SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. DEMOCRATIC tOtNTV COHYRSTIOS. In pursuance of the call of the Standing Committee the Convention met at the Court House in Sunbury, on Monday the 1st of Da cember, and organised by ihe appointment of JOHN FAIINSVVORTH, Esq., President ; Peter Beisel and G. V. Armstbonu, Vice Presidents; Rtubtn If. Zartmcm, and Isaac Btidelspach, Secretarie. The following delegatei then presented their credential and took their seats: Lewis. Pavid B. Montgomery, Jaeob Ilunsicker. DELAWAa. J. Dearmund, Wm, Reatd, Xt. V. Armstrong. Tuaat'T. Andrew Armstrong, Philip Bill meyer. Milton. George Buker, J.iuies Moiilgtim ery. Ciiu.isQi'AQi'E. James Cameron, Esq., J. Beck ley. Point. Isaac Beidelspaeh. Ed. Grady. NullTIILMDEIlLAND. A H. Yuiidliug, Geo. Erort. Scnburt. Wm. I. Devvart, J. B. Masseu Ed. Y. Brij-ht. Uiier Augusta. John Ilaughavvoul, Julin Farn. worth. Lower " George Conrad, Ab'm yhipmau. Kusii. Jame Eckman, C. C. Kyan. Siiamukin. Samuel Eut, K. A. Claik, II. II. Teats. Coal. Benj. Katiermnn, David Keifer. Cameron. John Iline, John Iloyer. Upper Maiionot. Peter Beiasel, Daniel Ilima. Lower " --C. B. Weiser, Philip Spa ta. LlTTl.C Isanc D. Raker. D. Drumheller. Jackson. George Garnian. Kei.ben W. Zartmau There were two "t of delegates rlaiiniiiii seats fmm J.iekson township, und J. B. Mas (..arid Ivl. Y. Brisht, both claimed in the Convent inn as delegates from Sunbury On motion the matter of contested seats ws referred to a Committee, consisting of f)r. G. B. Weiser. Jame Eekman, John llauylunvoul, Benj K.ittcrman and Hugh II. Teat. On motion the Convention adjourned to 2 o'clock, P. M. I At 2 o'clock, P. M., Convention met The j Co nmittee on contested seats reported as J f.illous: j ''Your Comini'.tee beg leave to submit that upon an riaiiiinalinu of the claims, and ma ture consideration, they have decided to ad mit E I. Y. Bright and J. B. Masser, both to aai ft urn the llurutiyli ol Sunlniry, and Geo. Gannan and II. W. Z r.ii.nn, fiom Jackson township, to be admitted, lu vote as ii.s'iuct- I This r-purt is made fur the haimnny of thd democralie party in this (.'iiiinly." G. B. VEl.Ett, Chairman. j Jame Cameron moved that tho Couven. lion proesed to ballot for a Senatorial and a lb'presenlalivt! delegate, to attend the 4ih of Maich Convention. Mr D-wart moved to amend by s'rikins nut tho "and representative," which , w s not agreed to. Mr Cameron' motion then passed and the Convention pioeeeded to ballot which resulted as follows: For Senatorial D.lej;ate. John B. Packer, 55 vol.. Joseph Nicely, 14 " For Representative Delegate. Phillip Billmever, 23 Totes. Isaac I). It.iker, 13 " Whereupon. Mr. Packer and Mr. B.lliney. ir, having a Biajority of all the votes polled, were dedaied elected. On motion of Mi. Claik, the follow ing reso Intions were adopted : Resnlred, That the democracy of Pennsyl vania are linn and unwavering in their at tachment to the Constitution of their count ry, and iiinl abiding in their Adherence to Hut spirit (if compromise in which it was adopted. They no for the I'n'on as it is and no nrii.cinlc f.f cooslrnclion fori'1 ! m-ar Hill fsnm "';. Ti.e i. i. i:k i r ill the iusliumeut thai formed it than such as j will bo calculated to ensure its perpetuity . I Resolved, That tin democracy of old Nor lliuinbei laud have iWvvnjs regarilid with just feelings of pride and admiration, the illustri ous course id that nolila man, eulijhteued tts ii ui, an I pure pitiiot, (:i. Lewis Cass, and now take much pleasure in reas serting what they have never failed on all pruper occasions heretofore tu express, their decided prcfeienco lor him as their candi date for ihe Piesideucy in 1S02. Knowing that with bun as their standard b?;nvr the democracy must bo victorious. Resolved, That the ilelegates this day elecleil to Ihe State Convention, be and they are hereby 'iusuuclcd to vote for no peison or peismis as delegates to tho National Con vention, who are nut tho open and avowed friends of (Jan. Cass, and who will not pledge themselves to use ail hoi.oruble cllorls to have him nominated. Resolved, That in Col. Win. Bigler, our Governor elect, we have a democrat of the .rue Jetfersouian School, of whom the demo cratic party of the old Keystone state may well be proud himself a living commen :ary upon the happy woiking of our free in rtituUons of which ho is tho tearless defend !r, wiiich open the way to preferment as ell ta the poor and humble as the rich and powerful, lie was the first choice of this County for Governor in 1843 when her dele gates voted for him from fust to last, and sre tiave now ratified his unanimous nomina tion by a majoiiiy worthy of uur old demo cratic county. On motion ( Wm. L. Denart, Esi , it was unanimously RetAetd. That the democratic people of Northumberland eouuiy in Convention as- embled, recommend to Congress a speedy modification of the TaiilT of 1846 so a to give adequate protection to the great uiteiesl of Pennsylvania On motion of Wm. L. Devvart, Esq., it was unanimously Resolved, That this Convention have a high asne of the value to the democratic party, - of the service of Franci W. Hughes, Est)., of Schuylkill county, in the late campaign; be labored fearlessly, devotedly and success fully in the noble work, and deserve distin guished consideration at the hand of the democracy of thhj Commonwealth. On motion of Dr. G. B. Weisrr, Resolved, That the proceiline of tliis CoiiTcnlion be published in the democralio paper of Ihii County. On motion of Mr. Baker, Convention ad journed sine die. (Signed by the Officer.) Pamon Bfiowst.ow, of the Knoxville, (Tenn.) Whig, thui advertise!: ' Wasted Fifteen able bodied loafcrito sit in the editor' ofliice from sunrise tn tin srt. None need apply except those who run smoke all the time, find swear loud enough to prevent the editor from trans acting any luisiiu's-i u Imlt-vrr. They will ol'coiirie le expected It reail nil the editor's private letter and n.niinsrripls in liis ab ence. We don't want all the fool in town to come at once, leit Ihe business of lit place should suffer. Michigan is last becoming, and perhaps is one of the most piosperous Slat in the Union, though but about twenty live years of asje as a settlement of any agricultural growth, and much lets than this as a State. Her real and personal property is valued at one hundred thousand doll, us, while she raises two million ol pounds of wool, live million of bushels of wheat, ten millions worth 'if manufactures, has thirty-five thou sand farm, and nearly two hundred and one millions of acres of improved land. New Advertisements. ! rg'MIU I.oiiiIimi Times I. .ta brrn imiilile to en- I -- ate nny IfM-ling iij:iiiinl Koxiulli in Kngiuml. it is 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 wurk t'er tlir Times. It might as ; well try tj euuviiiuc tlie iuli!ic that tile re is no 1 cronoinv or pruileiicc in putionisin the elieji j ami I'lisliimiuliie Hulliing itnte of Kuekliill A: il- nun, So. 1 1 I I'IiokiiiiI street, (.'inner of Kruiiklin i I'ljre. The pulilir would never lielicve it. . riiihdr!i!iiu, Dee. li, 1851. PPvOSrECTUS FOE THE GLOBE. Tin: Hpi.r mi li i. V Mv;rt:!i u I r I f i r.-ii'-wnl "i mv ir .!'. s ii ui.-t i i'i'i:.r;tli l ai-K'ttl im d Ir.ih ( I IlC j.ll!in Ti;i: l.i1'i,eil W. ill. t iS lilti'ltv :ilUitk' .1 thin j ii'i-itt Ltti.iMir it l- li"; t-1 wtii I't'iitntiu. nhl t n;il ! tut: tu K-rpctU:iU' lllf ItlH Ih..I"1 Hi llHl )! H'CC'illlH und iIib.mih AKiiin tM UlC t 'tl l I'll Wllllil I ho llc.Sll.l in tlie liiuulic (l(Tit.ntih. 'i'Ua uJ iption t i V 'tiLrrcHS hux pivt n tin; tJi.nnii tin 'lftci:il cli-tracUT tm tht ri'i'tirii-r ni HI i s-ul uuil iliiutj in lit li i). 'J'Imh KitM'ii'ni h:ts ln-s-ti vnitti nl cv'i v Buci'i'n.-'ivi' t'usi -it t -r nuny yc:ir, anil y lUs-uit m-is t.f ail (nirlies. Tim ptvK t-H. fi mi p:tru.-! lu.s It 'rue ti-nii!ii.-ny U tin fulflily illi lilcii ttie duly tlitirf cuiiliilctt Un Ittu IM-ri'trmfTil. The cchTily with whivli tli- li lirr-writiTu f..r the din tint pruKH riiiMil tit tlir-ilicU tin U'l.tiuipli thnr liurrutl nee nil's Hint lew ( tin ilfl;iU' I rutiuv.. n-liitcr nnre i.ii, irt:itil tti.m vwt tin I'. .11 anil ex.n-1 nilii-ujl rfHirtM tn' tin' t "n.unc-i''N i. liLt'iu:. tin iuin'y, nntl in ni:iti IIIKltlllciK l.. PA 1(1 K. rt'l.-tl li I'V It tr-jr:! I) ol' U hill iTCHi iii t.'itnsrcs i) i' ii tin.- in- .--t .iri, tli' l iitci rcpoitK l iki'ii t -Wii l rt'jK rt rs, jnul ulncii ! m ni;-riy. in ti Kh;ij.t iM..'rt.i' It w, ;.i.ilti' vi.ilcii. viit tht nimit ti tlie I rt'&s N v tlie lr!v-ui-li ii f -nnis, wnli nil iln-ir imei i.-ili jin i iiimI Viirifty c.'l 'riiiiiw, i.tWv tht; run ol' 1 Ik I'mintry, mitl n rrM hilt the ' lli'l;il i-l" i- -ji:.' a v -r juihiifihrs t'fi.- lull ilt'lutt; W illi the rii't'is!in:r ih l.nth II ms, j iiniiiiitikitiil. J In Ircil, n iicWi'.ipiT fini ivc liiciH, und huvt; r lur uilviTliii'iin'iilH iiinl llii' niiNi-. Ji.. minis lii ill'-r fffenlliil t-i ; ( .r rxiflfiifi. Win It, ill-Tfi-iif, Hit ti.-hiirrii'h iiUtiiniis- ! lM h t- I he tMfitT iippt tile m !!ie i-ul'lic t'r C 'ii-j i in nt'iv, ttiul iiH't't-s ihe iit'i't wilirH i. (lie imhtlral prt !, liy iunnh a r:;nli w.ittiii e. itt'iiii Miit-'tl t th' luf i f t v. jKtir ji. j t iiici mi .iin;ii j.-ii 1 w lea jMirj in i imtrrin in gn-Jtly (litiiiniblH'il. Tne c ii u 'it I tin; i ilinal r';i i'l! h iit hern. t ttune exnlii, eut i II I the erutlr and (hverKilit-il nee miK w liK'li. Ii 1115 ill ner the i h-etrie wikh, ti.ttmiiiM I't.ri Mty. tuttl 11 is iiiin .-t in 11111 U1.1t truth j iii tin Ins Ik 'ts t-i !"'!! . Si ill tin-it mrn'intit iiliiiv iik-ii ol' h'iwire IiikI lli'diirlit wIm Iim In nr vh:it ik m iu illy s:iit nnd (l';in in C iiyn m.-. tniii t.i jtlJiie I H liieii-M lie, riithi-r flinn ! ifi'tuf iiu(irvnM.-ii ul.tuLilit-r if "in uliiii. ic h uteri . Tiu'io ttrr uitieii, to , li t' r lite mine ol tin; iiKim. w.ihii'jly rilt'. jiizi 11 wmk which irrsrvt!! a lull r-e ml ' I tlf il inus 1 l' int.-1: ri-itt iiinviu;4 uiil emir. fi ll hit jHiW'tTf ol the iifjiiiMii. Il" there ever wu u tune when the ;ietion ol" f'.in'jri-nR t-ll uiil Ih.' tookril t' tli-T. 1 1 ; i 1 i simiied. hv die j in. L ite 01 Uli 1'itftii'n. il rertjiniy ii;.iiielti W llii Ine next l'"tf 'r"fii. The (i.ivirnnniit tuinsa itt iv ih-jiiriine wuhthe 11c:;' mKi n. mi l h -w it ic - woik ut H.r iirniini-iitk nitilr t (uirity tin: li"u!i:.'H will) Uiiirh it Irm Ith ril reni'iiiiH to l. fceeii. Tlie KiierchM 'ii t i ll:t; I'reMdi'iiey w ill t'ni in 11 inr e 'iiKidrmlii n in i i ry in-iveitietit ut lite ii-xt Mfsui n. tiinl there will xe'ir'i-!y Ik u iikhk.u'c lnlrotlnei'-l. or a t,filt iiinl.-, th;tl will 11 t liave Stune tsetrui? oil th:it nl!-;itioitinnf ijiitbli -n. It 11.1t 1 eon- Vfiitl . until lit Tt ssprrttve i:ntitK lire iMllnl t jji Iiit-r ti tioiinnnir l he e:nidiit.tti' "I e:flt. Hie Cfiires wliieh ' prfi'inlfn lliu C 'tiveull -lirt alW-iV neize the m-e;ionf by j w itieiji.'i'i in, I 1 iliRetmn, in eiineeli:ni Willi nililie;i- 1 Aiire;, lite iiit-rttn l' the men lookcil to to 'ivu them t-ileet in the i:ihuinir!r:iti it. IT the je 'i e, Ihm, wv.iilil I:mu' llieir nhaie in the eh iiec ot" tueii tux; Iuiu'II' Imik1, iht-y oiiu'ht to !liiily well Ihe i- tMiu JilMrti miiletl o;il hy Ilii'utMelvi'K, their l'rii-inlr1 und thcii riieiiin-n in (' ijitf.-eiwt. TJi c.ii'ul will U-the r mruiii i'r--tii whn-ii lh. Mf"i'i ol tin' I ntlttl Stales w ill In-ailtln wetroii ihe irnhjui't 01 the ( hu t Al.iyn-Hitrv. ami tht imp rt:iiii topit' C innrelrit with it, ami tin h'ii.alion ol the e unity l Leu I w ill Uv ine the iheine ol ill, tit.-i. n lit every State l.rpK- I rurr. ut' every eotmlry t"U a and nii-fiinj; ! thr -uuhoul th I n. -a. Jl iniMriatil. thin, don n Ibi-ei-ini', tliat lull ttn l iiu;t4irli.i re;intH Nii-u!l he oIii;iiim-iI o tin ol' u UhIv, w l-.ieli h i I t e tni liuputK' t 1 tin lt' uhiie 111 a ih'W eaici-r, und w lm-ii, 111 a ery n-at ; iliyree, ni!luu'i Ihe iilihe iniud In I in elion'e tn llie I t'hii l' Maumtnili who 10 eany out tl.c will ol the .e-ipic its n.stittili -n-'liy I'sjne.-siil. i '1 In nudf.'Mu.i'-d lias ma le re;tiratt mik r iiiiinniiiriite I with Ihe iuereneil imp ilaui'f ol t!i- du.y In h is th.d na ; ki n 111 the only rpnt'-r ai.d j ul-hMirr 1 i the c.nii i.-u-. ih-Uili s iiiid proeee tini: i: htli II - n ot l'i.nt;ris. 'J 1:1 . e -na ii sesMi'ti w ill 1 r 'tiitijly he c.! i'ii" !r-1 nine nii'inl:. . t.ild I In- rroilrt Will II l l e ill) ll.-t.l III U-tH It:. in U J-U ll u i,i;;il preset . 1 li:f n-r ;L:,d no.i' ar u l I ISL llCl'. SOMtlll lll..ll ' I- J..I i;it:c l'. i;iut w. an.t wi ctiiu'Hiy l-;t r.'J.u utiail I p:iy Ii 'iust iii l". mr vulu.iuii. c.nli. I Will I'llt'lis'l ill tllt API'FMtiX I'nr (hi- lies! srlMitlt. till I Lnv4 th il in iv taskil (luring I lie- M.-ftKi.n. vv lucli liu t '. Iki a 0 ne a:i!i .iil'Ii I luif will lncri-.tM- in ic. nali .ler. e ll;f t-x.. iihe . 'I llie pnl.lieul.oll. lie h!ii'M'rli tl Ml pilee Will lit- llic saint- llil.l It lull. Iifcll hT tcveiiil )ens .:iHt T!ir IIaii y (o.iii.u v ill tie -ul.!ilii..l iluriiv Hie m-khi -ii I'll a il -lilr.e l.i:il siieet. il will e .nliiln llle l-:ien lo. tile it.-Wii l.v ll.e rei. -rl t r(.. uii-l lis iillercil i 111.- s,e-t..-in. V.lell.-.rr lliey lil;i'.e ail) all ei'ali. ii.m ; lli l-lir.iMl 'l lie it iv iiiki tile liiieeiliiiM-iinii uialler. 'I :e lli.ini '.leeel I r Ml''il-liln-; llie daily .:i; er If. In cua lile Mcinten lo .. c Uc h iein In il, mill ullt-r lii m !l' lliey UiiuU pr ij er twt.i.-i ilii ) aie j:illili.!u il ia tin l,tini; til -U lin.1 Allen-iit 'I'iie t"oii;ri :-i ll 'I'.- m nia.le u; ol' lite it iily pr eieiliiis oi iru? two li i i I'lamreM.. un-t ruuni i-n fl il-ini.le r 'Val ,i:ij.ri. vv till r:oall tyi.e. Ilii'r i.:r tut. I ll 'ie ! pirnl ) ia i; inri-i I r aeli mum-cr e niai-iiii' Mn-cn royi'l .il lll-. I-Ji'les. llie s;.t-.-eln-' ol Hit .Vli-iuin in. In (Ins l' -rat tire h nuliiiies c lit.- lu,l r.-i .tl o llie i reaieeil nj.eeeti.-s licin-: r-" r-. e.l I r llie A.-i.einlix. All res -lillion.', at ll nl "Hu r iii llie 1'-.iriii . I" llo. J -iirn.iis vtiili t!(: .-iliuai, tm- iiv.-it y.n unit no v h on ! eerv iiiic irlanl ..isl l-il. I 'I'll.- Aci'.-ii-ii.v i nnol" l lie l're.i,lrnr Animai j.M.'fSie, i!i ICepi.ils o I' ll.e -il ni.-i.jil llh--i-n ol' lltr I li lycrtillienl linn U'-eaiiiiuy it, tllld Jill Sjiri etii s . ( .ieni- i lieim.l C'-in-tres... vvriili ii '.ill -t te !:i. .l hy llieinsi U t s j II is ptiiit-il lu t'ie ttlle l' inn lit. llie f. .n- re.t i-m., l.loLe, i tluit lisiiall . n-ake i.ti -lit lc name iiniiiii. f , l iii-es (iurii.L tl Hei-M -II. During tin- flint iimhmIi or six vv-rkh ot ti H-ssi-.n, itu-re in rarely in irj liustin . l -i,e tlian will iiial.i. two mini- ts-rs u vvia-k one ol' llie rom-ir. lonal tiiolie nmt on,. !' llie AlHS'lI'lix, lull llui ln-I Hie reil. ui.iler i -l' n srssii .11 tliere in iim.j!!v a'alieii ia 111 .tier tor tv 1 n tini unit il t'raeii mi'l evrry week. 'I'iie tiexl K-ssi will iv uiiii.ii. ally inlereil;ilii; ; tt.eretore, I ea:eulale llial llie ('oh-jh-k. Hioiinl lil ilie ami Aptieliillx I- iretln-r will inakti at k-akt :i:i.HiO laiire tpiai-i 1 t-aue.-l. priltli ll III Mllail typ.- l.-elfr Ull'l II HI,.:!! ii 1. ' 'tllplel,. l,lcjl.'-l t L-llb Will ti f(. nislird al ti.e euil ol a e..Mion. I will in.le.iv 1 10 print 11 sn'Ti-teitl meatier of surplus c 'pieii to siipi'ly ml lli it inuy ie iin-s-.iii 1, il, or losl in tin. li-ailk ; lint suiss-i ll-eis sli -lil.l lieyei y uirllenlar t 1 tiie tlieir j H-ers entel'ully. i't I'rar that I li.ukl ut Is ul.le lo sapply nil Die I M nii'Mts-rs. It saliseritM-rs sltall ii'-t Is- sal sli.1 Willi lln work, llie ni-iitev t-Mtil l tle-m lor tl will 1st ri-llitlileil lo Ili.-in wlienexcr they return th.. r.iiiiil(-tM wlneii may hale lM-ea r.-ecivinl Uy tht-in. I will eiv anlim-nliei m Hip snlisi-rip-II. ill price lor tiny of llie previous Vi'lninr-a of lite t'oii. 1,'ri-ssi iital fjlnlie or I no Ap;.emtu, eveept I" .r llic last .-SS1..H, uiul wilt thank titty pers m win w ill let me line,. 1 have tt f.-vv copies of the l,ack vohine. ..f I, c irrcssi-'iial lil ilrn ami Appeiuii-i f-r sale nt P. a volume iiuiiii. waieiiii is proiiaiuc M ill lie mxp ii it ol soon; mil w lien inev lire, iney win inen, no n null, c.iiiuisinleo 111 t.nisl Slll 11 v-'liline. US ttiry cniiiiot ls repriuleil lol less iu.111 tluit sum. Tliere are J Puck v-iluilles. TEIt.MM. For one copy of the Daily Globe during the session, $5 00 For one Copy of the Congressional Globe during the session, 3 00 For one copy of the Appendix during the arssiou, 3 00 The money may lie remitted by mail at my risk. Bank notes current where a subsreiber re sides will he received at par. Subscriptions should reach here hy the 15th December, at furthest to insure the nunilwr. ' Th priees for these papers are so lew that I cannot atTord to credit the in out ; therefore no person need order them unless the money accom panies the order. JOHN C. BIVES. Washington City, Nov. 1851. I N K Boureau' celebrated ink, and also Con f res ink for sale, wholesale and retail by December Sfi, lite. H B MASSER. REGISTER S NOTICE. TV OTIC E is hereby given to all Legatees, ' Creditors and other persons interested in the F.state of the following named persons, that the Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of said Estatsa have filed their accounts with the Hrgistur of Northumberland county, nnd that the same will be presented tn the Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday the tith day of January lint for confirmation and allowance. laSI. A. C. Barrel, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Casper J. Kecd. Dniiicl llolunan, dec'J., settled by his Adm'r Henry Masser. Jiii oh Uicsslcr, dee'd., settled by bis Adm'r Jiwenh Dressier. Diivid tiihson, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r I Jnsepli lul.soii Frederick 'Prion, dee'd., settled by bis Ex'r ; Michael Triou. Henry Krlter, dee'd., settled by bis Adm'rs David ec l'.lius putter. David Kcflcr, die'd., settled by bis Adm'r j Daniel Keller. ; Siisuiiiia Deck, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r I Soloinoii Kulck. j John !Srcrs, dee'd., settled by bis Adm'r A bra- bam Sbinnau. M'ashinglon 'I'ri'go, minor child of Jeremiah Jreao, dec .1., settled by Sara li hackhouse, j Adm'iix of Dr. 6. S. Ruckbeuse, dee'd., , who wus Ciiardinu ol said minor. JOHN P. Pl.'RsEL, Kejiater. Register's Ollire, ) Sunburv, Dee. 0, 1851. St. J AUDITOR'S NOTICE. 'i'V'OTICE is hereby given that the subsrrilur ' has been appoinled an Auditor to audit the a. counts of Fruiiris l.ereh and Charles l.erch, Adiiiiiiiflrutors of Jacob l.ereh. dee'd., late of Heimukin township, Noitliundierland rountv, mid to apportion the assets iniioiigr ,p creditors of said deceased. He will tberefire attend at his ofiice for that purpose, on Wednesday the lrtli iust., when ull interested can ultend il tliev think proper. M. L. MIINDEL. fcoiiburv, Dec. fi, 1 "51 St. .MOIiK (JIMIl) NKWS!! MORE NEW GOODS ! ! JOHN YOUNG, tit t reeeived iiinl uiiened a fresh and gc tisMirtinent ot Fall and Wiiiter Goods, of the newest and best styles, consisting in part of Eav t.oons. i:j 1 3:s, aUEENSWAEE. Ilunhvnrr. Iron 11 ml Stn-I, uils, kt., A1.HO : SILK AND SI.0I CII HATS. .MII.lTAriY AND CLOTH CAPS. Cum Shoes, Tish, Salt, &o. All of which he will sell at the mint reasonable priees for ensh or country produce. tiivt- him u call and try Ins prices. Sunlniry, iuv lit", 1S.11. AHT UIJION OF nilLAjjELrHIA, Ineoi'iorntecl by the l.c-iisliilure of Pennsylvania, fur tlie promotion of the Arts of Design in the Tinted M.ites. TVLUV member, fir the year IS SI, will re ceivi: for cai ii subseriptimi of Five Dollsrs a print of llunliuctoii's '( 'liri-li.HM mid her Chil dren," em-ravcil hy J. Andrews, iiontnu. und tl.c conipniiinn, a rint of lltnilintnn's -Mercy's Drenin," eiirrnvrd by A. II. Iviteliie, New York, or the choice of nny two of the following four Splendid Kngrsv inns, v i. : 1. John Knox's intrrviovv with Mary Queen of Scots, painted by l.eutze, engraved by Sartaiu. S. Kuth mid lloax. painted by Rothermel, en- craved hv Sai'taiu. 3. Mercy's Dream, painted by Huntington, i eiitrravptl hv Kili liie, 1. Chrisiiaiia und her Children, painted by Huntington, ptmrtived by Andrews. And n copy of the Philadelphia Art I'nion lie porter, a monthly pamphlet containing n report of the transactions of the institution and inlor Illation on the subject of the Pine Aits, through out the whole world. The Art I'nioii of Philadelphia awards prizes in ils own Certificates, with which original Anieiieai: work of Art may be purchased in liny part of the I'liiled Stales, at the option and selection of the person who may o'otian a prize nt the Annual Distribution, which takes place 011 the evening of the last week-day in every year. Tlir Ksicittivr Cvmmittn of llie Art Virion, when so requested, select works of Art, without charge or compensation, from their 'ne Gallery, 210 Clsrsuut street, for those persons ill the country who may live remote from galleries or public pxhiliiliotis of the Pine Arts. C?" Terms ot in'-niU-rship ."f-.l.tiO. Sub scriptions received by P. li. .V. A-NSlC Iv, lion orary Secretary of Noilliuinlierland county, with whom copies of the enravinr;s mu,v be sent. Snnbury, N'ovrmlier 20. 1S.1I. CI. Notice To the Heirs of GEORGE WOLF, Dee'd. "VOTICM is herel.v giv-on to Esther Wolf, X' lo ( 'nthariiie V oil. ninrrieil to Jacob Market, lierirv Wuil'. Jacoli Wolf. Esther Wolf, married to Daniel Weaver, nnd li'eorjjc Wolf. That by a virtue of a cer tain will of I'liititiutii I'in-ii ihi i issued out of the Orphan's Cou.l of Northumberland county, I me directed, tin luquisiti in will be held on the real estate of mi l dee'd.. in t pper Mahonoy township, at 12 o'clock, M., on Friday Ihe 2nd dav of January 1S.12. nt which time nnd place yon are hereby warned lo be and appear if you think proper. II.I.IAM Ii. KIPP, Shcrill. j Mirritr OH'n-e. Suiihury, ) Nov. IfSIti. i IMiOCLAMATION. jV OTK'E is hereby uiven ' C-iurU of Common Pleas hat th fovrral (.etieial (Quarter ; Sessions of the H-uce, ami Orplian' Court. Court i of Oyer and 'J'eiuiini r and Jail Delivery, j in and for the county of Northumberland, to 1 commence al the Court ll-'use, in the borough ot ; Suuhury, nt 1U o'clock, A. M. on Muiiday, lite ' .1th 1 1. iv ol January next, und will coulinus j TWO 'WEEKS. j The coroner, Justires of the Peace and consta bles in and for llic county of N orthumbeilaiid, are rcipieted to be Iheu and there in their projier per i sous, with their rolls, records, iuiptisitious. and other remembrances, to do those things to their I several ollices nppc rtaiuint; til be done. And nil witnesses prosecuting in Is half of the Couiiiion weallh UKaiust any prisoner are uUo retuesletl nnd I commanded to In- then und there ulti-iiililtc; in their iirotsr la-rsons to iirosecutc ntiaiust him, as shall , v j,Sand not to depart without leave at their I l"'rl1- Jurors ure requested to lie punctual in thetr - ulleuditiice, ut the lime appointed ngrccablu to tltetr notices, I Given under my hand at Sunbury, the -Otli day I of N ovember, ill the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred und till) -one and the In-deM-ndeiico of the Lnilcd stales of America the ?lilh. WILLIAM 1). KIPP, bkerifT. Got) savo tht) Coimnuiitt eultli. 1j4EE HILLS. Justices and Constables Fee . Iii! la hamUoniely print on card paper, for sal at this ollire. 1) AZORS. A superior article for aale at Ih I store of HENKY MASSER. Suamirr, feb. 1. U0. 'OLD PENS with and without silver case just received, and for sal bv H DMANKR f anbury, Anrlt 4 till ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adh. aive and I egal envelopea, for sal by H. B. MAMER. Panburv, A mil ,, USl. Notice To the Heir of FRED'K RAKER, Deo'd. NOTICE is hereby given to Elisabeth Knker, widow of Frederick Raker, dee'd. te Hen ry Beuchel, Elisa Ileachel and Iavina Jane ltea rlicl, lata I.avina Raker, dee'd., by their guardian Henry 1). lloflinant to Conrad Kaker, of Ohio, to Jcreniinh liaker, Harriet Raker, Catliarin Ra ker and John Rnker, by their guardian Henry ). HoHiiinn. Tluit in the Urphune' Court of said County, at Noemler term, 1851, on the petition of the said Henry 1). HolTinan, the Court grant a rule iiin the heirs and legal representatives of the said Frederick liaker, dee'd., to appear at an Orphsna' Court to be held at Sunbury, In the County of Northumberland, on the first Monday of January next, and iirrept or refuse the real es tate ol tlio smcl ilrc tl., at (lie vnluntion nxeu upon the sumo by an imiuisitioii dulv awarded and held upon the suid real estate, which in rasa ll I lie heirs and legal representative refuse U ncirit or lake the suine, then tit shew rase why the suid promises should not be sold according to the set of assembly in such rases uiiida and pro- videil. ('ertified from the records of said Court at Sunlniry, on the 7lh day of Moveinbcr 133L Uy order of the Court. ) JOHN P. PL'KSEL, Clerk.) A f wIlkl JOU nrfl ,,rrcI,v T,nll.,,J ia ltit 111,ice WM. li. KIPP, fcheriir. Nov. lS.'il. Ct. Notice To tlie Keirs of WM. SEITZ, Dee'd. iMM ill; m lirrrhv given OTIC 13 Iirrrhv lyiven to Anna Maria cil, Kliua .Si'it, S;imiirl Si-it, Jnn b Sfil.. JJai.iel .Nrltx, and (.'iithiirine Seill ; :o Si 111I1 tSeil., innrried t.i tjcortre Daniel now in ; Ohio; to Ixiac Drumheller, rVieholns Druinhel ler, Duviil Driuuheller, Jesse Drumheller, Kliza bcth Druiubeller nnd S:iruli Drurnheller ; to l'e ter Wnaner, tSniiiuel Wairner, Johu V ajiner, 1 David Warner, Catlinriue Wui?iier, innrried to Daniel ( in iltmiii, Hosnnna, wi.lovv of Miehnel ! Meidiir, .Murirnret, innrried to J ieob Svvinehart, j now in Stark county. Ohio. That in the t)r i plum's Court of miid County, at November term, 1, mi the petition of the said Anna Maria Seiiz. the Court grant a rule upon the heirs and j leant representative of the said William 'eiiz, , dee'd., to appear lit nil ()rihan'ii Court to be held nt funhury, in the County "t Northuinberland, on the first Monday of January nevt, and aeeept ! or refiihe the real estate of the said dee'd., at tlie vnluntion lived iiinn the snme hy an iuiuiiliiui duly awarded mid held upon tlie suid real estate, which in case ull the heirs nnd legal representa tives refuse to accept or take the same, there to ; shew t-auc why the said premises should not be i sold nceordiiii; to the net of iisscmHy in such ca- sen made and provided. Certified from the records of said Court at Sunlniry, on the 7th day of Novendwr ISil. Ilv order of the Court, ) joii.v p. Pi it!si'L, cik. j All of which vou are hereby requested to take notice. ' WM. 11. KIPP, Sherill". ! Auv. 22, 18.11 fit. THIS GERMAN WASHING l'OWDKUS DS rouidered by thousands who have tested it, as bciin the urcutest Scientific ll'undcr of the H'otLlt Ke.tirely doing nvvny with that laborious and in jurious practice of rubbing the CLOTH K.S ii-i-N tiik WAS11B0AUD, And a great saving of TIME, LA HO It AND EXPENSE. N. II. To prevent fraud and imposition, (for miinv arc trying to palm off article put up like mine.) the Proprietor, I. P. HOV'P, will put his WK1TTKN SinXATl'KK on the top la bel of every Packauc. And he only uks an oilivlilcuej jttiUic not to confound nil-: ;i:ioian WAsniMi powdi rt with others tliat arc in the marl. ft. Il is put up in Packages with full directions, and sohl nt llie nominal price of l-J cents. PHINTEUS will tiinl it greatW to advan tage to purchase those Powders to cleanse their TYPES AND KOI.l.EKs, being a very superior article for that purpose. Miinufnctnrcd only by I. P. 1IOVT, at his l.aborntorv and Principal Depot, No. 10 South I Pitih Street, Philadelphia. holesale and Ivetad Agents; llrnry Mnsser, Sunbury; S. 1). Deiinriiiaiulic, Norlhumbcrland. Kemeniber the Inline UEUMAN WASHING FI.lTD. All letters lo be post paid. November 22, ls.11 Otno. MORE NEW GOODS! FRXLING &. GHANT, rj EsPECTPl'LLY inform tlie public and - "the rest of maiikind. that they hve re eeived a lare nssortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, of every vaiiety of style, consisting in part of a line assortment ol Clulhs, Ctissimeres, Mfrinos, Mouss'line de Luinis, CuluMt, Muslins, Lkccks, and cverv variety of Drv (ioods. Also a Ui;;e assoitmeut of .ItO(XIlIKS, sft'll AS Suur, Teas, Cdfl'ee, Molasses, Spices ot till kinds. Also an ttssortiuent of HARDWARE and Q UEENSW ARE, liili, Salt and Plaster. Also a fresh supply of DltftiS AND M-lltCIr-i. CV Couutiy produce of all kinds taken in et ehiiue al the highest market price. Suidiury, Nov. 8, 18.11. ORPHANS' COURT SALK. T N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Cour of .Northumberland county, will he exposed lo public sale on Saturday, the lttih day of De- r Ui nexl. lit the Public House of Charles Weaver, in the IJorough of Sunburv, the follow ing real estate lo wit : a c rtain Tract ol' Kami, in I'ppcr Augusta township iu said county, con taining 1US ifl't'is more or less. Adjoining on the south, land of Johu '. Haas, on the east laud of Geo. ('. Welker, on the noiY.i laud of Henry Masser nnd Ihe Shaniokin Creek Road, and on Ihe west laud of McCarty, Davis ct Wr tier. The said lot acres being part of what was culled Ihe Mill tract. On which are erected Bank lljrn, two story Dwelling House, Ac. I, ale Ihe estate of Gideon Markel, dee'd. Sale to commence ut ID o'clock, A. M. of said day, when tho terms of sale w ill lie made known liy .vi ah i .ii ,- ivrv vaiu i. Ilv order ol tlie I ourt, j J. P. PI RSEL, Clk. O. C. V Nov. 15, 1851. 51. ) i-TTOPaTST AT L.'W. Office in Market street Sunhury, opposite llVaticr' Hotel I'SIN'ESS will I promptly attended to in the Countie of ISorthumberlanil, Linon Columbia and Montour. REFER TO : A. JoBOiS, Eso. C. J. Baisia, Snuhuty. C. M.Hit,Pe'i i. D. Blsib, Mt Vernon House. 2d street. S. ionasrrnif,43 Mar ket U, Philadelphia. Sunbury, Oct 11, 1851 ly. CM1TIP8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN GER, a fresh supply just received, and for tale by at. M AStttK. Annl H, 11). ' ART UNION OF PHILADELPIAH, lueorporated hf the Ltaislaturs of Psiinsvlrania, For the Promotion of the ARTS OF DESIGN IN TUB I.MTED STATES. OFFICCnti 1851-52. Henry C. Carey, President; William J). Kelley, Vic President; Edward P. Mitchell, Treasurer; E. H.Butler, lieconlinc; trretry ; George W. Dwey, Cor- respnudiiif Secretary. MAN AliKKS Johu Ssrtam, Cliarle 1 op- pan, Jsmes rl. Wallace, Criarle Mclalesicr, lleurv ri. l stlerson, Cliarles l.elsnit, W llltam D. Lewis, Edwin K. Cope, William Goodrich, John S. Hurt. Tlifwlors Ctiylsr, James L. Cist,- horn, Joseph D. Stewart. E.KCIIIE It 'MM IT J r Be Jainc IS. Wallace, E. It. Butler, Chnrlet O. I.eland, Ed ward P. Mitchell, Edwin IS. Cope. Lvcrv member, lor the vcar IHol, will receiv for each stiliseriptiim of Kim Dollsus, a print of Hl'NTING l UN'S CHRISTIANA AND IIEU CHILDHEN," Engraved by Joseph Andrews, Boston. And the Companion, print of HUNTING TON'S "MEIICY'S DUE AM" Engraved by A. 11. RiUhie, New Voik. Or the choice of any tw of the following Four Splendid Engravings, viz: I. John Knot's Interview with Mary Uueen of Scots, Painted by Leute, tnraved by Sar tain. 2. Kutli and ISoax, Painted by liothcrmel, en graved .y Snrtain. J. Mercy s Dream, rniiitcd br Huntington, eosrnved hv liiteliie. i. Christiana and Children, Painted hv Huntington, engraved bv Andrews. And a copy of the. Philtuiilphia .lit t'liion lUporlir, A monthly pamphlet containing a report of the transactions of the Institution, snd information on Ihe subject of the Pi sin Abts TiiitoMiiini t Tlir. whole woitl.i). The Art I'nion of Philsdclphla nwarda prizes in its own Lertilicntps, with which original American works of Art may be purchased in any part of the Lnilrd States, at the option and se lection of the person who limy ohuin a prize nt the Annual Distribution, which tukes place on tlie evening ol Die last week-day in every year. the Heeutive Committee ol llic Art I uion. when so requested, select works of Art, without charge or compensation, from their PKEE GAL- I.EKY. 210 CHESTNUT STIflSET, for those persons in the country who may live remote from galleries or public eihihitiou of the Fine Arts. Stihseriptions of iiiembership, if 5, should be made as enrlv as prut ticab'r, to facilitate the op- eialiotis of the manii'iers, mid ensure members of tho "Hrpurtrr," which will lie forwnrded upon the receipt of the money, to any part of the coun try. The Honnrnrv Secretarie will eivo reeiiits for subscriptions, or remittances may lie made to GI.OKfii: W. DEWEY, Cor. Secy. EDWAKD P. IJE.NN ISDN, Aetunrv. .No. 210 Chesimit Street, Philudelphia. .November 22, 1H.11. tit. TffJIl.I.IAM HOOVER respectfully informs V lus friends and customers that he has just returned front Philadelphia, with an eicellcnt assortment of NEW SPRING GOODS, which he oilers for sale at his new store at Mas srr's Mill, Hollowintr Kun. These goods will he sold at the lowest prices. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF LVi:t!V VARIETY, Til. J)rv (loods, ftc, Such as Cloths, Casrimrrrs, Muslins, Callicots, uinunams. i.nirns, t nnt;rs e m Lwlits Dress (luils gen uitu. ALSO: A li assortment of Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c., QUEEN SWARE, HAP. DW A K E, IKON and STE EL. X AILS. eVs A ueneriil assortment of Groceries, such as Suiir, ColFi-e, Tea, .Molas ses, Spices, &.c. Also an assortment of Lbpiors, such as Dramlij, Hum, Whiskey, Wines, frc. iy Produce of all kinds taken in eichanje at thehiuhesl ninrket prices. Hollowing Hun, May 10, 1S.11 ly. NEW GOODS ! J. U. KAl FI'MAX At His Jinv Sturc in Hollowing Run, RESPECI'FI'I.LV informs his friends and eti! louicrs, that he has just irceived a new stock of .iils, vvh!i h he oll'e.s. to th public at the lowest prices, viz: Tall uud rT I nl or lirj Goo tin, SI 1 11 AS Cloths, Citssimeyes, Snlttnrtls. Meviuos. Mm'sscline De Laines, Flunnel and every variety of goods suitable for th season. Also Silk Hats, Caps, ic. ALSO : Ay assortment of Hardware. A Ls ) : All Kinds, of (Jpoccpics, LMQI OK. ALSO: A variety of tjueeiikware, Crorkery, cVc. Uesides a variety of other articles, suitable for farmers, eVe. Ml kinds of produce taken in exchange for (oils at the highest market price. Hulluwiug Kun, Oct. 2.1, 1K.11. if. Vl.SO, FANCY FI RS, tu, 1, as Muff. Hons, Tippets, Victorias, cc, Ar. The suhscri liers olli-r the above fur sale, wholesale or retail, in the grentesl variety, and on ihe cheapest terms, nt their Establishment, No. ti:i North Third Street, opposite Cherry, Philadelphia. j..m:.s i.I'.iskv & co. November , lSI. Imo. ORPJfASS' COURT HALE. N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Noithiimberland count v, will bo exposed to public sale on Thursdsy, tlie lSlh day of De- euilier nent, on lite premises the following real estate, viz : a certain Tntrt of Kami, situate in Point township, County aforcsiid, be ginning nt a comer on land ol Isaac lucent, Ihenee by said laud, south 4il. cast 43'J perches to tho River, thence north Til, east 45 perches along the River, thence by land of Jonathan Pur- rel, uorlli 40 J. west 42'J perches to a corner on laud of James Lemons heirs, Ihenee soulh 89), east 50 ierchcs tj the place of beg inniiiu;, con taining 100 ACRES. Lale Ihe estate of Leonard Pl'oulx, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day when th tonus of aale wlil tie made known 1JENJ. I'FOLTZ, Dy Order of Ihe Court, J. P. PCRSEIiWCIk, O. C. Nov. IS, 1851. 5L Lime!! Lime!!! THE subscriber hereby informs his customer and Ui public generally, that having rented and put in operatioa the Lima Kilns of Mr. Ira T. Clement, in addition to the other Kilns in us, ha will now be able to supply demand for lime at the shortest notice. Hi lim will b of Ih best quality. JOHN B. HIPMAN. I Punhury, Nor. 1,1, MM. tf. CHERRY PECTORAL: 'r tbsi Cur r oonoHs, OOX.SS, HOARSENESS, BROV. OHXTXS, GROUP, ASTjtf. MA, WHOOPIKO.OOtJOK AND OONSVIrXFTIOir. A m on f( the numerous discoveries Science lias mado lu this generation to facilitate the business of lifo increase its enjoyment, and even pro long the term of human existence, none can Ik named of more real value to mankind, than this contribution of Chemistry to the Healing Art A vast trial of its virtues throughout this broad country, lias proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine or combination of medicines yet known, can so surely control and cure the numerous a rietics of pulmonary disease w hich have liitherl swept from our midst thousands and thousands every year. Indeed, there is now abundant rea son to lielicve a Remedy has at length been found which can bo relied on to cure the most dangerous affections of the lungs. Our space here will not permit us lo publish any proportion of the cures affected by its use, but we would present the following opinions of eminent men, and refer further enquiry to the circular which the Agent below named, will always be pleased tu furnish free, wherein arc full particulars, and indisputable proof of these facts. From the President of Amherst CiiU"e, tht celebrated PROFESSOR HITCHCOCK. "James C. Ayer Sir : I have used your Chkhiit Pixtoiial, ill my own case of deep seated bronchitis, nnd am satisfied from its che mical constitution, that it is nn ndmirnhlc com- ! I pound for the relief of larynv'ial and bronchial dillieultics. If my opinion as to its superior I churai ti r can be of any service, you are at liocrly to use il ns vou think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK, L. L. D., Prom the widelv celel rated PROFESSOR SILLlMAS, M D. L. L I).. Professor of Chemistry. Mineralogy, Ije , i'ale College. Member af the Lit. Hist. Med. Phil, and Scientific Socictits of Amr,rica and Europe. "I deem the CiiiiitiT Pfctoihl nn admirable composition from some of the best articles in the .Materia Mctliea, and a very effective remedy for the clnss of diseases it is intended lo cure." New Haven, Ct., Nov. 1, 181!). M AJOR PATTISOX, President of the S. C. Scnntc. stales he has used the Commit PttTo- ii with wonderful success, to cure an inllatn million of the lungs. From one of the first Physicians in Muini. SUco, Me., April 2fi. 1849. Dr. J. C. A v er, Lowell. - Dear Sir . I am now constantly using your Ciikrut Pkctohi. in my practice, and prefer it to any other medicine for pulmonary complaints. From observation of iiiiiny severe cases, I am convinced it will cure coughs, eolds, uud disease of the lungs, that hnve put to defiance all other remedies. 1 invriably recommend its use in eases of con sumption, and consider it much the best remedy known for that disease. Respectfully vours, I. S. CCSIIMAX, M. D. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lotrell, Mass. Sold in Siitibury by H. M ASsKli, and by Drugcists generally throuahmit the State. November 1, 1851. lyceHmo. Phoertis Fire & Thief Proof Irou Chests. ! "lirARRANTED to stand e.pial heat with i " any other Chests in the country, and to j defy the Uurglas' ingenuity. Manufactory, No. j II) Hudson's Alley, running between Third and ; Fourth streets, south of Chesnut, nnd in the renr ef the Girard Rank. M. iV. S., the proprietors, are Practical Mc ! chanics, and feel coiilident, from long experience in the manufacture of Iron Chests and Safes, and j a special attention to this particular branch, of i giving satisfaction to ull who may give them a ! call. 1 N. B. We have selected one of the best mit!- ends ever used as a uon-coiiductnr of heat in I liia business, and we warrant our Chests and S'li'es to he made of Ihe best material and in the n.ost durable manner, and to stand any heat that can be npplic-1 to them. MILNOR eV SHAW, Manufactory No. Ill Hudson's Alley. Running between lird and 4th streets, S. Ches nut, in tlie rear of Girard liauk. Philadelphia, Oct. 55, 1S51. ly ritlMH OYSTKliS. rilllE undersigned is in the daily receipt of A fresh and excellent Oysters Iroui Ilia cele brated establishment of Mr. Field, No. yttl West I.nnil ard street, U.iltimore. All orders will be promptly attended to and forwarded without delay. Apply to tho sub setiber al Lee's Hotel, Northumberland, Pa. PHILIP SHAY. N. B. Oysters of common vjuality at $1,09 per can. Oitol-er It, 1P5I. omo. OVSTKKS! OYSTliltS!! 11 A VINO settled at Northumberland, I am now prepared to furnish Fresh and Spiced Oysters during Ihe whole season at the reduced price of one dollar for whole and fifty cents ier hull" can. You can depend upon them lieing fresh, as I hall receive them daily, (Sunday eteeptcd,) and when landed her they are only 10 hours out of the shell. All person who are in want of llie above arti cle, al a distance, can have them sent per down or single can hy addressing GEORGE W. JONES, N. D. Persons calling on ihe aulmcrilier may find him either at Burr's or Haas Hotel. Norlhumlierland, Oct. 4, 1811. WAsiiiYcrW SUNBTJRY, PA. rviH R ii.iwrUfr rciwc. fully mfornu hit friem.i A nil the puMic, that he has taken the welt known Public Houw, conir ol Market and Ki ersiriYU, lately occuiieil by Mra. Wharton, lie truata by Blurt attention to huainesa, he wilt be fiiublctl to g'ne idtiftfurtion to all who my laver him with their cu-tom. JAMES COVERT. Sunbury, Oct. tS, 1111. ef. JATENT liUrjTAMA BTOITERS for oar uotuee tur aie uy H. U. MACCR. PunbDrr, April I?, 1MI GREAT BARGA1MPI Wa tclie and Jeweller, VTIIOM:S ALII nnd ItbTAlt. HAVING constantly on hand an tram so lock of Watches and Jewellery, I as d. l rmined to sell tl less price than the saaa qual ity of Watch r Jewellery are sold ia Philadel phia, via i U td Lever Watches, full jUe It U , only .6 Geld Li-pine, - Silver Levers, full jewllJ, ! II li,0t li. Silver l.epines, 1 Gold Pencils, Gold Pens, bilver holders, 1,00 Also an immense stock of all kiads of Watch es, Gold Chains, Dresstpins, Earrinfe, klilvaf Spoons, Ac, all of which I will tell t lee pri ces than ever have lieen sold in this city, a th prices are certainly much less than ever herat. fore sold in this city or county. California Gold bought for Cash. Particular attention paid tu repairing Watehes and JeweU lery. All I ask is a call to convince Purchaser tluit this is the place to purchase Watchea, Jew ellery and Silver ware. Persons by sending the cash they wish to SI pend can liavu a wutch or walche cent to theia hv mail with perfect safety, having sent then ia that way lor the last 0 years. All communica tions must be post paid. Pleas call or send or ders lo LEWIS EADOMUSl, No. 103 C'hesnut St.. hetwn 3d and 4th SL, East Wing of Franklin HouM, Philadelphia, Oct. 25, luSl.- If. Stoves! Stoves!! Stoves!!! t8 the cold weather is approaching, th sub scriber would respectfully call the atten tion of the public to his stock of stoves, select) from the latest and most approved pattarne, con sisting of Cook, Parlor, Air Tight, Chamber, Offict and Pont Stoves, nil of which will be disposed of at astonishingly lo-.v priees. Persons in want of Stoves and desirous of getting the "trMJ their monty'' are invited to call before purrhasiuf elsewhere. No Stoves kept that cannot be recommended. He also continues to manufacture 'l ln and Sheet Iron Tl'aro in all its varieties. Brass Keltlvs, Dipper, Disk Puns, ltrittauia Ladles, Japanned Ware, cVc N. 15. Persons purchasing Stoves of th sub scriber, ran ut any time procure Cylinders, Grates, Fire llrick mid odd plates, to replace such as mnv be required. D. M. P.RAUTIGAM. Northumberland, Sept. 'il, ISil. 3 mo. ti f;i;TAHisi: CATTLE POWDER Fit EPA RffD UT IHiEIMG, FROXKFIGLD Sc CO. Ao. 157 North Third Street, Pkiladtlpki. flHIS powoVr is entiilnl hr hm imittd tuiimonr ! who have us -it it to llie firii nnk of all i)im CAI ILK MI.IHi.lM;. whiili li'ivt Itetn tliulit am w-trili jr ( t inuiif trun. Intleetl we tlilltog mnj pmwm tu iiiuk ulterior, tn nny )nrilrr thut Acta in ii mmm niunnrr. If the nniinnl te perfectly ticaillliv il will aikr iucreiae ihe am unl vf milk ir reuin and balr ; r la umiiKil will utiprT rupitllT in fat. It will feharaiSw ui tune he C niaittarcd we have n) tltyht one of the ataaai uii clea of avcry I tirmcr. who kapa a iltary; ami ot efevf n era n uwniiift a imv. It ia tu iia uf kind ot Miitchk thut merely a well nn animal ap foe a aharl tim. but it will y tlie en parity whieh it haa of nnvartiiif IlirPt'ltlO AC iii (wltR-li ia fin .-flu matter) into Lie Tic Ai intir oi.kin; i-.ume a enter ntnunt of nulrilioaa nmlter to li eitrarietl i'r m the anme amount of food, thaa pcaaiMy et nt Id I, weie the anive principles of nutntiun to pnaa out f the yatem ' the I-tiu of llippvaic Acia We Imve mrivei) a innltiuide of evidence to prove what we h;ive cnid uli e. n:lk-e to My : We have mixml the active njceni. with a neat n amber of Vki.ktaplk pbntft and In-rba, winch time and uee hava pn tt lo le uictul, iinpro the t polite and protnotinr literati in ot the lo il ; tiuia acurinc a healthy condition of the k il, from viu-h the Mii.k and I-'at nniat 1 formed. 1 1 mriy Wt nvrd f . r llouKa. Lowe iul tlui forth fullow ing eonipluiiils and dihrnai-a. YKI.UiW WVnilt, a di.iijjiToiia airkneaa, whieh ae ire itKiny vjlii:ibr Inn tea every year, ia vary oft eti rniirriy c'urril by the free ute of Una powilar, in ail aaaaa it will prevent (he tlnea fr ai cnnnni on, Thif: .li-'ii? i "Wmi'K 1 1 a bnd and impoTeriaharl elate of the Mood which beo 'inea thin, watery and of all yeiluw c-tor. 'I tits powder bv ini;rn uiR the itnina'-h and ari ving fee the blood a pi enter pi:intiiy ii' ntt prvtirlaa, nlt-mlt the bat and only poactble chnnee of recovery. If the hwree. ti p ne, iive in rnii:( and maht a tablepKnriil in wel tt ii in the h'lriiiiiintt oin'i a day al it-run, if otily to are vent th iltaraa. twice a wrek. Sl.AUHCKlNd l l .s ii the tuinnii n of many alae ble llorat a b riii;iuMitni ; by n coni!ant dieeharge of aali v:i which onirht to w into Die atomaeh to net) it dietion. It ia u ppenes ol vnti-n often produced by Inoum 'tm Icirco prowhnr in ihe pnatnre (round A Tahleapoonfal ttir.-e innea u week will treijurtiily arraat the flow, if it dH'a not depenil on tlie Top ceo iii the iraaa, amlar nak circunitances the tiniinnl u be kepi in tlie aUbla. DIsri'.Mi'CH. li the powder i early and freely 4, no other rnnedy nerd be uetl. it hue already cured aan drela ol llonuss of thia tronblaaome diaease to the aurprt of thoae who uaed it. If ii"t utel enrlv, tefore iimtier kea formed in ihe neck it cmt t realore the animal perfectly Until the nutter ia tl-a- ii.-irj -.1. me it early and prevent audi a reauli. A T;ibieptH'nful unce or iwice a day ia eiiottjh I.I.AMICKS T!i (lineage haa UlTld nil Faiaiaae,. liivt- ihu p 'wder a fn.r trjui and it wilt do wondera m this lernltle and hitherto iiicnnbie malmly. Jt ia a diaaata ol' the gUtiiihinil teiu und kept np by imperfect nutrition, in ancli cnaea n Tut leipoonfiil every day twice for a monta or two, in c tnainnt mn crunoii, will in nine cuaea eul of dozii rtfcft n cure, it ha ben fuirly tented. C iut;h i.nd tliortneaf of limit h depeuduiK on weak lutiu'S, a T.tbletiM'h.nutl every niTiiing; if it aba tea one or t wice a wc-k I'OOU I.OW'-MMIMTI'.n HOICKS, or wherathera ia nny retnnins of loninler or atifTnes of m-Hion, mid tha Horee w ni not bium, or where tlie hair ia rough and aianda air tight out. ilie fonl aemirp to do no goMt, the ow1er pOKlncea ahnoat immediate improvement of the animal; ine ditft'ui.m improvca and with it all the alug t;iflhnetx of the mutual iiiKnppera. tecominj lirely au4 piraeu, ana me nair amootn ami aiies. i;tws. For Mti.Kisa tVwa. we are fully c winced tliat it no! only hiipr iea th tj.niitv, but that it increaaei tha aiaoana of Milk, 1'ieaiu nnd Itutter ; amne Who hnve tried tlie ax permit nl say n t"nn.l a Week, others aay half a pound: wliiie one pers ut miaoi1 upon it that he inane two pound more a week irom -h Cows. U e think it will l loan to av-r tc irom at ' l n poutul per week on each Cow, if tlie I'nw'i are peiwi :iy In-nlihy. J Ins mid it tonal amount i made by the c Mivcrsim of the llippunc Acid iut Nitro i;enou nnd f.tliy niv inula : nla by anpplymt: the oxy. eu takt-n in by Ihe Inn -, with the elements ot reaction wild ui iVciii .uiv t the Nnrceiioua portion of the feed. HOLLOW' II of I or WoLF ; HOOK 1MSKASF., ami all other (liaaSf'K of neat cattle depending ikh a uatj utate it 'the ItniiU. lire rem 'led speethly and eft actually.- Cows, whose milk ia blue, thui and watery und where il doe a ut yi:d mnch cream, or where d'Wi five bloody milk, or which tire to :anl long dry, it will be fount! an aim t mf tllible rcmeily, by improving the condition of Ihe hl'Hid nnd creftiin n healthy diijeitin ; a Tableapooa fut every day r every other day aa it may be ue-eeaary HOGr. Pia in t!ie e'tmmer often overhaul th;nelves. get ewi led iiecN. co.iKhi, lib era in tlie Luns and Liver, whieM cause tliem to die very amldenly, lhee may be prevams4 entitelr by ptittinc 4 potni'l or a hall into a llarral of iveiU j and it will al the same tune c-uiBKlerahly hien the fatlau n process. . H tn an animal which ia giving ml!k ai4 yo are desirous to I'm ten at the a-uue time, you ehould twt give more than a t ihlespoonful om-e a wean or it will reiaidkhe 1 forumtiou rif fat by incretiiinf! the amount of Milk. Let rac'si t ii try us euVna for himself and ha wit soon he aai a'tetl oi i;t excellent (jualitica, and that uo Far met shouttl ie wi;h"tit it. I'or ihe pnrp 'r oi tiittbne out still further how far oar justlv c !il.raoM t M 1LI. I'om i)t.i, i entitled to the eonlldeiH-e of an inleMient people; we have eddreese4 ltiera to nil parn i-f the L inteit Maiea. where oar pow di-r lis bet a uad. and we are nble nw fnnn th evreenee tlaia brought l-ehue us, t naaure every Farmer, Diary man nml lbre-m m. tlmt it has thus far veir tnaa ex- eeoleil our in wimriniie expect itciia. With the tn'diti aial knowlcdr thus far obtained, wi TIopb w will le enable I to tise the I test and m t par fcrt Caitls MtnuiNK ever yet oflWed to a diacernirAf pe,'pff- It a'is na a va'amble protn ter of digeatiou. ir. proves Ihe quality of the bi'od and thus increasa tk amount of either t'at. Milk and conseqaenlly of Uatt iv en in Ihe he;iltl(V Anirnal tewnr of tVunterictts as th extansiv sal of r sowd'T has iiKluced iHhet s to make an initiation of tt tuc para ims our wruieu mKnnmre on in mum. IIULINH., rUONLX.ELD A CO. Fhiladrlpkia. July 1V1 ly. JAMES J. NAILLE, Attorney and Counsellor at Lair, SUNBURY, PA. Vini.I, tlenil ftiihfully anJ prompily ta tl ' prorrssional businrss, in NoTlhumbsrlsnsl nil I'nion countits. II i familiar with Uia (rrmsn lunsuQRf. OFFICE :- Oppoi' tli "I.wrne. Houm," a few dimrs from tli Court House. (Sunburv. Aug. 16, 1651. ly. II.VER WATCHES. A f.w doul.l English bilser Wakucia, fur sal at var; low (iricrs by H. D. MASSrn. Sunbury, April 15. 151. JUSTICES' FEE BILLS, far aala . H. B. MATR PaaMirr,, Arril IM1.- J