SUNBUltY AMERICAN AND S1IAM0K1N JOURNAL. tT or rnr-Mii m Awarded by the Kcvernl Committees, of the Northumberland County Agricultural So ciety, held at Sunbury, Dot, 17, 1851. ) To Wilson Hutchinson, of Delaware tp , fur best horse brer 4 years old, ior his , gtay stallion, ' 8,00 To Henry Davi for second bust, ''Vir ginia Hornet," 4;0 To Jeremiah Paiks of Chilisquaqtir, for best Colt under 4 years old, 5,00 To James Ry near son of Turbut, second beet, do 3,00 The Committee itpenk favorably of Colls exhibited by Charles Lcisenriup, J. Oickley, jr., and John B. Holler. CATTLE. To Samuel John, of Shamokin, for best bull, over. 2 years old, (Devon.) S800 To Jacob Painter, of Sunbury, 2nd best, 4,00 To Jacob Painter, " best Cow, 5,00 To A. E. Kapp, of Northumberland, best heifer, 4,00 To Jas. Cameron, of Chilisquaqur, best steer, 5.00 SWINE. To George Harrison, Sunbury, for best hog, $3,00 To James Cameron, Chilisquaque, best pair of shonts under 8 month., 3,00 SHEEP. To John B. Heller, for best ram, (Bake- well,) S3.00 To do " ewe, (Snxor,,) 3,00 POULTRY. To David Taggart, of Northnniberhind, for best pair chickens, (Shunyhaes,) $1,50 To David Taggart, " for second best pair, (Chifhignrgs,) 1,00 To Win. T. Forsyth, of Northumberland, for best pair nf Common Ducks, 1.50 To Dr. Joseph Priestley, of Northumber land, second best, 1,00 To David Taggart, of Northumberland, best Inrkies, 1.50 To J. H. Zimmerman. Sunbury, second best, 1,00 To David Taggart, Northumberland, best pair of geese, 1,50 To Dr. Joseph Priestley and Wm. Bolt on, each 50 cents for fine pairs of Mask Ducks exhibited. To Davjd Taggart, Northumberland, for best lot of poultry exhibited, inclu ding all sorts, TEE AXGffiRICAlT. SUXBUKY. SUTl'RDAV, OCTOUEK Si, 151. II. D. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor. EDITOn'B TATtl.fc. Mr. Taggart also had on lh" ground a lnrae collection of Shai.ghacs and Chittns'ins's. which attracted a great ilea of udmirntioii for their cnornious size and fine condition. The Committee likewise observed a number of fancy pigeons, tn.nblcrs, fan tails, carrier, etc , the property of Mr. Taggart. Good chickens were shown by Mr. Rich ard Peal of Sunbury, Mr. Wm. T. Forsyth of Northumberland, and ducks by Messis. Zim merman, Pjekhait and Tacsait. GIIA1N AND liilOTS. John and Win. Humor, of Point fur best wheat, 2,00 j 1 nomas Johnson of Point, 2nd best, 1.00 John and Win. Hamor, Point, best corn, 2.00 Wm. B Kipp, Rush, best oats, 1,00 Geo. Keller, Shamokin, best potatoes, 1.00 Alex. Colt, Northumberland, 2nd d 50 Dr. Jos. Priestley, Northumberland,- best sweet potatoe, 1.00 do do do best sugar beets, 1,00 Dr. Jos. Priestley, of Northumberland, best turnips, 1,00 VEGETABLES. David Taggart, Northumbciland, best cabbage, 81,00 David Taggart, do best beet, 1,00 Mrs. Donnel of Sunbury, best celery, 1,00 George Keller, Shamokin, best onions, 1,00 Wm. T. Forsyth, Noithumberlaud, best lettuce, 1.00 FRUIT. David Taggart, Northumberland, best apples,- 50 Dr. Jos. Priestley, " 2nd do 50 Chas. Gobin, Sunbury, best quinces, 50 John B. Smith, Northumberland, second best do 50 Mis Nancy" Kline, Augusta, for best lemons, (special,) 50 DOMESTIC MANUFACTURERS AND DAIRY PRODUCTS. Miss Oberdorf, of Upper Augusta, for best butter, 1,50 Miss C. Grant, of Sunbury, best woolen Business .Notices. Firs Pitoor Chests. Our readers will find in our columns this week, tho advertisement of Messrs. 6haw & Milnor, who offer their Iron and thiof proof chests, as equal to any manufac tured, and at the lowest prices. Niw Goons. Mr. J. It. Kaufman advertises a new stork of goods, rcccivtd at his store in Hollowing- Run. Watcuis aid Mr. Lewis La domus in on advertisement, in this week's paper, offers great inducements to persons who want to purchase Watches and Jewellery Mr. Linlo mus' store is now in Chestnut street, No. 103. To Dncor.isTS. Bullock ex. Crenshaw, N. E. corner of Cth and Arch sts., Philadelphia, advertises an excellent article, called prepared Cheltenham Salts and other medicines. Godf.t's Lauv'h Book for November is already issue.!. It is n beautiful Book handsomely ill in- ! (rated. Mr. Godey says the nost volume com mencing in January, will exceed any thin:? be fore published in this country. One thine; can be said for Godey, to which the whole Press must testify he always keeps his promise. Tun Jovnsit for October contains sonic useful matter with illustrations on this beautiful art. Tui: Luhf.s Ki:r.rsARr. for October, by John S. Taylor, New York, is filled with entertaining and useful matter. THE SEW POST AOK LAW. This law went into operation on the first dav ol'JnU inst., and will operate to the fol low ina elTeet upon the Si-ndury Amf.hican. 1. Subscriber will receive it by mail, in Northumberland Cumi'y, runt: ok fostakb. 2. For a iliftrnce r.t! fiflg miles I tt rive CK.nts per q:!;-r:. r. S. Over lifiv end t.i exceeding three Attn- did miles ni rr..v c:;sts per quarter. 4. Over three hundred and not exceeding one thousand miles, at hftkkx cf.nts per aiiunin. BIDS Ton TIIK PBESIOEJICY. Sometime in July last, Hon. George M. Dallas wrote a letter to the Hon. G. M. Bryan of Texas, in which he comes out boldly against the adjustment or Compro miso measures oflast Congress in regard to Slavery. The views or Mr. Dallas accord admirably with the views and demands of the ultra disunionists of the South, and Aw bid is decidedly the boldest bid for the Presidency yet made. Mr. Buchanan's bid was the Compromise line of 3d cleg. 30 niin. establishing slavery south of that line, which would divide California, and give over to slavery about one half ol that State. Mr. Dallas saw with jealous eyes the high favor in which Mr. Buchanan stood with Southern Secessionists, or in plain lan guage, Southern traitors, and therefore concluded to make a still higher bid than Mr. Buchanan OFFICIAL, VOTT. FOR OOTF.nflnR I ash oovEnnon's vote im ism. IMS. CoTUS. r 3 a a a a J Adnms, Allegheny, Armst rong, Beaver, Rindfoid, Berks, Bedford, Bucks, Butler, Blair, Cambria, Carbon, Centre, Chester, Clarion, He therefore ofT-rs as his Clearfield, proposition (and we presume no (rue Pcnn sylvanian will ever attempt to filch it from him) an amendment to the Constitution on the subject of slavery. This we believe was to have been Mr. Calhoun's last resort had he lived, but even he, great man and a Southerner as he was, did not venture to offer it publicly. What a pitiful contrast do these two re creant sons of Pennsylvania, who are will ing to sell themselves and their opinion;', for office, ofler to the noble and manly bearing of Hen. Cass n this subject, who scorned to make any bids for the North or the South, and who stood firmly by the Constitution and to the Compromise or ad justment resolutions, which are calculated to restore peace and tranquility to the whole country. Gen. Cast, it is true, has lost the favor of Southern disunionists, whose trai torous schemes he has Masted, but that he has gained the esteem of every honest pa triot, there can be no doubt. in an: OCT. William B. Kipp, Esq., our newly i led. Clinton, Columbia, Crawford, Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware, F.Ik, I'.i in, Fayetta, Fiankliii, Fulton, Greene, Huntingdon, Indiana, Jeirerson, J mi i 1 1 in . Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Lycoininf, Luzerne, Lawrence, M'Kean, Mercer, Milllin, Mini roe, j Montgomery, Montour, Noithampton, 1806 6161 2133 2383 374!) Slit 2739 5345 230S 1427 1421 906 2514 5140 523 mi 1004 3)57 2S1S) 3069 2269 1500 283 S0S7 3290 298S new, 2302 1871 15C.8 991 1201 5514 1X00 2996 2298 3785 new, 429 3109 1591 I76S 5218 new, 3476 3331 8856 2094 2761 3241 4207 2613 5081 2410 2294 1151 768 1640 5895 1255 630 R08 1980 25S0 2989 3249 1975 145 3500 2776 3753 1354 2289 2371 783 1103 9727 2 (ill 7 2550 1850 2967 376 3643 1443 425 4615 2551 1945 5983 2472 1996 3688 9486 2202 5488 0000 1705 1765 1374 2472 8797 2181 1968 3650 4721 2339 5258 250 2295 1230 783 MOVEMENTS OF KOMI Til. Our European telegraphic advices yester day mention that the Mississippi, with Kos suth and his companions on board, had call ed at Marseilles for coat and fresh provis ions, and had left again, whether directly for the Unite! Slate or to stop in Enctand is still in doubt. We find also the following notices of her and hs-r guests : On the nrrivnl nf Kossuth in the Dardanel les, the captain of the Mississippi went on board the Turkish vessel, and placed his shin at tho disposal of the exiles, nt the same time presentinir, $ 15,000 to their lea der in the name of the American govern ment. After having solemnly promised the Turkish commissaries to go direct to Ameri ca, Kossuth wanted to tako a Hungarian flag with him into the American vessel ; "974 1883 n"1 ln'!' objected to by the Turks. 6350 1309 000 PSI 1024 0000 5350 2658 817 1266 2041 35 3141 20!0 1595 150 2106 5110 3236 810 1008 0000 1673 350 1337 6226 11064 When nil the refusers were safely on board, Kossmh made a speech, in which Lord Pal merslon and the American worn not forjjnt ten, and soon after the Mississippi started on her voyage. The Coriiero Mercantile qt-otes letters 2959 ' 'rom "Peit'a f 'l1" -''i staling that the in 3699 ' habitants of that town, on being informed 2147 j 'hat Kossnlh was on board the Mississippi. matte great demonstration in honor ol Ins arrival. Tho town was illuminated, rockets were let off, and a larce number of boa!, gayly decked out snrronoiled the Mississippi saluting Kossnlh wilh music ami cheers. Thu American commodore, ho is t.iking the waters at Lucca, has been to S ,to compliment him. Letters and despatches have 000 3610 0000 3782 706 0000 400 2394 000 i rpe.ia reached On iltngnctic SclcgYapi). 1 For the Sunbury American to the latest mo ment ! Nsw Yobit, Oct. 23. The U. S Mail Steamship Hermann, Capt. Wilson, arrived here this afternoon. She sailed from Southampton or. tho 18:h, and brings London dales lour days later than pie vious neenunts. She has over 100 passen gers. The rush lo ihe great F.xhibitinu at London was immense, being over 100.000 persons per day. Business matter were im proving in England. Private letleis state that Lord Dudley sailed, having obtained in telli'M'ncu fiom Vienna, that an iillumnt I would be made to assassinate Kossuth lit hi I landinsut Southampton, and that two fanati cal women, had left tho Ansliiau capitol for that express pnipose. Great preeauiion w,i8 being taken by the authorities to protect him !rom tlie fanatical women. Kossuth was ex pected to arrive at Southampton, on the 12;h in!., having sailed from Marseilles on the 1st inl. Tins Government of Spain published seve ral royal ordinances containing improvements and reform lo bn introduced by Ihe adminis tration of Cuba. President Fiiiinore having received intelli gence, on Monday fiom ihe I" S. Couctd nl Matamofas, llmt a Company of Texan had been oiganied and marched into Mexico, and that new enlistment weie pnwiessieg for ihe pin pose of aiding the insuiicclinii in Ihe N-ethein pit 1 1 of that llepnl lie. lias issu ed a Piocl.imalioti is loo lengthy to be New Advertisements. WASHINGTON HOUSE, SUNBURY, PA. rriHE suhseriher respectfully informs his friantls -- ami the public, that he has takan the wall known Pnblii, House, corner ol Market and Riv er streets, lutely nerupied hy Mrs. Wharton. Ha trusts by strict attention to bosinou, ha will tw Fiivbltil to iria sitisf.iriiou to all who may favar him Willi their custom. JAMES COVEKT. Sunbury, Oit. 25, 1351. if. T AMAKTIXtrs New Taper is growinj duily inore violent in its opposition to l.oais Napoleon's pretension lo the French Presidency. The only establishment that we know of llmt is not violently oppiucd and sometimes abusr.l. is the Cheap, Faslii niahln nnd popular Cbt o.. ; M;e of Kockl'.ill ft Wilson, .No. Ill (Jii. .-nut street, corner of Franklin Place, FhtladcKe. Octolair S3, 1S5I. cd Sh. rilT, moved into the Jail buildings ! Nur,lullll)erilllli, 2124 1540 on Wednesday last, and has entered on (In duties o( his office. Mr. Kipp was elected by a lare vote, and U well qualified lor the duties of the office. We congratulate him upon his location in our beautiful - j though (politically) much abused town, K?" See the lir( of Premiums of the j anj trusl ,;s shadow may never grow less. Northumberland County Agricultural Fair ; i ,r.kiiig our obeisance to the rising in the fust column. ! sun, we should not forge( the one that has i " ,. """- "," ,i- . just set. Sheriff" Covert has been a faithful rjj" Goou News. T. nder (lis caption;' ,..,... , ,. , ' , I and most obliging officer, and now retires the McEwensviilu Intelligencer of Satur. , . , ? , ,. ,, , day last, inform its readers that they learn ) will) as much, if not more satisfaction to Perry, 2064 1339 1949 3392 2675 4909 1079 50 2760 1673 2107 5742 1383 1150 2529 2237 S.n.ibnmninn F,, ,t il. 1 r....,.,t in 1. 1 1 ; . ! I ra Usui 1 1 1 ed ti v I eleir r : :ib . I i , ..if -j ' ' J . .. ...... excellency, i.oiiis iou:n, t.ue uovernnr ol llMT:lrv.', A T.Mier:iI helief 1ii-ei:ills 2924 - . , ' ,,. i Kohsnin win lanu so 111:11 pmi. ins tniwt ioliniate friends state that he will land in and remain there a foilnejlii, nnd then depart for the l.'nited States, j The London Coinnii'.le iippoimed in May, 1850, lo superintend the tlii It ilintion of the subscriptions raised in aid of tie- Hnngm i;in ! exiles, is summoned to proceed ioitiiedi.itely . : to Southampton on receiving the coniiiinni- ' cation by telegraph of his nniva', in onler 1 that 1 lit? necessary ai rangements may made according to circumstances on tin 3015 2027 3171 2187 : 000 1 2073 1413 423 494 1 882 ': 2627 1 1628 . 1390 Pinsne.i.l'itn, Oct. 22. We have renottcd im t(iit-i;i I ret- n s of all the Counties for Goveruoi . Higlei'a ina joiity is 8.479. srri: ai.kk 1 1.1 1 r. i. run. The fair i lo bo held on Ihu 29di 30 li & 31-t of this month. Large piepaialious have made for the iieeuniinudaiioii of thosi) who attend. The atoutid lo be occupied is we'd . i. iited, and all the neees-ary ai rangei:ieii!s l!l be completed in jnod lime. Our laud- louts will also lit; prepared to give ample leeoiiiodatioiis lo lie1 inoltittidi! thai aie e- NLW GOODS I .1. U. K A UFFMAX At His New More in llullotvin; Run, Wy F.ssPKCrFrLLY informs his friends and I'li.l iiners, lleil lie just icciivcJ a nw slock of Rnoi'.s. wliii h he otters to the public at Ihe lowest pliers. ir. ; Call stinl muter Drj Goods. srt il as Cloth. Cnsfimrres, Stittmttln. Msniws, Mm: ffU nc )e l.mitcs, ''(iiiinrfs nod eery vnriciy ijf coiuls suitable IW tlia season. Also Silk HjIs, Caps, i.c. ALSO: Aa assortment of Hardwars. ALSO: All Kinds, of (; iv) cor it's, ALSO: A variety of (jureiisware, ("rorkery, Ar. liesiile 1 a variety ol' 1 tln r srticlen, suitable for I'arioi'i . Cxc. All kinds of prodiiee Ijkcn in cichatij; for 5...!s at tin- h'jlu s! 11u1l.i t prii c. Holl iivins lion. Oct. 1:5, 151. tf. NOTICE g S he el v r.irn the subscriber list b li? appointed no '.111'itor lo aoilil tin uccoul.t of Murk P. t-'ce, t 1 1 ii'in'r 'f Martin Irvin, tlec'.l and ti oi)erti...i l':c assets smun lha errililors nf st.'ul ilcc'd. lie will ilirrft'ore alland 3' bis odiee for tlsnt purpose, eti Saturday, tha Istthiy of Nmembcr next, wli" all iutrs!ej can atlci'd if thev fiii.k r.'per. C. .1. LUFNBL, Audi'ar. Sia urv, Oct. IS. l;-')l. 3t Phila. city & co, 21000 25961 22001 24760 from the "Philadelphia Ledger" (hat "Dr. tl.-ss1r m'lirtvil v 1 1 i die (Am ml V I nKnilt 1 ihnrficcl VP than h rliil hio itil-nlnnHrv 900, and that Ins election is certain, and . ,, . , .. . , boarders in the Jail, at 20 cents per dav. that Follmrr s election is certain. Friend, 1 Cages' enterprise in getting the news ol his j rim; ! own County, all (he way from Pluladcl- j y)e iloro Q( Win. Hoover, at Hollowing Pike, 612 126 836 169 Potter. C27 27S 000 59 Sehnylkiil, 353 4264 4743 4009 Somerset, 1103 2755 1069 2737 Susipielutitin, 2416 1597 2815 2134 Sullivan, 360 1S2 225 000 Tioga, 2077 1219 2036 1463 Union, 16S6 2SS7 1919 2SI7 Venango, 1532 9SS 750 0t)0 Warren, 1145 917 200 .0n0 Washington, 3914 4065 3915 4042 Wayne, 1455 855 2182 1010 Westmoreland, 4955 2S56 5140 3105 Wyoming, 7l0 94H 200 000 Yoik, 4162 4345 5S3S 4727 spot in sv,npa.l,ie with ,,,,,1 eoe2,a..,la.e the j P"""' " l"'r a"" ""',r illustrious patriot, and that his reception 'ives ae.d .Lie.-lilers also; are mpp-ised lo I be preparma specimens 01 men i.umi, miii i and good linl:imli v for Ihe e.sliiliiiion iaie lookinix forward lo it with deep interest 'and we anticipate that tin! Fair will pieve ' one creditable to the first state e'oili! ion phia, in advance of the telegraph at his own door is highly commendable, although, iinfurtiitiately, it U not entirely correct. tun toiMrr cnn t LTtn.vL lxhi- i 1J11ION. The Agricultural County Fair held at this place on Friday last wa?, as a begin ing, highly satisfactory ; the exhibition of live stock and agricultural iirplemenls, was not as large as it should have been, though the exhibition in the fields was not i destruction ol about ?100 worth of goods, without interest. The stock of Poultry which were insured in the Lycoming Mil ium, was discovered lo be on fire, on Fri day night, the 11th inst., after midnight. Mr. Hoover and family slept over the store room, and were waked from their slumbers by the dense smoke that came through the pipe hole. The room was kept close, and the flumes had not yet spread, and wilh the assUtnnce ol his neighbors at Musser's Mill, close by, he succeeded in putting out the fire. The damage was confined lo Ihe ; may bo in every way worthy of a great, ; free and enlightened people. , The patriotic and liberal Mayor of South atnpton, Mr. Ainbews, b is nlsn made everv I possible piepatation for the even', and will also j'l'ei nnd assist the committee on the important occasion. I A letter from Smyrna, September It'iih, ' notes the anival of ihe Mii.-ippi there ; with Kossuth and tin; fil'iy Hungarians, and I says : I l;None bill Americans were allowed to 20 j on board during her stay heie. Oienfrny ifiieuds went to see him, and had a lout: t conversation with this noble p.iliinl. lie I speaks in the hilo-sl ,.n:;s id" him. and of the fnt Statu in the I'liion. H,in isb 7Vi'groj)'i. j Tnr, U'.innn'!. High's' Convenliou at Wo'- j cester. list iidj mnied sine die. afir the j ii-uul nimd'ei ul speeches from a iiiimbvr nl j women and a few men. j 1 rMii.'i.t .I'liiiiSM I'.sn vx:.r., i s:.!Im t-M. j V'OTU.'i; is lierri.y (riven tbat Idlers Tests I loent iry ba.e luru cranted to the subscri bers, on the e late nf I ' lir.imi I. .haniiun. it cM., late ol" l!;c riririur;h of Nortiunnbcrlsns'. I Ail pe-Mins imiebtcil t.i said estsle, or lunn; ! claims w-.iial lite synii', .ire reipiestfd la ssli j on tae aij;aiiieis I'nr ettlfinnt. 1 K.N HAS!, i TUOS. SfTK A WlililDGE, j 1'. 1 ecu tors. 1 01, lie!. II, 1651. St. Total, 10S225 168522 10501 16UU22 1 says his ofiicerv Irvolinn ;jm is ; wittioni Do.tiKis, Among otiu-r lliiuy, ns TIIK KREtT I.VIHIMTIOM. ,, any new comer visits the vessel, two of The editor of tho New York Tribune, them aland by hi side to protect diapers m if need be, and at uiirlil one of lliem watch es at ihe entiance ol his l aliio. The corn ea rpet, 2 00 i Mis. Wm. B. Kipp, of Rush, best linen stockings, l,0u Mrs. Nancy Kline, of Upper Augusta, best woolen do 1,00 Mrs. Foireslor, of Upper Augusta, best homo-madu flaunt I, 2,00 exhibited, would have done credit to any County Fair in the State. Mott of tho Poultry exhibited was Horn Northumber land, the greater portion the properly ot David Taggart, Esq., who takes a lively interest in every thing in the shape of a Chicken, and whose knowledge on this subject, as his contributions to one of the best Poultry Rooks published, shows, is not surpassed by any writer in Pennsyl vania. The products of the Dairy, drain, Frilly Vegetables, articles of domestic manufac tures, &.C, were exhibited in (he Court House. The display, though not large, as compared wilh some of the older Societies, was nevertheless creditable. The room was uncomfortably crowded during the dav, showing the lively interest manilested We tual Insurance Company. w ho served on one of the Juries of the Great Industrial F.xhihiliun in London, has published a notice of the prices awarded, as far as they came w'uhin his knowledge. These prizes weie of two kinds, the Jury Medvh, awarded by the juries to the several articles of meiit exhibited in iheir several . ... 1.. 11 11 classes, nml I lie 1 nunrri .u'titus, siveu i y i llui Council of l'lesidenl.s of ihe juries Of the latter there were In be in all but 169, which were to be ilistiibutei! anions tho i 3 1 several nations, llms : j To Gieat Hi ilain To (Jeimanv. 79To France. 12 1 To United States, Mr. V I? Smith nf Ynr 1 1, n r., I., tr. ... I ' 'I L... l. in tltlj rrtillnr beslonilt. 1.00 ") The Committee commend very highly a may, however, mention that the arrange- pair of linen stockings, made by Mrs.'C. O. ments for the exhibition were not as per- Bachman, of Snobury, a pair of gloves by feet as they should have been. It is, per- Mrs. Wm. B Kipp. Quills by Mrs. Peal, haps, easier to find laul( than to suggest a aiiss Leiseunng, Mrs. healley and other, remedy. It is not, however, in this stunt AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Ceorge Forrester, Upper Augusta, best corn sheller, (Burtells,) $1,00 Capt. Samuel Hunter, do beet plow, (Prouty : Mears, cen. draught,) 100 5, John, Shamokin, best grain lake, 1.00 The Cu'.'nmitlee recommend, Child's Pa that we make these suggestions, but with a view lha( we may profit by the past. In regard to domestic articles, such as quilts, carpeting, &c, needle worlc and fancy work of all kinds, there should oe a Committee consisting of ladies, as (hese ten( Grain Separator, exhibited by Charles things aie the products ol their labor, they Humley, to the attt.nlion of Ihe public, a proving on trial entirely aolisfaciory. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Robert Wilson, of Milton, for a splendid finished sett nf harness, 2,00 II. B. Masser, Sunbury, for his excellent patent Ice Cream Fieejter, 1.50 Miss Jane Finney, Sunbury, for beauti ful crochet woik, itpreiuiiting two ar best capable ol judging and apprecia ting their value. Such, we know, is the ctjit'.ni in the Institute in Philadelphia. There should a!..u be a discretionary Com- n.ittee lor articles not enumerated, ana which may he presented for exhibition. The different articles should be arranged and classified before the spectators are ad- children, La., 1,00 milted. The upper room of (he Court House would have answered a belter pur pose, by making rows of temporary (ables, sa arranged that visitors must enter one way and pass out at another. Every arti cle should be entered in a book, and num. bered. as it is brought in, and a correspond inr card or label delivered, to be attached trmsof hiuh commeiulalion, several oilier I to the article exhibited. articles exhibited, to wit : A horn basket, by I The different Committees no doubt, act Miss Peal, Paper flowers, by Miss Kapp, Ud fairly and houorably in making their Feaiher woik, by Miss Jinuey, Fancy card awards, but it was a business entirely new basket, by Miss It. Walker. to tiem nn unintentional injustice may, .c. u?.-,u,- .,k merchants have com- ' "me indices, have been done, and ar Harriet E. Gossler, of Northumberland, 14 years old, for basket made of horn shavings, trimmed wilh flowers, 1,00 Miss A. Putinel, of Sunbury, boquel of flowers, 1,00 Miss Ellen Forsylh, of Northumberland, boqiie: of (lowers, 1.00 The OniiTiiitee bej leave 10 mention in a Jt vr nt:i!i Ki:. Judge Kelley ol Philadelphia, we are pleased to learn, is elected by a majority of over ten thousand, over the regularly nom inated candidate. This is a most signal as well as a most wholesome rebuke. Judge Kelley's ability and honesty were not questioned, nor was his democracy, but he dared, in connection wilh Judge Kin";, to decide as he thought right in the contested election ol Messrs. Kneass and Reed. Judge Campbell dissented, and was nomina ted fir the Supreme IU'nch by the same persons w ho attempted to crush Judge Kel ley. How well they have succeeded the result above mentioned, showi. j T.y The Legislature at the next session will stand as follows: Senate 1C demo crats, 1G whigs and one native. Mr. Ham ilton I rom Philadelphia County is the na tive, elected over Jackson, democrat, by about 100 majority. The parties in the House willl stand 51 democrats and '16 whigs. In Philadelphia County six demo crats am! five whigs and natives were elect- .1 If'.i . m i 1 . . ... eu. iiunerto 1 "iniaueipnia county, witn a few exceptions, has always elected demo crats. There will be a democratic majority of seven on joint ballot. tl!7 ANnC'AMpnei.t.. We have received the returns ol the election of the Judges of the Supreme Court from all but thirteen Counties, and taking the vote for Governor in these Counties as an estimate, Coulter's majority over Campbell will be 4,508. fT The Ohio elections have resulted in favor of the democrats. Reuben R. Wood has been elected Governor. Ohio contains a large number of free toilers who now hold the balance of power. Til Allsllia, To It dyiiim, To Tuscany, To Spain. tnander of the fiL'nte was saiing that when he reached the vessel at the Dardanelles, he ! delivered n short nddiess In ihe crow, whi. h allecle.l theni all to tears.'' To MrAsrni: an Aran or (Iik cnii. l i ineasniiiiL' land. 30! socare janls uuikcs one S'tuaie rod. and 40 rods make one j sipiare mod. fool of w hied, or I (" C) 10 Is. make ! one aero. It is ei i, thrrrfci", that ! ' rods lonjj by 4 rods wide will make an aeie. I The same result in 'v be arrived at by tnen. silling 220 feet in li utrtli. and 1!H feet in i width, or by nieasuiios yaids in len:tli. Ilnorn mi's Gk:m an Ihrrtiis We would j ...II li r ,...r 1,1 II,,. .,lv..i. ..' ..1 n, 11 ... r, .1., : 1 : TTSAVIXr man pi:tei. jin pareti ov 11. 1 .11. .' irh-no, No. 1JO A 1 cli sheet. Philadelphia. 1.1 eases ol I.ivei eo,n pi 1 lot )spepia. Disease ol tin; ICi !tie, ami all ili-e..s s aii.-iug Irotn a di--or leii'il stomach, 'heir power i tail eveelloil, if equalled, by any other known preparation, as tin; cures attest, in many cases, alter th i iu'ikI eeb'tuated ph) siei in had I.11V I. We Can lotiscientioiilv leeoiiinieuil this loedi cine, as bei.nj whit il is repie-enieil ai-d nr'je urir readers who are al'lieleil to pro 'ino a dottle, and they will be coiiwi.ccd ul l ill truth we as.-eit. 1 I bv 06 voids in breadth. To lav 01 it an ! ftj'inrc 200 feet 011 each side is the nean s' l eit 'j less 4To Kussia, 2, To Switei land, 5 To Holland 1 To Home, 1 o Tin Ley, 1. The followiiiir are the awards of the ire. amount that will maxe an aen which wcro to be given lo iho United i than an inch each way over ihe rriiff Stales: I distance ; 43 560 snp-Mlicial feet, or 20S 05 To C. H. McCnrmick, Cliieago, Iilinoisl ! 100 feel cm each side constitute, an acre for his I'l'i-gium IS'tiprr. nf (.'round. To David Dick. Meadvillo, Western Peiui. j , " " , I t-izr roa PaAi ntnsMns. A coo l sizu g for his .-iiiM-ri'ir'ton I'rttf. 1 . , , . , 1 nseii ny iiinumilsineii, atier seraieinmr or spoiiL'iou piper, is composed of 07. of white vr daline. i. oz. of while soap, and oz. of 1 a'nm: I in ceiatn e a.u: soapare uiso.veu 10 ! aether in a quart of iviiim water, end alum j is ad, led. previously reduced to powder, and I dissolved m a separate vessel. As soon as j this solution of alum is ponied i"to the o'lier I, it become as while - n.: '.. : it rnrsl A thin IKN'I ll'IC V.'ONPK". ! 7'i"c i)i:'tirr FU.kI. cr iftitc : DS I'-". I'tepaied or ! be loin I h Stomach el 1 le-1 1. inns 1,1' It. 11. 1:1 I.I In-, tie- so -t .1 I'b.-eii.-. i.v J. S '! -::!,,.::. . I'll:!., I I. ! cilery ol t'e, Liver I Dedilitv. i-iuee.. atti'l Nature s own nn-tlin.t. by ..i!ine s own aiieul, t lii- (.atnc .luiee. See udvei'ii.-.o:iieut dii AN Oil! : l'F.I'SIN. I Jiiiee ! A ! I10111 lli-uu . .it'ler ! Pin- ! M. I) . No. 1 1 N ntli F.fjhth Sir i phia. P.i. Tiii-. i a liui wood ! for Indije-tioii. Dvsiiepia. Jai t t'oiiinlaint. ( ' ion, an, eie : in another 1-01111111 I GP.EAT BAHOAINS! Wiik'lifs sum. sJt'M'i'llorv, w 1 jo ?.; 4 l.s: sm:i 1: i; r u i... eonslaiil'v 011 hanil tin iainifnsn ' 'I i !c of Wiilrl, nml Ji-wellarv. I m,i .U. ti riiiineil to .-ll at less prices Ibaii the Rami- iiml ilv ul Watches or Jcweilerv aie sold in riiilails!- p'aia, it : iio'd Watches, full jiwtllsd 18 ka esse, only $30.00 OoU Li-pine. " "18 " 21.00 Silver l.en-rs. full jpwcHrd, only 14,10 Sider I. e;. iocs, " ll.cO (b-M Pencils, 1,50 (oM Pens, r-'ilvsr holders, 1,00 Also an immense stock of ail Vitals of Watch es, 4 . 1 1 . 1 t'lcius, j runstpins. VJarrins, Kilvfr Sp.ioiis. all '.' wl.'n.h ! .'!! sell at less pri ces tSisn iicr ban trio soil la tiiis city, as tho juici :nv ci-it i:ii!y lunt li !e.s ban ct-r hereto .t:v si .1. 1 ie ibi 1 it i-r cnrity. I n!iie:nia (.','!.! l-oiejlil far ( I'irticulsr 1 1 :' a ;:i 1 lo rep'iiiiii'4 Wat.-hes and .lewel Ic v. A!l I ii.-U is a la r inviio-e l'orcliasrrs l!,;,t t':l is t!ir .'ari- to j ui.'b.ise '.' at. lies, Jcvr- f::bi r w:ue. i'cr -ns b si 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 tl.e t ii "v wi--li tt fx. i i :i;I c.:a b.tio a watch or w ,i, .e's .-nl t i tbeni bv la.ol widi 1 ni.-t unl'i'ty. hivina sent ihcm in that way fir li.c li e .r.-. All commumci tiiitii mi st ! c past p i I. '' l i e rail or send or ilcn lo i.llWIs I.AIiOMI S, No. 10:i C'hi-snut M.. I etv.11 "1 aail Ilh M., Iai.. Witrj of Frank ill linuiP. I'bil.idcli 'aia. t'icl. ."!.- tf. 1 1'hoEtis l ira & Thief I'rocf Iron Che.ts. To Charles fioodyear, New Haven. Conn.. ! for his ml in-1! n til 1 -r I'lilirim. To W. lloiiil 'c Son, lioklon. Mass, for an Electric (loch. Tn Gael 15 mien, Texas, for his .li-rtf- Bisevit. Of the Jury Medals it is stated that auont Sunbiiiy, Oct. 2:i 1' Amount of coal luouht lo Simian v -.ho I'itiladeltilii i and Sunbury Kaiiroa I the Siiaiiiokm Mines : Fur the last week, 773 Per last repot t, 51. over t 1 .'tf i Tons. Total. 10.210 1C iilavlicta. 1 ? linn llfril In ho nu-.'trde.t nf u-bieli lllll ,,r,,l,..l.t,. ...,, 1. 1 ..,., ... il,.. 1 ll1' , .. . , 1 11 1 1 i- ' then be cooled and bottled lor 111 illii Class in iieiieiai iiamnare, inciuu nirr , , ..... , . , 1 1 , 1 . . ., t ., ., I coat of this, laid w ith a liaii-hnish on Un locks mil sales, tdo followinu' were the. r 1 ' Americans u ho received Jurv Medals ; 1 1 I t n .. 1. n- . 11 s- . v 1 , i live size and smoothness. u imj n. .-.i-vw-ii, ariv loih, trepreseo- ted bv-A.C Ilobbs.) for their i'araulnptie 1 J,ia.- Lurk. To W. Adams fv. Co., Boston, for their Combination Hunk l.otk. To Mctirecor & Lee, Cincinnati, for their Improved llaiik Lork. Tj O. A. Arrow-smith, New Voik, for Jennings Permutation Loek. To Chailes Howland, New l ork, lor his Improv'd Bell Ttlrsmpk. To Cmnelius js: Co., Philadetpia, for a liroixre Chandtlier . To Silas C. Hcirin, New Yoik, fur his Srihimiitiiiti- If aft. To ChiUon, Kii-hardsun & Co., Boston, for J-'tininrrs and Stoves. JOIIM C. KltKI I., E-q. This centleman i elected to the Senate from ihe di-liiel composed of Dauphin and Northumberland by the following vole : KiNStt. llecK. llauphin, 3633 87J6 Norlhuniberlnnd, 1731 2451 KJ California Elections. The re turns from the State are nut full, but the presumption is (hat Reading the whig can didate is elected over Bigler. A Female Institute is to ba established by Ihe Presbytery of Minesota, at the Fulls of Si. Anthony. Cumberland Coal was selling at San 53C4 51S7 KunkcFs majority, 177. Franklin asb Marshall College. The Lancaster (Pa.) Union, of last week, says the amnuiil necessary lo secure the union of Franklin and Marshall College, and the con senuent removal ol Marshall Collego from Mercersburg to Lancaster city, has been subscribed. The committee have author. izd iheir agent, Hev. J. C. Bucher, to pro- ed at mm lo make his rallsettons l!i-isrs TU.ronr. . The Hanjor Mer cury says '-We feel bound to deny llial one of our lawyers put on bis door : '(lone to bury my wile, be back in half an hour ;' but candor compels ns to say, llial one of our lumber-merchants, tho last sickness of his wife ocenrrina in Ihe busiest season, was only able lo I'el in lima for tho second prayer at bet funeral." Miss CrsiiMiN commences her task of walking five hundred miles in five hundred conseciilivo hours, nt 5 o'clock this afternoon at Ihe Arsenal Park Swinj;. Her dies is a rich and da.ij-oine llloomer costume, with liijtit and neal titling gaiter boots. St. Louis republican, Oct. 9. Sad -A lovely lilllo girl, two years old daujihler of Mr. Castlelon, at Albany, was drowned by falling into a tub containing about four inches of waler. Kossuth commenced his career as n re. porter for ihe Hungarian Diet, and after wards became iho editor of an influential journal. Yankee Enterfrise. A business man in Boston ia loading a vessel with ite and ap pies for Alexandria, Egypt. She is lo cany out an ice housu also. A man in Boston took his wife Ihe other evening lo see Herr Kist. The Boston machinists, that is, a portion of them, hAve succeeded in ihejr "en hour striks." Philadelphia Harket. j ct. 2:1, IS51. i f. and Mimi,. The inaikel h,r Flour ; is dull :o-aiii. St, mil. 11 I binnds, old stock, 1 aie held at SI, 12!, pcrhanel, torepoil. ' Sab s lor eilv use at &3.8aS.. K.vtia llonr is 1 held at s4 50. I ilvi: Fldlu. Is very dull. Point, is held 1 at a.23. ' ! Co ti. Meal. Penna. i in demand all S31 Wheat Sales of IVtina. red ul 81 prime while al SStaMi. It v a". Is in demand, sales at i3 cts. CotiN. Tim supply about equals the de. maud ; ellmv eomiiiaiids ti2 cts. Oai-.s.--Aru very dull ; a sale Peiui. al 35 els. WinsKtv. Is linn at 22 i ts. in both hhds. and t'bls. Baltimore Harket. Del. 22, IS5I. CHAIN. We note sales of Maryland and Vrgiuiii Wheals lu-day al 73 a 75 cts. for jjood to piiiim reds, and 70aS0 cts. lor ood white, and Hit.it5 cts. lor family Hour while. Sales of Corn nt 54 a 55 cents for bold while and yellow. A lot of very prime new while, in superior condition, tho lirsl of the sea-mi, was sold 011 alurilay at M cts. We quote tills ul 3U a J cts. WHISKEY. Sales ol Penna. bbls. at 23 els., and of hhds. 22 cts. SUN HUH Y i'KICE CUURI5NT rl . j, .: y. .-. t ! , '-'1 s r... vs AXr AKRAN'l T.I) to rtand npial liut willl any ollisr ( .'bests in the country, nnd lo defy ibe 1! oral is' iniieiiuity. Manufactory, No. I li 'Hudson's Alley, ruiiniuq; between 'third and Fourth siicits. mi, th uf t.'btniui. und in ilia rear rl the l.irard liauk. M. iV. S.. the I reprietora. i'i.n tii-al Me chanics, ami feci confident, fro 11 bnu experience I 111 tin- manufacture 01' Iron Chests nml Hairs, ami ) a attention lo this particular branch, of 1 "iwiiL' satUlucliou to id! who iiiav uiie lliciu a call I N. H. V. save selected oua of llie lst niie. I erals ccr used as 11 iion-coinlm-lur of beat ii I this business, an. I w warraiit our ( lirsts autl Sales to be made of llie best material and in lha most ilurable manner, and lo Ui.J any drat llial can be npjilied la llirui. MILNOR & isIIAW, Manufactory No. 1U lluilson'a Alley, it a in ii n- Iwiwren 3rd anil 4th streets, S. of Ches init. in tne rear of t;irard Hank. Ptiilatlplplda, Oct. 2.r, 1851. ly WllIAT. (its. Cons. Oats. HiTTsa. Funs. I'll HKi Flaisecd. Talliiw. Dlil-SWAS lln Flai. Dana ArpLts. lo. Ps scats. Ftss no f.O 50 U7 16 8 7 ItO 15 85 10 75 too TO DYSPEPTICS. fTMlK subscribers oiler lor sale Cheltenham A Salt, 111 invaluable remedy lot this discuss ; it is an cxncl iiuitalion of tho walor of llie cele brated Cheltenham Sjiriua of Kuslaud, which has been found so U-mUciil in cases of llvspep. si.i. Hdious Coinnlaiiils, Hick lli-aducUe, II ilul- ual Coslisiiess, Ac. and is particularly iwom. iiu-nihit lis a subslilule for SeidliU Powders, as it aiuluilh as u lonie ami gentla piiralivr. A PaiuphU-l coiilaiiiin-i an analysis ol the water ami direclious for its usi, accoiupanics each bollle. Price 38 cents cr holtle. The sulis-rilicrs also prepare a highly concen iruled Lsseiice of Pure Jamaica (Jingcr. 1'rica 45 cents per l-ottle. Full Cahilucn" of drugs wilh prices attache.! furnished l'li siciuns Rralia. Also priced Cata logues or I'uie CllCinUaU lor analytical Clirmisla. The attenlion of Druggists is varlicutarly in. viteJ to our stock of line drug, cheinicale, iSiC ni LLOt;K & CKKNfHAW. llrnpgists and Manufaclnrina Chrimsta, 0th A Arch Ktraet, Philadrlphw. IMoliar 55. 1M 4m. Francisco, at last dutaa, at 917 per tan. tassa t slarsjrtlafina r"-' ' ' ' ' '