SUNBUltY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. From th Plalndealer LETTER FROM CAPTAIN KELLY-COMIX own. Clevelakd, Ohio, Sept. 30, 1851. Dear Sir : I tee a letter going the round of the newspapers from Allen F. Owen, U. S. Comul at Havana. Permit ma, through the columni of your paper, to correct some of hit tatements in tegard to hit conduct to ward Col. Crittenden's command, and other American prisoner since confined in the Punta at Harann. In the first place, he says : "1 reside about four miles from this place, nnd not being well on the morning of the 16ih, did not reach my ollico till fome time after 10 o'clock, where, for the first time, I heard of the capture of about fifty of the men w ho had come with l.opex to this inland in the Si'eanier Pampero. I at the same lime heard iliat (k prisoners hnd liecn tried, found guilty, condemned, ordered to be exe cuted, the order for their execution sent for ward, and that they were about being re moved from the harbor, where they werp, to the place of execution." This is the most perfect collection of false hoods I ever met with, and is only equalled in absurdity by the nndaclty of the man in thus attempting to justify his conduct thtouuh the American press He docs not live four miles out of town, nor was he sick at the time referred to. He did know in lime of the arrest of Col. Crittenden nnd his party, nd was sent for by them, ami positively re used to sec them, on the score llint they vere outlaws. The American, fierman and English citizens resident in Havana will let In this whenever called upon. Tim American Consul's assertion that the ,rioiiers had been tried, found guilty, nnd ondemned. is a falsehood that every man in he United States, at nil acquainted with 'panish law nnd Spanish ride, must see at nee. It is not the custom In Iry prisoners i Havana, other than bv the earrolr, or by Imotitn: ju the back, which Mr. Owen knew t the time he penned his letter, as well as e Governor-General did himself: and, jndu. m from Mr. Owen's conduct, 1 should think ftvaa more, in dread of netting into prison imself than anxious lo eel others out. The ovemor-General exercises crf,at influence 'er cowardly wretches like Allen F Owen, i matter what country they may hail from ence I account, in n great measure, for his tsleel of duty in permitting the Ameiicans b shot. With reuaul to the other prisoners, his con ic! is equally outrageous. When I reached e. prisun, I found ei-ihl or len of my com les there, anil ihey all sai l that the Consul d not been lo see ihem. I also sent, the no evening, by an American merchant at vans, to Mr. Owen, and he refuseil to Tie, naving that our Government did not uiguize ns. When Capt. Plait, of the op-uf-v.-ar Albany, visited u. I sent to Mr. imi by him. and lie ngnin refused to enrne. Then Lieut. Tat loi, of the Albany, said he old "make hirn come," anil the next ruins Mr. Owen paid us a vi.-it with ('apt. It. As he came in, J,4e Americans gath d around him, ami for some reason he Led through the door, and held conversa i with us with the crates intervening. I u asked him to assist me in corresiondii2 h my friend in llie United Stale, lie ised lo help me, and said I would be sent Spain . Iany of the prisoners then gave up all es of assistant- from the Ameiican Con and threw themselves on the protection Or. Crawford, the Riitish Consul. Two he Mississippi volunteers, Americans, ed themselves liislunen, in order lo tin assistance fiom Ihe Knglish Cou rier I was released, and while temaining ward the ship Norma, the. American id Asked a friend of mine fiom New uns, if 1 knew 1 was released. My I id said no Mr. Owen then said, thai ! id not want llin credit or Ihe blame of release In rest upon him. y object in publishing this teller is lo ml the reputation of my gallant corn oils now in prison, by refuting the false s in Mr. Owen's letter, ami lo show lo American people tho tu.e chaiacler of - Consul at Havana- ill ihe papeis that have published Mr n' Idler give this u place in their mis ? J. A. Kei i v, Late Captain Cuban Kvpedition. nation u. ciiAK u Ti:iuvn s. e New Yoik Times translates ihe fol 'tl portion of a political catechism fiom Fischietto," an Italian paper published uin : istion. Who is the lightest man in orld 1 swks The Frenchman. 10 is the heaviest 'The Geimnn. io is the most serious t The English- 10 is the most vivacious 1 The Svrits, io is the proudest 1 The Spaniard. io it the most humble 1 -The Rus- io it the most eiilurpiisiug ? The io is the laziest 1 The Turk. to is the w idest awake t The Ameri- ho it the tleepiest ?--The Hottentot. , ho has all these virtues and vices mix together 1 The Italian. Decision in the Indian Ulnars Case. the United Stales Circuit C'omt in the at Indian Rubber case of Goodyear vs. y, Judge Sprague decided in favor of the eitdanl oil all the motions argued before Court, and the case in Massachusetts is trod to be delayed until a disposition of New Jersey suits between the tame lies, or until they are changed iu their set. 'hi (eat of moving a stone house, esli ed lo weigh 400 tuna, a distance of 40 , was accomplished iu Germanlown, Pa., wsek. tTHAHNE Haym has been permitted by Aldermen of Salem to give a concert in city. Some difficulty occurred in rela to the license. In our columns may be found the adver tisement of that excellent medicine known as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Its success in curing the various diseases of the Lungs it attracting universal attention, not only of the learned and philanthropic, but of Ihe whole public. The article undoubtedly is what il pretends to be, a remedy for Lung Com plaints, and the remaikable cures which ate becoming known every where cannot long be overlooked by the people. Iloofiand's German Bilters, prepared nnd sold by Dr. Jackson, at Ihe German Medical Store, ICO Aich street, Philadelphia, daily increase in their well deserved celebrity, for lh cure of all diseaes arisinu from derange ment of the liver. These bitters have, in deed, proved a blessing to the aflticled, who show their gratitude by iho most llattermu testimonials. This medicine has establish ed for itself a name that competitors, how ever wily their schemes or seducive their promises cannot reach. Il gained Ihe pub lic confidence by the irnmence benefits that have been derived from it, and will ever maintain its position. 91 A R It I R !. On llie 26ih ins!., by the Kev. A. J. Col lins, Mr. Gcuiick iMnton. to Miss Catha rine Dimk k. all of Shamnkiutown. OBITUARY. Srsiauv, Oct. 30, 1851. Ma. Masscr: Sir: One of my last New Yotk Tribunes, brought mean account of the death of the late venerable THOMAS KIRK, Esq., of Brooklyn. His death look place on Ihe 9ih inst. Having been, in the year ISO), for Ihe space of about one year, an appren tice to Ihe printing busineus, lo Mr. Kirk, al low me lo give some more account of him than is nsuully in an obituary notice. He was of eighty years of a;e. Mr Kirk was a native of Ireland, and had received a liberal education. The first I knew of him, he was an occasional preacher in the Methodist Society of Christians. In 1801, he kept a printing office and book store, near Ihe fool of Main street, Brooklyn, which then, perhaps contained about a 1.000 inhabitants. Il has no v more than 100.000. There we printed, besides books nod other matters, Ihe Long llnd Courier, which was served, not by post, ns newspapers are now, but by a post-rider, who thus traversed the greater part of the Island, (which is about 150 miles long.) and contrived by the end of a week to serve his last subscribers with their news .'-papers. Happy times, when pen. pie could wait a w hole week for their news. People iiuw-a-duyii are almost impatient of the telegraph ! Mr. Kirk was a good prose writer und something of a poet. He edited his own paper. After some years ho com menced business in Wall street, 'ew York, as a Bookseller, in partnership with a Mr. Mercein under llie firm of Kirk & Mercein. On the dissolution of lhal firm, hu engaged in the bookselling firm of F.asiburn, Kirk & Co., on the present silo of Ihe New Yoik Custom House. It is my opinion that thai Company was not veiy successful. The next thing which I knew- him to be engaaed in. was in tho Revenue Service of the United Slates, in New Yotk and afterwards in Brooklyn, where he was also one of the Jud ges of the County Court. He leaves a wid ow, who was, iu mv youthful mind, the bruit ideal of a kind aad benevolent lady. His de scendants are not numerous. His eldest daughter, now deceased, was married to Captain Newton of the U. S. Navy. Mr. Kiik bore, in every relation in life, an irre proachable character, aud ns a necessary consequence, was universally respected by his fellow citizens. At the last annual meet ing of the NevvrYork Typographical Society, held on the birth day of Fiauklin, Mr. K was one of the invited cuestt and the old est printer in tho nrighbuihood. Reqiiiercat in puce. W. McC. Coal (Trail c. Suubury, Oct. 30, 1851. Amount of coal brought to Suubury, over the Philadelphia and Suubury Railroad, from llie STiainoklu Mines: Tons. For the last week, Per last report, 736 10.210 19,946 Total, IIC iHarkclg. Philadelpliia Market. Oct. 30, IS51. S AND Mi ll Tlin mnrL..I foe Vl..,,- is dull again. Standard brands, old sIock, are hold at $4,124 per barrel, for export .-aies inr cny use at $3.(7a34. fcxlra flour is n'lil at VI 50. Hvb Floir, Is verv dull. Penn. is held St S3. 25. Corn Meal. Penna. is in demand i S31 WllKAT Sales of Penna. red at Rl.. prime w hile at 8R7aR8. nrr. is in (lemnmi, sales at 63 els. Corn. Thri minnfe uhnni pmiuli ih mand ; ) el low commands 60 els. Oats.--Are verv dull : a tale Pcr.n. at 33 els. Whiskey. Is firm at 55cls. in both khdt. and bbls. Baltimore market. Oct. ?9. 151. GRAIN'. We note sales of .Maryland and Yrgiuia Wheats to-day at 73 a 75 els. for good to prime reds, and 7fta80 els. for good white, ami BiiaKo cts. lor laintly Hour while. Sales of Corn at 54 a 55 cents for both w hiti) and yellow. A lot of very prime new w hile, in superior condition, Ihe tirst of the season, was sold on Saturday at 75 cts. tl .. ...... . m "I" liioit- iai ai JU a .13 CIS. WHISKEY. Sales of Penua. bbls. at 23 cts., and of hhds. 32 cts. SUNnURY PRICE CURRENT WulAT. 00 Rti. . .50 Cos. . , .60 Oats. . . U7 liinti. . . .16 Eons. .... 8 Puss. .... 7 Fitimn. .... (go Tallow. .IS BitswAE 25 HickllbFlas. 10 llaits Arrits. .75 Do. PtAcats. too Fla , r New Advertisements. Phoenix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chest. WARRANTED to stand equal heat with any other Chests in the country, anil to defy the llurglna' ingenuity. Manufactory, No. 10 Hudson's Alley, runninrr between Third and Fourth streets, south of Chesnut, and in the rear ef the Girard Bank. M. fc. 8., the proprietors, aro Practical Mo ehnnics, and feel confident, from long experience in the manufacture of Iron Chests slid Safes, and a special attention to this particular brunch, of giving satisfaction to all who may give them t call. IV, R. We save selected out of the best mm crola ever used as a non-conductor of heot in this business, and we warrant our Chests and S-il'es lo be mode of tho best material and in the n.ost duruble manner, and to stand any heal that can be applied to them. MI UN OR A: MI AW, Manufactory No. It) Hudson's Alley. Running between 3rd nnd 4th streets, S. of dies nut, in Hie rear of tiirard Hunk. Philadelphia, Oct. 2-, 1831. It American Repertory of Inventions. To irif-ihaiiiCN, liivciitorsj nnd Mniiiirncttircre. Sl:T I TOM' .ME OF THE SC1KN TIFI C A MEli 1 CAN Messrs. MTJNN & CO., American and Foreign Patrnl Agrnti, and Pm.isin:ita of the Scientific American, R1 ESPEUTFLT.LY announces to the pub lic llist the first nunilier of Volume II ef this widely circulated and valuable journal was issued on the 90th of September. The new volume was commenced with new type, printed on piper of a heavier texture than that used in tlm prrrerding volume. It is the intention of the publishers to illustrate it more fully, by in troducing representations of prominent events connected with the advancement if n-ience ; be ides furnishing the usual amount of engravings of new im rntinus. It is published weekly in form for binding, and alfurtls at the end of the year a splendid volume of over four hundred pa ges, with a eopioiii index, nnd from live to six bundled eiicraving, together with a vast amount of practical information concerning the progress of invention and discovery throughout the world. There is no subject of importance to the mechanic, inventor, manufacturer and general reader which is not treated iu the most able Dimmer the editors, contributors nnd correspon dents being men of the highest attainments. It ii in fact tho leading scientific fournal of the country. The Inventor will find in it a weekly list of American rattnl Claims, reported from the Pa tent Ollice, an original feature not found it any other weekly publication. TBI! MS : TWO DOLLARS A YEAR, I Fon SIX MONTHS. All I.ett'rs must be pi-st-pnid, and directed to "MUXS iY CO. 1'uUishers of lite Scien tific American, 128 Fulton Street, Sew York " INbl CEMENTS FOK CM.MNG. Any person uho will send us four subscriliers for sit months, at our regular ratci, shall be en titled to one copy fur th same length of time, or wc will furnish Ten copies for Six Months, Ten copies foi Twelve Months, Fifteen copies for Twelve Months, Twentv conies for Twelve Months, $ 8 15 'ii 28 Southern and Western money taken at par for subscriptions, or l'ot Ollice Stampi taken at their full value. October S3, -TTC3.1TET AT LAW. OJJlce in Marl.ct street Sunhitry, opposite Weaver's Hotel HTftl'SINESfS will lie promptly attended to in fi W the Cniintici of Northumberland, I'nion, Columbia and Montour. ni:rt:a to : A. Junius, Esq.., I 1). Hlaip, Mt. Vernon C. J. liui-NKR, I House, 2d street. iiiltiry. I H. lioss iinii, 43 Mar C. M. Hall, I'oUsvitle. ket lU, Philadelphia. Sunbury, Oct. 11, 1851 ly. Stoves! Stoves!! Stoves!!! A S the cold weather is approurhiug, the tuh jQ. scriber would resK-ctlully call the atten tion of Ihe public to his slock of stoves, kclcctrd from the latest and most approved patterns, con sisting of Cook, Parlor, Air Tight, Chamber, Office and 13oat Stoves, all of whit li will lie disposed of at astonishingly low prices. Persons iu waul of Stoves unci divirous of getting the "U'orili of their mmisy" are invited to call before purchasing clsew here. Nu Stoves kept thai cannot be recommended. He also continues to manufacture Tin nud Micet Iron Ware in all its varieties. Llrass KrttU-s, Dippers, Dish Pons, liriltania Ladles, Jnpauned Wire, &c N. 11. Persons purchasing Stoves of the aub-M-rilk-r, can at any time procure Cylinders, (rates, Fire Brick aud odd plates, to replace such as iniv be required. V. M. BKAL'TIGAM. Northumberland, Sept. 37, 18.')1. :jmo, iwricE- In the Court of Common Fleas of Northum berland County ; In the matter of Ihe account ol William &. Reuben Fegely, assignees of Dmiiiler, Haas lumpauv, lileil in pah! t-unrl. Aug. 9, 1851 In pursuance ol an Older of said Court, 1 do hereby L'ive notion that llie said William 5: Heubon Fanely, assiiineesol Pender, Haas & Company, have exhibited and filed an ac count of their trust in Ihu Conn aforesaid, und that said account w ill b allowed by tho said Court, on Iho (irsl Monday of November next, (bo'og tho fust day of the next term,) unless cause be shown why such nccounl should not bo allowed. JOHN FA HNSWOUTH, r,oth'ry. Prothonoturv'i ollice, ) Runburv. Sept. 57. 1851 CL 1 LATENT UR1TTAN1A STOPPERS for bar bottles for sale by H. D. MA8SER. Punbury, April 13, 1851 SILVER WATCH ES. A few double cases English Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by II. B. MASSER. Bunbury, April IS, 1851. smith s essence op Jamaica gin CJER, a frciU supply just received, and for sals by U. U. MAKSER. April 13, I6S1. JLTICES FEE BILLS, for sab by 'anbury, April LIST OF CAUSES IJOR trial in the Court of Common Pleat 1 of Northumberland County, at Novemlr term, A. I)., 1851. FLAINT1FFS. DEFENDANTS. Frederick Keener vt Wm. Ayres Lsch Stroeckcr vt Jacob Hoffman Wm. & K. Fcjely Sc Co. vt John Shinier Jacob Weimer vs Ira T Clement Jacob Philips vs (icoru-e L. Weimer Charles II Frick s Eli Slifor Thos Cummiiisi et tl vi J I'srke & T) R Uiihcl Chns. A.Andre vs F. Matlhcwi Daniel Hsnmibacli vt John C.mrtnl Samuel Seaman vi Philip Spayd ame vt (5eo Bowman 8. A. Jordan et at vi John Arnold (Jreen Bros, for T Howard vi Henry Lanll J P Miller Assignee of , . t. Iioess & Co " 1 8weny feon R D Cummingi vi Montgomery Ac Maitcller Jacob Slitzcl vs Samuel I. Beck B R Kasc vs tico A Dixon fieoApslcy vi Northumlicrland county James DielTcnhsch vs same F Fryer & Win Mover vs EliasOnrman Wm M Auten vs Thomas Ruser Daniel P Caul vs Dentler & Montagus Aaron Iteppart vs Ira T Clement Henry Cohel vs Win Mc.Carty P K Hodman If wife vt H Kulints. Mctarty et al Joseph .Vnvdcr vs Joseph Diuuniii Hugh Martin vi KeulK-n Trmel John MrCormick vs Isaac Sbafler Martin Irwius' adm'r vi II V'oxtheimcr adm'r Fullmer for Coul vt II Steinmct., ei'r. Henry Keiscr vs Henry Voxtlicimcr Ira 'J'. Clement vs tieome Rohrbach ('onrud Reedy vi Ilouts, Kejilcr (i Stouijhton Wm Gross lor Sand Gilliert vs J. J. L'lidcjrafl' J. Bowman ludorseo Ac vs J C Perkins Elijah lijrlo vt f'harlet Sailor Thomas J Addis vs Bultzar (iurnhart Lower A llarruu vs Ira T. Clement Jacob Kline vs Joseph Klines' adm'r Thomus Sutton vi Benj F A J W .Stainm Caspar Ileckart vs Frederick Hcckart Nicholas I lower vs Jacob llower Daniel H Driesbach vs A B i4rtmnn John L Ross vi Leonard Rotdarmcl et tl Ira T Clement vt J II Purdy John W Peal vs (ico B Vounjinon Tinhrook for Appleton vs James Brass Hirkok A Cantiuc vs Geo W Armstrong Kculien Purely vs Kcrshuer A ('lenient Jacob Keller vs Bank of Northumlicrlaud, Nancy House! vs David Housels' adm'r ,, ... , , . . ,. Jacob Zartmuu's Henry Klaxe A Eve hi. wife v, a,1)mil)(ralor William McC'arty vs Samuel Hunter Mary Jane Bruneretal vs William Wilson Becker A Weiller vs R D Ciimminijs. lieorgc Sbiley vs Ab'm DunkelberRcr's admr'x Mary Marts vs Win II Sprutt Same vs John Campbell A wife John Brown vi John Oyster senr'i ex'r J no Knurr for II. Knorr vs Enoch Howcrs adm'r James T Sutton A Co vs Samuel Kyle Elizabeth Kiicc vt George Lawrence Conrad Wolf vt George Hcckart Catharine Suydcri' exr's vs Samuel K Wood Daniel Gnnsert vs Henry Bohner Bank of Northumberland vs JnoC Boyds'sdin'r Same vs Same Mary Patterson w George Heckert Boneparte Thompson et al vi Caspsr St Clsir Win McDinicI for A , , , , . , W Coinly v J"lm ,ck" l John rtcvnoUls vs Isaac Reader Thos A Ilillinj. ton et al Com for Win I. Heineman vs Sune for Win McCarty vi Some William Dalius vs II S ITaulmsn Robert Philips vs Junies Kenny Jr George Garman vs B II Howell et al John Jackson vs J nines Beard et al Balliet for Kanp A Savidge vs Daniel Balliet licorije Lawrence vs D Marr A I Brown BilliiiRlon for Hunter A Buvers vs Susan Si Sarah Ilciil Jacob Haul vs Charles Alexander Sams vs Same A Wile John Jackson Jr vi A W Comfy John I.cili's adm'r vi Thomai Allen Conrad Wolf vi (Jeorge Hcckart Simon Snyder vi (Jeorgc Snvds." A W Coinly vi Ceorge llerlx Cromli-iii A Brnthsr vi R D Cummingi Baltzir (iarnhart'i admr't vs R W Dunn's admr Albin Newberry vs Thomas Raser Crsndall for J C Morgan vi Uvo Miller's adm'r JOHN FAKNSWOKTH, Prolh'y. Prnthonntarv't ItlTicc, ) Sunbury, Oct. 11, 1851. ) List of Jurors," F Northumberland County for November Term, A, D. 1851. (s ran (I Jurors. Milton ('has. Dolls, Daniel Duuuhertv. Chii.isui-a4U: John 15. Heller, John li. McOee, Wm. Kramer- Diila wake. James Bryson, Isaac Milliard, John Biessler. Lewis. John T. Shade, John Dimm, Washiniilun P. Barr, Wm. Savidye. Low Kit Arui'tTA. Samuel Kaufman, An nanias Wynu. Hrsii. Luther Basset, Joseph Kelly. Oil bert Deals, David Miilchler, John Hnr.'h. Siiami.kin. Joseph C.iseinnn, Sam F.plcr. I'l'l'Kit Maihi.noy. BiMiJainiu Maikel. Low Eit do Abraham Hiuj,;man. Jackson. Mnluu-1 Treon. Traverse Jurors. Nori nt; vi Oakland. Henry Haas, William Wilson Milton. Tims. S. Maekey, James Mont gomei y, Henry lliuen. ll'BBLT. Hubert Haves, Asa Everet, John Dnnkel, NalliHiiiel Biilleu. Lew is John A. Caldwell, Michael llnov. IH'.i AW Aitc. Daniel Werlinau, John Wil son, Daniel Nicholas, Henry Culp Lilii.isQi Aut'R. James Jnrdau, Isaac Hill- ten, Peter Vanady, James Tuik. Poi!T. Charles Parks, James Nesbil, Georjje Lesher. Liter Ali;ista. Dennis Wulreilnn. Geo. Oberdoi f. 'o John Wain. Jacob Krebs, Peler Yoruin, John Lona. Kl'sli Jonas Wult, James Lckmnu. Shamokin. John Hull, Wm. Krickbaum. Coal. Jonas (iiler. I'ppCR Maiionov. Benueville Holjhue, Henry Haas, John Hetrich. I.UHtR ilo Jacob nalsl Jacob Badinan, Philip Messner, John Himel, Jr. Jacksom. Uavid swailz, John Wensel. Daniel Zarlman, Samuel Malich, Jacob Seller, Levi Drumheller, Daniel HoUlioe, John ragely. I't lil Juror. Sl-nbcby. -David Haupl, Daniel Haas. Flias Biosions. NoRTlll'.MBKKl.ANn John Wiiealley. Milton. Juhn Fidler, Christian ' Stine, Allen Sehroyer Tirbut John Hoffa, John Kissinjer. Abraham Doual. Lr.w: W.lliam c5. Montcnmeiy. Dkiaware Henry Reader, John Wert man, ltubcrt McKee, Elijah Crawford, David Wilson. CiiiLtsqCAQUK. Paul Lahr, Thos. Ilaser. PomT. Philip Gibbins. Upper Ai'gl'sta. George Forrester, Hen ry Burns. Siiamosin Juhn Moore, Daniel ). Roth, Michael M. Sober, William Shnll. Coal. Joseph Zero, Benj. McClouh. Upper Mahonov. Solomon Folk, Daniel Hine, Jacob Oeist, Jacob Kaufman, David Walt Lower do Hugh Seasholtz, Geo. lions, John boiuer. Jacksom. Daniel Ililbisb. A RNOLD'8 WRITINO f LCID iu i V d Uft tnvtlope-, u. Adhe Waabun-, April 56, lSj, rilOCLAMATION. JVOT1CE it hereby given that the several ' Courts of Common Plett, General (Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, In the borough ol Sunbury, at It) o'clock, A. M. on Monday, 111 3d day of Novemlier next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner. Justice! of the Trace and consta bles iu and for the county of Northumberland, art requested to be then and there in their projicr per oiii, with their rolli, recordi, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things lo their several ollices apierlaining to ho done. And all witnesses prosecution iu behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner arc also requested nnd commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors arc requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the lime appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, tho 11th day of Oc toiler, iu the year of our )ord one thou sand eight hundred and lifty-one and tht In dependence of the tinted Suites of America lU 70th. JAMES COVERT, Sa'ff. God save Uiu Commonwealth. REGISTER'S NOTICE. jV OTICK is hereby given to all Legateei, ' Creditors and other persons interested in the Estates of the following limned persons, that the Executors, Administrators, und Guardiansof said Est itos have filed their accounts with the Register of Northumberland county, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday the 4th day of Novem ber licit for confirmation and allowance. Ib'51. Leonard Kaufl'mnn, dee'd., settled by his Ex ecutors, Frederick Kelder. Geo. F. Kull, dee'd., settled by his administra tors. Win. F. Naglc and Geo. Baker. Andrew Gcist, dee'd., settled by hii Adminis trators, Andrew Gcist and Joseph Fegers. Juhn C. Boyd, dee'd., settled by his Execu tor A. Jordan. Adam Philips, dee'd., settled by hii Admin istrator, J. D. Birr. Peter Vaudling, dee'd., settled by his Adminis trator, dc bonis non, Win. Reed. Gilbert Voris, dee'd., settled by his Adminis trator, Wm. T. Forsyth. David Dcppiu, dee'd., settled by hii Adminis trator, Alexander Dcppiu. Cbrisliuu Kcich, dee'd., settled by his Admin istrator, Anna E. Koch. li, II. Hammond, dce'il., settled by hii Ad ministrator, William C. Law-son, Esq. Peter Mull, dee'd., settled by his Administra tor, Sumucl Shannon. Thomas Grout, dee'd., settled by M. A B. Smith, and Virgilia B. Smith, Executor! of Kcnderton Smith, dee'd , who wsi Adm'r dc bonis non of Thomas Grant, dee'd. Jrlui Blassncr. dee'd., settled by bit Executors, Jacob and Abraham Blussucr. Gideon Shudcl, dee'd., settled bv hit Executor, William S!i-.idel. William T. Boyd, dee'd., leitled by his Ad ministratrix, Catharine G. liovd. JOHN P. PL'KsEL, Resiitsr. Register's Ollice, ) Sunburv, Oct. 4, IS51. St. 4 Valun Me FAXIXVZ FOR SALE. r I VI IE suhseribsT will sell at public sole, at the House of Theodore. Wills, in the borough of Mmicy, Lycoming county, On WKDNKSDAY. the Ulh.lay of NO VEMl'.Hll, 1S5I, A Valuable Farm, situate iu Muncy tuwiuliip, Lycoming county, containing ZOO ACRES, more or less adjoining lands of Benjamin Wa ller, Jacob Haines, James Kobb, Samuel Willis, nd others. To be sold as the estate of Edward Gobiu, dre'd. It it within three miles of the Borough of Muncy, and a half mile from a limestone bank, now worked, and that Vein of limestone extends into this tract. About U0IIU bushels of lima have lieen spread on the ftinn within three years past. There are never failing springs iu nearly all the fields, and Wolf Run pusses through the middle of the tract. The spring at the house is remarkably lare and fine. The situation is healthy and every way desirable. The fmprove- mcuts are a large sized two story DWELLING HOUSE, a one and a half storv frume DWEL LING HOt'SE, lately finished, a lorgc BANK BARN, verv well finished, and provided with extensive stabling lor horses, cattle and sheep, a 'n'.t"U House und corn crib, with grainaries above, a Smoke House, a two story Spring House, plastered, and oilier out buildings There is a large g. APPLE ORCHARD of fine fruit, and a large number of Peach, Pair, Plum, and oilier fc" fruit trees, of a line quality on the premises. About l-rD Acres are cleared and under fence, nd ihe femes are mostly in good repair. Tht balance of the hind is well timbered. The place lias been carefully farmed, and is now in a fine state of cultivation. S!c to romnience at II o'clock, of laiJ diy, when the conditions will be made known by CHARLES GODIN, Executor of Eiiw'aiiii Goal, dee'd. Muncy, Aug. 311, 18il is. BRANT'S IXDIAIM FEM11Y Mill, The Uront l-OKill ItE.UEDY Many yotri offxpsriaiir, and mors than !lnnlif Tttoiiniiiitl I nrm r Giiiintlivr Cumiiiauiii, pruveii iu the ii i ill mi tiled aMlMCliwit if all pvraonf mkm ta 0H-ur artDiaitjUl wult lint wndtrnl rtmtdif, that tl la crrnlly uMitrrlur, brranar u toothing and keatmf. nX mort rrriulu iu cur oiiBiiinitlOft f Lllnsa ti'fcii any oilier n-nieilT in U wond. VV know, however, Hi I u it caitJ I'v huh thai Coinu motion tan not be currd. Hh that ll.e of iunni t'f Uie many nr th ftw,-we hall nui attempt to arue wuh urh, lm Una we w taVi aiisl du utter t mm a farl, wliH cn ue prtivrd in tlioueitniU of caa-a, thai Una iiiinliriiHi ryrctl Cuut and au mtf wbirh. fcr llie etirei rf' n led. were called renl 4 uiieHillfllunt "J wt.uli w-n. ait.-mld wiiu tymptomt It. at an l wi-fe in nil retf.ut itkt the aTnii'tomf of l"a who d. anl tuKtH dfd are aaid tu liae tW wile that fatat diafifie Cnnniiiiplluii. Titit Bt!am haa fured Vioutiindt u( puraotia win vr a.ud Iu Im hopekttly a flirt ,twho haul 4JrJ, dy, w.irktm 4 'iillR h Patn$ la iba llrrnl. Stdt, and .j-lilHruli ff ltre:iibln lurultnl KrtiUrati'-tHriK h rxe Siyht-swaU and wuallnar whj of rw Klttah al HlooJ. Partnaa havitiM auolt ruinpiainia liae hueu rure-t after 11 said Ihey euuld met t a wcrk lom;er. Tina Mfdtcine haa cured unue who were iniipiiaed iu le tn a uylDK atnla, tut, by the uau ul Una remedy, ihay nutv lire, and enjoy od Itua.lh. I'llU lllllanill awrWir e;jfiW pompoumi It U p'.eaaut lu lakw, and tt'Mr d tttjuty in any ataxe or nii ae or under an? rnciini4anrfa. It erWia 'a wuurierrnl and atmot iiilrnritliiue ( urn hy I'Mrllylnj. niiJ. and liivitfiiruiliiil lit- whole ayaioin-ujr ewii tmy lea .ritfH.n, awl irrr heaiUif aruon tkua il-.yitty ( oHgll-hVimj ln .rrv "d atdt9 fardtUtttHj, K&perturullon. It turae iowuii Consumption, ClirOII snd ColU, Mrosrfillit. irt. 8j'' " HI ti ton) al l !. I'aiM f? Ti t-IOIAI.I. WKAKM-SSCS sua OmfUmU ilsui Ihen-fruin, CbalrrH lulunluiu, Ac. rr Vmr lrouf su-1 itsrin-uisrs or Cars, sss our Pnmiiblel. HHdl,UU-l u a (1V IVIIJ. Foa imi Ti.V. Frilinir. "nnlMirv : Mar A.-Me-Ciy, Nislhuiiilrrlnnd; J"lin II. Hsssl, Allium; Hayes A Mt-Coriim-k. Mri:usvills. May J, tojl, elw."(y. JA1MKS J. NAILLX3, Attorney and Counsellor at law, SUNBURY, PA. "1 ini.L tttend faithfully and promptly to til professional business, in Northumberland and Union counties. Ha is familiar with the Germart language. OFFICE Oppo: t,e ..luetic Hours,- few door- om (lie Court j, ou,( Hunbury, Aug. 16, 1831. ly. F KE B I LL8, Justices and Constable Fm Billl handsomel printe en card paper, for His al this office. MECHANICSBURG INSTITUTE. A Select School for Tonn; Ladiet. F11HE Mcchinicsbnrg Institute is pleasantly JI located in the healthy village of Mechanics. ?"'. Cumberland .ounty. nine miles west of Harnabnrg j t village noted throughout tht tur ronndmg Gauntlet for the morality of ita citirent. cceible by railroad, tho Cumberland Val ley Kuilroad passing throuKh the place. I lie course of Instruction is such it il punued in Ihe best Seminaries in the country. It it the design of tl,e Principal to instruct tht intellectual poweri, to cultivate becoming man ners, and to educate in such a manner, as mar prove praclica'lv useful. Sessions. The school year ii divided into two aemi-an. nual sessions, each of five calendar months. The summer session commences the first week in April, and closes during the last week of Au gust. The winter session commences the 1st week in October, and terminates tht last week of February. At the close ef each session thtrs will bt pub lie eitn. inations. Terms: Boarding, including lights, Pr teision 6 mo. S.'iO.OO Tuition, 10.00 Modern languages, " 10,00 Drawing, " - 6.00 Music, Piano, with use, " 15,00 Or, if preferred, per session of 6 mo, including the above items, 85,00 Payable in advance $35. balance at the close of Ihe session. Hooks, stationery, music, &c, furnished at Philadelphia prices. Pupils will lie received at any period during the session, and charged accordingly. For further information, please address the Principal fur a circular. F. M. L. GILLELF.N, Principal. Mechanicsburg, Aug. 9, 1851. 3mo. lMMMH OYSTERS. ' gvIIE undersigned is in the daily receipt of Iresli ami excellent llysters from the cele brated establishment of Mr. Field, io. 331 West Lombard street, Baltimore. All orders will be promptly attended to and forwarded without delay. Apply to the sub scriber at Lee's Hotel, Northumberland, Ps. PHILIP SUA V. IS". B Oysters of common quulity at $1,00 per ran. October 1 1, 1S51. 3mo. OVSTEJ.S! OYSTERS !! WING settled at Northumberland, lam now prepared to furnish Fresh and Spiced Oystere duriiicr the whole season at the reduced price of one dollar for whole and filty cents per half can. You con depend upon llicm being fresh, as I shull receive them daily, (Sundays excepted,) and when landed here they arc only 10 hours out of the shell. All persons who are in want of the above arti cle, at a distance, can have them sent Kr dozen or single can bv addressing GEOKGK V. JONES. N. B. Persons calling on the subscriber may find him either at Burr's or Haas' Hotel. Northumberland, Oct. 4, 1851. NEW GOODS, AT THE STORE OlT JOHN YOUNG, "VIO respectfully informs his friendi and " ' customers that he has returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of New Spring Goods, winch ha ollen lor sale at hii old itind in Mar ket sliest. These eooda will be sold at lbs low est prices. His stock consists of every variety, Dry Goods, Such j Cloths, Cassimeres, Muslins. Calicoes, feingnams, i,awni, t ninnts vnn La ins Dress and Fancy Goods generally. Alio an assortment of Palm leaf Hats, Caps, 4c, dlTEENSWARE. Ilardwari. Iron and Steel, .laili, it., ALSO i A general assortment of Grocpriei, Sujir, CoflTee, Tea, Cheese, Mo lasses, Spicet. tT" Produrt of sll kinds takin in tichanre at the highest market prices. Kunbury, May 21, 1851 GREAT ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS! at ,i,ita sTonx: or miLING Sc GRANT, Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., rTpitE subscribers hereby inform their old rinds- tomers and the public generally, that they have just leccivcd a lurge and extensive assort ment of all kinds of Merchandize, which they offl-r to purchasers at such rates, that they can not refrain from buying. Their assortment of Dry Cooils, ii Urge, embracing all kinds of Cloths, Cassimers, Sattintttt, 4'ti A general assortment of Summer wesr, of LINEN, WOOL and COTTON, Staple, and Fancy Goods for Ladies, of sll kinds, such as Calicoes, Mous. ile Lainrs, Lawns, Ginghams, Ac. GROCERIES and QUEENSWARE. Also an excellent assortment of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. DRUGS AND MK.I)IClM-.S. Fish, Salt and Plaster IV Country produce of all kinds taken in si chnbge at the highest market pries. Suubury, May 10, 1851. LOCK HEKS, "sJWJILMAM HOOVEft respectfully informs V V his friends and customers that he has just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of NEW SPRING GOODS, which he offers for sate at his new stort tt M la ser's Mill, Hollowing Itun. These goods will be told it the lowest prices. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF KVKRV VARIETY, Tlx: Dry (iootls, fyts, Such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Muslins,, Gtnehams, Lawns, Chintzes anj Ladiet Dress Goods ctutrall'i. ALSO: c J An tssortinent of Palm Leaf Hats, Cp js, &c, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, IKON s.nd STEEL, NAILS, Ac A general assortment of Groceries, such ai Sugar, CofTee, Tea, Molas ses, S)ict'g, exC. Also an assortment of Liquors, tuch as Brandy, Rum, Whkktu, Wines, Vc. tV Produce of all kinds taten iu exchange al the highest marke, prices, Hollowieg K,. ,tay 10, 1S51 ly. jf o5E OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this M. excellent article for Tetter, 4c, just received and lor sale by HENRY MASoER. Sunbury, July St, 149 GOLD PENS with and without silver cans just received, and for salt bv 11 D. MAMKR Punhury, April 4, I8S1, TF.OETADLC CATTLE P0WDES msPAitco ar DRKINin. FRONKKIRLD & CO, No. 187 North Third Street, Philadelphia. ri'lllS powder 1 entitled by tht united lasUnsmy of alf I who have lisnt it lo Ihe Srst rank of sll lhiM CAT TI.K iNKS, which hnve been Ihsiflu puis, w.wiliy f msiir ymn. Iitet wi chsllenfs pefse 10 nuke a superior, m any powilcr that srta in tha sis maimer. If the animal Ik perfectly hsollh il will anhar lncreiise Ihe nin mnt of milk or i ream ais) hulter i f th auiiiml will iinprive rsplitlv in fut. It will therafora la timet, cniaiilerrd w have 'no d..iil ihm lti etepl ani eleanf ever I'urmer. who korpa a ilinrv ami of every prra si tiwiiinff a noise. It is ti'4 one of th"SS kirst of Miiti'Rk Unit inrrsly awell an niilmnl op f a ihort time, lint it will hv Ihe rnnneitv which It has of comrertinf llll'Pl IIIC ACII) (which is an elfela matter) into TIC aciii 'r OLKI.M l f-ntiae a STenter nnsaint of nntrltioal msUrr to he extfurtnt frisn llie snnie anionnt of fiwsl. that P'sisililr could lie, M'ere the active principles of netritioai t'i pnss out of Ihr system in the form of llirrtraic Acia We linvc a iniiltitndn of evidence to prove what We h:ive atdil iiImvc. Suffice to asy t We have mixed llie active aeenl, with a (real nnmher of VroKTABLK plrmls ami hcrlis, which tune and use have pr vcd to he nsi-riil, iinnroviiif the appetite and pr qrsaing liv-sli-in of the fo si ; thus snrinf a healthy erudition of the tiiumi, fn,m which the Mux and Fat must lie firmed. 11 miy heuned fnrMoRF. Cows and Huus fortha follow lug coinpluiiin and diseases. iionsK.s. YF.I.I.OW WATF.R, a diiiieerous sickneat, which da nuiiy vulimhle hours every yenr, is very ofuit ennri-ly ciiml hy 1 1..; frL.e w , ,MI powder, in ill eaase It will prevent Ihe disuise eoniini on. I Ins disense is nwniiur to a hnd and inipuverished state of tUe blo.Hl winch uceomea linn, watery and of all yellow This powder hy improviiia the stomach and tiving tliehl ssl a Rrcntcr qnimtily ..f red pnrticlea, affords the liestnnil only isismhli- clmnra of reeoverv. If the horse is liir ft me, give morning mid niciit a Uihle'spiHinful in wet feed, u in llie iK-uiniiiiie ntcc s dny at noon, if only to pr Vcnt llie discus.- Iwice n week. rH.AHIIKIUNtt. 't'hia is the ruination of many valua ble Horses hv- fsliiinslion ; hy a constant dischurac of asli vn which niilii p. ,.o into the stoiruch to nssisl digestion. Il is a speci.-s of n.livnll m ol'lcn prialnceil liv Isoiss To hncci, erowiiiff in the p.-istnre irronnd A 'l'ahlcSMXiil'nl llir.-iMunt-A a week will (reiiucntly arrest the How, if it d-H-s not depend on llie Tobacco hi the gross, under sueb circiiiiKliim-KA ii nniinn! must he kept iu the stable. IISTivlll-:it. if ii,r powder isonrly sik! freely used, no other remedy need Is used, it hns alnsidy cured hun dreds of Horsks ol this troublesome disease lothe surprise of those who used it. If ihu used early, before matter has lornied in Ihe neck it enimot restore the animnl perl'eetl until the miller is disehnrfed. use it early and prevent saeh a result. A Tuhlespomful ones or twice a day is en-sifrh. (il.AN'PKItS This disense h.n baffled sll Fissisas, liive thi powder a foir trisl ami it will do wonders iu Ihis lernNr nnd hitherto incuriihle ninlndy. It Is a disease of the altuiduml system nud kepi up hv imperfect nutrition, in such esses a Tiililespnonliil every day twice for a month or two, iu constant successiisi. will iu nine cuses out of a do.en effect n cure, it has been fairly tested. Coughs nnd shortness of llrenth depcudinff on weak tunss. a Tulilcspnoulul every uiominK : if it abates ones or twice a week. TOOK I.OW-StMRITI-'.D IIORttKAi or where there il any remains of Founder or stiffness of motion, and the Horse will not omen, or where the hair is rough and stninls slriinrht out, the fond seeming to d no cast, tha Powder produces almost iinmedinte improvement of tha animal; llie digeslii,u improves and Willi it all the atug giKluiei ,,f the minimi dimippenrs. Iiecuining livsly uii spirited, and the luiir iiinsnli und stick. COWS. For Mn.sixo Tows, we are fullv convinced that it not only iinpnvra the ciunhtv, hut that' it increases the amount of Milk, I're.-iiu nud Hulter : s nuc who have tried the ex perimeiil sny a Pound a Week, others any half a pound wlule one person inMstcd upon U tlmt lieiisidc two pound! more a week Irom ciu-h l.'iiws. Wc tliiuk it will be fouist tonvcrnire ir uri a huh ton p'Sind per week on each Cow, if llie t'ows are perlectty lienliliy. 'I'his additional amount is uiuite hy the c Miversi n oftbe llippunc And into Nitro genoti nud fotl y c-iiilpiuiids : also by supplying Ihe oxy peu tnkcii in by the luinrs, with llie elements of reaction; Willi-ut tuning Hiiy of Ihe . ilrocenous porliou of the feed. 11(11, LOW IltillX or Will. I'; HOOF DlJSKASF.. Slid h.'l other dis-..-;is of nerd culile depending upon a oad sliiteofthe Aiiiili, nre rem it'isl speedily nnd clleclunlly. Cows, whose milk is blue, thin nnd wutery and where it does not yield inuc-h crciim, or wtiere Cows give bloody milk, or which ure uxed to sttind Umjg dry, it will be found nu utmost infallible remedy, hy iuiproving the condition of Ihe hi nI und creating a he:iltiiy iligeatitin ; a Tablespoon ful every duy or every oilier ilay os it may be ueccaaary. HOGS, Pigs iu the s immer often overheat themselves, eel swel led necks, coughs, ulcers in the Lungs und Liver, which cuuse them to die -ery suddenly. thee may Imi prevented entirety by putting a pound or ii half into n llnrrel of swill J and it will al the same tune considerably hasten the fatten ing process. V H.ln nn auiitinl which is giving milk and you are desirous to fallen ut ihe sune time, you should n-d give more tllnu u lali'i-spoonful once a week or il Witt retaidtht formation of mi by increasing the nioount of Milk. Let eacU pers in try ns cllccts for himself and ha will s sin be Kilislied of its excellent qualities, and tluit no Far met iliould lie without It. l-'or the purpose of nndiiig nut still further bow far O'lf jnstlv celibnileil CATTI.K I'DlVDKR. is emitted tithe eoiihilenee of an iitlelligeut people; we hnve attdresacil Itleii to at) putts of the: t'uiied Hiatce. where our Pow der has been userl, nnd we are able now from the evidence thus brought Is-lore us. to assure every Farmer, Diary man nnd Horse-man. tiiut it has thus far very much el ceedeil oltr most sanguine expectations. With the additional knowledge thus far obtained, We Hops wt will Is enabled to make Hie best and most per fect Csttlx Mrdicisk ever yet offered to a discerning people. It acts us a valuable promoter of digestion, im proves the quality of the Moist and thill increaaea the amount of rlilier Fat. Milk and consequently of Butlsr. Kven in ttie heiilthy Animal tleware of Counterfeit as llie extensive sals of ntr pc-Wder has Induced otbeis to make an imitation of il. . Kca pack has our wrlilen Signature on the end. IIKF.IN'Ki, FltO.NKFIELD k CO. Philadelphia, July iM, 1h51.v. Ike lldosewlfa'a Help hnd Husbaad'a Joy I THE GERMAN "WASHING FLUID "TV0K8 away entirely with that laborious task of rubbing the Clothes upon the washboard. It contains no ingredients whatever, injtirtdus to the thirst fabric or the flesh. The proprietor! wish every one to Rive it a trial, and if it doee not prove to be as recommended, the money, in every such case will bo refunded. Full direc tions accompany each bottle. Kctuil price 12J Cents per Dottle, sullicient to do lico trdinary wan hiugi, and saving the Clothes more hy not rubbing tlil-ui, than the cost of six bottles be sides removing; stains of fruit, Ac., if there be . any, aud the time aud lubor saved. Prepared only by !. P. HOYT & COw T. A. Fox, McEwensville, sole agent foi wkt Counties of I'ninii ami Northumberland. 1'hiUdelpliia, Aug. 30 SPENCER & REND ELL, MANUFACTLRKRS OF Cold ami Silver Pen and Frnrll Casti, No. 3, Maiden Lane, One door from corner of Broadway, New York. Every pen will lie warranted fo on year.f N. U. The above firm were awarded Gold ant Stler Medals, for five consecutive years, at tht Fair of tha American, for the beat Quid Fens. July Sfl, 1851. 3mo. The undersigned have entered into Co-narU liershlr. no. I,. it,n r. r p under Iho firm of ftlMUY LAWRENCE, TO CARRY OH THE Paper & Rag Bus'ief.i, At No. 5, Minor Street. Vk.l.uUlnkiA w HERE they intend Veepinp a large assort ment of paiiers. e.,n.iii., i follows: Writing papers ; wov, ,nj aiJi American am Enqlish. llath I'csts ei,J aud Note papcraj stove and laid,. gilt and plsi' rolu Posts, Flat Caps. Prmtins; Papers, alf sixes. Hardware papers, from 19 by 84 to 40 by 4(f. C'e'.orcd and white tissue papers, American ''..i English. liollingorth'i Patent Maraiila papers. Colored rmf white Kline papers, common an I extra sis. UulT Envelope papers. Colored Printing and Coer papers. Manilla papers, all sues, Glazed Royal, all co lors. Drupgist, Ulue Medium aad Filtering papers. Tim, Secret and Colored papers for confection- ers. lias;, Manilla and fttraw wrapping papers, llonuet, binders, Box, Cap and Trunk boards White and Dull' Envelopes; Legal, Lelttrv Note and Card tizct. Agents for Bliss, Potter If Co't Printers' Cards in packs tnd sheets, white snd eutoaed- odd tiv ess, cut to order. Also, their Giltt Figured and Plain glazed papers. JOSEPH ni.MBV. late of 88 N. Third st. N. S. .A WRENCH, late of No. S Minor at. N. I) 500 Tons of Rags wanted in etching for cash. Philadelphia, July S, 185) omor.' Taz6ia;u ttor. of , lir.VRY MAMEIt ttliibury', Feb. III. 1S ,