SUNBUIiY AMK1UGAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL i ii e m 11 k GASTRIC JUICE ! a cr.-n.fl MTrs)PEPSiA cither, I'lt-purcd fnun IIKVNH I', r tin? fourth Ptomnch of tlis "t, it'ler iliiccti.'iis nf I1AKON I.IF.IItn, the irreal l'iiyst l.;i,Ml flM-mi.-t. lit- J. !. IIOIT.tlTO.V, M. V., .Nf... II, Xnrili l'.ihlh greet, riiiliiiluliliin. J'n. Tun is n truly wonderful remedy for IXUIUKs'TION, m -spkI'sia. .iM'Miin;, i.iviiit complaint, CU.NS'ni'ATlOX mill DKUII.ITV, Cnriii(t alter Na ture's own lurthoil, liy Nature's own nif-iil, llie Ciastrle .Inlet! I If 1I..U' a tras;vioiiful of this riiiiil, Infused in water will diui-st or ilissilvc, Five I'unmls of Koust Ucef III ab -ul lv.u l 'in?, out of the rtoimicli. DIGESTION. BK.J'.STION' irf rlti.n pfit-.riiifHl in thr ifmiuirlt hy tli nut of (i iittul whieh freely exude from the inner cont I' that ore-iti. wIk ii tn a Male of h-ahli. called the ( inub ie .liiiee. 'A Hi.- (initl i the tinal S'lvi-iit ol' I In; Fin-d, I lie l'uril'vinu. I'rif'Tvitrr, ;mtl Hiimulntine A Kent "f the at o machinal iuteatmcB. Wiili-at. ii (hurt; wilt Ur no ilij: b ti on,no c 'tivt-n o (hhI into hlood, mut tin nutrition fit" lli - lnf'y ; 1 :if rather a ('-ill, f f irpiil. pninhil, ma! dei-urnr live riju!iu-iii h M HMo diiroMivc apparatus. A weak, liulf (toad, or injured id unaeh produces no (t-hmI Cavtrie .I-jmt, uml hiMiL-ftlip discaff, distress und dehiliiy which ea.sue. rKPSIX AND RENNET. PKPSIN if the rhi.if element, or prrrit Dip'-stii Prmri pie of the UaMric ..luiep. it i found in (jr-at nhuiidnuee in tilt solid paitn 01' the human sfonmch niter death, tindomo tim B can e the Ft vimdi o ilijir-H ilnelf. or cut ite!f up. It is als i .und in Ihu fHotnar-li of jmmiaU, as the ox. calf. Ac. It U ilk- mateim! ufi.-tl hv farmers in n-nkmir rheese, rilled LUamt t, 1 1." tifert o which lias I'-iifT heen tin. upeeial w. iitii r h t In I ury. Tlie curdlimz ol nnik is lln lirst pro c - s of (Ic, Mi,.n. ttenaet p skh-h aM"ntiiaff pnwtr. Tii" : t aua- l! t.f a ci;u" wili cunlit; nn K one thotiHuiKl linn v.'i'I'l ' f milk. IJ:tr ai tU'-x mati-s lhat, '"Oaft pari .a Ivj.stn "li.:s- Ivftl in wixiy llioasiuul parts of watct, v.!! .Ii.;' l ;ma" otla-r C -d.'-1 Disown" ol-'inac!i pro litire a i "'il '''t i it Juict, I'.,aa',t or IVpin. 'J'n sh 'W 'i it litis vvaat a: iy le pcifucily supplied, v.'c iHMtu ihu f"l lowia;; SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE ! MM1JK3. in his ct'lfhrat.-.I work on Animal I'lu-uiif-tiy. tays: "An Arlificial Diircstivu 1'lnitl analair"us to ilie t; ts!; ic .laid, may Iir readily preparml tlie mil t'!ii iTit'iiil''.' i f liie siimmcli f the calf, in which various nr!u !r ! I toil, a: mwit and ftfirs, will Iw sufteneil. ehatm- uiul i!.tr. -Ktni, just in tin: same manner us they would he ! ill t i- idM;'! mrn-h." 1 in. I'I'-IMMIIA, ta los fun his treatise on "I'ooU ami li-:." ii'.li.-'i''i hv l-'mvhT Wells. New York, pace ao.f tatt s tt.i sun'.- L'n-it fai-t, aad tlfsi-rihes the method of ore'i-.t'i TliciBiuu few higher authorities than ). 'i k 1 1"1;!'., in vMmmUc writ ina son the "IMiysi"! py v 1' -' i a. " t tiMTt'i-d : hat "ft diiaiauiion of the due ipi:in t;t ff ti.e i.I.igtii'- .Iniee i n vroitiimait mrl alt-prevailnni e:ni i i Jn iprpsvi mid he states t!iat l-u l i.-4i hifT' ixrttul pv f:-?.rt iii-iiico,-in l("i:i(m, who was severely atiliel cd v.'i.a t'n i e iot-i in . W ,tmr perry ihitisf else to fail, had u-e 'u-m' ! ;!k- t; if'i ir laiec, rthtaiiit'd froai tlie fi -marh of h'.'i'i :i. i ;t-':--, vaieh i r ivi-il e eaph-'ely sneers-lilt." I r. i 1! ! I AM . iia: 'i r f I !:e Oiiii un w .rks on '-Vcge-!::': Die' .' ::;o-f ; '-i', i a remarUahle latrt in physi'di.ity, llr:l i:i:i -as i;l .vu m m-f i- .it ed ill Walrr, illipilll ti fluid tia pi p"-M "f diss I . iitu vari nis nilieh s of lo '!. aa I f '..'.:hi! a i- iml of m !r'"i d tlitrestion of thein in n W'wr dif.-it m fn ni the natural digestive process." 1-r, S 'di)S S ureal wrU, the ( MiemiMrv of .Man," l.-si X 1. .r,..!. m.I, INii.s. t-.ti. pp.n-JI-li) rays: ''The dis c v ?y i-i PI IPS' funns a new era in the chemical history ol in--:n in. l-'roia rt ml iwpeiiments we know t al i w,;ii; U.-y v, (1 rapidly in an ariifi'dal digestive llnid, prepnrci fi,m Pepsin, us it is m the natural Liaslrie Juice its- i" ' nir.t:rISO nf tlicKlTemn Collejjr. Phibi- i. i i l,, w ir'i on Human Phypioiocy. devntca Mta ti:'' t-a-jt's to mi exa-niaatioa f this mihjrrt. (;. iih I r . I'ranm ft, on the 'iastrir .Iniee, MY .- t he. . net iiaurni i m aeh and from aaitu'ils I )v. :i "In ;i. I rix.'s," h' ays, 4di;tsli ai occtir. p- :' ' : ;a : i' ! n.'; jn fie uaiara'. ili'SUi'll!. AS A aVSi'KI'SlA CUISKR, L (i HH 1IKK!!! ISul'serilirr ri-spci'tfnlly sS'CSl infiirmii ln ln'nl nun '"C'X , IT il, l.n t'ill iiW " '" i a t'oiitiinip 'e SADDLERY BUSINESS, At lii oM SlnnJ in Market Street, Eunbury, two doors above Market 8(mirc whore lie eon tantly kei-im on hand, a lurije assortment ol Ueady M:ide Ilnrness, (Double & feingln.) with Silver, Prast uml .lapnn neJ inoiintinii. Also SucWles, Diiilleu, 'l'ruiik, Valiccs, Vliijif, Collar. All kinds of work in tiin line inaile to onlrr. in as neat n, style n run be got up in t!ii roimtry IVrmius wishintr to purehusa "ill plrnwe mil and examine lii slock btfiire pureliaiing elsewhere. N. U. Tlio sulwribcr lias just oiicned a new and splendid Assortment of Saddlery, Smh s Silver, Urnss and Japanned iiioitntinj, I'nlent Self-Adjiistinij 'J'vees, I'ntPnt Koller Hits, 1 ; i 1 1 i n tf liridle l!it, Trunk and Valii'e I. neks, Trunk Hoard, Trunk Nails, Hiinies, Traeea, Trim. ' mini; Laces, Tui'is, fud dle Well, iSinste und Double, While 1'niiuieled Tjenlher, Patent Leather, Oil f-'lulh, lioseils, 'I'aHsels, Fancy Urow-li uids, Saddle Tree.i, lcer's Hair, PATENT FLY NET of all kinds. All of which will be sold as cheap if not cheaper than they cm he gut eUcwheio, for cash or approved credit. AN Din: W J. 6TR0H. Hunhurv, April 25, 1851. fim. MARBLE MANUFACTORY, CI IK A P (Hi AVE STOMCS. i WE STUDY TO PLEASE. 'pllt: nltcnll .n of H.iMiVrs nmt ntlirn. nri! resterifnlly I invilnl I i Hi.' nti nivp ami well selected ''S l' l'1'II.HIMi II l!l)VAIii: aM TOOI.S, Hi W ullereil by llie siiliNriiher. e 'iinit'l inj! in iirl. ns f 'lliuvs: Amenenii I'p'iil lire r J, '!,, rialil, Willi Might W"Tk, rliieil ( t liniKu rumitiiri', . r i"r'cluin nil nil irs. t Anterif.-ni I'r.-nt 1J or Licl,, npriulil, jilnin. with niulit w-irlf, .hitdi i.i Lriiss furniture, or nuiceliiill all Ci.'l",H. American Tri'iit I mr Li cks nuil f lore liner, Ilerinai tal "r Ul'i ifjlil, lirii.- I'.iniilurr', ci .nn lIii'M nil cnlnrs. .lii"lie..n Him .'r'., mi n , Mn( nuutities. Wlii.eor IjF.'HS I'lll nil llle. HI , . ,a Aiil"iie:ui .Mcrliie l,'-rl, nil nizn. wit Ii plalril, whit or liriis ! in -.i; in .-. ,m., l:.iM nil e I Anicricii At hi; ! I,i-l, ,.; willi plnieil while nr hniri liliiii: u-.-. ,.t p. t in nil e., M .,,.,. ,,,,, nj.,, ( i mt ,, t.'i,, alcd cl Itsss Mf-lllrhi-.-rs, i.r --Tc - liiui -.11 e li ra. Ain.ri--.-in ir-, i -, 'ilunnli, elite, and fuire l.a!c!ies. Als -, I'lliv-ilfil, iiii'I 1 nli-ln-H i I' eveiv Icuc-iiiti'in. Ilnl'hvin ni Ani..-i,:iu !( lini-.'iR, ,l'li!l siia-s, lust or l.v -n t mr. r'liutit-r. u ih m 'I'., en I II I-:., me! rvirv il. .v. l.l.te, S- -,. ' ,:.. i Hi- i-'.ll s ling I! II, , i . I i. -ii r .-I Hie In-st flm'lci. I. ; ! or iM.-i ir .it in ; i.i A i r n-iiii A..- .-n. I h!,. i- J. l'i;i-.! Vnriily A unvie.iu niu:-in. il-iii i r ' . ; -f. Vi ljron-.:.--l. AiiM-:ieiu X-.I.1. pl-iti,!. wl.i--. i: m. ir v.- . ''"'t''- "' e ""n n ami pu'i v-ii': - '. I)unl.-l..n. t ii), ,. ''- NVII.S mil liTS lit PHii'rs ft" All Ii . ilr ,t- livcrei! lie- i f (.iiursiu llie ( ii- uml II- Mi,-iH. Al I'HJ . t ,l.:l. Ii -it . f :l. .., .ft'ie I'll liesl fn-i, rlin n!i ,.' Wlnle mil I Vii-v N I r. i l..-i-in III.- t'ny; ine r.olr; n-.. in m-!.: -Ii. e-,-it, lie (ll'l'lllietl, nl en-, . ' lu-r M 'i-:il ..- 4t.!. V II . nil Vnti'r f wr unlit Hie'ity. i f every imii Tli-il i S I.- iit. nt I i (' l.-u, ill!: IT . AX. I r I .. .. . Mil l!u nPUK Rubscriher informs his friend nnc public, that he continue to carry on IV tlie the Marble ISusiness ill all its branches, at his old stand in Milton, Pa., and is prepared lo manu facture Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &e., of the bent materials, and most finished work manship, and at the lowest prices. Letter Cutting, Knslisli and (levin an in the most modern and elegant style. Deshriis fur Monuments, Ciiave Stones, Ac., always on hand. IS". 15. Orders for the Vlast side of the river promptly executed by leaving tlie namo at the oliice of the "Suubury American." ANTHONY Iliri. Milton, May 10, 1851. peiiler. II! lit ..I Cl,,. rill'-eil l'lll SIZ' s'' Ann l'i' Am ill-it - i . Aineneiin ( Anvi'i; mnl V' rii.-el. Ir. ;i, irer-t vui'tv. V. Iir.-,-.'. m:i!.-p . I fill! Ail ii-'- .-:, on, nf Hi Al liii- i-.t:.' li.-l.l- the ! t'. i -in-iin-ni. e:nl !i-:ir fin wliui c t.'.mi" unit V ?. l I..- f -nu -I mil l'e.i-v -. Ml M'l.i in, T.:ul . P.. i I. II- !--.ii. . i-i...f I i . I, i,-- !.;, It.ii.l. l:-.:i '!, J;iHil;L' 'At; i t)iiv say i art f ;e-l r. 1 :-l i-'jn, '. CHEBRY PECTORAL: Vor tUn C'tirr of COUGHS, COLDS, aOAIlSHWESS, 3210IT. OHITIS, OHOUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPIITO-COUGH AMD OOrSUMPTIOIT. The iiiiil'orin success wl i 1 has iiitcn lcd the tl-o of this prcpainlinn ils salul.iry cil'cit it power ti relieve and cure nll'oi-t'uin of the I. utii;''. have ca'li'd for it a cole' ri!y e-jtialtcd l-v i. . o' r.n i!;-.-ii c. "e o'"er i! io ll.c n!lli:tcd A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the C'Hblnel Uitro Itoom of 8EirN IIOUPT k CO. Morkct Square, AUo at the corner nf F tuni flrrri t( tke ftailrnnil rTNUriiY, I'A. Thankful for the palrnniisre of his friends and rustnii'.era J in intr the 17 years he ba been in busi ness in this place, he snlii iix from the public a eon timinin'C of their fauns. I.'tiriim this period he hits enileavcrcl to keep up with llie improvements nf ti e day. and bus nccnrdinjrly rr.tendeil bis busi-ncs-i i't every I ranch and variety. The public are ihciel'.'re united to the atLcntiiiu of the present lock of ( VIIIM. I' WAliM AM) ClfAl'tS. MAN'TAtTtltfl) HV E.TIJA&T.T.H irnilT c: CO. .It (Ihl S!tm,l. Where in a-.l hiion te tliei-' fo.incr sloe!; of the JLVNK NOTE TAIJKE. connncTED weekly rKN!VI,VANIA. i PITV IIP t'lllt.AiLI.liil,. ti. S. Hank ll .Ii ii ir, iln, All Silcelll I ill, I k n t IMIN TBV. Iliuilt of t'li-inilii-vKleiri; ilia II ink nl'ClirR'er l,'.i. i nr 'I.I-,! II ink Hank Hunk II-llll, "1 :ll lit.llei.., lilt; nu-i (; i I "flli "I lo I' (i f I. MAftHACAt.'FETTf. All s .Iv.-iil luniks i ibt IIIMHIK. ISLAND. All .Ivcnt luniks I ilis t'tlNM'.l 'I'IOI T. All B.ilveut tiillikl i m-:v YoltK. f'ln-tiler our i-itv. in'i wn pnr .MI ilvenl l.:,nk J iti" si ii-a I ilin tT Ilk n .ten nnili-r tfj leu rul.MKV. 1 ili-'All R- k-i-nlh hinkB 1 ill" 'ir NKW .IKIlrtlLY H inl. of N .rlliiiailiell'liil. - jll-lviil, I e P inl, J ilis ll-'llk i f l-itll llt; I ll.H t';;, I link 3 Oil It oik i f I iniix illn i-,iiri.r. M nt Holly ir l-'irlifle Hmik I ,is l-'.At M .. Ali.l.liiii.wn Pi. iir l'...iii; Ii'k A IJ'iscC'.i ,.nr Al eel mien- III,. .Newark -r D -yi-'.Ml . (limit .u .'.I. 1I1. 111. . I Hiirll.i-l 11 -ir I'. .t.ui It ink iinr'.Mi-eli. , ,! LU 'I'.enl nut ti iln .l in" t o 1: ink l!".ri!nl.i!r,! I iln-.l N.-u ;.i It IIk-R A Ins.l-. Il'k. lir.-ui.-ii 1 (lis 1 irnii-."- Il-uik ,1'li, liliel.H l.i n-r l'i- m Ii ' H Pi.tleiiM-n I 'in- iW,.- n it l'i int'el "ii I' ii ' II' I I- J 1 I . v'nt 1 ! Ci f-.d! -I.i! I 1 I'il-HfJ l l llil Sin -11 .1 vvi'li c-r I v 1'. W. l' i 1,1 i.le m!' W,i;t t'.. Wil'i hi s' in .'1 viiivefi. ,Ve., nil IV 1 11....! u-';. 1 1' Ail". 1 I li. vils of 1 I Aue.T Hilt: . I. I!:, in - nil -1. lint Wo i.i, -11 liiueei H-.olw.l . S ti'?.. Hiiti-hi-r'i, . I'ilr. I'l-me.l 101 -l.-ll I'lI'Vlll.' 'I' . . I ll-.- I., si n.lil 11, ,s! 1 very il'-a 'rij'tion. lis. t.'-.u'uiK'.!.. Serew- nit, t I. ivi.tintt. nil si.en, w.lh ('. S. IJlllii. in n.ul oilier I'clelimiftl t. e.. Ac. nil Sll:l(" 1 ex'enMi e uyti -rluiTts :.t 'id i:--. iHacU o These n. VI I V 11 '1 men an their etci,; o I. . . 1 . ..1 I'll 1 11 ' , 1 1 1 1 -, 1, 1 " Cl- .-;.--; 1 . 1 i; 'mi,'. .I;-..- Cl I rntr a.'mc itnd I'.rie ll-inlt l-'.xeli I'.M-ll I'll, In I'lllt. I'urit; I 'm m , All ..', ( Al-ii 'I'-. - 1 ill 1 j ilia I,', -mr.iM f pur 1 pa r I ll. it f nt Co, II i t -:,ir, It'll pill .ur ; iim HAAS &HENN. FASinONAHLK MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. subscribers respectfully call the attention of the public in their htrrin and splendid assort' meiit of every inality and price of 1M5JB; -WAKI2. which cannot fail to reiommend itcelf (ocvery on who will DMitnino it. on ncrutuit of its ilnrnlile t nrt:inatishi)i ni:d splendid linhh nmd- 'in nf tlm best st"ik lobe had in llie clv, X-i c(f itt ii pared in t'.e inaunl'i 'ture of Iheir wnie. tititl lh mo s.'iilii',. are th-termincd to k--t p with til 'y io" r nerieiit.t v tii. li n. sitmtly being n..:,(e. Their stuck rottsis;.; of Mii'ioiany K!iv:iMM ;:! I. oil. 150, Uuvrntjs, Srcrctni-fcs, VJtboxr!?, M'Kl, lilliJ.MVT iliMMi Tll'.I.ES, cttual to Pilil :i :a. 1 i im 1 nil. 1 , ;1 ! .-!: ).N i'c-ii ninl pri, '.!) CWDl.E. i!;:.r.H and . f-1 KS. ..I 01' their Initinm, 1 !:.!. 4. id titinlilit t 1 ,,. ','i (:r. . I1 1" lo ... !i Ii!: e nnil 'l' i. 111 il if-- ei 1111 ite.l t pnei s 11 ee . Is III the fllllc. ill leil II pleui'itre t-i fclloW 1 tvil 1 uiul exiilnllte tlie to.-! irt-il-leil, l;elorj luireliltninir tlsc- I'rvf. 1: ' Ii tl : I-!!', ,. y . wllit'il 1 Co scs ol t.itt I lu'oiit ana l.'.inu'.i. Tin-: i;t. ia:v. i.tnai in.- wrilcs in a letter to I.m i'.'n'iid. un.'ler ;"t nr'.'ctio 1 of liie I. CIIK.'UY rr.C'i O.'.M, end cun iri'.e vmi rcliel', with llie hi 1 . . i" iiv tlu- lull.e v' ri'.-niy, ..ted to cm lo tilsca- llnl'.i . nt ii ' M'. V '.le I i rUs'-tnont hi:! 01" in.ii? linn I'1 lil'..-. Ill I'nil. 'i'h.ise w le n.-ir il .! ;- oi'.i.i : ll IS :! I' V I'T-'-f'll 1 r te.i '. . I '-M lll .ll A '!!,' evil ,'l,"-, . Dii-esiiv.- I I'tlV.-t .- virili ,11 "f I'I'I'SIN' lias pr itlu :iu,v. ii u .il'.eu, I'uii'.ir e ises of Uelil lily, e: :i Pr.-i.n-'. ;i i-t ii"'iv.ti. C nmnrt n, e 1 ti 1 lie vc, y vci'.'i' I Hie tri' ive. ll m im i Ih- o im's 1' e I' -fi in tlie li HI'S "f tills llil-l-i:! i.oi- ,'e ( ll files I' tie l" 11 CICCII I'U'O ( i I'V I Ail I-'. L) KKM AIIICAHI.I-: i:l--l M . .Ni.w A'.uk, an. I 11 ! .a ul ne. ', . u.-vn.-.-rute eim.'.s, uiul tin ealL-ti wert I i-i w - ,-l. i t'ul. hut pei in neiii j I !) 'i)l AS'TlHOl't-i, mi l yiv.ionl irty 1 ny t !:.ti n ili 'l.l.-t. I. it--- ( ni'li!.', ' . "i-l.:i-l -,-tr.i n.-J Fever ami V- , -. ':. :-. i 'Hon.'. M-r-nry. nn 1 llcr .1- - -. ' mi.'i ti I ii;j nii-li-.i-si. Al.: .. i ' : : 1 t 1 1 ' iii.c :" .'iitleiu iiii:. 1; ',,,,... h- wnli lul' nr, ; NEW AND POPULAR SCHOOL BO OX. C10MPHEIIENKIVE stimmury of L'nivcrsal ' History, (0ielher with a liiouiaphy of Dis tiucuished Persons, to which is appended nu epi tome of Heathen Mythulop-y, Natural Philosophy, Gen eral Astronomy and Physiology. Adopted and used ill tho Public Schools of Philadelphia. E. S. JONES & Co., Publishers, S. W. Corner F0U1UTI and KACE Ms., 1'hila. Teachers and School Committees addressing letters to Us post paitl, will be furnished with copies for examination. t tr" A Pull and Complete Assortment of BOOKS and STATIONARY, for Sale at the 'ries. May :t, 1851. ly. No. I'iu;.,! Mrit'ot ft . 1,-tM i i, April I'J. l.-.t r n Mi -lv. Al. Alef I. I P!',, i.'.d ?ili, upper ii. f:5) i'r,i; Villi VE'V nop piei.T). who was sinking iii-;s : "'I'ry liie if any mnhrine ''' of God that will cair.F .lrsTic:: of Loni .iiina. writes "That n bis vvnti ciircd of ncvorul -cvr hv the CUKVA'Y I'Ei"! OV ASTHMA AND 1! tiO '111 TIS. 7V(- ( '(.'..' .'.'.'.' .hii-.u.!l t'f Mn ' .(r'e stales, -'That ..-'!nn:i tilol ihoueliiJis so prcvalclit stis--. yoinitr d. re attacks AL." utrhter of of Croi'p ii i -I' A'e lil.'li Is ll- i 's l'n I'r -in si.l Pr-'itt r .i nr at a , uml nli.i re ,;"ire i f e Ii .:!'! ' '.il-.',' ell.-i l.t IO-t.1.1 nViii.l.-. I i. mil hue, i-n tallies. Ai. All - ! er:l. - I N II '. VIV I M .1' ...,,t I: -'Hi hi: (( i .i; !', Ion, I A . ii din 'i (ii.. Sir .ulit y ut ii t li; We'll wait nwlii! (it take p .liiti.-ej. ve tne ti -u ! f l ll l,r-; onln. e .Ioiin to pnr, it i.-ller (lac, hi. '. li- il nnil rvr ; i.i .try, i.S.D M'OAI.U'If COAiPLAIXT:- ;i.e I! .1 V". I r HI .tfr t i;;': Il!. .fill.! in . I'lllliei. ii of Ol.l) S'I'tJAt U'il C'lAi f e a t. ovirli n J (move ' n;y m i'.- I '. il lil I '.V d -e rem 'es n!i ihe unpl'-n 'i; to lie rein- i'i-.I. t." i sti el Inn . C el.. leiiniiienl. PI KITVIII' ill.tlt't) e iV. f .l..u" nt one.:. It is lilirlie.ilui ,y iiM'.i .( , "isen, Vouill ine, Crttlilps, Soioiiet-s llie S. mi eh .lislr. s" lifter entile', low. e..l't. '' t. II' it in. -St.. L'.M'ausi of Spiiiln. Desp iu t n. W .-:i!viie.--sl lenJciicy to iie.aiiity. tui- l !'fi HOI. I. Alt per linttle. One Itollle will ol'ten i'KIV-IV IX rOWDERS. sr.vr bv a: ii . racr. of postauk. I- . r e -n-.-enieiiee . ,f ... t,, ,, pnrt, ,,f omiuiiiv, f::r- , 1 . i .S li V i : Ai A 'II I' It H' T((K PF.l'r-lN u'. ia tlicf rni'-f r.iw.i-r,. e.-ivii ilii ..'i tt. .nu to l e ilmsnlvcil il y. I'-'t- . I :.-. ii.-.., to tin- pnti-.-iit. 'C'lese powders eontaiii .i'l-'. li.e linn: in ,lie IIS l!u- l.-.tlles, ,ut t wieC t lie (pilitit it V I' r lc .some pi i. e. null will he sent liy mall, l-'ltlll-i ('(' i".'-r.M.r. f .r tiNi; jxx.lau m tn ..i-pni,:) t..i)r. j. li'JLtill ("UN, N i. 11 N'orlii l'agluli mred, Phikulelpiim. t JOHN' CAI.VKRLEV, Li a y J lll'tJ j ," -. K"' P.":-.'. v''' "afra.i.) street, Alove V'tt.''-f, i pp'.:.ilc the White Sirun lintel. Talhnv Chandlers and Manufacturers can be supplied with a lirst rale Article of Candle Moulds, of Superior excellence and finish. N. li. Tlie Moulds tire made of the best Melnl and polished by a new Patent Machine, which Rives them an extra finish. Thoy tiro after the English style tho tips to screw on tlie pipe, and he pipe to screw tight in the bench. 1st Wa hii a nt lu to be far tuperior lo any other now in use. A 1 He also manulacttires Sur.'ical Pumt s and i Syringes. April 12, 1851. Ohio. will forfeit lSr(l, if fiilintr to cure any ciso of secret disease that may come under his cue. no m-iilcr how Intur slatid iii'i or alilu tiiiir. Either tev are invilcd to his Priviitc Ihnmis. S N'orlii SEVENTH Street, Philath l'.hia, without fear of interruption by oili er paticnls. Mratiirera and others who have been unfortunate in the seleclimi of a physician arc iiniied to call. Those who have injured thcin-clves bv soiilarv vice arc iiloi iinited. KKAH AND 1. EI'LEt "I". '1'he nlllicicl wtiiihl do v.cll to ri'lici't lieloie Iruslint; Iheir he-a lilt, h ijiji'ui"-s, and in m.tny cases lhcir lives, in the Lands of phvsp iniw. i.iiioratit ot this cl- st of iii-, I, is ct rl:iii,!y iinptissilile t'or one man to understand all Ihc iils the human family are siiSject to. l,crv rcspc talilo physician has I his peculiar bi'tiu li, in which ho is more success- j fill than bis hrolher profc-sors. and to that he do- votes iiovit of his time and YE Alls OK i'l'ACI ICE. CNch'.sivcly tUn. ted lo the stilly and teatnioiit of diseases of the 1 KCAti'ii or':;:i.s, o.'v-'t'.it'r v. iiii ulcers tipttti llie bo- , tly, t'li.eit, in1 c. or 1, q-', .ains in the head or ! hone-, mercurial rhcuiiiatisiM. trravcl, irre jol.tri- i tit s. iI'im ascs ari.-iii'-V Ir n't yotill.l'ul excesses or ! impurities, of tho blood, hereby the eonstilulion i has oivo.'iie cnii'cb'cd, eiiali'cs llie Doctor to tiller J V''''-V t'.'iV' to allv.Iio in. iy place thcinseU es 1 till:1.. I' ilis e:ic. 1'i.iUli-lphia. April 111, 151 ly. Ill tins lilco'tiicot c: sin : riiiiid'o to A . and c Ciin:;i.l loo ful I'leji. '.ration to t". erally." pr, utile, ha viei.led iviilt surpri r's (".IEIUY I'El'TOUAL. ir. Mtily rc'-'imincii.l this sUili e i'l'ii'.-,-i-.ii and public gcu- l.ct the rcl'ci.'.l tnlTeii-r s; ci.k f .r himself: 11 u:t: on n, .1 m. yii, 1 S 17. - i .it : ir :--1 1 a in;.: been rt:s inl'n! ninl ii-inecrous discastt by :ialiiin'.e ptnuipls me to scml you aieiit, not only in justice lo vmi, nuali. n of c.;;cr. in like ull'.ic- Dr. cued ,1. V. Ay, lroin a i. your niedieinc. this uehtliiwlei! hut for the ii.! tion. A slight c,,!d t! became so si n e cotitlh and rofti. Icncd u; on inc. sleep, was ili-iiri': li.irk. Iioop p .e, st.-.vr f. ..r luiii'.-r ifet si Or nay thin;; y "k- s uml ll.e:-!:i.irj llni's, 1't'iin iic. ami liii'Iiifs ilor.'n t li'Me 'jtlails. I'otllP on I lieu fi ieuils. e. -lue one und nil, Keep trade u loot in1:, k i '' i -in the lutll." Orders from n dilattce j.roinpt'y attended and wotk of all kinds delivered with dispatch, iitnluiry, March il, ISoO. tf Eounly Laii.'l and Fcnfiion Agency, WAXiiXWGTOW, D. C. riMlIi nil leri .1 At; ,r:;:-..- I tO nerul Ajeut at the I t :l y . .i .i:.-:l.,n. . lieiu I, i.uniiv I nu. I Tr iisioiih I" it ll. reiees la pr :l'itl",l. Hell 'ii.:i;.-. I'll' !;lte-l ,i. 1 . lilli.-h of tl I i ' r. !n,I in i k i1.'t.i.siiT mi Wilt ! m '.. '.'-I: sre of - .-ce;:.-i j., i ..'.-ii-lipre. lint I'.er-i eh. 11 c furniture i,-t lat enlt-rtaineii cii ware ami h im.l fuimli:. tollli f I,.., It..:is ii. ll- S..- ei;i mi.1 il iiv II I oM. a' C i ( i f rimi'Mit wild t!n- id .u,asl;a -al : p.-i with a tlior-'i.-cirv loi ins. It- jisli-rn aial .s;S t iflll' h n nt 'i (J 'Y tmiM'iit tl; T. SOSST'S ;,iu ll.c ltm?. li.'ih'etc.l nt first. spitliic of hi. i.i.l, a violent ui tilt sweats J',. Unwed and 1 l,.-e:une caiaciaictl, conhl not ed by inv cointh, and a pain 1 throi'..'h lav ihesl, ni. il in short had all the nl.irm iii;t cine dcnl whi. V nil aos o r.'Cll "ll tit a illy tried y !i :-o-.:t rci-cv It rc- f p; nirs . a t I'U'. Low led been a lil i that 1 haic been in a larger part ol the on mv htil. 1 had ; consuMiplion. No incdi r.e h nr. ea -c. untii I provi Cllll.'.N'Y PECTO.'AL, .,1 i;o'.' has cuic-l me. ii. a. 'Tev.'.i:t t , N. Y. Ai id 17, 1S!. i'ear Sir . I h .vc fir year i-iiiu.a in tlie tt-i.r.-l f ont ; so i"ed to sleep in my olio ir for lime, t'cin-' unable to brculhe ric.l a "leal medicines, In Geiins;jrove, Pa. ( Isit'Ii. iVaO'li'N icittl .Ii'Wflry, I JEPAIRED in the best manner ami wjrrant.-d - lo perlorm well. Ail work intrusted to his care will be strictly attended to. Helinsriive. Nov. ijil. l"o ti. ri .us I-i I.e.; .1 the I e: if SUe.l, of I - . -ilrli-s : the ,i.f, pin-.-,. 'I'll- j l! !,, )MSItl'''S ,':. ndxa at ol' res-'. P"aay Land is rrau'ed to I tin- w tr - 1- I'J, ninl oi ilif :oi 1 IT'.'U. 'l' i -:f w hit serv.-il MMie ; m- wli-i mi i-! I i r ui iiidis -?U m-i -i (I m iii -ni li l'i acres. il i' will. u-: Li-'lli-n i't' tl: ,V',! -. .'I . ,.f I ;,. t"ft;i!ry. t'.'r ami ihc tli- nt tla-p:t!fiitr, wla-n ii:i-f ii: terms ; I' r tlie i uvmeiit l1':"!. '.' W. i r tar.i ; e 1!. i ti-.n of 'rat l.av lu.iiMi .-s. in 'VUr si;! -It 110 ri t; tin cit '.(" , nr- ovi a!ioiii tho Ojii.ility dintr. 'J'itcir artirloM will la disjiose. of on m eoJ urin , tortus us tlicv c.mi It ptirvlia.-a'd iM-Twlirre. Cuun trv Proilnff lakni in paviiient for woik. XV l'Nl.'KIiTAKIN(;. Havins proviJd ihrniclvrti with a liatttloinc Hi.Aitst;, thry r now j i-oiari''l tor I inh'ttukitj , utnl nttiMiding fu nerals, in this vicinity, nr at any convenient lam-e IV. m this (ilaeo . f iJ The W.irr Knoui in in Mnrkf Rtrti, nppnfiito .1. Viimii'h Httjre, ninl noarl nppottL W'ravor's J'aeni. DAMRl. HAAS, (JKOiitli; KKN.X. Suultitry, Dec. 11, IP.iO. tf. in;- e't D n ' :d IVm;.' a I c d -vail. will ;i ir i i ins a, ul ni v BY v si a a, t :i. ti a i i ESTA1JL1S11KD 1.". Yi:.l!S MiO i)Iv KINKKL1X, AT. if, ('ji-itrr nj 'Ikif l a.d L'ntoii Streets. r. i'T w r. i: n s p i; r ? k a n p i m. s r it c t r s, and t-f th pr itVt-sinn at a i i 'a r at, tire pre- h:d; his uk'i.-iI fei-. ;n;d iiiroi'in;ititii rm t I priisrciiii-iM n ',in Can p aidvutu Willi thr tinny it i thru I tl'i v li ;; Pec an1 pr r', I- 'ti'l'll ..' 1C ol 1 n a i: i .1 d i 1 rs km wn and thi All c-aaunaia ' TtvKi:n. ::s!iia-jt I) C 5- t- t ns, f.t n 1 'y1 ''i'L AVATTS' MIRYCL'S ANTLDOTE AMI I't'YicAi, i:!:sro;5A rivi:. ? 11 "l'1'.l'..N pr.ielie. in 'St 1 VaSa-iF)!. PROPERTY FOR ,S, LC. T Ion 11 1 1 Snlia oilers for A'orthnin d il!ar. 1'eerv paekac nnd hottle ' liure of J. Si. UOt'fiUl'O.N. .M.U., j Pa. Six p:ickri'7t' f r fi t.t;.irs tlsa v.iitti-14 h:g o!e l'roprii-i'ir S !.1 hv aireiiifl tu everv town in the I'niti'd StutfB, and ly itspci'talil'! liealerKiu .Slcditine jcnerally. FOR SAJJ; BY John V. Frilinif, aud Goorge Bright Simtitirv, I'a. .Mary A. MeCay 1'lillH. !::sr-f Iluves .V MeCrmii.'k, H. j. fr.mse, J tl.n O. Ilnni, ,i'i!ain JJeppm, Sauburv, S-ci.t. llth, lS.'iO. Xew 31usic- ii1 -Just Piililislual. N'Tthuinlicralm). Mi It 'in, MeKweinville, Stliiiirove, Fpper Alahautnago Mahonoy. PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD. alAllllill AUHANfiKVlliN T I'flOAI PiULAItl-LPlIlA AND POTI'SVII.I.K. F r r c s Reduced. O'fice of Ihe 1'ltila. If TXraAiii" lliiitrowl Co Phihidelphia, March SO, 1851. Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) ( Hid uf'er April 1st, 1851 two trains will n!. 1? run each way, daily, between Philadel phia aud lV.lsviUi; Monxrxa r.rxr.. Leaves Philadelphia ut 7 J A.M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 71 .. M, daily except fe'uil davs. jFTi-nxooy i.ixiz. Leaves Piiiladclphia nt o'clock, daily, except s. Leans Pottsvillo at 3j o'clock, daily, except Suuiiav. PARES, Wi-;ec)i Philadelphia and Pottsvillc, !ji2.75 1st ola-t cars and SU.'J5 Sd class ears. l'ciwt cu Piiil-idelphia mid Hcidiug, $1.75 1st r'i--t cais itnd .Sl.t ". -M class cars. Depot in 1'iii' i.'.ci; iii i, corner of Pro, id aud Vino i trce'.i. i'a.-si i'jers eniin t enter lln- ears unless iirovi- il EE & VALKE!(, No. 10'4 Chesnut si., are constantly liubr.shin and receivintr. new and beautiltil musie from the most iht:n guished composers. The following list contains some of their choi cest and most popular ISoutjs, NVult.cs, Polkas, I Now, thou art Gone, a beautiful sonir, wurdu j by '1'homas J. Diehl, mti.-.ic by ilainbridr . i Mv New England Home, words and musie hr I Mrs' L. Wade. I (.irohe's Ouiuibiis; by ('.. llrobe a collection ) of Duells. j Sounds from Home, piano and si. din, by Jos. I fiung'l. i Pretty Little Polkas for Pretty Little People, by J. I All Ihc Winds aje Sleeping, by A. S. Worm I "'' I Guardian Angel, by the author of "Love Not.'' Household Words, written by Chas. J The Adieus, words by Thomas J. Diehl, uiu 1 sic by Hnrr. i LEE & WALKEi! have constantly on hnud, stijteiior Pianos, aud a supply of Martin's Cele ; brated (iuitara, which together with u line as I sortmeiit of Musical Instruments 1. lid Merchau 1 dire in general, comprise a Mock not to be sur 1 passed by that of unv other cslablishimmt in the j country. ' LEE ec WA LK EH, I Ifi2 Chesnut street, Swaim'e 1) uihlinj. I riiiladelphis, June S8, 1651. ly. LjtA b. slrcci, .stories 10 by oil Ihe ..n.i i , Tht or oih on rcasoi plying fit Tiber w ho rei'des in " Pliiladelphia, sale the loilowinj; property in Mil ori'Ian.l county, vi.: The lare E3ICK i -JILDING pr-r Milton, fo.nit'ily urnpitJ !y ; in:s a.-: a i aflame Maki-l'f flnp, t no Miipio, nnlii my i'liyso-ian '.ro-eri!oil, as an rvptriineiii. ,nr rjlKiiKV 11 V. 'TOltA At Jif.-.i it M i iiii-.l to niiiU', lutt in U'i than a. vetlv I hi-zan lo v peru'iu'e tho ninst y r.iii! U.'X rvYu:i i'.oj.j it.s nod now, in fot.r wt'fks, l ho iliM nno ;i iMitirriv rt'i'nwcil. I 'm 'rep on i : i y I T.I At Ck'iulttt, an.i rnpty a state I' lu-allli v.hii ii I !.ai! nev.'r r-: pc'tt'il to rnjox, s. fauzaSt. e it in tin .1 :iad -101 t o! mM ,L- i-Mtiimve iiv oi.-.' I I U.Ci lfi up llie li ; lv. tar i io tin n-.M' h ariiiett i! w ill. I in iii-ad a' l u i.:. nb'tt'i: : . tl r 3 1 . : i n i o iis'.a.e anitiivr I 'nun y-'ati.i.ul ejtff.-s hi. i. id. whi-ii'liy the c iHfiiluli ll has I dil tii-riteil With riU'i't'W. ! I'! who pr;i''fji 111 i list .t' 'Mat a the i-li-ji-iui-iy e ia iiij li 'ii r itA a lzcii ly re.y up al ais Kl.ui ati a p!iiei;m. taki: pAivnci.'i.Ait NOTiri;, Ymin-j' M' n who have imureil 1 1 1 1 1 .aWrnptcd i.i-t.'I lu. K. ti;, ina' tar nad neiir, u i' tire. Pt-M -;ih i., IT '.r.js, p.O.i.-, Ml . .'ricliai s. KHiYi !. r iotpuriii' s .! lla mo uulLvUcd, are fi'ttSt Co i '3'.v ! ! ! t t. i ol- Tl -I' I Ptlt K 1 T E-o ' i... ri. -., or. Eicry one ", his own Plivnician I lliirti ,'. eth edition, with upwards of r-ji a hulel.ed cu ;rai iin.;s. show- llt-J: -(.-i::i,:r ili-".i-!-s in re- I'or o. m il :ua,. of Dr. K ., in iv rc iii.iu, uiul c .nlnleul- n errlaia in null nf ;li, L!e-:er.l 1,-ra, p. .-'.Ill ) ' a: .' tn III. e lo. n. ol pro lit nil .lis I: . 111. I e n -.r n it t a n r j. e. in I ir.n.t on upper 1'p.ut slreel, and Market is two ii!.!isi3 i- l.o fei and 'ID fee I ell In- li. : li-a a two ..lory BKIC'lv lir.ACIvSMITII SHOP, ! -5 f i t, or. Ilia tanie pn tui u s, Tiic lot is i corner of i.per Market and 1'toiit ttrccts, r. , i.,.-i tr.o.i I -,.i i;.,.i ,,.... ' pt.'iui. i s win. I, I iip fir a l"'o.:n r inaiiiii'.iei'.iriu-T purpoM-s. arid will lies in and accommoi-tat.n'i; Icrms oy lo .!.'-.'.: I )V. I'.M.'IMIiAN.' Phll.i.h-li.'.ia E -5T So A. Me,'..;. liii-,-rove ; general''.-. i'eb. 'i; .1 by ilci.. , Nor' linn D . L .. t, i .. iii ;s r, i.n w tii.t., mass. Ma.-.- iT, tiiii,ury ; Mury rlaii l' I).-. Geuriitirt, Se- Danvil'i', a ti.l Dm:1: .rials IS 51. -1 vc!: r.TT.-js.ra .1. v. 11. II. i.ihld.,1 ci.r;: .-1 ; .:, j.:u. E-,i.. i: .Mill.. I'il'V. n or ' - the ! Iv, l'"ll s! i'itii'i;!, her he, . , : lio',1. a, ' date, her I will, c-er ' eoti i 'lie: 1 ' i'C'ii'b'V IL. MIY V-'llAYI : 1 lie and ti'f.cil'ii't!i:lly tnlormt co:n:ini::ii" liciicral- i - u.' n. -i tli:-; 1 r :c an 1 . 0:111110. lions .riiisae I in .1 soperior ::Ilc. prom lien : in tiie 1 . 1 : -: ..-.-i of a lirst rate e.ell llii'o-. 11 rcpu: tli-. o 1 1 n.vommo .ot.rr.t rt ay ilcpend on i tin sepplied ,:o co:. !'..:'.'- i J iln-ir c niifort and I. -.".I. -If h; i.i l'.ni'.V. ! I'i'cuch Hare ri'; 1 1'ttee in :i l.a'tit t'n'tpn'til ly l.t anted from evil e i(I i:m:' ais "r :tt s-h i the eli'eefR "f which are iiiv.liMy I't-i: . ev i-n win a ti.-l'-ep, and d'-Mi'oy It -th iimid and d .-, tiiii.altt apply i'dy. W'eaiviit fis and t- 'tiKtitnti onal il..i .a,i v 1 '.sni' 01 alar fiiei'L v, paya'al laK.xiliioe and ien r.t pr i ir. in ir i;a li : v ami nil ujrvu-!t alt'-eii 1 1 , md, piM -n, -iti'.'.fi'ihai"" i'C t'.c live,, .ai t i'V- - di-ti -Tis.'ia n w.iy c amt-t-I'-il vi h llie dts tr.!-r ol the pi lor-itn e tunc ti'ms uili'i ti, H'l'l lull lutir re:l ir.-tl. Vol' 1 11 AND MANIIDOD, A vi-'iiiiu;s lilt' nr 11 prt'iimliiic tlealll. lil Mi EM to S.lf Pr s.rviitioii, ONLY J5 CKTS. I I well ilf-ef'll This H . .k i'lst pu'.lis "ll the intirniili' s ninl 'I It n. 1 h'ess- s It. el. a'.lltr At ' I '., and sa nllil he le I'll.: vnlllal-l'i ml l lee it.i.l iin.ii w.ll prevent ye:us of mis ry U...I s. ly T'i .iisiii.'t. .1 l.ic.-r.. Parents !.y r- ell--,e II will lentil trnetl ',1 "f li'. i. r'.il.h.",. J leiulll Ml - 1 -J'l e. Ires .1 I ' I'ii. KISM'l.iN I i' ! SO. -.'!, I.e'W.'-u u 1 :: e.iMi.e ii !. -k. uuilr-r . I' rs nis ill ills" .nee 11, ,v I I.) mill ire I -it I r.M'.; vn :- s !' tli (.,-. -a,i 'lil ri'.MAMIliil! if riil-iti 'ii t.r'.-n,s. 111.I ill. I) run..: it 1,1 n ia 11 Kile; inlir. tr-rini; 11 how to prevent the Hes- ,. enel Bi-,l iu n h-tl-r, inl .. W. e ra.-r of Till !! I) A -.. A I'iu.-. Pliila l.-l; Inn, I - . per ret urn . .1 111 nl. liei-s tir li. liy letter, ((.(mi- Hi' AlKttlf INi'l 1. li,. II i ' it . 1 I '!' TV. . !iiii!if:'l":tr-.r. A- .nut pal up .veil!- I r.. : I nil ;-: . . nv Avti. vol xs. w. r. ' '.. ' ,-' ' ' '-'' 'i'lie time has now I'.rriied - that ii'is:iiis sullen!!.; IV, tin secret dise.t.-. . i.i-eil no more beeome llieiiclim of tiiaekc!-. , as l-y the pi'eserijiiions ciintained in Ibis book any one may cure himself, willmut hind rance to hti-iui'-s. or the kiii'W'cd.'C of any one, and with one tenth the e pence. In addi tion to tl.e eeneril loiiiinc of pi iva'e dis( asc. it fully ex plains the i-ier-c o:' manhood's car will) ol-nervations on muiTiae.!- other der ail.., i 's which it Would lul per to c'luincratc. ;r'A'iy pers.ii cm I iseil in a v book, l v mail, 1 r I..I! tr. ' A. Mi'. . "D M llfl'H Si, el. PI. J :i" I K. VOI'NG can I liie llis.'.l .e- lies, lil'i'd io I.e. at his t Mlice. 1' - SPiH Ci tween an. I il o 0. k. ( Philadelphia, Nov. il, 1 S." ti hm; ill re.', cope ::. v ll.AI y i t line, cs many bo pro- TWIl NTT-ITVK C'UN-fS ive one eopv of ibis i c. iii lu ': ;,! one . YO: NO. .,. 1 J ELPillA." 1 mt-paid. - (insulted on an; ot ili.l; icul pi, bile. .lions, ."iirect. t erv day be lli. i.r. '-'ei.ceptcd.) .). lv. .'tn of Neuralgia, Headache. Oho I I 'dloplio1 :.. - " vidsietu ; fvill .1 ! 10 it-, p. 1 . r. cien after ll-itloli, and toe e.iivil&lli cir. 1 is s.,i,i!S ,,r mtoii, i del. illy. .01 t'e .N,"V 'oik.v:iii. 'let; it. 184. .rc, I',- w.i-... . v.:. i,ii,ii,,c tii. wer ol "V. :,M i' .N'eno-is Antidote," . ','1'. b; surf, a vaiua-ii'.-eli 1 is was not in- d l i- ulty !" replied, "That i . o 1 1 e miy u.-o for a s oi'pj-iio.ted ti.jin a dts iran-.-. : ie ate llie maia s, -K-.-i Keen this iu ordsr, i:id b -dv must I e." ti-ii for ill ar il tr a - 1 It Ilil.'.i.iilo; I tl-.e .pi s '..'I v. as put to bl.' reined, tor nil nerv. t.od n ed i.y llie io-.- : . if it l, -,e. !h. re wieo . , la.'ii'lv, a, all d 1.:, o sir;.' ol Ihi s,rii'j, ot Ib.e v. and iioih (lie it Four iii'iin' phi.:!. 1 ii do (hiiary ease. i.A li DOLL OLD !i Y V."m. Me'" I'T Y, 13 roadway, Nuii'jiiit. .'ej.tetnlier, i, 1.S50 if. C. J. WALTON, -Yij Shi Mv.'.rt it., iVf,w,i 7 X nth tl., (Sou'h si.!-.) jflETiy. A'iJ "li f. -'Jl"S.X "... I pjJE Sulscriiier has epened 11 new hsl slot ' and oil. as to trad'-rs and (tthers w!ia Tis.t U10 eily, a hainlsonte uss.e-i of h its, caps, of r. j ry variety, mure i:p ,. ti,,. 1-esl j tho laic-i nod ;. ie, ,u.( ! ble -is on" he h id in any 1 s'.i'-ii ,le! I i t. '. :.: i'ii.c s Ik ban pi ' ,1" i.i ;.!', ... p, . - a., i.-.-oi i! j e.i a , i nun. c,-.:i r, lv. at 11'! :i:a, 3 on t.V.iil. .ti 1.1 matt n.i, and in tei'ins as iciij. na Innctit in Utilt I i (ioud to 1 olili'.ry V.oilh :i 1.1.1 111.. lie; p: v, In, pur L-etlinj a ns that is 1 0. i-'l. -1;.. ).7 y ' irrv. 1 l ih: P A. TTT .1 ; - M E li A L. :.'.v:i I'lTL' 1 E l'ii:-T IT; EMI MTi CTE. T wVj :? j. n. v 4 esj ... ! M PAir T-i. VvTTIu'G. 5!) CIIESTM'T S;,.-,.. hi by tin- 1' KAN KLIN IN- f i.i 1 b lolier, ami ritr. l'i A 1 1 ,m 1, AEYLXNl) IN- 1 -. I'i.V I . w Tiav.'.i .11 . 1 1. - ' w 1 1 li.lili N. 1 -1 i'ii'). selected in I'r-nee. Ml. I l.e l.( ! S .ll.l ilai r St '.. K Ir an a , I wel Si ii- l i i on. r. , 11s I . in llie e; c. H 111,,'.' Cl .lh ..f .Mill I r ns u ii I Saint M ..-ii! 111 -s drill. 1-1 -nev ,1 ll-s rte I siei chuuls. iui.i .roil in, d lo. Halt- Ir i. in .- a :.- r. lie Mil t.v.t s . as :., ll-: 1,-1 lie.; ..I' ta s' u" with -ul t ain ni.t..; until it 1.. w ru c 11 t. , 11 r .1 ek . f III -uks in l ('.:,'ile i;ly te-ed. 11 leel 1,1 ill cueler wi'h tl e pr-.ent tl.e tituuer eholouj n'. leeulu-rs, i-lu-up f,,(- easli. I :ttli!sii.-, I i order. . Hiliiji'lti i't I.' .untry Alcr- A.N.A C. ils.'l. tf. TUCVOiil'DN, Pa. i'Jtliil-s 1 l'liil.i.i.:l;.!:ia, 11 ..I.I A' Aprd I-i, uk U. l-.'il . J. n.i, a -lima li AIlTf lllil.t.. ear Uiu l.i.liaii P.. d, l'i NOTICE. I il'j pound.- oi'l.m at'e will be al lowed to each passeiu'er in tlicse lines; und pas-Mii-ci-s are exp.e.-sly prohibilcd from t.d.hiK auy- hit.t! a bauL'a:;e but their wriiring appart'l, which I e at the risk of itsowuer. V.y oi Jer of the lioard of Manatrers. is. UHAD10KD, A;. iii 19, 1S51. Secretary. I ITS! I1TE! iniC! 10"P.EATJ'S ; -:.c : hi nnl Indcluble V ::. .. t j. r. ix-ilL FACTORY. A.i. 1 S risk Third street. I ERC1IANTS and the Y riling commuuiiy J ate reijuc-iieil U call and e' lmiiuL' this INK, which i-t vai rau'v.l nut to corrutr iU t(tlUe J'tus, nor ctunt its Culur, WholcM-iK" asul Ili t'.OI, Ko. 1 Kouih Third street, Philadelphia. A lil-ora! diicouul made tu Merchant and the 'J'rade l'or salu by H. II. M isser, aent f.T fcui.bury November 11, ltjoi.1. ly. Viii.'iable Oii.iUn. I IIT. in dinner, handsoincly liniiinl, D'Ar- - J H'.uk'i llisi uiir OK l ilt P' D.V-S'l lltS 4ll LkI.1 Fo' al liie piil lUhers priei s by 11. ii. . ..ry. Jnh 11, H 19 IIIMA'CHIV, full bouu led. NO CUltK NO PAY I Hughes' Fever and Ague Pills ! I PEUPECT and speedy cure for the Pever aud Ague is guaranteed to any one who may use the Pills. They have been used for Ihe lam tevrn leat and have never been known to fail in a single instance und in canes, tuo. where persons have had the disease for several years, without intermission. 'Ihe proprietor rhtillriipfs lite vurlU to produce an article that will cure iu aa short a time, without leavintr any deleterious effects from the use of it. If ihe Pills do nut perform a speedy uiul perfect cure, the proprielur will return the money, l'or sale by Jacob S. Lawrence, Miners! ille ; H. Heli'cn stein, Truvorton ; 8. H, Dixon, Schuylkill Ha ven; John W. Friliiui, Nmibury ; Marv A. Mc Coy, Northumberland; Dr. Ueekly, Danville ; JohnSmarpless, Catlawissa ; Dr. Judd, Williams port ; John Haser, Milton, and by respectable Druggists throughout the State. J. C L'HTW C. HI (HIES, Proprietor. Pottsvillc, June 1851 ly. jnToik fi7 UNBURY, PA. rpHE M1S.S WEITZEI.'W respectfully inform tlie Public that they still continue o enter tain travellers and others ut their old established stand in Market street, west of the Court House 1 la ir loiia experience in the business, aud the well established reputation of their House, will, they trust, In. a Bull'iiU'iit guarantee, that their ttisinmors will lie well aecomm id.ited. Mnrcli ii, loM. If. jrvOtt AND SI'illNti Pit -'UEft' An ejaclhtit hail the uvuul piier bv J tSunbury, July 7. JS J9. MOliVISE LAT- a liele, fur sale al W. KfilLINU, 13I.ANK rarchmeiit Paper Deeds aud blank - Mortjateg, JJonds, Executions, Biiiiimixii, ace., lor sale ny 11. u. 1Af BR. unbiir. April . ISJ1 STOVES! STO7I3S! "(IE subs( rihers return their siucer lhanks lo - llu-ir customers, for liberal eiieuuratifinent for the last year, and hope by stri.-l utlention iu j fdlin;; order? to meet with Ihe same liberal patron. at;e. Veliinooti hand the greatest variety of' patterns ol any ullur rouinhv in the United talcs, nod till addon,' to Iheir number, (iive us a ctti, I eloiv purehusiui; elsewhere. Our slock embraccii 11 ureat variety ol Ciiokinu stores, uf tin niest approved bind., j'arl r cloves for vood or coal, coinni.rn sloves, c, liuders of nil kinds, and odd pi ales of all kinds to repair stoves. I'm- Summer use, a small Stove, called Sum liter l al.t r, new und superior Pomaces for burn- uiu' charcoal or coal. Gas ovens of several ilill'orent patterns, Hake ovens, several patterns. hitchinu posts, Spout irons, and a variety of arti cles iu casting, too numerous to locution. The Hardware trad,! can be supplied wilh common 1, 5, ti, 7, and ti tpiart 'Pea kclilcs, at very low pri ces I'm cash or city acceptance. A few ca.-l.s of superior Gorman black lend on hand. WAli.MCK -V LII1 P.ANDT. Nohh) si. w harf, lit l.twarc, Philadelphia. April I'J, 1S51. limo. 1 rSUi suh.-eri'.i r r-'si-eeifi'ly inl .mis the pub!. . I lliat he ha-: oi eiii'd a Pnlilic House, hi I, 1 j new lown of 'i'rcv.irioii. "s'oriliiiin'o. rluud counlv j and that he is wall prepared to uecointuo'late hie j mi, 'sis in ihc b.-,t inti'iiier. His hou-e is loe.ii, J ! neari. oppo-ali: tlio Coitipany's sine. He isiilsti I JI.'llV id.'.l Vvitlt er.lOrl S ' 1 , i I Ul 1 . .-' 1 1 li'l . il'llt fllT V d (ir- kcs. Ho ttti.ts by prompt and careful attention t i hiisuieus to meet a sl.ave ol the public palnm a lie. HENKY 11 WE.W Ell- I.A1 sauce, A -INS. Suilbui'V currants, citron, cheese, pepper . For sale by J. W. I'lll 1.1. Mi Dec. '2, IS1H. J J I li E WHITE IIP.ANUY POU PIUhsEK-- 'I.(J, just received and or sale hv II 13. M AiisEI!. Sept. 2si, 1S50. BI.ANlv NO'l'ES, waivinij the exemption 9 law of :)UU, fur sale by April 8U, 1851. II. H. MASSEU. yiMTIXG ELITD and self nnlin(( Enve " lopes, iust received and for sale by April l, ISA I. II. II. MASSE R. TOtt ale at this ofiico, Su'rior Uluck Ink. JL Cattle Medicine at 5 els, Pure Essence ol Ginger, 25 rents. IXTUACT CK CHNUER. A fresh" tTi ji ply - just received and tor sale at this ofliee. Pi ice 83 cents. Kunburv. Julr IJ, St. 'l'revortim, Jan- II, Ihot) if. ssijej.viry "i.i i AND l8i;.SIO r.K'V. 'J'be ulti nlioii of liie public is called to the ad vcitiscmciit of Mr Charles C 'I', Attorney and A rent at Wn-luloii City- Persons bav in:; claims for bonnlv Laiels or P. n-lops arc in funned that the subscriber has mad.! iiri.,ni nienlj for the i'c.iii.-iie lorms., und clnimaiits cullinj,' at his olli..'c. can have tlicir papers prepared and forwarded to Mr- 'Pucker at Washington, mul by him be properly attended lo before the De partment there H. U. MASsE i;. Suubiiry, Jan. IS, 1-51 rtsiiTci: of .1 A .M A 1 C A (j I N ii K U . n T Alii'. I'tiMil tli .' t'fs Jainaiea ("iiinrer, all lh vmIiiuW ill iiK j i ' r,i t-i uhi-'ti it will he Puiiiii lOjii-B-fccf in it v aivi'ae nl a..'i e in-.-nl rotoi! I'.mu. ll inn ni.ii riii'-icul ititd at I'u- tf tiile time Im mletiF, eriill) atinuiiatii. t aw 1 r tite n.uinch, and w ill lit; loimd way ht-uelici d in it In via.: th- painiul anil tliMtrisiuji lueliut iht th!t.nt..l !' tin- l to; Hired acllr li 'l t)ti- liup-alaat, Fr mi hall tu a wlioie n.i-r..-.a(hit t iken iii u uie-'.'liiHte. f'aloi SvV. - teiD'il Wdh r Will iiniiii.-di.tti-ly real VC the ilalu h.aic ami opprrh.iion nultm lroui mdi-fo-ii at, ami it' taken iw-i'ttf Ihn-t: 1 11111-0 daily, a is ipured, will I t'ouutj highly us'-iul n;;iiiii-i tin l,tmnfennd awe ol kiii1 iii'f ol lliiilm neli and tenth an I i itfc dm irdeivil action in-cntnijnd hy the enervaiiim t-ii't-rt oi ilu fumimer heat, or f ill-iwmirnt'ier in. diKpohiiioa. und lor c.Ti'Li'iiay the uuipuait sla-'i'ii ol' diuri tm a, Ve. It nt aU un rxeetleut uieit.''ine for th e who have in jured tLie t 'lie of tlieir tomaelm hy the imm. ulrmtr wh' of imf liipiorn, hy iu blilitly wiiiulatiiiK t'lteel upon the Mi'iinach r-ni-viii) Ihu cravniK foi mmmiaiits, while U Imk no in,iuriouue!i ai on tho hraiu, und u iml BUtverthil by feelinH tleprentfioii, which ahvu) follow the ute of ttk-nh die Kliuiutiiim. A few dr ijm udded to mugm-fciu, rliulturbor thr purpa tive im-dunnm, will render itaui in ae occcptaMc to ihe rioin at-tt aud piL-vtuil the gripmy wltieb i apt l accompany then uetiou. PUICPABKU ONLY BY A M nuos FI smith, DlilTUUIST AND C'HKMIST. . Y. E. corner of 1th and Ckr$tut Sfr$$tt. r Aw! hi, Arni'lf l W - 1 ;rn.l,.h l'oi-:,'o.i Jena.lJ ( o do !i do d-i K ..irvci;. 'i',-'.,';, .;.e, ii liii'-ini.'ii, Murrvatl, Giev,' Marsh, Aiitsworth, At the low price Sunbury, oej l. 1 . t 'Jo lo iiti els per M. I sj.-j-.i. tf. ETON. ... -. :. .a. . r is l l..r al, la It. u i'.c.kiu; out 1 sin e iiviucrd ci , :.rl cf lh I-at u c -liliuueaj n. e f whi. I, but 1is' I.ul ' a itt mail 1 t n mr ot' it, ; ti.- flfj'c. 1 .r.f.; ...tji:. A III ptf. J.-,J -J U IK :: 1 l.-tivoic. Nr ll. I- J. H. ZIKIJERTiAir, jj'sisii: tr 'T"i. i'Jiiit'r:, SunLuiy, Pa. Olli.c iu Deer Slreel, immediately opposite ihe Public School House. CV Monies collected and ail l-usiiiess ploijlptly and eyie- fllllV ItUell.l. li to. April 'JO, 1S50. I-I A K E R, nilDW.N'S ESSENCE 1, an '(eelient arlich OP JAMAICA GIN- livnvvvi's Medicated Soap fur sun bums, tan, tetter, e. Padway's Circassian liithn, for the hair dand ridl'.Ve. Hallway Heady licliof for Cramps, Cholie, Cholera Morbus, eVe. l'or sale bv 11. li. MASSE Ii. Sunhury, Au. 3, 1S50. l!,.i Al- Noi t'l'ONE Ware, Earthen x numds, P tines and L'n Planes of all kinds. .'-'alt and Plaster. Just received and for sale bv JOHN W. l'KILING. ' .Sunbury, Dee. 29, lfilil. BOOK.S and Gold Pens. On hand several cop ies of the life of Christ, and also a number of (.old pens which we will sell at tho Pliiladelphia price. Eor sale at this utlice. 7" EXNEDY'.S PATENT .S'A.sH FA.S PEN1NGS. A cheap and excellent arli ele lor I. .sti lling sash lor stile bv J. W. EIHL1NG .Sunhury, July 7, 1819. VI'KS1NU BOTTLES IDcast pumps, and ' nipple tubes. A supply of these useful arli eles just received and for sale hv JOHN W FRILLNG Rimbury. Jan 18, 1R5I tf TILEY'S COMill CINDY. An excel- ' . ... f lent remedy lor cougus, cuius, rm mum at this olliee ' ISSUE PA PEK Yellow Tissue paper for covering glaases, Ac., for tale at the olhec ol the American. BLANK DEED'S printed on the best quality ef parchment paper, o. ut the lowest price at this ollica. by wholesale and retail 1 C A If"?'"".' T-i-T'S -.I-:' ... 4 fc A N 11 D00T-T2EE iY a. ij lime Ni't.7. S.'Ctiii l dour below Thin!, xviiir.Avr-r.'prTiA. lY'ItEUE all kinds of lasts, Ac, of the latest slvh 1 be.-t material, are manufactured on reasonable terms. All orders promptly and punctually attended lo. Philadelphia, Nov." U, 1 S5H. ly. ' IJQUOILS,AVJXKS,i:C. rpiIlL. stilisciil-er has just received a new supply of the h.-.t li piois that ever came lo .Sunhury, eonsi-thi.' In pnrt of Superior old pale llraudy. Fine Corrniae lhandv. Superior Old Jamaica Spirits. New llii:;!.uid limn. Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey Comm. in do. Siipertor Maderia Wine. Lisbon do. do. .Superior Pott Wine. Uurgtiuily Porl do. Sw-eel Malattii Wine. Superior Claret Wine in bottles. Chumpayji.u do. do. HENKY MASSE Iv. -Sunhury, May 2C is ill. cii a it i. us w . in: (7T! s i'oOsillo, l-u. Will (iromptly attend lo collections and all husi uess enliUslcd to his cure. June IB, 181 'J, STONB WAFa.13. STONE milk Pans, stone Jui?s aud Pitchers, ami other articles ul' atone ware just received aud for sale by JOHN W. i'KILINti. Sunhury, June 53, I84U. F11EAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin JL Tea Company. For sale hy J. W. FIHLINTJ. Sunhury, Dec. 2, 1848 AY REM All excellent article for salt) by HENKY MASSEK. Sunburr Jsu. tTth, 1IU -tt. M s , i i irflJi O-.v oh 'l''l trill i : t-f ' Cl.! Jn link, r's. . Swav i.e's Sw a.v tie's erne i n,. ,'yre's Cheriy Pectoral I'r. Drake's Panacea. Dr. t 'ulleu's tlo 'ribbil's Pain Killer. Dr.'lanil's lierman lliitera' Indian 'c "viable Pills ll.irsennd Cattle Alcdicines Fur sale bv HENKY MAPSEU. funbnry, July 11, IS I'J. TEIB PEOPLti'S VAD-E-MECtTBJ L'liMI'IUSlM'. A ftll.l.KCTION OKOVKK 200 VALU.VHLE RECIPES, In the Cue ful and Interesting Artt with a fe$ !iiuii!c niltl ( itrloiis Fvperlmriils im t'llli.MISTH V : J NCLl DING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry Cookery, Farriery, Dyitifr, Confectionary, Do mesiie Ecunouiv, etc. etc. etc Price fij ets., for sale by HENKY MASSER. Sunbury, Dee. 8, 1813. joi!ii: ,iiiv (aiuns : Just received at the store of HENRY MAS SEU, a bit of Caps, Gum Shoes, Almanacs, fjneensware, l.iipiors Ac. All of which will be sold at the lowest price. Dee. 11, 18511. AT INITIAL WATER, from the Oak Orchard Acid Springs, highly valuable in chronic di seases, and Ionic remedies, for sale HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, June 20, 1S50 tf . APS An nssor'ment just received. Alto silk HATS ut -;, fur sale liy II. MASSER. Siinbiirv. Dee. SI 8. JATENT Trussea of all kinds, Harrison's writing and indellihle ink, Cotton yarn and laps, just received aud for sale bv J.'W. rRILING. Sunhury, Doc. J, 1848. 1JLANKS. LANICS of every deneription can be had by apt lying at the oliice of llie American. ADD'8 celebrated Home and Cattle Medi ne for tale hy HENRY MASSER Siinhiir. Jan. ?1th, Hl!