Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 13, 1851, Image 3

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' New LocoMonvR.-The Baltimore Coun
ty Advocate ssys flew tosl Burning loco
motive, called the "Col. J. 3. Gittings," has
recently been put upon the Baltimore and
Susquehanna Railroad. This makes four
of these heavy locomotives now in use on
the road, engaged in the transportation of
Mubdf.iiess SKfiTKSCnn Olio Grunti'f,
convicted ol the murder ol hisvviiV',arid'7i"
tonio Ixpez,oi the murder of policeman Fos
ter, were sentenced in the Oyer and Termi
ner Court of New York, on Saturday, to be
hung on the 23rd of January.
Novell's Writino Ink. "We nre opposed
to all kind of 'PufiinB,' in th" fitfiitniivo
settee of the term. Whether in iho notiuo
of n book, or anything else, we have n ic
jmununce to give it a fulsome mlululion, or
1o recommend it in any way at nil, unless
we honestly believe it worthy of favor.
lWa have again furnished ourselves, with
a kfg of JImer's Muck Writing Ink, tin. I
when we sav that this is not the fnsl or tli
nfcnud keg that has been prnrurml f'oin
: bein endorsed .go!' by
we should not have continued ils use for
these six or seven years past. Others may
Slave their preferences in favor of ilifTiirent
TOaiiufuetures, and we are quite willing that
they enjw those preferenees (save anil ex
rent those of our eorrespondenls, who some
.... fi;.. .i.,n iimiu I
times minfiO Illill loillliwmio -.1 I
i wliii'li ii not lit to btf tiscil) : for our oxvn I
i, . ni ii ..v.
TiKi't, we Toirtinttn ttie niiiiinnifinre ui ..
llovep, whonn tiok is not only eh-ur nml
VWk, lint tines imt -lo ami coiilotiiprat
onr peiv, wim otlifrwisi ;0,"l ',0-"
Ctrttinn Vecrmeil Jlcsi'nyr, Ck-.mtitrsburg
l alwnys i?ivi'ss ,plcniiir( In itotVo any
nrii-le tliat t'litifiTS a tt'iil liiMii'lil on tin. com
munity, att'l it i;" iiti'tii-e we lii-urtily
foinineml Ayet'sC'hit' fiTtorul to our reiul
rrs an poeiii; pxtranritiniiry viitms for
the rtirt! of dix-.iri inri.iiMil to tll Thront
mi. I Limns. This may lu-ifrtnit for our fre
cjiiciil refuretice tn this article whii-li we foul
iully jits'. ificil in making known 1o thejmblic.
A'. Y. Tribune.
tloiU LAMl's (Jkiiman Kittkhs We wnull
call liif.atli'iition of vir pmiIi-i to I hi nclvf r
vnoni'Tl! of Dr. Hontl.iinr ri'lflo :iti'tt (Iff
tnan Bi(;. prt'p;iri'il liy Dr. C M. .1 ick'on,
?S'o. lit) 1. ii-li siri'W. l'liiliiil.'lpliia. In rairs
of l.ivtr complaint Dvsprp-ia. Disi'tme of thu
e r m-
Wii Iim'V. anil nil ili-e-usca ariinf from n di- :
nrilcroil st"it;ai'!i, I Ii i r povcr in not iwcelli'il,
if tqu:illi'il. 4:v any ntln-r known pri'paralion.
tt tilt? enrcn ait.t. in many rasos. alter Mm
inol ct'li'hiatefi physicians hail laih'il. We
cm cooseit'iitiwiislv rt't'ommen l this nieili
cine, as brtinj- wh it it is ropiosi'iitcd nml
ira our reailors wint are til t"t I to prn-tire
a Imtile, ami they will be convinced ol" Iho
truth wp assert
TA A II It I i: I).
In Cnrvr Auansia, on I'm 4'lt i'lst.. bv the
Ttev. J Sline. Mr. Joskph nrAtitHHT. to Mis !
;!iTii Asiif.uon, all of Ni.",lmmb"i laml uo.
O.i the 5'h int, MiO retiilenoi of lier
vi. KI.KN'tVl FIU'IT, widow of the late
h i Kiiiit. Ksi , of fruiiiown, l.ycomina
..inn! V, in tho BSih Vi'.ir of lnv a-jo, and sis
sr to Mrs. N.incv Ki:nny of litis pViee.
"They who knew 'her "best, ioveil her
In thi p'aee, on tb" 5 h in1., SARAH,
'anshivr of George Wiil, iroil abont 7 '
tool iTvabc.
SntrVniry, D c. R. 1 S5 1 .
Amount of coal tnvntjiiil to'Sunlmrv, over
he Philadorphia ami SunbiH-y C.iiWoail. from
.i Shauiokto Mines: Tons.
For tin' last week,
for lat report,
A tn
(lI)C iUavlictD.
Philadelphia Market.
Pt:c. S7, 1S51.
Fs-CH'S. t(v Mm. Tin last s.Cii'sof llour
r export wen at &3.8IJ ; for cily use
. ut S3.fi7aS4.00. K.Ur.i Kkxu is held
S4l n S41.
Rvk Fi.ui u. No stock on hand to operate
Conn; Mkai.. Last ilcs of freali srin.inl
Whkat Little offerine ; sale of prime
1 al Rl c ; while is held nl S6.i91 cts.
Rvk. None airiviug ; last sales nl 72
Cons. Is dull ; sale of good old jellow
5H a CO cts., ulloat, ami at 58 cents from
Oats. New Southern arc in demand at
;i36 cts.
WtiisKKV. Sales M 52 cts. in libs, ami
a 22 cts. in hluls.
!ti klkii Flu.
'hikii AvrLKs.
Do. Pstcaat.
New Advertisements.
List of Jurors,
OP Norihuutlierland County for January
Term, A, V. ISi'i.
Urn ii l Jurors.
Fi'ubibv. Jacob Itohibach.
Nortiiumbkhi.snd. Bernard Christy.
Mil ton. Leonard Ucidleman, Christopher
Pklawahc Charles Hajenbuch, James
owrey, Daniel Auni;st.
Lewis. Levi Beiber.
Upper Aucwsts. Jacob Weimer, John
ieffer, Henry Campbell, John Hauetiawoul.
Susmokim. Charles Lerch, Jxsas Keil,
m. G. K'ase, Wm. Haas.
Kush Feter Genrhart, Henry Weaver.
Cameron. Jacob Wagner.
Jackson George Carman, Beni. Leiliel.
Upprr Mauono, Mows Beitef.
LlTTlc " Jacob D. HolTman,
Lo'SS " George Horooe,
'I ravrrwe Jurors.
Si'MBunv. Ge-orpe Young, John 0. Bright,
Jpe M. Simptou, John B bhipinnn, Fretl'k
Milton, Joiteph Hogondobler, John E.
Lewik. Thutnan Walt, John Tafffrnrt,
Samuel Sulilnecker, Adam Druner, Stephen AttE. -Frnnris IfilliarJ, John Oil,
Samuel Finney, Andrew Nye, James K
Cat hen rt.
Tenner. Henry Funk, Philip Fullmer,
John Maui
('iin.isQi'Atii'R Philip fliiltanl, Jorph
Freileiick, Fied'k Fidlri, Jthn Kremer, Jas.
Point. XV m. Lnihnw, Leonard Miller.
Ltpikr At(;tTA Juhn CUik, lltnry Uu
lifk. LnwtiH " John CttMrnn, Joseph
(taita, Solomon XXVir, George Weaver, Gil
bert Kerlew.
HfMi Charles Meltler,
Co A I,
Paul AmilttMnian, lliirniatt Sliyltfr. ;
' ' .
Capper Sholt.
Smamoki.n. - Wttiijaiiiin XX'oolveilon, Jese
rpi'KH Mamonov. Paniel KaniTttinti.
Lower " FerJitiaiul Camp, Eli-
ju Kverlv, Jacob Lenker.
rflU J ,.'.
St -.ttifRv. XX'eiley M. Bastinn
NtiKTiie.MDKiti.AM). Win II. XX'applea.
Dklawark. Jaiiitn Hh vnearMin. Sulomon
Truekemiller. James U.ika, Jume D. Bair, !
' '
Joint N'lbtTl.
TtHllfT. John llliov, IViviil Kl ilk, Jos,
t U;iir I ui I i.'.l M'l-ill '
i ,
I.KVM.-nmilll KuriOW
("nii.isiH'Jiiie. ifliijli Martin, John Bist, '
r ' '
ni. iM Attlln. t 1
rot ST. John Picll', John Minirrr. ,
fi.l.iil l,:-Tl HfiiuiMl Mil.lii.. Iniinn 1
. '
: Mini', jr.
I I.uxvKH
i Malich.
j I'iMH'.n
" John Reader,
Mwioni'V. Nathan Haas,
I l.ou en " -.Inmithnn Docker, John
, D cki-y, laai AMumi. Mich iol l.i-nkor.
I Jackson. Jamb viler, llonry D. Ilol'-
: man, U m. ..irliouu
SiiAMoKiN.--.Michael Ziinincrtnan, Uoorce
Itfsti. Il.'iirv Juhnsnn, Abraham Gntick
Win. II. Kam.
PfT.OR trial in the Court of Common Pleat
H of Noitluiinlicrlaiid County, at January
Term, A. D., lsoi.
i Hnall Delias
; t'reileriek Keener
va R fc Win Fec'y
vt Win. Avrtt
r v i b D Jordjii. S Hunter
torn, for Saml lurman v, Jordin
Jiuoli Wftimer va Ira T Clement
Jacob Philipa
vs (ieore I.. Weimer
F O'Douiicfl for Win F Najile vs John Divert
. Christian Ito'liugcr vs Cliarles HoukcI
Moses Doner vs Richard luioilinan
sSaniucI iScaman vt (ieo Uuwnian
i tirren it IJrot. fur T Howard vs Henrv I.atitz
! ii D Cuiuuiiiia't
Jacob Stiticl
H K Kaso
Jacob N'illrauer
I Win M Auteu
' Daniel P Caul
Aaron Koppart
Henry db-l
j Piatt iV Plait
vt Meiitirouiery & Mattcller
vs Samuel I. Heck
vt Uro A Diion
vt Samuel .larrrt
ts Thomas Reiser
vt Dcutlcr & MonUjut
vs Ira T Clement
vt Win Mel.'urty
vs llenrv Musser
P K II oilman iV wife vt H Kiilmts, .MeCartyetal
Iluli .Martin vt liru 1.1:1 J rot el
Martin Irwins' adm'r vt II Voxtheimer adin'r
Mott it !Sholer vs Daniel Dreisbach
Folliner for Caul vs II tsteiunieiz, cir.
Henry Keiser vs Henry Vovthcimer
Win Oross lor Saml CiilU-rt vs J, J. I'pilci-ralT
I i.oivcrit iiurrou
j Jacob Kline
vt Ira T. Cleuienl
vt Joseph K'incs' adm'r
vt Jacob K Trro
vt lien j F cV J W iSutnni
va Frederick Heckart
vt A It .trlinan
t l.miMi'd KoaiUrmcl et al
vs Ceo 11 Vouii;tnau
vt Joseph l.oaj
vs Saiuurl S SheJJsn
vs Jacob 'titel
William Welch
Thomas Sutton
Caspar lleckart
Daniel II Diicbaoll
John I, Ross
John W
Ueo C McKea
Siarah Stitzcj
'I'iubrook f ir Ajipleton vs Jjinri Uass
Ilickok it Cauliue vs (icu W Armstrong
ReulH'ii Fagcly vs Kcrshner cW ('lenient
Jacob Keller vt Rank of Northumberland,
.Nancy )loiirl vt David House's' adiu'r
Raker & Co lor Jacob Dlaoin vs Henry Conrad
,, ,-, . ,. ' , J.icob '.rtuiau't
Henry Kluze Eve Ins wile vt . . . . .
r i niliniiiistrator
(leore E. liehri et ul vl Peter Warev McCarty vs Samuel Hunter
Mary Jane tinnier et al vs William Wilson
lieckcr it Weiller vs R D Cuiuuiiuns.
lieorse Shiley vt Ab'm Duukellrer't admr'x
Mary Marts vs Win 11 Spratt
Same va John Campbell ei: wife
Isaac Tyler vs R M Sevcb l's odm'r
John Hrmvn vs John Oyster tenr's ex'r
Similiter tc etaler etui vs Thus S Mackey
J no Knorr for II. Knurr vs Enoch I lowers' adiu'r
James 'I' Sutton cc Co vs Samuel K)le
Elizabeth Kricc vt (icorne l.awrcnce Wolf vt Oeorv;e Heckart
Catharine Suvders exr't vt Sam ml It Wood
Daniel (lonsert vs Henry Eohiier
Llunk of Northuuiberland vs JuoC lloydt' adiu'r
Same vt Same
Mary Pnttcrsui t (ieorRe Heekert
lloucparte Thoinpsoii rial t Caspar St Clair
Win McDauicl for A , , . . , .
... , va John Jackson at al
( ollllv
i. V. vi
V.l-ll UI .11.1" . I .
i,r vs i,u.rr ii Tl' is ilil is
till caver
John Reynolds ti Uaae Reader
Com for Win I. Heinemnn vt Tl'"" A !JllIi,iS-
ton ri at
Same for Wtn McCtrt? v Sunir
lllimii Daliui II S llaulman
Koliert i'liilips v James Henny Jr
(leoiLTf tiarman vn tt II Unwell et at
John Juckou vt Jaiai's Uinird vi at
Hullict for IUu tV Saviilf Daniel Ualtict
tieorue Lawrence
Ilillimiton lor Hunter
A Huvers
Jacob lljjt
John Jackson Jr
John l.eih'i adiu'r
Conrad Wolf
Simon Sntder
A W Cou'jly
Crotnlciu V Hrnlhar
vt D Marr A I Drown
tt Susan ti Sarah Kcid
vs ('harles AleianJsr
vs Same &. Wife
va A W Coinly
va Thomas Allen
vt (ieorgo Heckart
va George Sni de."
vt '.'eoree Hern
vt It 1) Cuinminet
DalUar (iarnhart't aJmr'i vt ll W Duitu't admr
Albiu Newberry vt Thomns Itsswr
Craudall for J I' Mortii vs Gun Miller's adm'r
John Iieed's assi;iii c vs K L 1iht
Com for Kred'k Wea
Henry 11a dher and
Jacob Try
vt Gcor.'C Vox
vs Daniel WeiJner
va Same
ver &. Wife
John Host & Wife
John Kim;
W afliiiiKton Mutual In-
aurauce Company
va K Kaufmun et al
State Mutual Fire Intu
..,... !.. va
...... .
Teter Arnwme &. Mun- C (Josh & Jacob
Bo A Keid v V. eiko
Jaeub B. Maaser va Iieulien Fegely
John Divcl 6l Wifo va D C Caul
Joanna Hemleville Vt A E Kapp
(jeorge Leillicrirer va Itobert Whilctide
stationny & Miainokin lui
proveuient Co
vs Abraham faul
Jauiet Hons
tt Jacob H Rboaat
va Abraham Urotiana
va Siitnuel Havidije
va John Hartman
Sarah L Keen
Oliver 1) HillinrJ
Ephraini K Miller
va Jetaa Campbell
J V Peal Indorsee &o v Joseph Dinimick et si
ennst (V Mor sailen va Susanna Raid
Prothonotar's OlRce, J
SiiinburT, I1. . 1851,- J
The approach of OmftrfM M fur the rniewnl f ")'
pMprnftilt and pre to up re. id iit dcbtilre bvfru
the pnlilif. The mhpcpmi which hue hilhcrtu uttem-led line
tinttiTlahing it I )umi will miiiinne. mirl eimhle me to
perpetuate the full IfiM'TV nl' the nrisree(liiif(H mill ilia
iiKNie H the toHly uh which thu tLsiiiiy ul the Kwpuhlic
The ml iptlmi of Cnifrren line (r I veil the Oi.opi in
otTioml rtmnieter m Ihc reporter of all Hint i kimI himI
done in the ImnIv. Tht mnatiNi litis N-en vottil hi everv
ftiiceeiwive wnni'Ti for iimiiv yenns ntitl hy tneniher of nil
pirriieg. The prew, tun, of nil purlieu hni rrvr t'ttimmiy
to the Mi'lity with which thu tluly thue cutifuM hit In-en
The refer ll y Willi whtrtt the letter-writer for the ili
itint pn-M ciiculuie thn math Uir tclt'ttniph their lmrritl
tin -niilN unit view of (he tVlnitCB tt CmijiTrHS, rentiers
more ini:urtmit Hum ever the full tonl e;ei oilit-iul report
ol the CovutRiovw. (ii.ortR. The hmty, mul in tunny
iijfH;iiifi- kx I'AKTR. ri'lutt im hy lelrirroph ! wlmt oeeiir
in rptijjrrst ipeiii'i!ct f ir the in nt purl, the vxurl reiwtitd
tiiks-ii ii itrn hv rejuirfern, mid whieh fornierlv, inn minptr
nmre of lew ittihrt-vint'tl. wetil the nmiMlf thu prew I
w the It IffiiMph m e nil, with till ihir ImiwriM'tMMiK
Hint vitriety of cvl ifinc. inke I he run of llie e -unify. inil j
no prew liit the r-iii-'ial ( r uirrvflii ever pnhlinhen the lull ,
deUue with the proceeding o hoi ll IIoiikcp UitlittltilitU tl. '
Indeed, n'.i iiewcpnper cnti p'wv tin-in, iitut huve rot'iu lor
tiiherlineinriitfi tind the niiM-cNiiiieoiift ttmtter emrt-nliiil I
their extMnt'-e. W hile, tln ri-l tie. the tt h-frmph mlminiff
tern to the etiifer nppriite of !he pnMtc for I'l'iinnn nwi,
nml inretf the MeeciiticH i f the pHitieiil pre?", hy furtiisli
iiiv a riiiiiilli u-rillt ii mtniiit mitti-d to tlis timte ill l!ft
iKitr.-nr. piffect iiif-nnittt.m of wlmt iiikm in t onirnrn
I. .ii. -I....I ..i, . f iln ill. in!
; repstit liitx I hi 11. to Nome x!enl, rut fT hy the crude mid
di'eitu-4.t nee 'tint wtiteli, i in( Hloiitf the ehi-trie wi'TH.
j iliKtitjt curi wit;, nml it in nhn !t in niii thnt tnith put
on Juts iKiiitR tt loll w. ?inl there tire n irrejit inimy nun
i f k-iriitre mid thi.nuht who like -i wlmt nehinlly
ft i id mid dour in t'.-iijirei!i, mil to juihre for themwlvu,
nit her tlnti to receive iiiiir'Mionti nlKviher from jrulvnti
fe ItriMerieis. There tire oihrn, In , w h for the fmke ttf
the ft r.n re, wdhimly pttlminze work whii-h pr.inTven tt
full record nf the d mn nf ihu grent inoiinr, nml eontr..)
Inn: powers of the Hcptihlic. .
If there trvvr wim n lime when the net ion of Concrcra
is)i mid he liKkiil to nnd thoroughly studieti, t.y the pntnotir
of till piirtii-s. tl ceriuiil'y uppriiiU'ln ii with the next ('ii
ffii'M. The liiiveriiineiit tMMH n new ih'piirttue with the
next nessi.)ii, mid Ii w it tt t wotk mil the nrrmmeniciiU
"' 1 i"'V r;;"l,t'" with which it !;;; J-irni
rtMlmrnl In til- Ki'i-il. 1 In- KiirrrF.I-tll tn tin i'rctlitfiiry
n i or:ii n Ifu-lin r-Misiilt'liil iMi in rvrry iH.Vimin1 ui
Hie ii'Xl irmm, .111. 1 HiPir will nimvly k inm
mir liirt-il. ur 11 i-ivli innilr, Hint will Iiiivi iwmic
in.irinif mi ii:ii iill.ahfitirliiiiii iiiinliin. 11 iriii.ttml run
Villi iimil' ll.e ri-5H( llvu l iirlli-t urf oiillr.1 I i
"""mur the uImIi .a m.ii. Hie r.iw whiili
tirrr-ttli-n lln p iiivchIi iim nlwiivrt Kflz.rM tin! iiftiiKliili. Iiv
initu'iinli in. t- (lisrufji, in r iniu-rthm with public mi-ii-
r., tin- imrnii. I ilic mm Imikwl m l iiiv Hn-in itlifl Ii tin- lie 'l-, linn, w.mlil time
tli.'ir kIi.-iim in Hi.. .-Ii ..I' Hi.. ii limf fniii-l I. iimi ii'i. tin','
Mitrht t ttitl well tin" cli.trnctiT " t' cjiinlnt.-ilci ut ilcvcl-
, opwi dy tliciimclven. tfit-it tticiitli", mid tlifii (-iifinii'R in j
r-inriw. Tin- c.ipnul will li. tl.t n si rum I'riiu Inch i
' tlir c It ( lite I 'ni'rtl States ill In-mlilrt-ethr-l on ihv I
ptilji-iai ol tin ( liicf ,l:it!iMr:irv, mul llir imp irtmil topicn !
' c iMi- tivt uh it. nml lite Icyif-iiihoit r the v imtiv llicrc t
will lcc'iiit' llir tluuic ut thwiifi, it iii every Si alt" Leui. I
I'll nrf. ol tnery cotiuti town ami )11;m itit'iMini;
i llir .'ti-In tut llie t'rini. ilow iiiiiHiMint, thfii, it
licciiiiH', ilrti lull mul rc,ntiiB kIiiiiIiI lit oltliiintil
j (H llis i ni nl" a lnlv, wliit-li i I izivc mi iiupii!tc 1 1 the
I c.uirli in ii m-w citifi-r. (mil wlucli, ill ti vciy jtrnit
il. crt-e, iiillut'ttcr the puhlu miitil hi thf rli'ire ol tin
j rhicl .M-u:itn-ti- win if l ctiny tul the will ol I lie pfO)le
' ui e iitimii ii ill rxprtisctl.
j I1 mi Uth "'jneil Inn itmttf pr''(Mriti'tns r immeiimirntr
I with the iui'i-riiiteil imp triancc t.i I In iluij lie Ii.ih iiimIi cIh
k cii as tin niilv rt'iirtrr tinl pulilinhcr ii llie cuuiilf'tr
tkUitcH ami proeeetlMiurt ol lintli II-nix'- "t" (.''tmiri't. 'I'lit t
I tilling urBMinM will pr l:illy liM'Xli'iHlt-il nine III tfitlin,
' imd the tt ptiilft w ill ut he ckiij Tiscl in l-'i-it limn Il.tHMJ
r val tjtiait pojjr-H t i lie icr and nott.ureil t c ui:iking
t Vifhnueaj til near txitl pneem ty.n'U, 'I'he rep rm i't the
lit liMtf peffinii niinle il'lsl r-'Vnl ipiaito pauet. mul were '
I I' until in tour vouiiiieK, avfraiiii 'J7 1 ro) al ijnart pagea i
j fieli. " I
' I will pttMih in the AiH'KMtix lor (lit next neasion. till
! I:uvs tiiat m ty he p:i-nt (hiriiii: Hie .lesisnm. w hieh lian n-t 1
I been tl 'it' heft-Inline. Allll lie h I hid wilt inereiiee mi no .
HiiutH (h'i'H'e the expellee the puhheat mil. llie ftiihstcrtp !
ti r. pi'tee will Ite llie (Kline I lull it huff hecn lor neveral
ytvirw p:ist
'4'lie l.ti. (ii.opR will he pnMihei1 tlurinii the wewiou :
on ll papertine tl'llhle ro al ."heel. I will e nltllit the,
lleh.ltei a? taken ll H'II l-V llie reportery, 1111 US lilleml ,
hv lh- ffpeaketn, w heiie rr Ihey make any alTerali 'iid ;
the nifteiil new ol' the la mul the inieelimieomt iirilter.
The main nlMeet t . r I'llltlthini the tliitly paper in. to ena- j
hie Mi-ltilMTj to see (heir n in tlk in it. atnl aller lliem if j
they jitraH think proper liefire tlit-y me puhllshetl in llie
t". ii-TTeiNiiiii:il lil-iM mid Amem(t '
'J'tie i'lHiilfeFKiMiml IJliU 18 III ule up n' tin tlaily pr '- '
i -redim: ''I ihe I wo IIoum-h nl' l.,iureMi. mid prtuieil en
j m donhie ro id pMprr, with fiirill tv pe. (hrevier mul non 1
I pan-il ) in n.irt form, each ituml-er v uiaiiiiinr sixteen !
I ipCllto paiieg. "he Kpeeehe.x o(" the ."tlcillherK, ill'
i-fhui I'orin nre lUteline-H c ni'lenmtl the lull re pott ( ,
;'i!te reUirei upet-eheK hi lity reni-rved l'or llie Appendix. (
AV rethirion. :u tionn ami oitn r pr. M-eediin:. aie uien
' tt. th" form i l" (lie J itiruaU, w tin Hie yens und uus i n
J every imporimit ipiesiion. 1
t Tne Appendix w iirntl up ti the iresiilenri Annual j
' Miwil'i', the Keptirtw o' ihe priiieijtal Oiheers of i).
' cnn.i.-iil 1 1 nil aeeotniiiiy tt, and all Sp'eehei ef Mem- '
heist. 1 (' 'titrc, Wl'itliit t III el h tin'iii.-'flxefci '.
' Jl i' pljiltetl in the Killie f Hill lie I he 1 'oiejiej!.ioni( I ill ihe, i
and iiMKilly makes ahont liie Kinif miinlt r t-l' paiit u ilnriny j
a sei si -ll. ,
I iDurin tin ftrtt: month or fix week1' of a sewi m. there
' in rarely at re hii!inei d ue ih ni w l.l lii;:ke twojimil '
j Uth u wei-tk 4in: tf ihe I ' Hi!.'iMi nml lilohe aiifl ntie t
.t'fthe App'-nihx. hut ilarui'j the renitniider f a MfKftion
' lltere in iifu:il!y (vuitietent nntier lor two i.f tluee uiiiiiIhth
of eaeh and every week. Tat next fcnii n w ill Ite unilMe j
i ally iutcrcittini: : therefore, I ealetilaie Mint the Coimrert ;
' rviontil tiloUMind Appendix t e;her w ill liinke al leant
: :.".( mi hiie ipuirio un;en. printed in nu.'ill t p,- -hrevicr .
; ami n aip;n iel. i'oinph-ie IndexeH in hoiii will he fur-!
j ii idled at the fial of a heaioii.
i I will iudeiivor to print a cuilli-a-nt intuitu r t,( unrphm '
t pie i pap pi v ml that may he mixi-articd, or luNt in the ,
tua i w ; hut -ulM'iiheiii ut hi hi- cry partlenl-ir to hie
i Hear pupeiii eiirefnllv, for fear that I fell' uld uvt le nhle ;
i lo fiipplv all the I trt naniI.ei'H. j
11 hahrtenhem Ba;ill io Ik- s;d het wtih the w- rk, the '
li liev p:od h lliem (of it Will Ik leiuinleil i iheilt
whenever th"V return t he Mllinern which mav have teeti
received by lliein. I w:l triVC mihueriher the fiilliKrrip
M at price 'r tmv of t'.ie pre v ion n vlunieft cf the I'on-
I prenyl 'liril lilnlrf nr Hie Appendix, except fnf the taut 1
I ficRKum, and will liuuik any per at who w ill lei nie have
I liiiv a f"v cni'it uf tin- tmrk vnl'imi s of llie Cnn
eri'ssi iiuil liMie st.iit .t)vntli t'.ir fuile nt n v.iIiiiim'
Ii nml. wtiirti it is pr. .Ifc-itiir- will he itisp sil i f shii;
nml wlii'M llieym'e. they will IIm'ii, iih it iltt, e.iliillliiiiiltHt
i.l Ummi Kill u v iliiitif. as tiii-y c:iiiiii Im ri-irmleil i.ii
! A Ih.iii lliul sunt, 'l i'i-re lire i'i l,:irk vnliuill't.
j TEK.Ms. j
j For one copy of the Daily Gluhe during I
J the session, )j;5 00 i
For one copy of the Congressional Globe !
during ihe session, 3 00 i
! For one copy of the Apieiiilix during the
I session, " 3 00 .
I The money inny be remitted by mail .at my (
! risk. IJank iioIim current where a aubsreiber re- j
sides will be received al pur. Subseriptiuiis I
should reach here by the 15lli December, at I
furthest lo insure the number. 1
The prices for these papers arc so low that I
cannot alliird to credit them out; llieiefire no
perscn need order them uulcbs the money accom
panies the order. j
Washington City, Nov. 1 .'!. j
-ad Ka UIiLj1 'VaNiia. ' BH, E?
niTiunvivii nvrrn
i inn ihui Ijai ii
'I'lio r'rtt-st
If tiik Miioi.i Wum.n'
IV" met $ jw lL,ttit, or Sir Hotttn ..r $5.
ll tt n.w nn in OI AIIT IIOTTIaKH, of th
tamo ticr nn4 mtdiml rffimru na wlifn In trim! I lMrtllf.
rUrti Lull If r,.i.t.,n. Kl T -Fill It IM!i:-f
Biiti itii m.iraiintii uro Kiroiiftlr 'onrrnl m rrd
tltal only Our TtNrwixtnffi ii rrjiiufd i n 1 hrre
ttmtt n itiy iliu uim l.tmie nti Twrnly-One Onjaj,
w lnrli it iimrti lontvr tlmn a ImiiiIp uf unv othsr innitrm
laitia, lrauMi Uiem it rvtjuired of Una cjunnlliy
at a diiatt.
Tlw Hfrnt Buitervvity of ilii BIaoiI Hiirlflrr r all
u.Utr in'liCHit8, coiititlt in a -ru itiPaaiirn in In pne
fettMif aa a part uf rniii'(Kinit. the pvictrml 3ldirftl
Irl urn of atNiie Mrnrrr and Unre
Indian Roots and Barks.
wh it-li nn tl,r nif.lwiiif !. Tltfte amilnf inoatatr
'"in I'liriiirm (r Miu Ittonti ltti pte ever known hi
tilisr luttuiu tir vhtt mitit.mnu ilieoe leinj tMmtumdd miih
Ui ilrvnyiy-ctututnitfd ilj.traett uf
SarsapariHa, Yellow Dock,
n'ftliA iliU VrfftMiiUlt Kxtmrr, not only tin print t
Ittiiotl I'utilli'r, but alio, t'liriiprr wt-iiarrai vy
01'ritl litis, iimil any uiImt. It in rht-itw. Ickiie Or
oitiMy . ii iitsiv In- Uxu'lil for Our IIuIIht Will latl
iiKirk loimrr, uti'l riu Trn 'l inirt nitr Hluud
diM-tisw. lltii On lUillm'i Wtirlli of any ml .it iiistjiCllt4.
If?" Kor Ulttlotit.lfd firusif uf Uij ( urnot
Scrofula, Fever-Sores,
ff.iU Hmd, f(ti'r7ia( Siilt llhfum, I!hrumntimt fytJkilit.
t'.tufhou: iifif m th t'-iee, I.ivrr'oillilMllili.
I' lit, l.timk-fffn, Cmiutruut t'tetrt. ( 'um vr lir, Kr
y.'n. Ilvatitcpaln l''HHi im th Sid, raa, lion, mmd
iftt't, mat ai.i. oinrH I Mpt'HC-Ki.'toD l)ir.aFf, at our
P.tMI'HI .' iV uh4 iiattlUwety Atjeul liw lltaui to
git away.
Fom sale btJ. W. Frilin, SimUiry; Marr A. tr
C ty, Nuiiliuiii'arrlMiiil ; J 'In II. Kiici, MuUmi; lla)
Mrt.trmirk. McKwrtiaiville.
Mny 3, Ip'iI, eUv. ly.
i EL U'. i.l.IO.N is rather st s discount so
cording to the lutt advices from Missouri.
Other kinds of currency, however are in demand,
and tho best way to spend it that we can recoui
mend, ia to take it to Kockhill 6c Wilson, No.
1 1 1 Chesnut street. Corner of Franklin Place,
and buying with it some of their splendid and
cheap clothing.
Philadelphia, Dec 13, 1851.
OSE OINTM ENT A fresh supply of this
excellent article for Tetter, ire., just received
and lor tale by HENKY MASMER.
tqnrxiry, July tl, l4t.
TVOTICE is lirrrby given to alt Lrgtlun,
" Creditors and oilier riertons intcrrteJ in the
Estates of the following tmmfil persoim, that llie
Kxecitlora, AitininiKlrntora, and iunrdinnnof laid
Estate have filed their accounts with the Reputes
of Northumberland county, and that the same
will lit presented to the Urphana' Court of said
County, on Tuesday the tit It day of January
next fur confirmation and allowance.
A. ('. llnrret, ilcc'J., settled by his Adtu'r
('aer J. Reed.
Daniel Hollinuti, ilcc'J., settled by hit Adiu'r
Henry Manser.
Jacob Diesnler, dee'd., settled by his Adiu'r
Joseph Dre'uler.
David (iilmnii, ilvi'd., sctlKd by his Adiu'r
Jowph CiiliMOn.
Frederick Trion, dcc'J., seltlrd by hit Ei'r
Mirlnifl 'Prion.
Henry Keller, dee'd., settled by hit A Jni'rs
David cV Elins Fetter.
Dai id Kefli-r, dee'd., settled by hit Adiu'r
Daniel Keller.
Humimia Heck, dee'd., settled by his Adnt'r
Solomon Fulck,
John Seein, die'd., tetlleJ by hit AJui'r Abra
ham ishipinan.
Watihington TiT(ji), minor child of Jeremiah
Trrso, dee'd., nettled by Narali Backhoiifc,
Ailtu'rix of Dr. H. S. Kuikliouse, dee'd.,
who was (iuiirdian of said minor.
JtlUN P. PLRSEI., Kejittcr.
Regisler't OMice,
Sunbury, Dec C, 1851. 5t. J
TVTVriCE i hereby given that the subscriber i
has hern nppoinlrd an Auditor to audit the 1
account uf Fniiit'iH Kerch mul ('liurlci I.ercli
Ailtiiinistnitor-i of JuooU I-rrcli, tlccM.. late of
Sliainokin tow tilii, A'or(lttiintierliiiil rnutitv,
rihI to apportion tin nnwt aitionc the rretlitorx
of ttaitl iJtMeHteil. Mr will therefore allentl at hit
oliiec for that inirpo!r, on Wnlncsiliiv thn 1 Till
in-t., when all interested enn alletul if thrv think
proper. M. 1,. fSMI.NUKL.j;
ttimhurv, Doc. 6, 1 A51. St.
MAS just received nml ojieneJ a fresh am
general aciortiocnt of
Fall and Winter Goods,
of Ihe newest and best styles, consisting in part of
Ditv .oois c;itof:i:uic,
Hard warp. Iron and Slid, Nails, Ar.,
Gum Shoes, Fish, Salt, &c.
All of winch he will sell at the most reasonn''le
prices for cash or country produce.
(iic him a cull mul try his prices.
Suuhurv, Nov S3, 1831.
Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania,
lor llie promotion of the Arts of Design in the.
I nited .stiites.
lVEHV" memlier, for Ihe year Is.M, will rc
eeive for each subscription of Fixe Dollars a
print of lliinthiKtoii'a Christiana and her Chil
dren," engraved by J. Andrews, Uostmi, and the
companion, a print of itunlim-lim's "Mercy's
Dream," eusruved hy A. 11. Kilchie, New York,
or the choice of any two of the following four
fiplcmlid Engravings, viz:
1. John Knox's interview with Mary Queen
Mcols, painted by Lcutzc, engraved by
S. Uulh and Hon., painted by Iiofhermcl, en
rjraied by Sailain.
3. Mercy's Dream, painted ly Huiilington,
ensraved by liitchie.
4. C'hrisliaiui nml her Children, painted by
Hunlinslon, euuraved by Andrews,
And a copy of llie I'hibidelphia Art L'uioii Kc
iorter, a monthly pamphlet containing a report
of the transactions of the Institution and infor
mation on the subject of the Fine Arts, through
out tbe whole world.
Tho Art
rt I nion of I'hiladelphia awards prizes
in Certificates, wiih which original
in its ow
Amciicai: work ol Art
any part of the I'ni'ed
may be purchased in
Mates, at the option
ami seleclion of the (arson who may ohlian a
prize at the Annual Distribution, which takes
place on the evening of the last week-day in
every year.
The lixertttirr Cummitln of ihl .4tiioi,
when so requested, select works of Art, without
charge or couicusutinu, from their Free (iallery,
'-10 Chesnut street, for those persons in the
country who may live remote from galleries or
public exhibitions of the Fine Arts.
I"? Terms, ol membership Suli
scriptions received by 1'. II. MAWKIt, Hon
orary Secretary of Northumberland county,
with whom copies of the engravings m J be
Nunbiiry, Novemlier 29, 1H5I. fit.
To the Heirs of GEORGE WOLF, Dee'd.
TfOTICE is hereby givon lo Esther Wolf,
-L' widow of aaid dee'd., to Catharine Wolf,
married lo Jacob Market, Jeremiah Wolf, Hen
rv Wolf. Jacob Wolf, Esther Wolf, married to
Daniel Weaver, and Ccorge Wolf. That by a
virtue of a certain writ of 1'iiniiiutii h'uritnilti
issued out of the Orphan's Court of Northuui
berland county, to me directed, all Inquisition
will lie held on Ihe real estate of said dee'd., in
I'pper .Mahonoy township, ut 12 o'clock, M., on
Friday tlis Snd day of January 1.V. at which
lime u tl place you are hereby warned to be and
appear if you think proper.
WILLIAM U. KIPP, bheriff.
Sheriffa Office, Sunbury, )
Nov. SJ, I SSI. ti. '
PI O C L A M A T I O N .
"V OTICE is hereby given thnt thn several
Courts of Common Pleas, (ieuerul Quarter
Sessions of the iicacc, and Orphans' I 'oort. Court
of Oyer nml Teruiiner and General Jail Delivery,
in and for the county of Northumberland, to
commence at Ihe Court House, in the borough ol
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
5th day of January next, and will continue
The coroner. Justices of the Peace and consta
bles iu and lor the county of NorthiimU'rlaud, are
requested to lie then and there iu their pror nt
sons, with their rolls, records, impositions, ami
other remembrances, to do those things to their
several ollices apH-rtaiuing to la- done. And all
witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common
wealth u gainst any prisoner are also reipietted and
com inn nihil to lie then and there attending in their
proper crsous lo prosecute onanist him, as shall
Is; just and not to dcmrt without leave at their
licril. Jurors are requested to lie punctual in their
utteudance, at the time appointed agreeable to
their notices.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 29th. day
of November, in the year of our Lord one thou,
sand eight hundred and fiftv-one and the In
deiieiiilcuce of the L'niteil "suites of America
thu 70th.
Goil save the Comtnousi eullh.
U71EE BILLS Justices and Constables Fee
IL Bills handaomely prima on card paper, for
salt at thiaolliee.
RAZORS. A superior article for aale at the
Sunbury, Feb. IS, 1850,
I Hll.D PENS with and without silver cases
just received, and for sale bv
funhury. Anrili !!
sivo snd legal envelois, for aala by
anbury, A aril , 1W1.-.
To the Heirs of FRED'K RAKER, Dee'd.
NOTICE is hereby given to Elizabeth Raker,
widow of Frederick Raker, dee'd.' ta Hen
ry Meaehel, Eliia Beachel and I.avina June Bea
chel, late I.avina Raker, dee'd., by their guardian
Henry D. HolVinan ; to Conrad Raker, of Ohio,
to Jeremiah Roker, Harriet Raker, Catharine Ra
ker and John Raker, hy their guardian Henry D.
Hollinan. That in the Orphana' Court of aaid
County, at November term, 1651, on the petition
of the auid Henry D. Hollntan, the Court grant
a rule itou the heirs and letal representatives of
the said Frederick Raker, dee'd., to appear at an
Orphans' Court to be held at bunbury. m
County of .N'orthmnlH'rluiid, on the first Monday
of January iient, and accept or refuse the real es
tate of the said ilcc'd., at the voliiatiolt fixed
upon lite Siimc by an impiUitinu duly awatdrd
nml held upon the raid real estate, which in case
all the heirs and li'iil representntivea refuse ta
accept or take llie same, then tn shew case why
the mid promises should not be told according to
the act of assembly in such cases made and pro
vided. Certified I'roiii llie records of ssid Court at
Kuntniry, on the Till day of November IS.' I.
llv order the Court, )
JOHN P. Pl'U.sEI,, Clerk. )
A II of which you are hereby requested to take
notice. W'M. 11. KIPP, Sheriff.
Nov. 52, 18M. Ct.
To the Heirs of WM. SEITZ, Dee'd.
jVOTICE it hereby given to Anna Maria
ft' its, Eliat Welti, Samuel "Seiti, Jacob
Seitz, Dimicl (Seili, ami Calliarine iScitz ; It Si
rah teitz, murriiil to (it-orge Daniel now in
Ohio; to Isaac Uruinlic Her, .Nicholat Drumhel
ler, David Drumheller, Jcw; Drumheller, Kliza
U'th Drumheller uuil fiiruh Drumheller ; to Pc
ler W'nitner, Samuel aiiner, John Wnijncr,
David W'hkoit, Catharine Wimner, married to
Daniel (iooiluuin, lioninmn, widow of Michael
Meidiir, Margaret, ituirried to Jacob Swine h.Ht,
now in Slark county, Ohio. That in Ihe Or
! ihau'a ('ourt of said County, at A'nvcinhcr term,
I lR.'il, on the H'lilion of the aaid Anna Maria
' Seitz, the Court irrant n rule upon the heirs and
; leijal rcircncnt.itivca of the said William Seiiz,
: ilec'il., to nieiir at nil Orphan's Court to he held
' nt Suuhury, in Ihc County of Northumberland,
on the first Monday of January next, nml accept
! or refuse the real estate of the aaid dee'd., nt the
j valuation lived upon Ihc sini.e hy an inquisition
duly awarded and held upon the said real estate,
which in cast! all Ihc heirs anil leipil representa
tives refuse to accept or take Ihe same, there to
shew cause nhv the said premises should not be
sold nceonlini to the act of assembly in such ca
; sea made und provided.
Certified from the records of said Court at
' 8unbury, on the 7th day of November 1831.
. Uv order of the Court.
! JOHN I'. I'l ltsEL, Clk
j All of which vou lire hereby requested to take
notice. ' W'M. U. KIPP, (Sheriff.
Nov. 22, 18.11 til.
considered by thousands who have tested it,
aa being the greatest
Suenlific Wonder of the World!
Entirely doing away with that laborioua and in
jurious practice of rubbing the
And a great saving of
N. 11. To prevent fraud and imposition, (for
manv are trying to palm oil' article put up like
I mine) Ihe Proprietor, I. 1 HOVT, will put
his V KITTEN S1UN.V1TKE on the top la-
i del of every Package. And he only aks an
: tiilightrntil pullit. not lo confound
I with others thai are in the market.
It is put up in i'ai kni;eK with full directions,
and sold nt the. nominal price of 1" cents.
tl? I'KINTEKS niil liud it great! v to advan-
! tage to purchase tliose I'owders to cleanse their
Vl'r.v uperiir article for thai purpose,
i Manulaclured only by 1. IMIOYT. at his
""'raiorv aim i riocipai ucMi, .in. iu oouiu
i '"i"1' Slr, I'hiladelphia.
iioiesn e noil iieiau .verms: iieorv .viasser.
Sunhurr ; !S. 1). Denormandie, Northumlierland.
Kemember the name
All letters to be post paid.
Novembers'.', Idol. Oino.
PITTTM.I.V inf.ini tin, miMin nml
i'llii rest of toiiiiLiiiil." Iliut lliev li-jie re
ceived a large assortment of
of every variety of style, consisting in part of a
line assortment of
Cloths, Cansimrres, Merinos, Afous.selint dt
j Zjcitiis, Calicoes, Muslins, Checks,
j and every variety of Dry Goods.
I Alto a large assortment of GIIOC'CIIICS,
j M I'll as
I Sugar, Teas, Cofii'e, Molasses. Spices
uf all kinds.
Also an assortment of
Fish, Salt and Plaster.
Also a ireah supply of
tV Country produce of all kinds taken in ei
change at the highest market price.
SSuubury, Nov. 8, lriol.
IN pursuance of tin order of Ihc Orphans' Cour
of Northumlicrhind county, will 1 exposed
lo public sale on Saturday, llie 13th day of De
ccmhci next, at the Public House of Charles
Weaver, in the Borough of Sunbury, the follow
ing reul estate to it t a certain
Trsu't of Liuul,
ill I'pper Augusta township in said county, con
taining ttiS ItlfH more or less. Adjoining
on Ihe south, land of John '.. Haas, nu Ihe east
land of Geo. C. Wclker, on Ihe north land of
Henry Manser and Ihe Shainokiu Creek Road,
and on the west land of McCarty, Davis ec War
ner. The said Kitt acres being purt ul what was
culled Ihe Mill tract. On which are erected a
Bank Barn, two story Dwelling House, ic.
Late the estate of Gideon Market, dee'd.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said
dav, when tlu terms of sule will t- made known
by' M A IIV MA UK EL, Adm's.
By order of the Court, 1
J. P. PlliSEL, Clk. O. C
Nov. IS, lei.M. St. )
II. It. MMMll.L,
Offut in Market street Sunbury, oppositt
Weaver's Hotel J
RU8INE8S will r promptly attended to in
the Counties of Northuuiberland, Union,
Columbia snd Montour.
A. Joanta, Ess.,
C. J. Barsia,
S Miliary,
C. M. Hni, J"i "
D. Bit is, Ml Vernon
House, Sd street
S. Boaaarroa,43 Mar
ket tu, PhUadtlfhta.
Sunbury, Oct, II, U31ly.
GER, freeU supply just received, and for
aala by ' H. D. MAMEB.
At-rtf J1. 11
Incorporated by the Igitlntars of Pennsylvania,
For the Promotion of the
OFFICERS 1831-52. llenrv C. Carey,
President William 1. Kellav, V ice President
Edward P. Mitchell, '1 'reaaureri E. II. Butler,
Kecoraint; Secretary ; George W. Dewey, Cor
rctpomline Secretary,
MANAGERS John f?artain, Charles Top
pan, James S. Wallace, Charles McCalatter,
Henry S. Psllerton, Charles O. Leland, William
1). Lewis, Edwin R. Cone, William Goodrich,
John S. Hart, Theodore Cuyltr, Jainet L. Ctag-
liorn, Joseph I). Stewart.
Wallace, E. H. Butler, Cbarlet O. Leland, Ed
ward P. Mitchell, Edwin K. Cope.
Everv member, tor the year 1851, will receiv. i, ,nifi.illcmiliC lw enjoyment, snd even pro
1 racli iuitKcriutmii of I ivk Dollah, a mnt 1 . . 1
Engraved by Joseph Andrews. Boston.
And the Companion, a print of HUNTING
Engraved by A. II. Kin-hie, New Yoik.
Or the choice uf any twa of the folknving
Four Splendid Engravuigs, viz:
1. John Knov's Interview with Mary ljueen
of Scots, Painted by Leutzc, engraved by bar
tain. 8. Ruth and Boaz, Painted by Rothcrrne, en
graved by Sartain.
3. Mercy's Dream, Painted ly Huntington,
engraved by Ritchie.
4. Chfistiana and her Children, Painted by
Huntington, engraved by Andrews.
And a copy of the
Philadelphia Art Vnton Reporter,
A monthly pamphlet containing a report of the
transactions of the Institution, and information
on Ihe subject of the Fix a Arts
The Art Union of Philadelphia awards prizes
in ils own Certificates, with which original
American works of Art mav be purchased in anv
part of the United Slutes, at the option and se
lection of the ierson who may obtain a prize at
Ihe Annual Distribution, which takes place on
the evening of the last week-day in every year.
The Executive Committee of the Art Union,
when so requested, select works of Arl, without
charge or compensation, from their FREE GAL
LERV, 310 CHESTNUT STREET, for those
persons in the country who may live remote from
galleries or public exhibitions of the Fine Arts.
Subscriptions of memlership, 1I5, should he
made as early as practicable, to facilitate the op
erations of the munauers, and ensure members uf
the "Reporter" which will be forwarded upon
the receipt of the money, to any part of the coun.
The Honorary Secretaries will give recipts for
.i :.. ...... . .
subscriptions, or remittances may be made to
GEORGE W. DEWEY, Cor. Scc'v.
No. S 10 Chestnut Street, J'liilu.lciphia.
November 22, 1H51 fit.
At His New Store in Ilsllotvin Run,
ESPEC'TFULLY informs his friends and
customers, that he litis just received a new
stock of goods, which ha oli'eis to the public
al Ihe I on est prices, viz :
Fall und Winter Iry Goods,
Cloths, Cassimeres, Suttinetls. Merinos,
Mousseline De Laines, Flannels
and every variety of goods suitable for Iht seaien.
Also Silk Hals, Caps, cVc.
ALSO : Aa assortment of Hardware.
All Kinds, of Groceries,
A variety of Queensivure, Crockery, oVc.
Besides a variety of other articles, tuitable for
farmers, Ac.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange for
gaials ut (he highest market price.
Hollowing Run, Oct. 25, 1831. tf.
K"W7ILLIAM HOOVER respectfully informt
V V his friends and customers that he has
just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent
assortment of
which he oilers for sale at his new store at Man
ser's Mill, Hollowing Run. These goods will
be sold at the lowest prices.
Dry Goods, 50.,
Such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Muslins, Calliioes,
Gtniihams, Lawns, Chintzes and
Ladies Dress (iaads generally.
An assortment of
Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c,
A general assortment of Groceries, such at
Sugar, CofTi'e, Tea, Molas
ses, Spices, &.C.
Also an assortment of Liimort, tucli at
DranJiy Rum, Whiskey, Wines, cc.
W Produce of all kinds taken iu eichaii's at
Ihe highest market prices.
Hollowing Run, .May 10, 1S51 ly.
A LSO, FANCY FURS, iu, h at Mulls, Boas,
Tipiiets, Victorias, &c, Ac, Tho subscri
bers oiler the above for sale, wholesale or retail,
iu Ihe greatest variety, and on the chcacst terms,
at their Establishment, No. U3 North Third
Street, opposite Cherrv, Philadelphia.
November 1S51. 4mn.
N pursuance of an order uf the Orphans' Court
of Northumlierlaiid countv, will lie ev nosed
tu public sale on Thursday, the 1Mb day of De
cember next, on the premises Ihe following real
estate, viz ; a certain
Tract of Laud,
situate in Point township, County aforesaid, be
ginning at a comer on land of Isaac Vincent,
thence by said laud, south 4U), east 439 lurches
to Ihe River, thence north ?'J, east 4i icrcliea
along the Ktver, tlience by land. of Jonathan Fur
sel, north 40 J . west 42'J M-n hes tu a corner on
land of James Lemons heirs, thence south 69),
east 50 perclict tj the place of Iwginuiuj;, con-
106 ACRES.
Lale the estate of Leonard Pl'ouli, dee'd.
Sale to commence al IU o'clock, A. M. of said
day when the torma of aale wlil ' made known
by JOHN FFOUTZ, i . . ,
By Order of the Court,
J. P. PURSEL, Clk. O. C
Nov. 15, 18515U
Lime!! Lime!!!
THE suliacriber hereby informs his customers
and the public generally, that having rented
and put in operation the Lime Kilns of Mr. Ira
T. Clement, in addition to the other Kilns in use,
ha will now be able to supply demands for lime
al the ahorloal notice. Hia Urns will be of the
best quality.
Puatoinr. Nor. II, 1891, tt
n m t I t rati i i tea - - v -m i mur w v
Tr lha Car t
tvxa, wHoopiua-oouoa
Among the numerous discoveries Science has
mnilc in this ceneration to facilitate the business
; luiiij ihc urui ui luiiuuii raiHirurrCi none ran vm
I named of more real value to mankind, than this
: contribution of Chemistry to the Healing Art
A vast trial of its virtues throughout this broad
country, lias proven beyond a doubt, tliat na
medicine or combination of medicines yet know
can so surely control nml cure the numerous va.
rietics of pulmonary disease which hsvo hitherte
S'vept from our midst thousands and thousands
every year. Indeed, there ia now abundant rea
son to believe s Remedy hat at length been
found which can be relied on to cure the most
dangerous affections of the lungs. Our space
here will not permit us to publish any proportion
of the cures affected by its ute, but we would
present the following opinions of eminent men,
and refer further enquiry to the circular which
the Agent below named, will always I pleated
to furnish free, wherein are full particulars, and
indisputable proof of these facts.
From the President of Amherst Culleee, the
"Jo met C. Aycr Sir s I have used your
Ciii.ihit I'liTouiL, in my own case of deep
seated Bronchitis, and nm satisfied from its che
mical constitution, that it is an admirable com
pound for the relief of laryngial and bronchial
ililliiiiltii's. If my opinion as to its superior
character can be of any service, you are at liberty
to use it as vou think proper.
From the widely celebrated
D., Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy,
iVc., Yule Cullepe. Member of the Lit.
JJist. Med. Phil, and Scientific
Societies of America and
I deem the Cimutr Pkctoril an admirable
' composition from some of the Iwst articles iu th
I vf .. :.. .. i ., . ,
Materia Medieu, ami a very effective remedy for
the class of diseases it is intended to cure."
New Haven, Cl., Nov. 1,
MAJOR PATTI80X, President of the S. C.
Senate, stales he has used the Cusnar Pr.c-ro-11
a L with wonderful success, to cure an inflam
mation of the lungs.
From one of the first Physicians in Mmint.
Stco, Me., April 26. 1649.
Dr. J. C. Aver, Lowell. Dear Sir. I am now
constantly using your Cm. nut Pkctobii. in my
practice, and prefer it to any other medicine for
pulmonary complaints. From observation of
many severe eases, I am convinced it will cura
coughs, cohW, and diseases of the lungs, that
have put tn defiance all other remedies.
I invriiihly recommend its use in eases of con
sumption, and consider it much the best remedy
known for that disease.
Respectfully vours,
Pi-fymml and sold by JAMES C. AYER,
Practical Chemist, Lou-ell, Mass.
Sold in Smibnry by II. MASSER, and by
Druggists generally tlirnughnut the State.
November 1, 1851. lvccmno.
PhrciiLs Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chest.
TMRRANTEI) to stand equal heat witk
' any other Chests in the country, and to
defy the Bursas' inycntiity. Manufactory, No.
Ill Hudson's Alley, running between Third and
Fourth streets, south uf Chesnut, and in tha
rear ef the liirard Bank.
M. A. S., the proprietors, arc Practical Me
chanics, and feel confident, front long experience
in the manufacture of Iron Chests and Sulci, ami
a special attention to this particular branch, of
giving satislactiou to all who may give thein a
N. B. We have selected one of the lest min
erals ever used aa a non-conductor of heat in
this business, and we warrant our Chests anil
Safes to be made of the lest material and in tha
most durable manner, and to aland any heat
that can be applied to them.
Manufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley.
Running between 3rd and 4th streets, tt. of Chet
nut, in the rear of Girard Bank.
Philadelphia, Oct. !.", 1851. ly
THE undersigned it in the daily receipt of
fresh and excellent Oyster from the cele
brated establishment of Mr. Field, No. 331
West Lombard street, Baltimore.
All order will be promptly attended to and
forwarded without delay. Apply to tha aub
sc liber at IaVs Hotel, Northumberland, Pa.
X. B. Oysters of common quality at $1,00
per can.
October 11, 1S51 3mo.
AYING settled at Northumberland, I am
now prepared to furnish
Fresh and Spiced Oysters
during Ihe whole season at the reduced price of
one dollar for whole and fitly centa per nalt can.
You con dciend upon them being fresh, aa I
shall receive them daily. (Sundaya excepted.)
and when landed here they are only It hours out
of the shell.
All persons who are in want of the above arti
cle, at a distance, can have them sent per doxen
or tingle can by addressing
X. B. Persons calling on the suWrilier way
find him either at Burr'a or Haaa Hotel.
Northumberland, Oct. 4, 1851.
rlHE tulscrilier resiwetfully informt hit frienda
A and the public tnat lis haa taken the well
known Public House, rorner ol Market and Riv
er streets, lately occupied by Mra. Wharton. Ha
trusts by strict attention to business, ha will be
enabled to (ie satisfaction to all who may (aver
biu with tUetr custom,
Sunhury, Oct, X I Ml at
bar bottles far sals by
't3VaT- ft11
:r.bT-, Apr!!. It, t