Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 25, 1851, Image 3

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The itnrs are shining brightly
From out itie deep blue sky ;
Thrjr hold ikpir itiil niohlly,
Till tnorninu.' beam nra nigh ;
Ami I m watch im ki-epiii;;,
On this iiiiprison'il errih,
While other rye in- slrepinir,
And fili'iii is moll h 'unh ;
But while ihosn stnt" with thuliie,
Their couslmil keep,
My heart is clothed with sadness
I watch, alas, to weep !
The birds lire sweetly sinuin?,
On every preenwnod tree,
Anil hill niiil ilnle lire r i n l; i 1 1
With tuneful melody
And I my lay ntn tellinir,
In soliinde relienrs'd,
My henrt's wild music swollinjr.
As if that hem! 'twould bmsi;
15ut while- Ihosfl birds with gladness,
Their voices lift on liiiih,
Mv hear! is elnllii'd with sadncs?,
And brentlielh but to iy,h.
Oh! stars, ye'll shine ns biiyhtly
When 1 shall walch no more,
Oh! birds, ye'll sins ns sprightly
When all my notes, are o'er
But when both bird and planet
Have passed wilh time away,
And earth's primeval pranilu
Hath melted to iIi-cav,
Onee more, ami then with cladni-pf
Mine eyes will viitils keep,
Mv heart disrob'd of sadne-s.
Wilh joy's sweet ninsio leap.
A was sentenced to have
nil ell'. After undergoing the Inula
III" cars
he was escorted nut of the cniirt-vard to tin
Ini.e of lhe Koiine's March. Ilu then turn
ed, mul in mock dignity ihns addres-ed
Ihe musicians: 'Ueiltk'inen, thank yon !ul
I hive no fuithi-r need of your services, J
lir 1 have i.n mr fi r im m'c V j
A Ilmsi: lrTitovrn r.T McTt:nn.
Th K ii'lih papers r. ceive.l bv the steamer
America, statu that a houe in U'eWninster I
slirel. .on. Ion. bi loniiiii'' tu a carver and
tlilder, was set on fne mid nearly ili-htrr1S'-d
I v a meteor, which descemb j ejiiin llje iwif
in th shape of a ball of fne.
Tut: Slice -'' nf the Siitiimvriiin Telegraph
acro.-.s the l'..ialih Cliaiinel lias set the I-i'U-
lih press to speenlniin!! upon the pos.ilni- .
lies and advantages of re labliliiiij; fin! san.0
mode nf commnnicatioii between Kuplniid j
s in I A 'i erica ; and some of them have none
veiy fully into
uihIci lakit'C.
the slulislios of fiiirh an
Vakstsii nut On. Vaistisu. Dextrine's
parts, alcohol t pnrt, water G parts Var
nish for drawings and li'hosrnphs : Tex-;
trine 5 pails alcohol ball a pail, water 2
pans. The.- fhould bo prep.ned prevk-io-lv
uiih two or niiii-c co:, Is of thin s:aieh
tT lice, boiled and strained thn v.h a
KisMTII. A l-.tti-r finm I.O!:ioil in the
New Ymk 'liernlil sa, it will pioimblv bo
six weeks irnin 'In' d ile of that letter. Oi lc
ber 3d, before KofSinh leaches ilie I'liitrd
Sates. Ths Misvis-ippi was evp.eicd ;,t on the Sin irsl.
A Pri!M.N:T l.vsTtTvrii'N. The author
ities itt Itotne hue .-r.ii ij.ii , ij,,. j.iiiil:i,tii.e.
r.d to pievei.t it Iioiii In i, 2 biiined sit the
(oinier wiMiden one vas, shej lutve re-built
j: of eal-iion.
Hew At'.VEl tVi rcc'-A ..
o. ;.2tvcr.ti0i?.
.I'ili't Il.tliify,
a n 1 1 TC i i ; t ; ': t : . j-1- y s .
s:.vti:i ii voM'jii': os1 m.".
SCI KN TI r I ( : A iVA I C A N
Hea rs. MUiZI c; CO.,
Air.rriutii nml Fori i?n i'ut. lit g: uls, mul
Prnu-iii:i'..s tif the Scikntikic Amcku-ax,
6SI.M iiijj r t l.l.i aiuiouncos 1 1 tlie pi
lie lliat the iiiwt liiunlcr of Volume VII
ef tbci wtibly rirciil ited mid valuable journal
was isMied on ihe Vlilh of Scptemlwr. 'J'lie new I
vo'umc was coinmrucct! with new Ivee, printed I
on paper of a heuxier lctiire than l' used in '
tl h lMiecediu volume. It is the i,,;culi.iii of
the publishers to illustrate it more fully, by in- !
trodiiciii representations of prominent events ;
counseled with ibu lultaiieiuient f science ; be- I
side fur aishiiio the u-nal ninouiit of cugrui ins '
of new int on i i, iiik. It in d weekly in !
form lor '. i:wliiio. and allimU at the cud of the ;
year rpteudid volume of over fnir hundred pa
i;es, willi a copious index, nml from live to ni
bundled eieirivini;. tooelhcr willi a vast amount ;
of practical iufnimatioii i oiiccriiiuo the progress
of invention and discovery throughout the
woil 1. 'I'lii ie is no subject of importance lo the
nie.-liauic. inventor, manufacturer and general
reader which is not treated iy the most ulle
In ilini r the editors, coutributiiis and correspon
dents liciu men of the highest attainments. It
ii ill fact the leailiut; acienti lie loin ual of ihe !
rountry. '
The Inventor will liud in it a wecVly lint of '
Americnii Palenl Claims, reported from the Pa
tent tlllicc, an original feature not found it uuv
other wet'Llv publication.
All Lrll'it must be p ifl jmt, and ilirrcleil
to "Jt,'.Y.V If CO. Fuhtifheri of lUt Scicu.
dic Wiicric'iii, 12S Fulton Street, Kc:c
Any person who vaiII aend us four subscribers
for six months, at our regular rates, shnll he en- I
titled to one copy for the same length of lime, or !
we will furnish
Ten copies for Six Months, $ 8
I en copies for lwelx Mouths, l.i
Fifteen copies for Twelve Months, 22
Twenty copies for Twelve Months, !!8
hotithern and Western money taken at par
for subscription, or Post Olhce Stamps taken at
their full value.
October "5, 1851.
I'll O C I A M ATK )N .
"JOTICE i heieby piveu a Special
' Conn nf Coinnion Pleas, in and for lh
County of Nurthiiiiibeiland, to coiiiinence at
tha Court llouau, in the borou"h of Sunburv,
at 10 o'clock, A.M. on Mmiday iho 27i"h
day of October 1851, and will couliuiiB ONE
Juror are requested lo be punctual in
Iheir attendance, at tha time appointed
agreeable lo their notice.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, thellth
day of October, A D. 185 1 utul ihe In
dependence of Ihe Uutud Stale of Amer
ica the 76lh.
Cod save the Common wealth.
OLD PENS with and without silver case
just received, and fur sal bv
ruAbvlT, A"ril t!t
List of Causes
IOR Trial at Uperial Court of Common
Plras of Northumberland county, to Ira held
Oct. 87, A. V., 1831
Pontius If Thompson
Samuel R Wood
S DJo- 'an, S Hunttr
Ale Jordan
Com. for Saml Furman v
F O'Donncll for Wm F Naglc John Dir
Christian llollingcr s Charles Honscl
Moses Uowcr va Richard (Joodmnn .
O P Tyson for Job Tyson vs Daniel I.. rVhnrck
Jacob Niltrnucr
vs Samuel Jurrct
Win McClerv
Plntt ft Piatt
Molt & Sholtr
William Welch
(tcorae Krkerls' adin'r
v II I) Cummins
vs Henry Master
Daniel Dreisbsch
vs Jacob K Trego
vs John Kolir
(ico V MrKee
vs Joseph Lmif
Saruh Slitzcl vs Samuel S Sheddon
fSiimo vs Jneoli .s'litxl
II D C'umniinss vs Tims H Maikey
linker & Co for Jacob llloom vs Henry Courstl
Hcnrije. K. Gehrig ct al vs Peter Wnroy
Isaac Tyler vs H M Sc.ydi I'a nilin'r
ShalVne'r & SMuler etui vs Thus S .Ma-key
Uci Hv.ter Tor Mar- w CJreor.ouaU ex'r
Im caver
Wm Mit'er vs d'eorjie Forrcstor
JOHN F.'.LXSWuRTII, Proth'y.
Frothmintary' Oi.'. )
Sunbury. Oct.' II, le'il. )
Spi-ciiil Jury
THllI Special Court, October STth, Anno Do-
mini. isol.
S.i- u ti T . I Icnrv
llann il sell, William
Noumea nr. in. i N ii. (ten. Evert.
Du. vvviik. Samuel McCurly, Prtcr KuhnU.
I. i.wis. f-mnurl Shannon, Michael Shade.
Te ii hi t. Charles Kiddle.
Point. John Vandcvrnilcr.
I'll I II sue ill- K. -( ico. Dennet.
l'l'i'Kti ArarsTi. -Jacob Eckman, John
Cooper, John Snmii.
Win. Furiiiiin.
Ki sii. Win. Vii'liii'
Siiiviikiv. Chriiia!
Wm. V. f-ilverwood,
, Henry Weaver.
i llimsla-jh. Jaeo!) "oa-
kcr. .lilllirs
Co it. !"
Yi'cuin. ert McWilliam-i.
ii pbcii Kiscnhart, Philip Stainliach,
reliv l.crcb.
' J ,11 IT Ml .11 1 IHt . .
Nicholas liiug:iman.
I Dux il llain. John Kciid.
. . ......... ,
Jackson. .Mini Hen. I eier r crsicr. iwniei
Zirtman, Daniel Swart?., licnrv Lal!ia, Jr.
(,'lias. Kotliannel, deo. Ilarmcr.
CePF.n M inoMiv. Jacob llolfa.
Ojjf in MidI.pI 5'it.7 Sinilntry, opposite
UVnivi'j Hold
JTI'rslNKS."' will be promptly attended to in
il ij the Ciuiiitica of Noithuiubrrlaiid, L'niuli,
Cutunibia and .Montour.
r. Ti) :
A. Junius.,
('. J. I) .n Ml,
C. M. II
1). Hum, Ml. Vernon
House, "d street.
8. Hon s iiriii, '111 Mar
ket dt., ritilaUtlyhia.
Sunbiiry, Oct. 11. lv.
AMK ti. the pieiuiscs nf I lie ubsiriiicr, in
) Point towii'.iiii, about the first of Aiciist
l i.l . .I ..1- l!..,..i'., I' ...Ill, ,. t. 1,1,., I .. e
...i.-.'i. I...U.. .. i i.. i.:. ..i II
wliite on the lip of the tail. The owner is rc- ;
miestcd to come forihtvii'.i and prove property. J
ay ill irjjca and tike her awuy, or site will be;
uispij!tc,l ol uccuriiioo lo iatv.
s..MI.i:i. WILLYAltD
Point tji., Oct. 11, lc:ol. :it.
r7,t!IE ui'.der.-ioniil i-' i.i the daily receipt of
fresh an I extel'ent Irom the cell -
brilcd estabbi-liincnt of .Mr. Field, o.
'e-t Lombard street, lialtiinore.
orders will be proiupt'y attended t and
foi ward' d without delay. Apply to the nib at Lei's Hotel, Sol'!, jiiii-erl.ind, Pa.
N. Ii Oj rtcr of coinmoa ipia'.ity at if 1,00
t-r can.
(1. I iler 11, li-51. Ihiio.
OV;vTKi;irl! OYSTK1.8 ! !
g rAYIN'fl selllcd at Northumberland, I am
c y now prepared to t'uriiisli
Fro and Spioed 0yster3
during the whole si ason nt the ret'.... I lirice of
one d. lbir for whole and liliy cents per hulf can.
'i.u cru depend iiji di them beinr; ficsh, ns 1 j
shall receive Ihcni daily, 'sundavs excepted.) j
and when l.uuii'd heic they un- only 10 hours out
of Ilie shell.
All piT.sons who are in w?nt of the above nrti- ;
clr, nt a distance, can have them srul per docu t
or single can by uddres-iiiT i
ci'.Dia;;: w. joxks. j
N. 11. Persons ralbm; on the subscriber inov
. I lind him either at Hut's or Haas' Hotel. !
Noithuiubrrlaiid, (let. 1. ;
Stoves !
Stoves!! Stoves!!! ;
S the cold weather Is approac bin'', the sub- '
sci il l r would lespti'iliilly call the alien- J
; of the iiiliic to bis stock ol stoves, seeded .
Irom the I. nest and uinsl approved patterns, con-
sistin4 of j
Cock, I r.rlor, Air Tirjlt, Chamber, Ofice .
and lioat Moves, all of vvhn h will be disposed of
nl usVniHiiir;! v low prices. Persons in want ;
of .-"doves ami devirou of uettiu the ''irnrth of mmiry'' are iiiviud to call before piin hasiii" !
; elscvvhi ie.
', No Stoves kept that cannol be rerommendid :
! He also continues to iii.iiiuf.u lurc !
! Tin n.itt Mii t Iron Y;uo !
in ail its varieties, lirass Kettles, liiiers, Dish
: J'uus, llritt'inia Ladles, .l.ip.uiued Ware, A.c. !
.N. 15. Persons pnrch.isin (Moves of the sub-
I scriber, can at anv lime procure Cvlinder.
j Orates, Fire Uriel, m.d ihUI plates, to replace such
! us mav be reipiiicd.
I 1). M. UHAFTIfiA.M.
I ..oi'.'.nnniierni.ii, r-cpt. inoi, imo.
In the Court nf Common Picas of Sortlmm
In land County :
In the mailer of llm neeounl ol William
& lleiibeii I'Vooly. usioii.f.s of Di-iiylrr,
Haas k Coitip.tny, lih d in mid Cotiit, Any;.
U, lSil
In piir-iiauee nf an older of said Court, I
do leu by LMvo mil iff thai iho said William
fi Ib'ldieii Fain-ly, iis-ioneesiil D 'lioler, U.ias
j Cornp.iiiy. havu I'.vhibilcd and hied an no- i
..r.oiii ol llii-ir linst iii I In- Cnnil iilnrt'fiaiil
and that said account will be allowed by the '
said (.'oni I. on the In. -I .Monday of November j
next, (beinu llm fnsl day of thn noxl term.)'
unless cause be shown why such account!
should lint be allowed.
Protlionotary s olhce,
Runhurv. Sciit. "7. 1851
nar Home lor suie uy
Sunbury, April IS, 1RM
fU.VF.R WATCH E8 A few double cases
English Silver Watches, for sale at very low
prices by II. JJ. MAS8ER.
Sunbury, April 13, 1VM.
OEU, a fresh auiply just received, and for
ale by H. B. MASTER.
April 12, 1851.
'STICF.S' FEE BILLS, ror sale l
B. MAStstR
SmvHirr. April ? J5l
XOn trial In the Court of Common Pleas
nf IVnrlhiiinlirrlaiid t'nimlv. at November
Term, A. D., 1851.
Frederick Keener vs Wm. Ayrcs
I.sch Stroocker va Jacob 1 tollman
Win. Ar K. Fcycly A Co. va John Khisslcr
Joioh Weimer vs Ira T Clemen!
Jacob Philips vs George I.. Weuner
Charles 11 Krick vs Kli Slifor
Thus Cummiin;s ct al vs J Parke ADR Rishrl
Clnis. A. Andre vs F. Matthews
Daniel Ilaiinabncli vs John C.mrad
Samuel Scumiin va Philip Spayd
same vs ilro Howuiiin
S. A. Jordan ct ul vs John Arnold
tireen V Uros. t'nr T Howard vs Henry I.anlx
J P Miller A..ignee of ' j & K
boegs & C o '
R D Cuiiiniings vs Montgomery & Mnsteller
Jacob iSlitcl vs Samuel I.Dcck
II K JCnsu vs (!eo A Dixon
(Ico Apslcy vs Northumberland county
Jmnes Dieircnbnch VS same
F Fryer 5r Win Mover vs Klias Ourman
Win M Aiiten v Rusvr
Daniel P Caul vs Dcullcr A: Montague.
Anion licppiirt vs Ira T Clement
Henry (.iliel vs Win MeCarty
P K iloll'man if wife va 11 Kiihnts. MrCiirty et nl
Joseph 'udcr
vs Josupli Dinning
va KcuIh'H 'i'rovcl
vs Isuac Slinller
vs II Voxthehner ndm'r
vs II Kli iiimet., ex'r.
vs Henry Yoxthciincr
vs (Jeorire Hohrbach
Iloats, Keiilur A: iStouirliton
llliyb Marliu
Jtibn Mi.-Comttck
Marliu Iruius ndiu'r
Fullmer for Caul
Henij Kciier
Ira 'J'. C'iemeiit
('oiir.ul Kcciiy v.i
Win (.Jross for 8aml Oilbcrt vs J. J. t'pdci-rall'
.1. liownian IiiilorsPC xe vs J C Perkins
Klijah l!.irto
Tboinas .1 Addis
Lower A- liarron
Jacob Kline
( ' ii s m r Hcckurt
Nicbolns lhiwer
Daniel II'li
John 1. lbtss
Ira T Clement
.Icliu W Peal
vs Chillies Sailor
va Daltar (arnhart
vs Ira '1'. Clement
vs Joseph Klines' uibn'r
v Henj F V J W iSlumiii j
vs Frederick Hcckurt
vs Jacob I lower I
vs A I) vlrtinan I
vs Leonard Roadurmcl et nl 1
vs J II Purdy !
vs Ceo 11 Votiny'man I
Tiubiook fur App'etou s James Itriiss 1
llickok iV Cautiue vs (ten W Arui-trnmj :
Ifculien Fai?ely vs Kemlnier fc Clement j
Jacob Keller vs Hank of Nortliuinberland, j
.N.inry liuusel vs David IluiiseU' mlin'r
,. ,.. , .. , . . . Jacob urtinnn's j
litiiiv ii,it.t-tv Lv inn mil. t i . .
William McCnrty vs Samuel Hunter
Mary Jsnc liruncr et ul vs William Wilson
Decker .'. Wrilier vs it D ('uininiiii;.
(lei):c Sbiley va Ab'm Dunkelbei'icr's aduir'x
Mary AIjiu" vs Win II Sprutt
Same vs Jnhn Campbell it wife
Johu Urnwn vs John Oyster senrs ex'r
Jno Knurr fur II. Knurr ts F.uocb Howcis' adin'r
Jumes T Sutton A: Co vs Samuel Kyle
Klirabctli Klice vs (Icorjie Lawrence
Conrad Wolf vs (ieorc Hcckart
Cntbui ine Snvilrrs' eir's vs Samuel It Wood
Daniel Cousert vs Henry Uohner
liauk of NortiiiiuiberUnd vs JuoC liiiyds' ailiu'r
Same w Same
Mary Patters m vs (u-orge Ileckert
ltnuepnile 'I'ltoinp'on ct al n Casper St Clair
in Mel laiin.'l lor A
W Comlv
vs Jolni Jackson et al
Jnhn Reynolds vs Isaac Reader
,, ,. ... , ,, Thou A RiHinrr.
I , nit V lit I. I it vm u
ton ct al
I 8ome for Win McC'arlv
II S Ilauhnaii
Hubert Philipa vs .laines licnnv Jr
(jeui'i;n li'.iriiiau vs IJ II Unwell et nl
i John .lacliNim vs J.iincs Ucurd et al
j llallict for liuiip & 8avide vs Uuniel Malliet
I t icore l.invrence '
I Hiliiiiototi lor II unler
i A I'uvcrs
II ,,,:,rr cc 1 lirown
s ttusan tt S-'aiah Kcid
is ('baric
John Jjtkson Jr
vs Same & il'o
vs A W Comlv
vs Thomas Allen
vs Ocore Hcckart
vs (ieorge !Siide.
vs ''corjc Hcrtx
vs Ii I) Cummiuirs
John Leib's r.din'r
Conrad Wolf
Simon tSnydcr
A W t.'omiy
('roi.ileiii ,v Hrother
Ilallzsr Oaruhart's admr's vs K W Dunn's admr
All. in Xevvbcrry vs Thomas liassr
Cruiidall fir J Morgan vs Ceo Miller's adin'r
PiMlhi'ii'itjrj 's Odicu, )
Suuii.iry, Oct. II, loil. )
List of Jurors,
F Northumberland County for November
J din, A, 1).
(s'raml .lurorx.
Mil. ton ( has. Dotts, Daniel Donheitv.
I llit.l',i Ayi'i: John H. Heller. John 11.
Mi (',' e, Win. Kramer
IU:i.WAici:. J. itiics Hi) son. Isaac Milliard,
Join Piiessler.
Lewis. J.itin T. Sh.iili-, ,l.di:i Dirrim,
Wnsliiiioion p., Win. S.iviilo,..
LowKU AriiLii . f-auiufl Kaufman, An
nanias Wvini.
i!rsn. Luther l?iel. Joseph Kelly. Oil
belt DiMts, O.i t i,l .Miitclilcr, Ji Ii i lliir.-h.
Simmkkin. .losoih C.isi niiui, t-.iiii Kpler.
I'l-l'KIl Miionov. diellj.llllill Maikel.
Levi: ii tin Abiabuui lliu'iiuiau.
J a i k sun. M leliai l Tu cm.
Traverse .!t;i-of.
N'ntri nf.Mui:Ki.ANi). I li-niv I Lias, William
.Mn.ros. Tims. S. Mackey, James Mont
yiniiei y, Henry Ilium.
'If it in r. Kiib.'it Hayes, Asa Kveret, John
Dunkel, Natli niu l IbittiMi.
I.i.wis. .lohu A.C'al lvvell, Michael Unity.
Dki.awakk. Daniel Werlman, Juhn Wil
son, Duiii'l Nicholas, Mt-niy Cttlp
Ciiii.istiU Aiii K. James Jordan, Isaac Bat
lei;. Peter Yaniidy, James Tnik.
Point. Charles P.uks, Janie Ncsbil,
(i iii- Lesher.
I'l-l'i:!-. Ati;tSTA. Dennis Wolveiton. Gt-o
! Obeidoif
! Low I n
do John Wain, Jacob
; Kn-bs, Peter Yoeinil, John Lon;.
j !fsn ,bni;is Wolf. J. lines F.cktnan.
Siiamokin. John Hull, Win. Kiiekb..nm
Ciiai.. J.uias (iilorr
Fit i:it Maihixoy. llenncvillo Holshoe,
Ib-ury II ins, John lletiich.
Lnwi:n do Jacob Spat", Jacob
ll.i.l mini, Philip Mi'ssiier, John Uuuel, Jr.
Jackson. Uavi.l Swart, John Wensel,
Di:iii'l Zirlmau, Samuel Malich, Jacob
S-iler. Lovi Diumhelh-r, Daniel Ilulshoe,
John Fagely,
E'ctil sJiii'oi'M.
St-sBfKV. O.ivi.l Hand Daniel Haas.
Kli. is ILosiuus.
NiiitTiif Miiriti.Axn John Win-alley.
Mm ion. John Fidlcr, Chiistiuu Siine,
Allen Sehinjer
Tiiiuir John UtifT.i, John Kissinger,
Abiaham Douat.
j Lr.wis W.lliam S. Miintiiomety.,
Di:i AWAKi: Henry Header, Jolm Weil
I man, Kobcrl McKet-, Elijah Ciawford, D.uid
Cim.lsqeAQ.rK. Paul l.ahr, Thos. U;tter.
Point. Philip Oibbin.
Ui'i'ta Augi'st. George Forrester, Hen
ry limns.
Siiamokin John Moore, Daniel J. Ixolh,
Michael M. Sober. William Shnll.
Coal,. Joseph em, Henj. McClnuh.
Upi'f.r Maiionov. Solomon Folk, Daniel
Mine, Jacob Oeisl, Jacob Kaufman. David
Lower do Uut;h Seasholu, Geo.
Ilorii, John Beior.
Jackson. Daniel HilbUh.
aive and legal vnvvluiies, for sale bv
II. B. MA-mEF.
aViat-Vy, Af d t, '
tV OT1CF. la hereby givan that the feveral
' Courts of Common Plcae, General Quarter
Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court, Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliveryi
in and for the county of Northumberland, to
commence at the Court House, in the borough ol
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
3d day ol November next, mud will coiitinua
The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta
bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are
requested to lio llicu ami llicre tn llicir proper jicr
sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and
other remembrances, to do those things to their
scvcrul oH'tces nppcrtuiniii)f to be done. And all
witnesses proscctilimr in bcbulf of the Common
wealth against any prisoner are ulso requested and
comminuted to be then and there attending in their
proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall
be just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are rcqucilcd to lie punctual in their
attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to
their notices.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 11th day
of OcIuImt, in the year of our l.urd one thou
sand ciudit hundred and fifty-one and the In-dependent-
vf tlis I'uited Stales of America
the (Uili.
God save tin: Couiiiiuiiw eallh.
"registeivs" notice!"
jV OTICE is hereby jjiven to all Legatees,
" Creditors and other persons interested in the
Estates of the following named persons, that the
Executois. Administrators, and Guardians of said
Estates have tiled their accounts with the Rcgistur
nf Northumberland county, uud that the same
will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said
County, on Tuesday ihe llli day of Novem
ber neAt for confirmation and allowance.
I Sol.
Leonard KaulTmnti, dee'd., sclt'eJ by his Ex
ecutors, Frederick Kehler.
Geo. F. Kull. dee d., settled by his administra
tors, Win. F. Nm;lc uud Geo. linker.
Andrew Geist, dee'd., selllcd by his Adminis
trators, Andrew Geist mid Joseph Fcgera,
John C. lend, dee'd., settled by his Execu
tor A. Jordan.
Adam Philips, dee'd., settled by his Admin
istrator, J U llarr.
Peter Vaiidling, dee'd., settled by his Adminis
trator, lie bonis lion. Win. Reed. oris, ilre'd., settled by his Adminis
trator, Wm. T. Forsyth.
David Deppin, dee'd.. sclt'.cd by his Adminis
trator, Alexander Deppin.
Christian Reich, dee'd., settled by his Admin
istrator. Anna E. liei'h.
R. II. Hammond, dee'd., settled by bis Ad
ministrator, William C. Law son, Esq.
Peter Stull, dee'd., settled by his Administra
tor, Samuel Shannon.
Thomas Grant, dee'd., settled by M. A 15.
Smith, and Vir?ili.i U. Smith, Executors of
Kendeitou Smith, dee'd, who wss Adm'r
dc bonis noil of Thomas Grant, dee d.
Jehu, dee'd., settled by his Executors,
Jacob and Abraham ltlnssm r.
Gideon Sbudel, dee'd., settled by bis E mentor,
W illiam Sb.ulcl.
William T. Ilovd. dee'd., settled by his Ad
ministratrix, Catharine G. Boyd.
JOHN P. PLRSEL, Ueiistsr.
nes'Kler's Odicc,
; Sunbury, Oct. 4, lHol oU J
parm ron SALS.
'!ll l'5 subscriber will sell at public sale, al the
House of Theodore Wells, in the b'jioujli
of .Miiney, L, itiiiiinuf county,
On WKDNF.SDAY. the Uih day of NO
YKMHKIv, 1851,
A Valu-alilo I'tirin,
situate in Muncy township, Lycoming; county,
200 ACRES.
more or less adjoining lands of I5eujainiii Wa
ller, Jacob Haines, James Kobb, Samuel Wallis,
and others. To lie sold as the estate of Edward
Oobiu. dee'd.
It is within three miles of the linroush of
Miiiicv, mul a half ini'e from a limestone bank,
now worked, mid that vein of limestone extends
into this tract. About IIIIUO bushels of hmt
have leeii spread on the farm within three yeais
past. There are never failinc springs in nearly
all the fields, and Wolf Kim passes llirouijll the
middle uf tin- tract. The sprinir at the house is
remarkably lar:rc and line. The situation is
healthy and exery xvuy desirable. The improve
ments arc a lari-e sized Iwo story
n one and a half slnrv frame OWKL-
LINO UOI'iSH, lately tinished, a larSe HANK
IJAKN, very well finished, and provided with
extcusixe slabline; for horses, cattle u i nl sheep, a
Wagon House and corn crib, wilh Kiiiiiiitrics
' aboxe, a Smoke House, a two story Spring
House, plastered, and other out buildings.
There is a large
i J of line fruit, and a Inrse iiundier "-Je.ak
I of Peach, Pair, Plum, und other
fruit trees, of a line ipinhly on tlie premises.
About Acres arc cleared and under fence,
I and tilt- fences nre mostly in Rood repair. The
! balance of the land is well limbered.
! The place has been carefully farmed, and is
J now in a tine stale of cultivation.
! Sale to commence, at U o'clock, of asid day,
! whin the condition xvill be made known Lv
Uvecutor of 15 n w it n Oouis, dee'd.
Muncy, Auk. 30, ISol ts.
Tii- ji -ih-m
tV Flirt $1 rr lU.tUt, nr Sir Utllnf $y
Ii it now pm up In MltT HOTTI.KK. f iti
iti)f p urer m-M medical ejnirv nm h-ti in utitt! hoiV.
K.rli lAirfte l.uil.ti coillalli M XT V-FOt'lt l0Ka
t tut th ti.' ilir.iiiiin hri n Nironwly ( onrr uirnit4
ilit only Our Tnhinpoanfit ii ratuirrl i Ini4ihrre
timet h (fity tliu im ImiiU Intl Tirttt-OnP Ifiiyn, ia iiitili lenrr thkn nf anv ullu-r inthriiie
itt t, lit rnutii il.e re t rt-qutred of Uitt a IrHa quiiulily
VI B tf.
Tin.' if rfnl Superiority of tliii llluorf FuHflrr ovtf 1
otl.i-r nii'itirink, ruiiHioia In vnHt nifasnri in li poiw
t-Mni,' Hai ii pari of tu citmpoMnrt, lUt $tuwrjut letliriU
V I rt ii n uf nmm .mrrr nti Kure
Indian Roots and Barks,
wlilch no (iilit r tm-Hirliif poneiir-i. Ttie art iIm inocf rr.
("in I'lirlHrra f Mi llionil thai wtr ever known in
niiHT iiiifi-m ir iMiiV .tn. ait'l lhf Usinj eom$ntumied wLUt
Uia trunviy cmctutruUd i'.ttruc'. uf
SarsapariJla, Yellow Dock,
nmb ihia Vrcrtnbl IKxirnrt. mil nnljr gre,itet
lilootl I'lirilh-r, hut a;, a rli?nirr meduin ny
irilt Oilil limn any utiier. It It cheiper. lx?raiiM tint
m-umlJu of U lhai imv htMii-lil fur lint llnllur Mill laat
mui'h loiifcirr. i wMl rum 'I'rn Tlmra iiHr Blood-dit-riBf,
tliun tne Aafiir'a Murtlt uf anv (ihr inoUiciua.
1F" Kof uiidouhttHl pnmf of tha ('ve uf
Scrofula, Fever-Sores,
Uroli HeaA,, N.tjt HHeum, RMettmitttm, KvjJUli,
V.ruptvn, ttmi-ie on Mt (-, .l vtr'uHiilHlitlt
filet, l.iWiy, t'aHrerm$ lleet, 4'UMtl vrnraa, .Wti
y.t. Mirpln. Fiiiaf 3m the Unit, y 114, iUthei, mmd
Jintt, uHtl ail uiHia iMtnaK-Hi.tHiU I)ifcf4, - our
PAMt'HI.KTS ud iid4.tvWi-vary Atax. haa Uiaui lu
KUm awaj.
FiR tai by J. W, Krilintr. Huiiburv: Mrv A. Me-
Cuv, NnitliiiiiilrfrlMiMl ; Jhn ii. Itastf, Miitou; tlaiA
.MrCiiniitck, MrF.u-eiiavtlla.
May 3, ISil, tw.-ly,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
"I1TILI. altcna faithfully auj promptly lo all
professional biuineaa, in Norlliuniberland
and 1'nion countie. 11 i familiar with tli
German lsnquare.
DKKlfi; :- Opposite (lie "Lawrence II oust,"
a few doors from the Court House.
riunliury, Aug. 10, 1851. ly.
"BfTEE 1111,1.8. Justii and. CUUe F-
Hill. l..n.Uo.
print n card pper, fnr
al at hitrT)r.
A Select School for Young Ladies.
rilllE Mcehanicshurg Institute i pleasantly
J. located in tbo healthy village of Mechanics
burjr, Cumberland county, nine mile west of
Harrisbiirs ; a village noted throughout the fur
ronndinir Counties for Ihe morality of its citizens.
It is acrrssibtc by railroad, the Cumberland Val
ley Railroad passinii throuidi the place.
The course of instruction is such of is puraued
in the best Srmiuaiics in the country.
It is the design of the Principal to instruct the
intellectual (towers, to cultivate becoming man
ners, and to cdm-Mc in such a manner,, as may
prove practical- useful.
The school year is divided into tiro srmi-an-liual
sessions, each of five calendar months.
The summer session commence the first week
In April, and closes during the last week of Au
gust. The winter session commences the 1st
week in October, and tcrminutes Ihe last week of
At the close nf each session there will b pub
lic cash inatioua.
Terms: .
Hoarding, including lights
per session S mo. $50,00
Tuition. ' " 10.00
Modern languages, " 10,00
Drawinj, " " 0,00
Music, Piano, wilh use, ' " 15,00
Or. if preferred, per session of & mo,
iiii hn li ii 7 the above items, PS, 00
I'm able in advance $35. balance al the close
of the session.
Hooks, stationery, music, cVc, furnished at
Philuilelphis prices.
Pupils will be received at any period during
the session, and charged iicconiiii'-ly.
For further information, lileaso addres tha
Principal for a circular.
Mechsnicsburg, Aui. 0, 1S3I. Jtmo.
Tlie lluurwlf'a Help mid llubunl,a Joy!
pVOI3 axvav entirely with that laborious task
of ruliliin t the Clothes upon the xv.nMionrd
It eotitsins iiu iinpedielits whatever, injurious to
the finest fahrie or the ftrsh. The irorietor
wish every one to jive it a trial, and if it does
not prove to be as rerommendt-d, ihe money, in
every sueh ease xvill Is- refunded, full direc
tion aeeompaiiv rneh bottle. 1,'etail price 1-1
Cunts per llottle, suliii ieut tn do Iwo ordinary
u-aitings, and saving the ('lollies more by not
rubbing them, than the rost of six bottles be
sides reinovini; ainins of fruit. Sic, if thero bo
uuv, and the time and labor saved.
I'repared only hy
I. 1'. HOYT & CO.,
1. A. For, Mi Kxvensville, sole aent for the
C'oiinlie of L'uioii nml NortliuiuberUnd.
I'hibidelphis, A uk. .'i'l.
mam kai:ti:hi.iis of
liuld und Silver Prn a;:il P ncil Casn,
No. 2, Maidks Lam-.,
One door Irom nnrm-r of Biouiiway,
New York.
I'very pen will he xviirrniited for one year.
:. I. The plive firm were awarded Gold and
ilxe.r Meilu'.s. for fixe -inet'iilixe years, at Ihe
I'Vir of iho Aiiirricati Iuititute, for the best Gold
July CI,, l-:;,!.- 3ms.
joiix Youx(j,
THO rei'eitfullv informs his friends and
" eustoiners that be Ins returned from
Philadelphia, willi an esrellent assortment of
New Spiiiio; Goacls,
VThi.'h be offers fur s.ile at his old stand in ?! sr-
ket street. 'I lose goods xxill I sold at 11 loir-
est prirss. His aloik eousist of exery sarietr,
vix :
Ilrv fiotxh.
Such as Cloths. Ctissimtrf. .IfusUns. Calicoes,
UiiifArini. Lawns. Chinlxes and La
dies Dress and Fancy Goods
Also an assortment of
Talia Leaf Hat', Cap-,, &c-,
llardwarf. Iron naJ Strrl, Noils, it..
A general asvirtriu'tit of (Irocr-rioi, Sujar,
Coin-i-, 'I'm. (.'Iici'si-, M.i
hissos, Sjiici'j.
t tt Produce i f all kinds taken in exchant
at Hi hl(.h.'st market pri' i's.
Suiiburv, May SI, IS.'.I.
Market Street, Suubury, Pa.,
nPlIl. suliseriliers lu reliy inform their old eus-
turners und tlie puMic generally, that they
have just lei'eived a l .re and extensixe assort
ment of all kinds of Mrrehandize, xxhii-li they
otter to purchasers at sueh rates, that they ran
not retrain from buying. Their assortment of
)tv (lood.
is lurje. eio'ur.iriii all hinds of
Cloths, Cussimers, Snttinells, kc.
A general assortment of Summer wesr, of
Staple, and Fancy Goods for Ladies,
of all kinds, sui'h as ('alii-ties, Mous. d Laiues,
Lawns, f liiit;liaiiis, Ar.
Also nn rxerllenl assortment of
DfMT.S AM) Mi:)riXKt.
Tifch, Ealt and Piaster.
tf Cmiiiii v itoiIiut nf all kiiuU taken in ex
i-lnnge at thr liilimt in.irkot irirc.
sSunliurv, .May iu,
MM W '
JIl.MAM 1IOOVKR irsnvtfullv informs
his frirnils and customers tliat he has
jurt rrtnrnril from l'liiiuilclphia, willi an excellent
assortment ol
wiiicli lie oilers fur sale at Iii new store at Mas
srr's Mill, llullnwinp; linn. These good will
lie soli I at llm lowest prices.
iitsssTOLicroNsisrsui'- i;vi:uy variety, v.
Dry (londs, iS'c,
Such as Cloths, Cassimn es, Muslins, Calluoei,
(tinuhams. Lawns, Chintzes and
Ladies Dress (londs generally.
An assortment ef
Palm Leaf Hati, Caps, &c,
A general aisorlment of Groceries, such a
Sugar, Coiree, Tea, Molas
ses, Spice, fee.
Also an assortment of Liquors, such
Brandy, Rum, Whukty, Winet, cVc.
r7 I'rodure of all kind taken in exchange at
the highest market prices.
Hollowing Run, May 10, 1S51. I.T.
IThoureau' celebrated ink. and alao Con-
gre ink for .al. whole!, and retail by
rr.mb . ' H b MAMIK.
no. 187 A'orlfc Third Strut, Philadelphia.
'riim powder is eutitM by Ihs linitttl IMinvwy of all
A t . ,,'.h.nve Hm ' " 'he ' rank of all thosa CAT
I I.I. Ml.lllCI.VKsi. u.i,i.u i ,.),, ..;...
Wiirlhr f ir Hiauv tears. Imlor.1 it-A rhnllr, ,.v ........
to nuik a superior, oi sny powil.-r Oiul s,-n in the vims
nw ininni im perrectljr healthy it will sillier
increase tlm amount of milk nr .renin and luittrr ! fir O.-
sniinal will impMve rupiillr in ft. It will IherflOrs in
tune itr c tmmrreu we nnve ni fl'iilil mieiS tiicsiiiple urn.
elrsisT every Parmer, who k,si' n rliary; nml i f every
iri'ii uw j a nmso. It ts n a isle of Ihnse kmil r.f
Miitchks ilui merely swell an nniiniil ui f. r a ilmn
lime. Ihii il will hv tlie eriiwK-ilv whicli ii li'js ,,f e.siTerti:t
HII'I'l llli; ACID (which Is an etT-te mitl-r) into I c
Tic acid or olri.nk; cmim a priniter ninnunt of nnlriiiout
mstter to lie extiacletl frnm the same ainouiit of fmsl, t)n,u
p,issihly ennlil ite, were the active principled of linlrilinii
I ' pns mil of the system in the form of llirrcaic Acu
te nave icccivisi a mniiiiniie oi eviiicace to prwve what
we have said nlrive. Snilice to sny :
e imve mixed the active neent, wilh a preet nimiber
f VsosT iaLK plants suit hcrtm. which tuns unit line Imve
pmvcl to he useful, iinnrovine the nnpeirie mid iriiiniliiar
diircffli'in of the fo it ; thus pcfiirm a healthy e-minion uf
ine iiinofl, irom winch ilie am. nno r at innsi ne lormea.
It insy be used for llrRR!i, Cows sildlluos for Hit f"lluw
ing einpluiuts ami disenscs.
YF.I.I.OW WATKIl, a dninrcroiiB sickne-s. which ite.
uroys many valuable hoisee etery )ir, is veiy oiten
entirely cared by Ihe free uc of tins powder, In sit cases
it will or event the lieuse :rom roiiiinff mi.
1 int ilmtiifTc is o wnii iir t'ti h:iU niifl iminrrifhil mate
of 1 1 if blxjuJ wiiicli b-ciiiL'a ihin, wutTy mid of till yelL'W I'f. I
This pow.lef bt irnrnviiiB the t'lmach nml ffiviur to i
llm IiI-mmI n Liciter tinintity ui ml (wtruclfi, ntfinla tlx
tVst oik! njily (xisiililt; cliuuct tf rccivTy. l" the Ii !
ia i:ir g nir, ifive nt niing and instil a iiiitii'ipsuiiiiii in wet
tcil. it in tlie Ih fuming imre a (J;iy tit 11 kjii, it Hjily t oro
vmt ilie tliMTiae twice a wivk.
iI..MlUi:UINO. Thia is the miinti mi f mmy mlun
Me ll-irtcs Uy f .li.tint inn ; by a cititnnt iiii"li:irie'uf tiili
vn whirh nnr),i v,t jllt ( xilft atniincii I nwm iipmi"n.
It is a npcri.- nt" B.liviui.'ii ift-ii prMlucci. hv Indus To
twee i priiwuitr in the print nre frr-'inifl A TahlnrxHiril'iil
ihrf tiimn n week will inu.-mlv nrr-ft tlm How, if it
( ri-an t il.'i'ftitl cm the Tniwco iii the ;niB, miilcr surh
cirvmnr uv-n th nniinti iiiut lv krpt hi the stnMe
1)1ST1MII'.II.If tin) pnwiler n enrlv nm, freulv used,
n n.tlifr rctiKily neal Im unetl. it lum sircttdy i nrcil hun
ilrc Is nf IIohbf.s of this triiuliJi-sointMlitH-iim: to the surprise
of lln.jie. who it. If hi t iml L-nriv, lifftire matter hus
formed iu the iiki-Ic it ciniiiot renter tin miiiiml perlVctlv
ntitil the m uter ih iliM-lmrpiil. u-e it surly mid prevent
such n result. A TuhluKjrouimtl unce or twice i duy ia
OI.ANni:nS. Thi diM Kii Imlll. nil FaBRIerh,
Givu thin powder n f;iir t mil mid ft will d wondtrs in
tlm tcrriUf nnd hitherto inrnr-ililii mnlndy It is n ilivs-ma
of tin gi HvatL'in and kvpl Up by imperfret tnitriiinn.
ill S'U'll ttiRrs tl TilblrSMOIIIlll I'VfTV d ty twicu br u m itth
tr tw , in c-mit;int ancecsAioii, will hi ntiif caara out of a
JoZ'-n i-rtV'-t n curt?, it h:is lircii f lirly ttttd.
Onifjha nd shortness of trntlt dej-iidin!j tvrnk
limes, h TiiMi ipiHnlul every morning ; if it ubutrt unee
or nt'"'" n wf'-ic
rooil l.rV-SPIRtTKP MOnSKS. ir where there is
finy retinina nf Kounder or suTn-sa of m iti i., and tilt
Ibirm will not fnttcn. or wheru the htnr is rmwli nnd
atmids sirosrht out, tin f.cnl rV.'ininff b do no totd, the
I'.iwib r pr.dmr nlniont iniineili:te improvement of the; the ilieslifii imprnves und with it tilt the slim
icisliness of the iinirnnl diffnppenr. brcouiins lively and
pirilel( and (lie hair smooth nnd aiick.
For Mi mi so Cows, we nre fu'ly e nvinced that it not
on'y improve the qnnhty, but thitt il inerensen tlie nni iuiit
of Mil. Cri-iim uiuJ llulier ; s 'tne wh h ive tnml the ex
leriuii'iit :iy a Pimnd h Wuek, othfis sty hall 11 p mud
while nm: persm iiiKisb' t UHu il tint he ncule two pounds
more n wei k imm ewh C-ws. Wu tliink it will be found
t' nvernje ir in a h ill to ji pound pt-r week ott cm-Ii t.nw.
if the Cows :ire pint-city healthy. This ud.liiionul nmmnt
i ui nl by the e nve;si u nf the llippuric Aeid into Nitro
pen iim ini'l f.itiy eomp Minds ; ids by supplying the oxy
pen tiirieu in by thu hint:, wi'li the eU uients in renc'ion;
wit !i oit t iki tiif anv nf the .Nitr.'iii-n 'Us portion of ihe ed.
UOlsl.uW lit'iKN nr WOI.r; llunF IjISI.ASK,
am) ntl older dim-uses of ne:it esitiie ib-penilinir npmi a Uid
atttu of the fluid, ore rem veit spe.-dily totd eileliiti!l
(.'ws, whose milk is blue, thin und w:itery nnd where it
d:e yield much rremn. or where Cuwa trive bloHly
milk, nr wlneh nre used lo stnud I mij dry, it will t-e f-Mind
.-ui uiui ist infillibt? renieily, hv itupi ving the nn bli in of
the bl -oj in. 1 rrentini; a hrdihy di;enti,ii j n Tnblis; toj,.
ful every day or every uther day as it may be necessary
Piss m the summer often nverln- it tbemselvea, tret sve!.
led nucUs, e uelm, uleera in the Ijiin tm.l l.iver, wni'-h i
eaiifie thrin t i ibn very Bit hh-nlv, Mi fr m;iv b prevenied J
cntirt lv by putting a p niud oi n hull into u ;irr l nf mwiII ;
mo it wm at ine same lime cmuirratii' ti.isteu tnc l ail en-
ine procoM.
N. II In nn nnimn! wlii h is civitijr milk and y -u ure
i.-rir.ui3 t ' lutii it ul th? mine time, vu liuid n t trivs
tii'in: thrill u tiibletipo.infut oner; u week nr it will retaidlhe
f ornt!iii"ti ol lui by inereusiiiR Ihe nui'uiit v( .Milk. eiirU pi-rn mi try its t-ik-ets for hnu.rll nnd lie Will
on be ni i stiff I of iu excellent uunuties, mid that ivj l-'ur
ui'-i shf'iil.l Im- wiilimit it.
jnsity e.-lL-brri'id i:ATTl.K Pt)VlKU, is entitled t . liif
e-infi 'liie of nn int'lliari'tit people ; we liave uddresticd
ltterp t' nil purl a id ih I iutil Mates, wlirre our Pow- ;
Aft Iims lie-u used, nnd we are able i.w from tlie eviikm-t i
thus I. r- 'Hint liefore us, to usjurc every 7armrr, Inary- !
tnanii:id Uoinr-piin, that it has h: fur veiy much ex-
cer.'t-d our m 'St wtiiuoiine fpcetntt"i'S.
With liie Hitditi tnal knowledge tlms fnr ol!aine.l. Wu
uorc wr win r riuwuen 10 in.inr irir nun ni"ii rrr
feel CarTt-t: Mkiiicink ever yet nil'i-reil fvi n diseemii i;
pe-iplr. It arts aa n valmihle prom it-r of rticrMi n. im
proves the tpialitv of the hl'od And thus nn ntis l ie
fiuiotnit of eitli'-r Knt, Mil and c-nsefucnlly of liu Iter
liven in the healthy Anim;it
ltcvare tif r.iiiiiterteiti ns the extensive nl f or
i. wdcr luis indnord others to unite an imitation of it.
I.aeh pack lias eur wniien Snruature 'tt the end.
IIHKINKr, l'K().M;Kli;i-D A CO.
Plitlnlrlphia, July ly.
'l ite uiidcrsiLMiotl hav enUTfi! into Co-part-nei
ship utidiT tlit; fiuu (
Paper & Haj Business.
At So. 5, Minor Street, Philadelphia.
'lli-'Ul! tlis' intoitil ltfi.intv l-srers. ftai..rt-
w ' ineul ol ijicm
ioiit nl' iitiiiciH a1.'.. riitmikLiiUT in lurt at
follows :
ritinj iarrs; wovo and laid, American and
Hath I'dtsonil Not paper j wotc and laid,
gilt and plsin.
Ko'io i'osis, Flat Ca. Printing Taper, all
llurdwarc piiers, from 19 ly 91 to 40 hy 4S.
( olond unci white tmsue papers, American
nml lOiiglisli. lloiliiiijsuorlli' I'stcnt Manilla
I oloicd and white Shoe paper, common and
r.Ur.i size. Hull Kiivclope pijii is.
Colored l'riiilllig nnd Cot cr papers.
.Manilla papers, ull sizes, (ilaml Kuyal, all co
lors. Ilru'iM, Illiie Medium and Filtcjiin; papers.
'I'i a, Ccciel and Colored papers for confection.
I'air, Manilla nnd Straw wrapping paper,
lloiinel, Hinders, 13o, Cup und Trunk hoanis.
V Imo and Dull' Envelopes ; l.e,al. Letter,
.Nutc and Card sizes.
Agents fur Jiliss, Votter If Co t
Printers' Cards
in packs and sheets, white and colored odd al
ecs, cut to order. Also, llicir Gilt, Figured and
1 lam glazed papers.
JOSEPH KIM 15 V, late of BS N. Third st.
N. S. LAW UE.NCE, late of No. 3 Minor t.
N. II. SCO Tons of Kugs wanted in eichange
tor cuwh.
Philadelphia, July 2G, 1831. 6mo.
"Sloi lsiueu Take Xotlcc."
Sorth Fast cor. Vulnvt If Second Streets.
HAS OX II A.N U, just received, a complete
Assortment of Shut duns, Powder FlasWs,
(iamc Han, and all other Spurting Apparatus of
ihe lies! ami most approved p.itlcrus.
lie has constantly on hand ortiu powder of
all descriptions. Percussion Caps, Miol, llnllrl
Moulds, Hall and L) lank Cartridges, and a Min
eral assortincnt of inateriala for Ciun Muker, c.
Also Percussion Caps of a superior quality,
designed etprnsaly for I'. S. Kith.
An Assotluicnl of rishing ladle air ays on
All the ahove, and any oilier article in hi
line, the rulscrilier ti'.', sell a low a any other
cttithlishinc nt in tins I'uited Mates.
In testimony ol his skill as a manufacturer, th
Franklin Institute, in the year 1810 and 1842,
awarded to him two certificate -and iu the
ycui ISO, I84B, 1847, 1848 and 1850, five ail
ver medal, all of which may bo en at hi
place of tusine- JOHN KRIDER.
Philadelphia, July 10, 1851. 3mo.
IMMEDIATELY ou the Trevorton Kail Road.
Sections 51 & 53 i at the Mouth of the Mi
tjonoy Creek, to whom liberal wage will b paid,
Sunhury, July 5, 1851 If.
RAZORS. A lupcrior article for aal at th
.tor of HENRY MsEK,
Sunhury, FV 150,
NU all disenses ariilne from a disorders lis.r r at
maeh, such as eonsiipnll si, inward Pile. Fullness, 1 1
hiisid t,. the head, AcWify of the Sftmsclt. Nausea,
ll'arilxirn, disauet f. F-ol, fullness or weitht in Uia
Slitmach, ur Kioctmloiis. Snikint "t Itnt'eriiw at the pit
f the Sl.nnach, iwiminms id the natal, hnrrietlsnd difficult
hreitililc,., nmierintat the heart, eh-ikin or iffietiiif
seiinii,ii,e wlien ins Ivina posture, Illiimess of yieioii,
n-ssor weiiiiefithe siahi, Favrr and dull r"m in
neve, iicncicney ,f perspimtion, veliown-Bs of Ihe BKin nnn
rin i'i the side . Iriclt, che, iinilts, Ae., BmHsn
Riislim of hmt linrni, , the Besh, e .tisuiit ima(iuli
ol vi, Bud (ircst tlepretrion of BpiniB,
ci.LtDrtATi:n okrwa-i uirxtats.
ntsrsMrn nr
No. l'jn Arch St., Paltadelplila.
Tlieif power nver tlie nlf jve disenst it not rseetled, if
eiiusllcd. In- iinv oilier orcunrstioit in tlie I'uited li.atn,
s the cures ntuat, in muii) Cjbcs alter skilliul ih)Bivian
uiih iiineti.
'riit-RC ItieerB are tforll.t tl,ee flllanli.tit of invalid.
Pusscmlns iei virtu. in the r.-ciifnuiion of ditesie if
the later met hsw k'hiihIb, eserciki'K the m-sn senrchuig
powcrt in weakicTk unit allccticnt'ol tlis digeBlive ur'Uit,
they itre, withal, ife. uortnin nnd pk-taut.
ii foin in ii'ttir-u ute.j
The HttitnT anitl, Dec. M
'Lin., CrLunitAticD Canui.t PiTTiras f'e
tlie nire of IJv r Compl iint, .l;nmdir, Uyspfpsia, Chrome
or Nervous Uuliility, is Ui'SirviNlly nn nf the inst popu
lar ii.t-.h-'iii'-n of the ilny. These Bilieia hfive leii used
bv tlmus in. In, mid n friend nt our ellw aaya lie hat him
Mf rin-eiveti nn lT-eliiil nnd prmiiiieni cure of Liver
Complain! from ihe ineol thia rrmedv. We tire eoiivinca4
lh:it. intic uw uf tht-tf Hittera. the pitKnt constai.tly
tniint sio-nirlh and viornr a f-o-t worthyof great eoiiAMle.
rnti m. Tin v are plcrisunt in te and smell, and can ba
nanl by prrrtiia with the iimftl delicate at nimeiia with safe
tv. nmler anv circuuistnneea. We nre apeitkmt? tn in at
pVrit'iice, omi lo the tillln-U-d we ml viae their ns
'Sc Tr WntKLt.1' one of the 1st l.iicrury popart
published, sriid, A'tir. '.
"ln. !IoorLMDa Or:nMx HiTTitn, mamtfiifrtured hf
Dr. .biekS'Hi, nre ir'V ree tiinneiitlrtt by Souie f the most
prominent members of the lucultv na uii artii le oi inueh
cilicuey in enssn of female wenknews. As siuh ia tha
cane, wc woulil ndvlse rill m )t)iern to oblnin a l"ltli. otid
thus frive IheinMve tntieb fiekneiti. Pera uis of ilebilita.
t-d conittitiui.Mis will find these llittrrs advnutniteous t
their health, ns we know fnon experience tie salutary
eiTeet they tave uM week ayateiiia.'
More Evvttnte,
The 'Plulndelnhta S.-if urdav Gnzette," tha beet familt
newsi.atei Mubhsiicd iu the Lnited States, the editor a) a
Dt iJoj'Jaiftl'i German Biittrs.
;!t ft '.1 .tn 1. 1. we rer-'mme nd what are term! Pa-
.mlcmes, lnn- vnifideiwe nnd pntroune tf w
retn.era; 1, th-ieliret hen we ree.nninHid i. IIool
Innd'ti li'TDim tnterst we wis a to be diineily under
sto-il tlint wo nre n"t S'teukuij; i f the u.ftrnms of the
duy. thntnre wised nlout for a btif periml nnd then for
ffotien ultet they hnved nie their cruilty rue of miaehief.
iut'fn tiittiieine nnT entnblisliel. imiverrdly prize I, and
which liuf met the heiirty npprovnl of the Kaeulty itself "
Kvidenee upon evidence bus been received (like tha
forerroimi) ttom nil M-irtinns nf the 1'iiit.n. thj Inst three-yc-trn,
nnd the strongest testirriouy in its fa vol, i, that
there is tnnfc f it us-il in the prnetieeof the reieuUir Phy
nieinns of Philadelphia, than till other natrunis comhiue.d,
a fuel that ran cnaily be cuiablihed. nml fully provmsr that
n st'ientifie nre viraii-m will meet with their quiet approval
wIm-ii presenleil even in ibis tonn
That this medicine, will cure l.iver Complaint and Uvs
pepsia, n one enn doubt, nfler nstiiir it as directed. It isrta
peciticully uifii the ntinach uud liver il is prefffrnbla
fn rid mii-l in nil billi 'iis t1itr;ift the eiTeet is itnmediite.
They rmi be ttdmiuistereit to Female ut JnUnt wita ajfe'.y
and reliable benefit, ut any time.
nr.WARF. or TorNTF.nFr.iT.
Tins inMiciua Ina at.nincd thnt hirh character which ia
neeemiry lor all ninliciiit'S ! ulliou to induce cunietfeitera
to put fur th 11 (ipuri-ms article at the risk uf the live of
those ure inn seemly deceived.
Thev have the written aienntiire of C. M. JACKS OX
upon the wrapper, nnd ihe mine blown iutli bottle, wi
our v.'hi.-h ti.ey ure. spuii-ma.
1 or sale. nt.!rale im-l reind. nl ir.n
derma Medicine SVore,
Nr l'Jft AlirilSireH, one do.-.r be!..v Pixth. (laa nt
'!?: Race n'rert.) Philadelphia, nnd by respectable dair
gt-ncrylly thruughout tlie e -untry,
puicr.s KKDi;ci;r.
To ennT ail et.iarca of invalids to enjoy tha adrantaje
uf tueir great restorative powers.
Sinisjc Jhttfls, 75 cents. : !'.T sile by II, Mass, Suiibury, aul M. s.
M'J'Y. NhuioberluMit,
Aiiout 30, l?vl ly.
rT York Iiiipnrtcrs ami Jobbers
Iistu-ten liroadurax) a id Xussau-Streel,
Near tlie Post Office.
are rece'.vin", iy unily arrivals Irom Eu
rope, our I ull ami V mtiT assortment oi
Vc respectfully invite alt Cash Purchsr
ttinrouti'iily t examine our Stock and Price,
and, as intkui st oov hiss, we fuel confident our
( nnd Prices will induce them to eluct from
or.r entaMishmi'iit. Particular atttMition is devo
ted to MIU.l.NKltY HOODS, and many of tho
articles are manufactured eipressly to our order,
and cMiii'it I'o surpassed in hcauty, styl and
chcapi.c .
;, a,i. ' .'aria Kiblions, for Hat, Cap, Jfcck.
and l.Vit.
Satin and Taffeta HiUioni, of all width n4
Siiks, Sa'.ins, Yelvgis, and uncut Velvet, fr
Feathers, American and French ArtiCsial
Pullincs, and Cap TrimminR".
Dress TrinimiiiRs, large assortment.
Einliroidciies, Capes, Collars, Lnderalv
Fine I'mhroidrred Revicre and Hemstieh
Canihric Hanilliercliiefs.
('apes, l,ises, Tarlcton, Illusion and Cap
Ynleiioieiie, Brussels, Thread, Silk, and Lil
Thread Laces.
Ki.l, Sill;, Scwinj .Silk, Lisle Thread, Merin
Gloves and Mitts.
Figured and Plain Swiss, Dook, Bis'.ip Lawn,
and Jaconet Muslins.
August 30, 1851 Ohio.
sloni'iiai ol' tlie
V 11 A X K 1 .1 X IX ST IT UT R.
th sTsTt or rsssarLvsnu roa ihe rsoMorica
Till: 51 K II 4MC AIM'S.
HE oldest Mechaniciil Periodical extant im
America, is published on thu first of rack
mouth in the City of Philadelphia. Il has bceu
regularly iucj for upward of twenty -five year,
and is carefully edited by a coni.nnteD uf scicutitii
Rentlcmcii appointed for lUo purpos, by tho
Franklin Institute.
The dcseivcdiy hi",',i reputation, both at homo
and ubroad, w hich tins Journal has acquired and
lustuiued, has ,iven it a circulation and exehanco
ist of the Is' at character, which enable the Com
mittee on "j'ublieation to make thr best selection
from Foreign Journals, and to give circulation to
orin'.nal communications on mechanical and aci-r-.ititie
subjects, and notices of new inventions ;
notices ol ull tho Patent ttsucd al me rutent in
fne, VaKhington City, are published ill Ihe Jour
nal, toi'elhrr with a lare amount of information,
on Mechanics, Chemistry, and Civil F.nqiiif rruis,
derived from thr latest and N-st authorities.
'i'his Journal is published on the first of eeU
munlli, each number containing at least seventy
Iwo papes, and liirm two volume annually of
about iii panea each, illustrated with eiiRiavinga
on roper and ou wood uf thoso subject which
reuire them.
The subscription price is Five Dollara pr an
mini, payable ou the completion of the aisth iium.
ber; and it will be forwarded free of potag
when live dollar are remitted to the Actuary
(postage paid) iu advance for one year' lubKrip
Communication and letter on buinr mu
h directed to "the Actuary of th Franklin Instil
lule, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania," the posUfO
cluory, I , ,
April l, IS5I 6".
IKSE OINTMENT,- A fwsh upply of this
, eieellenl HkU for 'I'etlrr. be, just reeriveH
ud for sale by HENRY MANtlR
Wunt-orf. July n, H4