iliiriiiff the 17 venrs lie has been in lmsi- iirss in this )ilace, he solicits from the public n con tinuance of their favors. During; this tierioil lie lias emleavoreil to keep tip with the improvements of the tlnv, anil lias acconlintrlv extenileo Ins bust' ncss in every brunch nntl variety. The public are therefore invited to the attention of tho present stock of ( AtilXKT WAT1K AM) CIIA1MS. MuNiTAfTfnr.n nv SEBASTIAN H0OTT & CO. Jt the Old Flimd, Where in mlilition to their former stock of the establishment thev now tnantifnctnre Haliognny, Valtiut & Cano-Seat Chairs. Jjinxe Spriwr Sent Jlockiw? Ciuirst Vrenii7)!f Bureaus, Centre Tnbtcs, iMnrhle Top Wash Stands, und a variety o f other new style und Vn h i on a ! I c C'u rn i t u re. llaviinr pccnreil n ITenrse nml mnile the neces sary nrrnni;emetitM for the purpose, lliev nre now prepareil fur I "inlrrt.ikin in ull its brunches, in this vicinilv or nt nny convenient distance. Ye iimiil mill inistri'ssi-s. nntl Imslimi'ls tmi, Here's furiiiltirc nf every style ami hue, From siile liimrtN il ovii to kitchen tallies, 1'r'ifn r.iekillfr eleiirs ti liM-kiiitr eriillra Slnulil y.m nut hnve the icely Holil til pin', Ve'll wail nwllile fir il briirhler lii-ller ijay, tlr litke mt.'ile. n:ils, r'irn. wheiit mid rye; IJ.'uk. lesip p'i,-s. stnvi-s, ur hiinli'-r wt ami itry, Or nny tliinfi lint yiikestind threshing dnils, Fmiii pics mill lurkies ilnwil t'i little ipiails. Cnnie on Iheii friemls. ceine nne unit nil, Keep linile a movinir, so i;'h nn the lw.ll. 11 1"" ( Inlers from n ili-it:iiice promptly ntteinled to nml work of all kinds delivered W illi ilispateh. Sniibtiry, March !), 150. tf AIID VATCH ESTAELTSZilEKT In Selinssjove, Pa. CTcfliS, WiitilifS iiiid .li-MOlr y, y BPAlliMlJ in the best niaiiiier mi l w irranleJ to pcrtorm well. All work inlrua'.i.l to his care will be strictly attended to. .Scliimsnive, Nov. :;:. is.":). il. BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PKNWI.VAMA. I C1TV OF 1'lllt.AtiEt.rillS. t' . 9. llimk Itoles t. .lis pill M A SS A C A V SETTS. All ikilvent hnuls dia IIIKHll'. l.il.AND. All S'lleent Iwinks dia roNXKlTICL'T. All solvent Link" I dis MJW VOKK. CITT. iwir1 A II snlveat Umka litis 1 (lis tVllk ii'ites miller Si ) dis ciicTitr. 1 dis All Solvent linnks cneiTnv Hunk of Climnln-rshnrg I dis f.r.ii. ,n , iieBier in. par Hank orili-I.Co. (.'luster r i, 'ins hi iierrmiiiT'iwn Itmik of tlettyslmrir H'Mtk ef t.cwi!wn It'lllk nf .Mi'I.II.'Imu n 1 llislAll Snleenl. Irt.ik. Mrina mery Oi !!fii,k purl ,KV JKH!KY Hunk of itorllunnherritit. pto Itelvtilere Itiiuk Mimkiif Pillsliiiri; I ihsll'Mnnnereitil hank Hunk "I I 'i ii v 1 1 Ic nnrll nr. H ink M 'nt ll.illv pur t'nrlifle Hunk 1 .lis V. A M., Mi.hlleinwa'I't. par Culmiil'iii ll'k A Tt'ei Co h-ir Miieliaiiies' Hw. Newark iir ll.iyi'lst'OVll l.'ank prT'.Meel,. Ilk nf iliirllevP'n pur lvi!nn llrink nr'M.-eli. A lin. Ilk Trent ar Krie It-ink B ilin .M mis f., Hank i Ois IxelrMie H'k I'iOsletry I ilis Nevark Hk'it A Ins. Co j dis ' I dis ) ilia 3 ilin mr p:,r dis l'ir j ihs -2 dis I'.xelinnae li'k. Mnnieii I diVt linlice llnnk lnrmers' ll'it, llaelist i p'ir'1'e It 's Ilk lVtlerBnii I'urnierM Ilk, lmeiisler par I'rineet'in Hank arlnerf., Hk. li.vntii.r. par Snleiil ll-inkini: o, 1'ariii. Hk S lnnlkill Cm pnr,Si nierret t'.i I; ink I' A 11. Ilk WnVnesh'ij l.li Slale Hank n! t iiiiiden I'mnklia Hk. Wnnirn lldis Wale Hk l'.li-ilietlil.in ll'irrisl.nrir lt:i,iic l",li- Stale Hunk Newark ItnlieF tile ll:ink State Hk. N . Ilillnswiek par Uaieasti-r Hink par.StiFSex liimk. Newinn i ilis t.ei:,i,ia l::mk pir rrrenl 'ti Hunkiinr Co par iMerell. A M mi. Hink I ilinit'iii'in l.ank. Ili.ver J dis Miners' H'k. P-'tlsviae p.-rYardlevv'leA Del Hrd. I.VPs Min"liC:iliel H-iitW I liMlrO-HL'n'tles neder a ! dis I'.iyl ivsrV li. l;vi'., ).-, ,is IlKI.AW Vltt:. VV'esI Hrni'-I, It -i, p:,r Ti'ink of ielauara par Wv iiiina Hk, Wilke.'S'e pari Hank nf Sinvrmi a Y.'rk II in!-. 1 ,li lielaivare t.'ilv Hunk p it t"7 lielicf notes 1 din Ilk Wiliii'f'nA liniadyw. pm MAIM-:. V.irniers' Hk Hi I tela ware par Rink nf Wlieil- ek .', ilij Cni.,!, Hank. Wilmington par .M.reinli'e l!k. Hani ir lilitis'fj" I'nder f.Vs i dis An p-i; far I.IIIII.S tins. tllH. ni:v n wii'siiirti All 8 'Ivetil Inn's I dis YKIt.Mll.NT. Maidi "f Sl AlUma 8 .). Ail ft lvrnl Imnki ' ilik All s itvent Innl.s 3 dis C f Ilk a -leu under .Vh 4 ills NOIITII CAI.OI.IN . Ml s ilviait lsitika t! dia I'n.lerS's, 2 d.s Eouuty Land and Vension Agency, J. II JI Siti O!' I'KICE, CiiJilury, Pa. Ollirr in Deer Street, iniiiiediately ojposite tiie I'uirie School House. I and ail li.e-iaeys piomplly tnj caie. VAKINGTOrf. D. c nMi; mi l. rMS'ii Ati im.-y mul iMnvnit Acvnt nt 11' X it y 't mt Hern hii Bcrvircd i.i irncnriii II unity I tm In mul IVnuiona I n Ih-ijir .miIiiI, .1. H- inr; (nr iiiniH'ii'ly I 'i ul nl ;t1 tin-him u( (i .vi '-iiiih-iil, Willi 11 Hior-t-u-jli mul t'.nnilrir jii:iiiil'!i'f wi'li ti.t iitiTKniry i,.n:i'.. nml foutitif nf l;:iiii' j!s, mul Ictvinir ut-ri'ss tn it'-iMi-r. mul Hit! In lilinl in Hu- I . S. Will I'lticr. lit ).i.-".-s: s l iriti! li'f OH iht frpi-i 'ly unit ruin-., i-to ry ii.ljiiyii.ii ni ul' ii .v-.roiin nt ci;ii:nn ul' ci'iy kin. I. Hy 11 !.itr Art T C'iiirrf., l.nintty I .-mi.I is ir'fti'-il tn tli.- ttnr'iT mill -ililtcri m w.ir n I -! J. mi.I m Hu- viri ri -tif I:h1i:iii v;iir. hv- ,: (V iIimm- n-rii tl ioim in miiis li.it iii-r.-.' : i ill . wli.t .-rvftl t -ur in .mitr. cil uf-rff: mul t ill h .v'mi fiTviil ii:i in ut.'i I' tir n. A rr i!iir,,lii' ii,s l.:ic f- n 1 1 tt.i - wuli ,',i!U"'.n'ii (" tin .1 T"i ;,.i n in i;ir.-n-iii M '-ii' im i T iin- C'uiiiry. t ir lln l -Mii -ii . f vin:iiirj. r.iiil ilic hi! i i" Im-(iiili nls. win n i.-.iiliil. nu !!;i' iu i.-t l'ii .ri!:iji- ltM t-'fllt ; t' r !i .:t 111,-nt ul" taxirt. rfiliin.iiiint n' !;-h:U, (- 'lit t" r I . v !l. i-ti 'ii I ill !i'-: mul i' V tin- ici.o ii! i ut t' in ii, r il l-iw Ihimih-.-.;. in Iti-- il llt rt'iit S';'rs :ii"t 'l i rnt 'lii s. Il ti'iiil. rs I'i si-rvi'".- I ii."m!'i; f i'm jif if. s-u h ; i!i: -iff, iui'l Wli'-il cl-iims iij-iiii: III.- (i i ' iiiii- ii!. !i: i- j 'li'il l.y :i I rii .L''iit. Wh! r i -i 1 1 . - hh ;ii; irSM.i:n i, 'I'iii' ii ii' ''") I irius :iti.! oiatiii;! itiii.'--. atr! !ii;i:i'i it!! i il-(; !tiii i !;tti i:i'j l i u fh ---lrI ( ' . i n t ' I ltsiiii-r. will U liitili:-!icil l.i ri gi.lai' C'TP-'ip. 'iltlculh . 'I.iicourne Youi OwnP HAAS&TIENN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. 'T'lIF. snbseritiers respectfully call tiie attention of the public to their large and splendid assort mcnt of every qnnlity and prico of C't!tIET-WAItl3. wliicli ennnot fail to recommend itself toevery on who will examine it, on account of its tltirabl workmanship nnd splendid finish, made tip of tli best stock to be lind in thn i-ily. IVo effort is spnrcd in Ilic manufacture of their ware, and th subscribers nrc determined to keep tip with th many improvement which are constantly bcinf made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Snfitft, INvnirs tmd I.onnspo. 2Juvt7U3, sccvrtnrt rs, -fHctoart s SOIM, BREAKFAST AM) D1MN0 TABIV. "ml nlso VENKTIAN HMMlS, equal to Mi' delphin manufacture. liKl)STKAI)e. of everv patiern and r ice? Cl'I'liOAIIDS. WdlM'v ANT) CANDI.1 SSTA N I )S. TOM. KT T A Tl f. KS AND K.XTKNMDN TAUI.KS, in sbort, every nrliele in this line of their business'. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities' CITAIKS. 'I'cludins varieties never before to be had in Sunhtiry, sin li ns SI timiit nt, Ci.ack Wjlsit I'i -111.1:11 M i pi i: Ciilcian ; ami 'Wiiiann CHAIliS, ami rivrt I'i. i o Srooi.s, whicli nre of the latest styles, nml warranted to lie e welled by none ninnninetiircd in l!ie I'iticsor elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cilies, as every coiil'hlcnee enn be entertained about the quality and finish of their war and (-'hairy. 'J'heir nrtiel-'S vvi!l be disposed nf on as 9J terms ns they can le purchased elsewbcic. Coun try rroditce taken in payment for work. 'IT'- 1:.M-:KTAXIs Ilavimr provide.1 themselves wit!) .1 handsome IIi:oik, they art now prepared for I 'mii rtakin,'. and aitendiutr fu-liei::!-. in ll.is i. inity, or al any convenient dis tance IV. no this ;;!.ii r. ire Ileum is in Starke Street, ftnre, and nearl opposil t" 'l'l:e War tq-piiie J. Voi:i v caver a i ave n. 1)Ami:miaa5. (ii:o;:tii: i;i:... Dec. 1 1, lS."t II. I 0 UI.T. VATTS' YCVS AiTIILOTE AM) ...; , -siriti-iiiivv. will 1" ii w .ir 1 1 ICC. l:.'.'rlf:.- V.'lt'l 1 M"S Will T'-mIicI I ' ! J UT.s I'i he (I'M'I'AIH.- llcctn'ifr . tl" 'Il'li'ii !l nf t'l'l till hi t'l i:iiu :.:! ll.i p.Mlie-ih'-s !;m im 1 a i".-- 1-1- i-.i!! ii-, ii. ! if ,r:l i-i in .1. Ill I I'i' Iff .H I t'l ril UU.!: ( Tfri'r.i X l'T. I. O.) V.lri;:K-.'l'-il. I .,0. iir-nv 1 , ir t-ni,. th:t;:s;i. riiYsic.v!. : run i:22.-ca!. ,f " MM. p - V, v , ' "I ii i' ! ,r -.-, , 1 STOHATIVH. cr th V; i" i Z1 71 I? Mimics enlli 1'idii intended I... April S;l, IK,",!) A N 1 ) r 1 : N S ! ( ) A ( J K X C Y. The nllciilioii of the public is called to the a.l verlienient of Mr- Charles (' Tucker, Attorney nod Aiteiit at WiLshilon City. IVrnons hav im; claims lir bnuiity Lands or lYo-iions urj in forined Hint the suliscrilicr has made iirraiieiuenls for the requisite firm, nnd claiiuaiits calling nt his oliice, can have their papers prepared and forwarded to .Mr- Tucker ut Washington, and by him be propci! purtiuciit tlicie. f'tmbury, Jan. al tended to bclorc the Do ll. 0. masm-:r. 18, Uol- J . 3 iLi I "rrJ 'iff yJ ES2EITCL Ci' 31 A 1 C A i; i N tl li r. .i .linii-ii.vi (linger, till tiie valuable I' w Inch it tiil lie tuuiid to Ji'- ADI'. li ma 11;' I' l.i'-dieia.d lu-'peily m w 111 a convenient ami e aieenlnileil f rnl. 1 1 i.- a ni it edii-l'-at and at t!ie saiin. tunc h.-nnilcss. centlj Tea, Secret and ColurcJ papers for conlectiou- 1 f ""'"'." 1 "': ":r "i""'1' "- ' '" "e i 'inm , e,y II I l.envlii iril 111 leln-iu lln ialnlul nlid illstriH,n'; leclni!! Taj:, Manilla and .traw wrapping papers. Itniiiiet, 15'niders, l!o, Cap and Trunk boards. "W hite nnd Huff llmelopes ; Lcal, Letter, Nnte und Curd biles. :'io's fur Mist, roller !f Co's rriutcrs' Cards 01 a'',(aml liceui, wliito nnd colored odd si tes, cui 1 1 order. AUn, their Gilt, I'iurcd and I'L.iil v' i' -d papers. JO- lll'll UIMI5V, late of E8 . Third st. N. S. I. A U i;i;.Ci:, late of No. 3 Minor at. N. I!. "ltU Tons of K.115S wanted ill Cki-llan;u I r n -h. I'lolad.dphii, July 5"i, 1 ?5I . fimo. w rIIJ. attend faillifuii" na promptly ta all nrofcssioiial bu.inetiS. iu ortliuuibeilantl and Vnioii eouutioa. lie ia f.in.',ar with tli. (ierinun l.inuaj;''- Oi'J'lC'E t Opposite toe "I.awreuca JloUk.," few doora from tiie Court House. Uuubury, Aug. 18, lS51-Iy.. j,l,yEB WATCHES A few doublo- caaea O ViiJ'iMi S"''" utdiea, for sale at very lo price, M. ... . " B. MASSt K.; hanuurv. April IS, I'M. A;.aSH3CA7 HOUSE!, rOTTSVIILi:, PA. Tnf. MARV MTAVF.IJ respectfully iufornu ' tiie public and travelling coniniiinity (rcneral !y. that she has ow-ne.l this lari;e and roiuiuodioua llOTiH., lurni .hed in a kiiperior Ktvlc. I'r.nu her lotiff cspeiiem e in the business of u first rate Hided, mid well known reputation to accommo date, her cu-liiniefs may dcpeiid 011 bcin supplied with every tiling nunluiivc to llitir toinfort and convenience. Tth. 13. 18.-.1 It LAAVliKNCi: llOUSR 6Ui73UHY, TA. fHR fulrrrrcr n'Mjicrt Hilly informs wx fiinnl 1 11 ml ti.r iii!!ir m'lu'rully, l!i;, hUv h.i laUcu t!tr ti!ie wt II kiinwii htim.l m arly iijiiuisiu the Court Hnuw, Ijtrly otrujiii-il !y Mr. j. C. IVr kin. Mii? trus that hvr cxporu'iioe hi liusiucset, un.l Iht cfrurU t- muke Jut giiciU coniforUM', will ciJirc Kitihfat lion to lliao whu may fu vnr l:rr witli their custom. ANN C. MOKRIS March 8, If. y ' iK'f iMOUrJ hy liic l'ilj';nrcl ll t'l Utin ilii'ttn Cult nrc;;iii, Tr nu Irih tifi who! ti-.i-f; miiiMi! tuni m u winc-yl:is- Mll ul V-rctccil W.iiff Will inilllC'llutfly frill C lh If.;ilH Ifiic) mi'l -r. rMii KMiliiiiL' Ir.'in ui-ii-jcMi -n, nnil il Inkcn lu'iiiii U.rcc liiin tltiily, ns i itiircil. will In- .mint luirhly u-'-lill na;iinl liit l:i"MU'cmiJ fciifei it hi'uii;-! 'l I hr ul. iti ;n Ii mi'l ti n.Ii uey 1 i it ilin iT.d r.it ticirm iwcanmiitt hy Hit ii.-: van ii-; i n'c' m l!ic Milium r licaf.-, "r " ill iwnifj alur in iis;'Mi)ii, mul lor crt'ccliiiT tlio liiciicnt Macn til' tlluri Uu:. Ai'. " It tn al1-1 im I'M-ll-nt liiftciiii fir tlcnn wlr.t tmve in jiircit i !) I 'iu n llivif rti'iMarhf I ' lliu ifuiiiKlfi'lc utu ul' iii'xi"ilin- Ii ii T:-, y iin t-litihlly SMtiiiilatut ilicct tijwin ihct" iin icii icii. c, -in jj thi cf?t im; I n ftiiiiihlantti, while it ice u i inniii-.ii ncti n on fir drain, unit l.t n-'l uKrccc !i tl I hv irrtiii':! 1 1 1' iK-jin-fsian, wliicli alvaB t'olk'W ilic n&rt'l ! uii"('' lii' flimnlaii's 1 A few iin 'its aM'il to iincitcsia, rhnharh or tlicr ruri?n- ti iiiciiiciii.-H, will rentier iliem m t mTcptuhle to Hi rl uincli nml i!.cv.-ii: Uic i tiling wlucli ia uj'l tacciiiuiiy tlltll UL'tl 'II. i'itKiMRi:n only nv AMTti:nsr4 smith, ijrii;;;tr ami 'iir:.Mit-T. N. E. corner of 7th ami Chestnut Streets. VliiUlflpliia. April 12, K1 - Ir UNION II()TKL7 6UNBTOY, PA. raillK MISS WKlTZRIAs rexpoetrullv inform U the l'ublic that they Mill continue lo cuter tain travellers and others nt their old established stand iu Market street, west of the Court House. Their lonir experience in tho business, and the well established reputation of their House, will, they tnir t, be a suOiciciit rruarantce, that their customers will be well accommodated. March S, 1H51 If. New 3!i'.!!f .Ir.st Ii:I.!isl:od. ' jt nr. i.cc '.v.M.ivEi:, No.'ic2 ci.cMiut n., j UJ nre constantly publishing uml rceciviii1;, j n'- an I beautiful music Iroin the most distin- : finished composer.. 'i'he fnllovsiiiir list contains some of their choi- cest and i:iost pojiular Soiiu'S, Waltzes, I'olkas, &c. " j Now. thou art Cone, a beautiful soul', words i Thomas J. Ilichl, inii-ic by ll.uubridr;c. Mv New En'.aud Home. woriU and music by j Mrs" I.. Wade. ' (irobe's Omnibus; by C. f.'robc a collection j of lUictts. ' I S.iuniU from Home, jiinno and violin, bv Jos. tiun-'l. " I Trclly T.ittle Tolkaa for Trelty Little Te. pie, ! by J. l.insr. I All the Winds nje flcepln;;, by A. S. Worn- ; scy, ti'unrdiiii Antrel, by the nuilinr of ''I.ove Not.' ! Hounphold Words, written by ('has. Voiin;r,ilo. ! The Adieus, words by Thomas J. Hiehl, mil- 1 sic bv 1 Iot. I I.KH vv WAl.ICr.K have eonstanlly en hand, j superior Pianos, and a rupply of .Mnrtiu'a Cele brated (iuitar.', which toetlier with a line as sortment id" Musical Instruments and Merchan dize i.i f,cne.al, comprise u slock not to be sur passed bv that of any other cftahlishmont in the .ountiy." " l.lli: WA1.KUR, 1R2 Chesiiut street. S.vaim'c l'uililin;. rhiladeli'liia, June SS, 1851. ly. ko c;:hk no tayi Ilv.ghcs' Fever and Ajue Pill: ! ! rilUI-'KCT nnd speedy cure for the Fever nnd Anne is e-iiaraiiteed to any one who mawj.c the i'illa. They have been urfd far the A.isTf i:nx and hae never been known lo fad in ii sintrle instance and in cases, too, where persons have had the di.-case for several years, witnout totci'iuissioti. J lie propnetor rhittrtrirf thr vntltl to produce an article that will cure in as t-iiort u time, without leaving any leletciioiis elici ts from the use of it. If the 1'ili ilo not pcilorin u speedy unit pcrU'et cute, uic proprietor will return tho money. I'ur sale by Jacob . Lawrence, .l im-vs-. ilic ; 1,. Ile.len- stein, I revorton ; S. K, Uio:i, Schuylkill Ha ven; John W. 1'iiliii, Pimbiiry ; Mary A. Mc Coy, Norlhuiiibeilaiiil ; l.'r. Ucel.ly, lbiuvillc ; lolui IMiarpless, Callawish-i ; Ur. Jiuld, iiliaios- port ; John baser, Mnton, and by ic.-pctlablu Uru(.-'.;i as throicbont the State. J. CI KTiM C. Hl tilll'S, Proprietor. Poltsville, June SS, lt5l. ly. PHILA. AIID r,2ABIN3 UATIJ10AD. SI MIIKIl AKH t .l.Vli:N T I HUM PIIII.ADKI.I'tllA AD 1'o riSVILl.a Fnrrs Reduced. lIJOWNS i;s.si;.('K OP JAMAICA CIN-J-' lil'K, an excellent nrli -e. Il.uiw.it's Medicated Soup for sun burns, tan, tetter, .Vc. Iv idway's Circassian Halm, for the hair d.ui.l riillWc. I.'uduays Heady Helief fir Cramps, (hiiic, Cholera Morbuu, Ac. I'or f ile by 11. li. MASSKIS. Sunburv, I ug. 3, 1S51. iis i ?, i ri a . ESTAlH.I.SlIEi) is Vi:!!S At'.t) 1;V D1L KINKIvLIN, N. IT. Corner nf T'lirdand L'nio.i Slr't! r.LTWt.KN Sl'llI Ci: AMI PISH sritr.i IS, T-IKHIKN YI-:!!S ,.f i xt.-'fitv i:a I II- o;:i l ie !...' I' - or i: w Vi, .'al-n' -r ifiii-e Sj).':il ill I;1IH i 111 ! expi'll : A UTS! i I 1-4. mm a TrtWltS' FJ215 DILLS. ' forsale bT THEVORTON IIOUS23, TUEVortTON, I'A. rillir, tuliKi ril.cr respectfully iutorins th. puU.. . I that he has oieni'i a Public. House, in tic new town of Trcvorlon, .orthuiuhcrktiid county and that he is well prepared lo accommodate his L'ucsls in the best manner. His house is located ..eariy uppositv the (ouiiny's Htum. . lo ualso provjjed with goud atubiiuj suliieieut lor SU bur, sea. He i.usU hy prompt and careful attention to business to ija-t-t u share of the public patron. ape. IIEM1V II WKAV1H1. Trevorjon, Jan 11, 1H5U !f E"" XTKAOT VV oTnCEH. A freali supply just received and fur m1 at tin. otlica. -Piic 85 cent. yul?, Jky 1, 1M1, :. -.-.) IX'il BOUSE AITS IuCsstiixtillo taxi Iudcllible WIUTIIJG INK FAG'TOG Y. Ao. 1 SjiilU Third street. MKIiCIIANTS und the Wriiiuii community are reipieitid to call uml examine this l.Mv, which is tr.ii iiiutc'1 nut ta wrrude Nitullie i'nu, vur cuihv ir. t'oW." Wliolt salc und IUIaII . No. 1 South Tuird atrect, PliUadelphiu. A lilioral discount inudt lo Mcrchuuta and the Trade- , For aalo by II. II. Masser, aaent fjr rjuuhury NoveinWr 0, 1850. ly, . mm.m NOH AND SPMX MOKTlsIC LAT CH KS An excellent artieln, fir alo ai hull the ustiul price by J W. tVHLIMs, Wunbury, Jidy.7. U49 IOIt aale at tliia office, buperior Illaek Ink, Cuttle M.diciiM at 25 eta, Pure Essence of lw. ?5 lil , ..... Ojfizeof the Phila. Reading Rnilrnad Co. Philadelphia, March 'Jti, 18 j I. S Two Passeiifrer Trains Puily, (except SundayO TVnd ul'ter April 1st, lS.'il two trains will I run each wuy, daily, between Philadel phia and l'utlsv ille MiWXJXG LTXK. Leaves Philadelphia ut 7J A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 7J A. M. daily except Sun days. AFTIWXOOX uxi:. Leaves Philadelphia ut o o'clock, daily, except Ptiudav i. Leaves Pottsviila at 3 o'clock, daily, except Stiiu'uys. PARES, Ticlwtcu riiiladclphia and Pottsville, $"..;: 1st class cars mid v.." -d clusi cars. Uctvvceii Philadelphia, and Keaillng, 31.73 Ut class cars und .Llo d class cars. Depot in flulailclpliia, corner of 11 road and Vine Miciis. i'ass'iiucrs cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. NOTICK. I'ifty pounds of bararn will lie al lowed to each passt'iiiji'r in these linen; and pas sengers "re cvprcly prohibited from taking any thiu us bagai;e but their wearing appuiel, wliicli will bent tlio risk of its owner. - i 1 .' JJy ordur ofllu) UvwrJ of Manaecrs. B. DlCAUr UliU, April 10. 1851. Secretary. IDl liR WHITE BRANDY. FOR l'KESEK YI.(J. iust received and or sale In . - S50 FOJJFtCIT. JTTjTl. lirXTEIt will forfeit .-)!), if failing to ; cure any cue of eivicI ili.-easc that may : come under his caie, no in iller leov l.ni-4 stand- : iii!t or lUibetin. Hither se tire invited lo his Private Kooms, North SRVENTH .Sired, Philadelphia, without fe ir of iulerruptiuii bv i.th- er patients. tstraiiL'crs ami olhers who have I been 11 1 1 1' 1 rt 1 1 1 1.1 1 u in ihc selection of a physician are invited to call. Those who have injured : tiicinsi'lves by solitary vice nre also invited. ! KKA!) AM) Kr.rLi:t."i'. The iilllietcd ' v.ould do well to lelleet b-loie trusting their , health, happiness, nu I in many ca-cs their lives, ! ill the hniids cf pliysieians. ignorant of this class J of maladies. It is certainly iinj.-ossil-.le for one ' man to understand ull the ills the human family ! are subject lo. Kvcry resiee!able physician h is ! bis peculiar branch, 111 vviueli be is more success' ful than his brother professors, and to that he i!e oies most of his time mid study. i YI'AKS OF Pi CTJC.:, .vc!nsive,y ,Uvo- 1 ted to the study and treatment of diseases of the : sexual organs, o.'i-tlier with ulcers upon the ti- ) dy, tiiio.it, nose, or lcrs, pains in the head o,- j bones, mercurial rheumatism, trravel, imvulari- I lies, disease arUiii-' fr.nn voutlil'til excesses or. impurities nf the blood, whereby the constitution j ban becoiue enfeebled, enables the Doctor u tilii-r spftily relief to nil who may place themselves under his care. ( Philadelphia, April 10, 1S31 ly. i 4':i ta!)tf I PROPIJRTY FOR SALE. FI1IIH Subscriber who resi.les in Philadelphia, il olli'rs for sale the foliowiu pr.iperiy in Mil ton, Moithuinberland countv, iz: The lare BRICK ZUILDIjrG ill upper Milton, f.uinerlv occui'ied by 1 Messrs Pattersons ns n Carri.ij-e Makers Mlnip. 1 The buiblins is (it) feet front oil upper M.oket j street, and 40 feet 011 Front tlrcct, and is two stories luuh. Also 11 two story BRICK ULACKSMITII SHOP, 40 by SS feet, on the mine premises. The lot is on the corner or upper Market nnd Front streets, ami is Iii' feet front, nnd l.'ill feet deep. The premises would be valuable for u Foundry or other luauufactiiiiitg purposes, and will be s.ild on reasonable uud ttccoiumoduliui; terms by itp plv nig either to JACOU CAKUIUAN," Philadelphia. J. F. WOLFINfiF.il, Kni.. Milton or H. U. MAssKll. Ksip, Suiibury. Philadelphia, Jan. t!5, 1851 if. unintt rrni t.-il l -i-.-l !-. K. lie- I Mi-i-e.-si ul .iiicMi r.ier l-ir mul te-iii. Illli.-lit Ml a!! e.-e les .il a eri :.e li iilir... fers .).-. al.; 1 I w ell uleeis 1111 i.i I lie t. i-iy. Inr ':tl. 'r i.-.s. uus lit llli' ll' :ul 'ir II me?, iiiei.Mi 1. it I i.. li:i:.i1i.-j, h" if!ni.-. c .1 it.s. iii-lsnm ir.'in y .hi'ii'i!: exe. i .r nnjuii i: ies . i tiie hi 1. w In ri'iiy lie.' e lu.iuiti.'ii ikis liee ai.t: nileetiliil, lire 111; I e .le. I Willi sill.'.-." s. lie v ll i pl-lee. Iilievi tl' i Mit.i tiie i"iri ..' Ur. K . Iinv re liji.iiisly e...ili..- in in.i ti hi tr :s ii c.'iita-iiiuii.aiiil c.iiih l.'u'.. I) re!y itt. u Lis ssii. ar. a pay viei.iii. taki: i'A i: ii 1 1 i.au Noru i:. I V.itll.i: .Men lyiin lllVe lliiilli-'l lllt'lliselyes by n e-rltlill I i i.r't it'i ii'.ln'i'i'il til 'i !i':l il I'reiju. ul :y l.-nrai il l'l.;nl evil e'.iniiii 'i.s er al s"". i 'i ia i ii vis hi vviueli are Mi'jiaiy I'ell. even wlteli :.s!i':'i. anil ile'r:y h 'lit miiiil nml Ii ily. slii.nlil nai' V lllliin "l.-ilely. W'en'.ness itml e iiisl Hill i.ilial lii'liitily I i...i nt iniise'ilar energy . iliysteal l isilu.le ami cea er.tl pr 'i-li ali in. in iial'ilitv nnil nil nei v .ns nileeii mf-. in.li yesli .a. Blimcislitiivs el all-- livei, ami eve.'r ili?easeln any vv iv e.iiiiiei'ie.l wi:ii ilic ilis Tiler ul ti.e irticreativ8 I'uac tunis eareil. nml full i..r reslmi-il. -..r all slr.r-es of Neuralgia, x its Headache. Clin .; i ' i i c.'iiv iilions ; will : it tine v i ior. even alter n.l :''.i i-.ry Ute.-v.-ti and cer- -1 ileluitv. !. .- ii'i. o.-t!:!, ism. . v. hen t .Iiiiu'4 of thn Nerv.ms Antidote," .V Iiy siieii a va'ua--e'.-li n:s was not in- v !" i. plied, "Thai -r I" any us. fjr ,ed lV oii a dtsi'ri;sn i rvrs are tli. inula iir-p this iu urj.r. must bs." i. enou ;h fr all r- OAK MM, I. -OLD !;V Wm. MeCAIi TV, Dr.iad'.viy, tlunUury. pteiulcr, 2-I, M.-jii. Ill bra. I I.i- r ti'ie in ml ears el lain cure f.'i I'-tirael I'i Tier.!, i, lliiraeul'ii . ji iv.er oi' ,'. alls' the ipn iiimi was pm t . , ;im. bit n mi'tly f.r alt in rmis ai t.-e !..ee. by l!ic nifdi":.l l.n-ti il' U were, there V"u:,i no Ion In ! 11. a-i.ill .Ii-. taes i.;;-in; i.'.e-.l .-:rle of the nerves ; the npiin oi Ilic whole fV.-ttia ami I uih the mill,! ji,.l innly IViir ounce I'liiiil. Vi d ilmary nt i. i.-nlniir ii vv ill ieani linw I (Tcyeat tilt ilen. I in a I" 'ter, n.'. W.e r-i.-r 'I'i II .; i I X & 1' I'lii il l. !,.!ii:i. . Ki:;i:;.i, x, is. I 'tween tviro . -"k. en !! eii'. "i " e. i.-r r. urn el' il:- Mii . i.i ;, :i'l !ie: :i i-'r. K. l.y I K'T. inst-ir--1 .11 ll '' ''. i.i- mi. i i i-in::. niiii'.r i'KiNs. Ae.. i fi iiml.uiiT, ami iii.I iliiiiii'aie Ir iln 2 UAlMl.Mtt, currulrta, cilcon, . cheese, pepper auuc, cVe. 'Ful aula by J. W. FKILINti anasny, D.a.1. U4a ' ' - Sept. 28. 1850. 11 U. NASSER. I.ANK N(ll'KS, waiving tli exemption luw of for salt by April tn, 1831, II. B. MASSER. . riHTINO FLnU and self aealintf Enve- lopca, Just received and for (ale by April 10. lka lo ll. 0. MASSER." V:illi'.ll;c ICikiKn. rlFC of CmiisT, liandsoiucly bound, D'Ar JIltik's llisroiir ur Tin Kr.miiv Tinv, Blank Div-iiouks imi Li.in, i:iis, lull bounded or sule ut the publishers prices by 11. B. MASSK.R. 'uiibury, July 1-1, IS 19 BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds nnd blank Moitiraiies, Bonds, Hxeeuiinos. Summons, Ac, for sale bv II. B. MASsKIl. .Stinbury. April 2(5. 1S'I fcTONE Ware, Earthen. Ware, KaUius, Al inoiuls, P unes uud Crcain Nut. Planes of all kinds. 'alt and Plaster. Jast received and fir sale by JOHN W. FKH.INd. iS'unhury, Dec. SD, Hi'.). JIOOKS and Gold Pens. Oil band several cop. ies of the I ilo of Christ, nnd nlo a liuniber ol (old pens wliicli we will sell nl Hie Philadcljihia prices. For sale at this oilier. TJ-r ENNKDY'S PATENT S.SH FA Qtav TKNINtiS. A cheap und excellent urti cle lor fustcning sush for sule by J'. W. F RILING Sunbury, July 7, 184S. VTTnsiNH BOTTLES Breast punij.a, and nipple tula's- A supply of these useful arti cles just received and for sale by JOHN W- FIHLINO Sunbury. Jan. 1 8, 1851 tf 7ILEYVS COl lill CiNDY. An excel- lent remedy tor cougha, colds, r or sale at thia oliice flMSHl'E PAPER-Yeilow Tissue paper for al coveiing ulaseea, Ac, for sale at the olliec ol 111 American. w YOFTII AND A1AN51 10D, A vioiiius lift; or it pii'tiKi'.tne ilc.illi. KlVuiaiN mi S lf res riaiion. ONLY 25 CENTS. T!.i II ''k just put !i.i!m i is fn!.il u-illi useful lllf' iTMirK i M imi tl" liiiiniurics .ul t!ise.i:-f nf th' (ii'iieriiivt Oitnne. J ll ml IrrwMf I'.elniiikf ! (H 'l il, MWIlOODaiit! Ol.W ' .iil' Hint sii nlil (if u-m! l.y :iti. I li vsilii ii'!c ;nh nr inn. iiiii.ret-','.'f iriiii!i( it itr.'i'f, Wil! previ'ii! i'i"is"l lliic, y U'.il e.iut'i iii'j; iitl'.l Kih r ;ui.iu:ii i I ll 'llV II'i'S I l'.ir.n liv i' tf.ic'.i '! ll.-- r. it. : . I.I l)i I U .ic. Will en ill'. i I ri ....-in ii i. li l.l mi.I t.e c l t'lv At, US 1 -rw ir!. .1 l.v iI . i : ..r IM ItMn-rv It i '-sil!Trt. t-v Aiiv-'iiT-s, 1'e.li irv. (""'it;v:icTN. nitil nil (tluri r'iiiln-(l wuli Iin uisovt: V'rii :u wry Vw raicf. S-ciiiriiiiu'r 0, Ir.M. ly. ; li t) (i K S 1) I. L 11 It t j Jirc-idtrui;, i EDKBUPvY, FA. 11 AS recently received, anioiir. oilier arlicles, a ' - rrreut variety of New, (.'hc .p and Entertain- ! iii pulili-Mtioiis such as Coojicrs iiuvels, couijilete or separate, llerls'its Do lie! well. D.ituus do Tn.llope, :i:e oo iiaiatiurtou, IteyiuloU do Murryatt, Cocktoii do Oiev, Maxwell do Marsh, Jenold da Aiiisworlll, Morris do At the low price of from 25 to 50 cts per volume. Muuburv, Sept. 'is. IhoO U". LIQUOllS, WINKS, &C. 'I'HE subserilM-r lias just received a new supply - of the Isvt li.piors thai ever came to .Sunbury, cousistiiur iu part of Superior old pale Brandy. Fine Cognise Brandy. Sujs'rior Old Jamaica Spirits. New England liuin. Fine Holland (iin. Su( rior Old Whiskey IVniin ill do. Stijieriur Madrria Wine. Lisbon do. do. Superior Tort Wine. Burgundy Port ' '. Svvi et Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Hie in bottles. CliamtUL'lie do. do. 11EN11Y MASSEB. ."unbiiry, May CC HU. CIIABLKS V.'. II K ti I N S , i.rOP.lTSY AT Li.7-, lu(lNtli!c, IM. Will promiitly tittcud lo collections and all but-i ne-s I'uliusteJ to his care. June lfi, lti'IH, STOIJI3 V7AHB, STONE milk Pans, stone Ju(?a nuJ Pitchers, and oilier articles of stone ware just received and for sale Iiy JOHN W. FK1LINH. 6'uubury. June 53, 18PJ EAS, from the New York Canton and Pckin J. W. FKILING. ,tVT V-'T ' 'if .a, r9 3 C. J. WALT0IT, No. 2 It MrLrl st., Lrltceea 7 J S:A it., (rsou'Ii side,) riilLADniSixIIA. ' J ' H E Sn! scriber has opened a new hat ater and I'llcis to traders und olhers who vitit lb city, a handsome a-smimciit ot hats, cans, of avt up nl l:.c l-c-l mair iui, and varicly, tninle up ul ll.c b, la'.est uiul la -j hivle, and nn terms as reasum as can be ba.l in any c -laMir.huicnt iu Phih il-!,'lii.i. vi: Fine .-ilk Ii.its at !i:t!,50 ; fioml do at ."p' Kill. Persons from the country who pu chase of l im, cm rely, at ull times, on fretting L'ood article that will p.i-e ihcui, and one thai fully vvnrih il.t m mey paid. C. J. Mr ALTON. PliiUi!slrhia, No. 1), lbOl). ly. i I'.AH ti . (..: ni .i'C ,.. iiir,.v 1 1 v i :: Kit -vv M ... i ,i 'i m: .r m e Ir. .IM nu Ileal TET1 'apt. Ilsy.ie. C;-il iui (.i . t Scv t;i! yi II 1H lieelt Ynu c iili:u t Mvr HIV 'iieittiiii': I U .IS U"ll. I'.IM.s.l'KI.Pnu. Ocl-ili.T !)t, lfiH :i"f I -if i1 .t-A witl tl lirc;iliiii(J c 1 '.in i'i T'-:: r. ul-u-ii 1 :u:i (.nunc il.. I ' iilir-r'n.-h..!-. Ir fr.ti'lii:iliyrlei t:!':ii it ri":eii.(l rh- iiMj,fr .-irt i.f i M-vcr;il in ul tuiit a iiuiiiti I' . Mt Ul'I't.eutlrillf.. P ill's" l' tll'-il 1 ;;; le i.,:. i(' lu-T iMti,' t!i iliM-itsr, I i lii'ni ilt.l I vici'ivu ilia LmsI lini ii unl IIiViK Hi Vi i' . li t tliiii ul' i lie j ir nl" 'cilj lui-.-ii a.ul li.i f it'iii.uiiFti irre i lti nfl I i ,!t: l Ten Compuny. Fur sutfl hy 8unlmry, Dec. 2. 184U ' TfAY UVM An eirflleut ortule for -aul $ by HENKV MA8fcU. L ttunbunr Jan. S70u 184'J tf. BLANK DEEDS printed on the hemt quality cf parchmeiU paper, xJJ at the lowaat pricra ai thia oftc-a, ta whuWnlv and rat finer us'tl the Ji.i'infMit. liulitly nii!.t T-ir rm. i iot in t!if l'.u'". I'i 'lci:r. eii.i.i.it I i'iii, A . Willi -led Mici'c-.. 1 Irtvr ii - l:-.-iiiiu n in rcMinnjeutling it ii.c.;r tirti im timer . -.e i.ul'lic. .em l'':ny Mam:b, SjiiIui y. pate it? :?,cz;:c;iiT3:s: ('reeu's Dvyireuated l'ilter, price reducetl. Cld Jaeob 'I'ovv iiK'iui's Sarsapaiiila. Il.il.cr's Sarsapiiiltri, Suayiic's -yrup ol'W'ilJ Cl.err Sivay uc's criuii'iu'.e. Xyrc's Cherry Pcctoruf Hr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullcu's do Tibbil'j Pain Iviller. jir. iiooiianu s iicrinaii l.illsrs' liidiaii ci.'i'talie Pills Ilore und Cuttle Medicines I'or sale by HENRY MASSEI Sunbury, July 1 1, IS 19. TIX3 PEOPtE'S VAD-E-riECTJK coMt'itisiNi: a ctn.i.KCTtox ofovcb 200 VALUABLE K K CITES, In the I'sefid a nl lnh resting Aria with a j bimiile uud I iii-I.mis Kiierliueuts In l'lli:.MISTKY : NCLI'DLM! Medicines, Perfumery, Chemii I'mlrrv, Parriery, DyiiiR. Confei tionary, nicslic llcouoiny, etc. etc. etc. Price fi els,, sale by ' 1U1NKY .MAeSftEl Kunburv, Dec. 8, .List i-eeeivel at the store of HENRY M. MIK, u lot '!' Caps, Cum Klines, Alnian ..leeiiKvvaie, I.i puns Ac. AH of wliicli will sold ut the lowest price. Dee. 1 1, 16.10. l.SLUAL WATER, from the Oak Orchar. MIA Lin Aeid S scases, and tonic iciiicoics, for sale HENRY MASSER. Suiiburv, JnneS'.l, ll-Ml) tf An assurtiuent just received. Als 11. MASSER. "I A PS, W silk JIA'l'S ul ii-ij, for sule by Simburv, Pei 8 IS. "JJATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison wrilins ami iudcllible ink. Cotton yarn i bins, iust received and for aale bv 1 J. W. FRILINO. Sunbury, Dee. 3, 1848. BLANKS. LANKS of every description can 1 had! ap l) iug at theoflice oftUe American. , ADD'8 celebrated Horse and Cattle Mr - tie for aale by HENRY MARRKR Bunhury, Jan. tTlh, 1149 . IS I