AMER CAN, 1 H. Vi. MASSER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE, MARKET STREET, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. Zl ifamflB iicuwpapcv Scteotrt to jolii(t.s, iidcintiuT, norali'ty, -jrovrtan .n& Domcsuc 22rtos, SLCfnuc ant the Slits, sigrfrulturr, .JHnrUcts, nmusrmrnts, fcc. M;V hKlilKS yoi,. s, AO. TEEMS CP THE AlIETaCAlL TMK AMKltlCAV i" ptililWicil pvtv S.ituitlny j". TWO .)iJ.,AI(r4 pn- litmimi to hr lull" yntrH Ii hunce. ISo pi-i ilir--..iiiiiiii ii uiilil am. (iiuiinim a nn All nmmiinirrt1i'ini or le'lrn on Imwmcss n-ilmrf l ' th ilifC, lo insure.' ni ten! ion. iiinsl l i'l S I' I'AtO. TO CM' US. tkVi'eu J- i loi.d l'llVni ) 1 C'l.l Five (l"lltim in nilvnnrc wnl pay f.r tliie year' suIj-fc-ripiiiui tit (In Aiui-ricun. On Sowne of Irt line, 3 timca, SI '"j i.vriy bnt'!t'itifii1 mut Tlr tn, nt- S(itnrr, J months, ISlX IIH'lllllB, One mr. IJucinofR I'nnla of Fivi lines, per rmii'im, jVlrrclmnlf ami others, mU frlisinj ly tlm yt'iir, Willi lli' privil''Kt' of ni.scitni ftifl't'l lt Tt'lVI'ttlSt'lllClllK W Ijirp-t AiiverliM'iui'uis, u per n-jrec-menl. a . i .i - it I,.,., i A TTO 11 i i; V A T I - A W , 1! iiiitr-;s :i';rii'k'l t-i i:i l!ir ( 'mini nf Nor l! i u i ii ! 1 1 .i . I. I iiii'ii. lAi'uMiin ; iin.l ('uliiiul'i.i. P. A ,. K -...;..!!, ") Snll-Pl iS: Sill-'! IM", It li.-l is .V.. h':iri:iliil . .i-riii::. (i.n..l .".'. PVriiVIKlUV b!..iii!i1 nil!),-hi- liiis np).i.ln- llltv to 1'liv t l.Dll.i.M. r .lien. i.i!,.i n:nl liovs. lit fill !l 1"' s It w l:c(",rl Tl'll Known 'in t'.iis Ciiv. t ( i F III; ,' ;: (TUX' I'l.ilTIUMi :sT.M!l.b'!i .iKX !'. i-nl i-Cn H 'nrnrr ol" Mililo't iilnl Ni'ruinl Sin-ris. l iliiiuii'i- 'oia, rinli: '-i'iii'Jt ii Imi.'i' l'u' '.'i ' lno-l ,1 sir.i U'.u, mid liisliionnlilc DEES3 A1TD TT.OZK C0A73. 1 T :, it Clotli i!.i.. 1 iin'ii l).il!iii'.r 'lo.. 'J'wcriN. if,, &.. t ''I'.irr villi :i i ' .il Viiiii'iy of leys' Clctli'n.'j. rtiini;itoi!f of Sin k Co ils. l'ot!,:i ,1,'C. N. ?.Tin l,fV J'irUlis, rsN ill;. I I'millil ln.nK' ol' 'l'rcil. l ini'ii 1 IrilliiiL', I lolli, .', I;'.kv:i, I'.rrsi itiirr. I"i k'.i, ,S i'.. ,V r. :irti iiliir iv:,- 1:'" I ci-ti l:;Vi'ii to ,roi.ii'i l'u "pw i-lv!rs for ?.':,'ii :in,l Hoy' iiinnirr t'o-:t. 1 niil'iloon. i -iis. tVr.. lo wiii.-li In' wiiulil i;iii,' I't'iial :iH,Mitiini. Iin iiihiiii.; (ic;!s, ni'tMiifj of M..-1. HauilKfri-liM-fi. vvf.: Jl of wlii'd :ir' ..Ilf.-f.l Hi l!:- ..'.. '''.'''' th V( ...-.. ii;. .1 n: ,1. ."..' utiy u!'i'-r i lolii'n : lotf in llif l i. i ol. I'sri'iiiR w lio i'"'-i o 1'i.ts v-i,:mi ni'C far 'I'liv itni'r l I , loiinr II, o .'a,n I,. Country M..:,'!.r,-i !. ':. n If ;.'- i i : i i ul .1 lit f-y iniv r;itc C (" IX. .s J'i . I. ( 'm-'l'T of S April !'.. l. .)l.- U. t.v:;:it:t: . J 1: 1; i-on-.i r i' ,. a UliUT- I 1 "I'i: l!lll o,i I.ii. I'lolo i! nriifi- ! pnifi ff, liy wl'ii'i luii!iliii'.; mli'.-i'i! pcrli-.'tly i i'. ui, 'lilnoi .. 'I'l'.f foiiin i '1. a. we!! tw the rr; .i ..... ... ... .l!, I :Vf .I -i . !.' I y ; ;::i, itirillali.U of till" I i vi of i' .' ; "'"iiiu! r ul, on un rnliifly i:.-a jti.i i, in t. i;i , lii.t. l;i i .:),i.t' J i l- it foiiiliflor tli:ni i-iiv In ii I, ii, ire in i:-, Mf.isnri-s Iii'.m" In --ii i.ilo'ii I i .- nif l.ftifrn nli'iit for llir irnprovf rncnl. Vfrsoiiri ilrnirouH of sfi'inini I'irir nml oiifrlv fiom ili'r.trni'li'111 l v l: .'.mini.', vol I:ir lnliivlii.s int up lo tlifir luil-li;u i i 1 '" ino-l 1 rffft anil niiinn' r. !y apj.'.yiiiT fi- I fr personally or I'y Irtit-r, l-i tl;i' mul' .iii!;r I. tin" follow in.; pi iiv.. : ' r '1D li. Willi a il". i l .(''" ( ' t 1 p..:'il !;'!" 0" j ir -In li. willi f ' j.i-i-. ! p i .l. ! ii,,. 1 - r'" ': ml o-nl l'..r everv mi ir.i'fitnl tool om r : .iv. ' "'j'. .:iltfii. ,;, 1:."1. ly. ! TO COUITTRY ilT-TJlUlJIH. Jtl p. 'I felll SIVI ,1. Cour.ti-y llcrcltr.ntJ E;:y:nj lioorsiV: snoi.s . J can Clio -il per 'i'i:t lw , ' i'.x. i-iillin ' on " '"" V'"! myirnrj ip" .7," f V'i'ill. J. .'.ii'.i'V.,') ."o. -10, .V. ion' ''.. (ii'.'or A.rh I".'.' .',.' ) I'SiiiAiiJU -l :;;:r.f:., 'lir:i;i: can If fiu-uil n l.irrc irl'iirnt . llio u'mw s.r::.-lfi, 't ii tin" lnaiiiirii'tiiri i's. ViiL'Ust Z.t, l..'il. oiiio. Wen's Con'!c:i-eJ rtcpeils of Pc;rua- M''l PuMi-hfil, an.l lor f-.i'.e I .y ir t'. i'l I VT l'if I ',;,) of .!'V:i'.. I'on- oil rr,oivvl:ini t Kep orl.-,, e.inl ii ii.l. ; toe tiirrf !. olnnii'S ol V'it''.' I.'i';'..ti, ;ei l lu I volilllios of I'l .l.i y'.'. lo'l'.i.t-. 'J'iif ! i: .I .. of Al.lfii, I'oiil.ioini ; l.'.'llas' l!p'. :i. I ol- i ; mul Vf ,ilf I'f por! i, olirnf 1 , is hNo on it. llllll for S.l'e. 'I'l:.' i.l I'M' lUO v.iulllll'S a.,- ipli-lf uiiliin tliei:..'lr .. an. I f iiiliin all i I las' KepoiN. 1 ih:i:i, am! a'l i f Vf . !.-' ,irl, 1 olu.iif . Ii.'i ! 'm' t'A i l'r-1 vo!iiii,f tiiiiny's Kepoils. Tiii" lliii.l M.liiiiic iMi ..!y will lie ait lo press nn, iii . . i. . 1 1 -". . H. ii. .ma. uniiiiry. An.;. Hi. 1 ."." I. TATZON AXi HOT 311'AIIOKIN, T '. ITorth'-riiJciianJ Coui.ty, Pa. 11' su!.ii..'rilii''r rcspci-lftilly iiifonn Ins f ieini.s and tlif puM.c u,'nci..ll v, l.e has n, rn iiew Hotel in llii" town of i-iliaiaokiii, .Noi itif il.iii.1 county, on tlm corner of li.iniol,iii Coniint'iTti slreels, neiirly oppo.-.ili to l!ie osi In t'ornit'rly kept. Hi" is f II prepare;! to innlil'xlile liis Kiifsts, anil ii aim pnocleil it!l pood ulaliliin;. He tiu.-ts liis f pe iH'iicc, v ml Btrift atlfiitioii lo Imsiuiw, will imluii" per ,uia iniUiij llif coal region to continue tin' lili ral I'.ilionagi" lie li.ii lie.ctol'oro re civ, il. wii, i.iAM vi:avi:u. Klnimokiti, April 1'J, 1M50. tf. .TAJIKS II. MA(iKi; AS rt'tnoveil from his oM Muiitl, .No. J I S Vine Klre-rt, to o. 02 Dittwyn St., (hd'n CaVhiil If Willow,) licrf! he Ii.m coiiht.uitlv on han 1, BROWII STOUT, POUTER, Ale nml Cider, FOR II0MR CON'Sjf.MPTloN Oil SHIPriN'O. I). Colorinsf, Bottliiicr, W ire anJ Uoltlfs, leirnr, At. For Kale m ulmve. fliiladelplii, April 1'.', Idol. I v. 'comint; Mutual Insurance Company. R. J. It. M.s.s; in the local agent for Ihe above Inuurani'f Camnaiiy, in . ortiiuiiilfr .1 rouiuy, ami it ut all limes ready to vllivt iiraiucs un iilmt fim oil real or personal pro- V. of f n wing policU'V lor llio tain1. un'iury, .ril 2B, 1851. t. SELECT POETRY. l'r ui llm Ciiiciiiiiili Ui-rnM TIicu Ycrt Anctlicr's. BY KATC l-.l:VF.t.ANt. Thnit w e it another's when I mot thee ; ' J " 1 1 i I ilrciiitn'd would shield me well ; NnW 1 Sllivi" lllll Id f t if t 1 tllfC, V i i 1 1 1 y stniL'L'linir "till I lie spell Words I whisper w orils ol madness, Cliilliiirj thoughts I I'enr lo loll ! i Tli'i'l ri'il mi I'hi'i". I I listen T'l lliy liuv ;ini m m 1 1 ! V voiri", Ii.iiilili'i vviin! I iny ilim'i'yt' .-.iKlrn, I An. I m v I'.iinl hir.-i it . Iinw ri-'piiri" ! (-HI. 1.1 I ll'li'lU il IIHL'lll 1111 lri-n,Mlip 1 Wt'it lliim nut iuiii:!ii'i'. chiiii'f ! Tlmn Wfil midlln'r'ri ! lln iliil lnvn lliPC 14' it Iht love wits t'nl, I Id mint: : O.Iht'k vuii'i! mi'jlil iii'Vim" nmvi" me l.i.'.o ill" I i j h ! i!-t Imif ol lliiiii" ; Tivw.::liU ol 1 Iti'i' Hi'i' I'lvt inns j'if!l, l.i::iihiii'. i p li i y !-iiril's flnini.'. Tii'i'.l v.rri' .-1 : , t I i i " 5 ! I""fi If I life l).rniii"cl I niii.:y Mil li"i,r u';iy ; Ti-v.r i:oi ,li:ii::c r.m tlivi !f lhof l'i u:ii I'.ix ijirol-lif." Ii'snl 1" !!) : T'll iN l : ! -I . U IU ;:t" I'r.l'.i'iJ. Willi ii i:ii.:h'y ji.i.-iiiii's pi.iy. , i . i 111111 M'll nt'Oill'M S : lllllll 1 1 1 11 l UIIIUM i.i l I ill : Smi'i'iL'. i ul my Iht. it ,'.:-iiii.lfi. W liiii lli.- pi. I-.' ol h!" (-tnnil slill ; I livfil In Inril, iipiin tin-.; Wiis t, ot i y lift or will. XI if hi nit iiiiii:lii.r'? ! Im'! nevBr Hi-oil liinii u 1 ! i Tt . I linr.ff. ('.ill ll.l l -i U I'l i"l.-f I'lli'V'T W'lii'ii- Hif ti.inlif.iiiis "iiiiy il.uifi'. Toll in.', vo i!.! tl.inf I'jo in miiii'vv I.' 1 111 - 1 111 1 -lo WilU'lllT f;l.l!li'U Tlioii ;nt n'lolhi'r's !--nn fir.otiuil Kvfr niv I' ii:iv mf low Ol my l.iiuiii's: 'loop ili'vninii, Tlixil ransl ni'Vfi. ni'vor know ! 'I'll., null I --'ill n i i v lor noiir lln'f, S;i!l ffj.i ; I lo-.ii iln i.' v lii-pT low. Tlmn int !iiiiilli."l"n ! limn Wfinl.I'.-t Pfiirn i! ( 'on i.l.-.! limn soi- lliis bri'iikiiio luTirt ; An l tin vri"!'s, 1'vo I'ornf it 'I'linl I iiiiLlH ii'i wln'io tlmn nil : . Wni-llij . ... .. i 1 1,.,,, V, Il 11 1 SI. i, i.t I I . I li in ml ;i!io;!ioi : i!i : li iv woary I 1 tin" -.ot.l ki ov, s i.ii po.ii'f ; Wi.lo. wi ll" wciil. I. im vol ilioary Mfll iliiii fin iiiw 1 1 1 v i i foiii-f ! iSliilll lo.i iv iliw n lifo's oi'i'.iii Ciavii.o, ii: no r . l'r i.i I! t; ...i I'BILIA DONNA. EV Ml-' IMVAN A. STIMKT. YAW HINT. llh. niiiili a, 1 1 iim.-crriri' ! ,.l'. nr -1 t- li.i; ' nii.v'tii'i s l" in I. ;iy I'll. I vUT ! ''M.iiii; wny tln if! Hairy, what's to iiv ?" -.lid A!i!fV foorlenave to a Irieiu! tl.oiil his own is they cji. ;e in contact croud nl liny;, !:iiis, 'S, at one ol liif coin- ' i wiih a i on -id-.Tiioli ! ami loaf' rs o! all a i l's ol hit- hlivi I anil jji'oad'.vay. 'Sinj-- ers, are they n ,t '. cciinimied he, ;i-, on tin loo, h" pe p el ovi r soot" of tiuiso nearest j him, ami tliiew til" (trap in winch his I looks wire liu kl'il i art les-!y ovor his j shoulder. "What a wild- yed child! ' ' She h" seated, po"r ihin!" j ''.'.'o,'c.i?';-," ;.iid th'.' li" l-i crealnro, j readilv liixi'iit:? hi compssvi.itiale air mul j r- spocl.s''l' ".'.an.'.iii..', js )r y.-irlt p'm tu o'v. .''( ;,-. re c,l mil 'oi:lri:z i i !,! s rt ', r tint ! icr on nuns jutuvum I ! ,,.'.', ,!,;,. r 'j ! A.-!, '.'., Will 11 1,1 '1 stool !eT, !.!n.lied ' lilce i '.'irl ; If'. tiiii!:i:i' on the dfsolat" , i" ';i!itio;i of the child and h.-r sick parent, 1 h" l."'t!ii '.i.iit !.: !,-. "II a iiioii, eiit, nml then, '.vi., i i c-i'ira.'" I.'..!" in siicii a yiuia. nr r.iiii i 'J ,i li" wii", liy Mitli n cr-.iwil, hi!."d loiih hi., him I to the litllf eiil, a d, at t!if ri-k of ti ,i ui-ie r Jhi.a lw.iy in ro;i'ii,;nv V. i!h the ilitle r.itll, and followed hy tie t .!7ed cji'lr;--, he r, plieil, in her own'iijo-.' '"Co-... nv, li:'.! ymi and vour i. ii .ui. J v. iii mio'.v vii a inacf w,,.v v,-,., ,;, r. st lor a w hil Th" (hi 1. 1 plicfd h, r hand ("ir!es-ly in his,' tho'.ie!) slif l.!s i grasped that ol hT mother, whose leih', steps Could scarce Lear In r aloiii ; ami thus thev proceeded up Jiiu i i ivav, li'llowed by a (juitf a re- j t linn". Ani'.iii nl a l.iie and hand; line huihiin.r, their voun ouide Coi'.d'.JCtf d thein down thi area stej's into the base ment, where, ufier seeing them s-fatecl, and tfllino; thi'in to rest, he b-ft Ihfin. Away boutiiled he up the stfji-, tuo lit a tiim, threw his hooks on a tahlf in the hall, and entered hastily the siltii.o; parlor ot his mother, the wealthy and widowed Mrs. Coin letiay f . "My son," said :!i", as she smilfd fondly ! on tin handsome youth, who leaned owr I lo r chair wilh his (air hair dishe veled and - j his noil cheek flushed, "w hat is it F I know some favor is about to be de niuiided from that look." "Why, I declare, (b ar mother," hushed lie, "you must be half a witch lo he able to ''iiess fo we II. Yes, 'tis true; I have a favor to ask of you. Tin re is a poor French woman and her little daughter in the bane iiient. I uift them an I came Iroin school ; anil they cannot spiak a word of English. They a.skfd me so pileously, dear mother, that I could not re.-ist ; and so I made bold to brin?; them along." "You did quite ri-rht. Ashley, Let them have something to eat, and warm thfinselves, before they nain venture forth." "Well now, mother dear, for the favor. Ton have no use for the little oflico in the yard, aid iho'e two rooms would b 89 SUMJI'IIY. NOU't'll If.MiJKULAM) COUNTY, IA., SA'l UIJDAY, IH'".( IvUF.KR . nice t' ft llio pnr llii'lis S';iv in lliii winlor, or tit i rt.vt uiilil tlm woman pvl. c'to'ijit, nri'l !jIi lo work. iMny liny ! K,iy Vfs, (Knr muiiImt." Oil, my s in, Unit is asliina loo tniicli. Ton do ik.I Know what ki ml ol charm-tors tlii'V mny hp. will jrive thein soin." nioiifV lur ymi, and li t thoin go." '.No, no, moth'T. Jtisl Ionic at tlif poor nml the lilHo pitl first. May I t ill!! lor J.'imi s to dimv t In-in up I Tliat's a dfar molhcr." Ami, f'.Dopini.', ho Kissod Iht rliffk roiixinijlv. "Yrs, J " f i (JniNo'f, rin;r. Yon liavo j comnif iiffil dirly riiccoriiijj il isl rofsfil If- niali s. When yon novl si t out in si bit Ii j of a.hfiilnifs, ilon'l billet them on trie j iioiiin, 1 liosff. h von." 'I lio sei'Viitit lioff, olievincr the summons, was ili-p.ili'lif il .,r Ashlev's yrolritas, who soon nliiTWiinl.'i ftitoroil tin cof-y and Wfll-fnini-Iif.l room. .Mrs. ."onrtftiaye was ilrnik liy tho lii.lvlike nppi'oranrL of tin" woman; and, pil mi: hf r Iff Id1 lo iu, if-I ipifstfd her lo take a .cat near the (ire. in- I (piiriiH: kindly, in her own lantrnae, into . her condition. Mad .line, repli"' I came tn A nn i ica to moot my Inishand, with my liillf t!aii;:hter. He was a rolii;roi 'i'11'" I'ranro, and has hffti teachino; mnsic in your country. I learn lie is dead. have f.haiishd all our money, and wo cannot i"t l uck lo our country. have heon I" il.ay seeking some one who will undertake lo have ns foiiviyi'tl hark to try Inothf r, who still remains to me ; hut I have nift with no one who "ill li.-tfti to us. I know not what to do. 1'iiless the ootid (Jod will r.iis" its up !ri;'in!s in our evat neci s-itv. I fear wi M perinli. 1 am aiiythim- 1" hen. she over ll,o little oh'!. willinjr to do liftit, in tears, Mrs. ('iitirli'tiavo was a f"e!i:i;: woman : and, wilh leais in In r own eyes, em'eavor fd to comfort lo r. Sin a.sured her that i .-he was welcome to slay i'l her yard, and ! should he I 'd from her table until she could j hear from Iht brother. I would o,'!'t yon mi'ii'v to I'fach ' rrance, my jiour woman : but you most j ji 'I more slrenth belore you set out. A I Ion sea voyaoe you would not In able to stand, ('nine, cheer tip ; (Jo. I will always , raise up friends lo the Iit-, -r 5 ti r. Till nif, l what can 1 do lor you now ?" j "May tin I'lither bless you, kind lady !" was all, at that moment, she rmd I siv. But the lillle "irl, wilh an in puis. ol'era'i- t". cro.-seil the room an.l km !l, v.i'.h' childlikf it r.! Of, to kiss tin whit" hand of: Iht he iiflacl I'fss : and thfti, with tfurs mi'i- ihlino the bri'Thtli's o her w ild eyes, re-i turned a:rain to the siile of her mother. i "Ashley," said his it oilier, "tell James ' to hrini sn.if wine and biscuits hi re ;, and send Ann to nif." While Mrs. ( 'ourtenavf sj-okf v illi lie" servant, Ashley had pressed the wiiu and ! Iiiiciiils on tin." jioor creatures. The mother seemed too unwell to fee'i hunger: but tho . little pi i'l ah' ravenously. Whilst so ilo infr, he stood by ipi" tioiiin lu r. ' ".Natalie J Ja Yinicr," was her reply, I when iked her name. "When mamma is bettor, I will sin.; lor von. 1 know many beau'i.'ul foni's; an p!av. too, on the piano. Itut poor, pur mamma ii so sick! She mti-t lie down and tv.-l : (or I know tin" is tired." And ."he smoothed. with her little lull. I , toe wan check ol lu r mother. "1 have sent my r. ant-woman to put some m ces- irv iirticb s in tin rums, which, 1 expect, are now ready. Ymi can "other" now', with your lillle danrhter, and re.-t. I will (.end Vntl ',liif Ihi:i4 I I i.t. 1 blip." Vol! V,i!l soo'l I," better. Ashley, in v sou, s'.i.j'.v thein the wav to the oirr.-f." She kindly extended her band to the sick woman, as -he stood humbly lluT", einli avuiin to tlsaiik lu r, and su.ib'il be nevolently on lb" 'little Natalie, who, in her "f.ititui!e,'sai ! "1 wid sir.iT prettily for yon, kin.! lady, when ;..":.v.'.r - i- belter." "Veiy well, lit'l" one. Mow eo, and t.ike car-1 ,.f your n oliii r." ; Mrs. (.'inirti'n.iye w is nn int.-lli.-. i.t ami Wfaltby widow, and peiliclly idolized Ashley, her only child. He was, indeed, llel' pelted aild in.lUiillil boy, Up I.l w h .iii -h lnis!ied he,- w.. lllll of io,e." And Well di 1 he desoi ve it. i'r nn iiis infancy, be loved leT wii'i th" (''litle, clin'iii low ot' a ;;iil, ami u.-.s ready to sacriliei', in his wild boyhood, bis w n-iifs to !u r own. TiiTie jiiised on, and the little Natalie, with her li.iiik, f. ailess ii.i'.ure, madf he r sell perfectly at home. A.-hhy always treated her with the tenderness of one who protects some dep lidfiit and weak object t and, not withstanding lur arrant lite win u he nift her, and the pauper condition she now held, his oflerin5 to InT wore always such as tiii"ht he h. 'slowed on a playmate and an equal, lint, then, Natalie was no common punier ; and h, r do li.'ht in books. liow, rs, pictures, nml mu-io (ar pyceeiled that of the rflined and i'ite!ecticil buy. , rjii" was uof a lirt-tt v child, at le,it to f ve ry one ; but boiiietnues there was aslianoe wild, "ipsy beauty iiboiit her that was won derful. When excited by music, her : swarthy lin t seemed to (dear up, and the wild eyes tn look poetically heautibil. I I If r thick dark locks hiui"; in heavy masses i on In r shouldf is ; for she, p i r tbin.r, had t no one to arrange them in tidy ihnts, and that detracted much from the comeliness ol her appearance. 1It aspect was loroot ten, however, in the charm ol her natural ness, her grace, her loving, winning man ner ; and she soon endeared herself to Ashley as a playmate, and to Mrs. Couite naye as a pruttgee. Her mother had written to her brother; but she was herself rapidly decliniii. Her only hope now, as she told Mrs. t'ouite naye, was to see her brother, and to con sign to his fostering rare her child. Three month." had they been dependent on the bounty of Ihcir kind bcnefartren, when Ma. irfiwifiTrrTiiirMBiTri r it rirnn-nri titbit t - Madame Uu Verrii r died. Mr.. C'ottrte naye look Natalie into her own honsf, where she was ttfatfil bi a plaything both by mother and son. In the midst of Iht deepest sorrow lor her mother, whilst the little lip qui vi-red and her eye still glisten ed wilh in tear.'! did Ashley hut tell hrr not to oi ve up to such sorrow, she would endeavor to obey him would dash oil" the briny drops, and, .sulxliiinp; her sobs, would play for linn some of Iht wildest and mer riest piece. I low (jrati ful, too, was ihe lo Mrs. ('ourtftiaye i anlicipaiin every little service of love he could render her ; urianoiii'T her bouquets, her j'trdinhrc, which no one could do so well, or to tast ily, as the lillle French pirl. ' Everyday would she, in InT grateful love, seek some delightful surprises to one or the other ol the objects ol her devotion. The old pro verb, 'dove begets love,"' held oood ill Ibis case; (or tin; tendi icst nli'ection for this fiirTiejiifi- linle creature sprang up in the hearts i f her two protectors. .Mrs. ("out li ra ve had already r.ltetided to her toilette, and was aboil! cnlering her into an excellent school, when InT uncle arrived in the city to carry lifts If and mother back fii-citi to l'nnci, dear native France. Poor Hide Natalia ! what a strug ole in that young heart! Her uncle had but a sufficiency, upon which, wilh econo my, he alone could live; but, like ail the French, ho was willing and eager to share to the last with thus" who needed il. How much more than w illing was In now to lake as ids own bis dear shift's orphan ! lie resisted but w ilh graiitu to tii" en treaties of Mrs. Courtf nave that he would allow the child to remain wiih her, pro mising to have Iht reared respectably. So end Natalie J)u Vendor's lirt era: for she accompanied her uncle lo France, bearing thither, in her irratelul litth In-art, tin" mo t undying a.''. 'ctioti (or Mr--, ('mii'te nayi and tor her son. i deed, child as l e w.i-, her fading- towards Ashley were a r.'.J iii'c of love, oral iludo, and vein-ration. (ConrlitiJuJ ;i-' trrck.) tkn t i rv or i in: ix toli i t. A recent E ili-h puhlierilioii nn tin '-Pas. sinus of Animals,"' the i;ii):;i." of the volume reaebino from llif lowest animal lib up to the flepbatil and the do", tiivi-s thi! lollovv iio fuels illii'li.itivo of the leinu ity of life ill the poly pi ; 'Aninii.i the lower niunnls this faculty in th" most reui.nliiible in lb" polypi: ihey may b p ,'i'idfd in a moiliit, up. turned inside out bke a "love, and ,ii i led into pails, without ii.jniy to life; liie alone is tatal to tin in. It is ii. nv idiei, t ;i bundled years sine" Tiei.ibley m.i.l.: i,s iiiviai inte d wilh tiifs," animals, liisl ili-.'i. eied llieir in ilesti i.c: ibilily . It lias snl..-i iiuenlly been taken up by oilier niiiiiral hisim ians, who have followed up tin's" c .pei imeiits, and have even jinne mi lit r as to p-chifa mon stfis by yiiiilinL'. If they t f !"i:ie! i'vd.te cut, they attempt lo replace I li-mselves. and i! iiiisucces.sliil, Hie outer surlaec iir-sumi's lie; piopeitifs lo.d poweis ul tin." iiinei, and the il'mvs.". Il tin b.' p.iriiuby Miecrtnl oidy, lb" pail Im.ied back .!.-:.; p ais pi n. cnl, -I'.-nr hours i'l p.i.I ol ili.i body it emle.icc.-, i i Mich a miiiuier llio aims prujee Ifd be hind iire u.i.v i.l lb1.' cel. It" o! the body; liie oi ii;.::l op'-idi..; nU i, i:n, m ll.e loom o! lit !fi. i new no-.. til i.slninied lo wh'ch in-vv Icelets ..lli'.cli I In-insclvcs, mid lli.-ir ne .v mouth feeds iinniediate'y. The healed i-Mieiiiily e lonales ils.dl into a tall, ui winch lie- a.ili.. . I i.o.v -U o 1:' t.vii p i! ; i b" passed into one a, minor id.i: lubes, lo. i pii'iffd ibioi.'.'.li willi a bustle, tho inner one works its wav lliro'.ijii th.f o'.ber, comes lo: ill aa.ii in u lew l.iy J in mmi.i! illrlill.fes, however, liiey UIW li.of.liel, iil.d III' 11 il ili.i:!, I 1 low Ol I -elc.S t-l.l 1111111,1 tllti i.iou'li. If ib-.y be mini!. ile. I, llio divided p.nSiiiow l.'e.le i, and even pi.-e e.s ol two r.'l,...,U; neb vi, 111. lis will ill. lie i.ilooiie.'' v. i.;:; i; o; i i;i.i iia-in. Th" hunt, of M. ut land and Viiginia have I m:; enjoy e.l it w ide eclibiily, Al lhe last c uihi:io'i of i!i: .Miry laud Stale Agiicul S iciety loir pieun.ims were awai ih'.t tor h mis. We ale inloiniel hy those who had iii'y of examining Jiem lb. it they were ol liisl t. Ui quality. Tin. f , ! i ' ' wiiii; is ih) ivceipr : A u:criiiiil iir-r.t-f. T. I'.. 11 ivn.To.s l!n nn r.. Fti-I premi um. To evfiy I on pounds ink take ei-jht p.n.nds of II. A. sail, two (unices -..thpctie, two paiiii Is bioaii riigar, inio and a hall ! mo any of that money; we ijuarieled nnd ouiic-.' of pai.isli, ni.d b-or gallon of water. ! aepaialfd ; lliey wei.i lo New (Means and I Mix lhe above, an I p air the tuiue over lhe j went in another iliifcli.ui. infill, allet it has lain in llm tub wiiu two '1'hey forji'd chfcks on the New Oilcans dis. Lft tin) luius remain six weeks in ami Mobile Banks; they returned lo New lhe brine, nnd iheu dried eevei.d d.iysjYoik, and foraed note llmrf, which cau I'cf.ire smoking. I hive g, nerally had ih" 'd his conviction ; I was not iutf.estfd in rubbed wilh lin" sail when it is j lhe ihrfe last ciiiocs; nut h iviiio time, I am lucked down. '1 he meal should be nei feet lv : compelled lo c!n-e my confession in rcffi- cool befolU piifkill". Tin: Ihi i-orVfR a Dc.i.i sion Tho New Yoik Slat" D.iuf ifcfoily nppoinifd a comiiiiiteo lo invest loiiie the allfoed discover), of Mr. L L. 11.11, wi;h respect lo his ability in taking ilegiieirco types in colors, and lliey report thai not only baa Mr. L. L Hill deluded many professors in lhe n.iguernian art, but that ho has delu ded himself thoroughly and completely t that the origin of lhe iliscoveiy was a delu sion ; that the assumed progress unit im provement of il was a delusion ; and that lhe only thought respecting; it in which there is no dalusion ia for every one to aban don any possible fuilh in Mr. Hill's abilities to prodiTco natural colors in daguerreotype of which Ihe whole history has ben an unmitigated delusion- A M.ltll:s OK VII-t.AMlt.H t 'OJirMH t- A Ciifctieicte nf Monroe 1'ihrnrds Thn f"iin Finite i-co Herald coiilnins llio confe ssion "I i;olmon, one of the linen men lately hung al Sac riinifiil!) by llie jmuple, which is an nccoiml ol a series of Miffosliil villnnies, wilhonl a pmallel, in l!,illiinoie, New York, ''hilndelphin mul other cities. The fulluw ing, cmbraciii his opeialions in H.dlimore, is intere st ing ; November, 1137, I was in Albany. I then bfcan,e iii'ipiiiiiitfd wilh .Motion lMwiuds, al llie Ec hatiof Hole I ; he inijiiired for M. Hunt, hi! said be was very anxious to (ill' I him; I told him be was nl the Howard I Ions", New Yoik. I went with him nnd found him there, ihey con-oil!".! looether for some lime, nml Concluded to tuakff me one of llieir pannets, as I was a very gnod scribe, I was ilressed rather roiih ; tbey ev pendfd about PMilO in jewels and e lollies, to make me look yeiilffl, and t ot suspicious ; I Ik-it; we went lo business; we filled a check oil ll'idges, I'a'.ils k Co., I presetited thff check ; they lold ni" lb" linn had nut as tnni'h money on as the check called lor; I retinue. I lo my puliu-rs and told them w hat bud happened. Mr. II. look -300 nml inadi' a deposit in llie name of H. 1!. it Co , by this meat. he iisi-f it.iiiif d t lie amouul ; he ibew auolhfr cliff k to (be iiininuil of s-Oi) (100; I presented it; they paid it without any lifsilatiou ; 1 "ot line," S 1 (Kiu bids and the balance in S',110 lulls ; 1 took il lo our room, and my partners u n e me M.rniii of il , Apnl -J h. 1 met i liiin in Philadelphia at .liuev Holel, in Chfsiuiil street, above Sixth street ; nl'ler be iei: there I wo days they asked me lo w rite Iii !:.'w ii 's liiitne ; I piacti'i'd ibroe or f nir hoiiis evi-iy day; by ibis tbiu I con! ! couii leiieit very well; then" was laid before nif twenty bank checks ; 1 wrote on them all, and out o( the number itot one with a per fecl f i"iialine of Mr Ki.lgw.iyj I filled tho cheek for S2(I,(M)(I : then Mr. Edwards I'm islied the check by wiilins liiowu ic Co., at t!m end of P,idi;wny, which m nla the linn I'idoway, I'rown & Co. Hunt look llie check very coolly and put il in his pocket and drew on his loTrs and walked out ; pre sented it to a ccitaiii l aid; and drew $50.01)11 all in PHI!) mul ?s0 notes ; he carne w ith bis wallet fnli ; it wiis divided ;' 1 got .-O.OIHI; I soul st. till,) to my mother, and wrole lo her that I drew it in a lotteiy. Mr. Edwards said we must put the Haiti, more batik t!iie;g!i next : on Ine. Kith of .May wi met in Ha'timoif ; Mr. Edwards ami me drew a check lor S to.Oi'tl. si"iifd lio'bs, Coles Co.. he oiitc' it lo ni" and told me to f-fl the money lor il ; 1 r"fused to' do it ; sas Im what are you al'iaid of; 1 am nfiaid of nolhiug. bill w ill not lake this check there, liy that, says IMwanls, I will pi into the batik and ire I snme jnl I fur some ipnr mouay, 1 then aoipff to ro and lake the check ; he lol.l in" to lei him go and get huiip pd.l, and w hen they are pay in" me lha "'Id, yon p;i "f I t the check. I ill I mi; lie; cashier im ,, !y looked at lhe c heel:, an l mid llm tel ler In pay u.e; be "."avc me two thousand d i'!.iif m one bun 1 n'.i dnlliir i "ti the rest i i livii bun !rd dollar notes ; E.lwaids ! then! sonii: lime mterwiird.H in cmlur lo d teet any 'ipifi,in ; ni Sfparated, met in U'bet-lii g. Cnmhi-rbiiid an I Ciiiei.-uin t i ; we were in Cincinnati in January, ltl ; re mained llu'ie iiboiit four d.i. E .Iwanla and tnv"!l fnieeil a check r.n ibo Cas I.iiibl j Company Rmk, to "etiMjno ,, lb, does k Co. I si'jned lloi'oes, as Tiesi lent, and Ed win.' sioueil Will's iiiimi' on acro-s llie back of Ihe cheek, which lad lo be done befoie the cheek was jood ; II lit signed llie fa-hi,'i's name ; I! .nt look the ch"fk and h'W lini iil'iuey ;- l" !w ir is s o 1 he desjiis d a check lhat wiis drawn for lf--. lliim twenty thousand dollars ; be either wanted lo make a bin raise or none at all. Wo then went to l..e i- i'V to."ihor ; lliml and Ed , arils fo".'ed a cheel: on lliiam lloodiich forlweiilv thnisand d.nlais ; Kb winds prcsfiitfd ii at an I'.m biiuu'i nUice at a heavy iliseiiiuil for the money, llielankrr . -11!) .1 . I . il l no iii i inn nave i..u iniicii m-niey ta hisollice; (iliis o a ft ! bn.l.iug hours was j llm reason he olleo'd it al a disfiiunt,) but ' j won! I lake Iilnl to the easliier of tin" bank it j was itr.iwn on, we wont to Ine ( ii-lucr ; I picsii!fd ii ; he to.'d ni,, hi would pj to tiin l'lcsidenl, womiw bun ; I piesenled it. and lie oiilered it paid : lliey would not "in I eiif to nml llunl. O.i the M-iilioll, ibis If bow made number ! confession imphfiiiiif..' n)m of the most respi fl-ibln lin n in California in his villain ies. His tart coiilfssioii we believe to bo occasioned by spile, because those persons did not iuleifeie lo save him. In his last coiife-ssinn, ho said l.i. name was Win lion janiin Hepp-r I. It appears that linbinsoii wns found enlis ted in th' mounted rillee, on bis way to Oregon, which teems lather alrange, after years if successful vi'.liany, iiiaking lis thou sail ds. Orof.ociirAt. SrRvtir or California. It i sliilud in the Sacraiiieuto paper that an expedition is fitting out to scientifically ex plore, determine and repoil upon the geolyi cal resources of that Flat. I'K tiitAT. Trnr. I!. fiensipio dennimces the HSR of sail pel re in brine intended for the preservation of fVsh to bn kept for rend. Hint pari of the saltpetre which is nhsnibed by the meat, he says, is nitric acid or iiipiafortis, a deadly pni'inii. Animal llesh, previous lo lhe addi tion of pickle, consists of rtelalinons nnd libioiis snlistances ; thn former only posses sing ii nutritions virtue t lie" eelalinn is des troyed hy Ihe chemical action of salt and nllp!rc, and as ihe professor remarks Ihe meat becomes ns difft'ieut a substance from what ii should he, ns leather is from lhe raw bide before il is snhjectfd to the pro cess of taiuiino. Hi ascribed to ihe pernicious effects of the Ciieit'ical chanon nil it,o diseases which are common lo mariners nnd others who subsist principally upon salted nieaf such a scurvy, snre gums, decayed teeth, ulcoij fee. and advise a total abandonment of the use of saltpetre in tiie making of pickle for beef, pork, ,Ve , the be?t sitbstitiilij fur which is, ho says, sugar, a small quantity rendeiinf" lhe meat sweet cf, mor'J whole some, nnd equally as durable. S.M.T in Coai. IIcuions. Il has long been lhe opinion of the most intelligent ruining engineers, w ho have examined Ihe coal re gion of AUi'L'eniiy county, Md , that salt minht bo obtained by boring. Ti e Miner's Journal says : Il is a well known fact that law quanti ties of salt are obtained fiom th" new C:il!e eoiil-liold of England, and from ihe coalfield of ihe Kanawha in Western Virginia. To strenotheu llio idea that salt wii! iiuiimately be found in the Cnmbeiland re!;ion--peiliaps soain'viu'ii; about lhe mouth of "savage river we will stale that dining ill! war wilh (Iica! B.iiai'i, then were extensive boiings lor sail nt I'.iddytown, on the Virginia side of lb" Potomac, nnd that after reaching n depth of fiOi) feel, lhe supply of salt water was abundant, from which huge quantities of this nt licit! were manufactured. Why tho boring were abandoned we have never been able to learn. ArrAii'.i itM r.;Mit ar imisMor -itches A ( AUI1INAL. lioM K, Gel. 2(5. 1851. Archbishop Hughes u to wear the scarlet cap, ufier all. Iiis (iraee has been made a Ciiulinijl at lasl, in spite of all opposition. TIid important fact was made known, as I am weil assured, lo lhe " couyiegjition," on Friday the lOih inst., so that lie? cll'eet of his l ite vi. it to the 1 loly See has been under estimated. Tin np!ii)iiitiii'"til is said lo have bffii made, w ith w hat degree of truth I do not know, without tho approbation, if not in the face of the ex pres.! protest of nil the Ibiinan Catholic lii-dicps in the I'liiled States, save one, and contrary to Ihe opinion of Chief Justice Taney. However lhe fact may bi, the statement is current heie, and is generally believed. Catholic South Amerif.'i will probably feel slighted by lhe comp'imriit lo lhe Piolestaiil Ninth. Ilul po-sibly the Archbishop mny have convinced His Holiness iii.d his advi si'rs, lb. it lie" appointment is one of th " or dained means of brii-ginc about lhe pro. inised "'good lime coining,"' when II" is lo wiile the i; History of lb" Off line and Fall of Piote stanisin in lb" Foiled States." Let Dr. Miurav look lo bis laiuels or rather to bis resoiuees ! l ioieslantisni teoeives no rniarler here i from the, which f omplelety overrules llie belter feelings ol I'm Nono Tin epposiiioii to the obscure l:lt!c Ameii can (liipil, of ih. ' Aim i if an CUiliau Fnioii.'' ly ihe English and liish Eflo.-ias-lics. Mislaiiif.l ns it was by hf Cuidliiiils lias liually ('unstrained hiui lo request our Cb.iiioi d'Allaiis lo have it closed without Ins li.i'.hfr ruieulal inte iveulioii. Ol contsf ,' . , , . , llio i.i.o. a , j linn - t.iiie.,, ,:,., iiiu ii,,,,: chapel is closed sine die. after consult in; wilh the worthy (liev. Mr. Has lin;) iiiid th'" llev. Hi. li.iird. of New Yoik Socieiy, who happened to be here un a luief i ccicial visit, it was nuiced I, ml two looms of the Legation shall bo opened for Divine Wusbip every Sabbath. They will hold about 150 people, and are better siiuaied than the Chapel, beinjf nt No. 3 del Piopiiiii. Thus protected by the American Fl'io, on r jiroteslant citizens w In) vi.-it lhe Holy City, w ill bo able lo worship the (I, id of theii f.itheis in their own way, without limb 'Station. A number are nln-ady here for ihe winter, and there is reason lo expect u much laiijer compiuy during llm season. Th" stale of ihins here is wretched he oiid anything of which you have any ex perience in Ihe United Stales. Society is held together from day lo day solely by lea, and force. Thn papal throne exists only by lhe aid uf Toieign arms, w hich is the sole so tMi lily the scarlet dignitaries of lhe Court hiv aoiiinsl lhe enraged populace, icady to lake instant advaulage of lhe fiist opportu nity to tear ihfiii in picei's. Tin) prevailing opinion among considerate residents wilh whom f have conversed is, that Ihe fires can not bo much longi-r repressed. The govt rn uienl appears lo be fully persuaded of this. Convinced of the impossibility of recruiirng ils forces in the Poutiiicial States, where eveiy man not suborned by otlice or favor is its sectct enemy, it has determined fo cn COOO Swiss troops. Meantime the espionage of the Tolice ex coeds all precedent. Every body and every thing is closely watched night and day. No one, uf whatever tank or condition can be Iaei-uie mi u uiuiiieiii noiu ia iiiipiisiuuii. Tie privacy of families is violated upon iho OLD SKIMKK VOL. gj. M). slightest pretext. lie.p e table persons, of both soso., are conlnntly nrre.ted and taken befiiin the mncistrato lo explain the mot trivial circumstanced, or answer for inndver tntil remarks. A lady of rank was politely accosted nn the Corso lhe other drtrj hy hha of ihe p-oiid'arme , and conducted to the of fice of Ihe official inquisitors:, to answer for n quotation fioin a favorite old pnel, in con verbal Ion a few minutes before with a poM son w ith whom she was ile ilinc-j tho liirlhen of which translated, is : "O Ilnly. Onilirr lliy l,.i-t into thy lirnrl i rtiprcm 'riirbmsu w ho m-ikcllitii ikn thy sacred pslatet.'' His llolines the Pope, w as passing at this lime in his red coach and lour, blazing wilh sc.-u lei livery, Srid this spontaneous burst of Indian feelinu, in view of the passing pa seanl, was overheard nnd reported, and reported, and hence lhe arrest. Through lhe prompt interposition of influential friends, and the abvuet" of any fetidence nf tiliiHc suspicions circumstance.., the astonished lady was let o' wilh a reprimand and a caution loo Ihankfnl lo find herself at night surrounded by a sympathizing family, fsthef Ihaii the nameless vermin of a dark dungeon. Tyrants and slaves nre twin-born foes; and hence the hatred of this people towards their inlcr has no limits but their capacity lo bale. Out of a population of 160.000, thn (.'overninent can scarcely claim a friend, be yond the 5,000 priests and official persons connected w ith it. Of this no well informed resident, I believe, on'ertai'ns a doubt. Sd that when I lief hour of vengeance comes, a terrible retribution may be looked for. Wiih nil its vigilance the police cannot wholly rppiess or fores'all the wrath of the people, and as '.assinalion, or secret attempts at personal revenge, are of almost nijihtly occurrence. One man is sometimes unfortu nately mistaken in lhe dark for another, and several snd wounds have thus been inflicted upon innocent persons. Society is thus daily becoming more ami more demoralized. There is no hope but through a total change in the character nnd conduct of the Govern ment. Instead of being the musing mother of the people, ils present policy js driving madness. And 'TlN're whom lie-w,,vr9 tni-kle, Will hill- ns wnlvi-a do, iii thr gr:ii.e closing Of tt:tii"i," int, -rest-. ' Dr. li.iird left some few days ago for Tan's and Loudon on his return lo Ihe United Suites. If any thinjrnf moment occurs while we remain, you (.hull hear of it. Xcwark Ailve WriotiTS and M oscn k.s. The foi'lowir1;; table of the number of pounds of various ar tides lo a bushel may be of interest to soma of our fanning friends : Of w heat, sixty pounds. Of shelled com, forty-six pounds. Of corn, mi the cub, seventy pounds. Of calf! thirty-five pounds. Of barley, forty-eight pounds. Of potatoes, sixty pounds. Of beans, sixty pounds. Of bini', twetuy pounds'. Ol clove r-sc fd, sixty pounds. Of timothy -seed, lorly-live pounds. Ol tiar-5!'ci, lifiy-siv pounds Oi hem p-seed, lolly-lour pounds. Ill 1 uckw heal, foity-two pounds. Ol hlue-gi ass seed, fourteen pounds. Of casloi-beans, folly-six pounds. Of ibied poaches, thirty-three pounds. Ol dried apples, twenty-five pounds. Of onions, fifiy-nvetr pounds. Of salt, fifty pounds. Of mineral coal, seventy pounds. Tub (, cum an Sutti.kmesti in Texas ' paper, published ill Wesleui Texas, A j speaking of t"" Herman 6fttlernenls on Soiling Ciffk, Spiing Bianch, at New ltiauu ! . i ti,.,,., ,,, ii,. ..,;. . , r of Austin, C oloiiulo and hiiyelle, says uni- evidences of thrift prevail. Fins sarnplas of coilou unsurpassed by any ara brought lo market from several of their set tlftiiftils. 'lhe Spiing Creek ellletiieiil is" producing us good colton as the State affords' an.l tho industrious (,'ennans of thai arigh boihooil uio entitled to the credit of estab lishing lhe reputation uf Spring Creek lauds for lhe pioductioii uf as ample a crop and at fine a staple of colton as any other uplands in the Stale. Ibisui Ei.r. IIoOI) has obtained a verdict of 5:',400, d. images and cusls, of the New Haven Kail Porid Company. He bought a ticket ill New Haven for CuHuisville, .ruiid lo Plaiiitield in the cars, tcuk a check there' bum the conductor, which entitled him to a scat in the singe to his place of destination, the sliuje broke down, Mr. Hood's riyht leg was bioken, he jiruved oarelessuess, and I hits the verdict. Tun Tr.i.:i:RAPii The news fiom Paris, of the do bale on lhe new Ministerial Elec tion Hill, was transmitcd by submarine lele graph to Loudon, bud lhe despatch was re ceived in London in a half hour. The oper nlion of lhe Telegraph in Europe, is destined lo produce inipoilant results in times of po litical excitement. Immensf. Watekkali. --There is a per pendicular waterfall on Ihe Sonoma rive', oiito distance fibo-Je where it empties into Pugci's Sound, of 260 feet. Ia has been1 meaauied, leceutly by a small parly who) have bceu exploring that river. A new Lire or YVm. Pr'stf, rftt'saj" fcy Samuel TtJ, Juiuiey, of Loudoun county, V., is liow in lhe pre, and will hoiily t pul- lur'td.