Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 06, 1851, Image 4

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    :,'fs ft-'M-'r'.-
V ; y ci c t r IJv
ToIrcbo Juice and Tobacco Quids.
And then, my friends, just think there's
nmifihl exceeds '
TKo fillh that from Ihs chtnvct's mouth pro-
' ceed.y1
T6 ounces chewed n (lay, it is Mid .pro
duce . ' '
A half a pint of viln tobacco juice,"
Which if continued live nnd iwtsn'y yenrp.
(As from A vnlculutiiVti it npvtpnrs.)
With this foul' stnli' would nertr live hogs
heads (ill,
Bifida old quids ti lnrffor parcel ill .
Nor nm I wnh thin calcnluiifm done :
He that in time, h is chewed 11 h" If n Inn
A "wagon loud- of thai which would of
c' course
Pickerf fi doff, or even kill n home.
Could he foresee, but nt a single view,
What he was destined in Ids life to chew,
And then thp product of his woik smvev,
llo vould grow sick, and throw his quid
Or could iho l.ifs, etc slio had pledged
" to bo,
His loving w ife, her future prospect see.--Could
sho but know that thiouyh his motilh
would pass,
In this short life, this dirty, lnndsnmo mass,
Would she consent to lake his hand for life.
And wedded to this tilth. Itcciho Ids wife ?
And if sho would say whore's the. pretty
That envies her the lips sire has to kiss 1
Nor iti this nil I liis diilv prnelice leads,
To kindrend habits, and to lilihv deeds.
Using this weed, an nldr siatesrmin think?,
Creates a thirst for stiniitlntnio; dunks.
Full many a one (who invies him his lit ?)
Smokes, end chews, and diinks, and dies
a so'.
If yon would kt.ow Iho deeds of him that
Enter the house nf God. end see the pews,
The lady's parlor, carpet, painted lloor,
The chimney-piece, and panuels of ilia door,
Have all, in turn been objects of nhu.-o,
Ijcsmeared and flained with his tobacco
-:. -juice,
I've 6cen the wall, b"side a er.itain bed
Of one w ho chews tniacc:--m?ar the. head,
Dudaubod and blackened with this baleful
While near it lay old (ir.iJ.i, for future use.
I've seen iho woman who loved snuli sa
(How much she took no mortal tongue can
Tick up old quids, and dry them Lv the
And grind them tip, to satiate her desire,
I've seen the bride upon her wedding town,
The ditty pipe and filthy weed lay down,
And the;i prepare the hateful tiiim to smoke
Before eho. had the nuptial silence biokc ;
And, like dan'shtnr true of mottier Kve,
Her new made husband she did not conceive
Was constituted haul and not a limb,
?he pmooked hers elf and gave I he. pipe to
him ;
And ho, like Adam, in sulimission true,
Took from her hand the pipe, and smoked
it too.
It i currish to b.nk nt a tnau when lie h
Tun trim pronunciation of Kosmh is I'os
thoot, placing tho accent on the. first syllable.
The (Iccisivo battles of iho vorlJ, those
which to use llallam"s wor.l?, n. contrnry
ovent would have essentially varied the
drama of llief world in all its subsequent
scenes, nrH numbered as fifteen by professor
Cressy, who tills Iho chair of ancient and
modem history in the University of London.
They are tho pram! subject of two volumes
by him just from P.entley's piess. These
battles are :
1. The battle r.f Mnrathron, fought 400
C. C, in which the Greeks under Themistn
cles, defeated the Persians under H.irius,
i.-reby turniiur back a ti le of Asiatic invr..
r'uii, which else would have nwept over
?. Tho bnt lie nf Syracuse. 413 R. C , in
which the Athenian power was broken, and
the West of Europe saved from Greek do
minion.' 3. The battle of Arabella, 331 R. C., in
which Ale xauder, by the defeat of Paiius,
established his power in Asia, and by the
introduction of European civilization produ
ced an eTecl which may yet be traced
4. The battle of Metaurus, fought COT
R. C, in w hich the Unmans under Consul
Nero, defeated the Caithauinians under Ilas
drubal, and by w hich the Supremacy of the
great Republic, was established.
5. Tlie victory of Ariiiinius, A. D P, over
the Romans legions uiuter Veins, which se
cured Gaul from Unman domination.
C. Tli9 battle of Chalnsn, A. D 451, in
which Aclius defeated Atilla the Iltiu, the
self styled ' Scoui-;,, (jf God," r.u l raved
7. Tho batllo of Toms A P. in
which Charle.4 Maitel, by the defeat of the
Saracens, averted the r.I.ihomeda.n yoke from
IU rope.
S. The brill,! of Hastings, A. D. U'Cfi, h
v!iich William of Nonv.ainly was vicloriors
over the Anylo Saxon llarol.l, and the result
of which was thr formation of tho Anglo
Norman nation which h now diminaiit in
the world.
9. Tho battle of Orleans A. D. ill!), in
which tho English were defeated, and the
independent existence of Fiance secured.
10. The defeat of the Spanish Armada, A.
D. 15SR, which crushed tho hope of Papacy
in England.
11. Tho battle r,r Blenheim, A. D 1704.
in which Marlborough, by the defeat of
Tullard, broke the power nnd crushed the
ambitioiM schemes of Loom XIV.
12. The defeat of Charles XII., by Peter
t'n-e Great at Pulluwa, A. D. 170'J, which
secured the stability of the Muscovite Em
pire. 13. The balllo oS Saratoga, A. D. 1777, in
which Gon. G.Ve defeated Gen. Burgoyne,
nnd which decided tho fate of the American
volmioiiis'.s, by ir.akifitf Franco their
y, and other European powers friendly to
14. The battlu c.f Vulmy, A. D. 1792, in
w hich the Coiitinenlar allies, tinder the Duke
of Brunswick, were defeated by the French
under Dumouricz, without which the French
Revolution would have ben stayed.
15. Th Bulls of Waterloo, A. D. 1813,
in which the Duke of Wellington hopeleoly
defeated NapoUon, and saved Europe from
hi. jrjspii" smbilion,
t, fuw Vh i." ItnporirrH nnd JnMicr'"
' CO Tjt '15TI STRflBT,';
Between Hri Midway nnd Nassau-Street,
- Nenr tho Post Office, " ' "
WE fire rercivirts, by dally arrivals from En
repp, on f Full- find Winter itssortrtcn' of
M1L1.1XEUY OOODS. , cr t. - :
We rcpre.t Ailly ' invite njl tslv Fnre'iasers;
thnroricthtj- to examine our SliW noil Prices,
nnd, n iTTrtirST- cinrr.n. We feel confident our
(iomls and Trices will inilncp tlicni to select, from
our establishment. Particular attention is devo
ted to MILLINERY OOODS. and mnny of the
urliclcs arc manufactured cvprrrslv to our order,
anil cannot be surpassed in licauty, stylo mnl
licnutilid Faris Eihhens, for lint, Cap, Keck,
nnd licit.
f'ntin nnd Tafi'ctn Ribbons, of nil widths and
Silks, Saline, Velvets, and uncut. Velvets, for
Feathers, American nnd French Artificial
Tiiliincs, nnd Cap Trimminrrs.
Dress Triiiiniimrs, large assortment.
Embroideries, Capes, Collars, I'lidcr.'dceves
and Cult's.
Fine Embroidered Rcvicre nnd Ilemstieli
Cainliric Handkerchiefs.
Crapes, Lisscs, Tarli-lnns, Illusion olid Cup
Yaloncb-iics, Pius-iels, Thread, Fill;, nnd
Thread I .aces.
Kid, Shk, fewinc Sill:, Lisle Thread, Merino
(.loves mnl Mill -.
Floured and I 'I : ill Swiss. Fool;, I" ishp Lawn, I
and Jaconet Miii!ii.
E.Xfil.ISll. Fli i:CII. AMF.illCAN AND
.'ill-'l 't TO, ST. I . flam,
fpilF PiiKicri'ier informs his fiiends and the ,
d- pulilic, that lie cimtimies to curvy on t!ic
lar'. lc Tbi'-incss m all its liranclics, at l.i. old "'
stand in Milton, Ta., and U prepared t.) inanu-
Monamonts, Tents, Gravestone1, r'
of Ihc licit materials, and most finished woik-
, . , , , . .
mansnip, anil in luc lowest prices.
la tter 'utliii'.', r.imlish and t icrman
most mod. Til and elegant style.
in the 1
, "I'll-, v......
,n., ... ii, ......
N. 11 Order f.r the Eaet sid of the river
olnce Oi tho ".-'uiilmrv American.
A.NTjioxv inrr.
Milton. May 10, IRol.
r.T1,, , ., ... r , ., ,
rrplll. siil si-rilicrs olu-r for Fa'c t.liHteiiliam
S;il:, an invnlnal'le rcnicdv lor this disease ; i
it i nn exact imitation of the water of the cclc- i
l.ratad Clieltciilmm Sprirn of l'n.;l:ind. which '
, . . , . I . ,,. . i
has liccn l.iund so l.cuchcial in rases ,1 lpcp- ;
sia, 1'ilions Complaints. Sirk Ilcnilaclic, ila'al-
mil ( 'nsiivcncss, ,n,, is pariirulnrly vecom-
1...1 rtJ .. ..t..o;f.,,., c... s,,i,.i 17 i.",l..rc .... , i
acts both as a tonic and ...mile pnriitive. A
1'airiphlct contaiuiilfr an analysis of Ihc water and
iliivrlioiiR fur ils tiso, accompanies each holllo.
I'liiv tiS cents per hMlle.
'J'he i nlis'rilicrs also irepare a hi rhl'' couccn
trntcd I'lsscncc of Pure .lainaiea Ginger. J'licn
S5 cents p.r 1 o!l!c.
I'lili C,.',n':!ii x of ihers w ith prices ailai hcil
furnished IMivsiciatis tnlk Also price 1 fata- i
lo.'iics of 1'tire CJiictjtira'.'t lr nnalytica!
The attention of Dnr.-ists is paiii.'ulaily in-
11,1 in stn.-l.- ..I-' linn ,!.ai r ,-li,.i.. i.-al s. .'v r. i
;ri.i.oci v c i;i'.Nn w,
T)i inri;i(.ls and .Manilla. 'iuriiin ( 'hcmis'.s.
Olh .x; Ari'h Street, rhiiadelphta.
Uctohcr 23, 1,''51. 'lino.
The undersiuned have entered into Co-partnership
under the lirm of
Paper & Eaj Eusincss.
At No. 5, Minor Street, Philadelphia.
"5TMIEKE they intend kecpiner a larc assort- . j1
incut of papcra, &c, ciiliMslnig III part as
follows : naiicrs i wove and laid, American and !
Tjnlili, :
Jialh rents and Note papers I wove and bid. j
gilt and plain.
ToHo I'oslB, I' Caps. Printing Paper, nil I
;.M - i
Hardware papers, fann 1!J hy ! to '10 hy I
(,'oh.ircd and while tissue papers, Anicii.Mn
and Knyiish. llo.liinjsivorth's l'atcul .Manilla j
papers. i
Colored and white hoe papers, common and I
c:t rn sizes. liulV Duvcl.ipe j rs. i
(.'oloicd l'rinlio; and C.i'.it papars.
Manilla papers, all si.cs, (,'l.izi j lioval, all co- j
41 1
tors. :
l)rc?ist, I! hie Medium and Fi'terins papers.
Tea, Secret and Guioivd papers for con lection. :
Cl'S. (
lia'-t, .liaiif. a aiiii r.iraw wrapping papers.
Ijanuct, IJiiidcrs, I'm;, Cap nnd 'J rii:.k ,
Whitn nnd Hull' Knvc-lopcs ; l.c ii, Letter,
Note and Card sizes. .
ttrtiiM for Miss, Po'ter If Ca's
rrinlcrs' Cr.rds
in p?c!:s end r'iccts. while anil c.!,i.'0'l old s'
rr::. cut t i order. Abo, their Uilt, PijurcJ t-tiJ
PL-sin i.;'n.,d papers
.Kl-'.F.PU KIMUV. late ofSS . Thhd il.
, ,. . .... -
v.n.,.M.. .'i..a..i uinr s.
X. n.-..U'J Tons of i:,as wanted iu eichan j
Ivir lais.i.
I'.ul.i 'dphia, July 2,1, 1S01. Onto.
fi'KX MARY V.'Il.Wl'.II rivjic-tfiii: iuforrai
1 ! the pi. 1. lie and travelling coiniiuiuity t;ciieral
Iv. thai siichas opened this l:ir,rc and cuiiini.i. lions
IMMT.l.. l'.iri:ii-he.l in a superior style. From
hi'r 1,-n? e.v iiciicnco in the husiuess of a lii'sl rati; ;
IU ( 1. ll J l', IH'III 'I It'll 111 lill HllbllJI-M' in il 111. i Ll?
Hotel, and well known reputation to aecoinn, -
date, her customers mav depend hein,; supplied
-., ,, i ' , ,i ,- . i
Willi cvci-v thina; eoi.diicivi! la Hull' coinlatt and
' ,
con. etiii-ncT.
ivh. is. iR.-i.-ti
J. H'-ii l 'YriH TTIVTT''1'
J i VjiS Lh J 1 U U .1 h.
7" JIT. taihscriher respectfully inform her friends
;l and the puhlic generally, that nhi: has taken
the nhovc well known stand nearly opposite the
Court House, lately occupied hy Mr. . I. V. Per
kins, the trusts that her experience iu luniiiess
1 her el!. iris to make her puisU cuntoitahle.
will Ktve entire atisfactiou to thusa who may fj-
vor her with their custom,
ANN 0. MOIiK'sj
March 3, 1S.".1 tf.
fllllC jaihscriher respectfully intorms the puhl'..
A that he has opem d a Puhlic House, in tl t
new town of Trcvorton, Aonlhuinhcrland county
Hinl that he is well prepared to accommodate, hi.
guests iu the hest manner. Ilis house is located
nearly uppoaitc the Company's Kt.ire. He isalso
provided with good slaliliu' Eullicient for SU hor
ses. He trusls hy prompt and uttention
I.l husiuess lo meet a share of the puhlic patrol.,
aire. IIENKY 11 W'liAVKU.
'J'revorton, Jan- 11, 1H50 . tf
just received and for salt at this ofiice.
Price S3 cents.
Ifunlisry, JbV 11, Itil.
JAirxnicrr "T)YSi,ei,p(a rnnoNrc oil
Nn nil (WnncunrlriiiJ rrnii ili'ri1cnil Hrfr r tM
Twb. unrli nrit'iftipMiiii, hiwrtrrl Vilt. KnllMM. rf
liln-tl t llw Iih Ariility ttf tho Mt.Hirli, Mhuppii,
ftfirtl.nnii ilifiiM fr l'tinl. Inllnci'9 or wciuht (n tl.ts
St'nnirh, frirKriirtn1i"n. Rinlti'iir it flnttciiiu rt tlir pit
nf Mi t5(innrln imrninc nf iht liontK lnirriiitnndtliiri'iih
lirmiliiwe, (lnttrit't nt the liftirt, th"kinsf or -wiif iristii);
inmij..ii wlicn in m, Iving P 'Stnro, 1 'iiiiri'i,S nf visifii,
d.tmor iv'iii lpfiiri'i1:r i;l.. Ti vrr in J dnl! pain in tlm
laJad. rtnfiriMipy nf p"r.;)Uaiti. v l!"Wicnf Hit iktnilil
I've?, pilii iti i ; iv si le , In"!?, rltnst. linil'tt, Af., And Irn
lli:flr? ni'iii-0 ! m rritMLT in tin (l-'sh. c mut'int iiii.'jinin
"f evil, nnd jji pal ilinirct- i n nf ttinrits,
can nr; Krn:tTr.u,Y rrnni TiV
fi.iA iih I i;i r;nmi in ii i us,
I'Hr.n.Mtnn iv
PP.C. M . J A V K SON,
c;i:iiMAN MKDiciNn stout:,
KM) Anil St., riilliiil.'lplil.i.
Tli-ir puvT nvcr ilic n'm-i i!if.;t'jj 11 n 't "- ' ''cd. if
t'(p.'i!!i'd, liy nnv t'tluT pri'j-i'ir.tli'Mt il ill'" I'nitftl St-ili-i,
in llir i tii-i-K nil. h!. in luanj ras' f ni':t hkilliiil pli wnrians
had laiM'tl.
'i in'.f Hilt. rs pre wnrtdv l!ny ntlfiiit i ni nf invalids.
jEfon : ivtat i'tiu-s in t lit fviificiii ni nf itir.i' t" ei'
tin Li; t-r nnd h-ssi r irliiiitN. fsnrisn'p tl:'1 in tl ftt :iif!iin!i
l -wcN in'FH nnd :itifi u'nt ni i!n tliiji'ilivo oi'rTinJ',
tiicv nr', w itlial. t- ill f - t . i and iv'-Mant.
I'lMtn l,r II -s .11 Hr.-.
Tin. 1' t'lnr -ii.j, Imv V'M
'iMi. IJimii.AMi's OMinmrn Crn-uw l!n irn f i
tin flirt -f 1 ,i v i t '.'in; il. i in i. . I. ni tidier, ( 'fir"iiii-
r .Nrrvcir t-'iiltiy. i; d.-r'TViidly .-nt'iVt'i" limft v".
1 ir llM'.ili-ni. s f I 'l:c' '!lt ' liiill-lH ll'.iVi! bi'fll IIM'd
i'n 'ii.' i a-Is, nuti a tVn iid at t no i -w h i lie ii ip litlii-
T r.-fr'ivt-dMi t li'i'cinal aiL1 ,"TNian nr i ui-rnf Tjvi-r
I' -iiii l iiMi IV .in the ust' in' 1 1ns i ''in-'tlv, Vf nit- runvin'tl
Ili'it, in l ft; uk' n' thy,- lU'tfi., Hi.. p-iiifiit i-nn!;nitly
!f..MN fiir.M":!li mid vif! a ta:t winlhji't uri-at miisidt'
rall'Ht. ;itr- ,'. ,"nt I tt t ;;'( a lid HHV.'M. tuiil ran v.
iif-'l i v pfi"s n ? l!n' ni 'ft t'i Mfth' ftininidi with Karc-
I . nudi-r rny fiii'iiiit.incfs. V i: mi sitakin; t mill tx
pcr't 'iih', m:d 1'. U.f ai!iii'i tl wt mlvisf tin n' ir1.''
tis "ki:ki.y."' mif of l!..; lf-st I.ili rary pa;-rrq
pi! !i;-!ii'd, n:ii,l, Arc.
'l'i:. IJniiK,,Mi's kiim r'Trt 'ia. iti'intif-if tiirt'd I v
IV. .l."-!vti -n, aif n iv it-r imMi'mil' d hv nun nf tin unt
T l!liM-iit in Mithi-r- "l ll;- l-teii 'v iis ;m ai'llt'K' "I inni'li j
I'lt'tfiify in (V.f.-s i if li-tn it'- wc-iUm-a. As fni'h is tlifi j
i-i". v- U'.ittM :m: itl; til itli.-.s I tihlain n i.-illl-'. mid j
tit us ft: i vi t!t"tiis.'!v'N I nil'-' i Mr,vti',f--f. 1'iTS Mis uf d.'liilita-
t A ( ii'-' i ' n 1 1 will fia I ilfv : HiitiTs ntlvanfa its ! 1
t!'f ir hi' itil', ii' -f Un w ir on PNn'Tit-.H-f Uio tnlutiiry
jioir r.rrh'Hc.c.
f'.e "lht-?-!.n S-i'iml-.v :-f.-ilc., Itm l""i family
w.aii"i :iii.i:u-il iiuliu L'iiiiiU uiti'S. liw .i
I.') ).'o. 'land's denmn) I'.iHers.
I ' it i ! I an .:.. iv.'
iMimnrai! ' nrc tia'llli'.t Ta
laiil. '. mi. I palioaa;.' . f ear
trill M .'.l.aili. s. lo ti-
a-l.:rs: tin. I. tai i.-lori-.
In n v.'.' '"ia- ann'iaiil In. II v'l-
' '' :'.'", we vis ii ! .lislmctly mH
s'.. 'a l!i::t , :a,' n 'I s, I'".!. hit el I'a' in "I loins i-l Ilu
.1 iy. ' nr.. n .1 a', .ni r a a 1 1 i-l" pai i.'.t :ai l liim f..r. j
Lioii.'n i.iti i i'.i v liavi'i' a..' ili.-ir .jail'v ni".. of niini'irna'. I ,.. a la.-ilvna' ! ;vl . li !,, I. linivrsallv prizv.l. mill
wliie'.l,-,. I, l.ilia' l:,a,l:-:,n va! . !' I ! - I Vlaiy il o -If"
Lv,,,,.,,,',. ,,,, ,, , vi.:.: I.-,,. 1.,,-n ,,a,v.n (';".:"
. -. a . r-. ., . . . ....
';;- .j"1'' ' r-' v-.-''". ' ."...f;:!;,.! , i" . !
.1 saiflli iaa ,irr .mall .1 Mai! in.-.a Willi llnar (illl.'t UP;il'iv:li
wl,.'il .ia I .a-fii ia li,!;; I'.aai
'I'll "I II'. s li'. '.!:, -aa- w'.ll nr.. t iv.'f r-mti-'-iilit nm! Py
v. -'a, ii o on,. , ;i,,.l .ni,.. iii'icr n ana it .?i .'.irei'tcil. Il n.'is
s. a-O :i,-i 1 ! y . . 11 I si '!! a-M 11 1 al liV.T il is ia'1'11". r ;'.ia
to .ail in- I lii'i.i; i ;';i a'S ih.-a-l'S tin- I liarl is inl.tli'ili i' .'.
'I'll, v i-an la' a,!aa,'.i.M,a'.'.l to I'.an.ii,: or tni'anl wall sali '.y
llll,lVrfl ,., ..,, , v ,;.,..
li:-:V.t:K Oi-" i.'iil'X'n'lirioT.-'.
'r'''' r-v ' ai.aai.-.l :ii"t l.i-a .-'i un.-vi- w'ii-'i ;
ii.'.'cm ai v l..r ali iai',!nani s I o nltatn lo' r HinliaiialiTs
, , m( , r,,,, ,.. r)i,.,, ,,,,, , ,.u, iivcH ,
iin.s- ;.r.' inn a ily i.-.).o-.-...
i.ctiu VVKI.I. TO Til MAI!K or Till' nfM'tVi'..
tli.'V Iriv.- Ila- wrio. 11 si.jilatnro i I' C. M. .!flS"l
lijv ii Ila- in' linn-r. nnd Ila- ii'iia.' I.lowa intlif lialtl,', w i'iii Miii'-li lii.-v in- sj.ini us.
For sal.', wlrilasale nirl n-! iii. at llm
tienniia Medicine. Store,
I . 1 : i f I'll S'r.a t. our lloor l.i 1 Sil'., (' i' of
il; I', in- - h: ii tl.) li.liia, n,nl liy n'Spi.',!,. dvillc.B'a..Uy M.r "i'ionl li.. i",ili.i.y.
pitii t.s tiiiiifci'.i).
T i fa:.!,!'' all .a-i-. oi' lo paj y l!ie nuriiiilacii;
o!' luur ,:riai rial n.'.ua- p"
j Single llolll', 7") cenl.i.
Aiaai :-I'm .' a- by II. ,, Sa.i'.'.iry, mnl M . A.
I .M'tV;. a!lri:i:"-ii
A Ila. a. 1 ill' . I 'at ty.
100 LAECULila VAlilT.3
MMIIDIATKI.V on the T.vvorton Kail Koad.
I'cliiius .at c; .r)'C ; al the Mniilh of the Ma-
t. i- i i.i i ...;ii i.n ..;,!
i 11 !' I IT IU WUUIII l.M'lill H.l';r.l IT Mill,
IP A V. Ci.i:.MKNT & Co.
SiniVury, July 5, j s.'.I. if.
li k E..t
. .... ... .
The intention of the puhlic is called to the ad
icitisaineut ot .".Ir- ( liarlcs C Tucker, Atlorncv
and A'-ont at Vasl.iIt.m fitv- I'crsoin hav-
in.4 claims for lummy Lands or Pciii.iH arc in-
loruii d Unit tlicsul'si i-ihcr has niu.le arraii.tainciil.,
the ''''.pii-ile laruis, nnd claimants c.ilUn at
llls "1:'''''. '.in line loiar papers prepared ami
lW.vurile.1 to M r- 'J'ui kcr at Vashin.,,,,,, ,i
''.v '"' l !' 'l;( ' -v i-lici.d. d to hcliiro the i.'e-
pailmeiit tin re.
H. li.;;.
l"'imh'.iry, Jan. I i), 1 :.' 1
...-. .-.j
--ij w-i. it'
jJbSUIi'wiE OP
I . , r i tf ' I V f
" :1J -' -J 1 '
,"' -u'i: '' '" ,:.""' ', M"r" ' .'''" valnnl
.,i l.i.'.',i!i.! I ' ;.i V I ; i il v, :,' l.a lonnj lo ,i-
.. a, a c , aa i , ,-r ana'. .1 i in.
I' n :.,.i.. in, 1 il,-.' bun nai,- h nailrsn, ucnfi
;';' ';.'J1'; ' !',,!' , J.'.!''..
, si 1 j;).. i(11 ,:.i,,,t';1,.li , ,,, ;;f. ,,,,, i;;i.i , , , ; .
. i , an i
t,v,,',,r I
nn .
"., '.',',1
ni Il ,! I .a ... : l.'l .., - ,.i 'I la .r I ill a u i.l
.1 w 1 '!' l.a'i i.lli l...'ul.,K rt al M- l!:
a 'I lai. I a. i jl.-K rr a l ," I a' i: ,' a- ' . ... . . . i , , , . . , i . n i .
iaa ir, ii'!;;,-i n. a,.:!,: (-.. i "u'"'- I rc".-t-..u ; S. U. lxnn, f-t-Ii.i y ha
il ., i' , aa-.-il. w li 1. . '.nn, Ma, ii Iv I M'li ; J.-lui V. I'lilin.', SSiiiihu: y ; M:ny . 'ic-
I .- in ,,li
ai.'.t I,. Ill,' I
, o".';:i!i',.i li -.'I ... I, .a s.liaan ' !l,' .!:. , n' il o inL'ni'Ua' in-
,!, a .--iii ..i. n.,,1 o.r v ,i.',.','.i,iu' ila- in "i, iiai! i.i-b oi' iluri-
1,1 , .
It is.;,,h nn i.yf.,a,-n na-laaae i .r Iha.i. w'io liavc in-
u.f. ! ; 't I 'in- i 1 il.-, i .m-x!.y X,r int.:,J ..,.,
i 1 1 . x i " i ' i ' i " 1 i ! 1 1 ! f ' . !'V t'.s .'ti'il.iU- iiii.tittiiic: iil.'fl ii!"ii
It1, I 'in n-'i r. iii . i :. I li 'T ii'iM 7 ( 'I f"itiiii!.:!t's, !mi-it '
'i ' 1 "',oi"i"ii vim iiiimuia i 'imw ii- ii m- i 'i
...i, .:, ,.,. ".,ii:,...i. ,, , ,
Xit tZ' l' '", V ZZZ VTZ
, , ,tr.. ,,-ti -.ii.i .;l v, :,i i.a- li iay v.'.a. a i. .',,-1 to :i,,. nuaia)-
1 ' " " act. ni.
i A M Ii i, OS i; SMITH,
j lillf iniisr AMI i Ii::.M!r-'i'.
j .V. amer f llh mid Chestnut Streets.
I l'liila.U ii.liia. Afrit -.', s.5 - lv
, ...nn x - ;f . i.-MiM..,,,, , - . .
: 'l1'" ;',",''" X ,''" fA U n respectfully ml inn
. .' U' ,..""I,B "' "T "Id "'
t no t.-aviau rs ami o l.ers at their old i sta h ished
, , . , . . . '. , ..
stand III .Ma.Uet utieel, we t , it the Court llmis.
.... . , -.ii- ,
",, : r-fr u
well rstatili.-licl rcpu! ili.u. oi their House, w ill,
1 thev trust, he a suliicicut eaiaraiilcc, that their
! customer will he well ac-u.i.u.od.ited.
.Miiuli ci, 1S..1 11.
:it::i :it::i iiti
liir'.cstmctiob r.ncl In;!cl'ilj!o
A'o. 1 S.uth Third si rc-t.
" IIU.CHANTS and the Wiiiiu
1 aru ic piesled to cull and evan
tiiiiur eommimity
piesiial to rail unit examine tins IAK,
which is laiilttl not ti eorroittf jMi tttlhc. JJel)st
Vur ii , . iV. Cu'ui:
nnd II tail,
No. 1 South Third street, Philadelphia,
A discount in.nlc to .Merchants and the
For sale hy II. Tl. Manser, agent for fcunhury
IWemher'lt, liiSO.-ly. -
CHF.ei. All e.xcellciit article, for sale at
hull the usual price hy J. W, FA'IUNG,
Munhury, July 7. 1810-
IOIl sale at this office, Superior Black Ink,
(.'attic Medicine at 25 cts, Pure Essence of
fi tiger, 25 cents. . ..
IJAISINS, rurraiits, citron, cheese, pepper
sauce, Ac. For sale by J. W. I'KH.l.XU
Ciunlniiy, Ds. S, 1S1-
n'Ht' Wtwiti'h of B'liltlom nnd oilmrit, nrc ff pect fully
J inviictl tit t'ln p:;tcntve mid wrll Bulwlt-d ph'fk
IX'tUMNO IfAimWAHK and TOULH, now i-fti .Tt-il y
lite KnlwrMitT, eiMtmsthiti in purl nit follnwii
Amminm !'rut Dour I -k, iipriuhl, willi tiitflrt work,
pin I fi I nr br.tHs furniture, r pnncl;iiii fill nl'rfl.
Anionivm I'ront I). -or I..Tli. uprlnlit, plim, with
niyhi w.ik, plnted oi (nixn ftintiturv, or poicvhiin oil
Auirrir-.m Kront 1-tor 1wkt! nm1 Ft're T"ir, Tturizon
lal or nrijrM, l r;is riivniinrf, nr pnrrrl;iin nil r-ilrF.
Aiii'Tictur H im IipKa, nil nizi nml (pmlitirs. Vliite or
lirtM luiiiitnri!, nr ptitrM liiititill c lfm.
Anvriciti Alorti'-c ntl .tj. witlt plaKd, while nr
lir;t Ittriiitiif.", (r p.inrl;iin nil r"l"r.
Ainnii'tti Murl ifo l,)ttfi rt nil ni. n. vrilh plntud wliite
nt iatn t'lirnitnn, ir p ir-cl iin n!t r I -ih.
Atii-nt'dit Miiir" Kim cj.-ni'i ,i:cliii, pliitfil 'i Iihipb
AtmTi'-nn Unp, H. p, 'I'litunh, Onlr, nnd Store P'Vr
AN , lm;viir.I T.i'fei dimI t .h iV- cf rvriv drsfripti Ml.
Pirhv'nf. Mint Antcrtcaii ItuM llirfrt-n. t'fnll izf. Ii'ft
tit lin-f-e j int.
iiittlrr, (;:,?. Hi mp, T., nn.l I'.-M-'iJl-ip Hinc'!1. "It Knulf.
S'lllllfT, fi;-!... )n(tr, l-'!lisi. Sj'lilt',' Il.ilt, of vri'itj,lil
tf niKt ir-m nnd lir;tf, rverv f l--Fsr-rt -t i n.
Sere Sprier jlur, S tii.l I'npcr l 1 1f r i -1 11 V .
AiiM-iic;tii Axle itml M,;uii Aslf Vulli'xn. 'f vrry
Vnr.f ty.
AnirrMTin t!ntt"t;5 hn or on plriiin. bnii, ir -n, r
AiniTii-i!i Xi '. pl.itfd, Avliitf. ir-'it. i r w n'l 1:itiil.
S r li.C-ird. Mini n tui.l piilf'lit. Willi clh' r iirli 'I'.Jl
num. -nnis t" ni- nli -n.
t r AAII-S un.l AMi-WiWdMT nt 1'ACTOIIY
r' All n-v.iJq , livrrnt fn-c of Ciinryi tti miy piirt nf
t!i" t i nnd ( tiv't ict?.
At i l;is i !tt'!'.itni-nt ft'i t-p f mud inv - if l!n' I nnd
!i-'! Miii' in-t f lu'i' m. Taney Vil- f r I.'k-I-s. r ,
in t''t'('iiv; tviiii- p ii'. i'ip. nf wlitfli. t'ini ii'l I" n f ii. -r
olit'iitii"!. it nnv II if t 'if. TOOLS,
Si"'ti J-ir'. miV ll u-l. I'mu't. Ilnr.d. n:ut Kipp ?-vp.
imp irtt tl i xrrt-f : lv I' r KcImI i!i v. tttt s' I-'( d v. aur.
S. ugfnl f l t!ir --. !-nt1i'd ri:nn-n. nind" ly I. W. Cnr
pnitcr, nf I ,'tiic:isrT, I'tt., ! 'h i-tl mt.'f m k, ! ii w. !.
fNi'i tl:f I-ill5 T, mt'il int.! ti if I. M. Tilly's i W'Wi ils' ni il-c
-f i 'liis-d. Acm, Mitlclii'it. Dniwiii!! Knivf f. -. nil w:ir
ril'ltct) L ml.
I'in;;i ;iimI Sl.ti l.'n uuikonf Aujrcrs mnl AnjrtT Hitts, n!j
A iiicricnn S nnrrj find TV'.!! cvry di'fcrn ti -n.
Ann iic ni link's. 1 i.mi f. SnWKclts, C"int'(if-.-.c.-, Scrrw-tlriv.-is.
A tmrir:i!i C. . fl-nnnvr?:. CV.wv :v. I H ivi-t injr, nil yrVr-,
Anvil iiml Vice, ml sr.i s,
Sh-H. J tn , iin.l Wondtii Jlf.ico. w.Ai C. S. IJitlF, in
un-ti vtrn-tv.
V, (ircivi'!) x S . T'MM'pr n tl" 1 ('M't-r CflciTalt tl
nr'kcft nf ("Im: Is, s. Plnnc-hiii's. .c..i',
Ai'.ii.'s Crl.-liri!' d 1' trvmv T .!, nil s'lait-'R
M - 5 i lv .-; ( ." ; l,c !(-sl ;nl ill' : ! t-iv i v n t .r"),:
of H'Mi-'mil' II tdM-arc tin d 'V '; i i tl Slatr.
At lU'.f I'slt' iislinli'tit it if din i''-r-d a l-a'-irf 1 ? fv
( i. .vi nn- invii.-il 1 . c -!l a:i I" !: rr-in-:i'.
nntl 1" r tin hrict n.-'.td, t.i. r' j.-ir.-!: smi'S vUr-
In r.. I'tmn' ami !""
Vr.n-i. r-!. i-'-if il!v.
VM. V. V-rU-!M
X i. '";7 Mar':, t Ii-tw-i'ii .li and Mli. npi cr m-.
Tlitl:i !.d,,liia. Apii! 1-'. I.i. ly.
(f lOMl'KKHKNf-IVi: pumiaarv of I 'nivcrsal
Histiirv. toirellicr with a l!ii:nip!iv of l)i---
linu'iiishrd IVrsniM. to wliirh is :i)pcndcd an opt- !
, " ,. ,, , , . , ., ... r ,
HclllCtl Mytllol.v.TV. Natural I 111! OS" ;i!!V , (iCIl- j
era! Astronomy .mi I I oysioi.-v.
, ,,i.t,. anil usi-il in l ie i'liaoc .- limn oi ;
!,. S. JON S ,V Co., 1 if. isiir-
S. W. f, FOri.'TII and HACK Ms.. Hd'a. j
Tcachivn and School Coniiuiliei's nddressiij.;
letters to us post paid, will la- In: nishi d w itti
enpifs lor cMiininatiini. I
t"v" A full iin.l Conij.'i'te Assortment of .
ROOKS and .STATION A 1! V, for Sale at the I
Li. iff it J'lirri,
.m.iv ::. is-ni. iv.
New 3!'.isie .!u, VnhliiMictl.
fl '' vi- U.-l.lxi.l.. A11. Hi, licsiiui si., .
"i'7" 'ii' 1 v ... a .....1 ............
new nnd l.,.:,i,iif,.l inn a,, f.iin. l!,,. most ilislin. .
r.nslie.1 en. mincers.
The followim- list contains some of their chi.i-
.est and most popular .Suuas, Walfcs, I'niUns, i
Now, thou art Gone, n frautifitl sonj, words j
hy Thomas . I. 1 liclil. linisic hy I iamhi iilac.
.Mv New I'.nnland li.nne. words and music Lv
Mrs I,. Wndc. '
tii'iiicai (Jiiiiiilnis ; hy (.'. Grohe a co.V. tion
of Ihioits.
is.itinii.s from Home, piano and violin, Lv Jos.
I'rclly l.ittlc r.illias for I rrtty Little I eop.c, '
i.V .1. 1.1!
All the Wiinls a.ic Slcaniinr, bv A. P. Worn-
, . t .
. .. . 11,' , . T . "i
.n ir, : .11 ll.r. (V M.i till Ii f II " ,ilP ...I . 1
ilunscltttltl oTiU, writli n (.'law. Vtuii'.;,iia.
The Alliens, sntili; hy 'i'ltuiau! J. DicM, mu
sic MV IltMT.
U;U vALKKIi lmr constHMlly oh lurnl, .
"liior Vmuos, :uv a sujiply oi Murtui s i
i ..' .'.i t i. ii it t. :
"rateu I.uil.u's. wlncli lo-ellier Willi a linu as- :
i sorimeiu 01 .wiimchi iiisu umrao nun ... . . l ...i .- ,
t ''? m m ncral. conipi i-e a slocK iml to t.r sur-
; l''d I'.v thut of "' '""', rstaldislmimit m the ,
"Oil. try. 1.1.1- Al.K l-.K.
J rel Clip.nnt -Ina't, rsuaiiuV V. ui'.'.iiij?
I'hiladelphia, '.N. lS..l. ly.
win-. ;;o I'.vv i
Urates' Fever rr.ul A'v.o Pill:!!
j njUFHCT ..lid speedy cure for the Fever
i and Ane is puuMiitrcd t uey one v.dii
in iv use the tills. 'J'iicy have !.cmi um for tho
l,it . mi yiuis yis.l have lie. crimen known to
! fail in a .'inlc instance and i.i caacs. too,
whe-e perso.w have had the ,h .., for scvcinl
vi ars, walhont interim-.inn. The proprietor
rfx a, ,,,, , ,,wli,.n ., ,..;,. X-M
. . . 1 . , , .
I will cure iii as sl.n.'t a tunc, w it.iotit laav hit any
,i,.,.oriiiu elli'Cts troni the no of iu ll the I'd Is
i":t pi li'ori.i a ip-cly nnd pcii'e.-l cure, the
I 'I'O I l'j. "1 .11' V. i ' i ICitll'il tl'.C niolU'..'. I'l'T ..C 1'V
.l o oli S. I.nv. rem ,-. a' iuCi'.-i illc ; II. Ilc'l'cn-
t'ov, Aniihuinl cilaud ; It. IUvUv, Danvilie ;
I. a'... s;l. I ...i ll,. I,, i I : nil. .
! I ' ' '...'. '' ' V ,' ''
p"rl ; .In!, ii li.iser, .V.i.'.uii, nnd ly la'.ne
Uru lai-ts t.r..ii-:houl the ft ite.
, ,,..i . iii-fiti-a ' . ., ..
. -1 (.1 ( lil 1 "'i'1'"
iiilsvilic, Juitf 'S, 1 ..) L. Iv.
i 3. i-.:j;i, .vi.i..,;i..ivj. n .v-v.-'. j .
MVi.liitt A!tBAXa:.v3:M' it.OI
j fill I.Milll.l-IIl V A 'D l.i'r-. n.l.K.
V it I' c s II o tl il r r il .
Ofuc of the I'hiln. ff Hat-1 in 1'niientiil Co.
I'liilndelphiii, March Isol. )
Two IV'enj.-r Trains Pally, (i'.'cpt Sunday.')
' on I ., l'i,,r lil Iv.o trains will
) l.c inn each vvav, daily, I. ('tween Philadel
phia lllld 1'oltsV illc
moi:'c t.ix::.
Leaves Philadelphia at 7 J A. M., daily eveept
Leaves Po'.Uvllle at 7 A. M. daily except Sun
dav s.
Ai'Ti:n xonx rjxr.
Leave Philadelphia i.l Hj o'eloek, daily, escept
Sunday h.
Leaves Poltsville e.t o', oVI.k'!;, daily, exi'ept
lSctween riuiaih-lphia and!e, v".7o
1st cl i--J cars and .vr.''." d class cars.
llctvvccn Philiilclphii. and Ivcadiu, SI..J Isl
class c-iis and i 1.1.7 1 class curs.
Depot iu Philadelphia, Corner of lit and
Vine .stleel.s.
Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi
ded with Tickets.
NOTICK. Fifty pounds liu.rc.jie will heal
lovveil loeaeli pa.sscuirer iu these lines; and pas
teuaers are expressly irohihiied lion, taking tiuy as harnjairo hut their weariu;; upparel, wliiell
will he at the rink of its owner.
Ily order of the Hoard of Mann iers.
H. lHvAUFOfil),
April 19, 18.71. .Secretary.
YI.(i,ju.t received and or sale hy
Sept. 2S, 1S.70.
MMl.AKK NOTF.S, waiving the exemption
law of ;)00, for sale by
April 36, 18.71. JJ. n. MASSEK.
""17"KITI-t; FLl'Il) nnd self sealing Elite.
" lopes, just received snd for sale liy
April 19. IS5V.- 11. 1). MASSE H.
At 11m f.'nlitnrt Wri- ltoottt of
SEirN nourT & co.
1 Market Square,
Aho nt the corner nf Wh twrt iV the llailroad
Tlinnliful f ir tlie iatronan of liis friends and
customers (luring tlic 17 years lie lias liccn ill laifi
iicss in tlii? place, lie solicits tram the pulilic aeon
timi.incc of tlicir favors. Jlioiin; this period lie
lias endeavored to Keep on with the ianrivcinciits
of tlie ilav, and lias ncconiiterlv citcc.ilcd 1 ii lni!-i-
Ufm ill everv lira iii li and variity. 'J'lie puhlic arc
Ihcrcl'ore invited to tlie attention of the present
Mock of
?vlANeKA(vn'H-l II V
A! tin: Old M,md,
Wlierc in ndditioii to tlicir former Hlock of tlic
rslalilislinicnt they now nianuf.irlni'c
Knliogcnj', V.rcir.t3t & Cnno-Seat Cliairs.
L'tnsc Sjiriir; Serif Unrkivu; Cmirs,
Drcsx!)!? Ihire.inin, Venire. TriUri,
Mnrkh. Top Wash Mnmh;
and a nf of far
TH.w sfre. villi
Ten l s j c n n h I v E'1 ti vvs iUfvv.
1 !;iv!ti'T un. ino.l .. If.,-.....I ... l', ,,,.w.u.
........... ........ ....
mu iiiiaie.'cnieiiiH lor loe uirpne. tticy arc now i
prcpnre,l for t'lidcrtakin in all its, in
this vi.'i, ;ily or at nnv convenient distance.
f mai.l-' n;i.! lai :' r -.:-'.. mat lni'rnii!.; I i.i,
lo-r. 's rurnfun. .fevcr wyl- ami tin",
l'roin I, .arts .1 .va lo kiirVti tali'..,
t'r aa r.'i'Kiii;.' rt.aa'H to i o.-i, :r criiit!.-
Pli .ni l yon n .1 ha. li-.. ira 'y Jm I-. pay,
lVi'':l wu'it nwliia. for n liriLOi'rr l.' I'T .lay,
f'r fak.' p :a!orv. nal-i. r -m. -.!i.ail aa-.l r.';
II n l:. lio .p p'.. . f.;o'. f!. .a lain!."!' v-.-t ami .try,
''.' in, II. ini: I'll! v .krs a. i:l l!a."'iii:'; (! i.l.
I t "la yius ana laii.ii'.-. .1 iy. a to ,;aai.. . i
f 'olai' on I'.ca r,'i.-ii:l..'. r an'-"li "iii-' a'1. 1 11
li.'. o tia.!'1 n in. ii;!:. ? i .... .'a !'i.' I all.'1
V-'J ' Or.lcru tVofi n ii;.!. ;T.nipl!y ettndcl 1
to niiil v oik nf a'l !:i :.l . .!. o-.,. r l witli ii: pal; i'. .
."'iii.l'iiiA , i'.,a 'a l !;.--if (
Alia vA'f-jiJ irr
C : c !, K'y. l.till'-i K,,l .IciTJ-IrV.
. , .
j . I'. I Ail.l'.U III I. in Iv it li'4lia r ,!,! W .r.'.l!lle.
i V o p.., o;',n wvil.
All work, ,1 to liis
,,,, i i
aili'iiiici to.
litis;. rove. Nov. tl!). 1 ;."". !!.
evi: tv rsi rctr;:.
O. .i.'e in
ccr Jl'e"l, inini.'ihai.'lv onposjic the
PtlMic Sell ...I li,i;; :a. !
r" Moal.'s,-,!:,.;! .
I li.iiv aa. ,;,. I t ..
i Aniii 'J.!, I -j'l..
1 i.,'1 :.,1 i,:;i ,'.-: ! ' 1 1 ij : ly ni.'l can!- '
-kown-s i:ss,i:nck ok Jamaica gin-
(i 1", K. an cm client ariia
M Medicated Soap for mm Inims. tin.
a;t,.r, .';c.
..., : ... pi.. i.., .,
iian,.i, s , iiv.issain i.i, i::i, ior or" il a I r .: a nil- ,
" v. " I
:lwav s Konlc Ih.-lh r f.r Cramps, Cliolic,
cllVra Alo.-lms, J..c. l'or sale hv
Ji. li. MAS.-F.l;.
Snnl'iiry. .-In1:;, o, l.;1.
X-yt) . i !.,t:,!T
" ' ' '
.i.-v.-.m. o., :,,.:,:
:,"' " '' ' "" " " '''"' '"
I'lll'c any c e o nl sa.-i-i-l di-vase Unit may
cuiliC l.ll'ler Ilis c . i c, lin ill Iih;,' I . 1 1 sl.m f-
in r nr aoli.'linj. IY:'.'., ; arc iuM'tal l his
ivivate Hooms. :t.S -Snlh .- i'..M'i
i'liil.uii-ijtliiii, wiilunii l".,r nl iuifi t itiiii!u in- mil-
cr I'ath'iiH. rSii-iiii': 'K niiil oiiu'H v. ho h ive
li.'CM liul'.irlnit:'.!;1 i'l l!i; si Ifi'l'-ui ni' il I ill V -u'::i it
a iv. i 1 1 iter) Ik j iuis; h- hnve injuri'i.
tlirmscUrri hv solilnrv ico :;r; in itril.
i;-:aJ) m i;'i:r LKi'T. Th.. nfnirt...'
woultl tin well t- rcilfi 1 I'f .bii triitiii- tln-tr
,,,,, ,liippin(.ss, iu m,nv t,lsi.s Iivt.rt,
in ,iin ,.lluU 0 phvsicii.ns. i jii..r:iit o? tliis v:s
. .. . 1 . . .
tl' maliniics. It is rrrlainly inipossilili' for one i
mull to understand im the his the human l-nnity !
nr.. siilo...'. til. lalt.rv r.'si ,.ota !.'., 1,!. !.! ill II i . '
is , lt. , -,i 1 i : i r hraiii h, iii which he is m,',re sueccs.
flil ,u .; ,,t!.r pr,,i;..,,rs. -ltt. u he i'.c-
Veles mo--t of his time ..a adv. J
IKAliSlli'' PilAC'i'l. i;, CM-Iusivcly d.e o- :
ted to tlie .-! and lieatiai-nl o! th louses of l!.c
s" v ii :i ! .,rra us. o ihi v. iih u!.v;'- noon ll:' !,.-
ily, thru .I, iiio-c. it 1,-s, pains in ip.e Leal i,;
Imnes. nu icui'iiil ihe'.iiii-il ,..i.!, ilia ::n' a.'i- ,
lies, e.iat'.ises nri.-iiur. (V nn yo:iii,;ul cvi-i-i. e, or1
l;:ipi:ntns ot Ilia I', Vvlua-i' i .' too co!;--!.! -..l
has h.-i'iini" c'.ii.'chlc.l, ciiulile:, liic itcctor ti oil
.'.p-. '.. r-tirf' to ailvviio may phuc Licini-.-r, is
uuuer Ins t are.
I'hilu-a l'.liia. Ai-:'! I'l, 1 71,
rno ri: urr i vn s a l n.
ffJIlIE Suh-eithcr who re-idc hi P'.lb.l -
t. o! 'en l'..r ti.ih' ilia loiioc. '.1: r pro'i.u'.v in Md
'011, AiTihciiL'. il.ind co'.nny. vi'. : Th." l it':.-
v XTJCic 2'jnr:::i'a
-' - in -f. f. r:..a-!v .'.--; 1 iw
Mc.-s,-s IVtu-iiioiis as a C'.i.i.ijc .i..l..-r tsii-.p.-'-
1 !:e Im.hlm ; u th) l. cl l.-uit on itjycr .Mar! et :
sliaal, lolll) fact ill jr. I.i .-1 !'. et, ill: 1 ii;
-to;. v.: I.i :h. A is , a 1 ., t ,
10 lo- J7 f. el, on r.ic :.,iiiie i.r.'ini i.'-i, 'i he !. t is
all the i a. i.e.' i f l'pp. r Alar'. 1 I n'. l !':ont .-.!!, ,
.111,1 is ti,'. f, at l'. Hit. lill.l l.'lil I'.-et l!,- -p.
'i'hc ptemi cs iic valna'.-l,' far a F i u.hy ;
or i.'-InT in;in'a!'ti-i:i;iu;', puii a , nu.l v.ih 1 a s d.l '
.1:1 v. as v.i.iMc and latin Ii aans 1 y lip
id; inn . Lhi r to JACOH CAiU'I:!.'. N. I
Ihiil.iili-'j'hi 1.
.'. r. wolf; t p. p. MiImu ,n-
if. II. )l.i;i!, il. p, ,ii,!:rv. ;
Philadelphia, Jan. V..7, IK.jI
1'u:ss;s;;!!( e:os.5ii,
r Il'"l .p Caiii- r, l.iiudou.Cy h mud. D'Ax - '
1 J Fi'.va.'s llisi'miy oi- 'i-iti: I ; i: : ..-r i . ,
lll.iM; l)Y-mi:n:s ami I ,:on. : a s, full lniiio led
or sale at the puLlishcrs prices hy
II. li." M : .-!-'. 11 ;
Pimlmrv. July II, 1 M0
i 'l. Wiv Pai'.'hmeut Piper D-e.b an I Llunk
Most -a.ros, Datuls, Eiieciti.m., ,su n ni ms, !
Ac., for sale hy 11. II. M ASisK ft.
rsiinhiirv, April fifi, 1SS1.
,,,Tt).E Wine, Earthen Ware, P.iisins, Al- I
nioiids. P ones uud Cream .11ts. i
Planes of rill kinds.
,Salt and Plaster. Just received nnd fir sale ;
hy JOHN W. FK11.1.M;. 1
' unhuiy, Dec. ','0, isi!l. I
? MIOIvN and (iold Pens. On liaud several cop-
us iA tue lite of Christ, and fclso a ninnher of
Uont pi-
ens which we will sell il the Iphia
jirices. For i-alc at this olliec.
TENIXliiS. A cheap and enccllent arli-
eln lor lustcniug sash lor sale hy
5unhiirv, July 7, 18-19.
TThL; llOTTLES Ilrcast pumps, ami
' nipple tulies- A supply of these useful arti-
clcs iut received and for sale by
. JOHN W FlllLr.NO
Ptinlmry. Jan. IS, 1H5I tf
rr,-?R7ILEVVS COVUir OASVY. An eneel
V y lunt remedy for coughs, colds. For sale
at this otlico
fS'ISSCE PAPER. Yellow Tissue pu)er for
1 covering glasses, &c, lor sals at the nlliec ot
tl) Aniericun.
ronnncTnn weekly,
rixv oi' l'liit. iiui .......
All Bi'lvnl Itnilcn J ill.
All t ilvi'in IkimIis i t'i.
:(i..'i:c rici'T.
All aolvi'ii! Icinko (lis
m;w vfjittc.
I". S. Hank in 'tr -, f,
All 8 dvt-nt Imiikd
ctn-si nr
Unnk of CI iluTslmrg 1 ili
Kank nf C "Jiftrr V . pnr
Hank nf P.-I.lj... ;hfHLiT par
llillilt. (liTluMll..'M vir .MI nilri'Mt tiruit.S I iti
lliiiik i f (i. nyshurtr l an, iy Jik m upd nnil.-r 9'i j Ui
lluiki'l i.i'm.:i.u n riiiMi'.v,
ll.'iiik ..I .Mi.lill. l.m ,, 1 A Mvruii. !,,! 1 ill"
M..iil;.'MiiTy i n ll'iuk pur M-:V JI.IIW;Y.
Mini; ni N ni linn 1 1 h ii'n.l. rnllVlvi'liTi- r.nnk 3 tllr
1 ImhU- ( 'I' 1 'i I I .'111. T.r . I ; 1 J ' :....!.
;,1Mi. , Dnmia,: pin fur. II irli .M-.m il.tly .:ir
l i.ili!"li- i: no, 1 , is f . A .. I hUri.r.n, 'I. l i r
l 'oliiMiliin I,'.. ,V I1V.: Co .nr ? t'i liai-irs" fk, Nrwiirk 'ir
II 1st ' n f iiik j ar .Mn Ii. Ilk nl liailiirjli'ii in'
i;at"l Hank ar' H, .'b. A Mia. Ilk Trent nr
l aa; Ifcir.k ilu- Mai if Co l!ni;k 3 lis
I'.xi'lian..,. r"!:Pil:.l.i,v I i'.. i-u-ali. n,tt li:i..C.i 1 !:
I .Ni'l.riai'.' ll'k. frani'li I ilis tlraia:.' IVmk S ilif
fa.',' fa, par't'i' ij ii'H tk f.illri'Knll liis
fialmr-.' I:1'. I .rii",.i'!i'r par I'liiici I on ll:'nk fur
farini',' II'.. I,', :.i,,j par Sal ail ll inkila: I'", Wf
IVoil. Iti, -.-. ;,:! I 'o par .S-iiiitivI I'n It ink J "tin
I' fc tl. Ill, W'i'viiiwIi'jt fiioi r:!.'lf fa'l!'. "I''i'M .ar
liaiiklin IHi, tVn,!,',. 1 . i ' s snii,' li! film
H-.-ri -; .i li i:,,;,, I ,lj Slale lla'lk -nrl 3 ill
I l Malt' l.a'ik rVH'K j iln
ljAi,-i, N.'wi ai i'.t
piri't i-ni a t'.:'.ii.ii':-- i'n .a
I'fiilal" fai.k
fiUK'ast.T f, in,
I a li'HIi 'II f I;
Miai'li. .V J,,a, J ,jl- , ',ih!,. Ilovr ' .'if
l in-Ts' II . . p,., .'V.K.I iw'lr .VII. I l)r I!
Mon 'tm I.. ... I'ai.i. t );'. niis' y.i i .lis
'lav! a. cV I... I !"; la .", ,,- ' 1 ) 1 1 1 . A W A f I '..
.Wt l'n.,Hi i:i..' partem!;"! Ii.-tnw.irc V:"
Wyoiao... f;,, Vi:;-s:,v i.uliia.ik .l Pluvial l:i
i "t i i ! , j ,!, i,.-,,vair l 1 1 - llan'; paij
,v' i.e.. a I".., v . ' : s ; I I. ill a i i. iv I I'airlv , . a
MAIVl:. h.';,riii.vf' III; SI !):. nv:
it .ni ,. ;, n ,srnil.n 'imu(Xm ir
.M.w.i,iile it., ;!,,.jr ic,:;;; i i ! r "'Vs J ii
A " vw V'.'l IL, . . . t . . .V"!"-
All F il'-i-Ml I -I i - ll'l i.,i..: IIU'liT .Vf iV -, i ,!TII I'AI.OI.IN V
I V" k I'M A!, " i .! d Ml I'.'.-iil IcmkH it !!
j is i .,.! j a,., ; v f,i. r.i-, i ih
r'i " .sri--r, v'ii
l; '. - S-'tt
I. OVilty LCKH raid irCilUOU X.CiICy, I
V.H2ll-!SG,'TO?. J. C. ' l
'Pill', iiii l-rsii ,., ni",- nn.i Ha.,, nl r".ii it i1'.' I
:;.'Vrvi;' : '.: ':.': ,;' v - :;.:vz :
: f iti
t f !
i I .i t 'i
! vi:t. i.i- I-
'..I I" :
r. Il nalv . n.i is ..'
' VI' a' I . r. . i n- ... I-
f. i T la. . . -' n. '. .a,-.'
ai . . ! . li;
V. li , 1 . ', ,
r la ai lis ,-ll
'. I V I ia- a, '.I , I
I a, , ' M.", : a':, a; I' l!,,'
.: I--:.- .1 I ' nn: i y. I a .
s .1 oi I a.' at.'n:,.. v, n j
1,1 1
". i .'rill-. . i i i a," i inia'.i
n.'-. r '!! I t L.v.'s: ! 1 1 -1 t nl
:i a ' 1 -.a ai ral i..,v lini;i. in
i il si ...
!! tr
' . tn, '. a i.l Wai n .'. .'Hi a :a is! 1 :. I . .',', -al l..' II . a. . t.--.'.
pai. I i, a 1 i-.l ,W,-n'. ill .:... ,..i,. la . n.a il In- 1
I' ." la i try I'ri.i.-. ,;i in a I lira. .as. : i , I a! , .nnii! i, .11 ai j
I! s aar.-a. il, i . ri i,, a. a I , a .-ar-a il pr. .-',,,, i i i' i1 's
1. I-..,:". ., wi.l 1 a lai a.- a. ! I i. va. a t.' ia-- -..narala nil 1
at ai
i a
ia I In' aria. cr j
lai ',v,l .-i" i.j. lr ;
ai .-a '
r., s v.
n a.s ;
oi 1,1 ia ai. Aa ma
': Tf cKf K,
.ifaa,.i ,n. V. I'
n; x to;, f. 1 1.)
I' HI j, 1 ftt:. E.I Ci ! 4
. 7 -i ; 7 rt
m. ..'-J. A -J ,t. V.'
' i:TA!'.r.i.:n::) ir. ago iv
; A . II . ( .n'l C () J ilie't tl;nt I alhl e!f''l:
j;;:rwr.i:N si'ai'i'K and i-inb strkk'I?
' 1,'1:
:: i;s ..i' i'.,:i
I iiaini-r'ii.'.i.'.l
i., t l,- ic i.,,,
I , ,i ni.a k s.-'iil .i -tin nr nil ir nr.
i a:;',;':;;;-;:;;'"':".;;,;:;, i::;;:1;';:::';. !'.;::;:,
! a.-: ,. I' I, 'l! 'S. 1.1 l.-i ,' l-'l.'.ia.lti-a,. -Hals'. .. ... .'. ,!. ; "I. MIll'V 1,1 " s, ..M. f ' 1 I , n.
,!;:.' .. 1 ; 1 1 ,.-,.' a an 1 a' :a I s or ,. , s , a m." I'l'll'V
l.:.i.v,a,,-.'.v,l,-,.- , loio .il.asl,,.,: ., ,!,,, , '. " ."V ' 1 .
il I..I .ii, hh I. .. V'.'"--"'' . (..Mailwiy, Minairy.
if w.i .. '. a.i.'.i fi .r., ..i iii. i;.. nv r.-
. ,,o.,' .. a. '.-in ,a ; a a :' as a .'. alii ,.ia,;, nail . iil:.:vi,i-
1 1 1 a,' a lo- .i.l ; a I o mi aa ii.
i 'l'!..'. I". 'i'l'HT I. V it '.'i iTIi'i:.
-.1 .a,
1.. S l.v a ('
,' l-cn.,1 l,'.,ia
ivii'lii!;,. nl
: , , . - i',' ,, i-
I I' "
, v.'' . : : '
. r-U,A.'- u--W i t' ' :.'.'.
( ', '' j ' ;'.(
; w:! .t. t.n".i -'n:-"; f I
; w:. , ,i i.i,
11 i v us ail, an , 1... 1
v a, in '. .'li'iv ili-."is, 1.1
'.a- 1.1 ll.t- pioiTvat.v.' In
1. airl !i,ii vi",.i" r. star. '.I.
i A vi-oiorir; iifo or u prt.Miialuiv or,.
pieiiiriltir,. uentli.
KI.NiiEUN on Self Pr sirvulian,
(;-(,y 05 C1"N"I'S,
. ,.
ok i t.-: mil li. ! ia fi;!.''t wil 1 .'si I'll nil ti'I'Hi .11
, na-s';.,, ,, v .i.... -r 1 1.- in-,
i '''la-n
1 . V . II l it, M ANlil II 'II 111,11 lll.ll
Ai.ll, nil
" .',''.''',..,
' lai--..-..
,i, .
I jif' ;
v.-ar u-.-.r 1. c
a:-, in I K .'.e 11:1.1
.1 1 lie ,
.!. i'','. 1 -i i- "1" I' ,.
- I : ,. : - ,'. IV- -. I'. a -. - - a, ..
fi :.
. .v....
1'. .111
ii v m 1 . i 1 , 1 1 1 ,: n fi
, .a:, r la i- ',! . iy.
1 ,v t . . , ' , . 1 t l 1 ,
11 1 1 n !v S I. I. I. ll ll ,
. fas e,r. !, .-
r':''';:' v."';'"'-' ' : '
"-il"'1 ";" "
"!, ri'iiwii.' ';'.!. r
i'.., i-.u.--,. uu.t j:u!.
' up '; i s, ''iVtia to ll r : t j.: -. U',
, itt rt.i j 'ii iv'iniw t-!,
i:.t'ii:i 1!" 'i'l'.ii' )-.
;-;:o I :.iiit!i': t -n,
nun! j iiii '. rn :;tt,
Cm!;l.'ii : ('i''Vt
M.isv.i U r,t;'-'i,
Jc:i.i'J 1' A i;; v.vriJi,
'..'Tti !;
At to l.nv pri U'"!:i "J". i ') .'! vr onu?.
UIl'.UH'V, .''u l'-.K'. u.
' t ' i ! 'a sol. i.-i i'-cr !::: iv -I re- lia-iln nnv supply
I i :' the 1.. ; li-,!:..; 11. at v. . came lo ."s'liiihoiy,
coii-i.- iio :' i.i ni.rl .a
Nioei;,,:-, :,! ; lie Il- i.idy.
Fine form... IJ.'a.i.!;.'.
Si pel ior I i-.l .... in... a Sa,.-i.s.
.NcV lai'i'.i:.'! i' loi.
Fine I!.,;'.,,..! Co..
rSep.'iior Uld ' hi.-l.ey
( '...nai ai
Sup: ior M.iihi... Wine.
l.L' do. do.
Superior P.ot Wine.
lic.f. J'.nt do.
tsvvecl Midiu i W inc.
Siip.-rior C:..ret Wine iu hmile..
Ch,iiii.iia,iii' do. do.
.''uiihiii-y, May 'J'l I 1:1.
C 11 A 1! I. KS W ! II Ed INS,
I'oMmIIIc, ta.
win ,,rn,,,tlv ntieud to colic -tioiiH nnd alt liusi
' j,,' entiu.sled lo his cure.
Julia Hi, It 111,
STONE milk Pans, stone Jus anil Pitchers,
and other in tides of stone ware just received
and for sale hv JOHN W. FKILIXli.
.Sunhuiy, June 2.1, 1819.
f 1 )E.S, fVoin the New Vork Canton and Pekin
B '! Comiiaiiy. For sale hv
Sunhiiry, l'rr. S, ISM
ITAV P.I'M. An excellent article fur ule
tSimhuiT Jan. S7lh, 1S49 tf.
fJLANlC DEEDS printed on the hest quality
I cf liarclmient i.:ier, sold nt the lowest prices
st this office, lf whoUssls snd rstsit
'lificour.'tKC Your' n!"
rPHK niiliserilicrrc?prctfully call tlie attention
of 1 tic- pnlilir to tlicir Inrjrc anil Fplcndid amort
mcnt of every quality nnd price nf
wlilcli cannnt fail to rci onimend itself to every one
wlio ill evamine it, on arcouiit of in dnrnlila
woi'kinaiistiip nnd Hplcmlid linisli, made np of tlia
licit utock to tin In, I in t!, riy, Jo ctl'ort ia
Kpnrcdin tlic manufacture of llicir ware, and tlie
Riilicrilier n--e (let"n;iincil to keep up with Ilia
many iinpruveineu! vliidi arc coiwlnntly licing
ni.nlc. 'J lii ir f-lm l; l onsisfii of .Mnlioqany
fifi!S, tivtTKi r:l !iOtin;(,
and also VKNETIAX III.I.ND.'S, equal to l'.,;!.i.
ilci.nlii'i niauni'.icliirc.
, TMicn'r . 1 v ,.) 1 .
( ITl;oAl:l.-. WORK' AM) CANIM.K-
in shnrt, every article in t;iH line of their liuine.
Tiny also n,:inii!'arti;re all kiinls and uualitica
inelc'inj va;i, li(, tievcr lirfare to lie liail in
f-iinliurv, miii h na .M Mini, inv. Ih.Acit Whiht
(Ml ( 'CUM: II M U'l.l . (ill tn i v ; am, Wixiisoii
t 'HA! II ivii'i'i'vl'iiMiSiimi,,, which are of
the lair,! style, mnl warranted to he crccllcd l,y
nice luamt'a-tund in tlie I'ilii s or c'scwhcrc.
'I'll.. auK-Vii! i r.- are iletertnined llmt locre shall
i .... i: 1... - r. . -.. ,
1 '"' fio'un-e inrnnni'p in
thccitii , 8.nrn Mrt,tJ,l.!t in l.c cnterlniiiril
nl.H' H.c .iiuli.y .'.n l ioiuli ..f their ware ami
h :!-.
'j'l i ir rli !c vvi'l .''."-. ' ,S M RO
- " in m f.,- w:-!;.
J. i i t i i r provide 1
1 -i p.; ;,..',' 1 1 1 , k 1 1 i: , t 'icy uru
i (' . I;, ::i'i iii'niiiiiii ("tl
i'li1 . ' 'j ii! ;t':v t Mtivciiiriit t!i-
la ra's. i.i f :-' i, '
i I'.! , .,
I o" Ti c . ;.;',
loin is ia o'eke Ptrrpi,
at. , an.l m nrl opposris
loa.oole ,1. Y'.i:',
i i ,i cr s i n cni.
I'AN.rf, HA AS,
(;!:tr,;i;i: i;k.n..
Siinhnry, L c. II, 1 -'."(I. tf.
A I 1 .1
a :i
IMIVsjc u, !H"S 'O'SATIVi:.
" " ' n. r. ..'.:,, a ,, ,.i. e v 1.
, va . ' i .-..'i.iiiiaii;i,
i V 8 'I l-oloi'-i .. . i', ... Jl.'.uiai'lic, Cho
1 lara. Ia a I, : 1 iv , 1 1 a-holaa (am nlsions ; will
! r. :c i.ianli,',,,! lo i,,i pi,.,.i'i. vizor, even after
I M ars i.l 1 , n. ,,! II:.- only known mnl ccr-
! tal't 1 nn- f.r 1 ; -i ? i 1 .s or ir.i'lii'il d.'hiltv.
j I' a 1 lioni il.,- .,. v Vi.rk Nnii. Oct.' 3, Ifllff,
7... ,:. ,:,., I if ;,.,,n. ivil,,,, talkinr; of thn
j iiia a a.ioiis power of "V. oil: ' ?croos Antidote,''
j riii'Vioii was n,. f, :,ini, '.Vi'hy s.n'Ii a vidua
; ! lo 11 ..'!;. for n'l ), 1 via: . ndrrlions was not in-
' , ,,1 I,. i'ip I....,l , In-)" r I i.'l'l,.,i
... . i. Ily replied, 1 hat
, tl'-er" would ! 1 aiai'l' I ally lis for a
.in; . , aa ;,' i,,,s or:-.':i il.-. Irom a disoran-
i :" sirl'" ' in iM'i ; inavi s are t.u inalu
: sor:n,'i, ;l;c w hole -v.-'em Ki : this in nntrr.
i nn.) Iiolh tlic mind ail, I body niili l he."
,. i; !-. .1,1. r,r .u .r.
i i !. r. i
f .-
t a, .
0. J. W A I T G N ,
.v.). ;;;.,',':. .. -,...., 7 a:h .(.,
'..l.'.. Sail'.')
, .1.', s-ut -aa .. or I, is oncnial a new hut star
and ciiors to itiuh rs uud ulhcr who visit liis
ily, a haiiilMiiue :,sutoici.t ol hats. eans. of sve-
I r varii'iv, inn,!,. , ,, ihc laa.t material, and in
i t!(... lale-l uud In -t le, and on terms as reasoiia-
, :,. he had iu ai.v . ,i,.l hahuieut in Phila-
! ddphia. vi: Fi:. silt. V.uts m .1 -'.sti ; t;ood J
i'l "al."1. : u.s 110:11 ill., lountry who pur
chase .,t Iii ni. e..n r.dv. at all times, mi etting a
. , , .
' "'" ' "' f to. m, and on that is
. II..:.'. V.ollll I. . I. 1
C. .'. WA!.Ti)N,
I Mi l, lei, ',!.:, .Nov, !', 1 -.oil.-.- ; v.
! f.! f.
'an , , .- I
' "i ( U-v-ir. i:,0
it; : 1.11 c 1 t.
:". (.' 'i'T i?;6.
I i t :i In liiiil OHt
. I '!".' t- n tin 1
i: r.-iiiiLri'tv rv! n-.t-
1.." 'r i-.a ..f ihc
!' 'r-5 I .'i'.l i; c n" iinit'tl
' '.. S' y. hii-li l.aj
: i'.- t'ivf ,s. !tit
. If I: l.-1 Ii-ll' iit lllttll I
: ' ' ' t "I - y,f ill It,
i.l' ,r I l IT . -I IhC flliff.
' "v -rr .ash-
i.'.; . A c, 'i ft-
ii. 1 .-"ic.'!i'l!iti; il 111
.'a Mi i ;;vuk.
A -;t ir-t
.1.. . - 1- ):.
:. S.M.I
i r.L.J....v H J-. w v w i --i O
.'recti's i n.i'. .1 i'i:: :-, n-e rcihtcej.
; t ! l .l.u-o i T,'vit.i ti l':; hla.
, 1. o.i i-'-...Lla.
J Iv.av it's .yreti .i v i!d i-"aerr,
! ;--..vay no's ', i-.iia'i;
i ' vae's Cl.i-r.-v I'e -f-.'-.l
' Lr. H ake's l aliaeea.
I r:-:';'': ,':"
i '',!, I'ii's i'.iin i,,;,'.t.
i Ir. Hoo.liiiid's (.',: am V,v r
1 Il'l. l.'l V. -e nl aa Fills
; J!.r.-.Mlu.i ( .,:::,' .Medicines
for -.!. :- I.EXRV MASSER.
Mii.hiiiy, .(o'y 1 1. la ! I.
'.Vi'..! VSyrr :3 "-"ADl.-.iMTJCTJM
Cilvil'llfilN., A I ill. I. IT HUN llf uVllIt 2(J0
! In f ':"'" .' i- ..' I.n'.n.s'i.i-.' A,-ti u-i-h a ft
Siiill'!. ou t t'l'.-i i:teiaaitultt in
CiU'.MlSTK V :
! NCl.I'PlNl! .Tedi.-iucs. Feii'iiinery, Chemistry
Cookery. Faiiiciv, 1 )yins, Coiitcciionary, Do
me itic lien. iuuiv, etc. etc. etc. I'i'iectif cts., tor
sale I. v " HENRV MANSER.
Sniihiny, Pec. 1 - If.
Just te.-eived at the store of II EN11V MAS
SKI!, a li of Caps, i i ii ii Mines, Almanacs,
i..icen.uriirc, l.i piors Ac. All of which will he
sold at the lowest pri.-e.
Dec. 11, 170.
MIM'.I! L WATi:;;, U the Oak Orchard'
Acid Sprites, highly valuahle iu chronic di
scuses, and Ionic ri-iiicoies.
Siinhiny, JuiicS'h ls'.YI if
CtAPS An assortment just received. Als
J silk H ATS at 'i--"i, for sale hv
Simlnirv, Dec. R H.
t PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's
wiilin;; and indcllihle ink, Cotton yarn tnsV
laps, just received and for sale hv
J. W. rillLING,
Suuhury, Dec. 8, 1813.
TOLANK.'' of every descriition can he had by
fji) l 1 lyinr? at the office of the American. i
PADD'S eclehriitcd Horse and Cattle
ne for sale hy 1IEXKV MAS.sF.R
Sunhury, Jan. Viih. 16-l'J -