- - SUiN liURY AMK1UCAN AND SHAMOK1N J OUJUNAJ o x c t g n N c tu c. ARRIVAL OF TIIK , ASIA. ' ' linsiok, Nov. 25. ' The monmship, Asia, from Liverpool vin "Halifax, iirrivecl Ht her wlinrf nt 44 oclrok, 'linn HflRrnoon. No nmils will bo dcsputelieil 'to llie South to night. - Tho Asia roporis thiit by thu btIaI at 'Soolhamplon nf th stenmer Severn,- ailvieos have been riH'civfit frnin Ruction Ayres to the 4ih of October, Mmiti-viileo to4 i'ie Gill, ami Kin tlu Jauirro to tho IMh. Tho nrnxiliun linops ha. I .mrr-heil into nnleVideo to tin' nsi?truici! of illf Monte4 vidian, tlen. Oiibe in sniil to bi hemmed in between Montevideo nuil Cli'n. fiiima. Ai the latest dates he was nrranpin terms Tor surrcnilerius: !, which win suppnsi'il svoul) ba aerompli-hed, l.y himself anil stall TPCuiviu-34 llieir passport for Buenos Ayres : the trwini to becomo prisoners. (1cn. Oiilie wii-tted paspirls for all. but was lefiied. ; It was reported that (Jen. Oiibe sulrijuetilly . i soaped on board her majesty" ohip Swede; nd that the. troops mailt pris-ii'ris of his j forces. i ENGLAND " A return has been issued by the Hoard oTi Trade, of the declared value of 15i il i.h and Irish produce and ninmifactiires -.v ported I from the I'niled Kincdom in the year 1S.10. rpeptfvinp the nrnmiiit to e-mli onu'iliy nnl riilimv. from which it appoavs that the i l'.riti"h pi'SM-i-M'iu, in roi. jinn'timi with the j I'uile.l Slates, take U'-iiiy on half of the entire total ; nnd il is sat ifaetm y, by a ' ,iirp:iri'iii of the present relini with those , fur IM9, to find That viile the ;fieral to'al to all emi'itrii'S ha inereased fi-.ni; A'fiH.fiyfi.. ' fll") sterlins to JL'7 1 .SiiT.'Wi, or .il.imt 12 pr edit, liie iuci .".t'e to the eii'uuii-s has bee" f lial to piyhtecn per ci and lo Aieeiiea j uventy-live per cent. j The sliippinir returns, just p'd -lished by (he lloanl if Ti:i le. shmi, co'iipm-ii will t!iosiif IS.V ati i:i.Meae ii employ ment of Ii,itill vessels to the extent id 5.0. . 717 tons nri the entries inviuids, and 149.. G73 in th" e'earvires. ro!irr:;.L. The d:tte fiom l.i-bon an' V.) th.' S.'u I'lie g-neral elect!. m of il.l'-jutes to clmose he (h'pniii took place on ih M and it! r-S'.i't was the f "eteiv.bi i"ta party, in nnl tiiimiph of lb" bv far the -neatest 'limber of Ibn (iiiii ts :tarlv. an.t thtnnL'h'int 'ietoi v was most corn-1! I l Lisbon, parlie- r.-n rani.i.tuia. llieir i .mil .beisive, for he Carlists never expected Io h.isf. the rice ions here, a' d wera lar fnim antieipatit he lo'nl pi ostrn! ioii nf ihir Utn ai. i;ere, i.ei 01 e.eeoirs. iim- 00 , . , ... .,r, . .1 1 ' nl count mine lluu eiLUl. lit otlifr parts f Ihe kiiio-lom, lb tevilt hid not been nile so f.-ivorab'e to th S-'tembri-t as , but 'illth-v ivi'l ua.l. a, bled'y h-ive a maj..r:ly the 1 !,;.:n! er. Tit 'ien! NTiiMt. lirv.vr. - tVr- have rtn i'ltp'iioei'ee fi nil Washington, 10 the J'eot thii.'du. 11: th" ht liscal eni.e I'm.-!; Ci'Sioin' aoiooiite.l ra til- re 5 -.ir.on on:i o I'O.i.or.'i 'mm Vi. T... -V.iyht niil'.ioiis of the ecu e.vtiiitruishe.l in ih yri tjitoo dun . Public. Debt has! same pui in,! . ' ie p'lichuso here of seemili to that rnounl, at niaikel tales. Fur the fiscal year ending June 30, 1S5'I. ie receipts from Custom ere - rom Public Lands, :t fifi-s I'iSli l.S59.-nt Tot.-i S4I.S2i,5tH Customs and IO h of June The excess of revenue from ands, for Ihe ypar endiuir the ist, over tl'.e preeeiliiiii year, is therefore ! ine uud half uiii'ions. ' The teceipts from customs exceed the es- ! malo of thii Seeretaiy of the Treasury, j esented in his List Report to the House of j epreseulalives, in the sum of : 4. 00 .1.000. j he laud revenue exceeds the eslimule only 33.000. j The total receipts into the Public Treasury j irini; the year ending .lime :i0, 1S.10. wen- 17.4-21 7IS i0 1. 1 that ve.n i'.u: lediietiou the public debt was i.-llVctod lo the eMcnt ! ily id 405.276 7?). j In hi last annual n4ea-.'. lbs Presi b ut j presented that a pnr'ion of the public debt, nonntino to .5S.07 5.riTi, must be pmvided I r within two years, ad. line-, ' it is innsl do. able lh.it thrso neciuiiej ili-iiiiiii.li tbni.ld met without resorting lo new loans Hap ly that has been accomplished in a single a r, from the sin pins income of the coin;, v. -Y. !" Jour. Coin. ii'iicil )Mlr.il.V was commenced at Tin in ! tho 3 1st of October last, when the corner, j me was kiid. A letter in Ihe Newark I Ivertiser, ileseribm" the ceremouv, sas : ,. ,' . , The diplomatic: representatives of t.nf.'l.uid ussia, uud the United Slates, wen also esiml by invitation, ns paliousof the i-n- nrise. The services were chiellv condue- ' J I by the two pastors of the Waldenses, (or itidois,) livinrr in the city, fur whose bene. , primarily, the C'hnreh is lo be- creeled. dveral American Iravelleis were present, .liclniling Mr. and Mrs. Kirk pal rick, of New Jeisey, w no niiiiseipientiy inane a tiamlsonie donation to tho Chnrch. Mr. 1'ianeis ii. Shaw, of Huston, has nlwi t-i'ualied his in terest in thu iiudeitakin in the same way. Il may be mentioned as a mark uf the favor of Ihe people, that many mechanics have offered to contribute in labor to the biiilditir. This is the only Italian Statu w here such a ceremony could be peiformed, and the event seems to mailc Ihe proresa of civil and religious freedom in Sardinia. Don't "Take." Al a recent mpetinn; of l parish, a solemn, straight-bodied, and ex mplary deacon, submitted a reporl in wri ing, of the destitute widows and others, landing in need of assistance in the par dh. 'Are you sure, deacon," asked an dher solemn brother, "that yon tmbruccd .11 Ihe widowi V He said b believed he ad done so; if any had been omitted, the mission could easily be corrected. Tir Railways of tub Woiiui.- Within the biief space of Iwsiily years, tho pepn 1m inn of Europe- and tho l.'niled Slates, flmou ititig in nga repute number, to ebon 240,000,000 of souls, havo constructed nnd brought into operntion a length or railway wliieli, if continuously laid, wuttld exactly surround this planet ; and have expended in the nceomplishment of this work an amount ol capital of nearly $2,246,000,000. It ap pears also, tbnt there is still in prepress a lenslh nmonntin If) about sixty pur cent, of thai which has actually been executed : so that, when tho whole have been completed, there will be nil entire extent of ubout 40,. 000 miles ef railway, upon which a capita' of !?:t..a;)l).OO0 OOi) will have been expended. Tlie I'uited Stall s has 428 miles of inilroml for every in t II toil of population ; Tniled Kin-'dum. e."0 ; (Jeiniaiiiis States, 110 l!el;iiHii, lij , 1'iauce, Italy, 3 i. 61 I'.ussia, 3.7 r t.i I..i ' .......... t M intL'ouirr, klioHii elil 'IIV IT liisrlevnll m- , al poelry, died ivrently in K.nolanil, in his m i. . It;- !-...: 1 1 Wort; was I Th.. U-,.l io Swi,ze,l..od. uhieh . f pea red in lSOfi, nnd was received uiihsijr- Mill lavor ly tin: p.itme, niul lias passed thtotieh some filleen eililionf. "The West Indies,'' was published in l"7 : ' Piiscn Aniiiseinent," in 1 S 1 il. inotisll written six teen years before : '-'I'lie WoiM befoie the I'ioii.l in 3 ; '-(Jieenl iud ' in I S l!,. :ml the -Pelican Ulaud'1 at a subscipient peiiol. An fld. Million of his collected weiks was is surd in 1S4I. Iliiort VNO's tll llMAN BlTTK.RS. Tliesnj octrluated Hitlers prepared bv Di. C. M. J.ieksim. I2i Audi s. levt. I'liiladididiin. r.re I t.,..!,... u.i....i.'.i...t H.,.i,.li,.iii lb., i h.do eom.ny. Wereau bear iuIucs to ' their eiiruliv.. powe.s in il),- Cas- o( a friend ' of mrs l,.. had the Li.f Com,,!;,,".,, and i j 1 1 if-- xvlin had the l.ivt lontplal i. antt who bad tiled ;ilini-l every i;iiei medieiue, i hnl v. it hunt elieet. After takinir a lew bol j ties nl' these iiitieis ho was entirely cured. I To those s ho nre fuotilaitv nlilieted we ie ; eoinmeud them to lake the preparation. ktniwiicr llial lhy vx i 1 1 -nrs the disea-e j spuUeu nl', ain! many others to w hii h 'Mb h ; i heir to.' There i A rpuriniis Hi'tielt" 1 rut'.di: in Pliil.idelphi.i, Tlie only place l i net the yenuiue nrlicli1 is 1 JO Arch street, Philadelphia, of Dr. Jacki-mi, or his aeuls . tli'oni'i'..-.nt lie' eniintiv. .4 IS I i this '. on Snndav last .y the Rev. .Mr. lininii, Alt. IVimu ( u.MiAii, ol l.nwcr l'iansiii. to Mi-i .maih i.aihhiim: iuiui, : oi uiis pej: e. ! ii,, ii... '.ii. I,.- r:..e n ;. ....... ... i .... n i i: . i IIIOI-. ..II. .1 'HA Ik. J.l.l., 1 1 f I I S? L .1..III J. I,,,,,,,, .,!! f )aVi!le. On the 13:h tost., bv the Rev. P. Wiliiard, : Mr John Rum'i h.m ii. of Calia wissa, Col. co , I. vi' 1 .... i - .rvi ilv io the . 1 -"iis ,n i.ii ni.1.0. oi t-iidiiiui.iii a. . 1 v....t 1 1 j .... e , ioiiiniiilLi'l liiii'i 10. t);i the !3:h in.-! , in Noith'i'.nl:"! land, by ihe Rev. Mr. Cunser. Mr. J-N .i 11 .. n PriiKi.. nl D.inviiie, lu Mis. ausii J. IIj.m:, ol Nor ll.'Jiulieilaud. On tin; -l.h inst., bv '.hi? lb v. Samuel 1. l.iliey, Rev. JiMi:s F.vim;. ol the llaltiir.oie Ci.o'eieiice, to M:s Kl.l .. urn .1 i:." M Vi;s, ui Mil':ni eo., I'.i. I.i I'hiliidelphiti. en the -I II ii nt., by t!io R V. ') 'oinnis L.'lienildl . 1,'pv. 1 1 KM AN4 f.t.V i ni.s, ( hai eelloi i I the t": iveisity nt Li M is le.HL'. and Miss JixB Ii l.'.I.e.iMin:. all i I'illl.nh ij hill. wirtfirsi-. u WMto4i4r!ffirtt'i.itri. vtrziaz rjzm Io tlrs pl.iee, on Saturday las Mis r.l.l- bins, iijed S-Mir. Ill, wile ol .'ilr. 1 lloinas 1 iibnul 40 yea;.. In I'pper AiiL'nsta tpt on Tuesday last, i. JCll.N IIARTI.OW, aged about 60' years'. M In Niii'thumbei lend, on Saluidav last, Mr. 1 liKRNARD CIIRISl V, i.ed about 43 leais. 1 he ileceasetl was u ineiiitier ol the I. O. ol O. tied llic funeial was miinerouslv attended by the Holer I'rotn Danville, Nor llinmbeilaiiil and Sunbuiy J Sunbury, Nov. lii, IS51. Amount of coal biout'hl In Sunbury, over ihe I 1 : 1 1 . i . I : i j ) ! 1 1 . t and Suolniiy Railroad, lium the Sliamokin Mines; Tons. ror the lasl week, Per l.ul lepml, 7"il !:.: 4 a Tolul, J3.0-J3 I kilaclelphia Ll'arkct. Nov. 27, l51 l-'l.oi-s. AVO Mi-.Ai.. I'he lust sales of llonr for eporl w at 5'o.XIJ ; for city ue sales nt s3.R7aS4.00. Kiru Flour is held al "Ml. a i ll. Rvt Fi.nni. No stoel; on hand to opcrale Coi n Mr.Ai.. Last sales of fresh al ground Will.M Little e!eiii sab s .,f prime it f.a! I ins. ast .-ales at , I) I al f I c ; lute is he Rvk. None anixiny cents. j Cons. Is dull : sales of good old yellow at fill a CO i ts., uilo.it, and al S3 cents, fuuir i ,. ,. . , Oats -New J-o'illioi.i ere in demand at ; 3p,:uj t.ts ! Wiiiskkv. Sales nl IJ cts. in Lb, and '; 21 a cl. in l.h.l.-. 1 YS . 1 , -r . . Nov. C6. IS51. CRMS'. Tim mp;dy of Wheat is small for Ihe last day or iwo. Sales of pood to prune roils to-day at it n 80 cts. ; while ul j 83 a Mi cts. ; and family Hum white at 90 i nr. e Sales of new Corn, in uon l conditio:., al f)1 its. while, and .ri(i a 5 els. for yellow Damp paieels sell ut i'j a 50 cts. Sales tf old i urn at Ma SG cts. Sales of Marx land Rye nl 70 a 11 rents. We (nme t.its m 33 a 3fi cts. fur Mary, land, and 37 els. for t'eni.sx Ivnnia. WHISKKV. Sab s of Penns) Ivauia bids, at 22 a ill cts., and of bhds. ul 21 cents. SUNIiUIlY I'lUCi: CUIMIK.NT Wiirr.iT. B0 Pre. . . . 0 Cons;. . . .50 Oats. . . . 37 liirrtn. . . g Etuis. -.. 10 1'omk. .... (J Fnisr.m. .... joi 'I'iLLDW. . . . Uti-swAX - 25 IUi klmi I'm, . 10 Diutu Arriii. . . 75 Do. I'lirm. 4 (00 Cm . New Advertisements. ABT TJNIOn OF PHILAEELPIllA, Inrnrpnrnled by the Lejr.ilnture of rennsy Ivnnin, for lh proniotion of tho Art) of l)csi(;a lit th" Vnitcil Stiiles. EVKKY mcriilver, for the year 1851, will re reive for csrli subscription of Five Dollars a print of lliintinelon'f "t'liristiana nnd her t'hil drcn," ensraved liy J. Andrews, lloston, nnd llic ronipnuinii, a print of Huntington's "Morey Dresm," ciisrnvcil liy A. II. Kitrhie, New York, or llict rhoii o f nny two of tho following four Splendid Kiigraviin;s, viz : 1. John Knox's inteniew ts-illi Mary Queen of Hoots, painted ly Lcntre, enirravcd by Hnrtain. 2. Kutli nnd lln:i painted hy I!ohrnnel. cn- Rraed liy Surtain. 3. Merry's DiVatn. piduted by Huntin(;ton, en:;r:iM'd lv Kiti lde. 4. Christiana and hrr Children, painted hy llunlinuton, rn;nivcil hy Amlrews. And a ropy of the l'liilaildphia Art I'ldim 1e porter, n monthly pamphlet contaiiiinir a report of the trancaetions nf tlie Institution nuit hil'or- mnlion en the suhjeet of the Fine Arts, tlirouu:!!- i out the wliete wjrlii Thf Ari i:.i;.m i.f riii!.n'etihirl nvvnrds prizes hi its own Certificates, with which onaina! . . . . t ,,n ,ir,.hnsrd in I ny part of tho I'ui'cd Slates, at the option nnd seli'-tiun of Ihc neivon who niiiv nhliaii n prize Ihe Ai.i.unl Pistrihution, which take. ,,l:ici ert llie rtetiiliir til' ihe l.nt WCeK-llaV 111 :j,,Prv ,,,lir. lij-t-ri'tivr I'ommitlrr nf l.r Art I mill. i ivlirn mi requested, select works of Art, without ! lehane or coiup; ns itiiiii. from llieir Vrce tiallerv. Clli Chestiiit street, lor those persons in the 'country who may live remote from pelleries or j I public exhibitions of the Fine Arts. 1"'JY:!in ol incnilHTship ii".llO. Sub-1 .scri;c.:ons ieeiie,I by P. 11. MANSER, Hon- ; orary sT,-clsry of Nortliinnlierland county,! i with v. hem copies of the enaravings may he j Men, j Snubnrv, Nmcnd'er C3, 1S5I. fit. PIIOCLAIATJON, .YUrj'lCi; is l.rrebv .irhcii llint ths fe'ernl iX "-'Urls of Common Plejs. Ceneral gimrter me- peace, in., . .rpnaiw x . nr . ........ of . e r a. . ! ennn.er anil t.eneml Jad Delivery, in ai.I lor l.ie cmmiy ol ;orinninnrnano. u j ! comineiii- nt tlie Court House, in lite borough id ! ' Nuibury, nt 10 o'elivk, A. M. on Monday, the j j .')l!i iav oi .lannarv nrxt, and will continue I I 'i'li runnier. Justices of the Peace and cousta- bks in ami lort'le county ol Norl.imu.ierlniHl, are j requested : I c then ami there in their proper per- sous, utli their rolls, ri-cor.ls, iiupiisilioiis, uud ! oilier ivinrmhraiices. to d.) those tilings to llieir sevi ral ollaes i.ppcrh.inin to be done, ud all wilne.""s j'nve -utiles ill la-hall' of the Connnon v ii a.-a .n -I u a v pi ."-oiu r arc ab-o n-.pu-te;! anl eoinui.;i.iii d In ! e thru and there allemhiej; in their pmpvr per:;iins 1 i pro-iecii'e ii r.iiut him. as hn!l er pei i.-l -.i !,e ..i:al no. to depart Hl.mil leave ai I leir . u ru. Jinors ,,re rcpicMiu io iK.pnuc.o.u in intir llio iicae. e. i. i nil- nine ,i 1.0110,11 ,il. i iu io : their no'.i. es. tiiM ii under my 1 and nl Sunbury, the 111 day of NovenilkT, in the year of our lord one ihou kand ei:ht I-.iiiiih'i-d and lil'tv-one sod the lu- lejieii.U uce of tlie t nited States of America lb 'Ui. WI'.l.IA.M IJ. KIPP, Kheriff. (j'.i. save Ihe t'einnioiiueallh. Notice To the ns-rs cf CECE.0E T,70Lr, Dcc'd. JOTICE is hereby won M lather Wolf, - lJ u ii'i '.v of paid i',e.d., to Catharine N'olf, niAiried In .l.iro'i Mai-kel. llenrv Wolf. Jacob . Wolf, lather 'i ' If. married to Daniel We.ncr, i and ll.'ir.H' '".i!f. Thai l.y a lirtne of a err- I tain Will of P-tilinni Ftniinthl i-sllfd out of I llir I '.rid-.au';! ( iiikI of Northumberland county, ,' Io mo ilireiud, an liupiisitiou will be held on the ! rc;d estate of e..i l liac'.!., io I'pper Miibonoy lov.nvl.ip. ut l i o'cVh I;, M.. en 1-ridav the Stol j tbi- of .lannarv ls'o-. el wliicli tune nnd place j on a c her- ev warned I be n:id appear il" lou thiii:; proper. I WILLIAM IJ. KIPP, sheriff. ShpriiPe lli'ier. Sunbury, I Nov. -JJ, f-St. ti. " j To the Heirs of VI.I. SEIT2, DecU (vncr. u i...r..t,v .. i.. a...,, m..;. i. j.:., pi: s o......l s;..;i. f.-.-j,,., jjallil. sj,,iWi n, cu,lurmP .Seil.';' to Sa- l-iiti Seil. luurricil la (ieiiree Daniel tuiiv in ilhio; lo lsac I IruuihoHcr, Nicholas Druinhcl-. j ler, Dai id Dniiuheller, Jense Di uinheller, Kliza I belli Urumhcllcr and Surnh Druiiihidler ; to Pe ; ler Wiuriu'r, S.nmid V. a tner, John Warner, ' Dsvid W'aui er, Culii.iriue Wucner, married to I Daniel (ioodmim, Rosainni, widow of Michael .Neidi:;, Mr-.riMicl, married to Jacob iiiehavt, 1 now in !'i:nk county, ( bio. That in the Or ! plum's Com t of s..id County, ut .ocinbcr term, j I.":!, en the petition of i!ic Kod Anna Maria ! Seil, the Courl urar.t a rule upon tin- heirs and lejal repiesentalics of the said William Seitz, dee'd., 1 1 api i ;ir ut an Orph in'i. Court to be held I at Sunbiiry. in the Ceuiilj of Norlhuinherlaiid, ! f) p T) J T I W" CfMTTl'l' f ! t J on the lirsi Monday of January next, and accept I yJ'xJ Jlslrt LlUtil .-Jy. or n fuse i!.e n al estate of the said dee'd., ut the FN pursuance of nn order of the Orphans' Court vnluHliou fixed upon the siin.c by nn ilhuisitiou of Norlhunilu rlaud comity, iill be exposed duly awardt d uud held upon toe said real estate, to public sale on Saturday the lilh day of lleee.n-..i.-h in rase nil the heirs mid le'al repieseiita- ler next, at the Public House of llciiry Haas in iie. u luse to iic-.-ept or take the same, there to i the borough of Norlhmnbeiljnd, the follening shew enuve why tiie said premises should not be J real estate, vi. : four reilaiii sow aecoi'iliiii; to llic act ol it.-scmhly in su. h ca- i ses innde and prov bled. I ' .'. i r.. .. i . v ciiii.cu irom li. c rei'oros oi sal.l I onit at Suiili.ry. nn Ihe 7th day of November ISO I. L v order of tlie Cnurl. ) Jdll .N P. PFRsEL, Clk. All of which you are hereby requested to take noii.e. ' WM. If. K1P1', SheinT. No-, ls.'l fit. Notice j To the Heirs of FEEL'K EAKE?., Dcc'd. n-O'i'K K is hereby civc, to Elizabeth KaUr, X t w id.nv ol Fie.lenek Raker, .lec'.l. le li en- rv lieacM, Elia Ileaehcl uud Laxiua Jane Rea-elii-l, late l.aviiia I v.iki r, dee'd., by their guardian lleiiry D. Hollinan ; to Conrad Raker, of Ohio, lo Jereiuioli linker, Ilauiet Raker, Cuthariue Ra ker und John Raker, by their Kuardiau Henry D. llollii.au. 'J'hul in the Orphans' Court of said County, ul Nsxeni! er term, Is&l, on Ihe -petition i I the Kaid Heniy 1). lloll'uian, the Court Kraut a role upon the heir., uud le'al reprci utati.es of Ihe said Frcdeiii k Raker, dcc'd., to u i.-ar nt an O.phuns' Court to be held al Sunbury, ill the County of NoilIimulH-rland, on the lira! Monday of January ne xt, und accept oricluse the real en tile ol llie said deed., nt tho valuation lixed upon the same bv an iinpiisiiiou duly aix.inlrd I held the Said real eeMte, wh'ich iii caso all the heirs and lcjj-.il reprext i.tatixes refuse td ae. et or lake the same, then lo thew ease why l!:c hai. I promise should not be sold aceori'.ina lo the a t ol a.-.-eni'.ilv in such cases mads and pro vtdid. Certified from the records of said Court at Sunbury, on the 7lh day of November H31. liy onler of the Court, ) JOHN P. PFRSEL, Clerk. All of which you are beieby requested to fake noiiee. WM. 11. KIPP, Shcriir. Nov. 55, 1RM 0.1. UOLU l'E.N.S wiili and without silver casca iiMjt reeeiveil. and for wain liv H B. MAfief.R funbury. A mil 4 11 4 UN OLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe aive and I egul envelopes, for sale by 11. 11. MAUSER. Ptfiihury, April 28, 1851. OF. OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this , excellent article for Tetter, A c, just received and lor sale by 1IENKV MASrtER. Sunbury, July U, 1(49 THli GERMAN m'ashixo rowj)Kiis ft considered hy thousands who have tested it, as being the greatest Scientific Wonder of thi World! Entirely doing away with that laborious and In jurious practice of ruhliing the CLOTHES vron Tim WASHBOARD, And great saving of TIME, LABOR AND EXPENSE. N. B. To prevent fraud nnd Imposition, (for ninny are trying to palm olT article put up like mine.) die Proprietor, I. 1 HUYT, Will put Ids WIHTTKN HKtiN ATl'RK on the top la hel nf rvcry Pncknjie. And he only nsks an tiilightritrit jtuhlif not to runfound TIIK cm MA XVASilllMJ I'OWhKtlSj Willi others that nre in the market. It is put tip in Packages with full dirccll.itn. nnd sold nl tlie.neminul price of 12.J cents. W PUI.VI'l'.K.-i will find it irrenllv tondvan latrc to purrhaMC tliose Powders to rle-.inse llieir TV PEN AND HOLLERS, heilnt rt very superior article for thnt purpose. Manufactured onlv bv I. P. 1IOYT. Rt his LnboiHtury nnd Principal Depot, No. 10 South 1 lllli Street, Philadelphia. Wholesale nnd Retail Asenls Ifenrv Mnsscr. Sliiihurv : S. I). Dciiurnuindie Norlhunihei'laud. Peineiiiher the name HERMAN WASHING FMTD. ' All letters to be pixt paid. November 22, ItiM. fnno. K0EE XEAV GOODS! rnziizz :or & grant, "ESPECTFri.I.Y infoiiii toe public nnd " "the rest of mankind," t'mt tbey have re ceived u lari;e assortuii'iit of . FALL AND WINTER G0CB3, of every Varic'j" of style, coiiHislins; hi part of a line usorlniciil of Clulhf. Ctistimrrrs, Jti'ikw, Jfmissrline At Lniii.it Cdu-ici. jl'isi.is, Checks, ami rvrrv Mirielv nf Drv (joods. Also large a-surtinent ef fillOC I. HITS, peril as Sugar, Teas, Codec, Mulasses, Sjiices of all kinds. Also nn assortment of HARDWARE and QT7EENSWAEE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a fresh supplv of Minis AM MKIllCIXm "TV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex. change nt the highest market price. iullhu, Nov. 8, Is.'il. on p ii a xsCxYuiiT SALE. JN pnrsunnee of an order of the Orphans" Conr n , .ort!umil.rlJ1l fl)Un1y, will he i-s poked ,,. ,,,,., ,, s,.l i.r, .v t ... 1!! . . . l cenihei iieM. lit the Public. House of Charles I Weaver, in the Ilorouch of Sunbury, the folhuv j ing real rslntr to wit : a certain j Tract ol" Lund, j in I'pper Auguslu township in said county, con I taiiiiiin W K i'cs more or less. Adjoining ! on the south, laud i f John '.. Haas, on die ea. t land ol (ieo. C ' elkrr. on llic north kind of Henry Mass'cr nnd liie Shaniokiu Creek Road, and on the west land of MeCarly, Davis & Wr ner. The Slid Hi" acres liein part of jvhat wsi railed liir Mill Iruet. I)n which are err. -led Rank Ham, two storv Dwrllius House, itc. Lute the etate oftiitleon Maiel, liec'd. Sale la couitneuee at 10 o'clock, A. M. oT said day, wht-n tho terms of .air will be hide known by M A R V M A Rir I'.i., Adai'i. I!v order nf the Court, j J. P. PI'RSEL. Clk. n. 0. Nov. If., k.-, I. S ORPlLLXy COURT SALIJ.' p N pursinnci' ef an order uf the Orphans' ( 'ourt aj of Not Ihumbcrlaud county, ill he exposed to public sale on Thursday, the l-tli dny of L)e er!n!i r nesl, on the premises the following real Citute, vi. : u certain Tract of Land, situate in Point township. County aforesaid, be Kiiinine at a corner on land of Unac Vincent, IhiTife by said laud, su'al'i 40), east 43!) perches to the River, thence north 7'J, east 4o perches alons the Rier, thence by land of Jonathan Pur se!, north 40$. west 42'J porches to a comer on hind of James Lentous' heirs, thence smith fi'Jj, east fjO perches tj the place of beginning, coii tainili 10G ACRE3. Lnle the rstale of Leonard Pfoul7. dee'd. Sale to roiuiu'iiro nt III o'clock, A. M. of .aid lav when the tonus nf sale will be made knomi by JOHN" FPU FT. , , . LKNJ. PFOI TZ,rVlm,s' Ilv Order of llio Curt, ) J. P.' PL RslJL, Clk, O. C. f. NoVi 15, 1 .s.j i . ."it. S J()S of' (ll'OHUil, :.. .1... 1. .1. e -i . . i snunie in uiu jjurouuu nioresaui. Colilninnnr an. on -nt it in s more or Irfs, ndjoiunnr. lands of the heirs of the late .laiiirs Ixax, dcc'd., land of loia ph nllis end Anion E. lxapp, on which is erected a goad Inn storv flame DWELLIN3 HOUSE, U .it ii nnd other improvement". Late the i cMale nl Jaini s Jnhuson, ilee d. Sale to commence ut 'i o'cIihI:, P. M. of s-iid dux, when the terms of sale v.ill I e mndr known b JOSEPH JOHNSON, Adni'r ile bonis nun. l!v order of the Court, i J. l". PI K.-EL, Clk, O. C. Nov. 1.1, ImOI. .It. ) -TT0S1T217 AT Li.V. Ojire in Market strrrt Smihmy, ffjiasite Wtuvir's Hut nl J IfjFSINESS will lie proViptly attended to in jj S the Counties of Norlhuriberlau.l, I "rtion, Collin!. in and Montour. r.in-i'ii to : A. Joiiaiv, Eso,., C. J. HuiM.li, ttnihlirif. C. M, HI.I.,'uirl7 D. Bi.iin, Ml. Vernon House, '.l street. S, Ri x i rroi, CI Mar ket tU.P.iuJcf'iia. Sulihury, Oct. II, 1N51 ly. Jniie '! Lime ! ? ! BIiE subscrilier hereby informs his customers -E- end the public ;euerully, that having rented and put in oiHTtilioit Ihe l.i.ne Kilns of Mr. Ira T. Clement, in addition to the' other Kilns in use, he will now be able lo supply demands for lime at the shortest nolire. His lime will be of the best quality. JOHN D. PHIPMAN. fiunbiiry, Nov. J5, 1851 (f. MITH'S ESSENCE OFJ.VMA ICA GIN OEK, fresh exipply just received, and for sale hy li. U. MASSE Iv. April 1. 181. 71EE BILLS Justices and Constables Fee . Bills handsome'.? rrinte en emtd patter, ler s e at thisofiire. ..ORS. A superior article for sale at Ihe Vtoreof HENRY MAUSER. uahurT, TV. 1. 10. ART UKI0N OF PHILADELPHIA, lucorporatcil by tlie Legisljttue of l'eniislvania, , For tho Promotion of the- ARTS OP DESIGN IN TUB tMTEO STATES. OFFICERS 1851-52. Henry C. Carey, President! William D. Kellev, Vice President F.ilwsrd P. Mitchell, Treasurerj E. H. Butler, Recording Secretary ; George W. Dewey, Cor responding Secrctarvi MANAGERS. John Sartain, Charles Top pin, Jumes S. Wallace, Charles McCalestrr, Henry M. Pi.tterson, Charles (. I.elaiid. William D. Lewis. Edwin R. Cope, William lioodrich, John (s. Hnrt, 'l'hemlo.e Cuyler, James L. Clag horn, Joseph D. Siewnrt. EXECUTIVE COM VITTEEh-Jamee H. Wall-.iec. E. H. Iln'lrr, Charles ti. I.cland, Ed ward P. Mitcb-dl, I'dwin R. Cope. Everv lucn.lirr, lor the ve.ir Hoi, will receive for each subscription of Fivk 1o.i.aiis, a print of Hl'NTIN(iTON"!s 'CHRISTIANA AND HER CIIILDUF.N," Einrraved In Joseph Andrews, llo-lon. And the Coinpiinioii, a piiut of HL'N'J'ING TON'H '.MERCY'S DREAM," Engraved by A. II. Rib hie, New Yok. Or the choirs of any twa of the following Four Splendid Er.grr.ving4!, via : 1. John Knox's Int. rview wiMi Mary Queen of Scots, Painted by Lcute, eugrnxed by .Var tnin. 2. Ruth nnd Horn, Painted by Rolhcnncl, en graved l.y Sail ii i ii. J. Mercy's Dream, Painted by llunlingl.in, enirravcd by Rilchi.-. 'I. Christiana end ler Children, Painted by Huntington, eiu;iacd hy Andrews. And a copv of the I'hiki'h ;e';m Art I'mon firporltf, A inonlbly pamphlet coii'aimns; a report of the Iraiisaetious of the liistitntiou, nnd information on the subject of the Five Aires Tiiiwti i.iioi i i Hi: i iioi.t: M oiti.l). The Ait Union of Philadelphia nwards pri.rs in its own Ceiliiicatis, wiih which i i u i i in I Amerienii works of Art may be purchased in nny part of the United Stales, n! Ihe option and se lection uf the person who in iv oblain a prize nl Ihe Annual Distribution, which lakes place on the exeniiur ol' the last week-day in every yrar. The I'lceulivo Cominittee uf the Ait Union, ween re.picstr.l, select xvorks of Art, xvithnnt cb.arr'c or touiprns.itiou, from their FREE O AL LF.KV. "Ml CHESTNUT STREET, for those persons in the country xihn may live remote from galleries or public exhibitions of the Fine Arts. Subscriptions of membership, 47, should be tnsde ns eirlc ns pr.n lieabie. to facilitate the op eration of the lniiua-iers, nnd ensure members of the '!' roifn ," which will be forwarded upon the receipt of the money, to any part of t'ac coun try. The Honorary Secretaries v. ill civc reripts for subscripti'-ns. or remittances mux' he made ta (.'EORtiE W. DEV. HV, Cor. Scc'v. EDWARD 1". l;E.LON', Actuary. No. 210 Chivtnut Strut, l'lnladi Iphia. Noveiuber IS."I. tit. BilAMT'S IBs DI AIM llilsY III Tlie n-at OI 4JSI 1115 ZIDY Mi4tir v-pfiri of Mflri:re. an-l tnir tltnn h If tinilr-rd Tlin'.nMl Citrci r fi.M-insri'tif ,"":' ;... v pr.tvrrl In Hit- II "il- -1 1 - I kVllfi'I -' .1 of fll DTr,-.p-i wh litv Ii r.i'itr u"( t.i vtr l'i 'Il I l n lt''tt trtntJy, thai i UlTiltlv Hh(cu!r li cuius j i' iH r,. :',h.j avA Htolmf. hT moe rrrnii:i nr it ti itif t i cn u( u. I'Uittjt il''i ni' v '"I Ii ,li w,y J- '',wt I. ti :-,. 11 ti I '.If it il ( "..f'!rl:i tin UH li- nurd. Il'-' t::t IDD xj: i ..!. 'f ti.- MULT VI tin d w. we n.i u",t 'i.'m,i: t t tr ; w . )i n.'ii, but :i w l-i.7 tny. Mix) -in ClWrt It . i t,t t, . I.r II i'll ! linV-l HI 1 1 O tl Ml II .t i.fc.it.. in. I I!.: ni-'.l -i:";f h.in f It t'l 1 C it i.ii di ti'let X h-h.rt hii t ! ' a were i ri. i lfil. Win CH .l l' IF I '.ll.H.I.OMl l .III. Uirl W : au.'l .l.sl wan t';m).l Ct ,1 r.-M.-i:..' :. I v. .-r. nt an i ef :" l.-'i ' "'. l'i I ''." id lli.l i'.ih' il m I'.iiumeli'jn .i-rr. n.c ii e . i.. -.Hi!. t i at li'owi ii . J m T. it : i ii-n lit., ri, u a. I... I... '.:v s:n -t- I i .v .1 l,i.l tiu',1, r.ir-... I ':'- Us llreilsl, t. an I i.ii lrilitll.-i.il. of 1 Cen.il bluff 'lowc'.f ;..(.. ..O. 'i n.i Xi. il-Ss -uj xviisiinx nwiiy "l 0. ' ricx 'i I l.loo.l l-ei...i. la.m ..''! '.' !'':oi:i li. r oocn .".ifa rei it ws, I I...V e'..'l .''I liie i x.veii l."i..i tn ."Xf.l c.o i.kl t ni I .i.ii.. . --. , j , ' o il HIV slole, rut. l.v tin- uit- ul l.:. o.mt. v, l .sj now live, -u- .i;.r . I . il.l li .l.iiiii r'. . f. f'i". t:r.i"iii ti u e fl.Mt lo I11..J, .1: 1 n'r if.j-.rt' 11 k.i .l... or : - A.e oi uii.iit fo'rtiiiii ei-ri r: tf. 'r- a. . outterl Ml i.i iiiiea'eiilutis I ores 'i. I'm II v Ins. ..nti!P n.eiv. '"t liiTitfuealina l'.. w tv.-.ui- l.y n:y IH ci'CJutn. mu.l ..Kl,i.'.ior a AiulMy irrnn-i.ii, mtliyi'iy I '.ill ah i.'ot-'ii'iy f.'.f .Xrl-ftl- ml uuuiji U .mi'il.ilmy Kllieelursllue. I' l-uist His ruaunoaf uei, T.t : ConBiimption, COI'l-illS bu1 -fW.i. Ifronchitu. .iitSmm, StuHing ef flw)rf, lilMdiny nt tin l unyi, IUin$ tn Vit Jitent, Sid, and Chut. Ar.iiitt. Xi-.ht Su-Hiti. I'aiiutn i tht Htart,ri :) FK.UAlsIC HKAUMitH and fmplumtt Kniing Uiff from, l liolrnt lornnturtit kc T- -'r I'muf mir mruc nr of CiirM, omt Fftiiilililrlai i.J Hu4lxU-iA unr Afai hav lot at i I'tiW sai.K ut f. W. 1'i'iiin"-, Pnulnuvt Mry A. Mc Cy. NoKlntfTi-'-rl-iit'l ; .1 Hu (I. !!aui, Miiitui; Ilayrs .Mel 'nnillc1!. Mil ! f-Vii. i. .M ij :t, clw. ly. J-3 W W J"". -Jj -eTw-J.' 5 VxTlLLIAM HOOVr.i: respectfully iufon is j- 1 his friends mi l eir touo rs that he has just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of LTV SIT.nCC xxhii-h he tilVrrs f.irsifc nt his nexir store at Mas. ser's Mill, llollo-.xiiu; Run. .These -ood will he sold nt the lowest prices. IIISPriH K rt iS!STs .'! KVi:i:V V.sKIETY, Yi: Drv (oi)(li. tS'c. Such at Co'i.i, Casiimrre.i, .V'ihs, Cullkott. O'u joni. .i:.' .''.-, f'in:s nnd lauttt .Ve 'i' io 's zenrraily. A LSI.) : A n a-sorliueut of l'ub:i Leaf irt... Cup", &c, UUZEIi'oWAIlE. H ARDWARE. IKON and s'l EEL, N AILS, 4e A general assortineiit of llnn-eries, such as Sujar, C'o.'K'e, Tea, Mida-j-m'.s, SjULeu, iiic, A lst an ass.iil.icat of Li.piors, such re lrinilij, A'-i, Wlii .rey,. Witi'i, iVc If' Produce of nil kinds tak'n in eschanje at the hijlicst inarki t prices. Hoiiowiu,! K.ui, .May Id, 1?'.1I. ly, ITT ccers! ,7. IJ. K.U FFMAX Al l!u It Slarc in Itnliuwin; Ran. fj ESPEC1 FELLY i.-iforms his fiends and Ivl cii.-b:iii( is. that he h is just received a new stiu V of (; mils, which he eli'eis lo the public at ihe lowest ricru, viz: rait atid vrtatiT ijy ;i)i u, SI t il A-l doth'. rj.'inififi, Sti!l:,)rt;s. Mcrinrs, M.nis-Lite lit Liuntx, Fltiui.rlx nnd eicry xarieiy of uoo.ls suilahle for the eeasJii. A'so- Sii'ii liati, ( n;s, v. ALSO : All assortment of Hard-ware. ALSO: All Kinds, of (Jroccrios, Mll Oil. ALSO: A vuriely of Qneenswarc, Crockery, Ac. Resides a variety of other articles, suitable for farmers, Ac. Alt kinds of produce taken in exchange fr geods at tho hiuhest market price. Hollowing Run, Oct. 25, 1851. tf, HUFF A LO jtOHKS. 4 LPO. FANCY V h Mu,u 7 i'ITic.-"' .icloriaa, cVc. Ae, The eubscri jers oiler M aliove for sale, wholesale or retail, in to g-vaicst variety, and on the cheapest terms, at llieir Estuhli.-Jimonl, No. tilt Norlh Third "direct, opposite Cherry, Philadelphia. JAMES KE1SKY & CO. NoxemVr B, 1881 rflo.. )9M m a i sHi tst CHERRY PECTORAL: rr ihe Care r OOUOHS, O0Z.D3, HOAHSEIxTESS, BRON. OHXTXS, CnotTI, ASTH MA, WHOOPIHO-OOUOM AND OOK'SUIVIPTION'. Anion; the nuinerous discuvciics Scicnrc has made in this generation lo fucililnle the business of life hicreaso its enjoyment, and even pri- lon-j the term of hum in existence, none ctin be limned of more real value to mankind, than this contiibulion of Chemistry to the Healinij Art. A vast trial of i!s virtues Ihmiiiihout this broaTI cnunli-y, bus proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine or combination of medicines yet known, enn so surely control and cure the nume rous va rieties of pulmonary iliscime which have hitherto SM-ept from our midst thousands and thousands exory yenr." Indeed, there is now nbundaiit rea son to believe a Remedy has at length been found which can be relied on to cure the most dangerous nll'eetions of the lunirs. Our space here xviil not permit us to publish any proportion of the cures nili.-cled by its use, but xvc xvuuld present the folloxvim; opinions of eminent men, nnd refer further empiiry to the circular which the Ardent I olowr named, will always be pleased to furnish free, wherein are full particulars, ami inujspiitnMe proof uf these facts, 'mill ; Vr'sidrnt iif Amhrrst dllft. tht irkbmicd rnuFi:ssuii hitchcuck. "James (', Ayor Sir : I hnxe used your Cni iiiir l'ri num., in my own case of Jeep seated Rronehitis, nnd am satt!'ed from in che mical constitution, thnt it is nn ndmirnble com pound for tlie relief of laryie.'inl and bronchial diliicuilies. If my opinion us lo its superior character can he of any sen ice, you are ut liberty 10 use it ns von think proper. ED'tVARD HITCHCOCK, L. L. D., From the xvidely celel ruled pnni-Ksson sii.hMas, m n. l.l. D.. I'mt'ftor of Chemistry. Mtnerulny, iVc . Yule Ci'llevf. Mcmltr of the l.il. Hist. Mid. 1'hil. and Sa,itic Svcictiis a f Ainrrtca und Europe, I deem the Citi nnr I'rrriuiii. nn admirable composition from some of Ihe best nilicles in Ihe Materia Moiiica, nnd n very el'ectixe remedy fur tlie das. ol disen-rs it is intended lo cine." New llaxcu, Ct., Nov. 1, lsl:i. MAJOR rATTISON. Piei,!ent of the S. C. Semite, stales he has used the Cumin r Picto- 11 tl. with xvonderful success, to cure an inlhui mation of t!i." hmzs. 'com ouf nf the fust I'l:jsi:iis in Maint Sack. Me., April 'JO. Isilit. Dr. .1. C. Aver, Lowell. Dear Sir. I am now constantly iisiu:: ycur Ciimuir I'r.i Timii, in my practice, and prefer it to any other ineilii ine for puluiouary complaints. I'r"m observation of 111:1 liv severe ca-J-. 1 am eonxinced it will cure coughs, col ls, and disetnes of ihe luiii;s, that luxe put to ilefniiiee all other rcuuihes. I ievrinbly rceoinm.'nd its u -c in c-.es of e:m- umption. and i ..i.ier it iuik-'ii t!i8 best lrmsdy known for licit d'sca -e. Rt sue. Io;!!v vcurs, I. s. Clsil M AN, M. 1). r :," J t!d ': j.imi: r. ayi:h I'rarlira Ch ?, 7.o;, .If.i.-J. Sot,l hi Sunbury by II. M Ass'.'l!, d by Driii: iisl r.ener. 'lv I'lpiiu'lrmt tlie Mai. No-ecibcr 1, lf-Ml. Ivee'bno. Ilia.i-r Tire & Thief Proof Iron Clwifi. aer4- mm U t-llf. UAlli! -NTED to stand cipia! ' any i.i'n r Chest-i in the conn eat with miry, anil I.r defy tlie l.'itrgl.;' in..'e:uiily. '.! anuta, : iry. No. 10 11 -.1 -I.-on's Alley, riinnii..; belweeu '1'iiir.l and Fourlli streels, sol. Ill of Cl.e.-i.ul, au.l ill the rear ef the Chard 1J.iiil:. M. i. S.. the prop-ictors, are Practical Me chanics, nnd feel confident, from Ion;; experience in the i.ianufai line oi' Iron Chests uud Sales, ami a spee:..l alleiitioii to this particular briuch, o4- 1 cuiif i--at!ol..ctid:i to all xxlio may t,!o ui'm .ill. N. I. e hve selected one of the bejl min erals txer used as u iion-t-oiuitii tor of heat in ll.is litisiness, and we xxarraol our Chel and S ii.s lo be made of the he.-t nra'icriu! and ill lbs c..i.t on.-;, Me manner, and to rlai.d any heal I but can be -applied to tliein. M1LNOR A Sll AW, Manufaelory No. Ill Hudson's Alley. Ruimiri bctwecii linl mid Jlh strer S. ti Cliev nut, in Ine rear of Cir.ud llinlf. Philadelphia, Oct. '.M, lol. It fJilE uudersbiie.l is in the daily receipt of J" fresh mi l excellent Oysters from the cele brated clabhshnicnt of Mr. Field, No. aJl West Lombard street, R.illiinorc. All orders xvill be promptly atteude.l to and f irxvarded xxii'oout delay. Apply to tho sub seiiber nt Lee's Houl, Norlhuinbcrlau.l, Pa. PHILIP Si I AY. N. 1) Oxstcrs of common ip.iality at $1,03 per can. October 1 1, 1S.11 "mo. OVSTKHS! OYNTKHS!! Jf V A VINO settled ut Noi ihumbcrlaud, I am L Q noiv prepared to l'oniill Frnh r.ncl Spicc3 Cy3tcr3 Jmin'r Ihe whole season nt the reduced price of one dollar fir whole und lifry cents per half ran. You en il depend upon them licin; lie-h, as I shall reeeixe them daily, (S'iiihIjxs excepted,) nnd xvhCii landed here they a;e only 16 hours oiu of the shell. All persons who are in xvant of 'he above arti cle, nt a distance, can haxe tlie.u sent per dozen or single can by addressing G';.iRfiE W. JONES. N. D. Persons cmIiic' on the subscriber may find him either at Purr's or Hans' Hotel. Norlhuuil'C;iv.id, Oct. i, lh.1l. WAilHXiiTOX' lTuusis, EUKBURY, TA. THE sul'sorilirr rrsjirrtfully iufiirrus liis frif mis aiul llie pul'lii. Ihut lie lias tukrn tlie well known I'ulilin Houtc, Oiiruor ol Msrlirt ami Ilii erstrrfts, lalrly ori'iipipj liy Mrs. W'liarl iu. He trusts liy st.ii t altfiiii'iu lu luisinrss, he will he ruulilt'il I ' 14 1-. iiinl'.u-tioii to all wlia rosy l'arer liiiu will) their custom. JAMES COVERT, unhury, Oct. tS, It. H. J A TKi XT IiitlTTAMA STOl'PEKS for uar uoiurs iur saie oy II. MASEli. Pnnl-ar-y. rril 19, ISS1 GP.EAT EAR0A1K8I AVatclic and Jewellery, WIIIII.E' Al. E luiif ItKTAIL. nAVINO constantly on hand an IiYimsnW stock of Watches and Jewellery, I m de termined to sell at less prices then tlie eame imab ily of Watchsa er Jewellery are sold in Pkilsdsl' pliia, viz i Uold Lever Wetcliee, full JewsUU II ka case, only Gold Lcpine, - - II . 4,0 Silver Levers, full Jexvelled, euly 11,99 Silver l.epines, 11,11 Gold IVinili, 1,10 Gold Pens, Silver holders, 1,00 Also an immense stock of all kiaJi of Watehs es, Gold (.'bains, Urenslpius, Earrings, tilsr Spoons, eVc, all of xvhieh I will sell at less pri'. ces than i xer have bci-u sold in this city, as the prices ore cci tiiiuly much less than aver berets' lore sold in this city or county. California Gold bought for Cash. Particular41 attention paid lo repairing 'Watches and Jewel lery. All I nsk is a call to convince Purchasers that this is ihe place to purchase Watches, Jaw cilery and Silver ware, Persons by Bi ndin? the rash they wish to at pend can have n xvuleh or xvulches sent to thera bv mail xt iili perfect al'e(y, havine sent them in that way lor Ihe last G years. All communica tions timet he post paid. Please call or send or ders to LEWIS LADOML'SJ, No. 103 t'iic-nnt St.. hetwn jbl and 4th Hi., East Wimrof Fruuklm llousei Philadelphia, Oct. 86, laSl- tf. Cloves ! Stoves ! ! Stoves ! ! ! A S the eolJ weather is approachitifr, the sub. Yi seriber would respectfully call the atten tion of Ihe public lo his stock of stoves, selected from Ihe latest und most approved patterns, con- sisiinit of Cook, Parlor, Air Tight, Chamber, Offica and Iloat Stoves, nil of xvhii h xvill be disposed of nl astonishingly low prices. Persons in want of Stoves nnd desirous of gettim; the "irorlhc llieir monty" are inxited lo call before purchasing cisew here. No Stoves kepi i h.-it cannot be recommended. He also continues to manufacture Tin ami S!url Iron Ware in nil it varieties. Erass Kettles, Dippers, Disli Pans, EriitanU Ladles, Jnpanned Ware, cVc, N. I). Persons purchusim; Stoves of the sub scriber, can nt any time proiure Cylinders, Grates, Fire Prick and odd plates, to replace such as mav be required. D. M. ERAUTIGAM. Northumberland, Sept. "7, 18.11 3ino. rr.ti ETAiu.K CATTLE POWDEU ritcrRED tr RRKIMH. FKOXKFIELD S, C(l So. 197 Sorth Third Strtct, PkitadilpK. r plflS (viwlrr ii fiitillcl hr lli united tiiimoii mf 1 vrh'i l.avr mil :t to ito fir-i rank of ail hmm CAT- I I -1 .Ml.l'lil.MiS, wlncli lmr tfn linfiil pMMajW w-TitiT fir nraiiT mr. lin!tett we i;llng tuf pmrnn t'Mii'-aa WAyuivT. ct nu ioTil' r tltol a in tn aiii nuiM.er. If the miinml pcrfccily hvalttir it will m.tm inTeaic tlie ami 'unt uf mifk r trnm mu lnlMf ; r ia imun.nl will impr r rapidly in fat. It will tharafoia in tunc he e Mianlaretl u e luva n tlouht ntta uf thaaiaata ajrib c!i-sof fl-.-cry Carnier, win kecpe a Jiary; and f mm pr ni ownicf a ho i ie. It ia ii t cua of tliaa kind .TixTt.'ixi t!t it inare'r swiH an km inn I p fur a a'ier titii-. Ira ii will 'v ihr c.i;iarity wlnah it hai of aoiiYariinf lIU'I'Li:!'.' .M 111 iw'nHi ii ui efti-te mattar) ink) l.a T'c MC.v r m i ne : c:i;ie a frien-Jer amount if nulritioaa niMirT t' ! f icie,l fr -m the iiime amount f f'Kxl, titsa n iM c itii.i ! c. vrrp tin- nrtivi Tiiu'ip!e "f uutnliun i p .si oia ct' itn" -t; k'nn in the t'nm nf hi fLiic Acid li.ve ie- iv I i in til it titles vt' eviil-fnea In pruva what c l"ivc nat'l ah v. Nii:fn lo ray : We hv.e niixe-l itiew -iive fa:it, with a fiMt nutnbar f 'l'.i-:TAri.K pliiiits ami hcrlt, wlncli tune ami uae hva pri n'ltl t. I e iH.'ui, iiivirt'viiiu the a, pfl.tr nnJ pmrnv-tuif I'.ij'-SiTi it it t'ir r i! ilfim -i-iiriiie a henlihy e-'iitlitioii t'f tfif lil.i- il, fr.tin wi-i'-lt the Mn.it nmt Iat nniat ha f inneil. It nny ti iis'.I f.-r Il(ii;-(i-e. lowi ai;.l Hot. for the f-vU-yW-iiig c tn j' IwuiL ki-A -Uir:ini a. iiuiisi'si. Vr.I,T,(AV VA'l'i:i:. a .Htir-mui i;cknaat, whiab 'ra i.i-nin' vj!ii '!.! h -laea r:r:y jaar, ia aty oflau min ly hy t!.-- i'ipp ue "f I i s p..w.iar, in ail aaaa u '.iecnt t.ie iii4"a-a :r in cuininj mi. !i'4'if ij wii'u-j t a hkl ami irn?viTpria1a1 it la nt i lie hi ,tJ winch l.e;: -iii-t Linn, waiery auJ of all jaJlow c 1 r 'V . y v '-r 1 v i:: rr vi"n t!.e . niach nrt 1Tinf In i t!' ';! it si i'i''t-r f,init '.y f rfxt prtu-laa, ft.irt! I) a hrst .iinl ohc p $-,!, r-i'm-t f r-tjtivry. Il" tha hyraa is 1 ht c if.-, ti; e m-T.rbj m 'i t:it n tauieipoon ul in wat ti-eil, u in t,,4f !..-L'itmiMir c!"- a tia)' at n un, ii on'y lo ara- Tfiiit Ih'" th' "tf t , n r ft w fk. l.MM!i:ili-i. "I'f:;j i tie ruination of many valae b II t !i jtl .in-ii.Mi ; l-v a -utia'ant ihacharge uf aali v i whi'-Ii on in v i ti't tin- it'-nnpi-h tn mmiii iligaatiiMi. 1 1 is it fprt'iri ni a-.iiv niion n.'teii priliicatl hy Inpia.i Ta l t''c p'li.u ii'c in tne- ptnUH"! gn-untl A 'I'ahraapoonfal lin-e tiiiiffl a u-fuk will (re titfy arfaat tha fl"W, if it it-nfl ii it iifMn.I mii the Ti'furrii in the fraaa. umlar aualk ciriMirus'nrK'fi tlie ai:iin:i' intit l-e kept in th ttab!a. N.MI'KU Ii ha .wlr it early and frtal? uaaa ii i-ttift rcmfiiy ue1 1 he inteil. it has alraailf cured awn Jrfila i if II ni; nil ni t'n irntihlea.-iine 'liaenae ttth aurpnaa nf ih -ev wU't tii-.l f . If ii t ufed earit, IW'Te matter haa t.iruieNt in the neil( i 'iTiu-e r- at fe itia atmnal paifectlf until the tii-iiter in MryM, dm it early and preraul u.-li u rrsitlt. A T ihipK.iiful -mica or twica a daf ia' en-mull lil.W'PKIIS.-Tln i!:rvsa hie Ufrlnl all FiviiiBme, (iiv'H thi- p . il-r n Mir tnal ami it willdn wnmira ia tlim trniile mi l In'lie-. , ni' irrahie ir.al-ixiy. It i a dn-aaaa nt" thi' '.a i liT ii v'riii mi'l kpt up hy iinpen'ert nutrition, in a u-ii ctar i T.thViiin nitul every day twice f-T a nrunla cr iw i, in c in, ma iu'-iri.Hni, will in nine caaea out of a il.ifii riP-ct n dire, it hns hren fnirlv teti. i'.mil-' n -iiitl n't irtM--B nf I .remit ilrpeulint: on weak limes, n T-t'-lr-p h.iitul every incruing j if it abalea one Or twice ft w-ek IMDH l.uVV-l'IKrn:i ITnOSI'.S, or where tlier ie nny renr-tim n'- 1'niin.lrr or ! (Ti imj of inntinn, ami the Hii'-se will u t t'liMcii, at where the hair ie rnu-j'i and 'nut t!r i'c!it n tt, tlie i".mhI eeeminp to Ao nofCKxt, th I'.iw.fer pr nlu; rm al n S1 inunedinte tinnrnvetneiit of th ar.itml : ill ihi-vi..!, ihK'p'VH and with it all tlie elug-i-'iiiee nt ti e niMn el i'lMpprara, liec-juunj; hvaJy antt fcpiriirl, aui the I. air e no 'th nml slick. COWS. For MiM'Sii f'nws, we ftre fu'ly c 'itvuiced that it not Mi'v 1'11,'r m tlii tjiri .tv, hut ttitt it iiicieaoea tha ain airl nf Crr.mi ritn liim.T ; imie wh-i hfive trteil the " pcriiiu'iii mv :i 1. in;-! n Week., ntlieis shtfa pjun-j while ii:-e p.-rr. iti inMatr 1 upnit it tint he minle two pnuji.le in r :i vvi fk ir 'in h (' w i. U t think it will l fmn4 to n.'er;!!' ir-m a I 't it p mini per week on tnTi l ow, ii" t'ie I' iui" nre riirt ly hi-.il'hy. This luliliHona-i u mount is tu it- 1 'in- 'Hi s rsi at "f ihe llippunc A.'i lnt't .Nitro yen nut : t n t i" it: v I'ninpi.iiTiifa : i.ls i hy auppf nin the ox u-n i.i'u tn i- ilr iu-m. wiih the eltUH-i.ts uf reactinii ; wiih nl f iktuf; inn t.f llie i!r"t;eii-'us P'Mi"lt of the fex1. IMUJ.tiW IHil nr WOl,K; Iff (OF UISIIASF a-i I ;i:i "tii'-r iliri-;i'-s of uent cuttle ilepeuihutf upon a ba jfitc n ih.; ii, uls, nr.? ri'iu ive.i apeetrny and efleciually. t nvF, w!i. e ntiln. ik hlne, thin mid watery and where it I"- ti -t h- d lunch i-rfiin,. or where I'-iwe a?ive hiiMidr unit, r wiiK-h ire ttsi d In sin i N)iip dry, it will he fountj an nlill M lut.illihie reuieily, .y hlipiovillff the ennditkm of the hi Hnl ifi.l creiiiinq a henltlly diesli. -ii ; a Tahlespona lui every .luy or every other tvxy as it may he uaceaaary. iroiir. Via m the fmaiti-r often nwrhaat themselrea. (tat swel led nei-kK, oiiij; s. iiVers in the l.iuie;s ami Liver, whik t iiu-rtf thriii t idir vry s.iil.leiily, these nuty he prevent! eniuely hy putiiiit a p-uiid r a hall into a llarrel nf swili ; and it wnl at the a-vue tone c-usuierahly Iimsicii ih fallen mtr prn-en. Ii in m anintul which ia living milk and yo ar tl'-sirons tnl'iirnut II"' a-iine time, jou alum Id iytiT m ire (Inn n t.ih'evinin'ul once a week or it will raiaaia that l" mum -ii f i;it hy iiK'ieiihg the amount of Milk. I,-t e ic' t r "ii ,rV lta rle'te fr hiinscif ami h will' a tii Ih- m-'iril -r ns enri'llcut qnulittee, auUlbAl nn Far in'-i fh"Ui I le wi'h mt it. F.r the pin-p nf ii nlinc nut Mll Vunhef how far oar jiiailv clchrnt'-.l t'ATTI.F, FOWLF.K. i MUitil nth cniiii.leiice of nn iutellnrent peide; we Mve addie-wl UMiei-a t ' n!l piitta "t the t inie.i Suites, whera or Puw-d.-r ins leMi i.l. and we ar-.hi-i ivw fn-m th evidena thu hn-Uirht Insme nt, t- aaAur c'eeV FaiHirr. tiiaiy lu in and II Tf.-in ni, tint, tt hn thui ur veijr snaea ei rented our in ipii'.ie eipei intto-ia. With n. e niliU;,,nui kix'tviMH thiie far olrfained; T Horn we wil' t-ttahlrtl to iiwi" the hest and rrnaat pai fret t ATi' i; Munit'SK e.'er et oflrreil in a diarrrniuf pc.te. Il etc's us a v.iNtoffie i rniV'ter of dteeau ut. na- the, nii ihiy of trie t .) ami thus increases th miKuiiil (r eiih-r Fat, Mi:k a:id oonseijaeiitl)- of liaVir. I .veu in the hedihy Antiiinl H'-wnre .t r.Mintericjis as th ax'atvslv sn! of ar p-tw ler Uif. tn-rfureit oilieia m make an imitation of U F.urk i k lutt out rut S (riiaiar on th nsV KUClN'hi, I KONKFAfcU) A CO. Vhiladelpkia. Ju y tHt l5l.ly. t JAMES J. NAILLC, Attmcy and Counsellor at Law, SUNBURY, PA. TlTII,I. ettrnil faillifuliy ami promptly to4 all ' lirofnuiional liusiurss, ill Norlliumbcrlatii out! I i, ion counties, lie ie familiar wiih tlie (icrinun lani;uairc. Or'FlCE i- OjU'O t tlw "I renc Houee," a few iI.kms from tlie Ciwui Houee.- Pnnhury, Auij. 16, IS51. ly. iTvKR WATCHES A few double easea Kiijlifcll "SiIvct Wulrhee; f .r sals al rrrv low prices l.v H. B. MA8SER. Sunliury, April IS, 1..M. I'isTICE-i KEE I1ILI.8. For s.-ile h P H. n. M VS"EH f anbury, Aj-ril 1(11